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© Zühlke 2012
Tim Ward
Best Practices for
(Enterprise) OSGi
23. March 2012
Slide 1
© Zühlke 2012
• Java Consultant
• 5 years at IBM developing WebSphere Application Server
• PMC member of the Apache Aries project
• Particularly interested in Bytecode weaving/generation, JPA,
EJBs, Blueprint Dependency injection, Declarative qualities of
service (e.g. transactions)
• Regular conference speaker
• JAX London, EclipseCon, Devoxx, Jazoon, OSGi Community Event
• Author of Enterprise OSGi in Action
• Early access available at
• All chapters complete
• See the Manning booth for discounts on this and many other books
Who is Tim Ward?
- @TimothyWard
BLT - A Brief Introduction to Tim Ward, OSGi and Particle Physics | Tim Ward 3. February 2012 Slide 2
© Zühlke 2012
What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I need it?
How can I use OSGi in my Applications?
How should I use OSGi in my Applications?
Where can I learn more about OSGi?
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 3
© Zühlke 2012
• OSGi is a mature technology with a broad range of adoption
• Eclipse!
• Embedded systems
• Home automation
• Java EE Application Servers
• Enterprise OSGi is much newer (First release 2010)
• Primary focus to improve OSGi’s support for enterprise tools
• Widely available in Open Source and Commercial servers
What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I
need it?
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 4
© Zühlke 2012
• So simply put Enterprise OSGi is just OSGi applied to “Enterprise”
• OSGi Web applications
• Using databases from an OSGi framework
• Managed Transactions for OSGi bundles
• Remoting Services…
• But isn’t this what Java EE is for?
• Why is OSGi helpful?
What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I
need it? (2)
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 5
© Zühlke 2012
• OSGi is used for many reasons, but a primary motivation is modularity
• Big systems are hard to maintain and understand because of the
relationships between components:
• Big applications are just as complicated as servers (and usually have
more external dependencies!)
What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I
need it? (3)
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 6
© Zühlke 2012
• Have you ever found that you need to use a library class, but it depends
on another version of a library you were already using?
• Java has a flat classpath, so you can only have one version of the class
• If you can’t change the code you can be forced into using brittle
combinations of point releases
• OSGi has a classloader graph:
• It all just works!
Why else do I need OSGi?
BLT - A Brief Introduction to Tim Ward, OSGi and Particle Physics | Tim Ward 3. February 2012 Slide 7
© Zühlke 2012
• Lots of Application runtimes offer some support for OSGi applications
• WebSphere, Glassfish, Jboss, Geronimo, Karaf, Virgo, Aries…
• Most require little more than packaging your application as OSGi bundles
How can I use OSGi in my Applications?
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 8
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Import-Package: com.acme.useful.package,
Export-Package: com.acme.api.package
OSGi Bundle
© Zühlke 2012
• In terms of scope OSGi bundles are like JARs with better isolation
• This is good, but how many Enterprise Applications are built as a single
• The Java EE EAR exists to support multi-module applications
• Even WAR files have built in support for library JARs
• For a long time OSGi had no scope beyond the bundle
• Parallel solutions exist in Eclipse, Apache and several commercial servers
• A unified model is offered by OSGi Subsystems
How can I use OSGi in my Applications?
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 9
© Zühlke 2012
Best Practices for (Enterprise)
OSGi applications
Tim Ward
How should I use OSGi in
my Applications?
Best practices for all OSGi applications
23. March 2012
Slide 10
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward
© Zühlke 2012
• Well designed Object Oriented code exhibits good modular properties
• Simple reuse and ability to switch implementation
• These properties rely on classes being Cohesive and loosely coupled
• From a modularity perspective OSGi bundles very similar
• To work well an OSGi Bundle should be cohesive and loosely coupled
• The bundle manifest is an excellent guide to how well designed the bundle
actually is
How should I use OSGi in my
1. Bundle Hygiene
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 11
© Zühlke 2012
• Java developers learn to recognise tightly coupled code
• Casting to implementation
• Relying on side-effects and leftover state
• OSGi has similar warning signs
• We saw how code can be imported by Import-Package
• OSGi also offers Require-Bundle
• Require-Bundle is a bit like casting to an implementation type
• You don’t just care about API, but also where it comes from!
