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Xeriscape Glossary
Accent Plant Any plant which, by its placement or characteristics, differs from the
surrounding landscape. Differs from a specimen plant in that a specimen will usually
stand alone. Accent plants are used to break up monotony, vary the height of shrub
border or direct attention to an area of the garden.

Acid/Alkaline Soil Refers to the chemical makeup of a particular soil and is measured in
terms of pH. A pH of seven means the soil is neutral. A pH below seven indicates acidity
and a pH above seven indicates alkalinity. Regions with light rainfall tend to have
alkaline soils. Some plant species prefer a specific pH. Contact the State Extension Agent
in your area for soil test kits and treatment recommendations. The Colorado State
University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-
Adjusted Water Budget Quantity of water used to maintain a landscape based on
evapotranspiration and area; adjusted to reflect an efficiency standard. See Water Budget.

Annual Any plant which completes its life cycle - seed, germination, bloom, seed set,
death - in one growing season.

Aphid Soft-bodied, tiny (up to one-fifth of an inch) insects that suck juices from the
plant stems and leaves. Damage includes: deformed leaves, flowers or fruit; wilting;
weak plant; and plant death. Also called plant lice. Contact the State Extension Agent in
your area for treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative
Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921.

Applcation Rate The rate water is applied to a designated area by irrigation.
Measurement is in inches-per-area for sprinklers and gallons-per-area for drip irrigation.
See Water Budget.

Arid Climate Climate characterized by less than 10 inches of annual rainfall. 1

Aspect The orientation - north, south, east, west - of a plant's location. Aspect
significantly influences the survival and growth behavior of a plant. See Exposure and

Backfill Soil mix used to fill the plant hole after the plant is placed. Backfill often
contains the excavated soil and necessary soil amendments. See Soil.

Balled and Burlapped Nursery stock shrubs and trees sold with a large ball of soil
around the roots, wrapped in burlap to hold the rootball together, which acts as a
temporary container until planted in the ground.
Barrier Plant A plant, which by its characteristics would act as a barrier to pedestrian
movement. Plants in this group generally have thorns, a dense growth pattern, and/or can
tolerate a planting treatment in which they would be planted very densely.

Beneficial Rainfall See Effective Precipitation.

Berm Mounded earth forms useful in screening views and providing a sense of

Biennial Any plant that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons. The plant
usually blooms, sets seed and dies in the second growing season.

Biome An area generally defined as being controlled by climate and distinguished by a
dominance of certain types of plants and animals. See Life Zone.

Botanical Name The genus and species names of a plant. See Plant Classification.

Bract Modified leaves that grow just below the flower, flower cluster or inflorescence of
grass spikes. In many cases the flowers are insignificant. Most flowers do not have
bracts. Often bracts are green, but sometimes are colorful, such as bougainvillea and

Broadleafed A broadleafed weed is any weed that is not a grass. A broadleafed
evergreen is a plant that holds its foliage year-round, but is not a conifer.

Bud A flower bud develops into a flower. A growth bud is at the end of a stem or along
the sides of a stem and will develop into new leafy growth.

Bulb Fleshy scales that are actually modified leaf structures that store energy and protect
the developing plant, usually underground. Some are fleshy and some are papery
coverings. An onion is one example.

Caliper Industry-standardized unit of measurement for determining tree size by trunk
diameter six inches above natural soil elevation.

Catkin A pendulous, spike-like, often drooping, flower cluster. Catkins are either male
or female, and both can appear on one plant or each on separate plants.

Chilling Requirement Refers to the necessary winter chill needed for some deciduous
perennials, shrubs and trees to grow and bloom well. Chilling requirement is measured by
the hours for temperatures to remain below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chlorosis A condition in which a leaf appears more yellow than it should, especially
between the veins, while the veins remain green. Chlorosis is often caused by an iron
deficiency in the soil. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for soil test kits and
treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension
Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921.

Classification An assignment of plants with shared characteristics to a system of shared
categories. The categories descend in order from the most commonly shared traits to the
more specific. The following example for Rosa woodsii, a woods rose native to Colorado,
lists the main categories used in classification (there are numerous subcategories and
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Spermataphyta
Class: Angiospermae
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Rosa
Species: woodsii

Clay Soil Refers to the atomic arrangement of minerals that form the structure of a soil.
Clay soils are composed of extremely fine minerals, usually silicates of aluminum and/or
iron and magnesium. In Colorado Springs, it is often iron. Clay soils have an affinity for
water and are dense, heavy and sticky.

Common Name Plant names that are "made up." Common names are regional and may
be descriptive. Any given plant may have dozens of common names.

Compaction See Soil Compaction.

Complete Fertilizer A plant food consisting of all three primary nutrient elements -
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or (NPK). Fertilizer packaging has these three
elements listed as percentages, always in the same order - (NPK).

Compost The end product of the decomposition process of organic materials. Used as a
soil additive, not a nutrient, compost is an amendment that improves the structure of the

Cone A coniferous fruit having woody, leathery or fleshy scales, each protecting one

Conifer Plants bearing their seeds in cones or modified cone-like structures. These
plants are often called evergreens, although this is not always the case. Examples would
be larch, juniper and pine.

Consumptive Use See ET.

Conversion Factor A mathematical relation generally used in reference to water
budgeting. A decimal fraction used to convert inches of evapotranspiration to gallons
(0.623) or to convert inches of evapotranspiration to 100 cubic feet of water (0.00083). 1
See Water Budget.

Cool Season Grass Grass that does not ordinarily lose its color unless the average air
temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees C) for an extended period of
time. It grows actively in cool weather and more slowly in heat, and is not usually
damaged by subfreezing temperatures.

Corm Modified underground stem capable of producing roots, leaves and flowers during
the growing season. Corms store nutrients in the solid center core. Gladiolus and crocus
are two corm plants.

