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Supporting methods
Examples in France and in
Great Britain
Supporting methods
Examples in France and in
Great Britain
This project was achieved with the
financial support of the European
Commission (N° 4243 of the
Interreg IVA Programme France
(Channel) - England)
Focus in France................................................................................. 9
Thermal regulations in France following the European Directive......................9
Eco-construction and the use of natural materials in France............................10
Outlook for the French building market...................................................................11
Focus in the United Kingdom....................................................... 12
Thermal regulations in the UK in response to the European Directive............
The use of natural materials in Great-Britain.........................................................13
Supporting professionals to implement thermal regulations............................15
The Green economy : a response to a major challenge.......................................15
Method 1 - Group animation through specific thematic
actions.............................................................................. 19
French examples............................................................................. 19
1. Bringing together professionals around written works, technical dossiers
or a set of themes.............................................................................................................19
2. Organizing a promotional event together..........................................................20
3. Territorial coordination..............................................................................................20
English examples............................................................................ 22
4. Facilitating regional working groups....................................................................22
5. Collaboration to organise, develop and deliver training................................22
Method 2 - Promotion, development, and communication
actions.............................................................................. 25
French examples............................................................................. 26
1. Organizing “Open days”............................................................................................26
2. Promotion and development schemes..................................................................27
3. Technical visit................................................................................................................28
English examples............................................................................ 29
4. Green Doors...................................................................................................................29
5. Group meetings (Café Debate)................................................................................30
Method 3 - Monitoring actions, producing and collecting
information ...................................................................... 33
French examples ............................................................................ 34
1. Technical or thematic issues.....................................................................................34
2. Structuring a documentary base / a database accessible via Internet........
3. Formatting feedback on actual case records via «feedback» data sheets
available via the Internet...............................................................................................35
English examples............................................................................ 36
4. Creating, publishing and maintaining online resources.................................36
5. Creating and publishing information leaflets, (legacy, heritage, historic
Method 4 : Individual or group support actions................ 41
French examples............................................................................. 42
1. Individual support .......................................................................................................42
2. Educational Innovation Laboratory.......................................................................43
3. Implementation of a technical training in a specific territory......................44
English examples............................................................................ 45
4. Working groups to organise training....................................................................45
5. Regional Hub Support................................................................................................46
Conclusion........................................................................ 48
Annex................................................................................ 50
1. Methodology.............................................................................. 50
Collaborative work to conduct interviews and analysis......................................50
2. Thanks......................................................................................... 51
In France .............................................................................................................................51
In England ..........................................................................................................................54
Find out more.....................................................................................................................56
3. The LIBNAM project.................................................................. 64
4. The project partners.................................................................. 65
5. Text and photo credit, translation........................................... 66
Editors ..................................................................................................................................66
Page layout and supervision.........................................................................................66
Translation .........................................................................................................................66
Photo credits.......................................................................................................................66
The planned reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the construction
industry requires the adoption of a holistic and coordinated approach
to ensure that European legislative targets are to be achieved within the
agreed timescales. The European Directive on Energy Efficient buildings
(DEPEB, or EPBD for Energy Performance of Building Directive) is the
main legislative guidance tool for EU member states to reach agreed
CO2 reduction levels. France and the UK are
programs for energy saving measures and
renewable energies to achieve the targets
of the European Directive of 19 May 2010
on the energy performance of buildings.
Indeed, each Member State has to set :
• A calculation method for the energy performance of buildings ;
• The enforcement of minimum requirements for new buildings ;
• The enforcement of minimum requirements for existing buildings
undergoing major renovation, their envelope and technical systems ;
• National programmes to increase the number of buildings achieving
nearly zero net energy consumption ;
• Certification of the energy performance of buildings ;
• Regular inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in
buildings ;
• Independent control systems for energy performance certificates and
inspection reports.
In addition to the renewable energy switchover, large scale investment
is essential to improve the thermal efficiency of the 26 million of UK’s
ageing homes which produce 30% of the nation’s CO2 emissions
as well as that of the French residential and service housing stock
that consumes 44% of the domestic energy and is the third largest
contributor to CO2 emissions (23%) - 2/3 of these consumption figures
are for the residential sector accounting for 28 million primary residences.
The building sector is therefore a major source of energy savings in France
and in Great Britain, also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Focus in France
Thermal regulations in France following the European
Conduct of this new policy at European level is reflected in France by
massive financial commitments in areas identified as priority sectors at the
Grenelle Environment Forum, up to 440 billion euros will be invested in the
building sector, transports, renewable energy, protection of biodiversity,
water and waste management.
The law on «national commitment to the
environment,» called Grenelle 1 and Grenelle 2 has
set the following objectives :
For existing buildings :
• Reduce by 38% the energy consumption of
the building stock and 50% of greenhouse gas
emissions by 2020 ;
• Renovate 400,000 homes a year from 2013 ;
• Reduce by 40% the energy consumption
of the public building stock between 2012
and 2020, including thermal renovation of
50 million m2 of state buildings and 70 million m2 of its main public
institutions ;
• Renovate 800,000 social housing to reduce their consumption from
230 kWh ep / m2 / year to 150 kWh ep / m2 / year in 2020.
For new buildings :
• Disseminate Low Energy Buildings (BBC, 50 kWhep / m2 / year) from
2010 for public buildings, 2012 for the rest of commercial buildings
and 2013 for housing (RT 2012) ;
• All new buildings from 2020 are POSitive Energy Buildings (BEPOS) -
2018 for public buildings: Primary energy consumption in buildings is
less than the amount of energy produced from renewable sources.
The Building Plan is responsible for implementing the corresponding
For new homes, the 2012 thermal regulations applicable since 1 January
2013 have required a conventional primary energy consumption of 50
kWh / m2 per year. New regulations should be implemented as of 2020:
new buildings will then have a primary energy
consumption of less than the amount of renewable
energy produced by the building.
This measure is particularly in line with the EPBD
Directive 2 (2010), which requires that from the end
of 2020 all new residential buildings have total energy
consumption close to zero.
Key measures include the gradual introduction of a renovation duty for
older dwellings to bring them in line with the requirements of the BBC
Renovation standard by 2050. Other measures will support the energy
efficient building renovation:
• Develop a simple and effective funding scheme for individuals
wishing to renovate their homes ;
• Adapt housing-related taxes to the energy efficiency of the dwelling ;
• Strengthen controls on energy assessment ;
• Ensure compliance of thermal regulations in new buildings ;
• Develop positive energy buildings ;
• Accelerate and strengthen renovation of private and public
commercial buildings ;
• Develop vocational training for the building trades ;
• Have more energy advisors available closer to households.
Eco-construction and the use of natural materials in France
In June 2010, the Department of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscape
(DHUP) established a consultation group with building professionals and
the natural building materials sector to first understand the barriers to the
development of these new materials, and also to develop a plan for these
emerging economic fields. (Data are available on the Ministry of Ecology,
Sustainable Development and Energy website http://www.developpement-
Issues identified at the end of this consultation work are :
1) To give added structure to the building sector as a whole and to
identify new business and practices.
2) To industrialize the sector. To help meet the technical and economic
requirements of the market : assessment and certification (suitability,
functional and environmental performance), drafting professional
3) To professionalize the sector : acquiring, coordinating, and
disseminating one’s knowledge and expertise.
4) Increase innovation in the sector : relying on scientific knowledge
from R & D programmes, such as research work conducted by
5) To territorialize : by creating jobs that cannot be relocated, by
developing the resources on a territory and by sharing experiences to
improve the supply in the area as well as its accessibility.
Given the housing stock renewal rate (about 1% per year), efforts to
improve the energy efficiency of buildings should focus on renovation
(about 25 million homes), including the renovation of 19 million homes
built in France before the first thermal regulation of 1975. These dwellings
represent 58% of the housing stock and over 75% of the sector’s energy
consumption: their primary energy consumption is indeed two to three
times higher than those of new flats (330 kWh / m² / year before 1975
against about 100 kWh / m² / year after 1975). Improved performance of
new housing (about 3 million additional homes by 2020) will also have to
be considered.
Outlook for the French building market
Focus in the United Kingdom
Thermal regulations in the UK in response to the European
The British Government’s Department of Energy
and Climate Change (DECC) has adopted a
strategy to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
(CO2) levels in the UK by 2020 that focuses on
consumer energy reduction solutions linked
to consumer incentives for renewable energy
The French building sector with 310,000 companies and 1.3 million jobs is
a prime engine of growth and development.
Indeed, the building sector is a major potential source of energy and CO2
emissions savings at competitive costs with positive repercussions on jobs
and the economy. This sector must therefore be a priority for the State
by implementing a comprehensive policy, including adapting continuously
thermal regulations and public funding tools to the most efficient actions
and products.
The market is faced however with a fragmented sector, non-optimized
aid schemes, in particular to develop a competitive industry sector and a
significant need for training.
• Changing training schemes, not forgetting the project owner and the
project manager.
To meet this goal, it may be necessary to bring training of
professionals closer to places of implementation and demonstration.
• Taking into account the social, health and environmental issues of
the building. Accessibility and air quality will rank among the major
qualities of sustainable buildings to build or renovate. Social, health
and environmental considerations should therefore not be forgotten
- in particular the quality of indoor air - and thermal performance
should not be the only focus.
Source ADEME / Ministry of Sustainable Development
The successful delivery of these energy reduction measures is directly linked
to employment growth in the UK renewables and construction industries
through networks of green energy providers, consultants, advisors and
installers. This has resulted in increased competition for micro businesses
(a micro business is defined by the EU as one having less than 10 employees
or a turnover less than €2 million ) and employment growth with increased
demand for heating, glazing and insulation installations.
Financial incentives to consumers are provided
by the government through various schemes
(RHI), Green Deal (http://www.greendealinitiative. ) and the Energy Company Obligation.
Broadly speaking these initiatives are paid for by
a levy on consumer energy bills that is distributed
to renewable energy organisations to promote
and coordinate the administration of grants to
homeowners and landlords to :
a) Improve insulation ;
b) Install renewable energy technologies and ;
c) Upgrade inefficient heating systems.
There are many energy efficiency measures which qualify for Green Deal
finance listed on the DECC website. At the point of writing however, there
are no specific Green Deal incentives to use natural materials to improve
thermal performance in building construction and neither the embedded
‘grey energy’ data nor the ‘life-cycle’ carbon reduction values of natural
building materials are considered in the Government’s calculations.
By comparison, activity that promotes the use of bio-sourced materials in
construction appears to be driven by a small number of : a) national not-
for-profit organisations, or b) private enterprise businesses. Funding for
these supporting organisations can be based on short term grant funding
for research projects without long term development or sustainability.
Privately owned building companies that specialise in natural materials,
(generally operating in the heritage and building restoration sector), may
provide useful information, training courses, events and other resources,
The use of natural materials in Great-Britain
but there is a danger that the promotion of natural building products and
services in the private sector is not impartial and tends to be market driven.
The Zero Carbon Homes Programme Delivery 2016 Taskforce has raised
concerns in June 2013, that lack of coordinated research and knowledge
sharing will compromise the delivery of the UK carbon reduction targets :
‘There is a need to follow the Research, Development, Demonstration,
Deployment cycle, but the group were very concerned about the lack of
demonstrators which has resulted from a number of issues including funding
being withdrawn from HCA to support advanced standards, uncertainty over
the zero carbon definition, and the fact that the rate of build has been much
slower than anticipated when the zero carbon policy was first announced. It
was noted that a continuous improvement model with a knowledge sharing
loop for the whole of industry is important to support scale-up.’
Supporting professionals to implement thermal regulations
The sudden exponential growth in the retrofitting market has led to
concerns about training, accreditation and monitoring of insulation
installers. During a presentation on energy conservation at the Institute
of Historic Building Conservation’s 2014 AGM, a speaker highlighted the
‘unintended consequences’ of applying modern construction ‘solutions’ to
traditional buildings.
In November 2014 the National Heritage Training Group announced a
new course for insulation contractors working on traditional buildings
to understand the conservation principals and legislation requirements
necessary for the appropriate care and repair of old buildings. The limited
availability of places on the course does not reflect the increasing demand
for retrofit work that is required to improve the thermal performance of
traditional buildings, but acknowledges the need for skills development in
the construction industry.
This could be viewed as an opportunity for vocational training centres,
in their role as knowledge-based organizations, to become ‘supporting
structures’ in partnership with industry and Government, to educate a new
generation of environmentally aware, low-impact builders and construction
The Green economy : a response to a major challenge
Globally, the economic and financial crisis revealed a more general state,
by focusing investment for economic recovery on :
• Industry sectors that fight against climate change by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions through lower energy consumption or the
development of low-carbon energy sources ;
• But also more generally sectors which induce a reduction in
the consumption of natural resources, in particular through waste
recycling or water reprocessing.
Today, within the European Union, this development is considered as a key
Thus, the green growth sector can prove an effective response to
sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The aim is to build an
economic system which,
in the long term will use
less or make the best
use of energy resources
and non-renewable raw
materials, a system both
sober and carbon-free :
• Emitting far fewer
greenhouse gas ;
• Favoring
technologies: all
technologies which
are less harmful to the environment - when used - than conventional
techniques meeting the same needs ;
• Practicing responsible production and consumption ;
• In which well-thought out transport means and sustainable cities
are developed, and territories thought out and managed globally as a
sustainable development ;
• Protecting and restoring the ecosystem services provided by water,
soils, biodiversity ;
• Assessing the effects of decisions taken on future generations.
However there is limited awareness of the potential role for natural materials
to contribute to these targets. It is important therefore to ensure, that in the
France and UK’s race to achieve challenging carbon reduction targets, the
thermal, acoustic and energy storage properties of bio-sourced materials
are not overlooked and that there are the necessary supporting structures
in place to provide the resources, skills and knowledge to facilitate the
development of viable, mainstream solutions that will enable low-impact
homes to be built using bio-sourced construction materials.
In this book, you will find non-exhaustive methods used in France
and Great Britain to support the building sector to eco-construction.
They are used to meet the shared challenges of energy efficiency,
housing quality and enhance skills and know how.
Facilitate regional
working groups
to develop
dynamic local
Facilitate working
groups to tranfer
and document
and technical
Facilitaite working
groups to
organise events
Facilitate working
goups to
organise training
To stimulate
common work
To develop
a common
To allow a
formalization of
the experiences
of each one
To support the
transversality of
the professions
To create
To contribute to
the development
of a collective
Building industry
(artisans &
Trainers and training
Inclusion teams
Public or private
building owners
Industry decision-
Property developers
Related occupations
professionals &
Support, Facilitate, Animate
Method 1 - Group animation through
specific thematic actions
This method is intended to involve stakeholders in a collective action to
promote (events, open homes, organizing cafe debates ...), to produce
(documents ...) or implement (training courses, demonstration actions ...)
an action with a specific goal.
Professionals are the beneficiaries of this work as group facilitation enables
them to develop or strengthen know ledges, capacity for teamwork and their
oral and written communication skills. Furthermore, this work promotes
cohesion within a network and understanding of the professional position
of the other.
This method is the foundation of the other methods explained in this
booklet. The impact and results of the other methods depend on the ability
of the facilitator to manage a group of professionals in an activity with a
clarified goal.
French examples
1. Bringing together professionals around written works,
technical dossiers or a set of themes
Brief Description :
The “Réseau Breton Bâtiment Durable” (Breton Green Building Network)
organizes working sessions to produce «feedback on experience» data
sheets and technical files.
This work is led by a facilitator. The productions are then posted on the
network’s website.
Experimented by : Réseau Breton Bâtiment Durable
Experimented with : Member of the network (21 organizations) - 1000
consultations for 1 year
Experimented where : Brittany
Targets : Pool and formalize the experience feedback / perform together
2. Organizing a promotional event together
Brief description :
Structures such as CAPEB Brittany,
COB County (central western
Brittany), Approche Eco-Habitat
Association organize events for
the general public (open homes,
trade shows, cafe debates ...)
These events are made with
professionals who get involved as
volunteers to organize the event,
in working groups. On the event
day, the professionals run the
workshops, open homes ... Finally,
the professionals also conduct
an assessment of the action/
provide a review of the action.
They are supported by an expert
that drives the working groups,
drafts documents and acts as a
link with other partners.
