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Brain Death
      Organ Donor

William Snyder, RN, BSN, CPTC
Organ Procurement Coordinator

          University of Wisconsin
      Organ Procurement Organization
            1-866-UWHC OPO
Effective Donor Management

• Stabilize the donor – Facilitate brain death
  exam or DCD Tool.
• Manage the donor – To optimize the
  function and viability of all transplantable

Effective Donor Management

• Requires clinical expertise, vigilance,
  flexibility, and the ability to address
  multiple complex clinical issues
  simultaneously and effectively.
• Requires collaboration among the OPO,
  donor hospital critical care staff and
  consultants, and transplant program staff.
Effective Donor Management

• Donor care is not usually assumed until
  after consent for donation has been
• It is appropriate to collaborate prior to
  brain death, consent, etc, to prevent death
  and keep the option of organ donation
Effective Donor Management

• Revision of existing orders or placement of new
    medical orders is intended to:
•   D/C medications no longer needed or
    appropriate (e.g., anticonvulsants, mannitol,
    sedatives, antipyretics)
•   Continue needed medications, or therapy (e.g.,
    vasoactive drug infusions, IV fluids and vent
•   Create “call orders” that inform bedside
    personnel of the goals for physiologic
    parameters and alert OPC of changes in donor
Brain Death
Uniform Determination of Death Act

An individual who has sustained either:

(1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and
    respiratory function
(2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the
     entire brain , including the brain stem , is
     dead. A determination of death must be made
     in accordance with accepted medical

JAMA Nov 13, 1981 – Vol 246, No. 19
Diagnosis of Brain Death
• Brain death is a clinical diagnosis. It can
  be made without confirmatory testing if
  you are able to establish the etiology,
  eliminate reversible causes of coma,
  complete fully the neurologic examination
  and apnea testing.
• The diagnosis requires demonstration of
  the absence of both cortical and brain
  stem activity, and demonstration of the
  irreversibility of this state.

               R. Erff, D.O., Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Etiology of Brain Death

• Severe head trauma
• Aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage
• Cerebrovascular injury
• Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
• Fulminant hepatic necrosis
• Prolonged cardiac resuscitation or
• Tumors
            R. Erff, D.O., Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Prerequisites to the Diagnosis
Evidence of acute CNS catastrophe
compatible with brain death:
- Clinical or Neuroimaging

Exclusion of reversible medical conditions
 that can confuse the clinical assessment:

-   Severe electrolyte, acid base and endocrine disturbance
-   Absence of drug intoxication and poisoning
-   Absence of sedation and neuromuscular blockade
-   Hypotension (suppresses EEG activity and CBF)
-   Absence of severe hypothermia (core temp < 35 C)
Brain Stem Reflexes
• Cranial nerve examination :
- No pupillary response to light. Pupils midline
    and dilated 4-6mm.
-   No oculocephalic reflex (Doll’s eyes) –
    contraindicated in C- spine injury.
-   No oculovestibular reflex (tonic deviation of eyes
    toward cold stimulus) – contraindicated in ear
-   Absence of corneal reflexes
-   Absence of gag reflex and cough to tracheal
Apnea Testing
• Once coma and absence of brain stem reflexes
    have been confirmed  Apnea testing .
•   Verifies loss of most rostral brain stem function
•   Confirmed by PaCO2 > 60mmHg or PaCO2
    > 20mmHg over baseline value.
•   Testing can cause hypotension, severe cardiac
    arrhythmias and elevated ICP.
•   Therefore, apnea testing is performed last in the
    clinical assessment of brain death.
•   Consider confirmatory tests if apnea test
Apnea Testing
• Following conditions must be met before apnea
    test can be performed:
-   Core temp > 35.0 C
-   Systolic blood pressure > 90mmHg.
-   Euvolemia
-   Corrected diabetes insipitus
-   Normal PaCO2 ( PaCO2 35 - 45 mmHg).
-   Preoxygenation (PaO2 > 200mmHg).
Brain Death in Children
• Clinical exam is same as in adults.
• Testing criteria depends on age of child .
 - Neonate < 7 days  Brain death testing is not
 - 7 days – 2 months
     - Two clinical exams and two EEG 48 hrs apart.
 - 2 months – 1 year
     - Two clinical exams and two EEG 24 hrs apart.
     - or two clinical exams, EEG and blood flow study.
 - Age > 1 year to 18 years
     - Two clinical exams 12 hrs apart, confirmatory
              study - Optional
Confirmatory Testing
• Purely optional when the clinical criteria are met
•   A confirmatory test is needed for patients in whom
    specific components of clinical testing cannot be reliably

