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The data organisation is locked in the grip of profound change, and nowhere is
this more true than in the media owner space. The digital era was once thought
to answer all of our data woes. By generating terabytes of behavioural data
points that could be seamlessly integrated with multiple other data sources and
delivered in insightful real time dashboards, business units can become
empowered to optimise performance.
The truth, however, is a little more nuanced.
Data drives organisational change, and it is unlikely you’d find a business in the
FTSE 100 which wouldn’t describe itself as a data driven organisation. Yet at the
same time, the proliferation of data and the ubiquity of the tools used to tease
insight from it, has prompted fragmentation of data ownership across multiple
business units.
The challenge with this fragmentation is that where there is not joined up
thinking at an organisational level on how data should be integrated, analysed
and actioned, at worst the business’s use of data becomes aspirational only. It
becomes fundamentally backward facing, reporting and analysing and justifying
what has been, rather than trying to impact future performance.
Those business which are truly transformative in their application of data are
fundamentally forward facing. They use data to forecast and make the most of
predicative capabilities to optimise performance. This paper will explore the
experiences and opinions of a range of media industry experts in relation to the
business critical challenge of making sense of the data that matters.
“Analytics is not data-driven if its findings are never seriously considered or
acted upon. If they are unread, ignored and the boss is going to do whatever
he or she wants, then they are ineffectual.”
Carl Anderson
Creating a Data Driven Organisation
Source: Revenue Operations Barometer Pro Survey H1 2019, CoLab
Revenue operations teams increasingly find themselves the custodians of digital audience data that was once
owned by business insights and research teams. The ad tech tools which enable revenue operations teams to build
and monetise digital audiences are converging with martech tools to generate strategic audiences insight that has
applications across all areas of the modern data organisation.
CoLab Consulting’s Revenue Operations Barometer, launched in April 2019, sought to gain the perspective of this
often under-analysed group by interviewing rev ops professionals from over fifty leading global publishers. While
business priorities and challenges varied by organisational type, the one consistent finding highlighted was that
improved analytics was seen as the top priority over the coming year.
Analytics is a broad field however and covers a range of uses,
from the descriptive and exploratory to the predictive and causal.
To unpick this question further and to shine a light on how leading
publishers are currently making sense of the data that matters, a
roundtable of industry experts was convened in September 2019.
The key themes that emerged are summarised in the following
paper and provide a vital insight for any business in the broader
publishing ecosystem.
How will you prioritise the following areas of the business
over the next 12 months? % High Priority
Improved Analytics
Sales Order Management
Team Size and Structure
Consent Management
Ad Server
James Gilkes
Global Pricing and Inventory Director
David Evans
Head of Data and Insight
CNBC International
Adjani Nicholson
Sales Manager EMEA
IDG Solutions
Head Program Manager
Brett Gibson
Client Advisory and Value Consulting Director
Rupert Staines
Digital Marketing, Data and Technology Expert
Duncan Arthur
CoLab Consulting
Anne Goodman
CoLab Consulting
Ian Gibbs
CoLab Consulting
Rebecca Rangeley
Head of Business Insight
Director of Multiplatform Ad Operations
Danny Doyle
Head of Ad Operation
Hearst UK
David Hayter
Programmatic, Data and Technology Director
Stylist Group
Roundtable Expert Panel
The roundtable took place on the morning of the 10th September 2019 in London, UK and attendees covered a range
of revenue operations, digital product and business insight roles:
Do the key themes and
challenges ring true for
your business and what
are you doing to make
sense of the data that
How can you help
publisher make sense
of the data that matters?
1. Data fragmentation is a key challenge for all. Fragmentation of data sets and
analytics professionals creates organisational inefficiencies and works
against data driven decision making.
2. What do we really mean by data integration? Whether it be the centralisation
of analytics resource or the integration of discreet data sets, it must be
a process baked into organisation culture if it is to succeed.
3. Automation increases human resource burden. Perhaps counter-intuitively,
data automation can result in greater business interest in analytics,
increasing demands on analyst time for higher level analytical work.
4. Centralisation is favoured over shared ownership of data. The centralisation
of data after the expansion of cloud business applications aims to govern
and expand access without restricting the decision-making process.
