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 Business Intelligence

 Consumer goods (CG) manufacturers are sur-                         business processes is data critical for decision                    down the usage of data by the type of analy-
 rounded by data, both internally-generated                         making, we heard supply chain planning, fol-                        sis leveraged for various business categories,
 transactional data as well as retailer-provided                    lowed by sales, then corporate reporting. No                        and then ranks it by how well it is being used.
 downstream data. How companies turn that                           surprises there, however, when we dig deeper                        Let’s start with the good news: the basics seem
 data into actionable insights is what sepa-                        into those functions, the top processes within                      to be in place with standard and ad hoc reports
 rates leaders from laggards.                                       sales and marketing are trade promotions                            viewed as average to above average for sales
     This month, CGT partners with Cognizant                        and category management. The top areas for                          and marketing, supply chain and corporate
 to explore how data is used throughout var-                        supply chain are demand forecasting and                             functions. Pre-built reports for supply chain
 ious business processes, and what we found                         S&OP. These processes are the primary focus                         are ranked highest at 3.64, and ad hoc reports
 was a little disappointing. Despite the focus                      of most business and technology initiatives.                        for sales and marketing were next with a
 that the industry places on business intelli-                      They align with the move toward the cus-                            respectable 3.46. More advanced analytics,
 gence and data insights, not many compa-                           tomer and consumer in addition to the desire                        including optimization and modeling, rated
 nies are truly leveraging this valuable resource                   to become more demand driven. More tacti-                           substantially poorer, the lowest being predic-
 to its full potential.                                             cal processes are secondary.                                        tive analytics for sales and marketing at a 2,
                                                                        So now that we have established that data                       which we would expect to improve over the
 Is Data Leveraged Appropriately?                                   is important, do business users utilize and                         next few years as the technology becomes
 With technology advancements over the last                         trust it? This is where there is definitely room                    more accessible.
 few years, CG companies have access to more                        for improvement. Only 19 percent of survey
 data at more granular levels of detail, but                        respondents rate the confidence of their busi-                                   To read the research in its entirety, visit:
 where is it being used? When we ask to which                       ness users as “very high.” Figure 1 breaks                             

 E X P E R T P E R S P E C T I V E • B Y PA R T H S . M U K H E R J E E , S E N I O R C O N S U LTA N T, C O G N I Z A N T ’ S D W B I & P M P R A C T I C E

 As organizations shrug off the                    to information management and                      ment needs. Cognizant provided the                 PREMISE: Business users’ con-
 shackles of the recession and                     analysis. Therefore, organizations                 BICC strategic insight and skill sets              fidence regarding information is
 regroup, technology and business                  are increasingly committing them-                  to support this global business intel-             based on the premise of impec-
 processes are more closely inter-                 selves to a Data Warehouse and                     ligence capability.                                cable data quality. Data quality
 twined than ever before. IT leader-               Business Intelligence Competency                                                                      issues can not only create IT-busi-
 ship is redefining strategies to win              Center (BICC), which requires spe-                 PROCESS: As with all success-                      ness disharmony but also result
 in the reset economy. As part of                  cific skill sets and enhanced focus                ful initiatives, process is para-                  in large dollar losses. A large
 this overall strategy, organizations              on talent management and partner-                  mount. Analyzing underlying data                   travel intermediary conducted a
 are enhancing sales and market-                   ships. Recently, a toy manufacturer                and making it actionable will define               data quality assessment of its cus-
 ing information management tech-                  needed to design a BICC across three               success as organizations focus on                  tomer data, which resulted in
 nology. Cognizant recommends                      continents with detailed roles,                    new markets and try to predict cus-                identification of more than 11 mil-
 organizing around three key areas:                responsibilities, skills and recruit-              tomers’ buying behavior. By imple-                 lion duplicates. At an average
 People, Process and Premise.                                                                         menting a store-level analytics                    spend of $2.00 per target, the
                                                                                                      project, one major brewer gleaned                  organization saved $22 million in
 PEOPLE: Global product develop-                                                                      targeted customer data in new                      its direct marketing expenses by
 ment, brand management and sales                                                                     ways, enabling it to respond to cus-               inspecting records and eliminat-
 necessitate a centralized approach                                                                   tomer changes and needs.                           ing duplicates.


