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The Khazars
• The Khazars were semi-nomadic Turkic people
who established one of the largest polities of
medieval Eurasia, with the capital of Atil and
territory comprising much of modern-day
European Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern
Ukraine, Azerbaijan, large portions of the
northern Caucasus (Circassia, Dagestan), parts of
Georgia, the Crimea, and northeastern Turkey.
Khazar inscriptions are mainly in an Eastern
Turkish runic script.
• A successor state of the Western Turks, Khazaria was
a polyethnic-multifaith state with a population of
Turkic, Uralic, Slavic, and Paleo-Caucasian peoples.
Khazaria was the first feudal state to be established in
Eastern Europe. Khazaria was one of the major
arteries of commerce between northern Europe and
southwestern Asia, as well as a connection to the Silk
Road. The name "Khazar" is found in numerous
languages and seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form
meaning "wandering" (Modern Turkish: Gezer). Pax
Khazarica is a term used by historians to refer to the
period during which the Khazaria dominated the
Pontic steppe and the Caucasus Mountains.
• The period when the Khazars had their most
power corresponded with the European Dark
Ages, and took place at a very important time
for the creation of capitalism. Its strategic
importance between China on one side and the
Middle East and Europe on the other,
temporarily gave all of Eurasia incredible riches.
Khazaria was referred to as Eastern Tourkia,
meanwhile Hungary was referred to as Western
Tourkia (Greek: Τουρκία) in medieval (10th and
11th centuries) Byzantine sources.
• Khazaria had an ongoing entente with Byzantium. Serving
their partner in wars against the Abbasid Caliphate,
Khazars aided the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (reigned
610–641) by sending an army of 40,000 soldiers in their
campaign against the Persians in the Byzantine–Sassanid
War of 602–628. In 775, Leo (son of Tzitzak) was crowned
as the sole emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Sarkel (a
Turkish word meaning White Fortress) was built in 830s by
a joint team of Greek and Khazar architects to protect the
north-western border of the Khazar state. The chief
engineer during the construction of Sarkel was Petronas
Kamateros (Πετρωνς Καματηρός) who later became the
governor of Cherson.
• Khazars played a role in the balance of powers and destiny
of world civilization. After Kubrat's Great Bulgaria was
destroyed by the Khazars, some of the Bulgars fled to the
west and founded a new Bulgar state (present day
Bulgaria) near the Danubian Plain, under the command of
Khan Asparukh. The most of the rest of the Bulgars fled to
the north of the Volga River region and founded another
state there called Volga Bulgaria (present day Chuvashia).
The eldest son of Kubrat, Bat-Bayan Bezmer allied his
Kara-Bulgars (Black Bulgars) with the Khazars, and became
the forefather of the Hungarian Royal House of Árpád via
Almysh. Kara-Bulgars were descendent of the tribes from
Attila's right wing state called Kutrigurs.
• By serving as a buffer state between Christians
and Muslims, the Khazars helped to block the
western spread of Islam in Europe. Some
scholars go to the extreme extent to posit that,
in the unlikely scenario Arabs had occupied
what is now Ukraine and Russia, the Rus might
never have been able to push south and east
from the Baltic to establish Russia. The Khazars
had, for years, been venturing forth southward,
in their marauding raids on the Muslim
countries south of the Caucasus.
• Islamic armies conquered part of Persia, Syria, Mesopotamia,
Egypt, Armenia, and what is now the modern-day post-Soviet
Republic of Azerbaijan and surrounded the Byzantine heartland
(present-day Turkey) in a pincer movement which extended from
the Mediterranean to the Caucasus and the southern shores of
the Caspian. This was the time when the long series of wars called
the Khazar-Arab Wars began. These wars largely ended with Arab
defeats, with a fairly well-known commander, Abd ar-Rahman ibn
Rabiah, perishing in one instance. The Arab armies' inability to
traverse the Caucasus played a role in preventing them from
succeeding in their siege of the Byzantine capital, Constantinople.
Coupled with the military barrier presented by the Khazars
themselves, this protected Europe from more direct and intensive
assaults by the forces of Islam.
