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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Primary & Secondary
Breast Cancer
Shirin Gorjian
Master of science in nursing education.
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (UMSHA)
Nursing & Midwifery Faculty
The breast sit on the chest muscles that
cover the ribs.
Each breast is made of 15 to 20 lobes.
Lobes contain many smaller lobules.
Lobules contain groups of tiny glands
that can produce milk.
Milk flows from the lobules through
thin tubes called ducts to the nipple.
The nipple is in the center of a dark
area of skin called the areola.
Fat fills the spaces between the
lobules and ducts.
The normal breast
There is no such thing as a 'standard' breast. What is normal for one woman may
not be for another. Throughout your life your breasts will change; below are some
descriptions of a normal breast at different stages of your life:
Before the menopause
Normal breasts feel different at different times of the month. The milk-producing tissue
in the breast becomes active in the days before a period starts. In some women, the
breasts at this time feel tender and lumpy, especially near the armpits.
After a hysterectomy
The breasts usually show the same monthly differences until the time when your
periods would have stopped, unless your ovaries have also been removed.
After the menopause
Activity in the milk-producing tissue stops. Breasts normally feel soft, less firm and not
CANCER:a disease that is characterized by
uncontrolled cell growth in an organ, ie. the site the cells
originate from.
BREAST CANCER: begins in the breast tissue and
may start in the duct or lobe of the breast. When the
“controls” in breast cells are not working properly, they
divide continually and a lump or tumor is formed.
Ductal Carcinoma
 Originate in ducts that carry milk to nipples
 If cancer confined to duct = in situ (DCIS)
 Usually found on mammogram
 If moved beyond duct = invasive or
Lobular Carcinoma
 rare
2nd leading cause of death
2nd most common cancer
Incidence increases with age
All women are at risk
A woman
has a one in eight chance of
developing breast cancer in her lifetime.
Breast cancer is always caused by a genetic abnormality (a
“mistake” in the genetic material). However, only 5-10% of
cancers are due to an abnormality inherited from your mother or
father. About 90% of breast cancers are due to genetic
abnormalities that happen as a result of the aging process and the
“wear and tear” of life in general.
Risk Factor: something that may raise your chances of getting
a disease. It does not mean you will get the disease.
Gender: female (1% males)
Race: more common in whites
Age: increases as a woman gets older.
Relative : (mother or sister)
Menstrual history :early on set & late menopause
Childbirth: first child After the age of 30 or having no
children at all
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are protective against breast
cancer …
Diet: *Fat
Lack of Physical Activity ; Stress
Radiation Exposure specially in childhood
History of cancer: breast, uterus, cervix, ovary
Hormones: estrogens in Hormone replacement
therapy & Birth control pills
Genetics : certain conditions that are inheritated
> 70% have no risk factors
women are
at risk
Obesity Non/Exercise
Non/Breastfeeding Alcohol
Not having
The two highest risk factors are things you cannot
A family history of breast
High doses of radiation as
a child
Previous abnormal breast
Ethnic origin
Where you live
Reproductive factors (early
onset of menstrual cycle,
having your first baby after
age 30, never having a
child, late menopause)
Risk factors you can change are things like
“Healthy Lifestyle”
P ractice what you know
• eat healthy
• be active
• don’t smoke
I nvestigate the information
• know fact from fiction
N know what’s normal
• for your body and breasts
K nowledge is power
Choose a
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve
people’s health and well-being. Many governments and non-
governments have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and
health promotions.
Step 1:
Top 20 Cancer Fighting Foods
No single food can prevent cancer, but
the right combination of foods may help
make a difference. At mealtimes, strike
a balance of at least two-thirds plant-
based foods and no more than one-third
animal protein.
This "New American Plate" is an
important cancer fighting tool,
according to the American Institute for
Cancer Research. Check out better and
worse choices for your plate.
Folat is an important B vitamin that may help
protect against cancers of the colon, rectum,
and breast.
You can find it in abundance on the “breakfast
Fortified breakfast cereals and whole wheat
products are good sources of folat. So are
orange juice, melons, and strawberries.
Whether it's the Lycopene the pigment
that gives tomatoes their red color or
something else isn't clear.
But some studies have linked eating
tomatoes to reduced risk of several
types of cancer, including prostate and
breast cancer. Studies also suggest that
processed tomato products such as
juice, sauce, or paste increase the
cancer-fighting potential.
Even though the evidence is still spotty,
tea, especially Green Tea, may be a
strong cancer fighter. In laboratory
studies, green tea has slowed or
prevented the development of cancer in
colon, liver, breast, and prostate cells. It
also had a similar effect in lung tissue
and skin. And in some longer term
studies, tea was associated with lower
risks for bladder, stomach, and
pancreatic cancers.
Grapes and grape juice, especially
purple and red grapes, contain
Resveratrol. Resveratrol has strong
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties. In laboratory studies, it
has prevented the kind of damage
that can trigger the cancer process in
cells. There is not enough evidence
to say that eating grapes or drinking
grape juice (or taking supplements)
can prevent or treat cancer.
Water not only quenches your thirst,
but it may protect you against
cancer specially bladder cancer. The
lower risk comes from water
diluting concentrations of potential
cancer-causing agents in the
bladder. Also, drinking more fluids
causes you to urinate more
frequently. That lessens the amount
of time those agents stay in contact
with the bladder lining.
Beans are so good for you, it's no
surprise they may help fight cancer,
too. They contain several potent
phytochemicals that may protect the
body's cells against damage that can
lead to cancer. In the lab these
substances slowed tumor growth and
prevented tumors from releasing
substances that damage nearby cells.
Cruciferous vegetables include
broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels
sprouts, bokchoy, and kale. These
members of the cabbage family make
an excellent stir fry and can really liven
up a salad. But most importantly,
components in these vegetables may
help your body defend against cancers
such as colon, breast, lung, and cervix..
Dark green leafy vegetables such as
mustard greens, lettuce, kale, chicory,
spinach, and chard have an
abundance of fiber, foliate, and
carotenoids. These nutrients may
help protect against cancer of the
mouth, larynx, pancreas, lung, skin,
and stomach.
