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Red Hat | Bryan Saunders
Camel from the Field
Bryan Saunders
Feb 16, 2015
Introduction to Camel
What is Camel
Camel Features
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Key Components
Camel Architecture
Supported Platforms
Camel Hands On
Common EIPs
Camel on EAP
Using JMS
Web Services
Future of Camel
Q & A
Introduction to Camel
What is Camel
Apache Camel ™ is a versatile open-source integration framework
based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns.
- Apache Camel Website
Apache Camel is an open source Java framework that focuses on
making integration easier and more accessible to developers. It does
this by providing: concrete implementations of all the widely used
EIPs, connectivity to a great variety of transports and APIs, and easy
to use Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to wire EIPs and transports
- Jonathan Anstey
Why an Integration Framework
Integration is Critical for Business
Framework does the Heavy Lifting
Lets you Focus on the Problem
Prevents Re-inventing the Wheel
History of Camel
Started in March 2007
Founded by
James Strachan
Rob Davies
Hiram Chirino
Guillaume Nodet
First Release in June 2007
Spawned from Apache ServiceMix and Apache ActiveMQ
Camel Features
Very Leightweight , Consists of only a handful of JARs
Easy Configuration
No Heavy Specification
No Container Dependencies
Payload Agnostic
Simple Programming
Minimal Configuration
DSL Based Programming
6 DSL's and Counting
Java DSL
Spring XML
Blueprint XML
Rest DSL
Groovy DSL
Scala DSL
Kotlin DSL in the works
Java DSL
    .when(xpath("/person/city = 'London'"))
Spring XML
  <from uri="direct:a"/>
      <xpath>$foo = 'bar'</xpath>
      <to uri="direct:b"/>
      <xpath>$foo = 'cheese'</xpath>
      <to uri="direct:c"/>
      <to uri="direct:d"/>
Rest DSL
<rest path="/say">
  <get uri="/hello">
    <to uri="direct:hello"/>
  <get uri="/bye" consumes="application/json">
    <to uri="direct:bye"/>
191 Components and counting
Component for pretty much anything
Most commonley used components
Lots of Components
ahc aws-ddb beanstalk cometid dataformat ejb
ahc-ws aws-sdb bean-validator context dataset eleasticsearch
amqp aws-ses box controlbus direct spring-event
apns aws-sns browse couchdb direct-vm eventadmin
atmosphere aws-sqs cache crypto dns exec
atom aws-swf class cxf disruptor facebook
avro aws-s3 chunk cxfbean docker file
aws-cw bean cmis cxfrs dropbox flatpack
More Components
freemarker google-drive hdfs imaps jira krati
ftp gogle-mail hdfs2 irc jms language
ftps gmail hl7 javaspace jmx ldap
gauth geocoder infinispan jclouds jpa linkedin
ghttp github http jcr jsch log
glogin guava-eventbus http4 jdbc jt400 lucene
gtask hazelcast ibatis jetty kafka metrics
google-calendar hbase imap jgroups kestrel mina
So Many Components
mina2 nagios pax-logging rabbitmq rss sips
mock netty pop3 ref salesforce sjms
mongodb netty4 pop3s rest sap-netweaver smtp
mgtt netty-http printer restlet schematron smpp
msv netty4-http properties rmi seda smpps
mustache olingo2 quartz rnc servlet snmp
mvel openshift quartz2 rng sftp solr
mybatis optaplanner quickfix routebox sip spark-rest
Hundreds of Components
splunk stax ssh xquery db4o nmr
spring-boot stream validation xslt esper rcode
spring-batch stomp velocity yammer fabric-amq scalate
spring-int string-temp vm zookeeper fabric-fabric smooks
spring-ldap stub weather activemq fabric-master spring-neo4j
spring-redis test websocket activemq-broker hibernate virutalbox
spring-ws timer xml-security activiti jbi zeromq
sql twitter xmpp couchbase jcifs
Error Handling
Exception Clause in Java DSL
Error Handlers
Default Error Handler
Dead Letter Channel
Logging Error Handler
No Error Handler
Transaction Error Handler
Support for Exponential Backoff of Retries
Error Handling Code
    .process(new ProcessorFail())
  .doCatch(IOException.class, IllegalStateException.class)
Redelivery Delay Patterns
Allows for custom backoff of retries.
