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Building a
Better Website
Firing Up a Conversion

Building a Better Website

Conversion Machines
Building a Better Website

Scott A. Miller

Scott Miller is an Inbound
Marketing Author, Strategist
and Consultant.
He founded Marketing
Matters in 1996 and leads a
team of Inbound Marketers.

Scott A. Miller
Follow him on Twitter


He invented the Einstein
Inbound Assessment & AGI
His clients realize unusually
high, measurable ROI.
Building a Better Website


5 - 12

Do You Need a New

13 - 19

Building a Conversion

20 – 21

Start With Strategy

22 - 26

Choose a Platform

27 - 29

Create Great Content

30 - 35

Build Calls-to-Action

36 - 42

Assess With Analytics

43 - 44


45 - 47


Begin with this one question:

Why does my
organization have a

Building a Better Website

Why do I have a
You have a website. Just about every organization does. But why?
Before you begin designing & building a new website, ask yourself
this fundamental question:
“Why does my organization have a website?”
Resist the urge to build your pretty new site before you can
determine this:
“What is the purpose of my website?”
What function does your website perform today? What function
should it serve for you in the future?
Write down your answers, then read on so we can form a plan for
your website together…


Building a Better Website

Build Something Bigger than a website. 
Build a Conversion Machine.
Your website can do great things.
But to realize unusually high performance from your website,
you need to build more than a website. The most successful
organizations build their website as part of a marketing system.
We call this powerful system a Conversion Machine.
In our online Conversion Machine model, the website is the
engine that runs the machine. It is the power behind a
marketing system that attracts, nurtures & converts customers,
helping create loyal customers for life.
This eBook will help you stop the poor practice of maintaining a
static brochure website designed for one way communication.
You can then begin building a website based on a Conversion
Architecture blueprint.
Conversion Architecture helps your website:
1. Create conversations with consumers, nurturing
them down the purchase path.
2. Cause conversions, ultimately leading to new

Building a Better Website

The Law of Attraction
states: “Like attracts Like.”
To maximize success (as
measured by ROI) your
website must be built under
this law. It should be built
to attract.
When designed on a
blueprint of Conversion
Architecture, your website
actively and naturally
attracts quality Visitors.

An Attractive website goes beyond pleasing 
graphic design; it attracts customers.
The Attractive website powers brand/consumer
relationships because it allows consumers to participate on
their terms. Make it easy for Visitors to easily and quickly
discover the information they came for in the first place.


Building a Better Website

Find a Need and Fill It.
Marketing 101: Find a need and fill it.
That used to be hard. Marketers relied on limited, suspect data
and ‘hunches’. Sometimes we’d hit on a need and alignment
between brand & consumer occurred. Luck.
When we as marketers and marketing firms collectively stop
guessing and reacting and, instead, replace that mad method
with a more scientific method, we become pro-active problem
solvers for our customers.
Today, consumers tell us what their needs are every day.
They’re called keywords.
Every day, prospective customers imply needs through their
search terms . Smart marketers are able to infer the following:
1. Need for a Product or Service
2. Geographic, Demographic & Psychographic info.
3. Point in the Purchase Funnel
4. Content Type sought.
5. Much more…
Serving up relevant, timely and contextual Content pleases your
website Visitor and Google. Easier said than done. This is where
Content Strategy comes in handy.

Building a Better Website

Attractive Websites
 Are designed based on
Visitors needs, not ours.
 Are built to provide solutions
based on the reason the
Visitor came.
 Serve up relevant, timely and
contextual Content.
 Are designed for quick, easy navigation.
 Realize that a Visitor is only one click away from leaving your
 Satisfy both the search engines and the Visitor.
 Address the various reasons a Visitor has come: Research,
Consideration, Purchase & Re-engagement.


Building a Better Website

As part of a Conversion
Machine, your website is no
longer passive.
At peak performance, your
new website provides
interactivity with Visitors at
multiple levels.


When properly designed & built, your new 
website will cause conversions.
Visitors become Leads.
Leads become Customers.
Customers become Loyal Customers for Life.
In the case of e-commerce, customer conversions may occur
onsite. For B2B websites Leads will become Market Qualified
Leads (MQLs) and may then be handed over from Marketing
to Sales.


Building a Better Website

Conversion Websites
 Provide a core hub of
 Use Landing Pages to cause
 Use Calls-to-Action to Engage
with Visitors, collecting data
in exchange for something of
 Are not too aggressive in their approach to Engagement.
 Provide appropriate actions for Visitors, based on where they
are in the purchase funnel.
 Do not flaunt aggressive sales offers on every single page.
 Provide measurable, track-able behavior analytics.
 Improve the Visitor experience by combining good visual design
with frictionless navigation.
 Generate a higher Return-on-Investment than traditional


Do you need a new website?

