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                    Editor’s Podium
Warm Rotaract Greetings!!!
It gives me a pleasure and proud to be the chairman of
fest-In. You all know that fest-In is an exclusive magazine
of RC of zenith and it talks about festivals and culture in
our nation. We successfully lunched five editions and now
came up with 6th edition, Diwali & sashti edition. Both
festivals are my favorites. So I really enjoyed while working
on this edition. It is the correct time to thank my fest-In
team and Zenith family members because without their
support fest-In is impossible.

Dear Readers, you’re the backbone this fest-In. We need
your support and your valuable suggestions always. I hope
you all will enjoy this edition as you did for fest-In’s
previous edition.

Don’t stop with reading alone, also workout the word games
in Idhu Namma Area. Exciting prizes are waiting for winners
who finish the game.

I wish you very happy Diwali & Kandha sashti. The day may
fill with lights, happiness and blessings of the Holy Spirit…..

‘fest-In’ chairman & Jt-secretary,
R C Of Zenith

                        ‘fest-In’ vol-6

                                                       Appy Diwali…


The word ‘Diwali’, is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Deepawali’. Diwali is
one of the most important festivals in India. This is an enthusiastic festival for
Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains. This is the festival loved by all age group from
children to elders. Diwali is also called as Deepavali it means festival of lights.
Philosophy of this festival is destroying darkness (ignorance) with the light of
wise in your life.

Diwali Stories:

All our religious beliefs, customs and festivals have some reasons and
philosophy in it. Likewise there are so many stories and believes for why we are
celebrating Diwali.

Narakasura’s last wish:

This is the common story known by everyone, but we have still more stories
about Diwali. It’s coming up in next paras, do check out that too. The
Bhagavata Purana says Narakasura, an evil demon king who had managed to
acquire awesome powers. He conquered both the heaven and earth. He
tyrannized the people and devas. Addicted to power, he even stole the earrings
of Aditi, the heavenly mother goddess, and usurped some of her territory. So,
affected people approached Lord Vishnu for solicit that to kill the demon and
save us from him. Lord Vishnu incarnated as Krishna, he killed Narakasura and
rescued 16,000 women whom the demon had imprisoned in his palace. When he
was defeated by Lord Krishna he pleased him that his death has to be celebrated
as a festival. Lord Krishna granted his request. So we are celebrating the
demon’s death as Diwali.

                                                        ‘fest-In’ vol-6

Lord Rama: “We are back!!!”

After 14 years of wildlife of rama, sita, and lakshmana with the victory of Rama
on Ravana, they returned to ayothia (their mother land). In joyous celebration of
the return of their king, the people of Ayodhya, the Capital of Rama,
illuminated the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil lamps) and burst crackers.

Apy b’day Goddess Lakshmi:

On the day of Diwali Goddess Lakshmi manifested herself from the milky
ocean. Hindu scripture says that Devas( gods ) Asuras (demons ) churned the
ocean together to find out the amirtham ( drink of immortality ). While churning
goddess lakshmi was appeared on the new moon day (ammavasya).

                               ‘fest-In’ vol-6

She was subsequently married to Lord Vishnu on the same darkest night of the
year and brilliant lamps were illuminated and placed in rows to mark this holy

Pandavas Returns:

Mahabharata also tells about diwali. On the day of 'Kartik Amavashya' the
Pandavas return back from their 12 years of banishment as a result of their
defeat in the hands of the Kauravas at the game of dice (gambling) and with the
victory of mahabharata war. The people who loved the Pandavas celebrated the
day by lighting the earthen lamps.

Diwali for Govindhan:

Vishnu purana says, Lord Krishna protected the people of Gokulum from the
heavy rain caused by the anger of Deveindra. So the people celebrated diwali to
thank Lord Krishna.

Sikh people's Diwali:

In the Sikh community, Diwali celebrations have a special importance. On the
day of diwali their sixth Guru, Guru Har Govind ji came back from the captivity
of the fort of Gwalior city. The people illuminated lamps in the way to Shri
Harmandhir Sahib, which is known by the name of 'the Golden Temple', to
honor and welcome their beloved Guru. And also the third Sikh Guru Amar Das
institutionalized the festival of lights as an occasion when all Sikhs would
gather to receive the Gurus blessings.

