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4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhD 1
“A preparation such as any drug, a vaccine or an
antitoxin ,that is synthesized from living
organisms or their products and used as
diagnostic, therapeutic or preventive agent” .
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 2
Biologics can be classified into two general
1. Antigens
2. Antibodies
ANTIGEN: An antigen is the material that provokes
the immune response and it can be defined under
three categories.
a) Biologically
b) Chemically
c) Physically
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 3
a. Biologically (Definition of Antigens)
An antigen is the substance that when
introduced into the tissue of man or other
vertebrates, causes the formation of antibodies.
These antibodies then react specifically with the
antigen that stimulated their production.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 4
Properties of an antigen:
1. Immunogenicity:
Immunogenicity means the capacity
of an antigen to induce antibody
2. Specificity:
Specificity is governed by small
chemical sites on the antigen
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 5
Small chemical sites on the antigen molecules
called the antigenic determinates, the antibody
combines with one or more these sites.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 6
b. Chemically definition of antigen
Chemically antigens are Proteins, However some
higher molecular weight polysaccharides are
also antigenic.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 7
C. Physically definition of antigen:
Antigen must possess a higher molecular weight
.Weight more than 10,000 is required. The
higher molecular weight is associated with the
biologic property of immunogenicity(The
capacity to induce antibody formation)
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 8
Examples of antigens that are directly involved
in infectious diseases are
 Exotoxins
 Proteins
 Capsule of bacteria
 Protein coats of virus particles
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 9
“Compounds with a molecular weight lower than
10,000 can be partial antigens and are called
Because of low molecular weight they cannot
induce the formation of antibodies by themselves
and lack the property of immunogenicity. However
they can attached with the host proteins to form a
complete antigen which will induce the formation
of antibodies specific for the particular Hapten.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 10
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 11
Drug or their breakdown products may act as
Hepten and this action is the basis of many drug
allergies e.g. Penicillin Allergy.
Penicillin allergy occurs when immune system
mistakenly reacts to a drug as a harmful
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 12
• Antibody, also called immunoglobulin, a
protective protein produced by the immune
system in response to the presence of a foreign
substance, called an antigen.
• Antibodies recognize and latch onto antigens in
order to remove them from the body.
• A wide range of substances are regarded by the
body as antigens, including disease-causing
organisms and toxic materials such as insect
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 13
• When an antigen enters the body, the immune
system is able to recognize it as foreign because
molecules on the surface of the antigen differ
from those found in the body.
• To eliminate the invader, the immune system calls
on a number of mechanisms, including one of the
most important—antibody production.
• Antibodies are produced by specialized white
blood cells called B lymphocytes (or B cells).
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 14
• When an antigen binds to the B-cell surface, it
stimulates the B cell to divide and mature into
a group of identical cells called a clone.
• The mature B cells, called plasma cells, secrete
millions of antibodies into the bloodstream
and lymphatic system.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 15
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 16
Structure of an ANTIBODY
An antibody (Ab), also known as
an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shaped
protein produced mainly by plasma cells that is
used by the immune system to identify and
neutralize pathogens such as bacteria
and viruses.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 17
The basic structure of an antibody consists of
two pairs of polypeptide chains that form a
flexible Y shape.
The stem of the Y consists of one end of each of
two identical heavy chains, while each arm is
composed of the remaining portion of a heavy
chain plus a smaller protein called the light
chain. The two light chains also are identical.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 18
• Within particular classes of antibodies the stem
and the bottom of the arms are fairly similar and
thus are called the constant region.
• The tips of the arms, however, are highly variable
in sequence. It is these tips that bind antigen.
• Thus each antibody has two identical antigen-
binding sites, one at the end of each arm, and the
antigen-binding sites vary greatly among
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 19
The constant region determines the mechanism
used to destroy antigen. Antibodies are divided
into five major classes, IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and
IgE, based on their constant region structure
and immune function.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 20
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 21
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 22
• Preformed antibodies, which are derived from
the blood serum of previously infected people
or animals, are often administered in
an antiserum to another person in order to
provide immediate,
passive immunization against fast-acting
toxins or microbes, such as those in snakebites
or tetanus infections.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 23
These are distinguished by the type of heavy
chain found in the molecule IgG molecules have
heavy chains known as gamma-chains; IgMs
have mu-chains; IgAs have alpha-chains; IgEs
have epsilon-chains; and IgDs have delta-chains.
Differences in heavy chain polypeptides allow
these immunoglobulins to function in different
types of immune responses and at particular
stages of the immune response.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 24
1. IgG (70-75%)
2. IgM (10%)
3. IgA (10-15%)
4. IgD (1% or less)
5. IgE(0.001% or less)
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 25
1. IgG
IgG is the most abundant serum
 It is the only antibody that can pass through
the placenta.
Protects against bacterial or viral infection.
 Molecular wt. approx. 150,000
 Contains 1400 amino acids.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 26
This is the first antibody the body makes when
it fights a new infection.
Molecular weight: 900,000
 Molecules of IgM are pentamer of the basic 4
chain immunoglobulin unit.
Found mainly in blood and in lymph fluids
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 27
• The baby does not get any maternal IgM, IgA
or IgE as they do not cross the placenta, so if
IgM is found it may suggest the baby has
encountered an infection in utero. If the baby
is born prematurely, the IgG level is lower
than that of a term infant, in proportion to the
degree of prematurity. The IgG from the
mother protects the baby from many
infections in the first months of life.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 28
3. IgA
 Immunoglobulin A (IgA, is an antibody that plays a crucial
role in the immune function of mucous membranes.
 Molecular weight: 320,000
 Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that's part of your
immune system. IgA is found in mucous membranes,
especially in the respiratory and digestive tracts. It is
also found in saliva, tears, and breastmilk , and form a
specific defense mechanism in these areas of body.
 These are found in relatively low concentration in blood
 IgA exists in serum in both monomeric and dimeric forms
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 29
In B cells, the function of IgD is to signal the B
cells to be activated. By being activated, B
cells are ready to take part in the defense of
the body as part of the immune system
Molecular weight: 180,000
Percent of total immunoglobulin: 0.2%
It is present on the surface of B-cells and plays
a role in the induction of antibody production.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 30
5. IgE
Associated with allergic reactions(when immune
system overreact to environmental antigen and
found in lungs, skin, and mucus membrane.
Molecular weight: 200,000
Percent of total immunoglobulin: 0.002%
IgE and IgD are found in serum in much smaller
quantities than other Igs. IgE primarily defends
against parasitic invasion and is responsible for
allergic reactions
Distribution: basophils and mast cells in saliva and
nasal secretions
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 31
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 32
• The newborn baby may get additional
antibody via breast feeding, but this antibody
does not get absorbed from the baby’s
gastrointestinal tract.
• However its presence in the baby’s pharynx
and intestinal tract protects the baby from
diarrheal diseases, and to some extent from
respiratory disease.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 33
Types of Immunity
Immunity is classified into two major types.
1. Natural/Innate Immunity
2. Acqiured Immunity
Natural/Innate Immunity
The term natural or innate means the defense
mechanism endowed at birth and that come
into play immediately or within hours of an
antigen appearance in the body.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 34
Acqiured Immunity
On the other hand, acquired immunity is quiet
specific and is in contrast to natural immunity.
