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Legends Have Made Their
Let's Make Yours.
Table of Contents
Agency Overview: 1
Problem Statement: 6
Internal Factors: 7
External Factors: 13
SWOT Analysis: 15
Current Position: 17
Executive Summary: 19
Goals: 20
Method: 22
Interpretation: 26
Visualizations: 30
Executive Summary: 41
Target Publics: 42
Theme: 42
Key and Supporting Messages: 42
Goals: 43
Objectives: 45
Strategy 1: 46
Tactics: 48-53
Strategy 2: 54
Appendices: 73
Timeline: 98-100
Budget Breakdown: 101
Tactics: 55-59
Strategy 3: 60
Tactics: 61-64
Strategy 4: 65
Tactics: 66-70
Summary: 72
Agency Overview
A sophomore in the Honors College
at FSU, with a double major in Public
Relations and Business Management,
Amber Layun as Account Manager is
nothing short of pure fire. Her passion
for writing coupled with her interest
in the financial aspects of businesses
provide her the key skills to beat out
the competition.
A true Southern belle, Rachel
Dix-Kessler brings the sass and class to
the MAARC team. Her fierce determina-
tion and unrivaled taste are what makes
her the best Creative Director this side
of the Mississippi. Her degrees in both
Public Relations and Entrepreneurship
provide her the skills to think out of the
box and beat out the competition.
A Panhellenic powerhouse,
Courtney Kantor brings a presi-
dential edge to being a Copywriter.
Another South Florida native, she
has experience and knowledge in all
aspects of public relations. As the
current FSU Panhellenic President,
Courtney understands the impor-
tance of the people and the value of
diplomatic action.
Born and raised in Naples, Florida, Alex
Landgraf is a hurricane to be reckoned
with in the PR world. Her desire to un-
derstand the root of each issue and
provide well-rounded solutions makes
her an invaluable research director to any
campaign. From LSAT, to criminology to
research, Alex is untouchable to any com-
petition. Well, unless the Packers are on...
A South Florida native with the soul of a cool
grandpa. Malory Hudson is the reigning
Media Director. Her focus on both Public
Relations and International Affairs gives her
deep understanding of how news operates
and informs. This paired with her experience
running media relations for Her Campus FSU
and her creative skills makes her a person to
know in the media world.
Situation Analysis
Situation Analysis
A situation analysis presents the surrounding context of an
organization and analyzes the internal and external factors
contributing to the overall performance of the company. A
situation analysis identifies the strengths and weaknesses
of the company, as well as the potential opportunities and
MAARC Media has developed a situation analysis that
evaluates LovEd’s internal and external environments.
Additionally, this situation analysis pinpoints LovEd’s
S.W.O.T analysis and current situation, which guided the
strategies suggested by this campaign.
MAARC Media has developed a campaign that will give LovEd the
opportunity to empower and educate individuals to make smart choices in love
by teaching them the importance of emotional maturity, personal clarity and
efficient communication.
Dr. Springer possesses licensed expertise and personal experiences in the field
of love education. She has a resolute belief in her company’s product and its
desirability; however, the company must overcome the three main obstacles
hindering LovEd’s opportunities.
The first issue LovEd must confront is the lack of brand direction, which has
resulted in low interest in the LovEd product.
The second issue is an unawareness of Dr. Springer’s credibility among the
target public for LovEd.
Finally, the company has low brand awareness, which has led to an
unawareness of products and a low profit.
Consequently, Dr. Isabell Springer is unable to reach the goal of redefining the
dating scene and sharing the educational tools with individuals who desire to
grow in emotional maturity and personal development.
Executive Summary
The goal of this campaign is to rebrand LovEd by utilizing research to identify
public perceptions and needs.
LovEd aims to empower individuals to find the courage to surpass their
fullest potential while simultaneously preserving long-lasting, happy relation-
ships. LovEd has discovered that individuals struggle to find satisfying longevity
in relationships, stemming from the lack of self-awareness, emotional maturity
and a misunderstanding of what it means to be a love-conscious
MAARC Media has identified that LovEd’s primary issues are the perception of
the brand as a “love education” company, the unawareness of Dr. Isabell Springer’s
credibility, and the company’s inability to generate profit.
These organizational issues exists due to the overriding issue of
unawareness, more thoroughly explained below:
• Consumer Unawareness of LovEd Brand and Products.
LovEd suffers a lack of awareness for its brand and the products it offers.
Without knowing that LovEd exists, consumers are blind to resources
available from the company, thus impacting the company’s revenues.
• Branding has led to Misinterpretation of the Company.
Consumers are unaware of how LovEd connects to their lives because the
company is branded as “love education.” This brand limits the
company to a single purpose. As supported by research in the upcoming
pages, consumers value love education but do not understand its direct
application to their lives. This term is limiting to the company. Although
the perceived value of “love education” is important, this single
term is not enticing enough to generate consistent interest.
• Unawareness of Dr. Springer and her Credibility.
Although Dr. Springer has verified credentials, consumers are unaware of
what sets Dr. Springer apart from other relationship therapists.
Problem Statement
• Unawareness of Business Direction (within company):
The organization itself lacks strategic direction and efficient branding
development. The company must pinpoint a clear direction for message
delivery and focus on business development.
Through primary and secondary research, MAARC Media has developed
strategies and tactics to accomplish LovEd’s objectives to improve the
company’s success.
Dr. Isabell Springer founded the company in 2008. The organization was
originally named Driver’s Ed for Love, but it was recently renamed to LovEd.
Dr. Springer has a PhD and a Marriage and Family Therapist License (MFT) that
certifies her relationship expertise. LovEd was developed to produce content
and programs designed to help people reach their full potential while making
educated decisions in love.
Organizational History
Internal Factors
The LovEd website expresses its mission as the following: “LovEd empowers
singles and couples to cultivate fulfilling relationships and make smart choices
in love. Through our innovative and upbeat educational events featuring a
lively mix of discussion, hands-on activities, online live polling, and FUN, we
give people the practical, proven knowledge they need to choose the right
partner, reach their fullest potential, and maintain happy, lasting relationships.
We believe everybody deserves to experience real love, and we strive to
reshape the broken dating scene and promote a society in which everyone has
the relationship awareness needed for a healthy, fulfilling life.”
The founder of LovEd, Dr. Springer, largely values emotional clarity, emotional
maturity and the idea that love is a biological need. She wholeheartedly
believes everyone deserves the fulfillment received from love fostered by a
healthy relationship.
LovEd’s vision is summarized by the following goals:
-Improve self-awareness, personal development and confidence in
-Establish a strong connection and trust between Dr. Springer and her clients
-Engage individuals in meaningful, entertaining events and conversations that
will help them develop and sustain healthy relationships
-Diminish the “broken dating scene” perspective associated with finding love
-Change the love culture so that every individual has the opportunity to find real
Organizational Functioning
The staff includes the following:
Founder and Course Leader: Dr. Isabell Springer
CEO: Julie Kahlfeldt.
LovEd has a few other staff members who focus mainly on research and
The company has an investor, Jamie Groom, who invested in the company
when she first established Driver’s Ed for Love.
Isabell employed Moore Communications Group in 2015 to rebrand the
company; at this time, they are no longer partners.
LovEd generates its revenue from the live events. The company plans to move
online to sell products. It anticipates generating sales revenue by selling a
YouTube video series, LoveSeat. Dr. Springer incurs no expenses when she
presents her lectures because the venues invite her; traveling and board
expenses are negotiated. Below is a breakdown of LovEd’s predetermined
revenues from events.
Fixed Revenues:
Small private/ junior college……………………...................….$1,500.00
Large University……………….…………………………………$2,900.00
Variable Revenues:
$50 per guest; venue guarantees 100 guests minimum… ..$5,000
guaranteed per live event
Below is an overview of the company’s financial activities in the 2016 year.
2016 Revenues/ Expenses
Yearly Sales Revenue (from live events)......................................... $2,500.00
Less: Monthly Expense (to run company)*…………… …..……$300.00*
*multiplied by number of months
Relevant Publics
Women ages 20 and older. LovEd targets women ages 20 and old-
er. The company strives to identify their appetite for love. Through her
experience, Dr. Springer discovered that women in this age range
have been hurt by past relationships and are willing to explore
relationship education. Also, these women are more likely to have
stable jobs, and they would be able to afford the cost of a LovEd
Singles. Those looking for love or who have been unsuccessful in
finding a partner are prime targets for LovEd. Those who have yet to
find love in their lives are more inclined to buy into LovEd’s message
of positive growth.
College Students. Dr. Springer’s original audience was college
students; however, college students have less financial resources,
consequently making it difficult for Dr. Springer to communicate her
message. For LovEd to become successful, contact with college
students must be made through different student life organizations.
These organizations have the resources needed to fund a LovEd
event for college students.
Communication between LovEd and its publics is executed through the
following social media and online platforms.
The company currently has no one officially running the social media. Dr.
Springer manages it herself.
Industry Trends and Issues
Changing Culture. Dr. Springer is concerned that the current love culture no
longer places value on growing and investing in love; she suggests that the
love culture has shifted its focus to superficial qualities. Recently, the dating
scene has primarily stretched to digital platforms, which have dehumanized
relationships. Technology has impacted relationships by fostering impersonal
confrontations, inability to detect emotion and detachment, incomplete
communication to one’s partner (Lickerman, 2010). This creates concern for the
company because LovEd’s message involves emotional maturity and efficient
Divorce. Although the divorce rate has declined over the past decade, divorce
is still a reality for many couples. According to, the divorce
rate varies based on the distribution of the couple’s age. Overall, there is a 45
to 50 percent chance that a couple's first marriage will end in divorce (Divorce
Statistics, 2010).
Decreased emphasis on marriage.Today, people are more independent
due to the diminishing pressure to find love, so the number of people that live
together without marital commitment has increased (Collins, 2015). Only about
half of Americans are married now, down from 72 percent in 1960, according
to census data (Gabel, 2012). Some of the factors contributing to this are
External Factors
increased college education among women, the prevalence of birth control
and “low expectations of loyalty” in today’s love culture (Gabel, 2012).
Other Relationship Organizations:
Online Dating Websites. An article from describes how the
dating scene has noticeably changed in recent years, beginning with the
establishment of online dating outlets such as Additionally,
nearly nine of ten relationships among Americans are online (Anderson &
Smith, 2015).
Nowadays, people are also drawn to faith-based dating websites such as
ChristianMingle. These faith-based organizations may pull spiritual singles away
from non-faith-based relationship outlets like LovEd.
Other Relationship Education and Therapy. Although LovEd has no direct
competitors, other resources exist that offer relationship education. Project
SOS, a Jacksonville-based nonprofit for youth and couples education, offers
relationship workshops, youth development and premarital counseling (Project
SoS, 2014.) The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center,, offers relationship therapy and love expertise, but
focuses mostly on married couples.
Competing Forces
SWOT Analysis
• Dr. Isabell Springer’s expertise in the
• (Dr. Isabell Springer, the founder and
course leader of LovEd, earned her PhD
and is a licensed Marriage and Family
Therapist, certifying her as a relationship
• Unique approach to relationship
• Topics of lectures applicable to large
markets- personal growth, efficient
• Branding as “Love Education” is
limiting to brand.
• Weak social media presence.
• Little/ no public relations or
advertising efforts.
• Unawareness of Dr. Springer’s
• Low awareness of brand among
• Inability to generate efficient profits.
• Rebranding to express all that
LovEd offers, ascending just
“relationship education.”
• Interactive online community and
• Interactive webinars to progress
educational lectures.
• Increased social media content.
• Local traditional media coverage.
• Dr. Springer’s appearance at more
• Perceptions of LovEd’s terminology.
Research has shown that people are hesitant to
participate in counseling because the term
‘therapy’can be aligned with phrases such as
“weak,” “incapable of solving problems on
their own,” or in some cases,
“crazy” (Rubenstein, 2013).
• Changing love culture. The concept of love
has significantly shifted over the past century
as marriages and successful relationships
continue to diminish.According to census
data, only about 50 percent ofAmericans
remain married today, which is a much lower
statistic than the 72 percent in 1960 (Gabel,
LovEd’s current public relations efforts primarily include a Facebook account
and a few other social media platforms with limited content. The LovEd
website is the primary source of information and public outreach. On the
website, direct links can be found to LovEd’s blog, newsletter and all social
media outlets. Currently, Dr. Isabell Springer is managing the LovEd social
media platforms.
Although LovEd hired Moore Communications Group to manage its
Public Relations, the lack of communication between the two entities has
created an obstacle for LovEd. Currently, they are not working together.
Due to the lack of public relations and advertising efforts within LovEd, the
company has suffered an inability to foster public brand awareness,
understanding and earn sufficient profits.
Current Position
LovEd is currently not generating desired profits. The company focuses a
majority of its time to creating two series of online videos, LoveSeat and
LovEd’s Last Ditch. The company has not focused heavily on promotional efforts
to improve brand understanding and awareness. This branding issue has
resulted in an inability to connect with individuals that are potential participants
in the LovEd program.
With a redefined branding strategy, LovEd will able to create an increased
awareness and a greater understanding of its applicability to consumers.
According to the research explained in the upcoming pages, people value the
idea of love education; however, consumers do not recognize the need to
participate in love education, because they do not understand what LovEd
LovEd requires rebranding to increase awareness of the need for love
education and relationship readiness. From the strategies proposed by
MAARC Media in this campaign, LovEd will increase revenues and brand
recognition so that they can redefine an individual's perception of love.
Research Findings
Executive Summary
MAARC Media put a substantial amount of time and effort into conducting
the most comprehensive, reliable and valid research. The intentions of the re-
searchers were to have a solid understanding of LovEd’s most important needs
to create a successful campaign. In order to do so, the researchers used quan-
titative methods, involving two separate surveys. The first survey dealt with gath-
ering findings on potential consumers attitudes, opinions and potential inter-
actions with the company and its lessons including love education, relationship
readiness, emotional maturity, guided self-reflection etc. From this survey the re-
searchers gained invaluable information. The most important including a large
interest in the LovEd live events and activities. When studying what consumers
viewed to be the most important aspects of the LovEd product, an overwhelm-
ing majority indicated finding a lasting relationship, finding a meaningful rela-
tionship, having personal growth and self-empowerment skills to be somewhat
to very important, while also indicating that participating in love education was
somewhat to very unimportant. This finding was particularly interesting once
later results showed that upon asking if consumers believed the need for love
education was positive or negative, an overwhelming majority indicated the
need being positive and neutral, with almost no negative responses. Dr. Spring-
er promotes LovEd with the term “Relationship Ready,” so the researchers
deemed it important to find how consumers view the application and impor-
tance of this term, along with the term “Emotional Maturity.” The results showed
that although most married and dating consumers view being relationship
ready important to different aspects of their life, singles view it as more neutral.
However, it was found that consumers regardless, of age and relationship status
(married, dating, single), found the importance of “emotional maturity” to be
overwhelmingly important.
The second survey was conducted specifically to gauge interest and involve-
ment with a potential LovEd live webinar hosted by Dr. Springer. Due to the
positive feedback received from the LovEd live events, the researchers believed
it would be beneficial for LovEd to continue the live events, but also take the
company’s presence to an online platform. A live webinar was the suggested
means to do so and what was eventually researched. The researchers were able
to determine that, regardless of age, all potential consumers were aware of the
concept of webinars. Through this survey we learned that there was a true
interest and consumer base for the live webinar to be successful. It was also
learned that the consumers would be willing to pay a maximum of two dollars to
view each individual episode and most consumers would generally stay
interested and interactive for 15 minutes; however Dr. Springer could still hold
a sizeable audience if capped at 30 minutes. It was also found that consumers,
even if unfamiliar with a webinar platform, are willing to view a webinar from an
unfamiliar platform if interested in the content being provided. This allows
MAARC Media and Dr. Springer to choose a platform based on needs and, after
further secondary research, it was found that GoToWebinars and Google+
Hangouts were the two streaming platforms that offered the most appropriate
services that the LovEd live webinars need.
Research Goals
The client, LovEd, is a multifaceted company focused on relationship
education and creating a community of individuals that have the tools to
maintain healthy, long-term relationships. At the company’s center is Dr. Isabell
Springer, the founder and face of the LovEd brand. As the researchers’
relationship with the client has grown, MAARC Media has gained a deeper
understanding of the issues at hand and tailored a research plan to address
each concern. The public relations campaign was dependent on this research
in order to fully identify and address LovEd’s branding issues.
The purpose of this research was to:
• Gain a more comprehensive understanding of the cultural and societal
climate of the target audience
• Identify the most successful direction to guide the brand
• Understand the target audience’s:
o Perception of the LovEd brand
o Attitude toward Dr. Isabell Springer
o Experience with webinars
o Experience with traditional and social media platforms
Research Questions & Hypotheses
1. Past exposures to failed relationships may affect one’s attitude toward their
willingness to participate in love education.
2. An increased online presence, specifically through webinars, will generate a
greater appeal to consumers than solely the live lecture series.
3. Is LoveSeat, in its current form, a viable source of revenue for the client?
4. What online platform should Dr. Springer conduct the webinar presentations
on to achieve the greatest reach and impact on consumers?
5. What do consumers value most in LovEd’s products?
6. If consumers do not understand the term “Relationship Ready” as LovEd has
defined it, consumers will be less likely to participate in the program.
7. Do consumers find the topics LovEd discusses too personal, ultimately creating
a barrier between the client and the public?
8. Does the target audience find Dr. Springer to be a credible source in
conducting love education in order to create “Relationship Ready” individuals?
9. Do LovEd’s main goals align with consumers’ expectations of the organization?
10. Which media outlets do the target audience have the most exposure to?
11. LovEd’s current approach in its call to action steers consumers away from
wanting to benefit from the product.
12. If LovEd differentiates the consumers in their target audience based on
relationship status (single vs. married), they will be able to more effectively
market the product.
Method Overview
To fully address the proposed research questions and hypotheses, while still
satisfying the overall research goal of understanding the target audience,
MAARC Media created a two-stage research process. In order to ensure
well-developed, accurate findings the researchers chose to employ two
detailed surveys. The researchers chose to implement comprehensive surveys,
as it was the most efficient method of reaching a large sample of the target
audience while still being able to ask numerous questions at a low cost. Due to
the client’s lack of funding, the researchers believed that a survey would provide
the largest population for the lowest cost, while still generating accurate and
valid research. The survey also gives quantitative data that provides MAARC
Media and the client with statistics to answer the research questions.
The first survey primarily focuses on the overall awareness, perception and
understanding of the LovEd brand. The first survey investigates the target
audience’s perception of LovEd and the individual pillars of the company.
