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Shareef Mahdavi   ■   President   ■   SM2 Consulting

Case Studies on Waterlase in                    TM

Today’s Dental Practice
Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice
A Tale of
  Waterlase MD
                           Two Practices

   Case Study

                           A       s a dentist, have you ever wondered what it
                                   would be like if you could start all over again
                           and build your dream practice based upon all you
                           have learned over the years? Well, that’s exactly what
                           Robert “Bo” Turnage, DDS did… after 23 years in
                           clinical practice. His story offers significance for newly-
Robert “Bo” Turnage, DDS   minted dentists, established practitioners and older
     Friday Harbor,        dentists verging on retirement.
                           After graduating from Loma Linda            hovering at 80% of revenue. “My
                           in 1982, Dr. Turnage purchased              philosophy was that pumping more
                           a small practice in Palm Springs,           patients through the system would lead
                           where he and his family lived for the       to greater financial success. I had to
                           next 10 years. With his wife and 3          work my tail off to keep the practice
                           small children, he decided to forego        on track and profitable.” What kept
                           California’s fast-paced lifestyle and       him up at night; however, were dual
                           relocated to Ellensburg, Washington,        “nagging thoughts.” His kids were
                           a rural community between Seattle           nearing the end of high school, and his
                           and Spokane. Dr. Turnage bought an          wife and he thought about relocating
                           aging practice and spent the next 13        to their eventual retirement community,
                           years building it into the largest dental   “somewhere we could truly enjoy
                           practice in the area. “We were ‘crazy       natural beauty each and every day.”
                           busy’,” recalls Dr. Turnage who, with       At the same time, the pace of work was
                           a 12-person staff, saw from 35 to 50        very stressful, even in a rural setting.
                           patients a day. “We had 6 operatories       “There had to be a better way.”
                           and an in-house lab. But we also had           Against the well-wishes of friends,
                           old-fashioned equipment, including          they decided to up and move once
                           banana chairs, traditional radiography,     again, to Friday Harbor, a community
                           and air-driven handpieces.”                 in the San Juan Islands north of
                              Over the years, his rural practice       Seattle. During repeated visits to
                           grew to production of $120,000 per          Friday Harbor, they would ask locals
                           month. “Not bad,” said Dr. Turnage,         where they went for dental care. “What
                           but his high-volume practice generated      we heard consistently was, “can you
                           tremendous overhead, which was              get back to Seattle?” The Turnages

Old Practice                             New Practice

    Description                             “High Volume, High Overhead”                “Fewer Patients, Better Care”

                                                      6 operatories                             3 operatories
                                                         13 staff                                  4 staff

    No. of Patients per Day                                35-50                                      8-10

    No. of Work Days per Week                                 5                                         4

    Monthly Production                                   $120,000                                   $81,000

    Time to Accomplish                                   10 years                                  5 months

    Overhead                                                80%                                       65%

    Typical Monthly Net Income                            $24,000                                   $28,000

    Outlook                                          Mature, Stable                                 Infancy

                                                                                                              Table 1 – Turnage
saw this as an opportunity to bring a       digital x-ray units and Pano, microscopes
unique presentation of dentistry to         and ceiling-mounted flat-panel TV/
the community of 7,000 year-round           monitors. “We took a risk, not knowing            “Utilizing the laser, I can offer
residents that grows to 22,000 in           if and when patient acceptance would
summer. Starting from scratch, Dr.          be there in a relatively small community.         better care to fewer patients.
Turnage began to design a dental            It was more expensive to start from
practice from the ground up.                scratch, but I wasn’t handicapped by
                                                                                               It’s a controlled environment
   They decided on an elegant harbor-       outmoded equipment, systems or bad
                                                                                              that also gives me freedom to
view setting with Asian and European        habits built in to an existing practice.”
antique furniture, dramatic lighting and       Indeed, the risk is paying off.
                                                                                             enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. I
lots of art. “We wanted patients to feel    With only a small sign outside their
like they had walked into a high-end        building and four “conservative”                  no longer feel like I’m going to
spa in Dallas or New York.” Next, they      announcements, the practice is
decided to make high technology the         attracting both high-end and working                   have a heart attack.”
focus of their practice as well as the      class patients. “We have not only
differentiator in the community. “We        attracted ‘dot-com millionaires’, but
also wanted patients to feel that they      also long-time residents who are in
could get the highest level of care         many of the service industries. We
without having to travel.” To accomplish    also kept our fees reasonable to
this, they started by purchasing a laser.   create even more value to our high-
“The Waterlase MD   TM
                         has become the     tech approach.” They opened their
cornerstone of our high-tech patient        doors in May 2005 and business has
care approach,” noted Dr. Turnage,          exceeded expectations. After 5 months,
who has also employed an additional         they are averaging 53 new patients
BIOLASE LaserSmile   TM
                          diode laser,      per month. Production is at $632 per

  Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice                                                                                    3
A Tale of
                                 Two Practices                                       (continued)

Both staff and patients enjoy    hour and growing steadily. In contrast                 The reduction in overhead creates
                                 to the high-volume rural practice, Dr.              net income that far exceeds the lower
    the benefits of the laser.   Turnage sees 8-10 patients per day                  volume of patients. “Utilizing the laser,
                                 utilizing a smaller and simpler structure           I can offer better care to fewer patients.
“My staff really appreciated     that leverages technology. The lower                It’s a controlled environment that also
                                 overhead (now at 65% which includes                 gives me freedom to enjoy a more
that the ‘old dog’ was willing   some equipment financing) has allowed                relaxed lifestyle. I no longer feel like
                                 more money to drop to his net income                I’m going to have a heart attack.” The
    to learn something new.      line with only two-thirds the production            Waterlase MD technology has greatly
                                 required by his old practice (See Table 1,          contributed to this being possible.
It motivates them to achieve
                                 Figures 1 & 2).                                     “The ability to practice dentistry with

      a higher standard.”
                                 Figure 1
                                 Average Hourly Production and Revenue per Patient Visit
                                 New Practice vs. Old Practice

                                 $700                $714

                                 $600                                                        $633






                                                            Old Practice                            New Practice

                                                                 Hourly production       Revenue per patient visit

For others like me who have been in practice

                                                                                      for 20 plus years, the laser gave me a new

                                                                                     sense of pride in my profession as well as the

                                                                                          ability to offer better patient care.”

a laser is hugely different, better and    took some time to learn, but it’s a lot                    Figure 2
more fulfilling.” From bleeding control,    more fun, it can do things I had never                     Average Monthly Production
to treatment options, to post-op pain      thought possible and I now make them                       vs. Net Income
control, to periodontal, endodontic,       part of my everyday practice.”                             with the Impact of Overhead
surgical, and restorative procedures,         Dr. Turnage says his experience
Dr. Turnage is doing things that           starting over, “where no one knows your
previously often required referral to      name,” has helped debunk his previous
a specialist or simply were much less      belief that a successful practice depends                  $120,000
predictable. “Using the laser means        heavily on longevity in one community.                                   $120,000
fewer complications afterwards and         “I now have time to do the simple
much less post-op pain.”                   but important things,” which include                       $100,000

   Both staff and patients enjoy the       developing a personal relationship
benefits of the laser. “My staff really     with each patient, lunch with his wife,                     $80,000
appreciated that the ‘old dog’ was         a phone call to his son at college, or                                                   $81,000
willing to learn something new. It         extended staff meetings to review issues
motivates them to achieve a higher         and opportunities. His advice to other                      $60,000
standard.” And patients, who are           dentists can be applied to new and
hearing about this laser around            established practitioners. “For the new
town, quiz the staff before seeing         dentist, you now have the opportunity to
the dentist to get the inside scoop.       go ‘high-tech everything’ and you should
They ask questions like, “If the laser     do so. The improvements in efficiency                        $20,000                      $28,350
gets bumped while the doctor is            and effectiveness are incredible. For
working, will it cut off my tongue?”       others like me who have been in practice
The reaction from other local dentists     for 20-plus years, the laser gave me a                                  Old Practice New Practice
has been mixed: “Some embrace the          new sense of pride in my profession
laser and recognize its potential while    as well as the ability to offer better                                         Gross Production
others seem skeptical that it could        patient care.” And he wants to serve as
be applicable to their style practice.”    a role model for dentists contemplating                                        Net Income

One informal metric has been the           retirement: “I am determined that when I
increasing frequency of the faxing of      retire, my practice will be technologically
patient release forms to other dentists,   current for the new dentist.”
which is occurring multiple times each        With a view of the harbor from both
day. “Patients are actively seeking this   his home and his office, Bo Turnage
technology!” exclaimed Dr. Turnage,        has turned his dream into reality, with a
who likens his new practice to switching   five-month old practice literally “in its
from driving a Cadillac to being in the    infancy.” And he’s certainly proven to
seat of a Formula One race car. “Both      himself that the third time around is
are automobiles, and the new one           the charm!   ■

  Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice                                                                                                5
Take this job
  Waterlase MD
   Case Study

