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Effective Business
 Unit 01 Introduction
Some important terms:
Most important foundation skill for anyone in the
new world of work is the ability to communicate.
So far as communication is concerned, it doesn`t
merely mean speaking or writing or exchanging
any message, it is actually much more than that.
It involves ensuring that your message has
reached the target audience and receiver
understands and responds as you want them to. It
includes both verbal and non-verbal
 Verbal communication:
It is the communication through spoken and
written words. Thus verbal communication can
be oral as well as written. Oral communication
may be in the form of face-to-face,
interviews, telephonic, videoconferencing,
voice-mail, group communication, speeches
and presentations. Written communication
may be in the form of letters, memos, reports,
bulletins, magazines etc.
 Non-verbal communication: It includes
all messages other than those expressed
in oral or written words. The
communication can be through facial
expressions, postures, gestures and other
cues. Also called as “word-less
 Mis-communication: An interaction
between two parties in which
information is not communicated
as desired. In this, the desired
message is either not properly
constructed by the sender,
transmitted through proper
channel or not properly
understood by the receiver due to
which the very purpose of
communication is not fulfilled
 Business communication: The term used for all
messages that we transmit specifically for
official purposes like running a business or
conducting the formal affairs of organisation.
It is marked by formality as against the social
and personal interaction.
 Essentials of an effective business communication:
An effective communication is most important for
the organisation. Whatsoever forms, channels,
modes it may use, it has to made communication
effective. It can do so by following 7 scientific
principles formulated by Francis J. Bergin coined as
7c`s of effective communication. The list is not
exclusive, but illustrativemore can be added to it.
According to Francis, communication should be:
 1. Courteous: While communicating, it is necessary to be
considerate, compassionate and friendly. We should avoid
becoming sarcastic, impatient, irritated or critic. Congenial
and healthy environment is essential for an effective
communication. Following tips should be considered to
achieve courtesy in communication:
 Be sincere
 Avoid anger and extreme rupture
 Refrain from preaching
 Use positive words
 Avoid all discriminating words
 2. Concrete: clarity and conciseness come with the use of concrete
words. Use of figures, facts, names, examples and vivid words add a
special touch to expressions. The message is remembered easily. In
business communication, we need to be precise and factual.
Concreteness means opposite of being abstract and vague.
 3. Correct: The message to be communicated should be correct in
spelling, grammar, format, contents, statistical information etc.
Incorrect and inaccurate statements mislead the reader, lower his
confidence in the communicator and tarnish the image of the
 4. Candid: For effective communication, it is most imperative that
the message to be communicated should be straightforward and
frank. It should not be indirect, multivocal or untrue. If there is
something which hinders the truth, it will lead to prejudices and
doubts about the sincerity of the communicator.
 5 Clear: clear expression is a fine balance between familiar words
and words that are precise. Precision does not mean using jargon.
Business requires the use of the right or the expected word and
not general words that might cause ambiguity. For clarity one
must know what kind of words the receiver will accept. Clarity not
only means clear in expressions but in thoughts too.
 6. Complete: It is necessary for any effective communication.
Incomplete message breeds misunderstandings and
misinterpretations which leads to further queries resulting into
wastage of time and resources. Completeness doesnot only mean
providing all necessary information, including something extra but
also how the matter has been put across to the receiver of the
message. The substance and style of the message must go hand in
 7. Concise: This is a pre-requisite to effective business
communication. Time is money in business. Conciseness is
achieved by eliminating all redundant words. It means
conveying the message in fewest possible words without
sacrificing its completeness and clarity. Concise messages
appear more interesting to the reader, retains his attention
and also saves his time. For conciseness one should use one
word substitution instead of phrases without changing the
meaning of the message.
