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BYU and Louisville
BYU and Louisville, Mission Big 12 Expansion One thing is for certain, change in the landscape of collegiate sports was going to happen and the
Big XII knew it. The Big XII prepared to grow and also prepared to shrink by securing the trademarks to both the Big 8 and the Big 14. Was the Big
XII once a conference with vision? Yes. Is the Big XII still a conference with vision? That remains to be seen. One of these things is not like the
others: BIG 12 (10 members) PAC 12 (12 members) BIG 10 (12 members) ACC (14 members) SEC (14 members) As major conferences have made
themselves comfortable in the 12 plus member format hosting a football championship game, the Big XII finds itself as the odd "major conference" out more content...
BYU has national appeal and that should not be overlooked by Big XII officials. BYU has a great traveling fan base to go along with their
national fan base. This means that bowl games will continue to be happy to add BYU, and having a school in Utah would open up the Las Vegas
Bowl as a BIG XII vs. PAC 12 destination. Although stats can be compiled to prove the worth of BYU to Big XII, I will end by saying that BYU
is a great addition as an "electronic footprint" school in the Mountain Time Zone (which means that the league has a new time zone to add in their
contract negotiations with ESPN and FOX). What about Louisville? Louisville is the most popular pick among Big XII fans and most likely Big
XII schools. They bring an adequate football program and an elite basketball program to the conference. They are a great geographical fit and
provide West Virginia with a closer neighbor in the conference. I'm not going to argue in favor of Louisville because I believe Louisville is a Big
XII lock. The Big XII with BYU and Louisville on board is a very stable conference with all the benefits of being a championship game able 12
member conference. BYU brings a new face, a storied history, a new time zone and a new market/national market to the league. Louisville brings a
great regional fit, a storied history, and stability to the league. This new Big XII with BYU, Louisville, TCU and West Virginia definitely secures the
place of the Big 12 in
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Undergraduate Admission Essay
Undergraduate Admissions
Department of interest: Industrial design
I'm drawn to design because it is everywhere and has the potential to affect so much of how people feel about a certain space or about an experience.
From a young age, I was fortunate to be exposed to art; my parents would constantly take my brother and me to museums and galleries and at home, my
grandmother would teach me skills such as crocheting, needlepoint and how to replicate food out of playdough. In both elementary school and middle
school I drew and created little things such as bookmarks and stuffed animals, but I was never known as the "art kid". I loved art and I understood that
there was so much potential to create something original and to express an idea, but I just didn't understand how. Early eighth grade I found out about more content...
I ended up teaching myself Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop so I could make my assignments live up to the standard I had set for myself. Later
that same year I got a chance to work with new materials and discovered an interest in sculpture. I enjoyed the process of learning the potential of
different materials and the problem solving it takes to make what I had decided I am going to make. Where I had previously liked graphic design
best, I realized that I found a different kind of satisfaction from physically creating an object. The final step that inspired my realization, was a
communications class in which, one of the projects was to invent a product and create a print ad for it. While doing this project, it all clicked for me.
I ended up creating way more material for the product than was required because I got sucked into the world that I created for it, fantasizing about
packaging and display and consistent branding. It combined everything I liked: graphic design, new materials, 3D elements and for me all this pointed
to industrial
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My First Semester At Byu Idaho
I was desperately lost while studying theater during my first semester at Brigham Young University–Idaho. It was what I enjoyed during high school,
but I want a career where I am able to spend time with my family and one where I'd be in a position to improve the lives of others. After taking my
first acting class I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do. Since then, I have considered everything from psychology to accounting. Research and volunteer
opportunities, advice from trusted mentors, and my education played roles in my decision process. I learned to manage my time wisely in order to
spend time with my family. Most importantly, I was able to decide on a career inoptometry, and have since planned out what I want to do after
optometry school.
After my first semester at BYU–Idaho, I took a two year break from school to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–Day Saints
in Africa. I dedicated my time to serve the people surrounding me. Usually the service was simple things: helping wash laundry by hand, preparing
meals, cleaning or even building a mud home. I enjoyed every bit of service I was able to offer. My parents taught me the importance of hard work,
and my upbringing is the reason I find joy in serving others. This joy has guided me as I have chosen my career path.
I have a beautiful wife and a one–year–old daughter. Being a father has taught me how to manage my time more efficiently. Our daughter was born the
week before finals. The first
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Personal Statement: College Admissions
College Admissions Essay (Virtues/Admiration/Accomplishments)
Ever since my brother came back home from Illinois State University with many positive comments about the college I have wanted to go there. He
told me about all the different things one can do there, and how easy it was to make friends. He also talked about how great all his professors were. I
was instantly intrigued by all the university has to offer in activities and academics.
I am a strong believer in academics and put it the number one priority when it comes to my life considering it is the foundation for a successful
career. Hard work and perseverance are my top values in academics. I am a member of National Honors Society and was nominated as one of the top
ten math students
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University Of Cambridge Admissions Essay
University of Cambridge Admissions
With 800–year history of research and education, University of Cambridge has been a wonderland for those who are seeking a perfect place and
academic atmosphere to develop ideas and advance knowledge. Being a student here, you can interchange your ideas with other students, academic
staff who are pioneers in their fields and those frequent visiting lecturers. Today, around 20,000 students are studying at Cambridge, among which
7,500 are graduate students with 50% coming from overseas, and over 40% being women. Though courses are touch at Cambridge, those who bear a
belief to achieve their goals in beloved fields can really learn a lot and get intellectual satisfaction. Following list is the portal more content...
Arrangements vary depending on what country you are from (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or the EU). Yon't need a confirmed place at a
university to apply.
Cambridge Financial Support – Also available to UK/EU students for their first undergraduate degree. Bursaries, college and faculty awards and grants
such as book and equipment grants, scholarships and prizes and travel grants are also provided.
