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Why Is Bullying Wrong
Bullying is not hot, not cool, and not funny. In fact, 41% of kids who took part in a recent survey
said they try to stop it. The sad thing is that 16% of kids do nothing. Kids ignore the scene and let
things go wrong. Bullying mostly happens often in school and online. After reading this, we will get
in more depth on bullying. First of all, bullying is not hot for many reasons. This problem includes
calling someone names, teasing the person or being insulted. It is like someone calling you a bad
name. Bullying can happen face to face or emails or instant messages. This can happen anywhere at
any time. It can be common and people feel scared when one individual faces a bully. Now, we will
find out more about bullies. Next, bullying
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Bullying Narrative Essay
Adrianna M. Weaver
Composition 1
Narrative Essay
My narrative essay is about my experiences of being bullied. This essay further discusses what can
be done to help prevent bullying.
Bullying is aggressive behavior that is unwanted. Bullying uses power to overtake another person
physically, emotionally, or mentally. A lot of times the bully uses popularity as a standing or means
of attack, picking on/bullying the not so popular students or peers. Bullying is repetitive. Very
rarely is a bullying situation a one and done ordeal. There are many different types of bullying, the
most common types are verbal, physical, cyber, and social. Verbal and social bullying are very
similar. Verbal bullying consists of threats, name–calling, teasing/taunting and inappropriate
comments. Social bullying is spreading rumors about a person, embarrassing someone in public or
at a school setting, leaving someone out or purposely excluding them and also telling people/peers
not to be friends with another person for some reason. Cyber bullying is an ever increasing type of
bullying. Cyber bullying is the act of bullying someone with the use (abuse) of technology, through more content...
You need to not be so sensitive." If the child being verbally bullied was to record the bullies, the
bullied student can get in trouble for "recording without permission." Also, unfortunately if the
bullied student is to a point of contemplating suicide, and carries through with the action, and were to
die, the school may respond with "Oh, we wish the student had come to us and talked to us we could
have done something to put an end to the bullies." Students report bullying to the school and nothing
happens to put end to
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Why Bullying Is Bad
Why do people always like to bring people down? If you don't know someone why is it ok for
people to make fun of them. Just because you don't know them and they are different than you it
isn't right to bully them. Bullying is a problem because people that are being bullied can hurt
themselves, can mentally and physically be affected, and no one is immuned from bullies. Nowadays,
bullying can affect you in many bad ways. It can lead to physical and mental issues. According to, "kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health
issues. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990's, the more content...
The results of kids being bullied can end up in death. Studies show that people who are abused by
their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self esteem, stress, depression, or
anxiety. They may also think about suicide or more. It is estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary–school
bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30 (Dealing with Bullying). Many kids feel
socially left out and this makes them want to harm themselves. So now the question is, "Is bullying
really bullying?". Mr. Scott tells us we often confuse bullying with student conflict (Scott).
Sometimes maturity level is different and they don't know the difference between being bullied and
having a conflict. Not every bad behavior is called bullying. Steven Michael says that the word
bully is the most overused word in education. People throw it around way too easily and can make
accusations about being bullied without proof. These accusations come with a predetermined
sentence of guilt. People seem to jump to conclusions when it comes to bullying. So you may need
to put yourself into the shoes of the person who is getting
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Why Bullying Is Bad
Why Do It
Alexis Helmin Bullying is a dangerous problem that exists in society today. Many teens have
experienced it. Unfortunately there are lots of different ways to bully a victim. Cyber bullying, is a
popular way to attack a victim online. Physical bullying, is another form that is commonly used.
Whatever the type, the outcome can be devastating.
People are cyber bullied all the time. It's how the people who see, do, and experience it that matters.
More specifically the people who see bullying happening are the bystanders and upstanders.
Upstanders are the people who see bullying and do something about it. Bystanders are the ones
who see bullying and don't do anything about it, they often silent or join in. With such a big
audience it could be harder to stand up to the bully then. Thats one reason the bully does it online.
They can also stay anonymous and can form a clique of people and bystanders. It is easier
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It can be dangerous for the bully, victim, and the people around them. Although physical bullying
is more commonly thought of as beating someone up. It can be just as harmful using words.