5. Senior management needs help understanding the business case for
data integration. Without senior management buy-in, data integration
and analytics initiatives will have little longevity or may fail due to
6. Marketers are hooked on over-abundant behavioural data in campaign
reporting. This is useful data for campaign reporting, but it tells us little
of medium- or long-term value for advertisers.
7. The first-party future. Dependable behavioural data and declared profile
data will help publishers maximise yields in the long run.
The fragmentation of data and the tools used to draw insight from and monetise it, was a key talking point in our
discussion. Fragmentation can take many forms, but primarily was seen to manifest as:
“The difficulty is fragmentation… lots of fragmentation of data [across] different data points. Data is dirty: although
there are rich data sets, finding the truth is really quite difficult”
Roundtable Attendee
In the case of point A, the focus of many expert
panellist’s businesses has been to harness multiple data
sets through data warehouses, DMPs and data lakes, yet
this is a process that takes up varying levels of resource
depending on organisational size. In the words of one
panellist the search for perfection in this area (i.e. all
organisational data perfectly linked in one single,
accessible, system) can often result in a poor effort
vs reward trade off when generating business insight.
In the case of fragmented and siloed data ownership,
the downside to the business is organisational
inefficiency. There will be a commonality of metrics
across ad servers, web analytics systems, DMPs and
third party analytics tools which will not only result in
overlap of effort, but will invariably differ from one
another too – creating multiple versions of the truth and
creating confusion in the process of how to action data.
The most valuable data to revenue operations and data teams requires little processing and additional manipulation
and is tangibly linked to ad dollars, both for delivery optimisation and selling the value of ads more broadly. However,
in a world of data fragmentation, the challenges in getting to this point are abundant.
Discrete data sets existing in separate tools
and systems
Data and systems ‘owned’ across multiple
business siloes
If the solution to data fragmentation is data integration,
then consensus must be reached on what exactly this
means within the organisation.
From a technical data point of view, does data
integration mean the linkage of multiple data sets at
their rawest form, enabling once discreet data points to
be cross referenced and cross analysed from a single
source in a data warehouse? Or is it enough to make
discreet data sets accessible via a common portal,
allowing business areas to view and analyse data in
parallel using a common data vocabulary?
“The data warehouse where raw data [is organised]
into buckets, where you just push a button and say
“I would like to know this” is the dream. But the
dream would be that it would not just be one person
pushing the button… everyone is able to do it. You
give people access to the reporting so they become
independent and autonomous.”
Alberto Santangelo
Director of Multiplatform Ad Operations, Viacom
The latter point in particular speaks to the power of
data visualisation managed within business units, with
many panellists discussing their successes and failures
in implementing dynamic and engaging systems for
presenting data to the business. On the one hand such
systems democratise data by opening it up to the entire
organisation, but such shared usage does not suit
everyone, and it is acknowledged that there are some
people who will always have their own unique
requirements and dependence on older systems due to
either loyalty or technical debt. There was some debate
as to whether it was reasonable to expect that a single
source of centrally managed and curated data could be
agile enough to meet the diverse demands of analysis
across the business.
The expert panel was of the view that while many
tech vendors sell the promise of truly integrated
organisational data, many fail to live up to the promise.
This was particularly true of data that is used by more
than just one team and therefore might be depended
upon for multiple purposes, as revenue systems are not
oriented to provide capability to answer marketing or
financial questions despite having some commonality
of the underlying data. A stark warning in terms of
vendor credibility in this space.
A core benefit of data integration, management and
the development of self -serve analytics tools for the
business is that it removes the burden of day-to-day data
reporting and queries from data analysts and, in the case
of our expert panel, revenue operations people. Their time
can instead be freed up to shift their focus towards
analysis and insight generation, answering strategic
rather than tactical business queries.
There was a distinct sense amongst our expert panel,
that processes that automate data delivery may not
ultimately reduce the burden on human resource. In fact
in many instances the burden increased as more in depth
insight generation sparked more in depth follow up
queries from an insight-hungry business. However the
demand was addressed, whether through increased
resource or some level of unmet demand, the resulting
business value was significantly greater from being able
to ask questions rather than battling to tame data
preparation, quality and integration challenges.
Data -driven organisation must be ready for the increased
demands for their time that their success will generate
and in so doing must acknowledge that there are two
distinct skill sets required in terms of human resource
when making the most of data assets: Those who extract
the data vs those who derive insight from it.
“There are two separate skill sets. One is extracting
data and one is extracting value from the data.”
