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Biomedical Informatics Program
BIP Team
 Emory               Morehouse            Georgia Tech
   Joel Saltz          Elizabeth Ofili       Barbara Boyan
   Tahsin Kurc         Alex Quarshie         Mary Jean Harrold
   Tim Morris          Adam Davis            Alessandro Orso
   Marc Overcash                              Doug Blough
   Andrew Post                                Karsten Schwan
   Sanjay Agravat                             Mustaque Ahamad
   Circe Tsui
   Tony Pan
   Ashish Sharma
   Fusheng Wang
   Carlos Moreno
BIP Objectives

The overarching goal of the ACTSI Biomedical Informatics Program (BIP) is to
maximize the scientific impact of ACTSI investigator proposals and facilitate
novel translational research by 1) enabling management, linkage, analysis and
mining of multi-scale, multi-dimensional data across ACTSI institutions and 2)
training, consulting, and assisting ACTSI investigators for more effective
application of bioinformatics, biostatistics, and informatics in their projects.
BIP Aims
   Specific Aim 1: Develop a suite of interoperable, linked applications and
    repositories for management and integration of clinical, "omics", imaging,
    laboratory, and tissue data.

   Specific Aim 2: Engage ACTSI investigators via consultations to maximize the
    impact of ACTSI investigator proposals through coordinated use of bioinformatics,
    biostatistics, and informatics.

   Specific Aim 3: Educate researchers and others in our academic community on the
    principles and best practices of biomedical informatics and use of biomedical
    informatics applications and tools. Closely coordinated with the Research
    Education, Training, and Career Development program.

   Specific Aim 4: Develop novel biomedical informatics techniques and tools for: 1)
    synthesis of information from very large multi-scale, multi-dimensional data, 2)
    tools to create patient data registries through a semantic extract-transform-load
    process, and 3) methods and tools for testing data integrity and maintaining
    security in federated environments.
Aim 1: Develop suite of interoperable, linked applications

 Develop integrative, federated ACTSI virtual
  information warehouse
    Integrated clinical/imaging/”omic”/biomarker/tissue
     information should always be available
    A virtually centralized, Atlanta wide information
     warehouse that has all relevant data
    Index and federate information generated throughout
     ACTSI -- information available from patients seen and
     information gathered at any ACTSI site, specimens sent to
     any affiliated core, imaging carried out at any affiliated site
    Governance and technology to manage authentication,
Applications and Databases Deployed by BIP
    Application         Deployed                Content and Usage                             Function and Benefits

     CR-Assist          Dec 2005   322 studies since deployment, 126 active         Enables researchers to manage
                                   studies, 4258 participants, and 439 users        participants, schedule and track study
                                                                                    events (visits, laboratory tests), and print
                                                                                    labels for bio-specimen collection.
       eBIRT            Jul 2010   424 services from 57 cores                       Enables discovery of relevant laboratories,
                                                                                    expertise, and services.

   PAIS Database        Aug 2010   In silico brain tumor study database of          Enables researches to store, index, and
                                   image analysis results from 307 slides           explore image markups and annotations on
                                                                                    micro-anatomic structures for correlative
      REDCap            Apr 2010   1057 data instruments created, used by 75        Provides support for researchers to easily
                                   studies                                          capture and manage clinical research data.
   Nautilus LIMS        Jul 2010    421 studies in LIMS and 94 users; number        Facilitates structured and more efficient
                                   of aliquots received in LIMS: 754,099            management of laboratory workflows and
                                                                                    bio-specimens via a common
AIW Clinical Registry   Mar 2011   5 years of data on 4061 Emory patients           Provides semantically annotated, easy-to-
                                                                                    query databases of clinical data for clinical
AIW-Readmissions        May 2011   5 years of clinical and administrative data on   Provides a semantically annotated dataset
                                   149,814 Emory patients                           for analyzing hospital readmissions.
     MSM i2b2           Oct 2010   Clinical information from 21,000 patients        Easy to use interfaces for researchers to
                                                                                    access EHR data for cohort identification.
Example Translational Research Projects
 In silico study of brain tumors
    Integrative analysis of image, omics, and clinical outcome data
 Cardiovascular Studies
    Correlative analyses of integrated data from databases of clinical
      information as well as genomic and phenotypic information
 Minority-Health Grid (MH-GRID)
    Advance genomic science and personalized medicine in minority
      health research
 Big Bethel AME Project
    Uses principles of community engaged research and biomedical
      informatics tools to assist diabetic congregants of the Big Bethel AME
      church in Atlanta to improve diabetes self management skills.
Example Translational Research Projects
 Glenn Project
    Increasing rate of consent and research specimen collection at Emory
     University Hospital, Emory Midtown Hospital and Grady Hospital
 Early hospital readmission
    Understand relationship between disease conditions, treatments and
     environmental factors in predicting hospital readmissions within 30
 Clinical Interaction Network
    Search and analysis of de-identified patient data to help investigators
     plan studies
    CIN obtains real time notification when study patient is hospitalized
     and obtains real time EMR data
In Silico Brain Tumor Research Center
 A research center of excellence for in silico study of brain tumors
 Systematically execute in silico analyses (experiments) using
  complementary data types
 Collaborative effort among four institutions
      Emory University
      Thomas Jefferson University
      Henry Ford Hospital
      Stanford University
   Initial focus on gliomas
      Better Classification
      Study Biology of Progression
      Development of Methods and Workflows
   “Companion” National Library of Medicine R01 funded, additional
    companion proposals in review and preparation