                                                     FIGURE 1
                                                     How successfully is data leveraged in each organizational area?
                                                      Note: On a scale of 1-5,                                                                                                   3.17
                                                      with 1 being “very poor” ,                  Reporting (pre-built)                                                                3.64
                                                      3 being “average” and                                                                                                         3.41
                                                      5 being “very good”.
Next Steps                                                                             Reporting (flexible and ad hoc)                                                                   3.20
With all of the emphasis placed on data why
aren’t the rankings higher? Unfortunately,                                                Analytical (causal analysis)                                                                   2.80
barriers still exist and many of them just
haven’t been addressed. Figure 2 shows the                                                     Predictive analytics                                                              2.41
                                                                                     (modeling, optimization, forecasting)                                                         2.53
similar frustrations across sales and market-
ing and supply chain: data mining to derive                                             SALES & MARKETING                     S U P P LY C H A I N         CO RP O R AT E (HR, FINANCE, ETC.)
insights and data availability are the biggest
challenges. Data timeliness is a bigger issue        FIGURE 2
for sales and marketing since most of the            Biggest Barriers to Leveraging Data in Each Organizational Area
downstream data is sourced externally.                                                                 BARRIER
Ironically, data quality is more of an issue for
supply chain processes, where most transac-                                        Data mining to derive insights                                                                        36%
tional data is sourced internally.
                                                                                                   Data availability                                                 25%

The most promising finding                                                                               Data quality                       9%

is that business and IT are                                                                            User adoption                   6%

working together and sharing                                                                        Data timeliness

responsibility for leveraging                                                            Insight delivery to users

data and garnering insights.
                                                                                                                                S U P P LY C H A I N        SA L E S & M A R K E T I N G

    The good news here is that we are headed         FIGURE 3
in the right direction and the industry rec-         Who is responsible for the following functions?
ognizes the need to improve in this area. All                                                       FUNCTION
of our respondents have some sort of initia-
tive in place to better leverage data, with 42                                                           Data quality                                34%
percent at the enterprise level and 32 percent
by department. The most promising finding                  Managing data and reporting infrastructure                                            31%
is that business and IT are working together
                                                                                     Providing requirements for                   9%
and sharing responsibility for leveraging data                                       additional data and reports                                                                         91%

and garnering insights. Few companies have                              Working with vendors who provide                                                                     75%
dedicated organizations, with the majority                                   services and tools for reports
leveraging business users with IT counter-                                                                                                                  47%
                                                                                   Leading data quality projects                                              53%
parts and super users.
    Figure 3 shows the split in responsibility for                    Leading end-to-end data integration                                                          59%
                                                                             to insights delivery projects                                             41%
specific functions between business and IT, with
IT taking the lead in managing infrastructure                             Final call on purchase of services                                     31%
                                                                           and tools for advanced analytics                                                                69%
and working with vendors, and the business
                                                                          Final call on purchase of services                                                       59%
primarily managing data quality, require-                                               or tools for reporting                                         41%

ments and advanced analytics projects.
                                                                               I T (CIO, CFO)          B U S I N E S S (SALES, MARKETING, SUPPLY C HAIN)

                                                                                                                             CONSUMERGOODS.COM | MARCH 2010 | CGT                       29
Consumer Goods Technology

February 2010
1. Which are the areas of business in your organization where timely availability and interpretation of data is critical for decision making?
   Please choose your top 3.
                                                                                                                      Supply chain planning functions
Areas of Business                                              %                                                      Sales / Account team
Supply chain planning functions (demand forecasting, sales &                84%
                                                                                    78%                               Corporate reporting
operations planning, distribution planning, supply planning,   84%
procurement planning)                                                                                                 Marketing
Sales / Account team (category insights)                       78%                              63%                   Supply chain execution / operations
Corporate reporting (Top Management / Financial reporting)     63%
                                                                                                        56%           Other
Marketing (Consumer insights)                                  56%
Supply chain execution / operations (transportation
management, warehouse management, inventory                    41%
Other                                                          0%