Syntax: limit:delay;limit2:delay2;limit3:delay3;...;limitN:delayN
If delayPattern=5:1000;10:5000;20:20000 then we get
Redelivery attempt number 1..4 = 0 sec (as the first group starts with 5)
Redelivery attempt number 5..9 = 1 sec (the first group)
Redelivery attempt number 10..19 = 5 sec (the second group)
Redelivery attempt number 20.. = 20 sec (the last group)
Four Broad Categories of Security Offered
Route Security
Payload Security
Endpoint Security
Configuration Security
Route Security
Policy driven security for routes or route segments
Shiro Security
Spring Security
Payload Security
Encryption and decryption services for secure paylods
XMLSecurity DataFormat (XML Encryption support)
XML Security component (XML Signature support)
Crypto DataFormat (Encryption + PGP support)
Crypto component (Signature support)
Endpoint Security
Some components can be secured, but not all
Jetty - HTTP Basic & SSL
CXF - HTTP Basic & WS-Security
Spring Web Services - HTTP Basic & WS-Security
Netty - SSL
Cometd - SSL
JMS - JAAS and SSL for client <--> broker communication
Configuration Security
Externalize configuration properties
Jasypt - Encrypted values
JSSE Utility - Configure SSL/TLS
Load Balancing Policies
Thread and Service Pools
Asynchronous API
Same JVM & Context - Use direct or seda
Same JVM, Different Context - Use vm
Different JVM - Use jms, activemq, ftp, etc...
OSGi - Use Normalized Message Router (NMR)
HA & Failover
Not natively supported
Provided by the following components
Camel Fabric Master component
Camel ZooKeeper via a Route policy
Camel JGroups
Native test frameworks
Supports unit and integration Testing
Built in mock & stub support
Advanced testing with NotifyBuilder and AdviceWith
Works with 3rd party test frameworks
Available Test Harnesses
Name Component Description
camel-test Standalone Java library to create Camel test cases using a single Java
class for all your configuration and routing without using Spring or
Supports JUnit 4 tests that bootstrap a test environment using Spring
without needing to be familiar with Spring Test.
Provides the ability to do unit testing on blueprint configurations
Guice camel-
Uses Guice to dependency inject your test classes
Supports plain TestNG based tests with or without Spring or Guice
Example Camel Test
public class FilterTest extends CamelTestSupport {
  @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:result")
  protected MockEndpoint resultEndpoint;
  @Produce(uri = "direct:start")
  protected ProducerTemplate template;
  public void testSendMatchingMessage() throws Exception {
    String expectedBody = "matched";
    template.sendBodyAndHeader(expectedBody, "foo", "bar");
  protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() {
    return new RouteBuilder() {
      public void configure() {
Several tools exist for working with and monitoring Camel
Camel Maven Plugin
JBoss Tools for Camel
Talend Open Studio
Hawtio Camel Plugin
JBoss Tools for Camel
JBoss Tools for Camel
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Similar to Design Patterns
Focused specifically on Integration
Written by Gregor Hohpe & Bobby Wolf
65 Documented Patterns
Camel supports 53 of them
Enterprise Integration Patterns
EIP to Camel
Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder");
Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product ='widget'");
Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget");
Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget");
High Level Architecture
Domain Specific Language
Used for defining routes
Multiple DSL's exist
Set of rules that define message flow
Consists of:
EIP Constructs
Implementation of the Message Endpoint pattern
Created by components
Referred to by uniue URI's in the DSL
Consumers receive messages
Producers send messages
Essentially a factory for Endpoint instances
Adds functionality to Camel
Custom components extend DefaultComponent
Consumes message exchanges
Processor interface for building custom Processors
Used to encapsulate custom business logic
Can be turned into a full Component
Message Exchange
Supports multiple Exchange Patterns
One Way Event Message EIP
Request Reply Message EIP
Implements Message EIP
Supported Platforms
Multiple Platforms
Anywhere that supports Java 1.6
Standard JVM
Application Servers
Camel and Red Hat
Included in JBoss Fuse
Included in JBoss Fuse Service Works
Run as part of SwitchYard
Run outside of SwitchYard on EAP Container
Supported on EAP 6.1.1+
Requires JBoss Fuse & JBoss EAP Subscription
Must use Camel libraries from JBoss Fuse
JBoss Fuse
JBoss Fuse Service Works
Fuse or Service Works
Use Fuse if...