Curcumin is the main ingredient in the
Indian spice turmeric and a potential
cancer fighter. Lab studies show it can
suppress the transformation, proliferation,
and invasion of cancerous cells for a wide
array of cancers.
How you cook meat can make a
difference in how big a cancer risk it
poses. Frying, grilling, and broiling
meats at very high temperatures causes
chemicals to form that may increase
cancer risk. Other cooking methods
such as stewing, braising, or steaming
appear to produce fewer of those
chemicals. And when you do stew the
meat, remember to add plenty of
healthy, protective vegetables.
Vitamins may help protect against cancer. But
that's when you get them naturally from food.
Both the American Cancer Society and the
American Institute for Cancer Research
emphasize that getting cancer-fighting nutrients
from foods like nuts, fruits, and green leafy
vegetables is vastly superior to getting them
from supplements.
Eating a healthy diet is best.
Recent news from researchers has
demonstrated that oranges can play a
significant role in preventing cancer.
Amazingly, we routinely throw out this most
potent part of the orange. In the oil of the peel
of citrus fruits is a phytonutrient known as
Limonene. Oranges, mandarins, lemons, and
limes contain significant amounts of limonene
in the peel. Limonene stimulates our
antioxidant detoxification enzyme system, thus
helping to stop cancer before it can even begin.
Limonene stimulates our antioxidant
detoxification enzyme system, thus helping to
stop cancer before it can even begin. Vit C.
Recently many researchers have been looking at
the different elements of a Japanese diet that is
higher in foods made from soy beans.
Soy is the main source of protein for many
Asian women and is a source of various phyto
chemicals in the legume. Genistein, daidzein
and the Bowman-Birk inhibitor are three
examples of phytochemicals in soy that appear
to have anti- breast cancer activity.
Step 2:
21 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Without Dieting
Set a timer for 20 minutes and
reinvent yourself as a slow eater. This
is one of the top habits for slimming
down without a complicated diet plan.
Savor each bite and make them last
until the bell chimes. Paced meals
offer great pleasure from smaller
portions and trigger the body's
fullness hormones. When you wolf
your food down in a hurry, your
stomach doesn't have time to tell your
brain it's full. That leads to overeating.
The top habit of slim people is to stick
with modest food portions at every
meal, five days a week or more.
"Always slim" people do it and
successful losers do it, too, according
to a Consumer Reports survey. After
measuring portions a few times, it can
become automatic. Make it easier with
small "snack" packs and by keeping
serving dishes off the table at meal
Choose a 10-inch lunch plate instead of
a 12-inch dinner plate to automatically
eat less. Cornell's Brian Wansink, PhD,
found in test after test that people serve
more and eat more food with larger
dishes. Shrink your plate or bowl to cut
out 100-200 calories a day and 10-20
pounds in a year. In Wansink's tests, no
one felt hungry or even noticed when
tricks of the eye shaved 200 calories off
their daily intake.
1Inch = 2/54 cm
1pound = 453.56 grams
Sugar may not cause cancer directly. But it
may displace other nutrient-rich foods that
help protect against cancer. And it increases
calorie counts, which contributes to
overweight and obesity. Excess weight is also
a cancer risk. Fruit offers a sweet alternative
in a vitamin-rich package.
Sleeping an extra hour a night could
help a person drop 14 pounds in a year,
according to a University of Michigan
researcher who ran the numbers for a
2,500 calorie per day intake. His
scenario shows that when sleep
replaces idle activities and the usual
mindless snacking, you can effortlessly
cut calories by 6%. Results would vary
for each person, but sleep may help in
another way, too. There's evidence that
getting less than 7 hours of sleep revs
up your appetite, making you
uncommonly hungry.
Serve three vegetables with dinner tonight,
instead of just one, and you'll eat more
without really trying. Greater variety
tricks people into eating more food and
eating more fruits and vegetables is a great
way to lose weight. The high fiber and
water content fills you up with fewer
calories. Cook them without added fat.
And season with lemon juice and herbs
rather than drowning their goodness in
high-fat sauces or dressings.
Add a broth-based soup to your day and
you'll fill up on fewer calories. Think
minestrone, tortilla soup, or Chinese won-
ton. Soup's especially handy at the
beginning of a meal because it slows your
eating and curbs your appetite. Start with
a low-sodium broth or canned soup, add
fresh not frozen vegetables and simmer.
Beware of creamy soups, which can be
high in fat and calories.
Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats,
buckwheat, and whole wheat also belong in
your stealthy weight loss strategy. They help
fill you up with fewer calories and may
improve your cholesterol, too. Whole grains
are now in many products including waffles,
pizza crust, English muffins, pasta, and soft
"white" whole-wheat bread.
Choose vegetable toppings for pizza
instead of meat and you may be able to
shave 100 calories from your meal.
Other skinny pizza tricks: Go light on the
cheese or use reduced-fat cheese and
choose a thin, bread-like crust made with
just a touch of olive oil
Replace one sugary drink like regular soda
with water or a zero-calorie seltzer and
you'll avoid about 10 teaspoons of sugar.
Add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries for
flavor and fun.
The liquid sugar in soda appears to bypass
the body's normal fullness cues. One study
compared an extra 450 calories per day
from jelly beans vs. soda. The candy eaters
unconsciously ate fewer calories overall,
but not so for the soda drinkers. They
gained 2.5 pounds in four weeks.
Use a tall, skinny glass instead of a short,
wide tumbler to cut liquid calories -- and
your weight without dieting. You'll drink
25%-30% less juice, soda, wine, or any
other beverage.
How can this work? Brian Wansink, PhD,
says visual cues can trick us into consuming
more or less. His tests at Cornell University
found all kinds of people poured more into
a short, wide glass even experienced
Drinking green tea may also be a
good weight loss strategy. Some
studies suggest that it can rev up the
body's calorie-burning engine
temporarily, possibly through the
action of phytochemicals called
Catechins. At the very least, you'll get
a refreshing drink without tons of
Women who do yoga tend to weigh less
than others, according to a study in the
Journal of the American Dietetic
Association. What's the connection? The
yoga regulars reported a more "mindful"
approach to eating. For example, they
tend to notice the large portions in
restaurants but eat only enough to feel
full. Researchers think the calm self-
awareness developed through yoga may
help people resist overeating.