                            and Love It!
                            B      y the end of 1999, Dr. Bruce Cassis had spent
                                   19 years building a successful rural dental practice
                            in Fayetteville, West Virginia. “Being of service to
                            people in a positive way” is how Dr. Cassis describes his
                            philosophy. But he was also exhausted enough by the
                            daily routine to admit “this job stinks!” and instruct his
                            staff “don’t ever schedule another kid in my office!”
    Dr. Bruce Cassis
                            Fast forward to 2005...Dr. Cassis has             Immediately, however, he began
                            had his Waterlase   TM
                                                     since late 2000 and   generating more revenue and
     West Virginia          work life is described differently: “I’ve      procedures with the laser. “We
                            never been happier or more satisfied            introduced it to patients whether we
                            as a dentist. My TEAM — they’re not            were going to use it on them or not.
                            staff — looks forward to work every            And as a practice, we used the laser as
                            day and we have no more long faces.            a business opportunity rather than just
  “I believe that laser     And I’m doing the best kids’ dentistry         open the door and see what happens.”
                            imaginable.” In fact, his office has            As shown in Figure 1, net collections
technology will become      become a long sought after place of            have more than tripled when comparing
                            employment in the community.                   calendar year 2004 to the same year in
  ‘the standard of care’
                               What happened? “The laser                   1999. And 2005 is shaping up to be a

 in the next 5-7 years.     changed everything,” Dr. Cassis stated         record year with production forecast at
                            emphatically. Early in 2000, Dr. Cassis        $2 million, putting Cassis Dental Center
 The laser is much more     attended a lecture on dental lasers in         in the top 1% of practices nationwide.
                            Charleston led by Dr. Bill Chen. “I got           What might be surprising is that
accurate and can pinpoint   it immediately as I was really interested      Fayetteville, West Virginia has a
                            in soft tissue applications. My cousin         population of 2,000 people. The
 tissue much better than    Steve (an ophthalmologist) had long            practice draws from 3 counties and
                            been using lasers for eye surgery and          has an active patient base exceeding
         a burr.”           asked ‘can’t you use a laser in the            5,000 people. “We are well known
                            mouth?’ Here I am using scalpels, which        for pampering our patients, who
                            I didn’t like because it’s painful for the     are everyday, hardworking people,”
                            patient and full of complications.” He         commented Dr. Cassis. His patients
                            made his decision that night and was           range from two years of age to 102.
                            the only one of twelve attendees to            This is in keeping with his practice
                            invest in a laser. “Like my colleagues, I      philosophy of a “lifetime of care” for
                            was initially thinking about ‘cost’ more       people’s oral heath. The practice has
                            than ‘ROI’.”                                   taken the time to understand local

Table 1 – Cassis – Change in Procedure Mix & Production 1999 vs. 2004
demographics and employment trends.
                                                                                                                               % Change      $ Change
                                                                CDT Code                         # in 1999      # in 2004
Dr. Cassis noted that 75% of residents                                                                                          Volume      Production
in his county own their homes; the                   2330 Resin 1, Anterior                          54             108         100%          +$6,710
practice has also successfully connected             2331 Resin 2, Anterior                          34              72         111%          +$5,947
with employee groups in the area.                    2332 Resin 3, Anterior                          32              59          84%          +$7,065
Creating affordability through patient               2335 Resin 4+ Surface, Anterior                 25              30          20%           $3,149
financing vendors such as CareCredit                  2380 Resin 1, Posterior                         11               1         –91%           –$692
(Costa Mesa, CA) has also had a major                2381 Resin 2, Posterior                         14               3         –82%           –$790
impact. “We have figured out ways                     2385 Resin 1, Posterior                        187             413         120%        +$44,709
to find money for people who desire                   2386 Resin 2, Posterior                        160              31         –81%        –$17,651
our services. This is a huge part of our             2387 Resin 3, Posterior                         50             240         380%        +$36,035
revenue.”                                            3426 Apecoectomy                                 2              10         400%           +1,231
   Dr. Cassis has closely documented                 4211 Gingivectomy                                5              16         220%          +$2,178
the types of procedures and frequency                7110 Extraction                                120             194          62%        +$12,224
with which they are performed. As                    7210 Surgical Extraction                        26              74         184%        +$10,329
seen in Table 1, there has been a                    7280 Surgical Access Unerupted                   5               2         –60%           –$654
dramatic shift in the procedure mix                  7286 Biopsy Soft Tissue                          1              10         900%          +$1,673
since implementing the Waterlase. His                7340 Vestibuloplasty                             2               3          50%            +436
experience has led him to work both                  7960 Frenectomy                                  6              23         283%          +$5,554
as an instructor for BIOLASE as well                 4240 Gingival Flap Procedure                     0               3           NA          +$1,494
locally as part of West Virginia’s Rural
Health Education Partnership. In that               “If you understand a half a dozen                           This story is part of the message
program, dental students from West                  basic concepts, you can use the laser                    that Dr. Cassis wants to get out to
Virginia University’s Dental School come            immediately with a live patient.” What                   dentists everywhere. “I believe that
through for a six-week rotation. Dr.                impressed Dr. Cassis even more was                       laser technology will become ‘the
Cassis gives them a half-day training               the response of his student: “It was                     standard of care’ in the next 5-7 years.
session specifically on the laser. His               awesome. I did the same things I do at                   The laser is much more accurate and
most recent student was trained in                  school with the drill. The patient asked                 can pinpoint tissue much better than a
the morning of her first week and                    me, ‘have you started yet?’ after I had                  burr. I’d jump all over this if I were an
doing laser dentistry in the afternoon.             completed the procedure.”                                older dentist, as it makes procedure
                                                                                                             easier to do. Younger dentists have the
Figure 1                                                                                                     opportunity to really change the course
Business Performance 1999 (no laser) and 2004 (with laser)                                                   of their career.” In fact, colleagues who
$1400                                                                                                        were referring patients to him because
                                                                                                             the laser could solve the problem are
$1200                                      $1,300
                                                                                                             now investing in their own unit. “This is
                                                                                                             good, because it raises the level of care
                                                                                                             in our community.”
 $800                                                                                                           Dr. Cassis is grateful for what the
                                                                                                             Waterlase has done for his practice and
 $600                                                                                     $697               his patients. “On behalf of the eight
                                                                                                             people who work here – our TEAM - I
 $400                476                                                                                     can say that the laser has changed each
                                                                                $302                         of our lifestyles by helping us be more
 $200       253                                                   $233                                       successful at what we do.” Looking
                                                                                                             back at his decision to get into laser
            New Patients         Net Collections       Average Production      Average Production            dentistry, he offers this conclusion: “I’m
                                  (thousands)              per Patient              per Hour
                                                                                                             a much better dentist than I was six
                                 1999                            2004                                        years ago.”   ■

  Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice                                                                                                           7
Dentistry: The Perfect Combination of
Waterlase MD
 Case Study

                       Surgery and Art
                       L   inda Kronick, DMD is one of those dentists that you
                       just want to get to know better. With a family practice
                       in Norwich, Connecticut that focuses on high tech dentistry,
                       her passion for the profession is a reflection of how she
                       lives:“I love people and want to make them happy.”
                       As a young adult, Dr. Kronick saw            in the laser was showing up in daily
                       dentistry as a means of combining two        in her expanded use of the Waterlase
Linda Kronick, DMD     strong areas of interest: surgery and art.   MD with her patients. With a focus

     Norwich,          Growing up, in the same town where           on restorative dentistry, she is finding
                       she now practices, Dr. Kronick spent         the laser much more efficient in doing
    Connecticut        time learning how to paint and also          minimally invasive composite resins
                       worked in a surgical practice.               and she routinely uses it for troughing,
                          She first learned about dental lasers      in lieu of packing retraction cord, prior
                       while working in the surgical practice       to final impressions for crown and
                       observing CO2 lasers being used in           bridge procedures. “Doing additional
                       general and oral surgery. She eventually     procedures, at the same visit, in the
                       had the opportunity to take courses and      same or different quadrants are made
                       see exactly how the laser could work         easy with the Waterlase MD. Patients
                       with both hard and soft tissue. “I was       are grateful to have one visit rather
                       spellbound and knew I had to have this       than several to complete their dental
                       in my practice.”                             treatment. That’s a plus for everyone,
                          In late 2004 she made the decision        doctor and patient, in this busy world.”
                       to purchase the Waterlase MD     TM
                                                                       In addition, she is doing periodontal
                       (BIOLASE, San Clemente, CA) and had          procedures that she used to routinely
                       it installed to start the New Year. “It’s    refer out. “Four perio procedures, that
                       blown my expectations away,” noted           she performs routinely, have generated
                       Dr. Kronick. “There is so much that I’m      $38,000 in additional revenue so far,
                       doing and so much more to learn.” As         and I’m just getting started (see Table
                       her experience and expertise grew over       1: Periodontal Procedures Performed
                       several months, Dr. Kronick’s confidence      In-Office).” With the ability to do crown

                       Table 1 – Periodontal Procedures Performed In-Office via YSGG Laser
                                                                               DPT Code
                           Crown Lengthening                                       4210
                           Gingivectomy                                            4211
                           Mucogingival Surgery                                    4299
                           Laser Assisted Scaling                                  4250

Figure 1 – Monthly Production, 9 Months YTD, 2005 vs. 2004               YTD Revenue            such as the WCLI (World Clinical Laser
                                                                         2004: $614,000         Institute) and meet other dentists who
$120,000                                                                 2005: $753,000
                                                                          Growth 23%
                                                                                                will share their laser experiences with
                     2004        2005                                                           you. You will learn a lot, because the
                                                                                                lecturers are approachable and aren’t
 $80,000                                                                                        ‘prima donnas’”. Dr. Kronick speaks
                                                                                                with authority here, as she lectures to
 $60,000                                                                                        dental students at the University of
                                                                                                Connecticut School of Dental Medicine
 $40,000                                                                                        on restorative procedures.
                                                                                                     Has the Waterlase MD been a
                                                                                                good investment? Dr. Kronick offers
                                                                                                an unqualified “definitely yes” on
               Jan    Feb    Mar         Apr   May        Jun      Jul      Aug           Sep   multiple levels. First, she paid off her
lengthening procedures at the same             laser. “They love raving about it to             laser via additional revenue within
time as crown preps, “one can impress          our patients,” added Dr. Kronick. The            6 months of purchase. Second, this
immediately following the surgery with         practice philosophy has always been              device compares favorably to other
unparalleled accuracy. My lab could not        to take time to educate patients and             opportunities available to dentists.
believe the clinical results.”                 explain what the different technologies          “This laser allows you to increase
   Indeed, the data from her practice          do for them. “Our patients see the               revenue much more than with any
indicate that the laser has been the           benefit and are just amazed at how                whitening system being promoted
main reason for growth this year. As           much better the trip to the dentist              to you right now,” commented Dr.
shown in Figure 1, monthly production          can be.” The influence of the laser on            Kronick. Third is the professional
is up 23%, with several months over            referrals has also been significant. Year         development. “You will challenge
$100,000 in revenue.                           to date, the practice is seeing 33 new           yourself and you will learn more.”
   Her hourly production has increased         patients per month, almost double from                Her final advice: “Call one of us and
over $200, from $661 to $863. While            the average of 18 new patients for the           see what we are doing! The Waterlase
hourly production is up 31%, hours             same period a year ago (Figure 3). Two-          MD has helped me grow tremendously
spent on the job are down 6% (see              thirds of the new patients are coming            without having to get bigger. I have
Figure 2). “I’m working smarter per            from referrals, with the balance from            even more time to enjoy life and want
hour,” notes Dr. Kronick, who has              a small amount of advertising (yellow            my colleagues to have that same
worked fewer hours this year. She has          pages, radio) that has been constant             experience.”           ■

