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Making de Bruijn Succ Less

                             Edward Kmett
   We use names in lots of contexts, but any
    program that deals with names has to deal
    with a number of issues such as

     capture avoidance
     deciding alpha equivalence

    … and others that will come up as we go.
The dumbest thing that could possibly work:
type Name = String
data Exp
     = Var Name
     | Exp :@ Exp
     | Lam Name Exp
Var “x”
Lam “x” (Var “x”)
Lam “x” (Lam “y” (Var “x”))
Blindly Substituting Lam “x” (Var “y”) into

Lam “y”( Var “z”)

for “z” would yield

Lam “y” (Lam “x” (Var “y”))

which now causes the free variable to reference
the “y” bound by the outer lambda.
Lam “x” (Var “x”)


      Lam “y” (Var “y”)

both mean the same thing and it’d be nice to be
able to check this easily, make them hash the
same way for CSE, etc.
There is a cottage industry of solutions ot the naming
   Naïve substitution
   Barendregt Convention
   HOAS
   Weak HOAS / PHOAS
   “I am not a Number: I am a Free Variable!”
   Locally Nameless Syntax with de Bruijn Indices
   Unbound, mixing Barendregt and Locally Nameless.
   etc.
I will not be addressing all of these here, just a few.
Just go look for names that avoid capture.

        Pretty syntax trees
        Easy to get started with

     Easy even for experts to make mistakes!
     Alpha Equivalence checking is tedious.
subst :: Name -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
subst x s = sub where
 sub e@(Var v)
          | v == x = s
          | otherwise = e
 sub e@(Lam v e')
          | v == x = e
          | v `elem` fvs = Lam v' (sub e'’)
          | otherwise = Lam v (sub e’)
          where v' = newId vs
                      e'' = subst v (Var v') e’
 sub (f :@ a) = sub f :@ sub a
 fvs = freeVars s
 vs = fvs `union` allVars b
newId :: [Name] -> Name
newId vs = head (someEnormousPoolOfNames  vs)
– go find a name that isn’t taken!
(based on code by Lennart Augustsson)
Make sure that every binder binds a globally unique name.

 “Secrets of the GHC Inliner” describes ‘the Rapier’ which can make
 this Fast.

 Easy even for experts to screw up
 Alpha Equivalence is tedious
 Need a globally unique variable supply (e.g. my concurrent-supply)
 The obvious implementation technique chews through a
     scarily large number of variable IDs.
Borrow substitution from the host language!

data Exp a
    = Var a
     | Lam (Exp a -> Exp a)
     | Exp a :@ Exp a
    Provides _really_ fast substitution

   Doesn’t work in theorem provers
           (Exp occurs in negative position)
   Hard to work under Binders!
   Exotic terms
   Alpha equivalence checking is tedious

Variants such as Weak HOAS/PHOAS exist to address some
of these issues at the expense of other problems.
M’colleague Bob Atkey once memorably described the
capacity to put up with de Bruijn indices as a Cylon
detector, the kind of reverse Turing Test that the humans in
Battlestar Galactica invent, the better to recognize one
another by their common inadequacies. He had a point.

                             —Conor McBride
       “I am not a number, I am a classy hack”
Split variables into Bound and Free.
data Exp a
      = Free a
      | Bound !Int
      | Exp a :@ Exp a
      | Lam (Exp a)
Bound variables reference the variable being bound by the
lambda n lambdas out. Substitution has to renumber all the
abstract :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a
instantiate :: Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
Split variables into Bound and Free.
newtype Scope f a = Scope (f a)
data Exp a
      = Free a
      | Bound !Int
      | Exp a :@ Exp a
      | Lam (Scope Exp a)
Bound variables reference the variable being bound by the
lambda n lambdas out. Substitution has to renumber all the
abstract :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Scope Exp a
instantiate :: Exp a -> Scope Exp a -> Exp a
abstract :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Scope Exp a
abstract me expr = Scope (letmeB 0 expr) where
 letmeB this (F you)
     | you == me = B this
     | otherwise = F you
 letmeB this (B that) = B that
 letmeB this (fun :@ arg) =
     letmeB this fun :@ letmeB this arg
 letmeB this (Lam (Scope body)) =
     Lam (Scope (letmeB (succ this) body))

(Based on code by Conor McBride from “I am not a number: I am a free variable”)
instantiate :: Exp a -> Scope Exp a -> Exp a
instantiate what (Scope body) = what'sB 0 body
 what'sB this (B that)
     | this==that = what
     | otherwise = B that
 what'sB this (F you) = F you
 what'sB this (fun :@ arg) =
     what'sB this fun :@ what'sB this arg
 what'sB this (Lam (Scope body)) =
     Lam (Scope (what'sB (succ this) body))

(Based on code by Conor McBride from “I am not a number: I am a free variable”)
newtype Scope f a = Scope (f a)
data Exp a
     = Free a
     | Bound !Int
     | Exp a :@ Exp a
     | Lam (Scope a)
     deriving (Functor, Foldable,Traversable)