How should I use OSGi in my
1 a) Avoid Tight Coupling
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 12
© Zühlke 2012
• Splitting behaviour across multiple Objects makes an API hard to use
• The same is true of packages in OSGi
• A split package is one that exists two or more bundles but contains
different classes in each
• The OSGi classloader allows packages to come from exactly one bundle
How should I use OSGi in my
1 b) Do enough to be Cohesive
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 13
com.acme.impl The implementation
might get A or B,
but never both
© Zühlke 2012
• Doing too much in a class is as bad as doing too little
• It’s hard to use an API with too many methods and arguments
• It adds overhead and hurts performance
• It’s hard to maintain
• Bundles can suffer from the same problem
• Huge numbers of dependencies (Import-Package or Require-Bundle)
• Lots of exported packages (which one do I use?!?)
• If a manifest can be measured in megabytes you’re doing it wrong!
How should I use OSGi in my
1 c) Don’t do too much in your bundle
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 14
© Zühlke 2012
• You’ve seen that bundles can have a version
• Package Exports can be versioned too
• Imports can declare a range of accepted versions
• Versioning properly makes bundles less brittle and easier to reuse
• Semantic versioning of packages allows clients to declare what function
they require
• Major version changes indicate that clients might be broken
• Minor version changes indicate backward compatible updates
• Micro version changes are for bug fixes
• Unversioned packages are like a box of chocolates…
How should I use OSGi in my
2. Version Everything
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 15
© Zühlke 2012
• We saw how split packages can break client bundles
• If they are versioned properly then the client can make a choice
How should I use OSGi in my
2. Version Everything (2)
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 16
© Zühlke 2012
• Java lacks a satisfactory way to get implementation Objects
• Using new introduces tight coupling
• Using a factory is better, but still couples you to the factory!
• OSGi has a service registry that bundles can use to collaborate
• Services are registered using their API, so clients don’t need to construct
• Using services makes it much easier to reuse and swap bundles
How should I use OSGi in my
3 a) Use Services for looser coupling
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012
com.acme.provider com.acme.client
Slide 17
© Zühlke 2012
• Sharing services relies on your bundles using the same version of the API
• In fact it relies on you both getting the API from the same bundle!
• If the same API is available from multiple bundles then the client might
see a different one to the service provider…
• API works best when it is substitutable
• Bundles that export API should import it too – this allows more sharing
How should I use OSGi in my
3 b) Make services substitutable
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012
Slide 18
© Zühlke 2012
Best Practices for (Enterprise)
OSGi applications
Tim Ward
How should I use OSGi in
my Applications?
Best practices for Enterprise OSGi applications
23. March 2012
Slide 19
© Zühlke 2012
• OSGi is a very powerful environment, but it can be hard to use
• Many constructs are very low level
• This is great for embedded systems, but not always for enterprise apps!
• The Enterprise Specifications offer a number of helpful tools
• Dependency injection frameworks
• Data Access Services…
• Make sure you use them!