    -   Incomplete brain stem reflex testing
    -   Incomplete apnea testing
    -   Toxic drug levels
    -   Children younger than 1 year old.
    -   Required by institutional policy

                              R. Erff, D.O., Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Confirmatory Tests for
       Brain Death

• Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) Studies
  –   Cerebral Angiography
  –   Nuclear Flow Study
• EEG (when brain scan is not utilized)
Cerebral Angiography

 Normal Blood Flow   No Blood Flow
Nuclear Flow Study
Elements of brain
    death declaration
• Date
• Time
• Detailed
  documentation of
  Clinical Exam
  including specifics
  of Apnea Testing
• Physician
What to expect after
   brain death
• Loss of brain stem function results in
    systemic physiologic instability:
-   Loss of vasomotor control leads to a
    hyperdynamic state.
-   Cardiac arrhythmias
-   Loss of respiratory function
-   Loss of temperature regulation  Hypothermia
-   Hormonal imbalance  DI, hypothyroidism
Perioperative Management
• Following the diagnosis of Brain Death
 Therapy shifts in emphasis from cerebral resuscitation to
  optimizing organ fxn for subsequent transplantation.
 The normal sequelae of brain death results in
  cardiovascular instability & poor organ perfusion.
 Medical staff must focus on:
  -   Providing hemodynamic stabilization.
  -   Support of body homeostasis.
  -   Maintenance of adequate cellular oxygenation and
      donor organ perfusion.
 Without appropriate intervention brain death is followed
  by severe injury to most other organ systems.
  Circulatory collapse will usually occur within 48hrs.
• Release of
  catecholamines from
  adrenals (Epinephrine
  and Norepinephrine)
  results in a hyper-
  dynamic state:

  –   Tachycardia
  –   Elevated C.O.
  –   Vasoconstriction
  –   Hypertension
Failure of the Hypothalamus
             results in:
• Impaired temperature regulation -
  hypothermia or hyperthermia

• Leads to vasodilation without the ability to
  vasoconstrict or shiver (loss of vasomotor

• Leads to problems with the pituitary ...
Normal Pituitary Gland
• Controlled by the

• Releases ADH to
  conserve water

• Stimulates the
  release of thyroid
Pituitary Failure results in:

• ADH ceases to be produced = Diabetes

• Can lead to hypovolemia and electrolyte

• Leads to problems with the thyroid gland
Normal Thyroid Gland
• Produces hormones
 that increase the
 metabolic rate and
 sensitivity of the

  Levothyroxine (T4)
  Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroid Failure
Leads to:

 Cardiac instability

 Labile blood pressure

 Potential coagulation
Cardiovascular System

Intensive care management

• “Rules of 100’s”
  -   Maintain SBP > 100mmHG
  -   HR < 100 BPM
  -   UOP > 100ml/hr
  -   PaO2 > 100mmHg

• Aggressive fluid resuscitative therapy directed at
  restoring and maintaining intravascular volume.
  SBP > 90mmHg (MAP > 60mmHg) or CVP ~ 10
Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema

        Brain death is associated with numerous pulmonary

         The lungs are highly susceptible to injury resulting
    from the rapid changes that occur during the catecholamine

        Left-sided heart pressures exceed pulmonary pressure,
         temporarily halting pulmonary blood flow

