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QM is Batman B|
Q! 1
Dilli Haat is an open-air food plaza and cradia, and from a
variety of cultural traditions of India. Unlike the traditional
weekly market, Dilli Haat is permanent. The 6 acres of land
on which this complex is situated was salvaged as part of a
reclamation project and transformed into a plaza. Extensive
foundation work, small thatched roof cottages and kiosks
give the plaza a village atmosphere
However, apart from being a tourist attraction, this place
gained popularity in 2011 for hosting the first edition of a
worldwide popular event X. X was a 2 day event attended
by around 15,000 people. Following the immense success
of the event, successive editions have been held at the
same place.
Q! 2
This comic tells the story of Raju Rai, a young Indian boy living in Mumbai. Raju and
his mentor, the scientist Dr. Singh, develop a technology suit that activates the
mystical X of the body. When Raju dons the suit, he discovers superpowers and
vows to use his newfound abilities to protect and serve as he battles super villains.
The story revolves around the 8 X’s as stated by Indian culture.
Graphic India senior vp, creative and acclaimed Indian artist Jeevan J. Kang oversaw
the visual development and created the character designs and art for the project,
working closely with its well renowned creator and Devarajan to bring the story to
Beyond animation, Graphic India will also be launching the character in a series of
digital and print comic books and graphic novels as well as through toys and
merchandise. When asked why the story is set in Mumbai, the creator said
“It is one of the most exciting and action-packed cities in the world and the perfect
bustling metropolis for our hero to be based. Just as some of my other characters
have swung from the rooftops of New York and other major American cities, for
him we wanted to bring the excitement of Mumbai to audiences worldwide.
He is the first superhero I’m creating specifically for the Indian Market”.
ID the comic and it’s creator.
Chakra: The Invincible & Stan Lee
Q! 3 What happens next?
Q! 4
In the Tintin comics "The Castafiore Emerald", Bianca
Castafiore gifts Captain Haddock a parakeet. Though the
parakeet is named after a famous Shakespearean character
X, it has been named so as a compliment to a composer Y
who wrote an opera featuring X.
However the same name was also used for another garrulous
character of Disney who sometimes exhibits skulduggery.
This Disney character played a very famous role as the
secondary antagonist.
This character’s voice clip is being played.
What is the name of the parakeet X and the composer Y in
X- Iago named in order to compliment composer Y-Verdi who wrote
an opera called 'Otello' (not Othello) and the Disney character is none
other than the Lorikeet Iago from Aladdin.
Embodiment of X Embodiment of Y
Q! 5
• Real Name: Unrevealed, probably inapplicable
• Identity/Class: Abstract entities
• Occupation: Embodiments and the Ultimate Power Holders
• Affiliations:
Living Tribunal, Spectre (respective cosmic guardians)
• Enemies: Formerly each other
• Known Relatives: Each other
• Aliases: None
• Base of Operations: All of existence
• Powers/Abilities: Considering that they are the sum total of everything
in the X multiverse and Y multiverse, they are incalculably powerful,
and even such cosmic entities such as Eternity are like insects to them.
The Living Tribunal, the most powerful being known in the X Universe,
was barely able to stall them, and was beneath their notice.
• History: Genderless entities created at the Beginning of time. Once
before they came together in battle, unleashing forces that ended and
then began creation all over again. In the explosion of death and
rebirth, the entities were blasted apart -- their shattered essence
fractured the new-born universe into a pair of "multiverses". One
entity became the embodiment of the “X Multiverse" while the other
became the “Y Multiverse". Fragments of their essence blew in all
directions, and as the multiverses spread outward, so did the entities.
Give me “they”, X and Y.
The Brothers; X- Marvel & Y- DC
• Real Name: Axel Asher
• Identity/Class: Extra-Dimensional Temporal Human mutant
originating from Earth-616
• Occupation: Part-Time Graduate Student / Keeper of the Transdimensional Gateway
Between the Marvel and DC Multiverses
• Affiliations: Various heroes of the DC and Marvel multiverses, loose association with
the Brothers;
Ming Kuo-Fan (girlfriend on Earth-616);
Caitlin Fitzgerald (girlfriend on the mainstream DC Universe)
• Enemies: Darkseid and the Evil Gods, Two-Face, (DC Multiverse);
Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Scorpion, Venom (Marvel Mulitiverse);
Abominite, future version of himself.