Crown Injury Permanent damage to the leaf-bearing portion of a plant. In the Colorado
Springs region, crown injury is often caused by severe temperature changes, winter
desiccation, hail, insects or disease.

Cultivar A hybrid name derived from cultivated variety and applied to a plant that has
originated and persisted under cultivation, as distinct from a species. 3 It's usually
distinguished by the name in quotation marks Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen.' See cv.

Cut Slope A landscape term describing the practice of creating level areas in the
landscape by cutting into a slope and adding a retaining wall. With this process, the
leveled area is generally more stable than filling in to level the slope since the soil is
already compacted.
cv. (pl.cvs) Abbreviation for an unknown cultivar. See Cultivar.

Deadhead Removal of spent or faded flowers to improve the plant appearance and
generally ensure a longer bloom time. Typically flowers and stems should be removed to
the next lowest node.

Defoliation Refers to the unnatural loss of plant leaves. Defoliation may occur from a
variety of environmental causes, such as wind, intense heat, drought, early frost,
chemicals, insects or diseases.

Deer Antler Damage Seasonal injury to tree bark and branches caused by deer rubbing
the velvet off their antlers. The rough bark edges and exposed inner layers of the trunk
are more susceptible to disease and insects. Severe damage will kill the plant to below the

Deciduous A woody plant that sheds its leaves before winter or drought dormancy. See

Drainage The horizontal movement of water across and through soil.

Drip Irrigation The slow, accurate application of water to plant root areas with a system
of pipes and emitters usually operated under reduced pressure. 1
Drip Line The imaginary circle drawn on the soil around a tree directly under its
outermost branch tips. Moisture tends to drip from the tree at this point. The term is used
in connection with feeding, watering and grading around existing trees and shrubs.

Effective Precipitation Rainfall that offsets evapotranspiration losses during a given
time period. Rainfall that enters the soil or remains on the foliage and is available for
evapotranspiration, thereby reducing the withdrawal of soil water by the same quantity.

Efficiency Standard A value or criteria that establishes levels or conditions of water use
in the ornamental landscape. 1

Espalier A tree or shrub trained so that its branches grow in a flat pattern against a wall,
fence, trellis, etc.

Establishment Period Length of time needed for a relocated plant to become
accustomed to its new location. New plantings in the Colorado Springs area require one
to five years of supplemental water to achieve establishment. See Supplemental Water

ET The amount of water lost by plant foliage through transpiration and the surrounding
soil through evaporation which must be replaced by irrigation and precipitation. See
Water Budget.

Evaluation Rating See Research and Evaluation Procedures.

Evaportranspiration See ET.

Evergreen A woody plant that never loses all its foliage at one time. Foliage is retained

Exposure A combination of the aspect - north, south, east, west - and the protection -
walls, fences, other plants - influencing a plant's habitat. Exposure significantly
influences the survival and growth behavior of a plant. See Micro-Climate.

Fertilize In flowers, it refers to pollination; to fertilize a plant is to apply fertilizer.

Fill Slope Describes the process in landscaping of leveling a slope by filling and adding
retaining walls to level an area. Attention to compacting the soil in filled area is critical.
See Cut Slope.

Flower Effect An evaluation of the appearance of flowers on a plant. Scoring is based
on, but not limited to, color, intensity, quantity, quality, size, shape and contribution to
the plant as a whole. The visual effect of flowers. See Evaluation Rating.

Foliage Leaves, bracts and needles.
Formal As a gardening term, it is applied to flowers, methods of training plants, and
styles of garden design. A formal flower would be one in which the petals are regularly
overlapped. Examples of formal plant training are rigidly and geometrically structured
espaliers and evenly clipped hedges. Formal gardens are those laid out in precise
geometric patterns.

Foundation Planting A plant used to hide the foundation of a building.

Genus pl. Genera The smallest natural group containing related but distinct species. 1
See Species and Classification.

Grading The process of adjusting the slope in a landscape area. Grading is "rough" to
attain the general desired slope for drainage and "fine" to smooth out the surface for
hardscape and plant materials.

Ground Bark The bark of trees shredded or ground up for use as mulch.

Habit The overall shape or appearance of a plant.

Hardy Capability of a plant to survive in a given environment. See USDA Plant Zone.

Heavy Soil See Clay Soil.

Hedge A grouping of plants that forms a wall or screen. A hedge acts as a physical or
visual barrier.

Herbaceous A plant whose stems and leaves die to the ground each year. All nonwoody
plants including bulbs, rhizomes, corms, tubers, annuals and herbaceous perennials. See

Herbaceous Perennial A plant whose stems and leaves die to the ground each year and
regrows stems and foliage the following growing season. See Perennial.

Hopper-Burn The bronzing of leaves caused by leafhoppers injecting toxins into the
leaf while feeding.

Humus Decomposed organic matter of soil that no longer resembles the vegetable and
animal matter from which it originated. Often incorrectly referred to as any decomposing
organic material including sawdust, ground bark and manure.

Hydrozone A landscape area or portion of a landscape area having plants with similar
water requirements. The area may or may not require irrigation. Also referred to as Water

Indigenous Plants Plants native to an area and biome. Also referred to as Native Plants.
See Naturalized Plants.
Infiltration Rate The rate at which water permeates the soil.

Inflorescence The part of the plant having more than one flower; a general term used to
describe the arrangement of the flowers. See Panicle, Raceme and Spike.

Inorganic Materials not composed of living, or organic materials. Materials not
containing carbon compounds.

Introduced Plant A plant imported from another region. Survival depends on a similar
climate or has the ability to adapt to the new climate.

Irrigation Efficiency The ratio of the volume of water required for a specific beneficial
use as compared to the volume of water delivered for this purpose. Commonly interpreted
as the volume of water stored in the soil for evapotranspiration compared to the volume
of water delivered for this purpose. 2 See Water Budget.

Landscape Water Requirements See Supplemental Water Requirements.