Experimented by : CAPEB Brittany, COB County, Approche Eco-Habitat
Experimented with : Building Professionals
Experimented where : Brittany
Targets :
1) Promote the involvement of professionals ;
2) Encourage places / projects leading to joint working ;
3) Support professionals in their communication skills.
3. Territorial coordination
Brief description :
eco-materials and renewable energy. Thus, the COB County coordinates
the emergence and implementation of information, awareness and / or
promotion actions on these themes. The organization of these operations
is based on the development of local and regional partnerships, facilitated
by the presence of NEVE’O within the Breton Sustainable Building Network
and their participation in the work conducted by the “Plan Bâtiment
Durable Breton”.
The aim is that these communication actions, sparking demand, can
provide the impetus to a collective work for structuring the local green
building supply chains, to enhance the visibility of the existing supply of
eco-materials and encourage
their development.
CAPEB conducts workgroups at
territory or “departement” level
built around the «eco artisan»
Experimented by : CAPEB,
COB county
Experimented with : Building
professionals and other
local stakeholders in eco-
Experimented where : COB
County / Brittany
Targets :
1) Allow inter-business
meeting ;
2) Organize joint events on
the territory ;
3) Allow feedback on
Results : The eco-building
Days, a partnership between
CAPEB and the COB Country,
lectures on the territory
Pre-conditions for success  :
A facilitator, reasonable
degrees of involvement for the
participants, a clear guideline
supported by the public
5. Collaboration to organise, develop and deliver training
Brief description :
Building professionals facilitate the formation of collaborative workgroups,
training packages that enhance practical and technical skills capability
through structured professional career development and guidance.
Experimented by : WARM
Experimented with : Delivered by WARM Low Energy Building Practice,
the UK specific Carbonlite Passivhaus Designer Certification Course was
developed in 2007/8 by the AECB and prepares participants for the
European Certified Passivhaus Designer Qualification introducing the
principles of Passivhaus standard and the methods using the Passivhaus
Planning Package. WARM delivers Carbonlite training that focuses on UK
English examples
4. Facilitating regional working groups
Brief description :
Building professionals facilitate workgroups at regional level - to share
knowledge and experience, in order to develop, document and transfer
technical information in order to develop actions that support collaboration
and a common understanding.
Experimented by : WARM, CSBT
Experimented with : Architects, designers, building professionals, research
organizations, education centres, property developers
Experimented where : Devon and Cornwall
Targets :
1) Professional network development ;
2) Regional skills development ;
3) Sharing experiences for a common understanding ;
4) Developing, agreeing and promoting common professional
standards (working towards best-practice).
Results : Collaborative research ; regional workshops ; conferences ;
dissemination ; publication ; increased industry awareness.
Pre-conditions for success : Experienced leadership ; vision and
orientation ; facilitation ; communication ; group engagement ; financial
sustainability ; support from public institutions.
building examples and is aimed at UK building professionals, including
local authorities, architects, builders, building engineers, developers.
Experimented where : WARM delivers independent AECB Passivhaus
training throughout the UK .
Targets :
1) Professional network development ;
2) Regional skills development ;
3) Sharing experiences for a common understanding ;
4) Develop, agree and promote common professional standards
(working towards best-practice).
Results : Collaborative research ; regional workshops ; conferences  ;
dissemination ; publication ; increased industry awareness.
Pre-conditions for success : Participant demand. Financial stability and
growth. Commercial strength. Policy awareness. Ecological integrity.
Community and regional engagement, support and participation.
Watch points : Long term vision and objectivity. Rigid legal standards
becoming barriers to innovation, experimentation and growth.
Themed Technical
Group Meetings
(Cafe Debate)
To share
& learn by
demonstration &
To inform,
educate and raise
To share
understanding &
raise awareness
To inform & raise
To share
understanding &
raise awareness
Building industry
(artisans &
Building owners
Professional training
General public
Building industry
(artisans &
General public
Building owners
Professional training
Promote, Communicate, Value, Disseminate
Building industry
(artisans &
Method 2 - Promotion, development,
and communication actions
Promotion, enhancement and communication actions allow :
• Professionals involved in the organization of the event :
1) To promote their achievements through technical visits and open
days ;
2) To develop their communication skills ;
3) To participate in a network of professionals who work together to
organize jointly the open days ;
4) To demonstrate the feasibility of a green building project to
possible clients.
• Professional participants at the event :
1) To participate in professional networks : professionals meet via
their achievements or their participation in an event, conferences ...
2) To be made aware of technical issues by professionals during
technical visits.
• Project owners and the general public :
1) To meet with professionals during events or open homes ;
2) To be made aware of techniques and methods used through
technical visits and open days ;
To inform, raise
& learn by
Open Homes
and marketing
General public
Building owners
Building industry
(artisans &
3) Understand the challenges of green building through debates,
events, open days and technical visits.
• Training organizations and trainers :
1) To meet professionals with a view to later engage them as expert
trainers for dedicated training ;
2) Identify sites for visits and resource people through conferences
and open days ;
3) To improve their practices and techniques through technical visits.
These actions were first implemented by the support structures for
professionals. They are essential to the sector and to professionals to help
convince other professionals and project owners, to promote stakeholders
and their achievements, thus demonstrating feasibility.
French examples
1. Organizing “Open days”
Brief description :
Open days are organized for the
general public on a regional scale.
The Open Days spread over 3
days (on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday) in autumn or spring. A
communication is made for this
The building sites are classified
according to their location and
the techniques implemented.
These actions took place 1 to
7 years ago depending on the
Experimented by : CAPEB, Pays
COB, Approche Eco Habitat
Experimented with : Building
professionals and the general
public. A network of professionals led by a technician organize open
sites. These sites are visited by the general public but also private and
public owners and professionals (artisans, businesses, project managers,
architects, trainers ...)
Experimented where :  In Brittany
Targets :
1) Give the general public the opportunity to see concrete examples of
sustainable buildings ;
2) Promote and favour meetings between professionals and potential
clients on existing building sites ;
3) Allow professionals to communicate on their expertise and know-
how and create added value.
Results : Longevity of the activities, geographical distribution at regional
level, professionals able to talk about their business and achievements,
mobilization of professionals in the organization and achievements of the
open doors.
Pre-conditions for success : The involvement of local territories, a training
session about «making open days a success at your home,» an employee
committed to organizing the open days, the involvement of professionals
Watch-points : The cost of printing leaflets for the open days, the necessary
involvement of the local press and radio.
2. Promotion and development schemes
Brief description :
CAPEB (the trade federation of craftsmen in the building sector) organizes
the ECO Construction meetings - 1st edition in March 2013. They are
attached to the building show in BREST. They offer lectures ; a demonstration
area and a space for discussions between professionals -
COB (Central West Brittany county) organizes events such as thematic
conferences or the “D of eco building” that accompany open days.
38 stakeholders work together to promote and add value to the skills
and resources of the territory -
The COB also wants to make small films shown in cinemas.
Experimented by : CAPEB, Pays COB
Experimented with : Building professionals and the general public
Experimented where  : COB (Central West Brittany county) / Brest
Targets :
1) Give the general public the opportunity to see concrete examples of
green buildings ;
2) Promote meetings between professionals and potential customers ;
3) Allow professionals to communicate on their skills and know-how
and give them added value ;
4) Allow professionals to meet.
Pre-conditions for success : The involvement of local territories, the
backing of a large building show, the involvement of local stakeholders
Watch-points : Focus on specific themes, organize with the professionals,
communicate widely, locate the ECO-construction meetings in a “Pays”
3. Technical visit
Brief description :
Organizing a thematic site visit
It includes a technical conference on the theme, preferably carried out with
local professionals.
The information is then transmitted by email via a mailing list
A thematic site visit takes place on 1/2 day.
Experimented by : Réseau Breton Batiment Durable / CAPEB
Experimented with : 20 to 40 professionals
Experimented where :
Targets : Share best
practices, promote
understanding of the
professional reality
between trades through
a diversity of the
raise awareness for a
technique, a method
by technical input and
practical illustration,
highlight the entire
English examples
4. Green Doors
Brief description :
Members of the public visit homes which have installed renewable energy
technologies with the opportunity to discuss with owners.
Experimented by : 361 Energy
Experimented with : Members of the public, renewable energy businesses,
building professionals, community social enterprise groups
Experimented where : Devon
Targets :
1) Communication and marketing (Green Deal) ;
2) To inform, educate and raise awareness ;
3) Inform, raise awareness and learn by demonstration ;
4) Share knowledge and experience.
Results : Increase awareness and adoption of renewable energy installation
among general public; increase employment for renewable energy
installers and assessors; reduced energy bills for consumers; introduction
of community renewable energy schemes; increased understanding
consumer energy reduction measures; access to government grants (Green
Deal), reduce consumer energy use.
Pre-conditions for success : Experienced leadership ; objective vision
and direction ; facilitation ; communication ; group engagement ; financial
sustainability ; national and regional coordination and support protocols.
Watch points : In rural communities, engagement may be low if ‘open
homes’ are spread over a large area. Visits may only include homes that
promote ‘eligible’ products or solutions that are known to qualify for existing
grants and subsidies, leading to reduced innovation and competition.
Consumer choice will be limited if local examples are weighted in favour
Breton territory, allow development of the network.
Results : The first visit organized by the supporting structures hosted 20
people and the second 40 people. There is a strong demand for this type
of «product». It allows a concrete understanding of the chosen topic
Pre-conditions for success : ½ day duration, a concrete example
illustrating the technical analysis, the choice of experts, a prepared mailing,
a legitimate structure
Watch-points : Technical language, importance to keep it very concrete
5. Group meetings (Café Debate)
Brief description :
The purpose is for professionals to share ideas and discuss common themes,
introduce new concepts and report on recent activities in an informal and
relaxed atmosphere. Meetings are organised on a regional level through
membership groups. They provide a platform for wide-ranging themed
debate and dissemination of knowledge and can create knowledge and
business networks.
Experimented by : WARM (AECB), CSBT (AECB)
Experimented with : The Association of Environment Friendly Builders is
a nationwide organisation with regional membership groups. Beneficiaries
are usually regional group member and include building professionals,
architects and artisans. Peter Warm was founder of the AECB. A member of
WARM staff is the AECB representative for Devon. A member of the CSBT is
the AECB representative for Cornwall. Devon AECB has held few meetings
during 2013-14. Cornwall is more active in this area and membership is
more proactive, with meetings advertised regularly on both AECB and
CSBT websites. Local group activities are reported in the AECB quarterly
Green Building Magazine, free to members.
Experimented where : Devon, Cornwall, throughout UK regions (AECB
Targets :
1) Communication ;
2) Coordinate a network of professionals ;
3) Inform, raise awareness and learn by demonstration ;
4) Share knowledge and experience.
Results : Increase awareness and adoption of new low impact building
technologies, techniques and materials; develop ethical principles through
group discussion; share technical knowledge; introduce new members;
increased market awareness; understanding of legislation and funding
Pre-conditions for success : Sufficient time resources ; pro-active
facilitation ; organisation skills ; leadership with industry knowledge and
expertise ; network communication tools and information (data storage and
retrieval) protocol ; group engagement ; financial sustainability ; regional
of a single product, technology, service, supplier or material, therefore the
methodology should be underpinned by objectivity and ethical practice.
links, (preferably with national coordination and support protocols).
Constitution if formal membership is required.
Watch points : Engagement will be low if meetings are not advertised
and events disseminated and/or published. Volunteer organisers often
face time constraints due to their business activities leading to group
inertia. The Devon Earth Building Association (DEBA) is an expert group
formed in 1991 and holds
meetings around North
Devon. These are not widely
advertised and a statement
by DEBA’s Working Group
recognises the impact that
personal time constraints
place on updating website,
(in particular responding
to queries). Important and
useful discussions are not
Technical Sheet
Technical Dossier
or Set of Themes
To allow
Promote the
Formalise the
To inform on
leverage and
points of
Distribute the
results obtained
Other resource
Building industry
(artisans &
related to
Elected officials
Public or private
building owners
Produce tools to analyse, classify & use the informations
With those involved in the network
Be Involved in
Studies, Reports
and Analyses
Virtual Resource
Pooling the
To distribute the
results obtained
To inform
To work with
members of the
To disseminate
By inventory produced at various geographical scales
Method 3 - Monitoring actions,
producing and collecting information
Monitoring and resource centres help support professionals by :
• Collecting information ;
• Transferring information ;
• Keeping information available ;
• Working together to achieve specification sheets and case studies.
Through these activities, the resource centre :
• Mobilizes stakeholders and facilitates cooperation between them ;
• Participates in the transfer of experience and capitalization of skills
and knowledge ;
• Promotes the work done by stakeholders at other levels (national
and European).
For this work to be a support for businesses, the resource centre must be
animated by someone on a permanent basis and must be lasting in time.
It must also have a virtual and physical storage space. The facilitator must
ensure the continued mobilization of stakeholders and the integration of
new professionals in the network.
French examples
1. Technical or thematic issues
Brief description :
Establish a working group to pool experiences.
Experience pooling is then formalized in a monograph on the subject.
For example, «indoor air quality», «radon»...
Experimented by : Réseau Breton Batiment Durable
Experimented with : Members of the network (21 organizations) - 1000
consultations for 1 year.
Experimented where : In Brittany
Targets : Pool and formalize experience feedback.
2. Structuring a documentary base / a database accessible
via Internet
Brief description :
Conducting thematic watches + send documents via active members
Sorting / organizing documentation
Storing and making it readable on the Internet in a «toolbox» tab
Experimented by : Réseau Breton Bâtiment Durable
Experimented with : member of the network (21 organisations) –1000
3. Formatting feedback on actual case records via
«feedback» data sheets available via the Internet
Brief description :
A questionnaire / a data
sheet is produced and
validated by the network
Selecting a building site/
a building project
Interviews are conducted
by the network host.
They are supplemented
by documentary analysis
They are then
summarized in a sheet
and put online by the
network host
Experimented by :
Réseau Breton Batiment
Experimented with :
Member of the network
(21 organizations) - 1000
consultation over 1 year
Experimented where :
consultations over 1 year of network
Experimented where : Brittany
Targets : Pooling documentation, sharing each other’s productions, making
it readable and visible on a website and gathering the documentation from
several sources of information.
Results : An updated toolbox.
Pre-conditions for success : The order is clarified and the «tool box» tab
is meaningful, documents posted by the active members are validated.
Watch-points : A scattered and unorganized documentation, a “telling”
English examples
4. Creating, publishing and maintaining online resources
Brief description :
Aimed at resource collection and sharing for professionals. Information is
collected, organised, reviewed, catalogued and published. The technical
information and documentation data is stored and accessible online.
Online resources may include free information, membership only access
or be subject to intellectual property rights that require payment to access.
Experimented by :
WARM, CSBT, 361 Energy
Experimented with :
1) WARM : Links to
Passivhaus resources
sites, some technical
sheets and training
sheets are free on
website. Testing and
research resources
to develop products
and construction
techniques that
comply with
Passivhaus standards
and training and
certification services
are subject to
charges. Free map of
Passivhaus buildings
Targets : Pooling documentation, sharing each other’s productions, making
it readable and visible on a website and gathering the documentation from
several sources of information.
Results : 10 updated “feedback” records/ including Libnam sheets in
March 2015.
Pre-conditions for success : A single sheet suitable for all experiments, a
facilitator who helps fill and format the forms, a clear access to the website.
Watch-points : Time-consuming.
in the UK and Ireland is maintained by Passivhaus Trust and contains links
with detailed technical information for each project with downloadable
PDF (files could not be downloaded at time of writing).
2) CSBT : Local authority guidance documents and some case studies
provided free, additional resources available to members and businesses
through ‘Charter 2020’ associate scheme.
3) 361 Energy : 16 case studies from Green Doors event available for
online viewing with PDF downloads. Primarily aimed at private and
public building owners.
Experimented where : Devon, Cornwall, other UK regions. (Internet based
resources available internationally).
Targets : Inform, disseminate information; promote the network, increase
adoption of low-energy solutions at all levels.
Results : Toolbox library, common standards, region-specific technical
data, technical collaboration, improved knowledge-base.
Pre-conditions for success : Ownership of intellectual property and
permission to publish, data protection, data accuracy, capacity for data
collection, formatting, review, entry, updates and web maintenance.
Watch-points : Technical information ‘packets’ that provide only partial
subjective data for general public. Selective use of data for product sales/
marketing purposes. Integrity and security of critical data. Online resources
may include free information, ‘membership only’ access or be subject
to intellectual property rights that require payment to access. Regional
information may not be relevant internationally. Ensure ‘future-proof’
cross-platform compatibility and functionality is built in to new systems.