Eat home-cooked meals at least five
days a week. A Consumer Reports
survey found this was a top habit of
"successful losers." Sound daunting?
Cooking may be easier than you think.
Shortcut foods can make for quick
meals, such as pre-chopped lean beef for
fajitas, washed lettuce, pre-cut veggies,
canned beans, cooked chicken strips, or
grilled deli salmon.
Most people have a natural "eating
pause," when they drop the fork for a
couple of minutes. Watch for this moment
and don't take another bite. Clear your
plate and enjoy the conversation. This is
the quiet signal that you're full, but not
stuffed. Most people miss it.
Chew sugarless gum with a strong
flavor when you're at risk for a snack
attack. Making dinner after work,
socializing at a party, watching TV, or
surfing the Internet are a few dangerous
scenarios for mindless snacking. Gum
with a big flavor punch overpowers
other foods so they don't taste good.
More people around the world are
conditioned to keep eating until
they're stuffed, but residents of
Okinawa eat until they're 80% full.
They even have a name for this
naturally slimming habit: hara hachi
bu. We can adopt this healthy habit by
dishing out 20% less food, according
to researcher Brian Wansink, PhD.
His studies show most people don't
miss it.
The tomato-based sauces tend to have
fewer calories and much less fat than
cream-based sauces. But remember,
portion size still counts. A serving of
pasta is one cup or roughly the size of a
tennis ball.
Dietary fiber is only found in foods from the
plant kingdom so the more foods such as
meat, cheese, milk and eggs are eaten, the
fewer fruits, vegetables, grains and beans are
consumed. This means that the typical diet of
fast food hamburgers with fries, pizza and
turkey sandwiches has very little dietary fiber
and is associated with a relatively high
incidence of breast cancer.
Japanese women have about half the
incidence of breast cancer compared with
American women but when Japanese women
move to the United States and adopt a
different diet they begin to get breast cancer
as often as women born here.
Lose 10 pounds in a year without dieting by
burning an extra 100 calories every day. Try one
of these activities:
Walk 1 mile, about 20 minutes.
Mow the lawn for 20 minutes.
Clean house for 30 minutes.
Jog for 10 minutes
1mile = 1.6 kilometer
1pound = 453.56 grams
Step 3:
Healthy Mind
‫ال‬ َ‫ن‬ِ‫م‬ ٍ‫ء‬ْ‫ي‬
‫ش‬ِ‫ب‬ ْ‫م‬
‫ال‬ َ‫ن‬ِ‫م‬ ٍ‫ص‬ ْ‫ق‬
‫ن‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫وع‬ ُ‫ج‬
‫وف‬ِ‫ال‬َ‫و‬ َ‫م‬
َّ‫الص‬ِ‫ر‬ ِ‫ش‬َ‫ب‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫ات‬َ‫ر‬ َ‫م‬
‫الث‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫س‬ ُ‫النف‬َ‫و‬َ‫ين‬ِ‫ر‬ِ‫اب‬
‫ا‬ ً‫ر‬ ْ‫س‬ ُ‫ي‬ ِ‫ر‬ ْ‫س‬ ُ‫ع‬ ْ‫ال‬ َ‫ع‬ َ‫م‬ َّ‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬(‫سوره‬
َ‫ک‬ َ‫ر‬ ْ‫د‬ َ‫ص‬ َ‫ک‬ َ‫ل‬ ْ‫ح‬ َ‫ر‬ ْ‫ش‬ َ‫ن‬ ْ‫م‬ َ‫ل‬ َ‫أ‬(‫سوره‬
‫ن‬ ِ‫ئ‬ َ‫م‬ ْ‫ط‬ َ‫ت‬ َ‫و‬ ‫وا‬ ُ‫ن‬ َ‫آم‬ َ‫ذين‬ َّ‫ال‬
َ‫أ‬ َِّ‫اَّلل‬ ِ‫ر‬ ْ‫ك‬ ِ‫ذ‬ ِ‫ب‬ ْ‫م‬ ُ‫ه‬ ُ‫وب‬ ُ‫ل‬ ُ‫ق‬ِ‫ر‬ ْ‫ك‬ ِ‫ذ‬ ِ‫ب‬ ‫ال‬
ُ‫وب‬ ُ‫ل‬ ُ‫ق‬ ْ‫ال‬ ‫ن‬ ِ‫ئ‬ َ‫م‬ ْ‫ط‬ َ‫ت‬ َِّ‫اَّلل‬(‫سوره‬‫الرعد‬
ْ‫ب‬ َ‫ع‬ ٍ‫اف‬ َ‫ك‬ ِ‫ب‬ ُ‫ـه‬ َّ‫الل‬ َ‫س‬ ْ‫ي‬ َ‫ل‬ َ‫أ‬ُ‫ه‬ َ‫د‬
Certain scents like Lavender may soothe.
In one study, nurses who pinned small
vials of lavender oil to their clothes felt
their stress ease, while nurses who didn’t
felt more stressed. Lavender may
intensify the effect of some painkillers
and anti-anxiety medications, so if
you’re taking either, check with your
doctor before use.
Feeling less stressed is as close as
your next breath. Focusing on your
breath curbs your body’s “fight or
flight” reaction to pressure or fear,
and it pulls your attention away
from negative thoughts.
Sit comfortably in a quiet place.
Breathe in slowly through your
nose, letting your chest and lower
belly rise and your abdomen
expand. Breathe out just as slowly,
repeating a word or phrase that
helps you relax. To reap the most
benefit, repeat for at least 10
We all have a constant stream of thoughts
running through our heads, and sometimes
what we tell ourselves isn’t so nice. Staying
positive and using compassionate Self-Talk
will help you calm down and get a better grip
on the situation. Talk to yourself in the same
gentle, encouraging way you’d help a friend in
“Everything will be OK,” for instance, or "I'll
figure out how to handle this."