Minority-Health Grid (MH-GRID)
 PI: Gary Gibbons, multi-site project involving
  Morehouse School of Medicine, Grady, Jackson Hinds
  Clinic, and Kaiser
 Health disparities research focusing on hypertension
  in minority populations
 Integration of de-identified clinical phenotypes,
  social-environmental data elements, biospecimens,
  laboratory data, and genomic information
 Data sharing and federation infrastructure will build
  on the BIP Architecture and the Enhanced Registries
Big Bethel AME Project
   PI: Priscilla Igho-Pemu. A Pilot study involving CIN, BIP, and CER programs of the
    ACTSI and Big Bethel AME Church.
   Hypothesis: Diabetic patients who use ehealthystrides and its social networking
    forum will demonstrate better diabetes self management skills.
   Main outcome variable: attainment of at least 3/7 of the American Association of
    Diabetes Educators (AADE7) diabetes self-care behavioral goals.
   Uses principles of community engaged research and biomedical informatics tools
    to assist consented diabetic congregants (Participants) of the Big Bethel AME
    church in Atlanta under the guidance of a trained coach to improve diabetes self
    management skills.
   Supports consumers as drivers of health transformation.
   Coaches and participants are trained on the use of the ehealthystrides
    application, personal health record creation, AADE7 goals and use of the
    structured behavioral goal setting tools.
   A community access “kiosk” with internet access and web portal has been
    provided at the Big Bethel AME church premises to enhance training and
    utilization of informatics tools by participants.
   110 participants have currently been enrolled.
GLENN Project
 POC: Dan Brat, project to define streamlined processes and
    systems for Breast Cancer bio-banking at Winship
   Primary goal: Increasing rate of consent and research
    specimen collection at Emory University Hospital, Emory
    Midtown Hospital and Grady Hospital
   Integration of identified and de-identified clinical phenotypes
    with available specimens for use in research
   Architecture will utilize ACTSI master study participant index,
    enterprise LIMS implementation and Emory enterprise service
   Generic architecture for use to support bio-banking across
 Establish a ‘virtual’ biobank and specimen tracking
  infrastructure across the ACTSI.
 Labs at many of our Clinical Interaction Networks are
  in deployment or close to deployment:
    Emory University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Grady,
     Midtown, and Children’s
 In process for next phase laboratories:
    Hope Clinic
    Neurology
    Children’s Research Laboratories
Topic-specific Clinical Registries
 Created using AIW infrastructure
    Novel semantic extract-transform-load (ETL) tool in AIW to
     create disease specific, semantically annotated clinical
 i2b2 is used as user-facing presentation layer
 Multiple registries are in various stages of
  development for cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
  oncology, and analyses of re-admissions that draw
  data from the Emory Healthcare CDW.
 Integrating “Find an Expert” functionality
  based off of existing technologies, such as the
  VIVO project
 Kicked off the v2, “Find a Collaborator”
  functionality and exploring the different
R-CENTER Web Portal
 Centralizes access to research resources at
  Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM)
  through the internet.
 Launched in July 2011
 Enables discovery of expertise and resources
  for research at MSM, the ACTSI and RCMI
  Translational Research Network (RTRN).
Aim 2. Engage ACTSI investigators via consultations