used the extra time to learn more about        over the years. “My phone now rings
the capabilities of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser.      off the hook every day.” Part of this            Figure 2
   The response from her patients has          can be attributed to the mothers of              New Patients per Month
been similar in impact. “Patients are          young patients: “Kids love it, and their         9 months YTD
                                                                                                2005 vs. 2004
thrilled because the laser makes their         moms go running back to day care and
dentistry quicker, cleaner, and more           schools and tell other moms,” Kronick
                                                                                                                  $120,000    33
precise. They go ‘wow’ when I tell them        mentioned.                                       30
there’s a good chance they’ll have no                Was it difficult getting started?
needle, no pain, and no post-operative         “Like anything worth pursuing, there’s
numbing or swelling. And they are truly        a learning curve. You need to give               20
grateful that I’m taking less of their         yourself permission to take extra time                            18
time and don’t have to refer them to a         and to make mistakes. At first, you need
specialist.”                                   to be the student before you can be the          10
   Dr. Kronick has the full support of her     teacher.” Dr. Kronick also has advice for
staff, many of whom have personally            new users of the Waterlase MD: “Take
experienced dental work using the              advantage of the fabulous meetings                0
                                                                                                                2004         2005

  Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice                                                                                             9
Excelling in the
Waterlase MD
 Case Study

                      T   ake a drive through Bensenville, Illinois and you will find
                          yourself in Middle America, both literally and figuratively.
                      A suburb of Chicago located not far from O’Hare Airport;
                      Bensenville is where Dr. Mark Stasiulis has been practicing
                      dentistry for the past 24 years. Far from the glamour and
                      glitz of the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago, Dr.
                      Stasiulis views his facility as representative of the typical
Dr. Mark Stasiulis
                      dental practice in the U.S., performing “bread and butter”
                      dentistry. “We don’t look anything like those high-image
                      places you see in the dental trade publications,” remarked
                      Stasiulis. His patients, however, appreciate the high-tech and
                      high-touch approach to dentistry taken by their dentist, a
                      solo practitioner who does much of the work himself.
                      Over the past decade, he re-engineered        (BIOLASE, San Clemente, CA). That was
                      his practice to incorporate new               in July 2001. Now, nearly 5 years later
                      technology. The journey began in              with the addition of a LaserSmileTM diode
                      2000, when he took a course on micro          laser (BIOLASE, San Clemente, CA)
                      dentistry. This led to an investment in       Dr. Stasiulis has a wealth of experience
                      an electric hand piece, Diagnodent            with the lasers and how they have
                      caries detection unit, and air                impacted his practice. “They filled
                      abrasion system. His production grew          a void in the type of care I wanted
                      immediately by 27%. “The Diagnodent           to offer,” he said. “My days are so
                      unit really convinced me that early           much better knowing that I use these
                      diagnosis of the decay process led to         lasers to solve problems that present
                      more conservative early treatment.”           themselves on a daily basis...from
                      The air abrasion system with its promise      desensitizing sensitive roots and painful
                      of conservative preparations with no          Aphthous ulcers in less than a minute,
                      need for anesthetic seemed perfect            to the advanced surgical procedures
                      for these types of restorations. Dr.          many of which require only topical
                      Stasiulis was frustrated by the dirt and      anesthetic. I have performed so many
                      dust created by air abrasion and how          restorations with the minimal use of
                      it irritated his breathing. The following     additional anesthetic that they have
                      year he purchased a Waterlase    TM
                                                            laser   become routine.” Pain management

“Learn to use this laser, it will
               Figure 1 – Gross Production, Average Charge per Procedure 1996 – 2005
                                                                                                                                                               improve your bottom line and it
                    $600,000                                             Acquires                                     $180

                                      Gross Production
                                                                        (July, 2001)
                                                                                                                                                                  also is a heck of a lot of fun.”
                    $500,000                                                                                          $150
                                      Average charge/procedure

                                                                                                                             Average Fee Per Procedure
Gross Production

                    $400,000                                                                                          $120

                    $300,000                                                                                           $90

                    $200,000                                                                                           $60

                    $100,000                                                                                           $30

                         $0                                                                                             $0
                               1996     1997     1998    1999    2000      2001        2002    2003   2004     2005

                   with the lasers has been a great                     the contrary, he has used the laser to                                           laser dentists gain confidence and
                   marketing procedure in his practice.                 market “internally” and builds upon                                              proficiency in use of the technology.
                   ”The LaserSmileTM diode laser is                     the relationships with existing patients.                                        “I am self taught, which was necessary
                   used daily to deliver ‘low level laser               The Waterlase has allowed him to do                                              five years ago because the collective
                   therapy’ that relieves many painful                  advanced procedures and eliminate                                                experience was somewhat limited. It’s
                   dental conditions.” As one patient who               the return trips for many of his patients.                                       much easier today, with many more
                   received laser treatment for facial pain             “They love the convenience as well                                               courses, materials and laser-based
                   said, “It’s a miracle”.                              as the higher-tech approach.” Not                                                colleagues that allow us to learn from
                      “Our patients’ perception seems to                surprisingly, new patients travel from                                           one another.”
                   be that we are using state of the art                1-2 hours away because they’ve been                                                 He added that it is essential for new
                   technology to give them less invasive                referred by enthusiastic patients.                                               users to “stick to the bread and butter”
                   treatment for their dental needs. The                       Beyond revenue and new patients,                                          procedures that are easier to do and
                   hardest question I have to answer is                 the effect on his practice can be seen                                           will help gain confidence. According
                   why more dentists don’t use lasers”.                 in both the types of procedures he now                                           to Dr. Stasiulis, all classes of decay,
                   The lasers have dramatically impacted                performs (see Table 1) and the average                                           soft tissue work such as gingivectomy,
                   his patients’ perception of dentistry                charge per procedure, which has grown                                            frenectomy and cosmetic gingival
                   and of him as a dentist. “My practice                from $89 in 1996 to the $150-$160                                                recontouring are all good procedures
                   and what we do cause our patients to                 range in the past year.                                                          to start with. “One mistake new users
                   believe that their friends need to know                     Dr. Stasiulis spends part of his time                                     make is that they want the laser to do
                   about what we are doing and why we                   as a trainer and teacher to help new                                             ‘everything’, which is unrealistic of any
                   are different.”
                      Using 10 years of data from the                   Figure 2 – Advanced Procedures Performed 1996 – 2005
                   practice, one can see the impact
                                                                        200                   Pre-Waterlase: Average = 143                                              With Waterlase: Average = 185
                   that the lasers has made on a host of
                   financial variables. Annual production
                   has nearly doubled from $279,000 in
                   the late 1990s to $529,000 with four                 160
                   full years of laser usage (see Figure 1).
                   The average number of new patients                   140
                   per year has grown 29% over the long
                   term (see Figure 2), “an appropriate                 120

                   amount”, says Dr. Stasiulis, “for a stable
                   practice that does no advertising.” To                          1996       1997    1998     1999      2000                              2001        2002     2003      2004        2005

                     Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice                                                                                                                                        11
Excelling in the Mainstream (continued)
technology, even one as remarkable as          quantum leap forward from my original       when broken down into a
the Waterlase.” However, on a recent           Waterlase. It delivers better custom        daily amount.”
training day a new user (Dr. Mark              control over desensitization, restoration      It is this type of analysis that,
Bancroft) performed a vestibuloplasty          procedures and unbelievable soft tissue     according to Dr. Stasiulis, is what will
as his first laser procedure under Dr.          capabilities. This is the unit of choice    create a “tipping point” in dentistry.
Stasiulis’s watchful eye. “I was so proud      for dentists to incorporate into their      “Awareness of lasers in medicine and
of this dentist that embraced the              treatment regime.”                          in dentistry simply amazes me. Patients
new technology and performed this                 Aside from managing the learning         are being exposed to laser-assisted
procedure like he had been using it for        of the technology, Dr. Stasiulis comes      dental treatment through the media.
years; by the way, with no anesthetic          across colleagues every day who are         They are looking to our profession
except some topical.”                          just unsure if the investment makes         for this type of treatment. Currently
   His results bear out this experience,       financial sense. “On the first day I used   only 5-6% of dentist utilize lasers in
as the number of advanced procedures           the laser, my wife made me keep track       their practices. I would recommend
performed has increased dramatically           of the procedures I couldn’t have done      all dentists considering adding laser
in the 3rd and 4th year since first             that day without the use of the laser to    treatment into their practices to read
acquiring the Waterlase. “It takes time        see if it would pay for itself each day.    the best seller Who Moved My Cheese.
to gain the confidence and get good             On the third day, she told me to stop       There is a paradigm shift occurring in
enough to do the procedures taught             keeping track. She saw it was clearly       dental treatment today. It’s great to be
in the advanced courses. All users             paying for itself right from the start.”    part of this movement toward minimally
will advance their utilization to their        He added, “Doctors view this as a           invasive dentistry.”
individual comfort zone. The list of           $75,000 investment, which is wrong.            Dr. Stasiulis’s’ enthusiasm for the
procedures I don’t do is much shorter          This is a $90 a day decision: The right     laser is buoyed by the fact that he
than the list of those I can.” Dr. Stasiulis   question is, ‘can I perform $90 of          treats blue-collar workers as well as
recently added the new Waterlase               additional laser treatment each day?’       CEOs. “My practice isn’t fancy, but I
MD to his practice. “This new unit is a        in order to offset the lease or loan cost   wanted to give mainstream America
                                                                                           cutting-edge technology when it came
                                                                                           to the care of their teeth and mouth.”
Figure 3 – Advanced Procedures Performed 1996 – 2005                                       The impact on his patients and his
120                                                           Apecoectomy                  practice has been nothing short of
                                                              Gingivectomy per Quadrant    remarkable. My patients love it, and
                                                              Gingivectomy per Tooth       my production and profitability (65% of
                                                              Crown Lengthening            revenue) have increased. The laser has
                                                                                           been a technology investment that has
                                                              Free Soft Tissue Graft
 80                                                                                        made money and improved customer
                                                              Osseous Surgery
                                                                                           satisfaction. I rarely see this in dentistry
 60                            Acquires                       Desensitization
                                                                                           with other devices being promoted to
                               Waterlase                                                   our profession.”
                              (July, 2001)                                                    His final words of advice to those
 40                                                           I&D
                                                                                           who are “on the fence” about laser
                                                                                           technology: “It doesn’t matter what
 20                                                           Fibroma
                                                                                           kind of practice you have. Learn to
                                                              Operculectomy                use this laser, it will improve your
                                                              Aphthous Ulcer Treatment     bottom line and it also is a heck of a
       1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005      Guided Tissue Regeneration   lot of fun.”   ■

