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Descriptive Essay About Vacation
Max Mudger
Mrs. Oncu
DE 11
30 October 2017
Narrative Essay
The air was filled with salt and warm sunlight. The waves were crashing against the Hawaiian sand
causing a beautiful and relaxing sound. With flapping wings and squawking noises, seagulls were
stalking tourists in the search of food. The soft, hot sand was soothing to the touch. The palm trees
danced in the swaying wind and the aroma of distant barbecues and sunscreen wafted in the air. As a
native Floridian, the thought of a Hawaiian vacation was appealing. Hours of waiting began to
accumulate when I was informed that my flight to Hawaii had been rescheduled. My frustration built
as I sat and anticipated the start to my vacation. After the airplane trip to the islands, more
Crowds of people began to funnel in to this one location on the beach. I imagined that an animal
had washed up on the shore and could not get back into the water. My curiosity grew, and I left my
chair to follow the path of everyone else down the shoreline.
Upon reaching the scene, I became aware of what happened. I stared down at a little girl who was
lying face up and was unresponsive to family members calling her name. It was evident that she
had drowned and was on the edge of death. Life guards began to pound on her chest and start chest
compulsions. She continued to stay motionless. Quickly, lifeguards began the operations of CPR.
These long and tiring procedures made the lifeguards physically tired. The rest of the family
bickered back and forth on whose fault this was. "Why couldn't you just watch her and do what you
were told?" I heard behind me. The father screamed, "It was not my responsibility to do that, it was
yours!" The clear frustration began to build and caused more confusion.
The lifeguards circling around the little girl seemed frightened. Leaning closer to hear the rumors
being spread throughout the crowd, I unintentionally noticed the disturbing sound of gargling from
the little girl. She had regained consciousness, but could not breathe due to the water trapped in her
lungs. Policemen arrived on the beach and began to push back the imaginary boundaries
surrounding the circle of lifeguards. The police advised everyone to leave the beach
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Personal Narrative Essay : A Funny Day At School
I remember one incredibly funny day from last year. It was the day I fell through the glass
display case at school. Boy, I tell you that sucked so bad. I know for a fact I'll never live it down.
I'm known for being pretty accident prone so it was no surprise to people when they found out I
was the one who had left the blood stain in the hallway. I was walking back from lunch with my
friend Matt, we were telling each other jokes about dead babies. I looked over and saw my little
brother, I turned to Matt and said "watch this" then I ran up to my brother and tried to do a
jumping high five. He didn't think I was trying to high five him he thought I was trying to hit
him. Out of instinct he pushed me away and I fell backwards, I landed and pivoted on the ball of
my left foot. I thought I had gotten away safe and clear, I went to take a step and BAM! I had
been tripped by my own untied shoelace, betrayed by my own apparel. I fell backwards and
expected to hit lockers, unfortunately it wasn't lockers or even a door. I had crashed into the
glass display case, oh the utter humility. I hit the ground and leaned up on one arm, I was fine, not
a scratch. Mrs. Wright come running up in total mom mode " Oh my God, are you alright, AHH,
don't move!". " No it's okay I can get up, they are pretty big pieces, I can crawl around them". " No
sweety don't get up". I looked at her and asked " Mrs. Wright is there a piece in me?". She gulped
and said "Yes". Total internal breakdown but I
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Here I was, perched on a glass table, moronically gandering at the trees dancing with the wind,
unbeknownst to me that the wind was pushing the trees slightly. I sat there, pondering about
autumn and the colorful leaves. At this time, the leaves are such a big symbol in my life. Since it
was the morning, I saw people walking and jogging by my house. As people cruised by, I waved
at them, as benevolent as I was, sitting on a glass table, of course having enough strength to
support my three year old physique. I was waving my hands with such vitality and such insanity
at some individual like someone who recently had their wisdom teeth pulled. My parents were
silently and peacefully sitting on the soft, comfortable, beige couch watching their Indian serials,
not aware as to what I was doing. My sister, who was about seven months old at this time slept
wonderfully in her crib; not having a care in the world. I was so zestful and full of life today; I
felt as if I was going to have the best day ever. Still flickering my hand at the people strolling by, I
lost my balance and my elbow landed on the metal part at which heat and ventilation comes from.
An agonizing scream escaped my throat. My entire body felt as if two rough pebbles were grinding
each other, with bits chipping off. My thoughts started to budge, thinking as to how my life could
end now. When my parents heard the scream, both of them looked to where the excruciating scream
came from and saw me, lying on the
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Personal Narrative Essay
Narrative Essay Write a two (or more) page essay in which you will tell a personal narrative
(story) in the first person. You are encouraged to share a memory or story that you would be
comfortable sharing with myself and the entire class. Remember, your audience is your fellow
students or peers. Although no topic is off–limits and no censorship is required, please do not share a
story that would make you uncomfortable to share. Everyone has stories to tell, but please peruse
through other short narrative accounts to get a sense of how they develop. Reader?s Digest is a
good source for this, or personal accounts from magazines, or the ?This I Believe? series on NPR.
A narrative essay depends on a narrative that is profound and memorable, life–changing and
hopefully interesting and/or entertaining. A trip to the grocery store, unless more
Unique and engaging title ? Introduction with an attention getter ? Theme or thesis: usually the
lesson learned ? Background of the complication or conflict ? Complication or conflict ?
Engaging and relatable character(s) ? Plot with events ? Vivid details?engage the senses ?
Resolution or wrap up of the complication in a clear conclusion If you do use outside sources,
please cite using proper MLA documentation or make clear in the essay what your source is.
However, the source must be relevant to the narrative itself. A works cited page is not required.