Well, that’s a simple question and we bet you
know the simple answer:


Building a Better Website

reasons to build
a new website
These are the three common reasons for building a new

Poor Site Organization
Poor Connections
Poor Conversions


Building a Better Website

Your website is the
engine that powers
a Conversion
Most websites, especially those built before August, 2012, are
not designed to convert. They were built under faulty criteria
including these 4 Common Problems With Websites:
1. Main site approval determinant is good graphic design.
2. Built around our products, rather than customers’ needs.
3. Information Architecture rather than Conversion
4. Static, closed platforms.
You can change all that by designing a customer-centric
website that allows freedom of customer navigation while
fulfilling customer needs on many levels.


Building a Better Website

“42.2% of companies using inbound
marketing increase their lead-to-sale
Source: HubSpot, 2013
conversion rate.”

Website ROI
Attraction websites perform better than traditional websites.
Here are some website metrics:
• Call-to-Action click-thru rate
• Visitor to Lead conversion rate
• Lead to Customer conversion rate
• Visitor to Customer conversion rate
• Customer Acquisition Cost
• Lifetime Value of Customer
• Payback After Acquisition
HubSpot has measured results for each of these. The pages that
follow are individual stats by component. Just think what happens
when you get all components working in synchronicity!


Building a Better Website

Poor Organization
Most developers equate
proper website
organization with onsite
SEO. Sure, that’s
Conversion Websites are
designed and built with
both Google and the
Visitor in mind.
SEO is important. Very
important. But satisfying
customers is even more

Organize your website to Best Practices

A Conversion Website is organized to SEO best practices
while providing easy Visitor navigation.
User experience should be customer-centric, appearing
natural & logical to the Visitor while nurturing them closer
to a Conversion.


Building a Better Website

Poor Connections
We’re not talking about
technical connectivity
here. Nope. We’re talking
about connecting people,
not wires.
Brand & Consumer
Old websites are
disconnected from the
Visitor. Look at me! Buy
now! Read my stuff and
Marketing & Sales
“We provide all kinds of
leads,” says Marketing.
“The leads are weak,”
says Sales.

Connect & Communicate

Poor connectivity is usually based on poor
communication. Conversion websites are designed to
improve communication on many levels.

Content Strategy creates consumer connections.
Shared Conversion goals through Brand Alignment
bridge the gap between marketing and sales.

Building a Better Website

Poor Conversions
Who cares how many “hits”
your website got last month?
Conversion websites are built
on a platform designed for
metrics & reporting.

Measure Only What Is 
So now you can measure:
Visitors to Leads
Leads to Customers
Customers to Repeat Loyal
• Return-on-Investment

A website should be designed to convert.

You can now measure your online marketing efforts and
correlate with Sales. Focusing on these metrics help
improve efficiency and close ratios. Conversions are caused
by Calls-to-Action.



Building a Conversion Machine

Conversion Machines Connect Dots:
 Between online marketing components.
 Between consumer and brand.
 Between Sales & Marketing.
View a video on Conversion Machines.

Building a Better Website

Seven Steps

1. Start with Strategy.
2. Think Broader. Think Holistic.
3. Grade & Assess Website and
Inbound Marketing.
4. Set Goals & Objectives
5. Create Assets Inventory/Needs
6. Design & Build
7. Analyze & Improve


Start with Strategy
Good strategy answers the “Why?”
Strategy is bigger than your website.  First ask, “How 
does my website connect with a consumer?” Then ask, 
“How does my website connect with the rest of my 
Here’s a strategy hierarchy for reference:

1.Marketing Strategy
2.Online Strategy
3.Website Strategy
4.Content Strategy
5.CTA Maps


Building a Better Website

Strategy involves crafting an overview map of a desired

outcome based on pre-established goals & objectives.

Many times there is an internal, vertical strategic disconnect,
forcing fragmented tactical execution across marketing, sales &
To be impactful, go as high as you can up the Strategy Chain.

Business Strategy
Product Strategy
Sales Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Online Strategy
Website Strategy
Ideally, the Business Strategy would obviously be integrated into
the website strategy, but rarely is this the case.
Even if you only start at “website strategy” make sure you start
with Strategy…

Building a Better Website

Website Goals: Answering  
the “Why?”
Earlier we asked, why do you have a 
3 common answers Why?:
1) To attract & inform Visitors.
2) To generate Leads.
3) Convert Leads into Customers

Design broad‐based SMART Goals based on your 
answers to why you have a website. Then create 
measurable, specific objectives.


Building a Better Website

S.M.A.R.T. Goals
An intelligently designed website 
begins with SMART Goals.
What’s a SMART Goal?
S‐ Specific
M‐ Measurable
A‐ Action‐oriented
R‐ Realistic
T‐ Time‐bound
SMART Goals will help you establish benchmarks 
and milestones to measure your progress and 
We want to build an Attorney website  by July 1 
that is an educational legal resource for auto 
accident victims while providing easy methods of 
contacting the legal firm & data collection. 