         The exposed lung tissue is severely injured, resulting
    in   interstitial edema and alveolar hemorrhage, a state
                   commonly referred to as neurogenic pulmonary
Release of Plasminogen
               Activator  DIC
 Results from the passage of necrotic brain tissue into the circulation
 Leads to coagulopathy and sometimes progresses further to DIC

 DIC may persist despite factor replacement requiring early organ

(Also affected by hypothermia, release of catecholamines & hemodilution as a result
                                of fluid resuscitation)
Organ Donor Management
              (in a nutshell)

•   Hypertension  Hypotension
•   Excessive Urinary Output
•   Impaired Gas Exchange
•   Electrolyte Imbalances
•   Hypothermia
Hypotension Management

Fluid Bolus – NS or
 LR (Followed by MIVF NS or .45 NS)
Consider colloids (seriously)
Thyroxine (T4 protocol)
T4 Protocol

• Brain death leads to sudden reduction
  in circulating pituitary hormones

• May be responsible for impairment in
  myocardial cell metabolism and
  contractility which leads to myocardial

• Severe dysfunction may lead to
  extreme hypotension and loss of
  organs for transplant
T 4 Protocol
    15 mg/kg Methylpred
    20 mcg T4 (Levothyroxine)
 20 units of Regular Insulin
 1 amp D50W
     200 mcg T4 in 500 cc NS
     Run at 25 cc/hr (10 mcg/hr)
     Titrate to keep SBP >100
    Monitor Potassium levels closely!
Vasopressin (AVP, Pitressin)

• Low dose shown to reduce inotrope use
• Plays a critical role in restoring vasomotor
           Vasopressin Protocol

 4 unit bolus
 1- 4 u/hour – titrate to keep SBP >100 or MAP >60
Diabetes Insipidus
 Treatment is aimed at correcting hypovolemia

 Desmopressin (DDAVP) 1 mcg IV, may repeat x 1 after
  1 hour.

 Replace hourly U.O. on a volume per volume basis
  with MIVF to avoid volume depletion

 Leads to electrolyte depletion/instability monitor closely
  to avoid hypernatremia and hypokalemia
Diabetes Insipidus

• Goal is UOP 1-3
•   Rule of thumb – 500
    ml UOP per hour x 2
    hours is DI
•   Severe cases – Notify
    OPC. Assess clinical
Impaired Gas Exchange
• Maintain PaO2 of >100 and a
    saturation >95%
•   Monitor ABG’s q2h or as
    requested by OPO
•   PEEP 5 cm, HOB up 30o
•   Increase ET cuff pressure
    immediately after BD
•   Aggressive pulmonary toilet
    (Keep suctioning & turning q2h)
•   CXR (Radiologist to provide
    measurements & interpretation)
•   OPO may request
•   CT of chest requested in some
Correct Impaired Gas Exchange and
      Maximize Oxygenation!

 Most organ donors are referred with:

  Chest trauma
  Long Hospitalization with bed rest resulting in atelectasis
   or pneumonia
  Impending Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema

   Brain Death contributes to and complicates
              all of these conditions
Impaired Gas Exchange
• Goals are to maintain health of lungs for
  transplant while optimizing oxygen delivery to
  other transplantable organs

• Avoid over-hydration

• Ventilatory strategies aimed to protect the lung

• Avoid oxygen toxicity by limiting Fi02 to achieve
  a Pa02 100mmHg & PIP < 30mmHg.
Electrolyte Imbalance
              If K+ < 3.4 – Add KCL to MIVF
          (anticipate low K+ with DI & T4 administration)

If NA+ >155 – Change MIVF to include more free H20, Free H20
boluses down NG tube (this is often the result of dehydration, NA +
      administration, and free H20 loss 2o to diuretics or DI)

     Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus
 Deficiencies here common…often related to polyuria
   associated with osmotic diuresis, diuretics & DI.
• Monitor temperature
•   NO tympanic, axillary or oral
    temperatures. Central only.
•   Place patient on hypothermia
    blanket to maintain normal
    body temperature
•   In severe cases (<95
    degrees F) consider:
    – warming lights
    – covering patient’s head with
    – hot packs in the axilla
    – warmed IV fluids
    – warm inspired gas
 Hematocrit < 30% must be

 Transfuse 2 units PRBC’s

 Reassess 1o after completion
  of 2nd unit and repeat infusion
  of 2 units if HCT remains
  below 30%

 Assess for source of blood
  loss and treat accordingly
Incidence of pathophysiologic
      changes following Brain Death:

  -    Hypotension                                         81%
  -    Diabetes Insipidus                                  65%
  -    DIC                                                 28%
  -    Cardiac arrhythmias                                 25%
  -    Pulmonary edema                                     18%
  -    Metabolic acidosis                                  11%

Physiologic changes During Brain Stem Death – Lessons for
  Management of the Organ Donor.
            The Journal of Heart & Lung Transplantation Sept 2004 (suppl)
Organ Donation Process
•   Evaluate organ function
•   Labs (& UA) within 6
    hours of surgery
•   Type and Screen
•   Consent signed
•   Serology testing
•   Medical Social History
•   Locate potential
•   Manage hemodynamics
•   Arrange operating room
The Teams...
Your Hospital
- Anesthesia
- Primary Care Physician or Intensivist (For DCD)
- Surgical Technician/Scrub Nurse
- Circulating Nurse
Abdominal Transplant Team
- Surgeon
- Physician Assistant
- Surgical Recovery Coordinator

 Cardiothoracic Team
- Surgeon
- Surgical Fellow
- Surgical Recovery Coordinator
Organ Preservation Time

•   Heart: 4-6 hours
•   Lungs: 4-6 hours
•   Liver: 12 hours
•   Pancreas: 12-18
•   Kidneys: 72 hours
•   Small Intestines: 4-6
Breakout 2 donor_management