• Known Relatives: Sister (unnamed)
• Aliases: "Morty", "Cosmic Hall Monitor", "Man of Two Worlds"
• Base of Operations: New York City of Earth-616 (formerly), various times and locations
throughout the Marvel and DC multiverses (currently)
• First Appearance (actual): DC Versus Marvel Comics#1 (December, 1995)
• Powers/Abilities: Has the power to create inter-dimensional gateways between the
Marvel and DC multiverses. He can also use his gateways to teleport to different
locations within the same multiverse. It was later learned that this character can also
time travel by means of his gateways.
Serves as the ONLY LINK between The Brothers and The two multiverses.
Q! 6
This famous character X is modeled on
inventor Auguste Piccard. (shown in pic)
The creator of the comic stated in an
interview “He is a reduced scale Piccard, as
the real chap was very tall. He had an
interminable neck that sprouted from a collar
that was much too large... I made X a mini-
Piccard, otherwise I would have had to
enlarge the frames of the cartoon strip."
The Swiss physics professor held a teaching
appointment in Brussels when the creator
spotted his unmistakable figure in the street.
In one episode of the cartoon, there is a
striking mention to Piccard when a character
says about X "famous for his balloon
ascensions", an ironic reference to Piccard.
The character’s name in the French version of
the cartoon is Professeur Tryphon Tournesol .
ID the character X and its creator.
Q! 7
Professor Cuthbert Calculus
Q! 8
Harold ______(Hal in short) is a millionaire and the founder of ______ Aircraft.
He was working on a stationary flight simulator when the device suddenly took off
with him in it. Hal discovered that the flight simulator was being drawn to a
crashed alien spacecraft, and the crashed yards away from it. He was badly
injured by shards of metal stuck in his chest.
Curious to the end, he made his way to the alien spacecraft, where he came upon
the dying alien Rhomann Sur.
The alien died before he could speak with Hal, and Hal realized he was dying as
well. With his last efforts, he designed a suit of armor out of the alien
technology, powered by a battery he found in the wreckage, one which
reminded him of a lamp.
The suit of armor not only allowed him to survive, but gave him incredible
powers, allowing him to create any object he pleased out of a colored energy,
due to the battery he used being powered by Oa the Living Planet.
How is Harold ____ better known as?
Iron Lantern
The X is a device developed to allow beings to experience life as other species in order to bring
understanding and foster peace in the universe.
X takes many forms in various timelines and universes.
In the first form that Y found, the X looked like a common object that everyone wears ,primarily black
and gray in color, with a gray (or black) dial in the middle and had an hourglass shape on it. Actually
the hourglass shape represents the intergalactic "peace" symbol. X attached itself to Y due to Y’s
striking DNA features. However, many beings have seen the X’s abilities as something that could be
used as a powerful weapon.
The X has the following modes of operation:
Active Mode
The default mode for the X which means it can be used and that it has recharged. Actual usage time is
unknown (between ten and twenty minutes, most commonly ten), and can time out at inopportune
moments, it seems to time out faster the more it's taxed by activities such as fighting.
Time Out Mode
When the X times out, it beeps and flashes, converting the user back to normal. It takes around 10
minutes to recharge, though it may take more time if tampered with. The main purpose of timing
out is said to be to keep the original personality of certain characters from overwhelming the user.
The X does not time out for recharging but to mainly protect the user.
Capture Mode
X has the ability to capture new species in its course of usage and stores their life features and
characteristics in its database.
Self-Destruct Mode
When in S.D.M. (Self-Destruct Mode), the X counts down until it explodes. When in S.D.M. for a few
days, the X charges up enough energy to cause an energy ripple that will destroy the entire
X and Y kya?
Q! 9
X- Omnitrix; Y- Ben
Q! 10
Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit and _______ formed MLJ Magazines in Kansas and
started publishing in November 1939.
_______, inspired by the popular Andy Hardy movies starring Mickey Rooney, wanted
to create a comic about a normal person to whom readers could relate. He thus
created "America's newest boy friend", ‘A’.
In Pep Comics #22, December 1941, writer Vic Bloom and artist Bob
Montana published Y’s first adventure.
‘A’ soon became MLJ Magazine's headliner, which led to the company changing its
name to ’A’ Comic Publications.
“ A was based partly on a red-headed friend of his named A," wife of ________, said.
"He also created ‘B’and ’V’ for adding some glam. However there was something
missing in the comic- the element of humour when he decided A needed a real
good friend. That was none other than ‘J’. It just grew and grew.“
All the characters were modelled and changed according to trends in the US. ‘A’ Comic
Publications eventually went on to relase international editions as well which
gained immense popularity.
