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this is not a TEDTALK
not high-performance javascript
ultra high-performance javascript
what is ultra high-performance?
made possible via

• fast file loading.
• small file sizes.
• avoiding DOM bottlenecks.
what high-performance looks like
hint: in general it looks awful
high-performance != maintainability

the elements of high-performance are usually
at odds with best practices in maintainability…
an approach

start with maintainability, and achieve high-
performance by building it in via automated
large-scale JS

to write maintainable code, look at the patterns
used by other large-scale JS frameworks:
large-scale JS

• separate code into modules, each of which
  accomplishes a single function.
• expose the module through an interface.
module pattern

module consists of 3 parts:
module pattern

module consists of 3 parts:

1. function (what it does)
var _transform = function(sel) {
// wrapped in a self-executing function
var transformer = function() {
        var _transform = function(sel) {
module pattern

module consists of 3 parts:

1. function (what it does)
2. dependencies (what it needs)
var transformer = function($) {
        var _transform = function(sel) {
module pattern

module consists of 3 parts:

1. function (what it does)
2. dependencies (what it needs)
3. interface (what it returns)
var transformer = function($) {
        var _transform = function(sel) {
        // sets what `transformer` is equal to
        return = {
                 transform: _transform
var transformer = function($) {
        var _transform = function(sel) {
        // sets what `transformer` is equal to
        return = {
                 transform: _transform

// usage
var transformer = function($) {
        var _transform = function(sel) {
        // sets what `transformer` is equal to
        return = {
                 transform: _transform

// usage

// result
<div class="car robot" />
benefits of modular programming

• self contained – includes everything it needs
  to accomplish it's function.
• namespaced – doesn't dirty the global
// you can’t do this… yet
import "transformer.js" as transformer;
3rd party loaders
3rd party loaders

• LABjs
• HeadJS
• ControlJS
• RequireJS
• Load.js
• YepNope.js
• $script.js
3rd party loaders

• LABjs             • LazyLoad
• HeadJS            • curl.js
• ControlJS         • JsDefer
• RequireJS         • jquery.defer.js
• Load.js           • BravoJS
• YepNope.js        • JSLoad
• $script.js        • StealJS
3rd party loaders

• LABjs             • LazyLoad
• HeadJS            • curl.js
• ControlJS         • JsDefer
• RequireJS         • jquery.defer.js
• Load.js           • BravoJS
• YepNope.js        • JSLoad
• $script.js        • StealJS …and
I’ll make it easy…
I’ll make it easy…

just use RequireJS.
I’ll make it easy…

just use RequireJS.

• plugin architecture (text, l10n, css, etc).
• built in support for has.js.
• support for r.js.
• James Burke knows his shit.
• author of the AMD standard.
// vanilla js module
var transformer = function($) {
          var _transform = function(sel) {
          return = {
                   transform: _transform
// AMD module wraps everything in `define`
define(function($) {
        var _transform = function(sel) {
        return = {
                 transform: _transform
// dependency array is the first parameter of define
// dependencies mapped to parameters in the callback
], function($) {
          var _transform = function(sel) {
          return = {
                   transform: _transform
// dependency array is the first parameter of define
// dependencies mapped to parameters in the callback
], function($, _) {
          var _transform = function(sel) {
          return = {
                    transform: _transform
// usage
], function(transformer) {
example website

• common.js – code shared by all pages.
• home/main.js – code unique to the home
// common.js
], function($) {
          // setup code for all pages
// common.js
], function($) {
          // setup code for all pages

// but `jquery.ui.core` and `jquery.ui.widget`
// aren’t modules!
// common.js
          shim: {
                    'ui/jquery.ui.core': {
                             deps: ['jquery']
                    'ui/jquery.ui.widget': {
                             deps: ['ui/jquery.ui.core']
], function($) {
// home/main.js
], function($) {
// home/main.js
], function($) {

// index.html
<script src="require.js" data-main="home/main"></script>
// home/main.js
], function($) {

// index.html
<script src="require.js" data-main="<?php echo $template
behind the scenes (phase 1)

