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Reflective Reflection On Reflective Learning
According to Jasper (2013) reflective learning is "the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience,
which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, and which results in a changed conceptual perspective". Ibid, summarised reflective practice as
having three core components; Things or experiences that happen to the individual; reflective processes that enable the person to learn and grow and
action looking at the situation from a new perspective. It is only through self–enquiry, can individual learn to evolve as human beings, and form a
homeostasis with their environment and society (Moon, 2006). The application of the reflective process, is more than just a tool or device, is about
implementing an ontological approach to self–discovery and change (Rolfe et al. 2011). It occurs through analysis, interpretation and recombination of
the information about the experience and actions are taken (Jasper, 2013).
1.1Reflective Aim
The purposes of this paper is to analysis and interpret my role in the Select Lincolnshire Project, which forms part submission of the Logistics and
Operational Management module, Masters in Business Administration, University of Lincoln. This paper segments my reflective journey, in in such a
way as to display my personal perspectives and role in the team dynamics, provides a reflective means by which I can understand my current strength
and weakness and finally how I have exploited
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Self Assessment / Reflective Essay
Assignment #7:
Assignment #7: Self Assessment / Reflective Essay
Strayer University
In this essay I'm sharing with you some of the struggles I endured as a teenager and I explain how I learned from a lot of the mistakes I made.
Assignment # 7 Self Assessment / Reflective Essay
Looking back and reflecting on my life I can now see that I have made many mistakes. Most of the mistakes I have made were due to my lack of
patience and never listening to older family members. If I had listened to their words of wisdom I would have saved myself a lot of trouble and
headaches. Instead of me taking their advice I took my own path and did things my way. The first valuable lesson that I learned when I more
I only went to school because it was mandatory and I had no other choice. After I finally got back on track in my senior year of high school I graduated
with honors. As a teen I used to always think that my elders talked too much and I didn't really respect what they had to say. I am a strong believer
in that you learn from your mistakes. The older I grew the more respect I had for elders and took a lot more of what they had to say into consideration.
Strayer University
In this essay I'm sharing with you some of the struggles I endured as a teenager and I explain how I learned from a lot of the mistakes I made.
Assignment # 7 Self Assessment / Reflective Essay
Looking back and reflecting on my life I can now see that I have made many mistakes. Most of the mistakes I have made were due to my lack of
patience and never listening to older family members. If I had listened to their words of wisdom I would have saved myself a lot of trouble and
headaches. Instead of me taking their advice I took my own path and did things my way. The first valuable lesson that I learned when I was
younger was when I got my first "F" in school. It all started in the tenth grade .I began to grow facial hair and my voice deepened. I used to go to
school just to collect phone numbers from different girls and was not focused on my school work as I should have been. My grandfather warned me to
stay more focused on school
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Reflection Paper On Motivation
Final Reflection Project Motivation is a crucial factor that attributes to success. According to Business Dictionary, motivation encompasses any
"internal and external factors which stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to
make an effort to attain a goal." One cannot assume that they can be successful without being motivated in some way. However, many people have
proven that their intense motivation has allowed them to make the impossible possible. As society has evolved, motivation has adapted to these
changes. In an attempt to simplify shifts in our motivation, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel Pink, has broken
motivation into three operating systems: Motivation 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Through an example regarding college students' motivation, where the total
utility obtained is constant, the differences and subsequent results between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are exposed. College students
everywhere are paying for this additional education, but are getting different things out of it. Most students are attending college for different reasons,
which can be attributed to different motives. Some students are extrinsically motivated and others are intrinsically motivated. While both types of
motivation offer different positives and negatives for students, they remain on the indifference curve. An indifference curve shows all the possible
combinations of two goods, or services, that yield the same total utility, or total satisfaction. By taking a closer look at the choices and subsequent
results of Cal Poly students, motivations can be better understood. When evaluating an extrinsically motivated Cal Poly student, it becomes clear that
this student is solely driven by external forces, such as earning passing grades and consequently avoiding academic probation. In Drive, Pink refers to
this type of motivation as "Motivation 2.0." According to Pink, Motivation 2.0 "presumed that humans responded to rewards and punishments in their
environment," focusing on the main idea that humans are more than simply the sum of our biological desires. Motivation 2.0, which is also referred to
as "carrots
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Reflective Essay
Reflective Essay
This essay aims to critically review my strengths and weaknesses as a self–regulated learner, in relation to key skills which demonstrate my ability to
use reflective practice. Also, the essay will identify and implement the learning skills required to complete the modules in Year 2 of the programme. It
will produce and make use of individual learning plans that reflect how I could improve upon my interpersonal skills and implement a personal
development plan. Furthermore, a demonstration of application of key skills together with learning and interpersonal skills in a variety of settings will
be made. The framework this reflective essay will follow has been adapted from the work of Borton (1970) Reach, Teach and Touch; more
The three chosen goals for year 2 of my nursing programme were specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (S.M.A.R.T).
Goal one, was set out to help me become competent in critically appraising evidence and literature, which supports the learning skills of being able to
produce academic work at level 5 standards. This goal required gaining understanding and knowledge of critical appraisal, as well as thoroughly
comprehending the elements of critical appraisal and correctly identifying and using tool, frameworks and guidelines to critically appraise evidence
and literature. The significance of achieving this goal was to help me complete year 2 modules of understanding evidence–based nursing and
examining health and social care needs of vulnerable adults and achieving an overall good grade in both modules.
What I generally thought was, for the understanding evidence based nursing essay I did not perform well with my critical appraisal, as most of my
time was spent on formulating a PICO question and did not have sufficient time to write a powerful essay. However results showed that I gained an
overall 55% mark, and comments that were given by the moderator were as follows 'Critical appraisal – You have identified the
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Reflective Practice Essay
Reflective practice – A tool for learning
When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens during a lesson or activity, we ask ourselves questions such as, could I have done
something to avoid it? These experiences usually make us grow and we learn from experience, and we will be better prepared to face the situation if
it happened again. This introspection is generally called "reflection", and all professionals have adopted it in order to improve their practice, but for
educators reflection involves "critical thinking" about past experiences or current experiences that occur or are occurring in classroom settings and
looking at them in a positive light on how to make improvements for their more content...
The literature review will include models of reflective practice and theorists who have had a major input for developing theory for reflective practice.
