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Integrating Social Media
            In Schools
                       With Ian Gibbins

    Brune Park
    Community College,
    3rd January 2012

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Introducing Ian.....
• Live in Cambridgeshire.
• Involved with social media 3 years.
• Social media consultancy company.
• Hold workshops and seminars.
• Guest speaker at the UK‟s most popular Internet
  Marketing Event.
• Featured in Social Media publications.
• Published Author.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Social Media Training.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Published Author.
Released “The New
Guide To Social Media

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
What we will cover.
• What is social media and how is it being used.
• Why you need a strategy.
• What you will achieve.
• Using Facebook, twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.
• Blogging
• Target setting and measuring the return on
• Monitoring.
• Taking action.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
What is Social Media…..

• Wikipedia definition:
“The use of web based and mobile technologies to
turn communication into an interactive dialogue.”

• Better defined as:
“Social media is simply conversation and interaction
supported by online tools.”

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
…and how is it being used?
• Social media has changed the way we interact
  with everything and everyone. It is not a fad and
  not going away.
• It allows us as schools, the opportunity to
  communicate with parents teachers and students
  in a way that‟s never been done before.
• Helps to build relationships, to interact and engage.
• Share knowledge and information.
• Create awareness and credibility around our brand.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Social Media IS the New…
•   Newspaper
•   Telephone
•   Television
•   email

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Why You Need A Social
Media Strategy.
• Last year 52.6% of internet users had more than one
  social media profile.
• In 2012, this will rise to 55.3% (25.9m)
• In 2013, this will rise to 27.7million and by 2014 60% of
  the UK will be active on social media.
• It is becoming part of daily activity.
• 69% of UK populations SM network users, said they
  used sites several times a day.

• (source: WSI Internet Marketing)

Integrating Social Media In Schools              Ian Gibbins
More Stats!...

• 43% of 9-12 year olds, stated they have a social
  network profile.
• Along with 88% of 13-16 year olds.
• 30 Years+ demographic is one of the fastest
  growing, so we can get our message to where our
  audience already are.

• This is where our communities already are, let‟s join

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Whether you like it or
   not, people will be talking
           about you!

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Define Your Plan
•   Who is your audience?
•   What are you trying to achieve?
•   What are your resources?
•   Who should be involved?

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
What Will You Achieve?
• Leverage social media to champion your school
  and harness its power to:
• Direct people to positive information.
• Build trusted relationships between staff and
• Good P.R vehicle within the community.
• Gain an insight, engage and interact with hard to
  reach sections of the community.
• Stimulate and maintain online discussion around
  your school.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Along with helping us to build meaningful content
  online, social media tools also allow us to listen to
  our communities at their point of need.
• We are more in control and better informed.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
A True Word…
“Technology is shifting the power away from the
editors, the publishers, the establishment and the
media elite. Now it is the people and the communities
that are in control.”

   (Rupert Murdoch, global media entrepreneur)

Integrating Social Media In Schools               Ian Gibbins
Risk v Benefits.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Social Media Goals and ROI.
• Important to ask yourself, “what are you hoping to
  achieve with your efforts.”
   o   Build on the positive reputation.
   o   Improve links with the local community.
   o   Engage with hard to reach sections of the community.
   o   Increased interaction with students and parents.
   o   Recruitment.
   o   Increased information distribution.

Integrating Social Media In Schools                       Ian Gibbins
Using Social Media Channels.
• Social media provides 3 simple services schools can
  take advantage of:
   o Connecting people
   o Sharing knowledge
   o Publishing information

Integrating Social Media In Schools                Ian Gibbins
Tribe Leader?
• As tribe leader you can communicate with others in
  your tribe, when and how they want to be
  communicated with.
• Don‟t push the message – reach out through social
  media channels.
• Those who then gain trust will want to build a
  relationship, and will visit the school website where
  the main messages are delivered

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
The Relationship Circle.

           School                               Facebook
           Website                                Page

                Nurture                    Provide
              Relationship               Information

Integrating Social Media In Schools                        Ian Gibbins
Why Use Facebook?
•   Over 800 million active users.
•   60% online every day, average time spent 55mins.
•   33.1 million UK visitors per month.
•   76.3% of the UK online population.
•   More than two thirds of small businesses and
    registered organisations are using social networks.