Jain people’s Diwali:

On the day of diwali, the famous Jain prophet Bhagvaan Mahaveer, the founder
of Jainism, attained 'Nirvana'. So the Jain people celebrate diwali as
remembrance of Lord Mahavira.

                              ‘fest-In’ vol-6

Brothers & Sisters’ Diwali:

 Lord Yamraj, the God of Death, visited his sister Yamuna on the day of diwali.
When Yamraj reached Yamuna's home, she welcomed him by performing his
aarti, applying 'Tilak' on his forehead and by putting a garland around his neck.
Yamuna cooked variety of dishes and sweets for her brother and offered all
those to him. Lord Yamraj ate all those delicious dishes and when he was
finished, he showered blessings on Yamuna and gave her a boon that if a
brother visits his sister’s place on this day, he would be blessed with health and
wealth. Thus, it has become a tradition that the day Bhai-Dooj (fifth day of
diwali) is celebrating.

5days Diwali:

The first day is called as 'Dhan Trayodashi' or 'Dhanteras'. The people of India
believe that goddess lakshmi appeared from the milky ocean in this day.
Lakshmi pooja is conducted on this day. People buy gold and silver on this day.

Narak Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali is the second day of diwali. This is
celebrated for the defect of the demon Narakasura.    Therefore this day is
dedicated to lights and prayers heralding a future full of joy and laughter.

Third day, Padawa is the main diwali. This celebration is for the victory and
returning of Lord Rama to Ayyodhia.  On this day special pooja ceremony is
observed to worship Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi. This is the most
important day which seeks colors of fire crackers, lighting of lamps, delicious
sweets, new clothes and family get together exchanging gifts.

Fourth day of diwali is for Govandhana pooja and the last day is Bhai-Dooj.

North – South

North India:

North Indians decorates their houses with lights and they prepare sweets and
burn crackers. They create colorful patterns (rangoli) at their door steps. The
tradition continues to this day in the northern states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab,

                               ‘fest-In’ vol-6

Haryana, Bihar and the surrounding areas where huge effigies of Ravana are
burned symbolizing Lord Rama's vanquishing of the demon king.

In Bengal the worship is completely dedicated to Goddess Kali.  Kali puja is a
unique celebration of this state. They place rows of lighted candles and diyas
around individual homes, painting colorful patterns at the doorstep, dressing up
in new apparels and paying a visit to friends and relatives. It is also believed that
it is the night of the 'Pitripurush' (ancestors) and lamps are lit on long poles to
guide their souls on this night. But the practice is more common in rural areas of
Bengal than in cities like Kolkata. In Gujarath images of small footprints are
also drawn over individual’s doorstep which is a way of inviting Goddess
Lakshmi to the house.

South India:

Lakshmi Pooja and Narak Chaturdashi are mainly celebrated in south India.

In Tamilnadu, the people take oil bath in early morning and wear new cloths
which placed before god. They will prepare sweets and spicy dishes and burn
crackers. Thala Deepavali is a unique custom of diwali in Tamilnadu. Thala
Deepavali is the once-in-a-lifetime event. It is celebrated by newly married
couples. Newly married couples celebrate their first diwali after marriage in the
bride’s parental home.

                                 ‘fest-In’ vol-6

In Maharashtra it is four day celebration. On the first day, is celebrated by
performing an Aarti (prayer with songs) of the cow and its calf- which
represents the love between a mother and her baby. Lakshmi pooja and Narak
Chaturdashi are celebrates on next days.

Rural India:

Diwali is celebrated as harvesting festival in some rural regions of India. In
villages across the country, Diwali is the time that farmers celebrate with joy
and offer praises to God for granting them a good crop. This is the reason why
people performing Lakshmi Puja.

Tips for Environment-frindly diwali celebration:

        Use earthen lamps instead of electric decoration lights. Is helps to save
        electric energy.
        Do not burn crackers after 9p.m. because there is less amount of oxygen
        in air at night times. It also help to reduce noise and gives peace full

                     Kandha Sashti

Demon Surapadma’s anarchy:
An asura by name Surapadma was ruling Veera Mahendrapuri, an
island fortress. He performed many austerities invoking Lord Shiva
and the Lord granted him many boons. Later, the asura became
arrogant and captured all the three worlds—the heaven, earth and
the hell. He made the Devas, the heavenly immortals to do menial
task. The Devas were unable to bear his torture and complained to
Lord Shiva.

