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Breast Cancer Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Breast Cancer" can be both challenging and emotionally
charged. This subject demands a delicate balance between providing informative content and
maintaining sensitivity to the gravity of the issue. As a writer, you need to navigate through a
vast pool of medical information, statistical data, and personal stories to create a comprehensive
and well-rounded essay.
Researching on breast cancer involves delving into complex medical terminology, understanding
the intricacies of the disease, its various types, stages, and treatments. Moreover, incorporating
the latest advancements in medical science and technology is crucial for presenting up-to-date
and accurate information.
Balancing the scientific aspect with a human touch is equally challenging. It requires the ability
to convey the emotional impact of breast cancer on individuals and families without becoming
overly sentimental. Personal stories and survivor experiences should be woven into the narrative
to humanize the statistics, but this requires a delicate touch to respect the privacy and emotions
of those involved.
The essay should also address the broader context, discussing awareness campaigns, fundraising
efforts, and the importance of early detection. This requires a keen understanding of social
dynamics, cultural influences, and the evolving landscape of healthcare.
In conclusion, writing an essay on breast cancer demands a multidimensional approach that
combines scientific rigor with empathy and social awareness. It requires extensive research,
emotional intelligence, and the ability to communicate complex information in a clear and
accessible manner.
If you find yourself overwhelmed, it's worth noting that help is available. There are platforms like where you can order essays on various topics, including those related to health
and medical issues. These services can provide assistance in creating well-researched, well-
crafted essays, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your academic or professional
Breast Cancer Essays Breast Cancer Essays
Hardy Diary Entry
will be better I ll edit the first chapter eventuallyyyy Anyways I hope you enjoy this
c: got a secret can you keep it? Why did she do it? This was what I repeated to
myself in my head. And with Dean? The boy who I had warned her about all these
years. The boy who I thought she knew was dangerous. I guess she didn t know
after all. I thought we both knew cheating was wrong. I knew what Bridgette
would think of this, if she knew Charlotte had even touched Dean. We both know
what she does. What she did. Bridgette could and would destroy Charlotte. I guess
this is a secret I ll have to keep. I decided to text Charlotte. I knew I couldn t tell it to
her face... Show more content on ...
Of course, I didn t know everything. Maybe the kiss was all. Maybe it was nothing.
Maybe I ll have to find out myself what it really meant. I scanned my closet to see
if there was anything suitable I had to wear. I picked out a black lace dress that I
had brought a week ago. It was expensive, but it would show that I had the money. I
looked down at my assortment of shoes, and pulled out some black strappy heels.
Not as expensive, but they looked like it. I was getting dressed for one of Deans
infamous parties. They were always full of drugs, alcohol, and sex. Everyone was
invited. Everyone could do what ever they wanted. Except touch Dean, of course. I
put the dress on and pulled up the zip on the side. I slid the heels on my feet, and
did up the straps. I walked over to my mirror and looked at my reflection. I knew
the dress would ve looked better if I had weighed less, but I know a little extra
weight doesn t matter to the boys. As long as you had boobs, a butt, and your name
was Bridgette Vinetta, every boy in the school would be drooling over you. And the
funny thing is that I look extremely similar to her in the dark. If you re drunk, of
Different Types Of Economics Within The Game Show
The business that I have chosen for this project is TV Game Shows. Over the next
few pages, I will show different types of economics within the game show industry.
Cash prizes are paid by the show, and the money comes from the producers, who are
paid by the advertisers/network. There can be a couple of safeguards that make this a
little easier for the shows:
They can have an insurance policy to protect them from huge losses. For example,
the insurance company says, we ve studied the odds of your game, and we ll sell you
a policy for $200,000 up front, that pays out full prize money any time someone wins
$100,000 or more during this season of the show. Obviously this is all about a smart
insurance company who has studied the gameplay and sorted out the odds of how
many players will win big, but the point is that the show doesn t have to worry about
it. They can let the insurance company work it out, and the show then has a nice
fixed cost expense they can reliably drop into their production budget and not think
about it.
For really big prizes ($1,000,000), shows may pay similar to a lottery, where the
money is in a fund that pays over x amount of years, or the winner can take a
reduced lump sum immediately. For example, if you were to win $1 million on a
show, they might tell you (after the show is done taping) okay! We can give you
$50,000 a year for the next 20 years, or we can pay you $450,000 lump sum right
now and that s all you get.
And of course,
Fort San Carlos De Barrancas
Fort San Carlos De Barrancas is a National Historic Landmark. This fort sits on a
bluff overlooking the entrance to Pensacola Bay. The entrance is on Taylor Road
half a mile east of the Museum of Naval Aviation. The advantages of the forts
location have caused engineers of three nations to build forts. The position of Fort
Barrancas was susceptible to land attack. To counter this deficiency, a second brick
fortification called The Advanced Redoubt was built a few hundred yards in land to
help in the fort s defense. By the eve of the Civil War, the small force of United States
troops assigned to Pensacola Bay were quartered at Barrancas Post. Fort Pickens and
McRee were occupied by caretakers. Barrancas worked well do to the massive walls
Rainbow And Brook Trout Research Paper
Rainbow, Brown and Brook Trout. Those are the 3 species of trout in the southern
Appalachians. Brook trout are native to the Georgia Appalachians, while rainbow
and brown trout are not. Rainbow trout came from California and were introduced
to the Georgian Appalachian around 1875. They have populated Georgia well and
have sustained a great habitat. Brown trout actually came from overseas, Europe.
They came to the Americas and have found a home in Georgia. The brook trout
usually has a light colored underbelly with a brown speckled body. The rainbow
trout lives up to its name, it has a colorful body and white body. The brown trout are
you guessed it brown, with a yellow underbelly.
The artificial fly is what you think, a fishing lure that
Ernesto Che Guevara and His Role in the Cuban Revolution
Introduction One of the Cuban Revolution s major figures, Ernesto Che Guevara
is widely known as a guerrilla leader and a Marxist revolutionary. However, to
some people, he is considered both a mass murderer and a terrorist. Even though
some view Ernesto Che Guevara as a murderer, he was an idealist and an
intellectual with a genuine desire to change Latin America. Ernesto Che Guevara as
an Intellectual and Idealist To begin with, it can be noted that Guevara s
revolutionary mind and consequent involvement in social reforms in Guatemala
was informed by what he witnessed firsthand while traversing Latin America.
Mainly, it was the endemic alienation and poverty he witnessed that led to his
radical transformation. In his opinion, the economic inequalities that were deeply
ingrained in the region were largely as a result of imperialism, neocolonialism and
imperialism. Based on this, Guevara concluded that a revolution was the only way
to remedy the situation. Hence in a way, Guevara s involvement in guerrilla activity
was inspired by the need for reforms. For this, Ernesto Che Guevara should be
remembered as a reformist, an intellectual and an idealist. Next, the meteoric rise of
Guevara among the insurgents keen on overthrowing the Batista regime which had
dictatorial tendencies must have been as a result of his brilliance, drive as well as
reformist credentials. Within a relatively short period of time (one year), Guevara had
risen to second in command
Informative Speech On Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary artery disease
Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart muscle. The
coronary artery disease (also called CAD, for its acronym in English) or coronary
heart disease is caused by a thickening of the inner walls of the coronary arteries.
This thickening is called atherosclerosis. A fatty substance called plaque builds up
inside the thickened walls of the arteries and obstructs or delays the flow of blood. If
the heart muscle does not receive enough blood to function properly, you may have
angina or a heart attack.
The coronary artery disease can take years to develop. You may not notice any
symptoms of coronary artery disease until progression. As the arteries become
clogged you may experience: ... Show more content on ...
Overweight or obese.
Inactivity (sedentary lifestyle).
Other health problems (such as diabetes).
How is CAD treated?
Most people who have CAD take medication to help control your condition. The
drugs called beta blockers, channel blockers and calcium nitrates can help relieve
angina. Take a low dose of aspirin every day can reduce the likelihood of having a
second heart attack in people who already had one. Your doctor will tell you whether
you should take any of these medicines.
What about surgery?
Angioplasty is a surgical treatment for CAD. Angioplasty uses a tiny balloon to
open blocked arteries around the heart. The balloon is inserted into an artery in the
arm or leg. In the artery where the blockage was could put a small metal rod, called
stent to keep the artery open.
Another surgical treatment for CAD is bypass surgery. Pieces of veins or arteries
in the legs are removed and sewn into the heart arteries to carry blood to body parts
found after a blockage and increase the blood flow to the heart. Usually the bypass
surgery is performed when it is not possible angioplasty or when your doctor thinks
this is a better choice for you.
Are there side effects and other risks of the treatment of
PRINCE2в„ў Business Case |Project Name: | | |Date: | |Release: |Draft/Final |
|Author: | | |Owner: | | |Client: | | |Document Number: |... Show more content on ...
It| | |is reviewed and updated at the end of each management stage by the Managing
a Stage Boundary process, and | | |at the end of the project by the Closing a Project
process. | |Contents |The Business Case should cover the following topics. | |
|Executive Summary 3 | | |Reasons 3 | | |Business Options 4 | | |Expected Benefits 4 | |
|Expected Dis benefits 4 | | |Timescale 4 | | |Costs 5 | | |Investment Appraisal 5 | |
|Major Risks
Theme Of Manipulation In Othello
Manipulation is like a game. Using different techniques demonstrates your skill, the
more skill you have, the more you win. The better you are at manipulating people, the
more successful you will be in getting what you want. In Othello, Shakespeare
explores different forms of manipulation through the antagonist Iago. Although Iago
masterfully manipulates Cassio s lust through repetition, he most effectively
manipulates the jealousy of Othellothrough intimation and repetition. Iago most
effectively manipulates Othello by using rhetorical techniques to appeal to his
emotions. In the story, Cassio is talking to Desdemonaand Emilia until Othello and
Iago enter. Iago seems to know what they were talking about, but would not inform
Othello, creating an example of imitation. Iago uses this technique to hint at
something without directly saying it. Friends might demonstrate this technique to
express concern for a friend while also protecting themselves. This technique may
help to make one trust another more because it shows selflessness in the sense of
still sharing information or getting a point across to someone, despite the
endangerment it brings upon oneself. He says (119), Ha! I like not that (37) , while
Othello responds What dost thou say? . They continue Nothing, my lord; or if I know
not what. Othello replies Was not that Cassio parted from my wife? , Iago responds,
Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it That he would steal away so guiltylike,
Seeing your coming. (37 43). The trickster specifically uses the word guiltylike
triggering Othello and leading him to realize that Iago s suggestion may be right.
Likewise, the use of intimation and hesitation emphasizes on what Iago is saying and
defends the statement s reliability while also showing the importance of the
conversation, emphasizing on how serious the matter is. Iago also manipulates
Othello with repetition to further strengthen their trust. He is continuously flattering
and complimenting Othello. Repetition is often used to create focus for persuasion.
Friends may use this technique to clarify an idea. Further demonstrating his fondness
or attachment to Othello, he states, My lord, you know I love you (3.3.134).
Women s Role In The Odyssey
The quest for Odysseus to return home as told in the Odyssey by Homer is one
consisting of various obstacles including the Lotus eaters, Sirens, and man eating
Cyclopes. Women in the Homeric era were held to strict social conduct and only
perceived to satisfy the physical needs of men as mothers and as lovers, which
makes the large role they play in the Odysseyeven more profound.
The sexes were sharply separated: men and women had very few opportunities for
mutual self esteem and affection. However, the Odyssey features women who are
significantly more empowered and independent than what would be considered the
social norm in the time of Homer. Most always have a clear purpose: to either help
or hinder Odysseus get back home to Ithaca. In this essay I will produce ideas and
evidence supporting the role of different women that appear in the story, and give
possible reasons for why they have been represented in such a manner. ... Show more
content on ...
For example, the witch Circe exploits her sexuality to lure Odysseus men to her, then
uses her magic to transform the unsuspecting and defenceless men into swine.
Feminine sexuality is a trait women often use to their advantage, and many times in
this poem it has been used to extreme advantage as a weapon by women.
In Book X of the Odyssey, Homer tells of the men s desire for the sweet voice they
hear as they arrive at Circe s palace. The men approach fearfully as they have
recently suffered great losses at the hands of the Laestrygonian king Antiphates and
the one eyed Cyclops Polyphemus, and are unsure of who they will find in this new
land. As soon as they hear Circe s spellbinding voice and see her dancing along her
great immortal loom, which are considered very feminine practices, they spare no
thought about the possibility of her being an enemy and immediately call out to
A Meeting At The First Congregational Church
I went to an AA meeting at the First Congregational Church in New London,
Connecticut on Monday February 22, at 7 pm. It was located in a larger room in the
basement of the church. There were around fifteen members that attended. The
individual s came from an array of different ages and ethnicities, both men and
woman. There was no one race or ethnicity that dominated another in the meeting, it
was a very warm, accepting atmosphere. I noticed right away that there was more
young adults around the age of thirty than elderly members. There was also around
the same number of males and females in attendance. The meeting began with the
appointed leader asking if there were any new members in the group, and gave them
a chance to introduce themselves. I also introduced myself at this time, and
explained my role as a student. They then transitioned into reciting the serenity
prayer and having a moment of silence, allowing them to give thanks to their higher
power. The leader then had different individuals recite the week s motivational
phrase and reflect on the quote. The quote talked about forgiving yourself as an
alcoholic, and the concept of letting go of the guilt that they have over hurting
themselves and the people that they love when they were under the influence. This
topic was very triggering for the members, and lead them into a very power
discussion around the different people in their lives that were directly affected by
their drinking. One woman spoke about losing the
The Apollo Group (University of Phoenix) Case Study #45
The Apollo Group, Inc. (University of Phoenix) Case Study #45
JacQueline E. Smalls
Capella University
Table of Contents
Abstract...................................................................................................Page 3
Planning Strategically for Domestic and Global
Environments..................................Page 5
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats.................................................Page 7
Solving Problems.........................................................................................Page 8
Creating Value...........................................................................................Page 9
The Apollo Group, Inc. s Financial Information....................................................Page 9
The Best Online College Ranking 2009............................................................Page 11
Recommendations.....................................................................................Page 12 ...
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Expansions and changes are needed in order to meet the changing needs of the adult
students, who are the target group of the University of Phoenix. The University of
Phoenix was founded and is headquarted in Phoenix, Arizona. By expanded in
familiar and unfamiliar areas, the University of Phoenix would begin to dominate the
area by higher education adult market. To be successful in the domestic and global
environments, a strategy must be formulated be formulated and implemented
successfully. The Apollo Group, Inc. s strategy for the University of Phoenix is to:
Dominate the adult education market wherever the University of Phoenix has a
presence. Expand its growth in the United States as well as internationally Expand
its student offerings One of the key strategies of the University of Phoenix is to
dominate the higher education adult market. The philosphy and mission that was
put in place by founder John Sperling is one that the company still follows. The
U.S. Department reports that over 6 million, or 40% of all students enrolled in
higher education programs are over the age of 24. This nunber is projected to reach
6.7 million in 2011. The market for adult education in the U.S is expected to increase
as working adults seek additional education and training to update and improve their
skills, to enhance their earnings potential, and to keep pace with the
The Code Of Discipline Of The Berbice Uprising
In comparison, the Berbice uprising had an estimated 2000 to 3000 slaves fighting
in the revolt from approximately only eight plantations participating ( Berbice
Slave Uprising , 2016). This was something that is very unique because even
though the Berbice movement had less followers, they were still able to carry out
a more successful regime in the sense that it lasted for an entire year instead of two
days. Knowing this is bring about the question as to why less participants would
have a greater short term success. Was it the fact that Cuffy s use a period of
negotiation was a better strategy or was it the fact that Cuffy s decision to use the
code of discipline to train his followers in warfare with the help of captured
European mercenaries. For instance, Cuffy, knowing he had limitation used
mercenaries that once served Governor Hoogenheim because of the skills they
possessed so that his followers can learn deploy such as repairing canons and
service the movement (Cuffy: Face of a Rebellion, 2016). This specific distinction
caused Cuffy to give his followers unity and a collective purpose to successfully
carry out the rebellion, even without telling them that they needed to use violence
against the Europeans. Something that Quamina and Jack did not explicitly give his
followers. Similarly to Quamina and Jack, Cuffy did not like the idea of violence in
scenarios when there was no need for it so he tried often tried to engage in
conversations with Governor Van Hoogenheim
My Personal Leadership Plan For Leadership Development
My Personal Leadership Plan
From leadership theories and observations and my personal experiences, I found that
leadership is a life learning process and best practices of leadership skills.
Surprisingly, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) points out that informal
development opportunities, such as training, are responsible for only 10 percent of
the actual learning in leadership development, and ninety percent of learning for
leadership development is achieved in formal settings, mainly in everyday job
activities such as development assignments and challenging tasks and interpersonal
interactions at work, such as networks and mentoring relationships. Cronin and
Genovese (2009) insist that what is required in leadership are three things: practice,
practice, and practice. Mastery, however, requires more.
The sum of education, experiences, and observations lays a foundation upon
which I will grow to become a good leader. In this plan, I will focused on those
aspects of leadership that I believe are most required for personal development as
well as those which will be so significant for my future leadership career. I have
identified three goals which will guide me in the development process. My goals are
to develop my integrity, listening skills and communications skills. I assume that this
plan will change and be altered as required by life circumstances.
Goal 1. Integrity. Growing up to be a fully and true leader, I want to strengthen my
integrity. It is necessary
Eating Nuts Research
Bogus Science Everyone wants to live longer, but the lengths that people will go is
outrageous. People are so desperate to fight the inevitable that they are willing to fall
for bogus scientific claims. One of these cases is Eating nuts linked to healthier,
longer life , an article written by the Harvard Medical School. This article claims that
eating nuts will increase your life expectancy, but is that really the case? Foremost, to
determine if this article is relaying truthful information we need to look at the
scientific method. When examining the research, found in the New England Journal
of Medicine, the experiment is looking for a relationship between nut consumption
and mortality rate. The hypothesis is that consuming nuts will
Where Did Ballet Go To America, Russia, And Other
What is Ballet
By: Summer Hardeman
Table of Contents
Where did Ballet start and why
Who started Ballet
Who was the first Ballet Performer
What was the first Ballet Company
What was the first Ballet Where Ballet has Reached
How did Ballet go to America, Russia, and other Countries
Who is Raven Wilkinson
Who is Misty Copeland
Who is Michaela Deprince
Who created famous Ballet s
Ballet is an interesting thing, but have you ever thought about how it started or why.