Integrating Social Media In Schools             Ian Gibbins
2 General Rules.
• Be yourself, be consistent and coherent, and
• Don‟t worry too much about what others may
  think…good quality and value.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
What is a page?
“Facebook pages are for organisations to broadcast
information to people who choose to connect with
• Make the page as much about your fans as it is
   about your school.
• Show your personalities, don‟t be too reserved or
• Doesn‟t have to replace your school website.
• Respond to comments, become a community

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Using Facebook Pages
• Consider a page for the school, and possibly
  separate pages for different departments.
• Keep it open, transparent and safe.
• Having a controlled, professional presence allows
  you to capitalise on social media while protecting
  students and staff.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Creating Your Page.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Follow Set-up Wizard.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Page Information.
• „About‟ section, 1 or 2 sentences.
• „Description‟ and „Information‟, fill out in greater
• Consider incorporating a „Welcome‟ page with a
  video, giving a warm introduction to the school for

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Page Information.
• Take your time to consider the information you wish
  to include.
• Bullet points of interest. Many use Wikipedia for
• Excellent promotional tool.
• Representative photo, (not mascot.)
• Include URL of school website.
• Gain 25 „likes‟ for vanity URL. (cannot be changed.)

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Populate Your Wall.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Brune Park Page.
• Decide on „admin‟ for the page.
• This won‟t be a personal presence, (appears as
  Brune Park as per website.)
• Page is visible to anyone.
• Gain „fans‟ to maximise the reach.
• Utilise the „Insights‟ tab.
• Consider use of Apps. e.g. „causes‟ app for

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
What to Post?
• 4 types of status updates:
   o   Text
   o   Links
   o   Photos
   o   Videos
• Keep varying the type of update.
• 3 per week to start.
• Progress to 1 a day.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Types of Updates
•   Behind the curtains updates.
•   Building relationships update (rapport).
•   Celebrating school success.
•   Celebrating community success. (charities)
•   Competition updates.
•   Encouragement updates.
•   Event updates.
•   Sporting updates.
•   Handling problems updates.

Integrating Social Media In Schools              Ian Gibbins
Status update examples:
• Behind the curtain.
“This is Mrs Roberts, she will be the new teaching
assistant in form 3E and is with us for 6 months from
• Building relationships.
“Are you celebrating a Birthday this week? Let us
know and we‟ll give you a mention.”
• Celebrating school success.
“Well done to the Year 8 Football team on winning the
Hampshire inter schools cup last weekend!”

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Status update examples
• Celebrating community success.
“ Congratulations to Buster the guide dog we
sponsored on successfully completing his basic
• Competition updates.
“Remember the competition to win a new iphone4
closes next Wednesday, get your entries in ASAP.”
• Encouragement updates.
“Good luck to the school choir this evening,
competing in the regional finals at Chichester

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Status update examples
• Event update.
“If you‟re still in need of that last minute Christmas
gift, don‟t forget the school Christmas Fayre this Friday
• Sporting update.
“The school rowing team did us all proud by finishing
3rd last weekend at the All England School
Championships, well done!”
• Handling problems update.
“Apologies for the problems with the school internet
access this lunchtime in the library, we are assured the
problem is now fixed.”

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Great Resource for Families
You will find that over a period of time, that families
and students will come to rely on the Brune Park
Community College Facebook Page as a valuable
resource to gain information.
Great for sharing information immediately with

Integrating Social Media In Schools             Ian Gibbins
• Respond to comments when possible.
• If a user comments or „likes‟ the posts, admins will
  be notified in the control settings.
• As admin you also have the option to remove the
  post, hide the post or report abuse.
• Whoever creates the page becomes the default
• Add a Facebook „like‟ box to your website.
• Tell everyone about your page!