Leader A main stem of a plant from which laterals are produced; a shoot growing at the
apex of a stem or main branch. 3

Leaf Mold Partially decomposed leaves that may be dug into the soil as an organic

Leaf-Cutter Bee A solitary bee, resembling a honeybee, with strong jaws used for
"cutting" leaves. Females cut round holes in the leaf, rolling cigar-shaped pieces to
deposit eggs. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for treatment
recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in
Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921.

Leafhopper A small (up to one-third of an inch) insect that sucks the juice from leaves,
injecting toxins as it feeds, causing them to discolor, curl and turn brittle. Damage is
often referred to as "hopper burn." Weakened plants may become diseased and die.
Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for treatment recommendations. The
Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be
contacted at 719-636-8921.

Leggy The overextension of stems between nodes, often caused by the plant "stretching"
toward sufficient light and/or over fertilization.

Life Zone Attitudinal or latitudinal biotic regions with distinctive flora and fauna,
characterized by plant and animal biomes. See Biome.

Light Soil A term sometimes used to describe a soil with large particles loosely packed
together. See Sandy Soil.
Lime Compounds mostly of calcium carbonates and other alkaline substances. Used in
high rainfall climates to correct soil acidity problems. Not recommended in Colorado.

Lodging A malady in which plant stems fall over and turn brown.

Manure Animal excrement in varying stages of decomposition. Manure should be aged
for landscape use. Fresh manure is high in nitrogen and can have a high salt content,
which can harm plant roots.

Mass Planting Grouping of several of the same or similar plants to create a desired
effect. Mass planting is used to create microclimates, define outdoor space, form a
backdrop for foreground plantings or screen views.

Meadow In geologic terms, a meadow is a lake that has filled with silt. In general
landscape terms, a meadow has come to refer to a level, open space with mixed grasses
and perennial flowers.

Micro-Climate An area influenced by natural or manmade features that alter the
climatic conditions from the general regional climate. The climate alterations may
include but are not limited to changes in temperature range, wind exposure, reflected
light, shelter belts and precipitation rates. See Exposure, Reflected Light and Shelter Belt.

Mildew A group of diseases caused by fungi and characterized by a white powder-like
substance on the leaves. Often caused by poor air circulation around the plant or plants.

Mountain Peat A sedge peat with no soil structure that can be detrimental to plant
growth. In addition, the process of mining this peat endangers many rare plants and entire

Mulch A protective covering of various substances, especially organic, placed on the
ground around plants to reduce weed growth and evaporation of moisture from the soil
surface, and to maintain even temperatures around plant roots. 1

Native Plants Plants originally from the area. Also referred to as Indigenous Plants. See

Naturalized Plants Plants introduced from another locality, but thoroughly established
in the area. Many plants that are thought to be native are in fact naturalized. Many weeds
are naturalized plants. See Indigenous Plants and Native Plants.

Naturalistic Planting Refers generally to the arrangement of plants and plant selection.
Naturalistic plantings are characterized by groupings and forms reflecting how plants
would grow in an undisturbed environment.

Non-Alkali Soil Acid soil with a pH below seven. See Acid/Alkaline Soil.
On Center Industry-standardized term referring to the distance or spacing between the
centermost point of each plant.

Organic Material Any material of organic origin, such as ground bark, spagnum peat
moss, compost, aged manure, which can be mixed into the soil to improve its condition.

Panicle Generally used to describe any branching type of flowers. Specifically it is an
inflorescence in which the flowers are formed on stalks (peduncles) arising alternately or
spirally from the main axis. Each stalk is a raceme. 4 See Inflorescence and Raceme.

Peat Moss A high-quality, organic material that is partially decomposed organic matter.
Sphagnum peat is said to be the highest in quality, not to be confused with mountain peat.

Perennial A plant that lives more than two or three years. Usually used in reference to
non-woody plants.

Petiole The leaf stalk.

pH The symbol, usually followed by a number, for the amount of acidity or alkalinity of
a soil determined by the standard solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate. See
Acid/Alkaline Soil.

Plant Classification See Classification.

Plant Water Requirement See Water Requirement.

Polymer Crystals Inorganic soil additives that retain a significant quantity of water,
thereby making moisture available for future use by the surrounding vegetation. Contact
the State Extension Agent in your area for use and application recommendations. The
Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be
contacted at 719-636-8921.

Precipitation Rate Amount of water applied by an irrigation system measured in inches
per area or gallons per area.

Raceme A flower head on which individual flowers are carried on short stems of
approximately equal length and borne on an unbranched main stalk. 3

Reclaimed Water Treated, recycled wastewater not safe for consumption. Also known
as non-potable water.

Reflected Light Light that reaches a plant after bouncing off surrounding surfaces. See

Rhizome A thickened, modified stem that grows horizontally along or under the soil
surface. An example is an iris.
Rock Garden In landscape terms, a garden with rock outcroppings, low-growing
groundcovers and perennials. Rock garden plants generally prefer the hot, dry conditions
produced by the surrounding rocks.

Runner A slender stem sent out from the base of certain perennials from which a new
plant forms. An example is strawberry.

Saline Soil Soil containing soluble salts in such quantities that it can interfere with plant

Sandy Soil Determined by particle size. Sandy soils have large particles, are loosely
arranged, and do not hold water.

Schematic Planning See Step 4: Schematic Planning in the How to Xeriscape process.

Semi-Arid Climate A climate characterized by 10 inches to 20 inches of annual rainfall.
1 Colorado Springs has a semi-arid climate and receives 12 inches to 14 inches of annual

Shelter Belt Trees and/or shrubs planted in rows or groups to provide shelter and act as
a windbreak to protect crops or ornamental plants. A shelter belt needs to be dense at the
bottom to produce a good effect, as wind is blocked three feet from the bottom of the
plants for every foot in height of the shelter belt. See Micro-Climate.