When we speak of 'reflective practitioners' we usually refer to adult learners who are engaged in some kind of activity (often professional) which they
can use to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses and areas for development. However, reflective thinking is not an innovation in teaching. It has its
roots in the work of a number of educational theorists. The concept has been around for over 50 years. Some theorists define reflective teaching
/thinking as; "A set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind" This
encapsulates the wide range of activities associated with thinking about your learning. (Moon, 1999)
'Reflective teaching is seen as a process through which the capacity to make professional judgments can be developed and maintained' (Pollard, 2002)
Schon (1983) speaks of reflective practitioners who are not just skilful or competent but "thoughtful, wise and contemplative", whose work involves
"intuition, insight and artistry".
Today, reflective practice is best understood as an approach which promotes autonomous learning that aims to develop practitioners understanding and
critical thinking skills. It refers to an activity or process, in which an experience is recalled,
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Examples Of Academic Reflection
During the whole process of designing the IMC plan for HP Sprocket in this semester, I have earned valuable experience about teamwork, and I
have learned lessons not only from class, but also from the whole working process. First of all, I have to admit that this group is one of the best
groups I've ever had, I used to think that only failed experience helps people learn and grow. However, this time in a well–organised group, I found that
I was wrong, positive experience contributes as well. This essay will reflect what I have learned, and it will be mainly divided into two parts:
academic reflection and experiential reflection.
Academic Reflection
In an IMC plan, separate segment needs to cooperate with each other through organisational communications in order to ensure that audiences can
receive a same key message from different channels (Ots and Nyilasy 2015, 134–135). Personally, I feel it is perfectly understandable as a first–time
IMC practitioner. In this group work, because we do not have much time to discuss the "Big Idea" at the very beginning, we decided to divide the work
first and then combine them together to find out the "Big Idea". However, I found that I cannot come up with useful strategies without effectively
communicating with my teammates about our goal for this plan. After we have finished our first draft and uploaded it to Google Drive, we all agreed
that this is a weak plan, because the messages we try to deliver in each piece do not have much in common.
As Percy (2013, 2–3) pointed out, both the key and the goal of IMC planning are "to deliver a consistent message". This made me think we might be
wrong at the aiming stage. In this scenario, assigning work without figuring out the requirement of an IMC plan is the problem of our group, and I
need to learn that figuring out the main requirements and setting a clear goal are essential steps for innovative projects like an IMC plan. Because they
can improve both individual's task performance and group's working efficiency (Hoegl and Parboteeah 2003, 4). There may have certain groups that
can perform well without cooperating tightly, like a calculation group, but IMC group is definitely not one of them. Which reminds me that in the
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Reflective Essay On Online Learning
Online courses are new way of learning anywhere you go. The new software's are making it easy to use for anyone who might not be familiar with
the technology. Sitting in traditional classroom for hours and hours compare to being able to study anywhere in the world. Leaving behind the
traditional heavy books that we have to carry around whole day, now all we need is our electronic devices. Although online course were accepted
by a lot of people, I was not ready to leave the traditional classroom. The fear of managing and organize my own time for the online classes held be
back because when managing time is in my hands I am able to work at my own pace and whenever I like. There is always a learning curve to
everything, therefore when I initially started taking online courses it was hard taking the first course. It took some time getting used to the new change.
Overtime I learned to embrace this new learning style and I take full advantage of what the courses had to offer. As I took more and more online class I
got familiar with the format of online learning. The attendance of the course has new meaning with online learning, it is not physically attending a
class or showing yourself on the camera but attendance means doing discussion forms. The concept that took the longest time to adapt was that there is
no teacher constantly reminding you that assignment is due. The individual taking the course is in control of schedule when and how they do the
assignment. Also, the
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Essay On Reflective Role Of Teaching
Teachers can be seen to wear many hats, they have several crucial factors under their job role as well as their legal and moral obligations. They
fundamentally have a duty of care to teach the national curriculum. As well as provide essential knowledge, that enables the learners needs to become
well rounded, educated citizens. Combining this with a broad level of ongoing and up to date curriculum and subject knowledge, to make effective
personalised learning objectives for all learners. With careful consideration for learners that may have special educational needs, disabilities, or for
whom English is a second language. Whilst taking practical account of diversity, promote equality and inclusion across all teaching.
Teachers should have an established, cemented foundation built on the understanding on how children develop and progress. Taking into account that
the development and well–being of learners can be affected by; social, cultural, developmental and linguistic influences. The ability to manage the
learning of individuals, groups and whole classes effectively. Modifying their teaching appropriately to suit each stage of the lesson and the needs of
the learners. The capability to engage with learners with different abilities and focused on personalised learning. Maximising all learners' capacity to
learn, achieve and participate. Through the dedication, time and skills needed to effectively plan and prepare challenging, well–organised lessons. This
means supporting
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Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills
When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the good and bad
quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve myself around everyone, (Stadter, 2015).
Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK
Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with
a good grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, having a writer ' more
Implementing Dewey 's theory in to my assignment, assisting my understanding on how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I
have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously
writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do
better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to use, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by
reading different books, journals and articles of interest.
After analyzing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself a
lot more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound goals and
starting the assignment rather than thinking about the end product. Percival (2006),has also stated putting our energy into the solution rather than the
problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be perfected as time goes on, mending the
structure to the standard required till the
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Reflective Practice Essay examples
Reflective practice in nursing is considered an important aspect to nursing. Durgahee ( 1997) defines reflective practice as a process of learning
and teaching professional maturity through the critical analysis of experience, whilst John ( 2009) up to date explanation of reflection is learning
through our everyday experience towards realising one vision of desirable practice as a lived reality. Portfolio entry one Practice placement
reflection Whilst there are many notion for reflection the main goal is for health professionals to learn, grow and develop through practice. There are
a number of models of reflection to help engage in the process of reflection. In this entry I would be using the Driscoll framework of
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Having sympathy for the patient can interfere with the care givers ability to accurately perceive the patients experience or offer assistance
(Forsyth 1980). In reflection on this experience me becoming involved with the patient did interfere with my ability to offer assistance to the
patient and work as a team member. I realised that support can be given to patients without me becoming involved and not feeling negative about
my team members that I am working with. Morse et al (1991) states that the process of detachment may be a crucial process that allows nurses to
overcome the stress caused by a patients suffering. My feelings of these events are completely different at this moment in time. I have visited more
patients and have experienced the different approaches that CPNs use with patients I have insight on how not to get involved with a particular
patient as it can hinder recovery by not allowing them to have some insight into their mental illness and it can cloud my judgment. However now
that my feelings have changed I do think if what the CPNs have said to me about the patients have influenced the way I feel as well as having more
experience with different patients. I have noticed that I am not to quick to be critical about my colleagues behaviour, especially if I have not read the
notes about a patient before I visit them. The CPN I attended the patients house with felt that I was polite but with more experience I would learn how
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Personality Reflection Paper
Personality Reflection Paper Debbie Cooper PSY/250 July 30, 2012 AnneySnyder Personality Reflection Paper The following will reflect this
researchers understanding and reflection on personality, how it defines one, what it means, and if one's personality changes to fit certain situations. At
the end this researcher may have a better insight into herself as well as the personalities of others. This insight can help her in her future endeavors.