David Evans
Head of Data and Insight, CNBC International
While the physical and virtual integration of data sources goes some way to overcoming the hurdles associated
with fragmentation, our expert panel was almost unanimous in their belief that centralised data teams are also
a vital component of the contemporary data driven organisation.
Pockets of data, insight and reporting currently exist within multiple business units – from marketing, to product
teams, to revenue operations and business intelligence teams. The resulting inefficiencies are often borne out of an
overlap in resource and datasets, but potentially more damaging to the business are the competing and sometimes
conflicting data narratives that results from different sources and analytical techniques.
“There’s data from many sources in any organisation.
The immediate issue is that the data in itself,
regardless of where it comes from, is an organisation
within the organisation. If you ask everyone around
the table who have different operational
responsibilities [for data], even the CEO, you’re going
to be asking for different sets of data.”
Rupert Staines
Digital Marketing, Data and Technology Expert
Our panel highlighted that a centralised data team’s core
purpose should be to define how the organisation needs
to perform in terms of data driven decision making and
enable access to data even if not centrally provisioned.
There is a fine balance between democratizing data
throughout an organisation to empower business units
with relevant insight accessible at their fingertips, and
ensuring a consistency of quality in how that data is
applied strategically. A centralized data team should
not necessarily look to “own” all organisational data,
but rather define best practice in how it is analysed and
deployed. It recognises that different team structures,
skills and the complexity and cadence of business
questions means that a one-size-fits-all approaches
won’t work for all requirements.
Ultimately centralisation should improve data access
and data decision making for the entire organisation.
This was a theme echoed by our expert panel and one
which ultimately manifested itself in two ways.
1. Business processes relating to data and analytics
projects were often deemed to be sub-standard.
More than one expert panellist cited examples of a
poor brief at project kick off stage resulting in
inadequate analysis that failed to get to the heart of
the business’s burning strategic questions. An
inability to iterate through the process locks in any
early gaps in knowledge.
2. When being asked for budgets to conduct large scale
data infrastructure initiatives such as building a data
warehouse (a vital and powerful tool in enabling
organisations to understand relational data and
driving decision making), CEO’s, CFO’s and CIO’s
often do not have a true understanding of what they
are being asked to sign off.
Scoping data management initiatives up front in terms
of tangible business value is critical to help the C-Suite
understand the business case for enhanced data
projects. Multi-year data lake and warehouse projects
should not be undertaken without clearly defining exactly
what return the organisation will gain from the initiative
(return from both a data perspective and an ROI
perspective) and a timeline of when benefits can be
“We are successfully building diverse revenue streams” 52%
“We have an effective suite of technology to support
all advertising operations”
“The company invests adequately in ad
operations technology”
“Senior management understand this area of the
business well and give it the attention it deserves”
“We will require new ad operations technology to maximise revenue” 63%
With a range of businesses on our expert panel, it was
clear that the younger digital-era businesses were more
capable of being nimble in this regard, scoping and
executing on data initiatives in weeks rather than months
and providing insight in to the return for the business in a
far shorter time frame than larger organisations.
To truly drive success in data initiatives our panel felt
that the resulting data processes must be baked into the
sales organisation – for example, tied to performance
and bonuses. Furthermore, self-service should be
mandatory for certain types of data queries if the
organisational analytics tools have been built, enabling
the centralised data team to focus on higher level,
specialist, analytics output.
It is this process of linking data initiatives to individual
performance that will drive understanding of data
management at a board level.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? % High Priority
The CoLab Revenue Operation’s barometer
reveals only 37% of leading publishers
agree that senior management understands
their area of the business well and gives it
the attention it deserves.
Given the professional interest area of our expert panel, the topic of campaign and digital advertising effectiveness
reporting was top of mind when discussing the data that matters most to publishers.
For revenue operations and sales professionals, a large amount of their time is used to generate post campaign
reports for clients, often aggregating campaign data from multiple sources (ad server, web analytics and social
data for example) in what is often and time consuming and cumbersome task.
While there was clear demand therefore, for tools that integrated multiple campaign data sources, it was also very
telling that the many agencies and advertisers and still overly-dependent on behavioural data such as clicks, likes
and shares, rather than data points that enable true ROI reporting (such as sales uplift), or report on longer term
brand building goals. This is a well reported problem that has driven much of the over-commoditization of digital
ad inventory in the past decade.