ID ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘V’ and ‘J’.
Archibald Chick Andrews (Archie),
Betty, Veronica and Jughead
The following are the well-defined alter egos of which famous character?
1. “S S”- Heroic spacefarer who narrates his experiences in the third person. As ‘S S’
the character battles aliens with a ray gun known as a "zorcher“ and travels to
distant planets .
The creator admitted in an exclusive interview that he modelled the alter ego S S as a
parody of the Star Wars space fantasy genre and said “It was so bad that I make
fun of it through him.”
2. "T B“- A hardboiled private eye, says he has eight slugs in him ("One's lead, and
the rest are bourbon."). The character is often given in dark, shady comic strips
when it comes to this alter ego. He is portrayed with a stylish Fedora Hat and
waistcoat and hardly shows his face.
3. "S M“- A superhero in disguise, wearing a mask and a cape made by his mother,
and narrating his own adventures. This alter ego often “suffers defeat” at the
hands of his opponent. When a fellow character asks if S M has ever won any
battles, he says all his battles are "moral victories.”
Q! 11
The Sunday Funnies stamp pane of 2010 initiated by the United States Postal Service honored a series of
five comic strips by releasing sets of Postage Stamps with the famous characters of the comics.
1. Archie, Beetle Bailey, Dennis the Menace, _______ and Calvin and Hobbes comprised the set of five
comic strips with postage stamps to their credit.
17- year old Archie Andres illustrating the US Teen Life along with his buddy Jughead.
2. Private Beetle Bailey –Military officer who is an expert at sleeping and avoiding work.
3. Dennis the Menace -a good-hearted but mischievous little boy who is perpetually “5-ana-half” years old.
His curiosity tests the patience of his loving parents and neighbors, guaranteeing that their lives are
anything but dull.
4. ________ first waddled onto the comics page in June 1978. Self-centered and cynical, the crabby tabby
hates Mondays and loves lasagna. He lives with Jon Arbuckle, a bumbling bachelor with a fatally flawed
fashion sense, and a dopey but devoted dog.
5. Calvin and Hobbes -Explores the fantasy life of 6-year-old Calvin and his tiger pal, Hobbes.
Complete the blank.
Q! 12
The Belgian newspaper Le Soir reported in September 2013 that
4 suspects were arrested in the three-year-old case of body
parts having close connection to a comic series X.
The Belgian Federal Police arrested four men on a Friday evening
— three for murder, and one for "failing to provide assistance to
a person in danger" after he allegedly admitted to being at the
scene of the crime.
At around 6:00 p.m. on September 28, 2007, two hikers found a
human torso and two thighs in Duden Park in the city of Saint-
Gilles. Police later determined the shaven parts came from a
Caucasian male individual who was killed several days earlier
and deposited in the park around noon on the day the parts
were found.
No identification or personal effects were found on the body
parts, but two pieces of paper were found nearby with the same
message in capital letters as shown in the pic.
This is an apparent misspelling of the original phrase which
translates in English to a famous dialogue from the extemely
popular series X.
The convicts were arrested and sentenced to 21 years of prison
for a cruel act of murder.
They confessed that they were fans of the comic series and
hence left the pieces of paper next to the body.
The Belgian press nicknamed the case "Mangaisemoord“. (In
What is this murder case better known as and what is the comic
series X? (Part Points )
Q! 13
Manga Murder
Q! 14
_______ Chewable Vitamins are supplemental multivitamins for children based
on the animated sitcom The ________. They were introduced in 1968 by Miles
Laboratories and taste faintly like candy. Miles Laboratories was acquired
by Bayer in 1979.
The vitamins are one of the most successful ________ products among others.
Their jingles of "We are ________ kids!" and "Ten million strong and
growing!“ has reached fame through the heavy circulation of advertisements.
The vitamins can be purchased in pharmacies, grocery stores, and on the Internet.
They feature pills in the shapes of the lead characters of the series. For over
twenty years, one character was not included as one of the vitamins. However,
after a grassroots campaign and the results of a Bayer telephone poll came in
favor of including her, the character was added to the lineup, replacing the
iconic _________ car.
What are these ______? (All are the same)
The Flintstones
Q! 15
X is a cowardly and lazy character whom the rest of the world perceives as courageous.
Due to some stroke of luck, he always ends up as a hero. He got his nickname after the
incident of him falling on a tiger and knocking it out became famous among the people.
