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Thursday, November 22, 2018
"The large majority of surviving Jews in the world are of
Eastern European descent - and thus perhaps mainly of
Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors
came not from the Jordan but from the volga, not from
Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle
of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely
related to the Hun, uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob".
page 17
Leviticus 26:
More Curses
Hebrewism Of
Of Israel
Parallels of
Who are the people
in the land of Israel
Known as Jews?
the answer most people will give
when confronted with this
question. But is this true, if you
have read all the pages on this
site up until now, you know the
answer is no. To prove this all we have to do is look to history
for this answer. The Israeli Jews consists of two groups
(Ashkenazi and Sephardim), ten to twenty percent are known
as Sephardim or Eastern Jew, the remaining eighty to ninety
percent are known as Ashkenazi or European Jew. The
Ashkenazi Jew comes from Eastern European countries, the
Sephardim comes from "Mideast countries". Let history show
us who the KHAZARS and Sephardim were and are:
In the year 450 A.D. one of Europe's barbaric tribes was
beginning to show signs of restlessness. This tribe was called
the KHAZARS (Chazars). Within the next two hundred years,
the KHAZARS would form Eastern Europe's largest and most
powerful kingdom. They would rule supreme for about 200
years, ranking in power with the Muslim Caliphate and the
Byzantine Empire. Their kingdom, of approximately one
million square miles, bordered the Aral sea on the east; Kiev
and the Ukrainian Steppes on the west: the Caucasus
mountain and the Black Sea on the south: and the Ural
mountain on the north.
represented a very important period in European history,
without their valor, Europe would have probably been one
100% Muslim today. Why don't we hear more about the
KHAZARS and their mighty empire today?
Now lets look at the genealogy of the KHAZARS. Since this
Genesis 15:13
Lost Identity
Don't follow
The Nationality
The Exile &
The Valley Of
Dry Bones
Revelation 2:9
The Duty Of
The Chosen
Israelites &
Edom &
The 3 Fold
Mission & Duty
of the
Askhenazi Jews
Old & New
Testaments, The
Message to
Ancient Israel
By: Obadyah Ysrayl
By: Jacob Israel
matter is so important, we shall allow the Kagan or King of
the KHAZARS to inform us. A Khazar King named Joseph
corresponded with a Spanish Israelite named Hasdai Ibn
Sharprut sometime between 954 and 961 C.E. (Manuscripts of
this correspondence may be seen in the Library of Christ
Church at Oxford, England and in the Leningrad Public
Library in Leningrad, Russia) Hasdai was the chief minister of
the Caliph of Cordoba Abd - al - Rahman III.
At that time Cordoba was the splendor of Moorish Spain (a
mixture of black skinned Muslims and Israelites ), and was
the main center of European Culture. In his letter to Hasdai,
King Joseph stated that he was from the line of JAPHETH,
FROM THE SEED OF TOGARMAH, Japheth's grandson. He
further stated that Togarmah, who was the brother of
ASHKENAZ, had ten sons and the KHAZARS represented
the seventh son. With his own lips, this King had given the
root of his being and the lineage of his offspring which was
from the sons of Japheth .
Let us now see what the scriptures have to say about Japheth
and Togarmah. In the book of Genesis 10: 2 - 5. "The sons of
Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and
Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. and the sons of Gomer:
ASHKENAZ, AND Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of
Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these
were THE ISLES OF THE GENTILE divided in their lands
everyone after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
According to the King of the KHAZARS, his people
descended from the family of Magog. Like all European
nations at the time, the KHAZARS were pagans. However, ca.
740 C.E. King Bulan initiated the conversion of his kingdom
to a new and different philosophy. Before the conversion, the
Kagan invited representatives of Christianity, Islam and the
Israelites to discuss the three doctrines. It was unanimously
agreed, in response to the Kagan's question, that the doctrine
of the Israelites was closest to the truth, he came to this
conclusion because both the Christians (Byzantine) and
Muslims both respected the Hebrew scriptures.