Six Sparks, Six babi, and Six face:

                                ‘fest-In’ vol-6

Lord Shiva opened his third eye to create a son to kill Surapadma.
Six sparks of fire emanated from the third eye. These divine sparks
were received by River Ganges through Agni, the God of Fire and
passed on to the Himalayan lake, Saravana Poigai, here they were
transformed into six babies. These babies were suckled by the six
Kirithika nymphs. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi Devi came to
Saravana Poigai, and when Goddess Uma fondly clasped the babies
they joined together and become Lord Arumuga with six faces and
twelve arms.

When child Arumuga grew up and become a young boy, Lord Shiva
asked him to destroy Surapadma and free the Devas from his cruel
bondage. Lord Muruga reached Tiruchendur with his huge army and
camped. He sent his lieutenant named Veerabahu to the asura as an
emissary and asked Surapadma to release the Devas. Since
Surapadma turned down the request, a war ensued. During the first
five days of the war, the brothers of Surapadma and all other asuras
perished. On sixth day, in the battle fight took place between Lord
Muruga and Surapadma, the lance of Lord Muruga pierced the body
of Surapadma, who got himself transformed into a frightful mango
tree, and broke it into two. The broken pieces instantly transformed
themselves      into     a    mighty     peacock     and     a    co

                          ‘fest-In’ vol-6


Lord Muruga took the peacock as his vahana or vehicle and the cock
on his banner. This event is popularly known as Surasamharam, or
the destruction of Surapadman. After Surasamharam, Lord Muruga
desired to worship his father, Lord Shiva. Hence Mayan, the divine
architect constructed this shrine at Tiruchendur. Even now Lord
Subramaniyan is seen in the posture of worshiping Lord Shiva in
the sanctum sanctorum.

Philosophy of Surasamharam:
Surabadmanan refers to anavam(egotism), singamugan refers to
Kanman (action of world things), Tarakasuran refers to
maya(illusion). These three things made human beings as a sinner.
Destruction the asuras by God shows as we have to destroy them
with help of God and make our life towards Holy Spirit.

                         ‘fest-In’ vol-6

                Snacks Ready!!!!
Soan Papdi


Gram Glour - 1 ¼ cup

Maida - 1 ¼ cup

Ghee - 250 gms

Sugar - 2 ½ cups

Water - 1 ½ cup

Milk - 2 tbsp

Cardamom seeds - ½ tsp

(Crushed coarsely)

4" squares cut from a thin polythene sheet


        Sift both flours together. Heat ghee in a heavy saucepan.
        Add flour mixture and roast on low till light golden. Keep aside to cool a
        little, stirring occasionally.
        Prepare sugar syrup simultaneously. Bring syrup to 2 ½ thread

                                ‘fest-In’ vol-6

        Add the syrup to the flour mixture. Beat well with a large fork till the
        mixture forms threadlike flakes.
        Pour onto a greased surface or thali and roll to 1" thickness lightly.
        Sprinkle the Cardamom and gently press down with palm.
        Cool it, cut into 1" squares, wrap individually into square pieces of thin
        plastic sheet.
        Store in an air tight container.



Sugar - 1 cup

Wheat flour - 1 ½ cups

Yogurt or curd- 4 tbsp

Whole peppercorns- 10-15

Milk & Water – for making batter


        Make a batter of all of these dry ingredients, using equal amount of milk
        and water.
        And whip till smooth. Add the 10 peppercorns. Keep aside and allow it to
        rise for about two hours.
        Heat oil in a khadai on a medium flame. Drop large ladlefuls into the oil
        to form circles of 6-8 inches.
        The batter will sink and line the bottom of the kahdai and rise up in the
        shape of a disc.
        Fry till the color change into golden.
        Drain and pat off the oil. Serve with cream or garnished with pista.