Did you know at first that women were not a big part of ballet. Ballet was a big thing
for men not women. Learn more about this exciting journey through time Ballet
started in Italy in the fourteen hundreds. Ballet was
Jones Electrical Distribution
Jones Electrical Distribution
Jones Electrical Distribution
In the past several years, Jones Electrical Distribution is profitable, but it is in the
condition of cash shortage. With its 2007 s sales go up, Jones need borrow more
money to help its rapid development. Then he got a maximum line of credit
$350,000. With our analysis report, we help
Jones to choose whether to take advantage of 2% trade discount, we can observe that
Jones credit line will be $318,000 without discount, not
$387,000 with this 2% discount.
Problems Statement
Jones Electrical Distribution s current condition is not only cash shortage but also
under rapid sales grows effect. Why this profitable firm ... Show more content on ...
6. In order to succeed, Jones must keep their costs down and try to increase their
sales, reduce their inventory. They also have to collect their account receivable more
According to the pro forma statements (appendix 2), Jones should take the strategy
that is rapid sales growth
forgo trade discounts large need for financing debt finance long term debt . According
to the pro forma statement (appendix 2) and the strategy
Jones take, it needs about $318,000 of loans.
Appendix 3: Data analysis
| | | | | With 2% discount |
| 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2007 |
ROA | 2.34% | 4.32% | 3.83% | 3.84% | 8.66% |
ROE | 7.46% | 13.49% | 12.35% | 12.75% | 24.62% |
Inventory Turnover | 5.37 | 5.53 | 4.80 | 4.80 | 4.80 |
Current Ratio | 2.14 | 1.91 | 1.64 | 1.50 | 1.65 |
Quick Ratio | 1.05 | 0.97 | 0.71 | 0.65 | 0.72 |
Working Capital Turnover | 6.42 | 7.16 | 8.67 | 9.99 | 8.60
Kay Biography
Kay was a bright 28 year old woman who had gone to college at the University of
Washington and majored in nursing for eight years. She was very intelligent
woman and was pushing barriers as a woman in nursing during the 1960 s. She
was now interning at Little Creek Family Practice. Kay was raised in Washington,
with her mom, Linda, her dad, James, and her brother, Michael. They grew up with
a liveable amount of money, not too poor, not too rich. College wasn t very special
for her, sure she met new people and learned a lot, it wasn t going to be the
highlight of her life. She had graduated in 1968 with 8 years of medical school. She
then started her internship with Little Creek. It was January 10th, a seemingly
average day. Kay was checking... Show more content on ...
There s a story about a young boy throwing starfish back into the sea when a
woman told him he wouldn t be able to save them all, he replied, If I can save just
one, I ve already made a difference. Kay would never forget the tragedies of war, the
people she saved, the people she lost. Kay saved lives, she was a hero. She dropped
everything she had to help others. She didn t only save the lives of soldiers, she
saved their families, she saved them from the suffering she experienced. Kay could
ve lived her dream life, instead she lived a hero s life. She had the determination of
a superhero, the kindness of an angel, the gentleness of a new mom, and the love of
a family. Through thick and thin Kay fought for people s protection, for people s
lives, she pushed boundaries as a woman. Kay Griffin was a true
Nora Deception
Admittedly, deception is an unethical motive that is unfortunately normal within
human nature. In the play, A Doll s House , there s recurrent actions of deception
throughout the acts in which the characters take part on, one being the main
character, Nora. Overall, during the play she paints herself to be a woman she really
isn t, making the audience reevaluate their judgement as she shows her true self; thus,
the recurring theme of the play being, looks can be deceiving.
Furthermore, throughout the play Nora is constantly deceiving people for personal
gain. For instance, a tiny white lie she tells Torvald is that she hasn t eaten any
macaroons when in fact, she has had a fair share already. She does this to prove to
herself that she isn t a doll and that even though the rest of her life is taken care of,
she still has control over something. Unsurprisingly, Nora ends up being more
dishonest than she initially let on, for later on in the play she forged and lied, in
order to save her family. Moreover, she initially argued that she had good intentions
for her schemes since, Torvald got sick and her family depended on her. However,
the fact that after she maintained her family, she kept lying and hiding where she
obtained the money from proving that there s more to her motives. In addition, her
lying didn t just limit to Torvald but ... Show more content on ...
Linde and Krogstad. For instance, she lied to Ms. Linde about the money she used
to go to Italy to save Torvald and said it was from her admirers; meanwhile, she told
Torvald it was money from her father that she had asked for. When in
Renaissance Ideals
What were the ideals of the Renaissance, and how did Italian artists and writers
reflect these ideals?
During the age of the Renaissance the spread of writing, art, and ideas flourished.
The Renaissance was based off many ideas. However, the two most important ideals
were the evolution of a new worldview and humanism. Italian artists used their skills
in art to spread these ideas. They reflected all of the aspects of the Renaissance in
their pieces and shared them with the world. While, Italian writers wrote works on
these same ideas they urged their readers to take up their beliefs. Together Italian
artists and writers sparked a revolutionary new age that discovered many concepts
that we still use today.
As the Renaissance flourished in Italy
Pastors Brokenness
What marks most pastors who come to our ministry is their brokenness. In every
case, pastors resigning from their church are broken, beaten, and discouraged.
Pastorless churches are a paradoxical development in the United States. While plenty
of clergy abound in the US, fifteen hundred pastors leave the ministry each month due
to moral failure, spiritual burnout, or contention in their churches.
Their stories, along with my own experiences in the pastorate, attest to several
common traits among pastorless churches. Churches who struggle to keep pastors
possess similar characteristics and cultures within their congregations. Here are ten
Clergy Competence. For various reasons, a point is reached when a pastor simply is
no longer competent to hold this most trusted position in the church. Often, it is a
matter of disqualification due ... Show more content on ...
Many churches suffer from too few families controlling the life of the church. One
of my members once said, It s hard to get in here, but once you re in you re in. To
which I replied, And the Spirit of God weeps.
Competing Boards. Another pastor shared the plight of his church. Within the church
existed an elder board of eight members and a deacon board of eight members. The
church barely averaged 300 people in attendance. For years these two boards refused
to communicate, cooperate, or coordinate. Any wonder their church chewed through
six pastors in ten years?
Consumed Clergy. Most pastors are just plain worn out. In a recent survey 802 or
71% of pastors surveyed stated they were burned out, battle depression, and feel
fatigue on a daily basis. Pastors usually keep 60 hour work weeks, are on call at all
times, are required to perform multiple tasks beyond their ability, and put up with a
host of abuses from members claiming to be Christians. Once I took a two week
vacation. Upon returning from vacation, several members accused me of looking for
another church to pastor during my
Social Media Advantages And Disadvantages
Advantages vs Disadvantages
Antronette Henderson
August 28, 2017
University of Phoenix
Advantages vs Disadvantages
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
obtainable information as well as the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
I will also explain how knowing these advantages and disadvantages can alter how a
person might use social media. The last thing I will talk about what credibility issues
can arise from information on the internet.
Obtainable Information
Advantages of easily obtainable information. You have the advantage to find out
about anything that is within the reach of your fingertips thanks to search engines
such as Google, Google Chrome, Bing, Firefox, and more.
You can find out what is going on all over the world as well as the local news. You
can keep up with the President both past and present. The internet will allow you
to do all sorts of things. If you wanted to do some shopping you can do that as well.
You can compare prices of who has the best deal all without leaving your home.
That way when you make you mind up you know where you want to go and you do
not have to go from store to store. There are ways to find out something that
happened a few years back if need be. You can research old articles. If you wanted to
do people search you could do that as well to a certain point without being charged a
Some disadvantages of easily obtainable information. If you have done something on
Misconceptions Of Prison System
Seminar planning:
Today, my seminar presentation will be centred on the notion of the ability of prisons
systems to successfully rehabilitate criminals and reform them to the extent that they
are able to again be a functioning member of society, with consideration to all relevant
stakeholders including the Church, victims, prisoners and the community. Common
misconceptions of prisons are that they solely serve to isolate criminals from the
population so that they are unable to do them harm. However, in spite of these
perceptions, the primary objective of prisons is not to quarantine criminals but
instead to work with them so as to lead them towards repentance and rebuilding their
lives. In this vein, there are various types ... Show more content on ...
In the story the prodigal son strays off into the wrong cause in life through
rejecting his father and taking his share of money to live a life of sin. This is
reflective of the prisoners that rejected the precedents of God through sinning,
when they are in jail and finally open themselves back up to God then the
rehabilitating process can begin, as seen in the Prodigal son when he runs out of
money and opens up to the fact that he should go back to his family that was when
he left the life of sin behind and opened himself back up to God (rehabilitated).
Upon return to his family he was accepted by most except his brother who is
hesitant as he felt wronged because his brother broke the rules and he did not. This
is related to how society and mainly the victims of crimes may fear or be anxious
of prior offenders however as Christians we need to adopt the notions of love and
acceptance and opportunity for repentance as evidenced by the precedents set by the
prodigal son which is also reflective of the unconditional love of God. The Catholic
approach on prison rehabilitation is reflected through this story because of how the
prodigal son became rehabilitated through opening oneself to repentance; once were
lost but now were found (Luke
The Flint River
The Flint River begins as a small groundwater seepage in Hapeville in west central
Georgia. It travels down the state getting wider and deeper until it reaches its final
destination, Lake Seminole. This river is 349 river miles long and has a watershed
area of 8,460 square miles. Known to be very scenic, it is one of only forty rivers in
the United States to flow more than 200 miles without man made interference. The
Flint Riveralso is the home of a new species of fish, the Halloween Darter, which is
only found in the Flint, Chattahoochee, and Apalachicola Rivers. There are three
hydropower dams along the Flint: the Crisp County Power dam, the Flint River dam,
and the Jim Woodruff dam. These dams create Lake Blackshear, Worth, and Seminole.
... Show more content on ...
The Chattahoochee River begins in the springs of the Blue Ridge Mountains in
Georgia. It forms the border between Georgia and Alabama with the final
destination the same as the Flint s, Lake Seminole. The Chattahoochee watershed
area has a warm and humid temperate climate. The river has quite a history with
evidence of humans living along its shores since 1,000 B.C.E. Even up to this day,
Georgia, Florida, and Alabama fight over Chattahoochee water rights. The
Chattahoochee runs for 434 river miles and has a watershed area of 8770 square
miles. Uniquely, this river is the second southernmost trout habitat in the United
States. It is also the most heavily used surface water body in Georgia. Seventy
percent of metro Atlanta s drinking water comes from the Chattahoochee. In fact,
there are thirteen dams along the river. However, the Chattahoochee is also very
polluted. Polluted storm water is the primary cause of water quality problems. There
are around 500 industrial sites not complying with clean water laws along the river.
As aforementioned, the Flint River and Chattahoochee River both deposit into Lake
Seminole. These two rivers leave the lake as one new river, the Apalachicola
Medical Laboratory Technician Research Paper
Career Essay on a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)
Choosing a career you would like to pursue for the rest of your life can be quite the
hassle. You have to consider your strengths and your weaknesses along with the
changing economy. If you do not take into consideration those things I just said, you
might be unhappy with the career you chose. The career I chose to pursue is a
medical laboratory technician. A MLT is a person that performs medical laboratory
tests for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. During their job, they
analyze bodily fluids, conduct blood tests and transfusions, examine cells stained
with dye, record test data, take care of laboratory equipment, consult with pathologist
about abnormal cells, and collect
Pursuing Pediatrics
Pursuing Pediatrics
Countless high school students aspire to become neurologists or surgeons, but tend to
disregard the incredibly rewarding and memorable experiences that Pediatrics
presents. Pediatrics focuses on solving issues that pertain to children, and attempt to
solve these problems using critical thinking developed over decades of training and
education. For those who wish to follow the medical route and make an impression
on the younger generations, pediatrics is a wise, fulfilling life choice.
As a pediatrician, one will work with children and address the variety of issues they
face based on their specialization. Dealing with individuals under the age of 21,
pediatricians should have an affinity with younger individuals, and should ... Show
more content on ...
Becoming a pediatrician typically requires at least 3 8 years of residency training
in pediatrics, along with the four years required to achieve a bachelor s degree
(How to Become a Pediatric Doctor: Education and Career Roadmap.). To even begin
one s journey into pediatrics however, one must pass the MCAT, a nightmarish
medical school entrance examination assessment, and after multiple years of training,
an anxiety inducing final examination. Another crucial factor in becoming a
pediatrician is the huge cost of tuition, as the combined cost adds up to 300,000 to
500,000 thousand (Becoming a Pediatrician: THE BOTTOM LINE). However,
during residency training, you receive annual incomes up to 45,000 a year, covering
living expenses for the time being and enough income for splurging. Pursuing a career
in pediatrics requires extensive education, internship, and a small fortune, but its
rewards far outshine its apparent
How Did Holst Contribute To Music
The English composer, Gustav Theodore Holst, was one of the most important people
with great contributions to English music.He was born on 21 September 1874 in
Cheltenham, England.Inspired the love for music from his musician father, Adolph
von Holst, Gustav began playing musical instruments at a very young age.He played
both the piano and the violin.However, he was not as interested in playing violin as
playing the piano although he was troubled with neuritis.Gustav also took up the
trombone due to his father s suggestion when he turned twelve.Having such a great
talent and an inspiration for musicbut Gustav s childhood was not really full of
happiness.His mom was very weak so she died after giving birth to the second
child.At that time, Gustav was only eight
How Did Pele Change The World
The Myth, The Legend, Pele! Edison Arantes do Nascimento, also known known as
Pele in the soccer world, is one of the most talented and respected soccer players in
the world. I chose Pele because he is good at soccer and he is one of my favorite
soccer players in the world. In this essay I will explain how Pele shaped and changed
the world of soccer. Pele was born in Três Corações, Brazil ( Pele
grew up poor and lived in poverty, but that didn t stop him from pursuing his
dreams ( Pele developed his kicking skills by kicking a rolled up sock
stuffed with rags around the streets of Bauru ; he learned to kick a soccer ball
without even having one ( Pele took on many unusual jobs to help his
family earn a little bit more money ( Later in life, Pele found him placed in
the Bauru Athletic Club ( He led the team with three victories from 1954 to
1956 ( Furthermore, he won many indoor soccer contests and
championships ( Which was a start to his soccer career.... Show more
content on ...
As Pele caught more people s attention due to the 1958 World Cup, he had become
icon, a hero, and a legend to the world of the soccer (Pele). A Brazilian journalist
named Joan Luiz de Albuquerque said about Pele that, He was the light at the end
of the tunnel. This means he was the success at the end. Furthermore, as the life of
Pele kept continuing he had once stopped a war (Pele)! Pele s influence in soccer had
stopped the Nigeria s forty eight hour cease fire in 1967(Pele)! Then in 1978 Pele
was awarded with the International Peace Award for his work in the
To What Extent Did Roosevelt s New Deal Programs Aid
On October 29, 1929 marks the official opening of the Great Depression. During
1933, the unemployment rate in United State reached 25%; it was not until the
second quarter of 1933 where the US economy started to reclaim. President Franklin
D. Roosevelt formed the foundation of the New Deal within the First Hundred Days
when he came into power. To determine the New DealProgram s role during the Great
Depression, the sources used in this investigation include: The Great Depression
and the New Deal by Robert F. Himmelberg, and Depression Decade: From New Era
through New Deal, 1929 1941 by Broadus Mitchell. There will also be a discussion
involving World War II s role in ending the economic crisis. A journal article The
Reality of the... Show more content on ...
During the famous First Hundred Days, the Emergency Banking Act was the initial
to come out of President Roosevelt s program. This measure empowered the
government to close banks that were closed to collapse and reopened when readied.
With this new act, the general public was no longer afraid and regained confidence in
the banking system. The tendency to hoard cash diminished rapidly, panicky
withdrawals ended, money returned to checking and savings accounts, and the
banking system stabilized.
Despite the economic recovery caused by the First New Deal, the Great Depression
continued. So in 1935, Roosevelt launched the Second New Deal, this time more
aggressive than ever. The Second New Deal included Works Progress Administration
(WPA) and National Labor Relations Act or Wagner Act. Most of the measures
released between 1935 1936 were leaning towards the general public. This lead
many business leaders perceived the Second New Deal s labor and work relief
policies as anti business. Particularly towards the Wagner Act, which established the
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). This agency had the ability to protect
workers rights from any encumbrances. The board prohibited five unfair practices:
(1) interference with employees in the exercise of guaranteed rights; (2) financial or
other support of a company union; (3) use of hiring and firing to encourage
membership in a company union or
Guitar Hero 3 Research Paper
This article is a collection of tips for any guitar player, beginner to advanced that
will help you learn and get the most out of your practice time. Find a quiet place to
practice all to yourself You need a room or space all to yourself. This can be a
bedroom, place by the computer or a full studio. Make sure you have all your
equipment ready. You will need a music stand or another place to put your books,
picks, music books, and tuner. Try to keep this area clean and free of clutter so you
can concentrate on your music. If you live with other people tell them not to disturb
you unless it is very important. The more distractions you have the less you will
accomplish. Another tip is to turn off your cell phone or other electronic devices....
Show more content on ...
