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15th - 17th May 2011
Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport,
The Netherlands

As practitioners, it is essential to share
                                                                                          knowledge and experience gained on projects.
                                                                                          In an increasingly global market, learning
                     Bridge Design &                                                      from the best international practice is key to
                     Construction Exchange                                                success. Bridge Construction Europe promises
                                                                                          to offer excellent pan-European networking
                                                                                          opportunities and a wide range of topics
Learn. Network. Engage. Do Business.                                                      showcasing the best of European practice.
                                                                                          Head of Bridge Design and Technology, Atkins
As global economic conditions remain tight and budgets are finely scrutinised, to
win and deliver a successful bridge construction project it’s essential to have the
right experience, skills, contacts, technology, supplier partners and manpower at
every step of the journey.

Building relationships with bridge owners, authorities and using the latest
techniques to deliver truly cutting edge, sustainable and environmentally integrated
projects presents many challenges. Project identification, timely engagement and
demonstration of capabilities is a complex and time consuming process.

The Bridge Design & Construction Exchange is your opportunity to hear from, meet
and engage with the largest contractors in the world and the project directors
leading the most innovative bridge design and construction programmes.

Your expert speaker faculty includes:

                                                                                          Maximise your time and
Chris Hendy, Head of Bridge
Design & Technology, ATKINS                 Felix von Platen, Head of Technical           see real return
                                            Support, Hochtief
                                                                                          To ensure your time is best spent and that you see
                                                                                          real benefit, the Exchange format cuts out the risk of
                                                                                          traditional conferences. Here’s what participants can
David Mackenzie,                            Henning Schultz, Vice President & Director,   expect in Amsterdam in May 2011:
CEO, Flint & Neill                          Steel Bridges, MT Højgaard
                                                                                          Cutting edge insight: The latest updates, challenges,
                                                                                          techniques and solutions deployed on the world’s most
                                                                                          innovative bridge design and construction projects
David Climie, Project Director,             Martin Charter, Executive Director,
Forth Replacement Crossing
                                                                                          One To One Business Meetings: A platform to select
                                            Centre for Sustainable Design
                                                                                          the companies you want to engage with, profile your
                                                                                          capabilities to, understand their priorities and align on
                                                                                          potential collaborations
                                            Dr. Karl Kleinhanβ, Director,
                                            DEGES                                         A 100% expert practitioner audience: Fully profiled
Marcus Sanchez, Chief Bridge Engineer,
Roughan & O'Donovan                                                                       attendees so you know who is there, who to network
                                                                                          with and where common interest, challenges and
                                                                                          opportunities lie
                                            Edo Vonk, Senior Bridge Engineer,
                                            A15 Botlek Bridge                             An itinerary customised to your current business
Steve Kite, Associate Director,
Arup                                                                                      objectives: Exchange participants customise their
                                                                                          agendas by selecting conference sessions, roundtables
                                                                                          and one-on-one meetings with solution providers that
Davood Liaghat, Technical Director,                                                       are most relevant to their specific business needs
Buro Happold                                Karl Humpf, Manager, Bridge Department,
                                            Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner                  Exclusive attendance: Participation is strictly limited
                                                                                          to senior executives from leading corporations in Europe
                                                                                          to facilitate true peer-level networking for our delegation
                                                                                          and speakers.
Stephen Pottle, Structures Manager,         Raymond Hawes, Bridge Team Leader
Transport for London                        Sava Bridge Project
                                            Bratislav Stipanic, Design Review Manager
                                            Sava Bridge Project
                                            Professor Eilif Svensson, Cable-stayed
Stuart Withycombe, Global Technical         Bridge Expert, Sava Bridge Project
Director, Bridges, Halcrow                  & Consultant Engineer, ES Consult Denmark
                                                                                          Good value, state of the art on design
                                                                                          and good to meet other bridges experts
                                                                                          and suppliers.
Henrik Christensen, Bridges Manager,        Ioannis Koutras, Director of Development
Femern AS                                   & International Projects, Egnatia Odos
                                                                                          Senior Bridges Manager, Arup Netherlands

    44(0) 207 368 939484                         
Who you will meet
                                                                                     Exchange Delegates
                                                                                     To ensure the Exchange offers the highest degree
                                                                                     of relevancy for attendees, only senior executives
                                                                                     responsible for delivering bridge and construction
                                                                                     projects are invited. This exclusive format allows you to
                  Bridge Design &                                                    connect with those peers whose insights you respect
                  Construction Exchange                                              most – through exceptional networking, business
                                                                                     meetings and strategic information sharing sessions.