“One thing we still struggle with is that manual
process. Clients have access to all of this data and
all these campaign reports, but are calling us and
saying ‘I’m not getting what I paid for what are you
doing about it?’ … We have this great tool that’s going
to give you loads of insight and is going to tell you a
great story, but I still need someone to tell that story.”
Joao Felizardo
Head Program Manager, IDG UK
The expert panel discussed the notion that rather
than being solely dependent on short term behavioural
metrics, digital marketing effectiveness should be
viewed through a short/medium/long-term lens to truly
understand its value to the organisation and unlock
further revenue potential for publishers.
While this lens will naturally vary by industry (product
purchase cycles vary dramatically for high and low
consideration products for example), data and systems
that explore the effectiveness of digital beyond short
term direct response goals will have profound effects
of the digital ecosystem.
While third party data still has a degree of value to
publishers while brands and digital buyers place value
in it, the longer term and more exciting opportunity for
publishers comes from leveraging first party data assets
for campaign targeting, optimisation and reporting.
Our expert panel discussed the differing value exchange
that takes place for varying types of first party data –
from behavioural page level data, to potentially more
valuable user profile information. The latter data set is
declared and probabilistic and does not rely on the same
deterministic modelling techniques that third-party
audience segments do.
First party data results in a smaller data set consisting
of higher quality data points and safeguards publishers
from the challenges associated with third party
measurement methodology changes.
“We’ve almost got away from using any third party data
at all… The Safari ITP moment [for example]: we have
no problems with that because we can collect data on
those users. We can collect data from those places
where cookies generally don’t work.”
David Hayter
Programmatic, Data and Technology Director, Stylist Group
With large proportions of publisher audiences now
existing on platforms where first party data plays a far
greater role (such as mobile apps and safari), data driven
organisations must align their systems and processes to
capitalise on this shift - one which is more relevant than
ever in a post-GDPR world.
Is data fragmentation impacting your
business and do you have strategies in
place to mitigate against it?
How can you help publishers with the
systems and processes required to break
down data siloes?
How integrated do you want your data
to be?
Discreet data sets in one system or truly
joined up, queryable single-source data?
Can you deliver on the promise of true
data integration for a sometimes-cynical
publisher market?
Is your data organisation sufficiently
resourced to meet the demand that
improved analytics will result in?
How can you help publishers create seamless
processes and tools to manage data and
insight demand?
Define how much “control” you want your
centralised team to have. Defining how
the business interacts with data is critical.
Systems that enable data democratization
across the entire organisation are compatible
with centralised data teams.
Poor briefing and definition of scope
will increase the likelihood of data
initiative failure.
Build the business case for data integration
with your clients and prospects.
Centralised systems and dashboards to
enable campaign reporting are powerful
tools, but metrics that focus on real ad
effectiveness must not be ignored.
Can you help publishers report on campaign
ROI or brand impact – i.e. move beyond simple
behavioural metrics?
Are you collecting sufficient data to
realise the potential of the first party
data opportunity?
How can you help publishers collect, manage,
integrate, monetise and draw insight from first
party data?
We would like to extend our thanks to all participants
in the “Making sense of the data that matters” industry
roundtable, and to those who have given permission
for attributable quotes to be used.
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CoLab is a specialist media consulting and market
research business.
We provide insights and leadership at the intersection of
media and technology. Our consultants are digital media
veterans based around the globe who have held senior
positions at major media organisations including the
BBC, The Guardian and Microsoft.
We work collaboratively with our clients to deliver deep
sector knowledge, an impartial view on the best way
forward, and a plan rooted in practise not theory.