The second survey was implemented to gain more information on the target
audience’s relationship and potential interest with webinars. The researchers
wanted to include detailed research about webinars since it is a main tactic of
the campaign. The combination of the main survey and the webinar survey
allowed for each decision within the campaign to be supported by accurate
and valid research.
Sample and Sampling
MAARC Media’s aim was to have the sample for the first survey be
representative of the target audience, women ages 18 to 50+ years old. In
order to achieve this sample, the researchers used convenience sampling. The
researchers sent a Qualtrics survey via FSU webmail to the alumni of the Florida
State Phi Mu chapter and Pi Beta Phi chapter. This sampling technique allowed
MAARC Media to collect 100 completed surveys for analysis.
For the second survey, convenience sampling was implemented, and the
researchers used personal contacts over Facebook to distribute the Qualtrics
survey link. With personal contacts, the researchers were able to collect 60
survey responses for analysis by the necessary deadline.
During the research process, convenience sampling was used because of
limited resources available to the researchers. A convenience sample involves
contacting respondents who are easily and readily accessible to the
Initial Survey:
• Through convenience sampling MAARC Media distributed surveys as a
Qualtrics link through the Florida State University webmail system
• The initial survey was opened on March 8 and emailed on March 9
• On Friday, March 18 the researchers closed the survey at 3 p.m.
• Results were exported to the analysis software, Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS)
• Incomplete or invalid responses were manually deleted and the researchers
were left with a 100 completed responses to analyze and draw conclusions
Webinar Survey:
• Survey was released on March 21
• MAARC Media used convenience sampling to recruit subjects by sharing the
secondary survey via a Qualtrics link on multiple Facebook profiles
• The survey was officially closed by the research team on March 27
• After incomplete surveys had been manually deleted, 60 completed responses
• Once the survey was closed, the responses were exported to SPSS and
analyzed using a variety of tests
Data Collection Procedures
Data Analysis
For the purpose of finding the most valuable data, geared toward
determining attitudes, perceptions and potential actions of consumers, both
aspects of the research consisted of quantitative methods involving two
separate surveys. For the purposes of this research and due to the format of
most variables included in the surveys, Anova Tests were mainly conducted,
while also conducting some T-Tests and Correlation Tests. The Anova Tests and
T-Tests ultimately gave the researchers data to interpret whether or not there
was statistical significance among selected variables.
In order to answer the numerous research questions and hypotheses proposed,
the researchers believed it was very important to focus on differences in
demographics, such as age and relationship (marital) status, versus other
differences such as interest, comfort level, value and familiarity. Overall, there
were multiple statistical significance tests conducted between different
variables in order to develop the most effective direction of LovEd’s brand.
From these results and more, we were able to find if a potential consumer's age
influenced their response, creating a statistically significant difference between
a person’s age and the way they responded. From these results and more, we
were also able to find if a potential consumer's relationships status (whether
one was single, married or in a committed relationship/dating) influenced their
For both surveys, the researchers also paid close attention to the descriptive
statistics included in each individual test run. This provided information such
as the mean, median and mode for each item. There were many items that
represented an overwhelming amount of all ages and/or relationship statuses
responding to items the same way when they were tested. These statistics gave
overall percentages and means that the researchers were able to turn into
useful and meaningful data, especially when paired with other findings.
When testing the importance of several aspects that LovEd currently provides,
it was found that finding a lasting relationship, finding a meaningful
relationship, having personal growth and self-empowerment skills were viewed
as important by a large majority of respondents. In comparison most
respondents rated the personal importance of participating love education
programs as unimportant. Based on these results, the researchers concluded
that the target audience values all the encompassing aspects of what love
education is and what LovEd offers, but participating in love education itself
is viewed as unimportant. Respondents simply are not making the connection
that love education is the collection of these numerous individual aspects.
At the same time, consumers do believe the need for love education is either
positive or neutral. The researchers determined that there is an appreciation for
the concept of love education but respondents don’t find it applicable to their
lives. Due to these results, the researchers have concluded that solely using the
term “love education” when promoting LovEd is limiting to the brand’s
In the analysis, it was also found that LovEd should increase emphasis on the
term “Emotional Maturity” over “Relationship Ready.” Research showed that
respondents valued” Emotional Maturity” at a higher level than “Relationship
Readiness.” However, the researchers still recommend utilizing the term
“Relationship Readiness,” but put greater emphasis on “Emotional Maturity,” as
it is more representative of all the encompassing aspects of LovEd.
In regards to the live events, the researchers analyzed numerous findings and
concluded that it is beneficial and worthwhile for LovEd to continue its
annual live lecture series events. Of consumers who attended the live event and
participated in the post survey, 85.7 percent said they strongly to somewhat
agree with the statement “I enjoyed LovEd’s Clarity: A Different Kind of
Valentine’s Event.” It was also noted that 71 percent of respondents said they
would recommend LovEd to a friend after personally attending the LovEd
Clarity event.
Research Interpretation
Although LovEd’s teachings knows no boundaries and is open to all persons, based on
the reported interest, while promoting these events a key point should be to focus on
single/dating individuals, 24 or below. In regards to the live event offerings, it was found
that most respondents reported being neutral to very
interested in topics of group education, group interaction, group activities, love fo-
cused lectures and guided self-reflection. Based on these interests, the
researchers believe that for LovEd’s future successes, these aspects should
continue to be present during all live events.
The idea that participants have a lack of understanding of what LovEd's live events are
truly composed of was also shown in the research. When randomly
selected individuals were given a summary of these love education live events, over half
responded that they would be unlikely to attend an event of this nature.
However, of the individuals who participated in LovEd’s Clarity event, 71 percent
reported that they would recommend the event to a friend. This discourse shows that
LovEd being branded as an education program hinders individuals from
participating in a LovEd event. But, if an individual personally participates and
experiences the numerous aspects of LovEd, they are extremely likely to
recommend this program to a friend, which increases future event attendance.
From research regarding the LoveSeat, it was found, regardless of age or
relationship status, 75 percent of respondents reported that they were unlikely to pay
$4.99 for an episode of the LoveSeat. Also, 51 percent said they were unlikely to view
the LoveSeat as it is structured. Because of this information, the
researchers believe that the LoveSeat is not the most viable product LovEd offers its
However, MAARC Media believes creating an online LovEd platform is
imperative to LovEd’s future success, growth, brand and profit. In a post survey, when
asking consumers who had attended the Clarity LovEd event, 40 percent of attendees
reported being inclined and willing to participate in LovEd through both an online
platform and live events. The researchers proposed the idea of
creating an online live webinar and decided to conduct further research into
consumers’ interest in this platform. When researching further into the familiarity of the
concept of live webinars, it was found that 80 percent of respondents were
somewhat to very familiar. The researchers believe that this is a strong starting indicator
that a webinar platform has the potential to be successful, as a
majority of potential consumers are familiar with the concept.
The researchers believe the webinar should be similar in content and structure
to the LovEd live events in regards to topics such as personal growth, personal
happiness, relationship growth, relationship happiness and self-empowerment
skills. The research showed a level of neutral to positive interest in these topics.
It is also believed that an online webinar can be a successful LovEd product, as
a majority of respondents reported that they were willing to interact within the
webinar in numerous ways including: asking questions, responding to
presented ideas, sharing thoughts, sharing personal experiences and having
In regards to the time span of the webinars, based off the results the
researchers suggest monthly webinars of about 15 minutes to appeal to a larg-
er audience base. However, the research also suggests that there is a
substantial audience that would remain interested in a webinar about love
topics for 15 to 30 minutes. With this in mind, the researchers believe that
along with the free, short webinars, LovEd could produce 30-minute webinars
at a cost of $1.99 based on reported willingness. From this information, it is
suggested the Google+ Hangouts or GoToWebinars would be the best
platform for the client’s current needs; however respondents reported
willingness to use an unfamiliar platform if interested in the webinar topic.
The researchers suggest that LovEd continue utilizing social media platforms
as a main form of connecting with consumers. From the research, a majority of
respondents reported spending 1 to 3 hours a day on social media. To build
upon the foundation of LovEd, MAARC Media suggests a continued
utilization of Facebook as a main platform along with increasing presence on
Instagram. In regards to traditional media, MAARC Media recommends
utilizing magazines, TV programs or online news sources as theses platforms
had the highest levels of familiarity from the respondents. By utilizing both
social and traditional media, LovEd will be able to present its brand effectively
to the target audience.
• Limitations within the sample size and method.
o Sample is relatively homogenous and unable to be generalized back
to the entire population due to convenience sampling.
• Lack of variety in research.
• Only quantitative methods utilized.
• Lack of resources available to the researchers.
Data Visualizations
Campaign Plan
A campaign plan is constructed after evaluating the company’s surrounding
environment from the situation analysis and analyzing the research findings.
The purpose of the campaign plan is to describe, in detail, the strategies and
tactics aimed to achieve the objectives that will direct the company to its
primary goal.
MAARC Media developed a campaign titled “ The LovEd Movement” to
convey its key messages. The theme conveyed in the “ The LovEd Move-
ment” campaign unites the strategies proposed by MAARC Media as a way
to create consistency and achieve the common goal.
This campaign provides a plan to implement each strategy and tactic,
supporting research to back up each suggestion, and a method of evalua-
tion to measure the success of each tactic in achieving the company’s objec-
tives. MAARC Media also included a timeline and budget in the campaign
Campaign Plan
After analyzing the situation analysis and conducting research on LovEd
through two surveys, MAARC Media has developed the
“The LovEd Movement” campaign. The themes conveyed throughout this cam-
paign align with LovEd’s values: emotional clarity, personal growth,
courage, efficient communication, self-empowerment, emotional maturity and
Two overarching goals drive the campaign. The first goal is rebranding LovEd
to be perceived as a movement that encompasses elements greater than love
education, such as personal growth, emotional maturity and love
consciousness. Through research, MAARC Media has determined that
branding the company as a resource for “love education” fosters negative
perceptions and limits the company in what it has to offer. The second goal is
to increase profits of the rebranded company.
To achieve these goals, MAARC Media has developed three objectives with
four following strategies.
The target public identified in this campaign is women, single, in relationships
and married, 20 and older. This demographic tends to be the most responsive
to the messages LovEd aims to convey.
MAARC Media recommends that LovEd execute these strategies and tactics
explained in the following pages to rebrand the company. Based upon
thorough and valid research, MAARC Media expects an increase in the
company’s profits and an improvement in its perception and consumer
awareness following the company’s rebranding.
Executive Summary
Target Publics
For this campaign, MAARC Media identified the target public as females, both
single, in relationships and married, ages 20 and above. MAARC Media
suggests LovEd should target both singles and individuals in relationships
because Dr. Springer offers relationship tools that can be applicable to both
markets. MAARC Media targets ages 20 and older because this is the age
range that is most responsive to the messages LovEd.
The theme of the “The LovEd Movement” campaign aligns with LovEd’s values
because it strives to encompass each benefit LovEd offers to consumers. These
values include an emphasis on emotional clarity, maturity, empowerment,
self-discovery and love education. The “The LovEd Movement” campaign also
conveys LovEd’s visionary goals, such as growth-oriented self-discovery,
facilitated meaningful discussions about relationships, and redefining the way
individuals approach relationships.
Key and Supporting Messages
The “ The LovEd Movement” campaign promotes MAARC Media’s key mes-
sage that LovEd offers its consumers an experience that ascends standard love
education. It also suggests that any individual who has the courage to grow
can become a part of this movement. The campaign positions LovEd in the
most efficient way to deliver the company’s message that LovEd is more than
just love education or relationship therapy; LovEd offers a journey in redefining
how an individual approaches relationships, and solicits the LovEd products as
tools that are applicable to any individual’s experience with relationships.
Overarching Goals
MAARC Media has determined two primary goals to achieve through the
campaign: to rebrand LovEd and to increase the company’s profits. Successful
rebranding is defined as consumers recognizing the LovEd brand as a process
that ascends love education and allows individuals to personally grow and
acquire the tools for a healthy relationship.
MAARC Media has determined that LovEd’s insufficient profit and the lack of
interest and participation in the target market is a result of the current
branding of LovEd as a “love education” organization. The term “love
education” does not encompass the many takeaways that LovEd offers its
consumers. The company’s brand does not communicate all of the services it
provides, and the delivery of the company’s message through its brand is not
attracting its target market.
MAARC Media has discovered that individuals value the mission and purpose
of LovEd, but the company has not been able to communicate its relevancy.
MAARC Media believes that presenting LovEd as a movement toward
redefining relationships, encompassing topics such as personal growth,
self-empowerment, efficient communication and emotional maturity – in
addition to love education- will appeal to the target market much more
effectively than by solely using the term “love education.”
Supporting Research
Based on quantitative research, MAARC Media found that consumers
believe the concept of love education is positive, but feel that the activities
associated with the term “love education” are not relevant to their lives.
Research indicated that 99 percent of people perceived the term “love
education” in a positive to neutral way. Another research question in the same
survey identified that only 3 percent reported that participating in love
education programs was extremely important. In that same research survey, 83
percent of respondents believed that finding meaningful relationships was very
to somewhat important, 88 percent reported that personal growth was very to
somewhat important, and 83 percent of individuals reported that
self-empowerment was very important.
From these statistics, MAARC Media determined that participating in love
education is not appealing to consumers, although the concept of love
education is positive. MAARC Media concluded that these results stem from
the consumers’ inabilities to believe that “love education” is relevant to their
lives. Although respondents reported that other aspects of LovEd were
important, consumers do not realize that the love education provided by
LovEd encompasses all of these additional facets.
MAARC Media aims to rebrand LovEd to convey the company as a positive,
educational, growth-oriented movement that encompasses features such as
self-empowerment and personal growth. By doing so, LovEd will be able to
recondition consumer mindsets to develop the perception of LovEd as both
positive and relevant to their lives.
MAARC Media has developed three main objectives that guide the
accomplishment of the primary goals.
The first objective is to increase awareness of the new LovEd brand. Increased
awareness is defined as anyone who recognizes the LovEd logo and brand
and actively seeks knowledge of or participation in the company.
The second objective is to establish Dr. Springer as the leader of the LovEd
movement across the state of Florida.
The third objective is to increase consumer knowledge of LovEd products.
Increased consumer knowledge will be achieved when the strategies of this
objective convey information to unknowing potential consumers. The success
of this objective will be achieved if, after being exposed to product information,
consumers actively seek more information about and/or participate in LovEd.
MAARC Media suggests the execution of four strategies and proceeding
tactics detailed in the upcoming pages. Each strategy aims to achieve a specific
objective, and all strategies cooperate to reach the campaign’s ultimate goals.
Strategy 1:
Launch New Brand Through
Increased Social Media Content
Supporting Research
The company should increase the amount of LovEd promotional content on
mainstream social media platforms to rebrand the company as a “movement”
that encompasses more than just love education. The company should launch
the new brand on social media, focusing on specific platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Research has indicated that social media is the most appropriate way to launch
the new brand, specifically through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Statistics
show that 89 percent of people are very to somewhat familiar with Facebook,
78 percent are very to somewhat familiar with Twitter, and 83 percent are very
to somewhat familiar with Instagram. Research also indicated that 81 percent
of people use social media more than one hour a day. This data suggests that
launching the new brand through the social media platforms identified above
would yield a large reach and frequency.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the rebranding, MAARC Media will look at
consumers’ perceptions. Rebranding LovEd as a movement that encompasses
other valued topics in addition to love education will alter the consumers’
perceptions of relevance and importance. When consumers believe the
company is of higher importance, LovEd’s participation rates will increase.
Participation in the company will be measured by a post-campaign survey,
which will also ask respondents to elaborate on their perceptions of the LovEd
The first tactic to promote the new brand of LovEd is the implementation of a
social media campaign. This social media campaign aims to solicit LovEd as a
company that ascends stereotypical expectations of love education. By
increasing the amount of social media content, consumers will become more
aware of the company’s brand and its product.
Social media graphics and written posts have been created and incorporated
into the social media calendar in Appendix O to launch the social media
Social media posts will include the LovEd logo and creative, informative copy
that conveys the purpose of the organization and the benefits it offers. Social
media graphics should include the website’s URL in order to direct potential
consumers to the company’s website.
The social media campaign will focus on LovEd as a movement toward
redefining one’s approach to relationships. The taglines of the campaign would
include phrases such as “the movement,” “the LovEd movement,” and
“redefine relationships.” These phrases can be modified into hashtags, such as
# LovEdMovement and #RedefineRelationships. Hashtags will increase online
exposure and consistency, and will enable consumers to join the movement
through their own posts as well.
Tactic 1:
Social Media Campaign to Launch New
The success of the social media content will be evaluated by comparing the
amount of activity and participation on social media posts compared to
previous posts. Additionally, the number of group members and followers on
LovEd’s social media pages should noticeably increase.
Please see Appendix J for social media graphics.
Please see Appendix O for LovEd Social Media materials and
Tactic 2:
Social Media Internship
The second approach to increasing awareness of the LovEd brand through
social media platforms is for Dr. Springer to hire a social media intern. Dr.
Springer has expressed difficulty in her ability to consistently update all of
LovEd’s various social media platforms. A social media intern would alleviate
this responsibility for Dr. Springer, thus generating more time for Dr. Springer
to focus on the company’s development while simultaneously maintaining a
strong social media presence.
MAARC Media has already created a LovEd social media intern application,
including a job description of the intern’s responsibilities. Additionally, the
University of Florida College of Communications has been contacted, and the
institution has expressed interest in making this unpaid internship an
opportunity to its undergraduate students for school credit.
As explained in the job description, the social media intern will be responsible
for updating all social media platforms regularly, including (but not limited to)
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This intern will also manage a social media
calendar, respond to comments or posts and attend LovEd events when
necessary. The intern will also be responsible for creating content for the
monthly e-newsletter and distributing it to participants. Furthermore, the intern
will collaborate with Dr. Springer on a weekly basis in order to develop effective
social media content and campaigns.
If the client agrees to hire a social media intern, MAARC Media will provide her
with the revised Job Description and Application, and will contact the University
of Florida School of Communications to notify their students of the internship
The success of increasing social media coverage through the addition of a
social media intern will be evaluated based on the work of the social media
intern. Determining how timely and relevant the social media posts are, as well
as the online audience interaction, is the first indicator of this tactic’s success.
LovEd should notice success from the social media intern if online
engagement from LovEd consumers increases and the number of followers to
LovEd’s social media groups increases.
Please see Appendix K for Social Media Intern Job Description.
Please see Appendix L for Social Media Intern Application.
Tactic 3:
Instagram and Facebook Video Clips
MAARC Media has designed short advertisement video clips for LovEd to
promote through social media.