 Process of communication: Effective communication
cycle involves seven important steps viz;
 Sender
 Message
 Encoding
 Medium
 Receiver
 Decoding
 Feedback No communication cycle is complete
without any feedback from the receiver
 Models of communication: Some significant theories which serve the purpose
of understanding the process of communication includes;
 1. Bull`s Eye Theory(One-way communication model): This theory is based on
the one-way action (sender), doing something to someone (receiver). The
sender plays an important role who encodes the message with the help of
arbitrary symbols. The doing skills of the sender is for the purpose to change
the behaviour of receiver, to be persuasive, sell or help. It believes that words
have meanings and right words should be used to convey right messages in
order to prevent mis-understandings. Mis-understandings are bound to occur,
but according to this theory, the sender has to play effectively and
adequately.This theory implies only transmission part of the communication. It
doesnot recognise the message from recipient`s point of view. In short, the
whole theory is in the favour of sender where receiver plays a passive role.
 2. Ping-Pong Theory(Two-way communication model): Also called as
interaction or interpersonal theory. It is based on the game of table-tennis
which represents the turns take place between sender and receiver. It is a
complex theory of human communication than one-way theory which
represents the concept of linear feedback. In this theory, there is linear cause
and effect relationship. It implies giving and receiving information by both
parties. In short, both the parties involved play the active roles and infact
without the feedback from receiver, the sender is handicapped and the whole
cycle of communication remains incomplete and vague.
 Types of communication:
 On the basis of organisational structure: Formal
communication Informal communication
 On the basis of dimensions/flow: Downward
communication Upward communication Horizontal
/lateral communication Diagonal/cross-wise
 On the basis of medium: Verbal communication Non-
verbal communication
 On the basis of size/number of persons involved Intra-
personal communication Inter-personal communication
Group communication Mass communication
 Principles of communication:
These are some fundamental rules to be considered by both the
parties while communication.
 1. Principle of clarity
 2. Principle of feedback
 3. Principle of informality
 4. Principle of consistency
 5. Principle of timeliness
 6. Principle of adequacy
 7. Principle of attention
 Barriers of communication:
There are some obstacles which give rise to many serious
problems in communication cycle. It includes:
1. Physical barriers
 Defects in medium
 Noise in environment
 Information overload
 Improper distance and time
2. Semantic barriers:
Also called language barrier, means barriers arising from
the different meanings of words or other symbols. It
 Use of vague words
 Use of ambiguous words
 Use of abstract words
 Poor vocabulary
3. Socio-psychology barriers:
 Barriers arise from motives ,emotions ,social values
,different perceptions etc.
 Premature evaluation
 Self-centred attitude
 Filtering
 Fear
 Distrust
 Poor listening
 Selective perception
 State of health
 Difference in dialect
 Status block
 Thought processes
 Use of voice and other body language
4. Personal barriers
 Lack of interest
 Emotional interference
 Poor state of health
 Lack of common knowledge
 Poor communication skills
 Self-image
 Wrong timing of message
5. Organizational barriers
 Organizational rules and regulations
 Hierarchical relationship
 Wrong choice of channels
 Non-conducting of staff meetings
 Too much dependence on written
6. Cross-cultural barriers
 Language
 Attitude and value system
 Concept of time and space
Strategies to overcome communication barriers:
 Following efforts should be made to reduce the occurrence of
various hindrances in order to make communication effective.
 Use of soundproof rooms for meetings and taking steps to control
all physical noise at work place.
 Make suitable seating arrangement and provide environmental
 Ensure proper visibility and audibility.
 Periodical review and re-organisation of communication network.
 Ensure clarity in emotional expressions.
 Explain the importance of message.
 Time your message carefully.
 Prefer the positive attitude.
 Develop trust and confidence.
 Use simple, precise and most suitable language.
 Avoid use of abstract things to communicate.
 Avoid polysemic words which create confusions.
 Try to feel yourself in others` role, values and frame of reference.
 Ensure attentive listening with full concentration.
 Join health and fitness centres to reduce stress levels
 Provide assistance to comprehend the message clearly
 Unit 02 English communication
Intrapersonal communication:
It means communicating within
oneself. It is an internal dialogue
occurring within the mind of an
individual. It is individual reflection,
contemplation and mediation. It may
be clear or confused depending upon
the individual`s state of mind.