Personality I would define personality as what makes each individual different. Each human being's personality is as unique as they are. While most
people define personality to describe another's more apparent characteristics, psychologists use personality to try to give reason to more
I am dedicated because I am devoted to those I know and projects that I value, I complete what I start. I am patient because I am steadfast and
understanding, it takes a lot for me to get flustered. Key Personality Concepts Some key personality concepts that define who I am is introvert,
intuitive, intuitive feeling, and judging. Introverted intuition allows me to appreciate a better clarity of perception of inner unconscious techniques. It
allows me to act spontaneously and insightful as original resolutions present themselves, on a case by case basis. Basically this means that I follow my
intuition and not how I may sense something. Feeling allows me to express my emotions when others are involved. I also freely express my opinion
when others are involved. At times I find myself torn between the moral conclusions about their actions and attitudes and my longing to express my
bucket full of feelings and the consequences of the unbridled truth. My confidants are chosen with care, I understand that there are those out there who
will stab you in the back without batting an eyelash. Judging was a concern for me, until a wise person informed us that it should not. It means that I
listen without interruption to obtain the full amount of information before asking questions or giving my opinion. It does not mean that I judge –
comment or criticize a person, their beliefs, or their opinion. Constant or Changing I believe that our
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Essay on Self Reflection and Personality Traits
Personality is the expression of a person's traits according to ones feelings, mentality and behavior. It involves understanding individuals' traits such as
withdrawal and willpower and how various parts of an individual link together to form personality. Personality expresses itself from within an
individual and is comparatively regular throughout in an individual's life. Different people have different personalities dependent on factors such as
environment and genetic composition. Our personality is dependent on the success or failure of our development in the eight stages of life. This is
proposed by Erik Erikson. Success in the development stages lead to virtues while the failure leads to malignancies. Personality traits Some of my more content...
For instance, if a patient prefers intravenous injections to tablets, I can opt to prescribe the injection other than the tablets provided they serve the
same purpose. In conclusion, some examples of sociability as a personality trait are; being friendly; ready to lend a hand and considerate, to
mention but a few of those sited above. This trait was initiated in me during my third stage of development, according to Erik Erikson. Who
proposed that from the age of three to six a child becomes more initiative? It is evident that during this age children easily make friends and are
very playful. Therefore this development stage, one gets a chance to play with many friends of different up bringing from mine. This enabled me to
relate with different people and has to date helped me in public relations (Maslow, 2011). The other personality character is strong will. This means
that one has a determined spirit to achieve set goals. This could be described just as extroversion, a theory that was proposed by Carl Jung, a Swiss
psychiatrist. According to him, extroversive people are self–confident; enjoy the company of other people and are always enthusiastic. They also easily
achieve. According to Carl Rogers another psychologist, he proposed that every person has an actualizing tendency that enables them to develop their
abilities. Therefore, an extrovert individual has the inner drive to develop his or her potentials. According to the description above, a person can work
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Vision Reflective Essay : Vision
Vision Reflective Essay Vision Statements define the school 's purpose according to the shared values. Values are guiding beliefs about how to get
things objectives accomplished. The vision statement gives direction about how the faculty members are expected to behave and inspires them to
give their best. Developing strong vision and mission statements can help stakeholders in your school reach a common understanding. A vision is
your school 's ultimate goal. A state where you hope to see it in the future (Gabriel & Farmer). It is imperative for leaders to create a shared vision.
The school vision allows both the administrators and staff members to make decisions clearly based on learning for all students. The vision process is more content...
Also, creating policies and practices that are fair for every student, regardless of difference, will assist us in meeting our standards for student
achievement, participation, and success. According to the Gabriel & Farmer, there are specific steps in the process of developing a shared vision.
Those steps are: o Drafting the Vision Statement o Eliminate Obstacles o Share Examples of Vision Statements o Present Data to the Vision Team o
Involve Staff in the Development As an administrator, I would begin the process of developing the vision statement by asking each stakeholder
(teachers, administrators, parents, business partners, etc.) to create and analyze personal values and core beliefs. I would recommend this step be
completed away from the school environment. Then, we will work in small groups and complete a "We are...." and "We want to...." activities. As a
group, we would discuss the activities, our beliefs, and values. As a school community, we would come to a consensus and introduce our findings to
LSIC and PTO. The core of our strategic plan and all staff development, action steps, and resources begin from our foundation of beliefs and vision.
One obstacle is gaining the support and trust of the community. A copy of our plan is available to the public in the office, but unfortunately, no one
ever requests to see it. We communicate our vision during Open House; provide more information in newsletters and bulletins are available throughout
the community. To
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Reflective Essay
Enterprise and Business Development
BABS Year 2
Reflective Essay
With reference to appropriate academic sources compare and contrast your own personality and characteristics to those found in entrepreneurs.
I became interested earlier on my life in entrepreneurship when I started up a new boutique back in my home country Sudan, selling ladies Fashions
that was imported from various countries including Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, I was very interested in the way Egyptians friends started thisbusiness
while we were studying at college and the two friends eventually left college after the first year of study to work full time for them self. Which made
me think of doing the same, I have looked at the question more content...
A very important factor that misunderstood by most people is the value of achievement over money, most people think thatEntrepreneur are only
motivated by money, on the contrary keeping score which is a determined factor in the competiveness of the character is more important to an
Entrepreneur than making the money and money is happen to be a very nice by –product of the process according to many.