All the songs are so cool because those or the most popular songs in those days.One
of the best things is that it tells you who made it famous and who wrote it and
when was it cerated so like when you have an mp3 you could download the song
you liked best.Anaother cool thing is that whe guitar is creative and original that
if you dont like it you could custimaze it by adding faborite stickers to the guitar
also included on the guitar.The best thing it has is that you acually fell like a
rockstar and if you dont know how to play a electic guitar this is the best way to
lear that anyone with no experince could learn.The notes are so easy that it teaches
you by levels easy,medium,hard and expert and anyone with no experience and a
little hard work could get expert. Guitar Hero 3 has 5 color buttons that represent
the notes of the guitar and one power buttons for guitar battles ans on start button
and one of the most important a strumer. The game has over 70 songs and one of
the best thinga is that it has Wi Fi so you could challenge anyone around the world
or someone you know. It also has multiplayer guitar battle and career mode and in
career mode you make your band and buy guitars,characters,outfits,videos,songs
and finishes.The graphic of the game are spectacular that when you play it looks
and feels you ar there there it looks so realistic. I think this is one of the best games
I ever played because it teaches you an instrument that most people like.Just think
for a minute,think out of all the games you ever played which one teaches you
how to play an instument. If you are thinking of buying this game for someone as a
gift or for your self and you are not sure if you should buy it do not hesitate you will
never regret it because is the best game ever even if you sell it or your parents
confiscated it or what
Informative Speech On Philo Farnsworth s Affects Us Today
Who is Philo Farnsworth?
General Purpose: My general purpose is to inform the class about Philo Farnsworth.
Specific Purpose: My specific purpose is to inform the class about Philo Farnsworth,
a pioneer of the modern television and how his invention affects us today.
A.Attention Getter: The Father of Televisioncould not possibly imagine that his
contributions and innovations would have such an amazing effect, because of Philo
Farnsworth the first electric television was produced, now 89% of households
worldwide have televisions (Ahonen, 2011).
B.Credibility Statement: With constant research and a determination to learn as much
as I could about Philo Farnsworth I was able to gain knowledge over his
accomplishments and the life he lived.
C.Relevance Statement: 34% ... Show more content on ...
Netflix isn t the only industry that profited from the creation of the television. 1.
There are dozens of large companies that produce or fund films that are displayed
over the television. a. One example is Disney, which has created dozens of films
that we all continue to enjoy. b. New stations also do well because of television, for
years people have relied on news stations such as Fox and ABC and their broadcast
to provide them with current events from around the world. 2. Other companies that
produce televisions, such as Philips, have grown into major industries that have
learned from Farnsworth s design to evolve the television to what we have today.
Transition: That is how the father of television has effect each of us and what he did
to earn that title, now let s finish up.
Restate Thesis: Philo Farnsworth has effect all of our lives and even though the
television has gone through major innovation throughout the years it was all made
possible because of the ideas.
Clincher: Because of Philo Farnsworth everyone was able to obtain a television, now
4.2 billion people enjoy sitting down and unwinding while watching their favorite
programs (Ahonen,
Child Soldiers Prosecuted
Child soldiers have and still are a big problem in our world. These children suffer
everyday from the pain and torture they experienced at war. Most child soldiers are
drugged and are not aware of what they are doing. They were involuntarily chosen to
commit terrible crimes and were threatened if they did not do otherwise. Many are
terrified of these threats. Although many say that childsoldiers will never change,
they will never change if we never help them. These child soldiers should not be
prosecuted or punished and instead be helped for all the trauma they have
experienced.They should have the opportunity to be helped after being drugged and
scarred, after being raped, and being forced to do things they did not want to do.
Should these children be prosecuted for something they did not have a say in?... Show
more content on ...
Some say that these children will never change and will always want war and
therefore they should be prosecuted. But these children had no idea what they were
doing, they were drugged, threatened and afraid. Some child soldiers are tortured
and raped(Leaphy 1). Also if a child under 15 is considered too young to fight, then
he or she must also be considered too young to be held criminally responsible for
serious violations of IHL while associated with armed forces or armed groups
(Should Child
Soldiers Be Prosecuted for Their Crimes? 1).In most countries, the age of criminal
responsibility ranges from 7 16 but most commonly is 14(Should Child Soldiers Be
Prosecuted for Their Crimes? 1). Child soldiers are too young to know what they are
doing. Should their lives be ruined by something they are forced to
Characteristics And Developing A Performance Profile For
Introduction Professional careers in sports such as rugby have characteristics
unlike other vocation (Price, 2007). Rugby union is a high contact sport that
requires players to possess a diverse range of attributes (Smart 2011). Each playing
position has role responsibilities that are both unique and common to other
positions in the team (Greenwood, 1997). Numerous studies have highlighted
differences in physical between playing levels and positions. In a study by Parsons
and Hughes (2001), the skill demands for each playing position were analysed with
reference to on and off the ball supporting activities, with the total number of
behaviours found to differ between playing positions, emphasising the different
requirements of each playing role (Hughes, Hughes, Williams, James, Vuckovic
Locke, 2012). This paper will focus on identifying important characteristics and
developing a performance profile for a Loose Forward postion at club level.
Performance Profiling The performance profile was developed by Butler (1989) and
was based upon Kelly s (1991) personal construct theory (Nicholls, 2014).
Performance profiling helps to aid in identifying an appropriate intervention, to
maximise athletes motivation and adherence to a program and to monitor any
changes over time (Mackenzie, 2003). The profile generally focuses on the
psychological, physical, technical, and tactical qualities of an elite performer.
Physical Characteristics Field based contact team such as rugby union
Hamlet Behavioural Changes
The Supernatural Leads to Behavioural Change
Over many centuries, people have been curious about abnormal behaviours within
their societies and beyond. Many of these unusual behaviours can be caused due to
the supernatural. The supernatural is caused by forces that cannot be explained by
science (Cambridge Dictionary)
It leads to seeing and experiencing non material beings like ghosts and spirits. In
Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Onrushing Influences by Ron Price, the
supernatural leads to a change in behaviour for both Hamlet and the speaker of the
poem. Firstly, due to the supernatural existence in both pieces of work, it appears that
both characters are possessed since they are not behaving like themselves. Also, since
Hamlet and the ... Show more content on ...
But now the time has come, and he is going to rise from his lowest point and will
get better. Drawing near to the that summit of glory means he is gradually
returning back to his highest point. In this case, it means coming out of the
depression and experiencing the supernatural, due to being in war. It is arguable
that anyone who goes to war would experience the supernatural. As a result, the
speaker of the poem is at his lowest point and must build his way back up to being
normal. While Hamlet and the speaker of the poem face depression and are brought
to their lowest points, Shakespeare s play shows how the protagonist overcomes his
obstacles and overcomes depression. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet is
mourning the death of his father, King Hamlet. But I have that within which passes
show, / These but the trappings and the suits of woe (Shakespeare I.ii.85 86). It can
be seen here that Hamlet is at his lowest point after his father s death. Eventually he
will rise up from his depression after interacting with the ghost of his father. For
Hamlet to accept the fact that his father was murdered by his uncle Claudius. In the
end, Hamlet s happiness is fulfilled when he gets revenge for his father by killing
Claudius. Without a doubt, both the speaker of the poem and Hamlet must bring
themselves back up from their lowest point. Evidently, it can be proven that the
speaker of
A Prayer For Owen Meany Essay
During my junior year of high school, I read A Prayer for Owen Meany by John
Irving. Before then I had enjoyed reading, but it had never been more to me than a
source of entertainment, similar to watching TV. However, the ingenious,
miniscule symbols and nuances about the book forever changed the way I look at
literature. Throughout the book, Irving subtly compares Owen Meany (a tiny,
strange boy with an extremely high voice) to Jesus. At one point, he plays Jesus in
a Christmas pageant. His parents even believe (and try to convince him) that he
was a virgin birth, much like Jesus was according to the Bible. More subtly, his
friend John Wheelwright frequently uses the exclamation Jesus! but only when he
is talking to Owen, almost as though he is addressing him. Owen also plays the
Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come in a play, although he is just referred to as the
Ghost of the Future. Later on he has a vision of his own date of death. There are
countless other important and significant symbols in the book as well, ranging from
an armadillo to... Show more content on ...
Until I read Fight Club, most books had a very similar feel to read, so I never
understood why different people loved certain authors over others. However,
Palahniuk s writing was so distinctive and new to me that it perfectly illustrated the
significance of the author of a book. Fight Club is fast moving, disjointed, and
confusing. The text is seemingly randomly punctuated with obscure comments such
as I am Jack s complete lack of surprise. This method of writing mimics the frantic
sense of confusion that the reader endures before finally finding out that the narrator
and Tyler Durden are the same person. This way of writing, much like a well written
movie music score, sets the scene and mood for the entire novel in a way that is
impossible to do with just descriptions and simple
Development Of Building Codes Of South Korea Essay
BILD 364 Building Code Compliance
Assignment 1: Development of Building Codes
Development of Building Codes in
South Korea
Glen Stricot Tarboton
Due 23rd March 2016
Seoul, South Korea, has grown rapidly since the Korean War of the 1950 s to
become the worlds second largest metropolitan area with over 23 million residents in
2014 (National Statistics Office ( 통계мІ)). This growth has occurred economically
as well, with an average GDP increase of 10 percent between 1962 and 1994 (The
World Bank). This report looks into the development of South Korean buildingcodes.
Figure 1: Timeline of Significant Events in South Korea s Building History The 1970
s oil crisis occurred when an oil embargo was imposed by members of the
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries. This led to fuel shortages
and high prices around the world ( Due to Korea s limited resources,
it imports all of its coal, oil and natural gas. At the time of the United States
Department of Energy s report into Building Energy Codes in the Republic of
Korea, Korea was the second largest importer of coal and one of the largest for oil
and natural gas. It also reported an emission of 515 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide
by the country in the year 2006 (Evans, Chon and Shui).
Early Building Standards
The first official building standard came into effect in 1977. It was a result of the
1970 s oil crisis. This outlined the mandatory building standards of insulation
Dystopian Film Analysis
The most shocking aspect of the dystopian novel or film is the realisation that the
future is contingent on the present, and can be affected by something we do or don t
do now
To what degree does this perspective on dystopian novels and films resonate with
your own reading?
Dystopian texts fulfil the purpose of exaggerating contemporary issues and
appropriating them into a fictional universe, in order to criticise and foreshadow the
destructive trajectory of current political and social trends (Ferris, 2007). Dystopia,
evolved in response to the changing political and social climate of the late 19th and
20th century. This saw the flourishing of utopias inverse counterpart dystopia, as
people became disillusioned by the negative projection ... Show more content on ...
Howey criticises the narrow vision of contemporary society, and our growing
tendency to view the world through a screen (GGG, 2013). For the inhabitants of
the silo, the outside world can only be seen through a projected image, captured by
sensors. The inhabitants of the silo are content by this, and are convinced that the
image they see is the truth. They do not question or breed curiosity to discover
more. Wool demonstrates the deception a society can live under when it becomes
too reliant on technology as seen in The illusion, however, convinced only from a
distance (Howey, 2013). This makes evident the deceptive nature of the image that
is being projected, and conveys Howey s cynicism towards technologies role as an
information portal. Furthermore, Howey depicts the detrimental effects that arise
from technology s augmenting role in society. This is shown through the hierarchy
and power division of the silo in Wool. The IT faculty play a fundamental role in
orchestrating the façade in which the rest of the silo lives under and are
responsible for enforcing the suppressive regime of the silo. Howey conveys the
dangerous influence technology can have on society when he says, His discovery
was that evil men arose from evil systems (Howey, 2013). His statement is further
accentuated by the repetition of the
The Effects Of Emotional Abuse
The effects emotional abuse has on a victim will stick with them for their entire life.
Even the smallest event can, and usually will, trigger horrific memories that create
anxiety and makes it a struggle to interact with others. It causes the victim to
withdraw from society because they feel they are not worry of social interaction.
When a person is repeatedly told they are stupid, worthless or any other degrading
comments, they begin to believe them. Even worse, they start to believe they deserve
the comments and think they have to change who they are as a person to fit the
expectations of the abuser. Over time, emotional abuse changes how a person thinks
and feels. Their beliefs start to model after the person attacking them. This tends to
make it hard to separate from their attackers. They become trapped in a hostile
environment because they are taught that... Show more content on ...
It can make a person truly think they are worthless instead of just having a feeling.
When the abuser uses mental abuse it can be a form of control, jealousy,
manipulation or even a hostile environment. Mental abuse can be very intimidating.
(Rogers, 2014) It gets to the point that the assailant does not even have to speak; the
victim becomes so scared of punishment that they do what is expected of them. When
emotional abuse changes over to mental abuse, the attacker is reinforcing their
control over the victim. The mental attacks are meant to force the victim to
completely change how they think and act. This removes all free will and
encourages behavior that matches the assailant s expectations and desires. This is
why victims of domestic abuse become trapped in a relationship and only those
closest to the victim recognizing the changes in the person. When the victim manages
to get free from the person abusing them, if they are able to get away, they are no
longer the same
The Works of Elise de Wolfe,Eleanor Brown, and Dorothy...
Interior Decorators such as Elsie de Wolfe, Eleanor McMillen Brown, and Dorothy
Draper helped to pave the way for the Interior Design profession today. Their
influential decisions to stray away from the Victorian style of design helped guide
both the interior decorating profession, as well as architects who no longer wanted to
design in the bulky and cluttered Victorian Style.
Elsie de Wolfe designed during the Victorian movement, however had adopted the
1890 s preference for Neoclassicism (Smith, 22). Unlike the cluttered and dark
interiors of an average Victorian interior, her interiors were, in the words of one
visitor, [models] of simplicity (Smith, 20). She redecorated the once cluttered dining
room of her apartment in the ... Show more content on ...
All three of these women worked during the time when crowded and stuffy
Victorian interiors were popular. They all paved the way for interior decoration as a
profession, each adding something to the profession. During their lifetimes, the task
of interior decoration went from a job only an architect could do to an established
profession, and styles such as Arts and Crafts, Prairie style, Art Nouveau, Beaux Arts,
Classical Revival styles, and Art Deco were emerging. For all three of these women,
the architecture of the time influenced their work in different ways. Elsie de Wolfe
started designing interiors around the time the Arts and Crafts style was becoming
popular. The Arts and Crafts style was cleaner and more refined than the Victorian
style, which is similar to the way Elsie de Wolfe designed her interiors. They both
stripped away the Victorian elements of design, leaving cleaner and more refined
interiors. Eleanor McMillen Brown took inspiration from some classical revival
styles and the art deco style of the time when designing her interiors, but they were
also still more refined than the Victorian style. Dorothy Draper was influenced mostly
by the Art Deco style, as she designed commercial spaces that would reflect the art
deco architecture of the time.
Each of these women worked with
Breast Augmentation Persuasive Speech
One of the most common plastic surgeries around today is breast augmentation.
This is a cosmetic procedure that is sought by women for a wide variety of reasons.
The goal of the breast ( removed HTML ) augmentation surgery ( removed HTML )
is to repair, enhance, or reshape the breast. Breast augmentation Bellevue WA
procedures are very common today. The cosmetic surgeon generally works closely
with the patient and customizes the procedure to meet their satisfaction. Women state
that after a successful procedure they look and feel better in their clothes. In addition,
they feel more confident than ever. Here is more on breast augmentation to consider.
( removed HTML ) Typical Reasons To Consider Breast Augmentation ( removed...
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If damaged, teh implant will leak the gel. Silcone implants look and feel very natural
( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Gummy Bear Breast Implants The gummy
bear breast implants are very firm and stable. The gel inside the implant has the
consistency of a gummy bear candy ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) More On Implant Selection ( removed HTML )
Often, the typical breast augmentation patient is very confused about breast implant
selections. This is due to the wide range of implants available. Your plastic surgeon
has the experience that is required to guide the patient to the best implant for their
body type and proportions. However, there are several factors that affect the implant
that is selected. For example, a very small framed women might require a more
structured and clearly defined implant than a woman with a larger frame.
Clearly, it is very important to contact a qualified cosmetic surgeon for a breast
augmentation procedure. They are able to perform this surgery safely and with a
better guarantee of complete satisfaction. However, it is also vital to contact the
cosmetic surgeon and ask for a consultation before making your final decision on this
Essay On The Battle Of Midway
1943: The Battle of Midway [1987]
1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot em up arcade game, or more accurately a
vertical scrolling shooter game, designed and developed by Capcom and published in
1987. The game was the sequel to Capcom s 1984 game, 1942 which was the first in
the 19XX series. In this game analysis of 1943: The Battle of Midway, also referred to
as 1943, will be analysed subjectively under the following headings: story, technology,
aesthetics, and mechanics.
We have the ability to project ourselves into just about anything we control. [J.Schell,
Anyone who grew up in the arcades is very much familiar with 1943: The Battle of
Midway. The game is set in the Pacific theater of World War II, off the coast of the
Midway Atoll. In terms of story, what separates the 1942 from the 1943 is that the
latter sets specifically on aerial combat around Midway.
We filter reality through our sense, and through our minds, and the consciousness we
actually experience is a kind of illusion not really reality at all. [J.Schell, 2008]
As this game is somewhat fictional in its nature, Schell states a very relevant point
about reality and this illusion games create for us. ... Show more content on ...
The Japanese main squadron tasted defeat off the coast of Midway Islands . Some
say that this battle greatly changed the outcome of the war. The aim in this game is
to represent a battle during a historical conflict through a screen. The focus in the
game is to attack the Japanese air fleet that bombed the American aircraft carrier,
pursue all Japanese air and sea forces, fly through the 16 stages of play, and make
their way to the Japanese battleship Yamato and destroy. The challenge is to destroy
the battleship, Yamato . Relive the excitement of 1943 by controlling
Analysis Of The Novel The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
STUDENT NAME: Ramnik Cheema
For the following Keys to Theme Template, record a quotation and explanation of
how the statement fulfils the characteristic of each section of the template.
Title of the Novel: The Girl Who Was Saturday Night
Author: Heather O Neill
Character s Name: Nouschka Trembley
Theme: Isolation
1.Key speech or thought expressed by the main character that relates to one of the
five (5) common Canadian themes (see previous PowerPoint).