Building a Better Website

Website Objectives
Specific, measurable actions.
Sample Objectives

Attract 5,000 website Visitors/month.


Create 50 downloads/month for an eBook.


Generate 150 leads/month.


Hand over 50 Market Qualified Leads from 
Marketing  to Sales per month.


Create 5 new Customers/month.


Increase Conversions from 1.5% to 2% in Q3.


Blog 3X/week for the next 52 weeks.


Perform one webinar per quarter this year.



Choosing a Platform

The platform you choose for a conversion website must
be open-source and dynamic. Requirements include:
•Internal access
•Ease of internal updating
•Analytics & CRM Integration

We choose WordPress and HubSpot/SalesForce, but there
are other options out there.

Building a Better Website

Automation Software:

CMS Website Platforms:





“29.8 of companies using HubSpot
have increased the traffic to their
site more than 100%”
Source: HubSpot, 2013


Building a Better Website

Our CMS of choice is WordPress because of its broad
appeal, universal acceptance and ease of use. There are
certain types of sites, specifically pure e-commerce sites
and other specialized industry sites, that will require a
different platform.

HubSpot is our choice for connecting Inbound
Marketing dots. That’s not necessarily because the other
software can’t do the job. We’ve found that HubSpot is
quick and easy (relatively speaking) to get up and running.
And, it’s intuitive for logical marketing.



Create Great Content.

Content fuels your website engine. You’ll want to fuel your
engine with high octane content. And you’ll want to re-fuel it
with quality content often.
Great content begins with great Content Strategy, including:
•Use a 3-D approach in content delivery
•Prioritization for Product Focus
•Understand 4 “E’s” of Content
•Content conversion paths integrated with CTA Map

Building a Better Website

3‐D Content

Our intent is to communicate effectively with human beings.
We must, therefore, operate dynamically. Our content
connects with consumer when it has depth and dimension.

3-D Content

1. Product
2. Persona
3. Place in Purchase Cycle
Product Pyramids help you prioritize which bottom-line
products/services to build website Content around.
Personas are your target customer profiles. Develop Content
around Persona preferences. Create content form &
language that “speaks” to each Persona in a meaningful,
connective way.
Place in purchase cycle includes matching Content type,
language and offerings based on how close any given
Persona is to a purchase.

Building a Better Website

Product Pyramids
Product Pyramids help
you prioritize which
products/services to
build online Content
First list all your bottomline offerings. These are
the products or services
you offer.

Product Pyramids help you prioritize which products/services
to build online Content around.
First, list all your bottom-line offerings. These are the
products or services that result in a sales transaction.
Then rank them in 2 ways:

Revenue Contribution-Priority to overall
Ease of Sale (measured in time or volume).


Building a Better Website



When identifying your target
customer personas, it’s
imperative to first segment
your target audience into
smaller, and more specific
groups of people.
These individual groups will
each consist of people with
shared demographics,
motivations, concerns and
online behavior according to
real data reports.

“What’s In It For Me?” That’s the question in the back of every
Visitor’s mind.
By specifically identifying Personas and creating content on their
individual needs, you answer “What’s In It For Me?”

Things to Consider when Identifying Persona’s
 Demographics of the most common buyers of your product.
 Common needs and/or problems they’re trying to solve.
 Customer behaviors on social networks, the information they
choose to obtain, the search terms they use and the products
they research most.

Building a Better Website

4 E’s of Content
Effective content is
relevant, timely and
To nurture and convert,
content language and
delivery must address
the customer’s current
state in the purchase


Is the prospect researching? Are they shopping? Are they
ready to purchase? Are they looking to re-purchase? The
Four E’s of Content address each of these stages.

Companies with Content 




Source: Econsultancy and Outbrain,



Building a Better Website



Build Calls-to-Action

CTAs are oil for your Conversion Machine. A CTA map
diagrams website user flow in order to create a friction-less
User experience (UX).
Just as you monitor and change oil for your car, so must you
monitor and change your CTAs.
A CTA may be a button, a form, or a link, but all CTAs are
designed to do the following:

CTAs create Convenient Conversion Paths

Building a Better Website

CTAs are the most
overlooked part in
website builds, but in a
Conversion Machine
they are a priorety.

“Calls to action
promoting eBooks

get almost 2X the
click through rate as
emails promoting

Individual CTAs should
be served up most
frequently at the
middle-of-funnel Engage
Source: HubSpot, 2013
stage of consumer
purchase. of the website we’ve examined are anemic at this
Yet, most
most critical stage. Some websites don’t even offer middleof-the funnel offers.
Resist the temptation to always go straight bottom-of-funnel
offers. Create valuable middle-of-the funnel offers. By
nurturing rather than hammering, you’ll build consumer trust
and confidence.
By integrating a CTA map that naturally guides
Visitors closer toward a Conversion, you’ll build
brand Value. Visitors will become Leads. Leads will
become Customers.