                                                                                     Executives in attendance will include:
More Value for your time out of the office
                                                                                     Directors/Heads/Chiefs/Leaders of:
The Bridge Design and Construction Exchange offers a variety of unique
learning styles and sessions, from which you can build a customised itinerary that   • Bridge Engineering
reflects your current initiatives, priorities and future strategic objectives.       • Bridge Design                •   Structures
                                                                                     • Bridge Construction          •   Infrastructure
                                                                                     • Civil & Structural           •   Maintenance
Conference Sessions                                                                                                 •   Procurement
The highly crafted conference sessions reflect the strategic issues that senior      • Construction Planning        •   Technical Solutions
executives have identified as priorities during our lengthy research process.                                       •   Planning
You will choose from a selection of plenary sessions covering a myriad of            From:
issues that will create the foundation of your agenda. Session formats include:
Co-presented Case Studies, Panel Discussions, Case Reviews, Roundtable
Discussions and Interactive Debates.
                                                                                                           BRIDGE OWNERS
One-to-One Business Meetings
An integral part of your agenda is the one-to-one business meetings with leading
solution providers. When you register for the Bridge Design and Construction
Exchange, you will be asked to identify the solutions and services you are
currently considering, so we can invite leading experts to the Exchange who will
fit your business needs.
                                                                                             CONTRACTORS                      CONSULTANTS
Prior to the Exchange, you will be able to assess the solution providers who will
be attending and select 6-8 who offer products and services that match your
initiatives and priorities.
Your selections are then incorporated into your customised agenda. These private
30 minute one-to-one meetings give you the opportunity to hear from leading
specialists, whose industry knowledge and experience enable them to make a
valuable contribution to the requirements of your business. They offer objective,
flexible and relevant strategies for success.                                        Bridge Design & Construction
This unique aspect of the Bridge Design and Construction Exchange                    Exchange Solution Providers
serves to simplify the process for sourcing new solutions, enabling you to           Solution Providers are invited based on the
discover strategies that are working for others and offering you early previews      requirements of attending delegates.
of emerging technologies.
                                                                                     The solution providers at the Bride Design &
                                                                                     Construction Exchange specialise in the following areas:
Think Tank Discussions
                                                                                     • Access equipment             • Management
Our signature Think Tank sessions encourage discussion, debate and learning          • Architects                     Contracting
in an unscripted and informal setting. You can choose to participate in these        • Bridge strengthening         • Materials Testing
interactive roundtable style sessions on topics which are front of mind issues.      • Bridge Design                • Moveable bridges
You will be able to select from a range of Think Tank topics which will be           • Bearings                     • Paints/Coatings
incorporated into your personal itinerary. These 30 minute discussions will be       • Bridge Decking               • Personal Safety
moderated to ensure that the discussions stay on-course and deliver maximum          • Concrete structures            Equipment
                                                                                     • Concrete services            • Pedestrian bridges
benefit to you. Ask questions, share experiences, ideas and find the right
                                                                                     • Cranes                       • Prefabricated Bridges
answers to your immediate concerns.
                                                                                     • Cables                       • Rail bridges
                                                                                     • Civil Engineering            • Road bridges
                                                                                     • Dampers                      • Software for Design
                                                                                     • Demolition                     & Analysis
                                                                                     • Drainage                     • Software for
                                                                                     • Engineering Consulting         Bridge Management
                                                                                     • Field Testing                • Repair & Refurbishment
                                                                                     • Formwork                     • Scaffolding
                                                                                     • GIS                          • Steel fabrication,
                                                                                     • Heavy Lifting                  casting & corrosion
Very valuable. It gives a good overview of major projects,                           • Inspection and               • Stress & Load testing
great insight into current challenges and an opportunity                               assessment                   • Structural Engineering
to meet with potential partners.                                                     • Joints
                                                                                     • Lifting Equipment
                                                                                                                    • Temporary works
                                                                                                                    • Waterproofing
Project Director, Arcadis France                                                     • Load Testing                 • Wind Engineering

    44(0) 207 368 9484                      
What You Will Gain Access To At The 2011 Bridge Design & Construction Exchange

15th - 17th May 2011                                               Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands

Martin Charter, Executive Director        Exchange Chairman
The Centre for Sustainable Design

                                           EUROPEAN INSIGHT AND DELIVERY

David Climie, Project Director            Keynote Address: The World’s First Cross-Stay Bridge:
Forth Replacement Crossing                Update On The Forth Replacement Crossing
                                          •	Understanding	how	innovative,	cost	efficient	use	of	a	managed	crossing	strategy	has
                                          	 reduced	the	overall	budget	by	£1.7	billion	
                                          •	Adopting	a	system	of	crossing	stays	to	limit	deformation	whilst	allowing	a	slender	structure	
                                          •	Merging	engineering	and	architecture	to	create	a	unique	and	modern	structure
                                          	 to	suit	the	setting	
                                          •	Engaging	in	ongoing	consultation	with	appropriate	regional	bodies	and
                                          	 communities	to	educate	and	ensure	the	bridge	meets	economic,	social	and
                                          	 financial	objectives
                                          •	Moving	forwards:	Defining	the	construction	roadmap	to	ensure	flexibility,
                                          	 testing	and	adjustment

Edo Vonk, Senior Bridge Engineer          Designing The Biggest Lifting Bridge In The World: The A15
A15 Botlek Bridge, Netherlands            •	Background	to	the	bridge	project:	Transport	requirements	and	bridge	specifications	
                                          	 for	traffic	flow
                                          •	Designing	to	deliver:	Ensuring	the	bridge	design	meets	all	performance	requirements	and
                                          	 has	a	workable	construction	roadmap	to	deliver
                                          •	Overcoming	the	specific	challenges	for	the	bridge	design:	Materials,	environment	and	lifting
                                          	 capabilities	for	sea	traffic
                                          •	Lessons	learnt	from	the	front	line:	Keeping	the	design	process	agile	to	allow	for
                                          	 improvements	and	redesign	to	deliver	a	world	class	bridge

Martin Charter, Executive Director        30 Minute Think Tank Topic: Embedding Sustainability Into Design And
Centre for Sustainable Design             Construction For The Next Generation


Sander den Blanken, Associate & Bridges   Keynote Address:
Leader Europe,                            Bridge Design And Construction - Global Opportunity, Innovation And Delivery
ARUP Netherlands                          •	Highlighting	growth	opportunities	in	global	and	European	markets	and	assessing	the	level
                                          	 and	nature	of	investment	in	bridge	infrastructure
                                          •	Growing	the	competency	base	of	the	construction	firm	to	ensure	maximum	delivery
                                          	 capability,	best	in	class	strategy	and	techniques	for	bridge	design	and	construction
                                          •	Developing	and	deploying	new,	innovative	techniques	to	bridge	design	to	ensure
                                          	 sustainability	and	world	class	project	delivery
                                          •	Lessons	learnt	from	bridge	design	and	construction	projects	around	the	world:	
                                          	 best	practice	and	inspirational	design