 Goal: Maximize the impact of ACTSI investigator
  studies and proposals through coordinated use of
  bioinformatics, biostatistics, and informatics.
 Carried out in close collaboration with BERD and CIN
Aim 2. Engage ACTSI investigators via consultations

 Ad hoc interactions with investigators and research
  groups by BIP, CIN, and BERD teams
 Established Studio consultation program
    Investigators request Studio consultation
    a coordinated venue for a pre-review and requirements
     evaluation of proposals/projects by a panel of experts to
     enhance the impact of ACTSI proposals and projects
 Requests for BIP assistance are captured through the
  RAPID system, jointly developed by BIP and the ACTSI
  Tracking & Evaluation program
Investigator Studios
                 (a joint operation with BERD, BIP, and CIN)

 Studios started in July of 2010, designed to provide “one-stop
    shopping” for pre-submission consultations
   In 2011 there were nine Studios conducted involving the full
    complement of BERD, BIP, and CIN faculty
   Ongoing 2012 schedule slots for the first Friday of each month
   Investigators are requested to submit research plans and goals
    in advance of the Studio session
   Junior researchers can include their senior faculty mentors in
    any session
   Advertising on ACTSI web site and in Weekly Roundup has
    been beneficial
Aim 3: Informatics Training Program
 Closely coordinated with RETCD
 Clinical Informatics Academy. This Continuing Medical
  Education (CME) activity is targeted at clinical researchers,
  clinicians, public health researchers, physicians, nurses, and
  medical technologists with computer science, engineering, or
  biomedical background.
    It focuses on practical aspects of employing biomedical informatics in
     research projects and patient care. The course consists of 14 hours of
     lecture and breakout sessions.
    The first session was held on June 1-2, 2011 with 42 participants
     enrolled. The next course is scheduled for March 2012.
Aim 3: Informatics Training Program
 Biomedical informatics (BMI) track in MSCR. A biomedical
  informatics track with one student currently enrolled and
  another two students to be added in Fall 2011.
    Introduction to Biomedical Informatics is a required course and will
     provide an introduction to clinical information systems, bioinformatics,
     medical imaging, and computational tools.
    Students will carry out a required translational research rotation and
     will take Ethics as another required course.
    Two student slots in the MSCR BMI track will be sponsored with GT
     ACTSI BIP matching funds.
Aim 3: Informatics Training Program
 Biomedical Informatics PhD Program. In Fall 2010, Emory
  obtained approval for a new BMI PhD program that is jointly
  administered by Emory’s Departments of Biomedical
  Informatics, Math & CS, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, and
       It will engage students with computational and biomedical training within
       teams of software system researchers and scientific investigators, addressing
       translational bioinformatics and clinical research informatics focus areas.
 Certificate Program in Biomedical Informatics. This program
  is targeted at researchers and clinical professionals who would
  like to take a set of short courses on the basics and principles
  of biomedical informatics.
Aim 3: Informatics Training Program
 Clinical and Translational Informatics Rounds (CTIR). CTIR is a
  monthly meeting targeted at clinical and translational
  researchers, clinicians, pharmacists, nurses and information
  services support staff.
    It provides a venue for participants to critically discuss a diverse set of
     landmark and current informatics papers, present their work before or after
     presentation at national meetings, and brainstorm about current or planned
     informatics projects, databases, decision support systems in patient-related
     research areas.
    One of the objectives is to form a group of informaticians across the
     institution in preparation for the American Medical Informatics Association
     efforts to implement subspecialty board certification in Clinical Informatics.
Aim 4. Develop novel biomedical informatics
                 techniques and tools for
   Next Generation Integrative Methods in Medicine. Develop high-performance
    computing and data management tools that will make it feasible to systematically
    carry out large-scale comparative analyses using high-resolution, high-throughput
   Semantic Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) for Data Registries. Develop a semantic
    ETL tool that will support temporal concepts and data mappings to semantic
   Integrity Testing: Biomedical Data Sources and Data Federation. Develop, in a
    collaborative effort between GT and Emory, a framework of tools and techniques
    designed to detect errors by combining domain knowledge, modeling, and
    software testing techniques
   Authentication and Access Control in Federated Environments. Develop a
    standards-based security framework in a collaborative effort between GT and
    Emory to enhance security capabilities in federated environments.
Next Generation Integrative Methods
          (in collaboration with Georgia Tech)
 Large volumes of data generated by state-of-the-art
  next generation sequencing instruments and image
 Integration of these data types is limited in research
  and healthcare delivery because of challenges with
  large scale data management and analysis
 Development of fast methods and tools that take
  advantage of
    Large scale storage environments and deep memory
    Clusters of CPU-GPU nodes
Semantic ETL Tools and Enhanced Registries