We can make an instance of Monad for Exp, but it is an
awkward one-off experience.
     Scope, abstract, and instantiate make it harder
to screw up walking under binders.
      Alpha equivalence is just (==)
      We can make a Monad for Exp.
      We can use Traversable to find free variables,
close terms, etc.
      This succ’s a lot. (Slow)
      Illegal terms such as Lam (Scope (Bound 2))
      Have to define abstract/instantiate for each
      The Monad for Exp is a one-off deal.
data Exp a
    = Var a
    | Exp a :@ Exp a
    | Lam (Exp (Maybe a))

(based on Bird and Paterson)
data Incr a = Z | S a

data Exp a
    = Var a
    | Exp a :@ Exp a
    | Lam (Exp (Incr a))

(based on Bird and Paterson)
data Incr a = Z | S a
newtype Scope f a = Scope (f (Incr a))
data Exp a
     = Var a
     | Exp a :@ Exp a
     | Lam (Scope Exp a)
instance MonadTrans Scope where
 lift = Scope . fmap Just
-- Scope is just MaybeT a Monad transformer in its own
right, but lift is slow.
instance Monad Exp where
     Var a >>= f = f a
     x :@ y >>= f = (x >>= f) :@ (y >>= f)
     Lam b >>= f = Lam (b >>= lift . f)

You can derive Foldable and Traversable.

Then Data.Foldable.toList can obtain the free
variables in a term, and (>>=) does capture
avoiding substitution!
    The Monad is easy to define
    Foldable/Traversable for free variables
    Capture avoiding substitution for free

    It still succs a lot. lift is O(n).
If we could succ an entire expression instead of on each
individual variable we would succ less.
Instantiation wouldn’t have to walk into that expression
at all, and we could lift an Exp into Scope in O(1) instead
of O(n).
This requires polymorphic recursion, but we support
that. Go Haskell!
This is the ‘generalized de Bruijn’ as described by Bird
and Paterson without the rank-2 types mucking up the
description and abstracted into a monad transformer.
data Incr a = Z | S a
newtype Scope f a = Scope { unscope :: f (Incr (f a) }
instance Monad f => Monad (Scope f) where
 return = Scope . return . S . return
 Scope e >>= f = Scope $ e >>= v -> case v of
  Z -> return Z
  S ea -> ea >>= unscope . f
instance MonadTrans Scope where
 lift = Scope . return . S
     The Monad is easy to define
     Foldable/Traversable for Free Variables
     Capture avoiding substitution for free
     Alpha equivalence is slightly harder,
because you have to quotient out the position
of the ‘Succ’s.
abstract :: (Monad f, Eq a) => a -> f a -> Scope f a
abstract x e = Scope (liftM k e) where
      ky       | x == y       =Z
               | otherwise = S (return y)

instantiate :: Monad f => f a -> Scope f a -> f a
instantiate r (Scope e) = e >>= v -> case v of
      Z        -> r
      Sa       -> a

We can define these operations once and for all, independent
of our expression type!
Not every language is the untyped lambda
calculus. Sometimes you want to bind multiple
variables at the same time, say for a pattern or
recursive let binding, or to represent all the
variables boundby a single quantifier in a single

So lets go back and enrich our binders so they
an bind multiple variables by generalizing
generalized de Bruijn.
data Var b a = B b | F a
data Scope b f a = Scope { unscope :: f (Var b (f a) }
instance Monad f => Monad (Scope b f)
instance MonadTrans (Scope b)
abstract :: Monad f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> Scope b f a
instantiate :: Monad f => (b -> f a) -> Scope b f a -> f a
fromScope :: Monad f => Scope b f a -> f (Var b a)
toScope :: Monad f => f (Var b a) -> Scope b f a
substitute :: (Monad f, Eq a) => a -> f a -> f a -> f a
class Bound t where
 (>>>=) :: Monad m => t m a -> (a -> m b) -> a -> t m b
instance Bound (Scope b)
data Exp a
 =V a
 | Exp a :@ Exp a
 | Lam (Scope () Exp a)
 | Let [Scope Int Exp a] (Scope Int Exp a)
 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)

Instance Monad Exp where
  Va        >>= f = f a
 (x :@ y)   >>= f = (x >>= f) :@ (y >>= f)
 Lam e      >>= f = Lam (e >>>= f)
 Let bs b   >>= f = Let (map (>>>= f) bs) (b >>>= f)
abstract1 :: (Monad f, Eq a) => a -> f a -> Scope () f a
abstract :: Monad f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> Scope b f a

lam :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a
lam v b = Lam (abstract1 v b)

let_ :: Eq a => [(a,Exp a)] -> Exp a -> Exp a
let_ bs b = Let (map (abstr . snd) bs) (abstr b)
 where abstr = abstract (`elemIndex` map fst bs)

infixr 0 !
(!) :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a
(!) = lam
instantiate :: Monad f => (b -> f a) -> Scope b f a -> f a
instantiate1 :: Monad f => f a -> Scope () f a -> f a

