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BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology
Lecture 3: Adaptation to
Physical Environment: Light,
Energy and Heat
Dafeng Hui
Office: Harned Hall 320
Phone: 963-5777
Topics (Chapter 3)
 3.1 Light is primary source of energy for the
 3.2 Plants capture the energy of sunlight by
 3.3 Plants modify photosynthesis in high water
stress environments
 3.4 Diffusion limits uptakes of dissolved gases from
 3.5 Temperature limits occurrence of life
 3.6 Each organism functions best under certain
 3.7 Homeothermy increases metabolic rate and
Earth provides highly diverse
1.7 million known species now
All species have three common
basic functions
 Assimilation: acquire energy from external environment
 Reproduction: to produce new individuals
 Response to external stimuli: able to respond to both
physical (light, temperature etc) and biotic (predator etc).
 All organisms acquire energy
• Energy obtained directly from an energy source by a living
organism is called autotrophy (autotroph)
 Plants are autotrophs, primary producers
 So are certain bacteria like Thiobacullus ferrooxidans
• Energy obtained indirectly from organic molecules by a living
organism is called heterotrophy (heterotroph)
 All animals are heterotrophs, secondary producers
 Some organisms can be a mixture like lichens where you have an
alga and a fungus living together
Autotrophs obtain solar energy through photosynthesis.
 All life requires energy to
sustain itself
 With very few exceptions,
all life on earth is
dependent on solar
 Life on Earth exists
because it’s fitness is
optimal for the
environment created by
solar energy
longwave radiation
Earth is a balanced ecosystem in term of
solar energy inputs and outputs
3.1 Light is the primary source of
energy for the biosphere
Light is the primary source of
energy for the biosphere
active radiation
400-700 nm
Light absorption
spectra of plants
Light absorption spectra of
Ulva: sea lettuce, shallow water
Porphyra: red alga, deep-water
3.2 Plants capture energy of
sunlight by photosynthesis
Photosynthesis (review)
 All life is built on a framework of
carbon atoms
 The ultimate source of carbon for
organic molecules is CO2
 CO2 is transformed into organic
molecules by plants (photosynthesis).
 Photosynthesis begins with light reactions
• Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll (a
pigment molecule)
• Conversion of the light energy into ATP (adenosine
tri-Phosphate) and NADPH (Reduced form of
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)
 Photosynthesis continues with the dark reactions
• Incorporation of CO2 into simple (organic) sugars
using the energy provided by ATP and NADPH
• Carboxylation is catalyzed by the enzyme rubisco
(ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase-
Photosynthesis is the process by which the
Sun’s energy (shortwave radiation) is used to
fix CO2 into carbohydrates (simple sugars)
and release O2
 The Calvin cycle (C3 cycle) initially
fixes CO2 into 3-PGA
This cycle is called Calvin-Bensen
cycle, or C3 cycle. Plants employing it
are known as C3 plants
RuBP: Ribulose biphosphate
Rubisco: ribulose biphosphate
(RuBP) carboxylase-oxygenase
3-PGA: phosphoglycerate
G3P: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
One major drawback of C3
Rubisco can catalyze both
And RuBP oxygenation
Reduce the efficiency of
C3 cycle (Calvin cycle)
CO 
 3
C3 plant: trees, forbs,
some grasses
2 CO
O 
Cellular respiration
C 
 2
6 6
Net photosynthesis = (Gross) Photosynthesis - Respiration
2 6
6 O
CO 
BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology
Lecture 3: Adaptation to
Physical Environment: Light,
Energy and Heat
Dafeng Hui
Office: Harned Hall 320
Phone: 963-5777
 Water and salt balance by plants and
 Solar radiation is the energy source
for life, PAR, water absorption
 Photosynthesis
 C3 photosynthetic pathway
 To increase water use
efficiency in a warm dry
environment, plants have
modified process of
 C3
• Normal in mesophyll
with rubisco
 C4
• Warm dry environment
• Additional step in
fixation of CO2
• Phosphoenolpyruvate
synthase (PEP) does
initial fixation into
Malate and aspartate
• Malate and aspartate
are transported to
bundle sheath as an
intermediate molecule
• Rubisco and CO2
convert there to
3.3 Other photosynthesis
pathways: adaptation to
water and temperature
C4 pathway
Advantages over C3 pathway
1. PEP does not interact with O2
(RuBP react with O2 and reduce the
photosynthesis efficiency)
2. Conversion of malic and aspartic
acids into CO2 within bundle sheath
cell acts to concentrate CO2, create
a much higher CO2 concentration.