Site Analysis See Step 2: Site Analysis in the How to Xeriscape process.

Soil Generally the upper layers of earth in which plants grow. A good soil consists of
sand, organic matter, clay particles, air pockets and water molecules. The dominate
material determines the soil composition and designation, such as sandy, silt, bentonite,
clay or loam. Most Colorado soils require amendments to product healthy plant growth.
Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for soil test kits and treatment
recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in
Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. See Acid/Alkaline Soil, Saline Soil
and Soil Amendment.

Soil Amendment Organic and inorganic materials added to soil to improve texture,
nutrients, moisture-holding capacity and infiltration rates. 1

Soil Compaction Compression of soil that eliminates air pockets from the soil structure,
resulting in the suffocation of the plant roots. Soil compaction may be caused by ongoing
pedestrian traffic, one time or ongoing vehicular traffic, construction equipment or
storage of materials.

Spade See Tree Spade.
sp. (pl. spp.) Abbreviation for an unknown species. See Species.
Species A group of plants having common characteristics, distinct from others of the
same genus. The basic unit in classification. A group of plants that will propagate among
themselves but not normally with members of another group, and will breed true. 3

Specimen A superb or unique plant; a plant with special qualities that would warrant its
use individually in such a way to display those qualities.

Sphagnum Peat Commonly sold under the name "Peat Moss." See Peat Moss.

Spike A grouping of flowers consisting of a central stalk with flowers directly attached.

Spittle Bug Young nymphs cover themselves with a white frothy mass of "spittle" and
may relocate on a plant several times before reaching adulthood. Adults resemble
leafhoppers. Both feed on the sap of twigs and foliage. In Colorado Springs, they do
serious damage to the plants but are mostly an aesthetic nuisance. Contact the State
Extension Agent in your area for treatment recommendations. The Colorado State
University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-

Standard Generally, a single, upright stem topped by a rounded crown of foliage.

Stolon A stem that creeps along the ground, the tips taking root and forming a new plant.

Stress A condition that places a plant's health in danger. Common stresses are drought,
too much water or too much heat or sun.

Structural Planting Those plants that form the structure for outdoor spaces, such as
trees, shrubs and plant masses.

Sucker A strong, vertical shoot growing from below ground, often rising from the root.

Supplemental Water Requirements Application of water in addition to natural
precipitation needed to maintain the optimum health and appearance of landscape
plantings. See Water Budget.

Swale A depression in grading used to carry water; a man-made "river" used to drain a
site. To prevent erosion, a swale is often lined with rip-rap, or native grasses. A
functional and ornamental swale is called a dry stream.

Systemic Any chemical absorbed into a plant's system. There are systemic insecticides,
fungicides and weed killers.

Taproot The main root growing straight down, like the root of a carrot.
Tender Denotes a low tolerance of freezing temperatures.

Terminal Branches/Growth The branches at the uppermost or outermost reaches of the
plant where growth originates.

Thatch Buildup of organic material at the base of turfgrass leaf blades that repels water
and reduces water infiltration capacity. 1

Topdress To apply on the surface, usually referring to spreading organic material on the
surface of the soil.

Topsoil Soil taken from the upper part of a site. Colorado Springs has a minimal amount
of topsoil. It is more dominant in the Midwest and less-arid areas.

Transplant Shock and Recovery The adverse impact of digging, relocating and
replanting, including plants from a planting container or balled and burlap stock, on a
plant's overall health and the length of time until it resumes normal growth. Although
smaller plant material does not provide immediate impact in the new landscape, it is less
affected by relocation and resumes normal growth much sooner than larger plant
material. See Establishment Period.

Tree Spade Specialized motorized equipment to dig and usually transport trees. Tree
spades come in a variety of sizes appropriate to different sizes and species of trees.
Generally deciduous trees require a nine inch root ball for each inch of trunk caliper;
evergreens require an eight inch root ball for each inch of trunk caliper. See Caliber,
Transplant Shock and Recovery

Tuber Swollen underground stem. A potato.

Tuberous Roots Thickened underground food storage structure. Actually a root rather
than a true tuber. The dahlia is an example.

Turfgrass Grasses that, when regularly mowed, form a dense growth of leaf blades and
roots. 1

Underplanting Planting one plant beneath another, as in ground cover beneath a tree.

USDA Plant Zone National industry standard for classification of plant hardiness in
climatic zones defined by the United States Department of Agriculture. Site specific
characteristics greatly influence which plants will survive in a certain location. The
Colorado Springs area is designated as Zone 5.
Use Analysis See Step 3: Use Analysis in the How to Xeriscape process.

var. The abbreviation for a variety. See Variety.
Variety A specific subspecies that will usually reproduce its unique qualities from seed.
See Species and Classification.

Warm Season Grass Grass that grows vigorously in warm summer months and
generally loses its green color and is dormant in the winter if the average air temperature
drops below 50 to 60 degrees Farenheit. Some warm season grasses may die if exposed to
subfreezing temperatures for extended periods.

Water Requirement Water lost from the soil around a plant's roots due to
evapotranspiration. 1

Water Zone See Hydrozone.

Woody Deciduous See Deciduous.

Winter Interest Plants that provide texture, color or other visual effects through leaves,
fruit, bark charecteristics and other means that enliven the winter landscape.

Xeriscape™ Xeriscape is an attractive, sustainable landscape that conserves water and is
based on sound horticultural practices. The term is trademarked by Denver Water.

Zone See Water Zone, USDA Plant Zone and Life Zone.


1 Bennett, Richard E. and Michael S. Hazinski: Water-Efficient Landscape Guidelines,
American Water Work Association, Denver, Colorado 1993. pp.163-169.

2 Jensen, M.E., R.D. Burman and R.G. Allen: Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water
Requirements, American Civil Engineers, New York, New York 1990. pp.300-307.