The character became so famous that its name was adopted as the title of a Malayalam
short film which deals with the luck that turns a man’s life upside down. (Trailer shown
+10 for both X and Y
X is an Indian comic character created for the Y magazine in 1983. X, with his
trademark Topi (hat) pulled down over his eyes, is one of the flagship
characters of Y. By 1983, Y was already on its way becoming the most
popular children’s magazine. Their biggest rival that time was another
children magazine named Target, run by Living Media. Unlike Y, Target was
more of a narrative magazine, with a few pages of comics. Their flagship
character that time was Moochhwala ("the man with a moustache“).
Moochhwala was a detective with penetrating eyes and a huge
moustache. Y decided to create a competing character and hence two
creators came up with the proposal for such a character X. They decided
to base this new character on a boastful but cowardly character in the
then famous television drama, I Love Lucy.
X was created taking into account the non-violence policy that Y adopts and
made sure it did not have any negative impact on children reading the
ID X and Y.
X- Shikari Shambu; Y- Tinkle
Q! 16
ID the character.
______ is a fictional character in a long-running American comic strip.
______began his life in the strip as a fairly conventional character,
but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic
character—and among the most recognizable comic characters in
the world. The original drawings of _____ were "greatly patterned"
and revolutionalized the four panel concept in the comics industry.
The character had a huge impact on various world events that
numerous personalisations (typically in the Aviation and Space
industry) were adopted as follows:
“_______’s ________" is a song performed by The Royal
Guardsmen in 1967. It continues to be played as a holiday
favorite on most "oldie" radio stations, however is also often
played on radio stations playing a Hit Music format as well
as Adult Contemporary format stations. While these stations
wouldn't normally play music from this era radio stations will
make exceptions to mix certain Christmas songs with the usual
playlist during the Holiday period.
_______ is the United States Air Force Communications - Computer Systems Control
mascot. He can be seen on the Tech Control emblem holding an old analog patch
cord above his head as he walks on water. The black-and-white communications
caps (formally called a Communications Carrier Assembly) worn as part of
NASA spacesuits, carrying radio earphones and microphones, are universally known
as “_____ caps", due to the resemblance of the white center and black outer
sections to the top of ______'s head.
Following the Apollo I fire, _______ became the official mascot of
aerospace safety, testing and the rebuilding of the Apollo Program,
due to his refusal to accept defeat and his "outside the doghouse”
way of looking at things."
A series of _____-in-Space products arrived with this campaign, and
originals are still prized.
The Silver ______ award is a special NASA honor, in the form of
a sterling silver pin with an engraving of ______ in a spacesuit
A series of postage stamps featuring ______ as a World War I flying
ace was released on May 17, 2001 in Santa Rosa, California.
Q! 17
Barbara Gordon is a superheroine appearing in a legendary comic book series. The
character was created by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino. At the request of the
producers of the 1960s television series of the comic, the publishing house editor Julius
Schwartz called for a new female counterpart to the lead superhero that could be
introduced into publication and the third season of the show simultaneously.
The character subsequently made her first comic book appearance as _______ in Detective
Comics No. 359 titled, "The Million Dollar Debut”.
Written as the daughter of G, her civilian identity is given a doctorate in library science and
she is employed as head of the city’s Public Library, as well as later being elected to
the United States Congress.
However in one of the editions, she is paralysed by an evil villain who shoots her at the
back causing her spinal cord to be severely damaged and from then on, she loses her
superheroine status. However, she took on a more powerful role as The Oracle, a
technical genius. Employing Black Canary as her partner and field agent, Oracle later
operates as the leader of a full team of female crimefighters who engage in global
espionage missions .
How do we know Barbara better as and who is her father?
(Narrate the incident that paralysed her for brownie points)
Batgirl- Daughter of commissioner
James Gordon
Q! 18 ID all characters. (+2 for each)
1. The Joker
2. Gambit
3. Venom
4. Emma Frost
5. Mr. Fantastic
S.H.I.E.L.D. is an espionage and law-enforcement agency in the Marvel
Comics Universe. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in Strange
Tales #135 (Aug. 1965), it often deals with paranormal
and superhuman threats.
The acronym originally stood for Supreme Headquarters, International
Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division. It was changed in 1991
to Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate.
There is another brother organization closely associated with the
S.H.I.E.L.D in the Marvel Universe which is primarily a
counterterrorism and intelligence agency. Its purpose is to deal
with extraterrestrial threats to world security.
It was created after the harsh battle between the Avengers and X-Men
and the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters was damaged. The headquarters of
this new organization was initially at the Xavier Mansion referred to as
The Peak.