Quote (+ page number): You interfere with all my plans (Page 39)
Explanation (4 5 sentences):
In the story The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, Nouschka decides to go to high
school again after dropping out. Nicolas, her twin brother, tells her not to go and
tries to stop her. While having an argument about this, Nouschka says you interfere
with all my plans (O Neill, Page 39). Nouschka and her brother are very attached to
each other and they never do anything without each other. This quote makes it very
easy to see that Nicolas is holding her back from doing what she wants. At the
moment Nouschka has a part time in a book store and wants a higher education but
Nicolas has a different view as he doesn t care about school and makes money
through committing crimes. By realizing that both Nouschka and Nicolas have
different views on things such as going back to school, Nouschka tries to isolate
herself from Nicolas and becomes more
Operation Management Of Zara
Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success , Stephen R Covey once
said. Operations management is in charge of customers needs and satisfaction. Its
aim is to live up to its existence. The reason of its existence is to succeed in
purchases, products quality, quality control, stockpiling and logistics. All this
accomplished, the results are bound to be remarkable.
Zara is an illustrative example of the correct operations management. The first shop
was set up in La Coruna and so far sixty eight countries have had their own Zara
store. This progress happened very fast and successfully. We can all understand that
the system of Zara works properly and people of Zara do their work effectively.
The way they design, they produce, they sell things is surely the appropriate.
Moreover, there is a wide variety of products every season which leads to its constant
( How Zara Grew Into the World s Largest Fashion Retailer . The New York Times. 9
November 2012)
Zara is a dress retailer who has taken another approach in the business. It was
established by Amancio Ortega in 1963 in Spain. Its guardian organization is claimed
60% INDITEX by the Ortega family and Inditex has completed in 2005 to 6.741
billion ... Show more content on ...
Hence, they oversaw by one means or another to democratize extravagance maker of
items propelled by the development of design. With this approach, Zara is presently
an industry fit for offering popular items at reasonable costs. Then again, it is an
organization that needs to be near to youngsters. Additionally, this yearning is felt in
its enrollment arrangement. Zara youthful workers with styles extremely checked
design. On the other hand, Zara comprehends what precisely the clients need and
react to their needs rapidly. That is the primary mystery of Zara, which issues them an
Rebecca Clarke s `` Cinderella No More ``
I decided to choose a theme for my final paper which will be related to my
instrument viola. I choose Rebecca Clarke , probably the most prominent women
composer who wrote for viola. Most of Clarke s compositions were written in the
first three decades of the twentieth century, her works was largely unknown until
the 1970th. Such is the curiously small impact she made as a composer in England
in her life time that the first edition of Lionel Turtis s book Cinderella no more
doesn t mention her viola Sonata, even though now violist from all over the world
would regard it as one of the principal works for the instrument of its era. This
seems very interesting to me and I will discuss why it happened and why women
composers had no space in the professional society of that time. Also, I will talk
about Rebecca Clarke as one of the firs women who broke the rules in a male
dominated musical world ( she became one of the first female professional
musician in the orchestra). Interest in her writing has grown a lot recently and
many of her works entered the standard viola repertoire. Because she wrote during
the time of first feminist wave in England and her rediscovering overlaps with the
second wave feminism in America musicologist mainly discuss her personality and
her compositions in the implications of gender on analysis. I will discuss her Viola
Sonata considering this recent feminist theory of gender and I will write about her
personality as a composer and a performer,
The Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman
At what point does an individual come to the realization that they are trapped within
an internal perpetual prison? Many women during the 19th century suffered from
countless diseases and disorders that went untreated and society had deemed their
voice powerless and useless. According to the University of Toledo Libraries Women
were especially vulnerable to inadequate diagnoses and treatment in 19th century
America. It was commonly believed that most physical ailments of women were
caused by their sexual organs or mental disorders, resulting in painful, sometimes
lethal treatments. Within the oeuvre of Charlotte Perkins GilmanThe Yellow
Wallpaperwe examine the insouciant approach that society made towards the mental
health of women, which ultimately led to the mental instability of countless females.
In an era of male chauvinism in which women were to be seen and not heard, had
no voice and were rendered uneducated, illiterate and that their sole purpose was to
serve their spouses. The narrator in the short story is suffering from nervous
depression that has been onset from her moving into a new environment. Still I will
proudly declare that there is something queer about it. (Gilman 645) This rather queer
environment is troubling our narrator due to this , she is led to believe that the estate
is haunted. Rather than lend an ear to the perplexity of his consort he disregards her
and merely chuckles at her inmost malaise. Gilman states John laughs at me, of
Books And Paper Books
Did you know, Each year approximately 30 million trees are used to make books all
over the United States (Pollak). Americans have been exposed to books every day
since we were able to read. However, some people prefer paper books because they
make them feel excited to read, while others may not like the paper versions. Other
people might be turned on to the modern way of reading on an E book. Paper and E
books depend on natural resources, size, prices, and abilities. So, as a reader, what
would you buy: the modern or paper books? People never understood how making
books kills the environment, and each tree that goes down takes oxygen away from
us. Every book a person buys can be recycled, so new books can be made. This takes
up less... Show more content on ...
Books use lamps to have light to read in bed or dark, which is not very much;
unless you read all night. According to one person, Often a lamp is too bright for
them in bed because it effects how they sleep. While the E Book can dim down to the
right light just enough so they can see the words (Rubin). Each person is reading a
book of their choice and using resources, they are either saving tress or using
electricity. Although, each way of reading doesn t help the environment; packing
books for trips is an easy choice. Paper books depend on sizes like the thickness of
the book likewise if it s hard cover or paper back because people may not be able
bring all the books on a trip. If that person is going on a plane, their luggage might
be taking up with books which might cause them to exceed their weight limit for
the luggage to go on the plane (Literature and eBooks). Plane luggage is like a
child having to carry a backpack around school carrying three bulky textbooks,
because weights hurts the plane with being able to fly; then having a child
walking around hurting their back. Unlike, paper book, E books can hold million
books in one gadget (McMaken). That device could be tiny as a cell phone and
biggest as an iPad. The weight of E book is smallest as 6 ounces and biggest as 1.6
pounds unless it s a computer. That beats carrying three or four books when people
are on a trip. Plus, if a person finishes all the books they bought before they left
The Trojan War In The Illiad
Since the ancient times, humans have been fascinated with stories and mythology,
things that are regarded as fictional yet compelling because of the quality of the
character s character and the plot obscurely grounded in reality. As newer
technologies and the myths of old collide, fascinating discoveries and links are made,
especially in one most notable tale: the Trojan War. While historians and literary
scholars continue to examine the most famous account of this war the Illiad more
insight is gathered about the authentic time frame, setting, causes, characters,
resolutions, ramifications, and resounding themes of this event. Furthermore, some
scholars extend beyond the war itself and dissect the journey of Odysseus, one of
Greek mythology s epic heroes also introduced in the telling of the Trojan War, all in
hopes of finding what elements these timeworn pieces of literature can offer to today
s world, and what exactly happened all those centuries ago. Now, from these
discoveries of new archaeological, geographical, and historical evidences, modern day
historians are reexamining the truthfulness of Homer s myths. To establish anything
as true, of course, naturally lends itself to the question of where and when the event
happened. The Trojan War is not an exception to this convention, and fortunately,
most historians agree that a site in northwestern Turkey, known as Hisarlik, is the
most probable location of ancient Troy. In this site, which was discovered by Heinrich
Oedipus the King
The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once identified the key ingredients of the
tragedies that his culture is so famous for. These ingredients include a character
with a fatal flaw, the realization of the fault for a particular problem and the final
sudden reversal of fortune. For many tragedies, the fatal flaw is demonstrated as
excessive pride, which usually serves as the driving force of the play s action. It is
common, even beneficial, to have pride in oneself, but when it becomes expressed
as arrogance or in defiance of one s fate, it is considered excessive and often leads
men to engage in activities that will lead to their downfall. Aristotle (1998) stated the
tragic hero falls into bad fortune because of some flaw in his... Show more content on ...
In the process of trying to avoid fate, he has committed some of the greatest sins
imaginable to him defiled his mother s bed, murdered his father and spawned
monstrous children born of incest. Rather than face the truth and unable to take the
severe wound to his pride, Oedipus stabbed out his eyes with broaches and walked
away from Thebes forever, thereby sealing his doom through further prideful actions.
The sudden reversal of fortune has Oedipus walking away from Thebes a blind,
homeless beggar rather than the respected king he should have been based upon his
more noble qualities. While this is a surprise, it is nevertheless a logical possible
conclusion to the events that have taken place. This concept is brought out to greater
extent in the film through the change in setting. Pasolini begins and ends the film in
a contemporary setting to when the film was made. While the play suggests that
Oedipus went wandering into the desert a self blinded beggar man, the film indicates
that he has been wandering a tortured individual for much longer than a normal
Thus, the elements of classic tragedy are carried throughout both play and film to
slightly different interpretations. In both, a fatal flaw within the character of Oedipus
drives his actions that eventually seal his own doom. Seen as it is throughout the
various elements of the classic tragedian format of first
Comparing the Arthurian Legends and J.R.R. Tolkien s
A Medieval Contest
In comparing and contrasting the Arthurian Legends and J.R.R. Tolkien amp;#8217;s
book The Fellowship of the Ring, it is almost like a medieval contest between the two
with many of the similarities coming from the customs of the Middle Ages. A look at
the make up of the groups involved, the moral code, the protagonist, the antagonist,
the use of supernatural elements and the knightly quest involved in each book shows
how alike they are but yet different.
The Arthurian Legends revolve around the life of the knights during the Middle
Ages. A knight would pledge his loyalty to God, his King, fellow knights and to
women in distress. Tolkienamp;#8217;s Fellowship ... Show more content on ...
The moral code of the knights of the Round Table which was renewed at the feast of
Pentecost every year was to: amp;#8220;only fight in just cause, at all times to be
merciful, at a all times to put the service of ladies foremost. ; (Malory, p.344.) Sir
Gawain amp;#8217;s strength was increased for three hours every morning but
after noon would decrease. Once when in battle with Sir Launcelot to avenge the
death of his two brothers by Sir Launcelot, Sir Launcelot realizes Sir Gawain
amp;#8217;s strength is less so he says to him amp;#8220;Sir Gawain, I have
endured many blows from you but I see that you have weakened ; and then turns to
King Arthur and says, amp;#8220;My liege, your expedition can find no honorable
conclusion, so I pray you withdraw and spare your noble knights ; (Malory, p.373.)
showing mercy and fair play.
Frodo Baggins also takes on a moral code as he accepts his role as the Ring Bearer.
Hobbits by nature are fun loving and non competitive, but Frodo says to Elrond,
amp;#8220;I will take the ring. . .though I do not know the way. ; (Tolkien, p.324)
When sitting in the chair of the Guardian Kings of Gordor at the top of Amon Hen in
the Seat of Seeing, Frodo sees the world covered by Orcs, Lorien in smoke and
Borenings amp;#8217;s land on fire and finally sees and feels the Eye of Sauron. He
cries out, amp;#8220;I will do now
Romantic, Realist, And Modernist Period
Love, since the beginning of time, has had a place in every literature no matter the
time period. The world that we live in is complex and often times, love and reason do
not exist interconnect, however, literature acts as the glue in bringing these two
elements together. Authors sometimes use the concept of loveas a subject for their
work, rationally, and carefully using it as a tool in their writing. In this essay,
works by different authors during the Romantic, Realist, and Modernist period will
be used to exhibit some of the forms of love used in literature. Romanticism was a
movement that formed out of the need for authors to be able to freely, and
completely, express their emotions and desires within their writings. By definition,
romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love . This period, or
era, changed how we, as people, viewed love and self. During this time, there was an
emphasis placed on ideas that were centered on individualism, nature, and natural
human emotion. Nature, and natural beings, was seen as inspiration and invoked
imagination, impulsiveness, freedom, and excess while creating a movement that
was open to the ordinary individual, even the social outcast. Charlotte Bronte s Jane
Eyre is a perfect example of Romanticism s influence within a work. This work
exemplifies the quest to achieve not only romantic love, but self love or growth while
experiencing natural human emotions. After being belittled for so long, the
Thesis Statement For Space Exploration
ALAM, SELANGOR Malaysian School Students Exposure on Space Exploration
8.0REFERENCES16 1.0THESIS SUMMARY Name :Ahmad Hazman Alif Bin Che
Ahmad Tazri Matrix ID :2013509663 Programme :Master of Architecture HP NO
:+6017 921 9562 E Mail Thesis Title :Malaysia School
... Show more content on ...
There are a few examples of female who have succeed in this industry. According
to her to be considered as an astronaut, every candidate need to spend a year in
training and should competent both in classroom subjects and in the field before
moving to advanced training. The candidates need must not only be familiar with
his/her task, he/she must know how everythingon the shuttle works. This is to
avoid abd things from happening if one crew becomes ill. Facts on staying in
space is also provided in this book. Crucial part in this book for this research is
how the book depict the idea of to get into astronauts program. What is required
either physically or mentally is recorded in the book. Then, the book walk through to
the training program. The facts and knowledge is been relate to real experience by
the astronauts. Pilot s qualification are stated in the book. This will come handy to
the research. The book finally wrapped by achievements of all the female astronauts
Persepolis Is The Realistic Novel
Persepolis is the realistic novel about the life Marjane in pre and post progressive
war in Iran and her transition in Europe. The novel explains Satrap s development
from young sge to defiant punk cherishing adolescent in Iran. Importantly, its mostly
it covered Satrap growing strains of the political atmosphere in Iranin during the 70s
and 80s, with individuals from her liberal inclining family kept and afterward
executed, and the foundation of the grievous Iran/Iraq war. This novel also explains
fear of loss, suffering, and inequality. There are several factors that shape Marjane
Moral and value.
The oppression from the war had effect on Marjane life change her moral and
value because the death and injustice in Marjane neighborhood. Then she realized
her neighborhood was not safe place for because her country does not give her the
chance to grow and learn. She was force to accept a value she did not grow in.
when she was ten years old and she was forced to wear veil to school. At that same
early age she witnesses chaotic protest f for and against culture revolution. Then her
French non religious school transfer into two all girls and all boys religious school
(1 5 Satrapi). It was kind of beyond her imagination seeing her protest against the
change and her picture been in the headline of the newspaper across Europe. As the
result of Marjane mother bravery put fear in her just for short moment.
In addition, from Marjane childhood propriety of understanding of the war
I, By The Audience Experienced The Journey Of Chris Ladd
In the short film i , the audience experienced the journey of Chris Ladd as he
worked to determine his true identity. His journey reflected the change in ideas and
measurement of personality over time. He ultimately concluded that there isn t a
way to label one s own identity, but rather all measurements are simply descriptors.
To arrive at this conclusion he partook in the three major methods of personality
study: Subjective, Objective and BLIS Data Inventories. Through these tests, it was
present that though major themes were continued throughout the process for Ladd,
each measurement gave a different and incomplete answer. This led me to believe
that if I were to also study my own identity, I would use similar but look at the
results through a different lens, specifically one of introspection. Ladd began his
journey with projective/subjective methods, which was completed through the use
of a psychic. He was critical of this methodology from the beginning, mainly due to
its founding in Freud and the lack of reliability in the studies. This is alluded to in
the film with the variability of answers to Rorschach Tests, which can be interpreted
differently by a patient each time, and the administrator can also interpret the
answers differently each time. When the psychic made a computing error, it acted as
a self fulfilling prophecy for Chris, and he even pointed out that her predictions for
his future fall in line with general hopes, such as living in a nice apartment in
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Essay
The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, into law on March 23rd
2010. Congress had tried for decades to pass health care reform, beginning with
President Franklin Roosevelt. Following President Obama s inauguration, he used
Democrat control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate to enact health
care reform legislation, and granted the federal government control of over 16% of
our nations economy (Taylor 3). The law states that every American citizen is
mandated to purchase health insurance. If you choose not to obtain Health Insurance
by January 2014, you will be penalized $95, or 1% of your income whichever is
greater (Taylor 5). The penalty rate for non compliance will... Show more content on ...
The small business owner that has 25 or fewer employees, and provides health
insurance for them, the owner will receive tax credits to ease the burden of the cost.
The small business owner will receive 50% tax credit for a profit business and 35%
tax credit for non profit businesses.
There are four different levels of insurance that the consumer has the option to
choose from. The Bronze level is the cheapest and will provide 60% of benefits
under the health plan. Next, is the Silver level that will provide 70% of benefits,
and the cost is more expensive. Next, is the Gold level that provides 80 % of
benefits, and costs is still more expensive. The Platinum level is the highest, which
provides 90% of benefits, and is the most expensive of all the health plans. Under
ObamaCare, your primary point of contact regarding health insurance and health care
services will be your state health exchange (Taylor 40). Medicaid services will be
expanded to consumers with incomes less than $14,000 person annually or family s
income less than $29,000 annually. At the market place insurance companies will
compete against one another, which will benefit the consumer. The insurance
companies that charge higher rates than their competitors will be driven out of
business. The government will provide tax credits to consumers that have an annual
income from 14,000 to
The Cause And Effect Of The Movie Law Abiding Citizen
Cause and Effect Clyde Shelton, from the movie Law Abiding Citizen, had a
loving little girl along with his beautiful wife. Shelton s wife and daughter were
both murdered by a man with the name of Clarence Darby, (not only Darby but his
partner was in the crime scene as well), who also brutally slaughtered his daughter
and wife right in front of him. Clyde was trying to prove a point that the judicial
system was corrupt. This act lead Shelton to kill, hack into the judicial system and go
against the people over it. Clyde Shelton watched an assailant rape and kill his
wife and daughter as he wept and bled on his living room floor. The two guys, one
being Darby, jumped Clyde and beat him slightly unconscious while he was tied up
and mouth duct taped shut. Shelton was so weak he couldn t do anything even if
he tried to save his wife and daughter. In the movie, Shelton wanted to get up and
save his family, he wanted to stop all that monstrosity but being so vulnerable and
tore down he just had to sit there and watch those disgusting men torture his wife
and daughter and in the end one of the men stating and i quote, kids like me better
after Darby just got done raping and killing Clyde s wife he heads for his little girl
next. Then to watch them slowly die.. Is honestly the worst thing anyone could
possibly imagine. Of course Shelton was going to go to the police about this and try
to put these men down but turns out things didn t go the way Shelton wanted them to.