whnf :: Exp a -> Exp a
whnf e@V{} = e
whnf e@Lam{} = e
whnf (f :@ a) = case whnf f of
 Lam b -> whnf (instantiate1 a b)
 f' -> f' :@ a
whnf (Let bs b) = whnf (inst b)
 where es = map inst bs
    inst = instantiate (es !!)
fromScope :: Monad f => Scope b f a -> f (Var b a)
toScope :: Monad f => f (Var b a) -> Scope b f a

nf :: Exp a -> Exp a
nf e@V{} = e
nf (Lam b) = Lam $ toScope $ nf $ fromScope b
nf (f :@ a) = case whnf f of
 Lam b -> nf (instantiate1 a b)
 f' -> nf f' :@ nf a
nf (Let bs b) = nf (inst b)
 where es = map inst bs
     inst = instantiate (es !!)
closed :: Traversable f => f a -> Maybe (f b)
closed = traverse (const Nothing)

A closed term has no free variables, so you can
Treat the free variable type as anything you
cooked :: Exp a
cooked = fromJust $ closed $ let_
 [ ("False", "f" ! "t" ! V"f")
 , ("True", "f" ! "t" ! V"t")
 , ("if", "b" ! "t" ! "f" ! V"b" :@ V"f" :@ V"t")
 , ("Zero", "z" ! "s" ! V"z")
 , ("Succ", "n" ! "z" ! "s" ! V"s" :@ V"n")
 , ("one", V"Succ" :@ V"Zero")
 , ("two", V"Succ" :@ V"one")
 , ("three", V"Succ" :@ V"two")
 , ("isZero", "n" ! V"n" :@ V"True" :@ ("m" ! V"False"))
 , ("const", "x" ! "y" ! V"x")
 , ("Pair", "a" ! "b" ! "p" ! V"p" :@ V"a" :@ V"b")
 , ("fst", "ab" ! V"ab" :@ ("a" ! "b" ! V"a"))
 , ("snd", "ab" ! V"ab" :@ ("a" ! "b" ! V"b"))
 , ("add", "x" ! "y" ! V"x" :@ V"y" :@ ("n" ! V"Succ" :@ (V"add" :@ V"n" :@ V"y")))
 , ("mul", "x" ! "y" ! V"x" :@ V"Zero" :@ ("n" ! V"add" :@ V"y" :@ (V"mul" :@ V"n" :@ V"y")))
 , ("fac", "x" ! V"x" :@ V"one" :@ ("n" ! V"mul" :@ V"x" :@ (V"fac" :@ V"n")))
 , ("eqnat", "x" ! "y" ! V"x" :@ (V"y" :@ V"True" :@ (V"const" :@ V"False")) :@ ("x1" ! V"y" :@ V"False" :@ ("y1" ! V"eqnat" :@ V"x1" :@
 , ("sumto", "x" ! V"x" :@ V"Zero" :@ ("n" ! V"add" :@ V"x" :@ (V"sumto" :@ V"n")))
 , ("n5", V"add" :@ V"two" :@ V"three")
 , ("n6", V"add" :@ V"three" :@ V"three")
 , ("n17", V"add" :@ V"n6" :@ (V"add" :@ V"n6" :@ V"n5"))
 , ("n37", V"Succ" :@ (V"mul" :@ V"n6" :@ V"n6"))
 , ("n703", V"sumto" :@ V"n37")
 , ("n720", V"fac" :@ V"n6")
 ] (V"eqnat" :@ V"n720" :@ (V"add" :@ V"n703" :@ V"n17"))
ghci> nf cooked == (“F” ! “T” ! “T”)
> True
data Exp a
 =V a
 | Exp a :@ Exp a
 | Lam !Int (Pat Exp a) (Scope Int Exp a)
 | Let !Int [Scope Int Exp a] (Scope Int Exp a)
 | Case (Exp a) [Alt Exp a]
 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
data Pat f a
 = VarP
 | WildP
 | AsP (Pat f a)
 | ConP String [Pat f a]
 | ViewP (Scope Int f a) (Pat f a)
 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
data Alt f a = Alt !Int (Pat f a) (Scope Int f a)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
instance Monad Exp where
 return = V
 Va     >>= f = f a
 (x :@ y) >>= f = (x >>= f) :@ (y >>= f)
 Lam n p e >>= f = Lam n (p >>>= f) (e >>>= f)
 Let n bs e >>= f = Let n (map (>>>= f) bs) (e >>>= f)
 Case e as >>= f = Case (e >>= f) (map (>>>= f) as)
instance Bound Pat where
 VarP >>>= _ = VarP
 WildP >>>= _ = WildP
 AsP p >>>= f = AsP (p >>>= f)
 ConP g ps >>>= f = ConP g (map (>>>= f) ps)
 ViewP e p >>>= f = ViewP (e >>>= f) (p >>>= f)
instance Bound Alt where
 Alt n p b >>>= f = Alt n (p >>>= f) (b >>>= f)
data P a = P { pattern :: [a] -> Pat Exp a, bindings :: [a] }
varp :: a -> P a
varp a = P (const VarP) [a]
wildp :: P a
wildp = P (const WildP) []
conp :: String -> [P a] -> P a
conp g ps = P (ConP g . go ps) (ps >>= bindings)
  go (P p as:ps) bs = p bs : go ps (bs ++ as)
  go [] _ = []
lam :: Eq a => P a -> Exp a -> Exp a
lam (P p as) t = Lam (length as) (p []) (abstract (`elemIndex` as) t)
ghci> lam (varp "x") (V "x”)
Lam 1 VarP (Scope (V (B 0)))
ghci> lam (conp "Hello" [varp "x", wildp]) (V "y”)
Lam 1 (ConP "Hello" [VarP,WildP]) (Scope (V (F (V "y"))))
Deriving Eq, Ord, Show and Read requires some tomfoolery. The issue is
that Scope uses polymorphic recursion.
So the most direct way of implementing Eq (Scope b f a) would require
Instance (Eq (f (Var b (f a)), Eq (Var b (f a), Eq (f a), Eq a) => Eq (Scope b f a)
And then Exp would require:
instance (Eq a, Eq (Pat Exp a), Eq (Scope Int Exp a), Eq (Alt
Exp a)) => Eq (Exp a)
Plus all the things required by Alt, Pat, and Scope!
Moreover, these would require flexible contexts, taking us out of Haskell
My prelude-extras package defines a number of boring typeclasses like:

class Eq1 f where
        (==#) :: Eq a => f a -> f a -> Bool
        (/=#) :: Eq a => f a -> f a -> Bool

class Eq1 f => Ord1 f where
 compare1 :: Ord a => f a -> f a -> Ordering

class Show1 f where
 showsPrec1 :: Show a => Int -> f a -> ShowS

class Read1 f where
 readsPrec1 :: Read a => Int -> ReadS (f a)
 readList1 :: Read a => ReadS [f a]
Bound defines:

instance (Functor f, Show b, Show1 f, Show a) => Show (Scope b f a)
instance (Functor f, Read b, Read1 f, Read a) => Read (Scope b f a)
instance (Monad f, Ord b, Ord1 f, Ord a) => Ord (Scope b f a)
instance (Monad f, Eq b, Eq1 f, Eq a) => Eq (Scope b f a)

So you just need to define

instance Eq1 Exp where (==#) = (==)
instance Ord1 Exp where compare1 = compare
instance Show1 Exp where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
instance Read1 Exp where readsPrec1 = readsPrec

Why do some use Monad? Ord and Eq perform a non-structural equality
comparison so that (==) is alpha-equality!
We can define languages that have strongly typed variabes by
moving to much scarier types. =)
type Nat f g = forall x. f x -> g x
class HFunctor t where
 hmap :: Nat f g -> Nat (t f) (t g)
class HFunctor t => HTraversable t where
 htraverse :: Applicative m => (forall x. f x -> m (g x)) -> t f a -> m (t g
class HFunctor t => HMonad t where
 hreturn :: Nat f (t f)
 (>>-) :: t f a -> Nat f (t g) -> t g a
data Equal a b where
 Refl :: Equal a a
class EqF f where
 (==?) :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
data Var b f a where
 B :: b a -> Var b f a
 F :: f a -> Var b f a
newtype Scope b t f a = Scope { unscope :: t (Var b (t f)) a }
abstract :: HMonad t =>
 (forall x. f x -> Maybe (b x)) -> Nat (t f) (Scope b t f)
instantiate :: HMonad t => Nat b (t f) -> Nat (Scope b t f) (t f)
class HBound s where
 (>>>-) :: HMonad t => s t f a -> Nat f (t g) -> s t g a
Dependently typed languages build up a lot of
crap in memory. It’d be nice to share memory
for it, since most of it is very repetitive.
 Bound provides a small API for dealing with
  abstraction/instantiation for complex binders
  that combines the nice parts of “I am not a
  number: I am a free variable” with the “de Bruijn
  notation as a nested data type” while avoiding
  the complexities of either.
 You just supply it a Monad and Traversable
 No variable supply is needed, no pool of names
 Substitution is very efficient
 Introduces no exotic or illegal terms
 Simultaneous substitution for complex binders
 Your code never sees a de Bruijn index
data Ix :: [*] -> * -> * where
 Z :: Ix (a ': as) a
 S :: Ix as b -> Ix (a ': as) b

data Vec :: (* -> *) -> [*] -> * where
 HNil :: Vec f '[]
 (:::) :: f b -> Vec f bs -> Vec f (b ': bs)

data Lit t where
 Integer :: Integer -> Lit Integer
 Double :: Double -> Lit Double
 String :: String -> Lit String

data Remote :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
 Var :: f a -> Remote f a
 Lit :: Lit a -> Remote f a
 Lam :: Scope (Equal b) Remote f a -> Remote f (b -> a)
 Let :: Vec (Scope (Ix bs) Remote f) bs -> Scope (Ix bs) Remote f a -> Remote f a
 Ap :: Remote f (a -> b) -> Remote f a -> Remote f b
lam_ :: EqF f => f a -> Remote f b -> Remote f (a -> b)
lam_ v f = Lam (abstract (v ==?) f)