                                ‘fest-In’ vol-6

              Idhu namma area…
Word Puzzle:
There are twenty English words connected with the Hindu festival of Diwali in
this word search puzzle, find them.

                 G G H K D R C WJ WC H AZ YL H K O O
                 Q S J Q A WC T D P R O S P E R I T Y L
                 M M D J MJ T J M P I WF C S Q L X I V
                 P R A Y E R S O O Z E I I KE L WJ A R
                 P Q A F P V M P N H N Q YL VH A P P Y
                 M Y Y H T Z B Z WQ X J E YAH K Z T F
                 G I F T S N E WY E A R C UHP O K X U
                 H C A WMI Q E Q H B U T R B B E B H B
                 S X M X D T M A L I ML L I AI D K B J
                 N WI S D O M L T F R I E NDS F S I S
                 F V L L O U T T H K L G HB C P E A C E
                 T K Y A L I G H T S R H YODP S Y MR
                 S Y WO F K M Z S S U T ANS U T U K Q
                 WK C I C I S WE E T S GVI R I A N Y
                 H K C M Z T L L F D X H F UUA V V L C
                 O O J B J J Q A T I L H I NDU A V P Z
                 L I Z F U D E M G WR U OS GT L V X F
                 I J WY B N X P B A R WB L DU O N Q C
                 D H Z I Q L E S K L J P XF T MY J C O
                 A C E L E B R A T I O N GF E N Y WG S
                 Y C F I R E WO R K S V S DR K C E R O
                 O H E A L T H B C G V O S S YT D R R F

Note: All the words go across from left to right and down from top to bottom.
There are no backwards or diagonal words.

                              ‘fest-In’ vol-6

                        Fun with Words
Word 4d Day:
Dad: Dear Son, shall we burst crackers?

Son: Yes dad!

Dad: Son, as soon fire the cracker come here it will go up and might hurt you.

Son: Dad, it didn’t go up.

Dad: Son, go up means explode. See the cracker which you fired it got

Word: ‘Find me if u can’.
We two went to our friend place in the evening around 18:00p.m to wish him
Happy Diwali. His family welcome us with a smiley face and treat us well. His
mother offered 5 kinds of sweets, it was really awesome and we both loved it.
As we had leave for 5 days in our office we planned for short trip to Ooty and
Kodaikanal. In this trip we totally 26 members went and enjoyed the trip. Again
we are planning for long trip in the month of June - July, probably 25th June will
leave Chennai till July end will continue our trip.