3 Bagust, Harold., The Gardener's Dictionary of Horticultural Terms. 1992 Sterling
Publishing Co., NY, pp. 61, 115, 166, 251, and 298.

4 Tootill, Elizabeth and Blackmore, Stephen., The Facts on File Dictionary of Botany.
1984, Market House Books Ltd., Aylesbury, p.258.

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Xeriscape Glossary - Colorado Springs

  • 1. Xeriscape Glossary Accent Plant Any plant which, by its placement or characteristics, differs from the surrounding landscape. Differs from a specimen plant in that a specimen will usually stand alone. Accent plants are used to break up monotony, vary the height of shrub border or direct attention to an area of the garden. Acid/Alkaline Soil Refers to the chemical makeup of a particular soil and is measured in terms of pH. A pH of seven means the soil is neutral. A pH below seven indicates acidity and a pH above seven indicates alkalinity. Regions with light rainfall tend to have alkaline soils. Some plant species prefer a specific pH. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for soil test kits and treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719- 636-8921 . Adjusted Water Budget Quantity of water used to maintain a landscape based on evapotranspiration and area; adjusted to reflect an efficiency standard. See Water Budget. Annual Any plant which completes its life cycle - seed, germination, bloom, seed set, death - in one growing season. Aphid Soft-bodied, tiny (up to one-fifth of an inch) insects that suck juices from the plant stems and leaves. Damage includes: deformed leaves, flowers or fruit; wilting; weak plant; and plant death. Also called plant lice. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. Applcation Rate The rate water is applied to a designated area by irrigation. Measurement is in inches-per-area for sprinklers and gallons-per-area for drip irrigation. See Water Budget. Arid Climate Climate characterized by less than 10 inches of annual rainfall. 1 Aspect The orientation - north, south, east, west - of a plant's location. Aspect significantly influences the survival and growth behavior of a plant. See Exposure and Micro-Climate. Backfill Soil mix used to fill the plant hole after the plant is placed. Backfill often contains the excavated soil and necessary soil amendments. See Soil. Balled and Burlapped Nursery stock shrubs and trees sold with a large ball of soil around the roots, wrapped in burlap to hold the rootball together, which acts as a temporary container until planted in the ground.
  • 2. Barrier Plant A plant, which by its characteristics would act as a barrier to pedestrian movement. Plants in this group generally have thorns, a dense growth pattern, and/or can tolerate a planting treatment in which they would be planted very densely. Beneficial Rainfall See Effective Precipitation. Berm Mounded earth forms useful in screening views and providing a sense of enclosure. Biennial Any plant that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons. The plant usually blooms, sets seed and dies in the second growing season. Biome An area generally defined as being controlled by climate and distinguished by a dominance of certain types of plants and animals. See Life Zone. Botanical Name The genus and species names of a plant. See Plant Classification. Bract Modified leaves that grow just below the flower, flower cluster or inflorescence of grass spikes. In many cases the flowers are insignificant. Most flowers do not have bracts. Often bracts are green, but sometimes are colorful, such as bougainvillea and poinsettia. Broadleafed A broadleafed weed is any weed that is not a grass. A broadleafed evergreen is a plant that holds its foliage year-round, but is not a conifer. Bud A flower bud develops into a flower. A growth bud is at the end of a stem or along the sides of a stem and will develop into new leafy growth. Bulb Fleshy scales that are actually modified leaf structures that store energy and protect the developing plant, usually underground. Some are fleshy and some are papery coverings. An onion is one example. Caliper Industry-standardized unit of measurement for determining tree size by trunk diameter six inches above natural soil elevation. Catkin A pendulous, spike-like, often drooping, flower cluster. Catkins are either male or female, and both can appear on one plant or each on separate plants. Chilling Requirement Refers to the necessary winter chill needed for some deciduous perennials, shrubs and trees to grow and bloom well. Chilling requirement is measured by the hours for temperatures to remain below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Chlorosis A condition in which a leaf appears more yellow than it should, especially between the veins, while the veins remain green. Chlorosis is often caused by an iron deficiency in the soil. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for soil test kits and
  • 3. treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. Classification An assignment of plants with shared characteristics to a system of shared categories. The categories descend in order from the most commonly shared traits to the more specific. The following example for Rosa woodsii, a woods rose native to Colorado, lists the main categories used in classification (there are numerous subcategories and groupings): Kingdom: Plantae Division: Spermataphyta Class: Angiospermae Order: Rosales Family: Rosaceae Genus: Rosa Species: woodsii Clay Soil Refers to the atomic arrangement of minerals that form the structure of a soil. Clay soils are composed of extremely fine minerals, usually silicates of aluminum and/or iron and magnesium. In Colorado Springs, it is often iron. Clay soils have an affinity for water and are dense, heavy and sticky. Common Name Plant names that are "made up." Common names are regional and may be descriptive. Any given plant may have dozens of common names. Compaction See Soil Compaction. Complete Fertilizer A plant food consisting of all three primary nutrient elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or (NPK). Fertilizer packaging has these three elements listed as percentages, always in the same order - (NPK). Compost The end product of the decomposition process of organic materials. Used as a soil additive, not a nutrient, compost is an amendment that improves the structure of the soil. Cone A coniferous fruit having woody, leathery or fleshy scales, each protecting one seed. Conifer Plants bearing their seeds in cones or modified cone-like structures. These plants are often called evergreens, although this is not always the case. Examples would be larch, juniper and pine. Consumptive Use See ET. Conversion Factor A mathematical relation generally used in reference to water budgeting. A decimal fraction used to convert inches of evapotranspiration to gallons