Dont use Java or JEE
Dont use EAP
Use OSGi or Karaf
Governance is not needed
No SCA requirement
Use Fuse Service Works if...
​Use JEE
Want to use JEE in Services
Currently use EAP
Need Governance
Need SCA or already use SwitchYard
Camel Considerations
For Fuse...
Can use Blueprint/Spring/Java DSL for Routes
Most configuration is done via XML
Testing relies on PaxExam and Built in Camel Test Frameworks
For Fuse Service Works w/ SwitchYard...
SwitchYard limits amount of Components you can use
JEE Stack well Supported
No XML Configuration
Can make use of Arquillian
For Camel on EAP...
Can use CDI or Spring
JEE Stack not currently well supported
Most Components use Spring for configuration
Can make use of Arquillian
Hands On Camel
Camel on EAP
Use Camel without SwitchYard or Karaf
Supported on EAP 6.1.1 and up with Camel 2.12 Red Hat Libraries
Two ways to use Libraries
Packaged inside Application
Deployed as EAP Module
Camel Started with 3 methods
Spring ContextLoaderListener
ServletListener Component
CDI Component
Starting with Spring
Requires Spring
Best if already using Spring
Camel uses Spring's Bean Registry
Started using Spring ContextLoaderListener
Configuration very similar to Fuse with Spring or Blueprint
Spring Example
Example web.xml
<web­app ...>
  <!­­ Config Location ­­>
  <!­­ Spring Listener Servlet ­­>
Spring Example
Example camel-route.xml
<beans ...>
  <import resource="classpath:META­INF/spring/camel­cxf.xml" />
  <camelContext xmlns="">
      <from uri="cxf:bean:orderEndpoint" />
      <log message=">> Received SOAP Endpoint: ${body}"></log>
Starting with Spring Demo
Starting without Spring
Does not Require Spring
Best if using JEE, but do not need to access Camel with JEE Stack
Camel uses a Simple Map based Bean Registry (Can also use JNDI)
Started using CamelServletContextListener
Configuration XML Based
Route Builders defined in web.xml
ServletListener Configuration
Example web.xml
<web­app ...>
  <!­­ Set CamelContext name ­­>
ServletListener Component Demo
Bootstrapping with CDI
Does not Require Spring or use Servlets
Best if using JEE, Especially CDI
Camel uses CDI Bean Manager
Started using an @Startup @Singleton Annotated Bean
All Configuration done in Java, No XML
Camel Bootstrap Class
Must be a Singleton, @Singleton
Must run at Startup. @Startup
Inject an instance of CdiCamelContext
Adds a CDI Bean Registry that allows lookup of CDI Beans when
@PostConstruct method should Configure/Start Context and Add
@PreDestroy should Stop Camel Context
Example Bootstrap Class
public class Bootstrap {
  private CdiCamelContext camelCtx;
  private SomeRouteBuilder someRoute;
  public void init() throws Exception {
  public void stop() throws Exception {
Using the XML Based DSL
Spring and Blueprint XML routes can also be used
Routes loaded from XML file in Bootstrap Class
InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("camel­routes.xml");
if (is != null) {
  RoutesDefinition routes = this.camelCtx.loadRoutesDefinition(is);
CDI Component Demo
Configuration with Camel CDI
No Spring Config or Context
With Camel CDI Components are Configured in Java
Configured on the Camel Context
All Components can be Configured
Configuring Components
Configred in your Bootstrap Class
Must be Configured Prior to Start of Camel Context
Lookup Existing Components with getComponent()
Lookup via Registered Name - jms, activemq, etc...