"Words can hurt too" is a quote from an expert. It is used to remind people that what they say can
hurt someone just as much as a slap across the face. Naturally when someone starts a fight, they get
consequences such as detention, suspension, and they can get expelled. If parents or teachers don't
do something about it immediately, it could get worse the bully might think that they have more
power on their victim. Physical bullying can be biased on different things, someone might bully
because of weight, gender, religion or beliefs, and wealth. Over 3.2 million students are victims of
physical bullying each year. About 160,000 teens stay home from school if fear of bullies. That is a
true fact. Most victims grades drop and some end up dropping out of school. Along with other causes
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Different types of Bullying Essay
More than 160,000 students miss school every day, due to fear of attack or intimidation by other
students, in other words getting bullied. Many of these students prefer to not say a thing. Ever
wondered what it feels like? Majority of people know this occurs everywhere but just ignore it; not
only that, some victims like to stay quiet due to fear. Based on case studies and statistics, there's
evidence to suggest that bullying can cause negative effects socially, emotionally, and physiologically
on children.
Types of Bullying
There are many types of bullying one of them is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying had become very
popular now and days. This type of bullying takes place on the internet, via text, or any multimedia more content...
Emotional bullying is when kids hurt others feeling. Lastly verbal bullying is when kids get
bullied by words or foul language and get put down. All of these types of bullying bring damages to
a kid physiologically.
Kids get bullied in school a lot. Sometimes, they do not have the best clothes, or because they are
not economically the same as others. Some get bullied because they are not as social as other
kids and prefer to stay alone most of the time. Physical appearance meaning as in size, color, or
ethnicity can cause a kid to get bullied in school also. What do these kids go through? They get
pushed at in the hallways. They get named called in class with words such as "freak" or "lame".
Not only that, sometimes these kids aren't allowed to sit in certain areas in the lunch tables or they
would get teased at for just being there. The commonest type of bullying is general name calling,
followed by being hit, threatened, or having rumors spread about one. Bullying is thought to be
more prevalent among boys and the youngest pupils in a school (smith 1). What are the effects
bullying cause in bullied kids' lives?
Causes and Effect
Kids should go through bullying at some point in their life so they can become stronger human
beings and learn that life is not always great, however, studies show that words from family
members or other people can hurt them and scar them for life. "Words actually hurt" is a quote well
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Bullying Essay example
Have you ever bullied or been bullied? If you have bullied or been bullied then you should know
how bullying feels like. Bullying is very negative and creates major problems for our society.
Nothing good comes out of bullying. It could very well change or ruin a person's life. In fact, it does
ruin many people's lives. Kids can be mentally scarred if they are teased often. Even worse, they
could be killed or fatally injured if the bullying gets extreme. There are many causes for bullying
which must be taken care of before bullying can be stopped. T.V. violence, families in poverty, and
mis–teachings are just several of the many serious causes for bullying. Bullying must be stopped or
prevented no matter how long it more content...
Also, T.V. shows are quite readily available for anyone to watch. Kids may try "moves" on people
at school because they believe it's cool. As well, cooperation from childrens' parents is important,
some parents actually encourage their children to fight to look cool or don't teach them properly.
Kids must take their own initiative, as well, they must find out what's wrong and what's right for
themselves sometimes. Many kids don't take bullying seriously. However, when a real incident
occurs, they are unprepared, shocked, regretful, or dead. Bullying must stop, for it is destroying
the lives and futures of many innocents, perhaps not killing them, but ruining them. People may
end up physically distorted, paralysed, or dead because of bullying. Aside from physical harm,
there is also mental harm. This is equally as destructive. Kids may become extremely depressed
from being bullied. As a result, they may refuse to eat, become suicidal, or in return bully other
kids to make themselves feel better. Although some of these examples of effects may not seem too
serious, they really are. Commonly, there are incidents where bullied students go to school and
slaughter many people and eventually kill themselves. For example, several weeks ago Killarney
Secondary School had an angered student come to their cafeteria with a knife looking for someone.
Dozens of innocent kids have been killed in these types of incidents because one or several kids
bullied a student.
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Causes Of Bullying Essay
Bullying: The Need to Control Bullying and cyber bullying is extremely common throughout
schools and is a major problem that needs attention. The current rules and punishments for bullying
in schools are not enough and not enforced. life is a tough journey but, not everyone is a fighter. The
fault in finding solutions to this problem is that no one has come up with a successful solution to
resolve the situation. Bullying is a serious matter that needs to be stopped. When it comes to
bullying the definition is often misunderstood. Bullying is when an individual or a group of
people with more power, repeatedly cause hurt or harm to a person who feels helpless to respond.