• After fighting the Arabs to a standstill in the
North Caucasus, Khazars became increasingly
interested in replacing their Tengriism with a
state religion that would give them equal
religious standing with their Abrahamic
neighbors. During the 8th century, the
Khazars converted to a form of Judaism.
Yitzhak ha-Sangari is said to be the name of
the rabbi who converted the Khazars to
Judaism according to Khazar Jewish sources.
• By welcoming educated and worldly Jews from both
Christian Europe and the Islamic Middle East, Khazars
rapidly absorbed many of the arts and technologies of
civilization. As a direct result of this cultural infusion,
they became one of the very few Asian steppe tribal
societies that successfully made the transition from
nomad to urbanite. Settling in their newly created
towns and cities between the Caspian Sea and the
Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea, they became
literate and multi-lingual agriculturalists,
manufacturers and international traders.
• Between 965 and 969, Khazar sovereignty was broken by Kievan
Rus. Sviatoslav I of Kiev defeated them in 965 by conquering the
Khazar fortress of Sarkel. Two years later, Sviatoslav conquered
Atil, after which he campaigned in the Balkans. Medieval
Ruthenian epic poems mention Ruthenian warriors fighting the
Jewish Giant (Богатырь Жидовин). The Rus and the Hungarians
both adopted the dual-kingship system of the Khazars (The
kingship is divided between the khagan and the Bek. The Khagan
was purely a spiritual ruler or figurehead with limited powers,
while the Bek was responsible for administration and military
affairs). The Rus princes even borrowed Turkic words like Khagan
and Bogatyr. Many artifacts from the Khazars, exhibiting their
artistic and industrial talents, have survived to the present day.
• With the destruction of Khazaria, Khazar Jews dispersed
throughout the world. So that by 1933, approximately 9.5 million
Jews lived in Europe. This number represented more than 60
percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated
at 15.3 million. The majority of Jews in prewar Europe resided in
Eastern Europe. The largest Jewish communities in this area were
in Poland, with about 3,000,000 Jews; the European part of the
Soviet Union, with 2,525,000; Romania, with 756,000. The Jewish
population in the three Baltic States totaled 255,000: 95,600 in
Latvia, 155,000 in Lithuania, and 4,560 in Estonia. In prewar
central Europe, the largest Jewish community was in Germany,
with about 500,000 members. This was followed by Hungary with
445,000, Czechoslovakia with 357,000 and Austria with 191,000,
most of who resided in the capital city of Vienna.
• In Western Europe the largest Jewish communities
were in Great Britain, with 300,000 Jews; France, with
250,000; and the Netherlands, with 156,000.
Additionally, 60,000 Jews lived in Belgium, 4,000 in
Spain, and 1,200 in Portugal (see below). Close to
16,000 Jews lived in Scandinavia, including 6,700 in
Sweden, 5,700 in Denmark, 1,800 in Finland, and
1,400 in Norway. In southern Europe, Greece had the
largest Jewish population, with about 73,000 Jews.
There were also significant Jewish communities in
Yugoslavia 68,000, Italy 48,000, and Bulgaria 48,500,
200 Jews lived in Albania.
• The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs
Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It is estimated that
between 200,000 and 250,000 Jews lived in Spain before 1478 (protected
there by Muslim Turks: Turks having taken control of Islam in 1055 by the
Turkic chief Toghrïl Beg). But the Reconquista of Spain (Defeat of the
Muslims), which was completed in 1492, changed all of that. The
Alhambra Decree (also known as the Edict of Expulsion) was an edict
issued on 31 March 1492, by the joint Catholic Monarchs of Spain
(Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon) ordering the expulsion of
practicing Jews from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and its
territories and possessions by 31 July of that year. At that time - THE
he was the eldest son and successor of Mehmed II, ruling as Sultan of
the Ottoman Empire from 1481 to 1512. He is most notable for
evacuating Jews (Turkic Khazars) from Spain after the proclamation of
the Alhambra Decree, and resettling them throughout the Ottoman
• In his book "Civilization and the Jews" author
Abba Eban attributes the Khazar Jews
accumulation of great wealth, to their ability
to act as transcendent merchants, able to act
as the sole mediums of trade between the
warring Christian and Muslim worlds during
the medieval period.