1. download require.js – 1.
2. download home/main.js – 2.
3. check dependencies.
4. download common.js, ui/jquery.ui.dialog –
5. check dependencies.
6. download
   jquery, ui/jquery.ui.core, ui/jquery.ui.widget
   – 7.
7. check dependencies.
behind the scenes (phase 2)

1. evaluate jquery, then jquery.ui.core, then
2. execute the common.js callback.
3. evaluate jquery.ui.dialog.
4. execute the home/main.js callback.
modular and maintainable

but crappy performance: 7 requests!
make it high-performance
introducing r.js

module optimizer.
// build.js
          modules: [
                       name: "common"
                       name: "home/main"
                       exclude: "common"
// run it manually
// or as part of automated build process
java -classpath r.js/lib/rhino/js.jar 
          r.js/dist/r.js -o build.js
// example output

Tracing dependencies for: common

// example output

Tracing dependencies for: home/main

// example output

Uglifying file: common.js
Uglifying file: home/main.js
new behind the scenes (phase 1)

1. download require.js – 1.
2. download home/main.js (includes
   ui/jquery.ui.dialog) – 2.
3. check dependencies.
4. download common.js (includes jquery,
   ui/jquery.ui.core, ui/jquery.ui.widget) – 3.
5. check dependencies.
only 3 requests!

• only 1 request per page after initial page
  load (require.js and common.js are cached
  for all pages).
• scripts loads asynchronously (non-blocking)
  and in parallel.
• all assets optimized (supports uglify or
  closure compiler).
mandatory builds for UI sucks
// build.js
          baseUrl: "js-src/", // input folder
          dir: "js/", // output folder
          modules: [
                              name: "common"
                              name: "home/main"
                              exclude: "common"
// index.html
<script src="js/require.js" data-main="<?php echo $_GET['dev'] ? 'js-
src/home/main' : 'js/home/main' ?>"></script>

// index.html – production js, 3 requests
// index.html?dev - development js, 7 requests
even better performance with has.js

feature detection library.
], function($) {
          // add a test
          var re = /bdevb/;
          // use `has`
          if (has('dev')) {
], function($) {
          // add a test
          var re = /bdevb/;
          // use `has`
          if (has('dev')) {

// index.html?dev
// "test"
// build.js
          baseUrl: "js-src/",
          dir: "js/",
          has: {
                     dev: false
          modules: [
// original
if (has('dev')) {
// original
if (has('dev')) {

// after r.js pre-processing
if (false) {
// original
if (has('dev')) {

// after r.js pre-processing
if (false) {

// after uglify post-processing
// nothing – uglify strips dead code branches
has.add('ie7-support', true);
if (has('ie7-support') {
          // some godawful hack to fix something in ie7
make it ultra high-performance
even better performance with almond

intended for single page apps or mobile where
request latency is much worse than desktop.

• require.js = 16.5k minified (6k gzipped)
• almond.js = 2.3k minified (~1k gzipped)
only 1 request… ever.

• shaves 14k of boilerplate.
1st step to ultra high performance

use modular programming.

• combine with require.js for asynchronous /
  parallel loading.
• automatic concatenation, optimization.
• for ultra performance use almond.js.
anyone not use jquery?

“Study shows half of all websites use jQuery”
                                  – August, 2012
// example of a jquery plugin used with a module
], function($) {
// closer look at `craftyslide.js`
$.fn.craftyslide = function (options) {
         function paginate() {
         function captions() {
         function manual() {

        paginate(); captions(); manual();
problem with jquery plugins

they’re a black box.

• not easily extendable.
• not easily testable.
problem with jquery plugins

they’re a black box.

• not easily extendable.
• not easily testable.

jquery ui set out to solve this with…
oh noes! not jquery ui

bloated piece of crap (210k omg!)