Message is clear if the mind is free,
silent and still or it is confused if the
mind is in stress.
 Interpersonal communication:
This form of communication describes the
interaction between two persons/parties.
It is personal, direct, face to face and
intimate allowing for maximum interaction
and exchange of words and gestures. This
form is more persuasive and influential
than any other form of communication.
Group communication:
 It is an extension to interpersonal communication. In this form, two or more
persons interact with each other in such a way that each influences the
other. It occurs when meetings are held for face-to-face discussions on
issues that affect the lives or performances of each member. Group
communication takes place in the following forms:
 a. Debate/group discussion
 b. Meetings
 c. Conferences
 d. Committees
 e. Panel discussions
 f. Conventions
 g. Seminar
 h. Symposium
Speaking skills:
 It means the art of conveying information or expressing one`s thoughts and
feelings in spoken language. It is an interactive process of constructing
meaning that involves receiving information from the brain, processing it and
then producing sounds. It is often spontaneous, open-ended and evolving but
speech is not always unpredictable. Good speaking skill is the art of
generating words that can be properly understood by the listener. Speech can
be monologue, dialogue or in the form of group discussion.
 Monologue:
This type of communication describes a long and uninterrupted speech by one
person. This is the form of one-way communication. Usually a public speaker in a
public speech is involved in such type of communication
 Dialogue:
It is the participation of people in the search for common values and ideas as
they deal with problems of joint concern. It is a conversation between two or
more persons with a view to reaching an amicable agreement. It seems to
enlighten the people that this is the better way to solve problems than raising an
argument or fighting battle.
 Group discussion/debate:
The term is used to refer to a situation in which a small number of persons meet
face to face and, through free oral interaction, exchange information or attempt
to reach a decision on shared problems. One best advantage of it is that there is
a self-imposed discipline on the discussion and greater responsibility on
participants for making it useful.
 Interview:
It is a meeting between two persons with a specific purpose. It
may be defined as any purposeful interpersonal communication
between two parties. In terms of structure and format
interviewing is more formal form of dyadic communication.
However, an interview situation may consist of one interviewee
and several interviewers and vice versa. There are various types
of interviews ranging from one conducted by a journalist for
newspaper reporting to that by a psychiatrist with his patient. It
is the purpose which defines the type of interview. However,
there are some significant but general types of interview which
were produced by Myers and Myers viz;
Informational interview
Problem-solving interview, and
Professional interview
 Essentials of an effective interview:
 Interviewers should not begin the interview without the
thorough study of the relevant data of the candidates`s
 Interview should be of a certain status, standing and
experience. It should possess the working knowledge of such
topics as individual personality, differences,dynamics, human
traits etc.
 It should be sympathetic but impartial.
 An interviewer should know what traits are more accurately
assessed during interview like; intelligence, emotional
balance, confidence etc
 The candidate should be allowed to talk extensively so that he
gets a room to express his views without any hesitation.
 Interviewers should cover the factual information which should
force the main objective of the interview.
 There is a definite purpose and it should be known to both the
 Both the parties need to prepare for the communication event.
 An interviewer should refrain from passing too quick a judgement
before all the relevant facts have been gathered and evaluated.
 An interviewer should avoid unnecessary talks.
 An interview should be made more valid i.e; the interviewers
should guard themselves against being unduly prejudiced or
coloured their own personality or set theories
 Interview style:
An effective interview depends largely on the
style, among other things. Interview style
means “the degree or level of patterning of the
interactions between interviewer and
interviewee. The style can be formal or
informal or combination of both.” On the basis
of practice, the styles of interview are as
 Direct interview
 Indirect interview
 Patterned interview
 Stress interview
 Depth interview
 Board/panel interview
 Group interview
 Public speech:
It is the art or skill of speaking usually by a single
person to the public at large. It is the process of
performing an oral presentation (speech) focused
around an individual directly speaking to the live
audience in a structured, deliberate manner in order
to inform, influence or entertain them. It is
commonly understood as the formal, face-to-face
talking of a single person to a group of listeners. The
basic objective of speech is either to motivate, to
inform, to entertain, to compel or to convert. As
Emerson has rightly said, “Speech is power: speech is
to persuade, to convert, to compel”.