What is the name of this organization?
S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient World Observation and
Response Department)
Q! 20

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Cartoon and Comics Quiz

  • 1.
  • 4. Dilli Haat is an open-air food plaza and cradia, and from a variety of cultural traditions of India. Unlike the traditional weekly market, Dilli Haat is permanent. The 6 acres of land on which this complex is situated was salvaged as part of a reclamation project and transformed into a plaza. Extensive foundation work, small thatched roof cottages and kiosks give the plaza a village atmosphere However, apart from being a tourist attraction, this place gained popularity in 2011 for hosting the first edition of a worldwide popular event X. X was a 2 day event attended by around 15,000 people. Following the immense success of the event, successive editions have been held at the same place. ID X.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Q! 2 This comic tells the story of Raju Rai, a young Indian boy living in Mumbai. Raju and his mentor, the scientist Dr. Singh, develop a technology suit that activates the mystical X of the body. When Raju dons the suit, he discovers superpowers and vows to use his newfound abilities to protect and serve as he battles super villains. The story revolves around the 8 X’s as stated by Indian culture. Graphic India senior vp, creative and acclaimed Indian artist Jeevan J. Kang oversaw the visual development and created the character designs and art for the project, working closely with its well renowned creator and Devarajan to bring the story to life. Beyond animation, Graphic India will also be launching the character in a series of digital and print comic books and graphic novels as well as through toys and merchandise. When asked why the story is set in Mumbai, the creator said “It is one of the most exciting and action-packed cities in the world and the perfect bustling metropolis for our hero to be based. Just as some of my other characters have swung from the rooftops of New York and other major American cities, for him we wanted to bring the excitement of Mumbai to audiences worldwide. He is the first superhero I’m creating specifically for the Indian Market”. ID the comic and it’s creator.
  • 8.
  • 10. Q! 3 What happens next?
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Q! 4 In the Tintin comics "The Castafiore Emerald", Bianca Castafiore gifts Captain Haddock a parakeet. Though the parakeet is named after a famous Shakespearean character X, it has been named so as a compliment to a composer Y who wrote an opera featuring X. However the same name was also used for another garrulous character of Disney who sometimes exhibits skulduggery. This Disney character played a very famous role as the secondary antagonist. This character’s voice clip is being played. What is the name of the parakeet X and the composer Y in question?
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. X- Iago named in order to compliment composer Y-Verdi who wrote an opera called 'Otello' (not Othello) and the Disney character is none other than the Lorikeet Iago from Aladdin.
  • 17. Embodiment of X Embodiment of Y Q! 5
  • 18. • Real Name: Unrevealed, probably inapplicable • Identity/Class: Abstract entities • Occupation: Embodiments and the Ultimate Power Holders • Affiliations: Living Tribunal, Spectre (respective cosmic guardians) • Enemies: Formerly each other • Known Relatives: Each other • Aliases: None • Base of Operations: All of existence
  • 19. • Powers/Abilities: Considering that they are the sum total of everything in the X multiverse and Y multiverse, they are incalculably powerful, and even such cosmic entities such as Eternity are like insects to them. The Living Tribunal, the most powerful being known in the X Universe, was barely able to stall them, and was beneath their notice. • History: Genderless entities created at the Beginning of time. Once before they came together in battle, unleashing forces that ended and then began creation all over again. In the explosion of death and rebirth, the entities were blasted apart -- their shattered essence fractured the new-born universe into a pair of "multiverses". One entity became the embodiment of the “X Multiverse" while the other became the “Y Multiverse". Fragments of their essence blew in all directions, and as the multiverses spread outward, so did the entities. Give me “they”, X and Y.
  • 20.
  • 21. The Brothers; X- Marvel & Y- DC
  • 22. • Real Name: Axel Asher • Identity/Class: Extra-Dimensional Temporal Human mutant originating from Earth-616 • Occupation: Part-Time Graduate Student / Keeper of the Transdimensional Gateway Between the Marvel and DC Multiverses • Affiliations: Various heroes of the DC and Marvel multiverses, loose association with the Brothers; Ming Kuo-Fan (girlfriend on Earth-616); Caitlin Fitzgerald (girlfriend on the mainstream DC Universe) • Enemies: Darkseid and the Evil Gods, Two-Face, (DC Multiverse); Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Scorpion, Venom (Marvel Mulitiverse); Abominite, future version of himself. • Known Relatives: Sister (unnamed) • Aliases: "Morty", "Cosmic Hall Monitor", "Man of Two Worlds" • Base of Operations: New York City of Earth-616 (formerly), various times and locations throughout the Marvel and DC multiverses (currently) • First Appearance (actual): DC Versus Marvel Comics#1 (December, 1995) • Powers/Abilities: Has the power to create inter-dimensional gateways between the Marvel and DC multiverses. He can also use his gateways to teleport to different locations within the same multiverse. It was later learned that this character can also time travel by means of his gateways. Serves as the ONLY LINK between The Brothers and The two multiverses. Q! 6
  • 23. ID
  • 24.