• jquery ui is modular – use just the bits you
• ui core + ui widget + effects core (16k
  minified or ~6k gzipped).
ui widgets

the two things plugins suck at, widgets do
really well:

• they're fully extendable.
simple javascript inheritence

25 lines of javascript sexiness:

• constructors.
• object-oriented inheritence.
• access to overridden (super) methods.
simple javascript inheritence

25 lines of javascript sexiness:

• constructors.
• object-oriented inheritence.
• access to overridden (super) methods.

also the foundation of ui widget extensibility.
// example widget
$.widget('ui.transformer', {
        options: {
        _create: function() {
// example widget
$.widget('ui.transformer', {
        options: {
        _create: function() {

// extending it
$.widget('ui.autobot', $.ui.transformer, {
         // extend anything or everything
not-so simple javascript inheritence

everything from simple javascript inheritence,

• namespaces.
• public and private methods.
• getters/setters.
• disable/enable.
ui widgets

the two things plugins suck at, widgets do
really well:

• they're fully extendable.
• they're tuned for testing.
// if `craftyslide` were a widget
$.widget('ui.craftyslide', {
           _create: function() {
           _paginate: function(){ … },
           _captions: function(){ … },
           _manual: function(){ … }
// adding triggers as hooks for testing
$.widget('ui.craftyslide', {
         _paginate: function(){
// in your unit test
function beforePaginate() {
         // test conditions
function afterPaginate() {
         // test conditions
         beforePaginate: beforePaginate,
         afterPaginate: afterPaginate
// plugin using `.on()`
function manual() {
         $pagination.on('click', function (e) {
// plugin using `.on()`
function manual() {
         $pagination.on('click', function (e) {

// widget using `._on()`
manual: function() {
         this._on($pagination, { click: '_click' }
// `._on()` remembers all event bindings
_on: function( element, handlers ) {
         this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element );
// `._on()` remembers all event bindings
_on: function( element, handlers ) {
         this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element );

// `.remove()` triggers a `remove` event
this._on({ remove: "destroy" });
// `._on()` remembers all event bindings
_on: function( element, handlers ) {
         this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element );

// `.remove()` triggers a `remove` event
this._on({ remove: "destroy" });

// `.destroy()` cleans up all bindings
// leaving the DOM pristine
destroy: function() {
          this.bindings.unbind( this.eventNamespace );
// setup widget

// run tests

// teardown
// calls `.destroy()`
// which automatically unbinds all bindings
high-performance from code re-use
], function($) {
          $.widget('ui.craftyslide', $.ui.craftyslide, {
                    _manual: function() {
                             // extend to do whatever I want
2nd step to ultra high performance

use object-oriented widgets as code building

• inheritance promotes code re-use, smaller
• built on an architecture that promotes
made possible via

• fast file loading.
• small file sizes.
• avoiding DOM bottlenecks.
avoiding DOM bottlenecks
<ul id="transformers">

// typical event binding
$('#transformers a').on('click', function() {
          // do something
<ul id="transformers">

// typical event binding
$('#transformers a').on('click', function() {
          // do something

// event bubbling allows us to do this
$('#transformers').on('click', function() {
         // do something
// event delegation is similar
$('#transformers').on('click', 'a', function() {
         // do something
// event delegation is similar
$('#transformers').on('click', 'a', function() {
         // do something

// but allows us to do this
$(document).on('click', '#transformers a', function()
          // do something
why does that kick ass?

• more performant – less memory, faster to
• less maintenance – you can add/remove <ul
  id="transformers"> at any point in time and
  don't need to re-attach the event listener.
• faster – you can bind the event listener to
  document as soon as the javascript has
  loaded, you don't need to wait for domready.
how does this work with widgets?

it doesnt – widget's pitfall is they are a DOM
// example `lightbox` widget
$('#gallery a').lightbox();

// widget depends on `this.element`
$.widget('ui.lightbox', {
         _create: function() {
                  this._on(this.element, { click: 'show' });
two workarounds

• one for legacy widgets.
• better approach for new widgets.
// legacy widgets
$(document).on('click', '#gallery a', function() {
// new widgets
$.widget('ui.lightbox', {
        _create: function() {
                  var sel = this.options.selector;
                  var handler = {};
                  handler['click ' + sel] = 'show’;
// new widgets
$.widget('ui.lightbox', {
        _create: function() {
                  var sel = this.options.selector;
                  var handler = {};
                  handler['click ' + sel] = 'show’;

// always instantiate on the document
        selector: '#gallery a'
3rd step to ultra high performance

delegate anything and everything you can.