C4 plants have a much higher
photosynthetic rate and greater
water-use efficiency.
C4 plants are mostly grasses native to
tropical and subtropical regions and
some shrubs of arid and saline
environments (Crop: corn, sorghum,
sugar cane).
CAM pathway
CAM (Crassulacean acid
metabolism) pathway
Hot desert area
Mostly succulents in the
family of Cactaceae
(cacti), Euphorbiaceae
and Crassulaceae)
Similar to C4 pathway
Different times:
Night: open stomata,
convert CO2 to malic
acid using PEP
Day:close stomata, re-
convert malic acid to
CO2, C3 cycle.
Comparison of three
C3: Dovefoot geranium,
C4: sorghum,
CAM: Sierra sedium
3.4 Plant adaptation to control water loss
In addition to photosynthetic pathway
differences, heat and drought-adapted plants
have anatomic and physiological modifications
that reduce transpiration, heat load and enable
plants to tolerate high temperature.
3.5 Photosynthesis of aquatic plants
 Unique features
• Lack of stomata
• Direct diffusion of CO2 across cell membrane
 Slow in water than in air (10^4 times slower)
• Some plants: CO2 reacts with H2O first to
produce biocarbonate, and Convert
biocarbonate to CO2
 Transport HCO3
- into leaf then convert to CO2
 Excretion of the enzyme into adjacent waters and
subsequent uptake of converted CO2 across the
 CO2 could be a constraint in dense sea-grass beds
Oxygen concentration in aquatic
O2 is
dissolved in
in water is
by solubility
and diffusion.
conditions in
the deep
High O2 in the
surface due to
3.6 Carbon gained in photosynthesis is allocated to
production of plant tissues
Carbon allocation is an
important issue and has not
been well studied.
Difficult to measure, especially
below ground.
Allocation to different parts has
major influences on survival,
growth, and reproduction.
Leaf: photosynthesis
Stem: support
Root: uptake of nutrient and
Flower and seed: reproduction.
In dry grassland ecosystems,
plants have long roots
Allocation and environmental factors (such
as temperature and precipitation)
Hui & Jackson 2006
 Plants must maintain a positive carbon
balance to survive, grow, and reproduce
 Essential plant resources and conditions are
• Light (PAR)
• CO2
• H2O and Minerals
• Temperature
Constraints Imposed by the Physical
Environment Have Resulted in a Wide
Array of Plant Adaptations
3.7 Species of Plants are adapted
to light conditions
 Plants adapted to a shady
• Lower levels of rubisco
• Higher levels of
chlorophyll (increase
ability to capture light, as
light is limiting)
• low light compensation
and saturation lights
 Plants adapted to a full sun
• Higher levels of rubisco
• Lower levels of chlorophyll
• High compensation and
saturation lights
 Changes in leaf structure
Red oak
leaves at
top and
bottom of
Light intensity
Stuart Davies of Harvard University studied the
photosynthesis and respiration of seedlings of nine
tree species under different light
Light affects photosynthesis and respiration
 Shade tolerant (shade-
adapted) species
• Plant species adapted to
low-light environments
 Shade intolerant (sun-
adapted) species
• Plant species adapted to
high-light environments
Change of allocation to leaf of
broadleaved peppermint (Reich et
Light also affects whether a plant allocates to
leaves or to roots
Shade tolerance and intolerance
Shade tolerance
Shade intolerance
survival and
growth of
two tree
over a year
BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology
Lecture 3: Adaptation to
Physical Environment: Light,
Energy and Heat
Dafeng Hui
Office: Harned Hall 320
Phone: 963-5777
 C4 and CAM pathways
 Aquatic plants
 Photosynthesis and environmental
• Light, response curve, adaptation
 Different responses of
photosynthesis and
respiration to temperature;
 Three basic Temperature
• Min T, max T and optimal T
3.9 Temperatures influence photosynthesis and
Plants need to make serious evolutionary
adaptations to temperature
 Topt: C3: <30oC; C4: 30oC to 40oC; CAM, >40oC
Neuropogon: Arctic lichen (C3)
Ambrosia: cool coastal dune plant (C3)
Tidestromia: summer-active desert C4 perennial
Atriplx: everygreen desert C4 plant
Photosyn. rate and Topt
 Temperature responses are not fixed
 When individuals of the same species are
grown under different thermal conditions, a
divergence in temperature response of net
photosynthesis is often observed
• The Topt shifts in the direction of the
thermal conditions under which the plant
is grown
 A similar pattern is seen in individual plants
in response to seasonal shifts in
temperature (acclimation)
Plants Vary in Their Response to
Environmental Temperatures
Big saltbush, C4
Affinity is a good measure of enzyme function.