• "A substantial prehistoric European ancestry
amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages."
• Nature Communications 4 (October 8, 2013)
Martin B. Richards et al
• Quote: The origins of Ashkenazi Jews—the
great majority of living Jews—remain highly
contested and enigmatic to this day. The
Ashkenazim are Jews with a recent ancestry in
central and Eastern Europe, in contrast to
Sephardim (with an ancestry in Iberia,
followed by exile after 1492), Mizrahim (who
have always resided in the Near East) and
North African Jews (comprising both
Sephardim and Mizrahim).
• A team of international researchers from Malaysia to
Salt Lake City found in a study published Tuesday that
most variance in mitochondrial DNA — passed from
mother to daughter, like Judaism — derives from the
indigenous peoples of Western and Central Europe, as
opposed to the Levant, as previously thought. Four of
the major “founders” of Ashkenazi Jewry derive most
variance from European sources, accounting for some
40 percent of the genome. The remaining 60 percent
from minor founders, too, comes mostly from Europe.
• Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line.
Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major
and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the
general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a
source. Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of
Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe,
rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the
remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry.
Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not
brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in
the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within
Europe. Comment: all non-Black, so-called "Jews", whether
Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Maghrebi, or Mizrahi, can ultimately be traced
to the Turkic Khazars of Asia.
• Are the White people who call themselves
Jews, really of the Turkic tribe called Khazars?
• Genetic analysis says - YES!
The Masoretic text (MT)
• The MT was primarily copied, edited and distributed by a group of
Khazar Jews known as the Masoretes between the 7th and 10th
centuries A.D. (This work is falsely attributed to Hebrews, but as
history tells us, by this time, the Hebrews were already almost
nonexistent). Though the consonants differ little from the text
generally accepted in the early 2nd century (and also differ little
from some Qumran texts that are even older), it has numerous
differences of both greater and lesser significance when compared
to (extant 4th century) manuscripts of the Septuagint, a Greek
translation (made in the 3rd to 2nd centuries B.C.) of the Hebrew
Scriptures that was in popular use in Egypt and Israel and that is
believed by scholars to be the source often quoted in the New
Testament. (There are no known authentic copies of the
Septuagint in existence).
The Talmudic period
• The Talmud "instruction, learning", from a
root lmd "teach, study") is a central text of
mainstream Judaism, considered second to
the holy written Torah. It takes the form of a
record of rabbinic discussions.
• The whole Talmud is over 6,200 pages long,
written in Aramaic and quotes the Hebrew Bible
at least once a page with the Hebrew version in
use at the time. The Talmud contains the
opinions of thousands of rabbis, many of whom
are left unnamed, on a variety of subjects,
including law, ethics, philosophy, customs,
history, theology, lore and many other topics.
The rabbis often argue with one another in a
civilized manner on the pages.
• The Talmud has two components: the Mishnah
(Hebrew: ‫משנה‬), the first written compendium of
Judaism's Oral Law; and the Gemara, an elucidation
of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings that
often ventures onto other subjects and expounds
broadly on the Hebrew Bible. The terms Talmud and
Gemara are often used interchangeably. The Gemara
is the basis for all codes of rabbinic law and is much
quoted in other rabbinic literature. The whole Talmud
is also traditionally referred to as Shas ( ‫ש״ס‬), a
Hebrew abbreviation of shisha sedarim, the "six
orders" of the Mishnah.
• Of course, like with the writing of the
Masoretic texts, the Talmudic period could
not possibly have anything to do with actual
Hebrews. After practicing their religion for
over a thousand years, they would hardly
need to discuss the meanings and rules of
their religion.
• Out of the Talmudic period were born many
customs that were not known to the
Turks Rule Black Lands!
• In these pages, we have made every effort to clearly
say, and prove, that the White, and White-like, rulers
and ruling elite in the former lands of Black
civilizations, are not who they claim to be.