• will add interaction to elements that are
  lazy-loaded, inserted via ajax after page
  load, etc.
• allows for interaction before domready!
delegation isn’t a cure all

delegation works great when the widget
doesn't need to know about the user up until
the user interacts with it.
but what about widgets that need to affect the
DOM on instantiation…
how we’ve done this previously

• document.load – the 80's of the internet.
• document.DOMContentLoaded – the new
  load event!
domready considered an anti-pattern

“the short story is that we don't want to
wait for DOMContentReady (or worse the
load event) since it leads to bad user
experience. the UI is not responsive until
all the DOM has been loaded from the
network. so the preferred way is to use
inline scripts as soon as possible”
                        – Google Closure team
<ul id="transformers">
oh no you didn’t

a problem with our modular approach:

• nothing is exposed to the global scope
  – you can't use modules from the
mediator pattern to the rescue

a central point of control that modules
communicate through – instead of
directly with each other.
central point of control

• publish
• subscribe
• unsubscribe
it’s so easy

• publish = $.trigger
• subscribe = $.on
• unsubscribe = $.off
// in code
var proxy = $({});
window.publish = function() {
         proxy.trigger.apply(proxy, arguments);
window.subscribe = function() {
         proxy.on.apply(proxy, arguments);
window.unsubcribe = function() {, arguments);
<ul id="transformers">
], function() {
          subscribe('load.transformers', function() {
oh no you didn't

two problems with our modular approach:

• nothing is exposed to the global scope
  – you can't use modules from the
• if the JS is loaded asynchronously you
  don't know that it's available when the
  browser is parsing the HTML.
// blocking, should be tiny (1k) or inlined!
<script src="bootstrap.js"></script>
// asynchronous non-blocking
<script src="require.js" data-main="home/main"></script>
// bootstrap.js
// needs to be some global object
// but we can clean it up afterwards
document.queue = [];
window.publish = function() {

// document.queue = [['load.transformers']]
// main.js
], function($) {
          var proxy = $({});
          window.publish = function() {
                   proxy.trigger.apply(proxy, arguments);
          window.unsubcribe = function() {
         , arguments);
window.subscribe = function(event) {
       proxy.on.apply(proxy, arguments);
window.subscribe = function(event) {
       proxy.on.apply(proxy, arguments);
       $(document.queue).each(function(index) {
               if (this[0] === event) {
                         proxy.trigger.apply(proxy, this);
                         document.queue.splice(index, 1);
                         return false;
ultra high-performance achieved!
ultra high-performance achieved!

1. use modular programming.
2. use object-oriented widgets as code
   building blocks.
3. delegate anything and everything you can.
4. use pubsub for everything else.
about me
about me

• I like Land Cruisers.
• lived in Costa Rica for 10 years (there is no
  excuse for how I speak).
• UI dev lead / mobile developer at

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Beyond DOMReady: Ultra High-Performance Javascript