In My
Own Words                                                                                 Waterlase MD
                                                                                           Case Study

       he final case study in this series is somewhat
       different. Prior to my interview with him, Dr. Jonathan
Bregman wrote an essay precisely describing how laser
technology has changed his practice. Rather than re-write,
I chose to keep the text purely from his perspective as a
dentist. Following my introduction, I will turn over the pen
to him and allow you to hear his story…in his own words.                                  Dr. Jonathan Bregman
Jonathan Bregman of Durham, North             2005 and says, “This laser has literally         Durham,
Carolina will be celebrating his 30th         changed the way I do dentistry with            North Carolina
anniversary as a dentist this year. He        almost every procedure I do. That’s
chose the profession at age 19, wanting       amazing to me.” In fact, one of his
to help people improve their health           patients is the dentist whom he bought
and noticing that dentistry had a clear       his practice from 10 years ago. “He
beginning, middle, and end to the             told me that if this laser had been
interaction with patients. As part of a       around when he was in practice, he
career goal, he wanted to make sure           would never have left dentistry.” That
that anyone who sat in his dental chair       testimonial, from a dentist-as-patient,
would have a positive experience. After       is part of what drives Dr. Bregman’s
following laser technology for about          passion about laser dentistry. ”If I made
five years, he decided to purchase the         no additional money using this, it would
Waterlase MD   TM
                    last year after hearing   still be worth it.” Here’s his story:
about BIOLASE’s next generation of
advanced dental laser technology.             How has the Waterlase MD
“I’ve taken thousands of hours of CE          changed my practice?
over the years and don’t ‘jump in’ but
                                              It’s all about better and more
really evaluate what I learn,” remarked
                                              comfortable patient care
Dr. Bregman. “I was excited about
what this could do for my patients.           For almost thirty years of practice I
Once I did the hands-on clinic at a           have focused on caring for patients in
dental meeting, I was convinced that          an excellent way. That translates not
I needed to purchase and integrate            only to the technical dentistry I perform
the technology into my practice.”             but also to the care of the patient as
He acquired a Waterlase MD in early           a human being. This new technology

In My Own Words (continued)
allows me to do so many procedures              margin to the bony crest) done          1. The class V restoration at or below
in such a way that the patient sits up          with the laser as a single visit          the gingival crest: I can quickly and
and says, “I cannot believe what you            followed by restoration after the         easily remove the tissue to expose
have just done for me.” They say this           laboratory completes the case             decay, create a dry and clear field,
because:                                        versus temporization, referral to         then place and finish a much better

1. They did not have a needle ( one of          specialist, surgical procedure, 6-8       restoration. All of this is done with

   the main reasons that many people            weeks healing, return to my office         no chemical local. I need only

   do not seek dental care)                     for re-preparation, impression,           topical for the soft tissues. The laser
                                                new temporization then finally the         serves to numb the hard tissues. NO
2. The procedure was quick and easy             restoration placed                        needles, retraction cord, hemostasis,
   for them                                                                               no ‘fighting the tissues’ required!
                                             7. Gingivectomy procedure around
3. They experienced no discomfort               orthodontic brackets done with          2. The removal of a crown, previously

4. They left without a numb lip                 topical anesthetic in just a few          placed filling, deep decay: I can
                                                minutes compared to local                 quickly and easily can remove tissue
   Post treatment, there has not been
                                                anesthetic with needle, blade tissue      to gain a dry field for the placement
one patient who has mentioned any
                                                removal, packing to cover tissues         of the restoration or impression
discomfort from a soft tissue procedure
                                                and perhaps a return visit.
that I have done over the last ten                                                      3. The seemingly shallow Class I
months of using the Waterlase MD.            8. Any procedure that I would have           restoration with a tooth that has
This has been accomplished due to a             previously used a blade to open a         a ‘little stick’ on the occlusal that
negligible zone of necrosis around the          soft tissue flap versus the precise        turns into a deep area of decay: I
lasered tissue and the sterilization of         cutting and sealing off of the area       can quickly and easily use the laser
the area with sealing of the blood and          with the laser.                           to numb the tooth in advance so that
lymphatic vessels besides the nerve                                                       there is no worry about that deep
                                             9. Frenectomy both labially and
endings. With minimal to no swelling                                                      area causing the patient a painful
                                                lingually done with only topical
or discomfort, that is such a major plus!                                                 reaction. In the past, doing that
                                                anesthetic and a laser bandage
Here’s a short list of what I’ve been able                                                procedure without local anesthetic
                                                to stop bleeding versus a local
to accomplish with the laser:                                                             because it appeared to be’ just a
                                                anesthetic needle and sutures.
1. Crown and bridge using troughing                                                       very shallow cavity’ would cause a

   versus a retraction cord                  10. Aphthous ulcer treatment previously      difficult and stressful situation to
                                                not able to be done in my office is        occur for the patient as well as the
2. Class V using laser removal of soft          now done in less than a minute with       dentist. No longer true with the laser.
   tissues versus a retraction cord             the laser. Pain is completely and
                                                                                        4. Children love the experience:
3. Biopsies using a laser bandage and           immediately gone. The healing takes
                                                                                          Quick, easy, painless way to do
   topical anesthetic versus local and          place in 2 or 3 days instead of 7-10.
                                                                                          all soft tissue and hard tissue
   sutures                                                                                procedures without “the shot” ordeal
4. Operculum removal in conjunction                                                       for the patient and dentist. One can
                                             Pre Waterlase MD I would approach            rely completely on laser numbing
   with restoration of a tooth
                                             procedures that would cause me to            for everything from placing routine
5. Cosmetic re-contouring of the             wonder just how things would turn out        restorations to pulpotomies. Using
   gingival tissue around anterior teeth     or how I would get a great clinical          topical only, the child experiences
   with topical versus local and a blade     result if I found ‘x’. Now, with the         no discomfort at all during or
   or electrosurgical tissue removal         Waterlase MD the stress of dealing           after any soft tissue procedure. A
                                             with “the unknown” is dramatically           common example is removal of an
6. Closed bony crown lengthening
                                             decreased. Thus the enjoyment of             operculum on a molar that needs to
   in conjunction with routine crown
                                             dentistry has been enhanced or               be restored. In a matter of moments,
   and bridge procedures to create
                                             restored with the following procedures.      the dentist can have a dry and clear
   ideal biologic width (3mm from

field to visualize the distal groove of        many of these same procedures in a          asking about the new “needle-
   the tooth to either remove additional         much more time efficient manner              less” technology. Over these past
   decay or seal that area. Parents love         because there is no need to place           ten months, we have seen more
   the fact that they do not need to             and then wait for a chemical                and more new patients coming
   watch over their child to insure that         anesthetic effect prior to starting.        into our office for “laser dental
   they do not accidentally bite a numb          Also, I can work in multiple                care” and many existing patients
   lip…because there is no numb lip!             quadrants very easily. Quickly and          accepting either new or previously
                                                 easily gaining and maintaining a dry        recommended care due to the
5. A perfect crown and bridge
                                                 and clear field for hard tissue              advantages of dental lasers from the
   impression can always be
                                                 procedures saves a huge amount of           patients’ viewpoint as mentioned
   accomplished: Troughing and
                                                 time and allows for better quality          previously.
   hemorrhage control if needed is
                                                 dentistry. Soft tissue procedures take
   achieved using the Waterlase MD,                                                       Dentistry is just more
                                                 only a few minutes with no return
   which makes this aspect of dentistry                                                   enjoyable to do!
                                                 visit needed (see Table 1).
   so easy and stress free versus
                                                                                          Adding up all of the pluses mentioned
   retraction cord and hemostasis.            2. Additional procedures: Some of
                                                                                          above, having my Waterlase MD
                                                 the procedures I am doing that I
6. The fearful patient: the dentist                                                       makes every day more predictable,
                                                 was not doing prior to getting the
   knows that he/she can perform most                                                     enjoyable and less stressful. Also, each
                                                 Waterlase MD are:
   routine procedures quickly, easily,                                                    day is more profitable. I use my laser
   and painlessly without the dreaded            a. Biopsy                                with almost every patient. They love
   ‘needle, drill, numb lip’.                                                             it, and I love it. After all, it is really all
                                                 b. Bony Crown Lengthening
                                                                                          about the patient and their comfort
Profitability                                     c. Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening         both physically and emotionally. The
Due to greater efficiency and                     d. Aphthous Ulcer Treatment              Waterlase MD has provided me a
performing many procedures that I had                                                     tool to meet my patient’s needs in
                                                 e. Herpetic Lesion Treatment
referred out of my office in the past, I                                                   a better way each day. After almost
have paid for my Waterlase MD many               f. Laser Root Desensitization            thirty years of clinical dentistry, my life
times over each month. Here are the                                                       and the way I deliver dental care has
                                                 g. Labial Frenectomy
areas where I have achieved greater                                                       been dramatically changed through
profitability:                                    h. Lingual Frenectomy                    this technology. Most importantly, the
                                                                                          Waterlase MD has changed, in such
1. Efficiency: For many years now, I           3. Practice builder: Even after just
                                                                                          a positive way, the way my patients
   have performed most procedures in             a few weeks of performing dental
                                                                                          experience dentistry.
   my office quickly and with great care.         laser procedures, we began to
                                                                                             Dr. Bregman’s story is typical of
   Using the Waterlase MD, I can do              have new patients calling our office
                                                                                          dentists who acquire and come to enjoy
                                                                                          what the laser does for their practice
Table 1 – Procedure Times: Before & After Waterlase MD                                    of dentistry. “Many dentists still know
                                                                                          nothing about this technology,” added
    Procedure                                Pre-laser               Waterlase MD
                                                                                          Dr. Bregman. “I want to spread the
    Occlusal Filling                         30 minutes                 15 minutes        message that they should learn about
    Crown and Build-Up                       75 minutes                 60 minutes        and adopt this technology and not