And also in order for the KHAZARS to remain independent
they chose the faith that neither the Christian or Muslims was
part of but both respected. After the conversion the Khazar
King changed his name to become King Obadiah. They
displayed much hope but very little understanding, especially
of spiritual matters. Eventually, they had to invent their own
brand of the law which later they named Judaism. The word
"Judaism" cannot be found in the writings of the Prophets of
old, neither is it found anywhere in the Holy Scriptures.
Judaism, is a misunderstanding or perversion of the customs
of the ancient Israelites, as practiced by the KHAZARS.
Arthur Koestler in his very noteworthy book "THE
THIRTEENTH TRIBE gives further detailed information
about the KHAZARS and their conversion to the faith of the
Israelites and how the majority of today's European Jews are
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direct descendants of them. The information contained in his
book is backed up by scripture that show's the Jews are
Gentiles, not natural -born Israelites
According to Microsoft Encarta, "Today, about 85% of all
Jews are Ashkenazim". The Ashkenazi are not descendants of
Israel, Ashkenaz was the grandson of Japheth and brother of
Togarmah. Arthur Koestler further explains why today's Jews
call themselves Ashkenazi even though they are the Physical
seed of Togarmah. He shows that the KHAZARS took on the
name of Ashkenaz because it was prophesied in Jeremiah
51:27 that Ashkenaz and their allies would conquer Babylon.
After reading all the historical and biblical information about
who are and who are not the true Israelites according to the
flesh, should make us have an full understanding of
Revelation 12:9. which states : And the great dragon was cast
out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceive
the whole world.
The whole world is deceived not only about the right way to
worship YHWH, but they are deceived about who are the true
Israelites a people near and dear unto YHWH (psalms
The second half of the Jewish populace in the land of Yisrael
today are the Sephardim or Eastern Jew / Edomites. They
have been in the land for over 1900 years , since the 1st
century C.E. They are indigenous to the "Mideast". These are
the real Edomites (descendants of Jacob twin Esau or Edom)
they have lived side by side with the Arab population for
many centuries. They are truly descendant from Shem, these
Jews are different from the Ashkenazi in appearance they
have darker skin and look more like the darker Arab
population of the "Mid East", they also comprise less than
20% of the Israeli population. But it would appear that this
small segment "Children of Shem" (NOT SEMITES) lineage
is cleverly used, along with "Judaism" to imply the "Shemitic"
origin of all Israelis Jews.
These Sephardim entered the land in the first century C.E.,
along with the Romans when Israel was being kicked out of
the land, as it is written in the book of Obadyah.
Verse 2 "Behold, I have made you small among the
heathen: you are GREATLY DESPISED."
While verses 10 - 16 tells us of Edom's injustice against the
Israelites and the prophesy of their curse. "For your
violence against your brother Jacob shame shall cover you,
and you shall be cut off for ever.
verse 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the
day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and
foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon
Jerusalem, even you was as one of them.
verse 12 But you should not have looked on the day of your
brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should
you have spoken proudly in the day of distress,
CALAMITY: yeah, you should not have look on their
affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands
verse 14 Neither should you have stood in the crossway, to
cut off his that did escape; neither should you have you have
delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of
verse 15 For the day of YHWH is near upon all the heathen:
as you have done, IT SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU:
verse 16 For as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, so
shall all the heathen drink continually, yea they shall drink,
and they shall shallow down, and they shall be as though
they had not been".
The Sephardim / Edomite / Eastern Jews are being oppressed
big time by the Ashkenazi and because they have joined with
the Ashkenazi and call themselves Jews, the surrounding Arab
population despise them just as much as they do the
Ashkenazi. So they have it coming both ways, but this is their
punishment for helping to mistreat the Israelites.