2. Which are the sales and marketing areas in your organization which have the greatest need for timely availability and
   interpretation of data for decision making? Please choose your top 3.
                                                                                                              Trade promotion planning & optimization
Sales and Marketing Areas                                       %
Trade promotion planning & optimization                        72%                                            Category management
Category management                                            69%                                            Consumer promotion planning
Consumer promotion planning                                    50%                72%
                                                                                          69%                 Assortment planning and Space optimization
Assortment planning and Space optimization                     44%
                                                                                                              Multi-channel planning
Multi-channel planning                                         34%
Other                                                          13%                                            Other

3. Which are the supply chain planning & execution areas in your organization which have the greatest need for timely
   availability and interpretation of data for decision making? Please choose your top 3.

Suppy Chain Planning & Execution Areas                     %
Demand forecasting                                       75%
Sales & operations planning & optimization               72%
Inventory planning & optimization                        53%
Production planning                                      41%
Procurement planning                                     22%
Transportation planning                                  13%
Warehouse management                                      0%
Other                                                     0%

                                                                                          Demand forecasting

                  75%                                                                     Sales & operations planning & optimization
                                                                                          Inventory planning & optimization

                                                                                          Production planning

                                                                                          Procurement planning
                                     53%                                                  Transportation planning

                                                                                          Warehouse management

                                             41%                                          Other



                                                                     0%       0%
4. Which of the following is the biggest barrier to leveraging data for supply chain planning & execution?

Biggest barrier: Supply Chain Planning & Execution         %
                                                                                                                            Data mining
Data mining to derive insights                           35%
Data availability                                        26%                                                                Data availability
Data quality                                             16%                                                                Data quality
User adoption                                            10%                                                                User adoption
Data timeliness                                           6%
                                                                                                                            Data timeliness
Insight delivery to users                                 6%
                                                                       35%                                                  Insight delivery to
                                                                                                             6%        6%

5. Which of the following is the biggest barrier to leveraging data for sales and marketing functions?

Biggest barrier: Sales and Marketing Functions
  gg                               g                       %
Data mining to derive insights                           38%
Data availability                                        25%                                                            Data mining
Data timeliness                                          13%
Data quality                                              9%                                                            Data availability
Insight delivery to users                                 9%                                                            Data timeliness
User adoption                                             6%           38%
                                                                                                                        Data quality

                                                                                                                        Insight delivery to users

                                                                                 25%                                    User adoption

                                                                                                    9%            9%
6. Who is responsible for each of the following functions in your organization?

                                                                     IT (CIO, CFO)   (Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain)

Responsible                                                               %                         %
Data quality                                                             34%                       66%
Managing the data and reporting infrastructure                           69%                       31%
Providing 'requirements' for additional data and reports                  9%                       91%
Working with vendors who provide services and tools for reports          75%                       25%
Leading data quality projects                                            47%                       53%
Leading end-to-end data integration to insights delivery projects        59%                       41%
Final call on purchase of services or tools for advanced analytics
                                                                         31%                       69%
(modeling & optimization)
Final call on purchase of services or tools for reporting                59%                       41%
7. Who is responsible for getting insights from data in your organization?

                                                    Business Users   Super Users   Organization   IT

Responsible                                               %              %              %         %

Sales and Marketing functions (data refers to POS
                                                         44%            44%            13%        0%
data, syndicated data, sales data)

Supply Chain functions (data refers to
                                                         41%            34%            16%        9%
transactional data - shipment, inventory, orders)
8. How will you rate the confidence of business users in the information from the reporting & analytical systems environment?