These short videos work to rebrand the company and encourage social media
engagement. They will be posted to LovEd’s Facebook or Instagram pages,
depending on the video’s length. The videos aim to give consumers a short
visual taste of the live, interactive LovEd events. These advertisements present
LovEd as more than relationship therapy or education; instead, the company
is depicted as an upbeat, meaningful discussion in a social setting. The goal of
these video clips is to set LovEd apart as a facilitated, growth-oriented journey
through personal development and relationship readiness.
MAARC Media has designed three short videos using video clips from the
2016 Clarity event. The first video is 16 seconds in length and contains clips
introducing Dr. Isabell Springer and her company, LovEd. This video could be
used on Instagram. The second video is 22 seconds long and contains clips
of real people interacting at the LovEd event. The third video is 19 seconds in
length and contains clips of Dr. Springer emphasizing the importance of being
real in love. Since these two videos are slightly longer, they would be posted on
Supporting Research
Research indicates that Instagram and Facebook are the two most familiar
social media platforms. Eighty-eight percent of respondents are very to
somewhat familiar with Facebook, and 83 percent are very to somewhat familiar
with Instagram. MAARC Media has determined that LovEd should continue
hosting live events and increase advertisements for them. Of the people who
attended the 2016 Clarity event, 86 percent of respondents said they enjoyed
the event and 71 percent said they would recommend it to a friend.
The success of this tactic will be evaluated by analyzing the results from the
post-campaign survey. There will be a survey sent out to the members of
LovEd’s social media groups, with a section of the survey asking the
respondent if he or she has been exposed to the videos. The effectiveness of
the videos would be measured by determining if respondents would be more
interested in attending a LovEd event after watching the videos.
Please view the three video clips uploaded to the flash drive MAARC
Media has provided the client.
According to secondary research, 46 percent of an organization’s active
members are more involved in the organization as a result of the Internet than
they would have been without it. Also, 83 percent of people who are members
of an organization say the Internet has impacted their willingness and ability to
stay up-to-date with the organization. MAARC Media has used these statistics
to determine that a strong online presence is necessary in order to retain and
influence members. Establishing a broader, more interactive online community
will heighten awareness of LovEd and increase audience engagement in the
Supporting Research
Strategy 2:
Create an Interactive Online
LovEd Community
Give participants the opportunity to engage in the LovEd online
community through multiple outlets, so that graduates can stay engaged and
target publics can get involved.
The post-campaign survey will ask respondents to elaborate on their degree of
online interaction, and will specify which tactics they interacted with. The survey
will also evaluate how meaningful the consumers felt their engagement was
and the likelihood of continued participation in the future.
Tactic 1:
MAARC Media has developed the idea to move LovEd onto a webinar
platform, where Dr. Isabell Springer would engage in meaningful conversations
and discuss important topics with a live audience. These live, interactive
webinars could also be prerecorded in order to provide individuals who are
unable to attend the live event the same opportunity and experience as if they
were sitting in the audience.
Facilitating interactive discussions through a series of webinars would provide
Dr. Springer and her clients with many advantages. MAARC Media suggests
that Dr. Springer use GoToWebinar as the webinar platform, as this outlet will
provide the client with many beneficial options for her lectures. Dr. Springer
should present her webinar lectures twice a month. The pricing for presenting
a webinar on this platform is included in the Budget in Appendix Q on page
101. This platform allows audience members to ask anonymous questions
throughout the presentation, view slideshows and images as the presenter
speaks and participate in live polls to keep them engaged. MAARC Media
believes that incorporating webinar services into LovEd would allow
Dr. Springer to engage in live discussions with her consumers more often.
Dr. Springer would offer two types of webinar presentations. The first webinar
presentation would be a free, 10-15 minute lecture by Dr. Springer regarding
topics such as self-empowerment, personal growth, happiness and relationship
growth. This free webinar would give consumers a sample of the company, and
would generate customer familiarity to encourage future sales of products. The
second webinar presentation would be a supplement to the previous webinar
presentation. This webinar would cost $2.99 and would be 15-30 minutes long.
The priced webinar presentations would consist of more serious topics and
would allow for increased audience interaction with Dr. Springer, as well as a
Question and Answer session at the end.
These webinars would also maintain a smaller audience size to foster a more
personal, intimate and comfortable environment.
MAARC Media suggests that Dr. Springer holds a webinar session twice a
month, switching between the free presentations and the priced presentations.
Supporting Research
MAARC Media suggests that LovEd use the webinar platform GoToWebinar.
Although only 31 percent of people surveyed were very or somewhat familiar
with GoToWebinar, 51 percent stated they would be very or somewhat willing
to view a webinar from an unfamiliar platform.
According to secondary research, the most popular time of day to run a
webinar presentation is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., as only 7 percent of
respondents preferred to view a webinar after 12 p.m. The most popular day of
the week to run a Webinar is Tuesday, with Wednesday and Thursday being the
next most popular.
The LovEd webinars should not exceed 60 minutes in length. According to
the survey, 33 percent of people would be interested in a webinar that lasts
0-15 minutes, and 42 percent of respondents said 16-30 minutes. This is why
MAARC Media suggests that each individual webinar does not exceed 30
The 15-minute webinar presentation should be free. According to research, 63
percent of respondents would pay a maximum of $0.00 for a webinar.
However, MAARC Media intends for the company to generate profit off
this tactic. This is why MAARC Media suggests two webinar presentations
per month - one 15-minute lecture offered at no cost to the viewer, and one
30-minute lecture to be purchased for $1.99.
The success of this tactic will be measured by how many participants enroll in
the webinar session, and how engaged the audience appears to be towards
the content. Also, the post-campaign survey will contain questions evaluating
consumer satisfaction with webinar presentations.
Please see Appendix F for webinar announcement flyers.
Please see Budget in Appendix Q for webinar pricing.
Tactic 2:
Redesign Monthly LovEd E-Newsletter
For the second tactic, MAARC Media has redesigned a LovEd email newsletter
to emphasize the new brand. The newsletter is designed to keep consumers
updated and engaged throughout the year. MAARC Media suggests that Dr.
Springer sends out an e-newsletter every month.
MAARC Media has titled the e-newsletter “Love Note.” The purpose of this
newsletter is to encourage consumers to actively engage in and stay updated
with the LovEd movement. The e-newsletter contains multiple sections cov-
ering various topics that LovEd specializes in. These sections include positive
affirmations from Dr. Springer, a “Letter from the Doctor” written by
Dr. Springer to her readers (similar to a “Letter from the Editor”), reminders
of upcoming events or webinar presentations, and more. The newsletter also
serves to encourage consumer interaction by offering an anonymous “Ask
Isabell” section and an optional monthly “Love Homework” that works to
foster personal development and self-confidence.
Supporting Research
According to secondary research, 92 percent of online adults maintain and use
an email account, and workers on average spend 13 business hours each week
reviewing and responding to the emails within their inbox. Additionally, email
marketing is 40 times more successful in attracting potential consumers than
Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, an email newsletter would be extremely
efficient in attracting new consumers to LovEd.
The success of this tactic will be measured by determining how many
consumers are registered to receive the monthly e-newsletter through their
email account. MAARC Media will include a question in the post-campaign
survey regarding the quality and the engagement opportunities provided by
the monthly newsletter.
Please see Appendix B for newsletter.
Strategy 3:
Increase the Awareness of
Dr. Springer
MAARC Media hopes to increase the target market’s awareness of
Dr. Isabell Springer and her credentials through a stronger social media
presence. This strategy aims to achieve the objective of establishing
Dr. Springer as the leader of the LovEd movement throughout Florida.
Supporting Research
Through research, MAARC Media determined that over 80 percent of
respondents view the terms “knowledge,” “experience,” “expertise,” “trust” and
“reliability” as very or somewhat important in determining a person’s
credibility. It is essential for Dr. Springer to be associated with these terms so
that consumers perceive her as a credible resource. Consumers’ perceptions
toward Dr. Springer will have a large impact on whether or not they invest in the
company’s products.
Tactic 1:
Magazine Profile on Dr. Springer
The first tactic MAARC Media identified in order to achieve this strategy is a
magazine profile on Dr. Springer. This marketing tactic will increase the aware-
ness of her experience and expertise, and will aim to establish Dr. Springer as
the leader of the LovEd movement. Increasing readership of Dr. Springer’s
personal experience will also increase familiarity and trust among local poten-
tial consumers.
The magazine profile will be a conversational interview style between the
Media Relations Director of MAARC Media and Dr. Isabell Springer.
Supporting Research
MAARC Media determined from research that the target public is very
exposed to traditional media, as well as social media. Of the individuals
surveyed, 73 percent of respondents said they were very or somewhat
exposed to magazines. A magazine profile would increase reach of the brand
and solicit Dr. Springer’s expertise and experience.
MAARC Media will evaluate this tactic through the post-campaign survey.
There will be a question asking how the respondent heard about Dr. Isabell
Springer, and one of the answer choices will say “magazine profile.” A
follow-up question will ask the respondent to elaborate on how credible they
believe Dr. Springer to be based off this profile.
Please see Appendix C for Magazine Profile.
Please see Appendix N for Media Contact List.
Tactic 2:
LovEd Booth Appearance at Bridal
In order for Dr. Springer to reach a greater volume of potential consumers,
MAARC Media suggests the idea of a “traveling” LovEd booth that Dr. Springer
brings to bridal expos. The bridal expos would be events in major cities around
the state of Florida. This tactic will broaden the reputability of Dr. Springer, while
also giving her the opportunity to network and reach a target market of
engaged couples.
Dr. Springer would bring promotional items to hand out in the LovEd booth at
bridal expos that would further explain the purpose of her company and
generate a stronger interest and awareness in potential consumers. These
items would include LovEd brochures and coupons that would be given out as
incentive to sign up for the newsletter.
The intention of the booth would be for Dr. Springer to interact with
soon-to-be married couples, and communicate the relevancy of love
education, emotional maturity, and personal growth in marriage and
long-term relationships.
MAARC Media has already contacted multiple bridal expo businesses that are
hosting events in the upcoming months to obtain pricing information. MAARC
Media has included the list of pricing and contact information in
Appendix M of companies that expressed interest in having LovEd as a
vendor at the event. Additionally, the email draft that was sent to these
companies is included in the flash drive so that Dr. Springer has a prewritten
draft if she wishes to contact bridal expos in the future. MAARC Media also
included the email responses from the bridal businesses that have further infor-
mation on the flash drive provided to the client.
Supporting Research
MAARC Media has determined newlyweds and engaged couples as a
relevant target market through secondary research. Secondary research
indicates that 20 percent of marriages end within the first five years, and 32
percent marriages end within the first ten. In addition, the highest total
number of divorces in the United States occurs in Florida. MAARC Media
believes LovEd is extremely relevant to newlyweds because it is a resource that
provides couples with the necessary tools to sustain a healthy relationship, and
to avoid becoming another divorce statistic.
Tactic 2 will be evaluated by how many email subscriptions Dr. Springer collects
at each bridal expo for the e-newsletter. Dr. Springer will measure her success
as a vendor at these expos by estimating how many brides she spoke too and
how many brides expressed interest in her company. Additionally, MAARC
Media will evaluate the increased awareness from these events based on the
results of the post-campaign survey.
Please see Appendix M for Bridal Expo Contact Sheet.
Please see Appendix D for LovEd brochure.
Please see Appendix G for coupons.
Please see flash drive provided by MAARC Media for email draft and
response from bridal expo coordinators.
Tactic 3:
Radio Advertisement
A third tactic to identify Dr. Springer as a leader in the LovEd movement is a
radio advertisement. A radio pitch would increase the local traditional media
coverage of LovEd.
The radio pitch would contain Dr. Springer’s voice. She would speak about the
importance of LovEd and the benefits LovEd provides to its clients. The pitch
would also include information on how to access the company’s website and
how to stay involved within LovEd. The radio commercial would last 30
Supporting Research
According to primary research, 82 percent of respondents are very or
somewhat exposed to radio as a traditional media platform. A radio
advertisement would broaden awareness for the LovEd product and for Dr.
Springer herself.
Success of the radio pitch will be measured in the post-campaign survey that
MAARC Media will provide to the client. The survey will ask how the individual
heard of LovEd, and “radio advertisement” will be one of the answer choices.
Please see Appendix I for Radio pitch.
Please see Budget in Appendix Q for Radio Advertisement pricing.
Strategy 4:
Increase Informational Pieces about LovEd
By increasing the information output about LovEd products, consumers will
become more aware of the brand. This will consequently generate greater
sales revenue. MAARC Media has created informational pieces that detail
the income-generating activities of LovEd.
Tactic 1:
Press Release on Interactive Events
The first tactic in this strategy of the MAARC Media campaign is to send out
a press release focusing on a live interactive events. This press release can be
a part of the social media campaign, and can be delivered either through
traditional media or as a digital piece. The press release aims to increase
informational output in the community about LovEd events.
Specifically, this press release is intended to be an announcement about an
upcoming live event called “The Surrender Experiment” on September 10,
2016. The name and date of the event can be changed on the digital copy
as different events are scheduled. Greater media coverage on this event
would generate heightened awareness of the event and would increase
sales revenue of tickets.
Success of the press release for interactive live events will be measured in
the post-campaign survey that MAARC Media will provide to the client. The
survey will ask how the individual heard about the LovEd event, and “press
release” will be one of the answer choices.
Please see Appendix A for Interactive Events Press Release.
Tactic 2:
Press Release on Webinar Launch
MAARC Media has created a second press release that focuses on the launch
of the webinar. This press release is intended to be an announcement piece.
The press release announces the launch of Dr. Springer’s first webinar,
including the date and time. Although this press release can be sent to
traditional media, it will be most effective in a digital format.
The press release will include information about the company, the format of the
webinar session and information about Dr. Springer’s purpose for conducting a
webinar session.
This tactic will be evaluated from the post-campaign survey. MAARC Media
will identify how effective this tactic was by asking respondents how they heard
about the webinars. “Press release” will be one of the answer choices.
Please see Appendix A for Webinar Press Release.
Tactic 3:
LovEd Coupons
MAARC Media has designed business-card sized coupons for Dr. Springer
to hand out as she wishes. These coupons will give consumers discounts on
LovEd products. The coupons serve as an incentive for attending LovEd events
and viewing LovEd webinars.
Dr. Springer would hand out the coupons at her events to increase future
participation. Coupons would also be used as an incentive for individuals to
sign up to receive the free newsletter and register for the live webinars. Dr.
Springer would carry the coupons with her to distribute at any event she may
MAARC Media has designed three different coupons. One coupon offers
“50% Off a LovEd Event,” and serves as an incentive to increase attendance at
the interactive events. The second coupon offers a “BOGO LovEd Ticket.” Since
this incentive is of greater value, these coupons would be distributed to those
who have already attended a LovEd event as a way to increase the returner
participation rate. The final coupon MAARC Media created offers “One Free
Webinar Pass.” The purpose of this incentive is to get participants to try the live
webinar, with hopes that they enjoy the experience and
continue viewing them in the future. The coupons are primarily used as
positive reinforcement for purchasing or expressing interest in LovEd
Supporting Research
Based on secondary research, 96 percent of consumers use coupons, and 85
percent of consumers look for coupons before visiting a retailer. This data
supports MAARC Media’s suggestion that coupons would bring in more
business for LovEd.
Tracking the coupons used to purchase events will assess evaluation of this
tactic. LovEd should trace how many individuals receive coupons and then
determine how many coupons have been used. The coupons should increase
sales of both the interactive events and the Webinar.
Please see Appendix G for LovEd coupons.
Please see the Budget in Appendix Q for pricing on printing these
Tactic 4:
The fourth tactic is the creation and distribution of LovEd brochure pamphlets
promoting LovEd products and the company’s mission. The brochure
focuses on LovEd as a love education movement, encompassing elements
such as personal growth, emotional maturity, and love consciousness. The
brochure will act as a promotional tool to provide more information to
consumers on LovEd products.
The brochures will be distributed to individuals for free, and will contain a page
explaining the company’s mission and purpose, a page with information on
the company’s website, a brief testimonial from Dr. Isabell Springer and a page
with LovEd’s social media and website links.
The post-campaign survey will identify the success of the brochures by asking
respondents how they heard about LovEd, and “brochure” will be listed as one
of the answer choices.
Please see Appendix D for the LovEd brochure.
MAARC Media has identified LovEd’s greatest obstacle as the limiting
branding and the overall lack of awareness for the brand, products and Dr.
The most important findings from the research indicated that the concept of
love education is positive, but people do not feel participating in love
education is important because they do not recognize that “love education”
encompasses concepts consumers do identify as important, including personal
growth, self empowerment, finding meaningful and lasting relationships. The
research has identified that the branding of LovEd as solely love education is
limiting, which is the reason for insufficient profits.
The solutions MAARC Media proposes is a rebranding of the company
through social media, increasing the awareness of Dr. Springer’s credibility
through digital and traditional media platforms, and increasing the output
of informational and promotional products to improve the sales revenue of
Achieving the primary goals of rebranding LovEd as a movement and
increasing the new brand’s awareness will emphasize the company’s mission
statement that everyone deserves to find real love. The idea of LovEd as a
movement also conveys the company’s values that anyone can become a part
of this company if they have the courage to grow and the openness to learn
about the tools to maintaining healthy relationships. The rebranding as a
movement also positions Dr. Springer has a leader in the company, and
establishes a relationship between her and her clients.
Appendix A: Press Releases
Appendix B: Newsletter
Appendix C: Isabell's Profile
Appendix D: Brochure
Appendix E: Poster
Appendix F: LovEd Webinar Flyers
Appendix G: LovEd Coupons
Appendix H: LovEd Videos
Appendix I: Radio Pitch
Appendix J: Social Media Graphics
Appendix K: Social Media Intern
Appendix L: Intern Contract
Appendix M: Bridal Expo Contact List
Appendix N: Media Contact List
Appendix O: Social Media Calendar
Appendix P: Campaign Timeline
Appendix Q: Campaign Budget
Appendix A
Apr. 11, 2016
Media Contact
Courtney Kantor
Copywriter, Make Your MAARC Media | (561) 400-6108
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – LovEd is announcing its first live webinar presentation on August 9, 2016 at
-time TBD-. Dr. Isabell Springer, founder of the company, will be discussing meaningful approaches
to making smart choices in love, including topics like personal growth, self-empowerment, personal
clarity, and more.
Sparked by personal experiences with divorce, Dr. Isabell Springer founded LovEd in 2008 as a way
to implement her passion for therapy in the field of love. Dr. Springer has a PhD and a Marriage and
Family Therapist License (MFT) that certify her relationship expertise.
LovEd is a positive love education organization that serves as a movement to help individuals
redefine their relationships through growth-oriented self-discovery and love consciousness. Dr.
Springer created the company to empower both individuals and couples on making smart decisions in
love regarding emotional maturity, communication and confidence.