Soothes the tummy and the soul
A mild, Relaxing Tea with a delicate
flavor, it contains oils that relax the
smooth muscles in the stomach. Three
cups daily will ease indigestion, irritable
bowel problems, and colitis. Choose
100% pure chamomile flowers with a
strong, fresh apple aroma. Use 1
tablespoon of flowers per cup of boiling
water. Take for 2 months or more for
chronic problems.
Jotting down your thoughts can be a
great emotional outlet. Once they're
on paper, you can start working out a
plan to resolve them. It doesn’t
matter whether you prefer pen and
notebook, a phone app, or a file on
your laptop. The important thing is
that you’re honest about your
Spending time outdoors, even close to
home, is linked to better well-being.
You're in a natural setting, and you're
usually doing something active, like
walking or hiking. Even a few minutes
can make a difference in how you feel.
Don’t roll your eyes the next time someone
advises you to “grin and bear it.” In times of
tension, keeping a smile on your face
especially a genuine smile that’s formed by
the muscles around your eyes as well as your
mouth reduces your body’s stress responses,
even if you don’t feel happy. Smiling also
helps lower heart rates faster once your
stressful situation ends.
Music can help you calm down. In one
study, people had lower levels of the stress
hormone cortisol when they listened to a
recording of music before doing something
stressful (like doing math out loud or giving
a speech) than when they listened to a
recording of rippling water.
Step 4:
Secondary Prevention:
A Good Breast Health Plan is:
Self Awareness (Monthly Self Exams) (BSE)
Clinical Breast Examination (CBE)
Mammograms (Mammography)
Average-size lump found by woman practicing
occasional breast self-exam (BSE)
Average-size lump found by woman practicing
regular breast self-exam (BSE)
Average-size lump found by first mammogram
Average-size lump found by getting regular mammograms
Opportunity for woman to
become familiar with her breasts
Monthly exam of the breasts and
underarm area
May discover any changes early
Begin at age 20, continue
Menstruating women- 5 to 7 days after the beginning of
their period
Menopausal women same date each month
Pregnant women same date each month
Takes about 10 minutes
Perform BSE at least once a month
Examine all breast tissue
Breast exam may reveal the following:
Swelling in the armpit
Pain or tenderness in the breast
A change in the nipple
An unusual discharge from the nipple
A flattening or indentation in the breast
A lump in the armpit that does not go away after a menstrual cycle
A change in the size, contour, texture or temperature of the breast
Performed by doctor or trained nurse practitioner
Annually for women over 40yrs
At least every 3 years for women between 20 and 40yrs
More frequent examination for high risk patients
The earlier breast cancer is found, the easier it
is to treat. And mammograms, X-rays of the
breast, can detect tumors before they are large
enough to feel. The American Cancer Society
recommends yearly mammograms beginning
at age 40 for women at average risk. The U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force recommends
a screening mammogram every two years from
age 50 to 74.
It also notes that before age 50, each woman
should check with a doctor to find out what
screening schedule is right for her, considering
the potential benefits and harms.
Besides a mammogram, your doctor may order additional imaging with
breast ultrasound. An ultrasound can help determine the presence of
cysts, fluid-filled sacs that are not cancer.
An MRI may be recommended along with a mammogram for routine
screening in certain women who have a higher risk of breast cancer.
The only sure way to determine whether a
lump is cancer is to do a biopsy. This
involves taking a tissue sample for further
examination in the lab, sometimes through
a small needle. Sometimes surgery is done
to take part of or the entire lump for
testing. The results will show whether the
lump is cancer, and if so, what type. There
are several forms of breast cancer, and
treatments are carefully matched to the
type of cancer.
Step 5:
What is the
Breast Cancer Symptoms?
See your health care provider if you:
Find a new lump (or any change) that feels different from the
rest of your breast
Find a new lump (or any change) that feels different from your
other breast .
Feel something that is different from what you felt before
Change in the outline or shape, especially caused by
arm movements or by lifting the breasts.
Any puckering or dimpling of the skin.
In most cases, this change are not cancer. For example, breast
pain is more common with benign (not cancer) breast conditions
than with breast cancer. However, the only way to know for sure
is to see a provider. If you have breast cancer, it is best to find it
at an early stage, when the chances of survival are highest.
Discharge that is new to you and not milky.
Bleeding, Moist reddish areas that do not
heal easily
Position if the nipple is pulled in or pointing
Rash appearing on or around the nipple
Changes in skin color
and/or texture
Change in the size or shape
of the breast
Change in the appearance of
the nipple
Discharge from the nipple
Lump or thickening in
the breast
1. Anderson BO et al. (2008). Guideline implementation for breast healthcare in low-income and middle-income countries:
overview of the Breast Health Global Initiative Global Summit 2007. Cancer, 113, 2221–43.
2. Coleman MP et al. (2008). Cancer survival in five continents: a worldwide population-based study (CONCORD). Lancet
Oncol, 9, 730–56.
3. Danaei G et al. (2005). Causes of cancer in the world: comparative risk assessment of nine behavioural and environmental
risk factors. Lancet, 366, 1784–93.
4. Sankaranarayanan R, Ramadas K, Thara S et al. (2011). Clinical breast examination: preliminary results from a randomized
controlled trial in India. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 103:1476-1480
5. IARC (2002). Breast cancer screening, IARC handbooks for cancer prevention, volume 7, Lyon, International Agency for
Research on Cancer, IARCpress.
6. IARC (2008). World cancer report 2008. Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer.
7. Lacey JV Jr. et al. (2009). Breast cancer epidemiology according to recognized breast cancer risk factors in the Prostate,
Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial Cohort. BMC Cancer, 9, 84.
8. Peto J. (2001). Cancer epidemiology in the last century and the next decade. Nature, 411, 390–5.
9. Yip CH et al. (2008). Guideline implementation for breast healthcare in low- and middle-income countries: early detection
resource allocation. Cancer, 113, 2244–56.