Feedback sheets.
5. Creating and publishing information leaflets, (legacy,
heritage, historic material)
Brief description :
include the group in this report, however their website includes information
specific to Devon that has been carefully researched and compiled into PDF
leaflets in collaboration with the Devon Historic Buildings Trust. The leaflets
provide a unique source of technical, practical and historic information that
places Devon earth building in a historic context and is useful for modern
local authority planning purposes and building regulations compliance.
The information included in the leaflets has been well researched and is an
important pooled virtual resource. The group is not as active as it once was
and these publications highlight the importance of recording, sharing and
maintaining access to specialist knowledge that would otherwise be lost.
The contribution of
small regional heritage
groups like DEBA, to
the understanding
of natural building
materials, their
technical properties,
physical qualities
and the practical
techniques employed
in their use, should not
be underestimated or
overlooked. Links to
these free leaflets are
shown below :
• Cob Dwellings :
Compliance with The
Building Regulations
2000 [as amended].
The 2008 Devon
h t t p : / / w w w .
• Appropriate Plasters Renders and Finishes for Cob and Random Stone
Walls in Devon
• The Cob Buildings of Devon 2. Repair & Maintenance. Larry Keefe
Experimented by : DEBA (
Experimented with : Building professionals, architects, builders, heritage
organisations, historic building specialists, planning departments, local
authorities, educators, other resource centres, building restoration
specialists, home owners.
Experimented where : Devon (Internet based resources available
Targets : Inform, disseminate information; promote the network, increase
adoption of low-energy solutions at all levels, improve understanding of
materials, techniques and historic use within the Devon region.
Results : Toolbox library, common standards, region-specific technical
data, practitioner/planner technical collaboration, improved knowledge-
base, continuity, succession, legacy.
Pre-conditions for success : Expert knowledge, professional expertise,
validation by professional bodies, peer review, ethical understanding,
enthusiasm, capacity.
Watch-points : Danger that information is overlooked or lost through lack
of promotion, dissolution of group/website.
Training Course
To create
To formalise the
To share
knowledge and
Building industry
(artisans &
Transition groups
related to mission
Accompany, Form and Animate
To support
To develop
technical skills
Job applicants
To contribute to
the development
of collective
knowledge and
To analyse
Building industry
(artisans &
To develop
technical skills
Project managers
To analyse
To develop self
Building industry
(artisans &
Collective Project
To stimulate
group working
To secure
To develop and
implement a
To establish a
Project managers
Method 4  : Individual or group
support actions
This method is intended to accompany stakeholders in developing :
1) Their technical skills ;
2) Their professional networks ;
3) Their ability to integrate the «systemic» dimension/view of the
building ;
4) Their understanding of the work of other trades ;
5) Their individual and collective confidence.
It also helps to stimulate the local economy by accompanying individual
or group projects.
French examples
1. Individual support
Brief description :
Since January 2010, the
elected officials in COB
decided to conduct an
economic development
strategy based on the
development of small and
micro businesses through
innovation. This is called
NEVE’O the “technopolitan”
approach of the COB
County. It aims to bring
together businesses,
training structures and
institutions, researchers,
higher education in order to
promote the creation and
development of innovative
projects on the territory of
West Central Brittany.
Supporting innovative
projects  : This free device
is intended for small and
medium enterprises of the
COB county and any other
initiator of innovative projects that wishes to set up on the territory. It
provides a favourable environment to develop innovative projects by
complementing engineering and project coaching. The innovators are thus
well oriented in their approach and their progress is accelerated, whatever
Finally, it provides professionals with the tools to self analyze their practices.
This method relies on professional training and innovative teaching
techniques for the creation of collective knowledge.
This support gives great importance to sharing among professionals and to
expertise implemented in every building project viewed as a single system.
their field of activity.
For this NEVE’O is based on :
• A committee of business leaders that provides multidisciplinary
expertise as well as advice from design to marketing innovation ;
• A technical team from the COB County supports the project leaders
and guides them by working in partnership with other stakeholders
supporting innovation locally and elsewhere in Brittany (NEVE’O is a
member of the Breton Innovation Network) ;
• A network of researchers, teachers and experts selected for each
CAPEB organizes individual support for the Provisional Management of
Jobs and Skills and for technical specifications.
Experimented by : CAPEB, COB County
Experimented with : Building professionals and project leaders
Experimented where : COB County / Brittany
Targets :
1) Support economic innovation ;
2) Give confidence ;
3) Develop skills.
Results : Individual coaching is usually the most effective way to support
changes with professionals. It allows them to gain more confidence.
Pre-conditions for success : Skilled workers from a technical and
communication point of view, involvement of other business managers, a
sustainable device in time, an identified and specified support (innovation,
skills, techniques ...)
Watch-points : Availability of coachers, service sustainability
2. Educational Innovation Laboratory
Brief Description :
“Approche Eco-Habitat” association conducted a survey of their members to
evaluate the teaching techniques that could be adapted to the context and
needs of professionals. Following this first study, a project on an educational
innovation laboratory was presented to Etudes ET Chantiers and the
Regional Council of Brittany. The project aims to support and develop non-
industrialized building systems and the use of natural materials in building.
facilitated/led by a engineer in training. These workshops are conducted on
a specific theme that serves as a support for collaborative exchanges. They
aim to create collective knowledge to develop the adaptability of expertise.
The methodology is based on knowledge and methods that come from
sociology and education sciences.
Experimented by : “Approche Eco-Habitat” association
Experimented with : 3 workshops scheduled between November and
December 2014 and co-financed by the European Interreg Libnam project :
• «How to build a case for RGE?»(Approved/recognized by Grenelle
environmental Forum (Quimper – 1 December 2014)
• «How to procure local wood according to one’s needs? «(Natural
Regional Park of Brittany, Le Faou - 16 December 2014)
• «Free home automation» (Rostrenen - April 12, 2014)
15 workshops scheduled by July 2014.
A joint regional and national funding.
The beneficiaries are building professionals who are members or non-
members of the association.
Experimented where : In Brittany
Targets :
1) To disseminate knowledge and information on green building
2) To ensure recognition of the skills acquired on the job by the
stakeholders themselves and by third parties (insurers, employers, ...)
3) To encourage skills improvement of field workers / stakeholders in
the field (capitalization of knowledge acquired «on the job» and / or
new skills)
4) To encourage the emergence of dynamic s and projects.
3. Implementation of a technical training in a specific
Brief description :
At the request of a professional, training was implemented on the territory
of “Pays Centre Ouest Bretagne” (Central West Brittany County).
The training focused on «Air tightness, leak detection in low consumption
It spread over 2 times 2 days in the same area.
It included both theory but also practice on a house.
It also allowed pointing out the need for the various trades to work together.
Experimented by : CAPEB, ARFAB and Pays COB
Experimented with : Artisans in Pays COB
Experimented where : Pays COB (Central West Brittany County).
Targets :
1) Identify the key points of airtightness ;
2) Strengthen the links between craftsmen in an area ;
3) Highlight the need to work together to meet the thermal challenge
of the building.
Results :  A group structured in an association : ECOB.
Pre-conditions for success : A favorable territory, a request from artisans
to participate in this training / a practical and technical integration.
Watch-points : The technical training is a way to highlight the importance
of «working together». This target should not be forgotten.
English examples
4. Working groups to organise training
Brief description :
Building professionals facilitate working groups to organise demonstration
actions, training events and certificated courses to share knowledge and
skills and improving understanding through collaboration.
Experimented by : CSBT, WARM, Mike Wye
Experimented with : CSBT regional membership (more than 50) facilitate
practical and technical workshops, CPD sessions to a wide range of
participants from entry level upwards levels. WARM runs certificated
courses in Passivhaus design for building professionals, architects and
designers through CarbonLite courses in collaboration with the Association
of Environment Friendly Builders (AECB has over 900 member profiles
listed on its website). Mike Wye provides product support, CPD training
and practical courses related to lime. Beneficiaries are clients, building
professionals and members of the public.
Experimented where : Devon
Targets :
1) Develop a common framework of understanding ;
2) Develop skills at all levels ;
3) Create professional networks ;
4) Develop common professional standards and language.
Results : Increased knowledge-base, technical and practical collaboration,
continuity of skills, development of skills, development of ethical standards,
technical expertise, increased public awareness, professional development,
professional qualifications.
Pre-conditions for success : Facilitation to encourage training ; teaching
expertise ; common vision & direction, shared technical vocabulary ; suitable
candidates for training, common training framework and qualifications
with clearly identified progression.
5. Regional Hub Support
Brief description : The Green Build Hub is being constructed to BREEAM
‘outstanding’ standards of sustainability as a centre for green building
knowledge and training.
A long term investment in regional growth supported by many partners
from private and public sectors.
Experimented by : CSBT
Experimented with : members of CSBT including those joining as new
charter 2020 businesses. General public – due to its association with
the Eden project, GBH will attract many holiday visitors. Research and
education. Businesses will be able to showcase their products and services
Experimented where : Cornwall
Targets : Inward investment to develop regional skills, central training
resource, developing and testing centre for sector innovation and growth.
Regional knowledge-base, stimulate and support business and partnership
Results : New regional resource hub open summer 2015. Economic and
Ecologic growth.
Pre-conditions for success : Strong visionary leadership, succession.
Common partnerships provide catalyst funding, strong business forward
planning, agreed best practice principles and practice supported by
recognised framework.
Watch-points : Financial stability and business continuity, Best practice
exemplar, objective, impartial, ethical, innovative. Partner leverage.
Project owners must know all the costs related to the construction or
rehabilitation of a building.
There are different grids (BREAM, BDA) that take into account :
• The social cost ;
• The financial cost ;
• Thermal and moisture
performance of the material ;
• Its ability to be consistent with
other materials without damaging
them ;
• Its ability to keep the habitat «in
good health» ;
• Its ability to blend in an
The supporting methods towards professionals are organized around four
themes :
1) Promotion, development, communication actions ;
2) Monitoring, producing and collecting information ;
3) Animating workgroups around themes ;
4) Individual or group support actions (training is part of it).
Financial support is important, but no interviewed structure operates in
this sphere.
The development of natural materials requires to :
1) Make these materials better known
through achievements / Give examples ;
2) Advertise / communicate on the actual
cost of such materials ;
3) Earmark financial assistance ;
4) Develop citizens’ involvement by
taking part in some of the public building
projects (participatory process), valuing
local materials and skills to become more
familiar with these materials as well as with the professionals who
implement them, through practice (you can feel the material).
Developing and supporting expertise and skills involves :
1) Expanding the circle of educated professionals to strengthen the
network of stakeholders and make work between companies easier ;
2) Promote training to support companies in their skill development ;
3) Use software like BIM with care - the professional must not become
a fitter ;
4) Allowing practices that preserve the «good health» of the building
to be insured.
Success factors of a supporting structure are :
1) Legitimacy ;
2) Provide permanence (office hours of an employee or volunteer) with
some availability ;
3) Sustainability ;
4) Involvement of members.
Feasibility must be proven and is the responsibility of the professionals
involved at each process stage.
Controlled group activities, training or support requests must be/
Conducting group activities, training or support need to be legitimized
by academic socio-psychological and educational science research. Our
investigation highlighted that :
• Change resulting from technical innovation must be driven by a
process of social innovation and embedded team-based activity.
• Technical innovation should be integrated into a systemic framework
so that all its impacts
are known, measured
and discussed. In
this sense, training
should not be the
only only be focused
on technical aspect.
It must integrate all
structural parameters,
compatibility and use
impacted by technical
1. Methodology
Collaborative work to conduct interviews and analysis
The objective of the survey was to formalize accompanying methods for
companies used to drive change and skills development. This work is a first
step. It allows approaching the accompanying methods applied without
making any attempt to make a comprehensive inventory. It also helps to
understand the contextual difference between France and England. This is
a first step, allowing further work.
In this context, the partners of the project LIBNAM - Petroc and the
association Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne et Pays de Loire - conducted a
survey of eight structures (half in Brittany and half in the south of England -
Devon and Cornwall ) accompanying building companies and professionals
in the development of their skills to key sectors of the economy including
passive construction and the use of natural materials. Interviewed/surveyed
support structures were selected to represent the different status and type
of organization (professional organization, association, territorial public
structure, regional public structure). Other structures exist that achieve
a major supporting work for professionals. We could not have them all
interviewed. The partners were required to make choices in order to meet
the order/ targets and deadlines
1) A common questionnaire was developed by the partners of the
LIBNAM project.
2) By email or phone call, an appointment was scheduled with the
referent / consultant/adviser of the surveyed accompanying structure
in order to explain the approach, its objectives and the questionnaire.
3) A phone appointment or with the person was planned during which
the questionnaire was completed.
4) Etudes et Chantiers and Petroc then performed together a summary
of the data collected and formalized the four main groups of methods
by identifying their goals and objectives. The partners decided to
illustrate each of the groups with concrete examples in this booklet.
In a spirit of exchange of trans-Channel practices, Etudes et Chantiers
2. Thanks
We thank the structures and interviewees for their time. Without them, this
document could not have been written.
In France 
CAPEB Bretagne : Marc Dubois
The Confederation of Artisans and Small Building
Companies (CAPEB) is to defend, represent and
promote the interests of craft businesses in the
construction sector.
CAPEB Bretagne aims at favouring cooperation and facilitation among
their members, the four departmental trade union organizations.
CAPEB Bretagne synthesizes and coordinates departmental projects into
a regional project involving craft companies of different building trades.
Since 2006, a regional commission focusing on green building meets four
times a year to coordinate the work of departmental eco-construction
groups. An action plan is discussed annually to promote the development
of this approach among professionals and the general public.
COB County : Amélie Goossens
Central Western Brittany County is a pilot county for
sustainable development in rural areas. On this territory
the stakeholders have been implementing activities
around this notion for many years in the fields of economy
(industrial ecology, production, craft, commerce, etc.), agriculture,
tourism, housing, energy, cultural activities, services, natural areas, etc.
The County has played the role of merging local energies and coordinating
possible responses by all stakeholders. Thus, FEEBAT training (Training for
and Petroc Petroc were keen to work with common documents jointly
developed taking into account contextual differences.
energy efficiency for building businesses and craftsmen) offered by the
three departmental CAPEB structures were organized for the first time
in the County. These training sessions deal with the overall control of
a building thermal properties. Three modules were held in Carhaix and
Rostrenen for thirty participating companies. The local implementation of
these training sessions led to the creation of local networks of expertise on
eco-construction in 2010.
An information and awareness meeting organized by Alecob on financial
assistance schemes to finance home renovation to improve energy
efficiency brought together twenty professionals of the COB County in
The COB County was one of the six Breton winners selected for the call for
projects « Positive energy territories for green growth» launched by the
This call for proposals will encourage concrete actions that can contribute
to :
• Mitigate the effects of climate change ;
• Encourage the reduction of energy needs and the development of
local renewable energy ;
• Support the implementation of green industries/systems.
Breton Network for Sustainable Development
through the Breton Economic Unit: Rémi Boscher
The Breton Network for Sustainable Building was created
in November 2012 within the Breton Economic Unit on
the initiative of the state, the Regional Council of Brittany and ADEME
Brittany. Working closely and in complementarity on projects led by regional
building stakeholders, the network is a technical tool for professionals.
To ensure consistency between locally supported missions and national
level ones, the Breton Network for Sustainable Building joined the BEEP
network (Building, Environment, Professional Space/Area). Led by ADEME,
the network brings together the various regional resource centres. It aims to
promote discussion, capitalize experiences and nurture common thoughts.
The “Cellule Economique de Bretagne” (Breton Economic Unit) is a
professional organization (Loi 1901-type association), created in 1970 and
spurred by the public authorities and the building professionals
It acts as a regional observatory in the construction sector: through surveys
and analysis, the Cellule Economique de Bretagne also makes forecasts to
inform strategies for professionals and public authorities. Their scope of
actions has gradually expanded to evaluate :
• The activity of companies in the construction sector (market
developments) ;
• The relationship between employment and training (evolution of
employment needs and training needs) ;
• Construction and sustainable development issues ;
• Public procurement ;
• Wood in construction ;
• Management and recycling of construction waste and building
More information to come with the study conducted by the Cellule
Economique de Bretagne on «Natural resources and materials in Brittany»
soon available on their website www.cellule-eco-bretagne.asso
Approche Eco Habitat Association : Jean Yves Brelivet,
Jean Luc Le Roux, Agnès Ravel.