-- let_ actually winds up becoming much trickier to define
-- requiring a MonadFix and a helper monad.

two12121212 = let_ $ mdo
 x <- def (cons 1 z)
 z <- def (cons 2 x)
 return z

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  • 1. Making de Bruijn Succ Less Edward Kmett
  • 2. We use names in lots of contexts, but any program that deals with names has to deal with a number of issues such as  capture avoidance  deciding alpha equivalence … and others that will come up as we go.
  • 3. The dumbest thing that could possibly work: type Name = String data Exp = Var Name | Exp :@ Exp | Lam Name Exp Var “x” Lam “x” (Var “x”) Lam “x” (Lam “y” (Var “x”))
  • 4. Blindly Substituting Lam “x” (Var “y”) into Lam “y”( Var “z”) for “z” would yield Lam “y” (Lam “x” (Var “y”)) which now causes the free variable to reference the “y” bound by the outer lambda.
  • 5. Lam “x” (Var “x”) and Lam “y” (Var “y”) both mean the same thing and it’d be nice to be able to check this easily, make them hash the same way for CSE, etc.
  • 6. There is a cottage industry of solutions ot the naming problem.  Naïve substitution  Barendregt Convention  HOAS  Weak HOAS / PHOAS  “I am not a Number: I am a Free Variable!”  Locally Nameless Syntax with de Bruijn Indices  Unbound, mixing Barendregt and Locally Nameless.  etc. I will not be addressing all of these here, just a few.
  • 7. Just go look for names that avoid capture. Pros: Pretty syntax trees Easy to get started with Cons: Easy even for experts to make mistakes! Alpha Equivalence checking is tedious. REALLY SLOW
  • 8. subst :: Name -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp subst x s = sub where sub e@(Var v) | v == x = s | otherwise = e sub e@(Lam v e') | v == x = e | v `elem` fvs = Lam v' (sub e'’) | otherwise = Lam v (sub e’) where v' = newId vs e'' = subst v (Var v') e’ sub (f :@ a) = sub f :@ sub a fvs = freeVars s vs = fvs `union` allVars b newId :: [Name] -> Name newId vs = head (someEnormousPoolOfNames vs) – go find a name that isn’t taken! (based on code by Lennart Augustsson)
  • 9. Make sure that every binder binds a globally unique name. Pros: “Secrets of the GHC Inliner” describes ‘the Rapier’ which can make this Fast. Cons: Easy even for experts to screw up Alpha Equivalence is tedious Need a globally unique variable supply (e.g. my concurrent-supply) The obvious implementation technique chews through a scarily large number of variable IDs.
  • 10. Borrow substitution from the host language! data Exp a = Var a | Lam (Exp a -> Exp a) | Exp a :@ Exp a
  • 11. Pros: Provides _really_ fast substitution Cons: Doesn’t work in theorem provers (Exp occurs in negative position) Hard to work under Binders! Exotic terms Alpha equivalence checking is tedious Variants such as Weak HOAS/PHOAS exist to address some of these issues at the expense of other problems.
  • 12. M’colleague Bob Atkey once memorably described the capacity to put up with de Bruijn indices as a Cylon detector, the kind of reverse Turing Test that the humans in Battlestar Galactica invent, the better to recognize one another by their common inadequacies. He had a point. —Conor McBride “I am not a number, I am a classy hack”
  • 13. Split variables into Bound and Free. data Exp a = Free a | Bound !Int | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Exp a) Bound variables reference the variable being bound by the lambda n lambdas out. Substitution has to renumber all the variables. abstract :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a instantiate :: Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
  • 14. Split variables into Bound and Free. newtype Scope f a = Scope (f a) data Exp a = Free a | Bound !Int | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Scope Exp a) Bound variables reference the variable being bound by the lambda n lambdas out. Substitution has to renumber all the variables. abstract :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Scope Exp a instantiate :: Exp a -> Scope Exp a -> Exp a
  • 15. abstract :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Scope Exp a abstract me expr = Scope (letmeB 0 expr) where letmeB this (F you) | you == me = B this | otherwise = F you letmeB this (B that) = B that letmeB this (fun :@ arg) = letmeB this fun :@ letmeB this arg letmeB this (Lam (Scope body)) = Lam (Scope (letmeB (succ this) body)) (Based on code by Conor McBride from “I am not a number: I am a free variable”)
