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How Workday went from
  Good… to Great!
 Winning with Big Data
Why Big Data, Why now?

 Pace of change…
 +Companies Large and small…
 +Industries: Old & young
 +Customers: b2b or b2c, male or female,
 rich or poor…

 +Continue to evolve quickly… and…
Greatest Company Asset
   “Customer Relationship”
Not product, not IP, not brand.

         Data becomes
Introduction, enabler and insight
     Customer Relationships

  Thad Kahlow

+ CEO BusinessOnline
+ 12 years Digital Marketing
+ Fortunate to work with
   some incredible brands

+ B2B Magazine Interactive Agency year
+ Top Agency: 2008, 2009, 2010
Allow me to


+ GM, +100 years

+ 1999 largest market cap US> $50B & stock @$100

+ < 10 years… bankruptcy
In the same


+ < 7 YEARS


+ 2x+ Market cap of GM in less ONE decade…
CEO: New normal

       CEOs operate in a substantially more
     “volatile, uncertain and complex world”
                  -IBM Study, face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500 CEO’s worldwide.


By…Re-Invent Customer Relationships:

+ Adopt new channels to engage&stay connected
  with customers.

+ Draw more insight from data…make customer                                                “78% CEOs
  intimacy priority #1                                                               believe #1 goal is to
                                                                                    get closer to customer”

                   -IBM Study, face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500 CEO’s worldwide.
CMO: New normal

CMOs… “Increasing levels of complexity over the next
 five years in how we market products and services”
                  -IBM Study, face-to-face conversations with more than 1,700 CMO’s worldwide.


Deliver Value to Empower Customers
+ Digital revolution- forever changed
  balance of power between individual&

Foster Lasting Connections
+ Cultivate meaningful relationships…throughout entire life cycle

Capture Value, Measure Results
+ Quantify, analyze andjustifythe financial results of marketing initiatives
Simplify please…

Why Big Data?

   Why now?
Because…                          2. Barriers to entry are minimal,
                               competition can enter and win quickly…

 1. Customers have control &
fundamentals have changed…

4. Data becomes
the “introduction,
enabler & insight”
     into those                            3. Customer Relationships
   relationships                           become your largest asset
“Companies that leverage data
 to have one-to-one conversations
with customers at scale… will win.”
                   - John Battelle Federated Media
How Workday went from Good to Great:
     Winning big with “big data”

                                -Top 5
B2B (Workday)

 +B2B leading HR and financials software company
 +Complex and long sales cycle with
 +multiple decision making roles: CEO, CIO, CFO, CHRO
 +Founded in 2005 with more than 650 employees and 200 customers
 +Competitors: Taleo, SucessFactors, Lawson and Oracle
 Complexity of B2B Sales Cycle
 + Length: 1 Month – 5 Years
 + Roles: 1 >10
 + Research to purchase cycle: “lots of touch points”
       + Channels & Media
       + Content & Campaigns
       Desired Outcome
       + Improve Digital and Marketing Performance
       + Close the loop: lead to sale
       + Close more business faster
       + Measure and improve ROI
Marketers primary

Programs that                 Majority of
efficiently and           marketers do not
  effectively                know which
generate leads      yet       programs
 that turn into              produce the
    sales…                 leads that turn
                              into sales.
Strategy starts w/ Data

Data Framework
                                                                                                   Close the Loop

   Effective                                                                                                              Customer
      Sales                                                                                                               Journey
                                                                   Close the



                                                                                               Validated Score
Start with Closing the Loop

Approach to measurement
                           PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email…

         Awareness        Usage Engagement: Bounce,
                          Page Views, Visits, Frequency

                              Content Engagement:
         Engagement         Newsletters, Blogs, Videos,
                             Webcasts, product pages

     Conversion       Request a quote, contact, dealer locator,
                          initiated lead, completed lead,
                                  registration, #800

                                 Measured in isolation:
                              -Single Channel to Lead : CPL
                           -Silo Engagement: Avg page views

Closed loop measurement
                        PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email…

                               Usage Engagement:
          Awareness               Bounce, Page
                             Views, Visits, Frequency

          Engagement         Content Engagement:
                           Newsletters, Blogs, Videos,
                            Webcasts, product pages

          Conversion               Conversion:
                       Request a quote, contact, dealer
                       locator, initiated lead, completed
                            lead, registration, #800
                          Complete Measurement:
                                +Cost per Sale
                            +Marketing/Program ROI
Don’t Forget
 “The” Customer Journey/Loop
  Non-linear                                                                                      Reciprocity
Collect & Connect
 Technically- How to close the Loop?

                                                   Marketing Programs

                                                                                                                                               Use closed loop insights to optimize
               Analytics Tools                                                                  Business Tools

                   Web                                                                              CRM
               Search, Social                                Data                              Mktg Automation
                   Email                                  Warehouse                              Call Center
           API or Direct Call>                                                              < API or Direct Call

                                                     Multi-Source Analysis
Closed the loop, next?

What’s Happening?
Why it’s Happening?

What to do about it?
Attribute Success

Attribution models
What & why


                                            D                  F        G                             1. Track Success @
                                                                                                         the Customer Level

                                                                                                      2. Analyze what
                                 2                           5                                           channels, content
                                                                                                         and campaigns
                                                                                                         delivered success

                                                  III                                                 3. Connect to Sale

                                                                                                      4. Measure Program
Channel Attribution
 Last Click Channel to Lead


 + Last click, single channel to lead measurement (booo)
 + SM = 3.3% conversion, decent not great
 + Time to dig a bit deeper…
Channel to Lead
 Life of the visitor

                                                                   LIFE OF
                                                               VISITOR > LEAD                           7.4%

+ Single channel + life of visitor to lead = 7.4% conversion (double)
 + SM is nurturing channel, don’t convert first instance, but down the

+    Tapped CRM determine quality of lead
+    Analyze: Channels + Content Engagement = Quality Lead (CRM)
+    Social Media = largest # of qualified leads              CEO
+    10x more likely to convert when touched SM               Blog
 Social Feeds other channels

                                                                                                           +Definitive flow
                                                                                                              from Organic
                                                                                                              branded to SM
                                                                                                              and SM to

                                                                                                           +SM is not
                                                                                                              channel but
Channel Path Attribution


 +      Channel paths, at the visitor level, measure channel path to lead
 +      Organic non brand into SM- is the most important channel combo
 +      Insight: Reinvest in SEO & SM content optimization- blogs, 3rd party reviews, video
       + Lead Channels vs Nurturing Channels
 +      SOURCES for Research B2B: Search most leveraged, most sought after = WOM
Validated Scoring
What is

 Validated Engagement Scoring?

+ Track at Visitor (aggregate company) Level:
   + Channel, Campaign and Content activities into a single
     “Score” that quantifies behavior.

+ Weigh activities
   + Correlate success factors so visitors with the highest scores
     become the most valuable, “ready to convert”

+ Outcome: Focus Efforts
   + Evaluate customer scores in real time,
   + Personalization & Segmentation- create a better experience
    + Sales Alerts

 Company vs. Visitor

+ From Individual to Company
   + Compile a company score based on the
     aggregate score of the individuals in a

+ From Noise to Focus
      + From 4,000 leads to 400 qualified leads
      + Based on behaviors (past success) + company
        attributes (size, vertical, etc)
Our algorithm

 Validated Engagement Model (VEM)

   +Moves beyond measuring traditional channel to lead measurement or
   best guess weighted averages… to

   +A weighted points algorithm, based on past success, throughout
   customer journey all the to sale (SF Integration).