160 members involved in a sustainable building approach
in Brittany: professionals, institutions, elected officials, and
citizens, at the core of users’ experience and knowledge.
Created by professionals in eco-construction, the association aims to
promote a healthy habitat, healthy living and working places, resource
and energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly, respectful of cultures
and mindful of future generations. To reach this goal, it develops many
activities throughout the year: training for professionals, job seekers and
individuals, conferences, workshops, café-debates , eco-building days, etc.
In England
361 Energy
361 Energy is a new community based organisation
that is working with schools and communities
in northern Devon to reduce energy and carbon
emissions. The organisation was set up by a group
of like-minded sustainability and renewable energy consultants and is
supported by the SEACS (Sustainable Energy across the Common Space)
The aim of the SEACS project is to create opportunities to reduce energy
demand, implement energy efficiency measures and use clean/renewable
energies. The project is intended to raise awareness on the importance of
acting now on climate and energy issues and encourage people to change
attitudes and behaviours towards energy usage for the long term.
SEACS was officially launched in May 2011. This Anglo-French exchange
project was developed by five partner organisations: three UK local
authorities; Devon County Council, Dorset County Council and Wiltshire
Council, the French county council of Côtes d’Armor, and the French
agglomeration of Lannion-Trégor.   This three year project will also be
assisted by key energy and community agencies in each participating
Like the ECOBATIR network - which it belongs - the association wilfully
places its field of action in an ethical, social and solidarity framework in
order to share the professional skills of its members to serve the collective
WARM : Low Energy Building Practice : Caroline
Martin (architect for
Warm), Liam McDonagh-Greaves (architect for WARM and regional
delegate for AECB in Devon
WARM is a limited liability company, founded in 2009 by Peter Warm,
whose purpose is to build low-energy buildings. The company provides the
professionals with services mainly advice and training services (Passivhaus
label, certificate Carbonlite). Peter Warm also organizes cafe- debates,
national and international conferences on every aspect of design and
building of sustainable construction, related to experiments, research and
The AECB was established in 1989 to raise awareness of the need to
respect the environment in the construction sector. The AECB is managed/
run by its members. It is an independent, not for profit organization. It
brings together builders, architects, designers, manufacturers, housing
associations and local authorities to develop, share and promote best
practices in sustainable building.
Suppliers of environmentally friendly building
and decorating materials in Devon.
They also organize skills training sessions on plastering, natural coating,
Find out more
Here is a non-exhaustive list of additional supporting structures in Brittany
and in the UK.
We can mention in particular: Professional Building Federations, accredited
fund collecting organizations for training (OPCA), local authorities, eco-
construction Clusters, cooperatives for activity and employment , chambers
of commerce and trade, the network of training centres (GRETA, AFPA,
private training centres, ...), associations (Tiez Breiz, Empreinte ...), the SCOP
CSBT : Cornwall Sustainable Building Trust
The CSBT is a charity organization which aims to
support professionals to use low impact building
materials, renewable energy, improve energy efficiency
and promote sustainable construction and renovation.
It coordinates a network of professionals and designed, implemented and
built a technical resource centre.
The organization is also targeted at informing the general public.
These missions are conducted through the following activities :
• Posting of resources, case studies and publications ;
• Training sessions (some are free) to save energy both through
lifestyle or in the design or construction of a dwelling ;
• Experimenting, doing research and development ;
• Technical training and apprenticeship ;
• Building a resource center (Green Build Hub).
Other structures supporting companies for change are present on the
territory. We apologize for not having enough time to interview them all -
the commitment on this project was to make a first inventory.
Other supporting structures in Brittany (non-exhaustive list) :
Constructys Bretagne -
Constructys is an official body tasked by the building industry and approved
by the government.
Its mission is to fund vocational training for employees and job seekers in
the building sector but also to provide consulting services for companies
in terms of career management and skills.
Constructys has branch offices in every region of France, one in Brittany:
Constructys Bretagne, employing a dozen people.
Our Breton agency has developed specific expertise in the field of
«sustainable construction», including some work to promote the use of
natural materials in construction as part of the European project Inater’
Within the Franco-British LIBNAM project, Constructys Bretagne
coordinated the production of technical case studies on building projects
and their dedicated guide.
Pays de Fougères -
The energy transition led to redefine competitiveness indicators for the
whole building and energy sector. To meet this challenge, the stakeholders
in Pays de Fougères chose together to develop on the territory the
Performance Cluster and Research Hub for green building with four
dedicated areas : Ecobatys.
Space dedicated to businesses ‘expertise will allow qualified and committed
companies to link with potential customers. The teaching platform
dedicated to eco-renovation will reinforce and complement existing
training modules - whether initial or continuing training - in local and
regional training organizations. Meanwhile space dedicated to «Research
and Innovation» will build on real projects to promote engineering and
territorial research. Finally, the learning path dedicated to biodiversity and
the sustainable management of green spaces will allow future designers
to implement new ecological design and management techniques. A true
shared tool serving the building professionals.
Eco Origin –
The green economy requires removing the barriers between traditional
sectors and developing transversal ties between stakeholders. By promoting
meetings and discussions, the Eco Origin cluster provides businesses with a
and adapt, to develop their innovative potential and provide themselves
with the human and financial resources necessary to their development.
Watch and prospective :
• Identify, organize and disseminate information to provide guidance
on the green economy ;
• Create a database available on the website ;
• Create and disseminate newsletters ;
• Watch on regional, national and European funding ;
• Watch on national and European calls for projects.
Network facilitation :
• Promote exchange and meetings ;
• Create a directory and mapping of stakeholders ;
• Providing an extranet for members ;
• Organizing conferences, seminars, business conventions, visits of
tradeshows ;
• Acting as a catalyst for collaborative projects.
The working groups are open to all committed structures on the territory,
whatever their size and business, and aim to :
• Provide access to markets ;
• Speed up the process of innovation ;
• Support projects ;
• Facilitate individual or collective access of businesses to markets,
innovation, skills, funding ;
• Look for technical or business partners ;
• Create a directory and mapping of R & D stakeholders ;
• Look for public or private financial partners, preparation of funding
files ...
• Analysis and reporting training needs.
Bruded is a network to exchange experience between Breton towns
engaged in sustainable development initiatives in which «elected officials
talk to elected officials.» In practice, its purpose is threefold :
• Promote sustainable development initiatives within the member-
communities and contribute to regional dynamics ;
• Disseminate sustainable development achievements whether
comprehensive approaches, public facilities, developments, school
meals, or management of public spaces, etc.
Discussions between elected officials are done collectively during activities
conducted on a regular basis, or individually, by BRUDED advisers
supporting development projects.
The network offers :
• Regular activities where elected officials will to exchange: field visits
to discover concrete achievements, meetings to work in small groups
and improve your own projects ;
• Feedback from experience through project data sheets, pooling of
experience, newsletters and the website ;
• Individual coaching by BRUDED advisers to benefit from a
crosscutting perspective based on the experience of network
The association now has nearly 130 municipalities and 2 communities of
communes spreading over 5 Breton departments.
PACT Associations - Housing & Development - http://www.pacthd22.
There is a PACT-HD structure in every department, some 120 refurbishment
specialists to improve the existing private housing stock (technicians,
heating engineers, occupational therapists, financial advisors, ...) to advise
and assist owners in their projects and build housing solidarity.
Bâtipôle -
Initiated by the departmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts in Côtes
d’Armor, Bâtipole is an information and exhibition centre on sustainable
construction and renovation.
Its purpose is to support the building professionals and to decipher the
home of the future for owners and young people.
Bâtipole seeks to support companies ‘market development by providing
them with the knowledge and skills they need to adapt their business.
Its distinctive feature is to address to all construction stakeholders (artisans,
architects, contractors, design consultants ...).
Bâtipole develops an action plan to meet several objectives :
• Inform about fundamental changes in the construction sector in line
with sustainable building.
Bâtipole is a place where you can understand the various changes in
the construction sector from a technical, economic and regulatory
• Develop an energy efficiency culture.
The Grenelle Environment Forum has set specific targets for energy
consumption in new and existing buildings. The purpose of Bâtipole
is to enable companies to understand and acquire the necessary
knowledge to meet this challenge.
• Decipher the home of the future for owners.
Bâtipole is also a place for building owners who are planning to build
or renovate (individuals, communities) or for young people eager to
broaden their knowledge on sustainable building.
«Élan bâtisseur»  (CAE) : a Business and Employment Cooperative-
The purpose of «Elan Bâtisseur», a Business and Employment Cooperative
(CAE) specialized in the building and public works sector, is to :
• Support, advise and train people in creating their own job or activity
and/or starting their own business ;
• Carry out and sell work and services, (both structural work and
finishing work).
The tasks of “Elan Bâtisseur” are threefold :
• Support people who want to start business in the building sector ;
• Allow supported people to start their business with a full-scale test
and all necessary assurances through a well secured pathway ;
• Raise project leaders’ awareness for eco-construction and energy
efficiency issues and help to increase supply in the sector.
FFB : Fédération Française du Bâtiment (French Building Federation)
The Breton Regional Building Federation is the regional level of the French
Building Federation. It represents 19,500 companies and 62,398 employees.
The aims of the Regional Building Federation in Brittany are to defend and
promote the general interests of businesses whatever the size and trade,
to be a place for discussion and information. It represents and defends
the trade in all regional bodies. It supports the departmental building
federations to meet technical, environmental, training and prevention
issues. It co-ordinates commissions and several working groups on various
issues: social, economics, crafts, environment and sustainable construction,
training, communication, prevention and safety.
ARFAB Bretagne -
ARFAB Bretagne is the Regional Training Organization for Building Crafts.
Created in 1989 by the Breton Building craftsmen and initiated by Breton
CAPEB, this training organization offers training tailored to the specific
needs of the professionals belonging to the Breton Building Crafts.
The courses are available to :
• Artisans ;
• Artisans’ wives or husbands ;
• Employees ;
• Any building craft business.
ARFAB Bretagne offers any type of action to develop useful skills to building
craft businesses :
• Sustainable development ;
• Specific techniques (for any trade) ;
• Management, work organization ;
• Safety ;
• Trade, sales, communication ;
• Law, taxation ;
• Information technology.
They are constantly renewed to accommodate the needs of construction
craft businesses
Other supporting structures in England (non-exhaustive list):
StartUp Britain
StartUp Britain was founded by eight entrepreneurs and launched on 28th
March 2011 by the Prime Minister, with the full support of the Chancellor
and HM Government, although it is completely funded by our private-
sector sponsors such as BT Business, Dell, Intel, Intuit, Iris and PayPal.
The national campaign is designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs,
harnessing the expertise and passion of Britain’s leading businesspeople
to celebrate, inspire and accelerate enterprise in the UK.
Business Start Up
The Bideford Business Start Up Programme, a programme encouraging the
founding of new businesses, was developed by the services for professional
training in Torridge, Devon, in collaboration with the Bideford Bridge Trust
from 1944 to 2012. This programme now continues with Mike Lillis, who
support candidates, giving them advice/tips for creating their business,
helping them to complete a starting aid grant application package to
produce their business plan and accompanying them to the presentation
of their project to funders).
Organizations and useful links :
En France :
• Website on building energy efficiency 
• The Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) -
• DREAL Bretagne – Regional Divisions for Environment, Planning and
• National agencies and Departmental agencies for housing
information (ANIL and ADIL), - http://www.adil35.
• Website on the Research programme on energy savings in buildings
(PREBAT) set up by the government,
Website addresses of financial institutions supporting the creation of
social and solidarity enterprises - FRANCE
• Bank « La NEF » :
• Bank « Crédit coopératif » :
• Financial support « Finansol » :
• Financial support « Les cigales » :
• Financial support « France active » :
In England :
• Westward Pathfinder :
• Lloyds TSB Foundation :
• Startup Britain :
• St. Loye’s Foundation :
• Startup Loans Company :
Support Organisations :
• UK Business - funding centre :
• Devon Work Hubs :
• North Devon Plus :
• Business Buddies :
• Energy Efficient Building European Initiative (e2b-ei) : http://www.e2b-
3. The LIBNAM project
What is the LIBNAM project about?
The LIBNAM project (Low Impact Building using NAtural Materials) is a
Franco-British project. Its ambition is to help the building sector to be
prepared for the future thermal regulations 2020 (in France) and 2016
(in the UK). It focuses on promoting the use of natural materials in an
energy efficient building (low-impact buildings, passive or positive energy
Duration of the project
The period of achievement of the «LIBNAM tools» started on January 1,
2012 and ended on March 31, 2015.
Theme 1 «Change management support» theme
Change practices towards more green building practices
	 • This booklet and its supporting structures examples ;
	 • The BIM/PCI booklet : comparing integrated design methods ;
	 • The “Experience feedback on eco-construction building sites” 	
	 • booklet
	 • Study visits in France and in Great-Britain ;
	 • “Feedback on practices” workshops.
Theme 2 «innovate with natural materials»
Promote natural materials in construction
	 • Support the establishment of two paired resource centers 	
	 specialized in eco-construction, in Britain and France.
	 • Organise 20 technical demonstrations on natural materials with 	
	 drafting of technical and educational sheets.
	 • Conduct an inventory on local production sectors of non-		
	 industrial materials such as earth, straw and hemp.
	 • Prepare an economic feasibility study for the establishment of an 	
	 innovation center on the earth material.
Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne/Pays-de-Loire |
Lead partner - Professional integration projects Association
3 Rue Jean Lemaistre 35000 Rennes (FR)
Tel : +33(0) 2 99 54 60 00
Elisabeth Ribeiro :
Typhaine Lesselingue :
Petroc |
College of further and higher education and training in architecture,
construction and environment
Old Sticklepath Hill Barnstaple Devon EX31 2BQ (ENG)
Tel : +44(0) 1271 338 215
Louise Blatherwick :
Stephen Conway :
4. The project partners
Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de
la commission européenne
(N° 4243 du programme Interreg IVA
France (Manche) - Angleterre)
5. Text and photo credit, translation
études ET chantiers :
Typhaine Lesselingue - study/review of supporting methods (interviews,
formatting trans-Channel methods, summary and conclusion)
Elisabeth Ribeiro - contextual introduction and proofreading
Petroc :
Steve Conway and Louise Blatherwick (interviews, formatting trans-Channel
methods, British context)
Page layout and supervision
études ET chantiers :
Servane Guihaire and Elisabeth Ribeiro
études ET chantiers :
Isabelle Junalik
Photo credits
P 11 : Hemp - Photo © Servane Guihaire
P 14 : Green oak frame - Photo © 361 Energy
P 16 and 17 : Mud / Wattle and Daub demonstration action - Photo © Servane Guihaire
P 20 and 21 : Poster © Approche Eco-Habitat / Pays COB
P 26 : Poster © CAPEB
P 28 : Open Days - Photo © CAPEB
P 31 : Meeting - Photo © AECB
P 34 and 35 : taken from building site / taken from booklet © RBBD / Collectif LIBNAM
P 36 : Plan of passive houses in the U.K.
P 38 : Taken from a publication © DEBA
P 42 : Poster of the Eco-construction space © CAPEB
P 45 : FEEbat training- Photo © Approche Eco-Habitat
P 46 : Green Build Hub - Computer-generated © CSBT
P 48 and 49 : FEEbat / Open Days/ Meeting - Photo © Approche Eco-Habitat / WARM
Cover page : Open Days / Training - Photo © Approche Eco-Habitat / 361 Energy
Printed in France by
Média Graphic - Rennes
Février 2015
Warning :
The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion or
position of the European Commission.
The information collected and presented in this booklet were provided by
interviewees who certified their accuracy. This information is therefore of
their responsibility and should in no way commit the authors of this study.
Copyright : Franco-British Collective LIBNAM project -French and English
experience on two design methods for a commercial building - 2014/2015.
Copyleft : This work may be used and disseminated under the terms of the
Art Libre License
This booklet is an introduction to various supporting
methods to eco-construction for the building industry.
These methods are used in Brittany and the United
Kingdom to meet the shared challenges of energy
efficiency, home quality and skills development.
practice exchanges, to bring methods of communication
and knowledge transmission in the building sector to
businesses, as well as to communities and professional
This will help them to cooperate, to promote their work
and experiences, and contribute to the development of
green building and the promotion of natural materials.