Building a Better Website

Website Calls‐to‐Action
CTAs capture customer data 
by offering an exchange of 
perceived value.

Some Types of CTAs




CTA Maps link individual 
CTAs. The result creates a 
frictionless navigation 
experience, causing 




Free trial










Conversion Websites align CTAs &
Content with the sales funnel.

Download a copy of this  Conversion Strategy diagram here.

Building a Better Website

Content and CTAs
The consumer’s place in
the purchase funnel is
Identify 2 points: the
place a consumer enters
the funnel and the desired
place for them to end.
The end place is what we
call a Conversion, though
that’s not always a sale.

“Landing pages and
calls-to-action – are
the #1 reason
marketers attribute
to their increase in
Source: HubSpot, 2013

Conversions occur through a series of calls-to-action. A CTA
map plans fluid website conversions. Content creates
conversations with consumers. CTAs encourage content
consumption toward a purchase.
CTA Rules

 1-3 CTAs per page.
 Horizontal or downward purchase
funnel movement is preferred.
 Offer a fair exchange when asking for

Building a Better Website

Landing Pages Increase Leads
Landing pages are an essential
part of lead generation. Factors
from page design to the quality
of the offer behind the form can
all influence how well these
critical pages work.


HubSpot landing page analytics
help you measure your landing
pages and optimize them for


Companies see a
55% increase in
leads when
increasing their
number of
landing pages
from just 10 to
15” Source: HubSpot, 2013

Building a Better Website

Landing Page Tips

Use a clear title, description, and layout to instantly convey
the value of your offer and create a strong incentive for
your visitors to download or sign up for it.


Keep your visitors focused on filling out your form by
removing all navigation links from the landing page.


Include social sharing links to encourage your visitors to
spread the word about your offer.


Design your forms to capture the information that you
need to in order to follow up with and qualify the lead.


Structure the forms with the user in mind so they’re not
too long or invasive.


After they have filled out your form, follow up with your
new leads by directing them to a “thank-you” page or
sending them an auto-response email. Keep them engaged
by suggesting other offers they might be interested in or
next steps they can take.


Track your conversion rates closely, and keep testing to
find areas for improvement. Use your metrics and test
results to optimize your landing pages so they continue to
generate an increasing number of leads.



Assess with Analytics

Do I need...
Google Analytics? Of course.
SEOMoz, Raventools or SalesForce? Probably.
Omniture? Quite possible.
HubSpot? Yes, if you’re a Conversion Marketer.

Building a Better Website

Measure the Important
Resist the temptation to measure
everything. Just because you can,
doesn’t mean you should.
Instead measure what is important.
Determine this from your Goals &
 Involve both Sales & Marketing.
 Google rules the internet. Understand Google and subscribe
to their suite of tools.
 Because Google rules, access to Google Analytics is
mandatory. Give access to those important to the process,
including key consultants and marketing partners.
 Don’t allow IT to be a bottleneck for progress. If you ARE IT,
don’t make yourself the bottleneck.
 Establish conversion metrics.
 Monitor daily (or real-time). Establish weekly and monthly
 Do consider the following when implementing Analytics:
 Establish ROI metrics.


Firing up the machine!

Design a conversion blueprint. Build a Conversion Machine.

Attract. Nurture. Convert. Repeat.
Just remember, a Conversion Machine is not just a website.
A traditional website is static. A Conversion Machine website
is an engine that needs to be maintained and fueled for
powerful growth.
Your website launch isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.

Building a Better Website

You have to learn
the rules of the
game. And then you
have to play better
than anyone else.”
‐ Albert Einstein
Digital IQ matters, especially now that the online marketing
rules have changed.
Those who stake their claim on important digital real estate
today will be ahead of the game. Tomorrow, the laggards,
meanwhile, will be playing catch up.
The online competitive environment is not going to
become easier so now is the time for change.
On the contrary, increased competition for digital real
estate will surely increase the cost, effectiveness and ROI
metrics. And not for the better.

Action Points
Take an Inbound Marketing Assessment

Learn more about Conversion Machines.
Get pricing on website builds.
Request a strategic business conversation.

(314) 442. 4444.