In a book by a Ashkenazi Jew Jack Bernstein entitled 'LIFE
he tells of his experience in Israel which was not a pleasant
one, but he tells of how he married a Sephardim woman and
the hatred and discrimination he received from the Ashkenazi
population even though he himself is a Ashkenazi. But
because he was married to a Sephardim he caught all kinds of
hell, the Sephardim are second class citizens in Israel, for this
reason Jack Bernstein calls Israel racist, because anybody who
is not Ashkenazi is treated as second class citizens.
The Sephardim / Edomites came into the land and laid their
hands on Israel possessions and pretended to be the Hebrews,
but as Yah said, he would return their reward on their own
head. So now the Ashkenazi has come in and move them over
and they are pretending to be the true Hebrews and laid their
hands on Edom possessions, but this is just the fulfillment of
prophecy. I find it interesting that the Sephardim are looked at
and called Niggers by the Ashkenazi.
This fact Mr. Bernstein points out in his book on page 39
"One Day I entered a café in Tel Aviv, The place was crowded
and I sat down on the only seat available. Also sitting at this
table were five Sephardim Jews from Morocco. they learned
that I was studying the Hebrew language so they were helping
me with my studies when a blue eyed
Nazi type Israeli Police officer walked
into the café. He ordered me to "GET
"KOOSHIM" in Hebrew means
The Ashkenazi are treating the
Sephardim in a similar manner as we
are being treated in the United States.
One thing we have learnt is that history
rewards all those that do the research.
History has showed us that the Jews are not Israelites but
Gentiles. We have learnt that this Gentile has descended from
the families of Japheth (Togarmah, Gomer, Gig, Magog) and
not from the House of Jacob. We have also learnt that Edom
has joined with this Gentile to deliberately pervert the word of
The Israelites descended from Jacob; while the KHAZARS
descended from Japheth and the Edomites from Esau. The
Israelites originated from northeastern Africa; while the
KHAZARS originated from southeastern Europe and the
Edomites from the southern Palestine/Jordan area.
The Majority of Israelites have black skin, according to the
Holy Scripture, with woolly hair. The Israelis have white skin,
mostly blue eyes, long straight hair.
The Israelites spoke Egyptian, Hebrew, Aramaic and later
Greek, Roman, Spanish, various West African languages and
today the various languages of the Americas. The Israelis
(KHAZARS) spoke a language called Yiddish which many of
them still speak.
The Israelites practiced the faith of their forefathers as
commanded by their creator through Moshe and written in
their history book, the holy scriptures.
The Israelis practice a pagan philosophy called Judaism (those
few who have a religious belief). The Israelites traveled by
way of the Red Sea and the Jordan; while the KHAZARS
traveled by the way of the Caspian Sea and the Volga, and the
Edomites by way of the Dead or salt Sea and the Arabah.
The Israelites came from Canaan through the lineage of
Abraham, Isaac and Yaaqob; while the KHAZARS came from
the Caucasus through Gomer, Togarmah and Khazar, and the
Edomites from Mount Seir through Abraham, Isaac and Esau
or Edom.
Finally, according to the Holy Scriptures, Yah himself selected
the Israelites and hated the Edomites (Malachi 1: 1-5), while
according to history, the KHAZARS were chosen by men.

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Edomites &; khazars Jews who are they today?