  • 26. This famous character X is modeled on inventor Auguste Piccard. (shown in pic) The creator of the comic stated in an interview “He is a reduced scale Piccard, as the real chap was very tall. He had an interminable neck that sprouted from a collar that was much too large... I made X a mini- Piccard, otherwise I would have had to enlarge the frames of the cartoon strip." The Swiss physics professor held a teaching appointment in Brussels when the creator spotted his unmistakable figure in the street. In one episode of the cartoon, there is a striking mention to Piccard when a character says about X "famous for his balloon ascensions", an ironic reference to Piccard. The character’s name in the French version of the cartoon is Professeur Tryphon Tournesol . ID the character X and its creator. Q! 7
  • 27.
  • 29. Q! 8 Harold ______(Hal in short) is a millionaire and the founder of ______ Aircraft. He was working on a stationary flight simulator when the device suddenly took off with him in it. Hal discovered that the flight simulator was being drawn to a crashed alien spacecraft, and the crashed yards away from it. He was badly injured by shards of metal stuck in his chest. Curious to the end, he made his way to the alien spacecraft, where he came upon the dying alien Rhomann Sur. The alien died before he could speak with Hal, and Hal realized he was dying as well. With his last efforts, he designed a suit of armor out of the alien technology, powered by a battery he found in the wreckage, one which reminded him of a lamp. The suit of armor not only allowed him to survive, but gave him incredible powers, allowing him to create any object he pleased out of a colored energy, due to the battery he used being powered by Oa the Living Planet. How is Harold ____ better known as?
  • 30.
  • 32. The X is a device developed to allow beings to experience life as other species in order to bring understanding and foster peace in the universe. X takes many forms in various timelines and universes. In the first form that Y found, the X looked like a common object that everyone wears ,primarily black and gray in color, with a gray (or black) dial in the middle and had an hourglass shape on it. Actually the hourglass shape represents the intergalactic "peace" symbol. X attached itself to Y due to Y’s striking DNA features. However, many beings have seen the X’s abilities as something that could be used as a powerful weapon. The X has the following modes of operation: Active Mode The default mode for the X which means it can be used and that it has recharged. Actual usage time is unknown (between ten and twenty minutes, most commonly ten), and can time out at inopportune moments, it seems to time out faster the more it's taxed by activities such as fighting. Time Out Mode When the X times out, it beeps and flashes, converting the user back to normal. It takes around 10 minutes to recharge, though it may take more time if tampered with. The main purpose of timing out is said to be to keep the original personality of certain characters from overwhelming the user. The X does not time out for recharging but to mainly protect the user. Capture Mode X has the ability to capture new species in its course of usage and stores their life features and characteristics in its database. Self-Destruct Mode When in S.D.M. (Self-Destruct Mode), the X counts down until it explodes. When in S.D.M. for a few days, the X charges up enough energy to cause an energy ripple that will destroy the entire universe. X and Y kya? Q! 9
  • 33.
  • 35. Q! 10 Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit and _______ formed MLJ Magazines in Kansas and started publishing in November 1939. _______, inspired by the popular Andy Hardy movies starring Mickey Rooney, wanted to create a comic about a normal person to whom readers could relate. He thus created "America's newest boy friend", ‘A’. In Pep Comics #22, December 1941, writer Vic Bloom and artist Bob Montana published Y’s first adventure. ‘A’ soon became MLJ Magazine's headliner, which led to the company changing its name to ’A’ Comic Publications. “ A was based partly on a red-headed friend of his named A," wife of ________, said. "He also created ‘B’and ’V’ for adding some glam. However there was something missing in the comic- the element of humour when he decided A needed a real good friend. That was none other than ‘J’. It just grew and grew.“ All the characters were modelled and changed according to trends in the US. ‘A’ Comic Publications eventually went on to relase international editions as well which gained immense popularity. ID ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘V’ and ‘J’.
  • 36.