Lastly another important factor is future ordination and creative tendency, mostly they dream big and then formulate plans to change these dreams into
realities by using their well–defined sense of searching for opportunities, they tend to be imaginative and innovative and versatile and curious also
they have lots of ideas, they are also very intuitive and guess well. My personal score of 9 out of 12 suggest that I can do very well as an entrepreneur.
In summery my test result which includes high score of 100% in the need for achievement and 83% for the need for autonomy and independence,
75% score for creative tendency, 100% score for the tendency to take moderate and calculated risk and most importantly a score of 92% in Drive and
determination, suggest that I have a very positive and good chance to repeat my previous successful early entrepreneur experience, yet it
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Reflective Essay on Teaching
This assignment will critically reflect and analyse a microteaching session I presented to my peers in a clinical placement regarding Nursing
management of chest drains. I will define reflection; teaching, learning and the rationale for choosing this topic will be clearly outlined in this paper.
The preparation, planning, implementation and evaluation will also be incorporated. This assignment will be structured using Gibbs (1988) reflective
model cited in Modular Training Course, 2003 because of its simplicity. Analysis will permeate through each stage of the Gibbs reflective model.
Finally I will conclude by reflecting on my role as a joint practitioner outlining areas of personal, professional growth, identifying my strength, weakness more content...
I also used some equipment like different types of chest drains, water and a dame in of a person to demonstrate to my peers. I used psychomotor
learning domain as it was described by Bloom (1956) cited by De Tornyay & Thompson (1987) to be most important domain compared with Cognitive
and Affective domains as it enabling the learner to learn through the demonstrated skill. As I encouraged my peers to carry out the skill that I had
demonstrated, I had to bear in mind that many adult learners are self–conscious about trying new psychomotor skills as contended by De Tornyay &
Thompson (1987). They worry about looking foolish and making errors. And therefore it is crucial that the learning environment is warm and
accepting, inviting the learners to try things, take risks and experiment.
Planning on its own caused a lot of anxiety, as I was not really sure of how well I will do in delivering and presenting my topic to my peers.
Although I had some idea about management of chest drains from both the practical bit that I had gained during my first two weeks on the ward and
the theory that I had gathered, I was nervous prior to my presentation.
It is argued by some commentators that having nerves can improve your performance (Lancaster and Janes, 1994). Feelings of nervousness helped me
to focus on my presentation however things did not go the way I planned them. I can only
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Reflection Paper On Philosophy
This essay is reflection about my understanding from what I have learned during this class about what philosophy is. Philosophy is a broad topic and
can be hard to understand. What we learn is class about philosophy defiantly makes me think and makes my brain turn all the time, but so far, my
understanding is that philosophy is the study of knowledge. It breaks down what everything is. Examples used in class are chariness, deskness, and the
main one sued in class "cupness".
According to Aristotle, philosophy is the study of fundamental nature of knowledge; it starts with wonder. Philosophy makes us ask specific question
like "Why" why did this happen and how did it come to be. Philosophy had its origin in ancient Greece. Philosophy recognizes that everything is
somehow connected.
Philosophy and 'science' are the same project; to do philosophy is to do science and to do science is to do philosophy. It is connected because
philosophy/science was attempting to discover the fundamental unity principle that lies at the basis of all reality and all experience. This is why we
refer to Garret Strong many times throughout our class discussions
The earliest philosopher/scientist are called Pre–Socratic philosophers. They came before the great philosopher Socrates. Thales is to be the first.
Thales is referred to as the father or founder of philosophophy/science he lived in the sixth century BCE. Thales began to search for the unity principle,
which is the ground of all things.
At the
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Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills
When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror–like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the acceptable and
poor quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve me around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs
Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays,
2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with a strong
grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, more content...
"Experience–reflection–knowledge" Pawar and Anscombe, (2015), has mentioned Dewey (1933) is a great example of how planning ahead is a step
towards better success rather than dwelling on the past problems. Implementing Dewey 's theory into my assignment, assisting my understanding of
how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have
referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from
the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to
apply, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by reading different books, journals, and articles of interest.
Subsequently, after analysing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing
in myself much more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound
goals and starting the assignment rather than thinking about the purpose. Percival (2006), has also said putting our energy into the solution rather than
the problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be
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Examples Of 17 Dimensions Of Critical Thinking
ffer and Rubenfeld (2000) define reflection as " contemplation upon a subject, especially one's assumptions and thinking for the purposes of deeper
understanding and self–evaluation."
1.Which of the 17 dimensions of critical thinking are your strongest? Your weakest? Why do think this? My strongest are perseverance, contextual
perspective, analyzing, information seeking,
Inquisitiveness, intellectual integrity, intuition, open–mindedness, reflection, transforming knowledge, confidence, predicting, and logical reasoning.
My weakest are flexibility, creativity, applying standards and discriminating. I am not somebody who easily give up when I make up mind to do
something and this quality nas been part of me since childhood. Perseverance: When I make up my mind to accomplish something good., Nothing can
stop me from achieving the goal. Contextual perspective: I am calm but collective person and so when something is happening, I do sit down quietly
and ponder over a whole of things put them together. Analyze them to draw up a solution to a problem. Analysis:
Whenever I am facing a problem or issue, I can assess the issue, break them down to find ways of solving the issue. Information seeking: When ever I
am facing a situation, I try to calm myself down, ask myself questions about how, what I can do, who to talk with, to gather information.
Inquisitiveness: I am very curious person and i always eager to understand things going on around me by asking questions, search for solutions to the
problem, making inquiries from friends, colleagues, professors, books, internet to acquire knowledge and to explore possible ways of solving issues.