Bullying can continue over time if no action is taken. People may be bruised, injured, or even
killed. Parents, relatives, friends, and pictures may all influence people, especially when they are
depressed or in a lowered state of mind to bully someone. Some parents have lost their children to
suicide due to "bullying" or "Cyber Bullying", while siblings suffer the loss of losing a brother or
sister. Bullying has become a national epidemic throughout elementary schools, middle schools and
high schools in America. "Cyber Bullying" has grown in recent years due to the increase usage of
technology and mobile devices. Cyber–bullying issues are more likely to happen at schools, social
networking, and mobile phones. The person being bullied will be noticed when one appears to be
angry, depressed or get
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School Bullying Essay
Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due
to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not
only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive
to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence
involved as well as the consequences for the bully.
The general definition of bullying is, "... [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she
is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons"
(Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct more
The most common type of bullying among females is verbal bullying ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This
type of psychological bullying uses derogatory terms to demean, or lower, the victim in the eyes of
others to show that the bully has power over them ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This causes the person to
have low self–esteem and develop depression in that victim ("Verbal Bullying" 1). Verbal bullying
is the most psychologically damaging and lasts well into adulthood (Aluede et al. 6). "[Words]
have a power all their own, and the realities of verbal bullying can have very physical consequences,
even if the aggressor never lays a finger on the victim" ("Verbal Bullying" 1) In more severe cases of
verbal bullying, or any bullying for that matter, can lead to drugs because the victim wants to
escape his or her tortured life, in more extreme cases if the person's depression worsens it could lead
to suicide ("Verbal Bullying" 1).
The well–organized ripping away of respect and affection is called, emotional [bullying] (
1). Emotional bullying can be as simple as ignoring the person's feelings, not listening, forcing the
victim to do something they would not normally do, and by laying a guilt trip on the victims backs
to manipulate that person to do what the bully want ( 1). "Emotional [bullying] leaves the
victim with hidden scars that often result in insecurity, poor self–esteem,
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Bullying Essay
Bullying mentally and physically affects people's well being. This abuse occurs not only in
schools around us, but also worldwide. Bullying is a problem, and people need to figure out ways to
solve it. There are a lot of different types of bullying: such as, cyber, verbal, social, and physical.
Every year nearly 48% of students are bullied. Bullying itself cannot be resolved, but there are ways
to help prevent it from happening.
High School bullying is very common, and causes a lot of conflicts with fellow students and also
teachers. In today's society individuals think it is ok to just take their feelings out on others through
a series of different ways. Bullying is an individual's way of feeling better about themself. This has
been more content...
I first hand have witnessed someone that was bullied to her breaking point. Her and I were
friends, she always seemed happy and never seemed to be worried about what people thought
about her. She had one bad day in particular that she had told me everything about her bullies and I
informed her that I would be there for her more. A week later she was gone. It is real, bullying has
real effects on people that takes them to the point of wanting to end their lives. In today's society
bullying is just another thing, but it is a major problem and should not be forgotten about.
How help someone being bullied? If it is witnessed, tell an adult, stand up to the bully. Individuals
being bullied should have someone to talk to, and the people bullying them should be
disciplined.There should be harsher punishments for those who victimize others. Although, I
believe there should be help involved for them too. Not only are they bullying, but there more or
less is a reason they are doing it. The bullies as well should have someone to talk to, someone to
reassure them that everything will be okay for them too. 90% of the time an individual that
physically or mentally abuses someone is either down on themselves, has a hard time at home, or is
jealous of the individual they harass. People need to stick up for the adolescents in these situations,
offer them some kind of support.
Bullying is a very common thing in high schools, and affects teenage individuals both
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Bullying Outline
Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying.
Thesis: The effect bullying has on students.
Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we
have noticed or not.
Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it.
Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed,
my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started
getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color,
the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time
at home and they could have been more content...
This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks
to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied,
since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize
that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional
bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our
classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical
Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to
physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically
harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do
something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning
language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques
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Essay about Bullying and Harassment
Managing bullying and harassment in the workplace
When most of us hear the term 'bullying' we seem to reflect back on childhood memories of the
schoolyard bully tormenting others for self–amusement, much to the distain of others around them.
Unfortunately this seems not to be the only time such behaviour occurs. Workplacebullying and
harassment can be defined as 'Offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting
someone's work tasks. It can occur repeatedly and regularly over a period of time where the
confronted ends up in an inferior position and becomes the target of systematic negative social acts'
(Einarsen et al, 2007). This essay will explain the significance of bullying and harassment in the
workplace by exploring, more content...