Generally it is subdivided in to 2 classes.
i. Active immunity
ii. Passive immunity
Each of which is further subdivided into
“Acquired immunity”
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 35
Active Immunity
a) Naturally acquired active immunity
b) Artificially acquired active immunity
Passive immunity
a) Naturally acquired Passive immunity
b) Artificially acquired Passive immunity
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 36
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 37
Active Immunity
Active immunity means the specific immunity
developed by an individual in response to the
introduction of antigenic substance into the body.
a)Naturally acquired active immunity
In this type of immunity, the antigenic substances
may be received by the body in a natural manner.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 38
b)Artificially acquired active immunity
Whereas in this type, antigenic substances may
be received by the body through the
administration of vaccines or toxoid.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 39
Passive Immunity
Passive immunity is the type developed
by the introduction of preformed
antibodies into the body.
 In this type, the body cells are not
stimulated to produce their own antibodies
.The immunity acquired by the individuals
is not self developed ,but is passed from
one individual to another, the term passive
immunity is applied.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 40
a) Naturally acquired Passive immunity
Occurs during pregnancy, in which certain
antibodies are passed from the maternal into the
fetal bloodstream.
b) Artificially acquired passive immunity
Short-term immunization by the injection of
antibodies, such as gamma globulin, that are not
produced by the recipient's cells.It is produced
quickly but is not long lasting.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 41
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 42
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 43
A substance used to stimulate the production of
antibodies and provide immunity against one or
several diseases, prepared from the causative agent
of a disease, its product or a synthetic substitute,
treated to act as an antigen without inducing the
It may contain living, attenuated or killed viruses,
killed rickettsiae.
1. Vaccines create
immunity that protects
you from an infection .
2. Sometimes vaccines are
called immunization,
needles, or shots.
3. It protect you from a
specific disease that can
make you very sick,
disable or even kill you.
4. They boost your body’s
own defense system
which is called the
immune system
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 44
Effectiveness of vaccine
• Vaccines do not guarantee complete protection
from a disease.
• Sometimes, this is because, the host’s immune
system simply doesn’t respond adequately or at
• This may be due to a lowered immune system in
general ( diabetes, steroid use, HIV infection) or
because the host immune system doesn’t have B
cell capable of generating antibodies to that
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 45
Active immunization from
• Primary active immunization from vaccination
develops more slowly than the incubation
period of most infections and must be induced
prior to exposure to infectious agent.
• Therefore general action of vaccines should
be considered prophylactic.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 46
Active immunization with Non-
living Vaccines
 Non living vaccines provides protection for
only a limited time, so repeated vaccination is
required to maintain protection against Typoid
fever, cholera and plague.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 47
Active immunization with living
Whereas active immunization with living agents
is generally preferable to immunization with
killed vaccines because of a superior and more
long lived immune response.
For example: A single vaccination of measles,
rubella or mumps, is sufficient to produce a
long lasting effects.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 48
Active immunization may cause fever, malaise,
soreness at injection sites or allergic reactions.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 49
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 50
 For prophylaxis against mumps, rubella,
rubeola , smallpox, and yellow fever contains
living viruses.
 Inactivated or killed viruses are used in
influenza and rabies vaccines.
Preparations containing live attenuated or
killed viruses are available for immunization
against poliomyelitis
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 51
The smallpox vaccine helps the body to develop
immunity to smallpox. The vaccine is made from
a virus called vaccinia which is a “pox”-type virus
related to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine
contains the “live” vaccinia virus—not dead virus
like many other vaccines.
 Available in dried and liquid form, the later
consist of a smooth ,aquoeus suspension of
infected tissue that contain 40-60%
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 52
The pioneering work of Dr.Edward Jenner in
England in 1796 established that when a mild case
of cowpox (vaccinia) is developed by a person, the
same person is immune to smallpox.
Using this information , he inoculated a young boy
with pus from a milkmaid infected with cowpox .
Two months later, the boy was inoculated with pus
from a patient infected with smallpox, but no
disease developed. Immunity had been established.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 53
Smallpox vaccine is the living virus of vaccinia
(cowpox) that has been grown in the skin of a
vaccinated bovine calf (Young domestic cow).
 The calf is prepared by washing and shaving its
belly then scarifying the epidermis so that serum
oozez through the cuts.
 The seed virus is inoculated into scarifications
merely by hand rubbing.
 Calf is maintained in aseptic stall and given food
and water during the growth of virus.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 54
 The vesicles that develop are removed at the
time of maximum potency.
 Thoroughly triturated and either made into a
smooth suspension with an aqueous solution of
glycerin or sorbitol or reduced to a dried pellet.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 55
• Specific immunizing agent and is used as
prophylactic before infection occur and creates
active immunity that lasts for 7 years.
DOSE: Percutaneous and contents of 1 capillary
tube by Multiple Puncture Method.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 56
How it is given
• Administered using a bifurcated needle, not
an injection
• Bifurcated needle is dipped into the vaccine
and then used to prick the skin number of times
in few seconds.
• Administered into the superficial layer of the
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 57
• Rabies is a deadly disease caused by virus that
attacks the central nervous system.
• The virus is present in the saliva, spinal fluid
and brain tissue of rabid animal, human get
rabies when they are bitten by an infected
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 58
Rabies Vaccine
• Rabies vaccine is also known as( Human
Diploid Cells rabies Vaccine HDCV)
• A sterile lyophilized preparation of either the
whole virion or subvirion rabies virus.
• Whole Virion vaccine: is prepared from
Wistar rabies virus grown in cultures of human
diploid embryo lung tissue and inactivated
with Tri- N-Butyl phosphate and ß-
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 59
• Subvirion Vaccine is prepared from the
Pasteur derived Pitman-Moore virus grown on
human diploid cell cultures developed in
Europe and inactivated with ß- Propiolactone.
• Both vaccines are supplied as 10ml, single-
dose vials of lyophilized vaccines with
accompanying diluent.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 60
An active immunizing agent and is
recommended for the prevention of rabies in
person bitten by an animal supposed or known to
be rabid.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 61
• Pre-Exposure immunization:
3 injections of 1ml of reconstituted vaccine on each
of days 0,7 and 21
• Post –Exposure immunization:
5 injections of 1ml of reconstituted vaccine on each
of days 0,3,7,14 and 28 and rabies immunoglobulins
should be administered at the time of first dose of
vaccine for additional protection,particularly in the
case of bite from a wild animal.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 62
Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by the
yellow fever virus. It is spread through the bite
of an infected mosquito and cannot be spread
directly from person-to-person
Symptoms of yellow fever include fever,
headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea,
vomiting and fatigue.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 63
Yellow fever vaccine is an attenuated
strains of yellow fever virus prepared by
culturing the virus in the living embryo
of the domestic fowl.
( Gallus domesticus).
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 64
The virus-infected ,chick embryo pulp is
suspended in water and after aseptic processing
is distributed in suitable quantities into ampoules
, and then ampoules are filled with dry nitrogen
and flame sealed.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 65
• Storage:
Must be stored at temperature below 0°C but
not more than 5°C.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 66
Active immunizing agent that is used to
develop active immunity against disease.