Essentials of a good speech:
 Taking care of the six cardinal questions;
 a) What to say?
 b) Why to speak?
 c) When to give speech?
 d) How can I best convey my message?
 e) Where have to speak?
 f) Who is my audience?
Be clear and organised
Be simple and brief
Furnish concrete details
Cultivate effortless grace and naturalness
Be informal
Mind your non-verbal language
Remember that facts and figures are not enough
Enrich your mental equipment
Be enthusiastic
Control your emotions, but make an emotional appeal
Share your significant experiences/expertise with your listeners
Summary: A summary or precis is a condensed version,usually one-third of the
length of the original piece of writing. The object of the summary (precis) is to
give a short but accurate account of what the original writer has said without
changing or adding to it in any way. The writer of a summary is in the position of a
reporter, not a commentator. He must not change the content of the passage in
any way. What the writer has said must be summarised exactly. The original sense
of the passage must not be distorted by additions or omissions or by leaving out any
essential information.
Following steps should be considered for learning summarising skills:
1. Read the passage carefully, mark the difficult words.
2. Write down atleast one word to say what the passage is about. The title is to be
built up
and framed around this word.
3. Derive the meaning of the difficult words by reading the sentences in which they
occur or
use a dictionary if possible.
4. Read the passage again and take notes of the main points as you read.
5. Expand the collected main points into full sentences in simple, clear style in
your own words and sentences.
6. Make a rough draft of such sentences.
7. Count the number of words and keep it in your mind that the length should not
one-third of original passage.
8. Revise the precis carefully to make sure that; no important point has been left
out, and it
reads like a good composition.
9. Frame the title.
10. Make a fair copy with the title written at the top. Write the number of words
used in the
precis, at the end.
Reading and comprehension skills:
Reading is a significant process which involves not only
the use of eyes but also the mind. It is the process of brain where one looks at the
symbols on a
page and his mind sees the patterns of characters and understands the meaning in
them. At the
surface level it is a visual discrimination but on a deeper level it involves
evaluation and
interpretation. Reading is a dynamic activity based on competence and memory,
done with a
Specific purpose and essentially comprehensive.
On the basis of the objectives, reading skill has been categorised into three
basic types viz:
Reading for specific purpose
Reading for self development
Reading for entertainment
Moreover there are various other methods of reading which includes:
Skimming/ browsing method: Used to give a general overview of what a book
Scanning method: Used to get the main idea in an article, to check the index and
looks for
specific facts. It gives an idea of the main gist of the material.
Speed reading: Used to follow the sequence of events, helps in getting an
overview. It
gives the general idea of the material. Reader is very speedy with around 250
words per
Study reading: Used to critically appraise and understand the material contained
in an
article or a book. It gives in-depth understanding. One reads slowly, about 50 to 70
per minute.
Understanding close reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is a complex skill that requires an active interaction
between text
element and reader. Comprehension is the ultimate aim in reading. Understanding
comprehension processes is critical for everyone. To improve the comprehension
skill, one must
read different texts independently, try to understand them and answer the
questions written at the
end of the passage. Comprehension skill enables the reader:
To read efficiently and quickly.
To understand the meaning of the text.
To prepare summary which represents the accurate picture of the theme of the
To become more knowledgeable.
To become more creative by associating different ideas and information.
To improve and enhance the comprehension skill, there are some strategies
which need to be followed:
Read the passage first to understand the overall idea or the central theme of the
Re-read the passage critically to understand the meaning lying behind the verbal
Be aware what to understand and identify it quickly.
Concentrate on the text and think about the text.
Create images related to the content and make their visual representations in
the mind.
Try to understand the ideas that the writer is trying to convey through the words
in the text.
Understand how the central idea is developed in a text.
Practice the skills of reading on continuous basis. There is no substitute for
continuous and conscious practice.