Loan – Tuition Fee Loan up to ВЈ9,000 per year; Maintenance Loan up to ВЈ8,200 per year, Up to ВЈ4,840 per year and up to ВЈ4,480 in final year
especially for students from Northern Ireland.
Part Time Work– Doing some part time work in the College bar, College library or as a student helper during open days can also earn you some
money to fund your education. You are suggested to achieve work–life balance while working within the University and Colleges.
Types of University of Cambridge Scholarships
Cambridge scholarships can be divided to three parts: undergraduate scholarships, graduate scholarships and international students scholarships which
could be divided to smaller parts as listed below. The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust was the place where students from
all degree could find suitable scholarship opportunities for them. The Trust was established for 1,100 to 1,400 students from 85 countries worldwide
each year on degree courses to get access to approximately 500 scholarships annually. Nearly 18,000
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The Three Main Reasons For Attending BYU Provo
I would most like to attend BYU Provo for three main reasons. First, BYU has a great education system. BYU is known for "weeding out" the
freshmen who are't aware of the competitive academic atmosphere. I have had multiple family members tell me Provo is only for those who are
extremely advanced in schooling, which is true. They say I should lower my expectations and settle at BYU Idaho instead. I am here to prove them
wrong. I love to challenge myself. I crave the satisfaction of making and achieving goals. Attending BYU Provo is my goal. I have complete
confidence in myself that I can attain success at this university. I want that higher and more competitive education. I will not take the easy way out.
Second, I want to attend a college that
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Diana Nielson Case Study
To BYU Admissions, It is with both respect and honor that I submit this letter of recommendation on behalf of Diana Nielson. As one of my junior AP
level English students, Diana excelled in both reading and writing. Her determined persistance led to academic success both within and without the
classroom. During classroom discussions and activties, Diana was an pro–active participant. Oftentimes she would linger after class in order to discuss
high–minded themes and perspectives found within a studied text. Other sutdents looked to Diana to contribute sui generis instghts and perspectives
on an idea. I'll always remember Diana's open and respectful willingness to express her beliefs in a way that was neither condescending nor preachy
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Sample Of Admission Essay For College
The obvious glare of my squinted blood shot eyes was a reminder to myself and the people around me that I was going through a rough time in my
life. I was born in East Los Angeles California to a young Mexican Couple in a small but sturdy apartment complex that was prone to crime and a lot
of gossip. My childhood in Los Angeles was full of excitement and my education was stable but bad instructors, combined with lack of scholastic
support, embedded my mind with a fear of Math and little desire to learn. My parents were of little help in guiding me through the basic foundations
of Math, English and Science since they had completed up to elementary in Mexico and weren't to fond of school themselves. When I grew older and
was about to start middle school my family and I moved more content...
As a result, the desire for a deeper level of education lead me to also follow the career path of Mechanical Engineering in which I would conquer
classes I would have never dreamed I would be able to understand. Education is the fulfillment of my curiosities and it will act as a blueprint for my
ideas. I didn't allow for the horrors of drugs to destroy my life and nor will I allow the distractions of life to mislead me from my goal of becoming
a Mechanical Engineer. What drives me to wake up in the morning and give it my all in school is that the material that I'm learning brings me closer
to seeing my ideas come to reality. It affects me to think that people around the world are suffering because they don't have the basic necessities to
live a comfortable and healthy life. Basic necessities can be acquired easily and in abundance with the correct technology. As an illustration, we don't
need fossil fuels when we could use hydrogen and we don't need to produce electricity with coal when we could use solar
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My First Class Ever At Byu
In the Brigham Young University Winter 2014 semester, I timidly stepped through the doors of the Joseph Smith Building to begin my first class ever
at BYU. Just having returned from my mission, I was more than ready to take on any challenge that was in my way of scholastic achievement. I was in
the pre–contemplation stage of the Stages of Change, and felt no great need to change any of my study habits. As the semester went on, I began to
realize the challenge that University presented to me on an intellectual level. Scrambling to cope with this unexpected challenge, I committed to my
scholastic endeavors by throwing vast amounts of time into my studies. At this point I graduated to the contemplation stage, as I began to look for
solutions to my agony and largely lacking scholastic achievement. My most wasteful and time consuming method of study was rote memorization,
which has now become basis for the study habit I wish to change. I have initiated this process through planning and isolating what to change, as well as
refining the actual method of how I was changing.
The study habit I have endeavored to change is one that is manifested in every facet of the human experience. Memory is a huge portion of every
activity we undertake in life, as vastly different consequences follow if our memories are honed or inferior. As a result I felt the great urgency,
accompanied with an impending need, to hone my memory and render it fully–functional. The uses of memory are innumerable. As
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PLU Admission Essay Sample
PLU Admissions Essay
As I begin to prepare myself for entering college life, there are a few concepts I plan to keep a focus on in my life so that I may be able to be a positive
influence and bright feature on campus.
Sustainability is an idea that we have been taught in different connotations that has influenced the way I choose to live by. To me,sustainability is
preserving ourselves and our environment to live comfortably but also to preserve the world around us for future generations to live comfortably. I plan
to take these thoughts into college with me by pursuing a degree in nursing where I know I can learn those skills through the Lutes' program offered.
Being a nurse and graduating from a program that teaches the important more content...