Intellectual integrity: I like to be honest and like things to be done the normal or the standard way. I am very consistent in what i do. Intuition: I like to
listen to my instinct I am most of the time right. I am also very sensitive to my surroundings and this at times helps me gain insight into problems to
solve them. Open–mindedness; I am always ready to listen to others, thinks about how accurate and logical about what they say. If there is truth and
evidence in what they say. I compromise with them to solve an issue. Reflection: I like
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Descriptive Teaching Reflection
To be an effective teacher you must understand that each student is different. They have different learning styles and motivations. As a student I
love tests because I felt tests gave me the best evaluation of my hard work and I typically did well on tests. After studying learning styles I have
determined that descriptive inquiry is the best method for assessing students. Descriptive inquiry looks at students as individuals (Kittaka 2016). A
teacher should look at the strengths of each individual student and support his or her individual way of learning (Kittaka 2016). There are students
who are not good test takers. To assume these students are bad students would be setting up an unhealthy learning environment. Behavior learning
looks at each student as an individual and it is the teacher's job to find what positive reinforcements work best for each student. This is a form of
descriptive inquiry. The classroom should be a place of security and teachers should encourage the learning process in a healthy climate (Santos,
Sardinha, & Reis 2016). Job 11:18 states "and you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take rest in security." Each
student was designed for a special task in God's reality (Van Brummelen 2009). It is up to the teacher to encourage students to find their special tasks.
Again teachers have to remember that each student has a different purpose in life. It is up to teachers to give students the tools that will make them
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Reflective Reflection On Reflective Learning

  • 1. Reflective Reflection On Reflective Learning 1.Introduction According to Jasper (2013) reflective learning is "the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, and which results in a changed conceptual perspective". Ibid, summarised reflective practice as having three core components; Things or experiences that happen to the individual; reflective processes that enable the person to learn and grow and action looking at the situation from a new perspective. It is only through self–enquiry, can individual learn to evolve as human beings, and form a homeostasis with their environment and society (Moon, 2006). The application of the reflective process, is more than just a tool or device, is about implementing an ontological approach to self–discovery and change (Rolfe et al. 2011). It occurs through analysis, interpretation and recombination of the information about the experience and actions are taken (Jasper, 2013). 1.1Reflective Aim The purposes of this paper is to analysis and interpret my role in the Select Lincolnshire Project, which forms part submission of the Logistics and Operational Management module, Masters in Business Administration, University of Lincoln. This paper segments my reflective journey, in in such a way as to display my personal perspectives and role in the team dynamics, provides a reflective means by which I can understand my current strength and weakness and finally how I have exploited Get more content on
  • 2. Self Assessment / Reflective Essay Assignment #7: Assignment #7: Self Assessment / Reflective Essay Strayer University Abstract In this essay I'm sharing with you some of the struggles I endured as a teenager and I explain how I learned from a lot of the mistakes I made. Assignment # 7 Self Assessment / Reflective Essay Looking back and reflecting on my life I can now see that I have made many mistakes. Most of the mistakes I have made were due to my lack of patience and never listening to older family members. If I had listened to their words of wisdom I would have saved myself a lot of trouble and headaches. Instead of me taking their advice I took my own path and did things my way. The first valuable lesson that I learned when I more content... I only went to school because it was mandatory and I had no other choice. After I finally got back on track in my senior year of high school I graduated with honors. As a teen I used to always think that my elders talked too much and I didn't really respect what they had to say. I am a strong believer in that you learn from your mistakes. The older I grew the more respect I had for elders and took a lot more of what they had to say into consideration. References Strayer University Abstract In this essay I'm sharing with you some of the struggles I endured as a teenager and I explain how I learned from a lot of the mistakes I made. Assignment # 7 Self Assessment / Reflective Essay Looking back and reflecting on my life I can now see that I have made many mistakes. Most of the mistakes I have made were due to my lack of
  • 3. patience and never listening to older family members. If I had listened to their words of wisdom I would have saved myself a lot of trouble and headaches. Instead of me taking their advice I took my own path and did things my way. The first valuable lesson that I learned when I was younger was when I got my first "F" in school. It all started in the tenth grade .I began to grow facial hair and my voice deepened. I used to go to school just to collect phone numbers from different girls and was not focused on my school work as I should have been. My grandfather warned me to stay more focused on school Get more content on
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  • 5. Reflective Essay Reflective Essay This essay aims to critically review my strengths and weaknesses as a self–regulated learner, in relation to key skills which demonstrate my ability to use reflective practice. Also, the essay will identify and implement the learning skills required to complete the modules in Year 2 of the programme. It will produce and make use of individual learning plans that reflect how I could improve upon my interpersonal skills and implement a personal development plan. Furthermore, a demonstration of application of key skills together with learning and interpersonal skills in a variety of settings will be made. The framework this reflective essay will follow has been adapted from the work of Borton (1970) Reach, Teach and Touch; more content... The three chosen goals for year 2 of my nursing programme were specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (S.M.A.R.T). Goal one, was set out to help me become competent in critically appraising evidence and literature, which supports the learning skills of being able to produce academic work at level 5 standards. This goal required gaining understanding and knowledge of critical appraisal, as well as thoroughly comprehending the elements of critical appraisal and correctly identifying and using tool, frameworks and guidelines to critically appraise evidence and literature. The significance of achieving this goal was to help me complete year 2 modules of understanding evidence–based nursing and examining health and social care needs of vulnerable adults and achieving an overall good grade in both modules. What I generally thought was, for the understanding evidence based nursing essay I did not perform well with my critical appraisal, as most of my time was spent on formulating a PICO question and did not have sufficient time to write a powerful essay. However results showed that I gained an overall 55% mark, and comments that were given by the moderator were as follows 'Critical appraisal – You have identified the Get more content on