   VEM output:
     + Self Learning: past success = new weights
     + Measure & improve program ROI
Recall- Common

Approach to measurement
                         PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email…

        Awareness       Usage Engagement: Bounce,
                        Page Views, Visits, Frequency

                           Content Engagement:
       Engagement       Newsletters, Blogs, Videos, We
                           bcasts, product pages

       Conversion   Request a quote, contact, dealer locator,
                        initiated lead, completed lead,
                                registration, #800

                               Measured in isolation:
                            -Single Channel to Lead : CPL
                         -Silo Engagement: Avg page views


  Source (Awareness)                   Channel: Social Media > Display                                                      10%

  Usage (Engagement)                   Depth of Interaction: Page views, clicks, login etc. (> 10                           20%
  Content (Engagement)                 Product Preview, Case Study, Datasheet, video, Webinar,                              30%
                                       whitepaper (Product demo video + Client Testimonial CS)

  Connection                           Sales contact request, partner information, connects with                            40%
  (Conversion)                         leadership team, demo, attends an event

 10%                  20%                          30%                                                                           score
Sample report:
  Cookie = 321548979797641313123154


Score =                 Source                 +              Usage              +          Content         +           Connections

145.6 =                  18.8                 +                22               +            38.4          +                    66.4

                                        Usage           value            Connection            value            Content          value
     Reach             value
                                                                         Contact us            88               Video            50
     Lp count          55               Page count      20

                                                                         Request price         78               demo             78
     Lp recent         82               Page views      40

     Campaign ad       51               Time on site    50

     Reach total

     Usage weight
                   30% 188

                                   10% total

                                        Usage weight

                                                                         Connection total

                                                                         Usage weight
                                                                                         40%   166

                                                                                                                Content total

                                                                                                                Usage weight


     Usage score       18.8                                              Usage score           66.4
                                        Usage score     22                                                      Usage score      38.4
Clearly determine

 Which Visitor is more valuable

                                 Visitor 1                                                                 Visitor 2

                                 Reach : 20                                                                Reach : 15
                                 Usage : 40                                                                Usage : 85
                                 Content :60                                                               Content : 160
                                 Connections: 85                                                           Connections 89

                                 Score : 89                                                                Score : 250


Education- “Why SaaS” campaign                                 Closer- “Total Cost of Ownership” campaign

                                                 Equal #
                                             One outperforms
        Score : 289                                                                    Score : 140

         +Business value
              +Shift from tracking leads per channel
              +To tracking true Campaign/Program ROI
              +Based on aggregate roll up of “valuable visitors/companies”
Now lets get Personal
Create a tailored experience

                                                 +      Serve the Right : Experience, Message, Content
                                                                                 + To the Right Person
                                                                       + In the Right: Role, & Industry
                                                                                   + At the Right time
                                                                                  + On the right device
                                                                 + Based on past success (Validated)


General experience                          Personal experience                            Convert                  Increase sales
First - Turn individual unknown visitor into a

Known visitor (look back)

 1st Visit to site                                    2st Visit to site                                    3rd Visit to site

                                                                                                                                      Score 67
                                                                                          Score 40
                                   Score 23

   Cookie ID 12345                                      Cookie ID 12345
                                                                                                                  Cookie ID 12345
                                                                                                                   James Smith

       Anonymous score based on behavioral data such as :                                            Known user score based on prior
                                                                                                     history, new behavior , plus
       - Pageviews                                                                                   profile data:
       - Search terms
       - Time on site                                                                                -   Pageviews
       - Referring keyword                                                                           -   Search terms
       - Campaign Type                                                                               -   Segment
       -Frequency                                                                                    -   Title
                                                                                                     -   Persona

     All anonymous browsing data is mapped back to the contact level
Go from unknown to

Known Companies

+ B2B sales cycle
  + Many prospects from a single company research
  + yet in different BUs, or departments
+ Small % become known: fill out a form, call you- self identify
+ Turn unknown visitors into known visitors in a specific company

Known Company visitors

+    Email domain (ex: Demandbase)
+    Form field with a company specification
+    IP look up (Demandbase)
+    Referring Domain (ex: Demandbase)

+ Connect and Correlate

Individual vs. Company

                             7 visitors vs. 173 visitors= +17,200%
                           For all Marketers- give us our true credit”

Personalize the customer journey

  “Amazon for B2B”

  +Someone in your vertical

  +Someone in your role

  +At this stage of research

  +Looking for to solve this problem

  +Has found this piece of information valuable
Tactical Personalization &
 Segmentation Examples
Deliver Targeted Content, at the Right Time

        Web Visitor
Adobe Targets the Verticals – Same Content!

Industry Level Personalization

     •35% Lift in PDF and Play Demo Clicks

     •83% Lift in Visitors navigating to the Product Pages
Real Time Identification Forms Solution

 + Problem
   + Removing the friction with long forms, without losing data

 + Solution: RTID-FORMS
   + Real Time Identification Forms solution accelerates the engagement
     and form completion process through shortening forms.
   + Form completion results in increased leads, stronger data, and more
     effective marketing programs, resulting in increased revenue.

 + Pillars
   + Increase conversions
   + Standardize and validate data
   + Improve visitor experience
Optimize Your Forms and Strengthen Your Database





                                 Software and Technology
                                 500 Oracle Parkway
                                 Redwood Shores

Create Sales Effectiveness


 + Give sales the right
     information to close
     more business in less

 + Sales alerts
 + Predict who will buy                                                                                                        SALE
     in the future
      + validated
          scoring +

    Establishes predictable, efficient sales path that takes less time

Predictive Modeling
In Sum
Remember the

Data Framework
                                                                                                   Close the Loop

   Effective                                                                                                              Customer
      Sales                                                                                                               Journey
                                                                   Close the



                                                                                               Validated Score

     Create                 Marketers
programs that
efficiently and              KNOW
  effectively     when
generate leads           which programs
 that turn into             produce the
                          leads that turn
                             into sales.
Thank You!
 For DMA participants

+    Card, or email:
A likely sales story…
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

 I really need to find
that solution that will
   solve everything!
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

                  We Rule!

YOU happen to develop and
market an enterprise software
solution that solves everything
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

(but you have competitors)
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

what happens at XYZ
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

“XYZ” assigns Jim and Susan to lead the
investigation and vendor selection process.

Jim – Marketing manager: early research
                     Conducts some non branded searches like “Software
                     solutions that solve everything”

                       Clicks an organic link to your site

                         Ignores the PPC links – expects he would be presented with
                         a landing page and some kind of call to action – he’s just

                    Reads some analyst reviews and learns that your company
                    is a leader in the space.

                   Reviews your products and value proposition on your web site.
“XYZ” assigns Jim and Susan toSan Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf
                               lead the
investigation and vendor selection process.
Susan – part of investigation and vendor selection process
                    Conducts some searches which lead to some blogs and
                    other social networking sites for you and your competitors.

                         Starts following you and your competitor’s twitter handle.

                         Sees your company sprinkled across the blogs and reviews
                         and the sentiment appears positive.

                        Clicks on a link from a blog to your site and starts browsing.
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf
Jim and Susan call a meeting with key stakeholders to start
discussing things – you are in their list of possibilities.