Produce different forms of enzyme.
 Plants need nutrient for
metabolic processes and
synthesize new tissues
 According to amount of
nutrient required:
• Macronutrients: needed in
large amount
N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S
• Micronutrients: needed in
lesser quantities
Zn, B, Cu, Ni, Fe
 Some nutrients can be
3.12 Plants exhibit adaptations to
variations in nutrient availability
 Uptake of a
nutrient through
the roots depends
on its
 However there is a
maximum uptake
 Effect of nutrient
availability can also
reach a maximum
Plants exhibit adaptations to variations
in nutrient availability
Photosynthesis and nutrient
 Nitrogen can limit
 N in enzyme
rubisco and
 Plants respond
differently to extra
nitrogen depending
on their natural
environment’s level
of nitrogen or
other nutrient
Two grass species, carpet bent
grass (A. stolonifera) in high N
and velent bent grass (A.
canina) in low N conditions.
Illustration of
tradeoffs of
C4, C3 plants
with CO2
Increase in
CO2 will
influence the
of C3 and
Other factors: Impact of CO2 on
3.13 Regulation of internal conditions
involves homeostasis and feedback
Homeostasis: The maintenance of a
relatively constant internal environment in
a varying external environment.
Homeostasis depends on negative feedback
Negative feedback: when a system
deviates from the normal or desired state,
mechanisms function to restore the
system back to that state.
Example: room temperature setting
 To stay alive, animals
need to keep their body
within certain limits
• Temperature
• Water balance
• pH
• Salt balance
 Feedback systems to
help to keep within
specific limits
 Outside limits –
• Dehydration
• Heat shock
• Salt imbalance
• Death
Negative feedback (thermoregulation)
 Body structure influences
the T exchange
 Temperature (Tb, Ts, Ta)
 Tb<->Ts conduction
• Core temperature Tb
• Surface temperature Ts
 Ears
 Fingers
 Toes
 Ts<->Ta: convection,
radiation, evaporation
 Boundary layer (a thin layer of air
surround the body)
 Insulation (air, body
covering) influences energy
Animals exchange energy with their surrounding
3.14 Animals have different methods of
maintaining their body temperatures
Three groups of animals
 Endothermy resulting in homeothermy
• Use of internal heat source (metabolically)
 Mammals and birds
 Maintain a fairly constant temperature (warm-blooded)
 Ectothermy resulting in poikilothermy
• Use of external heat sources
 Reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and invertebrates
 Results in a variable body temperature (cold-blooded)
 Heterothermy
• Uses both endothermy and ectothermy
 Bats, bees and hummingbirds
• As the temperature
increases, so does the
metabolic rate
• Therefore these animals
are more active during the
• Every 10oC doubles
metabolic rate (Q10)
• Natural condition: low
metabolic rate and high
• Activities also controlled by
• Upper and lower limits vary
 Lizards and snakes have a
 Amphibians have a 10oC
Poikilotherms depend on
environmental temperatures
Operative T range: range of body T at which poikilotherms can carry
out their daily activities.