Workplace bullies have been described as 'conquerors only interested in power and control, who
enjoy belittling sub–ordinates' (Dawn et al, 2007). Statistics from an Australian cross– national
survey revealed that 70 percent of bullying behaviour was inflicted by a supervisor or manager
toward sub–ordinates (Query & Hanley, 2010). Some of the affects bullying and harassment has on
workers is low self esteem, anxiety depression, psychosomatic problems (hostility, hyper sensibility,
loss of memory and feelings of victimisation), aggression, fear and mistrust, cognitive effects
(inability to concentrate or think clearly, reduced problem solving capacity), isolation, loneliness,
deterioration of friendships, chronic fatigue and sleep problems (Poilpot–Rocaboy,2006). From an
organisational perspective, it is estimated that organisations in Australia lose between $6 billion
and $13 billion per annum due to bullying related abuse (Query & Hanley, 2010) and that more
than 2 million managers and professionals voluntarily leave their jobs every year due solely to
workplace unfairness, including bullying (Query & Hanley, 2010). These figures do not include the
millions of workers who suffer from
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Definition Of Bullying Essay
The terms bully and the act of bullying are defined in many ways. From a blustering quarrelsome,
overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people to "instances
when a child is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more
other students" to being later fully defined as including the intention to cause harm as well as a
power differential in which the less powerful person is being attacked. The most recent definition of
bullying is, "as an aggressive behavior or intentional harm doing that is carried out repeatedly and
over time in an interpersonal relationship characterized by an actual or perceived imbalance of
power or strength". Since bullying has such a wide array of definitions it is often handled differently
for each more content...
Physical bullying is when one person hits or kicks another or causes property damage. Verbal
bullying is the use of words by using insults, name calling towards one another, or making fun of
someone. Relational bullying is shunning someone out of a group of excluding one from an event,
rejecting someone or avoiding them. This often takes place between girls. The last main form of
bullying is reactive bullying where the individual is both the victim and the bully. This is often a
method used against being bullied. Females often are victims to verbal bullying or spreading rumors
about one another while males tend to bully each other physically and verbally. When the bullying
pushes the victim too far, the consensuses are often life
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Reflective Essay On Bullying
In this essay, I will be addressing three keywords that have to do with the critical issues I was be
discussing in this essay. The critical issue is about a problem that many kids from all the world are
struggling on. Many kids are being bullied and aren't getting the help the need for the people are
enabling the bullying aren't being punished for their actions. Bullying can lead people to pretty
tough situations they can't get out of or pushing them to take someone life away or their own
life. The first keyword I will be discussing is innocent. How many innocent lives do we have to
lose before we get the message? Across America many kids are bullied and the people who are
doing the bully aren't being punished and the people who are being bullied aren't getting the
attention they need. In Miller's the Dark Knight of the soul, he mentions, "In March 2001, a
skinny kid whom classmates called him Anorexic Andy walked into his high school in Santee,
California to reenact his version of Columbine" (Miller, 2017, para. 3). After reading this I
wonder, where was the teacher? If an entire class insulted a student, why wasn't the class punished
for their actions? This incident didn't have to leave to a school shooting. If the school would've
handled the issue before hand, it wouldn't have ended in a tragedy. Families wouldn't have to
grieve of the loss of their child. Now, I'm not saying that it's the class faults, I'm saying that we all
can put our heads together and punish people for their actions. Because if you think, it's just
some words, words are very powerful and they can't hurt a person in way you can never imagine.