  • 1. RESTORING THE FORGOTTEN HERITAGE TO THE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE DONATIONS & OFFERINGS LINKS MEDIA PAGE LESSON TAPES BOOKS, & MUSIC Tell A Friend About This Website FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Thursday, November 22, 2018 NAVIGATION HOME INTRO PHYSICAL APPEARANCE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE CONTINUES LEVITICUS 26: DEUTERONOMY 28: DEUTERONOMY 28: CONTINUES THE EDOMITES & THE KHAZARS "The large majority of surviving Jews in the world are of Eastern European descent - and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob". ARTHUR KOESTLER "THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE" page 17 PRINTER VERSIONS Physical Appearance Leviticus 26: Deuteronomy 28: More Curses Hebrewism Of Africa Characteristics Of Israel Parallels of Slavery EDOM IS NOT THE
  • 2. MORE CURSES HEBREWISM OF AFRICA CHARACTERISTICS OF ISRAEL PARALLELS OF SLAVERY GENESIS 15:13 LOST IDENTITY DON'T FOLLOW JEWISH TRADITION THE NATIONALITY THE EXILE & RETURN THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES REVELATION 2:9&3:9 THE DUTY OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE ISRAELITES & GENTILES EDOM & KHAZAR THE 3 FOLD MISSION & DUTY OF THE JEWS OLD & NEW TESTAMENTS THE MESSAGE TO ISRAEL OPEN LETTERS Who are the people in the land of Israel Known as Jews? DESCENDANTS OF THE BIBLICAL ISRAELITES is the answer most people will give when confronted with this question. But is this true, if you have read all the pages on this site up until now, you know the answer is no. To prove this all we have to do is look to history for this answer. The Israeli Jews consists of two groups (Ashkenazi and Sephardim), ten to twenty percent are known as Sephardim or Eastern Jew, the remaining eighty to ninety percent are known as Ashkenazi or European Jew. The Ashkenazi Jew comes from Eastern European countries, the Sephardim comes from "Mideast countries". Let history show us who the KHAZARS and Sephardim were and are: In the year 450 A.D. one of Europe's barbaric tribes was beginning to show signs of restlessness. This tribe was called the KHAZARS (Chazars). Within the next two hundred years, the KHAZARS would form Eastern Europe's largest and most powerful kingdom. They would rule supreme for about 200 years, ranking in power with the Muslim Caliphate and the Byzantine Empire. Their kingdom, of approximately one million square miles, bordered the Aral sea on the east; Kiev and the Ukrainian Steppes on the west: the Caucasus mountain and the Black Sea on the south: and the Ural mountain on the north. Khazaria represented a very important period in European history, without their valor, Europe would have probably been one 100% Muslim today. Why don't we hear more about the KHAZARS and their mighty empire today? Now lets look at the genealogy of the KHAZARS. Since this Genesis 15:13 Lost Identity Don't follow Jewish Tradition The Nationality The Exile & Return The Valley Of Dry Bones Revelation 2:9 &3:9 The Duty Of The Chosen People Israelites & Gentiles Edom & Khazar The 3 Fold Mission & Duty of the Askhenazi Jews Old & New Testaments, The Message to Israel ___________ TACITUS Roman Historian Comments About Ancient Israel ___________
  • 3. MESSAGE TO BLACK NATIONALIST & AFRO-CENTRICS By: Obadyah Ysrayl MESSAGE TO NONE MESSIANIC ISRAELITES MESSAGE TO BLACK CHRISTIANS By: Jacob Israel MESSAGE TO BLACK MUSLIMS MESSAGE TO BLACK JEWS MESSAGE TO EGYPTOLOGIST MESSAGE TO THE NATIONS ______________ THE HEBREW CONNECTION NEWSLETTER CONTACT US matter is so important, we shall allow the Kagan or King of the KHAZARS to inform us. A Khazar King named Joseph corresponded with a Spanish Israelite named Hasdai Ibn Sharprut sometime between 954 and 961 C.E. (Manuscripts of this correspondence may be seen in the Library of Christ Church at Oxford, England and in the Leningrad Public Library in Leningrad, Russia) Hasdai was the chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba Abd - al - Rahman III. At that time Cordoba was the splendor of Moorish Spain (a mixture of black skinned Muslims and Israelites ), and was the main center of European Culture. In his letter to Hasdai, King Joseph stated that he was from the line of JAPHETH, FROM THE SEED OF TOGARMAH, Japheth's grandson. He further stated that Togarmah, who was the brother of ASHKENAZ, had ten sons and the KHAZARS represented the seventh son. With his own lips, this King had given the root of his being and the lineage of his offspring which was from the sons of Japheth . Let us now see