Specifically; those of Egypt are NOT Egyptians, those
of North Africa are NOT Berbers, those of Arabia are
NOT Arabs, those of Palestine are NOT Hebrews,
those of Lebanon are NOT Phoenicians, those of Iraq
are NOT Mesopotamian's, those of Iran are NOT
Persians or Elamites, those of Turkey are NOT
• That said with the understanding that in earlier
times, Greeks and Romans settled in these
areas: and in North Africa, they were followed
by Alan's, Vandals, and Goths. And also in the
19th. century, French and Italians invaded, and
settled in North Africa. And with the
understanding that when the Turks of the
Ottoman Empire, relinquished hegemony over
those lands after WW I, they and the European
powers, merely handed control over to local
Turk elites.
The Ottoman Empire
• The Muslim conquest; of which Turks and
Greeks were the major component, will lead
to the creation of the last great Middle-
Eastern Empire, that of the Ottoman Turks.
The power and influence of the Turkic
Ottoman Empire was pervasive in all areas
until it's breakup just after World War I.
• As with all great Empires; the Ottoman
Empire had it's own religion, the Muslim
religion of the Prophet Mohammad - Islam.
Which during the duration of the Ottoman
Empire, was termed the Turkish religion,
rather than the Arab religion. Islam was
spread as the Ottoman Empire expanded.
Today, the world-wide acceptance and
practice of Islam is due to the power and
influence of the great Ottoman Empire.
• This was in conformity with other Empires
established by migrants from the Eurasian
plains. Earlier the Romans had accepted and
adapted one branch of the Hebrew religion
(Christianity), and made it their own. Thus
making it a de facto European religion,
Christianity was spread as the Roman Empire
expanded. Today, the world-wide acceptance
and practice of Christianity is due to the Romans
and other Europeans they influenced, not to the
Hebrews, who considered Christianity, a Hebrew
"only" religion.
• Another Turkic group "the Khazars" who in
the late 6th century A.D, had established a
major commercial Empire covering the
Caucasus region of Russia, accepted and
adapted the Main Hebrew religion; thus also
making it a de facto European religion. It is
often times called Judaism or the Jewish
religion, the origin of the term "Jewish" is
however unknown, Hebrews did not call
themselves Jews.
• Today, because of the long duration of the Turkic
Ottoman Empire (1299 - 1922), and the great
influx of Turkic peoples throughout the
centuries: The ruling elite of Egypt, North Africa
and the Entire Middle-East is predominantly of
Turkic stock, rather than the common
perception of Arab stock. Though the term
"Arab" is used as the common unifier of the
various ethnicity's of the Middle-East. Please see
the Anatolia-3 page, for a history of the Turkic

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  • 2. The Khazars • The Khazars were semi-nomadic Turkic people who established one of the largest polities of medieval Eurasia, with the capital of Atil and territory comprising much of modern-day European Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan, large portions of the northern Caucasus (Circassia, Dagestan), parts of Georgia, the Crimea, and northeastern Turkey. Khazar inscriptions are mainly in an Eastern Turkish runic script.
  • 3. • A successor state of the Western Turks, Khazaria was a polyethnic-multifaith state with a population of Turkic, Uralic, Slavic, and Paleo-Caucasian peoples. Khazaria was the first feudal state to be established in Eastern Europe. Khazaria was one of the major arteries of commerce between northern Europe and southwestern Asia, as well as a connection to the Silk Road. The name "Khazar" is found in numerous languages and seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form meaning "wandering" (Modern Turkish: Gezer). Pax Khazarica is a term used by historians to refer to the period during which the Khazaria dominated the Pontic steppe and the Caucasus Mountains.
  • 4. • The period when the Khazars had their most power corresponded with the European Dark Ages, and took place at a very important time for the creation of capitalism. Its strategic importance between China on one side and the Middle East and Europe on the other, temporarily gave all of Eurasia incredible riches. Khazaria was referred to as Eastern Tourkia, meanwhile Hungary was referred to as Western Tourkia (Greek: Τουρκία) in medieval (10th and 11th centuries) Byzantine sources.
  • 5. • Khazaria had an ongoing entente with Byzantium. Serving their partner in wars against the Abbasid Caliphate, Khazars aided the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (reigned 610–641) by sending an army of 40,000 soldiers in their campaign against the Persians in the Byzantine–Sassanid War of 602–628. In 775, Leo (son of Tzitzak) was crowned as the sole emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Sarkel (a Turkish word meaning White Fortress) was built in 830s by a joint team of Greek and Khazar architects to protect the north-western border of the Khazar state. The chief engineer during the construction of Sarkel was Petronas Kamateros (Πετρωνς Καματηρός) who later became the governor of Cherson.