    Soft Tissue Biopsy                                                                    focus so hard on the cost. I believe in
                                             30 minutes                 15 minutes
    (stopped doing and now does via laser)                                                that old adage, ‘do what you do well in
    Facial Class V Filling with                                                           caring for your patients and the money
    Sub-Gingival Involvement                 30 minutes                 15 minutes        will follow’. That has never been truer
    (time to perform two fillings)
                                                                                          than what I have experienced with
    Gingivectomy                                                                          the Waterlase MD technology in my
    (around three teeth)
                                             30 minutes                 10 minutes
                                                                                          practice.”   ■

  Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice                                                                                             15
Postscript from the Author:
As a researcher, what I found most interesting during the interview
process was the professional passion that was displayed by these
dentists. They were not saddled by the burnout mentality which
is so typical of dentists after being in practice for 15 to 20 years.
To the contrary, these users of Waterlase technology have an
enthusiasm for work that probably exceeds their first days out of
dental school. Their incorporation of laser technology has positively
impacted them emotionally as well as financially, and there is a joy
that’s been expressed in the impact they are having on patients,
including those who have been previously fearful of dentistry or
those who are naturally challenging to work with, such as children.
At their core, these dentists are amazed at how the laser has
transformed the way they deliver dental care to their patients and
want others in their profession to understand just how significant a
change the laser can make to one’s practice and one’s person.

About the Author:
Shareef Mahdavi has spent the past twenty years working in senior
sales and marketing positions with manufacturers of new medical
technology. During that time, he was responsible for launching the
laser technology used for LASIK, helping the procedure to become
the single-most performed elective surgery procedure in the U.S.
As President of SM2 Consulting, he advises medical device
companies and providers on ways to increase market adoption of
new technology. As a consultant to BIOLASE,TM he is researching and
writing a series of case studies to better understand the impact on
dentists who have integrated the Waterlase MDTM technology in
their practices. Shareef lives with his wife Renée, and their three
children in the San Francisco Bay area. You can reach him at SM2
consulting’s website, which is

Copyright © 2006 SM2 Consulting. All rights reserved.

BIOLASE, WATERLASE MD and LaserSmile are registered trademarks of BIOLASE, Inc.
All other trademarks are trademarks oftheir respective holders.

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Case studies on waterlase in today's dental practice (2)