Confidence of Business Users                                      %
Very High: All business decisions are made based on this         19%
Moderate to High: Business users take the information but get
it validated before using it for their important decisions
Moderage to Low: Business users only use it for their routine
decisions while prefer to use date from other sources for        22%
critical decisions
Very Low: They never use the information from these systems
for any meaningful decisions
Cannot Say / Not Applicable                                      0%

                                                                                                   Very High

                                                                                                   Moderate to High

                                                                                                   Moderage to Low

                                                                                                   Very Low

                                                                                                   Cannot Say / Not Applicable


                                                                       0%              0%
9. How is Sales and Marketing data (POS data, syndicated data, sales data) leveraged in your organization?
   Rank on a scaled of 1 to 5. (1 - Very Poor, 5 - Very Good)

                                             1 - Very Poor         2           3 - Average          4             5 - Very Good

Sales and Marketing data leveraged                %                %               %                %                  %

Reporting - Prebuilt                              4%              22%             39%              22%                13%

Reporting - Flexible and adhoc
  p     g                                         4%              13%             33%              33%                17%

Analytical (causal analysis, Why)                 8%              27%             31%              27%                 8%

Predictive analytics
                                                 48%              26%             11%              7%                  7%
(modeling, optimization,
(modeling optimization forecasting)

10. How is Supply Chain data (transactional data - shipment, inventory, orders) leveraged in your organization?
   Rank on a scaled of 1 to 5. (1 - Very Poor, 5 - Very Good)

                                             1 - Very Poor         2           3 - Average          4             5 - Very Good

Supply Chain data leveraged                       %                %               %                %                  %

Reporting - Prebuilt                              5%              14%             23%              32%                27%

Reporting - Flexible and adhoc                    5%              20%             35%              30%                10%

Analytical (causal analysis, Why)                12%              24%             36%              28%                 0%

Predictive analytics
                                                 27%              36%             14%              14%                 9%
(modeling, optimization, forecasting)
11. How is data for Corporate functions (HR, Finance, Regulatory, etc.) leveraged in your organization?
   Rank on a scaled of 1 to 5. (1 - Very Poor, 5 - Very Good)

                                             1 - Very Poor         2           3 - Average           4    5 - Very Good

Data for Corporate functions leveraged            %                %                %               %          %

Reporting - Prebuilt                              0%              14%              50%             18%        18%

Reporting - Flexible and adhoc
  p     g                                        11%              28%              17%             28%        17%

Analytical (causal analysis, Why)                20%              25%              35%             20%         0%

Predictive analytics
                                                 18%              35%              24%             24%         0%
(modeling, optimization,
(modeling optimization forecasting)
12. At what stage is the initiative for leveraging data in your organization?

Stage: Initiative for Leveraging Data                                 %
Some projects from the enterprise roadmap are underway               42%                                Some projects are underway
There is no enterprise level initiative; Data / BI / analytics are
                                                                     32%                                There is no enterprise level initiative
being undertaken in pockets
Roadmap generated - sequence of projects planned                     16%                                Roadmap generated
Strategy or assessment                                               10%
                                                                                                        Strategy or assessment
No plans                                                              0%
                                                                                                        No plans



13. Are you getting information in the right form and at the right time to make business decisions from your reporting
    and analytical systems environment?

Information for Business Decisions                                   %                                       The information has to be further worked
The information has to be further worked upon to make it in                                                  upon
                                                                     42%                                     There are too many systems
the form where decisions can be taken
There are too many systems and it adds to the confusion              29%    42%                              The environment enables our enterprise to
                                                                                                             have access to all relevant information
The environment enables our enterprise to have access to all
                                                                     13%                                     I use my own data
relevant information in a user friendly and timely manner
                                                                                   29%                       Cannot Say / Not Applicable
I use my own data, most directly from the source data
systems, to make decisions                                                                                   Other
Cannot Say / Not Applicable                                          6%
Other                                                                0%

14. What is your position with the organization?

Position                                                %                                                   Senior Management
Director / Manager                                    74%
Vice President                                        13%                                                   Vice President
Staff                                                 10%                                                   Director / Manager
Senior Management (e.g., President, CEO, CFO, COO)     3%         74%


                                                                                          IT / Technology - related
15. What is your functional area of responsibility?                                       Logistics / Supply Chain
                                                                                          Consumer Insights / Market Intelligence
Functional area of responsibility                       %
IT / Technology - related                             30%                                 Finance
Logistics / Supply Chain                              23%                                 Marketing
Consumer Insights / Market Intelligence               17%
                                                                                          Sales / Account Management
Finance                                               10%
Marketing                                              3%                                 Product Development / Research
Sales / Account Management                             3%                                 Other
Product Development / Research                         3%               17%
Other                                                 10%