The Negro Digs Up His Past Essay
I analyzed the ideological connection between Arthur Schomburg s essay, The
Negro Digs up His Past and an excerpt from W.E.B. Du Bois s The Souls of Black
Folk. Both essays depict the struggles African Americans faced, but also attempt to
inspire African Americans to see beyond their struggles and establish their
identities in America. Both essays begin by stating the issues that African
Americans are facing at that time. Du Bois reflects on the way people viewed
African Americans as problems and how that affected one s own self awareness,
regardless of what they previously thought. Constantly feeling like a problem and
constantly being reminded of it elicits a lack of self worth. Du Bois says, That sky
was bluest when I could beat my mates at examination time, or beat them at a foot
race, or even beat their stingy heads. Alas, with the years all this fine contempt
began to fade; for the worlds I longed for, and all their dazzling... Show more content
on ...
Both come together to fulfill goals set in Defining Black Identity in 21st Century
America by Ewauare Osayande. The first two motivate and inspire African Americans
to be proud of themselves, how far they have come, and the effort they have taken
into pioneering society. The main objective Osayande wants to convey is to establish
an identity while resisting dehumanization and power against them (Osayande 6). Du
Bois s essay describes the feeling of a double consciousness (Du Bois 11). This helps
establish the unique identity that Osayande wanted to accomplish. One can mix
together the African culture with the American culture and create something unique.
Schomburg s idea of revisiting history and what ancestors experienced will also help
accomplish that goal. His essay discusses the immensely appreciated initiative taken
in the past that serves as a prideful accomplishment to help African Americans realize
their potential
Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O
Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of
Hulga Hopewell s unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect
leads her to make wrong conclusions of other people s character. Living in self pity
and despair after the accident that takes away her leg, Hulga Hopewell maintains a
negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her mother, Mrs.
Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude,
and squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not
believe in God and depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge
to explain the world and other people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell
perfectly... Show more content on ...
They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By
their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree
bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter
warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes full of adultery, they
[false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in
greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in
Pointer s good character because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows
when she first meets him. However, she fails to realize that the man s behavior
toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the spirit. As a
result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this
story warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead
us astray with a false show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear
friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from
God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (NIV). If Hulga had
not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray by Pointer
s façade of

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  • 5. Rainbow And Brook Trout Research Paper Rainbow, Brown and Brook Trout. Those are the 3 species of trout in the southern Appalachians. Brook trout are native to the Georgia Appalachians, while rainbow and brown trout are not. Rainbow trout came from California and were introduced to the Georgian Appalachian around 1875. They have populated Georgia well and have sustained a great habitat. Brown trout actually came from overseas, Europe. They came to the Americas and have found a home in Georgia. The brook trout usually has a light colored underbelly with a brown speckled body. The rainbow trout lives up to its name, it has a colorful body and white body. The brown trout are you guessed it brown, with a yellow underbelly. The artificial fly is what you think, a fishing lure that
  • 6. Ernesto Che Guevara and His Role in the Cuban Revolution Introduction One of the Cuban Revolution s major figures, Ernesto Che Guevara is widely known as a guerrilla leader and a Marxist revolutionary. However, to some people, he is considered both a mass murderer and a terrorist. Even though some view Ernesto Che Guevara as a murderer, he was an idealist and an intellectual with a genuine desire to change Latin America. Ernesto Che Guevara as an Intellectual and Idealist To begin with, it can be noted that Guevara s revolutionary mind and consequent involvement in social reforms in Guatemala was informed by what he witnessed firsthand while traversing Latin America. Mainly, it was the endemic alienation and poverty he witnessed that led to his radical transformation. In his opinion, the economic inequalities that were deeply ingrained in the region were largely as a result of imperialism, neocolonialism and imperialism. Based on this, Guevara concluded that a revolution was the only way to remedy the situation. Hence in a way, Guevara s involvement in guerrilla activity was inspired by the need for reforms. For this, Ernesto Che Guevara should be remembered as a reformist, an intellectual and an idealist. Next, the meteoric rise of Guevara among the insurgents keen on overthrowing the Batista regime which had dictatorial tendencies must have been as a result of his brilliance, drive as well as reformist credentials. Within a relatively short period of time (one year), Guevara had risen to second in command
  • 7. Informative Speech On Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart muscle. The coronary artery disease (also called CAD, for its acronym in English) or coronary heart disease is caused by a thickening of the inner walls of the coronary arteries. This thickening is called atherosclerosis. A fatty substance called plaque builds up inside the thickened walls of the arteries and obstructs or delays the flow of blood. If the heart muscle does not receive enough blood to function properly, you may have angina or a heart attack. SYMPTOMS The coronary artery disease can take years to develop. You may not notice any symptoms of coronary artery disease until progression. As the arteries become clogged you may experience: ... Show more content on ... Overweight or obese. Inactivity (sedentary lifestyle). Other health problems (such as diabetes). Treatment How is CAD treated? Most people who have CAD take medication to help control your condition. The drugs called beta blockers, channel blockers and calcium nitrates can help relieve angina. Take a low dose of aspirin every day can reduce the likelihood of having a second heart attack in people who already had one. Your doctor will tell you whether you should take any of these medicines. What about surgery? Angioplasty is a surgical treatment for CAD. Angioplasty uses a tiny balloon to open blocked arteries around the heart. The balloon is inserted into an artery in the arm or leg. In the artery where the blockage was could put a small metal rod, called stent to keep the artery open. Another surgical treatment for CAD is bypass surgery. Pieces of veins or arteries in the legs are removed and sewn into the heart arteries to carry blood to body parts found after a blockage and increase the blood flow to the heart. Usually the bypass surgery is performed when it is not possible angioplasty or when your doctor thinks this is a better choice for you. Are there side effects and other risks of the treatment of
  • 8. Prince2 PRINCE2в„ў Business Case |Project Name: | | |Date: | |Release: |Draft/Final | |Author: | | |Owner: | | |Client: | | |Document Number: |... Show more content on ... It| | |is reviewed and updated at the end of each management stage by the Managing a Stage Boundary process, and | | |at the end of the project by the Closing a Project process. | |Contents |The Business Case should cover the following topics. | | |Executive Summary 3 | | |Reasons 3 | | |Business Options 4 | | |Expected Benefits 4 | | |Expected Dis benefits 4 | | |Timescale 4 | | |Costs 5 | | |Investment Appraisal 5 | | |Major Risks
  • 9. Theme Of Manipulation In Othello Manipulation is like a game. Using different techniques demonstrates your skill, the more skill you have, the more you win. The better you are at manipulating people, the more successful you will be in getting what you want. In Othello, Shakespeare explores different forms of manipulation through the antagonist Iago. Although Iago masterfully manipulates Cassio s lust through repetition, he most effectively manipulates the jealousy of Othellothrough intimation and repetition. Iago most effectively manipulates Othello by using rhetorical techniques to appeal to his emotions. In the story, Cassio is talking to Desdemonaand Emilia until Othello and Iago enter. Iago seems to know what they were talking about, but would not inform Othello, creating an example of imitation. Iago uses this technique to hint at something without directly saying it. Friends might demonstrate this technique to express concern for a friend while also protecting themselves. This technique may help to make one trust another more because it shows selflessness in the sense of still sharing information or getting a point across to someone, despite the endangerment it brings upon oneself. He says (119), Ha! I like not that (37) , while Othello responds What dost thou say? . They continue Nothing, my lord; or if I know not what. Othello replies Was not that Cassio parted from my wife? , Iago responds, Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it That he would steal away so guiltylike, Seeing your coming. (37 43). The trickster specifically uses the word guiltylike triggering Othello and leading him to realize that Iago s suggestion may be right. Likewise, the use of intimation and hesitation emphasizes on what Iago is saying and defends the statement s reliability while also showing the importance of the conversation, emphasizing on how serious the matter is. Iago also manipulates Othello with repetition to further strengthen their trust. He is continuously flattering and complimenting Othello. Repetition is often used to create focus for persuasion. Friends may use this technique to clarify an idea. Further demonstrating his fondness or attachment to Othello, he states, My lord, you know I love you (3.3.134).
  • 10. Women s Role In The Odyssey The quest for Odysseus to return home as told in the Odyssey by Homer is one consisting of various obstacles including the Lotus eaters, Sirens, and man eating Cyclopes. Women in the Homeric era were held to strict social conduct and only perceived to satisfy the physical needs of men as mothers and as lovers, which makes the large role they play in the Odysseyeven more profound. The sexes were sharply separated: men and women had very few opportunities for mutual self esteem and affection. However, the Odyssey features women who are significantly more empowered and independent than what would be considered the social norm in the time of Homer. Most always have a clear purpose: to either help or hinder Odysseus get back home to Ithaca. In this essay I will produce ideas and evidence supporting the role of different women that appear in the story, and give possible reasons for why they have been represented in such a manner. ... Show more content on ... For example, the witch Circe exploits her sexuality to lure Odysseus men to her, then uses her magic to transform the unsuspecting and defenceless men into swine. Feminine sexuality is a trait women often use to their advantage, and many times in this poem it has been used to extreme advantage as a weapon by women. In Book X of the Odyssey, Homer tells of the men s desire for the sweet voice they hear as they arrive at Circe s palace. The men approach fearfully as they have recently suffered great losses at the hands of the Laestrygonian king Antiphates and the one eyed Cyclops Polyphemus, and are unsure of who they will find in this new land. As soon as they hear Circe s spellbinding voice and see her dancing along her great immortal loom, which are considered very feminine practices, they spare no thought about the possibility of her being an enemy and immediately call out to
  • 11. A Meeting At The First Congregational Church I went to an AA meeting at the First Congregational Church in New London, Connecticut on Monday February 22, at 7 pm. It was located in a larger room in the basement of the church. There were around fifteen members that attended. The individual s came from an array of different ages and ethnicities, both men and woman. There was no one race or ethnicity that dominated another in the meeting, it was a very warm, accepting atmosphere. I noticed right away that there was more young adults around the age of thirty than elderly members. There was also around the same number of males and females in attendance. The meeting began with the appointed leader asking if there were any new members in the group, and gave them a chance to introduce themselves. I also introduced myself at this time, and explained my role as a student. They then transitioned into reciting the serenity prayer and having a moment of silence, allowing them to give thanks to their higher power. The leader then had different individuals recite the week s motivational phrase and reflect on the quote. The quote talked about forgiving yourself as an alcoholic, and the concept of letting go of the guilt that they have over hurting themselves and the people that they love when they were under the influence. This topic was very triggering for the members, and lead them into a very power discussion around the different people in their lives that were directly affected by their drinking. One woman spoke about losing the
  • 12. The Apollo Group (University of Phoenix) Case Study #45 Essay RUNNING HEAD: UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX The Apollo Group, Inc. (University of Phoenix) Case Study #45 JacQueline E. Smalls Capella University Table of Contents Abstract...................................................................................................Page 3 Planning Strategically for Domestic and Global Environments..................................Page 5 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.................................................Page 7 Solving Problems.........................................................................................Page 8 Creating Value...........................................................................................Page 9 The Apollo Group, Inc. s Financial Information....................................................Page 9 The Best Online College Ranking 2009............................................................Page 11 Recommendations.....................................................................................Page 12 ... Show more content on ... Expansions and changes are needed in order to meet the changing needs of the adult students, who are the target group of the University of Phoenix. The University of Phoenix was founded and is headquarted in Phoenix, Arizona. By expanded in familiar and unfamiliar areas, the University of Phoenix would begin to dominate the area by higher education adult market. To be successful in the domestic and global environments, a strategy must be formulated be formulated and implemented successfully. The Apollo Group, Inc. s strategy for the University of Phoenix is to: Dominate the adult education market wherever the University of Phoenix has a presence. Expand its growth in the United States as well as internationally Expand its student offerings One of the key strategies of the University of Phoenix is to dominate the higher education adult market. The philosphy and mission that was put in place by founder John Sperling is one that the company still follows. The U.S. Department reports that over 6 million, or 40% of all students enrolled in higher education programs are over the age of 24. This nunber is projected to reach 6.7 million in 2011. The market for adult education in the U.S is expected to increase as working adults seek additional education and training to update and improve their
  • 13. skills, to enhance their earnings potential, and to keep pace with the
  • 14. The Code Of Discipline Of The Berbice Uprising In comparison, the Berbice uprising had an estimated 2000 to 3000 slaves fighting in the revolt from approximately only eight plantations participating ( Berbice Slave Uprising , 2016). This was something that is very unique because even though the Berbice movement had less followers, they were still able to carry out a more successful regime in the sense that it lasted for an entire year instead of two days. Knowing this is bring about the question as to why less participants would have a greater short term success. Was it the fact that Cuffy s use a period of negotiation was a better strategy or was it the fact that Cuffy s decision to use the code of discipline to train his followers in warfare with the help of captured European mercenaries. For instance, Cuffy, knowing he had limitation used mercenaries that once served Governor Hoogenheim because of the skills they possessed so that his followers can learn deploy such as repairing canons and service the movement (Cuffy: Face of a Rebellion, 2016). This specific distinction caused Cuffy to give his followers unity and a collective purpose to successfully carry out the rebellion, even without telling them that they needed to use violence against the Europeans. Something that Quamina and Jack did not explicitly give his followers. Similarly to Quamina and Jack, Cuffy did not like the idea of violence in scenarios when there was no need for it so he tried often tried to engage in conversations with Governor Van Hoogenheim
  • 15. My Personal Leadership Plan For Leadership Development My Personal Leadership Plan From leadership theories and observations and my personal experiences, I found that leadership is a life learning process and best practices of leadership skills. Surprisingly, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) points out that informal development opportunities, such as training, are responsible for only 10 percent of the actual learning in leadership development, and ninety percent of learning for leadership development is achieved in formal settings, mainly in everyday job activities such as development assignments and challenging tasks and interpersonal interactions at work, such as networks and mentoring relationships. Cronin and Genovese (2009) insist that what is required in leadership are three things: practice, practice, and practice. Mastery, however, requires more. The sum of education, experiences, and observations lays a foundation upon which I will grow to become a good leader. In this plan, I will focused on those aspects of leadership that I believe are most required for personal development as well as those which will be so significant for my future leadership career. I have identified three goals which will guide me in the development process. My goals are to develop my integrity, listening skills and communications skills. I assume that this plan will change and be altered as required by life circumstances. Goal 1. Integrity. Growing up to be a fully and true leader, I want to strengthen my integrity. It is necessary
  • 16. Eating Nuts Research Bogus Science Everyone wants to live longer, but the lengths that people will go is outrageous. People are so desperate to fight the inevitable that they are willing to fall for bogus scientific claims. One of these cases is Eating nuts linked to healthier, longer life , an article written by the Harvard Medical School. This article claims that eating nuts will increase your life expectancy, but is that really the case? Foremost, to determine if this article is relaying truthful information we need to look at the scientific method. When examining the research, found in the New England Journal of Medicine, the experiment is looking for a relationship between nut consumption and mortality rate. The hypothesis is that consuming nuts will
  • 17. Where Did Ballet Go To America, Russia, And Other Countries What is Ballet By: Summer Hardeman Table of Contents Where did Ballet start and why Who started Ballet Who was the first Ballet Performer What was the first Ballet Company What was the first Ballet Where Ballet has Reached How did Ballet go to America, Russia, and other Countries Who is Raven Wilkinson Who is Misty Copeland Who is Michaela Deprince Who created famous Ballet s Ballet is an interesting thing, but have you ever thought about how it started or why. Did you know at first that women were not a big part of ballet. Ballet was a big thing for men not women. Learn more about this exciting journey through time Ballet started in Italy in the fourteen hundreds. Ballet was
  • 18. Jones Electrical Distribution Jones Electrical Distribution Jones Electrical Distribution In the past several years, Jones Electrical Distribution is profitable, but it is in the condition of cash shortage. With its 2007 s sales go up, Jones need borrow more money to help its rapid development. Then he got a maximum line of credit $350,000. With our analysis report, we help Jones to choose whether to take advantage of 2% trade discount, we can observe that Jones credit line will be $318,000 without discount, not $387,000 with this 2% discount. Problems Statement Jones Electrical Distribution s current condition is not only cash shortage but also under rapid sales grows effect. Why this profitable firm ... Show more content on ... 6. In order to succeed, Jones must keep their costs down and try to increase their sales, reduce their inventory. They also have to collect their account receivable more efficiency. Recommendation According to the pro forma statements (appendix 2), Jones should take the strategy that is rapid sales growth forgo trade discounts large need for financing debt finance long term debt . According to the pro forma statement (appendix 2) and the strategy Jones take, it needs about $318,000 of loans. Appendix 3: Data analysis | | | | | With 2% discount | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2007 | ROA | 2.34% | 4.32% | 3.83% | 3.84% | 8.66% | ROE | 7.46% | 13.49% | 12.35% | 12.75% | 24.62% | Inventory Turnover | 5.37 | 5.53 | 4.80 | 4.80 | 4.80 | Current Ratio | 2.14 | 1.91 | 1.64 | 1.50 | 1.65 | Quick Ratio | 1.05 | 0.97 | 0.71 | 0.65 | 0.72 | Working Capital Turnover | 6.42 | 7.16 | 8.67 | 9.99 | 8.60