Marcos Sanchez, Chief Bridge Engineer     Examining Innovative Approaches For Bridge Design And Construction
Roughan & O’Donovan                       Projects To Give Fresh Momentum And Inspiration To Your Planning
                                          •	Does	size	matter?	Looking	at	the	use	of	innovative	approaches	in	all	sizes	of	bridge	design
                                          	 and	construction	across	Europe
                                          •	Addressing	the	importance	of	increasing	safety	and	quality	through	technology	in	bridge
                                          	 design	and	construction
                                          •	Forging	effective	working	partnerships	with	suppliers	to	ensure	existing	as	well	as	cutting
                                          	 edge	materials	are	tested	and	evaluated	for	any	project
                                          •	What	does	innovation	look	like	for	your	project?	Variations	on	a	theme	or	revolutionary	new
                                          	 approaches:	finding	the	balance	and	remaining	focused	on	delivery

44(0) 207 368 9484                       
15th - 17th May 2011                                                Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands

                                              SUSTAINABILITY AND DESIGN

Chris Hendy, Head of Bridge Design       Developing A Sustainability Index To Enable Performance Targets,
and Technology                           Better Decision Making And Improved Bridge Design
ATKINS                                   •	 nderstanding	project	drivers	and	defining	the	required	output	from	such	an	index
                                         •	 eveloping	the	index	around	key	sustainability	attributes:	Economy,	society,	environment,
                                         	 climate	change	and	resources
                                         •	 pplying	the	sustainability	index	at	key	stages	to	deliver	maximum	benefit:	Outline	design
                                         	 stage,	detailed	design	stage,	during	construction	and	at	completion
                                         •	 essons	from	the	front	line:	Examining	the	use	of	the	index	on	a	live	bridge	project
                                         •	 uture	roadmap	for	development	and	application	of	the	sustainability	index,	for	benchmarking,
                                         	 performance	target	setting	and	decision	making	in	bridge	design	and	construction

Steve Kite, Associate Director           Examining The Latest Innovative Design Techniques For Building
ARUP                                     Sustainable Bridges
                                         •	 eveloping	bridge	concepts	considering	project	requirements,	site	condition,	available
                                         	 materials,	constructability	and	maintenance
                                         •	 aying	close	attention	to	aerodynamic	stability	and	human	induced	vibration	when	unique
                                         	 structural	systems	are	used
                                         •	 reating	better	structural	design	with	the	help	of	3-D	modelling	
                                         •	 eveloping	lighting	schemes	to	enhance	night	time	appearance	
                                         •	 esigning	construction	sequences	with	consideration	of	contractors’	capabilities	

                                  GLOBAL PROJECT UPDATES, KNOW HOW & TECHNIQUES

Davood Liaghat, Technical Director       Opportunities And Challenges For Designing And Delivering Bridge Projects
& Bridges Team Leader                    In The Middle East
Buro Happold                             •	 nderstanding	recent	trends	in	bridge	design	and	construction	projects	in	the	region	
                                         •	dentifying	the	specific	challenges	for	bridge	design	solutions	to	cope	with	the	hostile	climate
                                         •	 essons	learnt	from	recent	projects	for	design	tools,	techniques	and	approaches	that
                                         	 enable	the	successful	delivery	of	bridges	in	the	Middle	East

Henning Schultz, Vice President          Case Study
& Director                               Hardanger Bridge: Designing And Constructing The Longest Bridge In Norway
Steel Bridges MT Højgaard                •	 xamining	key	design	considerations	for	the	bridge:	Materials,	structure,	suspension,	wind	dynamics	
                                         •	 vercoming	the	challenges	of	a	slim	girder	design	for	both	temporary	and	permanent	works	to
                                         	 ensure	schedules,	safety	and	precision	requirements	are	met	
                                         •	 refabricating	and	transporting	deck	units	and	using	best	in	class	methods	to	provide	the	safest
                                         	 and	most	efficient	execution	of	the	bridge	structure	
                                         •	 oving	from	the	design	to	the	construction	phase:	Coordinating	the	project	team,	ensuring
                                         	 flexibility	in	the	construction	process	and	designing	a	construction	roadmap	to	deliver	on	time
                                           and on budget

Stephen Pottle, Structures Manager       Ensuring Value For Money Through Best In Class Risk Based
Transport for London                     Inspection For Bridges
                                         •	 ey	drivers	for	bridges	programme	in	the	TFL	structures	network:	safety,	resource	allocation,
                                         	 investment	planning,	demonstrating	value	for	money
                                         •	 nderstanding	the	evolution	of	bridge	inspection	strategies:	from	time	based	to	condition	
                                         	 based	to	risk	based
                                         •	 ssessing	recent	trials	of	the	risk	based	inspection	programme	and	the	lessons	learnt	in	terms
                                         	 of	defending	budgets,	decision	making	and	identifying	future	areas	for	bridge	investment
                                         •	 ext	steps	for	the	programme:	integrating	the	inspection	approach	into	the	bridge	
                                         	 management	system,	developing	a	recognised	qualification	and	improving	lifecycle	planning	
                                           and bridge management

Dr. Karl Kleinhanß, Director             Case Study
DEGES                                    Innovation And Successful Project Planning & Delivery In German Bridges:
                                         Tools, Techniques And Know-How
                                         •	 ighlighting	growth	opportunities	in	German	markets	and	assessing	the	level	and	nature	of
                                         	 investment	in	bridge	infrastructure
                                         •	 sing	power	management	techniques	to	enable	rapid	delivery	of	bridge	projects	with	tight
                                         	 deadlines	and	critical	infrastructure
                                         •	 xamining	the	lessons	learnt	from	recent	projects	in	overcoming	design,	construction	and
                                         	 delivery	challenges:	Case	study	examples

44(0) 207 368 9484                         
15th - 17th May 2011                                                      Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands


Stuart Withycombe,	Global	Technical	          Planning for the Design and Construction of a Major Fixed Link
Director                                      •	Ensuring	structural	safety	in	cable	stayed	bridges:	key	considerations	and	performance	criteria
Bridges Halcrow                               •	Utilising	pre-cast	heavy	caisson	foundations,	and	at	select	locations,	piled	foundations	
                                              	 to	withstand	seismic	pressures
                                              •	Assessing	the	advantages	of	working	under	the	privately	financed	BOT	(Build,	Operate,	
                                              	 Transfer)	model
                                              •	Incorporating	an	intelligent	traffic	system	into	the	design	(ITS)	including;	information	screens,
                                              	 communications,	automatic	speed	control,	queue	warning,	smoke	extraction	system,	lane
                                              	 control	system	and	vehicle	detection	system

David Mackenzie, CEO                          From Design To Delivery: Successful Bridge Construction To Deliver
Flint & Neill                                 Projected Benefits And Meet Stakeholder Requirements
                                              •	 mploying	innovative	construction	solutions	to	deliver	the	project	on	budget	and	
                                              	 ahead	of	schedule	
                                              •	 vercoming	local	geographical	and	environmental	challenges	by	designing	for	constructability
                                              •	 nsuring	sustainability	of	bridge	structures	and	managing	future	capacity	requirements	
                                              •	 inimising	disruption	to	the	wider	community	by	developing	construction	techniques	at	the
                                                design stage

                                            CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND DELIVERY

Felix von Platen, Head	of	Technical	          Overcoming The Technical Challenges Of Delivering The Construction Project
Project	Support                               On Time And On Budget
Hochtief                                      •	 nderstanding	the	key	considerations	in	planning	the	transition	from	design	to	construction:
                                              	 Technology,	people,	resource,	partners,	timelines	and	agility
                                              •	 he	importance	of	works	preparation	to	enable	a	rapid	start	and	ongoing	meeting	of	deadlines
                                              	 on	the	project
                                              •	 nsuring	the	delivery	plan	is	workable	within	project	guidelines	and	takes	into	account	actual	and
                                              	 forecasted	technical	challenges	to	be	solved	along	the	way
                                              •	 essons	from	the	front	line:	Using	technical	innovation	in	problem	solving	on	the	construction	project

Karl Humpf, Manager Bridge Department         Case Study Session: The Contribution Of Latin America To The Development
Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner GmbH             Of Long Span Bridges
                                              •	 xamining	the	challenges	of	laying	foundations	in	deep	water
                                              •	 sing	incremental	launching	for	lower	first	cost	and	lower	maintenance
                                              •	 nderstanding	the	advantages	of	double	composite	bridges
                                              •	 esigning	and	constructing	cable	stayed	bridges	for	railway
                                              •	 nsuring	appropriate	protection	for	the	bridge	against	ship	impact
                                              •	 earning	from	the	most	recent	applications	of	these	techniques	on	the	Third	Orinoco	Bridge


Raymond Hawes, Bridge Team Leader             Case Study: The Sava Bridge - A Landmark Structure For The Next Generation
Sava Bridge Project                           •	 nderstanding	the	key	components	of	the	project:	The	bridge,	north	and	south	approach	roads,
Bratislav Stipanic, Design Review Manager     	 rail	route	over	the	bridge
Sava Bridge Project                           •	 ealing	with	adverse	conditions	in	the	construction	phase	of	the	bridge	including	snow,	rivers
Professor Eilif Svensson, Cable-stayed        	 and	seismic	activity
Bridge Expert                                 •	 he	importance	of	supplier	selection:	Using	a	mix	of	local	and	international	sub	contractors	to
Sava Bridge Project                           	 ensure	best	in	class	materials,	techniques	and	successful	delivery	within	budget
& Consultant Engineer, ES Consult Denmark     •	 oving	forwards	with	the	delivery	roadmap	towards	completion	in	2011:	Key	milestones
                                              	 achieved	and	lessons	learnt	from	the	front	line

Ioannis Koutras, Director	of	Development	     Using The Latest Construction Techniques To Plan For Successful Major Project
&	International	Projects                      Delivery In The Face Of Multiple Geotechnical Challenges
Egnatia Odos                                  •	 nderstanding	the	geotechnical	challenges	faced	when	constructing	the	Egnatia	Odos
                                              	 motorway	and	the	Metsovo	Bridge
                                              •	 earning	how	to	plan	for	construction	in	riverside	areas	characterised	by	soft	soil:	key	challenges
                                              	 and	solutions	learned	from	the	projects
                                              •	 oving	from	design	to	workable	construction	roadmap	and	incorporating	agility	into	the
                                              	 schedule	to	allow	for	new	challenges	to	be	addressed
                                              •	 nalysing	best	in	class	tools	and	techniques	used	on	both	projects	to	enable	the	delivery	of	over
                                              	 177	major	bridges	as	well	as	numerous	overpasses,	viaducts	and	related	structures

44(0) 207 368 9484                               
Your Itinerary
                                                                                             As part of the Exchange you will create your own three day
                                                                                             agenda to ensure it meets your current business needs, and it
                                                                                             will look something like this:

                                                                                             Sunday 15th May, 2011

                           Bridge Design &
                                                                                             14:00     Registration
                                                                                             15:00     Opening Keynote Address

                           Construction Exchange                                             15:45
                                                                                                       Ice-Breaker Networking
                                                                                                       Business Meeting
                                                                                             17:00     Business Meeting
                                                                                             17:30     Free Time
                                                                                             18:30     Cocktail Reception
What Your Participation Includes:                                                            20:00     Gala Dinner