 Linked Databases for Research
 Leverages common data elements and models and
  existing standards. Initially for cardiovascular disease,
  diabetes and co-morbidities.
 Derived data elements represent categories of data
  and temporal patterns of interest.
 Linked to source data – initially, the Emory
  Healthcare Clinical Data Warehouse and the Grady
  Health System Diabetes Patient Tracking System.
 Supports end-user researcher query and analysis.
Federated Security
          (in collaboration with Georgia Tech)
 Allow federated management of accounts across
  institutional boundaries
 Policy-driven, dynamic authorization based on
 Selection of applicable policies and conflict
  resolution algorithm occurs in a dynamic fashion.
 Standards based and leverage existing tools:
    XACML, SAML, Shibboleth based standards
 A paper at BIBM 2011 conference
Testing of ACTSI Federated Environment
           (in collaboration with Georgia Tech)
 Studies involve multiple databases and (complex) data
  gathering and management processes
 How to assess the integrity of the federated environment
  when Data sources are added, updated, deleted
 A framework to
    Define rules that describe constraints, dependencies,
      relationships, and business protocols
    Compose and execute offline and online tests based on
      rules and federated databases
 A paper and a poster in AMIA Joint Summit. Another paper
  submitted to a software engineering conference
Next Generation Exome Sequencing
               (in collaboration with MSM)
 Motivated by Minority Health GRID project
   Exome sequencing of specimens from 2400 patients
   Analysis and integration of genomic data with EHR and
    observational data
 Development of infrastructure for storage and
 High performance computing support through use of
  compute clusters
Interactions with other Institutions
 The Southeast CTSA Consortium of eight CTSA projects in the
  southeastern United States including ACTSI.
    ACTSI BIP leads the informatics group.
    a clinical data sharing initiative to study and develop regulatory
     policies, governance and informatics infrastructure surrounding inter-
     CTSA clinical and translational research
 Collaboration with the Ohio State University (OSU) CTSA in the
  development of a common middleware toolkit to support
  data integration and resource federation
    part of OSU-led CTSA Service Oriented Architecture affinity group
 BIP is pursuing collaborative work with NCBO to integrate
  their tools for semantic data modeling into the clinical registry
Interactions with other Institutions
               Institution                                           Collaborative Activities

                                      Development of standards-based data sharing framework (initially driven by
University of North Carolina          cardiovascular disease research) as part of the Southeast CTSA consortium and use of
                                      BIP’s Analytical Information Warehouse and semantic ETL tools for EHR-linked
                                      bioinformatics and bio-repository infrastructure.

                                      Deployment of Emory eCOI system at University of Florida CTSA. Collaboration on
University of Florida                 interfacing of eBIRT and VIVO systems.

                                      Collaborations through CTSA Imaging Informatics Working Group and caBIG® Imaging
Mayo Clinic                           Workspace on informatics tools for secure image data sharing in translational research
                                      and in defining the image data sharing infrastructure in the RSAN image sharing project.

                                      Collaboration through CTSA Imaging Informatics Working Group (IWG) to create common
Duke University Medical Center        infrastructure and data models for management and sharing of biomedical image data
                                      and quantitative imaging biomarkers.

                                      Joint design and development of LIMS Study Design Module that has been deployed in
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia   both institutions. Shared implementation strategies.
Interactions with other Institutions
             Institution                                     Collaborative Activities

                           Collaboration in the CTSA Service Oriented Architecture Affinity Group for development of
University of Michigan     interoperable translational research informatics systems. Joint development of integrative
                           cardiovascular and cancer related research projects. Dr. Saltz serves as Chair of Michigan CTSA
                           Biomedical Informatics Core external advisory committee.

                           Collaborations in the Service Oriented Architecture Affinity Group for CTSA, the caGrid
Ohio State University      infrastructure development, and the caGrid Knowledge Center -- Emory and Ohio State co-lead
                           the caGrid Knowledge Center effort. Development of interoperable translational research
                           informatics infrastructure.