 They all take actions to research further…
                            Has concerns on the security and maintenance behind
                            some of the solutions.

                               Wants to make sure the solution will fulfill the long term
                               needs to solve everything forever.
        IT Manager


                           My people will be using the system – need to ensure
                           training and support are available and the system is easy to

San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf
A group of IT, Operations and Financial staff go to your site
(via mostly branded search – PPC and Organic)

                      Reports that he has been getting emails from your
                      company each month with various topics, whitepapers etc.
                      He saw you at an event last year and left his card.

                  Reports that she has seen some display advertising for your
                  company and that you must be a big player in the space.

                      Fills out a form on your site to get to a whitepaper.

                      Also fills out a form after a PPC search.
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf
Your sales people reach out to the people who filled out the
forms and start the direct sales process.
In the mean time…

                      IT personnel download some white papers on the technical

                       Jim starts to build a competitive matrix with information
                       from your web site..

                      The CFO attends a sales pitch and goes back to the web site
                      to check out the management team – he also goes to

                         Operations staff download some product demos and watch
                         some videos to understand how the product is going to
                         work for them.
You become shortlisted and are asked to conduct a small pilot. 13–17, 2012 | #sessf
                                               San Francisco | August
The audience for the summary presentation is around 20 people.

Before the presentation most of the audience researches you on the web site.

A couple of key people read a whitepaper that clearly differentiates your solution.
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

They select you! … its due diligence time and contracting time.
They research the web looking for negative sentiment.

They read your customer use cases online and ask to speak to those customers.

    The contract is signed!
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

Did your reporting and analysis say…
• Search drove one lead and one lead came from a bookmark or typed url.

Or did your reporting and analysis say…
• This $1M sales was assisted by…
     •   Non branded organic search driving initial awareness
     •   Social marketing driving awareness and nurturing the prospects
     •   Events, display and email driving brand recognition
     •   Web site general content educating the prospect
     •   Branded SEO and PPC making leading to engagement and prospect nurturing
     •   Technical web content dealing with specific objections
     •   Product demos and videos helping late in the sales cycle
     •   Leadership bio’s and case studies acting as references
     •   Over 20 people, all influencers, engaging with multiple marketing channels and web site
Thank You!
 For DMA participants

+    Card, or email:
Marketers primary

Programs that                 Majority of
efficiently and           marketers do not
  effectively                know which
generate leads      yet       programs
 that turn into              produce the
    sales…                 leads that turn
                              into sales.
San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf

 Use Case – Demonstration of the Key Principles

Get the attribution right.
   • Use the data to understand the attribution
   • Apply the correct model
   • Model may be different depending on intent
   • Pay attention to cross channel
The big why?

 + Build deeper… long lasting
   relationships with your customers
 + your only REAL long term ASSET.

 2. Drive Business:
  a) Marketing ROI
  b) Sales Efficiency

 + Detailed stats

Approach to measurement     dan

                           PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email…

                              Usage Engagement:
         Awareness               Bounce, Page
                            Views, Visits, Frequency
                              Content Engagement:
         Engagement         Newsletters, Blogs, Videos,
                             Webcasts, product pages

         Conversion   Request a quote, contact, dealer locator,
                          initiated lead, completed lead,
                                  registration, #800

                                 Measured in isolation
                                 -Channel to Lead : CPL
                          -Silo Engagement: Avg page views
What should look like

Closed loop measurement
                          PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email…

          Awareness      Usage Engagement: Bounce, Page
                             Views, Visits, Frequency

                         Content Engagement: Newsletters,
         Engagement       Blogs, Videos, Webcasts, product

         Conversion     Request a quote, contact, dealer
                        locator, initiated lead, completed
                             lead, registration, #800

           SALE                  Complete Measurement:
                                     +Cost per Sale
                                    +Marketing ROI
                                     +Program ROI
What should look like

Closed loop measurement
                        +Re-apply knowledge
          Awareness     + Re-inform success to re-invest
                          in programs that generate
                          increased sales


Collect & Connect
 Technically- How to close the Loop?

                                                   Marketing Programs

                                                                                                                                               Use closed loop insights to optimize
               Analytics Tools                                                                  Business Tools

                      Web                                                                           CRM
                     Search                                 Data                               Mktg Automation
                     Social                               Warehouse                              Call Center
                    Email etc.

                                                     Multi-Source Analysis
What should look like

Closed loop measurement
                        +Re-apply knowledge
          Awareness     + Re-inform success to re-invest
                          in programs that generate
                          increased sales



  Data Progression                                                                                                          dan

Close the

              Close the Loop                                                   Customer Journey

                                                  Attribute                                                      Validated Score

Business              Personalize                                                           Effective & Efficient
                                                                                                Sales team
What & why


                                            D                  F        G                             1. Track- Customer
                                                                                                         level- holistic
                                 2                           5
                                                                                                      2. Explore- What
                                                                                                         channels, content
                                                                                                         and campaigns
                                                  III                                                    delivered success

                                                                                                      3. All the way to Sale

                                                                                                      4. = Program ROI
                                            SALE                                Dan

Then personalize

 + Then personalize
     + Right content, right person, right role, right time…need explan
                                                                                                                            around this on

           Score : 289

           Score : 296                                                                               SALE

           Score : 312

         Campaign Score                          Personalize              Apply Online
Go from unknown to


+ In the B2B sales cycle, many visitors from a prospective company interact
  with your digital presence
+ Only a small percentage of these visitors will become known (fill out a
  form, call you etc) and get into your CRM
+ Turn unknown visitors into known visitors- act on this
First - Turn individual unknown visitor into a

Known visitor

 1st Visit to site                                       2st Visit to site                                      3st Visit to site

                                                                                                                                      Score 67
                                                                                          Score 40
                                   Score 23

   Cookie ID 12345                                      Cookie ID 12345
                                                                                                                  Cookie ID 12345
                                                                                                                   James Smith

         Anonymous score based on behavioral data such as :                                          Known user score based on prior
                                                                                                     history, new behavior , plus
         -    Pageviews                                                                              profile data:
         -    Search terms
         -    Time on site                                                                           -   Pageviews
         -    Referring keyword                                                                      -   Search terms
         -    Campaign Type                                                                          -   Segment
         -    Recency                                                                                -   Title
         -    Frequency                                                                              -   Persona

      Determine where contact is in the sales cycle
      All anonymous browsing data is mapped back to the contact level
Then, turn individual unknowns into

Company Known visitors

 + Use email domain, and form field with a company specification or –
   for most of them – their company can be determined based on their
   IP address.
 + Analyzing the behavior of the group and correlating it to success (the
   company buying your product) will give you the picture you need to
   understand which marketing is working and which is not.
Collect all

Company activities                                                                                                      dan


                                                                        Lookup based on:
 Lookup based on IP
                                                                        +Referring domain
                                                                        +Inferred company

             7 visitors vs. 173 visitors=+17200%


 + Increase efficiency
  + Give sales more information to close more business in less time
  + Predictive modeling
  + Sales alerts
What is predictive modeling?
A methodology for knowing a company or individual's……

 1      level of interest in what products, services

        likelihood to purchase, whenthey will purchase, and how
 2      much they will purchase relative to past purchase history