  • 1. Shareef Mahdavi ■ President ■ SM2 Consulting Case Studies on Waterlase in TM Today’s Dental Practice Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice
  • 2. A Tale of Waterlase MD Two Practices TM Case Study A s a dentist, have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could start all over again and build your dream practice based upon all you have learned over the years? Well, that’s exactly what Robert “Bo” Turnage, DDS did… after 23 years in clinical practice. His story offers significance for newly- Robert “Bo” Turnage, DDS minted dentists, established practitioners and older Friday Harbor, dentists verging on retirement. Washington After graduating from Loma Linda hovering at 80% of revenue. “My in 1982, Dr. Turnage purchased philosophy was that pumping more a small practice in Palm Springs, patients through the system would lead where he and his family lived for the to greater financial success. I had to next 10 years. With his wife and 3 work my tail off to keep the practice small children, he decided to forego on track and profitable.” What kept California’s fast-paced lifestyle and him up at night; however, were dual relocated to Ellensburg, Washington, “nagging thoughts.” His kids were a rural community between Seattle nearing the end of high school, and his and Spokane. Dr. Turnage bought an wife and he thought about relocating aging practice and spent the next 13 to their eventual retirement community, years building it into the largest dental “somewhere we could truly enjoy practice in the area. “We were ‘crazy natural beauty each and every day.” busy’,” recalls Dr. Turnage who, with At the same time, the pace of work was a 12-person staff, saw from 35 to 50 very stressful, even in a rural setting. patients a day. “We had 6 operatories “There had to be a better way.” and an in-house lab. But we also had Against the well-wishes of friends, old-fashioned equipment, including they decided to up and move once banana chairs, traditional radiography, again, to Friday Harbor, a community and air-driven handpieces.” in the San Juan Islands north of Over the years, his rural practice Seattle. During repeated visits to grew to production of $120,000 per Friday Harbor, they would ask locals month. “Not bad,” said Dr. Turnage, where they went for dental care. “What but his high-volume practice generated we heard consistently was, “can you tremendous overhead, which was get back to Seattle?” The Turnages 2
  • 3. Old Practice New Practice Description “High Volume, High Overhead” “Fewer Patients, Better Care” 6 operatories 3 operatories Structure 13 staff 4 staff No. of Patients per Day 35-50 8-10 No. of Work Days per Week 5 4 Monthly Production $120,000 $81,000 Time to Accomplish 10 years 5 months Overhead 80% 65% Typical Monthly Net Income $24,000 $28,000 Outlook Mature, Stable Infancy Table 1 – Turnage saw this as an opportunity to bring a digital x-ray units and Pano, microscopes unique presentation of dentistry to and ceiling-mounted flat-panel TV/ the community of 7,000 year-round monitors. “We took a risk, not knowing “Utilizing the laser, I can offer residents that grows to 22,000 in if and when patient acceptance would summer. Starting from scratch, Dr. be there in a relatively small community. better care to fewer patients. Turnage began to design a dental It was more expensive to start from practice from the ground up. scratch, but I wasn’t handicapped by It’s a controlled environment They decided on an elegant harbor- outmoded equipment, systems or bad that also gives me freedom to view setting with Asian and European habits built in to an existing practice.” antique furniture, dramatic lighting and Indeed, the risk is paying off. enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. I lots of art. “We wanted patients to feel With only a small sign outside their like they had walked into a high-end building and four “conservative” no longer feel like I’m going to spa in Dallas or New York.” Next, they announcements, the practice is decided to make high technology the attracting both high-end and working have a heart attack.” focus of their practice as well as the class patients. “We have not only differentiator in the community. “We attracted ‘dot-com millionaires’, but also wanted patients to feel that they also long-time residents who are in could get the highest level of care many of the service industries. We without having to travel.” To accomplish also kept our fees reasonable to this, they started by purchasing a laser. create even more value to our high- “The Waterlase MD TM has become the tech approach.” They opened their cornerstone of our high-tech patient doors in May 2005 and business has care approach,” noted Dr. Turnage, exceeded expectations. After 5 months, who has also employed an additional they are averaging 53 new patients BIOLASE LaserSmile TM diode laser, per month. Production is at $632 per Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice 3
  • 4. A Tale of Two Practices (continued) Both staff and patients enjoy hour and growing steadily. In contrast The reduction in overhead creates to the high-volume rural practice, Dr. net income that far exceeds the lower the benefits of the laser. Turnage sees 8-10 patients per day volume of patients. “Utilizing the laser, utilizing a smaller and simpler structure I can offer better care to fewer patients. “My staff really appreciated that leverages technology. The lower It’s a controlled environment that also overhead (now at 65% which includes gives me freedom to enjoy a more that the ‘old dog’ was willing some equipment financing) has allowed relaxed lifestyle. I no longer feel like more money to drop to his net income I’m going to have a heart attack.” The to learn something new. line with only two-thirds the production Waterlase MD technology has greatly required by his old practice (See Table 1, contributed to this being possible. It motivates them to achieve Figures 1 & 2). “The ability to practice dentistry with a higher standard.” Figure 1 Average Hourly Production and Revenue per Patient Visit New Practice vs. Old Practice $800 $700 $714 $600 $633 $500 $400 $405 $300 $200 $100 $24,000 $0 Old Practice New Practice Hourly production Revenue per patient visit 4
  • 5. For others like me who have been in practice for 20 plus years, the laser gave me a new sense of pride in my profession as well as the ability to offer better patient care.” a laser is hugely different, better and took some time to learn, but it’s a lot Figure 2 more fulfilling.” From bleeding control, more fun, it can do things I had never Average Monthly Production to treatment options, to post-op pain thought possible and I now make them vs. Net Income control, to periodontal, endodontic, part of my everyday practice.” with the Impact of Overhead surgical, and restorative procedures, Dr. Turnage says his experience $140,000 Dr. Turnage is doing things that starting over, “where no one knows your previously often required referral to name,” has helped debunk his previous a specialist or simply were much less belief that a successful practice depends $120,000 predictable. “Using the laser means heavily on longevity in one community. $120,000 fewer complications afterwards and “I now have time to do the simple much less post-op pain.” but important things,” which include $100,000 Both staff and patients enjoy the developing a personal relationship benefits of the laser. “My staff really with each patient, lunch with his wife, $80,000 appreciated that the ‘old dog’ was a phone call to his son at college, or $81,000 willing to learn something new. It extended staff meetings to review issues motivates them to achieve a higher and opportunities. His advice to other $60,000 standard.” And patients, who are dentists can be applied to new and hearing about this laser around established practitioners. “For the new $40,000 town, quiz the staff before seeing dentist, you now have the opportunity to the dentist to get the inside scoop. go ‘high-tech everything’ and you should They ask questions like, “If the laser do so. The improvements in efficiency $20,000 $28,350 $24,000 gets bumped while the doctor is and effectiveness are incredible. For working, will it cut off my tongue?” others like me who have been in practice $0 The reaction from other local dentists for 20-plus years, the laser gave me a Old Practice New Practice has been mixed: “Some embrace the new sense of pride in my profession laser and recognize its potential while as well as the ability to offer better Gross Production others seem skeptical that it could patient care.” And he wants to serve as be applicable to their style practice.” a role model for dentists contemplating Net Income One informal metric has been the retirement: “I am determined that when I increasing frequency of the faxing of retire, my practice will be technologically patient release forms to other dentists, current for the new dentist.” which is occurring multiple times each With a view of the harbor from both day. “Patients are actively seeking this his home and his office, Bo Turnage technology!” exclaimed Dr. Turnage, has turned his dream into reality, with a who likens his new practice to switching five-month old practice literally “in its from driving a Cadillac to being in the infancy.” And he’s certainly proven to seat of a Formula One race car. “Both himself that the third time around is are automobiles, and the new one the charm! ■ Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice 5
  • 6. Take this job Waterlase MD Case Study TM and Love It! B y the end of 1999, Dr. Bruce Cassis had spent 19 years building a successful rural dental practice in Fayetteville, West Virginia. “Being of service to people in a positive way” is how Dr. Cassis describes his philosophy. But he was also exhausted enough by the daily routine to admit “this job stinks!” and instruct his staff “don’t ever schedule another kid in my office!” Dr. Bruce Cassis Fast forward to 2005...Dr. Cassis has Immediately, however, he began Fayetteville, had his Waterlase TM since late 2000 and generating more revenue and West Virginia work life is described differently: “I’ve procedures with the laser. “We never been happier or more satisfied introduced it to patients whether we as a dentist. My TEAM — they’re not were going to use it on them or not. staff — looks forward to work every And as a practice, we used the laser as day and we have no more long faces. a business opportunity rather than just “I believe that laser And I’m doing the best kids’ dentistry open the door and see what happens.” imaginable.” In fact, his office has As shown in Figure 1, net collections technology will become become a long sought after place of have more than tripled when comparing employment in the community. calendar year 2004 to the same year in ‘the standard of care’ What happened? “The laser 1999. And 2005 is shaping up to be a in the next 5-7 years. changed everything,” Dr. Cassis stated record year with production forecast at emphatically. Early in 2000, Dr. Cassis $2 million, putting Cassis Dental Center The laser is much more attended a lecture on dental lasers in in the top 1% of practices nationwide. Charleston led by Dr. Bill Chen. “I got What might be surprising is that accurate and can pinpoint it immediately as I was really interested Fayetteville, West Virginia has a in soft tissue applications. My cousin population of 2,000 people. The tissue much better than Steve (an ophthalmologist) had long practice draws from 3 counties and been using lasers for eye surgery and has an active patient base exceeding a burr.” asked ‘can’t you use a laser in the 5,000 people. “We are well known mouth?’ Here I am using scalpels, which for pampering our patients, who I didn’t like because it’s painful for the are everyday, hardworking people,” patient and full of complications.” He commented Dr. Cassis. His patients made his decision that night and was range from two years of age to 102. the only one of twelve attendees to This is in keeping with his practice invest in a laser. “Like my colleagues, I philosophy of a “lifetime of care” for was initially thinking about ‘cost’ more people’s oral heath. The practice has than ‘ROI’.” taken the time to understand local 6
  • 7. Table 1 – Cassis – Change in Procedure Mix & Production 1999 vs. 2004 demographics and employment trends. % Change $ Change CDT Code # in 1999 # in 2004 Dr. Cassis noted that 75% of residents Volume Production in his county own their homes; the 2330 Resin 1, Anterior 54 108 100% +$6,710 practice has also successfully connected 2331 Resin 2, Anterior 34 72 111% +$5,947 with employee groups in the area. 2332 Resin 3, Anterior 32 59 84% +$7,065 Creating affordability through patient 2335 Resin 4+ Surface, Anterior 25 30 20% $3,149 financing vendors such as CareCredit 2380 Resin 1, Posterior 11 1 –91% –$692 (Costa Mesa, CA) has also had a major 2381 Resin 2, Posterior 14 3 –82% –$790 impact. “We have figured out ways 2385 Resin 1, Posterior 187 413 120% +$44,709 to find money for people who desire 2386 Resin 2, Posterior 160 31 –81% –$17,651 our services. This is a huge part of our 2387 Resin 3, Posterior 50 240 380% +$36,035 revenue.” 3426 Apecoectomy 2 10 400% +1,231 Dr. Cassis has closely documented 4211 Gingivectomy 5 16 220% +$2,178 the types of procedures and frequency 7110 Extraction 120 194 62% +$12,224 with which they are performed. As 7210 Surgical Extraction 26 74 184% +$10,329 seen in Table 1, there has been a 7280 Surgical Access Unerupted 5 2 –60% –$654 dramatic shift in the procedure mix 7286 Biopsy Soft Tissue 1 10 900% +$1,673 since implementing the Waterlase. His 7340 Vestibuloplasty 2 3 50% +436 experience has led him to work both 7960 Frenectomy 6 23 283% +$5,554 as an instructor for BIOLASE as well 4240 Gingival Flap Procedure 0 3 NA +$1,494 locally as part of West Virginia’s Rural Health Education Partnership. In that “If you understand a half a dozen This story is part of the message program, dental students from West basic concepts, you can use the laser that Dr. Cassis wants to get out to Virginia University’s Dental School come immediately with a live patient.” What dentists everywhere. “I believe that through for a six-week rotation. Dr. impressed Dr. Cassis even more was laser technology will become ‘the Cassis gives them a half-day training the response of his student: “It was standard of care’ in the next 5-7 years. session specifically on the laser. His awesome. I did the same things I do at The laser is much more accurate and most recent student was trained in school with the drill. The patient asked can pinpoint tissue much better than a the morning of her first week and me, ‘have you started yet?’ after I had burr. I’d jump all over this if I were an doing laser dentistry in the afternoon. completed the procedure.” older dentist, as it makes procedure easier to do. Younger dentists have the Figure 1 opportunity to really change the course Business Performance 1999 (no laser) and 2004 (with laser) of their career.” In fact, colleagues who $1400 were referring patients to him because the laser could solve the problem are $1200 $1,300 now investing in their own unit. “This is good, because it raises the level of care $1000 in our community.” $800 Dr. Cassis is grateful for what the Waterlase has done for his practice and $600 $697 his patients. “On behalf of the eight people who work here – our TEAM - I $400 476 can say that the laser has changed each $411 $302 of our lifestyles by helping us be more $200 253 $233 successful at what we do.” Looking $145 back at his decision to get into laser $0 New Patients Net Collections Average Production Average Production dentistry, he offers this conclusion: “I’m (thousands) per Patient per Hour a much better dentist than I was six 1999 2004 years ago.” ■ Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice 7