Assessment: Your proposal is worth 15% of your overall grade and worth 100 points. ? Content:
How thoughtfully and thoroughly you write about each required narrative section, with vivid
detail. 50 points. ? Organization: How clearly ideas and information are arranged within and
between paragraphs. Use of MLA style and proper flow. 30 points. ? Style: How effectively you
use word choice and sentences to convey ideas. 20 points. Due dates: ? Outline (on this sheet or
you can make your own) brought to class for an activity on Mon
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Third Person Narrative Essay
What makes a kind, compassionate, moral human being? On the flip side, what makes a monster?
A prevalent theme in the YA novel "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers is image , or how one views
themselves and how they want, or need , in the case of Steve Harmon, others to view them. The
reader is presumably dropped into New York of the late nighties, in time to watch 16–year–old Steve
on trial for a crime he might or might not have committed, despite the dearth of evidence. The story
alternates between a 3rd–person screenplay and diary format as Steve resolves to take up his pen
and document his experience. The narrative follows his view of life
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One hot and sunny day my parents, little brother, and I wanted to get out of the house. So we
decided to got to the park and play on the playground. It was so hot outside that we were sweating
just from standing but it was a great day. Not only was it was a great day but it was also a great day
because it was the day I was going to ask my parents if we could get a dog. I was so excited to ask
that I was getting goosebumps. I began to walk towards my parents and when I reached them I
asked the question." Can we get a dog please?" Both my mama and dad looked at each other and
said one day we will be able to. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no, so I knew that there was a chance
that I could get one.
The next day became one of the best days of my life and soon one of the saddest days. When I
was 5 years old I got one of the best gifts any kid good ask for. I've always wanted one and was so
glad when I laid eyes on her. Before I go into detail why not just start from the very beginning. One
evening, my little brother and I was watching tv with my mama when I heard my mama talking to
my dad on the phone saying "what you mean you have a surprise?" When I heard that, I knew that
It had to be something really intriguing. Minutes later I could hear the sound of the tires running
over rocks and an engine running. It turns out that It was my daddy pulling into the driveway, so I
had gotten even more anxious to find out exactly what the surprise was. My mama, brother, and I all
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My Neighborhood-Personal Narrative Essay
My Neighborhood–Personal Narrative I would wake up Saturday morning to birds chirping. I
would get up, get dressed and go outside. The children in my neighborhood would come to my
backyard, and we would play 'til our parents called us in. I remember the trees being huge, and the
days so long. I didn't really know many of my neighbors. I had a handful of friends who lived in
the same building, and that was it. The neighborhood itself was pretty bad. Sometimes I would wake
in the middle of the night to the sound of gunshots. After living around Central Park and Armitage
for a while I kind of expected the gunshots. In fact, my mother and I survived a drive by shooting. I
am glad my mother restricted my interaction with the more content...
Most kids just imitate the stupid antics they saw older kids perform. I have always been just me.
I used to think I had a horrible life. I was poor, and didn't have many physical belongings. It didn't
help that my mother was nineteen. At that age she was ignorant of the things children need when
growing up. Now that I look back, I understand it wasn't her fault; she is a product of her
neighborhood. And, like so many others, she did not know about the affection children so
deserve. Anyways, I wasn't too aware of my poverty. Nothing around me could possibly tell me I
was poor. In fact I can only recall one time I went hungry. The boys and girls around me definitely
did not dress any different than I, and at such an early age one doesn't really notice such things. I
only saw the inside of two of my neighbors' houses. The fist was a polish home. The father worked
all the time, the mother cooked all the time, and the daughter played all the time. The girl was
named Kathy. She was a pervert. In fact, she taught me all about sex. My female cousin, Yaritza,
and I would go to her house and play. I think my cousin was also a pervert, although I did not pay
much attention to her to notice. I remember on several occasions, Kathy would sit in such a way to
give other people a nice view up her skirt. Her mother would not allow her to wear pants. I, being
the devilish little boy that I was, always took advantage of the opportunity and looked. It
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Monday mornings are horrible for everyone, But today, for me it might be the best day of my life.
As the sun rose in the morning, I flew to my bathroom, took a nice shower and ate a full breakfast.
I'm never this happy in the mornings but the fact that I'm going to ride a plane to China motivated
me so much. No no no it's not the trip that's motivating me, it's that I get to leave home, from my
family. People say families are the only treasure but my family is just useless to me. I just want to
say they are no help to my life. Didn't my parents bought me the plane ticket to China? Heck no I
worked for 4 months for my ticket, and all my money to spend in China. " Did you bring your
stuff with you Josh? I'm not responsible for what you don't have so check right now " mom
yelled " Yes I do mom just stop " I replied " Don't give me that attitude and tone with me! " mom
yelled, again. This is why, I just hate here. Every things to say on earth would make me and my
parents fight. " Don't say that to your mom, why can't you be nice for once josh? " Dad interfered.
" SHE STARTED YELLING AT ME " I yelled as my neck ripped, As I went to my room I thought
to myself that best day of my life is ruined. I'm done I'm out of here right now. My day turned
good into bad in one blink, this is how my family goes, We have no respect for each other. I just
feel like my parents found me under the bridge. My plane was at 3 pm but I ended up busting out
at 10 am. Great. I have 5 hours to just do nothing. Every time parents ruin my day makes me want
to kill myself. I went to the airport by taxi, which costed 50$, my mom or dad would never drive
me to the airport. After I got to the airport, nothing has been good for me. Someone fell over and
spilled coffee all over my shirt, which pissed me off, and all I got was " I'm so sorry! " and a
tissue. The reason why I haven't lost my mind yet was because trip to China held my mind
together. FINALLY I'm about to get in the plane. I waited for 3 hours which felt like 9 hours to
me. Please, no more disasters, only happy things to go! Let's have fun in China! I whispered to
myself. " Ladies and gentleman, This is the captain speaking, Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be
heading soon.