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Facebook ‘like’ box

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Set up an event
• Promote your event with a designated event page.
• Helps to organise the logistics of an event, time,
  place, who‟s attending etc.
• Add pictures, directions and up to date information
  on what‟s being planned.
• Invite contacts to attend and participate.
• Whoever is attending will have the event show up
  on their news feed for others to see.(more publicity)

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Event page

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
It‟s always important to control the permissions
regarding the content that users are allowed to

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Click „edit page‟ in
  upper right.
• Select manage
• Uncheck „users can
  add photos and
• Leave „users can write
  or post on wall‟
• Click „save changes‟

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Moderation Blocklist

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Profanity Blocklist
• Select manage
• Profanity blocklist.
• Option to select

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Microblogging site enabling people to post
  updates/tweets of no more than 140 characters.
• 1 or 2 sentences.
• Create a profile with a picture and text description
  of no more than 160 characters.
• People want to see YOU so make yourself
  personable in your description.
• Don‟t have to follow anyone, let people follow you.
• Add URL of school or Facebook page.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Twitter Page

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Search Facility

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
•   Good tool for creating awareness.
•   Direct through to Facebook page.
•   Nurture relationship.
•   Direct through to website.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Video sharing site, founded 2005.
• Over 100 million active users upload and share
  videos online.
• 2nd largest search engine, 2 billion views a day.
• 70% of all web visitors are watching videos
  online, average time spent 27 mins a day. (NY
• Popular as much more personal way of interacting.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Using YouTube
•   Shoot short video introducing the school.
•   Introduce staff and departments.
•   Make 3 episode videos.
•   Conduct an interview.
•   Guide for new students.
•   Sporting/drama event, or school trip report.
•   Working with the community video.
•   Exam result celebrations.
•   School prom.
•   Topical school news and announcements.

Integrating Social Media In Schools             Ian Gibbins
YouTube Sharing

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
YouTube Tools
Video editor:
• No software download needed.
• Trim and edit videos.
• Combine music to the video clips.

• Gives demographics of viewers so you know who is

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
YouTube Tools
• This tool lets you add text to your videos.
• Link to other videos.
• Control over what is said and when they appear.

Share and embed:
• Share via other social networks using this button.
• Copy and paste html code to share on blogs.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
YouTube Manager

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
What if I’m Shy?

• Screen capture software. (Jing)
• Talk through a PowerPoint presentation.
• Voiceover.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Largest professional network over 120 million
  members and growing.
• Connects you with trusted contacts to help
  exchange knowledge, ideas and opportunities with
  a broad network of professionals.
• Only way to connect is through direct messaging or
  discussion via a group.
• Although professional network, be careful not to get
  away from being personable.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
LinkedIn Connections
• Build connections through inviting people you meet
  in a professional environment.
• Find connections through keyword search such as:
• Use „search‟ to find appropriate contacts.
• Excellent for recruitment!

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
LinkedIn Profile

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
LinkedIn Groups

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Using Blogs
• Blogs seem to have been around ages, and
  something I wish I had got involved in much earlier.
• Form of online diary that is updated at regular
  intervals with valuable information/content.
• Proving to be a great asset to schools and a
  valuable tool to make use of.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Using Blogs
• Use blogs to update information on events at
• School trips using video and photo‟s…use the blog
  as a diary for the trip or excursion.
• Use as a learning aid for homework with pointers on
  the page or even a link to a video.
• Use to update parents who subscribe with hints and
  tips on homework, useful resources, important dates
  and reminders.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Examples of Blogs

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Example of a Blog

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Blogs strike the balance of providing information
  anytime and anywhere, social networking and
  interaction, and the ability to openly share thoughts
  and achievements.
• They can extend the classroom to anywhere that
  has access to the web and are good for group
  projects, portfolios, school newsletters and class

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Recently announced its own social networking
• 20 million members in 1st Month.
• Aim is to knock Facebook off the top spot!
• Each profile is centred around the „stream‟.
• Joined by 4 elements; circles, hangouts, huddle and

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
•   „Hanging out with friends‟
•   Face to face conferencing up to maximum of 10.
•   Download plug-in.
•   Being used in customer service.
•   Create and edit documents with others.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Tell sparks what you are interested in and it will bring
  up a host of information on that subject from the
• Targets keywords.

Integrating Social Media In Schools             Ian Gibbins
But we just don’t have time.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
No excuses!

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
The Old Fashioned Way..