10. WHO (2007). Cancer control: knowledge into action: WHO guide for effective programmes: early detection.
11. WHO (2008). The global burden of disease: 2004 update.
Breast Cancer Prevention Presentation

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Breast Cancer Prevention Presentation

  • 1. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
  • 2. Primary & Secondary Preventions of Breast Cancer by Shirin Gorjian Master of science in nursing education. Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (UMSHA) Nursing & Midwifery Faculty Hamadan-Iran
  • 3. The breast sit on the chest muscles that cover the ribs. Each breast is made of 15 to 20 lobes. Lobes contain many smaller lobules. Lobules contain groups of tiny glands that can produce milk. Milk flows from the lobules through thin tubes called ducts to the nipple. The nipple is in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat fills the spaces between the lobules and ducts.
  • 4. The normal breast There is no such thing as a 'standard' breast. What is normal for one woman may not be for another. Throughout your life your breasts will change; below are some descriptions of a normal breast at different stages of your life: Before the menopause Normal breasts feel different at different times of the month. The milk-producing tissue in the breast becomes active in the days before a period starts. In some women, the breasts at this time feel tender and lumpy, especially near the armpits. After a hysterectomy The breasts usually show the same monthly differences until the time when your periods would have stopped, unless your ovaries have also been removed. After the menopause Activity in the milk-producing tissue stops. Breasts normally feel soft, less firm and not lumpy.
  • 5.
  • 6. CANCER:a disease that is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in an organ, ie. the site the cells originate from. BREAST CANCER: begins in the breast tissue and may start in the duct or lobe of the breast. When the “controls” in breast cells are not working properly, they divide continually and a lump or tumor is formed.
  • 7. Ductal Carcinoma  Originate in ducts that carry milk to nipples  If cancer confined to duct = in situ (DCIS)  Usually found on mammogram  If moved beyond duct = invasive or infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma  rare
  • 8. 2nd leading cause of death 2nd most common cancer Incidence increases with age All women are at risk
  • 9. A woman has a one in eight chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime.
  • 10. Breast cancer is always caused by a genetic abnormality (a “mistake” in the genetic material). However, only 5-10% of cancers are due to an abnormality inherited from your mother or father. About 90% of breast cancers are due to genetic abnormalities that happen as a result of the aging process and the “wear and tear” of life in general.
  • 11. Risk Factor: something that may raise your chances of getting a disease. It does not mean you will get the disease.
  • 12. Gender: female (1% males) Race: more common in whites Age: increases as a woman gets older. Relative : (mother or sister) Menstrual history :early on set & late menopause Childbirth: first child After the age of 30 or having no children at all Pregnancy and breastfeeding are protective against breast cancer …
  • 13. Obesity Diet: *Fat *Alcohol Lack of Physical Activity ; Stress Radiation Exposure specially in childhood History of cancer: breast, uterus, cervix, ovary Hormones: estrogens in Hormone replacement therapy & Birth control pills Genetics : certain conditions that are inheritated > 70% have no risk factors
  • 14. All women are at risk Obesity Non/Exercise Non/Breastfeeding Alcohol Hormone Replacement Therapy Not having children
  • 15. The two highest risk factors are things you cannot change: Gender Age
  • 16. A family history of breast cancer High doses of radiation as a child Previous abnormal breast biopsy Ethnic origin Where you live Reproductive factors (early onset of menstrual cycle, having your first baby after age 30, never having a child, late menopause)
  • 17. Risk factors you can change are things like “Healthy Lifestyle” choices
  • 18.
  • 19. P ractice what you know • eat healthy • be active • don’t smoke I nvestigate the information • know fact from fiction N know what’s normal • for your body and breasts K nowledge is power
  • 21. A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being. Many governments and non- governments have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotions.
  • 23. Step 1: Top 20 Cancer Fighting Foods
  • 24. No single food can prevent cancer, but the right combination of foods may help make a difference. At mealtimes, strike a balance of at least two-thirds plant- based foods and no more than one-third animal protein. This "New American Plate" is an important cancer fighting tool, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. Check out better and worse choices for your plate.
  • 25.
  • 26. Folat is an important B vitamin that may help protect against cancers of the colon, rectum, and breast. You can find it in abundance on the “breakfast table”. Fortified breakfast cereals and whole wheat products are good sources of folat. So are orange juice, melons, and strawberries.
  • 27. Whether it's the Lycopene the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color or something else isn't clear. But some studies have linked eating tomatoes to reduced risk of several types of cancer, including prostate and breast cancer. Studies also suggest that processed tomato products such as juice, sauce, or paste increase the cancer-fighting potential.
  • 28. Even though the evidence is still spotty, tea, especially Green Tea, may be a strong cancer fighter. In laboratory studies, green tea has slowed or prevented the development of cancer in colon, liver, breast, and prostate cells. It also had a similar effect in lung tissue and skin. And in some longer term studies, tea was associated with lower risks for bladder, stomach, and pancreatic cancers.
  • 29. Grapes and grape juice, especially purple and red grapes, contain Resveratrol. Resveratrol has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In laboratory studies, it has prevented the kind of damage that can trigger the cancer process in cells. There is not enough evidence to say that eating grapes or drinking grape juice (or taking supplements) can prevent or treat cancer.
  • 30. Water not only quenches your thirst, but it may protect you against cancer specially bladder cancer. The lower risk comes from water diluting concentrations of potential cancer-causing agents in the bladder. Also, drinking more fluids causes you to urinate more frequently. That lessens the amount of time those agents stay in contact with the bladder lining.
  • 31. Beans are so good for you, it's no surprise they may help fight cancer, too. They contain several potent phytochemicals that may protect the body's cells against damage that can lead to cancer. In the lab these substances slowed tumor growth and prevented tumors from releasing substances that damage nearby cells.
  • 32. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bokchoy, and kale. These members of the cabbage family make an excellent stir fry and can really liven up a salad. But most importantly, components in these vegetables may help your body defend against cancers such as colon, breast, lung, and cervix..
  • 33. Dark green leafy vegetables such as mustard greens, lettuce, kale, chicory, spinach, and chard have an abundance of fiber, foliate, and carotenoids. These nutrients may help protect against cancer of the mouth, larynx, pancreas, lung, skin, and stomach.