                           Development of standards-based, federated informatics infrastructure and clinical data
Johns Hopkins University   management systems for the CardioVascular Research Grid (CVRG) and application of these
                           systems in the driving biomedical projects of the CVRG consortium.

                           Deployment at Emory of REDCap and ResearchMatch systems. Active participation in
Vanderbilt                 consortium, shared deployment strategies, and extension of REDCap code.

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Biomedical Informatics Program -- Atlanta CTSA (ACTSI)

  • 2. BIP Team  Emory  Morehouse  Georgia Tech  Joel Saltz  Elizabeth Ofili  Barbara Boyan  Tahsin Kurc  Alex Quarshie  Mary Jean Harrold  Tim Morris  Adam Davis  Alessandro Orso  Marc Overcash  Doug Blough  Andrew Post  Karsten Schwan  Sanjay Agravat  Mustaque Ahamad  Circe Tsui  Tony Pan  Ashish Sharma  Fusheng Wang  Carlos Moreno
  • 3. BIP Objectives The overarching goal of the ACTSI Biomedical Informatics Program (BIP) is to maximize the scientific impact of ACTSI investigator proposals and facilitate novel translational research by 1) enabling management, linkage, analysis and mining of multi-scale, multi-dimensional data across ACTSI institutions and 2) training, consulting, and assisting ACTSI investigators for more effective application of bioinformatics, biostatistics, and informatics in their projects.
  • 4. BIP Aims  Specific Aim 1: Develop a suite of interoperable, linked applications and repositories for management and integration of clinical, "omics", imaging, laboratory, and tissue data.  Specific Aim 2: Engage ACTSI investigators via consultations to maximize the impact of ACTSI investigator proposals through coordinated use of bioinformatics, biostatistics, and informatics.  Specific Aim 3: Educate researchers and others in our academic community on the principles and best practices of biomedical informatics and use of biomedical informatics applications and tools. Closely coordinated with the Research Education, Training, and Career Development program.  Specific Aim 4: Develop novel biomedical informatics techniques and tools for: 1) synthesis of information from very large multi-scale, multi-dimensional data, 2) tools to create patient data registries through a semantic extract-transform-load process, and 3) methods and tools for testing data integrity and maintaining security in federated environments.
  • 5. Aim 1: Develop suite of interoperable, linked applications  Develop integrative, federated ACTSI virtual information warehouse  Integrated clinical/imaging/”omic”/biomarker/tissue information should always be available  A virtually centralized, Atlanta wide information warehouse that has all relevant data  Index and federate information generated throughout ACTSI -- information available from patients seen and information gathered at any ACTSI site, specimens sent to any affiliated core, imaging carried out at any affiliated site  Governance and technology to manage authentication, authorization
  • 6. Applications and Databases Deployed by BIP Application Deployed Content and Usage Function and Benefits CR-Assist Dec 2005 322 studies since deployment, 126 active Enables researchers to manage studies, 4258 participants, and 439 users participants, schedule and track study events (visits, laboratory tests), and print labels for bio-specimen collection. eBIRT Jul 2010 424 services from 57 cores Enables discovery of relevant laboratories, expertise, and services. PAIS Database Aug 2010 In silico brain tumor study database of Enables researches to store, index, and image analysis results from 307 slides explore image markups and annotations on micro-anatomic structures for correlative studies. REDCap Apr 2010 1057 data instruments created, used by 75 Provides support for researchers to easily studies capture and manage clinical research data. Nautilus LIMS Jul 2010 421 studies in LIMS and 94 users; number Facilitates structured and more efficient of aliquots received in LIMS: 754,099 management of laboratory workflows and bio-specimens via a common infrastructure. AIW Clinical Registry Mar 2011 5 years of data on 4061 Emory patients Provides semantically annotated, easy-to- query databases of clinical data for clinical research. AIW-Readmissions May 2011 5 years of clinical and administrative data on Provides a semantically annotated dataset 149,814 Emory patients for analyzing hospital readmissions. MSM i2b2 Oct 2010 Clinical information from 21,000 patients Easy to use interfaces for researchers to access EHR data for cohort identification.
  • 7. Example Translational Research Projects  In silico study of brain tumors  Integrative analysis of image, omics, and clinical outcome data  Cardiovascular Studies  Correlative analyses of integrated data from databases of clinical information as well as genomic and phenotypic information  Minority-Health Grid (MH-GRID)  Advance genomic science and personalized medicine in minority health research  Big Bethel AME Project  Uses principles of community engaged research and biomedical informatics tools to assist diabetic congregants of the Big Bethel AME church in Atlanta to improve diabetes self management skills.