  • 1.
  • 2. this is not a TEDTALK
  • 5. what is ultra high-performance?
  • 6. made possible via • fast file loading. • small file sizes. • avoiding DOM bottlenecks.
  • 8. hint: in general it looks awful
  • 9. high-performance != maintainability the elements of high-performance are usually at odds with best practices in maintainability…
  • 10. an approach start with maintainability, and achieve high- performance by building it in via automated processes.
  • 11. large-scale JS to write maintainable code, look at the patterns used by other large-scale JS frameworks:
  • 12. large-scale JS • separate code into modules, each of which accomplishes a single function. • expose the module through an interface.
  • 15. module pattern module consists of 3 parts: 1. function (what it does)
  • 16. var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); }
  • 17. // wrapped in a self-executing function var transformer = function() { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } }();
  • 18. module pattern module consists of 3 parts: 1. function (what it does) 2. dependencies (what it needs)
  • 19. var transformer = function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } }(jQuery);
  • 20. module pattern module consists of 3 parts: 1. function (what it does) 2. dependencies (what it needs) 3. interface (what it returns)
  • 21. var transformer = function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } // sets what `transformer` is equal to return = { transform: _transform } }(jQuery);
  • 22. var transformer = function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } // sets what `transformer` is equal to return = { transform: _transform } }(jQuery); // usage transformer.transform('.car');
  • 23. var transformer = function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } // sets what `transformer` is equal to return = { transform: _transform } }(jQuery); // usage transformer.transform('.car'); // result <div class="car robot" />
  • 24. benefits of modular programming • self contained – includes everything it needs to accomplish it's function. • namespaced – doesn't dirty the global scope.
  • 25. // you can’t do this… yet import "transformer.js" as transformer;
  • 27. 3rd party loaders • LABjs • HeadJS • ControlJS • RequireJS • Load.js • YepNope.js • $script.js
  • 28. 3rd party loaders • LABjs • LazyLoad • HeadJS • curl.js • ControlJS • JsDefer • RequireJS • jquery.defer.js • Load.js • BravoJS • YepNope.js • JSLoad • $script.js • StealJS
  • 29. 3rd party loaders • LABjs • LazyLoad • HeadJS • curl.js • ControlJS • JsDefer • RequireJS • jquery.defer.js • Load.js • BravoJS • YepNope.js • JSLoad • $script.js • StealJS …and more
  • 30. I’ll make it easy…
  • 31. I’ll make it easy… just use RequireJS.
  • 32. I’ll make it easy… just use RequireJS. • plugin architecture (text, l10n, css, etc). • built in support for has.js. • support for r.js. • James Burke knows his shit. • author of the AMD standard.
  • 33. // vanilla js module var transformer = function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } return = { transform: _transform } }(jQuery);
  • 34. // AMD module wraps everything in `define` define(function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } return = { transform: _transform } }(jQuery));
  • 35. // dependency array is the first parameter of define // dependencies mapped to parameters in the callback define([ 'jquery' ], function($) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } return = { transform: _transform } });
  • 36. // dependency array is the first parameter of define // dependencies mapped to parameters in the callback define([ 'jquery', 'underscore' ], function($, _) { var _transform = function(sel) { $(sel).toggleClass('robot'); } return = { transform: _transform } });
  • 37. // usage require([ 'transformer' ], function(transformer) { transformer.transform('.car'); });
  • 38. example website • common.js – code shared by all pages. • home/main.js – code unique to the home page.
  • 39. // common.js define([ 'jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.core', 'ui/jquery.ui.widget' ], function($) { // setup code for all pages });
  • 40. // common.js define([ 'jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.core', 'ui/jquery.ui.widget' ], function($) { // setup code for all pages }); // but `jquery.ui.core` and `jquery.ui.widget` // aren’t modules!
  • 41. // common.js requirejs.config({ shim: { 'ui/jquery.ui.core': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'ui/jquery.ui.widget': { deps: ['ui/jquery.ui.core'] } } }); define([ 'jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.core', 'ui/jquery.ui.widget' ], function($) {