  • 19. Kay Biography Kay was a bright 28 year old woman who had gone to college at the University of Washington and majored in nursing for eight years. She was very intelligent woman and was pushing barriers as a woman in nursing during the 1960 s. She was now interning at Little Creek Family Practice. Kay was raised in Washington, with her mom, Linda, her dad, James, and her brother, Michael. They grew up with a liveable amount of money, not too poor, not too rich. College wasn t very special for her, sure she met new people and learned a lot, it wasn t going to be the highlight of her life. She had graduated in 1968 with 8 years of medical school. She then started her internship with Little Creek. It was January 10th, a seemingly average day. Kay was checking... Show more content on ... There s a story about a young boy throwing starfish back into the sea when a woman told him he wouldn t be able to save them all, he replied, If I can save just one, I ve already made a difference. Kay would never forget the tragedies of war, the people she saved, the people she lost. Kay saved lives, she was a hero. She dropped everything she had to help others. She didn t only save the lives of soldiers, she saved their families, she saved them from the suffering she experienced. Kay could ve lived her dream life, instead she lived a hero s life. She had the determination of a superhero, the kindness of an angel, the gentleness of a new mom, and the love of a family. Through thick and thin Kay fought for people s protection, for people s lives, she pushed boundaries as a woman. Kay Griffin was a true
  • 20. Nora Deception Admittedly, deception is an unethical motive that is unfortunately normal within human nature. In the play, A Doll s House , there s recurrent actions of deception throughout the acts in which the characters take part on, one being the main character, Nora. Overall, during the play she paints herself to be a woman she really isn t, making the audience reevaluate their judgement as she shows her true self; thus, the recurring theme of the play being, looks can be deceiving. Furthermore, throughout the play Nora is constantly deceiving people for personal gain. For instance, a tiny white lie she tells Torvald is that she hasn t eaten any macaroons when in fact, she has had a fair share already. She does this to prove to herself that she isn t a doll and that even though the rest of her life is taken care of, she still has control over something. Unsurprisingly, Nora ends up being more dishonest than she initially let on, for later on in the play she forged and lied, in order to save her family. Moreover, she initially argued that she had good intentions for her schemes since, Torvald got sick and her family depended on her. However, the fact that after she maintained her family, she kept lying and hiding where she obtained the money from proving that there s more to her motives. In addition, her lying didn t just limit to Torvald but ... Show more content on ... Linde and Krogstad. For instance, she lied to Ms. Linde about the money she used to go to Italy to save Torvald and said it was from her admirers; meanwhile, she told Torvald it was money from her father that she had asked for. When in
  • 21. Renaissance Ideals What were the ideals of the Renaissance, and how did Italian artists and writers reflect these ideals? During the age of the Renaissance the spread of writing, art, and ideas flourished. The Renaissance was based off many ideas. However, the two most important ideals were the evolution of a new worldview and humanism. Italian artists used their skills in art to spread these ideas. They reflected all of the aspects of the Renaissance in their pieces and shared them with the world. While, Italian writers wrote works on these same ideas they urged their readers to take up their beliefs. Together Italian artists and writers sparked a revolutionary new age that discovered many concepts that we still use today. As the Renaissance flourished in Italy
  • 22. Pastors Brokenness What marks most pastors who come to our ministry is their brokenness. In every case, pastors resigning from their church are broken, beaten, and discouraged. Pastorless churches are a paradoxical development in the United States. While plenty of clergy abound in the US, fifteen hundred pastors leave the ministry each month due to moral failure, spiritual burnout, or contention in their churches. Their stories, along with my own experiences in the pastorate, attest to several common traits among pastorless churches. Churches who struggle to keep pastors possess similar characteristics and cultures within their congregations. Here are ten observations: Clergy Competence. For various reasons, a point is reached when a pastor simply is no longer competent to hold this most trusted position in the church. Often, it is a matter of disqualification due ... Show more content on ... Many churches suffer from too few families controlling the life of the church. One of my members once said, It s hard to get in here, but once you re in you re in. To which I replied, And the Spirit of God weeps. Competing Boards. Another pastor shared the plight of his church. Within the church existed an elder board of eight members and a deacon board of eight members. The church barely averaged 300 people in attendance. For years these two boards refused to communicate, cooperate, or coordinate. Any wonder their church chewed through six pastors in ten years? Consumed Clergy. Most pastors are just plain worn out. In a recent survey 802 or 71% of pastors surveyed stated they were burned out, battle depression, and feel fatigue on a daily basis. Pastors usually keep 60 hour work weeks, are on call at all times, are required to perform multiple tasks beyond their ability, and put up with a host of abuses from members claiming to be Christians. Once I took a two week vacation. Upon returning from vacation, several members accused me of looking for another church to pastor during my
  • 23. Social Media Advantages And Disadvantages Advantages vs Disadvantages Antronette Henderson HUM/186 August 28, 2017 University of Phoenix Advantages vs Disadvantages The purpose of this essay is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of obtainable information as well as the advantages and disadvantages of social media. I will also explain how knowing these advantages and disadvantages can alter how a person might use social media. The last thing I will talk about what credibility issues can arise from information on the internet. Obtainable Information Advantages of easily obtainable information. You have the advantage to find out about anything that is within the reach of your fingertips thanks to search engines such as Google, Google Chrome, Bing, Firefox, and more. You can find out what is going on all over the world as well as the local news. You can keep up with the President both past and present. The internet will allow you to do all sorts of things. If you wanted to do some shopping you can do that as well. You can compare prices of who has the best deal all without leaving your home. That way when you make you mind up you know where you want to go and you do not have to go from store to store. There are ways to find out something that happened a few years back if need be. You can research old articles. If you wanted to do people search you could do that as well to a certain point without being charged a fee. Some disadvantages of easily obtainable information. If you have done something on the
  • 24. Misconceptions Of Prison System Seminar planning: Introduction: Today, my seminar presentation will be centred on the notion of the ability of prisons systems to successfully rehabilitate criminals and reform them to the extent that they are able to again be a functioning member of society, with consideration to all relevant stakeholders including the Church, victims, prisoners and the community. Common misconceptions of prisons are that they solely serve to isolate criminals from the population so that they are unable to do them harm. However, in spite of these perceptions, the primary objective of prisons is not to quarantine criminals but instead to work with them so as to lead them towards repentance and rebuilding their lives. In this vein, there are various types ... Show more content on ... In the story the prodigal son strays off into the wrong cause in life through rejecting his father and taking his share of money to live a life of sin. This is reflective of the prisoners that rejected the precedents of God through sinning, when they are in jail and finally open themselves back up to God then the rehabilitating process can begin, as seen in the Prodigal son when he runs out of money and opens up to the fact that he should go back to his family that was when he left the life of sin behind and opened himself back up to God (rehabilitated). Upon return to his family he was accepted by most except his brother who is hesitant as he felt wronged because his brother broke the rules and he did not. This is related to how society and mainly the victims of crimes may fear or be anxious of prior offenders however as Christians we need to adopt the notions of love and acceptance and opportunity for repentance as evidenced by the precedents set by the prodigal son which is also reflective of the unconditional love of God. The Catholic approach on prison rehabilitation is reflected through this story because of how the prodigal son became rehabilitated through opening oneself to repentance; once were lost but now were found (Luke
  • 25. The Flint River The Flint River begins as a small groundwater seepage in Hapeville in west central Georgia. It travels down the state getting wider and deeper until it reaches its final destination, Lake Seminole. This river is 349 river miles long and has a watershed area of 8,460 square miles. Known to be very scenic, it is one of only forty rivers in the United States to flow more than 200 miles without man made interference. The Flint Riveralso is the home of a new species of fish, the Halloween Darter, which is only found in the Flint, Chattahoochee, and Apalachicola Rivers. There are three hydropower dams along the Flint: the Crisp County Power dam, the Flint River dam, and the Jim Woodruff dam. These dams create Lake Blackshear, Worth, and Seminole. ... Show more content on ... The Chattahoochee River begins in the springs of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia. It forms the border between Georgia and Alabama with the final destination the same as the Flint s, Lake Seminole. The Chattahoochee watershed area has a warm and humid temperate climate. The river has quite a history with evidence of humans living along its shores since 1,000 B.C.E. Even up to this day, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama fight over Chattahoochee water rights. The Chattahoochee runs for 434 river miles and has a watershed area of 8770 square miles. Uniquely, this river is the second southernmost trout habitat in the United States. It is also the most heavily used surface water body in Georgia. Seventy percent of metro Atlanta s drinking water comes from the Chattahoochee. In fact, there are thirteen dams along the river. However, the Chattahoochee is also very polluted. Polluted storm water is the primary cause of water quality problems. There are around 500 industrial sites not complying with clean water laws along the river. As aforementioned, the Flint River and Chattahoochee River both deposit into Lake Seminole. These two rivers leave the lake as one new river, the Apalachicola
  • 26. Medical Laboratory Technician Research Paper Career Essay on a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Choosing a career you would like to pursue for the rest of your life can be quite the hassle. You have to consider your strengths and your weaknesses along with the changing economy. If you do not take into consideration those things I just said, you might be unhappy with the career you chose. The career I chose to pursue is a medical laboratory technician. A MLT is a person that performs medical laboratory tests for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. During their job, they analyze bodily fluids, conduct blood tests and transfusions, examine cells stained with dye, record test data, take care of laboratory equipment, consult with pathologist about abnormal cells, and collect
  • 27. Pursuing Pediatrics Pursuing Pediatrics Countless high school students aspire to become neurologists or surgeons, but tend to disregard the incredibly rewarding and memorable experiences that Pediatrics presents. Pediatrics focuses on solving issues that pertain to children, and attempt to solve these problems using critical thinking developed over decades of training and education. For those who wish to follow the medical route and make an impression on the younger generations, pediatrics is a wise, fulfilling life choice. As a pediatrician, one will work with children and address the variety of issues they face based on their specialization. Dealing with individuals under the age of 21, pediatricians should have an affinity with younger individuals, and should ... Show more content on ... Becoming a pediatrician typically requires at least 3 8 years of residency training in pediatrics, along with the four years required to achieve a bachelor s degree (How to Become a Pediatric Doctor: Education and Career Roadmap.). To even begin one s journey into pediatrics however, one must pass the MCAT, a nightmarish medical school entrance examination assessment, and after multiple years of training, an anxiety inducing final examination. Another crucial factor in becoming a pediatrician is the huge cost of tuition, as the combined cost adds up to 300,000 to 500,000 thousand (Becoming a Pediatrician: THE BOTTOM LINE). However, during residency training, you receive annual incomes up to 45,000 a year, covering living expenses for the time being and enough income for splurging. Pursuing a career in pediatrics requires extensive education, internship, and a small fortune, but its rewards far outshine its apparent
  • 28. How Did Holst Contribute To Music The English composer, Gustav Theodore Holst, was one of the most important people with great contributions to English music.He was born on 21 September 1874 in Cheltenham, England.Inspired the love for music from his musician father, Adolph von Holst, Gustav began playing musical instruments at a very young age.He played both the piano and the violin.However, he was not as interested in playing violin as playing the piano although he was troubled with neuritis.Gustav also took up the trombone due to his father s suggestion when he turned twelve.Having such a great talent and an inspiration for musicbut Gustav s childhood was not really full of happiness.His mom was very weak so she died after giving birth to the second child.At that time, Gustav was only eight
  • 29. How Did Pele Change The World The Myth, The Legend, Pele! Edison Arantes do Nascimento, also known known as Pele in the soccer world, is one of the most talented and respected soccer players in the world. I chose Pele because he is good at soccer and he is one of my favorite soccer players in the world. In this essay I will explain how Pele shaped and changed the world of soccer. Pele was born in TrГЄs Corações, Brazil ( Pele grew up poor and lived in poverty, but that didn t stop him from pursuing his dreams ( Pele developed his kicking skills by kicking a rolled up sock stuffed with rags around the streets of Bauru ; he learned to kick a soccer ball without even having one ( Pele took on many unusual jobs to help his family earn a little bit more money ( Later in life, Pele found him placed in the Bauru Athletic Club ( He led the team with three victories from 1954 to 1956 ( Furthermore, he won many indoor soccer contests and championships ( Which was a start to his soccer career.... Show more content on ... As Pele caught more people s attention due to the 1958 World Cup, he had become icon, a hero, and a legend to the world of the soccer (Pele). A Brazilian journalist named Joan Luiz de Albuquerque said about Pele that, He was the light at the end of the tunnel. This means he was the success at the end. Furthermore, as the life of Pele kept continuing he had once stopped a war (Pele)! Pele s influence in soccer had stopped the Nigeria s forty eight hour cease fire in 1967(Pele)! Then in 1978 Pele was awarded with the International Peace Award for his work in the
  • 30. To What Extent Did Roosevelt s New Deal Programs Aid the... On October 29, 1929 marks the official opening of the Great Depression. During 1933, the unemployment rate in United State reached 25%; it was not until the second quarter of 1933 where the US economy started to reclaim. President Franklin D. Roosevelt formed the foundation of the New Deal within the First Hundred Days when he came into power. To determine the New DealProgram s role during the Great Depression, the sources used in this investigation include: The Great Depression and the New Deal by Robert F. Himmelberg, and Depression Decade: From New Era through New Deal, 1929 1941 by Broadus Mitchell. There will also be a discussion involving World War II s role in ending the economic crisis. A journal article The Reality of the... Show more content on ... During the famous First Hundred Days, the Emergency Banking Act was the initial to come out of President Roosevelt s program. This measure empowered the government to close banks that were closed to collapse and reopened when readied. With this new act, the general public was no longer afraid and regained confidence in the banking system. The tendency to hoard cash diminished rapidly, panicky withdrawals ended, money returned to checking and savings accounts, and the banking system stabilized. Despite the economic recovery caused by the First New Deal, the Great Depression continued. So in 1935, Roosevelt launched the Second New Deal, this time more aggressive than ever. The Second New Deal included Works Progress Administration (WPA) and National Labor Relations Act or Wagner Act. Most of the measures released between 1935 1936 were leaning towards the general public. This lead many business leaders perceived the Second New Deal s labor and work relief policies as anti business. Particularly towards the Wagner Act, which established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). This agency had the ability to protect workers rights from any encumbrances. The board prohibited five unfair practices: (1) interference with employees in the exercise of guaranteed rights; (2) financial or other support of a company union; (3) use of hiring and firing to encourage membership in a company union or
  • 31. Guitar Hero 3 Research Paper This article is a collection of tips for any guitar player, beginner to advanced that will help you learn and get the most out of your practice time. Find a quiet place to practice all to yourself You need a room or space all to yourself. This can be a bedroom, place by the computer or a full studio. Make sure you have all your equipment ready. You will need a music stand or another place to put your books, picks, music books, and tuner. Try to keep this area clean and free of clutter so you can concentrate on your music. If you live with other people tell them not to disturb you unless it is very important. The more distractions you have the less you will accomplish. Another tip is to turn off your cell phone or other electronic devices.... Show more content on ... All the songs are so cool because those or the most popular songs in those days.One of the best things is that it tells you who made it famous and who wrote it and when was it cerated so like when you have an mp3 you could download the song you liked best.Anaother cool thing is that whe guitar is creative and original that if you dont like it you could custimaze it by adding faborite stickers to the guitar also included on the guitar.The best thing it has is that you acually fell like a rockstar and if you dont know how to play a electic guitar this is the best way to lear that anyone with no experince could learn.The notes are so easy that it teaches you by levels easy,medium,hard and expert and anyone with no experience and a little hard work could get expert. Guitar Hero 3 has 5 color buttons that represent the notes of the guitar and one power buttons for guitar battles ans on start button and one of the most important a strumer. The game has over 70 songs and one of the best thinga is that it has Wi Fi so you could challenge anyone around the world or someone you know. It also has multiplayer guitar battle and career mode and in career mode you make your band and buy guitars,characters,outfits,videos,songs and finishes.The graphic of the game are spectacular that when you play it looks and feels you ar there there it looks so realistic. I think this is one of the best games I ever played because it teaches you an instrument that most people like.Just think for a minute,think out of all the games you ever played which one teaches you how to play an instument. If you are thinking of buying this game for someone as a gift or for your self and you are not sure if you should buy it do not hesitate you will never regret it because is the best game ever even if you sell it or your parents confiscated it or what
  • 32. Informative Speech On Philo Farnsworth s Affects Us Today Who is Philo Farnsworth? General Purpose: My general purpose is to inform the class about Philo Farnsworth. Specific Purpose: My specific purpose is to inform the class about Philo Farnsworth, a pioneer of the modern television and how his invention affects us today. Introduction: A.Attention Getter: The Father of Televisioncould not possibly imagine that his contributions and innovations would have such an amazing effect, because of Philo Farnsworth the first electric television was produced, now 89% of households worldwide have televisions (Ahonen, 2011). B.Credibility Statement: With constant research and a determination to learn as much as I could about Philo Farnsworth I was able to gain knowledge over his accomplishments and the life he lived. C.Relevance Statement: 34% ... Show more content on ... Netflix isn t the only industry that profited from the creation of the television. 1. There are dozens of large companies that produce or fund films that are displayed over the television. a. One example is Disney, which has created dozens of films that we all continue to enjoy. b. New stations also do well because of television, for years people have relied on news stations such as Fox and ABC and their broadcast to provide them with current events from around the world. 2. Other companies that produce televisions, such as Philips, have grown into major industries that have learned from Farnsworth s design to evolve the television to what we have today. Conclusion: Transition: That is how the father of television has effect each of us and what he did to earn that title, now let s finish up. Restate Thesis: Philo Farnsworth has effect all of our lives and even though the television has gone through major innovation throughout the years it was all made possible because of the ideas. Clincher: Because of Philo Farnsworth everyone was able to obtain a television, now 4.2 billion people enjoy sitting down and unwinding while watching their favorite programs (Ahonen,