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Colab 2019 Making Sense of the Data That Matters

  • 2. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY INTRODUCTION The data organisation is locked in the grip of profound change, and nowhere is this more true than in the media owner space. The digital era was once thought to answer all of our data woes. By generating terabytes of behavioural data points that could be seamlessly integrated with multiple other data sources and delivered in insightful real time dashboards, business units can become empowered to optimise performance. The truth, however, is a little more nuanced. Data drives organisational change, and it is unlikely you’d find a business in the FTSE 100 which wouldn’t describe itself as a data driven organisation. Yet at the same time, the proliferation of data and the ubiquity of the tools used to tease insight from it, has prompted fragmentation of data ownership across multiple business units. The challenge with this fragmentation is that where there is not joined up thinking at an organisational level on how data should be integrated, analysed and actioned, at worst the business’s use of data becomes aspirational only. It becomes fundamentally backward facing, reporting and analysing and justifying what has been, rather than trying to impact future performance. Those business which are truly transformative in their application of data are fundamentally forward facing. They use data to forecast and make the most of predicative capabilities to optimise performance. This paper will explore the experiences and opinions of a range of media industry experts in relation to the business critical challenge of making sense of the data that matters. 1 INTRODUCTION 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 KEY ISSUES IN MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS 4 CONSIDERATIONS FOR PUBLISHERS AND VENDORS 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 “Analytics is not data-driven if its findings are never seriously considered or acted upon. If they are unread, ignored and the boss is going to do whatever he or she wants, then they are ineffectual.” Carl Anderson Creating a Data Driven Organisation
  • 3. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY Source: Revenue Operations Barometer Pro Survey H1 2019, CoLab REVENUE OPERATIONS AND THE NEW CUSTODIANS OF ORGANISATIONAL DATA Revenue operations teams increasingly find themselves the custodians of digital audience data that was once owned by business insights and research teams. The ad tech tools which enable revenue operations teams to build and monetise digital audiences are converging with martech tools to generate strategic audiences insight that has applications across all areas of the modern data organisation. CoLab Consulting’s Revenue Operations Barometer, launched in April 2019, sought to gain the perspective of this often under-analysed group by interviewing rev ops professionals from over fifty leading global publishers. While business priorities and challenges varied by organisational type, the one consistent finding highlighted was that improved analytics was seen as the top priority over the coming year. 3 Analytics is a broad field however and covers a range of uses, from the descriptive and exploratory to the predictive and causal. To unpick this question further and to shine a light on how leading publishers are currently making sense of the data that matters, a roundtable of industry experts was convened in September 2019. The key themes that emerged are summarised in the following paper and provide a vital insight for any business in the broader publishing ecosystem. How will you prioritise the following areas of the business over the next 12 months? % High Priority 60% Improved Analytics 31% Sales Order Management 23% Team Size and Structure 15% DSP 19% SSP 31% Consent Management 21% DMP 10% Ad Server James Gilkes Global Pricing and Inventory Director BBC David Evans Head of Data and Insight CNBC International Adjani Nicholson Sales Manager EMEA IDG Solutions JoaoFelizardo Head Program Manager IDG UK Brett Gibson Client Advisory and Value Consulting Director Domo Rupert Staines Digital Marketing, Data and Technology Expert Duncan Arthur Partner CoLab Consulting Anne Goodman Associate CoLab Consulting Ian Gibbs Associate CoLab Consulting Rebecca Rangeley Head of Business Insight Freewheel AlbertoSantangelo Director of Multiplatform Ad Operations Viacom Danny Doyle Head of Ad Operation Hearst UK David Hayter Programmatic, Data and Technology Director Stylist Group Roundtable Expert Panel The roundtable took place on the morning of the 10th September 2019 in London, UK and attendees covered a range of revenue operations, digital product and business insight roles: Publisher Do the key themes and challenges ring true for your business and what are you doing to make sense of the data that matters? Vendors How can you help publisher make sense of the data that matters?