This exclusive event is strictly for senior executives from construction companies,          Monday 16th May, 2011
bridge consulting firms and bridge owners.                                                   09:00      Chairman’s Welcome
If you haven’t received an invitation to this event and would like to know if you qualify    09:15      Session
to attend please call +44 (0) 207 368 9484, email or fill              09:55      Session
in an invitation application online at                    10:40      Business Meeting
                                                                                             11:10      Session
                                     Exchange Pricing                                        11:55      Business Meeting
                                                                                             12:25      Business Meeting
           Early Booking Rate                                   Standard                     12:55      Lunch
   (Book and Pay by Friday 11th March)                            Price                      13:55      Business Meeting
              €949 +VAT*                                      €1149 +VAT*                    14:25      Business Meeting
*Dutch VAT is charged at 19%. VAT Registration #: NL 8078 84 728 B01                         15:00      Session
                                                                                             15:40      Business Meeting
To apply for an invitation, please contact the Exchange team:                                16:15      Session
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7368 9484                                                               16:55      Chairman’s Close
Online:                                                   17:10      Free Time
Email:                                                                 19:00      Cocktail Reception
                                                                                             Tuesday 17th May, 2011
Participation for qualifying delegates includes:                                             09:00      Chairman’s Welcome
• 2 nights accommodation at the Exchange venue*                                              09:10      Session
• Access to the secure pre-event website to customise your schedule for the Exchange         09:50      Session
• Selection of interactive discussions, keynote presentations and conference sessions        10:35      Business Meeting
• Selection of one-on-one business meetings with solution providers                          11:10      Session
• Breakfast, lunch and refreshments                                                          11:50      Session
• Networking Dinner                                                                          12:35      Business Meeting
* Please note we have a limited amount of accommodation so please secure your place          13:05      Business Meeting
early to avoid disappointment. Once all free accommodation has been allocated, the           13:35      Lunch
standard rate of 1149EUR + VAT excluding accommodation will apply.                           14:30      Business Meeting
                                                                                             15:00      Business Meeting
                                                                                             15:35      Session
                                                                                             16:15      Exchange Adjourns

The Venue
Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, the Netherlands
Boeing Avenue 2, Schiphol-Rijk
NL-1119 PB Amsterdam, Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 6553131
One of few luxury Amsterdam hotels near the airport, the Radisson Blu Hotel is
situated amongst the greenery of the Schiphol-Rijk business park and is just minutes
from Schiphol Airport. Centrally located close to Amsterdam, the hotel’s location
affords guests elite access to Schiphol-Rijk business park.Overlooking the lush trees
and canals of the business park from the 279 rooms and suites at the hotel. Luxury
amenities such as Free high-speed Internet, airport shuttle service, as well as 24-hour
room service are available to guests. Guests can also unwind in the hotel lobby lounge,
sample regional flavours and fine dining at the on-site restaurant and enjoy respite at
the wellness and health centre with sauna, steam bath and a variety of spa treatments.
All Exchange venues are very carefully selected. We believe that the backdrop and
ambience are crucial to the success of an Exchange. By tying in rich traditions, ease
of access, historic significance and unsurpassed quality at stunning locations across
Europe; these venues present the perfect setting to conduct business and meet a
peer group of senior experts. These venues provide a peaceful and productive retreat,
ensuring that you are able to focus on your priorities for participating in this Exchange.

    44(0) 207 368 9484                              

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Bridge Design Exchange Brochure