Para-phrasing: para-phrasing means the re-statement of a text in different words,
often to
clarify meaning. It means the re-wording of something written or spoken by
someone else. It
expresses the meaning of written or spoken material by using different words,
especially to
acieve greater clarity.
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  • 2.  Unit 01 Introduction Some important terms: Communication: Most important foundation skill for anyone in the new world of work is the ability to communicate. So far as communication is concerned, it doesn`t merely mean speaking or writing or exchanging any message, it is actually much more than that. It involves ensuring that your message has reached the target audience and receiver understands and responds as you want them to. It includes both verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • 3.  Verbal communication: It is the communication through spoken and written words. Thus verbal communication can be oral as well as written. Oral communication may be in the form of face-to-face, interviews, telephonic, videoconferencing, voice-mail, group communication, speeches and presentations. Written communication may be in the form of letters, memos, reports, bulletins, magazines etc.
  • 4.  Non-verbal communication: It includes all messages other than those expressed in oral or written words. The communication can be through facial expressions, postures, gestures and other cues. Also called as “word-less communication.”
  • 5.  Mis-communication: An interaction between two parties in which information is not communicated as desired. In this, the desired message is either not properly constructed by the sender, transmitted through proper channel or not properly understood by the receiver due to which the very purpose of communication is not fulfilled
  • 6.  Business communication: The term used for all messages that we transmit specifically for official purposes like running a business or conducting the formal affairs of organisation. It is marked by formality as against the social and personal interaction.
  • 7.  Essentials of an effective business communication: An effective communication is most important for the organisation. Whatsoever forms, channels, modes it may use, it has to made communication effective. It can do so by following 7 scientific principles formulated by Francis J. Bergin coined as 7c`s of effective communication. The list is not exclusive, but illustrativemore can be added to it. According to Francis, communication should be:
  • 8.  1. Courteous: While communicating, it is necessary to be considerate, compassionate and friendly. We should avoid becoming sarcastic, impatient, irritated or critic. Congenial and healthy environment is essential for an effective communication. Following tips should be considered to achieve courtesy in communication:  Be sincere  Avoid anger and extreme rupture  Refrain from preaching  Use positive words  Avoid all discriminating words
  • 9.  2. Concrete: clarity and conciseness come with the use of concrete words. Use of figures, facts, names, examples and vivid words add a special touch to expressions. The message is remembered easily. In business communication, we need to be precise and factual. Concreteness means opposite of being abstract and vague.  3. Correct: The message to be communicated should be correct in spelling, grammar, format, contents, statistical information etc. Incorrect and inaccurate statements mislead the reader, lower his confidence in the communicator and tarnish the image of the organisation  4. Candid: For effective communication, it is most imperative that the message to be communicated should be straightforward and frank. It should not be indirect, multivocal or untrue. If there is something which hinders the truth, it will lead to prejudices and doubts about the sincerity of the communicator.
  • 10.  5 Clear: clear expression is a fine balance between familiar words and words that are precise. Precision does not mean using jargon. Business requires the use of the right or the expected word and not general words that might cause ambiguity. For clarity one must know what kind of words the receiver will accept. Clarity not only means clear in expressions but in thoughts too.  6. Complete: It is necessary for any effective communication. Incomplete message breeds misunderstandings and misinterpretations which leads to further queries resulting into wastage of time and resources. Completeness doesnot only mean providing all necessary information, including something extra but also how the matter has been put across to the receiver of the message. The substance and style of the message must go hand in hand
  • 11.  7. Concise: This is a pre-requisite to effective business communication. Time is money in business. Conciseness is achieved by eliminating all redundant words. It means conveying the message in fewest possible words without sacrificing its completeness and clarity. Concise messages appear more interesting to the reader, retains his attention and also saves his time. For conciseness one should use one word substitution instead of phrases without changing the meaning of the message.