  • 4. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY SEVEN KEY THEMES FOR DATA DRIVEN ORGANISATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Data fragmentation is a key challenge for all. Fragmentation of data sets and analytics professionals creates organisational inefficiencies and works against data driven decision making. 2. What do we really mean by data integration? Whether it be the centralisation of analytics resource or the integration of discreet data sets, it must be a process baked into organisation culture if it is to succeed. 3. Automation increases human resource burden. Perhaps counter-intuitively, data automation can result in greater business interest in analytics, increasing demands on analyst time for higher level analytical work. 4. Centralisation is favoured over shared ownership of data. The centralisation of data after the expansion of cloud business applications aims to govern and expand access without restricting the decision-making process. 5. Senior management needs help understanding the business case for data integration. Without senior management buy-in, data integration and analytics initiatives will have little longevity or may fail due to underinvestment. 6. Marketers are hooked on over-abundant behavioural data in campaign reporting. This is useful data for campaign reporting, but it tells us little of medium- or long-term value for advertisers. 7. The first-party future. Dependable behavioural data and declared profile data will help publishers maximise yields in the long run. 4
  • 5. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY 1. DATA FRAGMENTATION IS A KEY CHALLENGE FOR ALL The fragmentation of data and the tools used to draw insight from and monetise it, was a key talking point in our discussion. Fragmentation can take many forms, but primarily was seen to manifest as: 5 “The difficulty is fragmentation… lots of fragmentation of data [across] different data points. Data is dirty: although there are rich data sets, finding the truth is really quite difficult” Roundtable Attendee In the case of point A, the focus of many expert panellist’s businesses has been to harness multiple data sets through data warehouses, DMPs and data lakes, yet this is a process that takes up varying levels of resource depending on organisational size. In the words of one panellist the search for perfection in this area (i.e. all organisational data perfectly linked in one single, accessible, system) can often result in a poor effort vs reward trade off when generating business insight. In the case of fragmented and siloed data ownership, the downside to the business is organisational inefficiency. There will be a commonality of metrics across ad servers, web analytics systems, DMPs and third party analytics tools which will not only result in overlap of effort, but will invariably differ from one another too – creating multiple versions of the truth and creating confusion in the process of how to action data. The most valuable data to revenue operations and data teams requires little processing and additional manipulation and is tangibly linked to ad dollars, both for delivery optimisation and selling the value of ads more broadly. However, in a world of data fragmentation, the challenges in getting to this point are abundant. A. Discrete data sets existing in separate tools and systems B Data and systems ‘owned’ across multiple business siloes
  • 6. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY 2. WHAT DO WE REALLY MEAN BY DATA INTEGRATION? If the solution to data fragmentation is data integration, then consensus must be reached on what exactly this means within the organisation. From a technical data point of view, does data integration mean the linkage of multiple data sets at their rawest form, enabling once discreet data points to be cross referenced and cross analysed from a single source in a data warehouse? Or is it enough to make discreet data sets accessible via a common portal, allowing business areas to view and analyse data in parallel using a common data vocabulary? 6 “The data warehouse where raw data [is organised] into buckets, where you just push a button and say “I would like to know this” is the dream. But the dream would be that it would not just be one person pushing the button… everyone is able to do it. You give people access to the reporting so they become independent and autonomous.” Alberto Santangelo Director of Multiplatform Ad Operations, Viacom The latter point in particular speaks to the power of data visualisation managed within business units, with many panellists discussing their successes and failures in implementing dynamic and engaging systems for presenting data to the business. On the one hand such systems democratise data by opening it up to the entire organisation, but such shared usage does not suit everyone, and it is acknowledged that there are some people who will always have their own unique requirements and dependence on older systems due to either loyalty or technical debt. There was some debate as to whether it was reasonable to expect that a single source of centrally managed and curated data could be agile enough to meet the diverse demands of analysis across the business. The expert panel was of the view that while many tech vendors sell the promise of truly integrated organisational data, many fail to live up to the promise. This was particularly true of data that is used by more than just one team and therefore might be depended upon for multiple purposes, as revenue systems are not oriented to provide capability to answer marketing or financial questions despite having some commonality of the underlying data. A stark warning in terms of vendor credibility in this space. 