                                                                              10%                            10%

                                                                                     3%   3%        3%
16. What is the nature of your company's business?
                                                                                                 Food & Beverage

Business                                                 %                                       CPG
Food & Beverage                                        42%   42%   42%
                                                                                                 Apparel, Footwear & Accessories
CPG                                                    42%
Apparel, Footwear & Accessories                        13%                                       Durables & Household appliances
Durables & Household appliances                         0%                                       OTC
OTC                                                     0%
Other                                                   3%                                       Other


                                                                                0%    0%   3%

17. What was your company's annual revenue for 2009?
2009 Revenue                                             %
Less than $ $100 million                                3%                                 26%
$100 million to $499 million                           19%                                               Less than $100 million
$500 million to $1 billion                             10%                                               $100 million to $499 million
$1 billion to $5 billion                               29%
                                                                                                         $500 million to $1 billion
$5 billion to $10 billion                              13%
Over $10 billion                                       26%                                               $1 billion to $5 billion
                                                                                                         $5 billion to $10 billion
                                                                                                         Over $10 billion


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Business Intelligence for Consumer Goods Companies

  • 1. CUSTOM RESEARCH Business Intelligence ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES CRITICAL TO SUCCESS Consumer goods (CG) manufacturers are sur- business processes is data critical for decision down the usage of data by the type of analy- rounded by data, both internally-generated making, we heard supply chain planning, fol- sis leveraged for various business categories, transactional data as well as retailer-provided lowed by sales, then corporate reporting. No and then ranks it by how well it is being used. downstream data. How companies turn that surprises there, however, when we dig deeper Let’s start with the good news: the basics seem data into actionable insights is what sepa- into those functions, the top processes within to be in place with standard and ad hoc reports rates leaders from laggards. sales and marketing are trade promotions viewed as average to above average for sales This month, CGT partners with Cognizant and category management. The top areas for and marketing, supply chain and corporate to explore how data is used throughout var- supply chain are demand forecasting and functions. Pre-built reports for supply chain ious business processes, and what we found S&OP. These processes are the primary focus are ranked highest at 3.64, and ad hoc reports was a little disappointing. Despite the focus of most business and technology initiatives. for sales and marketing were next with a that the industry places on business intelli- They align with the move toward the cus- respectable 3.46. More advanced analytics, gence and data insights, not many compa- tomer and consumer in addition to the desire including optimization and modeling, rated nies are truly leveraging this valuable resource to become more demand driven. More tacti- substantially poorer, the lowest being predic- to its full potential. cal processes are secondary. tive analytics for sales and marketing at a 2, So now that we have established that data which we would expect to improve over the Is Data Leveraged Appropriately? is important, do business users utilize and next few years as the technology becomes With technology advancements over the last trust it? This is where there is definitely room more accessible. few years, CG companies have access to more for improvement. Only 19 percent of