  • 6. • Khazars played a role in the balance of powers and destiny of world civilization. After Kubrat's Great Bulgaria was destroyed by the Khazars, some of the Bulgars fled to the west and founded a new Bulgar state (present day Bulgaria) near the Danubian Plain, under the command of Khan Asparukh. The most of the rest of the Bulgars fled to the north of the Volga River region and founded another state there called Volga Bulgaria (present day Chuvashia). The eldest son of Kubrat, Bat-Bayan Bezmer allied his Kara-Bulgars (Black Bulgars) with the Khazars, and became the forefather of the Hungarian Royal House of Árpád via Almysh. Kara-Bulgars were descendent of the tribes from Attila's right wing state called Kutrigurs.
  • 7. • By serving as a buffer state between Christians and Muslims, the Khazars helped to block the western spread of Islam in Europe. Some scholars go to the extreme extent to posit that, in the unlikely scenario Arabs had occupied what is now Ukraine and Russia, the Rus might never have been able to push south and east from the Baltic to establish Russia. The Khazars had, for years, been venturing forth southward, in their marauding raids on the Muslim countries south of the Caucasus.
  • 8. • Islamic armies conquered part of Persia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Armenia, and what is now the modern-day post-Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan and surrounded the Byzantine heartland (present-day Turkey) in a pincer movement which extended from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus and the southern shores of the Caspian. This was the time when the long series of wars called the Khazar-Arab Wars began. These wars largely ended with Arab defeats, with a fairly well-known commander, Abd ar-Rahman ibn Rabiah, perishing in one instance. The Arab armies' inability to traverse the Caucasus played a role in preventing them from succeeding in their siege of the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. Coupled with the military barrier presented by the Khazars themselves, this protected Europe from more direct and intensive assaults by the forces of Islam.
  • 9. • After fighting the Arabs to a standstill in the North Caucasus, Khazars became increasingly interested in replacing their Tengriism with a state religion that would give them equal religious standing with their Abrahamic neighbors. During the 8th century, the Khazars converted to a form of Judaism. Yitzhak ha-Sangari is said to be the name of the rabbi who converted the Khazars to Judaism according to Khazar Jewish sources.
  • 10. • By welcoming educated and worldly Jews from both Christian Europe and the Islamic Middle East, Khazars rapidly absorbed many of the arts and technologies of civilization. As a direct result of this cultural infusion, they became one of the very few Asian steppe tribal societies that successfully made the transition from nomad to urbanite. Settling in their newly created towns and cities between the Caspian Sea and the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea, they became literate and multi-lingual agriculturalists, manufacturers and international traders.
  • 11. • Between 965 and 969, Khazar sovereignty was broken by Kievan Rus. Sviatoslav I of Kiev defeated them in 965 by conquering the Khazar fortress of Sarkel. Two years later, Sviatoslav conquered Atil, after which he campaigned in the Balkans. Medieval Ruthenian epic poems mention Ruthenian warriors fighting the Jewish Giant (Богатырь Жидовин). The Rus and the Hungarians both adopted the dual-kingship system of the Khazars (The kingship is divided between the khagan and the Bek. The Khagan was purely a spiritual ruler or figurehead with limited powers, while the Bek was responsible for administration and military affairs). The Rus princes even borrowed Turkic words like Khagan and Bogatyr. Many artifacts from the Khazars, exhibiting their artistic and industrial talents, have survived to the present day.
  • 12. • With the destruction of Khazaria, Khazar Jews dispersed throughout the world. So that by 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. The majority of Jews in prewar Europe resided in Eastern Europe. The largest Jewish communities in this area were in Poland, with about 3,000,000 Jews; the European part of the Soviet Union, with 2,525,000; Romania, with 756,000. The Jewish population in the three Baltic States totaled 255,000: 95,600 in Latvia, 155,000 in Lithuania, and 4,560 in Estonia. In prewar central Europe, the largest Jewish community was in Germany, with about 500,000 members. This was followed by Hungary with 445,000, Czechoslovakia with 357,000 and Austria with 191,000, most of who resided in the capital city of Vienna.