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Booklet supporting methods sustainable construction

  • 2.
  • 3. Supporting methods Sustainable construction Examples in France and in Great Britain This project was achieved with the financial support of the European Commission (N° 4243 of the Interreg IVA Programme France (Channel) - England)
  • 4. 6 Contents Context................................................................................8 Focus in France................................................................................. 9 Thermal regulations in France following the European Directive......................9 Eco-construction and the use of natural materials in France............................10 Outlook for the French building market...................................................................11 Focus in the United Kingdom....................................................... 12 Thermal regulations in the UK in response to the European Directive............ 12 The use of natural materials in Great-Britain.........................................................13 Supporting professionals to implement thermal regulations............................15 The Green economy : a response to a major challenge.......................................15 Method 1 - Group animation through specific thematic actions.............................................................................. 19 French examples............................................................................. 19 1. Bringing together professionals around written works, technical dossiers or a set of themes.............................................................................................................19 2. Organizing a promotional event together..........................................................20 3. Territorial coordination..............................................................................................20 English examples............................................................................ 22 4. Facilitating regional working groups....................................................................22 5. Collaboration to organise, develop and deliver training................................22 Method 2 - Promotion, development, and communication actions.............................................................................. 25 French examples............................................................................. 26 1. Organizing “Open days”............................................................................................26 2. Promotion and development schemes..................................................................27 3. Technical visit................................................................................................................28 English examples............................................................................ 29 4. Green Doors...................................................................................................................29 5. Group meetings (Café Debate)................................................................................30 Method 3 - Monitoring actions, producing and collecting information ...................................................................... 33 French examples ............................................................................ 34 1. Technical or thematic issues.....................................................................................34
  • 5. 7 2. Structuring a documentary base / a database accessible via Internet........ 34 3. Formatting feedback on actual case records via «feedback» data sheets available via the Internet...............................................................................................35 English examples............................................................................ 36 4. Creating, publishing and maintaining online resources.................................36 5. Creating and publishing information leaflets, (legacy, heritage, historic material)..............................................................................................................................38 Method 4 : Individual or group support actions................ 41 French examples............................................................................. 42 1. Individual support .......................................................................................................42 2. Educational Innovation Laboratory.......................................................................43 3. Implementation of a technical training in a specific territory......................44 English examples............................................................................ 45 4. Working groups to organise training....................................................................45 5. Regional Hub Support................................................................................................46 Conclusion........................................................................ 48 Annex................................................................................ 50 1. Methodology.............................................................................. 50 Collaborative work to conduct interviews and analysis......................................50 2. Thanks......................................................................................... 51 In France .............................................................................................................................51 In England ..........................................................................................................................54 Find out more.....................................................................................................................56 3. The LIBNAM project.................................................................. 64 4. The project partners.................................................................. 65 5. Text and photo credit, translation........................................... 66 Editors ..................................................................................................................................66 Page layout and supervision.........................................................................................66 Translation .........................................................................................................................66 Photo credits.......................................................................................................................66
  • 6. 8 Context The planned reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the construction industry requires the adoption of a holistic and coordinated approach to ensure that European legislative targets are to be achieved within the agreed timescales. The European Directive on Energy Efficient buildings (DEPEB, or EPBD for Energy Performance of Building Directive) is the main legislative guidance tool for EU member states to reach agreed CO2 reduction levels. France and the UK are committedtoinvestinginlarge-scalenational programs for energy saving measures and renewable energies to achieve the targets of the European Directive of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings. Indeed, each Member State has to set : • A calculation method for the energy performance of buildings ; • The enforcement of minimum requirements for new buildings ; • The enforcement of minimum requirements for existing buildings undergoing major renovation, their envelope and technical systems ; • National programmes to increase the number of buildings achieving nearly zero net energy consumption ; • Certification of the energy performance of buildings ; • Regular inspection of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings ; • Independent control systems for energy performance certificates and inspection reports. In addition to the renewable energy switchover, large scale investment is essential to improve the thermal efficiency of the 26 million of UK’s ageing homes which produce 30% of the nation’s CO2 emissions as well as that of the French residential and service housing stock that consumes 44% of the domestic energy and is the third largest contributor to CO2 emissions (23%) - 2/3 of these consumption figures are for the residential sector accounting for 28 million primary residences. The building sector is therefore a major source of energy savings in France and in Great Britain, also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 7. 9 Focus in France Thermal regulations in France following the European Directive Conduct of this new policy at European level is reflected in France by massive financial commitments in areas identified as priority sectors at the Grenelle Environment Forum, up to 440 billion euros will be invested in the building sector, transports, renewable energy, protection of biodiversity, water and waste management. The law on «national commitment to the environment,» called Grenelle 1 and Grenelle 2 has set the following objectives : For existing buildings : • Reduce by 38% the energy consumption of the building stock and 50% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 ; • Renovate 400,000 homes a year from 2013 ; • Reduce by 40% the energy consumption of the public building stock between 2012 and 2020, including thermal renovation of 50 million m2 of state buildings and 70 million m2 of its main public institutions ; • Renovate 800,000 social housing to reduce their consumption from 230 kWh ep / m2 / year to 150 kWh ep / m2 / year in 2020. For new buildings : • Disseminate Low Energy Buildings (BBC, 50 kWhep / m2 / year) from 2010 for public buildings, 2012 for the rest of commercial buildings and 2013 for housing (RT 2012) ; • All new buildings from 2020 are POSitive Energy Buildings (BEPOS) - 2018 for public buildings: Primary energy consumption in buildings is less than the amount of energy produced from renewable sources. The Building Plan is responsible for implementing the corresponding programmes. For new homes, the 2012 thermal regulations applicable since 1 January 2013 have required a conventional primary energy consumption of 50 kWh / m2 per year. New regulations should be implemented as of 2020:
  • 8. 10 new buildings will then have a primary energy consumption of less than the amount of renewable energy produced by the building. This measure is particularly in line with the EPBD Directive 2 (2010), which requires that from the end of 2020 all new residential buildings have total energy consumption close to zero. Key measures include the gradual introduction of a renovation duty for older dwellings to bring them in line with the requirements of the BBC Renovation standard by 2050. Other measures will support the energy efficient building renovation: • Develop a simple and effective funding scheme for individuals wishing to renovate their homes ; • Adapt housing-related taxes to the energy efficiency of the dwelling ; • Strengthen controls on energy assessment ; • Ensure compliance of thermal regulations in new buildings ; • Develop positive energy buildings ; • Accelerate and strengthen renovation of private and public commercial buildings ; • Develop vocational training for the building trades ; • Have more energy advisors available closer to households. Eco-construction and the use of natural materials in France In June 2010, the Department of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscape (DHUP) established a consultation group with building professionals and the natural building materials sector to first understand the barriers to the development of these new materials, and also to develop a plan for these emerging economic fields. (Data are available on the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy website http://www.developpement-   Issues identified at the end of this consultation work are : 1) To give added structure to the building sector as a whole and to identify new business and practices. 2) To industrialize the sector. To help meet the technical and economic requirements of the market : assessment and certification (suitability,
  • 9. 11 functional and environmental performance), drafting professional guidelines,... 3) To professionalize the sector : acquiring, coordinating, and disseminating one’s knowledge and expertise. 4) Increase innovation in the sector : relying on scientific knowledge from R & D programmes, such as research work conducted by IFSTTAR. 5) To territorialize : by creating jobs that cannot be relocated, by developing the resources on a territory and by sharing experiences to improve the supply in the area as well as its accessibility. Given the housing stock renewal rate (about 1% per year), efforts to improve the energy efficiency of buildings should focus on renovation (about 25 million homes), including the renovation of 19 million homes built in France before the first thermal regulation of 1975. These dwellings represent 58% of the housing stock and over 75% of the sector’s energy consumption: their primary energy consumption is indeed two to three times higher than those of new flats (330 kWh / m² / year before 1975 against about 100 kWh / m² / year after 1975). Improved performance of new housing (about 3 million additional homes by 2020) will also have to be considered. Outlook for the French building market
  • 10. 12 Focus in the United Kingdom Thermal regulations in the UK in response to the European Directive The British Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has adopted a strategy to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the UK by 2020 that focuses on consumer energy reduction solutions linked to consumer incentives for renewable energy schemes. The French building sector with 310,000 companies and 1.3 million jobs is a prime engine of growth and development. Indeed, the building sector is a major potential source of energy and CO2 emissions savings at competitive costs with positive repercussions on jobs and the economy. This sector must therefore be a priority for the State by implementing a comprehensive policy, including adapting continuously thermal regulations and public funding tools to the most efficient actions and products. The market is faced however with a fragmented sector, non-optimized aid schemes, in particular to develop a competitive industry sector and a significant need for training. • Changing training schemes, not forgetting the project owner and the project manager. To meet this goal, it may be necessary to bring training of professionals closer to places of implementation and demonstration. • Taking into account the social, health and environmental issues of the building. Accessibility and air quality will rank among the major qualities of sustainable buildings to build or renovate. Social, health and environmental considerations should therefore not be forgotten - in particular the quality of indoor air - and thermal performance should not be the only focus. Source ADEME / Ministry of Sustainable Development
  • 11. 13 The successful delivery of these energy reduction measures is directly linked to employment growth in the UK renewables and construction industries through networks of green energy providers, consultants, advisors and installers. This has resulted in increased competition for micro businesses (a micro business is defined by the EU as one having less than 10 employees or a turnover less than €2 million ) and employment growth with increased demand for heating, glazing and insulation installations. Financial incentives to consumers are provided by the government through various schemes includingFeedinTariffs,RenewableHeatIncentive (RHI), Green Deal (http://www.greendealinitiative. ) and the Energy Company Obligation. Broadly speaking these initiatives are paid for by a levy on consumer energy bills that is distributed to renewable energy organisations to promote and coordinate the administration of grants to homeowners and landlords to : a) Improve insulation ; b) Install renewable energy technologies and ; c) Upgrade inefficient heating systems. There are many energy efficiency measures which qualify for Green Deal finance listed on the DECC website. At the point of writing however, there are no specific Green Deal incentives to use natural materials to improve thermal performance in building construction and neither the embedded ‘grey energy’ data nor the ‘life-cycle’ carbon reduction values of natural building materials are considered in the Government’s calculations. By comparison, activity that promotes the use of bio-sourced materials in construction appears to be driven by a small number of : a) national not- for-profit organisations, or b) private enterprise businesses. Funding for these supporting organisations can be based on short term grant funding for research projects without long term development or sustainability. Privately owned building companies that specialise in natural materials, (generally operating in the heritage and building restoration sector), may provide useful information, training courses, events and other resources, The use of natural materials in Great-Britain
  • 12. 14 but there is a danger that the promotion of natural building products and services in the private sector is not impartial and tends to be market driven. The Zero Carbon Homes Programme Delivery 2016 Taskforce has raised concerns in June 2013, that lack of coordinated research and knowledge sharing will compromise the delivery of the UK carbon reduction targets : ‘There is a need to follow the Research, Development, Demonstration, Deployment cycle, but the group were very concerned about the lack of demonstrators which has resulted from a number of issues including funding being withdrawn from HCA to support advanced standards, uncertainty over the zero carbon definition, and the fact that the rate of build has been much slower than anticipated when the zero carbon policy was first announced. It was noted that a continuous improvement model with a knowledge sharing loop for the whole of industry is important to support scale-up.’
  • 13. 15 Supporting professionals to implement thermal regulations The sudden exponential growth in the retrofitting market has led to concerns about training, accreditation and monitoring of insulation installers. During a presentation on energy conservation at the Institute of Historic Building Conservation’s 2014 AGM, a speaker highlighted the ‘unintended consequences’ of applying modern construction ‘solutions’ to traditional buildings. In November 2014 the National Heritage Training Group announced a new course for insulation contractors working on traditional buildings to understand the conservation principals and legislation requirements necessary for the appropriate care and repair of old buildings. The limited availability of places on the course does not reflect the increasing demand for retrofit work that is required to improve the thermal performance of traditional buildings, but acknowledges the need for skills development in the construction industry. This could be viewed as an opportunity for vocational training centres, in their role as knowledge-based organizations, to become ‘supporting structures’ in partnership with industry and Government, to educate a new generation of environmentally aware, low-impact builders and construction workers. The Green economy : a response to a major challenge Globally, the economic and financial crisis revealed a more general state, by focusing investment for economic recovery on : • Industry sectors that fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through lower energy consumption or the development of low-carbon energy sources ; • But also more generally sectors which induce a reduction in the consumption of natural resources, in particular through waste recycling or water reprocessing. Today, within the European Union, this development is considered as a key issue. Thus, the green growth sector can prove an effective response to
  • 14. 16 sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The aim is to build an economic system which, in the long term will use less or make the best use of energy resources and non-renewable raw materials, a system both sober and carbon-free : • Emitting far fewer greenhouse gas ; • Favoring environmental technologies: all technologies which are less harmful to the environment - when used - than conventional techniques meeting the same needs ; • Practicing responsible production and consumption ; • In which well-thought out transport means and sustainable cities are developed, and territories thought out and managed globally as a sustainable development ; • Protecting and restoring the ecosystem services provided by water, soils, biodiversity ; • Assessing the effects of decisions taken on future generations. However there is limited awareness of the potential role for natural materials to contribute to these targets. It is important therefore to ensure, that in the France and UK’s race to achieve challenging carbon reduction targets, the thermal, acoustic and energy storage properties of bio-sourced materials are not overlooked and that there are the necessary supporting structures in place to provide the resources, skills and knowledge to facilitate the development of viable, mainstream solutions that will enable low-impact homes to be built using bio-sourced construction materials.
  • 15. 17 In this book, you will find non-exhaustive methods used in France and Great Britain to support the building sector to eco-construction. They are used to meet the shared challenges of energy efficiency, housing quality and enhance skills and know how.
  • 16. 18 ObjectivesActions Facilitate regional working groups to develop dynamic local collaboration Facilitate working groups to tranfer and document knowledge, experience and technical understanding Facilitaite working groups to organise events Facilitate working goups to organise training To stimulate common work To develop a common understanding To allow a collective formalization of the experiences of each one To support the transversality of the professions To create professional networks To contribute to the development of a collective understanding Audience Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) Trainers and training organisations Inclusion teams Public or private building owners Industry decision- makers Property developers Professional associations Related occupations Related organisational development professionals & facilitator Support, Facilitate, Animate
  • 17. 19 Method 1 - Group animation through specific thematic actions This method is intended to involve stakeholders in a collective action to promote (events, open homes, organizing cafe debates ...), to produce (documents ...) or implement (training courses, demonstration actions ...) an action with a specific goal. Professionals are the beneficiaries of this work as group facilitation enables them to develop or strengthen know ledges, capacity for teamwork and their oral and written communication skills. Furthermore, this work promotes cohesion within a network and understanding of the professional position of the other. This method is the foundation of the other methods explained in this booklet. The impact and results of the other methods depend on the ability of the facilitator to manage a group of professionals in an activity with a clarified goal. French examples 1. Bringing together professionals around written works, technical dossiers or a set of themes Brief Description : The “Réseau Breton Bâtiment Durable” (Breton Green Building Network) organizes working sessions to produce «feedback on experience» data sheets and technical files. This work is led by a facilitator. The productions are then posted on the network’s website. Experimented by : Réseau Breton Bâtiment Durable Experimented with : Member of the network (21 organizations) - 1000 consultations for 1 year Experimented where : Brittany Targets : Pool and formalize the experience feedback / perform together
  • 18. 20 2. Organizing a promotional event together Brief description : Structures such as CAPEB Brittany, COB County (central western Brittany), Approche Eco-Habitat Association organize events for the general public (open homes, trade shows, cafe debates ...) These events are made with professionals who get involved as volunteers to organize the event, in working groups. On the event day, the professionals run the workshops, open homes ... Finally, the professionals also conduct an assessment of the action/ provide a review of the action. They are supported by an expert that drives the working groups, drafts documents and acts as a link with other partners. Experimented by : CAPEB Brittany, COB County, Approche Eco-Habitat Experimented with : Building Professionals Experimented where : Brittany Targets : 1) Promote the involvement of professionals ; 2) Encourage places / projects leading to joint working ; 3) Support professionals in their communication skills. 3. Territorial coordination Brief description : Territorialcoordination:itrelatestoinnovation,butalsotoeco-construction, eco-materials and renewable energy. Thus, the COB County coordinates the emergence and implementation of information, awareness and / or promotion actions on these themes. The organization of these operations is based on the development of local and regional partnerships, facilitated
  • 19. 21 by the presence of NEVE’O within the Breton Sustainable Building Network and their participation in the work conducted by the “Plan Bâtiment Durable Breton”. The aim is that these communication actions, sparking demand, can provide the impetus to a collective work for structuring the local green building supply chains, to enhance the visibility of the existing supply of eco-materials and encourage their development. CAPEB conducts workgroups at territory or “departement” level built around the «eco artisan» label. Experimented by : CAPEB, COB county Experimented with : Building professionals and other local stakeholders in eco- construction. Experimented where : COB County / Brittany Targets : 1) Allow inter-business meeting ; 2) Organize joint events on the territory ; 3) Allow feedback on experiences. Results : The eco-building Days, a partnership between CAPEB and the COB Country, lectures on the territory Pre-conditions for success  : A facilitator, reasonable degrees of involvement for the participants, a clear guideline supported by the public institutions.