                               ‘fest-In’ vol-6

        ‘fest-In’ vol-6

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  • 1.
  • 2.   1    Editor’s Podium Warm Rotaract Greetings!!! It gives me a pleasure and proud to be the chairman of fest-In. You all know that fest-In is an exclusive magazine of RC of zenith and it talks about festivals and culture in our nation. We successfully lunched five editions and now came up with 6th edition, Diwali & sashti edition. Both festivals are my favorites. So I really enjoyed while working on this edition. It is the correct time to thank my fest-In team and Zenith family members because without their support fest-In is impossible. Dear Readers, you’re the backbone this fest-In. We need your support and your valuable suggestions always. I hope you all will enjoy this edition as you did for fest-In’s previous edition. Don’t stop with reading alone, also workout the word games in Idhu Namma Area. Exciting prizes are waiting for winners who finish the game. I wish you very happy Diwali & Kandha sashti. The day may fill with lights, happiness and blessings of the Holy Spirit….. Regards, Rtr.Premalatha.V ‘fest-In’ chairman & Jt-secretary, R C Of Zenith ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 3.   2                                              Appy Diwali… Trigger: The word ‘Diwali’, is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Deepawali’. Diwali is one of the most important festivals in India. This is an enthusiastic festival for Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains. This is the festival loved by all age group from children to elders. Diwali is also called as Deepavali it means festival of lights. Philosophy of this festival is destroying darkness (ignorance) with the light of wise in your life. Diwali Stories: All our religious beliefs, customs and festivals have some reasons and philosophy in it. Likewise there are so many stories and believes for why we are celebrating Diwali. Narakasura’s last wish: This is the common story known by everyone, but we have still more stories about Diwali. It’s coming up in next paras, do check out that too. The Bhagavata Purana says Narakasura, an evil demon king who had managed to acquire awesome powers. He conquered both the heaven and earth. He tyrannized the people and devas. Addicted to power, he even stole the earrings of Aditi, the heavenly mother goddess, and usurped some of her territory. So, affected people approached Lord Vishnu for solicit that to kill the demon and save us from him. Lord Vishnu incarnated as Krishna, he killed Narakasura and rescued 16,000 women whom the demon had imprisoned in his palace. When he was defeated by Lord Krishna he pleased him that his death has to be celebrated as a festival. Lord Krishna granted his request. So we are celebrating the demon’s death as Diwali. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 4.   3    Lord Rama: “We are back!!!” After 14 years of wildlife of rama, sita, and lakshmana with the victory of Rama on Ravana, they returned to ayothia (their mother land). In joyous celebration of the return of their king, the people of Ayodhya, the Capital of Rama, illuminated the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil lamps) and burst crackers. Apy b’day Goddess Lakshmi: On the day of Diwali Goddess Lakshmi manifested herself from the milky ocean. Hindu scripture says that Devas( gods ) Asuras (demons ) churned the ocean together to find out the amirtham ( drink of immortality ). While churning goddess lakshmi was appeared on the new moon day (ammavasya). ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 5.   4    She was subsequently married to Lord Vishnu on the same darkest night of the year and brilliant lamps were illuminated and placed in rows to mark this holy occasion. Pandavas Returns: Mahabharata also tells about diwali. On the day of 'Kartik Amavashya' the Pandavas return back from their 12 years of banishment as a result of their defeat in the hands of the Kauravas at the game of dice (gambling) and with the victory of mahabharata war. The people who loved the Pandavas celebrated the day by lighting the earthen lamps. Diwali for Govindhan: Vishnu purana says, Lord Krishna protected the people of Gokulum from the heavy rain caused by the anger of Deveindra. So the people celebrated diwali to thank Lord Krishna. Sikh people's Diwali: In the Sikh community, Diwali celebrations have a special importance. On the day of diwali their sixth Guru, Guru Har Govind ji came back from the captivity of the fort of Gwalior city. The people illuminated lamps in the way to Shri Harmandhir Sahib, which is known by the name of 'the Golden Temple', to honor and welcome their beloved Guru. And also the third Sikh Guru Amar Das institutionalized the festival of lights as an occasion when all Sikhs would gather to receive the Gurus blessings. Jain people’s Diwali: On the day of diwali, the famous Jain prophet Bhagvaan Mahaveer, the founder of Jainism, attained 'Nirvana'. So the Jain people celebrate diwali as remembrance of Lord Mahavira. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 6.   