  • 4. (0.623) or to convert inches of evapotranspiration to 100 cubic feet of water (0.00083). 1 See Water Budget. Cool Season Grass Grass that does not ordinarily lose its color unless the average air temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees C) for an extended period of time. It grows actively in cool weather and more slowly in heat, and is not usually damaged by subfreezing temperatures. Corm Modified underground stem capable of producing roots, leaves and flowers during the growing season. Corms store nutrients in the solid center core. Gladiolus and crocus are two corm plants. Crown Injury Permanent damage to the leaf-bearing portion of a plant. In the Colorado Springs region, crown injury is often caused by severe temperature changes, winter desiccation, hail, insects or disease. Cultivar A hybrid name derived from cultivated variety and applied to a plant that has originated and persisted under cultivation, as distinct from a species. 3 It's usually distinguished by the name in quotation marks Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen.' See cv. Cut Slope A landscape term describing the practice of creating level areas in the landscape by cutting into a slope and adding a retaining wall. With this process, the leveled area is generally more stable than filling in to level the slope since the soil is already compacted. cv. (pl.cvs) Abbreviation for an unknown cultivar. See Cultivar. Deadhead Removal of spent or faded flowers to improve the plant appearance and generally ensure a longer bloom time. Typically flowers and stems should be removed to the next lowest node. Defoliation Refers to the unnatural loss of plant leaves. Defoliation may occur from a variety of environmental causes, such as wind, intense heat, drought, early frost, chemicals, insects or diseases. Deer Antler Damage Seasonal injury to tree bark and branches caused by deer rubbing the velvet off their antlers. The rough bark edges and exposed inner layers of the trunk are more susceptible to disease and insects. Severe damage will kill the plant to below the injury. Deciduous A woody plant that sheds its leaves before winter or drought dormancy. See Herbaceous. Drainage The horizontal movement of water across and through soil. Drip Irrigation The slow, accurate application of water to plant root areas with a system of pipes and emitters usually operated under reduced pressure. 1
  • 5. Drip Line The imaginary circle drawn on the soil around a tree directly under its outermost branch tips. Moisture tends to drip from the tree at this point. The term is used in connection with feeding, watering and grading around existing trees and shrubs. Effective Precipitation Rainfall that offsets evapotranspiration losses during a given time period. Rainfall that enters the soil or remains on the foliage and is available for evapotranspiration, thereby reducing the withdrawal of soil water by the same quantity. Efficiency Standard A value or criteria that establishes levels or conditions of water use in the ornamental landscape. 1 Espalier A tree or shrub trained so that its branches grow in a flat pattern against a wall, fence, trellis, etc. Establishment Period Length of time needed for a relocated plant to become accustomed to its new location. New plantings in the Colorado Springs area require one to five years of supplemental water to achieve establishment. See Supplemental Water Requirements. ET The amount of water lost by plant foliage through transpiration and the surrounding soil through evaporation which must be replaced by irrigation and precipitation. See Water Budget. Evaluation Rating See Research and Evaluation Procedures. Evaportranspiration See ET. Evergreen A woody plant that never loses all its foliage at one time. Foliage is retained year-round. Exposure A combination of the aspect - north, south, east, west - and the protection - walls, fences, other plants - influencing a plant's habitat. Exposure significantly influences the survival and growth behavior of a plant. See Micro-Climate. Fertilize In flowers, it refers to pollination; to fertilize a plant is to apply fertilizer. Fill Slope Describes the process in landscaping of leveling a slope by filling and adding retaining walls to level an area. Attention to compacting the soil in filled area is critical. See Cut Slope. Flower Effect An evaluation of the appearance of flowers on a plant. Scoring is based on, but not limited to, color, intensity, quantity, quality, size, shape and contribution to the plant as a whole. The visual effect of flowers. See Evaluation Rating. Foliage Leaves, bracts and needles.
  • 6. Formal As a gardening term, it is applied to flowers, methods of training plants, and styles of garden design. A formal flower would be one in which the petals are regularly overlapped. Examples of formal plant training are rigidly and geometrically structured espaliers and evenly clipped hedges. Formal gardens are those laid out in precise geometric patterns. Foundation Planting A plant used to hide the foundation of a building. Genus pl. Genera The smallest natural group containing related but distinct species. 1 See Species and Classification. Grading The process of adjusting the slope in a landscape area. Grading is "rough" to attain the general desired slope for drainage and "fine" to smooth out the surface for hardscape and plant materials. Ground Bark The bark of trees shredded or ground up for use as mulch. Habit The overall shape or appearance of a plant. Hardy Capability of a plant to survive in a given environment. See USDA Plant Zone. Heavy Soil See Clay Soil. Hedge A grouping of plants that forms a wall or screen. A hedge acts as a physical or visual barrier. Herbaceous A plant whose stems and leaves die to the ground each year. All nonwoody plants including bulbs, rhizomes, corms, tubers, annuals and herbaceous perennials. See Herbaceous Perennial A plant whose stems and leaves die to the ground each year and regrows stems and foliage the following growing season. See Perennial. Hopper-Burn The bronzing of leaves caused by leafhoppers injecting toxins into the leaf while feeding. Humus Decomposed organic matter of soil that no longer resembles the vegetable and animal matter from which it originated. Often incorrectly referred to as any decomposing organic material including sawdust, ground bark and manure. Hydrozone A landscape area or portion of a landscape area having plants with similar water requirements. The area may or may not require irrigation. Also referred to as Water Zone. Indigenous Plants Plants native to an area and biome. Also referred to as Native Plants. See Naturalized Plants.