  • 20. 22 5. Collaboration to organise, develop and deliver training Brief description : Building professionals facilitate the formation of collaborative workgroups, applyingcommonprofessionalstandardstodevelop,coordinateanddeliver training packages that enhance practical and technical skills capability through structured professional career development and guidance. Experimented by : WARM Experimented with : Delivered by WARM Low Energy Building Practice, the UK specific Carbonlite Passivhaus Designer Certification Course was developed in 2007/8 by the AECB and prepares participants for the European Certified Passivhaus Designer Qualification introducing the principles of Passivhaus standard and the methods using the Passivhaus Planning Package. WARM delivers Carbonlite training that focuses on UK English examples 4. Facilitating regional working groups Brief description : Building professionals facilitate workgroups at regional level - to share knowledge and experience, in order to develop, document and transfer technical information in order to develop actions that support collaboration and a common understanding. Experimented by : WARM, CSBT Experimented with : Architects, designers, building professionals, research organizations, education centres, property developers Experimented where : Devon and Cornwall Targets : 1) Professional network development ; 2) Regional skills development ; 3) Sharing experiences for a common understanding ; 4) Developing, agreeing and promoting common professional standards (working towards best-practice). Results : Collaborative research ; regional workshops ; conferences ; dissemination ; publication ; increased industry awareness. Pre-conditions for success : Experienced leadership ; vision and orientation ; facilitation ; communication ; group engagement ; financial sustainability ; support from public institutions.
  • 21. 23 building examples and is aimed at UK building professionals, including local authorities, architects, builders, building engineers, developers. Experimented where : WARM delivers independent AECB Passivhaus training throughout the UK . Targets : 1) Professional network development ; 2) Regional skills development ; 3) Sharing experiences for a common understanding ; 4) Develop, agree and promote common professional standards (working towards best-practice). Results : Collaborative research ; regional workshops ; conferences  ; dissemination ; publication ; increased industry awareness. Pre-conditions for success : Participant demand. Financial stability and growth. Commercial strength. Policy awareness. Ecological integrity. Community and regional engagement, support and participation. Watch points : Long term vision and objectivity. Rigid legal standards becoming barriers to innovation, experimentation and growth.
  • 22. 24 ObjectivesActions Themed Technical Visits Group Meetings (Cafe Debate) Conferences Events To share knowledge & learn by demonstration & experience To inform, educate and raise awareness To share knowledge, develop understanding & raise awareness To inform & raise awareness To share knowledge, develop understanding & raise awareness Audience Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) Building owners Professional training organisations General public Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) General public Building owners Professional training organisations Promote, Communicate, Value, Disseminate Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) Severaltimesayear1to5timesayear
  • 23. 25 Method 2 - Promotion, development, and communication actions Promotion, enhancement and communication actions allow : • Professionals involved in the organization of the event : 1) To promote their achievements through technical visits and open days ; 2) To develop their communication skills ; 3) To participate in a network of professionals who work together to organize jointly the open days ; 4) To demonstrate the feasibility of a green building project to possible clients. • Professional participants at the event : 1) To participate in professional networks : professionals meet via their achievements or their participation in an event, conferences ... 2) To be made aware of technical issues by professionals during technical visits. • Project owners and the general public : 1) To meet with professionals during events or open homes ; 2) To be made aware of techniques and methods used through technical visits and open days ; To inform, raise awareness & learn by demonstration Open Homes Communication and marketing General public Building owners Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) 1to5timesayear
  • 24. 26 3) Understand the challenges of green building through debates, events, open days and technical visits. • Training organizations and trainers : 1) To meet professionals with a view to later engage them as expert trainers for dedicated training ; 2) Identify sites for visits and resource people through conferences and open days ; 3) To improve their practices and techniques through technical visits. These actions were first implemented by the support structures for professionals. They are essential to the sector and to professionals to help convince other professionals and project owners, to promote stakeholders and their achievements, thus demonstrating feasibility. French examples 1. Organizing “Open days” Brief description : Open days are organized for the general public on a regional scale. Artisanswelcomeparticipantsand presentoneoftheirachievements. The Open Days spread over 3 days (on Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in autumn or spring. A communication is made for this purpose. The building sites are classified according to their location and the techniques implemented. These actions took place 1 to 7 years ago depending on the structures. Experimented by : CAPEB, Pays COB, Approche Eco Habitat Experimented with : Building professionals and the general
  • 25. 27 public. A network of professionals led by a technician organize open sites. These sites are visited by the general public but also private and public owners and professionals (artisans, businesses, project managers, architects, trainers ...) Experimented where :  In Brittany Targets : 1) Give the general public the opportunity to see concrete examples of sustainable buildings ; 2) Promote and favour meetings between professionals and potential clients on existing building sites ; 3) Allow professionals to communicate on their expertise and know- how and create added value. Results : Longevity of the activities, geographical distribution at regional level, professionals able to talk about their business and achievements, mobilization of professionals in the organization and achievements of the open doors. Pre-conditions for success : The involvement of local territories, a training session about «making open days a success at your home,» an employee committed to organizing the open days, the involvement of professionals Watch-points : The cost of printing leaflets for the open days, the necessary involvement of the local press and radio. 2. Promotion and development schemes Brief description : CAPEB (the trade federation of craftsmen in the building sector) organizes the ECO Construction meetings - 1st edition in March 2013. They are attached to the building show in BREST. They offer lectures ; a demonstration area and a space for discussions between professionals - assises-eco-construction-2013 COB (Central West Brittany county) organizes events such as thematic conferences or the “D of eco building” that accompany open days. 38 stakeholders work together to promote and add value to the skills and resources of the territory - Actualites/Portes-ouvertes-Les-D-de-l-eco-construction The COB also wants to make small films shown in cinemas. Experimented by : CAPEB, Pays COB Experimented with : Building professionals and the general public
  • 26. 28 Experimented where  : COB (Central West Brittany county) / Brest Metropole Targets : 1) Give the general public the opportunity to see concrete examples of green buildings ; 2) Promote meetings between professionals and potential customers ; 3) Allow professionals to communicate on their skills and know-how and give them added value ; 4) Allow professionals to meet. Pre-conditions for success : The involvement of local territories, the backing of a large building show, the involvement of local stakeholders Watch-points : Focus on specific themes, organize with the professionals, communicate widely, locate the ECO-construction meetings in a “Pays” (territory) 3. Technical visit Brief description : Organizing a thematic site visit It includes a technical conference on the theme, preferably carried out with local professionals. The information is then transmitted by email via a mailing list A thematic site visit takes place on 1/2 day. Experimented by : Réseau Breton Batiment Durable / CAPEB Experimented with : 20 to 40 professionals Experimented where : Brittany Targets : Share best practices, promote understanding of the professional reality between trades through a diversity of the audience(professionals), raise awareness for a technique, a method by technical input and practical illustration, highlight the entire
  • 27. 29 English examples 4. Green Doors Brief description : Members of the public visit homes which have installed renewable energy technologies with the opportunity to discuss with owners. Experimented by : 361 Energy Experimented with : Members of the public, renewable energy businesses, building professionals, community social enterprise groups Experimented where : Devon Targets : 1) Communication and marketing (Green Deal) ; 2) To inform, educate and raise awareness ; 3) Inform, raise awareness and learn by demonstration ; 4) Share knowledge and experience. Results : Increase awareness and adoption of renewable energy installation among general public; increase employment for renewable energy installers and assessors; reduced energy bills for consumers; introduction of community renewable energy schemes; increased understanding consumer energy reduction measures; access to government grants (Green Deal), reduce consumer energy use. Pre-conditions for success : Experienced leadership ; objective vision and direction ; facilitation ; communication ; group engagement ; financial sustainability ; national and regional coordination and support protocols. Watch points : In rural communities, engagement may be low if ‘open homes’ are spread over a large area. Visits may only include homes that promote ‘eligible’ products or solutions that are known to qualify for existing grants and subsidies, leading to reduced innovation and competition. Consumer choice will be limited if local examples are weighted in favour Breton territory, allow development of the network. Results : The first visit organized by the supporting structures hosted 20 people and the second 40 people. There is a strong demand for this type of «product». It allows a concrete understanding of the chosen topic Pre-conditions for success : ½ day duration, a concrete example illustrating the technical analysis, the choice of experts, a prepared mailing, a legitimate structure Watch-points : Technical language, importance to keep it very concrete
  • 28. 30 5. Group meetings (Café Debate) Brief description : The purpose is for professionals to share ideas and discuss common themes, introduce new concepts and report on recent activities in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Meetings are organised on a regional level through membership groups. They provide a platform for wide-ranging themed debate and dissemination of knowledge and can create knowledge and business networks. Experimented by : WARM (AECB), CSBT (AECB) Experimented with : The Association of Environment Friendly Builders is a nationwide organisation with regional membership groups. Beneficiaries are usually regional group member and include building professionals, architects and artisans. Peter Warm was founder of the AECB. A member of WARM staff is the AECB representative for Devon. A member of the CSBT is the AECB representative for Cornwall. Devon AECB has held few meetings during 2013-14. Cornwall is more active in this area and membership is more proactive, with meetings advertised regularly on both AECB and CSBT websites. Local group activities are reported in the AECB quarterly Green Building Magazine, free to members. Experimented where : Devon, Cornwall, throughout UK regions (AECB membership) Targets : 1) Communication ; 2) Coordinate a network of professionals ; 3) Inform, raise awareness and learn by demonstration ; 4) Share knowledge and experience. Results : Increase awareness and adoption of new low impact building technologies, techniques and materials; develop ethical principles through group discussion; share technical knowledge; introduce new members; increased market awareness; understanding of legislation and funding opportunities. Pre-conditions for success : Sufficient time resources ; pro-active facilitation ; organisation skills ; leadership with industry knowledge and expertise ; network communication tools and information (data storage and retrieval) protocol ; group engagement ; financial sustainability ; regional of a single product, technology, service, supplier or material, therefore the methodology should be underpinned by objectivity and ethical practice.
  • 29. 31 links, (preferably with national coordination and support protocols). Constitution if formal membership is required. Watch points : Engagement will be low if meetings are not advertised and events disseminated and/or published. Volunteer organisers often face time constraints due to their business activities leading to group inertia. The Devon Earth Building Association (DEBA) is an expert group formed in 1991 and holds meetings around North Devon. These are not widely advertised and a statement by DEBA’s Working Group recognises the impact that personal time constraints place on updating website, (in particular responding to queries). Important and useful discussions are not recorded.
  • 30. 32 ObjectivesActions Feedback Technical Sheet Technical Dossier or Set of Themes To allow transferability Promote the network Formalise the experiment To inform on techniques, leverage and points of vigilance Distribute the results obtained Bénéficiaires Other resource centres Trainers Training organisations Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) Professions related to mission facilitation Elected officials Property developers Public or private building owners Produce tools to analyse, classify & use the informations With those involved in the network ObjectivesActions Be Involved in Studies, Reports and Analyses Virtual Resource Pooling-Centre, Pooling the Documentary Holdings To distribute the results obtained To inform To work with members of the network To disseminate information By inventory produced at various geographical scales
  • 31. 33 Method 3 - Monitoring actions, producing and collecting information Monitoring and resource centres help support professionals by : • Collecting information ; • Transferring information ; • Keeping information available ; • Working together to achieve specification sheets and case studies. Through these activities, the resource centre : • Mobilizes stakeholders and facilitates cooperation between them ; • Participates in the transfer of experience and capitalization of skills and knowledge ; • Promotes the work done by stakeholders at other levels (national and European). For this work to be a support for businesses, the resource centre must be animated by someone on a permanent basis and must be lasting in time. It must also have a virtual and physical storage space. The facilitator must ensure the continued mobilization of stakeholders and the integration of new professionals in the network. Theresourcecentreandthefacilitatorshouldbelegitimizedbyprofessionals.
  • 32. 34 French examples 1. Technical or thematic issues Brief description : Establish a working group to pool experiences. Experience pooling is then formalized in a monograph on the subject. For example, «indoor air quality», «radon»... Experimented by : Réseau Breton Batiment Durable Experimented with : Members of the network (21 organizations) - 1000 consultations for 1 year. Experimented where : In Brittany Targets : Pool and formalize experience feedback. 2. Structuring a documentary base / a database accessible via Internet Brief description : Conducting thematic watches + send documents via active members Sorting / organizing documentation Storing and making it readable on the Internet in a «toolbox» tab Experimented by : Réseau Breton Bâtiment Durable Experimented with : member of the network (21 organisations) –1000
  • 33. 35 3. Formatting feedback on actual case records via «feedback» data sheets available via the Internet Brief description : A questionnaire / a data sheet is produced and validated by the network members Selecting a building site/ a building project Interviews are conducted by the network host. They are supplemented by documentary analysis They are then summarized in a sheet and put online by the network host Experimented by : Réseau Breton Batiment Durable Experimented with : Member of the network (21 organizations) - 1000 consultation over 1 year Experimented where : Brittany consultations over 1 year of network Experimented where : Brittany Targets : Pooling documentation, sharing each other’s productions, making it readable and visible on a website and gathering the documentation from several sources of information. Results : An updated toolbox. Pre-conditions for success : The order is clarified and the «tool box» tab is meaningful, documents posted by the active members are validated. Watch-points : A scattered and unorganized documentation, a “telling” title.
  • 34. 36 English examples 4. Creating, publishing and maintaining online resources Brief description : Aimed at resource collection and sharing for professionals. Information is collected, organised, reviewed, catalogued and published. The technical information and documentation data is stored and accessible online. Online resources may include free information, membership only access or be subject to intellectual property rights that require payment to access. Experimented by : WARM, CSBT, 361 Energy Experimented with : 1) WARM : Links to Passivhaus resources sites, some technical sheets and training sheets are free on website. Testing and research resources to develop products and construction techniques that comply with Passivhaus standards and training and certification services are subject to charges. Free map of Passivhaus buildings Targets : Pooling documentation, sharing each other’s productions, making it readable and visible on a website and gathering the documentation from several sources of information. Results : 10 updated “feedback” records/ including Libnam sheets in March 2015. Pre-conditions for success : A single sheet suitable for all experiments, a facilitator who helps fill and format the forms, a clear access to the website. Watch-points : Time-consuming.
  • 35. 37 in the UK and Ireland is maintained by Passivhaus Trust and contains links with detailed technical information for each project with downloadable PDF (files could not be downloaded at time of writing). 2) CSBT : Local authority guidance documents and some case studies provided free, additional resources available to members and businesses through ‘Charter 2020’ associate scheme. 3) 361 Energy : 16 case studies from Green Doors event available for online viewing with PDF downloads. Primarily aimed at private and public building owners. Experimented where : Devon, Cornwall, other UK regions. (Internet based resources available internationally). Targets : Inform, disseminate information; promote the network, increase adoption of low-energy solutions at all levels. Results : Toolbox library, common standards, region-specific technical data, technical collaboration, improved knowledge-base. Pre-conditions for success : Ownership of intellectual property and permission to publish, data protection, data accuracy, capacity for data collection, formatting, review, entry, updates and web maintenance. Watch-points : Technical information ‘packets’ that provide only partial subjective data for general public. Selective use of data for product sales/ marketing purposes. Integrity and security of critical data. Online resources may include free information, ‘membership only’ access or be subject to intellectual property rights that require payment to access. Regional information may not be relevant internationally. Ensure ‘future-proof’ cross-platform compatibility and functionality is built in to new systems. Feedback sheets.