  • 1. DELEGATE INFORMATION PACK 15th - 17th May 2011 Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands
  • 2. As practitioners, it is essential to share knowledge and experience gained on projects. In an increasingly global market, learning Bridge Design & from the best international practice is key to Construction Exchange success. Bridge Construction Europe promises to offer excellent pan-European networking opportunities and a wide range of topics Learn. Network. Engage. Do Business. showcasing the best of European practice. Head of Bridge Design and Technology, Atkins As global economic conditions remain tight and budgets are finely scrutinised, to win and deliver a successful bridge construction project it’s essential to have the right experience, skills, contacts, technology, supplier partners and manpower at every step of the journey. Building relationships with bridge owners, authorities and using the latest techniques to deliver truly cutting edge, sustainable and environmentally integrated projects presents many challenges. Project identification, timely engagement and demonstration of capabilities is a complex and time consuming process. The Bridge Design & Construction Exchange is your opportunity to hear from, meet and engage with the largest contractors in the world and the project directors leading the most innovative bridge design and construction programmes. Your expert speaker faculty includes: Maximise your time and Chris Hendy, Head of Bridge Design & Technology, ATKINS Felix von Platen, Head of Technical see real return Support, Hochtief To ensure your time is best spent and that you see real benefit, the Exchange format cuts out the risk of traditional conferences. Here’s what participants can David Mackenzie, Henning Schultz, Vice President & Director, expect in Amsterdam in May 2011: CEO, Flint & Neill Steel Bridges, MT Højgaard Cutting edge insight: The latest updates, challenges, techniques and solutions deployed on the world’s most innovative bridge design and construction projects David Climie, Project Director, Martin Charter, Executive Director, Forth Replacement Crossing One To One Business Meetings: A platform to select Centre for Sustainable Design the companies you want to engage with, profile your capabilities to, understand their priorities and align on potential collaborations Dr. Karl Kleinhanβ, Director, DEGES A 100% expert practitioner audience: Fully profiled Marcus Sanchez, Chief Bridge Engineer, Roughan & O'Donovan attendees so you know who is there, who to network with and where common interest, challenges and opportunities lie Edo Vonk, Senior Bridge Engineer, A15 Botlek Bridge An itinerary customised to your current business Steve Kite, Associate Director, Arup objectives: Exchange participants customise their agendas by selecting conference sessions, roundtables and one-on-one meetings with solution providers that Davood Liaghat, Technical Director, are most relevant to their specific business needs Buro Happold Karl Humpf, Manager, Bridge Department, Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner Exclusive attendance: Participation is strictly limited to senior executives from leading corporations in Europe to facilitate true peer-level networking for our delegation and speakers. Stephen Pottle, Structures Manager, Raymond Hawes, Bridge Team Leader Transport for London Sava Bridge Project Bratislav Stipanic, Design Review Manager Sava Bridge Project Professor Eilif Svensson, Cable-stayed Stuart Withycombe, Global Technical Bridge Expert, Sava Bridge Project Director, Bridges, Halcrow & Consultant Engineer, ES Consult Denmark Good value, state of the art on design and good to meet other bridges experts and suppliers. Henrik Christensen, Bridges Manager, Ioannis Koutras, Director of Development Femern AS & International Projects, Egnatia Odos Senior Bridges Manager, Arup Netherlands 44(0) 207 368 939484
  • 3. Who you will meet Exchange Delegates To ensure the Exchange offers the highest degree of relevancy for attendees, only senior executives responsible for delivering bridge and construction projects are invited. This exclusive format allows you to Bridge Design & connect with those peers whose insights you respect Construction Exchange most – through exceptional networking, business meetings and strategic information sharing sessions. Executives in attendance will include: More Value for your time out of the office Directors/Heads/Chiefs/Leaders of: The Bridge Design and Construction Exchange offers a variety of unique learning styles and sessions, from which you can build a customised itinerary that • Bridge Engineering reflects your current initiatives, priorities and future strategic objectives. • Bridge Design • Structures • Bridge Construction • Infrastructure • Civil & Structural • Maintenance Conference Sessions • Procurement Engineering The highly crafted conference sessions reflect the strategic issues that senior • Construction Planning • Technical Solutions executives have identified as priorities during our lengthy research process. • Planning You will choose from a selection of plenary sessions covering a myriad of From: issues that will create the foundation of your agenda. Session formats include: Co-presented Case Studies, Panel Discussions, Case Reviews, Roundtable Discussions and Interactive Debates. BRIDGE OWNERS One-to-One Business Meetings An integral part of your agenda is the one-to-one business meetings with leading solution providers. When you register for the Bridge Design and Construction Exchange, you will be asked to identify the solutions and services you are currently considering, so we can invite leading experts to the Exchange who will fit your business needs. CONTRACTORS CONSULTANTS Prior to the Exchange, you will be able to assess the solution providers who will be attending and select 6-8 who offer products and services that match your initiatives and priorities. Your selections are then incorporated into your customised agenda. These private 30 minute one-to-one meetings give you the opportunity to hear from leading specialists, whose industry knowledge and experience enable them to make a valuable contribution to the requirements of your business. They offer objective, flexible and relevant strategies for success. Bridge Design & Construction This unique aspect of the Bridge Design and Construction Exchange Exchange Solution Providers serves to simplify the process for sourcing new solutions, enabling you to Solution Providers are invited based on the discover strategies that are working for others and offering you early previews requirements of attending delegates. of emerging technologies. The solution providers at the Bride Design & Construction Exchange specialise in the following areas: Think Tank Discussions • Access equipment • Management Our signature Think Tank sessions encourage discussion, debate and learning • Architects Contracting in an unscripted and informal setting. You can choose to participate in these • Bridge strengthening • Materials Testing interactive roundtable style sessions on topics which are front of mind issues. • Bridge Design • Moveable bridges You will be able to select from a range of Think Tank topics which will be • Bearings • Paints/Coatings incorporated into your personal itinerary. These 30 minute discussions will be • Bridge Decking • Personal Safety moderated to ensure that the discussions stay on-course and deliver maximum • Concrete structures Equipment • Concrete services • Pedestrian bridges benefit to you. Ask questions, share experiences, ideas and find the right • Cranes • Prefabricated Bridges answers to your immediate concerns. • Cables • Rail bridges • Civil Engineering • Road bridges • Dampers • Software for Design • Demolition & Analysis • Drainage • Software for • Engineering Consulting Bridge Management • Field Testing • Repair & Refurbishment • Formwork • Scaffolding • GIS • Steel fabrication, • Heavy Lifting casting & corrosion Very valuable. It gives a good overview of major projects, • Inspection and • Stress & Load testing great insight into current challenges and an opportunity assessment • Structural Engineering to meet with potential partners. • Joints • Lifting Equipment • Temporary works • Waterproofing Project Director, Arcadis France • Load Testing • Wind Engineering 44(0) 207 368 9484