How should I use OSGi in my
4. Don’t do it all yourself!
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 20
© Zühlke 2012
• Using an OSGi service properly is hard because they are dynamic
How should I use OSGi in my
4 a) Accessing services
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 21
public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event)
ServiceReference ref = event.getServiceReference();
if (ls.get() == null && event.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) {
ls.set((LogService) ctx.getService(ref));
} else if (ls.get() != null && event.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING
ref == lr.get()) {
ref = ctx.getServiceReference(LogService.class.getName());
if (ref != null) {
ls.set((LogService) ctx.getService(ref));
private BundleContext ctx;
private AtomicReference<LogService> ls = new
private AtomicReference<ServiceReference> lr = new
public void start(BundleContext ctx) throws InvalidSyntaxException
this.ctx = ctx;
ctx.addServiceListener(this, "(objectClass=org.osgi.service.log.LogService)");
ServiceReference ref = ctx.getServiceReference(LogService.class.getName());
if (ref != null) {
ls.set((LogService) ctx.getService(ref));
© Zühlke 2012
• There are several OSGi dependency injection containers that make using
services much easier
• Blueprint and Declarative Services are both OSGi standards
• Declarative Services is very lightweight
• Great for systems with simple wirings
• No damping of services (A good and bad thing!)
• Blueprint offers a Spring-like programming model
• Easy to set up and manage large injection graphs
• Service damping means beans are protected from the service lifecycle
How should I use OSGi in my
4 a) Accessing services (2)
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 22
© Zühlke 2012
Sample blueprint consuming a service:
Sample Declarative Services consuming a service:
How should I use OSGi in my
4 a) Accessing services (3)
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 23
<bean id=”myBean” class=”org.acme.impl.MyBean”>
<property name=”logService” ref=”logService” />
<reference id=”logService”
interface=”org.osgi.service.log.LogService” />
<component name=”myBean”>
<implementation class=”org.acme.impl.MyBean” />
<reference bind=”setLogService” cardinality=”1..1”
policy=”static” unbind=”unsetLogService”
name=”logService” />
© Zühlke 2012
• JDBC and JPA are commonly used to access data
• Both rely on static factories and Classpath visibility to work
• Trying to use traditional access patterns leads to unpleasant hacks
• There are Standard ways to get hold of these things in OSGi
• The JDBC service uses DataSourceFactory services to create DataSources
• Your server may register managed DataSource sservices too
• The JPA service also uses the service registry to provide
EntityManagerFactory Objects
How should I use OSGi in my
4 b) Accessing data
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 24
© Zühlke 2012
• Traditionally OSGi applications use the HttpService to register Servlets
• This is good if you have one or two servlets, but not for big web apps
• The Enterprise Specification defines Web Application Bundles
• Essentially they are WARs with OSGi metadata
• WABs allow you to reuse tools and expertise when moving to OSGi
• Many web frameworks are OSGi enabled too
• A very easy way to begin migrating to OSGi
How should I use OSGi in my
4 c) Enterprise OSGi Web Applications
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 25
© Zühlke 2012
Best Practices for (Enterprise)
OSGi applications
Tim Ward
23. March 2012
Slide 26
© Zühlke 2012
• OSGi isn’t as hard as you’ve been led to believe!
• But it isn’t magic either, you need to use what it gives you
1. Keep your bundles tidy and well defined
i. Spaghetti bundles are just as bad as spaghetti code!
2. Use semantic versioning to keep control of your dependencies
3. Use the service registry to communicate between bundles in a simple,
decoupled way
4. Use the Enterprise specifications to avoid writing huge amounts of
boilerplate in your applications
Things to remember
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 27
© Zühlke 2012
• The OSGi specifications are available at
• Apache Aries for implementations
• Manning have several good OSGi books
• Enterprise OSGi in Action – Get up and running with Web Apps,
Transactions, JPA, Remoting, IDEs and build tools
• OSGi in Action – Great examples and coverage of core OSGi and
compendium services
• OSGi in Depth – Detailed coverage of architectural patterns for OSGi
• If you go to the Manning stand there are big EclipseCon discounts
• OSGi Articles available at
Useful Resources
Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 28

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OpenBlend society
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OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2pjhInovex
Zero Downtime with OSGi - Chicago Coder Conference 05-15-2015
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Mariano Gonzalez
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Building Modular Enterprise Applications - C Ziegeler
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Benefits of OSGi in Practise
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Benefits of OSGi in Practise
10 clues showing that you are doing OSGi in the wrong manner - Jerome Moliere
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OSGi at eBay
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TDD on OSGi, in practice.