 S/C 0.5 ml
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 67
Flu is caused by influenza viruses, and is spread
mainly by coughing, sneezing, and close contact.
Symptoms vary by age but can include,fever/chills ,
sore throat , muscle aches ,fatigue , cough,
headache ,runny or stuffy nose.
Influenza virus vaccine is a sterile aqueous
suspension of inactivated Influenza virus Type A&
B , either individually or combined prepared from
extra embryonic fluid of influenza virus infected
chick embryo.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 68
During commercial preparation of vaccine ,the
virus growth are collected, concentrated and
refined by ultracentrifugation and inactivated by
UV radiations.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 69
Active immunization against the disease
 I/M o.5 ml preferably in the deltoid muscles.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 70
• It is a viral disease that can effect nerves and can lead
to partial or full paralysis.
Poliomyelitis virus of type 1, 2, and 3 and viral strains are
grown separately in primary culture of Rhesus monkey
kidney tissue bathed by a complex nutrient fluid
containing more than 60 ingredients.
After incubation the virus is harvested by decanting the
nutrient fluid that is clarified by filtration;then the
formaldehyde is added. The formaldehyde treated virus is
maintained at 36 °c at a PH 7 until all virus are killed.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 71
• The formaldehyde treated virus is maintained
at 36 °c at a PH 7 until all virus are killed.
• Formaldehyde is then neutralized and a
preservative is added.
• The three types of virus are then pooled ,and
the resultant mixture is the trivalent vaccine.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 72
Types of polio virus
• Type 1 poliovirus: Named after a female
chimpanzee from which it was first isolated.
There are two other strains of poliovirus:
• Type 2 (known as the Lansing virus and Type 3
(known as the Leon virus).
• Immunity to one strain does not provide
protection against the other two. All three strains
are therefore included in the poliovirus vaccine.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 73
Three Types of Polio Virus
• Type 1 ( Brunhilde) :Most often isolated from
paralytic cases.
• Type 2 ( Lansing) : Concerned in sporadic
• Type 3 ( Leon) :Proved to be the etiologic
agent in less frequent epidemics.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 74
 PolioVirus vaccine inactivated(IPV) -
Developed by Dr. Jonas Salk.It is also
called“salk vaccine”
Create active immunity against disease
 S/C, 3 Inj of 1 ml , 4 or more weeks apart, 4th
reinforcing dose of 1ml 6-12 months later.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 75
Trivalent oral polio
Preparation of one or a combination of 3 types of
live, attenuated virus. It has been manufactured
in a manner suited for oral administration and
free from any other microbial agent other than
attenuated polio-virus intended to be present.
Manufacturing is similar to poliovirus vaccine
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 76
Oral polio vaccine was developed by Albert
Sabin. It is also called “Trivalent oral polio
vaccine” or “sabin vaccine”
 Active immunizing agent
2 doses at interval of 8 weeks, 3rd dose after
interval of 8-12 months later
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 77
Vaccines containing live , attenuated rubeola
(measles) and rubella (German measles) viruses
are available for active immunization
• Viruses for production of these vaccines are
grown on cultures of either avian tissue or
human diploid cell tissue
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 78
i. Measles virus vaccine live or rubeola
Rubeola vaccine is prepared from attenuated
viruses derived from the original Edmonston B
strain .The Ender’s strain is a modified
Endmonston B strain and is claim to have high
degree of antigenicity with low incidence of
adverse effects. Rubeola virus is grown on
cultures of Chick Embryo Tissue.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 79
Uses & Dose:
• Provides active immunization of children 15
months of age or older.
• Single S/c Inj of not
Less than 1000
TCID50 (Tissue culture
Infectious doses) of the
reconstituted vaccine.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 80
Rubella (3 day measle),Milder
ii) Rubella virus vaccine live/ German measle
It is prepared from the Wistar Institute RA 27/3
strain grown on human diploid cell tissue.
Uses & Dose:
Active immunization against
German measle for children
aged 1 to puberty.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 81
• Single S/c Inj. of not less than 1000 TCID50
(Tissue culture Infectious doses) of the
reconstituted vaccine.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 82
Its symptoms include low-grade fever,
respiratory problems, and most notably swelling
of the salivary glands below the ear.
Mumps virus vaccine live is prepared with the B-
level Jeryl Lynn strain of the virus , grown in cell
cultures of chick embryo tissue.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 83
Dose & Uses:
• Not recommended for infants less than 1 year
• Single S/c Inj. of not less than 5000 TCID50
(Tissue culture Infectious doses) of mumps
virus vaccine.
• Provides active immunity for 10 years
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 84
Combination live virus vaccines containing
either measles virus and rubella virus, rubella
virus and mumps virus or measle virus, rubella
virus, mumps virus. (MMR)
Dose: S/C Inj of 0.5ml at 15 month age of child
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 85
8. Hepatitis Vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine:
• The first hepatitis B vaccine to become available
commercially in 1982 is composed of chemically
inactivated HBsAg particles purified from the
plasma of persons with chronic HBV infection.
• Specific antibody (anti-HBs)develops in 75-90%
of healthy adults after the first 2 doses of vaccine
and in 85-90% after the third dose of vaccine.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 86
Hepatitis Vaccine
• Hepatitis B virus causes hepatitis in hundreds
of thousands of people each year in the US,
• Initial infection is fatal only in few cases but
others go on to develop chronic active hepatitis
,cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 87
Uses and Dose
• Active immunizing agent
• I/M as 3 doses of 1 ml(20μg) ,with the first 2
doses 1 month apart and a booster dose
administered after 6 months after the first dose.
• For patients on dialysis and
immunocompromised: 3 doses of 2 ml (40 μg)
should be given
• For children under 10 years old,3 doses of 0.5 ml
(10 μg) are recommended.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 88
Rickettsia are cultured in chick embryo or in
monkey kidney tissue cultures in a manner
similar to that of virus.
Typhus is a disease caused by an infection with
the Rickettsia bacteria. Fleas, mites, lice, or ticks
transmit it when they bite you.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 89
TYPHUS VACCINE: Typhus vaccine is a
sterile suspension of the killed rickettsial
organisms of a strains of typhus rickettsiae for
antigenic activity.
Active immunizing agent for typhus fever
2 S/C Injections of 0.5 ml (4 weeks apart),
followed by 0.5ml every 6-12 months.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 90
Bacterial vaccines consist of suspension of
attenuated or killed pathogenic bacteria in
isotonic sodium chloride solution or other
suitable diluents.
Typhoid vaccine is a sterile suspension
containing killed typhoid bacilli (Salmonella
typhi) and consist of 1 billion typhoid organisms
in each ml
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 91
Uses & Dose
2 Inj at a Dose of 0.5 ml ,S/C, 4 weeks apart,
followed by 0.5ml every 3 years.
Sterile suspension of killed cholera vibrios
(Vibrio cholerae) is an isotonic sodium chloride
solution or other suitable diluents.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 92
Uses & Dose:
S/C, I/M, 0.5 ml and then 1 ml 4 weeks later,
0.5ml dose repeated every six months.