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Personal Narrative: Goodbye My Best Friend Essay
Goodbye It is amazing how many things we take for granted. We make plans for the day, and don't
think twice about how those plans can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much
about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my cousin's death. I don't
think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news.
It was a bright and warm summer morning when I woke from a good night sleep. Nothing prepared
me for the dark, gloomy and sad day ahead of me. You see, this was the day that my cousin and
childhood best friend passed away in an auto accident. Bright, intelligent, loving and caring 16 year
old, these are words to describe her but let me to you how more content...
We didn't need a reason to visit we were best friends. The thing you should know about her is: She
loved God, family and friends. She loved anything about John Deere. She adored Kids, (Lead a
youth class at church). She lived for cheering and did it to perfection. She had a zest for life.
Whatever she was doing, she gave it 110%.
Around the age of 10, we started getting very involved with school sports. She lived in
Byrdstown and found her gift which was cheering, of course mine was Basketball. As time went
on, we only got to see each other at basketball games and special occasions. But, we always knew
that we would be best friends forever. On June 18th 2006, I lost my cousin to a freak auto
accident. The Papers read Auto accident claims local teen. The only thing I know was that
childhood best friend was gone. I could never run up and hug her at the basketball game. I could
never get to see or talk to her at the reunions or any other family get togethers. We had many
experiences together as I said before. One I remember most is when we always met and went to
Obey River in Pickett county. We went all through the summer, we always knew what out plans
were going to turn out to be. We would start by always playing in the water while our parents would
get the cookout stuff together. We enjoyed every minute we spent together. She is gone but she would
want everyone to life to the fullest. Don't take anything or anyone for
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Personal Narrative Essay : My Best Friend
My best friend is always there when I need her the most, has my back when times get rough, and I
can always tell her my deepest darkest secrets. My best friend's name is Tea Elaine Valentine. We
have been best friends for nine years and counting. We met in the third grade. I was introduced to
Tea by another friend of mine. She thought I was weird at first, but as she got to know me we
have been best friends ever since. Tea and I are two different people. Tea is more of the
outspoken, no filter, and whatever comes to mind is said. I'm more of the quiet and laid back. I
have learned many things from Tea like learning how to speak up for myself, never to let anyone
walk all over me, and it is okay to say how you feel. Are friendships have stayed strong this many
years because of our loyalty, listening ear, and always being there for each other. From third
grade to sixth grade Tea and I were stuck together like glue. Every day after school we would call
each other on the house phone and we would talk for hours. When it was time for the weekend I
was always at her house or she was at my house to spend the night. My after school routine was
the same as always but this phone conversation started off different. "I have something to tell
you," Tea said."Yes?" I replied. She said "I'm moving to Big Rapids next year" . After hearing this
news I was so devastated. I felt like I was losing my best friend. She was only moving three hours
away, I felt like she was moving across the
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Narrative Essay About My Best Vacation
It was Mexico three years ago. My dad's job was celebrating in Mexico and our family ( which is
my brother, mom, and Maria) could come with him. We went to this 5 star resort by the beach. IT
WAS AMAZING! There were so many pools and the hotel room was so fancy! The aqua blue
ocean was so warm, that it felt like there was a heater in the water. We went swimming multiple
times and I think i saw a whale jumping from the water. Everywhere I looked, there was
something new to see. Other than the fact that I got sunburned a lot, I thought that this was an
awesome vacation. We could even bring our nanny, Maria. We spent mornings eating breakfast
from the giant bufe and afternoons were spent swimming or finishing my rainbow loom bracelet.
The evening was for eating yummy dinner and facetiming with my friends. I was exploding with
joy. When my dad had free time from work, we were browsing around and we saw a stand with a
bunch of pamphlets. Dad and Mom said that we got to choose one activity to do. We looked at
caverns and zip lining but then I saw it. Dolphins! It said that you got to do tricks and get your
picture taken! I showed the flyer to my parents immediately. "Mom! Dad! Look!" I squealed,
racing to them. My brother, who wasn't a fan of water said, "I wanna go too!" And then we were
off. We took a shuttle to the place. I was so nervous! My heart was pounding. I finally got to meet
one of my favorite animals! When we arrived, a helper asked us to get on our swim suits or
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Literacy Narrative Essay example
At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward
reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure
but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very
basic posts on facebook expressing one's opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit
discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it's the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I
enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I've gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in
my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into
the action unless it relates to something I am more content...
You can feed the mind as much as you want and it will never get full of reading. Sadly, I'm not the
same person that I was. I guess you could say it's part of growing up. It never really was
intentional but it's just the way how it ended up. On the other hand my attitudes toward writing
are very different. First let me say that deep down I truly do not like to write. I myself don't
personally like to write for leisure or pleasure but rather I write because I believe it is one of the
most important aspects of being able to communicate with those around you, both personally and
professionally. To put differently, my attitude towards writing is that I write because I need to
write and survive in the world around me. I write because I have to, not because I want to.
Hopefully this somewhat makes sense. To better explain let me make a comparison. When I am
assigned a writing assignment or I am writing because the action is being forced upon me I find
myself not enjoying the process and overall the end result is subpar. The perfect example of this
would be my junior year in high school when I was enrolled in AP english literature. I dreaded the
majority of the class simply because there was so much writing involved in the entire course and
therefore I was constantly writing just to get a grade. Being forced to write in such high volume
every week for an entire school year was not enjoyable for myself and as a result the
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Happiest Day Of My Life Narrative Essay
"Boom, Boom," The uproar of violent knocks on my front door and my front door
unlocking permeated through the quiet studio apartment. My brain told me to run and hide, but my
body stood rooted to the ground.I was frozen...except the one heavy warm tear trickling down what
seemed like my lifeless face.