  • 34. Curcumin is the main ingredient in the Indian spice turmeric and a potential cancer fighter. Lab studies show it can suppress the transformation, proliferation, and invasion of cancerous cells for a wide array of cancers.
  • 35. How you cook meat can make a difference in how big a cancer risk it poses. Frying, grilling, and broiling meats at very high temperatures causes chemicals to form that may increase cancer risk. Other cooking methods such as stewing, braising, or steaming appear to produce fewer of those chemicals. And when you do stew the meat, remember to add plenty of healthy, protective vegetables.
  • 36. Vitamins may help protect against cancer. But that's when you get them naturally from food. Both the American Cancer Society and the American Institute for Cancer Research emphasize that getting cancer-fighting nutrients from foods like nuts, fruits, and green leafy vegetables is vastly superior to getting them from supplements. Eating a healthy diet is best.
  • 37. Recent news from researchers has demonstrated that oranges can play a significant role in preventing cancer. Amazingly, we routinely throw out this most potent part of the orange. In the oil of the peel of citrus fruits is a phytonutrient known as Limonene. Oranges, mandarins, lemons, and limes contain significant amounts of limonene in the peel. Limonene stimulates our antioxidant detoxification enzyme system, thus helping to stop cancer before it can even begin. Limonene stimulates our antioxidant detoxification enzyme system, thus helping to stop cancer before it can even begin. Vit C.
  • 38. Recently many researchers have been looking at the different elements of a Japanese diet that is higher in foods made from soy beans. Soy is the main source of protein for many Asian women and is a source of various phyto chemicals in the legume. Genistein, daidzein and the Bowman-Birk inhibitor are three examples of phytochemicals in soy that appear to have anti- breast cancer activity.
  • 39. Step 2: 21 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting
  • 41. Set a timer for 20 minutes and reinvent yourself as a slow eater. This is one of the top habits for slimming down without a complicated diet plan. Savor each bite and make them last until the bell chimes. Paced meals offer great pleasure from smaller portions and trigger the body's fullness hormones. When you wolf your food down in a hurry, your stomach doesn't have time to tell your brain it's full. That leads to overeating.
  • 42. The top habit of slim people is to stick with modest food portions at every meal, five days a week or more. "Always slim" people do it and successful losers do it, too, according to a Consumer Reports survey. After measuring portions a few times, it can become automatic. Make it easier with small "snack" packs and by keeping serving dishes off the table at meal time.
  • 43. Choose a 10-inch lunch plate instead of a 12-inch dinner plate to automatically eat less. Cornell's Brian Wansink, PhD, found in test after test that people serve more and eat more food with larger dishes. Shrink your plate or bowl to cut out 100-200 calories a day and 10-20 pounds in a year. In Wansink's tests, no one felt hungry or even noticed when tricks of the eye shaved 200 calories off their daily intake. 1Inch = 2/54 cm 1pound = 453.56 grams
  • 44. Sugar may not cause cancer directly. But it may displace other nutrient-rich foods that help protect against cancer. And it increases calorie counts, which contributes to overweight and obesity. Excess weight is also a cancer risk. Fruit offers a sweet alternative in a vitamin-rich package.
  • 45. Sleeping an extra hour a night could help a person drop 14 pounds in a year, according to a University of Michigan researcher who ran the numbers for a 2,500 calorie per day intake. His scenario shows that when sleep replaces idle activities and the usual mindless snacking, you can effortlessly cut calories by 6%. Results would vary for each person, but sleep may help in another way, too. There's evidence that getting less than 7 hours of sleep revs up your appetite, making you uncommonly hungry.
  • 46. Serve three vegetables with dinner tonight, instead of just one, and you'll eat more without really trying. Greater variety tricks people into eating more food and eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to lose weight. The high fiber and water content fills you up with fewer calories. Cook them without added fat. And season with lemon juice and herbs rather than drowning their goodness in high-fat sauces or dressings.
  • 47. Add a broth-based soup to your day and you'll fill up on fewer calories. Think minestrone, tortilla soup, or Chinese won- ton. Soup's especially handy at the beginning of a meal because it slows your eating and curbs your appetite. Start with a low-sodium broth or canned soup, add fresh not frozen vegetables and simmer. Beware of creamy soups, which can be high in fat and calories.
  • 48. Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, and whole wheat also belong in your stealthy weight loss strategy. They help fill you up with fewer calories and may improve your cholesterol, too. Whole grains are now in many products including waffles, pizza crust, English muffins, pasta, and soft "white" whole-wheat bread. ‫غالت‬‫سبوس‬‫دار‬
  • 49. Choose vegetable toppings for pizza instead of meat and you may be able to shave 100 calories from your meal. Other skinny pizza tricks: Go light on the cheese or use reduced-fat cheese and choose a thin, bread-like crust made with just a touch of olive oil
  • 50. Replace one sugary drink like regular soda with water or a zero-calorie seltzer and you'll avoid about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries for flavor and fun. The liquid sugar in soda appears to bypass the body's normal fullness cues. One study compared an extra 450 calories per day from jelly beans vs. soda. The candy eaters unconsciously ate fewer calories overall, but not so for the soda drinkers. They gained 2.5 pounds in four weeks.
  • 51. Use a tall, skinny glass instead of a short, wide tumbler to cut liquid calories -- and your weight without dieting. You'll drink 25%-30% less juice, soda, wine, or any other beverage. How can this work? Brian Wansink, PhD, says visual cues can trick us into consuming more or less. His tests at Cornell University found all kinds of people poured more into a short, wide glass even experienced bartenders.
  • 52. Drinking green tea may also be a good weight loss strategy. Some studies suggest that it can rev up the body's calorie-burning engine temporarily, possibly through the action of phytochemicals called Catechins. At the very least, you'll get a refreshing drink without tons of calories.
  • 53. Women who do yoga tend to weigh less than others, according to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. What's the connection? The yoga regulars reported a more "mindful" approach to eating. For example, they tend to notice the large portions in restaurants but eat only enough to feel full. Researchers think the calm self- awareness developed through yoga may help people resist overeating.