survey data at more granular levels of detail, but respondents rate the confidence of their busi- To read the research in its entirety, visit: where is it being used? When we ask to which ness users as “very high.” Figure 1 breaks E X P E R T P E R S P E C T I V E • B Y PA R T H S . M U K H E R J E E , S E N I O R C O N S U LTA N T, C O G N I Z A N T ’ S D W B I & P M P R A C T I C E MARKETERS MOVE FROM THE 4 PS TO THE 3 PS As organizations shrug off the to information management and ment needs. Cognizant provided the PREMISE: Business users’ con- shackles of the recession and analysis. Therefore, organizations BICC strategic insight and skill sets fidence regarding information is regroup, technology and business are increasingly committing them- to support this global business intel- based on the premise of impec- processes are more closely inter- selves to a Data Warehouse and ligence capability. cable data quality. Data quality twined than ever before. IT leader- Business Intelligence Competency issues can not only create IT-busi- ship is redefining strategies to win Center (BICC), which requires spe- PROCESS: As with all success- ness disharmony but also result in the reset economy. As part of cific skill sets and enhanced focus ful initiatives, process is para- in large dollar losses. A large this overall strategy, organizations on talent management and partner- mount. Analyzing underlying data travel intermediary conducted a are enhancing sales and market- ships. Recently, a toy manufacturer and making it actionable will define data quality assessment of its cus- ing information management tech- needed to design a BICC across three success as organizations focus on tomer data, which resulted in nology. Cognizant recommends continents with detailed roles, new markets and try to predict cus- identification of more than 11 mil- organizing around three key areas: responsibilities, skills and recruit- tomers’ buying behavior. By imple- lion duplicates. At an average People, Process and Premise. menting a store-level analytics spend of $2.00 per target, the project, one major brewer gleaned organization saved $22 million in PEOPLE: Global product develop- targeted customer data in new its direct marketing expenses by ment, brand management and sales ways, enabling it to respond to cus- inspecting records and eliminat- necessitate a centralized approach tomer changes and needs. ing duplicates. 28 CGT | MARCH 2010 | CONSUMERGOODS.COM
  • 2. BY KARA ROMANOW FIGURE 1 How successfully is data leveraged in each organizational area? USAGE Note: On a scale of 1-5, 3.17 with 1 being “very poor” , Reporting (pre-built) 3.64 3 being “average” and 3.41 5 being “very good”. 3.46 Next Steps Reporting (flexible and ad hoc) 3.20 3.11 With all of the emphasis placed on data why 3 aren’t the rankings higher? Unfortunately, Analytical (causal analysis) 2.80 2.55 barriers still exist and many of them just 2 haven’t been addressed. Figure 2 shows the Predictive analytics 2.41 (modeling, optimization, forecasting) 2.53 similar frustrations across sales and market- ing and supply chain: data mining to derive SALES & MARKETING S U P P LY C H A I N CO RP O R AT E (HR, FINANCE, ETC.) insights and data availability are the biggest challenges. Data timeliness is a bigger issue FIGURE 2 for sales and marketing since most of the Biggest Barriers to Leveraging Data in Each Organizational Area downstream data is sourced externally. BARRIER Ironically, data quality is more of an issue for supply chain processes, where most transac- Data mining to derive insights 36% 38% tional data is sourced internally. 26% Data availability 25% The most promising finding Data quality 9% 16% is that business and IT are User adoption 6% 10% working together and sharing Data timeliness 6% 13% responsibility for leveraging Insight delivery to users 6% 9% data and garnering insights. S U P P LY C H A I N SA L E S & M A R K E T I N G The good news here is that we are headed FIGURE 3 in the right direction and the industry rec- Who is responsible for the following functions? ognizes the need to improve in this area. All FUNCTION of our respondents have some sort of initia- tive in place to better leverage data, with 42 Data quality 34% 66% percent at the enterprise level and 32 percent 69% by department. The most promising finding Managing data and reporting infrastructure 31% is that business and IT are working together Providing requirements for 9% and sharing responsibility for leveraging data additional data and reports 91% and garnering insights. Few companies have Working with vendors who provide 75% 25% dedicated organizations, with the majority services and tools for reports leveraging business users with IT counter- 47% Leading data quality projects 53% parts and super users. Figure 3 shows the split in responsibility for Leading end-to-end data integration 59% to insights delivery projects 41% specific functions between business and IT, with IT taking the lead in managing infrastructure Final call on purchase of services 31% and tools for advanced analytics 69% and working with vendors, and the business Final call on purchase of services 59% primarily managing data quality, require- or tools for reporting 41% ments and advanced analytics projects. I T (CIO, CFO) B U S I N E S S (SALES, MARKETING, SUPPLY C HAIN) CONSUMERGOODS.COM | MARCH 2010 | CGT 29