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Breakout 2 donor_management

  • 1. Brain Death & Organ Donor Management William Snyder, RN, BSN, CPTC Organ Procurement Coordinator University of Wisconsin Organ Procurement Organization 1-866-UWHC OPO (1-866-894-2676)
  • 2. Effective Donor Management • Stabilize the donor – Facilitate brain death exam or DCD Tool. • Manage the donor – To optimize the function and viability of all transplantable organs. “
  • 3. Effective Donor Management • Requires clinical expertise, vigilance, flexibility, and the ability to address multiple complex clinical issues simultaneously and effectively. • Requires collaboration among the OPO, donor hospital critical care staff and consultants, and transplant program staff.
  • 4. Effective Donor Management • Donor care is not usually assumed until after consent for donation has been obtained. • It is appropriate to collaborate prior to brain death, consent, etc, to prevent death and keep the option of organ donation open.
  • 5. Effective Donor Management • Revision of existing orders or placement of new medical orders is intended to: • D/C medications no longer needed or appropriate (e.g., anticonvulsants, mannitol, sedatives, antipyretics) • Continue needed medications, or therapy (e.g., vasoactive drug infusions, IV fluids and vent settings) • Create “call orders” that inform bedside personnel of the goals for physiologic parameters and alert OPC of changes in donor status.
  • 6. Diagnosing and Declaring Brain Death
  • 7. Uniform Determination of Death Act An individual who has sustained either: (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory function or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain , including the brain stem , is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards. JAMA Nov 13, 1981 – Vol 246, No. 19
  • 8. Diagnosis of Brain Death • Brain death is a clinical diagnosis. It can be made without confirmatory testing if you are able to establish the etiology, eliminate reversible causes of coma, complete fully the neurologic examination and apnea testing. • The diagnosis requires demonstration of the absence of both cortical and brain stem activity, and demonstration of the irreversibility of this state. R. Erff, D.O., Walter Reed Army Medical Center
  • 9. Etiology of Brain Death • Severe head trauma • Aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage • Cerebrovascular injury • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy • Fulminant hepatic necrosis • Prolonged cardiac resuscitation or asphyxia • Tumors R. Erff, D.O., Walter Reed Army Medical Center
  • 10. Prerequisites to the Diagnosis Evidence of acute CNS catastrophe compatible with brain death: - Clinical or Neuroimaging Exclusion of reversible medical conditions that can confuse the clinical assessment: - Severe electrolyte, acid base and endocrine disturbance - Absence of drug intoxication and poisoning - Absence of sedation and neuromuscular blockade - Hypotension (suppresses EEG activity and CBF) - Absence of severe hypothermia (core temp < 35 C)
  • 11. Brain Stem Reflexes • Cranial nerve examination : - No pupillary response to light. Pupils midline and dilated 4-6mm. - No oculocephalic reflex (Doll’s eyes) – contraindicated in C- spine injury. - No oculovestibular reflex (tonic deviation of eyes toward cold stimulus) – contraindicated in ear trauma. - Absence of corneal reflexes - Absence of gag reflex and cough to tracheal suction.
  • 12. Apnea Testing • Once coma and absence of brain stem reflexes have been confirmed  Apnea testing . • Verifies loss of most rostral brain stem function • Confirmed by PaCO2 > 60mmHg or PaCO2 > 20mmHg over baseline value. • Testing can cause hypotension, severe cardiac arrhythmias and elevated ICP. • Therefore, apnea testing is performed last in the clinical assessment of brain death. • Consider confirmatory tests if apnea test inconclusive.
  • 13. Apnea Testing • Following conditions must be met before apnea test can be performed: - Core temp > 35.0 C - Systolic blood pressure > 90mmHg. - Euvolemia - Corrected diabetes insipitus - Normal PaCO2 ( PaCO2 35 - 45 mmHg). - Preoxygenation (PaO2 > 200mmHg).
  • 14. Brain Death in Children • Clinical exam is same as in adults. • Testing criteria depends on age of child . - Neonate < 7 days  Brain death testing is not valid. - 7 days – 2 months - Two clinical exams and two EEG 48 hrs apart. - 2 months – 1 year - Two clinical exams and two EEG 24 hrs apart. - or two clinical exams, EEG and blood flow study. - Age > 1 year to 18 years - Two clinical exams 12 hrs apart, confirmatory study - Optional