The second keyword I will be discussing is feelings. In this topic, I will be discussing about how
people are never alone and they shouldn't be afraid to reach out for help. In Rodriguez The
Achievements of Desire he mentions, "For years I never spoke to anyone about this boyhood fear,
my guilt and remorse. I never mentioned these feelings to my parents or my brothers. Not to my
teachers or classmates. From a very old age, I understood enough, just enough, about my
experiences to keep what I knew vague, repressed, private, beneath layers of embarrassment"
(Rodriguez, 2017, para. 6). I picked
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Bullying In School Essay
Each year, bullying affects the lives of at least 3.2 million students across the globe. While some
schools tend to look over bullying, many schools have started to reprimand their students for even
the slightest act of bullying. However, bullying does not start and end in the school. Bullying starts
in the home and it is the responsibility of the parents to encourage their children to be kind and
respectable people. In the times of social media and the internet, bullying is a bigger problem than it
has ever been. Even though bullying has always been a problem in the lives of adolescents, it is
ultimately the responsibility of parents and school faculty to make sure bullying is stopped in it's
tracks and does not become a bigger problem than it already is. There are many ways to reduce
bullying in schools, a few of those being immediate consequences for bullying, talking with the
parents of the bully, and making sure the school is well monitored. However, the first step in ending
bullying starts with the bullied child reporting the bullying, but before a student reports an act of
bullying, they must first feel that they are in a safe and comfortable environment. Kathryn Whitted
and David Dupper provide a few suggestions on how schools can make their students feel safer in
their article, "Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools". Whitted and Dupper,
through extensive research, found that students are more likely to report bullying if there
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Bullying Essays

  • 1. Why Is Bullying Wrong Bullying is not hot, not cool, and not funny. In fact, 41% of kids who took part in a recent survey said they try to stop it. The sad thing is that 16% of kids do nothing. Kids ignore the scene and let things go wrong. Bullying mostly happens often in school and online. After reading this, we will get in more depth on bullying. First of all, bullying is not hot for many reasons. This problem includes calling someone names, teasing the person or being insulted. It is like someone calling you a bad name. Bullying can happen face to face or emails or instant messages. This can happen anywhere at any time. It can be common and people feel scared when one individual faces a bully. Now, we will find out more about bullies. Next, bullying Get more content on
  • 2. Bullying Narrative Essay Adrianna M. Weaver Composition 1 Narrative Essay My narrative essay is about my experiences of being bullied. This essay further discusses what can be done to help prevent bullying. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is unwanted. Bullying uses power to overtake another person physically, emotionally, or mentally. A lot of times the bully uses popularity as a standing or means of attack, picking on/bullying the not so popular students or peers. Bullying is repetitive. Very rarely is a bullying situation a one and done ordeal. There are many different types of bullying, the most common types are verbal, physical, cyber, and social. Verbal and social bullying are very similar. Verbal bullying consists of threats, name–calling, teasing/taunting and inappropriate comments. Social bullying is spreading rumors about a person, embarrassing someone in public or at a school setting, leaving someone out or purposely excluding them and also telling people/peers not to be friends with another person for some reason. Cyber bullying is an ever increasing type of bullying. Cyber bullying is the act of bullying someone with the use (abuse) of technology, through more content... You need to not be so sensitive." If the child being verbally bullied was to record the bullies, the bullied student can get in trouble for "recording without permission." Also, unfortunately if the bullied student is to a point of contemplating suicide, and carries through with the action, and were to die, the school may respond with "Oh, we wish the student had come to us and talked to us we could have done something to put an end to the bullies." Students report bullying to the school and nothing happens to put end to Get more content on
  • 3. Why Bullying Is Bad Bullying Why do people always like to bring people down? If you don't know someone why is it ok for people to make fun of them. Just because you don't know them and they are different than you it isn't right to bully them. Bullying is a problem because people that are being bullied can hurt themselves, can mentally and physically be affected, and no one is immuned from bullies. Nowadays, bullying can affect you in many bad ways. It can lead to physical and mental issues. According to, "kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990's, the more content... The results of kids being bullied can end up in death. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide or more. It is estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary–school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30 (Dealing with Bullying). Many kids feel socially left out and this makes them want to harm themselves. So now the question is, "Is bullying really bullying?". Mr. Scott tells us we often confuse bullying with student conflict (Scott). Sometimes maturity level is different and they don't know the difference between being bullied and having a conflict. Not every bad behavior is called bullying. Steven Michael says that the word bully is the most overused word in education. People throw it around way too easily and can make accusations about being bullied without proof. These accusations come with a predetermined sentence of guilt. People seem to jump to conclusions when it comes to bullying. So you may need to put yourself into the shoes of the person who is getting Get more content on