  School lone             Businesses
   working                collaborate

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Teaching Tool.
• Social media as a teaching tool has that natural
  collaborative element.
• Students can critique and comment on each others
• Work in teams to create social media content.
• Easily access teachers, or each other with questions
  or discussions.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Feeling of Achievement
• Allows students the ability to feel they have
  contributed and achieved.
• Helps quieter students – more likely to ask
  questions/answer questions and interact
  online, leading to higher confidence in the

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Interacting with the
• Let your community know about your social media
• Announce in newsletters, report cards, at events.
• Email signatures and on headed paper.
• Encourage people to share on their profiles – viral.
• Tease them with small amounts of content on
  twitter, follow this through to Facebook and onto
  main school site.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Target Setting and
Return on Investment.
Very important to make sure that you have set
yourself targets and more importantly to measure the
return on investment.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Return on Investment
• Although you are not looking specifically for a
  financial return on a financial investment, you still
  need to measure your ROI because of the time and
  effort you are giving to your campaign.
• Your time is a very valuable asset!
• So make sure your school campaign is working.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Can be difficult to measure but not impossible.
• People talking about the school online is a great
  way to measure the awareness that you have
• By applying a piece of code to your site you can
  retrieve vast amounts of information.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Google analytics will measure:
• Page views.
• Average time spent on your site.
• Average no. of pages viewed.
• New visitors.
• Recurring visitors
• Bounce rate.
• Sharing on social media sites.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Number of total unique „likes‟ per week.
• Number of people talking about your page.
• Number of unique people who have seen content
  relating to your page, e.g friends of fans.
• Ability to export the results directly to excel or c.s.v

Integrating Social Media In Schools              Ian Gibbins
When measuring your school campaign, consider
different time scales for results.
• Friends, followers or fans over a period of a month.
• Retweets, likes and comments over 2 weeks.
Document everything and utilise Facebook „insights‟
to compare results.
Be consistent, set a date work on the report each
month and gather in all analytics.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Keep the records simple.
• Look for certain promotions or events that may
  have influenced increased figures.
• What content did you publish that increased
  interactions or provoked discussion.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
You‟ll learn many lessons as you progress through
using social media channels.
• Be there – monitor the activity.
• Look for your school on Facebook – probably
   unofficial 1 or 2.
• Negative but harmless – will get bored and move
• Negative and harmful – contact and report to
• All social networks have privacy settings as does

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Risks in everything we do, but surely the educational
  benefits outweigh these risks.
• Remember the internet in the 90‟s…Porn and
  predators….Would a classroom be without it now.
• Nobody would dispute the risks and that they are
  real, but there are many dangers offline too.
• Best way to keep students safe, is to teach them
  how to be safe.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Child Exploitation and
     Online Protection Centre

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Safety on social networks
• Are social networks to blame or are we just pointing
  the finger……
• One third of young people have received
  unwanted comments online or by text. (CEOP)

“ Social networking sites are here to stay, and an
increasing number of young people are using them.
Such sites can be a dangerous place for young
people, but we shouldn‟t stop them using them.”
   Chris Cloke – Child protection awareness, NSPCC.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
5 Safety Tips
1.   Check your privacy settings.
2.   Stick to friends only, not friends of friends.
3.   Separate friends into lists.
4.   Check your permissions.
5.   Stay alert to changes to privacy options.

Integrating Social Media In Schools                   Ian Gibbins
If Things Go Wrong…
From time to time things may not go as planned.
Unsavoury comments and tweets can be made from
time to time.
Ultimately it is down to the school how you choose to
discipline misuse of school social media channels, but
ensure you have a robust social media policy in place
and visible to staff and students before use. If possible
get everyone to sign agreement.

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Brune Park
              Community College

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Action Plan
•   Decide on your social media team/teams.
•   Design a social media policy.
•   Gain agreement on the policy. (assemblies/signatures)
•   Set up personal social media profiles. Facebook, twitter
    and LinkedIn.
•   Consider the need for Facebook Pages for different
•   Set up a school blog.
•   Ensure privacy and permission settings are checked.
•   Monitor the social media channels.
•   Measure ROI

Integrating Social Media In Schools                Ian Gibbins
Act Now!
• This is Brune Parks chance to stake a claim.
• Don‟t get left behind.
• Remember, people will communicate across social
  networks whether YOU are involved or not!
• Your communities will be talking about Brune Park
  Community College online whether You are
  involved or not!
• Join in, engage and interact.
• Enjoy!