  • 6. Reflective Practice Essay Reflective practice – A tool for learning Introduction/Rationale When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens during a lesson or activity, we ask ourselves questions such as, could I have done something to avoid it? These experiences usually make us grow and we learn from experience, and we will be better prepared to face the situation if it happened again. This introspection is generally called "reflection", and all professionals have adopted it in order to improve their practice, but for educators reflection involves "critical thinking" about past experiences or current experiences that occur or are occurring in classroom settings and looking at them in a positive light on how to make improvements for their more content... The literature review will include models of reflective practice and theorists who have had a major input for developing theory for reflective practice. When we speak of 'reflective practitioners' we usually refer to adult learners who are engaged in some kind of activity (often professional) which they can use to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses and areas for development. However, reflective thinking is not an innovation in teaching. It has its roots in the work of a number of educational theorists. The concept has been around for over 50 years. Some theorists define reflective teaching /thinking as; "A set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind" This encapsulates the wide range of activities associated with thinking about your learning. (Moon, 1999) 'Reflective teaching is seen as a process through which the capacity to make professional judgments can be developed and maintained' (Pollard, 2002) Schon (1983) speaks of reflective practitioners who are not just skilful or competent but "thoughtful, wise and contemplative", whose work involves "intuition, insight and artistry". Today, reflective practice is best understood as an approach which promotes autonomous learning that aims to develop practitioners understanding and critical thinking skills. It refers to an activity or process, in which an experience is recalled, Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Academic Reflection During the whole process of designing the IMC plan for HP Sprocket in this semester, I have earned valuable experience about teamwork, and I have learned lessons not only from class, but also from the whole working process. First of all, I have to admit that this group is one of the best groups I've ever had, I used to think that only failed experience helps people learn and grow. However, this time in a well–organised group, I found that I was wrong, positive experience contributes as well. This essay will reflect what I have learned, and it will be mainly divided into two parts: academic reflection and experiential reflection. Academic Reflection In an IMC plan, separate segment needs to cooperate with each other through organisational communications in order to ensure that audiences can receive a same key message from different channels (Ots and Nyilasy 2015, 134–135). Personally, I feel it is perfectly understandable as a first–time IMC practitioner. In this group work, because we do not have much time to discuss the "Big Idea" at the very beginning, we decided to divide the work first and then combine them together to find out the "Big Idea". However, I found that I cannot come up with useful strategies without effectively communicating with my teammates about our goal for this plan. After we have finished our first draft and uploaded it to Google Drive, we all agreed that this is a weak plan, because the messages we try to deliver in each piece do not have much in common. As Percy (2013, 2–3) pointed out, both the key and the goal of IMC planning are "to deliver a consistent message". This made me think we might be wrong at the aiming stage. In this scenario, assigning work without figuring out the requirement of an IMC plan is the problem of our group, and I need to learn that figuring out the main requirements and setting a clear goal are essential steps for innovative projects like an IMC plan. Because they can improve both individual's task performance and group's working efficiency (Hoegl and Parboteeah 2003, 4). There may have certain groups that can perform well without cooperating tightly, like a calculation group, but IMC group is definitely not one of them. Which reminds me that in the Get more content on
  • 8. Reflective Essay On Online Learning Online courses are new way of learning anywhere you go. The new software's are making it easy to use for anyone who might not be familiar with the technology. Sitting in traditional classroom for hours and hours compare to being able to study anywhere in the world. Leaving behind the traditional heavy books that we have to carry around whole day, now all we need is our electronic devices. Although online course were accepted by a lot of people, I was not ready to leave the traditional classroom. The fear of managing and organize my own time for the online classes held be back because when managing time is in my hands I am able to work at my own pace and whenever I like. There is always a learning curve to everything, therefore when I initially started taking online courses it was hard taking the first course. It took some time getting used to the new change. Overtime I learned to embrace this new learning style and I take full advantage of what the courses had to offer. As I took more and more online class I got familiar with the format of online learning. The attendance of the course has new meaning with online learning, it is not physically attending a class or showing yourself on the camera but attendance means doing discussion forms. The concept that took the longest time to adapt was that there is no teacher constantly reminding you that assignment is due. The individual taking the course is in control of schedule when and how they do the assignment. Also, the Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Reflective Role Of Teaching Teachers can be seen to wear many hats, they have several crucial factors under their job role as well as their legal and moral obligations. They fundamentally have a duty of care to teach the national curriculum. As well as provide essential knowledge, that enables the learners needs to become well rounded, educated citizens. Combining this with a broad level of ongoing and up to date curriculum and subject knowledge, to make effective personalised learning objectives for all learners. With careful consideration for learners that may have special educational needs, disabilities, or for whom English is a second language. Whilst taking practical account of diversity, promote equality and inclusion across all teaching. Teachers should have an established, cemented foundation built on the understanding on how children develop and progress. Taking into account that the development and well–being of learners can be affected by; social, cultural, developmental and linguistic influences. The ability to manage the learning of individuals, groups and whole classes effectively. Modifying their teaching appropriately to suit each stage of the lesson and the needs of the learners. The capability to engage with learners with different abilities and focused on personalised learning. Maximising all learners' capacity to learn, achieve and participate. Through the dedication, time and skills needed to effectively plan and prepare challenging, well–organised lessons. This means supporting Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills REFLECTION–ACADEMIC SKILLS When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the good and bad quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve myself around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with a good grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, having a writer ' more content... Implementing Dewey 's theory in to my assignment, assisting my understanding on how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to use, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by reading different books, journals and articles of interest. After analyzing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself a lot more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound goals and starting the assignment rather than thinking about the end product. Percival (2006),has also stated putting our energy into the solution rather than the problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be perfected as time goes on, mending the structure to the standard required till the Get more content on
  • 11. Reflective Practice Essay examples Reflective practice in nursing is considered an important aspect to nursing. Durgahee ( 1997) defines reflective practice as a process of learning and teaching professional maturity through the critical analysis of experience, whilst John ( 2009) up to date explanation of reflection is learning through our everyday experience towards realising one vision of desirable practice as a lived reality. Portfolio entry one Practice placement reflection Whilst there are many notion for reflection the main goal is for health professionals to learn, grow and develop through practice. There are a number of models of reflection to help engage in the process of reflection. In this entry I would be using the Driscoll framework of more content... Having sympathy for the patient can interfere with the care givers ability to accurately perceive the patients experience or offer assistance (Forsyth 1980). In reflection on this experience me becoming involved with the patient did interfere with my ability to offer assistance to the patient and work as a team member. I realised that support can be given to patients without me becoming involved and not feeling negative about my team members that I am working with. Morse et al (1991) states that the process of detachment may be a crucial process that allows nurses to overcome the stress caused by a patients suffering. My feelings of these events are completely different at this moment in time. I have visited more patients and have experienced the different approaches that CPNs use with patients I have insight on how not to get involved with a particular patient as it can hinder recovery by not allowing them to have some insight into their mental illness and it can cloud my judgment. However now that my feelings have changed I do think if what the CPNs have said to me about the patients have influenced the way I feel as well as having more experience with different patients. I have noticed that I am not to quick to be critical about my colleagues behaviour, especially if I have not read the notes about a patient before I visit them. The CPN I attended the patients house with felt that I was polite but with more experience I would learn how Get more content on