  • 42. // home/main.js define([ 'common', 'ui/jquery.ui.dialog' ], function($) { $('.modal').dialog(); });
  • 43. // home/main.js define([ 'common', 'ui/jquery.ui.dialog' ], function($) { $('.modal').dialog(); }); // index.html <script src="require.js" data-main="home/main"></script>
  • 44. // home/main.js define([ 'common', 'ui/jquery.ui.dialog' ], function($) { $('.modal').dialog(); }); // index.html <script src="require.js" data-main="<?php echo $template ?>/main"></script>
  • 45. behind the scenes (phase 1) 1. download require.js – 1. 2. download home/main.js – 2. 3. check dependencies. 4. download common.js, ui/jquery.ui.dialog – 4. 5. check dependencies. 6. download jquery, ui/jquery.ui.core, ui/jquery.ui.widget – 7. 7. check dependencies.
  • 46. behind the scenes (phase 2) 1. evaluate jquery, then jquery.ui.core, then jquery.ui.widget. 2. execute the common.js callback. 3. evaluate jquery.ui.dialog. 4. execute the home/main.js callback.
  • 47. modular and maintainable but crappy performance: 7 requests!
  • 50. // build.js ({ modules: [ { name: "common" }, { name: "home/main" exclude: "common" } ] })
  • 51. // run it manually // or as part of automated build process java -classpath r.js/lib/rhino/js.jar r.js/dist/r.js -o build.js
  • 52. // example output Tracing dependencies for: common common.js ---------------- jquery.js ui/jquery.ui.core ui/jquery.ui.widget common.js
  • 53. // example output Tracing dependencies for: home/main home/main.js ---------------- ui/jquery.ui.dialog home/main.js
  • 54. // example output Uglifying file: common.js Uglifying file: home/main.js
  • 55. new behind the scenes (phase 1) 1. download require.js – 1. 2. download home/main.js (includes ui/jquery.ui.dialog) – 2. 3. check dependencies. 4. download common.js (includes jquery, ui/jquery.ui.core, ui/jquery.ui.widget) – 3. 5. check dependencies.
  • 56. only 3 requests! • only 1 request per page after initial page load (require.js and common.js are cached for all pages). • scripts loads asynchronously (non-blocking) and in parallel. • all assets optimized (supports uglify or closure compiler).
  • 58. // build.js ({ baseUrl: "js-src/", // input folder dir: "js/", // output folder modules: [ { name: "common" }, { name: "home/main" exclude: "common" } ] })
  • 59. // index.html <script src="js/require.js" data-main="<?php echo $_GET['dev'] ? 'js- src/home/main' : 'js/home/main' ?>"></script> // index.html – production js, 3 requests // index.html?dev - development js, 7 requests
  • 60. even better performance with has.js feature detection library.
  • 61. define([ 'has' ], function($) { // add a test var re = /bdevb/; has.add('dev',re.test(; // use `has` if (has('dev')) { console.log('test'); } });
  • 62. define([ 'has' ], function($) { // add a test var re = /bdevb/; has.add('dev',re.test(; // use `has` if (has('dev')) { console.log('test'); } }); // index.html?dev // "test"
  • 63. // build.js ({ baseUrl: "js-src/", dir: "js/", has: { dev: false }, modules: [ … ] })
  • 64. // original if (has('dev')) { console.log('test'); }
  • 65. // original if (has('dev')) { console.log('test'); } // after r.js pre-processing if (false) { console.log('test'); }
  • 66. // original if (has('dev')) { console.log('test'); } // after r.js pre-processing if (false) { console.log('test'); } // after uglify post-processing // nothing – uglify strips dead code branches
  • 67. has.add('ie7-support', true); if (has('ie7-support') { // some godawful hack to fix something in ie7 }
  • 68. make it ultra high-performance
  • 69. even better performance with almond intended for single page apps or mobile where request latency is much worse than desktop. • require.js = 16.5k minified (6k gzipped) • almond.js = 2.3k minified (~1k gzipped)
  • 70. only 1 request… ever. • shaves 14k of boilerplate.
  • 71. 1st step to ultra high performance use modular programming. • combine with require.js for asynchronous / parallel loading. • automatic concatenation, optimization. • for ultra performance use almond.js.
  • 72. anyone not use jquery? “Study shows half of all websites use jQuery” – August, 2012
  • 73. // example of a jquery plugin used with a module define([ 'jquery', 'jquery.craftyslide' ], function($) { $('#slideshow').craftyslide(); });
  • 74. // closer look at `craftyslide.js` $.fn.craftyslide = function (options) { function paginate() { … } function captions() { … } function manual() { … } paginate(); captions(); manual(); }
  • 75. problem with jquery plugins they’re a black box. • not easily extendable. • not easily testable.
  • 76. problem with jquery plugins they’re a black box. • not easily extendable. • not easily testable. jquery ui set out to solve this with…