  • 37. Archibald Chick Andrews (Archie), Betty, Veronica and Jughead
  • 38. The following are the well-defined alter egos of which famous character? 1. “S S”- Heroic spacefarer who narrates his experiences in the third person. As ‘S S’ the character battles aliens with a ray gun known as a "zorcher“ and travels to distant planets . The creator admitted in an exclusive interview that he modelled the alter ego S S as a parody of the Star Wars space fantasy genre and said “It was so bad that I make fun of it through him.” 2. "T B“- A hardboiled private eye, says he has eight slugs in him ("One's lead, and the rest are bourbon."). The character is often given in dark, shady comic strips when it comes to this alter ego. He is portrayed with a stylish Fedora Hat and waistcoat and hardly shows his face. 3. "S M“- A superhero in disguise, wearing a mask and a cape made by his mother, and narrating his own adventures. This alter ego often “suffers defeat” at the hands of his opponent. When a fellow character asks if S M has ever won any battles, he says all his battles are "moral victories.” Q! 11
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. The Sunday Funnies stamp pane of 2010 initiated by the United States Postal Service honored a series of five comic strips by releasing sets of Postage Stamps with the famous characters of the comics. 1. Archie, Beetle Bailey, Dennis the Menace, _______ and Calvin and Hobbes comprised the set of five comic strips with postage stamps to their credit. 17- year old Archie Andres illustrating the US Teen Life along with his buddy Jughead. 2. Private Beetle Bailey –Military officer who is an expert at sleeping and avoiding work. 3. Dennis the Menace -a good-hearted but mischievous little boy who is perpetually “5-ana-half” years old. His curiosity tests the patience of his loving parents and neighbors, guaranteeing that their lives are anything but dull. 4. ________ first waddled onto the comics page in June 1978. Self-centered and cynical, the crabby tabby hates Mondays and loves lasagna. He lives with Jon Arbuckle, a bumbling bachelor with a fatally flawed fashion sense, and a dopey but devoted dog. 5. Calvin and Hobbes -Explores the fantasy life of 6-year-old Calvin and his tiger pal, Hobbes. Complete the blank. Q! 12
  • 42.
  • 44. The Belgian newspaper Le Soir reported in September 2013 that 4 suspects were arrested in the three-year-old case of body parts having close connection to a comic series X. The Belgian Federal Police arrested four men on a Friday evening — three for murder, and one for "failing to provide assistance to a person in danger" after he allegedly admitted to being at the scene of the crime. At around 6:00 p.m. on September 28, 2007, two hikers found a human torso and two thighs in Duden Park in the city of Saint- Gilles. Police later determined the shaven parts came from a Caucasian male individual who was killed several days earlier and deposited in the park around noon on the day the parts were found. No identification or personal effects were found on the body parts, but two pieces of paper were found nearby with the same message in capital letters as shown in the pic. This is an apparent misspelling of the original phrase which translates in English to a famous dialogue from the extemely popular series X. The convicts were arrested and sentenced to 21 years of prison for a cruel act of murder. They confessed that they were fans of the comic series and hence left the pieces of paper next to the body. The Belgian press nicknamed the case "Mangaisemoord“. (In Dutch) What is this murder case better known as and what is the comic series X? (Part Points ) Q! 13
  • 45.
  • 47. Q! 14 _______ Chewable Vitamins are supplemental multivitamins for children based on the animated sitcom The ________. They were introduced in 1968 by Miles Laboratories and taste faintly like candy. Miles Laboratories was acquired by Bayer in 1979. The vitamins are one of the most successful ________ products among others. Their jingles of "We are ________ kids!" and "Ten million strong and growing!“ has reached fame through the heavy circulation of advertisements. The vitamins can be purchased in pharmacies, grocery stores, and on the Internet. They feature pills in the shapes of the lead characters of the series. For over twenty years, one character was not included as one of the vitamins. However, after a grassroots campaign and the results of a Bayer telephone poll came in favor of including her, the character was added to the lineup, replacing the iconic _________ car. What are these ______? (All are the same) [Hint?]
  • 48.