  • 16. instantiate :: Exp a -> Scope Exp a -> Exp a instantiate what (Scope body) = what'sB 0 body where what'sB this (B that) | this==that = what | otherwise = B that what'sB this (F you) = F you what'sB this (fun :@ arg) = what'sB this fun :@ what'sB this arg what'sB this (Lam (Scope body)) = Lam (Scope (what'sB (succ this) body)) (Based on code by Conor McBride from “I am not a number: I am a free variable”)
  • 17. newtype Scope f a = Scope (f a) data Exp a = Free a | Bound !Int | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Scope a) deriving (Functor, Foldable,Traversable) We can make an instance of Monad for Exp, but it is an awkward one-off experience.
  • 18. Pros: Scope, abstract, and instantiate make it harder to screw up walking under binders. Alpha equivalence is just (==) We can make a Monad for Exp. We can use Traversable to find free variables, close terms, etc. Cons: This succ’s a lot. (Slow) Illegal terms such as Lam (Scope (Bound 2)) Have to define abstract/instantiate for each type. The Monad for Exp is a one-off deal.
  • 19. data Exp a = Var a | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Exp (Maybe a)) (based on Bird and Paterson)
  • 20. data Incr a = Z | S a data Exp a = Var a | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Exp (Incr a)) (based on Bird and Paterson)
  • 21. data Incr a = Z | S a newtype Scope f a = Scope (f (Incr a)) data Exp a = Var a | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Scope Exp a) instance MonadTrans Scope where lift = Scope . fmap Just -- Scope is just MaybeT a Monad transformer in its own right, but lift is slow.
  • 22. instance Monad Exp where Var a >>= f = f a x :@ y >>= f = (x >>= f) :@ (y >>= f) Lam b >>= f = Lam (b >>= lift . f) You can derive Foldable and Traversable. Then Data.Foldable.toList can obtain the free variables in a term, and (>>=) does capture avoiding substitution!
  • 23. Pros: The Monad is easy to define Foldable/Traversable for free variables Capture avoiding substitution for free Cons: It still succs a lot. lift is O(n).
  • 24. If we could succ an entire expression instead of on each individual variable we would succ less. Instantiation wouldn’t have to walk into that expression at all, and we could lift an Exp into Scope in O(1) instead of O(n). This requires polymorphic recursion, but we support that. Go Haskell! This is the ‘generalized de Bruijn’ as described by Bird and Paterson without the rank-2 types mucking up the description and abstracted into a monad transformer.
  • 25. data Incr a = Z | S a newtype Scope f a = Scope { unscope :: f (Incr (f a) } instance Monad f => Monad (Scope f) where return = Scope . return . S . return Scope e >>= f = Scope $ e >>= v -> case v of Z -> return Z S ea -> ea >>= unscope . f instance MonadTrans Scope where lift = Scope . return . S
  • 26. Pros: The Monad is easy to define Foldable/Traversable for Free Variables Capture avoiding substitution for free Cons: Alpha equivalence is slightly harder, because you have to quotient out the position of the ‘Succ’s.
  • 27. abstract :: (Monad f, Eq a) => a -> f a -> Scope f a abstract x e = Scope (liftM k e) where ky | x == y =Z | otherwise = S (return y) instantiate :: Monad f => f a -> Scope f a -> f a instantiate r (Scope e) = e >>= v -> case v of Z -> r Sa -> a We can define these operations once and for all, independent of our expression type!
  • 28. Not every language is the untyped lambda calculus. Sometimes you want to bind multiple variables at the same time, say for a pattern or recursive let binding, or to represent all the variables boundby a single quantifier in a single pass. So lets go back and enrich our binders so they an bind multiple variables by generalizing generalized de Bruijn.
  • 29. data Var b a = B b | F a data Scope b f a = Scope { unscope :: f (Var b (f a) } instance Monad f => Monad (Scope b f) instance MonadTrans (Scope b) abstract :: Monad f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> Scope b f a instantiate :: Monad f => (b -> f a) -> Scope b f a -> f a fromScope :: Monad f => Scope b f a -> f (Var b a) toScope :: Monad f => f (Var b a) -> Scope b f a substitute :: (Monad f, Eq a) => a -> f a -> f a -> f a class Bound t where (>>>=) :: Monad m => t m a -> (a -> m b) -> a -> t m b instance Bound (Scope b)