Plague vaccine is a sterile suspension , in an
isotonic sodium chloride solution or other
suitable diluent ,of killed Plague bacilli (Yersinia
pestis) and contains 2 billion plague bacilli in
bacilli in each ml.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 93
Uses & Dose
2, 0.5 ml I/M Inj, 4 weeks apart, then 0.2 ml 4-12
weeks later.
Pertussis vaccine is a sterile bacterial suspension
of killed pertussis bacilli (Bordetella pertussis )
Bordetella pertussis is the organism that causes
causes the disease known as whooping cough or
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 94
• Use and Dose:
• Active immunizing agent used to create
immunity .Usual dose is S/C 3 Inj, 0.5 ml or 1
ml,atleast 3-4 weeks apart.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 95
BCG vaccine is a dried , living culture of the
bacillus Calmette-Guerin strains of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated by two
bacteriologist Calmette and Guerin.
Uses& Dose: BCG vaccine is an active
immunizing agent against tuberculosis It is
administered intradermally as the reconstituted
vaccine in doses of doses of 0.1 ml
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 96
• It contains specific bacterial capsular
polysaccharide for Neisseria meningitidis.
Single S/C inj of 0.5 ml containing 50 μg
meningococcal polysaccharide.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 97
Affords protection against 14 most prevalent
capsular type of pneumococci accounts for 80%
pneumococcal diseases and prepared by isolating
and purifying polysaccharide antigen from
strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Dose: Single 0.5 ml S/C , I/M
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 98
Toxins are bacterial waste products that are
poisonous to animal body.
When toxins are excreted from bacterial cells
producing them and are dissolved in
surrounding culture medium they are referred
as Exotoxins.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 99
When toxins are retained within bacterial body ,
they are called endotoxins.
Highly virulent organisms are cultured in media and
then killed by appropriate means. Organisms are
removed by filtration through bacterial filter and
filtrate contains toxins and other products is
standardized on a suitable animal to determine
minimum lethal dose.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 100
Treating exotoxins with formaldehyde eliminates
the toxic properties . The detoxified products are
called as Fluid toxoids.
By adsorbing the fluid toxoid with aluminium
phosphate, aluminum hydroxide an adsorbed
toxoid is produced, is when administered, result in
slower release of antigen from site of injection and
subsequent production of higher or more
prolonged antibody titers.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 101
Fluid and adsorbed toxoids produces active
immunity against diphtheria and tetanus.
DTP : Diptheria and tetanus toxoid combined
with pertussis vaccine in combination known as
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 102
Antitoxins are prepared from bloods of animals,
usually horses, that have been immunized by
repeated injections of specific bacterial
exotoxins. The toxin in constantly increasing
dose, induces the formation of antitoxins in the
blood of infected animals.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 103
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 104
Sterile, non –pyrogenic solution of the refined
and concentrated proteins, chiefly globulins
containing antitoxic antibodies obtained from
blood serum or plasma of healthy horses that
have been immunized against diptheria toxin or
POTENCY: NLT ( NOT LESS THAN) 500 antitoxin
units per ml
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 105
Passive immunizing agent and produce passive
immunity against diptheria.
Prophylactic dose: 1000-10,000 units
Therapeutic dose: 20,000-80,000 units
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 106
It is a steirle , non pyrogenic solution of the
refined and concentrated proteins, chiefly
globulins containing antitoxic antibodies
obtained from blood serum or plasma of healthy
horses immunized against tetanus toxin or
NLT 400 antitoxin units per ml
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 107
Use & Dose:
Passive immunity against tetanus
I/M, S/C
Prophylactic dose: 3000-10,000 units
Therapeutic dose: 40,000-100,000 units
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 108
• Sterile , non pyrogenic solution of refined and
concentrated antitoxic antibodies, chiefly
globulins, obtained from blood serum or plasma
of healthy horse that have been immunized
against toxins produced by both type A and type B
and type E strains of clostridium botulinum
Use & Dose: Positive immunizing agent
I/V 20,000 units repeated at 2-4 hr internals as
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 109
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 110
Venoms are poisonous excretions secreted by
animals (certain snakes and spiders), introduce
into the bodies of their victims by biting or
stinging etc.
Poisonous snake bite often causes severe pain,
amputation and death.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 111
• Snake venoms are obtained by holding the
poisonous snake over a conical container
covered with a sheet of thin rubber . The snake
strikes the rubber and penetrate with its fangs
where the semisolid venom is ejected in to the
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 112
• Mixtures of venins from poisonous snakes of a
locality, country or continent are prepared and
used in the preparation of POLYVALENT
ANTIVENINS(Anti snakebite serum).
pyrogenic preparations derived by drying a frozen
solution of specific venom –neutralizing globulins
which are obtained from serum of healthy horses
immunized against 4 species of venomous snakes.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 113
Family: Crotalidae
1. Crotalus atrox ( Western diamondback)
4 Feet
2. Crotalus adamenteus (Florida diamondback)
7.8 feet
3. Crotalus durissus (South American Rattlesnake
4.9 feet
4. Bothrops atrox (Common lancehead)
6.6 feet
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 114
Uses and Dose
• Passive immunizing agent
• I/M 10 ml reconstitued antivenin
• I/V infusion 1:10 dilution of antivenin in Nacl
Inj (5% Dextrose Inj)
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 115
Antiserums are biologics prepared in a manner
similar to that for antitoxins and antivenins except
that bacteria / viruses are used to stimulate the
production of specific antibodies in a healthy
animal such as the horse.
Viral or bacterial cells as found in vaccines, serves
as the antigenic substances, these are introduced
into the animal bodies in gradually increasing doses
and are continued until the proper antibody titer of
the blood serum is achieved.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 116
• The destruction of the injected cells by
phagocytes liberates antigenic materials with
the subsequent development of
corresponding antibodies.
• Antiserum against rabies is an example of this
type of immunizing agent.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 117
Antirabies serum is a sterile,non pyrogenic solution
containing antiviral substances obtained from the
blood serum or plasma of a healthy horse that has
been immunized against rabies by means of
Use and Dose:
Injection of antirabies serum provides the patient
with immediate protection against rabies.
The usual single dose is ,intramuscular,NLT 1000
units per 40 pounds of body weight.