  • 54. Eat home-cooked meals at least five days a week. A Consumer Reports survey found this was a top habit of "successful losers." Sound daunting? Cooking may be easier than you think. Shortcut foods can make for quick meals, such as pre-chopped lean beef for fajitas, washed lettuce, pre-cut veggies, canned beans, cooked chicken strips, or grilled deli salmon.
  • 55. Most people have a natural "eating pause," when they drop the fork for a couple of minutes. Watch for this moment and don't take another bite. Clear your plate and enjoy the conversation. This is the quiet signal that you're full, but not stuffed. Most people miss it.
  • 56. Chew sugarless gum with a strong flavor when you're at risk for a snack attack. Making dinner after work, socializing at a party, watching TV, or surfing the Internet are a few dangerous scenarios for mindless snacking. Gum with a big flavor punch overpowers other foods so they don't taste good.
  • 57. More people around the world are conditioned to keep eating until they're stuffed, but residents of Okinawa eat until they're 80% full. They even have a name for this naturally slimming habit: hara hachi bu. We can adopt this healthy habit by dishing out 20% less food, according to researcher Brian Wansink, PhD. His studies show most people don't miss it.
  • 58. The tomato-based sauces tend to have fewer calories and much less fat than cream-based sauces. But remember, portion size still counts. A serving of pasta is one cup or roughly the size of a tennis ball.
  • 59. Dietary fiber is only found in foods from the plant kingdom so the more foods such as meat, cheese, milk and eggs are eaten, the fewer fruits, vegetables, grains and beans are consumed. This means that the typical diet of fast food hamburgers with fries, pizza and turkey sandwiches has very little dietary fiber and is associated with a relatively high incidence of breast cancer. Japanese women have about half the incidence of breast cancer compared with American women but when Japanese women move to the United States and adopt a different diet they begin to get breast cancer as often as women born here.
  • 60. Lose 10 pounds in a year without dieting by burning an extra 100 calories every day. Try one of these activities: Walk 1 mile, about 20 minutes. Mow the lawn for 20 minutes. Clean house for 30 minutes. Jog for 10 minutes 1mile = 1.6 kilometer 1pound = 453.56 grams
  • 62.
  • 63. َ ‫خ‬ ْ ‫ال‬ َ‫ن‬ِ‫م‬ ٍ‫ء‬ْ‫ي‬ َ ‫ش‬ِ‫ب‬ ْ‫م‬ ُ ‫ك‬َّ‫ن‬َ‫و‬ ُ ‫ل‬ْ‫ب‬َ‫ن‬ َ ‫ل‬َ‫و‬ َ ‫ال‬ َ‫ن‬ِ‫م‬ ٍ‫ص‬ ْ‫ق‬ َ ‫ن‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫وع‬ ُ‫ج‬ ْ ‫ال‬َ‫و‬ ْ ‫وف‬ِ‫ال‬َ‫و‬ َ‫م‬ َّ‫الص‬ِ‫ر‬ ِ‫ش‬َ‫ب‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫ات‬َ‫ر‬ َ‫م‬ َّ ‫الث‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫س‬ ُ‫النف‬َ‫و‬َ‫ين‬ِ‫ر‬ِ‫اب‬ (‫البقرة‬‫ه‬‫ر‬‫سو‬-155)
  • 64. ‫ا‬ ً‫ر‬ ْ‫س‬ ُ‫ي‬ ِ‫ر‬ ْ‫س‬ ُ‫ع‬ ْ‫ال‬ َ‫ع‬ َ‫م‬ َّ‫ن‬ ِ‫إ‬(‫سوره‬ ‫الشرح‬-6) َ‫ک‬ َ‫ر‬ ْ‫د‬ َ‫ص‬ َ‫ک‬ َ‫ل‬ ْ‫ح‬ َ‫ر‬ ْ‫ش‬ َ‫ن‬ ْ‫م‬ َ‫ل‬ َ‫أ‬(‫سوره‬ ‫الشرح‬-1) ‫ن‬ ِ‫ئ‬ َ‫م‬ ْ‫ط‬ َ‫ت‬ َ‫و‬ ‫وا‬ ُ‫ن‬ َ‫آم‬ َ‫ذين‬ َّ‫ال‬ َ‫أ‬ َِّ‫اَّلل‬ ِ‫ر‬ ْ‫ك‬ ِ‫ذ‬ ِ‫ب‬ ْ‫م‬ ُ‫ه‬ ُ‫وب‬ ُ‫ل‬ ُ‫ق‬ِ‫ر‬ ْ‫ك‬ ِ‫ذ‬ ِ‫ب‬ ‫ال‬ ُ‫وب‬ ُ‫ل‬ ُ‫ق‬ ْ‫ال‬ ‫ن‬ ِ‫ئ‬ َ‫م‬ ْ‫ط‬ َ‫ت‬ َِّ‫اَّلل‬(‫سوره‬‫الرعد‬ –28) ْ‫ب‬ َ‫ع‬ ٍ‫اف‬ َ‫ك‬ ِ‫ب‬ ُ‫ـه‬ َّ‫الل‬ َ‫س‬ ْ‫ي‬ َ‫ل‬ َ‫أ‬ُ‫ه‬ َ‫د‬
  • 65. Certain scents like Lavender may soothe. In one study, nurses who pinned small vials of lavender oil to their clothes felt their stress ease, while nurses who didn’t felt more stressed. Lavender may intensify the effect of some painkillers and anti-anxiety medications, so if you’re taking either, check with your doctor before use.
  • 66. Feeling less stressed is as close as your next breath. Focusing on your breath curbs your body’s “fight or flight” reaction to pressure or fear, and it pulls your attention away from negative thoughts. Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Breathe in slowly through your nose, letting your chest and lower belly rise and your abdomen expand. Breathe out just as slowly, repeating a word or phrase that helps you relax. To reap the most benefit, repeat for at least 10 minutes.