  • 78. oh noes! not jquery ui bloated piece of crap (210k omg!) • jquery ui is modular – use just the bits you need. • ui core + ui widget + effects core (16k minified or ~6k gzipped).
  • 79. ui widgets the two things plugins suck at, widgets do really well: • they're fully extendable.
  • 80. simple javascript inheritence 25 lines of javascript sexiness: • constructors. • object-oriented inheritence. • access to overridden (super) methods.
  • 81. simple javascript inheritence 25 lines of javascript sexiness: • constructors. • object-oriented inheritence. • access to overridden (super) methods. also the foundation of ui widget extensibility.
  • 82. // example widget $.widget('ui.transformer', { options: { … }, _create: function() { … } );
  • 83. // example widget $.widget('ui.transformer', { options: { … }, _create: function() { … } ); // extending it $.widget('ui.autobot', $.ui.transformer, { // extend anything or everything });
  • 84. not-so simple javascript inheritence everything from simple javascript inheritence, plus: • namespaces. • public and private methods. • getters/setters. • disable/enable.
  • 85. ui widgets the two things plugins suck at, widgets do really well: • they're fully extendable. • they're tuned for testing.
  • 86. // if `craftyslide` were a widget $.widget('ui.craftyslide', { _create: function() { … this._paginate(); this._captions(); this._manual(); }, _paginate: function(){ … }, _captions: function(){ … }, _manual: function(){ … } );
  • 87. // adding triggers as hooks for testing $.widget('ui.craftyslide', { … _paginate: function(){ this._trigger('beforePaginate'); … this._trigger('afterPaginate'); }, … );
  • 88. // in your unit test function beforePaginate() { // test conditions } function afterPaginate() { // test conditions } $('#slideshow').craftyslide({ beforePaginate: beforePaginate, afterPaginate: afterPaginate });
  • 89. // plugin using `.on()` function manual() { … $pagination.on('click', function (e) { … }); }
  • 90. // plugin using `.on()` function manual() { … $pagination.on('click', function (e) { … }); } // widget using `._on()` manual: function() { this._on($pagination, { click: '_click' } }
  • 91. // `._on()` remembers all event bindings _on: function( element, handlers ) { … this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element ); },
  • 92. // `._on()` remembers all event bindings _on: function( element, handlers ) { … this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element ); }, // `.remove()` triggers a `remove` event this._on({ remove: "destroy" });
  • 93. // `._on()` remembers all event bindings _on: function( element, handlers ) { … this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element ); }, // `.remove()` triggers a `remove` event this._on({ remove: "destroy" }); // `.destroy()` cleans up all bindings // leaving the DOM pristine destroy: function() { … this.bindings.unbind( this.eventNamespace ); }
  • 94. // setup widget $('#slideshow').craftyslide(); // run tests … // teardown // calls `.destroy()` // which automatically unbinds all bindings $('#slideshow').remove();
  • 96. define([ 'jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.core', 'ui/jquery.ui.widget', 'ui/jquery.ui.craftyslide' ], function($) { $.widget('ui.craftyslide', $.ui.craftyslide, { _manual: function() { // extend to do whatever I want } }); });
  • 97. 2nd step to ultra high performance use object-oriented widgets as code building blocks. • inheritance promotes code re-use, smaller codebase. • built on an architecture that promotes testability.
  • 98. made possible via • fast file loading. • small file sizes. • avoiding DOM bottlenecks.
  • 101. <ul id="transformers"> <li><a>Bumblebee</a></li> <li><a>Ratchet</a></li> <li><a>Ironhide</a></li> </ul> // typical event binding $('#transformers a').on('click', function() { // do something });
  • 102. <ul id="transformers"> <li><a>Bumblebee</a></li> <li><a>Ratchet</a></li> <li><a>Ironhide</a></li> </ul> // typical event binding $('#transformers a').on('click', function() { // do something }); // event bubbling allows us to do this $('#transformers').on('click', function() { // do something });
  • 103. // event delegation is similar $('#transformers').on('click', 'a', function() { // do something });
  • 104. // event delegation is similar $('#transformers').on('click', 'a', function() { // do something }); // but allows us to do this $(document).on('click', '#transformers a', function() // do something });
  • 105. why does that kick ass? • more performant – less memory, faster to bind/unbind. • less maintenance – you can add/remove <ul id="transformers"> at any point in time and don't need to re-attach the event listener. • faster – you can bind the event listener to document as soon as the javascript has loaded, you don't need to wait for domready.