what the scriptures have to say about Japheth and Togarmah. In the book of Genesis 10: 2 - 5. "The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. and the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, AND Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were THE ISLES OF THE GENTILE divided in their lands everyone after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. According to the King of the KHAZARS, his people descended from the family of Magog. Like all European nations at the time, the KHAZARS were pagans. However, ca. 740 C.E. King Bulan initiated the conversion of his kingdom to a new and different philosophy. Before the conversion, the Kagan invited representatives of Christianity, Islam and the Israelites to discuss the three doctrines. It was unanimously agreed, in response to the Kagan's question, that the doctrine of the Israelites was closest to the truth, he came to this conclusion because both the Christians (Byzantine) and Muslims both respected the Hebrew scriptures. And also in order for the KHAZARS to remain independent they chose the faith that neither the Christian or Muslims was part of but both respected. After the conversion the Khazar King changed his name to become King Obadiah. They displayed much hope but very little understanding, especially of spiritual matters. Eventually, they had to invent their own brand of the law which later they named Judaism. The word "Judaism" cannot be found in the writings of the Prophets of old, neither is it found anywhere in the Holy Scriptures. Judaism, is a misunderstanding or perversion of the customs of the ancient Israelites, as practiced by the KHAZARS. Arthur Koestler in his very noteworthy book "THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE gives further detailed information about the KHAZARS and their conversion to the faith of the Israelites and how the majority of today's European Jews are View & SIGN The ALL New Israelite Heritage Guestbook Free Guestbooks by ___________ Arthur Kostler The 13th Tribe THE HEBREW HERITAGE LECTURE TOUR THE WILLIE LYNCH LETTER ISRAELITE POLLS Jews & The Slave Trade
  • 4. direct descendants of them. The information contained in his book is backed up by scripture that show's the Jews are Gentiles, not natural -born Israelites According to Microsoft Encarta, "Today, about 85% of all Jews are Ashkenazim". The Ashkenazi are not descendants of Israel, Ashkenaz was the grandson of Japheth and brother of Togarmah. Arthur Koestler further explains why today's Jews call themselves Ashkenazi even though they are the Physical seed of Togarmah. He shows that the KHAZARS took on the name of Ashkenaz because it was prophesied in Jeremiah 51:27 that Ashkenaz and their allies would conquer Babylon. After reading all the historical and biblical information about who are and who are not the true Israelites according to the flesh, should make us have an full understanding of Revelation 12:9. which states : And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceive the whole world. The whole world is deceived not only about the right way to worship YHWH, but they are deceived about who are the true Israelites a people near and dear unto YHWH (psalms 148:14). The second half of the Jewish populace in the land of Yisrael today are the Sephardim or Eastern Jew / Edomites. They have been in the land for over 1900 years , since the 1st century C.E. They are indigenous to the "Mideast". These are the real Edomites (descendants of Jacob twin Esau or Edom) they have lived side by side with the Arab population for many centuries. They are truly descendant from Shem, these Jews are different from the Ashkenazi in appearance they have darker skin and look more like the darker Arab population of the "Mid East", they also comprise less than 20% of the Israeli population. But it would appear that this small segment "Children of Shem" (NOT SEMITES) lineage is cleverly used, along with "Judaism" to imply the "Shemitic" origin of all Israelis Jews. These Sephardim entered the land in the first century C.E., along with the Romans when Israel was being kicked out of the land, as it is written in the book of Obadyah. Verse 2 "Behold, I have made you small among the heathen: you are GREATLY DESPISED." While verses 10 - 16 tells us of Edom's injustice against the Israelites and the prophesy of their curse. "For your violence against your brother Jacob shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off for ever. verse 11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even you was as one of them.