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TDD on OSGi, in practice.
What's happening in the OSGi IoT Expert Group? - Tim Ward
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What's happening in the OSGi IoT Expert Group? - Tim Ward
OSGi and Java EE: A Hybrid Approach to Enterprise Java Application Development
OSGi and Java EE: A Hybrid Approach to Enterprise Java Application DevelopmentOSGi and Java EE: A Hybrid Approach to Enterprise Java Application Development
OSGi and Java EE: A Hybrid Approach to Enterprise Java Application Development
Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi by Example - Martin Lippert, Consultant
Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi by Example - Martin Lippert, ConsultantSpring Dynamic Modules for OSGi by Example - Martin Lippert, Consultant
Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi by Example - Martin Lippert, Consultant
practical-guide-to-modularity with Java osgi
practical-guide-to-modularity with Java osgipractical-guide-to-modularity with Java osgi
practical-guide-to-modularity with Java osgi
GlassFish OSGi - Java2days 2010
GlassFish OSGi - Java2days 2010GlassFish OSGi - Java2days 2010
GlassFish OSGi - Java2days 2010
Osgi platform
Osgi platformOsgi platform
Osgi platform
SOLID Design Principles for Test Automaion
SOLID Design Principles for Test AutomaionSOLID Design Principles for Test Automaion
SOLID Design Principles for Test Automaion
OSGi made simple - Fuse Application Bundles
OSGi made simple - Fuse Application BundlesOSGi made simple - Fuse Application Bundles
OSGi made simple - Fuse Application Bundles
Creating Large Scale Software Platforms with OSGi and an Extension Point Mode...
Creating Large Scale Software Platforms with OSGi and an Extension Point Mode...Creating Large Scale Software Platforms with OSGi and an Extension Point Mode...
Creating Large Scale Software Platforms with OSGi and an Extension Point Mode...
OSGi & Java EE: A hybrid approach to Enterprise Java Application Development,...
OSGi & Java EE: A hybrid approach to Enterprise Java Application Development,...OSGi & Java EE: A hybrid approach to Enterprise Java Application Development,...
OSGi & Java EE: A hybrid approach to Enterprise Java Application Development,...
OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2
OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2
OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2
Zero Downtime with OSGi - Chicago Coder Conference 05-15-2015
Zero Downtime with OSGi - Chicago Coder Conference 05-15-2015 Zero Downtime with OSGi - Chicago Coder Conference 05-15-2015
Zero Downtime with OSGi - Chicago Coder Conference 05-15-2015
OSGi at eBay: JavaOne 2010
OSGi at eBay: JavaOne 2010OSGi at eBay: JavaOne 2010
OSGi at eBay: JavaOne 2010
Building Modular Enterprise Applications - C Ziegeler
Building Modular Enterprise Applications - C ZiegelerBuilding Modular Enterprise Applications - C Ziegeler
Building Modular Enterprise Applications - C Ziegeler

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OSGi with Docker - a powerful way to develop Java systems - Udo Hafermann (So...
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Improved developer productivity thanks to Maven and OSGi - Lukasz Dywicki (Co...
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Improved developer productivity thanks to Maven and OSGi - Lukasz Dywicki (Co...
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today - Building an OSGi based Smart Home System - Ch...
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OSGi with Docker - a powerful way to develop Java systems - Udo Hafermann (So...
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A real world use case with OSGi R7 - Jurgen Albert (Data In Motion Consulting...
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How OSGi drives cross-sector energy management - Jörn Tümmler (SMA Solar Tech...
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Improved developer productivity thanks to Maven and OSGi - Lukasz Dywicki (Co...
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OSG(a)i: because AI needs a runtime - Tim Verbelen (imec)
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MicroProfile, OSGi was meant for this - Ray Auge (Liferay)
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Prototyping IoT systems with a hybrid OSGi & Node-RED platform - Bruce Jackso...