  • 8. Example Translational Research Projects  Glenn Project  Increasing rate of consent and research specimen collection at Emory University Hospital, Emory Midtown Hospital and Grady Hospital  Early hospital readmission  Understand relationship between disease conditions, treatments and environmental factors in predicting hospital readmissions within 30 days.  Clinical Interaction Network  Search and analysis of de-identified patient data to help investigators plan studies  CIN obtains real time notification when study patient is hospitalized and obtains real time EMR data
  • 9. In Silico Brain Tumor Research Center (ISBRTC)  A research center of excellence for in silico study of brain tumors  Systematically execute in silico analyses (experiments) using complementary data types  Collaborative effort among four institutions  Emory University  Thomas Jefferson University  Henry Ford Hospital  Stanford University  Initial focus on gliomas  Better Classification  Study Biology of Progression  Development of Methods and Workflows  “Companion” National Library of Medicine R01 funded, additional companion proposals in review and preparation 7/9/2012 9
  • 10. Minority-Health Grid (MH-GRID)  PI: Gary Gibbons, multi-site project involving Morehouse School of Medicine, Grady, Jackson Hinds Clinic, and Kaiser  Health disparities research focusing on hypertension in minority populations  Integration of de-identified clinical phenotypes, social-environmental data elements, biospecimens, laboratory data, and genomic information  Data sharing and federation infrastructure will build on the BIP Architecture and the Enhanced Registries system
  • 11. Big Bethel AME Project  PI: Priscilla Igho-Pemu. A Pilot study involving CIN, BIP, and CER programs of the ACTSI and Big Bethel AME Church.  Hypothesis: Diabetic patients who use ehealthystrides and its social networking forum will demonstrate better diabetes self management skills.  Main outcome variable: attainment of at least 3/7 of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE7) diabetes self-care behavioral goals.  Uses principles of community engaged research and biomedical informatics tools to assist consented diabetic congregants (Participants) of the Big Bethel AME church in Atlanta under the guidance of a trained coach to improve diabetes self management skills.  Supports consumers as drivers of health transformation.  Coaches and participants are trained on the use of the ehealthystrides application, personal health record creation, AADE7 goals and use of the structured behavioral goal setting tools.  A community access “kiosk” with internet access and web portal has been provided at the Big Bethel AME church premises to enhance training and utilization of informatics tools by participants.  110 participants have currently been enrolled.
  • 12. GLENN Project  POC: Dan Brat, project to define streamlined processes and systems for Breast Cancer bio-banking at Winship  Primary goal: Increasing rate of consent and research specimen collection at Emory University Hospital, Emory Midtown Hospital and Grady Hospital  Integration of identified and de-identified clinical phenotypes with available specimens for use in research  Architecture will utilize ACTSI master study participant index, enterprise LIMS implementation and Emory enterprise service bus  Generic architecture for use to support bio-banking across Emory/ACTSI
  • 13. LIMS  Establish a ‘virtual’ biobank and specimen tracking infrastructure across the ACTSI.  Labs at many of our Clinical Interaction Networks are in deployment or close to deployment:  Emory University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Grady, Midtown, and Children’s  In process for next phase laboratories:  Hope Clinic  Neurology  Children’s Research Laboratories
  • 14. Topic-specific Clinical Registries  Created using AIW infrastructure  Novel semantic extract-transform-load (ETL) tool in AIW to create disease specific, semantically annotated clinical repositories  i2b2 is used as user-facing presentation layer  Multiple registries are in various stages of development for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, oncology, and analyses of re-admissions that draw data from the Emory Healthcare CDW.
  • 15. eBIRT  Integrating “Find an Expert” functionality based off of existing technologies, such as the VIVO project  Kicked off the v2, “Find a Collaborator” functionality and exploring the different requirements
  • 16. R-CENTER Web Portal  Centralizes access to research resources at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) through the internet.  Launched in July 2011  Enables discovery of expertise and resources for research at MSM, the ACTSI and RCMI Translational Research Network (RTRN).
  • 17. Aim 2. Engage ACTSI investigators via consultations  Goal: Maximize the impact of ACTSI investigator studies and proposals through coordinated use of bioinformatics, biostatistics, and informatics.  Carried out in close collaboration with BERD and CIN