  • 12. Personality Reflection Paper Personality Reflection Paper Debbie Cooper PSY/250 July 30, 2012 AnneySnyder Personality Reflection Paper The following will reflect this researchers understanding and reflection on personality, how it defines one, what it means, and if one's personality changes to fit certain situations. At the end this researcher may have a better insight into herself as well as the personalities of others. This insight can help her in her future endeavors. Personality I would define personality as what makes each individual different. Each human being's personality is as unique as they are. While most people define personality to describe another's more apparent characteristics, psychologists use personality to try to give reason to more content... I am dedicated because I am devoted to those I know and projects that I value, I complete what I start. I am patient because I am steadfast and understanding, it takes a lot for me to get flustered. Key Personality Concepts Some key personality concepts that define who I am is introvert, intuitive, intuitive feeling, and judging. Introverted intuition allows me to appreciate a better clarity of perception of inner unconscious techniques. It allows me to act spontaneously and insightful as original resolutions present themselves, on a case by case basis. Basically this means that I follow my intuition and not how I may sense something. Feeling allows me to express my emotions when others are involved. I also freely express my opinion when others are involved. At times I find myself torn between the moral conclusions about their actions and attitudes and my longing to express my bucket full of feelings and the consequences of the unbridled truth. My confidants are chosen with care, I understand that there are those out there who will stab you in the back without batting an eyelash. Judging was a concern for me, until a wise person informed us that it should not. It means that I listen without interruption to obtain the full amount of information before asking questions or giving my opinion. It does not mean that I judge – comment or criticize a person, their beliefs, or their opinion. Constant or Changing I believe that our Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Self Reflection and Personality Traits Personality is the expression of a person's traits according to ones feelings, mentality and behavior. It involves understanding individuals' traits such as withdrawal and willpower and how various parts of an individual link together to form personality. Personality expresses itself from within an individual and is comparatively regular throughout in an individual's life. Different people have different personalities dependent on factors such as environment and genetic composition. Our personality is dependent on the success or failure of our development in the eight stages of life. This is proposed by Erik Erikson. Success in the development stages lead to virtues while the failure leads to malignancies. Personality traits Some of my more content... For instance, if a patient prefers intravenous injections to tablets, I can opt to prescribe the injection other than the tablets provided they serve the same purpose. In conclusion, some examples of sociability as a personality trait are; being friendly; ready to lend a hand and considerate, to mention but a few of those sited above. This trait was initiated in me during my third stage of development, according to Erik Erikson. Who proposed that from the age of three to six a child becomes more initiative? It is evident that during this age children easily make friends and are very playful. Therefore this development stage, one gets a chance to play with many friends of different up bringing from mine. This enabled me to relate with different people and has to date helped me in public relations (Maslow, 2011). The other personality character is strong will. This means that one has a determined spirit to achieve set goals. This could be described just as extroversion, a theory that was proposed by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. According to him, extroversive people are self–confident; enjoy the company of other people and are always enthusiastic. They also easily achieve. According to Carl Rogers another psychologist, he proposed that every person has an actualizing tendency that enables them to develop their abilities. Therefore, an extrovert individual has the inner drive to develop his or her potentials. According to the description above, a person can work Get more content on
  • 14. Vision Reflective Essay : Vision Vision Reflective Essay Vision Statements define the school 's purpose according to the shared values. Values are guiding beliefs about how to get things objectives accomplished. The vision statement gives direction about how the faculty members are expected to behave and inspires them to give their best. Developing strong vision and mission statements can help stakeholders in your school reach a common understanding. A vision is your school 's ultimate goal. A state where you hope to see it in the future (Gabriel & Farmer). It is imperative for leaders to create a shared vision. The school vision allows both the administrators and staff members to make decisions clearly based on learning for all students. The vision process is more content... Also, creating policies and practices that are fair for every student, regardless of difference, will assist us in meeting our standards for student achievement, participation, and success. According to the Gabriel & Farmer, there are specific steps in the process of developing a shared vision. Those steps are: o Drafting the Vision Statement o Eliminate Obstacles o Share Examples of Vision Statements o Present Data to the Vision Team o Involve Staff in the Development As an administrator, I would begin the process of developing the vision statement by asking each stakeholder (teachers, administrators, parents, business partners, etc.) to create and analyze personal values and core beliefs. I would recommend this step be completed away from the school environment. Then, we will work in small groups and complete a "We are...." and "We want to...." activities. As a group, we would discuss the activities, our beliefs, and values. As a school community, we would come to a consensus and introduce our findings to LSIC and PTO. The core of our strategic plan and all staff development, action steps, and resources begin from our foundation of beliefs and vision. One obstacle is gaining the support and trust of the community. A copy of our plan is available to the public in the office, but unfortunately, no one ever requests to see it. We communicate our vision during Open House; provide more information in newsletters and bulletins are available throughout the community. To Get more content on
  • 15. Reflective Essay Enterprise and Business Development BABS Year 2 21023656 Reflective Essay With reference to appropriate academic sources compare and contrast your own personality and characteristics to those found in entrepreneurs. I became interested earlier on my life in entrepreneurship when I started up a new boutique back in my home country Sudan, selling ladies Fashions that was imported from various countries including Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, I was very interested in the way Egyptians friends started thisbusiness while we were studying at college and the two friends eventually left college after the first year of study to work full time for them self. Which made me think of doing the same, I have looked at the question more content... A very important factor that misunderstood by most people is the value of achievement over money, most people think thatEntrepreneur are only motivated by money, on the contrary keeping score which is a determined factor in the competiveness of the character is more important to an Entrepreneur than making the money and money is happen to be a very nice by –product of the process according to many. Lastly another important factor is future ordination and creative tendency, mostly they dream big and then formulate plans to change these dreams into realities by using their well–defined sense of searching for opportunities, they tend to be imaginative and innovative and versatile and curious also they have lots of ideas, they are also very intuitive and guess well. My personal score of 9 out of 12 suggest that I can do very well as an entrepreneur. In summery my test result which includes high score of 100% in the need for achievement and 83% for the need for autonomy and independence, 75% score for creative tendency, 100% score for the tendency to take moderate and calculated risk and most importantly a score of 92% in Drive and determination, suggest that I have a very positive and good chance to repeat my previous successful early entrepreneur experience, yet it Get more content on