 During the day, the snake
can maintain a fairly
constant temperature by
adjusting it’s environment
(bask in sun to raise T,
seek shade to cool,
submerge in water etc)
 During the night, it has
few options
• Temperature drops 10-
15 degrees
• Become torpid (slow
• Restricted by
• Maximum size due to
need for surface area
to gather heat
• No minimum size
3.15 Homeotherms escape the thermal
restraints of the environment
 Homeotherms can escape the thermal restraints of
the environments, thus can exploit a wide range
of thermal environments
 But needs energy to maintain relative constant T
 Therefore homeotherms use large amounts of
glucose etc to maintain temperature (aerobic
 O2 is consumed during respiration
 Rate of O2 consumption is used to measure
metabolic rate
 Basal metabolic rate is considered as proportional
to their body mass (body mass 0.75) (debate? See
Hui & Jackson 2007 and others)
Metabolic rate and body mass
Resting metabolic rate and ambient
Thermoneutral zone:
a range of
temperatures within
which the metabolic
rates are minimal.
Critical T: lower and
upper critical T
BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology
Lecture 3: Adaptation to
Physical Environment: Light,
Energy and Heat
Dafeng Hui
Office: Harned Hall 320
Phone: 963-5777
 Photosynthesis and environmental
• (Light) Temperature
• Nutrients (and Water)
• CO2
Homeostasis and negative feedback
Endothermy and ecotothermy
Homeotherms can escape the thermal
constraints of the environments
Ways to keep body warm:
1. Insulation to reduce the convection: fur, feather, or body
Mammals: fur, change fur in the winter
Fur can keep body heat in and the heat out
Birds: feather
Insects: a dense fur-like coat (moths, bees)
2. When insulation fails: shivering (a form of involuntary
muscular activity that increase heat production.
3. Small mammals: burn brown fat (bats) without shivering.
Ways to keep body Cool:
1. birds and mammals: evaporation of moisture from skin
2. mammals: sweat glands (horse, human), panting
3. birds: gular fluttering
3.16 Endothermy and Ectothermy involve
Endotherms can survive in large range of T,
why not all animals are endotherms?
Endothermy Ectotherms
Activity: under all environments limited to environmental T
Energy: high low
Food: most for respiration, less less for respiration
to growth more to growth
Limits on size:
limit on minimum size limit on maximum size
Limited in size
Warm-blooded animals: body
mass (volume) produce
heat, lost through surface
area, the ratio of surface to
volume is key factor too.
• Small animals have
larger ratio and greater
relative heat loss to
environment, require
higher mass-specific
metabolic rate to
maintain and consume
more food energy per
unit body weight.
• Too small
 Need too much
energy to keep
temperature stable
 2 gm limit
 Shrew (Solex spp)
eats own body
weight in food every
day to maintain
Cold-blooded animals absorb heat through
surface, thus the surface area to volume is
key factor. Large animals limited to warm
3.17 Torpor and hibernation help
some animals conserve energy
Small homeothemic
animals become
Body temperature
drops to ambient at
Bats, Some mice,
Torpor and hibernation help some
animals conserve energy
 Hibernation
• Many poikilotherms and some mammals have winter
torpor to save energy
• Selective advantage when resources are few
• Mammals
 Heart rate, respiration fall
 Temperature drops to ambient
 Groundhogs, chipmonks
 Not all bears
• No temperature change
• Just long sleep with no eating, drinking, defecating
or urinating
• Females give birth and feed young in this period
• Can wake up easily
• Do not visit a bear cave in winter!
3.18 Some animals use unique physiological
means for thermal balance
Storing body heat:
Camel, oryx and some gazelles
Body T change from 34oc to 41oC for camel
Reduce need for evaporative cooling and save water and energy
many ectothermic animals of temperate and Arctic regions
When the body T below freezing points without actually freezing
The presence of certain solute (glycerol) in the body lower the
freezing points
Wood frog, grey tree frog, spring peeper
Countercurrent heat exchange:
to conserve heat in a cold environment and to cool vital part of
body during heat stress.