  • 67. We all have a constant stream of thoughts running through our heads, and sometimes what we tell ourselves isn’t so nice. Staying positive and using compassionate Self-Talk will help you calm down and get a better grip on the situation. Talk to yourself in the same gentle, encouraging way you’d help a friend in need. “Everything will be OK,” for instance, or "I'll figure out how to handle this."
  • 68. Soothes the tummy and the soul A mild, Relaxing Tea with a delicate flavor, it contains oils that relax the smooth muscles in the stomach. Three cups daily will ease indigestion, irritable bowel problems, and colitis. Choose 100% pure chamomile flowers with a strong, fresh apple aroma. Use 1 tablespoon of flowers per cup of boiling water. Take for 2 months or more for chronic problems.
  • 69. Jotting down your thoughts can be a great emotional outlet. Once they're on paper, you can start working out a plan to resolve them. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer pen and notebook, a phone app, or a file on your laptop. The important thing is that you’re honest about your feelings.
  • 70. Spending time outdoors, even close to home, is linked to better well-being. You're in a natural setting, and you're usually doing something active, like walking or hiking. Even a few minutes can make a difference in how you feel. ‫حمام‬‫جنگل‬
  • 71. Don’t roll your eyes the next time someone advises you to “grin and bear it.” In times of tension, keeping a smile on your face especially a genuine smile that’s formed by the muscles around your eyes as well as your mouth reduces your body’s stress responses, even if you don’t feel happy. Smiling also helps lower heart rates faster once your stressful situation ends.
  • 72. Music can help you calm down. In one study, people had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol when they listened to a recording of music before doing something stressful (like doing math out loud or giving a speech) than when they listened to a recording of rippling water.
  • 74. A Good Breast Health Plan is: Self Awareness (Monthly Self Exams) (BSE) Clinical Breast Examination (CBE) Mammograms (Mammography)
  • 75. Average-size lump found by woman practicing occasional breast self-exam (BSE) Average-size lump found by woman practicing regular breast self-exam (BSE) Average-size lump found by first mammogram Average-size lump found by getting regular mammograms
  • 76. Opportunity for woman to become familiar with her breasts Monthly exam of the breasts and underarm area May discover any changes early Begin at age 20, continue monthly
  • 77. Menstruating women- 5 to 7 days after the beginning of their period Menopausal women same date each month Pregnant women same date each month Takes about 10 minutes Perform BSE at least once a month Examine all breast tissue
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Breast exam may reveal the following: Swelling in the armpit Pain or tenderness in the breast A change in the nipple An unusual discharge from the nipple A flattening or indentation in the breast A lump in the armpit that does not go away after a menstrual cycle A change in the size, contour, texture or temperature of the breast
  • 84. Performed by doctor or trained nurse practitioner Annually for women over 40yrs At least every 3 years for women between 20 and 40yrs More frequent examination for high risk patients
  • 85. The earlier breast cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. And mammograms, X-rays of the breast, can detect tumors before they are large enough to feel. The American Cancer Society recommends yearly mammograms beginning at age 40 for women at average risk. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends a screening mammogram every two years from age 50 to 74. It also notes that before age 50, each woman should check with a doctor to find out what screening schedule is right for her, considering the potential benefits and harms.
  • 86. Besides a mammogram, your doctor may order additional imaging with breast ultrasound. An ultrasound can help determine the presence of cysts, fluid-filled sacs that are not cancer. An MRI may be recommended along with a mammogram for routine screening in certain women who have a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • 87. The only sure way to determine whether a lump is cancer is to do a biopsy. This involves taking a tissue sample for further examination in the lab, sometimes through a small needle. Sometimes surgery is done to take part of or the entire lump for testing. The results will show whether the lump is cancer, and if so, what type. There are several forms of breast cancer, and treatments are carefully matched to the type of cancer.
  • 88. Step 5: What is the Breast Cancer Symptoms?
  • 89.
  • 90. See your health care provider if you: Find a new lump (or any change) that feels different from the rest of your breast Find a new lump (or any change) that feels different from your other breast . Feel something that is different from what you felt before
  • 91. Change in the outline or shape, especially caused by arm movements or by lifting the breasts. Any puckering or dimpling of the skin.
  • 92. In most cases, this change are not cancer. For example, breast pain is more common with benign (not cancer) breast conditions than with breast cancer. However, the only way to know for sure is to see a provider. If you have breast cancer, it is best to find it at an early stage, when the chances of survival are highest.
  • 93. Discharge that is new to you and not milky. Bleeding, Moist reddish areas that do not heal easily Position if the nipple is pulled in or pointing differently. Rash appearing on or around the nipple
  • 94. Changes in skin color and/or texture Change in the size or shape of the breast Change in the appearance of the nipple Discharge from the nipple Lump or thickening in the breast
  • 95. 1. Anderson BO et al. (2008). Guideline implementation for breast healthcare in low-income and middle-income countries: overview of the Breast Health Global Initiative Global Summit 2007. Cancer, 113, 2221–43. 2. Coleman MP et al. (2008). Cancer survival in five continents: a worldwide population-based study (CONCORD). Lancet Oncol, 9, 730–56. 3. Danaei G et al. (2005). Causes of cancer in the world: comparative risk assessment of nine behavioural and environmental risk factors. Lancet, 366, 1784–93. 4. Sankaranarayanan R, Ramadas K, Thara S et al. (2011). Clinical breast examination: preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial in India. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 103:1476-1480 5. IARC (2002). Breast cancer screening, IARC handbooks for cancer prevention, volume 7, Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARCpress. 6. IARC (2008). World cancer report 2008. Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer. 7. Lacey JV Jr. et al. (2009). Breast cancer epidemiology according to recognized breast cancer risk factors in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial Cohort. BMC Cancer, 9, 84. 8. Peto J. (2001). Cancer epidemiology in the last century and the next decade. Nature, 411, 390–5. 9. Yip CH et al. (2008). Guideline implementation for breast healthcare in low- and middle-income countries: early detection resource allocation. Cancer, 113, 2244–56. 10. WHO (2007). Cancer control: knowledge into action: WHO guide for effective programmes: early detection. 11. WHO (2008). The global burden of disease: 2004 update.