  • 50. Q! 15 +20 X is a cowardly and lazy character whom the rest of the world perceives as courageous. Due to some stroke of luck, he always ends up as a hero. He got his nickname after the incident of him falling on a tiger and knocking it out became famous among the people. The character became so famous that its name was adopted as the title of a Malayalam short film which deals with the luck that turns a man’s life upside down. (Trailer shown below)
  • 51. +10 for both X and Y X is an Indian comic character created for the Y magazine in 1983. X, with his trademark Topi (hat) pulled down over his eyes, is one of the flagship characters of Y. By 1983, Y was already on its way becoming the most popular children’s magazine. Their biggest rival that time was another children magazine named Target, run by Living Media. Unlike Y, Target was more of a narrative magazine, with a few pages of comics. Their flagship character that time was Moochhwala ("the man with a moustache“). Moochhwala was a detective with penetrating eyes and a huge moustache. Y decided to create a competing character and hence two creators came up with the proposal for such a character X. They decided to base this new character on a boastful but cowardly character in the then famous television drama, I Love Lucy. X was created taking into account the non-violence policy that Y adopts and made sure it did not have any negative impact on children reading the comics. ID X and Y.
  • 52.
  • 53. X- Shikari Shambu; Y- Tinkle
  • 54. Q! 16 ID the character. ______ is a fictional character in a long-running American comic strip. ______began his life in the strip as a fairly conventional character, but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic character—and among the most recognizable comic characters in the world. The original drawings of _____ were "greatly patterned" and revolutionalized the four panel concept in the comics industry. The character had a huge impact on various world events that numerous personalisations (typically in the Aviation and Space industry) were adopted as follows:
  • 55. +25 “_______’s ________" is a song performed by The Royal Guardsmen in 1967. It continues to be played as a holiday favorite on most "oldie" radio stations, however is also often played on radio stations playing a Hit Music format as well as Adult Contemporary format stations. While these stations wouldn't normally play music from this era radio stations will make exceptions to mix certain Christmas songs with the usual playlist during the Holiday period.
  • 56. +20 _______ is the United States Air Force Communications - Computer Systems Control mascot. He can be seen on the Tech Control emblem holding an old analog patch cord above his head as he walks on water. The black-and-white communications caps (formally called a Communications Carrier Assembly) worn as part of NASA spacesuits, carrying radio earphones and microphones, are universally known as “_____ caps", due to the resemblance of the white center and black outer sections to the top of ______'s head.
  • 57. +10 Following the Apollo I fire, _______ became the official mascot of aerospace safety, testing and the rebuilding of the Apollo Program, due to his refusal to accept defeat and his "outside the doghouse” way of looking at things." A series of _____-in-Space products arrived with this campaign, and originals are still prized. The Silver ______ award is a special NASA honor, in the form of a sterling silver pin with an engraving of ______ in a spacesuit helmet. A series of postage stamps featuring ______ as a World War I flying ace was released on May 17, 2001 in Santa Rosa, California.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. Q! 17 Barbara Gordon is a superheroine appearing in a legendary comic book series. The character was created by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino. At the request of the producers of the 1960s television series of the comic, the publishing house editor Julius Schwartz called for a new female counterpart to the lead superhero that could be introduced into publication and the third season of the show simultaneously. The character subsequently made her first comic book appearance as _______ in Detective Comics No. 359 titled, "The Million Dollar Debut”. Written as the daughter of G, her civilian identity is given a doctorate in library science and she is employed as head of the city’s Public Library, as well as later being elected to the United States Congress. However in one of the editions, she is paralysed by an evil villain who shoots her at the back causing her spinal cord to be severely damaged and from then on, she loses her superheroine status. However, she took on a more powerful role as The Oracle, a technical genius. Employing Black Canary as her partner and field agent, Oracle later operates as the leader of a full team of female crimefighters who engage in global espionage missions . How do we know Barbara better as and who is her father? (Narrate the incident that paralysed her for brownie points)
  • 61.
  • 62. Batgirl- Daughter of commissioner James Gordon
  • 63. Q! 18 ID all characters. (+2 for each)
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. 1. The Joker 2. Gambit 3. Venom 4. Emma Frost 5. Mr. Fantastic
  • 67. Q!19 S.H.I.E.L.D. is an espionage and law-enforcement agency in the Marvel Comics Universe. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in Strange Tales #135 (Aug. 1965), it often deals with paranormal and superhuman threats. The acronym originally stood for Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division. It was changed in 1991 to Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. There is another brother organization closely associated with the S.H.I.E.L.D in the Marvel Universe which is primarily a counterterrorism and intelligence agency. Its purpose is to deal with extraterrestrial threats to world security. It was created after the harsh battle between the Avengers and X-Men and the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters was damaged. The headquarters of this new organization was initially at the Xavier Mansion referred to as The Peak. What is the name of this organization?
  • 68.
  • 69. S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient World Observation and Response Department)