  3     profile… who your visitors, customer and prospects are.
        (geography, company size of biz, vertical, industry, annual sales, etc.)
How do we use the model?
When purchase intent, product interest, and who visitors
 (companies) are is known we can:

1    Do better targeted marketing:
     Personalization, trigger-based marketing, generate leads and
      telemarketing lists (relevant “product” messages)

2    Alert sales, partners, resellers with leads and opportunities
     (shorten sales cycle, and close more business)

     Measure marketing effectiveness:
3    ONE benchmark metric to evaluate channels, campaigns
      content, tools, features, innovations, etc.
Why Score?
            Web Analytics         Interactive Analytics

                                                          Purchase Intent
           Reviewable Data          Actionable Data            Score
Analysis   Aggregated data          Contact and
           Heat maps                company-level data              +
           Backward looking         Real-time behavior    Area and segment
                                    Segmented based on    of interest Scores
                                    sales need              (Ratings based on
                                                           60 predefined topics
Output     Content optimization     Predictive –                of interest)
           Historical trends        personalization,
           Overall traffic          next touch
           patterns and flow        Multichannel
                                    Triggered alerts
                                    based on changes
                                    in behavior
Aggregated Customer Profile
Historic Profile
  Propensity models
  Cisco lifetime value
  Wallet share
  Sales history
                         +     Recent Behavior
                                 Engagement score
                                 Technology areas
                                 of interest

                   John Smith, ABC Company
                     Engagement score:         57
                     Interests:       UC & Data Center
                     Lifetime Value: Champion
                     Propensity to Buy:        High
Create a tailored experience


 + Serve the right experience to the right person at the right
       time, based on past success
      + Apply validated engagement scoring (A+B+1+2+V+X)
      + Use engagement scoring to personalize online experience


General experience                          Personal experience                            Convert                  Increase sales
Fourth - last

Efficient & effective sales

 +     Help Sales become more efficient & effective
 +     Once you’ve delivered a more:
      + Relevant experience,
      + With more relevant content
      + Leveraging the most effective channels
                                                                                                             Efficient &
 +     You deliver more qualified leads,
 +     and closing business just became easier                                                                 SALES
      + Yes I said it.

 +     In addition to more qualified leads, give the sales
       team more assets:
      + SF Alerts: alert the sales team when high activity should trigger physical
          outreach, just at the right time, when the customer wants to hear from sales (when
          does that happen?!)
      +    Predict Future Sales:

 +     OUCOME: close more business in less time

Data Progression
                                                                                                   Close the Loop

   Effective                                                                                                              Customer
      Sales                                                                                                               Journey
                                                                   Close the




                                                                                               Validated Score

Data Progression
                                                                                                   Close the Loop

   Effective                                                                                                              Customer
      Sales                                                                                                               Journey
                                                                   Close the




                                                                                               Validated Score
Score first

Then Personalize

   Insight into success & sales, improve business outcomes

   1. Validated engagement scoring:
      + Reverse engineer success
   2. Personalization & Segmentation:
      + Role based segmenting: HR, CFO, CIO                                                                                Score
      + Vertical based messaging- Company IP

   +OUTCOME: right information at the right time to the
   right person = shorten sales cycle & improve conversion


Based on Role

 + Validated Score + Demandbase (Company Vertical) + Test & Target
        (Personalization Engine)
 +      Deliver personalized experience

         Past Success for CFO                                                    Deliver new experience for CFO’s
                                                                                  demonstrating similar behaviors

Personalize the customer journey

                                                                                                    “Amazon for B2B”

                                    Interest      score                      Content                +Someone in your
                                                                                                    +Someone in your role

                             Interest   >20                                        Product          +At this stage of

                             Engaged           20-50
                                                                                   Webinars         +Looking for to solve this

                             Ready for purchase        >54
                                                                                  Total cost of
                                                                                                    +Has found this piece of
                                                                                  calculators       information valuable.

  Each group receives the optimal content based on known segmentation

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Big Data That Drives Marketing ROI Across All Channels & Campaigns-A Case Study featuring Workday