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Building a better website

  • 1. Building a Better Website Firing Up a Conversion Machine @Tuxmiller
  • 2. Building a Better Website Conversion Machines Building a Better Website Scott A. Miller Scott Miller is an Inbound Marketing Author, Strategist and Consultant. He founded Marketing Matters in 1996 and leads a team of Inbound Marketers. Scott A. Miller Follow him on Twitter @tuxmiller He invented the Einstein Inbound Assessment & AGI Pyramid. His clients realize unusually high, measurable ROI. @Tuxmiller
  • 3. Building a Better Website TABLE OF CONTENTS Why? 5 - 12 Do You Need a New Website? 13 - 19 Building a Conversion Machine 20 – 21 Start With Strategy 22 - 26 Choose a Platform 27 - 29 Create Great Content 30 - 35 Build Calls-to-Action 36 - 42 Assess With Analytics 43 - 44 Summary 45 - 47 @Tuxmiller
  • 4. CHAPTER 1: Why? Begin with this one question: Why does my organization have a website? @Tuxmiller 5
  • 5. Building a Better Website Why do I have a website?” You have a website. Just about every organization does. But why? Before you begin designing & building a new website, ask yourself this fundamental question: “Why does my organization have a website?” Resist the urge to build your pretty new site before you can determine this: “What is the purpose of my website?” What function does your website perform today? What function should it serve for you in the future? Write down your answers, then read on so we can form a plan for your website together… @Tuxmiller 6
  • 6. Building a Better Website Build Something Bigger than a website.  Build a Conversion Machine. Your website can do great things. But to realize unusually high performance from your website, you need to build more than a website. The most successful organizations build their website as part of a marketing system. We call this powerful system a Conversion Machine. In our online Conversion Machine model, the website is the engine that runs the machine. It is the power behind a marketing system that attracts, nurtures & converts customers, helping create loyal customers for life. This eBook will help you stop the poor practice of maintaining a static brochure website designed for one way communication. You can then begin building a website based on a Conversion Architecture blueprint. Conversion Architecture helps your website: 1. Create conversations with consumers, nurturing them down the purchase path. 2. Cause conversions, ultimately leading to new customers. @Tuxmiller 7
  • 7. Building a Better Website ATTRACT: The Law of Attraction states: “Like attracts Like.” To maximize success (as measured by ROI) your website must be built under this law. It should be built to attract. When designed on a blueprint of Conversion Architecture, your website actively and naturally attracts quality Visitors. An Attractive website goes beyond pleasing  graphic design; it attracts customers. The Attractive website powers brand/consumer relationships because it allows consumers to participate on their terms. Make it easy for Visitors to easily and quickly discover the information they came for in the first place. @Tuxmiller 8
  • 8. Building a Better Website Find a Need and Fill It. Marketing 101: Find a need and fill it. That used to be hard. Marketers relied on limited, suspect data and ‘hunches’. Sometimes we’d hit on a need and alignment between brand & consumer occurred. Luck. When we as marketers and marketing firms collectively stop guessing and reacting and, instead, replace that mad method with a more scientific method, we become pro-active problem solvers for our customers. Today, consumers tell us what their needs are every day. They’re called keywords. Every day, prospective customers imply needs through their search terms . Smart marketers are able to infer the following: 1. Need for a Product or Service 2. Geographic, Demographic & Psychographic info. 3. Point in the Purchase Funnel 4. Content Type sought. 5. Much more… Serving up relevant, timely and contextual Content pleases your website Visitor and Google. Easier said than done. This is where Content Strategy comes in handy. @Tuxmiller 9
  • 9. Building a Better Website Attractive Websites  Are designed based on Visitors needs, not ours.  Are built to provide solutions based on the reason the Visitor came.  Serve up relevant, timely and contextual Content.  Are designed for quick, easy navigation.  Realize that a Visitor is only one click away from leaving your site.  Satisfy both the search engines and the Visitor.  Address the various reasons a Visitor has come: Research, Consideration, Purchase & Re-engagement. @Tuxmiller 10
  • 10. Building a Better Website Convert: As part of a Conversion Machine, your website is no longer passive. At peak performance, your new website provides interactivity with Visitors at multiple levels. IMAGE CAPTION When properly designed & built, your new  website will cause conversions. Visitors become Leads. Leads become Customers. Customers become Loyal Customers for Life. In the case of e-commerce, customer conversions may occur onsite. For B2B websites Leads will become Market Qualified Leads (MQLs) and may then be handed over from Marketing to Sales. @Tuxmiller 11
  • 11. Building a Better Website Conversion Websites  Provide a core hub of navigation.  Use Landing Pages to cause conversions.  Use Calls-to-Action to Engage with Visitors, collecting data in exchange for something of value.  Are not too aggressive in their approach to Engagement. (MoFU)  Provide appropriate actions for Visitors, based on where they are in the purchase funnel.  Do not flaunt aggressive sales offers on every single page.  Provide measurable, track-able behavior analytics.  Improve the Visitor experience by combining good visual design with frictionless navigation.  Generate a higher Return-on-Investment than traditional websites. @Tuxmiller 12