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How to connect your OSGi application - Dirk Fauth (Bosch)
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Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications - Tim Ward

  • 1. © Zühlke 2012 Tim Ward Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications 23. March 2012 Slide 1
  • 2. © Zühlke 2012 • Java Consultant • 5 years at IBM developing WebSphere Application Server • PMC member of the Apache Aries project • Particularly interested in Bytecode weaving/generation, JPA, EJBs, Blueprint Dependency injection, Declarative qualities of service (e.g. transactions) • Regular conference speaker • JAX London, EclipseCon, Devoxx, Jazoon, OSGi Community Event • Author of Enterprise OSGi in Action • Early access available at • All chapters complete • See the Manning booth for discounts on this and many other books Who is Tim Ward? - @TimothyWard BLT - A Brief Introduction to Tim Ward, OSGi and Particle Physics | Tim Ward 3. February 2012 Slide 2
  • 3. © Zühlke 2012 Agenda What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I need it? How can I use OSGi in my Applications? How should I use OSGi in my Applications? Where can I learn more about OSGi? Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 3
  • 4. © Zühlke 2012 • OSGi is a mature technology with a broad range of adoption • Eclipse! • Embedded systems • Home automation • Java EE Application Servers • Enterprise OSGi is much newer (First release 2010) • Primary focus to improve OSGi’s support for enterprise tools • Widely available in Open Source and Commercial servers What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I need it? Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 4
  • 5. © Zühlke 2012 • So simply put Enterprise OSGi is just OSGi applied to “Enterprise” Applications • OSGi Web applications • Using databases from an OSGi framework • Managed Transactions for OSGi bundles • Remoting Services… • But isn’t this what Java EE is for? • Why is OSGi helpful? What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I need it? (2) Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 5
  • 6. © Zühlke 2012 • OSGi is used for many reasons, but a primary motivation is modularity • Big systems are hard to maintain and understand because of the relationships between components: • Big applications are just as complicated as servers (and usually have more external dependencies!) What is “Enterprise OSGi” and why do I need it? (3) Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 6
  • 7. © Zühlke 2012 • Have you ever found that you need to use a library class, but it depends on another version of a library you were already using? • Java has a flat classpath, so you can only have one version of the class • If you can’t change the code you can be forced into using brittle combinations of point releases • OSGi has a classloader graph: • It all just works! Why else do I need OSGi? BLT - A Brief Introduction to Tim Ward, OSGi and Particle Physics | Tim Ward 3. February 2012 Slide 7
  • 8. © Zühlke 2012 • Lots of Application runtimes offer some support for OSGi applications • WebSphere, Glassfish, Jboss, Geronimo, Karaf, Virgo, Aries… • Most require little more than packaging your application as OSGi bundles How can I use OSGi in my Applications? Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 8 JAR Manifest Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-SymbolicName: Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Import-Package: com.acme.useful.package, com.acme.another.useful.package Export-Package: com.acme.api.package OSGi Bundle Manifest
  • 9. © Zühlke 2012 • In terms of scope OSGi bundles are like JARs with better isolation • This is good, but how many Enterprise Applications are built as a single JAR? • The Java EE EAR exists to support multi-module applications • Even WAR files have built in support for library JARs • For a long time OSGi had no scope beyond the bundle • Parallel solutions exist in Eclipse, Apache and several commercial servers • A unified model is offered by OSGi Subsystems How can I use OSGi in my Applications? (2) Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 9
  • 10. © Zühlke 2012 Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications Tim Ward How should I use OSGi in my Applications? Best practices for all OSGi applications 23. March 2012 Slide 10 Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward
  • 11. © Zühlke 2012 • Well designed Object Oriented code exhibits good modular properties • Simple reuse and ability to switch implementation • These properties rely on classes being Cohesive and loosely coupled • From a modularity perspective OSGi bundles very similar • To work well an OSGi Bundle should be cohesive and loosely coupled • The bundle manifest is an excellent guide to how well designed the bundle actually is How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 1. Bundle Hygiene Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 11