  • 4. Why Bullying Is Bad Why Do It Alexis Helmin Bullying is a dangerous problem that exists in society today. Many teens have experienced it. Unfortunately there are lots of different ways to bully a victim. Cyber bullying, is a popular way to attack a victim online. Physical bullying, is another form that is commonly used. Whatever the type, the outcome can be devastating. People are cyber bullied all the time. It's how the people who see, do, and experience it that matters. More specifically the people who see bullying happening are the bystanders and upstanders. Upstanders are the people who see bullying and do something about it. Bystanders are the ones who see bullying and don't do anything about it, they often silent or join in. With such a big audience it could be harder to stand up to the bully then. Thats one reason the bully does it online. They can also stay anonymous and can form a clique of people and bystanders. It is easier more content... It can be dangerous for the bully, victim, and the people around them. Although physical bullying is more commonly thought of as beating someone up. It can be just as harmful using words. "Words can hurt too" is a quote from an expert. It is used to remind people that what they say can hurt someone just as much as a slap across the face. Naturally when someone starts a fight, they get consequences such as detention, suspension, and they can get expelled. If parents or teachers don't do something about it immediately, it could get worse the bully might think that they have more power on their victim. Physical bullying can be biased on different things, someone might bully because of weight, gender, religion or beliefs, and wealth. Over 3.2 million students are victims of physical bullying each year. About 160,000 teens stay home from school if fear of bullies. That is a true fact. Most victims grades drop and some end up dropping out of school. Along with other causes such Get more content on
  • 5. Different types of Bullying Essay More than 160,000 students miss school every day, due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students, in other words getting bullied. Many of these students prefer to not say a thing. Ever wondered what it feels like? Majority of people know this occurs everywhere but just ignore it; not only that, some victims like to stay quiet due to fear. Based on case studies and statistics, there's evidence to suggest that bullying can cause negative effects socially, emotionally, and physiologically on children. Types of Bullying There are many types of bullying one of them is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying had become very popular now and days. This type of bullying takes place on the internet, via text, or any multimedia more content... Emotional bullying is when kids hurt others feeling. Lastly verbal bullying is when kids get bullied by words or foul language and get put down. All of these types of bullying bring damages to a kid physiologically. Kids get bullied in school a lot. Sometimes, they do not have the best clothes, or because they are not economically the same as others. Some get bullied because they are not as social as other kids and prefer to stay alone most of the time. Physical appearance meaning as in size, color, or ethnicity can cause a kid to get bullied in school also. What do these kids go through? They get pushed at in the hallways. They get named called in class with words such as "freak" or "lame". Not only that, sometimes these kids aren't allowed to sit in certain areas in the lunch tables or they would get teased at for just being there. The commonest type of bullying is general name calling, followed by being hit, threatened, or having rumors spread about one. Bullying is thought to be more prevalent among boys and the youngest pupils in a school (smith 1). What are the effects bullying cause in bullied kids' lives? Causes and Effect Kids should go through bullying at some point in their life so they can become stronger human beings and learn that life is not always great, however, studies show that words from family members or other people can hurt them and scar them for life. "Words actually hurt" is a quote well Get more content on
  • 6. Bullying Essay example Have you ever bullied or been bullied? If you have bullied or been bullied then you should know how bullying feels like. Bullying is very negative and creates major problems for our society. Nothing good comes out of bullying. It could very well change or ruin a person's life. In fact, it does ruin many people's lives. Kids can be mentally scarred if they are teased often. Even worse, they could be killed or fatally injured if the bullying gets extreme. There are many causes for bullying which must be taken care of before bullying can be stopped. T.V. violence, families in poverty, and mis–teachings are just several of the many serious causes for bullying. Bullying must be stopped or prevented no matter how long it more content... Also, T.V. shows are quite readily available for anyone to watch. Kids may try "moves" on people at school because they believe it's cool. As well, cooperation from childrens' parents is important, some parents actually encourage their children to fight to look cool or don't teach them properly. Kids must take their own initiative, as well, they must find out what's wrong and what's right for themselves sometimes. Many kids don't take bullying seriously. However, when a real incident occurs, they are unprepared, shocked, regretful, or dead. Bullying must stop, for it is destroying the lives and futures of many innocents, perhaps not killing them, but ruining them. People may end up physically distorted, paralysed, or dead because of bullying. Aside from physical harm, there is also mental harm. This is equally as destructive. Kids may become extremely depressed from being bullied. As a result, they may refuse to eat, become suicidal, or in return bully other kids to make themselves feel better. Although some of these examples of effects may not seem too serious, they really are. Commonly, there are incidents where bullied students go to school and slaughter many people and eventually kill themselves. For example, several weeks ago Killarney Secondary School had an angered student come to their cafeteria with a knife looking for someone. Dozens of innocent kids have been killed in these types of incidents because one or several kids bullied a student. Get more content on