  • 30. data Exp a =V a | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam (Scope () Exp a) | Let [Scope Int Exp a] (Scope Int Exp a) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable) Instance Monad Exp where Va >>= f = f a (x :@ y) >>= f = (x >>= f) :@ (y >>= f) Lam e >>= f = Lam (e >>>= f) Let bs b >>= f = Let (map (>>>= f) bs) (b >>>= f)
  • 31. abstract1 :: (Monad f, Eq a) => a -> f a -> Scope () f a abstract :: Monad f => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> Scope b f a lam :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a lam v b = Lam (abstract1 v b) let_ :: Eq a => [(a,Exp a)] -> Exp a -> Exp a let_ bs b = Let (map (abstr . snd) bs) (abstr b) where abstr = abstract (`elemIndex` map fst bs) infixr 0 ! (!) :: Eq a => a -> Exp a -> Exp a (!) = lam
  • 32. instantiate :: Monad f => (b -> f a) -> Scope b f a -> f a instantiate1 :: Monad f => f a -> Scope () f a -> f a whnf :: Exp a -> Exp a whnf e@V{} = e whnf e@Lam{} = e whnf (f :@ a) = case whnf f of Lam b -> whnf (instantiate1 a b) f' -> f' :@ a whnf (Let bs b) = whnf (inst b) where es = map inst bs inst = instantiate (es !!)
  • 33. fromScope :: Monad f => Scope b f a -> f (Var b a) toScope :: Monad f => f (Var b a) -> Scope b f a nf :: Exp a -> Exp a nf e@V{} = e nf (Lam b) = Lam $ toScope $ nf $ fromScope b nf (f :@ a) = case whnf f of Lam b -> nf (instantiate1 a b) f' -> nf f' :@ nf a nf (Let bs b) = nf (inst b) where es = map inst bs inst = instantiate (es !!)
  • 34. closed :: Traversable f => f a -> Maybe (f b) closed = traverse (const Nothing) A closed term has no free variables, so you can Treat the free variable type as anything you want.
  • 35. cooked :: Exp a cooked = fromJust $ closed $ let_ [ ("False", "f" ! "t" ! V"f") , ("True", "f" ! "t" ! V"t") , ("if", "b" ! "t" ! "f" ! V"b" :@ V"f" :@ V"t") , ("Zero", "z" ! "s" ! V"z") , ("Succ", "n" ! "z" ! "s" ! V"s" :@ V"n") , ("one", V"Succ" :@ V"Zero") , ("two", V"Succ" :@ V"one") , ("three", V"Succ" :@ V"two") , ("isZero", "n" ! V"n" :@ V"True" :@ ("m" ! V"False")) , ("const", "x" ! "y" ! V"x") , ("Pair", "a" ! "b" ! "p" ! V"p" :@ V"a" :@ V"b") , ("fst", "ab" ! V"ab" :@ ("a" ! "b" ! V"a")) , ("snd", "ab" ! V"ab" :@ ("a" ! "b" ! V"b")) , ("add", "x" ! "y" ! V"x" :@ V"y" :@ ("n" ! V"Succ" :@ (V"add" :@ V"n" :@ V"y"))) , ("mul", "x" ! "y" ! V"x" :@ V"Zero" :@ ("n" ! V"add" :@ V"y" :@ (V"mul" :@ V"n" :@ V"y"))) , ("fac", "x" ! V"x" :@ V"one" :@ ("n" ! V"mul" :@ V"x" :@ (V"fac" :@ V"n"))) , ("eqnat", "x" ! "y" ! V"x" :@ (V"y" :@ V"True" :@ (V"const" :@ V"False")) :@ ("x1" ! V"y" :@ V"False" :@ ("y1" ! V"eqnat" :@ V"x1" :@ V"y1"))) , ("sumto", "x" ! V"x" :@ V"Zero" :@ ("n" ! V"add" :@ V"x" :@ (V"sumto" :@ V"n"))) , ("n5", V"add" :@ V"two" :@ V"three") , ("n6", V"add" :@ V"three" :@ V"three") , ("n17", V"add" :@ V"n6" :@ (V"add" :@ V"n6" :@ V"n5")) , ("n37", V"Succ" :@ (V"mul" :@ V"n6" :@ V"n6")) , ("n703", V"sumto" :@ V"n37") , ("n720", V"fac" :@ V"n6") ] (V"eqnat" :@ V"n720" :@ (V"add" :@ V"n703" :@ V"n17"))
  • 36. ghci> nf cooked == (“F” ! “T” ! “T”) > True
  • 37. data Exp a =V a | Exp a :@ Exp a | Lam !Int (Pat Exp a) (Scope Int Exp a) | Let !Int [Scope Int Exp a] (Scope Int Exp a) | Case (Exp a) [Alt Exp a] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable) data Pat f a = VarP | WildP | AsP (Pat f a) | ConP String [Pat f a] | ViewP (Scope Int f a) (Pat f a) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable) data Alt f a = Alt !Int (Pat f a) (Scope Int f a) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
  • 38. instance Monad Exp where return = V Va >>= f = f a (x :@ y) >>= f = (x >>= f) :@ (y >>= f) Lam n p e >>= f = Lam n (p >>>= f) (e >>>= f) Let n bs e >>= f = Let n (map (>>>= f) bs) (e >>>= f) Case e as >>= f = Case (e >>= f) (map (>>>= f) as) instance Bound Pat where VarP >>>= _ = VarP WildP >>>= _ = WildP AsP p >>>= f = AsP (p >>>= f) ConP g ps >>>= f = ConP g (map (>>>= f) ps) ViewP e p >>>= f = ViewP (e >>>= f) (p >>>= f) instance Bound Alt where Alt n p b >>>= f = Alt n (p >>>= f) (b >>>= f)