It was exactly a month after my 12th birthday when my parents moved me and my younger
siblings to VYV in Jersey City. Regardless of the fact that we were just staying there until my
parents found an actual house close enough to their office in New York and Princeton, I was quick
to make it my home. For my sibling and I the VYV was heaven. It had a huge playground, an
indoor pool and a game room. The VYV was also amazing for my parents because it was a gated
entry building so it was completely safe and the lock on the front door was opened by an
electronic pin code only my parents knew of. That's why after years of pleading with my parents to
let me babysit my siblings for small pocket money they finally let me.
I was ecstatic! I thought that was the happiest day of my life because I had always wanted to
babysit and the small pocket money would help me save up for anything my 6th grade heart desired
from my favorite store at the time, Bath&Bodyworks.
It was the 3rd day on the job when everything went down...badly. It all started like any normal day.
My parents left for work at and the safety and wellbeing of my siblings were left in my hands. Me
being a 6th grader
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Example Of A Narrative Essay College
A narrative essay is a story that is true and has meaning, whether it be to prove a point, send a
message, explain an event that's happened, or entertain the reader. Most narrative essays are
written to convey a story from a past time that sends a message to not only the reader, but the
writer themselves. When planning a narrative essay, the first step is to identify the topic in which
the writer wants to explain. There are multiple ways in which the you can come up with a topic, it
all depends on the style you're most comfortable with. The next step is to write down all the main
events that supports the topic you have chosen. What main events led up to the story you're trying to
approach? What key events made what your topic is all about? more content...
This event made a big impact on my life as it showed me the value of work ethic by showing me
that hard work pays off. It also taught me to never give up and follow your heart. And lastly, it
taught me the importance of a team to help me through the tough practices and mental battles. When
choosing my topic, I wrote down 3 main events that were important in my life that impacted me and
shaped myself into the person I am today. The 3 I chose were: breaking the 3200–meter record for
my school, breaking the 4x800 record with my team, and lastly, moving from Poinciana to
Kissimmee and leaving all my friends to take on a new chapter in my life. The topic I chose to
write is one I feel very passionate about and the single memory I can recall the most. Although
breaking the 4x800 record with my team was a memorable moment and the first record I'd ever
broken at my school, nothing compared to the feeling I got when I broke an individual record that
was held by my own coach. I had a sense of relief and happiness, not just for myself, but my coach
as well. It felt as if I didn't just break the record for the sake of me personally, but for him too. May
have taken 21 years to be broken, but I'd say it sure was worth
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Personal Narrative Essay : My Best Friend
I'm Kellie Clarkson I have an amazing life, ok I had meant to say. I had a best friend, family, friends,
and even my own killer ha–ha, but I don't have anyone now because of October 13th the night
everything went away. I hope you're not like everyone else and think I'm berserk just sit back and
enjoy as I tell you about my berserk life.
It all started when I tumbled out of bed I looked out my window to a stranger staring at me, I
rubbed my eyes and he dissolved into the morning horizon so I thought I was seeing ominous
creatures and carried on with my day. I got ready for school and went downstairs kissed my mother
wonderful morning and embraced my father then my amazing little brother was next, I picked him
up like it was my first more content...
The bell rang again and we all went back to class the rest of the school day went by and honestly, I
thought I was insane, I keep witnessing the same guy in all black I saw this morning.
At the end of the day we meet at my car and I took everyone home when I finally got home and was
getting ready for the party I got into the shower, and every time I closed my eyes I saw the same guy
in all black. I don't know who he is, so I talked to my mother about him I said "Mother do we have
any new neighbors" She said "No way honey" I told her about the guy I've been seeing and she
said "I'll call the police and talk to them about it" and she did. They said they patrolled the area and
to just stay at home tonight don't leave my house and to keep everything locked.
I was a half–witted teen and didn't listen I snuck out of my room and meet everyone at the party I
didn't spot anyone or anything until around 1 A.M the party was just ending and then someone
came and started holding everyone hostage. So I ran and hide in Jace's bedroom as I heard gunshots
I started crying and then I almost lost my mind when I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to
Jace's room but instead turned into another room. I ran out of Jace's room so fast when I walked
downstairs, I cried as I spot all my friend's dead their faces so pale I still had my keys so I sprinted
for my car as I got in it I locked all my doors and started it up. That's when the guy in all
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Narrative Essay On A Journey
Everybody is on or has been on a journey before. Being on a journey is very important because it
gives you a goal or task that you want to accomplish. When you go on a journey you find is
yourself through the experiences and obstacles that life throws at you. Throughout a journey, you
are taught life lessons and have the capability of applying that new knowledge for the future for a
better outcome. Sometimes, these life lessons challenge you and you ultimately succeed at the end.
For the past 5 months, I have been on a journey as I have been learning a new instrument that I've
always wanted to learn since I was a little kid. Being on this path has taught me many life lessons
and how to stay focused on what really matters.
My interest in guitar started when my friend used to bring his guitar everyday and I would always
want to play but didn't know how. I would always ask him to teach me how to play but I didn't
know any of the chords and notes, therefore, I just gave up on attempting to play this new
instrument. However, guitar is an elective that's offered here at Kennedy, so I decided to take the
class. I noticed that my friend was getting better the more he practiced, so I decided to join the
class to learn the basics and get started on this new journey. At first, it was difficult to understand
the notes because I didn't have any musical background to help assist me for my own benefit.
However, I began to focus more in class to learn the basics day by day. Overtime, I learned that you
can't learn guitar in one day and you need a lot of practice to get better. I also discovered how
progress is important to reach my end goal.