3. AUTOMATION INCREASES HUMAN RESOURCE BURDEN A core benefit of data integration, management and the development of self -serve analytics tools for the business is that it removes the burden of day-to-day data reporting and queries from data analysts and, in the case of our expert panel, revenue operations people. Their time can instead be freed up to shift their focus towards analysis and insight generation, answering strategic rather than tactical business queries. There was a distinct sense amongst our expert panel, that processes that automate data delivery may not ultimately reduce the burden on human resource. In fact in many instances the burden increased as more in depth insight generation sparked more in depth follow up queries from an insight-hungry business. However the demand was addressed, whether through increased resource or some level of unmet demand, the resulting business value was significantly greater from being able to ask questions rather than battling to tame data preparation, quality and integration challenges. Data -driven organisation must be ready for the increased demands for their time that their success will generate and in so doing must acknowledge that there are two distinct skill sets required in terms of human resource when making the most of data assets: Those who extract the data vs those who derive insight from it. “There are two separate skill sets. One is extracting data and one is extracting value from the data.” David Evans Head of Data and Insight, CNBC International
  • 7. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY 4. CENTRALISATION IS FAVOURED OVER SHARED OWNERSHIP OF DATA While the physical and virtual integration of data sources goes some way to overcoming the hurdles associated with fragmentation, our expert panel was almost unanimous in their belief that centralised data teams are also a vital component of the contemporary data driven organisation. Pockets of data, insight and reporting currently exist within multiple business units – from marketing, to product teams, to revenue operations and business intelligence teams. The resulting inefficiencies are often borne out of an overlap in resource and datasets, but potentially more damaging to the business are the competing and sometimes conflicting data narratives that results from different sources and analytical techniques. 7 “There’s data from many sources in any organisation. The immediate issue is that the data in itself, regardless of where it comes from, is an organisation within the organisation. If you ask everyone around the table who have different operational responsibilities [for data], even the CEO, you’re going to be asking for different sets of data.” Rupert Staines Digital Marketing, Data and Technology Expert Our panel highlighted that a centralised data team’s core purpose should be to define how the organisation needs to perform in terms of data driven decision making and enable access to data even if not centrally provisioned. There is a fine balance between democratizing data throughout an organisation to empower business units with relevant insight accessible at their fingertips, and ensuring a consistency of quality in how that data is applied strategically. A centralized data team should not necessarily look to “own” all organisational data, but rather define best practice in how it is analysed and deployed. It recognises that different team structures, skills and the complexity and cadence of business questions means that a one-size-fits-all approaches won’t work for all requirements. Ultimately centralisation should improve data access and data decision making for the entire organisation.
  • 8. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY 5. SENIOR MANAGEMENT NEEDS HELP UNDERSTANDING THE CASE FOR DATA INTEGRATION This was a theme echoed by our expert panel and one which ultimately manifested itself in two ways. 1. Business processes relating to data and analytics projects were often deemed to be sub-standard. More than one expert panellist cited examples of a poor brief at project kick off stage resulting in inadequate analysis that failed to get to the heart of the business’s burning strategic questions. An inability to iterate through the process locks in any early gaps in knowledge. 2. When being asked for budgets to conduct large scale data infrastructure initiatives such as building a data warehouse (a vital and powerful tool in enabling organisations to understand relational data and driving decision making), CEO’s, CFO’s and CIO’s often do not have a true understanding of what they are being asked to sign off. Scoping data management initiatives up front in terms of tangible business value is critical to help the C-Suite understand the business case for enhanced data projects. Multi-year data lake and warehouse projects should not be undertaken without clearly defining exactly what return the organisation will gain from the initiative (return from both a data perspective and an ROI perspective) and a timeline of when benefits can be expected. 8 “We are successfully building diverse revenue streams” 52% AGREED “We have an effective suite of technology to support all advertising operations” 48% AGREED “The company invests adequately in ad operations technology” 46% AGREED “Senior management understand this area of the business well and give it the attention it deserves” 37% AGREED “We will require new ad operations technology to maximise revenue” 63% AGREED With a range of businesses on our expert panel, it was clear that the younger digital-era businesses were more capable of being nimble in this regard, scoping and executing on data initiatives in weeks rather than months and providing insight in to the return for the business in a far shorter time frame than larger organisations. To truly drive success in data initiatives our panel felt that the resulting data processes must be baked into the sales organisation – for example, tied to performance and bonuses. Furthermore, self-service should be mandatory for certain types of data queries if the organisational analytics tools have been built, enabling the centralised data team to focus on higher level, specialist, analytics output. It is this process of linking data initiatives to individual performance that will drive understanding of data management at a board level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? % High Priority The CoLab Revenue Operation’s barometer reveals only 37% of leading publishers agree that senior management understands their area of the business well and gives it the attention it deserves.