 Countcurrent heat exchange happens in
homeotherms (porpoise, whale) as well as in certain
poikilotherms (tuna, mackerel shark)
To preserve heat in cold water, and get ride of heat in warm water
To cool brain, reduce T by 2-3 oC

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  • 1. BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 3: Adaptation to Physical Environment: Light, Energy and Heat Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email:
  • 2. Topics (Chapter 3)  3.1 Light is primary source of energy for the biosphere  3.2 Plants capture the energy of sunlight by photosynthesis  3.3 Plants modify photosynthesis in high water stress environments  3.4 Diffusion limits uptakes of dissolved gases from water  3.5 Temperature limits occurrence of life  3.6 Each organism functions best under certain temperature  3.7 Homeothermy increases metabolic rate and efficiency
  • 3. Earth provides highly diverse environments: 1.7 million known species now
  • 4. All species have three common basic functions  Assimilation: acquire energy from external environment  Reproduction: to produce new individuals  Response to external stimuli: able to respond to both physical (light, temperature etc) and biotic (predator etc).  All organisms acquire energy • Energy obtained directly from an energy source by a living organism is called autotrophy (autotroph)  Plants are autotrophs, primary producers  So are certain bacteria like Thiobacullus ferrooxidans • Energy obtained indirectly from organic molecules by a living organism is called heterotrophy (heterotroph)  All animals are heterotrophs, secondary producers  Some organisms can be a mixture like lichens where you have an alga and a fungus living together Autotrophs obtain solar energy through photosynthesis.
  • 5.  All life requires energy to sustain itself  With very few exceptions, all life on earth is dependent on solar energy  Life on Earth exists because it’s fitness is optimal for the environment created by solar energy Shortwave longwave radiation Earth is a balanced ecosystem in term of solar energy inputs and outputs 3.1 Light is the primary source of energy for the biosphere
  • 6. Light is the primary source of energy for the biosphere PAR: photosynthetically active radiation 400-700 nm
  • 8. Light absorption spectra of algae Ulva: sea lettuce, shallow water Porphyra: red alga, deep-water
  • 9. 3.2 Plants capture energy of sunlight by photosynthesis Photosynthesis (review)  All life is built on a framework of carbon atoms  The ultimate source of carbon for organic molecules is CO2  CO2 is transformed into organic molecules by plants (photosynthesis).
  • 10.  Photosynthesis begins with light reactions • Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll (a pigment molecule) • Conversion of the light energy into ATP (adenosine tri-Phosphate) and NADPH (Reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)  Photosynthesis continues with the dark reactions • Incorporation of CO2 into simple (organic) sugars using the energy provided by ATP and NADPH • Carboxylation is catalyzed by the enzyme rubisco (ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase- oxygenase) Photosynthesis is the process by which the Sun’s energy (shortwave radiation) is used to fix CO2 into carbohydrates (simple sugars) and release O2
  • 11.  The Calvin cycle (C3 cycle) initially fixes CO2 into 3-PGA (phosphoglycerate) This cycle is called Calvin-Bensen cycle, or C3 cycle. Plants employing it are known as C3 plants C3
  • 12. RuBP: Ribulose biphosphate Rubisco: ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase-oxygenase 3-PGA: phosphoglycerate G3P: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
  • 13. One major drawback of C3 pathway: Rubisco can catalyze both carbonxylation And RuBP oxygenation Reduce the efficiency of photosynthesis. C3 cycle (Calvin cycle) PGA RuBP CO    3 2 2 C3 plant: trees, forbs, some grasses 2 2 CO RuBP O  
  • 14. Cellular respiration ATP O H CO O O H C     2 2 2 6 12 6 6 6 6 Net photosynthesis = (Gross) Photosynthesis - Respiration 2 6 12 6 2 2 6 6 6 O O H C O H CO    Photosynthesis
  • 15. BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 3: Adaptation to Physical Environment: Light, Energy and Heat Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email:
  • 16. Recap  Water and salt balance by plants and animals  Solar radiation is the energy source for life, PAR, water absorption  Photosynthesis  C3 photosynthetic pathway
  • 17.  To increase water use efficiency in a warm dry environment, plants have modified process of photosynthesis  C3 • Normal in mesophyll with rubisco  C4 • Warm dry environment • Additional step in fixation of CO2 • Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase (PEP) does initial fixation into Malate and aspartate • Malate and aspartate are transported to bundle sheath as an intermediate molecule • Rubisco and CO2 convert there to sucrose 3.3 Other photosynthesis pathways: adaptation to water and temperature conditions
  • 18. C4 pathway Advantages over C3 pathway 1. PEP does not interact with O2 (RuBP react with O2 and reduce the photosynthesis efficiency) 2. Conversion of malic and aspartic acids into CO2 within bundle sheath cell acts to concentrate CO2, create a much higher CO2 concentration. C4 plants have a much higher photosynthetic rate and greater water-use efficiency. C4 plants are mostly grasses native to tropical and subtropical regions and some shrubs of arid and saline environments (Crop: corn, sorghum, sugar cane).