Most Core Components already Registered on Context
Lazily initialize Components that arent Registered
Add New Components with addComponent()
Sample Configuration
@Resource(mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory")
private ConnectionFactory jmsConnFactory;
JmsConfiguration jmsConfig = new JmsConfiguration(jmsConnFactory);
Component component = this.camelCtx.getComponent("jms");
if (component != null) {
  JmsComponent jmsComponent = (JmsComponent) component;
} else {
  this.camelCtx.addComponent("jms", new JmsComponent(jmsConfig));
JMS Configuration Demo
Camel & JBoss A-MQ
Camel has no JBoss A-MQ Component
Several ways to Connect to A-MQ from Camel
JMS Component
ActiveMQ Component
Bean using JMS API
Camel JMS vs ActiveMQ
JMS component
Based on Spring JMS
Uses Spring JmsTemplate for Sending
Uses Spring MessageListenerContainer for Consuming
ActiveMQ Component
Based on JMS Component
Optimized for ActiveMQ
Supports ActiveMQ Specific Features such as Destination Options
MDB vs Camel JMS
Using an MDB Generally offers Higher Performance
Use a Producer Template to send to a Direct Camel Route
MDB Uses Containers Pooled Resource Adapter
Camel JMS Component Built on Spring JMS
Uses the DefaultMessageListenerContainer
Shares a Single Connection for all Consumers
Attachments over JMS
Not Supported by Camel or any of its JMS based Components
Two Solutions
Move Attachment into Message Body with a Custom Object
Use the Claim Check EIP
Claim Check EIP
Replaces Message Data with a Unique ID for Future Retrieval
Data stored into Persistent Data Store
Data Retrieved later using Unique ID
Claim Check EIP Example
              from("jms:queue:SomeQueue").to("bean:dataEnricher").log("Do Stuff");
              public static final class CheckLuggageBean {
                public void checkLuggage(Exchange exchange, @Body String body, @XPath("/order/@custId") String custId) {
                  dataStore.put(custId, body);
                  exchange.getIn().setHeader("claimCheck", custId);
              public static final class DataEnricherBean {
                public void addDataBackIn(Exchange exchange, @Header("claimCheck") String claimCheck) {
Web Services with Camel CDI
Web Services are common place in Integration
Camel has Several Web Service Related Components
Spring Web Services
Some of the Problems
Spring Web Services require Spring
Rest and Spark-Rest Components not Available
Part of Camel 2.14
Only Leaves CXF and CXFRS
Dependent on Spring for Configuration
Needs Servlet to Start
Using Camel CXF with Camel CDI
Configured via Camel Context
Endpoints created Programmatically
Requires Http Jetty Transport to Publish Service
CxfEndpoint orderEndpoint = new CxfEndpoint();
camelCtx.addEndpoint("cxf:bean:orderEndpoint", orderEndpoint);
Alternate Solution
Use the Web Services Subsystem
Deploy Web Services using JAX-WS
Use Producer Template to Call Camel from Implementation
Use a Direct Route
Route is more Flexible, Can be Called without SOAP
Easier to Configure more Advanced Web Services
Camel & SwitchYard Test Support
Camel and SwitchYard both include Test Frameworks
Mocks created with Camel Test cannot replace SwitchYard Endpoints
Intercept Messages and Route to Mockable Endpoint
SwitchYard expects Route to Start with SwitchYard Endpoint
Define two Routes
First Route has SwitchYard Endpoint and Forwards to Second Route
Second Route starts with a Mockable Endpoint (Usually Direct)
Camel & SwitchYard Test Support
              public class SomeTestClass extends CamelTestSupport {
                private static final String MESSAGE = "...";
                public void someTest() throws Exception {
                  MockEndpoint endpoint = getMockEndpoint("mock:switchyard:WebOutService");
                  template.sendBody("direct:WebInService", MESSAGE);
                protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
                  return new WebInServiceRoute() {
                    public void configure() throws Exception {
              from("direct:WebInService").log("Doing something very clever").to("switchyard://WebInCanonicalSystem");
Testing with Pax Exam
In-Container Testing Framework for OSGi, Java EE, and CDI
Similar to Arquillian
Uses a Test Driver and a Test Container
Test Driver launches the OSGi framework and the system under test
Probe Builds Bundles from Test Cases and Injects into the Container
JUnit and TestNG Drivers
Drivers are Annotation Based
Pax Exam
Supports All Major OSGi Frameworks
Equinox, Felix, Knoplerfish, Karaf
Multiple Strategies for Restarting and Reusing the Running OSGi
Framework for each Test
Two Types of Containers
Native runs in the same VM as the Test Driver
Forked runs in a separate VM from the Test Driver
Pax Exam Karaf Container
Eases Integration Testing with Pax Exam and Karaf