  • 18. Aim 2. Engage ACTSI investigators via consultations  Ad hoc interactions with investigators and research groups by BIP, CIN, and BERD teams  Established Studio consultation program  Investigators request Studio consultation  a coordinated venue for a pre-review and requirements evaluation of proposals/projects by a panel of experts to enhance the impact of ACTSI proposals and projects  Requests for BIP assistance are captured through the RAPID system, jointly developed by BIP and the ACTSI Tracking & Evaluation program
  • 19. Investigator Studios (a joint operation with BERD, BIP, and CIN)  Studios started in July of 2010, designed to provide “one-stop shopping” for pre-submission consultations  In 2011 there were nine Studios conducted involving the full complement of BERD, BIP, and CIN faculty  Ongoing 2012 schedule slots for the first Friday of each month  Investigators are requested to submit research plans and goals in advance of the Studio session  Junior researchers can include their senior faculty mentors in any session  Advertising on ACTSI web site and in Weekly Roundup has been beneficial
  • 20. Aim 3: Informatics Training Program  Closely coordinated with RETCD  Clinical Informatics Academy. This Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity is targeted at clinical researchers, clinicians, public health researchers, physicians, nurses, and medical technologists with computer science, engineering, or biomedical background.  It focuses on practical aspects of employing biomedical informatics in research projects and patient care. The course consists of 14 hours of lecture and breakout sessions.  The first session was held on June 1-2, 2011 with 42 participants enrolled. The next course is scheduled for March 2012.
  • 21. Aim 3: Informatics Training Program  Biomedical informatics (BMI) track in MSCR. A biomedical informatics track with one student currently enrolled and another two students to be added in Fall 2011.  Introduction to Biomedical Informatics is a required course and will provide an introduction to clinical information systems, bioinformatics, medical imaging, and computational tools.  Students will carry out a required translational research rotation and will take Ethics as another required course.  Two student slots in the MSCR BMI track will be sponsored with GT ACTSI BIP matching funds.
  • 22. Aim 3: Informatics Training Program  Biomedical Informatics PhD Program. In Fall 2010, Emory obtained approval for a new BMI PhD program that is jointly administered by Emory’s Departments of Biomedical Informatics, Math & CS, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, and CCI.  It will engage students with computational and biomedical training within teams of software system researchers and scientific investigators, addressing translational bioinformatics and clinical research informatics focus areas.  Certificate Program in Biomedical Informatics. This program is targeted at researchers and clinical professionals who would like to take a set of short courses on the basics and principles of biomedical informatics.
  • 23. Aim 3: Informatics Training Program  Clinical and Translational Informatics Rounds (CTIR). CTIR is a monthly meeting targeted at clinical and translational researchers, clinicians, pharmacists, nurses and information services support staff.  It provides a venue for participants to critically discuss a diverse set of landmark and current informatics papers, present their work before or after presentation at national meetings, and brainstorm about current or planned informatics projects, databases, decision support systems in patient-related research areas.  One of the objectives is to form a group of informaticians across the institution in preparation for the American Medical Informatics Association efforts to implement subspecialty board certification in Clinical Informatics.
  • 24. Aim 4. Develop novel biomedical informatics techniques and tools for  Next Generation Integrative Methods in Medicine. Develop high-performance computing and data management tools that will make it feasible to systematically carry out large-scale comparative analyses using high-resolution, high-throughput datasets.  Semantic Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) for Data Registries. Develop a semantic ETL tool that will support temporal concepts and data mappings to semantic terms.  Integrity Testing: Biomedical Data Sources and Data Federation. Develop, in a collaborative effort between GT and Emory, a framework of tools and techniques designed to detect errors by combining domain knowledge, modeling, and software testing techniques  Authentication and Access Control in Federated Environments. Develop a standards-based security framework in a collaborative effort between GT and Emory to enhance security capabilities in federated environments.
  • 25. Next Generation Integrative Methods (in collaboration with Georgia Tech)  Large volumes of data generated by state-of-the-art next generation sequencing instruments and image scanners  Integration of these data types is limited in research and healthcare delivery because of challenges with large scale data management and analysis  Development of fast methods and tools that take advantage of  Large scale storage environments and deep memory hierarchies  Clusters of CPU-GPU nodes