  • 19. CAM pathway CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) pathway Hot desert area Mostly succulents in the family of Cactaceae (cacti), Euphorbiaceae and Crassulaceae) Similar to C4 pathway Different times: Night: open stomata, convert CO2 to malic acid using PEP Day:close stomata, re- convert malic acid to CO2, C3 cycle.
  • 20. Comparison of three photosynthetic pathways C3: Dovefoot geranium, C4: sorghum, CAM: Sierra sedium
  • 21.
  • 22. 3.4 Plant adaptation to control water loss In addition to photosynthetic pathway differences, heat and drought-adapted plants have anatomic and physiological modifications that reduce transpiration, heat load and enable plants to tolerate high temperature.
  • 23. 3.5 Photosynthesis of aquatic plants  Unique features • Lack of stomata • Direct diffusion of CO2 across cell membrane  Slow in water than in air (10^4 times slower) • Some plants: CO2 reacts with H2O first to produce biocarbonate, and Convert biocarbonate to CO2  Transport HCO3 - into leaf then convert to CO2  Excretion of the enzyme into adjacent waters and subsequent uptake of converted CO2 across the membrane.  CO2 could be a constraint in dense sea-grass beds
  • 24.
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  • 27. Oxygen concentration in aquatic environment O2 is dissolved in water O2 concentration in water is determined by solubility and diffusion. Anaerobic conditions in the deep water High O2 in the surface due to diffusion
  • 28. 3.6 Carbon gained in photosynthesis is allocated to production of plant tissues Carbon allocation is an important issue and has not been well studied. Difficult to measure, especially below ground. Allocation to different parts has major influences on survival, growth, and reproduction. Leaf: photosynthesis Stem: support Root: uptake of nutrient and water Flower and seed: reproduction.
  • 29. In dry grassland ecosystems, plants have long roots
  • 30. Allocation and environmental factors (such as temperature and precipitation) Hui & Jackson 2006
  • 31.  Plants must maintain a positive carbon balance to survive, grow, and reproduce  Essential plant resources and conditions are interdependent • Light (PAR) • CO2 • H2O and Minerals • Temperature Constraints Imposed by the Physical Environment Have Resulted in a Wide Array of Plant Adaptations
  • 32. 3.7 Species of Plants are adapted to light conditions  Plants adapted to a shady environment • Lower levels of rubisco • Higher levels of chlorophyll (increase ability to capture light, as light is limiting) • low light compensation and saturation lights  Plants adapted to a full sun environment • Higher levels of rubisco • Lower levels of chlorophyll • High compensation and saturation lights  Changes in leaf structure evolve Red oak leaves at top and bottom of canopy Light intensity
  • 33. Stuart Davies of Harvard University studied the photosynthesis and respiration of seedlings of nine tree species under different light Light affects photosynthesis and respiration
  • 34.  Shade tolerant (shade- adapted) species • Plant species adapted to low-light environments  Shade intolerant (sun- adapted) species • Plant species adapted to high-light environments Change of allocation to leaf of broadleaved peppermint (Reich et al.). Light also affects whether a plant allocates to leaves or to roots
  • 35. Shade tolerance and intolerance Shade tolerance Shade intolerance Seedling survival and growth of two tree species over a year Augspurger (1982)
  • 36. BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 3: Adaptation to Physical Environment: Light, Energy and Heat Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email:
  • 37. Recap  C4 and CAM pathways  Aquatic plants  Photosynthesis and environmental factors • Light, response curve, adaptation
  • 38.  Different responses of photosynthesis and respiration to temperature;  Three basic Temperature points • Min T, max T and optimal T 3.9 Temperatures influence photosynthesis and respiration
  • 39. Plants need to make serious evolutionary adaptations to temperature  Topt: C3: <30oC; C4: 30oC to 40oC; CAM, >40oC Neuropogon: Arctic lichen (C3) Ambrosia: cool coastal dune plant (C3) Tidestromia: summer-active desert C4 perennial Atriplx: everygreen desert C4 plant C3 C4 C4 Photosyn. rate and Topt
  • 40.  Temperature responses are not fixed  When individuals of the same species are grown under different thermal conditions, a divergence in temperature response of net photosynthesis is often observed • The Topt shifts in the direction of the thermal conditions under which the plant is grown  A similar pattern is seen in individual plants in response to seasonal shifts in temperature (acclimation) Plants Vary in Their Response to Environmental Temperatures
  • 42.