4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 118

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  • 1. BIOLOGICS 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhD 1
  • 2. Biologics Definition: “A preparation such as any drug, a vaccine or an antitoxin ,that is synthesized from living organisms or their products and used as diagnostic, therapeutic or preventive agent” . 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 2
  • 3. Biologics can be classified into two general categories 1. Antigens 2. Antibodies ANTIGEN: An antigen is the material that provokes the immune response and it can be defined under three categories. a) Biologically b) Chemically c) Physically 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 3
  • 4. a. Biologically (Definition of Antigens) An antigen is the substance that when introduced into the tissue of man or other vertebrates, causes the formation of antibodies. These antibodies then react specifically with the antigen that stimulated their production. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 4
  • 5. Properties of an antigen: 1. Immunogenicity: Immunogenicity means the capacity of an antigen to induce antibody formation. 2. Specificity: Specificity is governed by small chemical sites on the antigen molecules. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 5
  • 6. ANTIGENIC DETERMINATES(EPITOPES) Small chemical sites on the antigen molecules called the antigenic determinates, the antibody combines with one or more these sites. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 6
  • 7. b. Chemically definition of antigen Chemically antigens are Proteins, However some higher molecular weight polysaccharides are also antigenic. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 7
  • 8. C. Physically definition of antigen: Antigen must possess a higher molecular weight .Weight more than 10,000 is required. The higher molecular weight is associated with the biologic property of immunogenicity(The capacity to induce antibody formation) 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 8
  • 9. ANTIGENS DIRECTLY CONCERNED WITH INFECTIOUS DISEASES Examples of antigens that are directly involved in infectious diseases are  Exotoxins  Proteins  Capsule of bacteria  Protein coats of virus particles 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 9
  • 10. HAPTENS “Compounds with a molecular weight lower than 10,000 can be partial antigens and are called Haptens”. Because of low molecular weight they cannot induce the formation of antibodies by themselves and lack the property of immunogenicity. However they can attached with the host proteins to form a complete antigen which will induce the formation of antibodies specific for the particular Hapten. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 10
  • 11. HAPTEN 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 11
  • 12. Examples: Drug or their breakdown products may act as Hepten and this action is the basis of many drug allergies e.g. Penicillin Allergy. Penicillin allergy occurs when immune system mistakenly reacts to a drug as a harmful substance. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 12
  • 13. Antibody • Antibody, also called immunoglobulin, a protective protein produced by the immune system in response to the presence of a foreign substance, called an antigen. • Antibodies recognize and latch onto antigens in order to remove them from the body. • A wide range of substances are regarded by the body as antigens, including disease-causing organisms and toxic materials such as insect venom 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 13
  • 14. • When an antigen enters the body, the immune system is able to recognize it as foreign because molecules on the surface of the antigen differ from those found in the body. • To eliminate the invader, the immune system calls on a number of mechanisms, including one of the most important—antibody production. • Antibodies are produced by specialized white blood cells called B lymphocytes (or B cells). 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 14
  • 15. • When an antigen binds to the B-cell surface, it stimulates the B cell to divide and mature into a group of identical cells called a clone. • The mature B cells, called plasma cells, secrete millions of antibodies into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 15
  • 16. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 16
  • 17. Structure of an ANTIBODY An antibody (Ab), also known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shaped protein produced mainly by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 17
  • 18. STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY The basic structure of an antibody consists of two pairs of polypeptide chains that form a flexible Y shape. The stem of the Y consists of one end of each of two identical heavy chains, while each arm is composed of the remaining portion of a heavy chain plus a smaller protein called the light chain. The two light chains also are identical. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 18
  • 19. • Within particular classes of antibodies the stem and the bottom of the arms are fairly similar and thus are called the constant region. • The tips of the arms, however, are highly variable in sequence. It is these tips that bind antigen. • Thus each antibody has two identical antigen- binding sites, one at the end of each arm, and the antigen-binding sites vary greatly among antibodies. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 19
  • 20. STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY The constant region determines the mechanism used to destroy antigen. Antibodies are divided into five major classes, IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE, based on their constant region structure and immune function. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 20
  • 21. STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 21
  • 22. STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 22
  • 23. • Preformed antibodies, which are derived from the blood serum of previously infected people or animals, are often administered in an antiserum to another person in order to provide immediate, passive immunization against fast-acting toxins or microbes, such as those in snakebites or tetanus infections. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 23
  • 24. TYPES OF ANTIBODIES These are distinguished by the type of heavy chain found in the molecule IgG molecules have heavy chains known as gamma-chains; IgMs have mu-chains; IgAs have alpha-chains; IgEs have epsilon-chains; and IgDs have delta-chains. Differences in heavy chain polypeptides allow these immunoglobulins to function in different types of immune responses and at particular stages of the immune response. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 24
  • 25. 1. IgG (70-75%) 2. IgM (10%) 3. IgA (10-15%) 4. IgD (1% or less) 5. IgE(0.001% or less) 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 25
  • 26. 1. IgG IgG is the most abundant serum immunoglobulins(70-75%).  It is the only antibody that can pass through the placenta. Protects against bacterial or viral infection.  Molecular wt. approx. 150,000  Contains 1400 amino acids. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 26
  • 27. 2.IgM This is the first antibody the body makes when it fights a new infection. Molecular weight: 900,000  Molecules of IgM are pentamer of the basic 4 chain immunoglobulin unit. Found mainly in blood and in lymph fluids 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 27
  • 28. • The baby does not get any maternal IgM, IgA or IgE as they do not cross the placenta, so if IgM is found it may suggest the baby has encountered an infection in utero. If the baby is born prematurely, the IgG level is lower than that of a term infant, in proportion to the degree of prematurity. The IgG from the mother protects the baby from many infections in the first months of life. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 28
  • 29. 3. IgA  Immunoglobulin A (IgA, is an antibody that plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucous membranes.  Molecular weight: 320,000  Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that's part of your immune system. IgA is found in mucous membranes, especially in the respiratory and digestive tracts. It is also found in saliva, tears, and breastmilk , and form a specific defense mechanism in these areas of body.  These are found in relatively low concentration in blood serum.  IgA exists in serum in both monomeric and dimeric forms 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 29
  • 30. 4.IgD In B cells, the function of IgD is to signal the B cells to be activated. By being activated, B cells are ready to take part in the defense of the body as part of the immune system Molecular weight: 180,000 Percent of total immunoglobulin: 0.2% It is present on the surface of B-cells and plays a role in the induction of antibody production. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 30
  • 31. 5. IgE Associated with allergic reactions(when immune system overreact to environmental antigen and found in lungs, skin, and mucus membrane. Molecular weight: 200,000 Percent of total immunoglobulin: 0.002% IgE and IgD are found in serum in much smaller quantities than other Igs. IgE primarily defends against parasitic invasion and is responsible for allergic reactions Distribution: basophils and mast cells in saliva and nasal secretions 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 31
  • 32. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 32
  • 33. • The newborn baby may get additional antibody via breast feeding, but this antibody does not get absorbed from the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. • However its presence in the baby’s pharynx and intestinal tract protects the baby from diarrheal diseases, and to some extent from respiratory disease. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 33
  • 34. Types of Immunity Immunity is classified into two major types. 1. Natural/Innate Immunity 2. Acqiured Immunity Natural/Innate Immunity The term natural or innate means the defense mechanism endowed at birth and that come into play immediately or within hours of an antigen appearance in the body. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 34
  • 35. Acqiured Immunity On the other hand, acquired immunity is quiet specific and is in contrast to natural immunity. Generally it is subdivided in to 2 classes. i. Active immunity ii. Passive immunity Each of which is further subdivided into “Acquired immunity” 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 35
  • 36. Active Immunity a) Naturally acquired active immunity b) Artificially acquired active immunity Passive immunity a) Naturally acquired Passive immunity b) Artificially acquired Passive immunity 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 36
  • 37. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 37
  • 38. Active Immunity Active immunity means the specific immunity developed by an individual in response to the introduction of antigenic substance into the body. a)Naturally acquired active immunity In this type of immunity, the antigenic substances may be received by the body in a natural manner. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 38
  • 39. b)Artificially acquired active immunity Whereas in this type, antigenic substances may be received by the body through the administration of vaccines or toxoid. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 39
  • 40. Passive Immunity Passive immunity is the type developed by the introduction of preformed antibodies into the body.  In this type, the body cells are not stimulated to produce their own antibodies .The immunity acquired by the individuals is not self developed ,but is passed from one individual to another, the term passive immunity is applied. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 40
  • 41. a) Naturally acquired Passive immunity Occurs during pregnancy, in which certain antibodies are passed from the maternal into the fetal bloodstream. b) Artificially acquired passive immunity Short-term immunization by the injection of antibodies, such as gamma globulin, that are not produced by the recipient's cells.It is produced quickly but is not long lasting. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 41
  • 42. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 42
  • 43. VACCINES 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 43 A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its product or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. It may contain living, attenuated or killed viruses, killed rickettsiae.