  • 4. 1. Which are the areas of business in your organization where timely availability and interpretation of data is critical for decision making? Please choose your top 3. Supply chain planning functions Areas of Business % Sales / Account team Supply chain planning functions (demand forecasting, sales & 84% 78% Corporate reporting operations planning, distribution planning, supply planning, 84% procurement planning) Marketing Sales / Account team (category insights) 78% 63% Supply chain execution / operations Corporate reporting (Top Management / Financial reporting) 63% 56% Other Marketing (Consumer insights) 56% Supply chain execution / operations (transportation management, warehouse management, inventory 41% 41% management) Other 0% 0% 2. Which are the sales and marketing areas in your organization which have the greatest need for timely availability and interpretation of data for decision making? Please choose your top 3. 3 Trade promotion planning & optimization Sales and Marketing Areas % Trade promotion planning & optimization 72% Category management Category management 69% Consumer promotion planning Consumer promotion planning 50% 72% 69% Assortment planning and Space optimization Assortment planning and Space optimization 44% Multi-channel planning Multi-channel planning 34% Other 13% Other 50% 44% 34% 13%
  • 5. 3. Which are the supply chain planning & execution areas in your organization which have the greatest need for timely availability and interpretation of data for decision making? Please choose your top 3. Suppy Chain Planning & Execution Areas % Demand forecasting 75% Sales & operations planning & optimization 72% Inventory planning & optimization 53% Production planning 41% Procurement planning 22% Transportation planning 13% Warehouse management 0% Other 0% Demand forecasting 75% Sales & operations planning & optimization 72% Inventory planning & optimization Production planning Procurement planning 53% Transportation planning Warehouse management 41% Other 22% 13% 0% 0%
  • 6. 4. Which of the following is the biggest barrier to leveraging data for supply chain planning & execution? Biggest barrier: Supply Chain Planning & Execution % Data mining Data mining to derive insights 35% Data availability 26% Data availability Data quality 16% Data quality User adoption 10% User adoption Data timeliness 6% Data timeliness Insight delivery to users 6% 35% Insight delivery to users 26% 16% 10% 6% 6% 5. Which of the following is the biggest barrier to leveraging data for sales and marketing functions? Biggest barrier: Sales and Marketing Functions gg g % Data mining to derive insights 38% Data availability 25% Data mining Data timeliness 13% Data quality 9% Data availability Insight delivery to users 9% Data timeliness User adoption 6% 38% Data quality Insight delivery to users 25% User adoption 13% 9% 9% 6%
  • 7. 6. Who is responsible for each of the following functions in your organization? Business IT (CIO, CFO) (Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain) Responsible % % Data quality 34% 66% Managing the data and reporting infrastructure 69% 31% Providing 'requirements' for additional data and reports 9% 91% Working with vendors who provide services and tools for reports 75% 25% Leading data quality projects 47% 53% Leading end-to-end data integration to insights delivery projects 59% 41% Final call on purchase of services or tools for advanced analytics 31% 69% (modeling & optimization) Final call on purchase of services or tools for reporting 59% 41%
  • 8. 7. Who is responsible for getting insights from data in your organization? Dedicated Business Users Super Users Organization IT Responsible % % % % Sales and Marketing functions (data refers to POS 44% 44% 13% 0% data, syndicated data, sales data) Supply Chain functions (data refers to 41% 34% 16% 9% transactional data - shipment, inventory, orders)