Provides an Actual Karaf Container for Testing
Supports any Karaf Based Distribution (Fuse, Service Mix, Geronimo)
Maintained as Official Pax Exam modules
Adds Karaf Specific Support
Container Configuration
Controls the Host Container
Determines the Set of Bundles and Features provisioned to the Container
Builds and Configures the Container Environment
Multiple Methods of Specifying Configuration Options
One or more Methods Annotated with @Configuration that return Option[]
Artifact added to the Container for Testing
Created on the Fly by Pax TinyBundles
Contains the Current Test Classes and All Classes/Resources under the
Same Root
Can be Configured inside the Test Class if needed
Writing Testable Routes
Anything that needs to Change during a Test should be Externalized
All Endpoints
Configuration Values
Header Names
Integrations with External Resources should be Mock able
Database Connections
Messaging Brokers
Generating Dependency File
Generate using the Maven Plugin
Should use the versionAsInProject() method in Container Configuration
Configuring the Container
Container Configuration is Done with the @Configuration Annotation
Method should Return Option[]
Used for
Specifying the Distribution
Setting Distribution Properties
Log Level, Unpack Directory, Start Method, Etc…
Loading Features / Bundles
Adding/Modifying Distribution Environment
Property Files, Etc…
Example Configuration
public static Option[] configure() throws Exception {
  return new Option[] {
      .unpackDirectory(new File("target/paxexam/unpack/")),
        .classifier("features").versionAsInProject(), "camel­blueprint", "camel­jms",
      "camel­jpa", "camel­mvel", "camel­jdbc", "camel­cxf", "camel­test"),
      "org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.proxySupport", "true"),
    KarafDistributionOption.replaceConfigurationFile("etc/", new File(
    mavenBundle().groupId("net.bryansaunders").artifactId("routeBundle").versionAsInProject() };
Modifying the Probe
Modified Using the @ProbeBuilder Annotation
Uses the Following Method Signature
public TestProbeBuilder probeConfiguration(TestProbeBuilder probe) {
  // Do Things
Method should return the probe Parameter after Modification
Sets Probe Specific Configurations via Headers
Dynamically Imports all Packages by Default
Using Provisional Packages
Provisional Packages are by Default NOT Imported
Probe must be Modified to Import Them
Add the Following Line to your ProbeBuilder Method
probe.setHeader(Constants.DYNAMICIMPORT_PACKAGE, "*;status=provisional");
Getting the Camel Context
There will potentially be Multiple Camel Contexts running in the
Need to get the Correct Context for Our Tests
Best Done in doPreSetup() Method that can be Overridden from
Camel Context should be Looked Up by it’s name in the BundleContext
protected void doPreSetup() throws Exception {
  camelContext = PaxExamTestUtil.getOsgiService(CamelContext.class,
    "(" + CAMEL_CONTEXT_NAME + ")", 10000, bundleContext);
Sending Messages
2 Steps
Create/Start Producer Template
Send Message using Template
// Set Headers To Be Sent
final Map<String, Object> headerMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
headerMap.put("WM_MSG_ID", null);
headerMap.put("WM_HO_WMQ_QUEUE", null);
// Send the Message Body
ProducerTemplate template = camelContext.createProducerTemplate();
template.send("direct:gateway_in", new Processor() {
  public void process(Exchange exchange) {
    Message in = exchange.getIn();
    in.setBody("Hello from Camel");
Using Mock Queues
Get the Endpoint from the Camel Context and Cast to a MockEndpoint
MockEndpoint mockNoHomeOfficeDlq = (MockEndpoint)
Set Mock Endpoint’s Expectations
mockNoHomeOfficeDlq.expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Camel");
Send Messages to Mock Endpoint
Assert Mock Endpoint is Satisfied
Pax Exam on Karaf Demo
What About Arquillian?
Arquillian has OSGi support
Works like standard Arquillian
Supports Multiple Containers
JBoss (Embedded)
Felix (Embedded)
Equinox (Embedded)
Karak (Embedded/Managed/Remote)
Not as Feature Rich as Pax Exam
Evolving Quickly
Future of Camel
Camel v3 Improvements
Improved Test Support
Support for testing indiviual components, processors, etc...
Persistent Message Store
Java 8 DSL
Split/Optimize Camel-CXF
Camel on EAP Subsystem
Full EAP Subsystem
Improved Integration with JEE Standards
Updated JEE Related Camel Components
Full Arquillian Support
Available now in Wildfly 8.1
Official Support in future Fuse Release
Targeted for Fuse 6.2
Presentation is Available At
All Demo Code is Available At

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GE Predix 新手入门 赵锴 物联网_IoT
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Gert Vanthienen Presentation
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