  • 43. Affinity is a good measure of enzyme function. Produce different forms of enzyme.
  • 44.  Plants need nutrient for metabolic processes and synthesize new tissues  According to amount of nutrient required: • Macronutrients: needed in large amount N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S • Micronutrients: needed in lesser quantities Zn, B, Cu, Ni, Fe  Some nutrients can be inhibitory 3.12 Plants exhibit adaptations to variations in nutrient availability
  • 45.  Uptake of a nutrient through the roots depends on its concentration  However there is a maximum uptake rate  Effect of nutrient availability can also reach a maximum Plants exhibit adaptations to variations in nutrient availability
  • 46. Photosynthesis and nutrient  Nitrogen can limit photosynthesis  N in enzyme rubisco and pigment chlorophyll.
  • 47.  Plants respond differently to extra nitrogen depending on their natural environment’s level of nitrogen or other nutrient Two grass species, carpet bent grass (A. stolonifera) in high N and velent bent grass (A. canina) in low N conditions.
  • 48. Illustration of tradeoffs of C4, C3 plants with CO2 concentration Increase in CO2 will influence the competition of C3 and C4 Other factors: Impact of CO2 on photosynthesis
  • 49. 3.13 Regulation of internal conditions involves homeostasis and feedback Homeostasis: The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in a varying external environment. Homeostasis depends on negative feedback Negative feedback: when a system deviates from the normal or desired state, mechanisms function to restore the system back to that state. Example: room temperature setting
  • 50. Homeostasis  To stay alive, animals need to keep their body within certain limits • Temperature • Water balance • pH • Salt balance  Feedback systems to help to keep within specific limits  Outside limits – • Dehydration • Heat shock • Salt imbalance • Death
  • 52.  Body structure influences the T exchange  Temperature (Tb, Ts, Ta)  Tb<->Ts conduction • Core temperature Tb • Surface temperature Ts  Ears  Fingers  Toes  Ts<->Ta: convection, radiation, evaporation  Boundary layer (a thin layer of air surround the body)  Insulation (air, body covering) influences energy exchanges Animals exchange energy with their surrounding environment
  • 53. 3.14 Animals have different methods of maintaining their body temperatures Three groups of animals  Endothermy resulting in homeothermy • Use of internal heat source (metabolically)  Mammals and birds  Maintain a fairly constant temperature (warm-blooded)  Ectothermy resulting in poikilothermy • Use of external heat sources  Reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and invertebrates  Results in a variable body temperature (cold-blooded)  Heterothermy • Uses both endothermy and ectothermy  Bats, bees and hummingbirds
  • 54. • As the temperature increases, so does the metabolic rate • Therefore these animals are more active during the day • Every 10oC doubles metabolic rate (Q10) • Natural condition: low metabolic rate and high conductivity • Activities also controlled by temperature • Upper and lower limits vary  Lizards and snakes have a 5oC  Amphibians have a 10oC Poikilotherms depend on environmental temperatures Operative T range: range of body T at which poikilotherms can carry out their daily activities.