  • 44. 1. Vaccines create immunity that protects you from an infection . 2. Sometimes vaccines are called immunization, needles, or shots. 3. It protect you from a specific disease that can make you very sick, disable or even kill you. 4. They boost your body’s own defense system which is called the immune system 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 44
  • 45. Effectiveness of vaccine • Vaccines do not guarantee complete protection from a disease. • Sometimes, this is because, the host’s immune system simply doesn’t respond adequately or at all. • This may be due to a lowered immune system in general ( diabetes, steroid use, HIV infection) or because the host immune system doesn’t have B cell capable of generating antibodies to that antigen. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 45
  • 46. Active immunization from vaccination • Primary active immunization from vaccination develops more slowly than the incubation period of most infections and must be induced prior to exposure to infectious agent. • Therefore general action of vaccines should be considered prophylactic. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 46
  • 47. Active immunization with Non- living Vaccines  Non living vaccines provides protection for only a limited time, so repeated vaccination is required to maintain protection against Typoid fever, cholera and plague. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 47
  • 48. Active immunization with living Vaccines Whereas active immunization with living agents is generally preferable to immunization with killed vaccines because of a superior and more long lived immune response. For example: A single vaccination of measles, rubella or mumps, is sufficient to produce a long lasting effects. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 48
  • 49. Active immunization may cause fever, malaise, soreness at injection sites or allergic reactions. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 49
  • 50. VIRAL VACCINES 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 50
  • 51. VIRAL VACCINES  For prophylaxis against mumps, rubella, rubeola , smallpox, and yellow fever contains living viruses.  Inactivated or killed viruses are used in influenza and rabies vaccines. Preparations containing live attenuated or killed viruses are available for immunization against poliomyelitis 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 51
  • 52. 1. SMALLPOX VACCINE (‫ک‬َ‫چ‬‫)چی‬ The smallpox vaccine helps the body to develop immunity to smallpox. The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia which is a “pox”-type virus related to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine contains the “live” vaccinia virus—not dead virus like many other vaccines.  Available in dried and liquid form, the later consist of a smooth ,aquoeus suspension of infected tissue that contain 40-60% sorbitol/glycerin. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 52
  • 53. DISCOVERY OF SMALLPOX VACCINE The pioneering work of Dr.Edward Jenner in England in 1796 established that when a mild case of cowpox (vaccinia) is developed by a person, the same person is immune to smallpox. Using this information , he inoculated a young boy with pus from a milkmaid infected with cowpox . Two months later, the boy was inoculated with pus from a patient infected with smallpox, but no disease developed. Immunity had been established. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 53
  • 54. METHOD OF PREPARATION Smallpox vaccine is the living virus of vaccinia (cowpox) that has been grown in the skin of a vaccinated bovine calf (Young domestic cow).  The calf is prepared by washing and shaving its belly then scarifying the epidermis so that serum oozez through the cuts.  The seed virus is inoculated into scarifications merely by hand rubbing.  Calf is maintained in aseptic stall and given food and water during the growth of virus. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 54
  • 55.  The vesicles that develop are removed at the time of maximum potency.  Thoroughly triturated and either made into a smooth suspension with an aqueous solution of glycerin or sorbitol or reduced to a dried pellet. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 55
  • 56. USES & DOSE • Specific immunizing agent and is used as prophylactic before infection occur and creates active immunity that lasts for 7 years. DOSE: Percutaneous and contents of 1 capillary tube by Multiple Puncture Method. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 56
  • 57. How it is given • Administered using a bifurcated needle, not an injection • Bifurcated needle is dipped into the vaccine and then used to prick the skin number of times in few seconds. • Administered into the superficial layer of the skin 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 57
  • 58. 2. RABIES • Rabies is a deadly disease caused by virus that attacks the central nervous system. • The virus is present in the saliva, spinal fluid and brain tissue of rabid animal, human get rabies when they are bitten by an infected animal. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 58
  • 59. Rabies Vaccine • Rabies vaccine is also known as( Human Diploid Cells rabies Vaccine HDCV) • A sterile lyophilized preparation of either the whole virion or subvirion rabies virus. • Whole Virion vaccine: is prepared from Wistar rabies virus grown in cultures of human diploid embryo lung tissue and inactivated with Tri- N-Butyl phosphate and ß- propiolactone. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 59
  • 60. • Subvirion Vaccine is prepared from the Pasteur derived Pitman-Moore virus grown on human diploid cell cultures developed in Europe and inactivated with ß- Propiolactone. • Both vaccines are supplied as 10ml, single- dose vials of lyophilized vaccines with accompanying diluent. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 60
  • 61. USES & DOSE An active immunizing agent and is recommended for the prevention of rabies in person bitten by an animal supposed or known to be rabid. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 61
  • 62. • Pre-Exposure immunization: 3 injections of 1ml of reconstituted vaccine on each of days 0,7 and 21 • Post –Exposure immunization: 5 injections of 1ml of reconstituted vaccine on each of days 0,3,7,14 and 28 and rabies immunoglobulins should be administered at the time of first dose of vaccine for additional protection,particularly in the case of bite from a wild animal. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 62
  • 63. 3. YELLOW FEVER Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by the yellow fever virus. It is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito and cannot be spread directly from person-to-person Symptoms of yellow fever include fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 63
  • 64. YELLOW FEVER VACCINE Yellow fever vaccine is an attenuated strains of yellow fever virus prepared by culturing the virus in the living embryo of the domestic fowl. ( Gallus domesticus). 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 64
  • 65. Preparation: The virus-infected ,chick embryo pulp is suspended in water and after aseptic processing is distributed in suitable quantities into ampoules , and then ampoules are filled with dry nitrogen and flame sealed. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 65
  • 66. • Storage: Must be stored at temperature below 0°C but not more than 5°C. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 66
  • 67. USES & DOSE Active immunizing agent that is used to develop active immunity against disease.  S/C 0.5 ml 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 67
  • 68. 4. INFLUENZA VIRUS VACCINE Flu is caused by influenza viruses, and is spread mainly by coughing, sneezing, and close contact. Symptoms vary by age but can include,fever/chills , sore throat , muscle aches ,fatigue , cough, headache ,runny or stuffy nose. Influenza virus vaccine is a sterile aqueous suspension of inactivated Influenza virus Type A& B , either individually or combined prepared from extra embryonic fluid of influenza virus infected chick embryo. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 68