The company is about to launch a webinar series that applies Dr. Springer’s research and
experiences to an intimidate environment that is easily accessible to consumers. Throughout the
duration of these live webinars, participants will have the opportunity to engage in conversation
and participate in anonymous live polling. The webinar presentations will also be recorded for
those individuals that are unable to attend the live presentation.
The webinar presentations will be lecture-based and they will last approximately 15 minutes. The
following week, a supplemental webinar will be offered on August 16, 2016. This webinar will cost
$1.99 and it will cover more serious, intimate topics. The supplemental lecture will offer an
anonymous Q&A session with Dr. Springer near the end of the presentation. It will be approximately
30 minutes in length.
To sign up for either webinar presentation, follow the link on the LovEd website at http://www. Join the movement today!
For more information on LovEd, Dr. Isabel Springer, or her webinar lectures, visit or
its Facebook page at
Appendix A
Mar. 13, 2016
Media Contact
Courtney Kantor
Copywriter, Make Your MAARC Media | (561) 400-6108
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – On September 10, 2016, LovEd will be hosting its next live event called “The Surrender Experi-
ment” based off the teachings from the New York Time’s Bestseller and one of Oprah’s favorites. Participants will be given
the opportunity to explore themselves, their relationships and their own potential for love after freeing their minds from any
personal hindrances. This event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The location is TBA.
Dr. Isabell Springer founded LovEd after becoming certified with her PhD and a Marriage and
Family Therapist License (MFT.) She started the company because she recognized the tendency for
individuals to anchor themselves to the past and remain stagnant in their insecurities. Dr.
Springer uses her personal experience to guide singles and couples through the process of personal
growth, empowerment and discovery.
LovEd is a unique organization that surpasses traditional love education and relationship therapy.
The company presents interactive events that create a lively, secure environment that allows
individuals to challenge their potential to grow within themselves and in their relationships.
These events work to strengthen confidence, communication, and reshape perspectives on love.
“Our society needs to learn a new model for love,” believes Dr. Springer. “The idea that people could die without being
LovEd fuels me and this will not happen while I’m alive. I’ve created these powerful events to stimulate maturity among
men and women so that they may find the courage to be vulnerable and make the commitment to grow.”
Become a part of this love movement today by registering for “The Surrender Event.”
For more information on LovEd, Dr. Isabell Springer and/or The Surrender Experiment, visit https://www.berelation- or visit its Facebook page at
Appendix B
The Love Note Volume 1 | July 2016
Letter from the
to the LovEd
Love Note
Fusce mollis
tempus felis.
- aliquam.
Upcoming Events:
Dr. Isabell Springer
will be at the
Orlando Bridal Expo.
Times TBA.
LovEd is officially
launching its very
own webinar series.
The first webinar will
be on August 6th
Fall into Love live
event will be taking
place September 14th
at the Wooly in
Come join us
Halloween night for
our second Share the
Love event. Treats
and maybe some
ticks will be
Doctor To My Beautiful Readers:
As summer approaches, love will be in the air. It is
important that we begin to think about how to be
love conscious, emotionally mature partners. Take
the time out of your day to truly reflect on your
potential in love and challenge yourselves to grow.
Taking the time to reflect fosters a better
understanding of self and the skill of
communication. Remember, the willingness to
grow and heal is all you need for the opportunity to
experience the joys of real love. Keep spreading
the love.
Lots of love,
Isabell Springer
Appendix C
Isabell's Profile
Of the many titles Dr. Isabell Springer holds, a fearless leader might be the most important one yet. Dr. Isabell Springer
is the founder and face of LovEd, but most importantly, she is the force behind the newest movement in love. LovEd
is a love education organization that offers individuals the tools for making smart choices in love, including aspects like
self-discovery, personal growth, emotional clarity and maturity. The LovEd movement was founded out of the ruins of
heartbreak. After her divorce, Dr.Springer wanted answers. Her pain from losing love lead her to create a movement-
a movement of redefining love, fostering personal growth and creating a new model for love. After participating in a
LovEd live lecture and watching Isabell in action, I wanted to know more. I wanted to know more about why LovEd
originated and how Isabell has become the leader of the LovEd movement.
Malory Hudson (MH): Where did the idea of LovEd originate?
Isabell Springer (IS): Well, the story began when I was going through a divorce and started looking for answers about
why my relationship didn’t last. As I was investigating, I came upon some research that discussed concepts of attraction
and emotional maturity being two separate components. At the same time, I began my internship for becoming a therapist
and I began sharing these concepts. People were blown away. Relationship attraction and emotional maturity are separate.
While you can have romantic attraction, emotional experience is the true experience of love.
The pain of my divorce caused me to research why my relationship ended. I had no intention to do anything beyond
rebuilding my life and figure out how to handle my pain. But as soon as I figured it out, I kept wondering why nobody
was talking about this. That’s when LovEd came to be.
MH: How has your experience as a relationship therapist contributed to your success with LovEd?
IS: I became a therapist right as I discovered that romantic attraction and emotional maturity are two separate things. I
began seeing couples at that time, and I learned that people make decisions during the stage of infatuation, because they
were interpreting romantic attraction as real love. They couldn’t identify emotional maturity. As I discovered this and
shared it, people were telling me that, that is exactly it, this idea is so simple and so brillant.
MH: If somebody was considering going to a LovEd event, what mindset should they have?
IS: Be open-minded, know that I’m not going to tell you what to be. I’m not trying to change you, I’m trying to inspire
you. I want people to feel emotionally safe, decide what they want to keep and then leave.
MH: What is the one thing you want someone to take from LovEd?
IS: Never settle in love. LovEd can give you the tools so you don’t have to settle. You can hold out for a fulfilling
Appendix C
MH: What is the biggest change you’ve seen with a LovEd participant?
IS: They immediately go home and break up with their partner. It happens all the time, to the point where it’s not
shocking anymore. In the beginning, I used to be like “Oh my God,” but after awhile, it becomes so cool. It is
because the message is clear- you never settle. You only live once, so never settle. The program makes it so clear
why their relationship is unfulfilling, their partner had no interest in growing and that’s what they learn. They
thought that because their partner desired them sexually, that it was love. Then they learn.
MH: What do you want your legacy to be?
IS: I want my legacy to be for people to get their value and their worth. I hope that I can take responsibility for
being a difference in the world and for creating a new model for love.
Appendix D
LovEd	Products	
There	is	more	to	love	
than	meets	the	eye.		
We	can	show	you	how	
and	why.		
Join the
Start	spreading	the	
• Live	events:	upbeat	events	featuring	
a	lively	mix	of	meaningful	discussion,	
hands-on	activities,	online	live	polling,	
and	more.	
• Webinar:	engage	in	meaningful	
discussions	about	the	importance	of	
emotional	maturity	&	more	during	
these	online,	interactive	seminars	with	
Dr.	Springer	herself.	
• LoveSeat	YouTube	series:	an	at-
home	therapy	session	between	Dr.	
Springer	&	individuals	that	have	
testimonial	of	this	transformational	
• Newsletter:	sign	up	for	the	FREE	
newsletter	to	stay	caught	up	on	
events,	as	well	as	receive	love	tips,	
anonymous	questions,	polls,	
testimonials,	and	more!	
ovEd	exists	so	that	everyone	has	the	opportunity	to	find	fulfilling,	lasting	
	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 				 ou	deserve	to	be	 o ed.	
W at	is	LovEd s	 ission 	
ovEd	serves	to	empower	both	
singles	and	couples	to	reach	their	full	
potential	and	maintain	healthy	love	
relationships	through	unique	
engaging	experiences	and	an	
interactive	online	community.		
ow	does	t is	relate	to	 ou 	
hether	you	are	struggling	to	find	
love,	struggling	to	maintain	a	
relationship,	or	 ust	want	to	
personally	develop	into	an	
emotionally	mature	individual,	
ovEd	can	offer	you	the	tools	to	
thrive	in	your	present	or	future	
earn	more	about	how	you	can	
become	a	part	of	this	
transformational	movement!	
isit	our	website		
I s a b e l l 	
S p r i n g e r , 	
P h d , 	 M f t 	
Therapist	LovEd®	
Founder	&	Course	
	have	created	 ovEd	as	a	way	to	
heal	and	empower	individuals	so	
that	they	may	recogni e	their	
relationship	potential	and	make	
smart	choices	in	love.		
f	you	have	the	willingness	to	grow	
and	a	little	courage	to	heal	your	
past	hurts,	you	will	then	have	the	
opportunity	to	have	real	love.	
Everyone	deserves	that.
Appendix E
Appendix F
Get on air for FREE with
LovEd is presenting its first FREE live webinar! Get on air with Dr. Isabell Springer as she
discusses meaningful topics like emotional maturity, self-empowerment, personal growth and
making smart choices in love.
Date TBD
Tuesday at 11am
Find the link to sign up for FREE at
Dr. Isabell Springer
LovEd Live Webinar
Appendix F
Get on air with
For only $1.99, get on air LIVE with Dr. Isabell Springer to discuss meaningful topics in love.
Participants can engage in an anonymous Q&A session with Dr. Springer herself! Get all your
questions answered about finding the tools to create and maintain healthy, lasting relationships!
Date TBD
Tuesday at 11a.m.
Find the link to sign up at
Dr. Isabell Springer
LovEd Live Webinar
Appendix G
Dr.	Isabell	Springer	
LovEd	Course	Leader	&	Founder	
50%	Off	LovEd	Event!	
Use	Redemption	Code:	Clarity50	
More	details	at	
BOGO	Ticket	to	LovEd	Event!	
Use	Redemption	Code:	BOGOLove	
More	details	at	
One	Free	Webinar	Pass!	
Use	Redemption	Code:	FREElove	
More	details	at
Appendix H
The Instagram videos utilize copyrighted music, as MAARC Media believed familiar music would gain the
attention of consumers at a higher level than not recognizable music. In order to use the videos permission
from the license holder must be obtained. Contact information is listed above.
Marry You- Bruno Mars
Warner Music Group
License Request Form
What is Love- Haddaway
Coconut Records
Contact Page
Löhestraße 63
Löhestraße 63, 53773 Hennef (Sieg)
You Can’t Hurry Love- Diana Ross
Universal Music Group
License Division
Appendix I
Radio Advertisement Script
Dr. Springer:
Everybody deserves real love. That is why I created LovEd, to empower individuals and couples
to make smart choices in love. This program gives you the tools to reflect on personal growth
and discover your own potential. LovEd is designed to strengthen confidence, communication
and reshape perspectives on romance. Join me in this powerful movement to redefining the
way we view our relationships. Learn more about how you can get involved at LovEd’s website,
First Sentence: 6.91 Seconds
Second Sentence: 4.45 Seconds
Third Sentence: 5.85 Seconds
Fourth Sentence: 3.8 Seconds
Fifth Sentence: 5.46 Seconds
Total: 26.47 Seconds
Appendix J
Appendix J
With each step, your world changes...
Join the movement.
Appendix K
LovEd Social Media Intern - Job Description
The Social Media Intern will assist in the development of LovEd’s online community. The intern will maintain LovEd’s presence
on various social media platforms and help create and publish content that is relevant to the company under the supervision of
founder Dr. Isabell Springer. The intern will gain experience working on social media platforms and developing content appropri-
ate to the business.
·	 Updates Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account with current, relevant photos, videos, statuses, etc.
·	 Responds to posts or comments to improve client/ consumer interaction
·	 Posts updates, news and announcements in a timely manner using appropriate content
·	 Manage a social media calendar to constantly update public of events and activities taking place
·	 Help Dr. Springer develop content strategy for social media and website—overarching themes, hash tags, social media
graphics, etc.
·	 Reliable individual who can meet deadlines
·	 Detail oriented with excellent written and verbal skills.
·	 Familiarity and experience with mainstream social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn.
·	 Must have personal computer to complete projects and tasks
·	 Available to work 5-6 hours a week.
This is a part-time internship that is only available to students enrolled in university credit courses. This is an academic
internship that qualifies for school credit based on the number of hours working in the internship. The applicant should be
flexible and confident working in a startup environment. The applicant should be comfortable communicating with Dr. Springer
on a weekly basis. This internship will benefit someone who is interested in marketing, education, public relations, and content
Please send your resume and cover letter to Dr. Isabell Springer at
Appendix K
About LovEd
LovEd is an organization that helps singles and couples to cultivate fulfilling relationships and make smart choices in love. The
founder, Dr. Isabell Springer, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist that couples her expertise in relationship therapy with her
personal experiences to create meaningful conversations.
LovEd’s Mission is the following: “Through our innovative and upbeat educational events featuring a lively mix of discussion,
hands-on activities, online live polling, and FUN, we give people the practical, proven knowledge they need to choose the right
partner, reach their fullest potential, and maintain happy, lasting relationships. We believe everybody deserves to experience real
love, and we strive to reshape the broken dating scene and promote a society in which everyone has the relationship awareness
needed for a healthy, fulfilling life.”
Specifically, LovEd achieves its mission statement through the following:
- Offering live programs designed to inspire people to have fulfilling relationships
- Improving self-awareness and confidence while exploring new relationships
- Establishing strong, personal connections and relationships between Dr. Springer and her clients
- Educating the target audience on present statistics and the dating scene
- Redefining the “broken dating scene” to cultivate a more meaningful, lasting love
- Engaging individuals in practical, entertaining events that will help them develop meaningful relationships with themselves
and with others
The organization aims to offer a transformational experience through unique approaches to making choices in love and sustaining
healthy relationships.
LovEd Social Media Internship
Dr. Isabell Springer
Please attach a resume and cover letter to your application.This application is due to Dr.
Isabell Springer by - - date to be determined by client - -
Please fill out the sections below.
Applicant Information:
Applicant Name:
City, State, Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Date of Application:
Employment Position
Position(s) applying form: Social Media Intern (part time)
How did you hear about this position?
On what date can you start working if hired?
Personal Information
Are you a U.S. citizen or approved to work in the United States? Yes No
What document can you prove as proof of citizenship or legal status?
Do you reside in the Gainesville area?
Job Skills/Qualifications
Please list below the skills you possess for the position for which you are applying:
Appendix L
(Note: LovEd complies with the ADA and considers reasonable accommodation that may be necessary
for eligible applicants/employees to perform essential functions.)
Education and Training
High School
Name Location (City,
Year Graduated Degree Earned
Name Location (City,
Year Graduated Degree Earned
Previous Employment
Employer Name:
Job Title:
Supervisor Name:
Employer Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Employer Telephone:
Dates Employed:
Reason for Leaving:
Employee Name:
Job Title:
Supervisor Name:
Employer Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Employer Telephone:
Dates Employed:
Reason for Leaving:
Additional Information
What is your academic year?
What is your major?
Appendix L
What is your GPA?
How do you believe this internship will help you grow?
Do you have a personal computer that is capable of being used for projects, social media posts
and contact with the employer? Yes No
Do you have experience using mainstream social media platforms? If so, which ones?
Appendix L
Appendix M
Bridal PlaceTime/Date Cost Additional
Beautiful	Bride	
May	22,
12pm-	4pm
Daytona,	FL Table,	chairs,	
linens=	$400
Purchasing	a	booth	qualiGies	
company	for	free	3	month	
website	advertisement	
($150	value)
(407)	580-5972
Monica	Fehlberg
Beautiful	Bride	
June	 Orlando,	FL Tables,	chairs,	linens=	
Purchasing	a	booth	qualiGies	
company	for	free	3	month	
website	advertisement	($150	
value);	350+	brides	in	
Same	contact	info	as	above	
column	cell.
Wedding	Salon	
June	20,	4pm-	8pm Conrad,	Miami	FL -	36	inch	table:	$2,950
-	4	ft	rectangle	table:	
Includes	2	chairs,	
tables,	linens,	signage
*piped	and	draped	
booths	are	an	option	for	
a	higher	cost
Katy	DiMenna
(212)	631-7777	ext.	821
300-400	brides	in	
attendance;	Inclusion	of	
LovEd	merchandise	in	
Bloomingdale’s	gift	
bags;	6	months	free	
marketing	(includes	
blog	post	mentions,	
Our	Dream	
Wedding	Expo
June	12,	2016	
1pm	to	4pm;	
June	31,	2016,	
1pm	to	4pm
Hilton	Orlando/	
Altamonte	Springs
-	Pre-Function	6’	table	
with	linen	cloth	=	
-	Main	Ballroom	6’	table	
with	linen	cloth	=	
-	8’x8’	booth=	$475
-	8’x	10’	booth	=	$525
-	8’	x	16’	booth=	$900
-	8’	x	20’	booth	=	$1000
-	8’	x	30’	booth	=	$1500
Business	Model -	Pre-Function	6’	table	
with	linen	cloth	=	
-	Main	Ballroom	6’
Appendix N
Media Contact List
·	 Tallahassee Family Magazine- email faulty
·	 Suite D3, 508 Capital Cir SE, Tallahassee, FL 32301
·	 850) 385-7762
·	 Tallahassee Woman Magazine- contacted
·	 Editorial Department at
·	 2707 Killarney Way, Tallahassee, FL 32309
·	 Phone:(850) 893-9624
·	 Tallahassee Magazine
·	 1932 Miccosukee Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308
·	 (850) 878-0554
·	 Giggle Magazine- Tallahassee -contacted
·	 Nicole Irving
·	 Phone: 352-505-5821
·	 5745 SW 75th St. #286
·	 Gainesville, FL 3260
·	 Tallahassee Democrat
·	 Martha Gruender, Community Content Editor (850) 599-2171
·	 News Director Jennifer Portman at
·	 Storytelling Coach Andrew Skerritt at
·	 Flourish Magazine- contacted
·	 WHP / PO Box 143053 / Gainesville, FL 32614
·	 Giggle Magazine- Gainesville- contacted
·	 Nicole Irving
·	 Phone: 352-505-5821
·	 5745 SW 75th St. #286
·	 Gainesville, FL 32608
·	 Home- Living in a Greater Gainesville- computer glitch
·	 Yesi Sevilla, Editorial Director
·	 (352) 372-5854 ext. 202,
Appendix N
·	 Gainesville Today- contacted
·	 Michael Miller-
·	 Gainesville Today Magazine
·	 114 SE 1st St, Suite 2
·	 Gainesville, FL 32601
·	 Tel: (352) 338-9003
·	 Fax: (352) 338-6008
·	 Gainesville Sun
·	 Bill Dean, Entertainment editor: 352-374-5039
·	 Greg Hamilton, Local news editor: 352-338-3102
·	 P.O. Box 147147
·	 Gainesville, FL 32614
·	 Our Town- Family of Magazines- contacted
·	 EIC Albert Issac
·	 4400 NW 36th Avenue
·	 Gainesville, FL 32601
·	 352.372.5468
Appendix O
It’s	time	to	get	real.	Being	real	is	
the	2irst	step	to	recognizing	your	
potential	to	grow	within	yourself	
and	in	your	relationships.	Let’s	get	
real	together.	Join	the	movement.	