  • 12.  Process of communication: Effective communication cycle involves seven important steps viz;  Sender  Message  Encoding  Medium  Receiver  Decoding  Feedback No communication cycle is complete without any feedback from the receiver
  • 13.  Models of communication: Some significant theories which serve the purpose of understanding the process of communication includes;  1. Bull`s Eye Theory(One-way communication model): This theory is based on the one-way action (sender), doing something to someone (receiver). The sender plays an important role who encodes the message with the help of arbitrary symbols. The doing skills of the sender is for the purpose to change the behaviour of receiver, to be persuasive, sell or help. It believes that words have meanings and right words should be used to convey right messages in order to prevent mis-understandings. Mis-understandings are bound to occur, but according to this theory, the sender has to play effectively and adequately.This theory implies only transmission part of the communication. It doesnot recognise the message from recipient`s point of view. In short, the whole theory is in the favour of sender where receiver plays a passive role.  2. Ping-Pong Theory(Two-way communication model): Also called as interaction or interpersonal theory. It is based on the game of table-tennis which represents the turns take place between sender and receiver. It is a complex theory of human communication than one-way theory which represents the concept of linear feedback. In this theory, there is linear cause and effect relationship. It implies giving and receiving information by both parties. In short, both the parties involved play the active roles and infact without the feedback from receiver, the sender is handicapped and the whole cycle of communication remains incomplete and vague.
  • 14.  Types of communication:  On the basis of organisational structure: Formal communication Informal communication  On the basis of dimensions/flow: Downward communication Upward communication Horizontal /lateral communication Diagonal/cross-wise communication  On the basis of medium: Verbal communication Non- verbal communication  On the basis of size/number of persons involved Intra- personal communication Inter-personal communication Group communication Mass communication
  • 15.  Principles of communication: These are some fundamental rules to be considered by both the parties while communication.  1. Principle of clarity  2. Principle of feedback  3. Principle of informality  4. Principle of consistency  5. Principle of timeliness  6. Principle of adequacy  7. Principle of attention
  • 16.  Barriers of communication: There are some obstacles which give rise to many serious problems in communication cycle. It includes: 1. Physical barriers  Defects in medium  Noise in environment  Information overload  Improper distance and time
  • 17. 2. Semantic barriers: Also called language barrier, means barriers arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols. It includes:  Use of vague words  Use of ambiguous words  Use of abstract words  Poor vocabulary
  • 18. 3. Socio-psychology barriers:  Barriers arise from motives ,emotions ,social values ,different perceptions etc.  Premature evaluation  Self-centred attitude  Filtering  Fear  Distrust  Poor listening  Selective perception  State of health  Difference in dialect  Status block  Thought processes  Use of voice and other body language
  • 19. 4. Personal barriers  Lack of interest  Emotional interference  Poor state of health  Lack of common knowledge  Poor communication skills  Self-image  Wrong timing of message
  • 20. 5. Organizational barriers  Organizational rules and regulations  Hierarchical relationship  Wrong choice of channels  Non-conducting of staff meetings  Too much dependence on written communication
  • 21. 6. Cross-cultural barriers  Language  Attitude and value system  Concept of time and space
  • 22. Strategies to overcome communication barriers:  Following efforts should be made to reduce the occurrence of various hindrances in order to make communication effective.  Use of soundproof rooms for meetings and taking steps to control all physical noise at work place.  Make suitable seating arrangement and provide environmental comfort.  Ensure proper visibility and audibility.  Periodical review and re-organisation of communication network.  Ensure clarity in emotional expressions.  Explain the importance of message.  Time your message carefully.  Prefer the positive attitude.
  • 23.  Develop trust and confidence.  Use simple, precise and most suitable language.  Avoid use of abstract things to communicate.  Avoid polysemic words which create confusions.  Try to feel yourself in others` role, values and frame of reference.  Ensure attentive listening with full concentration.  Join health and fitness centres to reduce stress levels  Provide assistance to comprehend the message clearly
  • 24.  Unit 02 English communication Intrapersonal communication: It means communicating within oneself. It is an internal dialogue occurring within the mind of an individual. It is individual reflection, contemplation and mediation. It may be clear or confused depending upon the individual`s state of mind. Message is clear if the mind is free, silent and still or it is confused if the mind is in stress.