  • 16. Reflective Essay on Teaching This assignment will critically reflect and analyse a microteaching session I presented to my peers in a clinical placement regarding Nursing management of chest drains. I will define reflection; teaching, learning and the rationale for choosing this topic will be clearly outlined in this paper. The preparation, planning, implementation and evaluation will also be incorporated. This assignment will be structured using Gibbs (1988) reflective model cited in Modular Training Course, 2003 because of its simplicity. Analysis will permeate through each stage of the Gibbs reflective model. Finally I will conclude by reflecting on my role as a joint practitioner outlining areas of personal, professional growth, identifying my strength, weakness more content... I also used some equipment like different types of chest drains, water and a dame in of a person to demonstrate to my peers. I used psychomotor learning domain as it was described by Bloom (1956) cited by De Tornyay & Thompson (1987) to be most important domain compared with Cognitive and Affective domains as it enabling the learner to learn through the demonstrated skill. As I encouraged my peers to carry out the skill that I had demonstrated, I had to bear in mind that many adult learners are self–conscious about trying new psychomotor skills as contended by De Tornyay & Thompson (1987). They worry about looking foolish and making errors. And therefore it is crucial that the learning environment is warm and accepting, inviting the learners to try things, take risks and experiment. Feelings Planning on its own caused a lot of anxiety, as I was not really sure of how well I will do in delivering and presenting my topic to my peers. Although I had some idea about management of chest drains from both the practical bit that I had gained during my first two weeks on the ward and the theory that I had gathered, I was nervous prior to my presentation. It is argued by some commentators that having nerves can improve your performance (Lancaster and Janes, 1994). Feelings of nervousness helped me to focus on my presentation however things did not go the way I planned them. I can only Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection Paper On Philosophy This essay is reflection about my understanding from what I have learned during this class about what philosophy is. Philosophy is a broad topic and can be hard to understand. What we learn is class about philosophy defiantly makes me think and makes my brain turn all the time, but so far, my understanding is that philosophy is the study of knowledge. It breaks down what everything is. Examples used in class are chariness, deskness, and the main one sued in class "cupness". According to Aristotle, philosophy is the study of fundamental nature of knowledge; it starts with wonder. Philosophy makes us ask specific question like "Why" why did this happen and how did it come to be. Philosophy had its origin in ancient Greece. Philosophy recognizes that everything is somehow connected. Philosophy and 'science' are the same project; to do philosophy is to do science and to do science is to do philosophy. It is connected because philosophy/science was attempting to discover the fundamental unity principle that lies at the basis of all reality and all experience. This is why we refer to Garret Strong many times throughout our class discussions The earliest philosopher/scientist are called Pre–Socratic philosophers. They came before the great philosopher Socrates. Thales is to be the first. Thales is referred to as the father or founder of philosophophy/science he lived in the sixth century BCE. Thales began to search for the unity principle, which is the ground of all things. At the Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills REFLECTION–ACADEMIC SKILLS When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror–like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the acceptable and poor quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve me around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with a strong grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, more content... "Experience–reflection–knowledge" Pawar and Anscombe, (2015), has mentioned Dewey (1933) is a great example of how planning ahead is a step towards better success rather than dwelling on the past problems. Implementing Dewey 's theory into my assignment, assisting my understanding of how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to apply, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by reading different books, journals, and articles of interest. Subsequently, after analysing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself much more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound goals and starting the assignment rather than thinking about the purpose. Percival (2006), has also said putting our energy into the solution rather than the problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be Get more content on
  • 19. Examples Of 17 Dimensions Of Critical Thinking ffer and Rubenfeld (2000) define reflection as " contemplation upon a subject, especially one's assumptions and thinking for the purposes of deeper understanding and self–evaluation." 1.Which of the 17 dimensions of critical thinking are your strongest? Your weakest? Why do think this? My strongest are perseverance, contextual perspective, analyzing, information seeking, Inquisitiveness, intellectual integrity, intuition, open–mindedness, reflection, transforming knowledge, confidence, predicting, and logical reasoning. My weakest are flexibility, creativity, applying standards and discriminating. I am not somebody who easily give up when I make up mind to do something and this quality nas been part of me since childhood. Perseverance: When I make up my mind to accomplish something good., Nothing can stop me from achieving the goal. Contextual perspective: I am calm but collective person and so when something is happening, I do sit down quietly and ponder over a whole of things put them together. Analyze them to draw up a solution to a problem. Analysis: Whenever I am facing a problem or issue, I can assess the issue, break them down to find ways of solving the issue. Information seeking: When ever I am facing a situation, I try to calm myself down, ask myself questions about how, what I can do, who to talk with, to gather information. Inquisitiveness: I am very curious person and i always eager to understand things going on around me by asking questions, search for solutions to the problem, making inquiries from friends, colleagues, professors, books, internet to acquire knowledge and to explore possible ways of solving issues. Intellectual integrity: I like to be honest and like things to be done the normal or the standard way. I am very consistent in what i do. Intuition: I like to listen to my instinct I am most of the time right. I am also very sensitive to my surroundings and this at times helps me gain insight into problems to solve them. Open–mindedness; I am always ready to listen to others, thinks about how accurate and logical about what they say. If there is truth and evidence in what they say. I compromise with them to solve an issue. Reflection: I like Get more content on
  • 20. Descriptive Teaching Reflection To be an effective teacher you must understand that each student is different. They have different learning styles and motivations. As a student I love tests because I felt tests gave me the best evaluation of my hard work and I typically did well on tests. After studying learning styles I have determined that descriptive inquiry is the best method for assessing students. Descriptive inquiry looks at students as individuals (Kittaka 2016). A teacher should look at the strengths of each individual student and support his or her individual way of learning (Kittaka 2016). There are students who are not good test takers. To assume these students are bad students would be setting up an unhealthy learning environment. Behavior learning looks at each student as an individual and it is the teacher's job to find what positive reinforcements work best for each student. This is a form of descriptive inquiry. The classroom should be a place of security and teachers should encourage the learning process in a healthy climate (Santos, Sardinha, & Reis 2016). Job 11:18 states "and you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take rest in security." Each student was designed for a special task in God's reality (Van Brummelen 2009). It is up to the teacher to encourage students to find their special tasks. Again teachers have to remember that each student has a different purpose in life. It is up to teachers to give students the tools that will make them successful Get more content on