  • 69. Preparation: During commercial preparation of vaccine ,the virus growth are collected, concentrated and refined by ultracentrifugation and inactivated by UV radiations. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 69
  • 70. USES & DOSE Active immunization against the disease  I/M o.5 ml preferably in the deltoid muscles. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 70
  • 71. 5. POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE INACTIVATED • It is a viral disease that can effect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis. • POLIOVIRUS VACCINE INACTIVATED (IPV;SALK) Poliomyelitis virus of type 1, 2, and 3 and viral strains are grown separately in primary culture of Rhesus monkey kidney tissue bathed by a complex nutrient fluid containing more than 60 ingredients. After incubation the virus is harvested by decanting the nutrient fluid that is clarified by filtration;then the formaldehyde is added. The formaldehyde treated virus is maintained at 36 °c at a PH 7 until all virus are killed. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 71
  • 72. • The formaldehyde treated virus is maintained at 36 °c at a PH 7 until all virus are killed. • Formaldehyde is then neutralized and a preservative is added. • The three types of virus are then pooled ,and the resultant mixture is the trivalent vaccine. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 72
  • 73. Types of polio virus • Type 1 poliovirus: Named after a female chimpanzee from which it was first isolated. There are two other strains of poliovirus: • Type 2 (known as the Lansing virus and Type 3 (known as the Leon virus). • Immunity to one strain does not provide protection against the other two. All three strains are therefore included in the poliovirus vaccine. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 73
  • 74. Three Types of Polio Virus • Type 1 ( Brunhilde) :Most often isolated from paralytic cases. • Type 2 ( Lansing) : Concerned in sporadic disease. • Type 3 ( Leon) :Proved to be the etiologic agent in less frequent epidemics. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 74
  • 75. USES & DOSE:  PolioVirus vaccine inactivated(IPV) - Developed by Dr. Jonas Salk.It is also called“salk vaccine” Create active immunity against disease  S/C, 3 Inj of 1 ml , 4 or more weeks apart, 4th reinforcing dose of 1ml 6-12 months later. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 75
  • 76. Trivalent oral polio vaccine(TOPV) Preparation of one or a combination of 3 types of live, attenuated virus. It has been manufactured in a manner suited for oral administration and free from any other microbial agent other than attenuated polio-virus intended to be present. Manufacturing is similar to poliovirus vaccine inactivated. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 76
  • 77. USES & DOSE: Oral polio vaccine was developed by Albert Sabin. It is also called “Trivalent oral polio vaccine” or “sabin vaccine”  Active immunizing agent 2 doses at interval of 8 weeks, 3rd dose after interval of 8-12 months later 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 77
  • 78. 6. MEASLES VACCINES Measles:. Vaccines containing live , attenuated rubeola (measles) and rubella (German measles) viruses are available for active immunization • Viruses for production of these vaccines are grown on cultures of either avian tissue or human diploid cell tissue . 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 78
  • 79. i. Measles virus vaccine live or rubeola vaccine: Rubeola vaccine is prepared from attenuated viruses derived from the original Edmonston B strain .The Ender’s strain is a modified Endmonston B strain and is claim to have high degree of antigenicity with low incidence of adverse effects. Rubeola virus is grown on cultures of Chick Embryo Tissue. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 79
  • 80. Uses & Dose: • Provides active immunization of children 15 months of age or older. • Single S/c Inj of not Less than 1000 TCID50 (Tissue culture Infectious doses) of the reconstituted vaccine. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 80
  • 81. Rubella (3 day measle),Milder ii) Rubella virus vaccine live/ German measle It is prepared from the Wistar Institute RA 27/3 strain grown on human diploid cell tissue. Uses & Dose: Active immunization against German measle for children aged 1 to puberty. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 81
  • 82. • Single S/c Inj. of not less than 1000 TCID50 (Tissue culture Infectious doses) of the reconstituted vaccine. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 82
  • 83. 7. MUMPS VACCINE Its symptoms include low-grade fever, respiratory problems, and most notably swelling of the salivary glands below the ear. Prepatration: Mumps virus vaccine live is prepared with the B- level Jeryl Lynn strain of the virus , grown in cell cultures of chick embryo tissue. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 83
  • 84. Dose & Uses: • Not recommended for infants less than 1 year old. • Single S/c Inj. of not less than 5000 TCID50 (Tissue culture Infectious doses) of mumps virus vaccine. • Provides active immunity for 10 years 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 84
  • 85. COMBINATION VIRUS VACCINE Combination live virus vaccines containing either measles virus and rubella virus, rubella virus and mumps virus or measle virus, rubella virus, mumps virus. (MMR) Dose: S/C Inj of 0.5ml at 15 month age of child 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 85
  • 86. 8. Hepatitis Vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine: • The first hepatitis B vaccine to become available commercially in 1982 is composed of chemically inactivated HBsAg particles purified from the plasma of persons with chronic HBV infection. • Specific antibody (anti-HBs)develops in 75-90% of healthy adults after the first 2 doses of vaccine and in 85-90% after the third dose of vaccine. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 86
  • 87. Hepatitis Vaccine • Hepatitis B virus causes hepatitis in hundreds of thousands of people each year in the US, • Initial infection is fatal only in few cases but others go on to develop chronic active hepatitis ,cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 87
  • 88. Uses and Dose • Active immunizing agent • I/M as 3 doses of 1 ml(20μg) ,with the first 2 doses 1 month apart and a booster dose administered after 6 months after the first dose. • For patients on dialysis and immunocompromised: 3 doses of 2 ml (40 μg) should be given • For children under 10 years old,3 doses of 0.5 ml (10 μg) are recommended. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 88
  • 89. RICKETTSIAL VACCINES Rickettsia are cultured in chick embryo or in monkey kidney tissue cultures in a manner similar to that of virus. TYPHUS FEVER Typhus is a disease caused by an infection with the Rickettsia bacteria. Fleas, mites, lice, or ticks transmit it when they bite you. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 89
  • 90. TYPHUS VACCINE: Typhus vaccine is a sterile suspension of the killed rickettsial organisms of a strains of typhus rickettsiae for antigenic activity. USES & DOSE: Active immunizing agent for typhus fever 2 S/C Injections of 0.5 ml (4 weeks apart), followed by 0.5ml every 6-12 months. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 90
  • 91. BACTERIAL VACCINES Bacterial vaccines consist of suspension of attenuated or killed pathogenic bacteria in isotonic sodium chloride solution or other suitable diluents. 1) TYPHOID VACCINE Typhoid vaccine is a sterile suspension containing killed typhoid bacilli (Salmonella typhi) and consist of 1 billion typhoid organisms in each ml 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 91
  • 92. Uses & Dose 2 Inj at a Dose of 0.5 ml ,S/C, 4 weeks apart, followed by 0.5ml every 3 years. 2)CHOLERA VACCINES: Sterile suspension of killed cholera vibrios (Vibrio cholerae) is an isotonic sodium chloride solution or other suitable diluents. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 92
  • 93. Uses & Dose: S/C, I/M, 0.5 ml and then 1 ml 4 weeks later, 0.5ml dose repeated every six months. 3) PLAGUE VACCINE: Plague vaccine is a sterile suspension , in an isotonic sodium chloride solution or other suitable diluent ,of killed Plague bacilli (Yersinia pestis) and contains 2 billion plague bacilli in bacilli in each ml. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 93