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
• Social media is like
  teenage sex………

• Everyone wants do
  it, but nobody knows

Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins
Integrating Social Media In Schools            Ian Gibbins

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  • 1. Integrating Social Media In Schools With Ian Gibbins Brune Park Community College, Gosport. 3rd January 2012 Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 2. Introducing Ian..... • Live in Cambridgeshire. • Involved with social media 3 years. • Social media consultancy company. • Hold workshops and seminars. • Guest speaker at the UK‟s most popular Internet Marketing Event. • Featured in Social Media publications. • Published Author. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 3. Social Media Training. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 4. Published Author. Released “The New Guide To Social Media Profits” Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 5. What we will cover. • What is social media and how is it being used. • Why you need a strategy. • What you will achieve. • Using Facebook, twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. • Blogging • Target setting and measuring the return on investment. • Monitoring. • Taking action. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 6. What is Social Media….. • Wikipedia definition: “The use of web based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue.” • Better defined as: “Social media is simply conversation and interaction supported by online tools.” Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 7. …and how is it being used? • Social media has changed the way we interact with everything and everyone. It is not a fad and not going away. • It allows us as schools, the opportunity to communicate with parents teachers and students in a way that‟s never been done before. • Helps to build relationships, to interact and engage. • Share knowledge and information. • Create awareness and credibility around our brand. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 8. Social Media IS the New… • Newspaper • Telephone • Television • email Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 9. Why You Need A Social Media Strategy. • Last year 52.6% of internet users had more than one social media profile. • In 2012, this will rise to 55.3% (25.9m) • In 2013, this will rise to 27.7million and by 2014 60% of the UK will be active on social media. • It is becoming part of daily activity. • 69% of UK populations SM network users, said they used sites several times a day. • (source: WSI Internet Marketing) Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 10. More Stats!... • 43% of 9-12 year olds, stated they have a social network profile. • Along with 88% of 13-16 year olds. • 30 Years+ demographic is one of the fastest growing, so we can get our message to where our audience already are. • This is where our communities already are, let‟s join them. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 11. Whether you like it or not, people will be talking about you! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 12. Define Your Plan • Who is your audience? • What are you trying to achieve? • What are your resources? • Who should be involved? Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 13. What Will You Achieve? • Leverage social media to champion your school and harness its power to: • Direct people to positive information. • Build trusted relationships between staff and students • Good P.R vehicle within the community. • Gain an insight, engage and interact with hard to reach sections of the community. • Stimulate and maintain online discussion around your school. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 14. Awareness. • Along with helping us to build meaningful content online, social media tools also allow us to listen to our communities at their point of need. • We are more in control and better informed. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 15. A True Word… “Technology is shifting the power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment and the media elite. Now it is the people and the communities that are in control.” (Rupert Murdoch, global media entrepreneur) Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 16. Risk v Benefits. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 17. Social Media Goals and ROI. • Important to ask yourself, “what are you hoping to achieve with your efforts.” o Build on the positive reputation. o Improve links with the local community. o Engage with hard to reach sections of the community. o Increased interaction with students and parents. o Recruitment. o Increased information distribution. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 18. Using Social Media Channels. • Social media provides 3 simple services schools can take advantage of: o Connecting people o Sharing knowledge o Publishing information Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 19. Tribe Leader? • As tribe leader you can communicate with others in your tribe, when and how they want to be communicated with. • Don‟t push the message – reach out through social media channels. • Those who then gain trust will want to build a relationship, and will visit the school website where the main messages are delivered Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 20. The Relationship Circle. Create awareness School Facebook Website Page Nurture Provide Relationship Information Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 21. Why Use Facebook? • Over 800 million active users. • 60% online every day, average time spent 55mins. • 33.1 million UK visitors per month. • 76.3% of the UK online population. • More than two thirds of small businesses and registered organisations are using social networks. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 22. 2 General Rules. • Be yourself, be consistent and coherent, and genuine. • Don‟t worry too much about what others may think…good quality and value. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 23. What is a page? “Facebook pages are for organisations to broadcast information to people who choose to connect with them.” • Make the page as much about your fans as it is about your school. • Show your personalities, don‟t be too reserved or institutionalised. • Doesn‟t have to replace your school website. • Respond to comments, become a community manager! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 24. Using Facebook Pages • Consider a page for the school, and possibly separate pages for different departments. • Keep it open, transparent and safe. • Having a controlled, professional presence allows you to capitalise on social media while protecting students and staff. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 25. Creating Your Page. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 26. Follow Set-up Wizard. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 27. Page Information. • „About‟ section, 1 or 2 sentences. • „Description‟ and „Information‟, fill out in greater detail. • Consider incorporating a „Welcome‟ page with a video, giving a warm introduction to the school for visitors! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 28. Page Information. • Take your time to consider the information you wish to include. • Bullet points of interest. Many use Wikipedia for facts. • Excellent promotional tool. • Representative photo, (not mascot.) • Include URL of school website. • Gain 25 „likes‟ for vanity URL. (cannot be changed.) Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 29. Populate Your Wall. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 30. Brune Park Page. • Decide on „admin‟ for the page. • This won‟t be a personal presence, (appears as Brune Park as per website.) • Page is visible to anyone. • Gain „fans‟ to maximise the reach. • Utilise the „Insights‟ tab. • Consider use of Apps. e.g. „causes‟ app for fundraising. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 31. What to Post? • 4 types of status updates: o Text o Links o Photos o Videos • Keep varying the type of update. • 3 per week to start. • Progress to 1 a day. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 32. Types of Updates • Behind the curtains updates. • Building relationships update (rapport). • Celebrating school success. • Celebrating community success. (charities) • Competition updates. • Encouragement updates. • Event updates. • Sporting updates. • Handling problems updates. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 33. Status update examples: • Behind the curtain. “This is Mrs Roberts, she will be the new teaching assistant in form 3E and is with us for 6 months from Australia!” • Building relationships. “Are you celebrating a Birthday this week? Let us know and we‟ll give you a mention.” • Celebrating school success. “Well done to the Year 8 Football team on winning the Hampshire inter schools cup last weekend!” Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 34. Status update examples • Celebrating community success. “ Congratulations to Buster the guide dog we sponsored on successfully completing his basic training.” • Competition updates. “Remember the competition to win a new iphone4 closes next Wednesday, get your entries in ASAP.” • Encouragement updates. “Good luck to the school choir this evening, competing in the regional finals at Chichester Cathedral.” Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 35. Status update examples • Event update. “If you‟re still in need of that last minute Christmas gift, don‟t forget the school Christmas Fayre this Friday afternoon.” • Sporting update. “The school rowing team did us all proud by finishing 3rd last weekend at the All England School Championships, well done!” • Handling problems update. “Apologies for the problems with the school internet access this lunchtime in the library, we are assured the problem is now fixed.” Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 36. Great Resource for Families You will find that over a period of time, that families and students will come to rely on the Brune Park Community College Facebook Page as a valuable resource to gain information. Great for sharing information immediately with families. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 37. Remember • Respond to comments when possible. • If a user comments or „likes‟ the posts, admins will be notified in the control settings. • As admin you also have the option to remove the post, hide the post or report abuse. • Whoever creates the page becomes the default administrator. • Add a Facebook „like‟ box to your website. • Tell everyone about your page! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 38. Facebook ‘like’ box Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 39. Set up an event • Promote your event with a designated event page. • Helps to organise the logistics of an event, time, place, who‟s attending etc. • Add pictures, directions and up to date information on what‟s being planned. • Invite contacts to attend and participate. • Whoever is attending will have the event show up on their news feed for others to see.(more publicity) Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 40. Event page Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 41. Privacy It‟s always important to control the permissions regarding the content that users are allowed to upload. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 42. Permissions • Click „edit page‟ in upper right. • Select manage permissions. • Uncheck „users can add photos and videos.‟ • Leave „users can write or post on wall‟ • Click „save changes‟ Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 43. Moderation Blocklist Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 44. Profanity Blocklist • Select manage permissions. • Profanity blocklist. • Option to select “strong” Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 45. twitter • Microblogging site enabling people to post updates/tweets of no more than 140 characters. • 1 or 2 sentences. • Create a profile with a picture and text description of no more than 160 characters. • People want to see YOU so make yourself personable in your description. • Don‟t have to follow anyone, let people follow you. • Add URL of school or Facebook page. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 46. Twitter Page Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 47. Search Facility Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 48. twitter • Good tool for creating awareness. • Direct through to Facebook page. • Nurture relationship. • Direct through to website. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 49. YouTube • Video sharing site, founded 2005. • Over 100 million active users upload and share videos online. • 2nd largest search engine, 2 billion views a day. • 70% of all web visitors are watching videos online, average time spent 27 mins a day. (NY Times) • Popular as much more personal way of interacting. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 50. Using YouTube • Shoot short video introducing the school. • Introduce staff and departments. • Make 3 episode videos. • Conduct an interview. • Guide for new students. • Sporting/drama event, or school trip report. • Working with the community video. • Exam result celebrations. • School prom. • Topical school news and announcements. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 51. YouTube Sharing Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 52. YouTube Tools Video editor: • No software download needed. • Trim and edit videos. • Combine music to the video clips. Insights: • Gives demographics of viewers so you know who is viewing. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 53. YouTube Tools Annotations: • This tool lets you add text to your videos. • Link to other videos. • Control over what is said and when they appear. Share and embed: • Share via other social networks using this button. • Copy and paste html code to share on blogs. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 54. YouTube Manager Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 55. What if I’m Shy? • Screen capture software. (Jing) • Talk through a PowerPoint presentation. • Voiceover. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 56. LinkedIn • Largest professional network over 120 million members and growing. • Connects you with trusted contacts to help exchange knowledge, ideas and opportunities with a broad network of professionals. • Only way to connect is through direct messaging or discussion via a group. • Although professional network, be careful not to get away from being personable. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 57. LinkedIn Connections • Build connections through inviting people you meet in a professional environment. • Find connections through keyword search such as: Name Company School Location • Use „search‟ to find appropriate contacts. • Excellent for recruitment! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 58. LinkedIn Profile Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 59. Summary Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 60. LinkedIn Groups Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 61. Recruitment Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 62. Using Blogs • Blogs seem to have been around ages, and something I wish I had got involved in much earlier. • Form of online diary that is updated at regular intervals with valuable information/content. • Proving to be a great asset to schools and a valuable tool to make use of. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 63. Using Blogs • Use blogs to update information on events at school. • School trips using video and photo‟s…use the blog as a diary for the trip or excursion. • Use as a learning aid for homework with pointers on the page or even a link to a video. • Use to update parents who subscribe with hints and tips on homework, useful resources, important dates and reminders. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 64. Examples of Blogs Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 65. Example of a Blog Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 66. Posts Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 67. Blogs • Blogs strike the balance of providing information anytime and anywhere, social networking and interaction, and the ability to openly share thoughts and achievements. • They can extend the classroom to anywhere that has access to the web and are good for group projects, portfolios, school newsletters and class websites. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 68. Google+ • Recently announced its own social networking platform. • 20 million members in 1st Month. • Aim is to knock Facebook off the top spot! • Each profile is centred around the „stream‟. • Joined by 4 elements; circles, hangouts, huddle and sparks. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 69. Stream Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 70. Profile Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 71. Circles Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 72. Hangouts • „Hanging out with friends‟ • Face to face conferencing up to maximum of 10. • Download plug-in. • Being used in customer service. • Create and edit documents with others. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 73. Sparks • Tell sparks what you are interested in and it will bring up a host of information on that subject from the web. • Targets keywords. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 74. But we just don’t have time. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 75. No excuses! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 76. Tweetdeck Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 77. Tweetdeck Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 78. Scheduling Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 79. The Old Fashioned Way.. School lone Businesses Unprepared working collaborate Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 80. Teaching Tool. • Social media as a teaching tool has that natural collaborative element. • Students can critique and comment on each others assignments. • Work in teams to create social media content. • Easily access teachers, or each other with questions or discussions. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 81. Feeling of Achievement • Allows students the ability to feel they have contributed and achieved. • Helps quieter students – more likely to ask questions/answer questions and interact online, leading to higher confidence in the classroom. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 82. Interacting with the Community • Let your community know about your social media presence. • Announce in newsletters, report cards, at events. • Email signatures and on headed paper. • Encourage people to share on their profiles – viral. • Tease them with small amounts of content on twitter, follow this through to Facebook and onto main school site. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 83. Target Setting and Return on Investment. Very important to make sure that you have set yourself targets and more importantly to measure the return on investment. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 84. Return on Investment • Although you are not looking specifically for a financial return on a financial investment, you still need to measure your ROI because of the time and effort you are giving to your campaign. • Your time is a very valuable asset! • So make sure your school campaign is working. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 85. Measurement • Can be difficult to measure but not impossible. • People talking about the school online is a great way to measure the awareness that you have created. • By applying a piece of code to your site you can retrieve vast amounts of information. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 86. Measurement Google analytics will measure: • Page views. • Average time spent on your site. • Average no. of pages viewed. • New visitors. • Recurring visitors • Bounce rate. • Sharing on social media sites. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 87. Insights • Number of total unique „likes‟ per week. • Number of people talking about your page. • Number of unique people who have seen content relating to your page, e.g friends of fans. • Ability to export the results directly to excel or c.s.v file. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 88. Measurement When measuring your school campaign, consider different time scales for results. Example: • Friends, followers or fans over a period of a month. • Retweets, likes and comments over 2 weeks. Document everything and utilise Facebook „insights‟ to compare results. Be consistent, set a date work on the report each month and gather in all analytics. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 89. Measurement • Keep the records simple. • Look for certain promotions or events that may have influenced increased figures. • What content did you publish that increased interactions or provoked discussion. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 90. Monitoring You‟ll learn many lessons as you progress through using social media channels. • Be there – monitor the activity. • Look for your school on Facebook – probably unofficial 1 or 2. • Negative but harmless – will get bored and move elsewhere. • Negative and harmful – contact and report to Facebook. • All social networks have privacy settings as does „edublogs‟ Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 91. Risks • Risks in everything we do, but surely the educational benefits outweigh these risks. • Remember the internet in the 90‟s…Porn and predators….Would a classroom be without it now. • Nobody would dispute the risks and that they are real, but there are many dangers offline too. • Best way to keep students safe, is to teach them how to be safe. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 92. Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 93. Safety on social networks • Are social networks to blame or are we just pointing the finger…… • One third of young people have received unwanted comments online or by text. (CEOP) “ Social networking sites are here to stay, and an increasing number of young people are using them. Such sites can be a dangerous place for young people, but we shouldn‟t stop them using them.” Chris Cloke – Child protection awareness, NSPCC. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 94. 5 Safety Tips 1. Check your privacy settings. 2. Stick to friends only, not friends of friends. 3. Separate friends into lists. 4. Check your permissions. 5. Stay alert to changes to privacy options. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 95. If Things Go Wrong… From time to time things may not go as planned. Unsavoury comments and tweets can be made from time to time. Ultimately it is down to the school how you choose to discipline misuse of school social media channels, but ensure you have a robust social media policy in place and visible to staff and students before use. If possible get everyone to sign agreement. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 96. Brune Park Community College Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 97. Action Plan • Decide on your social media team/teams. • Design a social media policy. • Gain agreement on the policy. (assemblies/signatures) • Set up personal social media profiles. Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. • Consider the need for Facebook Pages for different departments. • Set up a school blog. • Ensure privacy and permission settings are checked. • Monitor the social media channels. • Measure ROI Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 98. Act Now! • This is Brune Parks chance to stake a claim. • Don‟t get left behind. • Remember, people will communicate across social networks whether YOU are involved or not! • Your communities will be talking about Brune Park Community College online whether You are involved or not! • Join in, engage and interact. • Enjoy! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 99. Remember…… • Social media is like teenage sex……… • Everyone wants do it, but nobody knows how! Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins
  • 100. Integrating Social Media In Schools Ian Gibbins