  • 15. Confirmatory Testing • Purely optional when the clinical criteria are met unambiguously. • A confirmatory test is needed for patients in whom specific components of clinical testing cannot be reliably evaluated - Incomplete brain stem reflex testing - Incomplete apnea testing - Toxic drug levels - Children younger than 1 year old. - Required by institutional policy R. Erff, D.O., Walter Reed Army Medical Center
  • 16. Confirmatory Tests for Brain Death • Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) Studies – Cerebral Angiography – Nuclear Flow Study • EEG (when brain scan is not utilized)
  • 17. Cerebral Angiography Normal Blood Flow No Blood Flow
  • 19. Elements of brain death declaration • Date • Time • Detailed documentation of Clinical Exam including specifics of Apnea Testing • Physician signature
  • 20. What to expect after brain death
  • 21. Pathophysiology • Loss of brain stem function results in systemic physiologic instability: - Loss of vasomotor control leads to a hyperdynamic state. - Cardiac arrhythmias - Loss of respiratory function - Loss of temperature regulation  Hypothermia - Hormonal imbalance  DI, hypothyroidism
  • 22. Perioperative Management • Following the diagnosis of Brain Death  Therapy shifts in emphasis from cerebral resuscitation to optimizing organ fxn for subsequent transplantation.  The normal sequelae of brain death results in cardiovascular instability & poor organ perfusion.  Medical staff must focus on: - Providing hemodynamic stabilization. - Support of body homeostasis. - Maintenance of adequate cellular oxygenation and donor organ perfusion.  Without appropriate intervention brain death is followed by severe injury to most other organ systems. Circulatory collapse will usually occur within 48hrs.
  • 23. Autonomic/Sympathetic Storm • Release of catecholamines from adrenals (Epinephrine and Norepinephrine) results in a hyper- dynamic state: – Tachycardia – Elevated C.O. – Vasoconstriction – Hypertension
  • 24. Failure of the Hypothalamus results in: • Impaired temperature regulation - hypothermia or hyperthermia • Leads to vasodilation without the ability to vasoconstrict or shiver (loss of vasomotor tone) • Leads to problems with the pituitary ...
  • 25. Normal Pituitary Gland • Controlled by the hypothalamus • Releases ADH to conserve water • Stimulates the release of thyroid hormone
  • 26. Pituitary Failure results in: • ADH ceases to be produced = Diabetes Insipidus • Can lead to hypovolemia and electrolyte imbalances • Leads to problems with the thyroid gland
  • 27. Normal Thyroid Gland • Produces hormones that increase the metabolic rate and sensitivity of the cardiovascular system  Levothyroxine (T4)  Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • 28. Thyroid Failure Leads to:  Cardiac instability  Labile blood pressure  Potential coagulation problems
  • 29. Cardiovascular System Intensive care management • “Rules of 100’s” - Maintain SBP > 100mmHG - HR < 100 BPM - UOP > 100ml/hr - PaO2 > 100mmHg • Aggressive fluid resuscitative therapy directed at restoring and maintaining intravascular volume. SBP > 90mmHg (MAP > 60mmHg) or CVP ~ 10 mmHg.
  • 30. Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema  Brain death is associated with numerous pulmonary problems  The lungs are highly susceptible to injury resulting from the rapid changes that occur during the catecholamine storm  Left-sided heart pressures exceed pulmonary pressure, temporarily halting pulmonary blood flow  The exposed lung tissue is severely injured, resulting in interstitial edema and alveolar hemorrhage, a state commonly referred to as neurogenic pulmonary
  • 31. Release of Plasminogen Activator  DIC  Results from the passage of necrotic brain tissue into the circulation  Leads to coagulopathy and sometimes progresses further to DIC  DIC may persist despite factor replacement requiring early organ recovery (Also affected by hypothermia, release of catecholamines & hemodilution as a result of fluid resuscitation)
  • 32. Organ Donor Management (in a nutshell) • Hypertension  Hypotension • Excessive Urinary Output • Impaired Gas Exchange • Electrolyte Imbalances • Hypothermia
  • 33. Hypotension Management Fluid Bolus – NS or LR (Followed by MIVF NS or .45 NS) Consider colloids (seriously) Dopamine Neosynephrine Vasopressin Thyroxine (T4 protocol)
  • 34. T4 Protocol Background • Brain death leads to sudden reduction in circulating pituitary hormones • May be responsible for impairment in myocardial cell metabolism and contractility which leads to myocardial dysfunction • Severe dysfunction may lead to extreme hypotension and loss of organs for transplant