  • 12. CHAPTER 2: Do you need a new website? Well, that’s a simple question and we bet you know the simple answer: Yes. @Tuxmiller 13
  • 13. Building a Better Website reasons to build a new website These are the three common reasons for building a new website: Poor Site Organization Poor Connections Poor Conversions @Tuxmiller 14
  • 14. Building a Better Website Your website is the engine that powers a Conversion Machine.” Most websites, especially those built before August, 2012, are not designed to convert. They were built under faulty criteria including these 4 Common Problems With Websites: 1. Main site approval determinant is good graphic design. 2. Built around our products, rather than customers’ needs. 3. Information Architecture rather than Conversion Architecture. 4. Static, closed platforms. You can change all that by designing a customer-centric website that allows freedom of customer navigation while fulfilling customer needs on many levels. @Tuxmiller 15
  • 15. Building a Better Website “42.2% of companies using inbound marketing increase their lead-to-sale Source: HubSpot, 2013 conversion rate.” Website ROI Attraction websites perform better than traditional websites. Here are some website metrics: • Call-to-Action click-thru rate • Visitor to Lead conversion rate • Lead to Customer conversion rate • Visitor to Customer conversion rate • Customer Acquisition Cost • Lifetime Value of Customer • Payback After Acquisition HubSpot has measured results for each of these. The pages that follow are individual stats by component. Just think what happens when you get all components working in synchronicity! @Tuxmiller 16
  • 16. Building a Better Website Poor Organization Most developers equate proper website organization with onsite SEO. Sure, that’s important. Conversion Websites are designed and built with both Google and the Visitor in mind. SEO is important. Very important. But satisfying customers is even more important. Organize your website to Best Practices A Conversion Website is organized to SEO best practices while providing easy Visitor navigation. User experience should be customer-centric, appearing natural & logical to the Visitor while nurturing them closer to a Conversion. @Tuxmiller 17
  • 17. Building a Better Website Poor Connections We’re not talking about technical connectivity here. Nope. We’re talking about connecting people, not wires. Brand & Consumer Old websites are disconnected from the Visitor. Look at me! Buy now! Read my stuff and leave! Marketing & Sales “We provide all kinds of leads,” says Marketing. “The leads are weak,” says Sales. Connect & Communicate Poor connectivity is usually based on poor communication. Conversion websites are designed to improve communication on many levels. Content Strategy creates consumer connections. Shared Conversion goals through Brand Alignment bridge the gap between marketing and sales. @Tuxmiller 18
  • 18. Building a Better Website Poor Conversions Who cares how many “hits” your website got last month? Conversion websites are built on a platform designed for metrics & reporting. Measure Only What Is  Important So now you can measure: Visitors Visitors to Leads Leads to Customers Customers to Repeat Loyal Customers • Return-on-Investment • • • • A website should be designed to convert. You can now measure your online marketing efforts and correlate with Sales. Focusing on these metrics help improve efficiency and close ratios. Conversions are caused by Calls-to-Action. @Tuxmiller 19
  • 19. CHAPTER 3: Building a Conversion Machine Conversion Machines Connect Dots:  Between online marketing components.  Between consumer and brand.  Between Sales & Marketing. View a video on Conversion Machines. @Tuxmiller 20
  • 20. Building a Better Website How? Seven Steps 1. Start with Strategy. 2. Think Broader. Think Holistic. 3. Grade & Assess Website and Inbound Marketing. 4. Set Goals & Objectives 5. Create Assets Inventory/Needs 6. Design & Build 7. Analyze & Improve @Tuxmiller 21
  • 21. CHAPTER 4: Start with Strategy Good strategy answers the “Why?” Strategy is bigger than your website.  First ask, “How  does my website connect with a consumer?” Then ask,  “How does my website connect with the rest of my  marketing?”  Here’s a strategy hierarchy for reference: 1.Marketing Strategy 2.Online Strategy 3.Website Strategy 4.Content Strategy 5.CTA Maps @Tuxmiller 22
  • 22. Building a Better Website Strategy involves crafting an overview map of a desired outcome based on pre-established goals & objectives. Many times there is an internal, vertical strategic disconnect, forcing fragmented tactical execution across marketing, sales & operations. To be impactful, go as high as you can up the Strategy Chain. Business Strategy Product Strategy Sales Strategy Marketing Strategy Online Strategy Website Strategy Ideally, the Business Strategy would obviously be integrated into the website strategy, but rarely is this the case. Even if you only start at “website strategy” make sure you start with Strategy… @Tuxmiller 23
  • 23. Building a Better Website Website Goals: Answering   the “Why?” Earlier we asked, why do you have a  website? 3 common answers Why?: 1) To attract & inform Visitors. 2) To generate Leads. 3) Convert Leads into Customers Design broad‐based SMART Goals based on your  answers to why you have a website. Then create  measurable, specific objectives. @Tuxmiller 24