  • 25.  Interpersonal communication: This form of communication describes the interaction between two persons/parties. It is personal, direct, face to face and intimate allowing for maximum interaction and exchange of words and gestures. This form is more persuasive and influential than any other form of communication.
  • 26. Group communication:  It is an extension to interpersonal communication. In this form, two or more persons interact with each other in such a way that each influences the other. It occurs when meetings are held for face-to-face discussions on issues that affect the lives or performances of each member. Group communication takes place in the following forms:  a. Debate/group discussion  b. Meetings  c. Conferences  d. Committees  e. Panel discussions  f. Conventions  g. Seminar  h. Symposium
  • 27. Speaking skills:  It means the art of conveying information or expressing one`s thoughts and feelings in spoken language. It is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves receiving information from the brain, processing it and then producing sounds. It is often spontaneous, open-ended and evolving but speech is not always unpredictable. Good speaking skill is the art of generating words that can be properly understood by the listener. Speech can be monologue, dialogue or in the form of group discussion.
  • 28.  Monologue: This type of communication describes a long and uninterrupted speech by one person. This is the form of one-way communication. Usually a public speaker in a public speech is involved in such type of communication
  • 29.  Dialogue: It is the participation of people in the search for common values and ideas as they deal with problems of joint concern. It is a conversation between two or more persons with a view to reaching an amicable agreement. It seems to enlighten the people that this is the better way to solve problems than raising an argument or fighting battle.
  • 30.  Group discussion/debate: The term is used to refer to a situation in which a small number of persons meet face to face and, through free oral interaction, exchange information or attempt to reach a decision on shared problems. One best advantage of it is that there is a self-imposed discipline on the discussion and greater responsibility on participants for making it useful.
  • 31.  Interview: It is a meeting between two persons with a specific purpose. It may be defined as any purposeful interpersonal communication between two parties. In terms of structure and format interviewing is more formal form of dyadic communication. However, an interview situation may consist of one interviewee and several interviewers and vice versa. There are various types of interviews ranging from one conducted by a journalist for newspaper reporting to that by a psychiatrist with his patient. It is the purpose which defines the type of interview. However, there are some significant but general types of interview which were produced by Myers and Myers viz; Informational interview Problem-solving interview, and Professional interview
  • 32.  Essentials of an effective interview:  Interviewers should not begin the interview without the thorough study of the relevant data of the candidates`s application.  Interview should be of a certain status, standing and experience. It should possess the working knowledge of such topics as individual personality, differences,dynamics, human traits etc.  It should be sympathetic but impartial.  An interviewer should know what traits are more accurately assessed during interview like; intelligence, emotional balance, confidence etc
  • 33.  The candidate should be allowed to talk extensively so that he gets a room to express his views without any hesitation.  Interviewers should cover the factual information which should force the main objective of the interview.  There is a definite purpose and it should be known to both the parties.  Both the parties need to prepare for the communication event.  An interviewer should refrain from passing too quick a judgement before all the relevant facts have been gathered and evaluated.  An interviewer should avoid unnecessary talks.  An interview should be made more valid i.e; the interviewers should guard themselves against being unduly prejudiced or coloured their own personality or set theories
  • 34.  Interview style: An effective interview depends largely on the style, among other things. Interview style means “the degree or level of patterning of the interactions between interviewer and interviewee. The style can be formal or informal or combination of both.” On the basis of practice, the styles of interview are as follows:
  • 35.  Direct interview  Indirect interview  Patterned interview  Stress interview  Depth interview  Board/panel interview  Group interview
  • 36.  Public speech: It is the art or skill of speaking usually by a single person to the public at large. It is the process of performing an oral presentation (speech) focused around an individual directly speaking to the live audience in a structured, deliberate manner in order to inform, influence or entertain them. It is commonly understood as the formal, face-to-face talking of a single person to a group of listeners. The basic objective of speech is either to motivate, to inform, to entertain, to compel or to convert. As Emerson has rightly said, “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel”.