  • 4. What You Will Gain Access To At The 2011 Bridge Design & Construction Exchange 15th - 17th May 2011 Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands Martin Charter, Executive Director Exchange Chairman The Centre for Sustainable Design EUROPEAN INSIGHT AND DELIVERY David Climie, Project Director Keynote Address: The World’s First Cross-Stay Bridge: Forth Replacement Crossing Update On The Forth Replacement Crossing • Understanding how innovative, cost efficient use of a managed crossing strategy has reduced the overall budget by £1.7 billion • Adopting a system of crossing stays to limit deformation whilst allowing a slender structure • Merging engineering and architecture to create a unique and modern structure to suit the setting • Engaging in ongoing consultation with appropriate regional bodies and communities to educate and ensure the bridge meets economic, social and financial objectives • Moving forwards: Defining the construction roadmap to ensure flexibility, testing and adjustment Edo Vonk, Senior Bridge Engineer Designing The Biggest Lifting Bridge In The World: The A15 A15 Botlek Bridge, Netherlands • Background to the bridge project: Transport requirements and bridge specifications for traffic flow • Designing to deliver: Ensuring the bridge design meets all performance requirements and has a workable construction roadmap to deliver • Overcoming the specific challenges for the bridge design: Materials, environment and lifting capabilities for sea traffic • Lessons learnt from the front line: Keeping the design process agile to allow for improvements and redesign to deliver a world class bridge Martin Charter, Executive Director 30 Minute Think Tank Topic: Embedding Sustainability Into Design And Centre for Sustainable Design Construction For The Next Generation BRIDGE DESIGN: INNOVATION, SUSTAINABILITY AND INTEGRATED PLANNING Sander den Blanken, Associate & Bridges Keynote Address: Leader Europe, Bridge Design And Construction - Global Opportunity, Innovation And Delivery ARUP Netherlands • Highlighting growth opportunities in global and European markets and assessing the level and nature of investment in bridge infrastructure • Growing the competency base of the construction firm to ensure maximum delivery capability, best in class strategy and techniques for bridge design and construction • Developing and deploying new, innovative techniques to bridge design to ensure sustainability and world class project delivery • Lessons learnt from bridge design and construction projects around the world: best practice and inspirational design Marcos Sanchez, Chief Bridge Engineer Examining Innovative Approaches For Bridge Design And Construction Roughan & O’Donovan Projects To Give Fresh Momentum And Inspiration To Your Planning • Does size matter? Looking at the use of innovative approaches in all sizes of bridge design and construction across Europe • Addressing the importance of increasing safety and quality through technology in bridge design and construction • Forging effective working partnerships with suppliers to ensure existing as well as cutting edge materials are tested and evaluated for any project • What does innovation look like for your project? Variations on a theme or revolutionary new approaches: finding the balance and remaining focused on delivery 44(0) 207 368 9484
  • 5. 15th - 17th May 2011 Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands SUSTAINABILITY AND DESIGN Chris Hendy, Head of Bridge Design Developing A Sustainability Index To Enable Performance Targets, and Technology Better Decision Making And Improved Bridge Design ATKINS • nderstanding project drivers and defining the required output from such an index U • eveloping the index around key sustainability attributes: Economy, society, environment, D climate change and resources • pplying the sustainability index at key stages to deliver maximum benefit: Outline design A stage, detailed design stage, during construction and at completion • essons from the front line: Examining the use of the index on a live bridge project L • uture roadmap for development and application of the sustainability index, for benchmarking, F performance target setting and decision making in bridge design and construction Steve Kite, Associate Director Examining The Latest Innovative Design Techniques For Building ARUP Sustainable Bridges • eveloping bridge concepts considering project requirements, site condition, available D materials, constructability and maintenance • aying close attention to aerodynamic stability and human induced vibration when unique P structural systems are used • reating better structural design with the help of 3-D modelling C • eveloping lighting schemes to enhance night time appearance D • esigning construction sequences with consideration of contractors’ capabilities D GLOBAL PROJECT UPDATES, KNOW HOW & TECHNIQUES Davood Liaghat, Technical Director Opportunities And Challenges For Designing And Delivering Bridge Projects & Bridges Team Leader In The Middle East Buro Happold • nderstanding recent trends in bridge design and construction projects in the region U • dentifying the specific challenges for bridge design solutions to cope with the hostile climate I • essons learnt from recent projects for design tools, techniques and approaches that L enable the successful delivery of bridges in the Middle East Henning Schultz, Vice President Case Study & Director Hardanger Bridge: Designing And Constructing The Longest Bridge In Norway Steel Bridges MT Højgaard • xamining key design considerations for the bridge: Materials, structure, suspension, wind dynamics E • vercoming the challenges of a slim girder design for both temporary and permanent works to O ensure schedules, safety and precision requirements are met • refabricating and transporting deck units and using best in class methods to provide the safest P and most efficient execution of the bridge structure • oving from the design to the construction phase: Coordinating the project team, ensuring M flexibility in the construction process and designing a construction roadmap to deliver on time and on budget Stephen Pottle, Structures Manager Ensuring Value For Money Through Best In Class Risk Based Transport for London Inspection For Bridges • ey drivers for bridges programme in the TFL structures network: safety, resource allocation, K investment planning, demonstrating value for money • nderstanding the evolution of bridge inspection strategies: from time based to condition U based to risk based • ssessing recent trials of the risk based inspection programme and the lessons learnt in terms A of defending budgets, decision making and identifying future areas for bridge investment • ext steps for the programme: integrating the inspection approach into the bridge N management system, developing a recognised qualification and improving lifecycle planning and bridge management Dr. Karl Kleinhanß, Director Case Study DEGES Innovation And Successful Project Planning & Delivery In German Bridges: Tools, Techniques And Know-How • ighlighting growth opportunities in German markets and assessing the level and nature of H investment in bridge infrastructure • sing power management techniques to enable rapid delivery of bridge projects with tight U deadlines and critical infrastructure • xamining the lessons learnt from recent projects in overcoming design, construction and E delivery challenges: Case study examples 44(0) 207 368 9484