I stayed on this journey to learn guitar because playing guitar is a special skill that I want to
learn. n my free time or when I'm bored, I could play guitar while learning new and more songs to
play. As a result, I will eventually and gradually get more advanced the more I learn. Another
reason I stayed on this journey is because I want to want to challenge myself to do something I
thought I could never do. When I was little, I always thought that I would never be able to play an
instrument because it was too difficult to learn. Therefore, this is why I wanted to learn guitar in the
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My Day With My Best Friend
After a long stressful test, I was going to spend the day with my best friend, Katherine, for the
first time after, so long now that her mom trusted me more. "Honk!'' was the sound I heard that
signaled me that Katherine's dad was here. She opened the door, as usual because she was so
courteous to me at school. I got into the rusty gray Honda. Once I got into the car I knew it was
out of my comfort zone because it was my first time meeting Katherine's Dad outside of school.
"Hello, Katherine 's dad," I said tentatively. He responded back with a simple hello and simply
resumed his talk with Katherine as if she had never left the car. They were talking, so quick I had
no idea what to do, so I kept quiet the whole car ride and looked out the window. The whole car
ride was of a foreign language I had barely heard Katherine speak at school, when her mom, my
5th grade math teacher came around. Now as if she had been liberated from those chains that kept
her from speaking her native language, she spoke endlessly with her dad. We arrived at our
destination and to my surprise, it was a church. I had never my life been to church on a Saturday
afternoon, most likely because my mom and I only had time to come to church on SundayВґs.So
many things were happening at the same time in the same room where Katherine's dad left us.
There was a karate class happening right in front of us while some feet in front there were tables
with roses, string, markers, all scattered up.
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Descriptive Essay On A Morning
Mornings just great. Us early birds have the gift of watching the world around us come back to
life after being so tired. We all know most people don't like mornings simply because it interrupts
sleep. Yeah, something you can do when you're dead. I turned to the window delighted to see a
bright gray sky; just one giant cloud covering that asshole of a sun so it can't burn my skin and
give me cancer. Sure, your idea of a beautiful day might include blue skies and fairies, but I never
asked you. Today was.... Friday. Nothing special going on, so I'd have the regular classes.
I threw on a black t–shirt and skinny jeans that were slung over my crappy desk chair and ran my
fingers through my hair to work out any rats while making my way through a dim hallway to the
kitchen. My house is just one big dim hallway with rooms.
"Hey." My mom was already at work in the kitchen as always. She had the same dazed expression on
her face as she did every morning as she did her tedious mom–chores. Every day she had to wash
dishes, do laundry, cook food, pick up stuff around the house, etc.
She set down a plate with a small cinnamon roll drenched in white icing out on the table:"Here, eat
this before you leave."
"You need to eat something for breakfast, it's not good to skip meals." She nagged.
"Says who?"
"Says me. I read somewhere about it; they did quite a few studies on it."
"Hn, Bye." The screen door slammed shut before my mother could finish her pointless lecture. I
wasn't going to be late for school because of a cinnamon roll.
Most kids get their parents to drive them nowadays, but walking is a perfect opportunity for some
alone–time. People can just come find and interrupt my reveries even in my own home, but when I
walk, I'm traveling, and no one's going to try and catch up to me. Just thoughts, music, and burly
trees looming over cracked sidewalks. For the most part, it's a peaceful yet uneventful journey.
Other than dogs occasionally carrying on or people leaving early for work, there are almost no
Chg–chg–chg–chg. I grinned at the sound of a train beginning to rumble across rickety, old railroad
tracks. Somehow, I couldn't help but smile during moments like these. Soon the train
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Narrative Essay About My Best Friend
I remember it being a cold Saturday night. One of my best friends was so messed up he wasn't
able to talk much, only stare. We were all worried for him because he was the guy who never
dabbled in these things, an average teenager with feelings, hopes, and dreams, so why him? This
was the first time I realized how drugs and alcohol can take a severely negative toll on anybody,
even those closest to you. I received a snapchat from Colton* saying that Anthony had been
drugged at one of the fraternity parties they had attended after a football game. I called as fast as I
could, as I was worried for his well–being. He had been drinking beer and someone had slipped a
hallucinogen, most likely LSD, in his drink. The next morning, he told more content...
Even if a student does not engage in any use, it is highly common that someone they know will at
some point in their life. When teenagers begin this activity, it can rapidly escalate, leading to
addiction or the use of heavier drugs. Teenagers are not able to fully comprehend how this will affect
them mentally or physically, short term or long term. Attending a large school, I have witnessed
many people I know struggle with addiction to pills, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol. These people
don't realize that they are putting these things above everything in life, and they are struggling
academically, as well as socially. It is hard for other teenagers to help since they don't want to get
their friends in trouble or they're simply unaware of how severe the situation is.
Along with the mental and physical issues drugs and alcohol can cause, teenagers are also
unaware of the legal consequences that come along with being caught with these substances.
Being a minor in possession of alcohol or drugs can be charged with hefty fines, and even
incarceration. If drugs or alcohol are in possession or being used at school, students can expect to
receive a suspension, crossroads, or even expulsion. They can also be removed from any clubs,
teams, and certain classes. The only reason students have knowledge of these consequences is from
observing the outcome others face after they get caught. At this age, we should know the
consequences before an incident occurs
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The Best-Personal Narrative
On the night of Halloween, me and my friends, Alberto, Jack, Jimmy, and Aldo, were vacationing
in a town called Hell town. It was supposed to be haunted but we honestly didn't believe that. We
were driving around when we drove into this forest. Aldo dared Alberto to go into the woods and
stay there for 30 minutes. And of course Alberto did it. He went in at about 10:30 and didn't come
out until 12:30. He came out screaming something we couldn't understand. They then realized he
was screaming, " There are clowns in there!!!!" The boys got into the truck and took off before
Alberto could get into the truck. Jimmy, and Jack kept screaming to go back for him but we
couldn't because there were 4 clowns with weapons back there.The guy's kept driving around the
forests trying to find a way out but they couldn't. They were lost. The guys more
I didn't realize that there was a clown in front of the truck, but I accidently ran him over. There
was a clown in the back of the truck too but I couldn't manage to get him off. Then Alberto rolled
down the window and threw a brick at him. I don't even know where he go the brick to be honest.