This has a deep meaning to me because of my experience of four years in FFA; "Living to Serve" is a part of the FFA motto I choose to live by. To
me "Living to Serve" means putting others' needs above yours, using your life as a service to others and dedicating a part of your life to better
others, even if it's just one person. I have also embraced this motto by serving as the chapter and district President where I have dedicated a
significant amount of my time to better my chapter and district to improve the member's experience. This includes leading workshops for chapter
presidents in the district, holding chapter fun nights to build better relationships, and working with a team of five other officers to complete a
successful year. I have also demonstrated this belief in my life by volunteering my time for community service, such as a local animal rescue center
and also in small ways like taking the time to help fellow students with school work. I plan to continue this way of life into college by pursuing the
career I know will put my service to best use. PLU has a similar mission statement which assures me how well I can serve others while
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NYU Admission Essay Sample
What motivated me to apply to NYU, is NYU's mission to become a global university which matches my interest, goals, and ambitions. Among the
three NYU degree granting campuses, NYU (Abu Dhabi) is what seems to be the best fit for me because the experience is what matters the most to me
than the certificate. I want something different in my college education. With NYUAD's rigorous curriculum combined with fun travels, it made
NYUAD an exceptional opportunity that i cannot afford to miss. I am interested in theater and film studies and becoming a global citizen or leader is
to me perfect combo. Theater/film helps me to understand the world and my place in it. Theater reflects and possibly affects its' society's view of the
world: its' history, its' philosophy, religious attitudes, social structure, theoretical assumptions, its' way of thinking, and about the world and nature. It is
seen that each society in history had and still has theater that can help them learn about their world and can help us to learn about other societies
besides our own. Studying theater/film has quite a number of benefits such as:
* Confidence and self–presentation skills
* A medium for expression
* Problem solving and perseverance: the ability to cope with criticism and learn from it, communication skills, time management more
Some might say why not go for NYU New York since probably seems to be in a perfect location for my intended major. My reasons are simple.
NYUAD–Abu Dhabi– United Arab Emirates– Arabic is = new university, new location, new country, new language + experience. As i stated above
earlier on, I want something new and different, to step–out of my comfort zone, to make make memories in slightly know locations and NYUAD being
in Abu Dhabi could not be less of a perfect location; with proximity to Asia (India for instance which is like UAE's backyard), Turkey, Europe,
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Digital Media Admission Essay
Throughout my childhood, I've always wanted to tell a story from my perspective. I was born with introverted tendencies, and I still have a hard
time articulating to people my thoughts. But creating short films has always been an effective medium to express my true self to the audience
around me. Most importantly, creating short stories helps me to understand who I am. I would like to be considered for the IFDM program because I
believe I was born to tell a story, and I would like the experience of others to help shape my influence.
My first experience with digital media started at Volcano VistaHigh School. Registering as an incoming freshman, I wanted to become a
photographer. I distinctly remember registering for photography class, but I was stuck with digital media as an alternative. I like to joke that it was
either destiny that put me in that class, or a huge mistake. Nonetheless, I instantly fell in love with digital media. My teacher, Jan Sherer, provided me
with equipment and software to be able to learn the basics of digital media. Although she was unpopular by most students in her class, I always
considered her a mentor. By senior year, I became proficient in most adobe products such as Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Audition. I
also learned different camera techniques thanks to her teachings. She also entrusted me with a cameraman job for the schools daily more
I am currently holding an internship with Moji studios, and a couple of my coworkers have graduated under IFDM. What I've noticed with IFDM
graduates is that their level of skills in the field they specialize in is astounding. Furthermore, graduates of IFDM have a higher chance of finding a
career, or so I hear. I would love to take this program so that I can find my specialty in digital media, and mature those skills to a professional level. I
know IFDM can provide me with the tools that I
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Why I Want To Attend Essay
Why do you want to attend? 300 As higher education professional, I consider myself an activist for creating defined leaders of tomorrow, those of
purpose and strength, whom live to empower one another. My passion is mentoring and empowering those around me. Each day, I strive to establish a
foundation of support, honesty, and encouragement in conjunction with my ebullient personality, which everyone that I encounter. For years, there has
been a calling deep within that little by little is coming to fruition, and I could not be happier. It is for these reasons that I would be an honored to be
among others with the same beliefs of social change, and . I always firmly believed in surrounding myself with likeminded individuals. If afforded more content...
As a Resident Assistant, I continuously implemented numerous educational forums and programs for my university. Of my personal development and
educational forums, the one I am most proud of was for the NO MORE campaign against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Some of my other
campus wide forums on college campus include programming for Alcohol Awareness and Drug Prevention. Additionally, while working as an
Admissions Counselor, I had the opportunity of working with youth and their parents, from diverse backgrounds. In this role, I promoted college student
retention, and advised students from all ages, socioeconomic statuses, and need levels. I work tirelessly to improve the general welfare of the students
on campus, while also focusing on the quality of the student collegiate experience.
The community organizations that poured love, support, and wisdom in me made me the woman I am today. As a proud Georgia 4–H Aluma who
grew up learning how to "Make the Best Better", it only feels right that I share my wisdom with others. My daily motto is, "Be the change you wish
to see in the world", and I live my life accordingly. After I complete my masters in HigherEducation Administration, my dream job is to serve as the
Vice President for Student Affairs. I am confident that my competences gained through these diverse experiences and my dedication to student support,
would serve as an indispensable perspective for the Summit.
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BYU–H Student Opinions and Position in Bottled Water Ban
Name: Liu, Ting–ju
Class: EIL 320
Brother Rama
Abstract This study was conducted to see the opinions and the position of the students of BYU–H in the policy of banning bottled water. To obtain the
accurate data of BYU–H students ' attitude in banning bottled water, we came out a survey contains 9 personal background information and 7 questions
about bottled water to interview the students of BYU–H. After interviewed over 100 of BYU–H students, we know majority have no experience of
water shortage and reject banning bottled water, even they know it is seriously environmentally harmful. This study can help schools to know students
attitude and assist them to improve the policy in banning bottled water, furthermore, to help people realize the importance to have their own bottle
instead of consuming numerous plastic bottled water and strengthen their awareness in environmental protection. (133)
Introduction Over the past 25 years, bottled water industry has climbed into the top of the world market. (M.A. & A.B., 2008) In the late 1970s, the
demand for bottled water has been increasing as people started to worry about the quality of tap water and began to purchase bottled water. (M.A. &
A.B., 2008) Furthermore, followed with a promotion campaign by processors of bottled water, the need of bottled water has gradually escalated,
became a multibillion–dollar industry and the major
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Biology Admission Essay
Having a passion about the human biology is to endeavor into a dimension of science, bound to undiscovered founding and limitless exploration.