#reallove	#TheLovEdMovement
LovEd	is	here	to	inspire	you	to	make	the	
most	of	your	relationships.		Who	was	the	
biggest	in2luence	in	your	life	when	it	
came	to	making	decisions	about	love?	
Comment	below	and	let	us	know!
LovEd	is	empowering	individuals,	just	like	
you,	to	discover	their	potential	to	create	
beautiful,	lasting	relationships.	All	it	takes	
is	a	little	bit	of	courage.	Join	us	and	
together	let’s	grow.	#TheLovEdMovement
Visit	to	2ind	out	
how	you	can	get	involved!
They	say	seeing	is	believing.	Join	
#TheLovEdMovement	and	see	for	
yourself	why	love	is	worth	believing	
in.	Visit	for	
more	info.
Emotional	maturity	and	romantic	
attraction	are	NOT	the	same	thing!	
Know	your	level.	Know	your	worth.	
Join	the	movement	today.	Visit	for	more	
details	about	how	you	can	get	
Campaign Book LovEd
Campaign Book LovEd
Campaign Book LovEd
Campaign Book LovEd
Campaign Book LovEd
Campaign Book LovEd
Campaign Book LovEd

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Campaign Book LovEd

  • 2. Legends Have Made Their MAARC. Let's Make Yours.
  • 3. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Agency Overview: 1 Problem Statement: 6 Internal Factors: 7 External Factors: 13 SWOT Analysis: 15 Current Position: 17 RESEARCH Executive Summary: 19 Goals: 20 Method: 22 Interpretation: 26 Visualizations: 30 CAMPAIGN PLAN Executive Summary: 41 Target Publics: 42 Theme: 42 Key and Supporting Messages: 42 Goals: 43 Objectives: 45 Strategy 1: 46 Tactics: 48-53 Strategy 2: 54 APPENDICES Appendices: 73 Timeline: 98-100 Budget Breakdown: 101 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Tactics: 55-59 Strategy 3: 60 Tactics: 61-64 Strategy 4: 65 Tactics: 66-70 Summary: 72
  • 4. 1 Agency Overview A sophomore in the Honors College at FSU, with a double major in Public Relations and Business Management, Amber Layun as Account Manager is nothing short of pure fire. Her passion for writing coupled with her interest in the financial aspects of businesses provide her the key skills to beat out the competition. A true Southern belle, Rachel Dix-Kessler brings the sass and class to the MAARC team. Her fierce determina- tion and unrivaled taste are what makes her the best Creative Director this side of the Mississippi. Her degrees in both Public Relations and Entrepreneurship provide her the skills to think out of the box and beat out the competition. A Panhellenic powerhouse, Courtney Kantor brings a presi- dential edge to being a Copywriter. Another South Florida native, she has experience and knowledge in all aspects of public relations. As the current FSU Panhellenic President, Courtney understands the impor- tance of the people and the value of diplomatic action. Born and raised in Naples, Florida, Alex Landgraf is a hurricane to be reckoned with in the PR world. Her desire to un- derstand the root of each issue and provide well-rounded solutions makes her an invaluable research director to any campaign. From LSAT, to criminology to research, Alex is untouchable to any com- petition. Well, unless the Packers are on... A South Florida native with the soul of a cool grandpa. Malory Hudson is the reigning Media Director. Her focus on both Public Relations and International Affairs gives her deep understanding of how news operates and informs. This paired with her experience running media relations for Her Campus FSU and her creative skills makes her a person to know in the media world. CreativeDirector AccountManager Copywriter ResearchDirector MediaDirector
  • 6. 3 Situation Analysis A situation analysis presents the surrounding context of an organization and analyzes the internal and external factors contributing to the overall performance of the company. A situation analysis identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as the potential opportunities and threats. MAARC Media has developed a situation analysis that evaluates LovEd’s internal and external environments. Additionally, this situation analysis pinpoints LovEd’s S.W.O.T analysis and current situation, which guided the strategies suggested by this campaign.
  • 7. MAARC Media has developed a campaign that will give LovEd the opportunity to empower and educate individuals to make smart choices in love by teaching them the importance of emotional maturity, personal clarity and efficient communication. Dr. Springer possesses licensed expertise and personal experiences in the field of love education. She has a resolute belief in her company’s product and its desirability; however, the company must overcome the three main obstacles hindering LovEd’s opportunities. The first issue LovEd must confront is the lack of brand direction, which has resulted in low interest in the LovEd product. The second issue is an unawareness of Dr. Springer’s credibility among the target public for LovEd. Finally, the company has low brand awareness, which has led to an unawareness of products and a low profit. Consequently, Dr. Isabell Springer is unable to reach the goal of redefining the dating scene and sharing the educational tools with individuals who desire to grow in emotional maturity and personal development. Executive Summary 4
  • 8. The goal of this campaign is to rebrand LovEd by utilizing research to identify public perceptions and needs. LovEd aims to empower individuals to find the courage to surpass their fullest potential while simultaneously preserving long-lasting, happy relation- ships. LovEd has discovered that individuals struggle to find satisfying longevity in relationships, stemming from the lack of self-awareness, emotional maturity and a misunderstanding of what it means to be a love-conscious partner. 5
  • 9. 6 MAARC Media has identified that LovEd’s primary issues are the perception of the brand as a “love education” company, the unawareness of Dr. Isabell Springer’s credibility, and the company’s inability to generate profit. These organizational issues exists due to the overriding issue of unawareness, more thoroughly explained below: • Consumer Unawareness of LovEd Brand and Products. LovEd suffers a lack of awareness for its brand and the products it offers. Without knowing that LovEd exists, consumers are blind to resources available from the company, thus impacting the company’s revenues. • Branding has led to Misinterpretation of the Company. Consumers are unaware of how LovEd connects to their lives because the company is branded as “love education.” This brand limits the company to a single purpose. As supported by research in the upcoming pages, consumers value love education but do not understand its direct application to their lives. This term is limiting to the company. Although the perceived value of “love education” is important, this single term is not enticing enough to generate consistent interest. • Unawareness of Dr. Springer and her Credibility. Although Dr. Springer has verified credentials, consumers are unaware of what sets Dr. Springer apart from other relationship therapists. Problem Statement
  • 10. 7 • Unawareness of Business Direction (within company): The organization itself lacks strategic direction and efficient branding development. The company must pinpoint a clear direction for message delivery and focus on business development. Through primary and secondary research, MAARC Media has developed strategies and tactics to accomplish LovEd’s objectives to improve the company’s success. Dr. Isabell Springer founded the company in 2008. The organization was originally named Driver’s Ed for Love, but it was recently renamed to LovEd. Dr. Springer has a PhD and a Marriage and Family Therapist License (MFT) that certifies her relationship expertise. LovEd was developed to produce content and programs designed to help people reach their full potential while making educated decisions in love. Organizational History Internal Factors
  • 11. 8 The LovEd website expresses its mission as the following: “LovEd empowers singles and couples to cultivate fulfilling relationships and make smart choices in love. Through our innovative and upbeat educational events featuring a lively mix of discussion, hands-on activities, online live polling, and FUN, we give people the practical, proven knowledge they need to choose the right partner, reach their fullest potential, and maintain happy, lasting relationships. We believe everybody deserves to experience real love, and we strive to reshape the broken dating scene and promote a society in which everyone has the relationship awareness needed for a healthy, fulfilling life.” Mission Values The founder of LovEd, Dr. Springer, largely values emotional clarity, emotional maturity and the idea that love is a biological need. She wholeheartedly believes everyone deserves the fulfillment received from love fostered by a healthy relationship.
  • 12. 9 Vision LovEd’s vision is summarized by the following goals: -Improve self-awareness, personal development and confidence in relationships -Establish a strong connection and trust between Dr. Springer and her clients -Engage individuals in meaningful, entertaining events and conversations that will help them develop and sustain healthy relationships -Diminish the “broken dating scene” perspective associated with finding love -Change the love culture so that every individual has the opportunity to find real love Organizational Functioning The staff includes the following: Founder and Course Leader: Dr. Isabell Springer CEO: Julie Kahlfeldt. LovEd has a few other staff members who focus mainly on research and development. The company has an investor, Jamie Groom, who invested in the company when she first established Driver’s Ed for Love. Isabell employed Moore Communications Group in 2015 to rebrand the company; at this time, they are no longer partners.
  • 13. 10 Funding LovEd generates its revenue from the live events. The company plans to move online to sell products. It anticipates generating sales revenue by selling a YouTube video series, LoveSeat. Dr. Springer incurs no expenses when she presents her lectures because the venues invite her; traveling and board expenses are negotiated. Below is a breakdown of LovEd’s predetermined revenues from events. Fixed Revenues: Small private/ junior college……………………...................….$1,500.00 Large University……………….…………………………………$2,900.00 Variable Revenues: $50 per guest; venue guarantees 100 guests minimum… ..$5,000 guaranteed per live event Below is an overview of the company’s financial activities in the 2016 year. 2016 Revenues/ Expenses Yearly Sales Revenue (from live events)......................................... $2,500.00 Less: Monthly Expense (to run company)*…………… …..……$300.00* *multiplied by number of months
  • 14. 11 Relevant Publics Women ages 20 and older. LovEd targets women ages 20 and old- er. The company strives to identify their appetite for love. Through her experience, Dr. Springer discovered that women in this age range have been hurt by past relationships and are willing to explore relationship education. Also, these women are more likely to have stable jobs, and they would be able to afford the cost of a LovEd seminar. Singles. Those looking for love or who have been unsuccessful in finding a partner are prime targets for LovEd. Those who have yet to find love in their lives are more inclined to buy into LovEd’s message of positive growth. College Students. Dr. Springer’s original audience was college students; however, college students have less financial resources, consequently making it difficult for Dr. Springer to communicate her message. For LovEd to become successful, contact with college students must be made through different student life organizations. These organizations have the resources needed to fund a LovEd event for college students.
  • 15. 12 Communication between LovEd and its publics is executed through the following social media and online platforms. @RelationshipRdy @RelationshipReady The company currently has no one officially running the social media. Dr. Springer manages it herself. Communication
  • 16. 13 Industry Trends and Issues Changing Culture. Dr. Springer is concerned that the current love culture no longer places value on growing and investing in love; she suggests that the love culture has shifted its focus to superficial qualities. Recently, the dating scene has primarily stretched to digital platforms, which have dehumanized relationships. Technology has impacted relationships by fostering impersonal confrontations, inability to detect emotion and detachment, incomplete communication to one’s partner (Lickerman, 2010). This creates concern for the company because LovEd’s message involves emotional maturity and efficient communication. Divorce. Although the divorce rate has declined over the past decade, divorce is still a reality for many couples. According to, the divorce rate varies based on the distribution of the couple’s age. Overall, there is a 45 to 50 percent chance that a couple's first marriage will end in divorce (Divorce Statistics, 2010). Decreased emphasis on marriage.Today, people are more independent due to the diminishing pressure to find love, so the number of people that live together without marital commitment has increased (Collins, 2015). Only about half of Americans are married now, down from 72 percent in 1960, according to census data (Gabel, 2012). Some of the factors contributing to this are External Factors
  • 17. 14 increased college education among women, the prevalence of birth control and “low expectations of loyalty” in today’s love culture (Gabel, 2012). Other Relationship Organizations: Online Dating Websites. An article from describes how the dating scene has noticeably changed in recent years, beginning with the establishment of online dating outlets such as Additionally, nearly nine of ten relationships among Americans are online (Anderson & Smith, 2015). Nowadays, people are also drawn to faith-based dating websites such as ChristianMingle. These faith-based organizations may pull spiritual singles away from non-faith-based relationship outlets like LovEd. Other Relationship Education and Therapy. Although LovEd has no direct competitors, other resources exist that offer relationship education. Project SOS, a Jacksonville-based nonprofit for youth and couples education, offers relationship workshops, youth development and premarital counseling (Project SoS, 2014.) The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center,, offers relationship therapy and love expertise, but focuses mostly on married couples. Competing Forces
  • 18. 15 SWOT Analysis S W O T • Dr. Isabell Springer’s expertise in the field. • (Dr. Isabell Springer, the founder and course leader of LovEd, earned her PhD and is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, certifying her as a relationship expert) • Unique approach to relationship education. • Topics of lectures applicable to large markets- personal growth, efficient Strengths • Branding as “Love Education” is limiting to brand. • Weak social media presence. • Little/ no public relations or advertising efforts. • Unawareness of Dr. Springer’s credibility. • Low awareness of brand among consumers. • Inability to generate efficient profits. Weaknesses • Rebranding to express all that LovEd offers, ascending just “relationship education.” • Interactive online community and participation. • Interactive webinars to progress educational lectures. • Increased social media content. • Local traditional media coverage. • Dr. Springer’s appearance at more Opportunities • Perceptions of LovEd’s terminology. Research has shown that people are hesitant to participate in counseling because the term ‘therapy’can be aligned with phrases such as “weak,” “incapable of solving problems on their own,” or in some cases, “crazy” (Rubenstein, 2013). • Changing love culture. The concept of love has significantly shifted over the past century as marriages and successful relationships continue to diminish.According to census data, only about 50 percent ofAmericans remain married today, which is a much lower statistic than the 72 percent in 1960 (Gabel, Threats
  • 19. 16 Development LovEd’s current public relations efforts primarily include a Facebook account and a few other social media platforms with limited content. The LovEd website is the primary source of information and public outreach. On the website, direct links can be found to LovEd’s blog, newsletter and all social media outlets. Currently, Dr. Isabell Springer is managing the LovEd social media platforms. Although LovEd hired Moore Communications Group to manage its Public Relations, the lack of communication between the two entities has created an obstacle for LovEd. Currently, they are not working together. Consequences Due to the lack of public relations and advertising efforts within LovEd, the company has suffered an inability to foster public brand awareness, understanding and earn sufficient profits.
  • 20. 17 Current Position LovEd is currently not generating desired profits. The company focuses a majority of its time to creating two series of online videos, LoveSeat and LovEd’s Last Ditch. The company has not focused heavily on promotional efforts to improve brand understanding and awareness. This branding issue has resulted in an inability to connect with individuals that are potential participants in the LovEd program. Direction With a redefined branding strategy, LovEd will able to create an increased awareness and a greater understanding of its applicability to consumers. According to the research explained in the upcoming pages, people value the idea of love education; however, consumers do not recognize the need to participate in love education, because they do not understand what LovEd encompasses. LovEd requires rebranding to increase awareness of the need for love education and relationship readiness. From the strategies proposed by MAARC Media in this campaign, LovEd will increase revenues and brand recognition so that they can redefine an individual's perception of love.
  • 22. 19 Executive Summary MAARC Media put a substantial amount of time and effort into conducting the most comprehensive, reliable and valid research. The intentions of the re- searchers were to have a solid understanding of LovEd’s most important needs to create a successful campaign. In order to do so, the researchers used quan- titative methods, involving two separate surveys. The first survey dealt with gath- ering findings on potential consumers attitudes, opinions and potential inter- actions with the company and its lessons including love education, relationship readiness, emotional maturity, guided self-reflection etc. From this survey the re- searchers gained invaluable information. The most important including a large interest in the LovEd live events and activities. When studying what consumers viewed to be the most important aspects of the LovEd product, an overwhelm- ing majority indicated finding a lasting relationship, finding a meaningful rela- tionship, having personal growth and self-empowerment skills to be somewhat to very important, while also indicating that participating in love education was somewhat to very unimportant. This finding was particularly interesting once later results showed that upon asking if consumers believed the need for love education was positive or negative, an overwhelming majority indicated the need being positive and neutral, with almost no negative responses. Dr. Spring- er promotes LovEd with the term “Relationship Ready,” so the researchers deemed it important to find how consumers view the application and impor- tance of this term, along with the term “Emotional Maturity.” The results showed that although most married and dating consumers view being relationship ready important to different aspects of their life, singles view it as more neutral. However, it was found that consumers regardless, of age and relationship status (married, dating, single), found the importance of “emotional maturity” to be overwhelmingly important. The second survey was conducted specifically to gauge interest and involve- ment with a potential LovEd live webinar hosted by Dr. Springer. Due to the positive feedback received from the LovEd live events, the researchers believed it would be beneficial for LovEd to continue the live events, but also take the company’s presence to an online platform. A live webinar was the suggested means to do so and what was eventually researched. The researchers were able
  • 23. 20 to determine that, regardless of age, all potential consumers were aware of the concept of webinars. Through this survey we learned that there was a true interest and consumer base for the live webinar to be successful. It was also learned that the consumers would be willing to pay a maximum of two dollars to view each individual episode and most consumers would generally stay interested and interactive for 15 minutes; however Dr. Springer could still hold a sizeable audience if capped at 30 minutes. It was also found that consumers, even if unfamiliar with a webinar platform, are willing to view a webinar from an unfamiliar platform if interested in the content being provided. This allows MAARC Media and Dr. Springer to choose a platform based on needs and, after further secondary research, it was found that GoToWebinars and Google+ Hangouts were the two streaming platforms that offered the most appropriate services that the LovEd live webinars need. Research Goals The client, LovEd, is a multifaceted company focused on relationship education and creating a community of individuals that have the tools to maintain healthy, long-term relationships. At the company’s center is Dr. Isabell Springer, the founder and face of the LovEd brand. As the researchers’ relationship with the client has grown, MAARC Media has gained a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and tailored a research plan to address each concern. The public relations campaign was dependent on this research in order to fully identify and address LovEd’s branding issues. The purpose of this research was to: • Gain a more comprehensive understanding of the cultural and societal climate of the target audience • Identify the most successful direction to guide the brand • Understand the target audience’s: o Perception of the LovEd brand o Attitude toward Dr. Isabell Springer o Experience with webinars o Experience with traditional and social media platforms
  • 24. 21 Research Questions & Hypotheses 1. Past exposures to failed relationships may affect one’s attitude toward their willingness to participate in love education. 2. An increased online presence, specifically through webinars, will generate a greater appeal to consumers than solely the live lecture series. 3. Is LoveSeat, in its current form, a viable source of revenue for the client? 4. What online platform should Dr. Springer conduct the webinar presentations on to achieve the greatest reach and impact on consumers? 5. What do consumers value most in LovEd’s products? 6. If consumers do not understand the term “Relationship Ready” as LovEd has defined it, consumers will be less likely to participate in the program. 7. Do consumers find the topics LovEd discusses too personal, ultimately creating a barrier between the client and the public? 8. Does the target audience find Dr. Springer to be a credible source in conducting love education in order to create “Relationship Ready” individuals? 9. Do LovEd’s main goals align with consumers’ expectations of the organization? 10. Which media outlets do the target audience have the most exposure to? 11. LovEd’s current approach in its call to action steers consumers away from wanting to benefit from the product. 12. If LovEd differentiates the consumers in their target audience based on relationship status (single vs. married), they will be able to more effectively market the product.