  • 33. Child Soldiers Prosecuted Child soldiers have and still are a big problem in our world. These children suffer everyday from the pain and torture they experienced at war. Most child soldiers are drugged and are not aware of what they are doing. They were involuntarily chosen to commit terrible crimes and were threatened if they did not do otherwise. Many are terrified of these threats. Although many say that childsoldiers will never change, they will never change if we never help them. These child soldiers should not be prosecuted or punished and instead be helped for all the trauma they have experienced.They should have the opportunity to be helped after being drugged and scarred, after being raped, and being forced to do things they did not want to do. Should these children be prosecuted for something they did not have a say in?... Show more content on ... Some say that these children will never change and will always want war and therefore they should be prosecuted. But these children had no idea what they were doing, they were drugged, threatened and afraid. Some child soldiers are tortured and raped(Leaphy 1). Also if a child under 15 is considered too young to fight, then he or she must also be considered too young to be held criminally responsible for serious violations of IHL while associated with armed forces or armed groups (Should Child Soldiers Be Prosecuted for Their Crimes? 1).In most countries, the age of criminal responsibility ranges from 7 16 but most commonly is 14(Should Child Soldiers Be Prosecuted for Their Crimes? 1). Child soldiers are too young to know what they are doing. Should their lives be ruined by something they are forced to
  • 34. Characteristics And Developing A Performance Profile For A... Introduction Professional careers in sports such as rugby have characteristics unlike other vocation (Price, 2007). Rugby union is a high contact sport that requires players to possess a diverse range of attributes (Smart 2011). Each playing position has role responsibilities that are both unique and common to other positions in the team (Greenwood, 1997). Numerous studies have highlighted differences in physical between playing levels and positions. In a study by Parsons and Hughes (2001), the skill demands for each playing position were analysed with reference to on and off the ball supporting activities, with the total number of behaviours found to differ between playing positions, emphasising the different requirements of each playing role (Hughes, Hughes, Williams, James, Vuckovic Locke, 2012). This paper will focus on identifying important characteristics and developing a performance profile for a Loose Forward postion at club level. Performance Profiling The performance profile was developed by Butler (1989) and was based upon Kelly s (1991) personal construct theory (Nicholls, 2014). Performance profiling helps to aid in identifying an appropriate intervention, to maximise athletes motivation and adherence to a program and to monitor any changes over time (Mackenzie, 2003). The profile generally focuses on the psychological, physical, technical, and tactical qualities of an elite performer. Physical Characteristics Field based contact team such as rugby union
  • 35. Hamlet Behavioural Changes The Supernatural Leads to Behavioural Change Over many centuries, people have been curious about abnormal behaviours within their societies and beyond. Many of these unusual behaviours can be caused due to the supernatural. The supernatural is caused by forces that cannot be explained by science (Cambridge Dictionary) It leads to seeing and experiencing non material beings like ghosts and spirits. In Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Onrushing Influences by Ron Price, the supernatural leads to a change in behaviour for both Hamlet and the speaker of the poem. Firstly, due to the supernatural existence in both pieces of work, it appears that both characters are possessed since they are not behaving like themselves. Also, since Hamlet and the ... Show more content on ... But now the time has come, and he is going to rise from his lowest point and will get better. Drawing near to the that summit of glory means he is gradually returning back to his highest point. In this case, it means coming out of the depression and experiencing the supernatural, due to being in war. It is arguable that anyone who goes to war would experience the supernatural. As a result, the speaker of the poem is at his lowest point and must build his way back up to being normal. While Hamlet and the speaker of the poem face depression and are brought to their lowest points, Shakespeare s play shows how the protagonist overcomes his obstacles and overcomes depression. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet is mourning the death of his father, King Hamlet. But I have that within which passes show, / These but the trappings and the suits of woe (Shakespeare I.ii.85 86). It can be seen here that Hamlet is at his lowest point after his father s death. Eventually he will rise up from his depression after interacting with the ghost of his father. For Hamlet to accept the fact that his father was murdered by his uncle Claudius. In the end, Hamlet s happiness is fulfilled when he gets revenge for his father by killing Claudius. Without a doubt, both the speaker of the poem and Hamlet must bring themselves back up from their lowest point. Evidently, it can be proven that the speaker of
  • 36. A Prayer For Owen Meany Essay During my junior year of high school, I read A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Before then I had enjoyed reading, but it had never been more to me than a source of entertainment, similar to watching TV. However, the ingenious, miniscule symbols and nuances about the book forever changed the way I look at literature. Throughout the book, Irving subtly compares Owen Meany (a tiny, strange boy with an extremely high voice) to Jesus. At one point, he plays Jesus in a Christmas pageant. His parents even believe (and try to convince him) that he was a virgin birth, much like Jesus was according to the Bible. More subtly, his friend John Wheelwright frequently uses the exclamation Jesus! but only when he is talking to Owen, almost as though he is addressing him. Owen also plays the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come in a play, although he is just referred to as the Ghost of the Future. Later on he has a vision of his own date of death. There are countless other important and significant symbols in the book as well, ranging from an armadillo to... Show more content on ... Until I read Fight Club, most books had a very similar feel to read, so I never understood why different people loved certain authors over others. However, Palahniuk s writing was so distinctive and new to me that it perfectly illustrated the significance of the author of a book. Fight Club is fast moving, disjointed, and confusing. The text is seemingly randomly punctuated with obscure comments such as I am Jack s complete lack of surprise. This method of writing mimics the frantic sense of confusion that the reader endures before finally finding out that the narrator and Tyler Durden are the same person. This way of writing, much like a well written movie music score, sets the scene and mood for the entire novel in a way that is impossible to do with just descriptions and simple
  • 37. Development Of Building Codes Of South Korea Essay BILD 364 Building Code Compliance Assignment 1: Development of Building Codes Development of Building Codes in South Korea Glen Stricot Tarboton Due 23rd March 2016 Introduction Seoul, South Korea, has grown rapidly since the Korean War of the 1950 s to become the worlds second largest metropolitan area with over 23 million residents in 2014 (National Statistics Office ( 통계мІ)). This growth has occurred economically as well, with an average GDP increase of 10 percent between 1962 and 1994 (The World Bank). This report looks into the development of South Korean buildingcodes. Figure 1: Timeline of Significant Events in South Korea s Building History The 1970 s oil crisis occurred when an oil embargo was imposed by members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries. This led to fuel shortages and high prices around the world ( Due to Korea s limited resources, it imports all of its coal, oil and natural gas. At the time of the United States Department of Energy s report into Building Energy Codes in the Republic of Korea, Korea was the second largest importer of coal and one of the largest for oil and natural gas. It also reported an emission of 515 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide by the country in the year 2006 (Evans, Chon and Shui). Early Building Standards The first official building standard came into effect in 1977. It was a result of the 1970 s oil crisis. This outlined the mandatory building standards of insulation thickness.
  • 38. Dystopian Film Analysis The most shocking aspect of the dystopian novel or film is the realisation that the future is contingent on the present, and can be affected by something we do or don t do now To what degree does this perspective on dystopian novels and films resonate with your own reading? Dystopian texts fulfil the purpose of exaggerating contemporary issues and appropriating them into a fictional universe, in order to criticise and foreshadow the destructive trajectory of current political and social trends (Ferris, 2007). Dystopia, evolved in response to the changing political and social climate of the late 19th and 20th century. This saw the flourishing of utopias inverse counterpart dystopia, as people became disillusioned by the negative projection ... Show more content on ... Howey criticises the narrow vision of contemporary society, and our growing tendency to view the world through a screen (GGG, 2013). For the inhabitants of the silo, the outside world can only be seen through a projected image, captured by sensors. The inhabitants of the silo are content by this, and are convinced that the image they see is the truth. They do not question or breed curiosity to discover more. Wool demonstrates the deception a society can live under when it becomes too reliant on technology as seen in The illusion, however, convinced only from a distance (Howey, 2013). This makes evident the deceptive nature of the image that is being projected, and conveys Howey s cynicism towards technologies role as an information portal. Furthermore, Howey depicts the detrimental effects that arise from technology s augmenting role in society. This is shown through the hierarchy and power division of the silo in Wool. The IT faculty play a fundamental role in orchestrating the faГ§ade in which the rest of the silo lives under and are responsible for enforcing the suppressive regime of the silo. Howey conveys the dangerous influence technology can have on society when he says, His discovery was that evil men arose from evil systems (Howey, 2013). His statement is further accentuated by the repetition of the
  • 39. The Effects Of Emotional Abuse The effects emotional abuse has on a victim will stick with them for their entire life. Even the smallest event can, and usually will, trigger horrific memories that create anxiety and makes it a struggle to interact with others. It causes the victim to withdraw from society because they feel they are not worry of social interaction. When a person is repeatedly told they are stupid, worthless or any other degrading comments, they begin to believe them. Even worse, they start to believe they deserve the comments and think they have to change who they are as a person to fit the expectations of the abuser. Over time, emotional abuse changes how a person thinks and feels. Their beliefs start to model after the person attacking them. This tends to make it hard to separate from their attackers. They become trapped in a hostile environment because they are taught that... Show more content on ... It can make a person truly think they are worthless instead of just having a feeling. When the abuser uses mental abuse it can be a form of control, jealousy, manipulation or even a hostile environment. Mental abuse can be very intimidating. (Rogers, 2014) It gets to the point that the assailant does not even have to speak; the victim becomes so scared of punishment that they do what is expected of them. When emotional abuse changes over to mental abuse, the attacker is reinforcing their control over the victim. The mental attacks are meant to force the victim to completely change how they think and act. This removes all free will and encourages behavior that matches the assailant s expectations and desires. This is why victims of domestic abuse become trapped in a relationship and only those closest to the victim recognizing the changes in the person. When the victim manages to get free from the person abusing them, if they are able to get away, they are no longer the same
  • 40. The Works of Elise de Wolfe,Eleanor Brown, and Dorothy... Interior Decorators such as Elsie de Wolfe, Eleanor McMillen Brown, and Dorothy Draper helped to pave the way for the Interior Design profession today. Their influential decisions to stray away from the Victorian style of design helped guide both the interior decorating profession, as well as architects who no longer wanted to design in the bulky and cluttered Victorian Style. Elsie de Wolfe designed during the Victorian movement, however had adopted the 1890 s preference for Neoclassicism (Smith, 22). Unlike the cluttered and dark interiors of an average Victorian interior, her interiors were, in the words of one visitor, [models] of simplicity (Smith, 20). She redecorated the once cluttered dining room of her apartment in the ... Show more content on ... All three of these women worked during the time when crowded and stuffy Victorian interiors were popular. They all paved the way for interior decoration as a profession, each adding something to the profession. During their lifetimes, the task of interior decoration went from a job only an architect could do to an established profession, and styles such as Arts and Crafts, Prairie style, Art Nouveau, Beaux Arts, Classical Revival styles, and Art Deco were emerging. For all three of these women, the architecture of the time influenced their work in different ways. Elsie de Wolfe started designing interiors around the time the Arts and Crafts style was becoming popular. The Arts and Crafts style was cleaner and more refined than the Victorian style, which is similar to the way Elsie de Wolfe designed her interiors. They both stripped away the Victorian elements of design, leaving cleaner and more refined interiors. Eleanor McMillen Brown took inspiration from some classical revival styles and the art deco style of the time when designing her interiors, but they were also still more refined than the Victorian style. Dorothy Draper was influenced mostly by the Art Deco style, as she designed commercial spaces that would reflect the art deco architecture of the time. Each of these women worked with
  • 41. Breast Augmentation Persuasive Speech One of the most common plastic surgeries around today is breast augmentation. This is a cosmetic procedure that is sought by women for a wide variety of reasons. The goal of the breast ( removed HTML ) augmentation surgery ( removed HTML ) is to repair, enhance, or reshape the breast. Breast augmentation Bellevue WA procedures are very common today. The cosmetic surgeon generally works closely with the patient and customizes the procedure to meet their satisfaction. Women state that after a successful procedure they look and feel better in their clothes. In addition, they feel more confident than ever. Here is more on breast augmentation to consider. ( removed HTML ) Typical Reasons To Consider Breast Augmentation ( removed... Show more content on ... If damaged, teh implant will leak the gel. Silcone implants look and feel very natural ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Gummy Bear Breast Implants The gummy bear breast implants are very firm and stable. The gel inside the implant has the consistency of a gummy bear candy ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) More On Implant Selection ( removed HTML ) Often, the typical breast augmentation patient is very confused about breast implant selections. This is due to the wide range of implants available. Your plastic surgeon has the experience that is required to guide the patient to the best implant for their body type and proportions. However, there are several factors that affect the implant that is selected. For example, a very small framed women might require a more structured and clearly defined implant than a woman with a larger frame. Clearly, it is very important to contact a qualified cosmetic surgeon for a breast augmentation procedure. They are able to perform this surgery safely and with a better guarantee of complete satisfaction. However, it is also vital to contact the cosmetic surgeon and ask for a consultation before making your final decision on this
  • 42. Essay On The Battle Of Midway 1943: The Battle of Midway [1987] 1943: The Battle of Midway is a shoot em up arcade game, or more accurately a vertical scrolling shooter game, designed and developed by Capcom and published in 1987. The game was the sequel to Capcom s 1984 game, 1942 which was the first in the 19XX series. In this game analysis of 1943: The Battle of Midway, also referred to as 1943, will be analysed subjectively under the following headings: story, technology, aesthetics, and mechanics. Story We have the ability to project ourselves into just about anything we control. [J.Schell, 2008] Anyone who grew up in the arcades is very much familiar with 1943: The Battle of Midway. The game is set in the Pacific theater of World War II, off the coast of the Midway Atoll. In terms of story, what separates the 1942 from the 1943 is that the latter sets specifically on aerial combat around Midway. We filter reality through our sense, and through our minds, and the consciousness we actually experience is a kind of illusion not really reality at all. [J.Schell, 2008] As this game is somewhat fictional in its nature, Schell states a very relevant point about reality and this illusion games create for us. ... Show more content on ... The Japanese main squadron tasted defeat off the coast of Midway Islands . Some say that this battle greatly changed the outcome of the war. The aim in this game is to represent a battle during a historical conflict through a screen. The focus in the game is to attack the Japanese air fleet that bombed the American aircraft carrier, pursue all Japanese air and sea forces, fly through the 16 stages of play, and make their way to the Japanese battleship Yamato and destroy. The challenge is to destroy the battleship, Yamato . Relive the excitement of 1943 by controlling
  • 43. Analysis Of The Novel The Girl Who Was Saturday Night STUDENT NAME: Ramnik Cheema ENG3U0 F CANADIAN NOVEL ISU PART A: KEYS TO THEME AND DRAFT THESIS STATEMENTS For the following Keys to Theme Template, record a quotation and explanation of how the statement fulfils the characteristic of each section of the template. Title of the Novel: The Girl Who Was Saturday Night Author: Heather O Neill Character s Name: Nouschka Trembley Theme: Isolation 1.Key speech or thought expressed by the main character that relates to one of the five (5) common Canadian themes (see previous PowerPoint). Quote (+ page number): You interfere with all my plans (Page 39) Explanation (4 5 sentences): In the story The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, Nouschka decides to go to high school again after dropping out. Nicolas, her twin brother, tells her not to go and tries to stop her. While having an argument about this, Nouschka says you interfere with all my plans (O Neill, Page 39). Nouschka and her brother are very attached to each other and they never do anything without each other. This quote makes it very easy to see that Nicolas is holding her back from doing what she wants. At the moment Nouschka has a part time in a book store and wants a higher education but Nicolas has a different view as he doesn t care about school and makes money through committing crimes. By realizing that both Nouschka and Nicolas have different views on things such as going back to school, Nouschka tries to isolate herself from Nicolas and becomes more
  • 44. Operation Management Of Zara INTRODUCTION TO ZARA Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success , Stephen R Covey once said. Operations management is in charge of customers needs and satisfaction. Its aim is to live up to its existence. The reason of its existence is to succeed in purchases, products quality, quality control, stockpiling and logistics. All this accomplished, the results are bound to be remarkable. Zara is an illustrative example of the correct operations management. The first shop was set up in La Coruna and so far sixty eight countries have had their own Zara store. This progress happened very fast and successfully. We can all understand that the system of Zara works properly and people of Zara do their work effectively. The way they design, they produce, they sell things is surely the appropriate. Moreover, there is a wide variety of products every season which leads to its constant success. ( How Zara Grew Into the World s Largest Fashion Retailer . The New York Times. 9 November 2012) COMPANY BACKGROUND TO ZARA Zara is a dress retailer who has taken another approach in the business. It was established by Amancio Ortega in 1963 in Spain. Its guardian organization is claimed 60% INDITEX by the Ortega family and Inditex has completed in 2005 to 6.741 billion ... Show more content on ... Hence, they oversaw by one means or another to democratize extravagance maker of items propelled by the development of design. With this approach, Zara is presently an industry fit for offering popular items at reasonable costs. Then again, it is an organization that needs to be near to youngsters. Additionally, this yearning is felt in its enrollment arrangement. Zara youthful workers with styles extremely checked design. On the other hand, Zara comprehends what precisely the clients need and react to their needs rapidly. That is the primary mystery of Zara, which issues them an upper
  • 45. Rebecca Clarke s `` Cinderella No More `` I decided to choose a theme for my final paper which will be related to my instrument viola. I choose Rebecca Clarke , probably the most prominent women composer who wrote for viola. Most of Clarke s compositions were written in the first three decades of the twentieth century, her works was largely unknown until the 1970th. Such is the curiously small impact she made as a composer in England in her life time that the first edition of Lionel Turtis s book Cinderella no more doesn t mention her viola Sonata, even though now violist from all over the world would regard it as one of the principal works for the instrument of its era. This seems very interesting to me and I will discuss why it happened and why women composers had no space in the professional society of that time. Also, I will talk about Rebecca Clarke as one of the firs women who broke the rules in a male dominated musical world ( she became one of the first female professional musician in the orchestra). Interest in her writing has grown a lot recently and many of her works entered the standard viola repertoire. Because she wrote during the time of first feminist wave in England and her rediscovering overlaps with the second wave feminism in America musicologist mainly discuss her personality and her compositions in the implications of gender on analysis. I will discuss her Viola Sonata considering this recent feminist theory of gender and I will write about her personality as a composer and a performer,