Being intrigued about the human body, as we are seen being the most advanced creatures on earth and beyond the surface of the world, we rely on
intelligence and boundless eagerness to sustain our existence. The human body is being recognized as one of the most amazing things in the world
and beyond the speck of the earth, this is based on the fact of how many millions of cells we are designed to carry and how they are created to carry
out their jobs. I am esteemed of how much humanity has been shaped by medical discoveries and advanced drugs, paving a new path for the incurable
diseases. Parallel to, the need to apply to a biology and chemistry based science to medical use, the liberty to further study to quench my curiosity to
widen my knowledge of the more content...
I volunteered in various health sectors: nurseries, Sunday schools and GP surgery. During my summer holidays, I helped out in my local GP surgery.
Under the guidance of a Nurse practitioner, where I observed communications between a patients and a nurse practitioner, based on minor illness and
often engaged into the conversation. Additionally, I also had a day where I learnt phlebotomy, where blood sample's are taking from the vain using
vacutainer or finger pricked with a sharp and blood specimen is taking for a minute checking for blood glucose or HIV. This enable me to gain few
clinical skills and enables to communicate between patient and family members, which only nourished my hunger and desire to partake in a role that
strives to improve healthcare in my local community. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to work at my local pharmacy. This developing experience
affected me to comprehend the importance of different pharmaceutical drugs and how they work to maintain of our complex
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Master Of Admission Essay Sample
I am writing to express my interest in the Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in STEM (stem, technology,
engineering and mathematics) program that begins in August.
I currently hold a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Engineering Technology from Prairie View A&M University. My GPA from Prairie View
A&M University wasn't my best work. At that time, I was young and on my own for the first time and I lived life as a young person. Prior to
attending Prairie View A&M University, I was dedicated on receiving excellent grades in school, because of my hard work I graduated fromhigh school
number three in my class. In college, I made mistakes and learned from those mistakes. I was so elated to be the first person in my family to
graduate from college. My interest in teaching led me to complete a teacher's deficiency plan from Texas Southern University. At Texas Southern
University, my GPA is 3.88 which is a true reflection of my ability to successfully complete a challenging educational program. The GPA is a sign of
my seriousness toward completing my more content...
I have taught for 18 years. I have 12 years of teaching elementary, as well as 6 years of teaching secondary math. In elementary and secondary, I have
served in the capacity of Math Department Chairperson and Third Grade Lead Teacher. I have planned and developed academic schedules and
intervention plans to ensure the success of students, in addition to my teacher's responsibilities. I have collaborated with principals and colleagues to
ensure that the goals and objectives were met. I have presented various workshops and trainings in the areas of math and science. I believe that
education is the most important tool that a person has for success. So, therefore it is important that every child should be given the best education
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College Admissions Essay: Growing Up
I remember waking up that day and that feeling in my stomach, knowing what was about to happen. Growing up I knew about my father's sickness.
My family, I recall, was always supportive. No one ever thinks about how one day, everyone you're around for years, can just vanish. I cherished my
friends as I was growing up. I lived there for a majority of my life, up until fourth grade. I remember sitting at a neighbor's house and having the mother
come into the room and inform me that I need to be home swiftly. As I ran home, my head was crowded with thoughts to the point where I could not
even think about why I was supposed to be home quickly. That day marked the transition of what would be the biggest change in my life. As by dad
became sicker, more content...
I closed the door, and I held that piece of jewelry in my hand for twenty–six hours, all the way down to my new home in Florida. I remember stepping
out of the truck into the warm, stifling air. I inhaled deeply and thought to myself, this is it, this is where my new life begins. This is where I show my
family that I am strong, I'll show them that nothing can break me down now. I was alone in the beginning part of my new life. It taught me
strength I didn't know I had. People just need to hope and believe that old relationships can kindle back together, which they did when we were able
to move back home to CT. Having to change everything so quickly at such a young age made me realize that everything really does happen for a
reason and life will fall back into place when you just have a little hope and understanding. I grew up to be the woman I am today because of learning
what reality can be, having to mature at such a young age, and in being one structure that helped to hold my family together through this difficult time.
The hard times were a learning point that created the beautiful and meaningful things I have in my life today and I would not go back and change
anything that has
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19 years ago, a beautiful baby girl was born to two BYU students. Today that girl attends BYU as a freshman Mechanical Engineering student.
Brought up by a Elementary Education major and a Computer Science major, she developed a love of reading at a very young age. That love of
reading led to expanded horizons and developed a love of learning in the girl. She nervously began school and suprisingly found that it was very
easy for her. As she continued through school, she supplemented her learning with reading, and in fifth grade she entered her first accelerated
program. From then on she was largely responsible for her own home work. She continued successfully through school, being recognized for her
academic acheivement in all areas. In 9th grade she took her first of many AP classes. Through AP, Honors, and Concurrent Enrollment, she
graduated in the Top 30 of her class with over 30 college credits. In addition to her acheivements in school, she also joined her school 's Color
Guard and participated consistently in that. Her senior year she acted as Captain of her team, and led them to be First in the state in their division.
Color Guard was also key in developing her social skills. Through guard, she learned to work well with other people and she developed life long
friendships. After attending high school, she applied and was accepted to BYU bringing her life full circle. In her first semester here she has continued
in her academic acheivement,
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Baylor University Admission Essay
The first time Baylor University came to my knowledge was in 1st grade I recall myself looking around the classroom at the different universities
and the one with the bear that said "Sic' Em" in giant letters caught my attention instantly. Ever since that moment I have always had my mind set on
Baylor. The two main reasons why Baylor University is my first choice are one I want a closer relationship with God and the other reason is because
of my aunt and father who have always dreamed of attending Baylor but could never see that happening because they grew up in a low income
Hispanic home.