  • 13. • In Western Europe the largest Jewish communities were in Great Britain, with 300,000 Jews; France, with 250,000; and the Netherlands, with 156,000. Additionally, 60,000 Jews lived in Belgium, 4,000 in Spain, and 1,200 in Portugal (see below). Close to 16,000 Jews lived in Scandinavia, including 6,700 in Sweden, 5,700 in Denmark, 1,800 in Finland, and 1,400 in Norway. In southern Europe, Greece had the largest Jewish population, with about 73,000 Jews. There were also significant Jewish communities in Yugoslavia 68,000, Italy 48,000, and Bulgaria 48,500, 200 Jews lived in Albania.
  • 14. • The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It is estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 Jews lived in Spain before 1478 (protected there by Muslim Turks: Turks having taken control of Islam in 1055 by the Turkic chief Toghrïl Beg). But the Reconquista of Spain (Defeat of the Muslims), which was completed in 1492, changed all of that. The Alhambra Decree (also known as the Edict of Expulsion) was an edict issued on 31 March 1492, by the joint Catholic Monarchs of Spain (Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon) ordering the expulsion of practicing Jews from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and its territories and possessions by 31 July of that year. At that time - THE TURKIC SULTAN OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE WAS: Bayezid II (1447–1512) he was the eldest son and successor of Mehmed II, ruling as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1481 to 1512. He is most notable for evacuating Jews (Turkic Khazars) from Spain after the proclamation of the Alhambra Decree, and resettling them throughout the Ottoman Empire.
  • 15. • In his book "Civilization and the Jews" author Abba Eban attributes the Khazar Jews accumulation of great wealth, to their ability to act as transcendent merchants, able to act as the sole mediums of trade between the warring Christian and Muslim worlds during the medieval period.
  • 16. • • "A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages." • Nature Communications 4 (October 8, 2013) Martin B. Richards et al
  • 17. • Quote: The origins of Ashkenazi Jews—the great majority of living Jews—remain highly contested and enigmatic to this day. The Ashkenazim are Jews with a recent ancestry in central and Eastern Europe, in contrast to Sephardim (with an ancestry in Iberia, followed by exile after 1492), Mizrahim (who have always resided in the Near East) and North African Jews (comprising both Sephardim and Mizrahim).
  • 18. • A team of international researchers from Malaysia to Salt Lake City found in a study published Tuesday that most variance in mitochondrial DNA — passed from mother to daughter, like Judaism — derives from the indigenous peoples of Western and Central Europe, as opposed to the Levant, as previously thought. Four of the major “founders” of Ashkenazi Jewry derive most variance from European sources, accounting for some 40 percent of the genome. The remaining 60 percent from minor founders, too, comes mostly from Europe.
  • 19. • Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a source. Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. Comment: all non-Black, so-called "Jews", whether Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Maghrebi, or Mizrahi, can ultimately be traced to the Turkic Khazars of Asia.
  • 20. • Are the White people who call themselves Jews, really of the Turkic tribe called Khazars? • Genetic analysis says - YES!
  • 21. The Masoretic text (MT) • The MT was primarily copied, edited and distributed by a group of Khazar Jews known as the Masoretes between the 7th and 10th centuries A.D. (This work is falsely attributed to Hebrews, but as history tells us, by this time, the Hebrews were already almost nonexistent). Though the consonants differ little from the text generally accepted in the early 2nd century (and also differ little from some Qumran texts that are even older), it has numerous differences of both greater and lesser significance when compared to (extant 4th century) manuscripts of the Septuagint, a Greek translation (made in the 3rd to 2nd centuries B.C.) of the Hebrew Scriptures that was in popular use in Egypt and Israel and that is believed by scholars to be the source often quoted in the New Testament. (There are no known authentic copies of the Septuagint in existence).
  • 22. The Talmudic period • The Talmud "instruction, learning", from a root lmd "teach, study") is a central text of mainstream Judaism, considered second to the holy written Torah. It takes the form of a record of rabbinic discussions.