  • 8. Dentistry: The Perfect Combination of Waterlase MD Case Study TM Surgery and Art L inda Kronick, DMD is one of those dentists that you just want to get to know better. With a family practice in Norwich, Connecticut that focuses on high tech dentistry, her passion for the profession is a reflection of how she lives:“I love people and want to make them happy.” As a young adult, Dr. Kronick saw in the laser was showing up in daily dentistry as a means of combining two in her expanded use of the Waterlase Linda Kronick, DMD strong areas of interest: surgery and art. MD with her patients. With a focus Norwich, Growing up, in the same town where on restorative dentistry, she is finding she now practices, Dr. Kronick spent the laser much more efficient in doing Connecticut time learning how to paint and also minimally invasive composite resins worked in a surgical practice. and she routinely uses it for troughing, She first learned about dental lasers in lieu of packing retraction cord, prior while working in the surgical practice to final impressions for crown and observing CO2 lasers being used in bridge procedures. “Doing additional general and oral surgery. She eventually procedures, at the same visit, in the had the opportunity to take courses and same or different quadrants are made see exactly how the laser could work easy with the Waterlase MD. Patients with both hard and soft tissue. “I was are grateful to have one visit rather spellbound and knew I had to have this than several to complete their dental in my practice.” treatment. That’s a plus for everyone, In late 2004 she made the decision doctor and patient, in this busy world.” to purchase the Waterlase MD TM In addition, she is doing periodontal (BIOLASE, San Clemente, CA) and had procedures that she used to routinely it installed to start the New Year. “It’s refer out. “Four perio procedures, that blown my expectations away,” noted she performs routinely, have generated Dr. Kronick. “There is so much that I’m $38,000 in additional revenue so far, doing and so much more to learn.” As and I’m just getting started (see Table her experience and expertise grew over 1: Periodontal Procedures Performed several months, Dr. Kronick’s confidence In-Office).” With the ability to do crown Table 1 – Periodontal Procedures Performed In-Office via YSGG Laser DPT Code Crown Lengthening 4210 Gingivectomy 4211 Mucogingival Surgery 4299 Laser Assisted Scaling 4250 8
  • 9. Figure 1 – Monthly Production, 9 Months YTD, 2005 vs. 2004 YTD Revenue such as the WCLI (World Clinical Laser 2004: $614,000 Institute) and meet other dentists who $120,000 2005: $753,000 Growth 23% will share their laser experiences with 2004 2005 you. You will learn a lot, because the $100,000 lecturers are approachable and aren’t $80,000 ‘prima donnas’”. Dr. Kronick speaks with authority here, as she lectures to $60,000 dental students at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine $40,000 on restorative procedures. Has the Waterlase MD been a $20,000 good investment? Dr. Kronick offers an unqualified “definitely yes” on $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep multiple levels. First, she paid off her lengthening procedures at the same laser. “They love raving about it to laser via additional revenue within time as crown preps, “one can impress our patients,” added Dr. Kronick. The 6 months of purchase. Second, this immediately following the surgery with practice philosophy has always been device compares favorably to other unparalleled accuracy. My lab could not to take time to educate patients and opportunities available to dentists. believe the clinical results.” explain what the different technologies “This laser allows you to increase Indeed, the data from her practice do for them. “Our patients see the revenue much more than with any indicate that the laser has been the benefit and are just amazed at how whitening system being promoted main reason for growth this year. As much better the trip to the dentist to you right now,” commented Dr. shown in Figure 1, monthly production can be.” The influence of the laser on Kronick. Third is the professional is up 23%, with several months over referrals has also been significant. Year development. “You will challenge $100,000 in revenue. to date, the practice is seeing 33 new yourself and you will learn more.” Her hourly production has increased patients per month, almost double from Her final advice: “Call one of us and over $200, from $661 to $863. While the average of 18 new patients for the see what we are doing! The Waterlase hourly production is up 31%, hours same period a year ago (Figure 3). Two- MD has helped me grow tremendously spent on the job are down 6% (see thirds of the new patients are coming without having to get bigger. I have Figure 2). “I’m working smarter per from referrals, with the balance from even more time to enjoy life and want hour,” notes Dr. Kronick, who has a small amount of advertising (yellow my colleagues to have that same worked fewer hours this year. She has pages, radio) that has been constant experience.” ■ used the extra time to learn more about over the years. “My phone now rings the capabilities of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. off the hook every day.” Part of this Figure 2 The response from her patients has can be attributed to the mothers of New Patients per Month been similar in impact. “Patients are young patients: “Kids love it, and their 9 months YTD 2005 vs. 2004 thrilled because the laser makes their moms go running back to day care and dentistry quicker, cleaner, and more schools and tell other moms,” Kronick $120,000 33 precise. They go ‘wow’ when I tell them mentioned. 30 there’s a good chance they’ll have no Was it difficult getting started? needle, no pain, and no post-operative “Like anything worth pursuing, there’s numbing or swelling. And they are truly a learning curve. You need to give 20 grateful that I’m taking less of their yourself permission to take extra time 18 time and don’t have to refer them to a and to make mistakes. At first, you need specialist.” to be the student before you can be the 10 Dr. Kronick has the full support of her teacher.” Dr. Kronick also has advice for staff, many of whom have personally new users of the Waterlase MD: “Take experienced dental work using the advantage of the fabulous meetings 0 2004 2005 Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice 9
  • 10. Excelling in the Waterlase MD Case Study TM Mainstream T ake a drive through Bensenville, Illinois and you will find yourself in Middle America, both literally and figuratively. A suburb of Chicago located not far from O’Hare Airport; Bensenville is where Dr. Mark Stasiulis has been practicing dentistry for the past 24 years. Far from the glamour and glitz of the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago, Dr. Stasiulis views his facility as representative of the typical Dr. Mark Stasiulis dental practice in the U.S., performing “bread and butter” Bensenville, dentistry. “We don’t look anything like those high-image Illinois places you see in the dental trade publications,” remarked Stasiulis. His patients, however, appreciate the high-tech and high-touch approach to dentistry taken by their dentist, a solo practitioner who does much of the work himself. Over the past decade, he re-engineered (BIOLASE, San Clemente, CA). That was his practice to incorporate new in July 2001. Now, nearly 5 years later technology. The journey began in with the addition of a LaserSmileTM diode 2000, when he took a course on micro laser (BIOLASE, San Clemente, CA) dentistry. This led to an investment in Dr. Stasiulis has a wealth of experience an electric hand piece, Diagnodent with the lasers and how they have caries detection unit, and air impacted his practice. “They filled abrasion system. His production grew a void in the type of care I wanted immediately by 27%. “The Diagnodent to offer,” he said. “My days are so unit really convinced me that early much better knowing that I use these diagnosis of the decay process led to lasers to solve problems that present more conservative early treatment.” themselves on a daily basis...from The air abrasion system with its promise desensitizing sensitive roots and painful of conservative preparations with no Aphthous ulcers in less than a minute, need for anesthetic seemed perfect to the advanced surgical procedures for these types of restorations. Dr. many of which require only topical Stasiulis was frustrated by the dirt and anesthetic. I have performed so many dust created by air abrasion and how restorations with the minimal use of it irritated his breathing. The following additional anesthetic that they have year he purchased a Waterlase TM laser become routine.” Pain management 10
  • 11. “Learn to use this laser, it will Figure 1 – Gross Production, Average Charge per Procedure 1996 – 2005 improve your bottom line and it $600,000 Acquires $180 Gross Production Waterlase (July, 2001) also is a heck of a lot of fun.” $500,000 $150 Average charge/procedure Average Fee Per Procedure Gross Production $400,000 $120 $300,000 $90 $200,000 $60 $100,000 $30 $0 $0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 with the lasers has been a great the contrary, he has used the laser to laser dentists gain confidence and marketing procedure in his practice. market “internally” and builds upon proficiency in use of the technology. ”The LaserSmileTM diode laser is the relationships with existing patients. “I am self taught, which was necessary used daily to deliver ‘low level laser The Waterlase has allowed him to do five years ago because the collective therapy’ that relieves many painful advanced procedures and eliminate experience was somewhat limited. It’s dental conditions.” As one patient who the return trips for many of his patients. much easier today, with many more received laser treatment for facial pain “They love the convenience as well courses, materials and laser-based said, “It’s a miracle”. as the higher-tech approach.” Not colleagues that allow us to learn from “Our patients’ perception seems to surprisingly, new patients travel from one another.” be that we are using state of the art 1-2 hours away because they’ve been He added that it is essential for new technology to give them less invasive referred by enthusiastic patients. users to “stick to the bread and butter” treatment for their dental needs. The Beyond revenue and new patients, procedures that are easier to do and hardest question I have to answer is the effect on his practice can be seen will help gain confidence. According why more dentists don’t use lasers”. in both the types of procedures he now to Dr. Stasiulis, all classes of decay, The lasers have dramatically impacted performs (see Table 1) and the average soft tissue work such as gingivectomy, his patients’ perception of dentistry charge per procedure, which has grown frenectomy and cosmetic gingival and of him as a dentist. “My practice from $89 in 1996 to the $150-$160 recontouring are all good procedures and what we do cause our patients to range in the past year. to start with. “One mistake new users believe that their friends need to know Dr. Stasiulis spends part of his time make is that they want the laser to do about what we are doing and why we as a trainer and teacher to help new ‘everything’, which is unrealistic of any are different.” Using 10 years of data from the Figure 2 – Advanced Procedures Performed 1996 – 2005 practice, one can see the impact 200 Pre-Waterlase: Average = 143 With Waterlase: Average = 185 that the lasers has made on a host of financial variables. Annual production 180 has nearly doubled from $279,000 in the late 1990s to $529,000 with four 160 full years of laser usage (see Figure 1). The average number of new patients 140 per year has grown 29% over the long term (see Figure 2), “an appropriate 120 amount”, says Dr. Stasiulis, “for a stable 0 practice that does no advertising.” To 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice 11