  • 26. Semantic ETL Tools and Enhanced Registries  Linked Databases for Research  Leverages common data elements and models and existing standards. Initially for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and co-morbidities.  Derived data elements represent categories of data and temporal patterns of interest.  Linked to source data – initially, the Emory Healthcare Clinical Data Warehouse and the Grady Health System Diabetes Patient Tracking System.  Supports end-user researcher query and analysis.
  • 27. Federated Security (in collaboration with Georgia Tech)  Allow federated management of accounts across institutional boundaries  Policy-driven, dynamic authorization based on attributes.  Selection of applicable policies and conflict resolution algorithm occurs in a dynamic fashion.  Standards based and leverage existing tools:  XACML, SAML, Shibboleth based standards  A paper at BIBM 2011 conference
  • 28. Testing of ACTSI Federated Environment (in collaboration with Georgia Tech)  Studies involve multiple databases and (complex) data gathering and management processes  How to assess the integrity of the federated environment when Data sources are added, updated, deleted  A framework to  Define rules that describe constraints, dependencies, relationships, and business protocols  Compose and execute offline and online tests based on rules and federated databases  A paper and a poster in AMIA Joint Summit. Another paper submitted to a software engineering conference
  • 29. Next Generation Exome Sequencing (in collaboration with MSM)  Motivated by Minority Health GRID project  Exome sequencing of specimens from 2400 patients  Analysis and integration of genomic data with EHR and observational data  Development of infrastructure for storage and management  High performance computing support through use of compute clusters
  • 30. Interactions with other Institutions  The Southeast CTSA Consortium of eight CTSA projects in the southeastern United States including ACTSI.  ACTSI BIP leads the informatics group.  a clinical data sharing initiative to study and develop regulatory policies, governance and informatics infrastructure surrounding inter- CTSA clinical and translational research  Collaboration with the Ohio State University (OSU) CTSA in the development of a common middleware toolkit to support data integration and resource federation  part of OSU-led CTSA Service Oriented Architecture affinity group efforts  BIP is pursuing collaborative work with NCBO to integrate their tools for semantic data modeling into the clinical registry capability.
  • 31. Interactions with other Institutions Institution Collaborative Activities Development of standards-based data sharing framework (initially driven by University of North Carolina cardiovascular disease research) as part of the Southeast CTSA consortium and use of BIP’s Analytical Information Warehouse and semantic ETL tools for EHR-linked bioinformatics and bio-repository infrastructure. Deployment of Emory eCOI system at University of Florida CTSA. Collaboration on University of Florida interfacing of eBIRT and VIVO systems. Collaborations through CTSA Imaging Informatics Working Group and caBIG® Imaging Mayo Clinic Workspace on informatics tools for secure image data sharing in translational research and in defining the image data sharing infrastructure in the RSAN image sharing project. Collaboration through CTSA Imaging Informatics Working Group (IWG) to create common Duke University Medical Center infrastructure and data models for management and sharing of biomedical image data and quantitative imaging biomarkers. Joint design and development of LIMS Study Design Module that has been deployed in Children's Hospital of Philadelphia both institutions. Shared implementation strategies.
  • 32. Interactions with other Institutions Institution Collaborative Activities Collaboration in the CTSA Service Oriented Architecture Affinity Group for development of University of Michigan interoperable translational research informatics systems. Joint development of integrative cardiovascular and cancer related research projects. Dr. Saltz serves as Chair of Michigan CTSA Biomedical Informatics Core external advisory committee. Collaborations in the Service Oriented Architecture Affinity Group for CTSA, the caGrid Ohio State University infrastructure development, and the caGrid Knowledge Center -- Emory and Ohio State co-lead the caGrid Knowledge Center effort. Development of interoperable translational research informatics infrastructure. Development of standards-based, federated informatics infrastructure and clinical data Johns Hopkins University management systems for the CardioVascular Research Grid (CVRG) and application of these systems in the driving biomedical projects of the CVRG consortium. Deployment at Emory of REDCap and ResearchMatch systems. Active participation in Vanderbilt consortium, shared deployment strategies, and extension of REDCap code.