  • 12. © Zühlke 2012 • Java developers learn to recognise tightly coupled code • Casting to implementation • Relying on side-effects and leftover state • OSGi has similar warning signs • We saw how code can be imported by Import-Package • OSGi also offers Require-Bundle • Require-Bundle is a bit like casting to an implementation type • You don’t just care about API, but also where it comes from! How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 1 a) Avoid Tight Coupling Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 12
  • 13. © Zühlke 2012 • Splitting behaviour across multiple Objects makes an API hard to use • The same is true of packages in OSGi • A split package is one that exists two or more bundles but contains different classes in each • The OSGi classloader allows packages to come from exactly one bundle How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 1 b) Do enough to be Cohesive Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 13 com.acme.api.b my.api.B com.acme.api.a my.api.A com.acme.impl The implementation might get A or B, but never both
  • 14. © Zühlke 2012 • Doing too much in a class is as bad as doing too little • It’s hard to use an API with too many methods and arguments • It adds overhead and hurts performance • It’s hard to maintain • Bundles can suffer from the same problem • Huge numbers of dependencies (Import-Package or Require-Bundle) • Lots of exported packages (which one do I use?!?) • If a manifest can be measured in megabytes you’re doing it wrong! How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 1 c) Don’t do too much in your bundle Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 14
  • 15. © Zühlke 2012 • You’ve seen that bundles can have a version • Package Exports can be versioned too • Imports can declare a range of accepted versions • Versioning properly makes bundles less brittle and easier to reuse • Semantic versioning of packages allows clients to declare what function they require • Major version changes indicate that clients might be broken • Minor version changes indicate backward compatible updates • Micro version changes are for bug fixes • Unversioned packages are like a box of chocolates… How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 2. Version Everything Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 15
  • 16. © Zühlke 2012 • We saw how split packages can break client bundles • If they are versioned properly then the client can make a choice How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 2. Version Everything (2) Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 16 com.acme.api.b my.api.B 2.0.0 com.acme.api my.api.A 1.0.0 com.acme.impl Import-Package: my.api;version=“[1,2)”
  • 17. © Zühlke 2012 • Java lacks a satisfactory way to get implementation Objects • Using new introduces tight coupling • Using a factory is better, but still couples you to the factory! • OSGi has a service registry that bundles can use to collaborate • Services are registered using their API, so clients don’t need to construct them! • Using services makes it much easier to reuse and swap bundles How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 3 a) Use Services for looser coupling Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 com.acme.provider com.acme.client Slide 17
  • 18. © Zühlke 2012 • Sharing services relies on your bundles using the same version of the API • In fact it relies on you both getting the API from the same bundle! • If the same API is available from multiple bundles then the client might see a different one to the service provider… • API works best when it is substitutable • Bundles that export API should import it too – this allows more sharing How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 3 b) Make services substitutable Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 com.acme.provider com.acme.api_1.0.0 com.acme.client Slide 18 com.acme.api 1.0.0 com.acme.provider com.acme.api_1.0.0
  • 19. © Zühlke 2012 Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications Tim Ward How should I use OSGi in my Applications? Best practices for Enterprise OSGi applications 23. March 2012 Slide 19
  • 20. © Zühlke 2012 • OSGi is a very powerful environment, but it can be hard to use • Many constructs are very low level • This is great for embedded systems, but not always for enterprise apps! • The Enterprise Specifications offer a number of helpful tools • Dependency injection frameworks • Data Access Services… • Make sure you use them! How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 4. Don’t do it all yourself! Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 20