At the end of my eighth grade year my classmates and I were deciding what extracurricular activities we were going to be involved in high school and more content...
Balancing my time with school and taking care of my dad and aunt every day after school to care for them was quite challenging. Although they both
insisted to focus on my studies instead of them I refused because they meant the world to me and I was afraid to lose them. Within time everything got
better for my family. I learned a lot from all the crying and anger I had and I learned to value time and loved ones more than and this is where my
outreach to god came into the picture I have never had a close relationship with God but dealing with my father and aunts illness gave me the
motivation to reach to God. I believe that because of him my father will someday find that kidney donor and his eye surgeries will continue to let
him recover a bit more of his eye sight and also the reason why my aunt conquered colon cancer. Baylor University is my top choice because their
mission is to educate for leadership and service and provide a strong academic education. I want a challenge and I believe that Baylor can be that
challenge to accomplish my goals and will keep me in close contact with God throughout my college experience. Attending Baylor will not only full–fill
my dream but, it will put a smile on the two people I love the most my father and my
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BYU And Louisville

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  • 2. Undergraduate Admission Essay Undergraduate Admissions Department of interest: Industrial design I'm drawn to design because it is everywhere and has the potential to affect so much of how people feel about a certain space or about an experience. From a young age, I was fortunate to be exposed to art; my parents would constantly take my brother and me to museums and galleries and at home, my grandmother would teach me skills such as crocheting, needlepoint and how to replicate food out of playdough. In both elementary school and middle school I drew and created little things such as bookmarks and stuffed animals, but I was never known as the "art kid". I loved art and I understood that there was so much potential to create something original and to express an idea, but I just didn't understand how. Early eighth grade I found out about more content... I ended up teaching myself Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop so I could make my assignments live up to the standard I had set for myself. Later that same year I got a chance to work with new materials and discovered an interest in sculpture. I enjoyed the process of learning the potential of different materials and the problem solving it takes to make what I had decided I am going to make. Where I had previously liked graphic design best, I realized that I found a different kind of satisfaction from physically creating an object. The final step that inspired my realization, was a communications class in which, one of the projects was to invent a product and create a print ad for it. While doing this project, it all clicked for me. I ended up creating way more material for the product than was required because I got sucked into the world that I created for it, fantasizing about packaging and display and consistent branding. It combined everything I liked: graphic design, new materials, 3D elements and for me all this pointed to industrial Get more content on
  • 3. My First Semester At Byu Idaho I was desperately lost while studying theater during my first semester at Brigham Young University–Idaho. It was what I enjoyed during high school, but I want a career where I am able to spend time with my family and one where I'd be in a position to improve the lives of others. After taking my first acting class I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do. Since then, I have considered everything from psychology to accounting. Research and volunteer opportunities, advice from trusted mentors, and my education played roles in my decision process. I learned to manage my time wisely in order to spend time with my family. Most importantly, I was able to decide on a career inoptometry, and have since planned out what I want to do after optometry school. After my first semester at BYU–Idaho, I took a two year break from school to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–Day Saints in Africa. I dedicated my time to serve the people surrounding me. Usually the service was simple things: helping wash laundry by hand, preparing meals, cleaning or even building a mud home. I enjoyed every bit of service I was able to offer. My parents taught me the importance of hard work, and my upbringing is the reason I find joy in serving others. This joy has guided me as I have chosen my career path. I have a beautiful wife and a one–year–old daughter. Being a father has taught me how to manage my time more efficiently. Our daughter was born the week before finals. The first Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Statement: College Admissions College Admissions Essay (Virtues/Admiration/Accomplishments) Ever since my brother came back home from Illinois State University with many positive comments about the college I have wanted to go there. He told me about all the different things one can do there, and how easy it was to make friends. He also talked about how great all his professors were. I was instantly intrigued by all the university has to offer in activities and academics. I am a strong believer in academics and put it the number one priority when it comes to my life considering it is the foundation for a successful career. Hard work and perseverance are my top values in academics. I am a member of National Honors Society and was nominated as one of the top ten math students Get more content on
  • 5. University Of Cambridge Admissions Essay University of Cambridge Admissions With 800–year history of research and education, University of Cambridge has been a wonderland for those who are seeking a perfect place and academic atmosphere to develop ideas and advance knowledge. Being a student here, you can interchange your ideas with other students, academic staff who are pioneers in their fields and those frequent visiting lecturers. Today, around 20,000 students are studying at Cambridge, among which 7,500 are graduate students with 50% coming from overseas, and over 40% being women. Though courses are touch at Cambridge, those who bear a belief to achieve their goals in beloved fields can really learn a lot and get intellectual satisfaction. Following list is the portal more content... Arrangements vary depending on what country you are from (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or the EU). Yon't need a confirmed place at a university to apply. Cambridge Financial Support – Also available to UK/EU students for their first undergraduate degree. Bursaries, college and faculty awards and grants such as book and equipment grants, scholarships and prizes and travel grants are also provided. Loan – Tuition Fee Loan up to ВЈ9,000 per year; Maintenance Loan up to ВЈ8,200 per year, Up to ВЈ4,840 per year and up to ВЈ4,480 in final year especially for students from Northern Ireland. Part Time Work– Doing some part time work in the College bar, College library or as a student helper during open days can also earn you some money to fund your education. You are suggested to achieve work–life balance while working within the University and Colleges. Types of University of Cambridge Scholarships Cambridge scholarships can be divided to three parts: undergraduate scholarships, graduate scholarships and international students scholarships which could be divided to smaller parts as listed below. The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust was the place where students from all degree could find suitable scholarship opportunities for them. The Trust was established for 1,100 to 1,400 students from 85 countries worldwide each year on degree courses to get access to approximately 500 scholarships annually. Nearly 18,000 Get more content on