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  • 56.  During the day, the snake can maintain a fairly constant temperature by adjusting it’s environment (bask in sun to raise T, seek shade to cool, submerge in water etc)  During the night, it has few options • Temperature drops 10- 15 degrees • Become torpid (slow moving) • Restricted by environment • Maximum size due to need for surface area to gather heat • No minimum size
  • 57. 3.15 Homeotherms escape the thermal restraints of the environment  Homeotherms can escape the thermal restraints of the environments, thus can exploit a wide range of thermal environments  But needs energy to maintain relative constant T  Therefore homeotherms use large amounts of glucose etc to maintain temperature (aerobic respiration)  O2 is consumed during respiration  Rate of O2 consumption is used to measure metabolic rate  Basal metabolic rate is considered as proportional to their body mass (body mass 0.75) (debate? See Hui & Jackson 2007 and others)
  • 58. Metabolic rate and body mass
  • 59. Resting metabolic rate and ambient temperature Thermoneutral zone: a range of environmental temperatures within which the metabolic rates are minimal. Critical T: lower and upper critical T
  • 60. BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 3: Adaptation to Physical Environment: Light, Energy and Heat Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email:
  • 61. Recap  Photosynthesis and environmental factors • (Light) Temperature • Nutrients (and Water) • CO2 Homeostasis and negative feedback Endothermy and ecotothermy
  • 62. Homeotherms can escape the thermal constraints of the environments Ways to keep body warm: 1. Insulation to reduce the convection: fur, feather, or body fat Mammals: fur, change fur in the winter Fur can keep body heat in and the heat out Birds: feather Insects: a dense fur-like coat (moths, bees) 2. When insulation fails: shivering (a form of involuntary muscular activity that increase heat production. 3. Small mammals: burn brown fat (bats) without shivering. Ways to keep body Cool: 1. birds and mammals: evaporation of moisture from skin 2. mammals: sweat glands (horse, human), panting 3. birds: gular fluttering
  • 63. 3.16 Endothermy and Ectothermy involve trade-offs Endotherms can survive in large range of T, why not all animals are endotherms? Trade-offs: Endothermy Ectotherms Activity: under all environments limited to environmental T Energy: high low Food: most for respiration, less less for respiration to growth more to growth Limits on size: limit on minimum size limit on maximum size
  • 64. Limited in size Warm-blooded animals: body mass (volume) produce heat, lost through surface area, the ratio of surface to volume is key factor too. • Small animals have larger ratio and greater relative heat loss to environment, require higher mass-specific metabolic rate to maintain and consume more food energy per unit body weight. • Too small  Need too much energy to keep temperature stable  2 gm limit  Shrew (Solex spp) eats own body weight in food every day to maintain temperature Cold-blooded animals absorb heat through surface, thus the surface area to volume is key factor. Large animals limited to warm areas. S/V=6*1/L
  • 65. 3.17 Torpor and hibernation help some animals conserve energy Torpor Small homeothemic animals become heterothermic Body temperature drops to ambient at night Inactive Bats, Some mice, kangaroos
  • 66. Torpor and hibernation help some animals conserve energy  Hibernation • Many poikilotherms and some mammals have winter torpor to save energy • Selective advantage when resources are few • Mammals  Heart rate, respiration fall  Temperature drops to ambient  Groundhogs, chipmonks  Not all bears • No temperature change • Just long sleep with no eating, drinking, defecating or urinating • Females give birth and feed young in this period • Can wake up easily • Do not visit a bear cave in winter!
  • 67. 3.18 Some animals use unique physiological means for thermal balance Storing body heat: Camel, oryx and some gazelles Body T change from 34oc to 41oC for camel Reduce need for evaporative cooling and save water and energy Supercooling: many ectothermic animals of temperate and Arctic regions When the body T below freezing points without actually freezing The presence of certain solute (glycerol) in the body lower the freezing points Wood frog, grey tree frog, spring peeper Countercurrent heat exchange: to conserve heat in a cold environment and to cool vital part of body during heat stress.
  • 68.  Countcurrent heat exchange happens in homeotherms (porpoise, whale) as well as in certain poikilotherms (tuna, mackerel shark) To preserve heat in cold water, and get ride of heat in warm water
  • 69. To cool brain, reduce T by 2-3 oC