  • 5. verse 12 But you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither should you have spoken proudly in the day of distress, verse 13 You SHOULD NOT HAVE ENTERED INTO THE GATE OF MY PEOPLE IN THE DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY: yeah, you should not have look on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands ON THEIR SUBSTANCE IN THE DAY OF THEIR CALAMITY: verse 14 Neither should you have stood in the crossway, to cut off his that did escape; neither should you have you have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. verse 15 For the day of YHWH is near upon all the heathen: as you have done, IT SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU: YOUR REWARD SHALL RETURN UPON YOUR OWN HEAD. verse 16 For as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea they shall drink, and they shall shallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been". The Sephardim / Edomite / Eastern Jews are being oppressed big time by the Ashkenazi and because they have joined with the Ashkenazi and call themselves Jews, the surrounding Arab population despise them just as much as they do the Ashkenazi. So they have it coming both ways, but this is their punishment for helping to mistreat the Israelites. In a book by a Ashkenazi Jew Jack Bernstein entitled 'LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW IN RACIST, MARXIST ISRAEL', he tells of his experience in Israel which was not a pleasant one, but he tells of how he married a Sephardim woman and the hatred and discrimination he received from the Ashkenazi population even though he himself is a Ashkenazi. But because he was married to a Sephardim he caught all kinds of hell, the Sephardim are second class citizens in Israel, for this reason Jack Bernstein calls Israel racist, because anybody who is not Ashkenazi is treated as second class citizens. The Sephardim / Edomites came into the land and laid their hands on Israel possessions and pretended to be the Hebrews, but as Yah said, he would return their reward on their own head. So now the Ashkenazi has come in and move them over and they are pretending to be the true Hebrews and laid their hands on Edom possessions, but this is just the fulfillment of prophecy. I find it interesting that the Sephardim are looked at and called Niggers by the Ashkenazi. This fact Mr. Bernstein points out in his book on page 39 "One Day I entered a café in Tel Aviv, The place was crowded and I sat down on the only seat available. Also sitting at this table were five Sephardim Jews from Morocco. they learned that I was studying the Hebrew language so they were helping
  • 6. me with my studies when a blue eyed Nazi type Israeli Police officer walked into the café. He ordered me to "GET AWAY FROM THOSE KOOSHIM" . "KOOSHIM" in Hebrew means "NIGGER". The Ashkenazi are treating the Sephardim in a similar manner as we are being treated in the United States. One thing we have learnt is that history rewards all those that do the research. History has showed us that the Jews are not Israelites but Gentiles. We have learnt that this Gentile has descended from the families of Japheth (Togarmah, Gomer, Gig, Magog) and not from the House of Jacob. We have also learnt that Edom has joined with this Gentile to deliberately pervert the word of YHWH. The Israelites descended from Jacob; while the KHAZARS descended from Japheth and the Edomites from Esau. The Israelites originated from northeastern Africa; while the KHAZARS originated from southeastern Europe and the Edomites from the southern Palestine/Jordan area. The Majority of Israelites have black skin, according to the Holy Scripture, with woolly hair. The Israelis have white skin, mostly blue eyes, long straight hair. The Israelites spoke Egyptian, Hebrew, Aramaic and later Greek, Roman, Spanish, various West African languages and today the various languages of the Americas. The Israelis (KHAZARS) spoke a language called Yiddish which many of them still speak. The Israelites practiced the faith of their forefathers as commanded by their creator through Moshe and written in their history book, the holy scriptures. The Israelis practice a pagan philosophy called Judaism (those few who have a religious belief). The Israelites traveled by way of the Red Sea and the Jordan; while the KHAZARS traveled by the way of the Caspian Sea and the Volga, and the Edomites by way of the Dead or salt Sea and the Arabah. The Israelites came from Canaan through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Yaaqob; while the KHAZARS came from the Caucasus through Gomer, Togarmah and Khazar, and the Edomites from Mount Seir through Abraham, Isaac and Esau or Edom. Finally, according to the Holy Scriptures, Yah himself selected the Israelites and hated the Edomites (Malachi 1: 1-5), while according to history, the KHAZARS were chosen by men.