  • 36. 38 5. Creating and publishing information leaflets, (legacy, heritage, historic material) Brief description : ItwasnotpossibletocontacttheDevonEarthBuildingAssociation(DEBA)to include the group in this report, however their website includes information specific to Devon that has been carefully researched and compiled into PDF leaflets in collaboration with the Devon Historic Buildings Trust. The leaflets provide a unique source of technical, practical and historic information that places Devon earth building in a historic context and is useful for modern local authority planning purposes and building regulations compliance. The information included in the leaflets has been well researched and is an important pooled virtual resource. The group is not as active as it once was and these publications highlight the importance of recording, sharing and maintaining access to specialist knowledge that would otherwise be lost. The contribution of small regional heritage groups like DEBA, to the understanding of natural building materials, their technical properties, physical qualities and the practical techniques employed in their use, should not be underestimated or overlooked. Links to these free leaflets are shown below : • Cob Dwellings : Compliance with The Building Regulations 2000 [as amended]. The 2008 Devon Model h t t p : / / w w w . devonearthbuilding. com/leaflets/building_
  • 37. 39 regs_pamphlet_08.pdf • Appropriate Plasters Renders and Finishes for Cob and Random Stone Walls in Devon •TheCobBuildingsofDevon1.History,BuildingMethods&Conservation pdf • The Cob Buildings of Devon 2. Repair & Maintenance. Larry Keefe devon_2.pdf Experimented by : DEBA ( Experimented with : Building professionals, architects, builders, heritage organisations, historic building specialists, planning departments, local authorities, educators, other resource centres, building restoration specialists, home owners. Experimented where : Devon (Internet based resources available internationally). Targets : Inform, disseminate information; promote the network, increase adoption of low-energy solutions at all levels, improve understanding of materials, techniques and historic use within the Devon region. Results : Toolbox library, common standards, region-specific technical data, practitioner/planner technical collaboration, improved knowledge- base, continuity, succession, legacy. Pre-conditions for success : Expert knowledge, professional expertise, validation by professional bodies, peer review, ethical understanding, enthusiasm, capacity. Watch-points : Danger that information is overlooked or lost through lack of promotion, dissolution of group/website.
  • 38. 40 ObjectivesActions Training Course Teaching Academic Innovation To create professional networks To formalise the project To share knowledge and know-how Audience Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) Professional Associations Transition groups Trainers Professions related to mission facilitation Accompany, Form and Animate To support professional collaboration To develop technical skills Job applicants To contribute to the development of collective knowledge and understanding To analyse practice Building industry professionals (artisans & architects)
  • 39. 41 Individual Support To develop technical skills Project managers To analyse practice To develop self confidence Building industry professionals (artisans & architects) Collective Project Support To stimulate group working To secure funding To develop and implement a project Professional Associations To establish a network Project managers Method 4  : Individual or group support actions This method is intended to accompany stakeholders in developing : 1) Their technical skills ; 2) Their professional networks ; 3) Their ability to integrate the «systemic» dimension/view of the building ; 4) Their understanding of the work of other trades ; 5) Their individual and collective confidence. It also helps to stimulate the local economy by accompanying individual or group projects.
  • 40. 42 French examples 1. Individual support Brief description : Since January 2010, the elected officials in COB decided to conduct an economic development strategy based on the development of small and micro businesses through innovation. This is called NEVE’O the “technopolitan” approach of the COB County. It aims to bring together businesses, training structures and institutions, researchers, higher education in order to promote the creation and development of innovative projects on the territory of West Central Brittany. Supporting innovative projects  : This free device is intended for small and medium enterprises of the COB county and any other initiator of innovative projects that wishes to set up on the territory. It provides a favourable environment to develop innovative projects by complementing engineering and project coaching. The innovators are thus well oriented in their approach and their progress is accelerated, whatever Finally, it provides professionals with the tools to self analyze their practices. This method relies on professional training and innovative teaching techniques for the creation of collective knowledge. This support gives great importance to sharing among professionals and to expertise implemented in every building project viewed as a single system.
  • 41. 43 their field of activity. For this NEVE’O is based on : • A committee of business leaders that provides multidisciplinary expertise as well as advice from design to marketing innovation ; • A technical team from the COB County supports the project leaders and guides them by working in partnership with other stakeholders supporting innovation locally and elsewhere in Brittany (NEVE’O is a member of the Breton Innovation Network) ; • A network of researchers, teachers and experts selected for each project. CAPEB organizes individual support for the Provisional Management of Jobs and Skills and for technical specifications. Experimented by : CAPEB, COB County Experimented with : Building professionals and project leaders Experimented where : COB County / Brittany Targets : 1) Support economic innovation ; 2) Give confidence ; 3) Develop skills. Results : Individual coaching is usually the most effective way to support changes with professionals. It allows them to gain more confidence. Pre-conditions for success : Skilled workers from a technical and communication point of view, involvement of other business managers, a sustainable device in time, an identified and specified support (innovation, skills, techniques ...) Watch-points : Availability of coachers, service sustainability 2. Educational Innovation Laboratory Brief Description : “Approche Eco-Habitat” association conducted a survey of their members to evaluate the teaching techniques that could be adapted to the context and needs of professionals. Following this first study, a project on an educational innovation laboratory was presented to Etudes ET Chantiers and the Regional Council of Brittany. The project aims to support and develop non- industrialized building systems and the use of natural materials in building. Thefirstlaboratoryactivitiesarepracticeanalysisworkshopsforprofessionals facilitated/led by a engineer in training. These workshops are conducted on
  • 42. 44 a specific theme that serves as a support for collaborative exchanges. They aim to create collective knowledge to develop the adaptability of expertise. The methodology is based on knowledge and methods that come from sociology and education sciences. Experimented by : “Approche Eco-Habitat” association Experimented with : 3 workshops scheduled between November and December 2014 and co-financed by the European Interreg Libnam project : • «How to build a case for RGE?»(Approved/recognized by Grenelle environmental Forum (Quimper – 1 December 2014) • «How to procure local wood according to one’s needs? «(Natural Regional Park of Brittany, Le Faou - 16 December 2014) • «Free home automation» (Rostrenen - April 12, 2014) 15 workshops scheduled by July 2014. A joint regional and national funding. The beneficiaries are building professionals who are members or non- members of the association. Experimented where : In Brittany Targets : 1) To disseminate knowledge and information on green building 2) To ensure recognition of the skills acquired on the job by the stakeholders themselves and by third parties (insurers, employers, ...) 3) To encourage skills improvement of field workers / stakeholders in the field (capitalization of knowledge acquired «on the job» and / or new skills) 4) To encourage the emergence of dynamic s and projects. 3. Implementation of a technical training in a specific territory Brief description : At the request of a professional, training was implemented on the territory of “Pays Centre Ouest Bretagne” (Central West Brittany County). The training focused on «Air tightness, leak detection in low consumption buildings.» It spread over 2 times 2 days in the same area. It included both theory but also practice on a house. It also allowed pointing out the need for the various trades to work together. Experimented by : CAPEB, ARFAB and Pays COB Experimented with : Artisans in Pays COB
  • 43. 45 Experimented where : Pays COB (Central West Brittany County). Targets : 1) Identify the key points of airtightness ; 2) Strengthen the links between craftsmen in an area ; 3) Highlight the need to work together to meet the thermal challenge of the building. Results :  A group structured in an association : ECOB. Pre-conditions for success : A favorable territory, a request from artisans to participate in this training / a practical and technical integration. Watch-points : The technical training is a way to highlight the importance of «working together». This target should not be forgotten. English examples 4. Working groups to organise training Brief description : Building professionals facilitate working groups to organise demonstration actions, training events and certificated courses to share knowledge and skills and improving understanding through collaboration. Experimented by : CSBT, WARM, Mike Wye Experimented with : CSBT regional membership (more than 50) facilitate practical and technical workshops, CPD sessions to a wide range of participants from entry level upwards levels. WARM runs certificated courses in Passivhaus design for building professionals, architects and
  • 44. 46 designers through CarbonLite courses in collaboration with the Association of Environment Friendly Builders (AECB has over 900 member profiles listed on its website). Mike Wye provides product support, CPD training and practical courses related to lime. Beneficiaries are clients, building professionals and members of the public. Experimented where : Devon Targets : 1) Develop a common framework of understanding ; 2) Develop skills at all levels ; 3) Create professional networks ; 4) Develop common professional standards and language. Results : Increased knowledge-base, technical and practical collaboration, continuity of skills, development of skills, development of ethical standards, technical expertise, increased public awareness, professional development, professional qualifications. Pre-conditions for success : Facilitation to encourage training ; teaching expertise ; common vision & direction, shared technical vocabulary ; suitable candidates for training, common training framework and qualifications with clearly identified progression. 5. Regional Hub Support Brief description : The Green Build Hub is being constructed to BREEAM ‘outstanding’ standards of sustainability as a centre for green building knowledge and training. A long term investment in regional growth supported by many partners from private and public sectors. Experimented by : CSBT
  • 45. 47 Experimented with : members of CSBT including those joining as new charter 2020 businesses. General public – due to its association with the Eden project, GBH will attract many holiday visitors. Research and education. Businesses will be able to showcase their products and services Experimented where : Cornwall Targets : Inward investment to develop regional skills, central training resource, developing and testing centre for sector innovation and growth. Regional knowledge-base, stimulate and support business and partnership growth. Results : New regional resource hub open summer 2015. Economic and Ecologic growth. Pre-conditions for success : Strong visionary leadership, succession. Common partnerships provide catalyst funding, strong business forward planning, agreed best practice principles and practice supported by recognised framework. Watch-points : Financial stability and business continuity, Best practice exemplar, objective, impartial, ethical, innovative. Partner leverage.
  • 46. 48 Conclusion Project owners must know all the costs related to the construction or rehabilitation of a building. There are different grids (BREAM, BDA) that take into account : • The social cost ; • The financial cost ; • Thermal and moisture performance of the material ; • Its ability to be consistent with other materials without damaging them ; • Its ability to keep the habitat «in good health» ; • Its ability to blend in an environment. The supporting methods towards professionals are organized around four themes : 1) Promotion, development, communication actions ; 2) Monitoring, producing and collecting information ; 3) Animating workgroups around themes ; 4) Individual or group support actions (training is part of it). Financial support is important, but no interviewed structure operates in this sphere. The development of natural materials requires to : 1) Make these materials better known through achievements / Give examples ; 2) Advertise / communicate on the actual cost of such materials ; 3) Earmark financial assistance ; 4) Develop citizens’ involvement by taking part in some of the public building projects (participatory process), valuing local materials and skills to become more familiar with these materials as well as with the professionals who implement them, through practice (you can feel the material).
  • 47. 49 Developing and supporting expertise and skills involves : 1) Expanding the circle of educated professionals to strengthen the network of stakeholders and make work between companies easier ; 2) Promote training to support companies in their skill development ; 3) Use software like BIM with care - the professional must not become a fitter ; 4) Allowing practices that preserve the «good health» of the building to be insured. Success factors of a supporting structure are : 1) Legitimacy ; 2) Provide permanence (office hours of an employee or volunteer) with some availability ; 3) Sustainability ; 4) Involvement of members. Feasibility must be proven and is the responsibility of the professionals involved at each process stage. Controlled group activities, training or support requests must be/ Conducting group activities, training or support need to be legitimized by academic socio-psychological and educational science research. Our investigation highlighted that : • Change resulting from technical innovation must be driven by a process of social innovation and embedded team-based activity. • Technical innovation should be integrated into a systemic framework so that all its impacts are known, measured and discussed. In this sense, training should not be the only only be focused on technical aspect. It must integrate all structural parameters, compatibility and use impacted by technical innovation.
  • 48. 50 Annex 1. Methodology Collaborative work to conduct interviews and analysis The objective of the survey was to formalize accompanying methods for companies used to drive change and skills development. This work is a first step. It allows approaching the accompanying methods applied without making any attempt to make a comprehensive inventory. It also helps to understand the contextual difference between France and England. This is a first step, allowing further work. In this context, the partners of the project LIBNAM - Petroc and the association Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne et Pays de Loire - conducted a survey of eight structures (half in Brittany and half in the south of England - Devon and Cornwall ) accompanying building companies and professionals in the development of their skills to key sectors of the economy including passive construction and the use of natural materials. Interviewed/surveyed support structures were selected to represent the different status and type of organization (professional organization, association, territorial public structure, regional public structure). Other structures exist that achieve a major supporting work for professionals. We could not have them all interviewed. The partners were required to make choices in order to meet the order/ targets and deadlines 1) A common questionnaire was developed by the partners of the LIBNAM project. 2) By email or phone call, an appointment was scheduled with the referent / consultant/adviser of the surveyed accompanying structure in order to explain the approach, its objectives and the questionnaire. 3) A phone appointment or with the person was planned during which the questionnaire was completed. 4) Etudes et Chantiers and Petroc then performed together a summary of the data collected and formalized the four main groups of methods by identifying their goals and objectives. The partners decided to illustrate each of the groups with concrete examples in this booklet. In a spirit of exchange of trans-Channel practices, Etudes et Chantiers
  • 49. 51 2. Thanks We thank the structures and interviewees for their time. Without them, this document could not have been written. In France  CAPEB Bretagne : Marc Dubois The Confederation of Artisans and Small Building Companies (CAPEB) is to defend, represent and promote the interests of craft businesses in the construction sector. CAPEB Bretagne aims at favouring cooperation and facilitation among their members, the four departmental trade union organizations. CAPEB Bretagne synthesizes and coordinates departmental projects into a regional project involving craft companies of different building trades. Since 2006, a regional commission focusing on green building meets four times a year to coordinate the work of departmental eco-construction groups. An action plan is discussed annually to promote the development of this approach among professionals and the general public. COB County : Amélie Goossens Central Western Brittany County is a pilot county for sustainable development in rural areas. On this territory the stakeholders have been implementing activities around this notion for many years in the fields of economy (industrial ecology, production, craft, commerce, etc.), agriculture, tourism, housing, energy, cultural activities, services, natural areas, etc. The County has played the role of merging local energies and coordinating possible responses by all stakeholders. Thus, FEEBAT training (Training for and Petroc Petroc were keen to work with common documents jointly developed taking into account contextual differences.
  • 50. 52 energy efficiency for building businesses and craftsmen) offered by the three departmental CAPEB structures were organized for the first time in the County. These training sessions deal with the overall control of a building thermal properties. Three modules were held in Carhaix and Rostrenen for thirty participating companies. The local implementation of these training sessions led to the creation of local networks of expertise on eco-construction in 2010. An information and awareness meeting organized by Alecob on financial assistance schemes to finance home renovation to improve energy efficiency brought together twenty professionals of the COB County in May. The COB County was one of the six Breton winners selected for the call for projects « Positive energy territories for green growth» launched by the government. This call for proposals will encourage concrete actions that can contribute to : • Mitigate the effects of climate change ; • Encourage the reduction of energy needs and the development of local renewable energy ; • Support the implementation of green industries/systems. Breton Network for Sustainable Development through the Breton Economic Unit: Rémi Boscher The Breton Network for Sustainable Building was created in November 2012 within the Breton Economic Unit on the initiative of the state, the Regional Council of Brittany and ADEME Brittany. Working closely and in complementarity on projects led by regional building stakeholders, the network is a technical tool for professionals. To ensure consistency between locally supported missions and national level ones, the Breton Network for Sustainable Building joined the BEEP network (Building, Environment, Professional Space/Area). Led by ADEME, the network brings together the various regional resource centres. It aims to
  • 51. 53 promote discussion, capitalize experiences and nurture common thoughts. The “Cellule Economique de Bretagne” (Breton Economic Unit) is a professional organization (Loi 1901-type association), created in 1970 and spurred by the public authorities and the building professionals It acts as a regional observatory in the construction sector: through surveys and analysis, the Cellule Economique de Bretagne also makes forecasts to inform strategies for professionals and public authorities. Their scope of actions has gradually expanded to evaluate : • The activity of companies in the construction sector (market developments) ; • The relationship between employment and training (evolution of employment needs and training needs) ; • Construction and sustainable development issues ; • Public procurement ; • Wood in construction ; • Management and recycling of construction waste and building materials. More information to come with the study conducted by the Cellule Economique de Bretagne on «Natural resources and materials in Brittany» soon available on their website www.cellule-eco-bretagne.asso Approche Eco Habitat Association : Jean Yves Brelivet, Jean Luc Le Roux, Agnès Ravel. APPROCHEEco-Habitatisaregionalnetworkwithmorethan 160 members involved in a sustainable building approach in Brittany: professionals, institutions, elected officials, and citizens, at the core of users’ experience and knowledge. Created by professionals in eco-construction, the association aims to promote a healthy habitat, healthy living and working places, resource and energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly, respectful of cultures and mindful of future generations. To reach this goal, it develops many activities throughout the year: training for professionals, job seekers and individuals, conferences, workshops, café-debates , eco-building days, etc.