  • 12. Excelling in the Mainstream (continued) technology, even one as remarkable as quantum leap forward from my original when broken down into a the Waterlase.” However, on a recent Waterlase. It delivers better custom daily amount.” training day a new user (Dr. Mark control over desensitization, restoration It is this type of analysis that, Bancroft) performed a vestibuloplasty procedures and unbelievable soft tissue according to Dr. Stasiulis, is what will as his first laser procedure under Dr. capabilities. This is the unit of choice create a “tipping point” in dentistry. Stasiulis’s watchful eye. “I was so proud for dentists to incorporate into their “Awareness of lasers in medicine and of this dentist that embraced the treatment regime.” in dentistry simply amazes me. Patients new technology and performed this Aside from managing the learning are being exposed to laser-assisted procedure like he had been using it for of the technology, Dr. Stasiulis comes dental treatment through the media. years; by the way, with no anesthetic across colleagues every day who are They are looking to our profession except some topical.” just unsure if the investment makes for this type of treatment. Currently His results bear out this experience, financial sense. “On the first day I used only 5-6% of dentist utilize lasers in as the number of advanced procedures the laser, my wife made me keep track their practices. I would recommend performed has increased dramatically of the procedures I couldn’t have done all dentists considering adding laser in the 3rd and 4th year since first that day without the use of the laser to treatment into their practices to read acquiring the Waterlase. “It takes time see if it would pay for itself each day. the best seller Who Moved My Cheese. to gain the confidence and get good On the third day, she told me to stop There is a paradigm shift occurring in enough to do the procedures taught keeping track. She saw it was clearly dental treatment today. It’s great to be in the advanced courses. All users paying for itself right from the start.” part of this movement toward minimally will advance their utilization to their He added, “Doctors view this as a invasive dentistry.” individual comfort zone. The list of $75,000 investment, which is wrong. Dr. Stasiulis’s’ enthusiasm for the procedures I don’t do is much shorter This is a $90 a day decision: The right laser is buoyed by the fact that he than the list of those I can.” Dr. Stasiulis question is, ‘can I perform $90 of treats blue-collar workers as well as recently added the new Waterlase additional laser treatment each day?’ CEOs. “My practice isn’t fancy, but I MD to his practice. “This new unit is a in order to offset the lease or loan cost wanted to give mainstream America cutting-edge technology when it came to the care of their teeth and mouth.” Figure 3 – Advanced Procedures Performed 1996 – 2005 The impact on his patients and his 120 Apecoectomy practice has been nothing short of Gingivectomy per Quadrant remarkable. My patients love it, and Gingivectomy per Tooth my production and profitability (65% of 100 Crown Lengthening revenue) have increased. The laser has been a technology investment that has Free Soft Tissue Graft 80 made money and improved customer Osseous Surgery satisfaction. I rarely see this in dentistry Frenectomy 60 Acquires Desensitization with other devices being promoted to Waterlase our profession.” Pulpotomy (July, 2001) His final words of advice to those 40 I&D who are “on the fence” about laser Vestibuloplasty technology: “It doesn’t matter what 20 Fibroma kind of practice you have. Learn to Operculectomy use this laser, it will improve your Aphthous Ulcer Treatment bottom line and it also is a heck of a 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Guided Tissue Regeneration lot of fun.” ■ 12
  • 13. In My Own Words Waterlase MD Case Study TM T he final case study in this series is somewhat different. Prior to my interview with him, Dr. Jonathan Bregman wrote an essay precisely describing how laser technology has changed his practice. Rather than re-write, I chose to keep the text purely from his perspective as a dentist. Following my introduction, I will turn over the pen to him and allow you to hear his story…in his own words. Dr. Jonathan Bregman Jonathan Bregman of Durham, North 2005 and says, “This laser has literally Durham, Carolina will be celebrating his 30th changed the way I do dentistry with North Carolina anniversary as a dentist this year. He almost every procedure I do. That’s chose the profession at age 19, wanting amazing to me.” In fact, one of his to help people improve their health patients is the dentist whom he bought and noticing that dentistry had a clear his practice from 10 years ago. “He beginning, middle, and end to the told me that if this laser had been interaction with patients. As part of a around when he was in practice, he career goal, he wanted to make sure would never have left dentistry.” That that anyone who sat in his dental chair testimonial, from a dentist-as-patient, would have a positive experience. After is part of what drives Dr. Bregman’s following laser technology for about passion about laser dentistry. ”If I made five years, he decided to purchase the no additional money using this, it would Waterlase MD TM last year after hearing still be worth it.” Here’s his story: about BIOLASE’s next generation of advanced dental laser technology. How has the Waterlase MD “I’ve taken thousands of hours of CE changed my practice? over the years and don’t ‘jump in’ but It’s all about better and more really evaluate what I learn,” remarked comfortable patient care Dr. Bregman. “I was excited about what this could do for my patients. For almost thirty years of practice I Once I did the hands-on clinic at a have focused on caring for patients in dental meeting, I was convinced that an excellent way. That translates not I needed to purchase and integrate only to the technical dentistry I perform the technology into my practice.” but also to the care of the patient as He acquired a Waterlase MD in early a human being. This new technology 13
  • 14. In My Own Words (continued) allows me to do so many procedures margin to the bony crest) done 1. The class V restoration at or below in such a way that the patient sits up with the laser as a single visit the gingival crest: I can quickly and and says, “I cannot believe what you followed by restoration after the easily remove the tissue to expose have just done for me.” They say this laboratory completes the case decay, create a dry and clear field, because: versus temporization, referral to then place and finish a much better 1. They did not have a needle ( one of specialist, surgical procedure, 6-8 restoration. All of this is done with the main reasons that many people weeks healing, return to my office no chemical local. I need only do not seek dental care) for re-preparation, impression, topical for the soft tissues. The laser new temporization then finally the serves to numb the hard tissues. NO 2. The procedure was quick and easy restoration placed needles, retraction cord, hemostasis, for them no ‘fighting the tissues’ required! 7. Gingivectomy procedure around 3. They experienced no discomfort orthodontic brackets done with 2. The removal of a crown, previously 4. They left without a numb lip topical anesthetic in just a few placed filling, deep decay: I can minutes compared to local quickly and easily can remove tissue Post treatment, there has not been anesthetic with needle, blade tissue to gain a dry field for the placement one patient who has mentioned any removal, packing to cover tissues of the restoration or impression discomfort from a soft tissue procedure and perhaps a return visit. that I have done over the last ten 3. The seemingly shallow Class I months of using the Waterlase MD. 8. Any procedure that I would have restoration with a tooth that has This has been accomplished due to a previously used a blade to open a a ‘little stick’ on the occlusal that negligible zone of necrosis around the soft tissue flap versus the precise turns into a deep area of decay: I lasered tissue and the sterilization of cutting and sealing off of the area can quickly and easily use the laser the area with sealing of the blood and with the laser. to numb the tooth in advance so that lymphatic vessels besides the nerve there is no worry about that deep 9. Frenectomy both labially and endings. With minimal to no swelling area causing the patient a painful lingually done with only topical or discomfort, that is such a major plus! reaction. In the past, doing that anesthetic and a laser bandage Here’s a short list of what I’ve been able procedure without local anesthetic to stop bleeding versus a local to accomplish with the laser: because it appeared to be’ just a anesthetic needle and sutures. 1. Crown and bridge using troughing very shallow cavity’ would cause a versus a retraction cord 10. Aphthous ulcer treatment previously difficult and stressful situation to not able to be done in my office is occur for the patient as well as the 2. Class V using laser removal of soft now done in less than a minute with dentist. No longer true with the laser. tissues versus a retraction cord the laser. Pain is completely and 4. Children love the experience: 3. Biopsies using a laser bandage and immediately gone. The healing takes Quick, easy, painless way to do topical anesthetic versus local and place in 2 or 3 days instead of 7-10. all soft tissue and hard tissue sutures procedures without “the shot” ordeal Predictability 4. Operculum removal in conjunction for the patient and dentist. One can Pre Waterlase MD I would approach rely completely on laser numbing with restoration of a tooth procedures that would cause me to for everything from placing routine 5. Cosmetic re-contouring of the wonder just how things would turn out restorations to pulpotomies. Using gingival tissue around anterior teeth or how I would get a great clinical topical only, the child experiences with topical versus local and a blade result if I found ‘x’. Now, with the no discomfort at all during or or electrosurgical tissue removal Waterlase MD the stress of dealing after any soft tissue procedure. A with “the unknown” is dramatically common example is removal of an 6. Closed bony crown lengthening decreased. Thus the enjoyment of operculum on a molar that needs to in conjunction with routine crown dentistry has been enhanced or be restored. In a matter of moments, and bridge procedures to create restored with the following procedures. the dentist can have a dry and clear ideal biologic width (3mm from 14
  • 15. field to visualize the distal groove of many of these same procedures in a asking about the new “needle- the tooth to either remove additional much more time efficient manner less” technology. Over these past decay or seal that area. Parents love because there is no need to place ten months, we have seen more the fact that they do not need to and then wait for a chemical and more new patients coming watch over their child to insure that anesthetic effect prior to starting. into our office for “laser dental they do not accidentally bite a numb Also, I can work in multiple care” and many existing patients lip…because there is no numb lip! quadrants very easily. Quickly and accepting either new or previously easily gaining and maintaining a dry recommended care due to the 5. A perfect crown and bridge and clear field for hard tissue advantages of dental lasers from the impression can always be procedures saves a huge amount of patients’ viewpoint as mentioned accomplished: Troughing and time and allows for better quality previously. hemorrhage control if needed is dentistry. Soft tissue procedures take achieved using the Waterlase MD, Dentistry is just more only a few minutes with no return which makes this aspect of dentistry enjoyable to do! visit needed (see Table 1). so easy and stress free versus Adding up all of the pluses mentioned retraction cord and hemostasis. 2. Additional procedures: Some of above, having my Waterlase MD the procedures I am doing that I 6. The fearful patient: the dentist makes every day more predictable, was not doing prior to getting the knows that he/she can perform most enjoyable and less stressful. Also, each Waterlase MD are: routine procedures quickly, easily, day is more profitable. I use my laser and painlessly without the dreaded a. Biopsy with almost every patient. They love ‘needle, drill, numb lip’. it, and I love it. After all, it is really all b. Bony Crown Lengthening about the patient and their comfort Profitability c. Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening both physically and emotionally. The Due to greater efficiency and d. Aphthous Ulcer Treatment Waterlase MD has provided me a performing many procedures that I had tool to meet my patient’s needs in e. Herpetic Lesion Treatment referred out of my office in the past, I a better way each day. After almost have paid for my Waterlase MD many f. Laser Root Desensitization thirty years of clinical dentistry, my life times over each month. Here are the and the way I deliver dental care has g. Labial Frenectomy areas where I have achieved greater been dramatically changed through profitability: h. Lingual Frenectomy this technology. Most importantly, the Waterlase MD has changed, in such 1. Efficiency: For many years now, I 3. Practice builder: Even after just a positive way, the way my patients have performed most procedures in a few weeks of performing dental experience dentistry. my office quickly and with great care. laser procedures, we began to Dr. Bregman’s story is typical of Using the Waterlase MD, I can do have new patients calling our office dentists who acquire and come to enjoy what the laser does for their practice Table 1 – Procedure Times: Before & After Waterlase MD of dentistry. “Many dentists still know nothing about this technology,” added Procedure Pre-laser Waterlase MD Dr. Bregman. “I want to spread the Occlusal Filling 30 minutes 15 minutes message that they should learn about Crown and Build-Up 75 minutes 60 minutes and adopt this technology and not Soft Tissue Biopsy focus so hard on the cost. I believe in 30 minutes 15 minutes (stopped doing and now does via laser) that old adage, ‘do what you do well in Facial Class V Filling with caring for your patients and the money Sub-Gingival Involvement 30 minutes 15 minutes will follow’. That has never been truer (time to perform two fillings) than what I have experienced with Gingivectomy the Waterlase MD technology in my (around three teeth) 30 minutes 10 minutes practice.” ■ Investing in Your Patients and Your Practice 15
  • 16. Postscript from the Author: As a researcher, what I found most interesting during the interview process was the professional passion that was displayed by these dentists. They were not saddled by the burnout mentality which is so typical of dentists after being in practice for 15 to 20 years. To the contrary, these users of Waterlase technology have an enthusiasm for work that probably exceeds their first days out of dental school. Their incorporation of laser technology has positively impacted them emotionally as well as financially, and there is a joy that’s been expressed in the impact they are having on patients, including those who have been previously fearful of dentistry or those who are naturally challenging to work with, such as children. At their core, these dentists are amazed at how the laser has transformed the way they deliver dental care to their patients and want others in their profession to understand just how significant a change the laser can make to one’s practice and one’s person. About the Author: Shareef Mahdavi has spent the past twenty years working in senior sales and marketing positions with manufacturers of new medical technology. During that time, he was responsible for launching the laser technology used for LASIK, helping the procedure to become the single-most performed elective surgery procedure in the U.S. As President of SM2 Consulting, he advises medical device companies and providers on ways to increase market adoption of new technology. As a consultant to BIOLASE,TM he is researching and writing a series of case studies to better understand the impact on dentists who have integrated the Waterlase MDTM technology in their practices. Shareef lives with his wife Renée, and their three children in the San Francisco Bay area. You can reach him at SM2 consulting’s website, which is 03/2006 Copyright © 2006 SM2 Consulting. All rights reserved. BIOLASE, WATERLASE MD and LaserSmile are registered trademarks of BIOLASE, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks oftheir respective holders.