  • 1. How Workday went from Good… to Great! Winning with Big Data
  • 2.
  • 3. Why Big Data, Why now? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pace of change… +Companies Large and small… +Industries: Old & young +Customers: b2b or b2c, male or female, rich or poor… +Continue to evolve quickly… and…
  • 4. Greatest Company Asset “Customer Relationship” Not product, not IP, not brand. Data becomes Introduction, enabler and insight Customer Relationships
  • 5. I’m Thad Kahlow ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + CEO BusinessOnline + 12 years Digital Marketing + Fortunate to work with some incredible brands + B2B Magazine Interactive Agency year + Top Agency: 2008, 2009, 2010 @Tkahlow
  • 6. Allow me to Digress… ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + GM, +100 years + 1999 largest market cap US> $50B & stock @$100 + < 10 years… bankruptcy
  • 7. In the same Breadth… ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + < 7 YEARS + MARKET CAP > $80B + 2x+ Market cap of GM in less ONE decade…
  • 8. CEO: New normal ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEOs operate in a substantially more “volatile, uncertain and complex world” -IBM Study, face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500 CEO’s worldwide.
  • 9. Solution CEO //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// By…Re-Invent Customer Relationships: + Adopt new channels to engage&stay connected with customers. + Draw more insight from data…make customer “78% CEOs intimacy priority #1 believe #1 goal is to get closer to customer” -IBM Study, face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500 CEO’s worldwide.
  • 10. CMO: New normal ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMOs… “Increasing levels of complexity over the next five years in how we market products and services” -IBM Study, face-to-face conversations with more than 1,700 CMO’s worldwide.
  • 11. Solution CMO //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Deliver Value to Empower Customers + Digital revolution- forever changed balance of power between individual& institution Foster Lasting Connections + Cultivate meaningful relationships…throughout entire life cycle Capture Value, Measure Results + Quantify, analyze andjustifythe financial results of marketing initiatives
  • 12. Simplify please… Why Big Data? Why now?
  • 13. Because… 2. Barriers to entry are minimal, competition can enter and win quickly… 1. Customers have control & fundamentals have changed… 4. Data becomes the “introduction, enabler & insight” into those 3. Customer Relationships relationships become your largest asset
  • 14. “Companies that leverage data to have one-to-one conversations with customers at scale… will win.” - John Battelle Federated Media
  • 15. How Workday went from Good to Great: Winning big with “big data” -Top 5
  • 16. B2B (Workday) Challenge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Workday +B2B leading HR and financials software company +Complex and long sales cycle with +multiple decision making roles: CEO, CIO, CFO, CHRO +Founded in 2005 with more than 650 employees and 200 customers +Competitors: Taleo, SucessFactors, Lawson and Oracle Complexity of B2B Sales Cycle + Length: 1 Month – 5 Years + Roles: 1 >10 + Research to purchase cycle: “lots of touch points” + Channels & Media + Content & Campaigns Desired Outcome + Improve Digital and Marketing Performance + Close the loop: lead to sale + Close more business faster + Measure and improve ROI
  • 17. Marketers primary Challenge Programs that Majority of efficiently and marketers do not effectively know which generate leads yet programs that turn into produce the sales… leads that turn into sales.
  • 18. Strategy starts w/ Data Data Framework //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Close the Loop More Effective Customer Sales Journey Close the Loop Drive Business Outcomes Attribute Success Attribute Personalize Validated Score
  • 19. Start with Closing the Loop
  • 20. Common Approach to measurement Awareness: PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email… Awareness Usage Engagement: Bounce, Page Views, Visits, Frequency Content Engagement: Engagement Newsletters, Blogs, Videos, Webcasts, product pages Conversion: Conversion Request a quote, contact, dealer locator, initiated lead, completed lead, registration, #800 SALE Measured in isolation: -Single Channel to Lead : CPL -Silo Engagement: Avg page views
  • 21. Ideally Closed loop measurement Awareness: PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email… Usage Engagement: Awareness Bounce, Page Views, Visits, Frequency Engagement Content Engagement: Newsletters, Blogs, Videos, Webcasts, product pages Conversion Conversion: Request a quote, contact, dealer locator, initiated lead, completed lead, registration, #800 SALE Complete Measurement: +Cost per Sale +Marketing/Program ROI
  • 22. Don’t Forget “The” Customer Journey/Loop //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Non-linear Reciprocity
  • 23. Collect & Connect Technically- How to close the Loop? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Marketing Programs Use closed loop insights to optimize Analytics Tools Business Tools Web CRM Search, Social Data Mktg Automation Email Warehouse Call Center (ETL) API or Direct Call> < API or Direct Call Multi-Source Analysis Tool(s)
  • 24. Closed the loop, next? What’s Happening? Why it’s Happening? What to do about it?
  • 27. What & why Attribution //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// D F G 1. Track Success @ the Customer Level 2. Analyze what 2 5 channels, content and campaigns delivered success III 3. Connect to Sale 4. Measure Program ROI SALE
  • 28. Channel Attribution Last Click Channel to Lead //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3.3% + Last click, single channel to lead measurement (booo) + SM = 3.3% conversion, decent not great + Time to dig a bit deeper…
  • 29. Channel to Lead Life of the visitor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIFE OF VISITOR > LEAD 7.4% + Single channel + life of visitor to lead = 7.4% conversion (double) + SM is nurturing channel, don’t convert first instance, but down the road
  • 30. Holistic Attribution //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 34% + Tapped CRM determine quality of lead + Analyze: Channels + Content Engagement = Quality Lead (CRM) + Social Media = largest # of qualified leads CEO + 10x more likely to convert when touched SM Blog
  • 31. How Social Feeds other channels //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Definitive flow from Organic branded to SM and SM to Organic +SM is not acquiring channel but supporting channel, nurturing
  • 32. Channel Path Attribution //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Channel paths, at the visitor level, measure channel path to lead + Organic non brand into SM- is the most important channel combo + Insight: Reinvest in SEO & SM content optimization- blogs, 3rd party reviews, video + Lead Channels vs Nurturing Channels + SOURCES for Research B2B: Search most leveraged, most sought after = WOM
  • 34. What is Validated Engagement Scoring? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Track at Visitor (aggregate company) Level: + Channel, Campaign and Content activities into a single “Score” that quantifies behavior. + Weigh activities + Correlate success factors so visitors with the highest scores become the most valuable, “ready to convert” + Outcome: Focus Efforts + Evaluate customer scores in real time, + Personalization & Segmentation- create a better experience + Sales Alerts
  • 35. B2B Company vs. Visitor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + From Individual to Company + Compile a company score based on the aggregate score of the individuals in a company + From Noise to Focus + From 4,000 leads to 400 qualified leads + Based on behaviors (past success) + company attributes (size, vertical, etc)
  • 36. Our algorithm Validated Engagement Model (VEM) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VEM: +Moves beyond measuring traditional channel to lead measurement or best guess weighted averages… to +A weighted points algorithm, based on past success, throughout customer journey all the to sale (SF Integration). VEM output: + Self Learning: past success = new weights + Measure & improve program ROI
  • 37. Recall- Common Approach to measurement Awareness: PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email… Awareness Usage Engagement: Bounce, Page Views, Visits, Frequency Content Engagement: Engagement Newsletters, Blogs, Videos, We bcasts, product pages Conversion: Conversion Request a quote, contact, dealer locator, initiated lead, completed lead, registration, #800 SALE Measured in isolation: -Single Channel to Lead : CPL -Silo Engagement: Avg page views
  • 38. VEM Example //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Source (Awareness) Channel: Social Media > Display 10% Usage (Engagement) Depth of Interaction: Page views, clicks, login etc. (> 10 20% clicks) Content (Engagement) Product Preview, Case Study, Datasheet, video, Webinar, 30% whitepaper (Product demo video + Client Testimonial CS) Connection Sales contact request, partner information, connects with 40% (Conversion) leadership team, demo, attends an event 40% total 10% 20% 30% score source usage content connection