  • 35. T 4 Protocol Bolus:  15 mg/kg Methylpred  20 mcg T4 (Levothyroxine)  20 units of Regular Insulin  1 amp D50W Infusion:  200 mcg T4 in 500 cc NS  Run at 25 cc/hr (10 mcg/hr)  Titrate to keep SBP >100 Monitor Potassium levels closely!
  • 36. Vasopressin (AVP, Pitressin) • Low dose shown to reduce inotrope use • Plays a critical role in restoring vasomotor tone Vasopressin Protocol  4 unit bolus  1- 4 u/hour – titrate to keep SBP >100 or MAP >60
  • 37. Diabetes Insipidus Management  Treatment is aimed at correcting hypovolemia  Desmopressin (DDAVP) 1 mcg IV, may repeat x 1 after 1 hour.  Replace hourly U.O. on a volume per volume basis with MIVF to avoid volume depletion  Leads to electrolyte depletion/instability monitor closely to avoid hypernatremia and hypokalemia
  • 38. Diabetes Insipidus • Goal is UOP 1-3 ml/kg/hr • Rule of thumb – 500 ml UOP per hour x 2 hours is DI • Severe cases – Notify OPC. Assess clinical situation.
  • 39. Impaired Gas Exchange Management • Maintain PaO2 of >100 and a saturation >95% • Monitor ABG’s q2h or as requested by OPO • PEEP 5 cm, HOB up 30o • Increase ET cuff pressure immediately after BD declaration • Aggressive pulmonary toilet (Keep suctioning & turning q2h) • CXR (Radiologist to provide measurements & interpretation) • OPO may request bronchoscopy • CT of chest requested in some
  • 40. Correct Impaired Gas Exchange and Maximize Oxygenation! Most organ donors are referred with: Chest trauma Aspiration Long Hospitalization with bed rest resulting in atelectasis or pneumonia Impending Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema Brain Death contributes to and complicates all of these conditions
  • 41. Impaired Gas Exchange Goals… • Goals are to maintain health of lungs for transplant while optimizing oxygen delivery to other transplantable organs • Avoid over-hydration • Ventilatory strategies aimed to protect the lung • Avoid oxygen toxicity by limiting Fi02 to achieve a Pa02 100mmHg & PIP < 30mmHg.
  • 42. Electrolyte Imbalance Management Hypokalemia If K+ < 3.4 – Add KCL to MIVF (anticipate low K+ with DI & T4 administration) Hypernatremia If NA+ >155 – Change MIVF to include more free H20, Free H20 boluses down NG tube (this is often the result of dehydration, NA + administration, and free H20 loss 2o to diuretics or DI) Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus Deficiencies here common…often related to polyuria associated with osmotic diuresis, diuretics & DI.
  • 43. Hypothermia Management • Monitor temperature continuously • NO tympanic, axillary or oral temperatures. Central only. • Place patient on hypothermia blanket to maintain normal body temperature • In severe cases (<95 degrees F) consider: – warming lights – covering patient’s head with blankets – hot packs in the axilla – warmed IV fluids – warm inspired gas
  • 44. Anemia  Hematocrit < 30% must be treated  Transfuse 2 units PRBC’s immediately  Reassess 1o after completion of 2nd unit and repeat infusion of 2 units if HCT remains below 30%  Assess for source of blood loss and treat accordingly
  • 45. Incidence of pathophysiologic changes following Brain Death: - Hypotension 81% - Diabetes Insipidus 65% - DIC 28% - Cardiac arrhythmias 25% - Pulmonary edema 18% - Metabolic acidosis 11% Physiologic changes During Brain Stem Death – Lessons for Management of the Organ Donor. The Journal of Heart & Lung Transplantation Sept 2004 (suppl)
  • 46. Organ Donation Process • Evaluate organ function • Labs (& UA) within 6 hours of surgery • Type and Screen • Consent signed • Serology testing • Medical Social History • Locate potential recipients • Manage hemodynamics • Arrange operating room
  • 47. The Teams... Your Hospital - Anesthesia - Primary Care Physician or Intensivist (For DCD) - Surgical Technician/Scrub Nurse - Circulating Nurse Abdominal Transplant Team - Surgeon - Physician Assistant - Surgical Recovery Coordinator Cardiothoracic Team - Surgeon - Surgical Fellow - Surgical Recovery Coordinator
  • 48. Organ Preservation Time • Heart: 4-6 hours • Lungs: 4-6 hours • Liver: 12 hours • Pancreas: 12-18 hours • Kidneys: 72 hours • Small Intestines: 4-6 hours

Editor's Notes

  1. Brain death is usually associated with some type of trauma, whether it be a motor vehicle accident or a fall on a patch of ice. As the population ages, however, there are an increasing number of people who have strokes and heart attacks which may also lead to brain death. Most often the patient is an otherwise healthy individual and the process is sudden. Only about 2% of all deaths every year occur in someone who is brain dead.