  • 9. 8. How will you rate the confidence of business users in the information from the reporting & analytical systems environment? Confidence of Business Users % Very High: All business decisions are made based on this 19% Moderate to High: Business users take the information but get 59% it validated before using it for their important decisions Moderage to Low: Business users only use it for their routine decisions while prefer to use date from other sources for 22% critical decisions Very Low: They never use the information from these systems 0% for any meaningful decisions Cannot Say / Not Applicable 0% 59% Very High Moderate to High Moderage to Low Very Low Cannot Say / Not Applicable 22% 19% 0% 0%
  • 10. 9. How is Sales and Marketing data (POS data, syndicated data, sales data) leveraged in your organization? Rank on a scaled of 1 to 5. (1 - Very Poor, 5 - Very Good) 1 - Very Poor 2 3 - Average 4 5 - Very Good Sales and Marketing data leveraged % % % % % Reporting - Prebuilt 4% 22% 39% 22% 13% Reporting - Flexible and adhoc p g 4% 13% 33% 33% 17% Analytical (causal analysis, Why) 8% 27% 31% 27% 8% Predictive analytics 48% 26% 11% 7% 7% (modeling, optimization, (modeling optimization forecasting) 10. How is Supply Chain data (transactional data - shipment, inventory, orders) leveraged in your organization? Rank on a scaled of 1 to 5. (1 - Very Poor, 5 - Very Good) 1 - Very Poor 2 3 - Average 4 5 - Very Good Supply Chain data leveraged % % % % % Reporting - Prebuilt 5% 14% 23% 32% 27% Reporting - Flexible and adhoc 5% 20% 35% 30% 10% Analytical (causal analysis, Why) 12% 24% 36% 28% 0% Predictive analytics 27% 36% 14% 14% 9% (modeling, optimization, forecasting)
  • 11. 11. How is data for Corporate functions (HR, Finance, Regulatory, etc.) leveraged in your organization? Rank on a scaled of 1 to 5. (1 - Very Poor, 5 - Very Good) 1 - Very Poor 2 3 - Average 4 5 - Very Good Data for Corporate functions leveraged % % % % % Reporting - Prebuilt 0% 14% 50% 18% 18% Reporting - Flexible and adhoc p g 11% 28% 17% 28% 17% Analytical (causal analysis, Why) 20% 25% 35% 20% 0% Predictive analytics 18% 35% 24% 24% 0% (modeling, optimization, (modeling optimization forecasting)
  • 12. 12. At what stage is the initiative for leveraging data in your organization? Stage: Initiative for Leveraging Data % Some projects from the enterprise roadmap are underway 42% Some projects are underway There is no enterprise level initiative; Data / BI / analytics are 32% There is no enterprise level initiative being undertaken in pockets Roadmap generated - sequence of projects planned 16% Roadmap generated Strategy or assessment 10% Strategy or assessment No plans 0% No plans 42% 32% 16% 10% 0% 13. Are you getting information in the right form and at the right time to make business decisions from your reporting and analytical systems environment? Information for Business Decisions % The information has to be further worked The information has to be further worked upon to make it in upon 42% There are too many systems the form where decisions can be taken There are too many systems and it adds to the confusion 29% 42% The environment enables our enterprise to have access to all relevant information The environment enables our enterprise to have access to all 13% I use my own data relevant information in a user friendly and timely manner 29% Cannot Say / Not Applicable I use my own data, most directly from the source data 10% systems, to make decisions Other Cannot Say / Not Applicable 6% Other 0% 13% 10% 6% 0%
  • 13. 14. What is your position with the organization? Position % Senior Management Director / Manager 74% Vice President 13% Vice President Staff 10% Director / Manager Senior Management (e.g., President, CEO, CFO, COO) 3% 74% Staff 13% 10% 3% IT / Technology - related 15. What is your functional area of responsibility? Logistics / Supply Chain 30% Consumer Insights / Market Intelligence Functional area of responsibility % IT / Technology - related 30% Finance Logistics / Supply Chain 23% Marketing 23% Consumer Insights / Market Intelligence 17% Sales / Account Management Finance 10% Marketing 3% Product Development / Research Sales / Account Management 3% Other Product Development / Research 3% 17% Other 10% 10% 10% 3% 3% 3%
  • 14. 16. What is the nature of your company's business? Food & Beverage Business % CPG Food & Beverage 42% 42% 42% Apparel, Footwear & Accessories CPG 42% Apparel, Footwear & Accessories 13% Durables & Household appliances Durables & Household appliances 0% OTC OTC 0% Other 3% Other 13% 0% 0% 3% 17. What was your company's annual revenue for 2009? 29% 2009 Revenue % Less than $ $100 million 3% 26% $100 million to $499 million 19% Less than $100 million $500 million to $1 billion 10% $100 million to $499 million 19% $1 billion to $5 billion 29% $500 million to $1 billion $5 billion to $10 billion 13% Over $10 billion 26% $1 billion to $5 billion 13% $5 billion to $10 billion 10% Over $10 billion 3%