  • 9. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY 6. MARKETERS ARE HOOKED ON OVER-ABUNDANT BEHAVIOURAL DATA IN CAMPAIGN REPORTING Given the professional interest area of our expert panel, the topic of campaign and digital advertising effectiveness reporting was top of mind when discussing the data that matters most to publishers. For revenue operations and sales professionals, a large amount of their time is used to generate post campaign reports for clients, often aggregating campaign data from multiple sources (ad server, web analytics and social data for example) in what is often and time consuming and cumbersome task. While there was clear demand therefore, for tools that integrated multiple campaign data sources, it was also very telling that the many agencies and advertisers and still overly-dependent on behavioural data such as clicks, likes and shares, rather than data points that enable true ROI reporting (such as sales uplift), or report on longer term brand building goals. This is a well reported problem that has driven much of the over-commoditization of digital ad inventory in the past decade. 9 “One thing we still struggle with is that manual process. Clients have access to all of this data and all these campaign reports, but are calling us and saying ‘I’m not getting what I paid for what are you doing about it?’ … We have this great tool that’s going to give you loads of insight and is going to tell you a great story, but I still need someone to tell that story.” Joao Felizardo Head Program Manager, IDG UK The expert panel discussed the notion that rather than being solely dependent on short term behavioural metrics, digital marketing effectiveness should be viewed through a short/medium/long-term lens to truly understand its value to the organisation and unlock further revenue potential for publishers. While this lens will naturally vary by industry (product purchase cycles vary dramatically for high and low consideration products for example), data and systems that explore the effectiveness of digital beyond short term direct response goals will have profound effects of the digital ecosystem. 7. THE FIRST PARTY FUTURE While third party data still has a degree of value to publishers while brands and digital buyers place value in it, the longer term and more exciting opportunity for publishers comes from leveraging first party data assets for campaign targeting, optimisation and reporting. Our expert panel discussed the differing value exchange that takes place for varying types of first party data – from behavioural page level data, to potentially more valuable user profile information. The latter data set is declared and probabilistic and does not rely on the same deterministic modelling techniques that third-party audience segments do. First party data results in a smaller data set consisting of higher quality data points and safeguards publishers from the challenges associated with third party measurement methodology changes. “We’ve almost got away from using any third party data at all… The Safari ITP moment [for example]: we have no problems with that because we can collect data on those users. We can collect data from those places where cookies generally don’t work.” David Hayter Programmatic, Data and Technology Director, Stylist Group With large proportions of publisher audiences now existing on platforms where first party data plays a far greater role (such as mobile apps and safari), data driven organisations must align their systems and processes to capitalise on this shift - one which is more relevant than ever in a post-GDPR world.
  • 10. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY CONSIDERATIONS FOR PUBLISHERS AND VENDORS FOR PUBLISHERS FOR VENDORS 1 DATA FRAGMENTATION Is data fragmentation impacting your business and do you have strategies in place to mitigate against it? How can you help publishers with the systems and processes required to break down data siloes? 2 DATA INTEGRATION How integrated do you want your data to be? Discreet data sets in one system or truly joined up, queryable single-source data? Can you deliver on the promise of true data integration for a sometimes-cynical publisher market? 3 DATA AUTOMATION Is your data organisation sufficiently resourced to meet the demand that improved analytics will result in? How can you help publishers create seamless processes and tools to manage data and insight demand? 4 DATA CENTRALISATION Define how much “control” you want your centralised team to have. Defining how the business interacts with data is critical. Systems that enable data democratization across the entire organisation are compatible with centralised data teams. 5 DATA BUSINESS CASE Poor briefing and definition of scope will increase the likelihood of data initiative failure. Build the business case for data integration with your clients and prospects. 6 DATA FOR CAMPAIIGN REPORTING Centralised systems and dashboards to enable campaign reporting are powerful tools, but metrics that focus on real ad effectiveness must not be ignored. Can you help publishers report on campaign ROI or brand impact – i.e. move beyond simple behavioural metrics? 7 FIRST PARTY DATA Are you collecting sufficient data to realise the potential of the first party data opportunity? How can you help publishers collect, manage, integrate, monetise and draw insight from first party data? 10
  • 11. MAKING SENSE OF THE DATA THAT MATTERS SPONSORED BY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to extend our thanks to all participants in the “Making sense of the data that matters” industry roundtable, and to those who have given permission for attributable quotes to be used. ABOUT OUR SPONSOR Domo is the fully mobile, cloud-based operating system that unifies every component of your business and delivers it all, right on your phone. Domo brings together all your people, data, and systems into one place for a digitally-connected business. For more information about Domo, please contact ; visit or call +44 203 8791006 11 ABOUT COLAB MEDIA CONSULTING CoLab is a specialist media consulting and market research business. We provide insights and leadership at the intersection of media and technology. Our consultants are digital media veterans based around the globe who have held senior positions at major media organisations including the BBC, The Guardian and Microsoft. We work collaboratively with our clients to deliver deep sector knowledge, an impartial view on the best way forward, and a plan rooted in practise not theory.