They were all holding balloons for some reason but we couldn't think about that at the moment.
At one point, we started thinking that they were in a cult or some demonic gang. We were all
freaked out and the worst part was, the truck was almost out of gas. We kept driving around until
finally we managed to find a road. We didn't even care where the road led too. I just turned on to
it and drove away. When we looked back, all we saw was the four clowns standing there waving at
us. That sight, made me shiver and just freaked me out. After that day, all of us were terrified of
clowns. Every night, we think about that same night, and just think about it. "What would've
happened if we didn't make it
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Best Narrative Essay

  • 1. Descriptive Essay About Vacation Max Mudger Mrs. Oncu DE 11 30 October 2017 Narrative Essay The air was filled with salt and warm sunlight. The waves were crashing against the Hawaiian sand causing a beautiful and relaxing sound. With flapping wings and squawking noises, seagulls were stalking tourists in the search of food. The soft, hot sand was soothing to the touch. The palm trees danced in the swaying wind and the aroma of distant barbecues and sunscreen wafted in the air. As a native Floridian, the thought of a Hawaiian vacation was appealing. Hours of waiting began to accumulate when I was informed that my flight to Hawaii had been rescheduled. My frustration built as I sat and anticipated the start to my vacation. After the airplane trip to the islands, more content... Crowds of people began to funnel in to this one location on the beach. I imagined that an animal had washed up on the shore and could not get back into the water. My curiosity grew, and I left my chair to follow the path of everyone else down the shoreline. Upon reaching the scene, I became aware of what happened. I stared down at a little girl who was lying face up and was unresponsive to family members calling her name. It was evident that she had drowned and was on the edge of death. Life guards began to pound on her chest and start chest compulsions. She continued to stay motionless. Quickly, lifeguards began the operations of CPR. These long and tiring procedures made the lifeguards physically tired. The rest of the family bickered back and forth on whose fault this was. "Why couldn't you just watch her and do what you were told?" I heard behind me. The father screamed, "It was not my responsibility to do that, it was yours!" The clear frustration began to build and caused more confusion. The lifeguards circling around the little girl seemed frightened. Leaning closer to hear the rumors being spread throughout the crowd, I unintentionally noticed the disturbing sound of gargling from the little girl. She had regained consciousness, but could not breathe due to the water trapped in her lungs. Policemen arrived on the beach and began to push back the imaginary boundaries surrounding the circle of lifeguards. The police advised everyone to leave the beach Get more content on
  • 2. Personal Narrative Essay : A Funny Day At School I remember one incredibly funny day from last year. It was the day I fell through the glass display case at school. Boy, I tell you that sucked so bad. I know for a fact I'll never live it down. I'm known for being pretty accident prone so it was no surprise to people when they found out I was the one who had left the blood stain in the hallway. I was walking back from lunch with my friend Matt, we were telling each other jokes about dead babies. I looked over and saw my little brother, I turned to Matt and said "watch this" then I ran up to my brother and tried to do a jumping high five. He didn't think I was trying to high five him he thought I was trying to hit him. Out of instinct he pushed me away and I fell backwards, I landed and pivoted on the ball of my left foot. I thought I had gotten away safe and clear, I went to take a step and BAM! I had been tripped by my own untied shoelace, betrayed by my own apparel. I fell backwards and expected to hit lockers, unfortunately it wasn't lockers or even a door. I had crashed into the glass display case, oh the utter humility. I hit the ground and leaned up on one arm, I was fine, not a scratch. Mrs. Wright come running up in total mom mode " Oh my God, are you alright, AHH, don't move!". " No it's okay I can get up, they are pretty big pieces, I can crawl around them". " No sweety don't get up". I looked at her and asked " Mrs. Wright is there a piece in me?". She gulped and said "Yes". Total internal breakdown but I Get more content on
  • 3. Here I was, perched on a glass table, moronically gandering at the trees dancing with the wind, unbeknownst to me that the wind was pushing the trees slightly. I sat there, pondering about autumn and the colorful leaves. At this time, the leaves are such a big symbol in my life. Since it was the morning, I saw people walking and jogging by my house. As people cruised by, I waved at them, as benevolent as I was, sitting on a glass table, of course having enough strength to support my three year old physique. I was waving my hands with such vitality and such insanity at some individual like someone who recently had their wisdom teeth pulled. My parents were silently and peacefully sitting on the soft, comfortable, beige couch watching their Indian serials, not aware as to what I was doing. My sister, who was about seven months old at this time slept wonderfully in her crib; not having a care in the world. I was so zestful and full of life today; I felt as if I was going to have the best day ever. Still flickering my hand at the people strolling by, I lost my balance and my elbow landed on the metal part at which heat and ventilation comes from. An agonizing scream escaped my throat. My entire body felt as if two rough pebbles were grinding each other, with bits chipping off. My thoughts started to budge, thinking as to how my life could end now. When my parents heard the scream, both of them looked to where the excruciating scream came from and saw me, lying on the Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Narrative Essay Narrative Essay Write a two (or more) page essay in which you will tell a personal narrative (story) in the first person. You are encouraged to share a memory or story that you would be comfortable sharing with myself and the entire class. Remember, your audience is your fellow students or peers. Although no topic is off–limits and no censorship is required, please do not share a story that would make you uncomfortable to share. Everyone has stories to tell, but please peruse through other short narrative accounts to get a sense of how they develop. Reader?s Digest is a good source for this, or personal accounts from magazines, or the ?This I Believe? series on NPR. A narrative essay depends on a narrative that is profound and memorable, life–changing and hopefully interesting and/or entertaining. A trip to the grocery store, unless more content... Unique and engaging title ? Introduction with an attention getter ? Theme or thesis: usually the lesson learned ? Background of the complication or conflict ? Complication or conflict ? Engaging and relatable character(s) ? Plot with events ? Vivid details?engage the senses ? Resolution or wrap up of the complication in a clear conclusion If you do use outside sources, please cite using proper MLA documentation or make clear in the essay what your source is. However, the source must be relevant to the narrative itself. A works cited page is not required. Assessment: Your proposal is worth 15% of your overall grade and worth 100 points. ? Content: How thoughtfully and thoroughly you write about each required narrative section, with vivid detail. 50 points. ? Organization: How clearly ideas and information are arranged within and between paragraphs. Use of MLA style and proper flow. 30 points. ? Style: How effectively you use word choice and sentences to convey ideas. 20 points. Due dates: ? Outline (on this sheet or you can make your own) brought to class for an activity on Mon Get more content on