  • 94. Uses & Dose 2, 0.5 ml I/M Inj, 4 weeks apart, then 0.2 ml 4-12 weeks later. 4) PERTUSSIS VACCINES Pertussis vaccine is a sterile bacterial suspension of killed pertussis bacilli (Bordetella pertussis ) Bordetella pertussis is the organism that causes causes the disease known as whooping cough or pertussis. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 94
  • 95. • Use and Dose: • Active immunizing agent used to create immunity .Usual dose is S/C 3 Inj, 0.5 ml or 1 ml,atleast 3-4 weeks apart. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 95
  • 96. 5. TUBERCULOSIS VACCINES BCG vaccine is a dried , living culture of the bacillus Calmette-Guerin strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated by two bacteriologist Calmette and Guerin. Uses& Dose: BCG vaccine is an active immunizing agent against tuberculosis It is administered intradermally as the reconstituted vaccine in doses of doses of 0.1 ml 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 96
  • 97. 6. MENINIGOCOCCAL POLYSACCHARIDE VACCINE • It contains specific bacterial capsular polysaccharide for Neisseria meningitidis. Dose: Single S/C inj of 0.5 ml containing 50 μg meningococcal polysaccharide. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 97
  • 98. 7. PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE,POLYVALENT Affords protection against 14 most prevalent capsular type of pneumococci accounts for 80% pneumococcal diseases and prepared by isolating and purifying polysaccharide antigen from strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Dose: Single 0.5 ml S/C , I/M 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 98
  • 99. TOXINS & ANTITOXINS Toxins are bacterial waste products that are poisonous to animal body. EXOTOXINS: When toxins are excreted from bacterial cells producing them and are dissolved in surrounding culture medium they are referred as Exotoxins. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 99
  • 100. ENDOTOXINS: When toxins are retained within bacterial body , they are called endotoxins. COMMERCIAL PREPARATION OF EXOTOXINS Highly virulent organisms are cultured in media and then killed by appropriate means. Organisms are removed by filtration through bacterial filter and filtrate contains toxins and other products is standardized on a suitable animal to determine minimum lethal dose. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 100
  • 101. FLUID TOXOIDS Treating exotoxins with formaldehyde eliminates the toxic properties . The detoxified products are called as Fluid toxoids. ADSORBED TOXOIDS By adsorbing the fluid toxoid with aluminium phosphate, aluminum hydroxide an adsorbed toxoid is produced, is when administered, result in slower release of antigen from site of injection and subsequent production of higher or more prolonged antibody titers. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 101
  • 102. USES: Fluid and adsorbed toxoids produces active immunity against diphtheria and tetanus. DTP : Diptheria and tetanus toxoid combined with pertussis vaccine in combination known as DTP. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 102
  • 103. ANTITOXINS Antitoxins are prepared from bloods of animals, usually horses, that have been immunized by repeated injections of specific bacterial exotoxins. The toxin in constantly increasing dose, induces the formation of antitoxins in the blood of infected animals. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 103
  • 105. 1.DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXINS Sterile, non –pyrogenic solution of the refined and concentrated proteins, chiefly globulins containing antitoxic antibodies obtained from blood serum or plasma of healthy horses that have been immunized against diptheria toxin or toxoid. POTENCY: NLT ( NOT LESS THAN) 500 antitoxin units per ml 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 105
  • 106. USE & DOSE: Passive immunizing agent and produce passive immunity against diptheria. I/M OR I/V Prophylactic dose: 1000-10,000 units Therapeutic dose: 20,000-80,000 units 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 106
  • 107. 2. TETANUS ANTI-TOXINS It is a steirle , non pyrogenic solution of the refined and concentrated proteins, chiefly globulins containing antitoxic antibodies obtained from blood serum or plasma of healthy horses immunized against tetanus toxin or toxoids. POTENCY: NLT 400 antitoxin units per ml 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 107
  • 108. Use & Dose: Passive immunity against tetanus I/M, S/C Prophylactic dose: 3000-10,000 units Therapeutic dose: 40,000-100,000 units 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 108
  • 109. 3. BOTULISM ANTITOXINS • Sterile , non pyrogenic solution of refined and concentrated antitoxic antibodies, chiefly globulins, obtained from blood serum or plasma of healthy horse that have been immunized against toxins produced by both type A and type B and type E strains of clostridium botulinum Use & Dose: Positive immunizing agent I/V 20,000 units repeated at 2-4 hr internals as necessary. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 109
  • 110. VENOMS & ANTI-VENOMS 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 110
  • 111. VENOMS Venoms are poisonous excretions secreted by animals (certain snakes and spiders), introduce into the bodies of their victims by biting or stinging etc. Poisonous snake bite often causes severe pain, amputation and death. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 111
  • 112. SNAKE VENOMS/VENINS • Snake venoms are obtained by holding the poisonous snake over a conical container covered with a sheet of thin rubber . The snake strikes the rubber and penetrate with its fangs where the semisolid venom is ejected in to the container. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 112
  • 113. • Mixtures of venins from poisonous snakes of a locality, country or continent are prepared and used in the preparation of POLYVALENT ANTIVENINS(Anti snakebite serum). POLYVALENT ANTIVENINS: Sterile, non pyrogenic preparations derived by drying a frozen solution of specific venom –neutralizing globulins which are obtained from serum of healthy horses immunized against 4 species of venomous snakes. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 113
  • 114. Family: Crotalidae 1. Crotalus atrox ( Western diamondback) 4 Feet 2. Crotalus adamenteus (Florida diamondback) 7.8 feet 3. Crotalus durissus (South American Rattlesnake 4.9 feet 4. Bothrops atrox (Common lancehead) 6.6 feet 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 114
  • 115. Uses and Dose • Passive immunizing agent • I/M 10 ml reconstitued antivenin • I/V infusion 1:10 dilution of antivenin in Nacl Inj (5% Dextrose Inj) 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 115
  • 116. ANTISERUMS Antiserums are biologics prepared in a manner similar to that for antitoxins and antivenins except that bacteria / viruses are used to stimulate the production of specific antibodies in a healthy animal such as the horse. Viral or bacterial cells as found in vaccines, serves as the antigenic substances, these are introduced into the animal bodies in gradually increasing doses and are continued until the proper antibody titer of the blood serum is achieved. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 116
  • 117. • The destruction of the injected cells by phagocytes liberates antigenic materials with the subsequent development of corresponding antibodies. • Antiserum against rabies is an example of this type of immunizing agent. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 117
  • 118. ANTIRABIES SERUM Antirabies serum is a sterile,non pyrogenic solution containing antiviral substances obtained from the blood serum or plasma of a healthy horse that has been immunized against rabies by means of vaccine. Use and Dose: Injection of antirabies serum provides the patient with immediate protection against rabies. The usual single dose is ,intramuscular,NLT 1000 units per 40 pounds of body weight. 4-Jul-23 Ms Hira Ijaz,M.Phil,PhDScholar 118