  • 24. Building a Better Website S.M.A.R.T. Goals An intelligently designed website  begins with SMART Goals. What’s a SMART Goal? S‐ Specific M‐ Measurable A‐ Action‐oriented R‐ Realistic T‐ Time‐bound SMART Goals will help you establish benchmarks  and milestones to measure your progress and  success. EXAMPLE GOAL:  We want to build an Attorney website  by July 1  that is an educational legal resource for auto  accident victims while providing easy methods of  contacting the legal firm & data collection.  @Tuxmiller 25
  • 25. Building a Better Website Website Objectives Specific, measurable actions. Sample Objectives • Attract 5,000 website Visitors/month. • Create 50 downloads/month for an eBook. • Generate 150 leads/month. • Hand over 50 Market Qualified Leads from  Marketing  to Sales per month. • Create 5 new Customers/month. • Increase Conversions from 1.5% to 2% in Q3. • Blog 3X/week for the next 52 weeks. • Perform one webinar per quarter this year. @Tuxmiller 26
  • 26. CHAPTER 5: Choosing a Platform The platform you choose for a conversion website must be open-source and dynamic. Requirements include: •Internal access •Ease of internal updating •Analytics & CRM Integration We choose WordPress and HubSpot/SalesForce, but there are other options out there. @Tuxmiller 27
  • 27. Building a Better Website Platforms Automation Software: CMS Website Platforms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. HubSpot Marketo Pardot Eloqua WordPress Drupal Joomla Proprietary “29.8 of companies using HubSpot have increased the traffic to their site more than 100%” Source: HubSpot, 2013 @Tuxmiller 28
  • 28. Building a Better Website Our CMS of choice is WordPress because of its broad appeal, universal acceptance and ease of use. There are certain types of sites, specifically pure e-commerce sites and other specialized industry sites, that will require a different platform. HubSpot is our choice for connecting Inbound Marketing dots. That’s not necessarily because the other software can’t do the job. We’ve found that HubSpot is quick and easy (relatively speaking) to get up and running. And, it’s intuitive for logical marketing. @Tuxmiller 29
  • 29. CHAPTER 6: Create Great Content. Content fuels your website engine. You’ll want to fuel your engine with high octane content. And you’ll want to re-fuel it with quality content often. Great content begins with great Content Strategy, including: •Use a 3-D approach in content delivery •Prioritization for Product Focus •Understand 4 “E’s” of Content •Content conversion paths integrated with CTA Map @Tuxmiller 30
  • 30. Building a Better Website 3‐D Content Our intent is to communicate effectively with human beings. We must, therefore, operate dynamically. Our content connects with consumer when it has depth and dimension. 3-D Content 1. Product 2. Persona 3. Place in Purchase Cycle Product Pyramids help you prioritize which bottom-line products/services to build website Content around. Personas are your target customer profiles. Develop Content around Persona preferences. Create content form & language that “speaks” to each Persona in a meaningful, connective way. Place in purchase cycle includes matching Content type, language and offerings based on how close any given Persona is to a purchase. @Tuxmiller 31
  • 31. Building a Better Website Product Pyramids Product Pyramids help you prioritize which products/services to build online Content around. First list all your bottomline offerings. These are the products or services you offer. Product Pyramids help you prioritize which products/services to build online Content around. First, list all your bottom-line offerings. These are the products or services that result in a sales transaction. Then rank them in 2 ways: 1) 2) Revenue Contribution-Priority to overall revenues. Ease of Sale (measured in time or volume). @Tuxmiller 32
  • 32. Building a Better Website Personas W.I.I.F.M. When identifying your target customer personas, it’s imperative to first segment your target audience into smaller, and more specific groups of people. These individual groups will each consist of people with shared demographics, motivations, concerns and online behavior according to real data reports. “What’s In It For Me?” That’s the question in the back of every Visitor’s mind. By specifically identifying Personas and creating content on their individual needs, you answer “What’s In It For Me?” Things to Consider when Identifying Persona’s  Demographics of the most common buyers of your product.  Common needs and/or problems they’re trying to solve.  Customer behaviors on social networks, the information they choose to obtain, the search terms they use and the products they research most. @Tuxmiller 33
  • 33. Building a Better Website 4 E’s of Content Effective content is relevant, timely and contextual. To nurture and convert, content language and delivery must address the customer’s current state in the purchase funnel. Educate Engage Encourage Embrace Is the prospect researching? Are they shopping? Are they ready to purchase? Are they looking to re-purchase? The Four E’s of Content address each of these stages. Companies with Content  Strategies 38% Without 62% Source: Econsultancy and Outbrain, 2013  With @Tuxmiller 34
  • 34. Building a Better Website @Tuxmiller 35
  • 35. CHAPTER 7: Build Calls-to-Action CTAs are oil for your Conversion Machine. A CTA map diagrams website user flow in order to create a friction-less User experience (UX). Just as you monitor and change oil for your car, so must you monitor and change your CTAs. A CTA may be a button, a form, or a link, but all CTAs are designed to do the following: CTAs create Convenient Conversion Paths @Tuxmiller 36