  • 6. 15th - 17th May 2011 Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, The Netherlands BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, PROJECT DELIVERY & PERFORMANCE Stuart Withycombe, Global Technical Planning for the Design and Construction of a Major Fixed Link Director • Ensuring structural safety in cable stayed bridges: key considerations and performance criteria Bridges Halcrow • Utilising pre-cast heavy caisson foundations, and at select locations, piled foundations to withstand seismic pressures • Assessing the advantages of working under the privately financed BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) model • Incorporating an intelligent traffic system into the design (ITS) including; information screens, communications, automatic speed control, queue warning, smoke extraction system, lane control system and vehicle detection system David Mackenzie, CEO From Design To Delivery: Successful Bridge Construction To Deliver Flint & Neill Projected Benefits And Meet Stakeholder Requirements • mploying innovative construction solutions to deliver the project on budget and E ahead of schedule • vercoming local geographical and environmental challenges by designing for constructability O • nsuring sustainability of bridge structures and managing future capacity requirements E • inimising disruption to the wider community by developing construction techniques at the M design stage CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND DELIVERY Felix von Platen, Head of Technical Overcoming The Technical Challenges Of Delivering The Construction Project Project Support On Time And On Budget Hochtief • nderstanding the key considerations in planning the transition from design to construction: U Technology, people, resource, partners, timelines and agility • he importance of works preparation to enable a rapid start and ongoing meeting of deadlines T on the project • nsuring the delivery plan is workable within project guidelines and takes into account actual and E forecasted technical challenges to be solved along the way • essons from the front line: Using technical innovation in problem solving on the construction project L Karl Humpf, Manager Bridge Department Case Study Session: The Contribution Of Latin America To The Development Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner GmbH Of Long Span Bridges • xamining the challenges of laying foundations in deep water E • sing incremental launching for lower first cost and lower maintenance U • nderstanding the advantages of double composite bridges U • esigning and constructing cable stayed bridges for railway D • nsuring appropriate protection for the bridge against ship impact E • earning from the most recent applications of these techniques on the Third Orinoco Bridge L INTEGRATED BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION & TRANSPORT PLANNING Raymond Hawes, Bridge Team Leader Case Study: The Sava Bridge - A Landmark Structure For The Next Generation Sava Bridge Project • nderstanding the key components of the project: The bridge, north and south approach roads, U Bratislav Stipanic, Design Review Manager rail route over the bridge Sava Bridge Project • ealing with adverse conditions in the construction phase of the bridge including snow, rivers D Professor Eilif Svensson, Cable-stayed and seismic activity Bridge Expert • he importance of supplier selection: Using a mix of local and international sub contractors to T Sava Bridge Project ensure best in class materials, techniques and successful delivery within budget & Consultant Engineer, ES Consult Denmark • oving forwards with the delivery roadmap towards completion in 2011: Key milestones M achieved and lessons learnt from the front line Ioannis Koutras, Director of Development Using The Latest Construction Techniques To Plan For Successful Major Project & International Projects Delivery In The Face Of Multiple Geotechnical Challenges Egnatia Odos • nderstanding the geotechnical challenges faced when constructing the Egnatia Odos U motorway and the Metsovo Bridge • earning how to plan for construction in riverside areas characterised by soft soil: key challenges L and solutions learned from the projects • oving from design to workable construction roadmap and incorporating agility into the M schedule to allow for new challenges to be addressed • nalysing best in class tools and techniques used on both projects to enable the delivery of over A 177 major bridges as well as numerous overpasses, viaducts and related structures 44(0) 207 368 9484
  • 7. Your Itinerary As part of the Exchange you will create your own three day agenda to ensure it meets your current business needs, and it will look something like this: Sunday 15th May, 2011 Bridge Design & 14:00 Registration 15:00 Opening Keynote Address Construction Exchange 15:45 16:30 Ice-Breaker Networking Business Meeting 17:00 Business Meeting 17:30 Free Time 18:30 Cocktail Reception What Your Participation Includes: 20:00 Gala Dinner This exclusive event is strictly for senior executives from construction companies, Monday 16th May, 2011 bridge consulting firms and bridge owners. 09:00 Chairman’s Welcome If you haven’t received an invitation to this event and would like to know if you qualify 09:15 Session to attend please call +44 (0) 207 368 9484, email or fill 09:55 Session in an invitation application online at 10:40 Business Meeting 11:10 Session Exchange Pricing 11:55 Business Meeting 12:25 Business Meeting Early Booking Rate Standard 12:55 Lunch (Book and Pay by Friday 11th March) Price 13:55 Business Meeting €949 +VAT* €1149 +VAT* 14:25 Business Meeting *Dutch VAT is charged at 19%. VAT Registration #: NL 8078 84 728 B01 15:00 Session 15:40 Business Meeting To apply for an invitation, please contact the Exchange team: 16:15 Session Telephone: +44 (0)20 7368 9484 16:55 Chairman’s Close Online: 17:10 Free Time Email: 19:00 Cocktail Reception Tuesday 17th May, 2011 Participation for qualifying delegates includes: 09:00 Chairman’s Welcome • 2 nights accommodation at the Exchange venue* 09:10 Session • Access to the secure pre-event website to customise your schedule for the Exchange 09:50 Session • Selection of interactive discussions, keynote presentations and conference sessions 10:35 Business Meeting • Selection of one-on-one business meetings with solution providers 11:10 Session • Breakfast, lunch and refreshments 11:50 Session • Networking Dinner 12:35 Business Meeting * Please note we have a limited amount of accommodation so please secure your place 13:05 Business Meeting early to avoid disappointment. Once all free accommodation has been allocated, the 13:35 Lunch standard rate of 1149EUR + VAT excluding accommodation will apply. 14:30 Business Meeting 15:00 Business Meeting 15:35 Session 16:15 Exchange Adjourns The Venue Radisson Blu Amsterdam Airport, the Netherlands Boeing Avenue 2, Schiphol-Rijk NL-1119 PB Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone: +31 20 6553131 One of few luxury Amsterdam hotels near the airport, the Radisson Blu Hotel is situated amongst the greenery of the Schiphol-Rijk business park and is just minutes from Schiphol Airport. Centrally located close to Amsterdam, the hotel’s location affords guests elite access to Schiphol-Rijk business park.Overlooking the lush trees and canals of the business park from the 279 rooms and suites at the hotel. Luxury amenities such as Free high-speed Internet, airport shuttle service, as well as 24-hour room service are available to guests. Guests can also unwind in the hotel lobby lounge, sample regional flavours and fine dining at the on-site restaurant and enjoy respite at the wellness and health centre with sauna, steam bath and a variety of spa treatments. All Exchange venues are very carefully selected. We believe that the backdrop and ambience are crucial to the success of an Exchange. By tying in rich traditions, ease of access, historic significance and unsurpassed quality at stunning locations across Europe; these venues present the perfect setting to conduct business and meet a peer group of senior experts. These venues provide a peaceful and productive retreat, ensuring that you are able to focus on your priorities for participating in this Exchange. 44(0) 207 368 9484