  • 7. Causes Of Bullying Essay Bullying: The Need to Control Bullying and cyber bullying is extremely common throughout schools and is a major problem that needs attention. The current rules and punishments for bullying in schools are not enough and not enforced. life is a tough journey but, not everyone is a fighter. The fault in finding solutions to this problem is that no one has come up with a successful solution to resolve the situation. Bullying is a serious matter that needs to be stopped. When it comes to bullying the definition is often misunderstood. Bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly cause hurt or harm to a person who feels helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time if no action is taken. People may be bruised, injured, or even killed. Parents, relatives, friends, and pictures may all influence people, especially when they are depressed or in a lowered state of mind to bully someone. Some parents have lost their children to suicide due to "bullying" or "Cyber Bullying", while siblings suffer the loss of losing a brother or sister. Bullying has become a national epidemic throughout elementary schools, middle schools and high schools in America. "Cyber Bullying" has grown in recent years due to the increase usage of technology and mobile devices. Cyber–bullying issues are more likely to happen at schools, social networking, and mobile phones. The person being bullied will be noticed when one appears to be angry, depressed or get Get more content on
  • 8. School Bullying Essay Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully. The general definition of bullying is, "... [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons" (Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct more content... The most common type of bullying among females is verbal bullying ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This type of psychological bullying uses derogatory terms to demean, or lower, the victim in the eyes of others to show that the bully has power over them ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This causes the person to have low self–esteem and develop depression in that victim ("Verbal Bullying" 1). Verbal bullying is the most psychologically damaging and lasts well into adulthood (Aluede et al. 6). "[Words] have a power all their own, and the realities of verbal bullying can have very physical consequences, even if the aggressor never lays a finger on the victim" ("Verbal Bullying" 1) In more severe cases of verbal bullying, or any bullying for that matter, can lead to drugs because the victim wants to escape his or her tortured life, in more extreme cases if the person's depression worsens it could lead to suicide ("Verbal Bullying" 1). The well–organized ripping away of respect and affection is called, emotional [bullying] ( 1). Emotional bullying can be as simple as ignoring the person's feelings, not listening, forcing the victim to do something they would not normally do, and by laying a guilt trip on the victims backs to manipulate that person to do what the bully want ( 1). "Emotional [bullying] leaves the victim with hidden scars that often result in insecurity, poor self–esteem, Get more content on
  • 9. Bullying Essay Bullying mentally and physically affects people's well being. This abuse occurs not only in schools around us, but also worldwide. Bullying is a problem, and people need to figure out ways to solve it. There are a lot of different types of bullying: such as, cyber, verbal, social, and physical. Every year nearly 48% of students are bullied. Bullying itself cannot be resolved, but there are ways to help prevent it from happening. High School bullying is very common, and causes a lot of conflicts with fellow students and also teachers. In today's society individuals think it is ok to just take their feelings out on others through a series of different ways. Bullying is an individual's way of feeling better about themself. This has been more content... I first hand have witnessed someone that was bullied to her breaking point. Her and I were friends, she always seemed happy and never seemed to be worried about what people thought about her. She had one bad day in particular that she had told me everything about her bullies and I informed her that I would be there for her more. A week later she was gone. It is real, bullying has real effects on people that takes them to the point of wanting to end their lives. In today's society bullying is just another thing, but it is a major problem and should not be forgotten about. How help someone being bullied? If it is witnessed, tell an adult, stand up to the bully. Individuals being bullied should have someone to talk to, and the people bullying them should be disciplined.There should be harsher punishments for those who victimize others. Although, I believe there should be help involved for them too. Not only are they bullying, but there more or less is a reason they are doing it. The bullies as well should have someone to talk to, someone to reassure them that everything will be okay for them too. 90% of the time an individual that physically or mentally abuses someone is either down on themselves, has a hard time at home, or is jealous of the individual they harass. People need to stick up for the adolescents in these situations, offer them some kind of support. Bullying is a very common thing in high schools, and affects teenage individuals both Get more content on
  • 10. Bullying Outline Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying. Thesis: The effect bullying has on students. Introduction: Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not. Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it. Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been more content... This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Bullying and Harassment Managing bullying and harassment in the workplace When most of us hear the term 'bullying' we seem to reflect back on childhood memories of the schoolyard bully tormenting others for self–amusement, much to the distain of others around them. Unfortunately this seems not to be the only time such behaviour occurs. Workplacebullying and harassment can be defined as 'Offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting someone's work tasks. It can occur repeatedly and regularly over a period of time where the confronted ends up in an inferior position and becomes the target of systematic negative social acts' (Einarsen et al, 2007). This essay will explain the significance of bullying and harassment in the workplace by exploring, more content... Workplace bullies have been described as 'conquerors only interested in power and control, who enjoy belittling sub–ordinates' (Dawn et al, 2007). Statistics from an Australian cross– national survey revealed that 70 percent of bullying behaviour was inflicted by a supervisor or manager toward sub–ordinates (Query & Hanley, 2010). Some of the affects bullying and harassment has on workers is low self esteem, anxiety depression, psychosomatic problems (hostility, hyper sensibility, loss of memory and feelings of victimisation), aggression, fear and mistrust, cognitive effects (inability to concentrate or think clearly, reduced problem solving capacity), isolation, loneliness, deterioration of friendships, chronic fatigue and sleep problems (Poilpot–Rocaboy,2006). From an organisational perspective, it is estimated that organisations in Australia lose between $6 billion and $13 billion per annum due to bullying related abuse (Query & Hanley, 2010) and that more than 2 million managers and professionals voluntarily leave their jobs every year due solely to workplace unfairness, including bullying (Query & Hanley, 2010). These figures do not include the millions of workers who suffer from Get more content on
  • 12. Definition Of Bullying Essay The terms bully and the act of bullying are defined in many ways. From a blustering quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people to "instances when a child is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students" to being later fully defined as including the intention to cause harm as well as a power differential in which the less powerful person is being attacked. The most recent definition of bullying is, "as an aggressive behavior or intentional harm doing that is carried out repeatedly and over time in an interpersonal relationship characterized by an actual or perceived imbalance of power or strength". Since bullying has such a wide array of definitions it is often handled differently for each more content... Physical bullying is when one person hits or kicks another or causes property damage. Verbal bullying is the use of words by using insults, name calling towards one another, or making fun of someone. Relational bullying is shunning someone out of a group of excluding one from an event, rejecting someone or avoiding them. This often takes place between girls. The last main form of bullying is reactive bullying where the individual is both the victim and the bully. This is often a method used against being bullied. Females often are victims to verbal bullying or spreading rumors about one another while males tend to bully each other physically and verbally. When the bullying pushes the victim too far, the consensuses are often life Get more content on
  • 13. Reflective Essay On Bullying In this essay, I will be addressing three keywords that have to do with the critical issues I was be discussing in this essay. The critical issue is about a problem that many kids from all the world are struggling on. Many kids are being bullied and aren't getting the help the need for the people are enabling the bullying aren't being punished for their actions. Bullying can lead people to pretty tough situations they can't get out of or pushing them to take someone life away or their own life. The first keyword I will be discussing is innocent. How many innocent lives do we have to lose before we get the message? Across America many kids are bullied and the people who are doing the bully aren't being punished and the people who are being bullied aren't getting the attention they need. In Miller's the Dark Knight of the soul, he mentions, "In March 2001, a skinny kid whom classmates called him Anorexic Andy walked into his high school in Santee, California to reenact his version of Columbine" (Miller, 2017, para. 3). After reading this I wonder, where was the teacher? If an entire class insulted a student, why wasn't the class punished for their actions? This incident didn't have to leave to a school shooting. If the school would've handled the issue before hand, it wouldn't have ended in a tragedy. Families wouldn't have to grieve of the loss of their child. Now, I'm not saying that it's the class faults, I'm saying that we all can put our heads together and punish people for their actions. Because if you think, it's just some words, words are very powerful and they can't hurt a person in way you can never imagine. The second keyword I will be discussing is feelings. In this topic, I will be discussing about how people are never alone and they shouldn't be afraid to reach out for help. In Rodriguez The Achievements of Desire he mentions, "For years I never spoke to anyone about this boyhood fear, my guilt and remorse. I never mentioned these feelings to my parents or my brothers. Not to my teachers or classmates. From a very old age, I understood enough, just enough, about my experiences to keep what I knew vague, repressed, private, beneath layers of embarrassment" (Rodriguez, 2017, para. 6). I picked Get more content on
  • 14. Bullying In School Essay Each year, bullying affects the lives of at least 3.2 million students across the globe. While some schools tend to look over bullying, many schools have started to reprimand their students for even the slightest act of bullying. However, bullying does not start and end in the school. Bullying starts in the home and it is the responsibility of the parents to encourage their children to be kind and respectable people. In the times of social media and the internet, bullying is a bigger problem than it has ever been. Even though bullying has always been a problem in the lives of adolescents, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents and school faculty to make sure bullying is stopped in it's tracks and does not become a bigger problem than it already is. There are many ways to reduce bullying in schools, a few of those being immediate consequences for bullying, talking with the parents of the bully, and making sure the school is well monitored. However, the first step in ending bullying starts with the bullied child reporting the bullying, but before a student reports an act of bullying, they must first feel that they are in a safe and comfortable environment. Kathryn Whitted and David Dupper provide a few suggestions on how schools can make their students feel safer in their article, "Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools". Whitted and Dupper, through extensive research, found that students are more likely to report bullying if there Get more content on