  • 36. Building a Better Website Calls‐to‐Action CTAs are the most overlooked part in website builds, but in a Conversion Machine they are a priorety. “Calls to action promoting eBooks get almost 2X the click through rate as emails promoting webinars.” Individual CTAs should be served up most frequently at the middle-of-funnel Engage Source: HubSpot, 2013 stage of consumer purchase. of the website we’ve examined are anemic at this Yet, most most critical stage. Some websites don’t even offer middleof-the funnel offers. Resist the temptation to always go straight bottom-of-funnel offers. Create valuable middle-of-the funnel offers. By nurturing rather than hammering, you’ll build consumer trust and confidence. By integrating a CTA map that naturally guides Visitors closer toward a Conversion, you’ll build brand Value. Visitors will become Leads. Leads will become Customers. @Tuxmiller 37
  • 37. Building a Better Website Website Calls‐to‐Action CTAs capture customer data  by offering an exchange of  perceived value. Some Types of CTAs Forms • Downloadables • CTA Maps link individual  CTAs. The result creates a  frictionless navigation  experience, causing  conversions. • Contests • Free trial • Coupon • Newsletter • Blog • Product  Registration/  Notifications @Tuxmiller 38
  • 38. Conversion Websites align CTAs & Content with the sales funnel. Download a copy of this  Conversion Strategy diagram here. @Tuxmiller 39
  • 39. Building a Better Website Content and CTAs The consumer’s place in the purchase funnel is important. Identify 2 points: the place a consumer enters the funnel and the desired place for them to end. The end place is what we call a Conversion, though that’s not always a sale. “Landing pages and calls-to-action – are the #1 reason marketers attribute to their increase in sales” Source: HubSpot, 2013 Conversions occur through a series of calls-to-action. A CTA map plans fluid website conversions. Content creates conversations with consumers. CTAs encourage content consumption toward a purchase. CTA Rules  1-3 CTAs per page.  Horizontal or downward purchase funnel movement is preferred.  Offer a fair exchange when asking for data. @Tuxmiller 40
  • 40. Building a Better Website Landing Pages Increase Leads Landing pages are an essential part of lead generation. Factors from page design to the quality of the offer behind the form can all influence how well these critical pages work. “ HubSpot landing page analytics help you measure your landing pages and optimize them for success. @Tuxmiller Companies see a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from just 10 to 15” Source: HubSpot, 2013 41
  • 41. Building a Better Website Landing Page Tips • Use a clear title, description, and layout to instantly convey the value of your offer and create a strong incentive for your visitors to download or sign up for it. • Keep your visitors focused on filling out your form by removing all navigation links from the landing page. • Include social sharing links to encourage your visitors to spread the word about your offer. • Design your forms to capture the information that you need to in order to follow up with and qualify the lead. • Structure the forms with the user in mind so they’re not too long or invasive. • After they have filled out your form, follow up with your new leads by directing them to a “thank-you” page or sending them an auto-response email. Keep them engaged by suggesting other offers they might be interested in or next steps they can take. • Track your conversion rates closely, and keep testing to find areas for improvement. Use your metrics and test results to optimize your landing pages so they continue to generate an increasing number of leads. @Tuxmiller 42
  • 42. CHAPTER 8: Assess with Analytics Do I need... Google Analytics? Of course. SEOMoz, Raventools or SalesForce? Probably. Omniture? Quite possible. HubSpot? Yes, if you’re a Conversion Marketer. @Tuxmiller 43
  • 43. Building a Better Website Measure the Important Resist the temptation to measure everything. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Instead measure what is important. Determine this from your Goals & Objective.  Involve both Sales & Marketing.  Google rules the internet. Understand Google and subscribe to their suite of tools.  Because Google rules, access to Google Analytics is mandatory. Give access to those important to the process, including key consultants and marketing partners.  Don’t allow IT to be a bottleneck for progress. If you ARE IT, don’t make yourself the bottleneck.  Establish conversion metrics.  Monitor daily (or real-time). Establish weekly and monthly reporting.  Do consider the following when implementing Analytics:  Establish ROI metrics. @Tuxmiller 44
  • 44. CHAPTER 9: Firing up the machine! Design a conversion blueprint. Build a Conversion Machine. Attract. Nurture. Convert. Repeat. Just remember, a Conversion Machine is not just a website. A traditional website is static. A Conversion Machine website is an engine that needs to be maintained and fueled for powerful growth. Your website launch isn’t the end. It’s the beginning. @Tuxmiller 45
  • 45. Building a Better Website You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” ‐ Albert Einstein Digital IQ matters, especially now that the online marketing rules have changed. Those who stake their claim on important digital real estate today will be ahead of the game. Tomorrow, the laggards, meanwhile, will be playing catch up. The online competitive environment is not going to become easier so now is the time for change. On the contrary, increased competition for digital real estate will surely increase the cost, effectiveness and ROI metrics. And not for the better. @Tuxmiller 46
  • 46. Action Points Take an Inbound Marketing Assessment • • • Learn more about Conversion Machines. Get pricing on website builds. Request a strategic business conversation. (314) 442. 4444. @Tuxmiller 47