  • 6. The Three Main Reasons For Attending BYU Provo I would most like to attend BYU Provo for three main reasons. First, BYU has a great education system. BYU is known for "weeding out" the freshmen who are't aware of the competitive academic atmosphere. I have had multiple family members tell me Provo is only for those who are extremely advanced in schooling, which is true. They say I should lower my expectations and settle at BYU Idaho instead. I am here to prove them wrong. I love to challenge myself. I crave the satisfaction of making and achieving goals. Attending BYU Provo is my goal. I have complete confidence in myself that I can attain success at this university. I want that higher and more competitive education. I will not take the easy way out. Second, I want to attend a college that Get more content on
  • 7. Diana Nielson Case Study To BYU Admissions, It is with both respect and honor that I submit this letter of recommendation on behalf of Diana Nielson. As one of my junior AP level English students, Diana excelled in both reading and writing. Her determined persistance led to academic success both within and without the classroom. During classroom discussions and activties, Diana was an pro–active participant. Oftentimes she would linger after class in order to discuss high–minded themes and perspectives found within a studied text. Other sutdents looked to Diana to contribute sui generis instghts and perspectives on an idea. I'll always remember Diana's open and respectful willingness to express her beliefs in a way that was neither condescending nor preachy Get more content on
  • 8. Sample Of Admission Essay For College The obvious glare of my squinted blood shot eyes was a reminder to myself and the people around me that I was going through a rough time in my life. I was born in East Los Angeles California to a young Mexican Couple in a small but sturdy apartment complex that was prone to crime and a lot of gossip. My childhood in Los Angeles was full of excitement and my education was stable but bad instructors, combined with lack of scholastic support, embedded my mind with a fear of Math and little desire to learn. My parents were of little help in guiding me through the basic foundations of Math, English and Science since they had completed up to elementary in Mexico and weren't to fond of school themselves. When I grew older and was about to start middle school my family and I moved more content... As a result, the desire for a deeper level of education lead me to also follow the career path of Mechanical Engineering in which I would conquer classes I would have never dreamed I would be able to understand. Education is the fulfillment of my curiosities and it will act as a blueprint for my ideas. I didn't allow for the horrors of drugs to destroy my life and nor will I allow the distractions of life to mislead me from my goal of becoming a Mechanical Engineer. What drives me to wake up in the morning and give it my all in school is that the material that I'm learning brings me closer to seeing my ideas come to reality. It affects me to think that people around the world are suffering because they don't have the basic necessities to live a comfortable and healthy life. Basic necessities can be acquired easily and in abundance with the correct technology. As an illustration, we don't need fossil fuels when we could use hydrogen and we don't need to produce electricity with coal when we could use solar Get more content on
  • 9. My First Class Ever At Byu In the Brigham Young University Winter 2014 semester, I timidly stepped through the doors of the Joseph Smith Building to begin my first class ever at BYU. Just having returned from my mission, I was more than ready to take on any challenge that was in my way of scholastic achievement. I was in the pre–contemplation stage of the Stages of Change, and felt no great need to change any of my study habits. As the semester went on, I began to realize the challenge that University presented to me on an intellectual level. Scrambling to cope with this unexpected challenge, I committed to my scholastic endeavors by throwing vast amounts of time into my studies. At this point I graduated to the contemplation stage, as I began to look for solutions to my agony and largely lacking scholastic achievement. My most wasteful and time consuming method of study was rote memorization, which has now become basis for the study habit I wish to change. I have initiated this process through planning and isolating what to change, as well as refining the actual method of how I was changing. The study habit I have endeavored to change is one that is manifested in every facet of the human experience. Memory is a huge portion of every activity we undertake in life, as vastly different consequences follow if our memories are honed or inferior. As a result I felt the great urgency, accompanied with an impending need, to hone my memory and render it fully–functional. The uses of memory are innumerable. As Get more content on
  • 10. PLU Admission Essay Sample PLU Admissions Essay As I begin to prepare myself for entering college life, there are a few concepts I plan to keep a focus on in my life so that I may be able to be a positive influence and bright feature on campus. Sustainability is an idea that we have been taught in different connotations that has influenced the way I choose to live by. To me,sustainability is preserving ourselves and our environment to live comfortably but also to preserve the world around us for future generations to live comfortably. I plan to take these thoughts into college with me by pursuing a degree in nursing where I know I can learn those skills through the Lutes' program offered. Being a nurse and graduating from a program that teaches the important more content... This has a deep meaning to me because of my experience of four years in FFA; "Living to Serve" is a part of the FFA motto I choose to live by. To me "Living to Serve" means putting others' needs above yours, using your life as a service to others and dedicating a part of your life to better others, even if it's just one person. I have also embraced this motto by serving as the chapter and district President where I have dedicated a significant amount of my time to better my chapter and district to improve the member's experience. This includes leading workshops for chapter presidents in the district, holding chapter fun nights to build better relationships, and working with a team of five other officers to complete a successful year. I have also demonstrated this belief in my life by volunteering my time for community service, such as a local animal rescue center and also in small ways like taking the time to help fellow students with school work. I plan to continue this way of life into college by pursuing the career I know will put my service to best use. PLU has a similar mission statement which assures me how well I can serve others while Get more content on
  • 11. NYU Admission Essay Sample What motivated me to apply to NYU, is NYU's mission to become a global university which matches my interest, goals, and ambitions. Among the three NYU degree granting campuses, NYU (Abu Dhabi) is what seems to be the best fit for me because the experience is what matters the most to me than the certificate. I want something different in my college education. With NYUAD's rigorous curriculum combined with fun travels, it made NYUAD an exceptional opportunity that i cannot afford to miss. I am interested in theater and film studies and becoming a global citizen or leader is to me perfect combo. Theater/film helps me to understand the world and my place in it. Theater reflects and possibly affects its' society's view of the world: its' history, its' philosophy, religious attitudes, social structure, theoretical assumptions, its' way of thinking, and about the world and nature. It is seen that each society in history had and still has theater that can help them learn about their world and can help us to learn about other societies besides our own. Studying theater/film has quite a number of benefits such as: * Confidence and self–presentation skills * A medium for expression * Problem solving and perseverance: the ability to cope with criticism and learn from it, communication skills, time management more content... Some might say why not go for NYU New York since probably seems to be in a perfect location for my intended major. My reasons are simple. NYUAD–Abu Dhabi– United Arab Emirates– Arabic is = new university, new location, new country, new language + experience. As i stated above earlier on, I want something new and different, to step–out of my comfort zone, to make make memories in slightly know locations and NYUAD being in Abu Dhabi could not be less of a perfect location; with proximity to Asia (India for instance which is like UAE's backyard), Turkey, Europe, Get more content on