  • 37. Essentials of a good speech:  Taking care of the six cardinal questions;  a) What to say?  b) Why to speak?  c) When to give speech?  d) How can I best convey my message?  e) Where have to speak?  f) Who is my audience?
  • 38. Be clear and organised Be simple and brief Furnish concrete details Cultivate effortless grace and naturalness Be informal Mind your non-verbal language Remember that facts and figures are not enough Enrich your mental equipment Be enthusiastic Control your emotions, but make an emotional appeal Share your significant experiences/expertise with your listeners
  • 39. Summary: A summary or precis is a condensed version,usually one-third of the length of the original piece of writing. The object of the summary (precis) is to give a short but accurate account of what the original writer has said without changing or adding to it in any way. The writer of a summary is in the position of a reporter, not a commentator. He must not change the content of the passage in any way. What the writer has said must be summarised exactly. The original sense of the passage must not be distorted by additions or omissions or by leaving out any essential information.
  • 40. Following steps should be considered for learning summarising skills: 1. Read the passage carefully, mark the difficult words. 2. Write down atleast one word to say what the passage is about. The title is to be built up and framed around this word. 3. Derive the meaning of the difficult words by reading the sentences in which they occur or use a dictionary if possible. 4. Read the passage again and take notes of the main points as you read. 5. Expand the collected main points into full sentences in simple, clear style in your own words and sentences.
  • 41. 6. Make a rough draft of such sentences. 7. Count the number of words and keep it in your mind that the length should not exceed one-third of original passage. 8. Revise the precis carefully to make sure that; no important point has been left out, and it reads like a good composition. 9. Frame the title. 10. Make a fair copy with the title written at the top. Write the number of words used in the precis, at the end.
  • 42. Reading and comprehension skills: Reading is a significant process which involves not only the use of eyes but also the mind. It is the process of brain where one looks at the symbols on a page and his mind sees the patterns of characters and understands the meaning in them. At the surface level it is a visual discrimination but on a deeper level it involves evaluation and interpretation. Reading is a dynamic activity based on competence and memory, done with a Specific purpose and essentially comprehensive. On the basis of the objectives, reading skill has been categorised into three basic types viz: Reading for specific purpose Reading for self development Reading for entertainment
  • 43. Moreover there are various other methods of reading which includes: Skimming/ browsing method: Used to give a general overview of what a book contains. Scanning method: Used to get the main idea in an article, to check the index and looks for specific facts. It gives an idea of the main gist of the material. Speed reading: Used to follow the sequence of events, helps in getting an overview. It gives the general idea of the material. Reader is very speedy with around 250 words per minute. Study reading: Used to critically appraise and understand the material contained in an article or a book. It gives in-depth understanding. One reads slowly, about 50 to 70 words per minute.
  • 44. Understanding close reading comprehension Reading comprehension is a complex skill that requires an active interaction between text element and reader. Comprehension is the ultimate aim in reading. Understanding the comprehension processes is critical for everyone. To improve the comprehension skill, one must read different texts independently, try to understand them and answer the questions written at the end of the passage. Comprehension skill enables the reader: To read efficiently and quickly. To understand the meaning of the text. To prepare summary which represents the accurate picture of the theme of the text. To become more knowledgeable. To become more creative by associating different ideas and information.
  • 45. To improve and enhance the comprehension skill, there are some strategies which need to be followed: Read the passage first to understand the overall idea or the central theme of the passage. Re-read the passage critically to understand the meaning lying behind the verbal text. Be aware what to understand and identify it quickly. Concentrate on the text and think about the text. Create images related to the content and make their visual representations in the mind. Try to understand the ideas that the writer is trying to convey through the words in the text. Understand how the central idea is developed in a text. Practice the skills of reading on continuous basis. There is no substitute for continuous and conscious practice.
  • 46. Para-phrasing: para-phrasing means the re-statement of a text in different words, often to clarify meaning. It means the re-wording of something written or spoken by someone else. It expresses the meaning of written or spoken material by using different words, especially to acieve greater clarity.