  • 7. Infiltration Rate The rate at which water permeates the soil. Inflorescence The part of the plant having more than one flower; a general term used to describe the arrangement of the flowers. See Panicle, Raceme and Spike. Inorganic Materials not composed of living, or organic materials. Materials not containing carbon compounds. Introduced Plant A plant imported from another region. Survival depends on a similar climate or has the ability to adapt to the new climate. Irrigation Efficiency The ratio of the volume of water required for a specific beneficial use as compared to the volume of water delivered for this purpose. Commonly interpreted as the volume of water stored in the soil for evapotranspiration compared to the volume of water delivered for this purpose. 2 See Water Budget. Landscape Water Requirements See Supplemental Water Requirements. Leader A main stem of a plant from which laterals are produced; a shoot growing at the apex of a stem or main branch. 3 Leaf Mold Partially decomposed leaves that may be dug into the soil as an organic amendment. Leaf-Cutter Bee A solitary bee, resembling a honeybee, with strong jaws used for "cutting" leaves. Females cut round holes in the leaf, rolling cigar-shaped pieces to deposit eggs. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. Leafhopper A small (up to one-third of an inch) insect that sucks the juice from leaves, injecting toxins as it feeds, causing them to discolor, curl and turn brittle. Damage is often referred to as "hopper burn." Weakened plants may become diseased and die. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. Leggy The overextension of stems between nodes, often caused by the plant "stretching" toward sufficient light and/or over fertilization. Life Zone Attitudinal or latitudinal biotic regions with distinctive flora and fauna, characterized by plant and animal biomes. See Biome. Light Soil A term sometimes used to describe a soil with large particles loosely packed together. See Sandy Soil.
  • 8. Lime Compounds mostly of calcium carbonates and other alkaline substances. Used in high rainfall climates to correct soil acidity problems. Not recommended in Colorado. Lodging A malady in which plant stems fall over and turn brown. Manure Animal excrement in varying stages of decomposition. Manure should be aged for landscape use. Fresh manure is high in nitrogen and can have a high salt content, which can harm plant roots. Mass Planting Grouping of several of the same or similar plants to create a desired effect. Mass planting is used to create microclimates, define outdoor space, form a backdrop for foreground plantings or screen views. Meadow In geologic terms, a meadow is a lake that has filled with silt. In general landscape terms, a meadow has come to refer to a level, open space with mixed grasses and perennial flowers. Micro-Climate An area influenced by natural or manmade features that alter the climatic conditions from the general regional climate. The climate alterations may include but are not limited to changes in temperature range, wind exposure, reflected light, shelter belts and precipitation rates. See Exposure, Reflected Light and Shelter Belt. Mildew A group of diseases caused by fungi and characterized by a white powder-like substance on the leaves. Often caused by poor air circulation around the plant or plants. Mountain Peat A sedge peat with no soil structure that can be detrimental to plant growth. In addition, the process of mining this peat endangers many rare plants and entire ecosystems. Mulch A protective covering of various substances, especially organic, placed on the ground around plants to reduce weed growth and evaporation of moisture from the soil surface, and to maintain even temperatures around plant roots. 1 Native Plants Plants originally from the area. Also referred to as Indigenous Plants. See Naturalized Plants Plants introduced from another locality, but thoroughly established in the area. Many plants that are thought to be native are in fact naturalized. Many weeds are naturalized plants. See Indigenous Plants and Native Plants. Naturalistic Planting Refers generally to the arrangement of plants and plant selection. Naturalistic plantings are characterized by groupings and forms reflecting how plants would grow in an undisturbed environment. Non-Alkali Soil Acid soil with a pH below seven. See Acid/Alkaline Soil.
  • 9. On Center Industry-standardized term referring to the distance or spacing between the centermost point of each plant. Organic Material Any material of organic origin, such as ground bark, spagnum peat moss, compost, aged manure, which can be mixed into the soil to improve its condition. Panicle Generally used to describe any branching type of flowers. Specifically it is an inflorescence in which the flowers are formed on stalks (peduncles) arising alternately or spirally from the main axis. Each stalk is a raceme. 4 See Inflorescence and Raceme. Peat Moss A high-quality, organic material that is partially decomposed organic matter. Sphagnum peat is said to be the highest in quality, not to be confused with mountain peat. Perennial A plant that lives more than two or three years. Usually used in reference to non-woody plants. Petiole The leaf stalk. pH The symbol, usually followed by a number, for the amount of acidity or alkalinity of a soil determined by the standard solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate. See Acid/Alkaline Soil. Plant Classification See Classification. Plant Water Requirement See Water Requirement. Polymer Crystals Inorganic soil additives that retain a significant quantity of water, thereby making moisture available for future use by the surrounding vegetation. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for use and application recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. Precipitation Rate Amount of water applied by an irrigation system measured in inches per area or gallons per area. Raceme A flower head on which individual flowers are carried on short stems of approximately equal length and borne on an unbranched main stalk. 3 Reclaimed Water Treated, recycled wastewater not safe for consumption. Also known as non-potable water. Reflected Light Light that reaches a plant after bouncing off surrounding surfaces. See Micro-Climate. Rhizome A thickened, modified stem that grows horizontally along or under the soil surface. An example is an iris.
  • 10. Rock Garden In landscape terms, a garden with rock outcroppings, low-growing groundcovers and perennials. Rock garden plants generally prefer the hot, dry conditions produced by the surrounding rocks. Runner A slender stem sent out from the base of certain perennials from which a new plant forms. An example is strawberry. Saline Soil Soil containing soluble salts in such quantities that it can interfere with plant growth. Sandy Soil Determined by particle size. Sandy soils have large particles, are loosely arranged, and do not hold water. Schematic Planning See Step 4: Schematic Planning in the How to Xeriscape process. Semi-Arid Climate A climate characterized by 10 inches to 20 inches of annual rainfall. 1 Colorado Springs has a semi-arid climate and receives 12 inches to 14 inches of annual rainfall. Shelter Belt Trees and/or shrubs planted in rows or groups to provide shelter and act as a windbreak to protect crops or ornamental plants. A shelter belt needs to be dense at the bottom to produce a good effect, as wind is blocked three feet from the bottom of the plants for every foot in height of the shelter belt. See Micro-Climate. Site Analysis See Step 2: Site Analysis in the How to Xeriscape process. Soil Generally the upper layers of earth in which plants grow. A good soil consists of sand, organic matter, clay particles, air pockets and water molecules. The dominate material determines the soil composition and designation, such as sandy, silt, bentonite, clay or loam. Most Colorado soils require amendments to product healthy plant growth. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for soil test kits and treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719-636-8921. See Acid/Alkaline Soil, Saline Soil and Soil Amendment. Soil Amendment Organic and inorganic materials added to soil to improve texture, nutrients, moisture-holding capacity and infiltration rates. 1 Soil Compaction Compression of soil that eliminates air pockets from the soil structure, resulting in the suffocation of the plant roots. Soil compaction may be caused by ongoing pedestrian traffic, one time or ongoing vehicular traffic, construction equipment or storage of materials. Spade See Tree Spade. sp. (pl. spp.) Abbreviation for an unknown species. See Species.
  • 11. Species A group of plants having common characteristics, distinct from others of the same genus. The basic unit in classification. A group of plants that will propagate among themselves but not normally with members of another group, and will breed true. 3 Specimen A superb or unique plant; a plant with special qualities that would warrant its use individually in such a way to display those qualities. Sphagnum Peat Commonly sold under the name "Peat Moss." See Peat Moss. Spike A grouping of flowers consisting of a central stalk with flowers directly attached. Spittle Bug Young nymphs cover themselves with a white frothy mass of "spittle" and may relocate on a plant several times before reaching adulthood. Adults resemble leafhoppers. Both feed on the sap of twigs and foliage. In Colorado Springs, they do serious damage to the plants but are mostly an aesthetic nuisance. Contact the State Extension Agent in your area for treatment recommendations. The Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Office in Colorado Springs may be contacted at 719- 636-8921. Standard Generally, a single, upright stem topped by a rounded crown of foliage. Stolon A stem that creeps along the ground, the tips taking root and forming a new plant. Stress A condition that places a plant's health in danger. Common stresses are drought, too much water or too much heat or sun. Structural Planting Those plants that form the structure for outdoor spaces, such as trees, shrubs and plant masses. Sucker A strong, vertical shoot growing from below ground, often rising from the root. Supplemental Water Requirements Application of water in addition to natural precipitation needed to maintain the optimum health and appearance of landscape plantings. See Water Budget. Swale A depression in grading used to carry water; a man-made "river" used to drain a site. To prevent erosion, a swale is often lined with rip-rap, or native grasses. A functional and ornamental swale is called a dry stream. Systemic Any chemical absorbed into a plant's system. There are systemic insecticides, fungicides and weed killers. Taproot The main root growing straight down, like the root of a carrot.
  • 12. Tender Denotes a low tolerance of freezing temperatures. Terminal Branches/Growth The branches at the uppermost or outermost reaches of the plant where growth originates. Thatch Buildup of organic material at the base of turfgrass leaf blades that repels water and reduces water infiltration capacity. 1 Topdress To apply on the surface, usually referring to spreading organic material on the surface of the soil. Topsoil Soil taken from the upper part of a site. Colorado Springs has a minimal amount of topsoil. It is more dominant in the Midwest and less-arid areas. Transplant Shock and Recovery The adverse impact of digging, relocating and replanting, including plants from a planting container or balled and burlap stock, on a plant's overall health and the length of time until it resumes normal growth. Although smaller plant material does not provide immediate impact in the new landscape, it is less affected by relocation and resumes normal growth much sooner than larger plant material. See Establishment Period. Tree Spade Specialized motorized equipment to dig and usually transport trees. Tree spades come in a variety of sizes appropriate to different sizes and species of trees. Generally deciduous trees require a nine inch root ball for each inch of trunk caliper; evergreens require an eight inch root ball for each inch of trunk caliper. See Caliber, Transplant Shock and Recovery Tuber Swollen underground stem. A potato. Tuberous Roots Thickened underground food storage structure. Actually a root rather than a true tuber. The dahlia is an example. Turfgrass Grasses that, when regularly mowed, form a dense growth of leaf blades and roots. 1 Underplanting Planting one plant beneath another, as in ground cover beneath a tree. USDA Plant Zone National industry standard for classification of plant hardiness in climatic zones defined by the United States Department of Agriculture. Site specific characteristics greatly influence which plants will survive in a certain location. The Colorado Springs area is designated as Zone 5. Use Analysis See Step 3: Use Analysis in the How to Xeriscape process. var. The abbreviation for a variety. See Variety.
  • 13. Variety A specific subspecies that will usually reproduce its unique qualities from seed. See Species and Classification. Warm Season Grass Grass that grows vigorously in warm summer months and generally loses its green color and is dormant in the winter if the average air temperature drops below 50 to 60 degrees Farenheit. Some warm season grasses may die if exposed to subfreezing temperatures for extended periods. Water Requirement Water lost from the soil around a plant's roots due to evapotranspiration. 1 Water Zone See Hydrozone. Woody Deciduous See Deciduous. Winter Interest Plants that provide texture, color or other visual effects through leaves, fruit, bark charecteristics and other means that enliven the winter landscape. Xeriscape™ Xeriscape is an attractive, sustainable landscape that conserves water and is based on sound horticultural practices. The term is trademarked by Denver Water. Zone See Water Zone, USDA Plant Zone and Life Zone. Bibliography 1 Bennett, Richard E. and Michael S. Hazinski: Water-Efficient Landscape Guidelines, American Water Work Association, Denver, Colorado 1993. pp.163-169. 2 Jensen, M.E., R.D. Burman and R.G. Allen: Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements, American Civil Engineers, New York, New York 1990. pp.300-307. 3 Bagust, Harold., The Gardener's Dictionary of Horticultural Terms. 1992 Sterling Publishing Co., NY, pp. 61, 115, 166, 251, and 298. 4 Tootill, Elizabeth and Blackmore, Stephen., The Facts on File Dictionary of Botany. 1984, Market House Books Ltd., Aylesbury, p.258.