  • 25. 22 Method Overview To fully address the proposed research questions and hypotheses, while still satisfying the overall research goal of understanding the target audience, MAARC Media created a two-stage research process. In order to ensure well-developed, accurate findings the researchers chose to employ two detailed surveys. The researchers chose to implement comprehensive surveys, as it was the most efficient method of reaching a large sample of the target audience while still being able to ask numerous questions at a low cost. Due to the client’s lack of funding, the researchers believed that a survey would provide the largest population for the lowest cost, while still generating accurate and valid research. The survey also gives quantitative data that provides MAARC Media and the client with statistics to answer the research questions. The first survey primarily focuses on the overall awareness, perception and understanding of the LovEd brand. The first survey investigates the target audience’s perception of LovEd and the individual pillars of the company. The second survey was implemented to gain more information on the target audience’s relationship and potential interest with webinars. The researchers wanted to include detailed research about webinars since it is a main tactic of the campaign. The combination of the main survey and the webinar survey allowed for each decision within the campaign to be supported by accurate and valid research.
  • 26. 23 Sample and Sampling Technique MAARC Media’s aim was to have the sample for the first survey be representative of the target audience, women ages 18 to 50+ years old. In order to achieve this sample, the researchers used convenience sampling. The researchers sent a Qualtrics survey via FSU webmail to the alumni of the Florida State Phi Mu chapter and Pi Beta Phi chapter. This sampling technique allowed MAARC Media to collect 100 completed surveys for analysis. For the second survey, convenience sampling was implemented, and the researchers used personal contacts over Facebook to distribute the Qualtrics survey link. With personal contacts, the researchers were able to collect 60 survey responses for analysis by the necessary deadline. During the research process, convenience sampling was used because of limited resources available to the researchers. A convenience sample involves contacting respondents who are easily and readily accessible to the researchers.
  • 27. 24 Initial Survey: • Through convenience sampling MAARC Media distributed surveys as a Qualtrics link through the Florida State University webmail system • The initial survey was opened on March 8 and emailed on March 9 • On Friday, March 18 the researchers closed the survey at 3 p.m. • Results were exported to the analysis software, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) • Incomplete or invalid responses were manually deleted and the researchers were left with a 100 completed responses to analyze and draw conclusions from Webinar Survey: • Survey was released on March 21 • MAARC Media used convenience sampling to recruit subjects by sharing the secondary survey via a Qualtrics link on multiple Facebook profiles • The survey was officially closed by the research team on March 27 • After incomplete surveys had been manually deleted, 60 completed responses remained • Once the survey was closed, the responses were exported to SPSS and analyzed using a variety of tests Data Collection Procedures
  • 28. 25 Data Analysis For the purpose of finding the most valuable data, geared toward determining attitudes, perceptions and potential actions of consumers, both aspects of the research consisted of quantitative methods involving two separate surveys. For the purposes of this research and due to the format of most variables included in the surveys, Anova Tests were mainly conducted, while also conducting some T-Tests and Correlation Tests. The Anova Tests and T-Tests ultimately gave the researchers data to interpret whether or not there was statistical significance among selected variables. In order to answer the numerous research questions and hypotheses proposed, the researchers believed it was very important to focus on differences in demographics, such as age and relationship (marital) status, versus other differences such as interest, comfort level, value and familiarity. Overall, there were multiple statistical significance tests conducted between different variables in order to develop the most effective direction of LovEd’s brand. From these results and more, we were able to find if a potential consumer's age influenced their response, creating a statistically significant difference between a person’s age and the way they responded. From these results and more, we were also able to find if a potential consumer's relationships status (whether one was single, married or in a committed relationship/dating) influenced their response. For both surveys, the researchers also paid close attention to the descriptive statistics included in each individual test run. This provided information such as the mean, median and mode for each item. There were many items that represented an overwhelming amount of all ages and/or relationship statuses responding to items the same way when they were tested. These statistics gave overall percentages and means that the researchers were able to turn into useful and meaningful data, especially when paired with other findings.
  • 29. 26 When testing the importance of several aspects that LovEd currently provides, it was found that finding a lasting relationship, finding a meaningful relationship, having personal growth and self-empowerment skills were viewed as important by a large majority of respondents. In comparison most respondents rated the personal importance of participating love education programs as unimportant. Based on these results, the researchers concluded that the target audience values all the encompassing aspects of what love education is and what LovEd offers, but participating in love education itself is viewed as unimportant. Respondents simply are not making the connection that love education is the collection of these numerous individual aspects. At the same time, consumers do believe the need for love education is either positive or neutral. The researchers determined that there is an appreciation for the concept of love education but respondents don’t find it applicable to their lives. Due to these results, the researchers have concluded that solely using the term “love education” when promoting LovEd is limiting to the brand’s potential. In the analysis, it was also found that LovEd should increase emphasis on the term “Emotional Maturity” over “Relationship Ready.” Research showed that respondents valued” Emotional Maturity” at a higher level than “Relationship Readiness.” However, the researchers still recommend utilizing the term “Relationship Readiness,” but put greater emphasis on “Emotional Maturity,” as it is more representative of all the encompassing aspects of LovEd. In regards to the live events, the researchers analyzed numerous findings and concluded that it is beneficial and worthwhile for LovEd to continue its annual live lecture series events. Of consumers who attended the live event and participated in the post survey, 85.7 percent said they strongly to somewhat agree with the statement “I enjoyed LovEd’s Clarity: A Different Kind of Valentine’s Event.” It was also noted that 71 percent of respondents said they would recommend LovEd to a friend after personally attending the LovEd Clarity event. Research Interpretation
  • 30. 27 Although LovEd’s teachings knows no boundaries and is open to all persons, based on the reported interest, while promoting these events a key point should be to focus on single/dating individuals, 24 or below. In regards to the live event offerings, it was found that most respondents reported being neutral to very interested in topics of group education, group interaction, group activities, love fo- cused lectures and guided self-reflection. Based on these interests, the researchers believe that for LovEd’s future successes, these aspects should continue to be present during all live events. The idea that participants have a lack of understanding of what LovEd's live events are truly composed of was also shown in the research. When randomly selected individuals were given a summary of these love education live events, over half responded that they would be unlikely to attend an event of this nature. However, of the individuals who participated in LovEd’s Clarity event, 71 percent reported that they would recommend the event to a friend. This discourse shows that LovEd being branded as an education program hinders individuals from participating in a LovEd event. But, if an individual personally participates and experiences the numerous aspects of LovEd, they are extremely likely to recommend this program to a friend, which increases future event attendance. From research regarding the LoveSeat, it was found, regardless of age or relationship status, 75 percent of respondents reported that they were unlikely to pay $4.99 for an episode of the LoveSeat. Also, 51 percent said they were unlikely to view the LoveSeat as it is structured. Because of this information, the researchers believe that the LoveSeat is not the most viable product LovEd offers its consumers. However, MAARC Media believes creating an online LovEd platform is imperative to LovEd’s future success, growth, brand and profit. In a post survey, when asking consumers who had attended the Clarity LovEd event, 40 percent of attendees reported being inclined and willing to participate in LovEd through both an online platform and live events. The researchers proposed the idea of creating an online live webinar and decided to conduct further research into consumers’ interest in this platform. When researching further into the familiarity of the concept of live webinars, it was found that 80 percent of respondents were somewhat to very familiar. The researchers believe that this is a strong starting indicator that a webinar platform has the potential to be successful, as a
  • 31. 28 majority of potential consumers are familiar with the concept. The researchers believe the webinar should be similar in content and structure to the LovEd live events in regards to topics such as personal growth, personal happiness, relationship growth, relationship happiness and self-empowerment skills. The research showed a level of neutral to positive interest in these topics. It is also believed that an online webinar can be a successful LovEd product, as a majority of respondents reported that they were willing to interact within the webinar in numerous ways including: asking questions, responding to presented ideas, sharing thoughts, sharing personal experiences and having self-reflection. In regards to the time span of the webinars, based off the results the researchers suggest monthly webinars of about 15 minutes to appeal to a larg- er audience base. However, the research also suggests that there is a substantial audience that would remain interested in a webinar about love topics for 15 to 30 minutes. With this in mind, the researchers believe that along with the free, short webinars, LovEd could produce 30-minute webinars at a cost of $1.99 based on reported willingness. From this information, it is suggested the Google+ Hangouts or GoToWebinars would be the best platform for the client’s current needs; however respondents reported willingness to use an unfamiliar platform if interested in the webinar topic. The researchers suggest that LovEd continue utilizing social media platforms as a main form of connecting with consumers. From the research, a majority of respondents reported spending 1 to 3 hours a day on social media. To build upon the foundation of LovEd, MAARC Media suggests a continued utilization of Facebook as a main platform along with increasing presence on Instagram. In regards to traditional media, MAARC Media recommends utilizing magazines, TV programs or online news sources as theses platforms had the highest levels of familiarity from the respondents. By utilizing both social and traditional media, LovEd will be able to present its brand effectively to the target audience.
  • 32. 29 • Limitations within the sample size and method. o Sample is relatively homogenous and unable to be generalized back to the entire population due to convenience sampling. • Lack of variety in research. • Only quantitative methods utilized. • Lack of resources available to the researchers. Limitations
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  • 43. 40 A campaign plan is constructed after evaluating the company’s surrounding environment from the situation analysis and analyzing the research findings. The purpose of the campaign plan is to describe, in detail, the strategies and tactics aimed to achieve the objectives that will direct the company to its primary goal. MAARC Media developed a campaign titled “ The LovEd Movement” to convey its key messages. The theme conveyed in the “ The LovEd Move- ment” campaign unites the strategies proposed by MAARC Media as a way to create consistency and achieve the common goal. This campaign provides a plan to implement each strategy and tactic, supporting research to back up each suggestion, and a method of evalua- tion to measure the success of each tactic in achieving the company’s objec- tives. MAARC Media also included a timeline and budget in the campaign plan. Campaign Plan
  • 44. 41 After analyzing the situation analysis and conducting research on LovEd through two surveys, MAARC Media has developed the “The LovEd Movement” campaign. The themes conveyed throughout this cam- paign align with LovEd’s values: emotional clarity, personal growth, courage, efficient communication, self-empowerment, emotional maturity and confidence. Two overarching goals drive the campaign. The first goal is rebranding LovEd to be perceived as a movement that encompasses elements greater than love education, such as personal growth, emotional maturity and love consciousness. Through research, MAARC Media has determined that branding the company as a resource for “love education” fosters negative perceptions and limits the company in what it has to offer. The second goal is to increase profits of the rebranded company. To achieve these goals, MAARC Media has developed three objectives with four following strategies. The target public identified in this campaign is women, single, in relationships and married, 20 and older. This demographic tends to be the most responsive to the messages LovEd aims to convey. MAARC Media recommends that LovEd execute these strategies and tactics explained in the following pages to rebrand the company. Based upon thorough and valid research, MAARC Media expects an increase in the company’s profits and an improvement in its perception and consumer awareness following the company’s rebranding. Executive Summary
  • 45. 42 Target Publics For this campaign, MAARC Media identified the target public as females, both single, in relationships and married, ages 20 and above. MAARC Media suggests LovEd should target both singles and individuals in relationships because Dr. Springer offers relationship tools that can be applicable to both markets. MAARC Media targets ages 20 and older because this is the age range that is most responsive to the messages LovEd. Theme The theme of the “The LovEd Movement” campaign aligns with LovEd’s values because it strives to encompass each benefit LovEd offers to consumers. These values include an emphasis on emotional clarity, maturity, empowerment, self-discovery and love education. The “The LovEd Movement” campaign also conveys LovEd’s visionary goals, such as growth-oriented self-discovery, facilitated meaningful discussions about relationships, and redefining the way individuals approach relationships. Key and Supporting Messages The “ The LovEd Movement” campaign promotes MAARC Media’s key mes- sage that LovEd offers its consumers an experience that ascends standard love education. It also suggests that any individual who has the courage to grow can become a part of this movement. The campaign positions LovEd in the most efficient way to deliver the company’s message that LovEd is more than just love education or relationship therapy; LovEd offers a journey in redefining how an individual approaches relationships, and solicits the LovEd products as tools that are applicable to any individual’s experience with relationships.
  • 46. 43 Overarching Goals MAARC Media has determined two primary goals to achieve through the campaign: to rebrand LovEd and to increase the company’s profits. Successful rebranding is defined as consumers recognizing the LovEd brand as a process that ascends love education and allows individuals to personally grow and acquire the tools for a healthy relationship. MAARC Media has determined that LovEd’s insufficient profit and the lack of interest and participation in the target market is a result of the current branding of LovEd as a “love education” organization. The term “love education” does not encompass the many takeaways that LovEd offers its consumers. The company’s brand does not communicate all of the services it provides, and the delivery of the company’s message through its brand is not attracting its target market. MAARC Media has discovered that individuals value the mission and purpose of LovEd, but the company has not been able to communicate its relevancy. MAARC Media believes that presenting LovEd as a movement toward redefining relationships, encompassing topics such as personal growth, self-empowerment, efficient communication and emotional maturity – in addition to love education- will appeal to the target market much more effectively than by solely using the term “love education.”
  • 47. 44 Supporting Research Based on quantitative research, MAARC Media found that consumers believe the concept of love education is positive, but feel that the activities associated with the term “love education” are not relevant to their lives. Research indicated that 99 percent of people perceived the term “love education” in a positive to neutral way. Another research question in the same survey identified that only 3 percent reported that participating in love education programs was extremely important. In that same research survey, 83 percent of respondents believed that finding meaningful relationships was very to somewhat important, 88 percent reported that personal growth was very to somewhat important, and 83 percent of individuals reported that self-empowerment was very important. From these statistics, MAARC Media determined that participating in love education is not appealing to consumers, although the concept of love education is positive. MAARC Media concluded that these results stem from the consumers’ inabilities to believe that “love education” is relevant to their lives. Although respondents reported that other aspects of LovEd were important, consumers do not realize that the love education provided by LovEd encompasses all of these additional facets. MAARC Media aims to rebrand LovEd to convey the company as a positive, educational, growth-oriented movement that encompasses features such as self-empowerment and personal growth. By doing so, LovEd will be able to recondition consumer mindsets to develop the perception of LovEd as both positive and relevant to their lives.
  • 48. 45 Objectives MAARC Media has developed three main objectives that guide the accomplishment of the primary goals. The first objective is to increase awareness of the new LovEd brand. Increased awareness is defined as anyone who recognizes the LovEd logo and brand and actively seeks knowledge of or participation in the company. The second objective is to establish Dr. Springer as the leader of the LovEd movement across the state of Florida. The third objective is to increase consumer knowledge of LovEd products. Increased consumer knowledge will be achieved when the strategies of this objective convey information to unknowing potential consumers. The success of this objective will be achieved if, after being exposed to product information, consumers actively seek more information about and/or participate in LovEd. MAARC Media suggests the execution of four strategies and proceeding tactics detailed in the upcoming pages. Each strategy aims to achieve a specific objective, and all strategies cooperate to reach the campaign’s ultimate goals.
  • 49. 46 Strategy 1: Launch New Brand Through Increased Social Media Content Supporting Research The company should increase the amount of LovEd promotional content on mainstream social media platforms to rebrand the company as a “movement” that encompasses more than just love education. The company should launch the new brand on social media, focusing on specific platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Research has indicated that social media is the most appropriate way to launch the new brand, specifically through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Statistics show that 89 percent of people are very to somewhat familiar with Facebook, 78 percent are very to somewhat familiar with Twitter, and 83 percent are very to somewhat familiar with Instagram. Research also indicated that 81 percent of people use social media more than one hour a day. This data suggests that launching the new brand through the social media platforms identified above would yield a large reach and frequency.
  • 50. 47 Evaluation To evaluate the effectiveness of the rebranding, MAARC Media will look at consumers’ perceptions. Rebranding LovEd as a movement that encompasses other valued topics in addition to love education will alter the consumers’ perceptions of relevance and importance. When consumers believe the company is of higher importance, LovEd’s participation rates will increase. Participation in the company will be measured by a post-campaign survey, which will also ask respondents to elaborate on their perceptions of the LovEd brand.
  • 51. 48 The first tactic to promote the new brand of LovEd is the implementation of a social media campaign. This social media campaign aims to solicit LovEd as a company that ascends stereotypical expectations of love education. By increasing the amount of social media content, consumers will become more aware of the company’s brand and its product. Social media graphics and written posts have been created and incorporated into the social media calendar in Appendix O to launch the social media campaign. Social media posts will include the LovEd logo and creative, informative copy that conveys the purpose of the organization and the benefits it offers. Social media graphics should include the website’s URL in order to direct potential consumers to the company’s website. The social media campaign will focus on LovEd as a movement toward redefining one’s approach to relationships. The taglines of the campaign would include phrases such as “the movement,” “the LovEd movement,” and “redefine relationships.” These phrases can be modified into hashtags, such as # LovEdMovement and #RedefineRelationships. Hashtags will increase online exposure and consistency, and will enable consumers to join the movement through their own posts as well. Tactic 1: Social Media Campaign to Launch New Brand
  • 52. 49 Evaluation The success of the social media content will be evaluated by comparing the amount of activity and participation on social media posts compared to previous posts. Additionally, the number of group members and followers on LovEd’s social media pages should noticeably increase. Please see Appendix J for social media graphics. Please see Appendix O for LovEd Social Media materials and timeline.
  • 53. 50 Tactic 2: Social Media Internship The second approach to increasing awareness of the LovEd brand through social media platforms is for Dr. Springer to hire a social media intern. Dr. Springer has expressed difficulty in her ability to consistently update all of LovEd’s various social media platforms. A social media intern would alleviate this responsibility for Dr. Springer, thus generating more time for Dr. Springer to focus on the company’s development while simultaneously maintaining a strong social media presence. MAARC Media has already created a LovEd social media intern application, including a job description of the intern’s responsibilities. Additionally, the University of Florida College of Communications has been contacted, and the institution has expressed interest in making this unpaid internship an opportunity to its undergraduate students for school credit. As explained in the job description, the social media intern will be responsible for updating all social media platforms regularly, including (but not limited to) Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This intern will also manage a social media calendar, respond to comments or posts and attend LovEd events when necessary. The intern will also be responsible for creating content for the monthly e-newsletter and distributing it to participants. Furthermore, the intern will collaborate with Dr. Springer on a weekly basis in order to develop effective social media content and campaigns. If the client agrees to hire a social media intern, MAARC Media will provide her with the revised Job Description and Application, and will contact the University of Florida School of Communications to notify their students of the internship availability.