  • 46. The Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman At what point does an individual come to the realization that they are trapped within an internal perpetual prison? Many women during the 19th century suffered from countless diseases and disorders that went untreated and society had deemed their voice powerless and useless. According to the University of Toledo Libraries Women were especially vulnerable to inadequate diagnoses and treatment in 19th century America. It was commonly believed that most physical ailments of women were caused by their sexual organs or mental disorders, resulting in painful, sometimes lethal treatments. Within the oeuvre of Charlotte Perkins GilmanThe Yellow Wallpaperwe examine the insouciant approach that society made towards the mental health of women, which ultimately led to the mental instability of countless females. In an era of male chauvinism in which women were to be seen and not heard, had no voice and were rendered uneducated, illiterate and that their sole purpose was to serve their spouses. The narrator in the short story is suffering from nervous depression that has been onset from her moving into a new environment. Still I will proudly declare that there is something queer about it. (Gilman 645) This rather queer environment is troubling our narrator due to this , she is led to believe that the estate is haunted. Rather than lend an ear to the perplexity of his consort he disregards her and merely chuckles at her inmost malaise. Gilman states John laughs at me, of course,
  • 47. Books And Paper Books Did you know, Each year approximately 30 million trees are used to make books all over the United States (Pollak). Americans have been exposed to books every day since we were able to read. However, some people prefer paper books because they make them feel excited to read, while others may not like the paper versions. Other people might be turned on to the modern way of reading on an E book. Paper and E books depend on natural resources, size, prices, and abilities. So, as a reader, what would you buy: the modern or paper books? People never understood how making books kills the environment, and each tree that goes down takes oxygen away from us. Every book a person buys can be recycled, so new books can be made. This takes up less... Show more content on ... Books use lamps to have light to read in bed or dark, which is not very much; unless you read all night. According to one person, Often a lamp is too bright for them in bed because it effects how they sleep. While the E Book can dim down to the right light just enough so they can see the words (Rubin). Each person is reading a book of their choice and using resources, they are either saving tress or using electricity. Although, each way of reading doesn t help the environment; packing books for trips is an easy choice. Paper books depend on sizes like the thickness of the book likewise if it s hard cover or paper back because people may not be able bring all the books on a trip. If that person is going on a plane, their luggage might be taking up with books which might cause them to exceed their weight limit for the luggage to go on the plane (Literature and eBooks). Plane luggage is like a child having to carry a backpack around school carrying three bulky textbooks, because weights hurts the plane with being able to fly; then having a child walking around hurting their back. Unlike, paper book, E books can hold million books in one gadget (McMaken). That device could be tiny as a cell phone and biggest as an iPad. The weight of E book is smallest as 6 ounces and biggest as 1.6 pounds unless it s a computer. That beats carrying three or four books when people are on a trip. Plus, if a person finishes all the books they bought before they left
  • 48. The Trojan War In The Illiad Since the ancient times, humans have been fascinated with stories and mythology, things that are regarded as fictional yet compelling because of the quality of the character s character and the plot obscurely grounded in reality. As newer technologies and the myths of old collide, fascinating discoveries and links are made, especially in one most notable tale: the Trojan War. While historians and literary scholars continue to examine the most famous account of this war the Illiad more insight is gathered about the authentic time frame, setting, causes, characters, resolutions, ramifications, and resounding themes of this event. Furthermore, some scholars extend beyond the war itself and dissect the journey of Odysseus, one of Greek mythology s epic heroes also introduced in the telling of the Trojan War, all in hopes of finding what elements these timeworn pieces of literature can offer to today s world, and what exactly happened all those centuries ago. Now, from these discoveries of new archaeological, geographical, and historical evidences, modern day historians are reexamining the truthfulness of Homer s myths. To establish anything as true, of course, naturally lends itself to the question of where and when the event happened. The Trojan War is not an exception to this convention, and fortunately, most historians agree that a site in northwestern Turkey, known as Hisarlik, is the most probable location of ancient Troy. In this site, which was discovered by Heinrich
  • 49. Oedipus the King The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once identified the key ingredients of the tragedies that his culture is so famous for. These ingredients include a character with a fatal flaw, the realization of the fault for a particular problem and the final sudden reversal of fortune. For many tragedies, the fatal flaw is demonstrated as excessive pride, which usually serves as the driving force of the play s action. It is common, even beneficial, to have pride in oneself, but when it becomes expressed as arrogance or in defiance of one s fate, it is considered excessive and often leads men to engage in activities that will lead to their downfall. Aristotle (1998) stated the tragic hero falls into bad fortune because of some flaw in his... Show more content on ... In the process of trying to avoid fate, he has committed some of the greatest sins imaginable to him defiled his mother s bed, murdered his father and spawned monstrous children born of incest. Rather than face the truth and unable to take the severe wound to his pride, Oedipus stabbed out his eyes with broaches and walked away from Thebes forever, thereby sealing his doom through further prideful actions. The sudden reversal of fortune has Oedipus walking away from Thebes a blind, homeless beggar rather than the respected king he should have been based upon his more noble qualities. While this is a surprise, it is nevertheless a logical possible conclusion to the events that have taken place. This concept is brought out to greater extent in the film through the change in setting. Pasolini begins and ends the film in a contemporary setting to when the film was made. While the play suggests that Oedipus went wandering into the desert a self blinded beggar man, the film indicates that he has been wandering a tortured individual for much longer than a normal lifespan. Thus, the elements of classic tragedy are carried throughout both play and film to slightly different interpretations. In both, a fatal flaw within the character of Oedipus drives his actions that eventually seal his own doom. Seen as it is throughout the various elements of the classic tragedian format of first
  • 50. Comparing the Arthurian Legends and J.R.R. Tolkien s The... A Medieval Contest In comparing and contrasting the Arthurian Legends and J.R.R. Tolkien amp;#8217;s book The Fellowship of the Ring, it is almost like a medieval contest between the two with many of the similarities coming from the customs of the Middle Ages. A look at the make up of the groups involved, the moral code, the protagonist, the antagonist, the use of supernatural elements and the knightly quest involved in each book shows how alike they are but yet different. The Arthurian Legends revolve around the life of the knights during the Middle Ages. A knight would pledge his loyalty to God, his King, fellow knights and to women in distress. Tolkienamp;#8217;s Fellowship ... Show more content on ... The moral code of the knights of the Round Table which was renewed at the feast of Pentecost every year was to: amp;#8220;only fight in just cause, at all times to be merciful, at a all times to put the service of ladies foremost. ; (Malory, p.344.) Sir Gawain amp;#8217;s strength was increased for three hours every morning but after noon would decrease. Once when in battle with Sir Launcelot to avenge the death of his two brothers by Sir Launcelot, Sir Launcelot realizes Sir Gawain amp;#8217;s strength is less so he says to him amp;#8220;Sir Gawain, I have endured many blows from you but I see that you have weakened ; and then turns to King Arthur and says, amp;#8220;My liege, your expedition can find no honorable conclusion, so I pray you withdraw and spare your noble knights ; (Malory, p.373.) showing mercy and fair play. Frodo Baggins also takes on a moral code as he accepts his role as the Ring Bearer. Hobbits by nature are fun loving and non competitive, but Frodo says to Elrond, amp;#8220;I will take the ring. . .though I do not know the way. ; (Tolkien, p.324) When sitting in the chair of the Guardian Kings of Gordor at the top of Amon Hen in the Seat of Seeing, Frodo sees the world covered by Orcs, Lorien in smoke and Borenings amp;#8217;s land on fire and finally sees and feels the Eye of Sauron. He cries out, amp;#8220;I will do now
  • 51. Romantic, Realist, And Modernist Period Love, since the beginning of time, has had a place in every literature no matter the time period. The world that we live in is complex and often times, love and reason do not exist interconnect, however, literature acts as the glue in bringing these two elements together. Authors sometimes use the concept of loveas a subject for their work, rationally, and carefully using it as a tool in their writing. In this essay, works by different authors during the Romantic, Realist, and Modernist period will be used to exhibit some of the forms of love used in literature. Romanticism was a movement that formed out of the need for authors to be able to freely, and completely, express their emotions and desires within their writings. By definition, romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love . This period, or era, changed how we, as people, viewed love and self. During this time, there was an emphasis placed on ideas that were centered on individualism, nature, and natural human emotion. Nature, and natural beings, was seen as inspiration and invoked imagination, impulsiveness, freedom, and excess while creating a movement that was open to the ordinary individual, even the social outcast. Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre is a perfect example of Romanticism s influence within a work. This work exemplifies the quest to achieve not only romantic love, but self love or growth while experiencing natural human emotions. After being belittled for so long, the
  • 52. Thesis Statement For Space Exploration A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING AND SURVEYING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR Malaysian School Students Exposure on Space Exploration and Science By: AHMAD HAZMAN ALIF BIN CHE AHMAD TAZRI 2013509663 MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE 02 DECEMBER 2014 Content 1.0THESIS SUMMARY2 2.0ACKNOWLEDGEMENT3 3.0THESIS ABSTRACT4 4.0THESIS STATEMENT5 4.1PROBLEM STATEMENT5 4.2RESEARCH OBJECTIVES6 4.3RESEARCH QUESTIONS6 4.4SCOPE OF RESEARCH7 5.0LITERATURE REVIEW10 6.0BACKGROUND STUDY14 7.0CONCLUSION15 8.0REFERENCES16 1.0THESIS SUMMARY Name :Ahmad Hazman Alif Bin Che Ahmad Tazri Matrix ID :2013509663 Programme :Master of Architecture HP NO :+6017 921 9562 E Mail Thesis Title :Malaysia School ... Show more content on ... There are a few examples of female who have succeed in this industry. According to her to be considered as an astronaut, every candidate need to spend a year in training and should competent both in classroom subjects and in the field before moving to advanced training. The candidates need must not only be familiar with his/her task, he/she must know how everythingon the shuttle works. This is to avoid abd things from happening if one crew becomes ill. Facts on staying in space is also provided in this book. Crucial part in this book for this research is how the book depict the idea of to get into astronauts program. What is required either physically or mentally is recorded in the book. Then, the book walk through to the training program. The facts and knowledge is been relate to real experience by the astronauts. Pilot s qualification are stated in the book. This will come handy to the research. The book finally wrapped by achievements of all the female astronauts mentioned
  • 53. Persepolis Is The Realistic Novel Persepolis is the realistic novel about the life Marjane in pre and post progressive war in Iran and her transition in Europe. The novel explains Satrap s development from young sge to defiant punk cherishing adolescent in Iran. Importantly, its mostly it covered Satrap growing strains of the political atmosphere in Iranin during the 70s and 80s, with individuals from her liberal inclining family kept and afterward executed, and the foundation of the grievous Iran/Iraq war. This novel also explains fear of loss, suffering, and inequality. There are several factors that shape Marjane Moral and value. The oppression from the war had effect on Marjane life change her moral and value because the death and injustice in Marjane neighborhood. Then she realized her neighborhood was not safe place for because her country does not give her the chance to grow and learn. She was force to accept a value she did not grow in. when she was ten years old and she was forced to wear veil to school. At that same early age she witnesses chaotic protest f for and against culture revolution. Then her French non religious school transfer into two all girls and all boys religious school (1 5 Satrapi). It was kind of beyond her imagination seeing her protest against the change and her picture been in the headline of the newspaper across Europe. As the result of Marjane mother bravery put fear in her just for short moment. In addition, from Marjane childhood propriety of understanding of the war
  • 54. I, By The Audience Experienced The Journey Of Chris Ladd In the short film i , the audience experienced the journey of Chris Ladd as he worked to determine his true identity. His journey reflected the change in ideas and measurement of personality over time. He ultimately concluded that there isn t a way to label one s own identity, but rather all measurements are simply descriptors. To arrive at this conclusion he partook in the three major methods of personality study: Subjective, Objective and BLIS Data Inventories. Through these tests, it was present that though major themes were continued throughout the process for Ladd, each measurement gave a different and incomplete answer. This led me to believe that if I were to also study my own identity, I would use similar but look at the results through a different lens, specifically one of introspection. Ladd began his journey with projective/subjective methods, which was completed through the use of a psychic. He was critical of this methodology from the beginning, mainly due to its founding in Freud and the lack of reliability in the studies. This is alluded to in the film with the variability of answers to Rorschach Tests, which can be interpreted differently by a patient each time, and the administrator can also interpret the answers differently each time. When the psychic made a computing error, it acted as a self fulfilling prophecy for Chris, and he even pointed out that her predictions for his future fall in line with general hopes, such as living in a nice apartment in
  • 55. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Essay The Affordable Care Act (ACA) President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, into law on March 23rd 2010. Congress had tried for decades to pass health care reform, beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt. Following President Obama s inauguration, he used Democrat control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate to enact health care reform legislation, and granted the federal government control of over 16% of our nations economy (Taylor 3). The law states that every American citizen is mandated to purchase health insurance. If you choose not to obtain Health Insurance by January 2014, you will be penalized $95, or 1% of your income whichever is greater (Taylor 5). The penalty rate for non compliance will... Show more content on ... The small business owner that has 25 or fewer employees, and provides health insurance for them, the owner will receive tax credits to ease the burden of the cost. The small business owner will receive 50% tax credit for a profit business and 35% tax credit for non profit businesses. There are four different levels of insurance that the consumer has the option to choose from. The Bronze level is the cheapest and will provide 60% of benefits under the health plan. Next, is the Silver level that will provide 70% of benefits, and the cost is more expensive. Next, is the Gold level that provides 80 % of benefits, and costs is still more expensive. The Platinum level is the highest, which provides 90% of benefits, and is the most expensive of all the health plans. Under ObamaCare, your primary point of contact regarding health insurance and health care services will be your state health exchange (Taylor 40). Medicaid services will be expanded to consumers with incomes less than $14,000 person annually or family s income less than $29,000 annually. At the market place insurance companies will compete against one another, which will benefit the consumer. The insurance companies that charge higher rates than their competitors will be driven out of business. The government will provide tax credits to consumers that have an annual income from 14,000 to
  • 56. The Cause And Effect Of The Movie Law Abiding Citizen Cause and Effect Clyde Shelton, from the movie Law Abiding Citizen, had a loving little girl along with his beautiful wife. Shelton s wife and daughter were both murdered by a man with the name of Clarence Darby, (not only Darby but his partner was in the crime scene as well), who also brutally slaughtered his daughter and wife right in front of him. Clyde was trying to prove a point that the judicial system was corrupt. This act lead Shelton to kill, hack into the judicial system and go against the people over it. Clyde Shelton watched an assailant rape and kill his wife and daughter as he wept and bled on his living room floor. The two guys, one being Darby, jumped Clyde and beat him slightly unconscious while he was tied up and mouth duct taped shut. Shelton was so weak he couldn t do anything even if he tried to save his wife and daughter. In the movie, Shelton wanted to get up and save his family, he wanted to stop all that monstrosity but being so vulnerable and tore down he just had to sit there and watch those disgusting men torture his wife and daughter and in the end one of the men stating and i quote, kids like me better after Darby just got done raping and killing Clyde s wife he heads for his little girl next. Then to watch them slowly die.. Is honestly the worst thing anyone could possibly imagine. Of course Shelton was going to go to the police about this and try to put these men down but turns out things didn t go the way Shelton wanted them to.
  • 57. The Negro Digs Up His Past Essay I analyzed the ideological connection between Arthur Schomburg s essay, The Negro Digs up His Past and an excerpt from W.E.B. Du Bois s The Souls of Black Folk. Both essays depict the struggles African Americans faced, but also attempt to inspire African Americans to see beyond their struggles and establish their identities in America. Both essays begin by stating the issues that African Americans are facing at that time. Du Bois reflects on the way people viewed African Americans as problems and how that affected one s own self awareness, regardless of what they previously thought. Constantly feeling like a problem and constantly being reminded of it elicits a lack of self worth. Du Bois says, That sky was bluest when I could beat my mates at examination time, or beat them at a foot race, or even beat their stingy heads. Alas, with the years all this fine contempt began to fade; for the worlds I longed for, and all their dazzling... Show more content on ... Both come together to fulfill goals set in Defining Black Identity in 21st Century America by Ewauare Osayande. The first two motivate and inspire African Americans to be proud of themselves, how far they have come, and the effort they have taken into pioneering society. The main objective Osayande wants to convey is to establish an identity while resisting dehumanization and power against them (Osayande 6). Du Bois s essay describes the feeling of a double consciousness (Du Bois 11). This helps establish the unique identity that Osayande wanted to accomplish. One can mix together the African culture with the American culture and create something unique. Schomburg s idea of revisiting history and what ancestors experienced will also help accomplish that goal. His essay discusses the immensely appreciated initiative taken in the past that serves as a prideful accomplishment to help African Americans realize their potential
  • 58. Observation In Good Country People, By Flannery O Connor Observation In her story Good Country People, Flannery O Connor writes of Hulga Hopewell s unfortunate experience where her confidence in her intellect leads her to make wrong conclusions of other people s character. Living in self pity and despair after the accident that takes away her leg, Hulga Hopewell maintains a negative view of life, herself, and others around her. In the story, her mother, Mrs. Hopewell writes She grew less like other people and more like herself bloated, rude, and squint eyed (O Connor 487). In addition to believing herself ugly, Hulga does not believe in God and depends on her own Ph.D. in philosophy for advanced knowledge to explain the world and other people s behavior. However, as Mrs. Hopewell perfectly... Show more content on ... They come to you in sheep s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit...Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them (NIV). As Peter warns the believers about false teachers, he says With eyes full of adultery, they [false teachers] never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed an accursed brood (2 Peter 2: 40, NIV) In this story, Hulga believes in Pointer s good character because of the kind, Christian attitude he initially shows when she first meets him. However, she fails to realize that the man s behavior toward her during their walk together did not reflect the fruits of the spirit. As a result, she falls into the trap of letting him steal her heart and then her leg. As this story warns, we as Christians need to stay firm in our faith and not let others lead us astray with a false show of outer spirituality. In 1 John 4:1, John writes Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world (NIV). If Hulga had not denied God s knowledge, she would have not been led so easily astray by Pointer s faГ§ade of