  • 52. 54 In England 361 Energy 361 Energy is a new community based organisation that is working with schools and communities in northern Devon to reduce energy and carbon emissions. The organisation was set up by a group of like-minded sustainability and renewable energy consultants and is supported by the SEACS (Sustainable Energy across the Common Space) project. The aim of the SEACS project is to create opportunities to reduce energy demand, implement energy efficiency measures and use clean/renewable energies. The project is intended to raise awareness on the importance of acting now on climate and energy issues and encourage people to change attitudes and behaviours towards energy usage for the long term. SEACS was officially launched in May 2011. This Anglo-French exchange project was developed by five partner organisations: three UK local authorities; Devon County Council, Dorset County Council and Wiltshire Council, the French county council of Côtes d’Armor, and the French agglomeration of Lannion-Trégor.   This three year project will also be assisted by key energy and community agencies in each participating country. Like the ECOBATIR network - which it belongs - the association wilfully places its field of action in an ethical, social and solidarity framework in order to share the professional skills of its members to serve the collective interest.
  • 53. 55 WARM : Low Energy Building Practice : Caroline Martin (architect for Warm), Liam McDonagh-Greaves (architect for WARM and regional delegate for AECB in Devon WARM is a limited liability company, founded in 2009 by Peter Warm, whose purpose is to build low-energy buildings. The company provides the professionals with services mainly advice and training services (Passivhaus label, certificate Carbonlite). Peter Warm also organizes cafe- debates, national and international conferences on every aspect of design and building of sustainable construction, related to experiments, research and development.. The AECB was established in 1989 to raise awareness of the need to respect the environment in the construction sector. The AECB is managed/ run by its members. It is an independent, not for profit organization. It brings together builders, architects, designers, manufacturers, housing associations and local authorities to develop, share and promote best practices in sustainable building. MIKE WYE Suppliers of environmentally friendly building and decorating materials in Devon. They also organize skills training sessions on plastering, natural coating, tadelakt.
  • 54. 56 Find out more Here is a non-exhaustive list of additional supporting structures in Brittany and in the UK. We can mention in particular: Professional Building Federations, accredited fund collecting organizations for training (OPCA), local authorities, eco- construction Clusters, cooperatives for activity and employment , chambers of commerce and trade, the network of training centres (GRETA, AFPA, private training centres, ...), associations (Tiez Breiz, Empreinte ...), the SCOP network. CSBT : Cornwall Sustainable Building Trust The CSBT is a charity organization which aims to support professionals to use low impact building materials, renewable energy, improve energy efficiency and promote sustainable construction and renovation. It coordinates a network of professionals and designed, implemented and built a technical resource centre. The organization is also targeted at informing the general public. These missions are conducted through the following activities : • Posting of resources, case studies and publications ; • Training sessions (some are free) to save energy both through lifestyle or in the design or construction of a dwelling ; • Experimenting, doing research and development ; • Technical training and apprenticeship ; • Building a resource center (Green Build Hub). Other structures supporting companies for change are present on the territory. We apologize for not having enough time to interview them all - the commitment on this project was to make a first inventory.
  • 55. 57 Other supporting structures in Brittany (non-exhaustive list) : Constructys Bretagne - Constructys is an official body tasked by the building industry and approved by the government. Its mission is to fund vocational training for employees and job seekers in the building sector but also to provide consulting services for companies in terms of career management and skills. Constructys has branch offices in every region of France, one in Brittany: Constructys Bretagne, employing a dozen people. Our Breton agency has developed specific expertise in the field of «sustainable construction», including some work to promote the use of natural materials in construction as part of the European project Inater’ ( Within the Franco-British LIBNAM project, Constructys Bretagne coordinated the production of technical case studies on building projects and their dedicated guide. Pays de Fougères - The energy transition led to redefine competitiveness indicators for the whole building and energy sector. To meet this challenge, the stakeholders in Pays de Fougères chose together to develop on the territory the Performance Cluster and Research Hub for green building with four dedicated areas : Ecobatys. Space dedicated to businesses ‘expertise will allow qualified and committed companies to link with potential customers. The teaching platform dedicated to eco-renovation will reinforce and complement existing training modules - whether initial or continuing training - in local and regional training organizations. Meanwhile space dedicated to «Research and Innovation» will build on real projects to promote engineering and territorial research. Finally, the learning path dedicated to biodiversity and the sustainable management of green spaces will allow future designers to implement new ecological design and management techniques. A true shared tool serving the building professionals.
  • 56. 58 Eco Origin – The green economy requires removing the barriers between traditional sectors and developing transversal ties between stakeholders. By promoting meetings and discussions, the Eco Origin cluster provides businesses with a newnetworkofexpertiseandskillstobetteranticipatechangesintheirmarkets and adapt, to develop their innovative potential and provide themselves with the human and financial resources necessary to their development. Watch and prospective : • Identify, organize and disseminate information to provide guidance on the green economy ; • Create a database available on the website ; • Create and disseminate newsletters ; • Watch on regional, national and European funding ; • Watch on national and European calls for projects. Network facilitation : • Promote exchange and meetings ; • Create a directory and mapping of stakeholders ; • Providing an extranet for members ; • Organizing conferences, seminars, business conventions, visits of tradeshows ; • Acting as a catalyst for collaborative projects. The working groups are open to all committed structures on the territory, whatever their size and business, and aim to : • Provide access to markets ; • Speed up the process of innovation ; • Support projects ; • Facilitate individual or collective access of businesses to markets, innovation, skills, funding ; • Look for technical or business partners ; • Create a directory and mapping of R & D stakeholders ; • Look for public or private financial partners, preparation of funding files ... • Analysis and reporting training needs.
  • 57. 59 BRUDED - Bruded is a network to exchange experience between Breton towns engaged in sustainable development initiatives in which «elected officials talk to elected officials.» In practice, its purpose is threefold : • Promote sustainable development initiatives within the member- communities and contribute to regional dynamics ; • Disseminate sustainable development achievements whether comprehensive approaches, public facilities, developments, school meals, or management of public spaces, etc. Discussions between elected officials are done collectively during activities conducted on a regular basis, or individually, by BRUDED advisers supporting development projects. The network offers : • Regular activities where elected officials will to exchange: field visits to discover concrete achievements, meetings to work in small groups and improve your own projects ; • Feedback from experience through project data sheets, pooling of experience, newsletters and the website ; • Individual coaching by BRUDED advisers to benefit from a crosscutting perspective based on the experience of network members. The association now has nearly 130 municipalities and 2 communities of communes spreading over 5 Breton departments. PACT Associations - Housing & Development - http://www.pacthd22. org There is a PACT-HD structure in every department, some 120 refurbishment specialists to improve the existing private housing stock (technicians, heating engineers, occupational therapists, financial advisors, ...) to advise and assist owners in their projects and build housing solidarity.
  • 58. 60 Bâtipôle - Initiated by the departmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts in Côtes d’Armor, Bâtipole is an information and exhibition centre on sustainable construction and renovation. Its purpose is to support the building professionals and to decipher the home of the future for owners and young people. Bâtipole seeks to support companies ‘market development by providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to adapt their business. Its distinctive feature is to address to all construction stakeholders (artisans, architects, contractors, design consultants ...). Bâtipole develops an action plan to meet several objectives : • Inform about fundamental changes in the construction sector in line with sustainable building. Bâtipole is a place where you can understand the various changes in the construction sector from a technical, economic and regulatory angle. • Develop an energy efficiency culture. The Grenelle Environment Forum has set specific targets for energy consumption in new and existing buildings. The purpose of Bâtipole is to enable companies to understand and acquire the necessary knowledge to meet this challenge. • Decipher the home of the future for owners. Bâtipole is also a place for building owners who are planning to build or renovate (individuals, communities) or for young people eager to broaden their knowledge on sustainable building. «Élan bâtisseur»  (CAE) : a Business and Employment Cooperative- The purpose of «Elan Bâtisseur», a Business and Employment Cooperative (CAE) specialized in the building and public works sector, is to : • Support, advise and train people in creating their own job or activity and/or starting their own business ; • Carry out and sell work and services, (both structural work and finishing work). The tasks of “Elan Bâtisseur” are threefold :
  • 59. 61 • Support people who want to start business in the building sector ; • Allow supported people to start their business with a full-scale test and all necessary assurances through a well secured pathway ; • Raise project leaders’ awareness for eco-construction and energy efficiency issues and help to increase supply in the sector. FFB : Fédération Française du Bâtiment (French Building Federation) The Breton Regional Building Federation is the regional level of the French Building Federation. It represents 19,500 companies and 62,398 employees. The aims of the Regional Building Federation in Brittany are to defend and promote the general interests of businesses whatever the size and trade, to be a place for discussion and information. It represents and defends the trade in all regional bodies. It supports the departmental building federations to meet technical, environmental, training and prevention issues. It co-ordinates commissions and several working groups on various issues: social, economics, crafts, environment and sustainable construction, training, communication, prevention and safety. ARFAB Bretagne - ARFAB Bretagne is the Regional Training Organization for Building Crafts. Created in 1989 by the Breton Building craftsmen and initiated by Breton CAPEB, this training organization offers training tailored to the specific needs of the professionals belonging to the Breton Building Crafts. The courses are available to : • Artisans ; • Artisans’ wives or husbands ; • Employees ; • Any building craft business. ARFAB Bretagne offers any type of action to develop useful skills to building craft businesses : • Sustainable development ; • Specific techniques (for any trade) ;
  • 60. 62 • Management, work organization ; • Safety ; • Trade, sales, communication ; • Law, taxation ; • Information technology. They are constantly renewed to accommodate the needs of construction craft businesses Other supporting structures in England (non-exhaustive list): StartUp Britain StartUp Britain was founded by eight entrepreneurs and launched on 28th March 2011 by the Prime Minister, with the full support of the Chancellor and HM Government, although it is completely funded by our private- sector sponsors such as BT Business, Dell, Intel, Intuit, Iris and PayPal. The national campaign is designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, harnessing the expertise and passion of Britain’s leading businesspeople to celebrate, inspire and accelerate enterprise in the UK. Business Start Up The Bideford Business Start Up Programme, a programme encouraging the founding of new businesses, was developed by the services for professional training in Torridge, Devon, in collaboration with the Bideford Bridge Trust from 1944 to 2012. This programme now continues with Mike Lillis, who support candidates, giving them advice/tips for creating their business, helping them to complete a starting aid grant application package to produce their business plan and accompanying them to the presentation of their project to funders). Organizations and useful links :   En France : • Website on building energy efficiency  • The Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) -
  • 61. 63 • DREAL Bretagne – Regional Divisions for Environment, Planning and Housing • National agencies and Departmental agencies for housing information (ANIL and ADIL), - http://www.adil35. org/ • Website on the Research programme on energy savings in buildings (PREBAT) set up by the government, Website addresses of financial institutions supporting the creation of social and solidarity enterprises - FRANCE • Bank « La NEF » : • Bank « Crédit coopératif » : • Financial support « Finansol » : • Financial support « Les cigales » : php?article47 • Financial support « France active » : In England : • Westward Pathfinder : • Lloyds TSB Foundation : Pages/Welcome.aspx • Startup Britain : • St. Loye’s Foundation : • Startup Loans Company : Support Organisations : • UK Business - funding centre : Up-Top-Up-Business-Rate-Relief-Scheme.php • Devon Work Hubs : • North Devon Plus : • Business Buddies : • Energy Efficient Building European Initiative (e2b-ei) : http://www.e2b-
  • 62. 64 3. The LIBNAM project What is the LIBNAM project about? The LIBNAM project (Low Impact Building using NAtural Materials) is a Franco-British project. Its ambition is to help the building sector to be prepared for the future thermal regulations 2020 (in France) and 2016 (in the UK). It focuses on promoting the use of natural materials in an energy efficient building (low-impact buildings, passive or positive energy buildings). Duration of the project The period of achievement of the «LIBNAM tools» started on January 1, 2012 and ended on March 31, 2015. Outputs Theme 1 «Change management support» theme Change practices towards more green building practices • This booklet and its supporting structures examples ; • The BIM/PCI booklet : comparing integrated design methods ; • The “Experience feedback on eco-construction building sites” • booklet • Study visits in France and in Great-Britain ; • “Feedback on practices” workshops. Theme 2 «innovate with natural materials» Promote natural materials in construction • Support the establishment of two paired resource centers specialized in eco-construction, in Britain and France. • Organise 20 technical demonstrations on natural materials with drafting of technical and educational sheets. • Conduct an inventory on local production sectors of non- industrial materials such as earth, straw and hemp. • Prepare an economic feasibility study for the establishment of an innovation center on the earth material.
  • 63. 65 Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne/Pays-de-Loire | Lead partner - Professional integration projects Association 3 Rue Jean Lemaistre 35000 Rennes (FR) Tel : +33(0) 2 99 54 60 00 Elisabeth Ribeiro : Typhaine Lesselingue : Petroc | College of further and higher education and training in architecture, construction and environment Old Sticklepath Hill Barnstaple Devon EX31 2BQ (ENG) Tel : +44(0) 1271 338 215 Louise Blatherwick : Stephen Conway : 4. The project partners Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la commission européenne (N° 4243 du programme Interreg IVA France (Manche) - Angleterre)
  • 64. 66 5. Text and photo credit, translation Editors  études ET chantiers : Typhaine Lesselingue - study/review of supporting methods (interviews, formatting trans-Channel methods, summary and conclusion) Elisabeth Ribeiro - contextual introduction and proofreading Petroc : Steve Conway and Louise Blatherwick (interviews, formatting trans-Channel methods, British context) Page layout and supervision études ET chantiers : Servane Guihaire and Elisabeth Ribeiro Translation études ET chantiers : Isabelle Junalik Photo credits P 11 : Hemp - Photo © Servane Guihaire P 14 : Green oak frame - Photo © 361 Energy P 16 and 17 : Mud / Wattle and Daub demonstration action - Photo © Servane Guihaire P 20 and 21 : Poster © Approche Eco-Habitat / Pays COB P 26 : Poster © CAPEB P 28 : Open Days - Photo © CAPEB P 31 : Meeting - Photo © AECB P 34 and 35 : taken from building site / taken from booklet © RBBD / Collectif LIBNAM P 36 : Plan of passive houses in the U.K. P 38 : Taken from a publication © DEBA P 42 : Poster of the Eco-construction space © CAPEB P 45 : FEEbat training- Photo © Approche Eco-Habitat P 46 : Green Build Hub - Computer-generated © CSBT P 48 and 49 : FEEbat / Open Days/ Meeting - Photo © Approche Eco-Habitat / WARM Cover page : Open Days / Training - Photo © Approche Eco-Habitat / 361 Energy
  • 65. 67 Notes ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
  • 66. 68 Notes ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
  • 67. Printed in France by Média Graphic - Rennes Février 2015 Warning : The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the European Commission. The information collected and presented in this booklet were provided by interviewees who certified their accuracy. This information is therefore of their responsibility and should in no way commit the authors of this study. Copyright : Franco-British Collective LIBNAM project -French and English experience on two design methods for a commercial building - 2014/2015. Copyleft : This work may be used and disseminated under the terms of the Art Libre License
  • 68. This booklet is an introduction to various supporting methods to eco-construction for the building industry. These methods are used in Brittany and the United Kingdom to meet the shared challenges of energy efficiency, home quality and skills development. Theaimofthistoolistoshowexamplesofmethodsofgood practice exchanges, to bring methods of communication and knowledge transmission in the building sector to businesses, as well as to communities and professional networks. This will help them to cooperate, to promote their work and experiences, and contribute to the development of green building and the promotion of natural materials.