  • 21. © Zühlke 2012 • Using an OSGi service properly is hard because they are dynamic How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 4 a) Accessing services Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 21 @Override public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event) { ServiceReference ref = event.getServiceReference(); if (ls.get() == null && event.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) { ls.set((LogService) ctx.getService(ref)); } else if (ls.get() != null && event.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING && ref == lr.get()) { ref = ctx.getServiceReference(LogService.class.getName()); if (ref != null) { ls.set((LogService) ctx.getService(ref)); lr.set(ref); } } } private BundleContext ctx; private AtomicReference<LogService> ls = new AtomicReference<LogService>(); private AtomicReference<ServiceReference> lr = new AtomicReference<ServiceReference>(); public void start(BundleContext ctx) throws InvalidSyntaxException { this.ctx = ctx; ctx.addServiceListener(this, "(objectClass=org.osgi.service.log.LogService)"); ServiceReference ref = ctx.getServiceReference(LogService.class.getName()); if (ref != null) { ls.set((LogService) ctx.getService(ref)); lr.set(ref); } }
  • 22. © Zühlke 2012 • There are several OSGi dependency injection containers that make using services much easier • Blueprint and Declarative Services are both OSGi standards • Declarative Services is very lightweight • Great for systems with simple wirings • No damping of services (A good and bad thing!) • Blueprint offers a Spring-like programming model • Easy to set up and manage large injection graphs • Service damping means beans are protected from the service lifecycle How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 4 a) Accessing services (2) Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 22
  • 23. © Zühlke 2012 Sample blueprint consuming a service: Sample Declarative Services consuming a service: How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 4 a) Accessing services (3) Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 23 <blueprint> <bean id=”myBean” class=”org.acme.impl.MyBean”> <property name=”logService” ref=”logService” /> </bean> <reference id=”logService” interface=”org.osgi.service.log.LogService” /> </blueprint> <component name=”myBean”> <implementation class=”org.acme.impl.MyBean” /> <reference bind=”setLogService” cardinality=”1..1” interface=”org.osgi.service.log.LogService” policy=”static” unbind=”unsetLogService” name=”logService” /> </component>
  • 24. © Zühlke 2012 • JDBC and JPA are commonly used to access data • Both rely on static factories and Classpath visibility to work • Trying to use traditional access patterns leads to unpleasant hacks • There are Standard ways to get hold of these things in OSGi • The JDBC service uses DataSourceFactory services to create DataSources • Your server may register managed DataSource sservices too • The JPA service also uses the service registry to provide EntityManagerFactory Objects How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 4 b) Accessing data Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 24
  • 25. © Zühlke 2012 • Traditionally OSGi applications use the HttpService to register Servlets • This is good if you have one or two servlets, but not for big web apps • The Enterprise Specification defines Web Application Bundles • Essentially they are WARs with OSGi metadata • WABs allow you to reuse tools and expertise when moving to OSGi • Many web frameworks are OSGi enabled too • A very easy way to begin migrating to OSGi How should I use OSGi in my Applications? 4 c) Enterprise OSGi Web Applications Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 25
  • 26. © Zühlke 2012 Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications Tim Ward Summary 23. March 2012 Slide 26
  • 27. © Zühlke 2012 • OSGi isn’t as hard as you’ve been led to believe! • But it isn’t magic either, you need to use what it gives you 1. Keep your bundles tidy and well defined i. Spaghetti bundles are just as bad as spaghetti code! 2. Use semantic versioning to keep control of your dependencies 3. Use the service registry to communicate between bundles in a simple, decoupled way 4. Use the Enterprise specifications to avoid writing huge amounts of boilerplate in your applications Things to remember Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 27
  • 28. © Zühlke 2012 • The OSGi specifications are available at • Apache Aries for implementations • Manning have several good OSGi books • Enterprise OSGi in Action – Get up and running with Web Apps, Transactions, JPA, Remoting, IDEs and build tools • OSGi in Action – Great examples and coverage of core OSGi and compendium services • OSGi in Depth – Detailed coverage of architectural patterns for OSGi • If you go to the Manning stand there are big EclipseCon discounts • OSGi Articles available at Useful Resources Best Practices for (Enterprise) OSGi applications | Tim Ward 23. March 2012 Slide 28