  • 106. how does this work with widgets? it doesnt – widget's pitfall is they are a DOM bottleneck.
  • 107. // example `lightbox` widget $('#gallery a').lightbox(); // widget depends on `this.element` $.widget('ui.lightbox', { _create: function() { this._on(this.element, { click: 'show' }); } });
  • 108. two workarounds • one for legacy widgets. • better approach for new widgets.
  • 109. // legacy widgets $(document).on('click', '#gallery a', function() { $(this) .lightbox() .lightbox('show'); });
  • 110. // new widgets $.widget('ui.lightbox', { _create: function() { var sel = this.options.selector; var handler = {}; handler['click ' + sel] = 'show’; this._on(handler); } });
  • 111. // new widgets $.widget('ui.lightbox', { _create: function() { var sel = this.options.selector; var handler = {}; handler['click ' + sel] = 'show’; this._on(handler); } }); // always instantiate on the document $(document).lightbox({ selector: '#gallery a' });
  • 112. 3rd step to ultra high performance delegate anything and everything you can. • will add interaction to elements that are lazy-loaded, inserted via ajax after page load, etc. • allows for interaction before domready!
  • 113. delegation isn’t a cure all delegation works great when the widget doesn't need to know about the user up until the user interacts with it. but what about widgets that need to affect the DOM on instantiation…
  • 114. how we’ve done this previously • document.load – the 80's of the internet. • document.DOMContentLoaded – the new load event!
  • 115. domready considered an anti-pattern “the short story is that we don't want to wait for DOMContentReady (or worse the load event) since it leads to bad user experience. the UI is not responsive until all the DOM has been loaded from the network. so the preferred way is to use inline scripts as soon as possible” – Google Closure team
  • 116. <ul id="transformers"> <li><a>Bumblebee</a></li> <li><a>Ratchet</a></li> <li><a>Ironside</a></li> </ul> <script> $('#transformers').slideshow(); </script>
  • 117. oh no you didn’t a problem with our modular approach: • nothing is exposed to the global scope – you can't use modules from the DOM.
  • 118. mediator pattern to the rescue a central point of control that modules communicate through – instead of directly with each other.
  • 119. pubsub
  • 120. central point of control • publish • subscribe • unsubscribe
  • 121. it’s so easy • publish = $.trigger • subscribe = $.on • unsubscribe = $.off
  • 122. // in code var proxy = $({}); window.publish = function() { proxy.trigger.apply(proxy, arguments); } window.subscribe = function() { proxy.on.apply(proxy, arguments); } window.unsubcribe = function() {, arguments); }
  • 123. <ul id="transformers"> <li><a>Bumblebee</a></li> <li><a>Ratchet</a></li> <li><a>Ironside</a></li> </ul> <script> publish('load.transformers'); </script>
  • 124. define([ 'main' ], function() { subscribe('load.transformers', function() { $('#transformers').slideshow(); }); });
  • 125. oh no you didn't two problems with our modular approach: • nothing is exposed to the global scope – you can't use modules from the DOM. • if the JS is loaded asynchronously you don't know that it's available when the browser is parsing the HTML.
  • 126. <head> // blocking, should be tiny (1k) or inlined! <script src="bootstrap.js"></script> // asynchronous non-blocking <script src="require.js" data-main="home/main"></script>
  • 127. // bootstrap.js // needs to be some global object // but we can clean it up afterwards document.queue = []; window.publish = function() { document.queue.push(arguments); }
  • 128. <script> publish('load.transformers'); </script> // document.queue = [['load.transformers']]
  • 129. // main.js define([ 'jquery' ], function($) { var proxy = $({}); window.publish = function() { proxy.trigger.apply(proxy, arguments); } window.unsubcribe = function() {, arguments); } …
  • 130. window.subscribe = function(event) { proxy.on.apply(proxy, arguments); });
  • 131. window.subscribe = function(event) { proxy.on.apply(proxy, arguments); $(document.queue).each(function(index) { if (this[0] === event) { proxy.trigger.apply(proxy, this); document.queue.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); });
  • 133. ultra high-performance achieved! 1. use modular programming. 2. use object-oriented widgets as code building blocks. 3. delegate anything and everything you can. 4. use pubsub for everything else.
  • 134. onesec
  • 136. about me • I like Land Cruisers. • lived in Costa Rica for 10 years (there is no excuse for how I speak). • UI dev lead / mobile developer at Backcountry.
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