  • 12. Digital Media Admission Essay Throughout my childhood, I've always wanted to tell a story from my perspective. I was born with introverted tendencies, and I still have a hard time articulating to people my thoughts. But creating short films has always been an effective medium to express my true self to the audience around me. Most importantly, creating short stories helps me to understand who I am. I would like to be considered for the IFDM program because I believe I was born to tell a story, and I would like the experience of others to help shape my influence. My first experience with digital media started at Volcano VistaHigh School. Registering as an incoming freshman, I wanted to become a photographer. I distinctly remember registering for photography class, but I was stuck with digital media as an alternative. I like to joke that it was either destiny that put me in that class, or a huge mistake. Nonetheless, I instantly fell in love with digital media. My teacher, Jan Sherer, provided me with equipment and software to be able to learn the basics of digital media. Although she was unpopular by most students in her class, I always considered her a mentor. By senior year, I became proficient in most adobe products such as Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Audition. I also learned different camera techniques thanks to her teachings. She also entrusted me with a cameraman job for the schools daily more content... I am currently holding an internship with Moji studios, and a couple of my coworkers have graduated under IFDM. What I've noticed with IFDM graduates is that their level of skills in the field they specialize in is astounding. Furthermore, graduates of IFDM have a higher chance of finding a career, or so I hear. I would love to take this program so that I can find my specialty in digital media, and mature those skills to a professional level. I know IFDM can provide me with the tools that I Get more content on
  • 13. Why I Want To Attend Essay Why do you want to attend? 300 As higher education professional, I consider myself an activist for creating defined leaders of tomorrow, those of purpose and strength, whom live to empower one another. My passion is mentoring and empowering those around me. Each day, I strive to establish a foundation of support, honesty, and encouragement in conjunction with my ebullient personality, which everyone that I encounter. For years, there has been a calling deep within that little by little is coming to fruition, and I could not be happier. It is for these reasons that I would be an honored to be among others with the same beliefs of social change, and . I always firmly believed in surrounding myself with likeminded individuals. If afforded more content... As a Resident Assistant, I continuously implemented numerous educational forums and programs for my university. Of my personal development and educational forums, the one I am most proud of was for the NO MORE campaign against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Some of my other campus wide forums on college campus include programming for Alcohol Awareness and Drug Prevention. Additionally, while working as an Admissions Counselor, I had the opportunity of working with youth and their parents, from diverse backgrounds. In this role, I promoted college student retention, and advised students from all ages, socioeconomic statuses, and need levels. I work tirelessly to improve the general welfare of the students on campus, while also focusing on the quality of the student collegiate experience. The community organizations that poured love, support, and wisdom in me made me the woman I am today. As a proud Georgia 4–H Aluma who grew up learning how to "Make the Best Better", it only feels right that I share my wisdom with others. My daily motto is, "Be the change you wish to see in the world", and I live my life accordingly. After I complete my masters in HigherEducation Administration, my dream job is to serve as the Vice President for Student Affairs. I am confident that my competences gained through these diverse experiences and my dedication to student support, would serve as an indispensable perspective for the Summit. Get more content on
  • 14. BYU–H Student Opinions and Position in Bottled Water Ban Name: Liu, Ting–ju Class: EIL 320 Brother Rama Abstract This study was conducted to see the opinions and the position of the students of BYU–H in the policy of banning bottled water. To obtain the accurate data of BYU–H students ' attitude in banning bottled water, we came out a survey contains 9 personal background information and 7 questions about bottled water to interview the students of BYU–H. After interviewed over 100 of BYU–H students, we know majority have no experience of water shortage and reject banning bottled water, even they know it is seriously environmentally harmful. This study can help schools to know students attitude and assist them to improve the policy in banning bottled water, furthermore, to help people realize the importance to have their own bottle instead of consuming numerous plastic bottled water and strengthen their awareness in environmental protection. (133) Introduction Over the past 25 years, bottled water industry has climbed into the top of the world market. (M.A. & A.B., 2008) In the late 1970s, the demand for bottled water has been increasing as people started to worry about the quality of tap water and began to purchase bottled water. (M.A. & A.B., 2008) Furthermore, followed with a promotion campaign by processors of bottled water, the need of bottled water has gradually escalated, became a multibillion–dollar industry and the major Get more content on
  • 15. Biology Admission Essay Having a passion about the human biology is to endeavor into a dimension of science, bound to undiscovered founding and limitless exploration. Being intrigued about the human body, as we are seen being the most advanced creatures on earth and beyond the surface of the world, we rely on intelligence and boundless eagerness to sustain our existence. The human body is being recognized as one of the most amazing things in the world and beyond the speck of the earth, this is based on the fact of how many millions of cells we are designed to carry and how they are created to carry out their jobs. I am esteemed of how much humanity has been shaped by medical discoveries and advanced drugs, paving a new path for the incurable diseases. Parallel to, the need to apply to a biology and chemistry based science to medical use, the liberty to further study to quench my curiosity to widen my knowledge of the more content... I volunteered in various health sectors: nurseries, Sunday schools and GP surgery. During my summer holidays, I helped out in my local GP surgery. Under the guidance of a Nurse practitioner, where I observed communications between a patients and a nurse practitioner, based on minor illness and often engaged into the conversation. Additionally, I also had a day where I learnt phlebotomy, where blood sample's are taking from the vain using vacutainer or finger pricked with a sharp and blood specimen is taking for a minute checking for blood glucose or HIV. This enable me to gain few clinical skills and enables to communicate between patient and family members, which only nourished my hunger and desire to partake in a role that strives to improve healthcare in my local community. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to work at my local pharmacy. This developing experience affected me to comprehend the importance of different pharmaceutical drugs and how they work to maintain of our complex Get more content on