  • 54. 51 Evaluation The success of increasing social media coverage through the addition of a social media intern will be evaluated based on the work of the social media intern. Determining how timely and relevant the social media posts are, as well as the online audience interaction, is the first indicator of this tactic’s success. LovEd should notice success from the social media intern if online engagement from LovEd consumers increases and the number of followers to LovEd’s social media groups increases. Please see Appendix K for Social Media Intern Job Description. Please see Appendix L for Social Media Intern Application.
  • 55. 52 Tactic 3: Instagram and Facebook Video Clips MAARC Media has designed short advertisement video clips for LovEd to promote through social media. These short videos work to rebrand the company and encourage social media engagement. They will be posted to LovEd’s Facebook or Instagram pages, depending on the video’s length. The videos aim to give consumers a short visual taste of the live, interactive LovEd events. These advertisements present LovEd as more than relationship therapy or education; instead, the company is depicted as an upbeat, meaningful discussion in a social setting. The goal of these video clips is to set LovEd apart as a facilitated, growth-oriented journey through personal development and relationship readiness. MAARC Media has designed three short videos using video clips from the 2016 Clarity event. The first video is 16 seconds in length and contains clips introducing Dr. Isabell Springer and her company, LovEd. This video could be used on Instagram. The second video is 22 seconds long and contains clips of real people interacting at the LovEd event. The third video is 19 seconds in length and contains clips of Dr. Springer emphasizing the importance of being real in love. Since these two videos are slightly longer, they would be posted on Facebook.
  • 56. 53 Supporting Research Research indicates that Instagram and Facebook are the two most familiar social media platforms. Eighty-eight percent of respondents are very to somewhat familiar with Facebook, and 83 percent are very to somewhat familiar with Instagram. MAARC Media has determined that LovEd should continue hosting live events and increase advertisements for them. Of the people who attended the 2016 Clarity event, 86 percent of respondents said they enjoyed the event and 71 percent said they would recommend it to a friend. Evaluation The success of this tactic will be evaluated by analyzing the results from the post-campaign survey. There will be a survey sent out to the members of LovEd’s social media groups, with a section of the survey asking the respondent if he or she has been exposed to the videos. The effectiveness of the videos would be measured by determining if respondents would be more interested in attending a LovEd event after watching the videos. Please view the three video clips uploaded to the flash drive MAARC Media has provided the client.
  • 57. 54 According to secondary research, 46 percent of an organization’s active members are more involved in the organization as a result of the Internet than they would have been without it. Also, 83 percent of people who are members of an organization say the Internet has impacted their willingness and ability to stay up-to-date with the organization. MAARC Media has used these statistics to determine that a strong online presence is necessary in order to retain and influence members. Establishing a broader, more interactive online community will heighten awareness of LovEd and increase audience engagement in the company. Supporting Research Strategy 2: Create an Interactive Online LovEd Community Give participants the opportunity to engage in the LovEd online community through multiple outlets, so that graduates can stay engaged and target publics can get involved. The post-campaign survey will ask respondents to elaborate on their degree of online interaction, and will specify which tactics they interacted with. The survey will also evaluate how meaningful the consumers felt their engagement was and the likelihood of continued participation in the future. Evaluation
  • 58. 55 Tactic 1: Webinars MAARC Media has developed the idea to move LovEd onto a webinar platform, where Dr. Isabell Springer would engage in meaningful conversations and discuss important topics with a live audience. These live, interactive webinars could also be prerecorded in order to provide individuals who are unable to attend the live event the same opportunity and experience as if they were sitting in the audience. Facilitating interactive discussions through a series of webinars would provide Dr. Springer and her clients with many advantages. MAARC Media suggests that Dr. Springer use GoToWebinar as the webinar platform, as this outlet will provide the client with many beneficial options for her lectures. Dr. Springer should present her webinar lectures twice a month. The pricing for presenting a webinar on this platform is included in the Budget in Appendix Q on page 101. This platform allows audience members to ask anonymous questions throughout the presentation, view slideshows and images as the presenter speaks and participate in live polls to keep them engaged. MAARC Media believes that incorporating webinar services into LovEd would allow Dr. Springer to engage in live discussions with her consumers more often. Dr. Springer would offer two types of webinar presentations. The first webinar presentation would be a free, 10-15 minute lecture by Dr. Springer regarding topics such as self-empowerment, personal growth, happiness and relationship growth. This free webinar would give consumers a sample of the company, and would generate customer familiarity to encourage future sales of products. The second webinar presentation would be a supplement to the previous webinar presentation. This webinar would cost $2.99 and would be 15-30 minutes long. The priced webinar presentations would consist of more serious topics and would allow for increased audience interaction with Dr. Springer, as well as a Question and Answer session at the end.
  • 59. 56 These webinars would also maintain a smaller audience size to foster a more personal, intimate and comfortable environment. MAARC Media suggests that Dr. Springer holds a webinar session twice a month, switching between the free presentations and the priced presentations. Supporting Research MAARC Media suggests that LovEd use the webinar platform GoToWebinar. Although only 31 percent of people surveyed were very or somewhat familiar with GoToWebinar, 51 percent stated they would be very or somewhat willing to view a webinar from an unfamiliar platform. According to secondary research, the most popular time of day to run a webinar presentation is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., as only 7 percent of respondents preferred to view a webinar after 12 p.m. The most popular day of the week to run a Webinar is Tuesday, with Wednesday and Thursday being the next most popular. The LovEd webinars should not exceed 60 minutes in length. According to the survey, 33 percent of people would be interested in a webinar that lasts 0-15 minutes, and 42 percent of respondents said 16-30 minutes. This is why MAARC Media suggests that each individual webinar does not exceed 30 minutes. The 15-minute webinar presentation should be free. According to research, 63 percent of respondents would pay a maximum of $0.00 for a webinar. However, MAARC Media intends for the company to generate profit off this tactic. This is why MAARC Media suggests two webinar presentations per month - one 15-minute lecture offered at no cost to the viewer, and one 30-minute lecture to be purchased for $1.99.
  • 60. 57 Evaluation The success of this tactic will be measured by how many participants enroll in the webinar session, and how engaged the audience appears to be towards the content. Also, the post-campaign survey will contain questions evaluating consumer satisfaction with webinar presentations. Please see Appendix F for webinar announcement flyers. Please see Budget in Appendix Q for webinar pricing.
  • 61. 58 Tactic 2: Redesign Monthly LovEd E-Newsletter For the second tactic, MAARC Media has redesigned a LovEd email newsletter to emphasize the new brand. The newsletter is designed to keep consumers updated and engaged throughout the year. MAARC Media suggests that Dr. Springer sends out an e-newsletter every month. MAARC Media has titled the e-newsletter “Love Note.” The purpose of this newsletter is to encourage consumers to actively engage in and stay updated with the LovEd movement. The e-newsletter contains multiple sections cov- ering various topics that LovEd specializes in. These sections include positive affirmations from Dr. Springer, a “Letter from the Doctor” written by Dr. Springer to her readers (similar to a “Letter from the Editor”), reminders of upcoming events or webinar presentations, and more. The newsletter also serves to encourage consumer interaction by offering an anonymous “Ask Isabell” section and an optional monthly “Love Homework” that works to foster personal development and self-confidence. Supporting Research According to secondary research, 92 percent of online adults maintain and use an email account, and workers on average spend 13 business hours each week reviewing and responding to the emails within their inbox. Additionally, email marketing is 40 times more successful in attracting potential consumers than Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, an email newsletter would be extremely efficient in attracting new consumers to LovEd.
  • 62. 59 Evaluation The success of this tactic will be measured by determining how many consumers are registered to receive the monthly e-newsletter through their email account. MAARC Media will include a question in the post-campaign survey regarding the quality and the engagement opportunities provided by the monthly newsletter. Please see Appendix B for newsletter.
  • 63. 60 Strategy 3: Increase the Awareness of Dr. Springer MAARC Media hopes to increase the target market’s awareness of Dr. Isabell Springer and her credentials through a stronger social media presence. This strategy aims to achieve the objective of establishing Dr. Springer as the leader of the LovEd movement throughout Florida. Supporting Research Through research, MAARC Media determined that over 80 percent of respondents view the terms “knowledge,” “experience,” “expertise,” “trust” and “reliability” as very or somewhat important in determining a person’s credibility. It is essential for Dr. Springer to be associated with these terms so that consumers perceive her as a credible resource. Consumers’ perceptions toward Dr. Springer will have a large impact on whether or not they invest in the company’s products.
  • 64. 61 Tactic 1: Magazine Profile on Dr. Springer The first tactic MAARC Media identified in order to achieve this strategy is a magazine profile on Dr. Springer. This marketing tactic will increase the aware- ness of her experience and expertise, and will aim to establish Dr. Springer as the leader of the LovEd movement. Increasing readership of Dr. Springer’s personal experience will also increase familiarity and trust among local poten- tial consumers. The magazine profile will be a conversational interview style between the Media Relations Director of MAARC Media and Dr. Isabell Springer. Supporting Research MAARC Media determined from research that the target public is very exposed to traditional media, as well as social media. Of the individuals surveyed, 73 percent of respondents said they were very or somewhat exposed to magazines. A magazine profile would increase reach of the brand and solicit Dr. Springer’s expertise and experience. Evaluation MAARC Media will evaluate this tactic through the post-campaign survey. There will be a question asking how the respondent heard about Dr. Isabell Springer, and one of the answer choices will say “magazine profile.” A follow-up question will ask the respondent to elaborate on how credible they believe Dr. Springer to be based off this profile. Please see Appendix C for Magazine Profile. Please see Appendix N for Media Contact List.
  • 65. 62 Tactic 2: LovEd Booth Appearance at Bridal Conventions In order for Dr. Springer to reach a greater volume of potential consumers, MAARC Media suggests the idea of a “traveling” LovEd booth that Dr. Springer brings to bridal expos. The bridal expos would be events in major cities around the state of Florida. This tactic will broaden the reputability of Dr. Springer, while also giving her the opportunity to network and reach a target market of engaged couples. Dr. Springer would bring promotional items to hand out in the LovEd booth at bridal expos that would further explain the purpose of her company and generate a stronger interest and awareness in potential consumers. These items would include LovEd brochures and coupons that would be given out as incentive to sign up for the newsletter. The intention of the booth would be for Dr. Springer to interact with soon-to-be married couples, and communicate the relevancy of love education, emotional maturity, and personal growth in marriage and long-term relationships. MAARC Media has already contacted multiple bridal expo businesses that are hosting events in the upcoming months to obtain pricing information. MAARC Media has included the list of pricing and contact information in Appendix M of companies that expressed interest in having LovEd as a vendor at the event. Additionally, the email draft that was sent to these companies is included in the flash drive so that Dr. Springer has a prewritten draft if she wishes to contact bridal expos in the future. MAARC Media also included the email responses from the bridal businesses that have further infor- mation on the flash drive provided to the client.
  • 66. 63 Supporting Research MAARC Media has determined newlyweds and engaged couples as a relevant target market through secondary research. Secondary research indicates that 20 percent of marriages end within the first five years, and 32 percent marriages end within the first ten. In addition, the highest total number of divorces in the United States occurs in Florida. MAARC Media believes LovEd is extremely relevant to newlyweds because it is a resource that provides couples with the necessary tools to sustain a healthy relationship, and to avoid becoming another divorce statistic. Evaluation Tactic 2 will be evaluated by how many email subscriptions Dr. Springer collects at each bridal expo for the e-newsletter. Dr. Springer will measure her success as a vendor at these expos by estimating how many brides she spoke too and how many brides expressed interest in her company. Additionally, MAARC Media will evaluate the increased awareness from these events based on the results of the post-campaign survey. Please see Appendix M for Bridal Expo Contact Sheet. Please see Appendix D for LovEd brochure. Please see Appendix G for coupons. Please see flash drive provided by MAARC Media for email draft and response from bridal expo coordinators.
  • 67. 64 Tactic 3: Radio Advertisement A third tactic to identify Dr. Springer as a leader in the LovEd movement is a radio advertisement. A radio pitch would increase the local traditional media coverage of LovEd. The radio pitch would contain Dr. Springer’s voice. She would speak about the importance of LovEd and the benefits LovEd provides to its clients. The pitch would also include information on how to access the company’s website and how to stay involved within LovEd. The radio commercial would last 30 seconds. Supporting Research According to primary research, 82 percent of respondents are very or somewhat exposed to radio as a traditional media platform. A radio advertisement would broaden awareness for the LovEd product and for Dr. Springer herself. Evaluation Success of the radio pitch will be measured in the post-campaign survey that MAARC Media will provide to the client. The survey will ask how the individual heard of LovEd, and “radio advertisement” will be one of the answer choices. Please see Appendix I for Radio pitch. Please see Budget in Appendix Q for Radio Advertisement pricing.
  • 68. 65 Strategy 4: Increase Informational Pieces about LovEd Products By increasing the information output about LovEd products, consumers will become more aware of the brand. This will consequently generate greater sales revenue. MAARC Media has created informational pieces that detail the income-generating activities of LovEd.
  • 69. 66 Tactic 1: Press Release on Interactive Events The first tactic in this strategy of the MAARC Media campaign is to send out a press release focusing on a live interactive events. This press release can be a part of the social media campaign, and can be delivered either through traditional media or as a digital piece. The press release aims to increase informational output in the community about LovEd events. Specifically, this press release is intended to be an announcement about an upcoming live event called “The Surrender Experiment” on September 10, 2016. The name and date of the event can be changed on the digital copy as different events are scheduled. Greater media coverage on this event would generate heightened awareness of the event and would increase sales revenue of tickets. Evaluation Success of the press release for interactive live events will be measured in the post-campaign survey that MAARC Media will provide to the client. The survey will ask how the individual heard about the LovEd event, and “press release” will be one of the answer choices. Please see Appendix A for Interactive Events Press Release.
  • 70. 67 Tactic 2: Press Release on Webinar Launch MAARC Media has created a second press release that focuses on the launch of the webinar. This press release is intended to be an announcement piece. The press release announces the launch of Dr. Springer’s first webinar, including the date and time. Although this press release can be sent to traditional media, it will be most effective in a digital format. The press release will include information about the company, the format of the webinar session and information about Dr. Springer’s purpose for conducting a webinar session. Evaluation This tactic will be evaluated from the post-campaign survey. MAARC Media will identify how effective this tactic was by asking respondents how they heard about the webinars. “Press release” will be one of the answer choices. Please see Appendix A for Webinar Press Release.
  • 71. 68 Tactic 3: LovEd Coupons MAARC Media has designed business-card sized coupons for Dr. Springer to hand out as she wishes. These coupons will give consumers discounts on LovEd products. The coupons serve as an incentive for attending LovEd events and viewing LovEd webinars. Dr. Springer would hand out the coupons at her events to increase future participation. Coupons would also be used as an incentive for individuals to sign up to receive the free newsletter and register for the live webinars. Dr. Springer would carry the coupons with her to distribute at any event she may attend. MAARC Media has designed three different coupons. One coupon offers “50% Off a LovEd Event,” and serves as an incentive to increase attendance at the interactive events. The second coupon offers a “BOGO LovEd Ticket.” Since this incentive is of greater value, these coupons would be distributed to those who have already attended a LovEd event as a way to increase the returner participation rate. The final coupon MAARC Media created offers “One Free Webinar Pass.” The purpose of this incentive is to get participants to try the live webinar, with hopes that they enjoy the experience and continue viewing them in the future. The coupons are primarily used as positive reinforcement for purchasing or expressing interest in LovEd products. Supporting Research Based on secondary research, 96 percent of consumers use coupons, and 85 percent of consumers look for coupons before visiting a retailer. This data supports MAARC Media’s suggestion that coupons would bring in more business for LovEd.
  • 72. 69 Evaluation Tracking the coupons used to purchase events will assess evaluation of this tactic. LovEd should trace how many individuals receive coupons and then determine how many coupons have been used. The coupons should increase sales of both the interactive events and the Webinar. Please see Appendix G for LovEd coupons. Please see the Budget in Appendix Q for pricing on printing these coupons.
  • 73. 70 Tactic 4: Brochure The fourth tactic is the creation and distribution of LovEd brochure pamphlets promoting LovEd products and the company’s mission. The brochure focuses on LovEd as a love education movement, encompassing elements such as personal growth, emotional maturity, and love consciousness. The brochure will act as a promotional tool to provide more information to consumers on LovEd products. The brochures will be distributed to individuals for free, and will contain a page explaining the company’s mission and purpose, a page with information on the company’s website, a brief testimonial from Dr. Isabell Springer and a page with LovEd’s social media and website links. Evaluation The post-campaign survey will identify the success of the brochures by asking respondents how they heard about LovEd, and “brochure” will be listed as one of the answer choices. Please see Appendix D for the LovEd brochure.
  • 74. 71 Conclusion MAARC Media has identified LovEd’s greatest obstacle as the limiting branding and the overall lack of awareness for the brand, products and Dr. Springer. The most important findings from the research indicated that the concept of love education is positive, but people do not feel participating in love education is important because they do not recognize that “love education” encompasses concepts consumers do identify as important, including personal growth, self empowerment, finding meaningful and lasting relationships. The research has identified that the branding of LovEd as solely love education is limiting, which is the reason for insufficient profits. The solutions MAARC Media proposes is a rebranding of the company through social media, increasing the awareness of Dr. Springer’s credibility through digital and traditional media platforms, and increasing the output of informational and promotional products to improve the sales revenue of LovEd. Achieving the primary goals of rebranding LovEd as a movement and increasing the new brand’s awareness will emphasize the company’s mission statement that everyone deserves to find real love. The idea of LovEd as a movement also conveys the company’s values that anyone can become a part of this company if they have the courage to grow and the openness to learn about the tools to maintaining healthy relationships. The rebranding as a movement also positions Dr. Springer has a leader in the company, and establishes a relationship between her and her clients.