  • 39. Sample report: Cookie = 321548979797641313123154 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Score = Source + Usage + Content + Connections 145.6 = 18.8 + 22 + 38.4 + 66.4 Usage value Connection value Content value Reach value Contact us 88 Video 50 Lp count 55 Page count 20 Request price 78 demo 78 Lp recent 82 Page views 40 Campaign ad 51 Time on site 50 Reach total Usage weight 30% 188 .10 10% total Usage Usage weight 20% 110 .20 Connection total Usage weight 40% 166 .40 Content total Usage weight 128 .30 Usage score 18.8 Usage score 66.4 Usage score 22 Usage score 38.4
  • 40. Clearly determine Which Visitor is more valuable ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Visitor 1 Visitor 2 Reach : 20 Reach : 15 Usage : 40 Usage : 85 Content :60 Content : 160 Connections: 85 Connections 89 Score : 89 Score : 250
  • 41. Compare Campaigns ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Education- “Why SaaS” campaign Closer- “Total Cost of Ownership” campaign Equal # conversions, -yet- One outperforms Score : 289 Score : 140 +Business value +Shift from tracking leads per channel +To tracking true Campaign/Program ROI +Based on aggregate roll up of “valuable visitors/companies”
  • 42. Now lets get Personal
  • 43. Create a tailored experience Personalize //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Serve the Right : Experience, Message, Content + To the Right Person + In the Right: Role, & Industry + At the Right time + On the right device + Based on past success (Validated) SALE General experience Personal experience Convert Increase sales
  • 44. First - Turn individual unknown visitor into a Known visitor (look back) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1st Visit to site 2st Visit to site 3rd Visit to site Score 67 Score 40 Score 23 Cookie ID 12345 Cookie ID 12345 Cookie ID 12345 James Smith Anonymous score based on behavioral data such as : Known user score based on prior history, new behavior , plus - Pageviews profile data: - Search terms - Time on site - Pageviews - Referring keyword - Search terms - Campaign Type - Segment -Frequency - Title - Persona All anonymous browsing data is mapped back to the contact level
  • 45. Go from unknown to Known Companies //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + B2B sales cycle + Many prospects from a single company research + yet in different BUs, or departments + Small % become known: fill out a form, call you- self identify + Turn unknown visitors into known visitors in a specific company
  • 46. How? Known Company visitors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Email domain (ex: Demandbase) + Form field with a company specification + IP look up (Demandbase) + Referring Domain (ex: Demandbase) + Connect and Correlate
  • 48. Finally Personalize the customer journey //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// “Amazon for B2B” +Someone in your vertical +Someone in your role +At this stage of research +Looking for to solve this problem +Has found this piece of information valuable
  • 49. Tactical Personalization & Segmentation Examples
  • 50. Deliver Targeted Content, at the Right Time Web Visitor
  • 51. Adobe Targets the Verticals – Same Content! 1
  • 52. Industry Level Personalization •35% Lift in PDF and Play Demo Clicks •83% Lift in Visitors navigating to the Product Pages
  • 53. Real Time Identification Forms Solution + Problem + Removing the friction with long forms, without losing data + Solution: RTID-FORMS + Real Time Identification Forms solution accelerates the engagement and form completion process through shortening forms. + Form completion results in increased leads, stronger data, and more effective marketing programs, resulting in increased revenue. + Pillars + Increase conversions + Standardize and validate data + Improve visitor experience
  • 54. Optimize Your Forms and Strengthen Your Database John Stevens Mgr Ora| $35,622,000,000 Software and Technology 105,000 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores CA 94065 Enterprise
  • 56. Sales Effectiveness //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Give sales the right information to close more business in less time + Sales alerts + Predict who will buy SALE in the future + validated engagement scoring + Establishes predictable, efficient sales path that takes less time
  • 59. Remember the Data Framework //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Close the Loop More Effective Customer Sales Journey Close the Loop Drive Business Outcomes Attribute Success Attribute Personalize Validated Score
  • 60. Marketers Solution Create Marketers programs that efficiently and KNOW effectively when generate leads which programs that turn into produce the leads that turn sales… into sales.
  • 62. Thank You! @tkahlow For DMA participants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Card, or email:
  • 63. A likely sales story…
  • 64. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf I really need to find that solution that will solve everything!
  • 65. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf We Rule! YOU happen to develop and market an enterprise software solution that solves everything
  • 66. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf (but you have competitors)
  • 67. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf So… what happens at XYZ Company?
  • 68. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf “XYZ” assigns Jim and Susan to lead the investigation and vendor selection process. Jim – Marketing manager: early research Conducts some non branded searches like “Software solutions that solve everything” Clicks an organic link to your site Ignores the PPC links – expects he would be presented with a landing page and some kind of call to action – he’s just researching Reads some analyst reviews and learns that your company is a leader in the space. Reviews your products and value proposition on your web site.
  • 69. “XYZ” assigns Jim and Susan toSan Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf lead the investigation and vendor selection process. Susan – part of investigation and vendor selection process Conducts some searches which lead to some blogs and other social networking sites for you and your competitors. Starts following you and your competitor’s twitter handle. Sees your company sprinkled across the blogs and reviews and the sentiment appears positive. Clicks on a link from a blog to your site and starts browsing.
  • 70. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf Jim and Susan call a meeting with key stakeholders to start discussing things – you are in their list of possibilities. They all take actions to research further… Has concerns on the security and maintenance behind some of the solutions. Wants to make sure the solution will fulfill the long term needs to solve everything forever. IT Manager CFO My people will be using the system – need to ensure training and support are available and the system is easy to use. Operations Manager
  • 71. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf A group of IT, Operations and Financial staff go to your site (via mostly branded search – PPC and Organic) Reports that he has been getting emails from your company each month with various topics, whitepapers etc. He saw you at an event last year and left his card. Reports that she has seen some display advertising for your company and that you must be a big player in the space. Fills out a form on your site to get to a whitepaper. Also fills out a form after a PPC search.
  • 72. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf Your sales people reach out to the people who filled out the forms and start the direct sales process. In the mean time… IT personnel download some white papers on the technical solution. Jim starts to build a competitive matrix with information from your web site.. The CFO attends a sales pitch and goes back to the web site to check out the management team – he also goes to LinkedIn. Operations staff download some product demos and watch some videos to understand how the product is going to work for them.
  • 73. You become shortlisted and are asked to conduct a small pilot. 13–17, 2012 | #sessf San Francisco | August The audience for the summary presentation is around 20 people. Before the presentation most of the audience researches you on the web site. A couple of key people read a whitepaper that clearly differentiates your solution.
  • 74. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf They select you! … its due diligence time and contracting time. They research the web looking for negative sentiment. They read your customer use cases online and ask to speak to those customers. The contract is signed!
  • 75. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf Did your reporting and analysis say… • Search drove one lead and one lead came from a bookmark or typed url. Or did your reporting and analysis say… • This $1M sales was assisted by… • Non branded organic search driving initial awareness • Social marketing driving awareness and nurturing the prospects • Events, display and email driving brand recognition • Web site general content educating the prospect • Branded SEO and PPC making leading to engagement and prospect nurturing • Technical web content dealing with specific objections • Product demos and videos helping late in the sales cycle • Leadership bio’s and case studies acting as references • Over 20 people, all influencers, engaging with multiple marketing channels and web site assets
  • 76. Thank You! @tkahlow For DMA participants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Card, or email:
  • 78. Marketers primary Challenge Programs that Majority of efficiently and marketers do not effectively know which generate leads yet programs that turn into produce the sales… leads that turn into sales.
  • 79. San Francisco | August 13–17, 2012 | #sessf Use Case – Demonstration of the Key Principles Get the attribution right. • Use the data to understand the attribution • Apply the correct model • Model may be different depending on intent • Pay attention to cross channel
  • 80. The big why? Outcome //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Build deeper… long lasting relationships with your customers + your only REAL long term ASSET. 2. Drive Business: a) Marketing ROI b) Sales Efficiency
  • 82. Common Approach to measurement dan Awareness: PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email… Usage Engagement: Awareness Bounce, Page Views, Visits, Frequency Content Engagement: Engagement Newsletters, Blogs, Videos, Webcasts, product pages Conversion: Conversion Request a quote, contact, dealer locator, initiated lead, completed lead, registration, #800 SALE Measured in isolation -Channel to Lead : CPL -Silo Engagement: Avg page views
  • 83. What should look like dan Closed loop measurement Awareness: PPC , SEO, Display, Social, Email… Awareness Usage Engagement: Bounce, Page Views, Visits, Frequency Content Engagement: Newsletters, Engagement Blogs, Videos, Webcasts, product pages Conversion: Conversion Request a quote, contact, dealer locator, initiated lead, completed lead, registration, #800 SALE Complete Measurement: +Cost per Sale +Marketing ROI +Program ROI
  • 84. What should look like Closed loop measurement +Re-apply knowledge Awareness + Re-inform success to re-invest in programs that generate increased sales Engagement Conversion SALE
  • 85. Collect & Connect Technically- How to close the Loop? dan //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Marketing Programs Use closed loop insights to optimize Analytics Tools Business Tools Web CRM Search Data Mktg Automation Social Warehouse Call Center Email etc. Multi-Source Analysis Tool(s)
  • 86. What should look like Closed loop measurement +Re-apply knowledge Awareness + Re-inform success to re-invest in programs that generate increased sales Engagement Conversion SALE
  • 87. 30,000 Data Progression dan //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Close the Loop Close the Loop Customer Journey Attribute Success Attribute Validated Score Drive Business Personalize Effective & Efficient Sales team
  • 88. What & why Attribution //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// D F G 1. Track- Customer level- holistic funnel measurement 2 5 2. Explore- What channels, content and campaigns III delivered success 3. All the way to Sale 4. = Program ROI SALE Dan
  • 89. Score, Then personalize //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Then personalize + Right content, right person, right role, right time…need explan Dan around this on Score : 289 Score : 296 SALE Score : 312 Campaign Score Personalize Apply Online
  • 90. Go from unknown to Known //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + In the B2B sales cycle, many visitors from a prospective company interact with your digital presence + Only a small percentage of these visitors will become known (fill out a form, call you etc) and get into your CRM + Turn unknown visitors into known visitors- act on this
  • 91. First - Turn individual unknown visitor into a Known visitor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1st Visit to site 2st Visit to site 3st Visit to site Score 67 Score 40 Score 23 Cookie ID 12345 Cookie ID 12345 Cookie ID 12345 James Smith Anonymous score based on behavioral data such as : Known user score based on prior history, new behavior , plus - Pageviews profile data: - Search terms - Time on site - Pageviews - Referring keyword - Search terms - Campaign Type - Segment - Recency - Title - Frequency - Persona Determine where contact is in the sales cycle All anonymous browsing data is mapped back to the contact level
  • 92. Then, turn individual unknowns into Company Known visitors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Use email domain, and form field with a company specification or – for most of them – their company can be determined based on their IP address. + Analyzing the behavior of the group and correlating it to success (the company buying your product) will give you the picture you need to understand which marketing is working and which is not.
  • 93. Collect all Company activities dan //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lookup based on: Lookup based on IP +IP +Referring domain +Inferred company +e-mail 7 visitors vs. 173 visitors=+17200%
  • 94. Sales Effectiveness //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Increase efficiency + Give sales more information to close more business in less time + Predictive modeling + Sales alerts
  • 95. What is predictive modeling? A methodology for knowing a company or individual's…… 1 level of interest in what products, services likelihood to purchase, whenthey will purchase, and how 2 much they will purchase relative to past purchase history 3 profile… who your visitors, customer and prospects are. (geography, company size of biz, vertical, industry, annual sales, etc.)
  • 96. How do we use the model? When purchase intent, product interest, and who visitors (companies) are is known we can: 1 Do better targeted marketing: Personalization, trigger-based marketing, generate leads and telemarketing lists (relevant “product” messages) 2 Alert sales, partners, resellers with leads and opportunities (shorten sales cycle, and close more business) Measure marketing effectiveness: 3 ONE benchmark metric to evaluate channels, campaigns content, tools, features, innovations, etc.
  • 97. Why Score? Web Analytics Interactive Analytics Purchase Intent Reviewable Data Actionable Data Score Analysis Aggregated data Contact and Heat maps company-level data + Backward looking Real-time behavior Area and segment Segmented based on of interest Scores sales need (Ratings based on 60 predefined topics Output Content optimization Predictive – of interest) Historical trends personalization, Overall traffic next touch patterns and flow Multichannel coordination Triggered alerts based on changes in behavior
  • 98. Aggregated Customer Profile Historic Profile Propensity models Cisco lifetime value Wallet share Sales history + Recent Behavior Engagement score Technology areas of interest Example John Smith, ABC Company Engagement score: 57 Interests: UC & Data Center Lifetime Value: Champion Propensity to Buy: High
  • 99. Create a tailored experience Personalize //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Serve the right experience to the right person at the right time, based on past success + Apply validated engagement scoring (A+B+1+2+V+X) + Use engagement scoring to personalize online experience SALE General experience Personal experience Convert Increase sales
  • 100. Fourth - last Efficient & effective sales //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Help Sales become more efficient & effective + Once you’ve delivered a more: + Relevant experience, + With more relevant content + Leveraging the most effective channels + FOR CUSOMERS… Efficient & Effective + You deliver more qualified leads, + and closing business just became easier SALES + Yes I said it. + In addition to more qualified leads, give the sales team more assets: + SF Alerts: alert the sales team when high activity should trigger physical outreach, just at the right time, when the customer wants to hear from sales (when does that happen?!) + Predict Future Sales: + OUCOME: close more business in less time
  • 101. 30,000 Data Progression //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Close the Loop More Effective Customer Sales Journey Close the Loop Drive Business Attribute Success Attribute Personalize Validated Score
  • 102. 30,000 Data Progression //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Close the Loop More Effective Customer Sales Journey Close the Loop Drive Business Attribute Success Attribute Personalize Validated Score
  • 103. Score first Then Personalize //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Insight into success & sales, improve business outcomes 1. Validated engagement scoring: + Reverse engineer success 2. Personalization & Segmentation: + Role based segmenting: HR, CFO, CIO Score + Vertical based messaging- Company IP +OUTCOME: right information at the right time to the right person = shorten sales cycle & improve conversion rates Personalize
  • 104. Segmentation Based on Role //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + Validated Score + Demandbase (Company Vertical) + Test & Target (Personalization Engine) + Deliver personalized experience Past Success for CFO Deliver new experience for CFO’s demonstrating similar behaviors
  • 105. Finally Personalize the customer journey //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// “Amazon for B2B” Interest score Content +Someone in your Research<20 vertical whitepapers +Someone in your role Interest >20 Product +At this stage of Previews research Engaged 20-50 Webinars +Looking for to solve this problem Ready for purchase >54 Total cost of ownership +Has found this piece of calculators information valuable. Each group receives the optimal content based on known segmentation