  • 16. Master Of Admission Essay Sample I am writing to express my interest in the Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in STEM (stem, technology, engineering and mathematics) program that begins in August. I currently hold a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Engineering Technology from Prairie View A&M University. My GPA from Prairie View A&M University wasn't my best work. At that time, I was young and on my own for the first time and I lived life as a young person. Prior to attending Prairie View A&M University, I was dedicated on receiving excellent grades in school, because of my hard work I graduated fromhigh school number three in my class. In college, I made mistakes and learned from those mistakes. I was so elated to be the first person in my family to graduate from college. My interest in teaching led me to complete a teacher's deficiency plan from Texas Southern University. At Texas Southern University, my GPA is 3.88 which is a true reflection of my ability to successfully complete a challenging educational program. The GPA is a sign of my seriousness toward completing my more content... I have taught for 18 years. I have 12 years of teaching elementary, as well as 6 years of teaching secondary math. In elementary and secondary, I have served in the capacity of Math Department Chairperson and Third Grade Lead Teacher. I have planned and developed academic schedules and intervention plans to ensure the success of students, in addition to my teacher's responsibilities. I have collaborated with principals and colleagues to ensure that the goals and objectives were met. I have presented various workshops and trainings in the areas of math and science. I believe that education is the most important tool that a person has for success. So, therefore it is important that every child should be given the best education Get more content on
  • 17. College Admissions Essay: Growing Up I remember waking up that day and that feeling in my stomach, knowing what was about to happen. Growing up I knew about my father's sickness. My family, I recall, was always supportive. No one ever thinks about how one day, everyone you're around for years, can just vanish. I cherished my friends as I was growing up. I lived there for a majority of my life, up until fourth grade. I remember sitting at a neighbor's house and having the mother come into the room and inform me that I need to be home swiftly. As I ran home, my head was crowded with thoughts to the point where I could not even think about why I was supposed to be home quickly. That day marked the transition of what would be the biggest change in my life. As by dad became sicker, more content... I closed the door, and I held that piece of jewelry in my hand for twenty–six hours, all the way down to my new home in Florida. I remember stepping out of the truck into the warm, stifling air. I inhaled deeply and thought to myself, this is it, this is where my new life begins. This is where I show my family that I am strong, I'll show them that nothing can break me down now. I was alone in the beginning part of my new life. It taught me strength I didn't know I had. People just need to hope and believe that old relationships can kindle back together, which they did when we were able to move back home to CT. Having to change everything so quickly at such a young age made me realize that everything really does happen for a reason and life will fall back into place when you just have a little hope and understanding. I grew up to be the woman I am today because of learning what reality can be, having to mature at such a young age, and in being one structure that helped to hold my family together through this difficult time. The hard times were a learning point that created the beautiful and meaningful things I have in my life today and I would not go back and change anything that has Get more content on
  • 18. INTRO TO ME BORING STYLE: 19 years ago, a beautiful baby girl was born to two BYU students. Today that girl attends BYU as a freshman Mechanical Engineering student. Brought up by a Elementary Education major and a Computer Science major, she developed a love of reading at a very young age. That love of reading led to expanded horizons and developed a love of learning in the girl. She nervously began school and suprisingly found that it was very easy for her. As she continued through school, she supplemented her learning with reading, and in fifth grade she entered her first accelerated program. From then on she was largely responsible for her own home work. She continued successfully through school, being recognized for her academic acheivement in all areas. In 9th grade she took her first of many AP classes. Through AP, Honors, and Concurrent Enrollment, she graduated in the Top 30 of her class with over 30 college credits. In addition to her acheivements in school, she also joined her school 's Color Guard and participated consistently in that. Her senior year she acted as Captain of her team, and led them to be First in the state in their division. Color Guard was also key in developing her social skills. Through guard, she learned to work well with other people and she developed life long friendships. After attending high school, she applied and was accepted to BYU bringing her life full circle. In her first semester here she has continued in her academic acheivement, Get more content on
  • 19. Baylor University Admission Essay The first time Baylor University came to my knowledge was in 1st grade I recall myself looking around the classroom at the different universities and the one with the bear that said "Sic' Em" in giant letters caught my attention instantly. Ever since that moment I have always had my mind set on Baylor. The two main reasons why Baylor University is my first choice are one I want a closer relationship with God and the other reason is because of my aunt and father who have always dreamed of attending Baylor but could never see that happening because they grew up in a low income Hispanic home. At the end of my eighth grade year my classmates and I were deciding what extracurricular activities we were going to be involved in high school and more content... Balancing my time with school and taking care of my dad and aunt every day after school to care for them was quite challenging. Although they both insisted to focus on my studies instead of them I refused because they meant the world to me and I was afraid to lose them. Within time everything got better for my family. I learned a lot from all the crying and anger I had and I learned to value time and loved ones more than and this is where my outreach to god came into the picture I have never had a close relationship with God but dealing with my father and aunts illness gave me the motivation to reach to God. I believe that because of him my father will someday find that kidney donor and his eye surgeries will continue to let him recover a bit more of his eye sight and also the reason why my aunt conquered colon cancer. Baylor University is my top choice because their mission is to educate for leadership and service and provide a strong academic education. I want a challenge and I believe that Baylor can be that challenge to accomplish my goals and will keep me in close contact with God throughout my college experience. Attending Baylor will not only full–fill my dream but, it will put a smile on the two people I love the most my father and my Get more content on