  • 75. 72
  • 76. Appendices Appendix A: Press Releases Appendix B: Newsletter Appendix C: Isabell's Profile Appendix D: Brochure Appendix E: Poster Appendix F: LovEd Webinar Flyers Appendix G: LovEd Coupons Appendix H: LovEd Videos Appendix I: Radio Pitch Appendix J: Social Media Graphics Appendix K: Social Media Intern Description Appendix L: Intern Contract Appendix M: Bridal Expo Contact List Appendix N: Media Contact List Appendix O: Social Media Calendar Appendix P: Campaign Timeline Appendix Q: Campaign Budget
  • 77. 74 Appendix A FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Apr. 11, 2016 Media Contact Courtney Kantor Copywriter, Make Your MAARC Media | (561) 400-6108 LovEd LAUNCHES WEBINAR SERIES TO PROMOTE THE MOVEMENT IN REDEFINING RELATION- SHIPS TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – LovEd is announcing its first live webinar presentation on August 9, 2016 at -time TBD-. Dr. Isabell Springer, founder of the company, will be discussing meaningful approaches to making smart choices in love, including topics like personal growth, self-empowerment, personal clarity, and more. Sparked by personal experiences with divorce, Dr. Isabell Springer founded LovEd in 2008 as a way to implement her passion for therapy in the field of love. Dr. Springer has a PhD and a Marriage and Family Therapist License (MFT) that certify her relationship expertise. LovEd is a positive love education organization that serves as a movement to help individuals redefine their relationships through growth-oriented self-discovery and love consciousness. Dr. Springer created the company to empower both individuals and couples on making smart decisions in love regarding emotional maturity, communication and confidence. The company is about to launch a webinar series that applies Dr. Springer’s research and experiences to an intimidate environment that is easily accessible to consumers. Throughout the duration of these live webinars, participants will have the opportunity to engage in conversation and participate in anonymous live polling. The webinar presentations will also be recorded for those individuals that are unable to attend the live presentation. The webinar presentations will be lecture-based and they will last approximately 15 minutes. The following week, a supplemental webinar will be offered on August 16, 2016. This webinar will cost $1.99 and it will cover more serious, intimate topics. The supplemental lecture will offer an anonymous Q&A session with Dr. Springer near the end of the presentation. It will be approximately 30 minutes in length. To sign up for either webinar presentation, follow the link on the LovEd website at http://www. Join the movement today! For more information on LovEd, Dr. Isabel Springer, or her webinar lectures, visit or its Facebook page at ###
  • 78. 75 Appendix A FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mar. 13, 2016 Media Contact Courtney Kantor Copywriter, Make Your MAARC Media | (561) 400-6108 INTERACTIVE EVENTS EMPOWER FULFILLING RELATIONSHIPS AND SMART CHOICES IN LOVE TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – On September 10, 2016, LovEd will be hosting its next live event called “The Surrender Experi- ment” based off the teachings from the New York Time’s Bestseller and one of Oprah’s favorites. Participants will be given the opportunity to explore themselves, their relationships and their own potential for love after freeing their minds from any personal hindrances. This event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The location is TBA. Dr. Isabell Springer founded LovEd after becoming certified with her PhD and a Marriage and Family Therapist License (MFT.) She started the company because she recognized the tendency for individuals to anchor themselves to the past and remain stagnant in their insecurities. Dr. Springer uses her personal experience to guide singles and couples through the process of personal growth, empowerment and discovery. LovEd is a unique organization that surpasses traditional love education and relationship therapy. The company presents interactive events that create a lively, secure environment that allows individuals to challenge their potential to grow within themselves and in their relationships. These events work to strengthen confidence, communication, and reshape perspectives on love. “Our society needs to learn a new model for love,” believes Dr. Springer. “The idea that people could die without being LovEd fuels me and this will not happen while I’m alive. I’ve created these powerful events to stimulate maturity among men and women so that they may find the courage to be vulnerable and make the commitment to grow.” Become a part of this love movement today by registering for “The Surrender Event.” For more information on LovEd, Dr. Isabell Springer and/or The Surrender Experiment, visit https://www.berelation- or visit its Facebook page at ###
  • 79. 76 Appendix B + The Love Note Volume 1 | July 2016 Letter from the Welcome to the LovEd Love Note Fusce mollis tempus felis. - aliquam. Upcoming Events: Dr. Isabell Springer will be at the Orlando Bridal Expo. Times TBA. July LovEd is officially launching its very own webinar series. The first webinar will be on August 6th ! Aug. Fall into Love live event will be taking place September 14th at the Wooly in Gainesville. Sep. Come join us Halloween night for our second Share the Love event. Treats and maybe some ticks will be provided. Oct. Doctor To My Beautiful Readers: As summer approaches, love will be in the air. It is important that we begin to think about how to be love conscious, emotionally mature partners. Take the time out of your day to truly reflect on your potential in love and challenge yourselves to grow. Taking the time to reflect fosters a better understanding of self and the skill of communication. Remember, the willingness to grow and heal is all you need for the opportunity to experience the joys of real love. Keep spreading the love. Lots of love, Isabell Springer
  • 80. 77 Appendix C Isabell's Profile Of the many titles Dr. Isabell Springer holds, a fearless leader might be the most important one yet. Dr. Isabell Springer is the founder and face of LovEd, but most importantly, she is the force behind the newest movement in love. LovEd is a love education organization that offers individuals the tools for making smart choices in love, including aspects like self-discovery, personal growth, emotional clarity and maturity. The LovEd movement was founded out of the ruins of heartbreak. After her divorce, Dr.Springer wanted answers. Her pain from losing love lead her to create a movement- a movement of redefining love, fostering personal growth and creating a new model for love. After participating in a LovEd live lecture and watching Isabell in action, I wanted to know more. I wanted to know more about why LovEd originated and how Isabell has become the leader of the LovEd movement. Malory Hudson (MH): Where did the idea of LovEd originate? Isabell Springer (IS): Well, the story began when I was going through a divorce and started looking for answers about why my relationship didn’t last. As I was investigating, I came upon some research that discussed concepts of attraction and emotional maturity being two separate components. At the same time, I began my internship for becoming a therapist and I began sharing these concepts. People were blown away. Relationship attraction and emotional maturity are separate. While you can have romantic attraction, emotional experience is the true experience of love. The pain of my divorce caused me to research why my relationship ended. I had no intention to do anything beyond rebuilding my life and figure out how to handle my pain. But as soon as I figured it out, I kept wondering why nobody was talking about this. That’s when LovEd came to be. MH: How has your experience as a relationship therapist contributed to your success with LovEd? IS: I became a therapist right as I discovered that romantic attraction and emotional maturity are two separate things. I began seeing couples at that time, and I learned that people make decisions during the stage of infatuation, because they were interpreting romantic attraction as real love. They couldn’t identify emotional maturity. As I discovered this and shared it, people were telling me that, that is exactly it, this idea is so simple and so brillant. MH: If somebody was considering going to a LovEd event, what mindset should they have? IS: Be open-minded, know that I’m not going to tell you what to be. I’m not trying to change you, I’m trying to inspire you. I want people to feel emotionally safe, decide what they want to keep and then leave. MH: What is the one thing you want someone to take from LovEd? IS: Never settle in love. LovEd can give you the tools so you don’t have to settle. You can hold out for a fulfilling relationship.
  • 81. 78 Appendix C MH: What is the biggest change you’ve seen with a LovEd participant? IS: They immediately go home and break up with their partner. It happens all the time, to the point where it’s not shocking anymore. In the beginning, I used to be like “Oh my God,” but after awhile, it becomes so cool. It is because the message is clear- you never settle. You only live once, so never settle. The program makes it so clear why their relationship is unfulfilling, their partner had no interest in growing and that’s what they learn. They thought that because their partner desired them sexually, that it was love. Then they learn. MH: What do you want your legacy to be? IS: I want my legacy to be for people to get their value and their worth. I hope that I can take responsibility for being a difference in the world and for creating a new model for love.
  • 82. 79 Appendix D LovEd Products There is more to love than meets the eye. We can show you how and why. Join the Movement! Start spreading the love! relationshipready/ @RelationshipRdy @Relationshipready abellspringer • Live events: upbeat events featuring a lively mix of meaningful discussion, hands-on activities, online live polling, and more. • Webinar: engage in meaningful discussions about the importance of emotional maturity & more during these online, interactive seminars with Dr. Springer herself. • LoveSeat YouTube series: an at- home therapy session between Dr. Springer & individuals that have testimonial of this transformational experience. • Newsletter: sign up for the FREE newsletter to stay caught up on events, as well as receive love tips, anonymous questions, polls, testimonials, and more! ovEd exists so that everyone has the opportunity to find fulfilling, lasting relationships. ou deserve to be o ed. W at is LovEd s ission ovEd serves to empower both singles and couples to reach their full potential and maintain healthy love relationships through unique engaging experiences and an interactive online community. ow does t is relate to ou hether you are struggling to find love, struggling to maintain a relationship, or ust want to personally develop into an emotionally mature individual, ovEd can offer you the tools to thrive in your present or future relationships. earn more about how you can become a part of this transformational movement! isit our website I s a b e l l S p r i n g e r , P h d , M f t Relationship Therapist LovEd® Founder & Course Leader have created ovEd as a way to heal and empower individuals so that they may recogni e their relationship potential and make smart choices in love. f you have the willingness to grow and a little courage to heal your past hurts, you will then have the opportunity to have real love. Everyone deserves that.
  • 84. 81 Appendix F Get on air for FREE with LovEd is presenting its first FREE live webinar! Get on air with Dr. Isabell Springer as she discusses meaningful topics like emotional maturity, self-empowerment, personal growth and making smart choices in love. Date TBD Tuesday at 11am Find the link to sign up for FREE at Dr. Isabell Springer PhD., MFT LovEd Live Webinar
  • 85. 82 Appendix F Get on air with For only $1.99, get on air LIVE with Dr. Isabell Springer to discuss meaningful topics in love. Participants can engage in an anonymous Q&A session with Dr. Springer herself! Get all your questions answered about finding the tools to create and maintain healthy, lasting relationships! Date TBD Tuesday at 11a.m. Find the link to sign up at Dr. Isabell Springer PhD., MFT LovEd Live Webinar
  • 87. 84 Appendix H The Instagram videos utilize copyrighted music, as MAARC Media believed familiar music would gain the attention of consumers at a higher level than not recognizable music. In order to use the videos permission from the license holder must be obtained. Contact information is listed above. Marry You- Bruno Mars Warner Music Group License Request Form ML/RequestAccountLanding.aspx?t=n What is Love- Haddaway Coconut Records Contact Page Löhestraße 63 Löhestraße 63, 53773 Hennef (Sieg) You Can’t Hurry Love- Diana Ross Universal Music Group License Division 310-865-0770
  • 88. 85 Appendix I Radio Advertisement Script Dr. Springer: Everybody deserves real love. That is why I created LovEd, to empower individuals and couples to make smart choices in love. This program gives you the tools to reflect on personal growth and discover your own potential. LovEd is designed to strengthen confidence, communication and reshape perspectives on romance. Join me in this powerful movement to redefining the way we view our relationships. Learn more about how you can get involved at LovEd’s website, First Sentence: 6.91 Seconds Second Sentence: 4.45 Seconds Third Sentence: 5.85 Seconds Fourth Sentence: 3.8 Seconds Fifth Sentence: 5.46 Seconds Total: 26.47 Seconds
  • 90. 87 Appendix J With each step, your world changes... Join the movement.
  • 91. 88 Appendix K LovEd Social Media Intern - Job Description The Social Media Intern will assist in the development of LovEd’s online community. The intern will maintain LovEd’s presence on various social media platforms and help create and publish content that is relevant to the company under the supervision of founder Dr. Isabell Springer. The intern will gain experience working on social media platforms and developing content appropri- ate to the business. RESPONSIBILITIES · Updates Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account with current, relevant photos, videos, statuses, etc. · Responds to posts or comments to improve client/ consumer interaction · Posts updates, news and announcements in a timely manner using appropriate content · Manage a social media calendar to constantly update public of events and activities taking place · Help Dr. Springer develop content strategy for social media and website—overarching themes, hash tags, social media graphics, etc. REQUIREMENTS · Reliable individual who can meet deadlines · Detail oriented with excellent written and verbal skills. · Familiarity and experience with mainstream social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. · Must have personal computer to complete projects and tasks · Available to work 5-6 hours a week. ELIGIBILITY This is a part-time internship that is only available to students enrolled in university credit courses. This is an academic internship that qualifies for school credit based on the number of hours working in the internship. The applicant should be flexible and confident working in a startup environment. The applicant should be comfortable communicating with Dr. Springer on a weekly basis. This internship will benefit someone who is interested in marketing, education, public relations, and content development. TO APPLY Please send your resume and cover letter to Dr. Isabell Springer at
  • 92. 89 Appendix K About LovEd LovEd is an organization that helps singles and couples to cultivate fulfilling relationships and make smart choices in love. The founder, Dr. Isabell Springer, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist that couples her expertise in relationship therapy with her personal experiences to create meaningful conversations. LovEd’s Mission is the following: “Through our innovative and upbeat educational events featuring a lively mix of discussion, hands-on activities, online live polling, and FUN, we give people the practical, proven knowledge they need to choose the right partner, reach their fullest potential, and maintain happy, lasting relationships. We believe everybody deserves to experience real love, and we strive to reshape the broken dating scene and promote a society in which everyone has the relationship awareness needed for a healthy, fulfilling life.” Specifically, LovEd achieves its mission statement through the following: - Offering live programs designed to inspire people to have fulfilling relationships - Improving self-awareness and confidence while exploring new relationships - Establishing strong, personal connections and relationships between Dr. Springer and her clients - Educating the target audience on present statistics and the dating scene - Redefining the “broken dating scene” to cultivate a more meaningful, lasting love - Engaging individuals in practical, entertaining events that will help them develop meaningful relationships with themselves and with others The organization aims to offer a transformational experience through unique approaches to making choices in love and sustaining healthy relationships.
  • 93. 90 LovEd Social Media Internship Dr. Isabell Springer Please attach a resume and cover letter to your application.This application is due to Dr. Isabell Springer by - - date to be determined by client - - Please fill out the sections below. Applicant Information: Applicant Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone Number: Email Address: Date of Application: Employment Position Position(s) applying form: Social Media Intern (part time) How did you hear about this position? On what date can you start working if hired? Personal Information Are you a U.S. citizen or approved to work in the United States? Yes No What document can you prove as proof of citizenship or legal status? Do you reside in the Gainesville area? Job Skills/Qualifications Please list below the skills you possess for the position for which you are applying: Appendix L
  • 94. 91 (Note: LovEd complies with the ADA and considers reasonable accommodation that may be necessary for eligible applicants/employees to perform essential functions.) Education and Training High School Name Location (City, State) Year Graduated Degree Earned College/University Name Location (City, State) Year Graduated Degree Earned Previous Employment Employer Name: Job Title: Supervisor Name: Employer Address: City, State, Zip Code: Employer Telephone: Dates Employed: Reason for Leaving: Employee Name: Job Title: Supervisor Name: Employer Address: City, State, Zip Code: Employer Telephone: Dates Employed: Reason for Leaving: Additional Information What is your academic year? What is your major? Appendix L
  • 95. 92 What is your GPA? How do you believe this internship will help you grow? Do you have a personal computer that is capable of being used for projects, social media posts and contact with the employer? Yes No Do you have experience using mainstream social media platforms? If so, which ones? Appendix L
  • 96. 93 Appendix M Bridal PlaceTime/Date Cost Additional Info. Contact Info. Beautiful Bride Expo May 22, 12pm- 4pm Daytona, FL Table, chairs, linens= $400 Purchasing a booth qualiGies company for free 3 month website advertisement ($150 value) John (407) 580-5972 Monica Fehlberg monica@beautifulbrideorlando. com Beautiful Bride Expo June Orlando, FL Tables, chairs, linens= $500 Purchasing a booth qualiGies company for free 3 month website advertisement ($150 value); 350+ brides in attendance Same contact info as above column cell. Wedding Salon Expo June 20, 4pm- 8pm Conrad, Miami FL - 36 inch table: $2,950 - 4 ft rectangle table: $3,950 Includes 2 chairs, tables, linens, signage *piped and draped booths are an option for a higher cost Katy DiMenna (212) 631-7777 ext. 821 300-400 brides in attendance; Inclusion of LovEd merchandise in Bloomingdale’s gift bags; 6 months free marketing (includes blog post mentions, Our Dream Wedding Expo June 12, 2016 1pm to 4pm; June 31, 2016, 1pm to 4pm Hilton Orlando/ Altamonte Springs - Pre-Function 6’ table with linen cloth = $300.00 - Main Ballroom 6’ table with linen cloth = $350.00 - 8’x8’ booth= $475 - 8’x 10’ booth = $525 - 8’ x 16’ booth= $900 - 8’ x 20’ booth = $1000 - 8’ x 30’ booth = $1500 Business Model - Pre-Function 6’ table with linen cloth = $300.00 - Main Ballroom 6’
  • 97. 94 Appendix N Media Contact List Tallahassee · Tallahassee Family Magazine- email faulty · · · Suite D3, 508 Capital Cir SE, Tallahassee, FL 32301 · 850) 385-7762 · Tallahassee Woman Magazine- contacted · Editorial Department at · 2707 Killarney Way, Tallahassee, FL 32309 · Phone:(850) 893-9624 · · Tallahassee Magazine · · · 1932 Miccosukee Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308 · (850) 878-0554 · · Giggle Magazine- Tallahassee -contacted · Nicole Irving · · Phone: 352-505-5821 · 5745 SW 75th St. #286 · Gainesville, FL 3260 · Tallahassee Democrat · Martha Gruender, Community Content Editor (850) 599-2171 · News Director Jennifer Portman at · Storytelling Coach Andrew Skerritt at Gainesville · Flourish Magazine- contacted · · WHP / PO Box 143053 / Gainesville, FL 32614 · Giggle Magazine- Gainesville- contacted · Nicole Irving · · Phone: 352-505-5821 · 5745 SW 75th St. #286 · Gainesville, FL 32608 · Home- Living in a Greater Gainesville- computer glitch · Yesi Sevilla, Editorial Director · (352) 372-5854 ext. 202,
  • 98. 95 Appendix N · Gainesville Today- contacted · Michael Miller- · Gainesville Today Magazine · 114 SE 1st St, Suite 2 · Gainesville, FL 32601 · Tel: (352) 338-9003 · Fax: (352) 338-6008 · Gainesville Sun · Bill Dean, Entertainment editor: 352-374-5039 · Greg Hamilton, Local news editor: 352-338-3102 · P.O. Box 147147 · Gainesville, FL 32614 · Our Town- Family of Magazines- contacted · EIC Albert Issac · 4400 NW 36th Avenue · Gainesville, FL 32601 · 352.372.5468
  • 99. 96 Appendix O It’s time to get real. Being real is the 2irst step to recognizing your potential to grow within yourself and in your relationships. Let’s get real together. Join the movement. #reallove #TheLovEdMovement LovEd is here to inspire you to make the most of your relationships. Who was the biggest in2luence in your life when it came to making decisions about love? Comment below and let us know! #TheLovEdMovement LovEd is empowering individuals, just like you, to discover their potential to create beautiful, lasting relationships. All it takes is a little bit of courage. Join us and together let’s grow. #TheLovEdMovement Visit to 2ind out how you can get involved! They say seeing is believing. Join #TheLovEdMovement and see for yourself why love is worth believing in. Visit for more info. Emotional maturity and romantic attraction are NOT the same thing! Know your level. Know your worth. Join the movement today. Visit for more details about how you can get involved!