  • 23. • The whole Talmud is over 6,200 pages long, written in Aramaic and quotes the Hebrew Bible at least once a page with the Hebrew version in use at the time. The Talmud contains the opinions of thousands of rabbis, many of whom are left unnamed, on a variety of subjects, including law, ethics, philosophy, customs, history, theology, lore and many other topics. The rabbis often argue with one another in a civilized manner on the pages.
  • 24. • The Talmud has two components: the Mishnah (Hebrew: ‫משנה‬), the first written compendium of Judaism's Oral Law; and the Gemara, an elucidation of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings that often ventures onto other subjects and expounds broadly on the Hebrew Bible. The terms Talmud and Gemara are often used interchangeably. The Gemara is the basis for all codes of rabbinic law and is much quoted in other rabbinic literature. The whole Talmud is also traditionally referred to as Shas ( ‫ש״ס‬), a Hebrew abbreviation of shisha sedarim, the "six orders" of the Mishnah.
  • 25. • Of course, like with the writing of the Masoretic texts, the Talmudic period could not possibly have anything to do with actual Hebrews. After practicing their religion for over a thousand years, they would hardly need to discuss the meanings and rules of their religion.
  • 26. • Out of the Talmudic period were born many customs that were not known to the Hebrews.
  • 27. Turks Rule Black Lands! • In these pages, we have made every effort to clearly say, and prove, that the White, and White-like, rulers and ruling elite in the former lands of Black civilizations, are not who they claim to be. Specifically; those of Egypt are NOT Egyptians, those of North Africa are NOT Berbers, those of Arabia are NOT Arabs, those of Palestine are NOT Hebrews, those of Lebanon are NOT Phoenicians, those of Iraq are NOT Mesopotamian's, those of Iran are NOT Persians or Elamites, those of Turkey are NOT Anatolians - THEY ARE ALL CENTRAL ASIAN TURKS!
  • 28. • That said with the understanding that in earlier times, Greeks and Romans settled in these areas: and in North Africa, they were followed by Alan's, Vandals, and Goths. And also in the 19th. century, French and Italians invaded, and settled in North Africa. And with the understanding that when the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, relinquished hegemony over those lands after WW I, they and the European powers, merely handed control over to local Turk elites.
  • 29. The Ottoman Empire • The Muslim conquest; of which Turks and Greeks were the major component, will lead to the creation of the last great Middle- Eastern Empire, that of the Ottoman Turks. The power and influence of the Turkic Ottoman Empire was pervasive in all areas until it's breakup just after World War I.
  • 30. • As with all great Empires; the Ottoman Empire had it's own religion, the Muslim religion of the Prophet Mohammad - Islam. Which during the duration of the Ottoman Empire, was termed the Turkish religion, rather than the Arab religion. Islam was spread as the Ottoman Empire expanded. Today, the world-wide acceptance and practice of Islam is due to the power and influence of the great Ottoman Empire.
  • 31. • This was in conformity with other Empires established by migrants from the Eurasian plains. Earlier the Romans had accepted and adapted one branch of the Hebrew religion (Christianity), and made it their own. Thus making it a de facto European religion, Christianity was spread as the Roman Empire expanded. Today, the world-wide acceptance and practice of Christianity is due to the Romans and other Europeans they influenced, not to the Hebrews, who considered Christianity, a Hebrew "only" religion.
  • 32. • Another Turkic group "the Khazars" who in the late 6th century A.D, had established a major commercial Empire covering the Caucasus region of Russia, accepted and adapted the Main Hebrew religion; thus also making it a de facto European religion. It is often times called Judaism or the Jewish religion, the origin of the term "Jewish" is however unknown, Hebrews did not call themselves Jews.
  • 33. • Today, because of the long duration of the Turkic Ottoman Empire (1299 - 1922), and the great influx of Turkic peoples throughout the centuries: The ruling elite of Egypt, North Africa and the Entire Middle-East is predominantly of Turkic stock, rather than the common perception of Arab stock. Though the term "Arab" is used as the common unifier of the various ethnicity's of the Middle-East. Please see the Anatolia-3 page, for a history of the Turkic peoples.