5    Brothers & Sisters’ Diwali: Lord Yamraj, the God of Death, visited his sister Yamuna on the day of diwali. When Yamraj reached Yamuna's home, she welcomed him by performing his aarti, applying 'Tilak' on his forehead and by putting a garland around his neck. Yamuna cooked variety of dishes and sweets for her brother and offered all those to him. Lord Yamraj ate all those delicious dishes and when he was finished, he showered blessings on Yamuna and gave her a boon that if a brother visits his sister’s place on this day, he would be blessed with health and wealth. Thus, it has become a tradition that the day Bhai-Dooj (fifth day of diwali) is celebrating. 5days Diwali: The first day is called as 'Dhan Trayodashi' or 'Dhanteras'. The people of India believe that goddess lakshmi appeared from the milky ocean in this day. Lakshmi pooja is conducted on this day. People buy gold and silver on this day. Narak Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali is the second day of diwali. This is celebrated for the defect of the demon Narakasura.    Therefore this day is dedicated to lights and prayers heralding a future full of joy and laughter. Third day, Padawa is the main diwali. This celebration is for the victory and returning of Lord Rama to Ayyodhia.  On this day special pooja ceremony is observed to worship Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi. This is the most important day which seeks colors of fire crackers, lighting of lamps, delicious sweets, new clothes and family get together exchanging gifts. Fourth day of diwali is for Govandhana pooja and the last day is Bhai-Dooj. North – South North India: North Indians decorates their houses with lights and they prepare sweets and burn crackers. They create colorful patterns (rangoli) at their door steps. The tradition continues to this day in the northern states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 7.   6    Haryana, Bihar and the surrounding areas where huge effigies of Ravana are burned symbolizing Lord Rama's vanquishing of the demon king. In Bengal the worship is completely dedicated to Goddess Kali.  Kali puja is a unique celebration of this state. They place rows of lighted candles and diyas around individual homes, painting colorful patterns at the doorstep, dressing up in new apparels and paying a visit to friends and relatives. It is also believed that it is the night of the 'Pitripurush' (ancestors) and lamps are lit on long poles to guide their souls on this night. But the practice is more common in rural areas of Bengal than in cities like Kolkata. In Gujarath images of small footprints are also drawn over individual’s doorstep which is a way of inviting Goddess Lakshmi to the house. South India: Lakshmi Pooja and Narak Chaturdashi are mainly celebrated in south India. In Tamilnadu, the people take oil bath in early morning and wear new cloths which placed before god. They will prepare sweets and spicy dishes and burn crackers. Thala Deepavali is a unique custom of diwali in Tamilnadu. Thala Deepavali is the once-in-a-lifetime event. It is celebrated by newly married couples. Newly married couples celebrate their first diwali after marriage in the bride’s parental home. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 8.   7    In Maharashtra it is four day celebration. On the first day, is celebrated by performing an Aarti (prayer with songs) of the cow and its calf- which represents the love between a mother and her baby. Lakshmi pooja and Narak Chaturdashi are celebrates on next days. Rural India: Diwali is celebrated as harvesting festival in some rural regions of India. In villages across the country, Diwali is the time that farmers celebrate with joy and offer praises to God for granting them a good crop. This is the reason why people performing Lakshmi Puja. Tips for Environment-frindly diwali celebration: Use earthen lamps instead of electric decoration lights. Is helps to save electric energy. Do not burn crackers after 9p.m. because there is less amount of oxygen in air at night times. It also help to reduce noise and gives peace full sleep. Kandha Sashti Surasamharam Demon Surapadma’s anarchy: An asura by name Surapadma was ruling Veera Mahendrapuri, an island fortress. He performed many austerities invoking Lord Shiva and the Lord granted him many boons. Later, the asura became arrogant and captured all the three worlds—the heaven, earth and the hell. He made the Devas, the heavenly immortals to do menial task. The Devas were unable to bear his torture and complained to Lord Shiva. Six Sparks, Six babi, and Six face: ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 9.   8    Lord Shiva opened his third eye to create a son to kill Surapadma. Six sparks of fire emanated from the third eye. These divine sparks were received by River Ganges through Agni, the God of Fire and passed on to the Himalayan lake, Saravana Poigai, here they were transformed into six babies. These babies were suckled by the six Kirithika nymphs. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi Devi came to Saravana Poigai, and when Goddess Uma fondly clasped the babies they joined together and become Lord Arumuga with six faces and twelve arms. D-War: When child Arumuga grew up and become a young boy, Lord Shiva asked him to destroy Surapadma and free the Devas from his cruel bondage. Lord Muruga reached Tiruchendur with his huge army and camped. He sent his lieutenant named Veerabahu to the asura as an emissary and asked Surapadma to release the Devas. Since Surapadma turned down the request, a war ensued. During the first five days of the war, the brothers of Surapadma and all other asuras perished. On sixth day, in the battle fight took place between Lord Muruga and Surapadma, the lance of Lord Muruga pierced the body of Surapadma, who got himself transformed into a frightful mango tree, and broke it into two. The broken pieces instantly transformed themselves into a mighty peacock and a co ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 10.   9    . Lord Muruga took the peacock as his vahana or vehicle and the cock on his banner. This event is popularly known as Surasamharam, or the destruction of Surapadman. After Surasamharam, Lord Muruga desired to worship his father, Lord Shiva. Hence Mayan, the divine architect constructed this shrine at Tiruchendur. Even now Lord Subramaniyan is seen in the posture of worshiping Lord Shiva in the sanctum sanctorum. Philosophy of Surasamharam: Surabadmanan refers to anavam(egotism), singamugan refers to Kanman (action of world things), Tarakasuran refers to maya(illusion). These three things made human beings as a sinner. Destruction the asuras by God shows as we have to destroy them with help of God and make our life towards Holy Spirit. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 11.   10    Snacks Ready!!!! Soan Papdi Ingredients: Gram Glour - 1 ¼ cup Maida - 1 ¼ cup Ghee - 250 gms Sugar - 2 ½ cups Water - 1 ½ cup Milk - 2 tbsp Cardamom seeds - ½ tsp (Crushed coarsely) 4" squares cut from a thin polythene sheet Method: Sift both flours together. Heat ghee in a heavy saucepan. Add flour mixture and roast on low till light golden. Keep aside to cool a little, stirring occasionally. Prepare sugar syrup simultaneously. Bring syrup to 2 ½ thread consistency. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 12.   11    Add the syrup to the flour mixture. Beat well with a large fork till the mixture forms threadlike flakes. Pour onto a greased surface or thali and roll to 1" thickness lightly. Sprinkle the Cardamom and gently press down with palm. Cool it, cut into 1" squares, wrap individually into square pieces of thin plastic sheet. Store in an air tight container. MALPUA Ingredients: Sugar - 1 cup Wheat flour - 1 ½ cups Yogurt or curd- 4 tbsp Whole peppercorns- 10-15 Milk & Water – for making batter Method: Make a batter of all of these dry ingredients, using equal amount of milk and water. And whip till smooth. Add the 10 peppercorns. Keep aside and allow it to rise for about two hours. Heat oil in a khadai on a medium flame. Drop large ladlefuls into the oil to form circles of 6-8 inches. The batter will sink and line the bottom of the kahdai and rise up in the shape of a disc. Fry till the color change into golden. Drain and pat off the oil. Serve with cream or garnished with pista. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 13.   12    Idhu namma area… Word Puzzle: There are twenty English words connected with the Hindu festival of Diwali in this word search puzzle, find them. G G H K D R C WJ WC H AZ YL H K O O Q S J Q A WC T D P R O S P E R I T Y L M M D J MJ T J M P I WF C S Q L X I V P R A Y E R S O O Z E I I KE L WJ A R P Q A F P V M P N H N Q YL VH A P P Y M Y Y H T Z B Z WQ X J E YAH K Z T F G I F T S N E WY E A R C UHP O K X U H C A WMI Q E Q H B U T R B B E B H B S X M X D T M A L I ML L I AI D K B J N WI S D O M L T F R I E NDS F S I S F V L L O U T T H K L G HB C P E A C E T K Y A L I G H T S R H YODP S Y MR S Y WO F K M Z S S U T ANS U T U K Q WK C I C I S WE E T S GVI R I A N Y H K C M Z T L L F D X H F UUA V V L C O O J B J J Q A T I L H I NDU A V P Z L I Z F U D E M G WR U OS GT L V X F I J WY B N X P B A R WB L DU O N Q C D H Z I Q L E S K L J P XF T MY J C O A C E L E B R A T I O N GF E N Y WG S Y C F I R E WO R K S V S DR K C E R O O H E A L T H B C G V O S S YT D R R F Note: All the words go across from left to right and down from top to bottom. There are no backwards or diagonal words. ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 14.   13    Fun with Words Word 4d Day: Dad: Dear Son, shall we burst crackers? Son: Yes dad! Dad: Son, as soon fire the cracker come here it will go up and might hurt you. Son: Dad, it didn’t go up. Dad: Son, go up means explode. See the cracker which you fired it got explode. Word: ‘Find me if u can’. We two went to our friend place in the evening around 18:00p.m to wish him Happy Diwali. His family welcome us with a smiley face and treat us well. His mother offered 5 kinds of sweets, it was really awesome and we both loved it. As we had leave for 5 days in our office we planned for short trip to Ooty and Kodaikanal. In this trip we totally 26 members went and enjoyed the trip. Again we are planning for long trip in the month of June - July, probably 25th June will leave Chennai till July end will continue our trip. Editors Rtr.Premalatha Rtr.Saravanan ‘fest-In’ vol-6
  • 15.   14    ‘fest-In’ vol-6