Editor's Notes

  1. How Workday went from Good to Great - Winning big with “big data”Traditional “push” campaign concepts are dead.  Last click attribution is irresponsible. Siloed channel marketing will get you fired.  So how do you win?  Learn how Workday, one of Silicon Valley’s fastest growing and most respected companies amplified their inbound marketing efforts by leveraging Customer Intelligence (aka “Big Data”).  This “big data” unearthed customer insights that helped close the marketing loop – launching and tracking campaigns, channels and content from first touch to last, through marketing automation to CRM and ultimately to sale. You’ll learn how Workday closed the marketing loop and won big with big data and a dramatic increase in traffic and leads:  Overall Traffic increased 71% , Organic traffic increased 117%, and Leads increased 33% YOY (2011 to 2010).
  2. Found myself frequently answering these questions on behalf of marketersI believe…
  3. Data becomes the “introduction, enabler &amp; insight” into those relationships
  4. Has changed the way we do business, from Top down…
  5. Has changed the way we do business, from Top down…
  6. In the past, it we leverage Explicit DATA: focus groups and user surveys,Today, its about leveraging IMPLICIT DATA: online and offline
  7. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  8. Needs helpFirst: close the loop then derive insights from the customer journeySecond: attribute what worked what didn’t, use that to score channels, behaviors and conversionsLast- drive improved business outcomes- personalize the customer experience and create more effective and efficient sales team/processNot sure how the stop light is telling the sales effectiveness story?
  9. Need to clean a bit- showing measurement from channel to lead (blue arrow)
  10. Need to clean a bit- showing;Holistic measurement awareness + usage+ content+ lead + sale = closed loopRe-inform success to re-invest in programs that generate sales
  11. Looking to connect the typical marketing funnel to the customer journey.
  12. Fix the blue arrow
  13. Rules-based approaches. Attribution based on rules — including even-weighted, position based, and time-decay models — allows marketers to assign fractional values to each marketing contact based on predetermined rules (see Figure 2).3 Marketers and their vendors can also create custom weights based on their own analysis and the assumptions of their business and industry. The downside to a rules-based approach? Marketers often view it as an arbitrary way to assign values to each marketing touchpoint, leading some to see it as no better than first-touch/last-touch attribution.Advanced statistical approaches. Advanced attribution approaches leverage statistical or probabilistic models that produce and assign appropriate values to each interaction (see Figure 3). The model is based on past customer interaction behavior data, which drives the appropriate weights for each interaction. Most attribution vendors employ this approach, which typically provides the most accurate picture of the customer journey. The only drawback is that marketers believe they need to be experts to understand this approach and understand how effective their marketing really is. As one marketer put it, “Often, it’s like putting my data into a black box and not understanding the magic formula that generates the results that come out.”
  14. Can we make the sale txt cycled on click (not as part of the diagram) want to make a point about lead, pause, to sale
  15. ChannelsLead conversion typical metric1)Shows SM at 3.3% channel to lead metric, decent not greatTime to dig a bit deeper2) Lead conversion across the life of the visitor- sm goes up… 7.4%Means don’t convert right away when interacting with SM, but they do convert at some point3) Reached in to CRM to determine quality of lead- look at channels as % qualified leads is higher, and touch point per visitor is higher as a single channel converting to highly qualified lead
  16. ChannelsLead conversion typical metric1)Shows SM at 3.3% channel to lead metric, decent not greatTime to dig a bit deeper2) Lead conversion across the life of the visitor- sum goes up… 7.4%Means don’t convert right away when interacting with SM, but they do convert at some point3) Reached in to CRM to determine quality of lead- look at channels as % qualified leads is higher, and touch point per visitor is higher as a single channel converting to highly qualified lead
  17. ChannelsLead conversion typical metric1)Shows SM at 3.3% channel to lead metric, decent not greatTime to dig a bit deeper2) Lead conversion across the life of the visitor- sum goes up… 7.4%Means don’t convert right away when interacting with SM, but they do convert at some point3) Reached in to CRM to determine quality of lead- look at channels as % qualified leads is higher, and touch point per visitor is higher as a single channel converting to highly qualified lead
  18. How sm interacts with channels1) Definitive flow from Organic branded to SM and SM to OrganicTell SM is not acquiring channel but supporting channel, nurturing2) Look at channel paths, which channels touch on way to leadShows path flow acts as secondary nurturing channel- which channels touch on way to becoming leadOrganic non brand into SM- is the most important channel comboHow sm plays apart of marketing and interacts with other channels
  19. How sm interacts with channels1) Definitive flow from Organic branded to SM and SM to OrganicTell SM is not acquiring channel but supporting channel, nurturing2) Look at channel paths, which channels touch on way to leadShows path flow acts as secondary nurturing channel- which channels touch on way to becoming leadOrganic non brand into SM- is the most important channel comboHow sm plays apart of marketing and interacts with other channels
  20. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  21. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  22. Traditionally marketers look at the reach and connections and calculate their conversion rates based on those 2 metrics. However, there are a lot more metrics that can indicate higher engagement such as usage and content consumed and should be looked at holistically at the individual level or company level to accurately gauge engagement
  23. Need to clean a bit- showing measurement from channel to lead (blue arrow)
  24. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  25. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  26. Traditionally marketers look at the reach and connections and calculate their conversion rates based on those 2 metrics. However, there are a lot more metrics that can indicate higher engagement such as usage and content consumed and should be looked at holistically at the individual level or company level to accurately gauge engagement
  27. Traditionally marketers look at the reach and connections and calculate their conversion rates based on those 2 metrics. However, there are a lot more metrics that can indicate higher engagement such as usage and content consumed and should be looked at holistically at the individual level or company level to accurately gauge engagement
  28. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  29. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  30. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  31. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  32. Needs a little help
  33. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  34. Demandbase unlocks the identity of the website visitor through its Real-Time Identification service, which links the IP address to our proprietary Business Resolution Platform.Demandbase delivers up to 40 targetable attributes into your marketing automation system. This standardized data resides content management system and provides marketers with increased capabilities to segment and target content to drive engagement.With this valuable information, rules can be written in the CMS to dynamically serve content based on the visitor’s identity.
  35. Objective:Target visitors in the United States Public Sector (USPS) to a USPS version of the Smart Decision page and monitor engagement across both the USPS and the default Smart Decisions landing page.Methodology:The USPS segment included visitors from paid search, email, paid ads, and reverse IP look up of Government, and Education industries. 80% of the USPS segment visitors were targeted to the USPS Smart Decisions landing page. The remaining 20% received the default Smart Decisions landing page.Time Period:Test ran from Nov 8 – Dec 2, 2011Test Results:The targeted version of the page drove a 30% lift in Demo plays and a 39% lift in overall page PDF downloads. Additionally, visitors in the targeted experience were substantially more likely to navigate to the FAS2000 page suggesting higher overall site engagement.Action from results - push the targeted experience to 100% of all USPS visitors. Additionally, use Demandbase and Test &amp; Target integration to identify additional segments to create customized, targeted experiences.
  36. The first thing that B2B marketers need to understand is identifying the traffic that matters, the high value traffic that you want to engage with. You will need to leverage analytics to ferret through the traffic and focus on the segments that matter.Marketers must also engage with the right visitor on site with targeted content and strong web design…otherwise confusing usually results in leaving the site and a missed opportunityFinally, marketers are tasked with measuring success and optimizing ROI. Marketerers now have the tools to measure and drive ROI. At the Omniture summit, there was the phrase ‘marketing is the new math’ was coined…this is very true. Marketers have the ability to influence programs like never before.
  37. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  38. Company level
  39. Needs helpFirst: close the loop then derive insights from the customer journeySecond: attribute what worked what didn’t, use that to score channels, behaviors and conversionsLast- drive improved business outcomes- personalize the customer experience and create more effective and efficient sales team/processNot sure how the stop light is telling the sales effectiveness story?
  40. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  41. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  42. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  43. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  44. Need to clean a bit- showing measurement from channel to lead (blue arrow)
  45. Need to clean a bit- showing;Holistic measurement awareness + usage+ content+ lead + sale = closed loopRe-inform success to re-invest in programs that generate sales
  46. Need to clean a bit- showing;Holistic measurement awareness + usage+ content+ lead + sale = closed loopRe-inform success to re-invest in programs that generate sales
  47. Fix the blue arrow
  48. Need to clean a bit- showing;Holistic measurement awareness + usage+ content+ lead + sale = closed loopRe-inform success to re-invest in programs that generate sales
  49. Needs helpFirst: close the loop then derive insights from the customer journeySecond: attribute what worked what didn’t, use that to score channels, behaviors and conversionsLast- drive improved business outcomes- personalize the customer experience and create more effective and efficient sales team/processNot sure how the stop light is telling the sales effectiveness story?
  50. Can we make the sale txt cycled on click (not as part of the diagram) want to make a point about lead, pause, to sale
  51. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  52. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  53. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  54. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  55. Needs a little help
  56. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  57. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  58. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  59. Needs helpFirst: close the loop then derive insights from the customer journeySecond: attribute what worked what didn’t, use that to score channels, behaviors and conversionsLast- drive improved business outcomes- personalize the customer experience and create more effective and efficient sales team/processNot sure how the stop light is telling the sales effectiveness story?
  60. Needs helpFirst: close the loop then derive insights from the customer journeySecond: attribute what worked what didn’t, use that to score channels, behaviors and conversionsLast- drive improved business outcomes- personalize the customer experience and create more effective and efficient sales team/processNot sure how the stop light is telling the sales effectiveness story?
  61. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  62. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends
  63. Provides a detailed understanding of customer behavior and experiential trends