  • 39. data P a = P { pattern :: [a] -> Pat Exp a, bindings :: [a] } varp :: a -> P a varp a = P (const VarP) [a] wildp :: P a wildp = P (const WildP) [] conp :: String -> [P a] -> P a conp g ps = P (ConP g . go ps) (ps >>= bindings) where go (P p as:ps) bs = p bs : go ps (bs ++ as) go [] _ = [] lam :: Eq a => P a -> Exp a -> Exp a lam (P p as) t = Lam (length as) (p []) (abstract (`elemIndex` as) t) ghci> lam (varp "x") (V "x”) Lam 1 VarP (Scope (V (B 0))) ghci> lam (conp "Hello" [varp "x", wildp]) (V "y”) Lam 1 (ConP "Hello" [VarP,WildP]) (Scope (V (F (V "y"))))
  • 40. Deriving Eq, Ord, Show and Read requires some tomfoolery. The issue is that Scope uses polymorphic recursion. So the most direct way of implementing Eq (Scope b f a) would require Instance (Eq (f (Var b (f a)), Eq (Var b (f a), Eq (f a), Eq a) => Eq (Scope b f a) And then Exp would require: instance (Eq a, Eq (Pat Exp a), Eq (Scope Int Exp a), Eq (Alt Exp a)) => Eq (Exp a) Plus all the things required by Alt, Pat, and Scope! Moreover, these would require flexible contexts, taking us out of Haskell 98/2010. Blech!
  • 41. My prelude-extras package defines a number of boring typeclasses like: class Eq1 f where (==#) :: Eq a => f a -> f a -> Bool (/=#) :: Eq a => f a -> f a -> Bool class Eq1 f => Ord1 f where compare1 :: Ord a => f a -> f a -> Ordering class Show1 f where showsPrec1 :: Show a => Int -> f a -> ShowS class Read1 f where readsPrec1 :: Read a => Int -> ReadS (f a) readList1 :: Read a => ReadS [f a]
  • 42. Bound defines: instance (Functor f, Show b, Show1 f, Show a) => Show (Scope b f a) instance (Functor f, Read b, Read1 f, Read a) => Read (Scope b f a) instance (Monad f, Ord b, Ord1 f, Ord a) => Ord (Scope b f a) instance (Monad f, Eq b, Eq1 f, Eq a) => Eq (Scope b f a) So you just need to define instance Eq1 Exp where (==#) = (==) instance Ord1 Exp where compare1 = compare instance Show1 Exp where showsPrec1 = showsPrec instance Read1 Exp where readsPrec1 = readsPrec Why do some use Monad? Ord and Eq perform a non-structural equality comparison so that (==) is alpha-equality!
  • 43. We can define languages that have strongly typed variabes by moving to much scarier types. =) type Nat f g = forall x. f x -> g x class HFunctor t where hmap :: Nat f g -> Nat (t f) (t g) class HFunctor t => HTraversable t where htraverse :: Applicative m => (forall x. f x -> m (g x)) -> t f a -> m (t g a) class HFunctor t => HMonad t where hreturn :: Nat f (t f) (>>-) :: t f a -> Nat f (t g) -> t g a
  • 44. data Equal a b where Refl :: Equal a a class EqF f where (==?) :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (Equal a b) data Var b f a where B :: b a -> Var b f a F :: f a -> Var b f a newtype Scope b t f a = Scope { unscope :: t (Var b (t f)) a } abstract :: HMonad t => (forall x. f x -> Maybe (b x)) -> Nat (t f) (Scope b t f) instantiate :: HMonad t => Nat b (t f) -> Nat (Scope b t f) (t f) class HBound s where (>>>-) :: HMonad t => s t f a -> Nat f (t g) -> s t g a
  • 45. Dependently typed languages build up a lot of crap in memory. It’d be nice to share memory for it, since most of it is very repetitive.
  • 46.  Bound provides a small API for dealing with abstraction/instantiation for complex binders that combines the nice parts of “I am not a number: I am a free variable” with the “de Bruijn notation as a nested data type” while avoiding the complexities of either.  You just supply it a Monad and Traversable  No variable supply is needed, no pool of names  Substitution is very efficient  Introduces no exotic or illegal terms  Simultaneous substitution for complex binders  Your code never sees a de Bruijn index
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. data Ix :: [*] -> * -> * where Z :: Ix (a ': as) a S :: Ix as b -> Ix (a ': as) b data Vec :: (* -> *) -> [*] -> * where HNil :: Vec f '[] (:::) :: f b -> Vec f bs -> Vec f (b ': bs) data Lit t where Integer :: Integer -> Lit Integer Double :: Double -> Lit Double String :: String -> Lit String data Remote :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where Var :: f a -> Remote f a Lit :: Lit a -> Remote f a Lam :: Scope (Equal b) Remote f a -> Remote f (b -> a) Let :: Vec (Scope (Ix bs) Remote f) bs -> Scope (Ix bs) Remote f a -> Remote f a Ap :: Remote f (a -> b) -> Remote f a -> Remote f b
  • 50. lam_ :: EqF f => f a -> Remote f b -> Remote f (a -> b) lam_ v f = Lam (abstract (v ==?) f) -- let_ actually winds up becoming much trickier to define -- requiring a MonadFix and a helper monad. two12121212 = let_ $ mdo x <- def (cons 1 z) z <- def (cons 2 x) return z