  • 5. Third Person Narrative Essay What makes a kind, compassionate, moral human being? On the flip side, what makes a monster? A prevalent theme in the YA novel "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers is image , or how one views themselves and how they want, or need , in the case of Steve Harmon, others to view them. The reader is presumably dropped into New York of the late nighties, in time to watch 16–year–old Steve on trial for a crime he might or might not have committed, despite the dearth of evidence. The story alternates between a 3rd–person screenplay and diary format as Steve resolves to take up his pen and document his experience. The narrative follows his view of life Get more content on
  • 6. One hot and sunny day my parents, little brother, and I wanted to get out of the house. So we decided to got to the park and play on the playground. It was so hot outside that we were sweating just from standing but it was a great day. Not only was it was a great day but it was also a great day because it was the day I was going to ask my parents if we could get a dog. I was so excited to ask that I was getting goosebumps. I began to walk towards my parents and when I reached them I asked the question." Can we get a dog please?" Both my mama and dad looked at each other and said one day we will be able to. It wasn't a yes but it wasn't a no, so I knew that there was a chance that I could get one. The next day became one of the best days of my life and soon one of the saddest days. When I was 5 years old I got one of the best gifts any kid good ask for. I've always wanted one and was so glad when I laid eyes on her. Before I go into detail why not just start from the very beginning. One evening, my little brother and I was watching tv with my mama when I heard my mama talking to my dad on the phone saying "what you mean you have a surprise?" When I heard that, I knew that It had to be something really intriguing. Minutes later I could hear the sound of the tires running over rocks and an engine running. It turns out that It was my daddy pulling into the driveway, so I had gotten even more anxious to find out exactly what the surprise was. My mama, brother, and I all waited Get more content on
  • 7. My Neighborhood-Personal Narrative Essay My Neighborhood–Personal Narrative I would wake up Saturday morning to birds chirping. I would get up, get dressed and go outside. The children in my neighborhood would come to my backyard, and we would play 'til our parents called us in. I remember the trees being huge, and the days so long. I didn't really know many of my neighbors. I had a handful of friends who lived in the same building, and that was it. The neighborhood itself was pretty bad. Sometimes I would wake in the middle of the night to the sound of gunshots. After living around Central Park and Armitage for a while I kind of expected the gunshots. In fact, my mother and I survived a drive by shooting. I am glad my mother restricted my interaction with the more content... Most kids just imitate the stupid antics they saw older kids perform. I have always been just me. I used to think I had a horrible life. I was poor, and didn't have many physical belongings. It didn't help that my mother was nineteen. At that age she was ignorant of the things children need when growing up. Now that I look back, I understand it wasn't her fault; she is a product of her neighborhood. And, like so many others, she did not know about the affection children so deserve. Anyways, I wasn't too aware of my poverty. Nothing around me could possibly tell me I was poor. In fact I can only recall one time I went hungry. The boys and girls around me definitely did not dress any different than I, and at such an early age one doesn't really notice such things. I only saw the inside of two of my neighbors' houses. The fist was a polish home. The father worked all the time, the mother cooked all the time, and the daughter played all the time. The girl was named Kathy. She was a pervert. In fact, she taught me all about sex. My female cousin, Yaritza, and I would go to her house and play. I think my cousin was also a pervert, although I did not pay much attention to her to notice. I remember on several occasions, Kathy would sit in such a way to give other people a nice view up her skirt. Her mother would not allow her to wear pants. I, being the devilish little boy that I was, always took advantage of the opportunity and looked. It Get more content on
  • 8. Monday mornings are horrible for everyone, But today, for me it might be the best day of my life. As the sun rose in the morning, I flew to my bathroom, took a nice shower and ate a full breakfast. I'm never this happy in the mornings but the fact that I'm going to ride a plane to China motivated me so much. No no no it's not the trip that's motivating me, it's that I get to leave home, from my family. People say families are the only treasure but my family is just useless to me. I just want to say they are no help to my life. Didn't my parents bought me the plane ticket to China? Heck no I worked for 4 months for my ticket, and all my money to spend in China. " Did you bring your stuff with you Josh? I'm not responsible for what you don't have so check right now " mom yelled " Yes I do mom just stop " I replied " Don't give me that attitude and tone with me! " mom yelled, again. This is why, I just hate here. Every things to say on earth would make me and my parents fight. " Don't say that to your mom, why can't you be nice for once josh? " Dad interfered. " SHE STARTED YELLING AT ME " I yelled as my neck ripped, As I went to my room I thought to myself that best day of my life is ruined. I'm done I'm out of here right now. My day turned good into bad in one blink, this is how my family goes, We have no respect for each other. I just feel like my parents found me under the bridge. My plane was at 3 pm but I ended up busting out at 10 am. Great. I have 5 hours to just do nothing. Every time parents ruin my day makes me want to kill myself. I went to the airport by taxi, which costed 50$, my mom or dad would never drive me to the airport. After I got to the airport, nothing has been good for me. Someone fell over and spilled coffee all over my shirt, which pissed me off, and all I got was " I'm so sorry! " and a tissue. The reason why I haven't lost my mind yet was because trip to China held my mind together. FINALLY I'm about to get in the plane. I waited for 3 hours which felt like 9 hours to me. Please, no more disasters, only happy things to go! Let's have fun in China! I whispered to myself. " Ladies and gentleman, This is the captain speaking, Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be heading soon. Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Narrative: Goodbye My Best Friend Essay Goodbye It is amazing how many things we take for granted. We make plans for the day, and don't think twice about how those plans can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my cousin's death. I don't think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news. It was a bright and warm summer morning when I woke from a good night sleep. Nothing prepared me for the dark, gloomy and sad day ahead of me. You see, this was the day that my cousin and childhood best friend passed away in an auto accident. Bright, intelligent, loving and caring 16 year old, these are words to describe her but let me to you how more content... We didn't need a reason to visit we were best friends. The thing you should know about her is: She loved God, family and friends. She loved anything about John Deere. She adored Kids, (Lead a youth class at church). She lived for cheering and did it to perfection. She had a zest for life. Whatever she was doing, she gave it 110%. Around the age of 10, we started getting very involved with school sports. She lived in Byrdstown and found her gift which was cheering, of course mine was Basketball. As time went on, we only got to see each other at basketball games and special occasions. But, we always knew that we would be best friends forever. On June 18th 2006, I lost my cousin to a freak auto accident. The Papers read Auto accident claims local teen. The only thing I know was that childhood best friend was gone. I could never run up and hug her at the basketball game. I could never get to see or talk to her at the reunions or any other family get togethers. We had many experiences together as I said before. One I remember most is when we always met and went to Obey River in Pickett county. We went all through the summer, we always knew what out plans were going to turn out to be. We would start by always playing in the water while our parents would get the cookout stuff together. We enjoyed every minute we spent together. She is gone but she would want everyone to life to the fullest. Don't take anything or anyone for Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Narrative Essay : My Best Friend My best friend is always there when I need her the most, has my back when times get rough, and I can always tell her my deepest darkest secrets. My best friend's name is Tea Elaine Valentine. We have been best friends for nine years and counting. We met in the third grade. I was introduced to Tea by another friend of mine. She thought I was weird at first, but as she got to know me we have been best friends ever since. Tea and I are two different people. Tea is more of the outspoken, no filter, and whatever comes to mind is said. I'm more of the quiet and laid back. I have learned many things from Tea like learning how to speak up for myself, never to let anyone walk all over me, and it is okay to say how you feel. Are friendships have stayed strong this many years because of our loyalty, listening ear, and always being there for each other. From third grade to sixth grade Tea and I were stuck together like glue. Every day after school we would call each other on the house phone and we would talk for hours. When it was time for the weekend I was always at her house or she was at my house to spend the night. My after school routine was the same as always but this phone conversation started off different. "I have something to tell you," Tea said."Yes?" I replied. She said "I'm moving to Big Rapids next year" . After hearing this news I was so devastated. I felt like I was losing my best friend. She was only moving three hours away, I felt like she was moving across the Get more content on
  • 11. Narrative Essay About My Best Vacation It was Mexico three years ago. My dad's job was celebrating in Mexico and our family ( which is my brother, mom, and Maria) could come with him. We went to this 5 star resort by the beach. IT WAS AMAZING! There were so many pools and the hotel room was so fancy! The aqua blue ocean was so warm, that it felt like there was a heater in the water. We went swimming multiple times and I think i saw a whale jumping from the water. Everywhere I looked, there was something new to see. Other than the fact that I got sunburned a lot, I thought that this was an awesome vacation. We could even bring our nanny, Maria. We spent mornings eating breakfast from the giant bufe and afternoons were spent swimming or finishing my rainbow loom bracelet. The evening was for eating yummy dinner and facetiming with my friends. I was exploding with joy. When my dad had free time from work, we were browsing around and we saw a stand with a bunch of pamphlets. Dad and Mom said that we got to choose one activity to do. We looked at caverns and zip lining but then I saw it. Dolphins! It said that you got to do tricks and get your picture taken! I showed the flyer to my parents immediately. "Mom! Dad! Look!" I squealed, racing to them. My brother, who wasn't a fan of water said, "I wanna go too!" And then we were off. We took a shuttle to the place. I was so nervous! My heart was pounding. I finally got to meet one of my favorite animals! When we arrived, a helper asked us to get on our swim suits or Get more content on
  • 12. Literacy Narrative Essay example At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very basic posts on facebook expressing one's opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it's the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I've gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into the action unless it relates to something I am more content... You can feed the mind as much as you want and it will never get full of reading. Sadly, I'm not the same person that I was. I guess you could say it's part of growing up. It never really was intentional but it's just the way how it ended up. On the other hand my attitudes toward writing are very different. First let me say that deep down I truly do not like to write. I myself don't personally like to write for leisure or pleasure but rather I write because I believe it is one of the most important aspects of being able to communicate with those around you, both personally and professionally. To put differently, my attitude towards writing is that I write because I need to write and survive in the world around me. I write because I have to, not because I want to. Hopefully this somewhat makes sense. To better explain let me make a comparison. When I am assigned a writing assignment or I am writing because the action is being forced upon me I find myself not enjoying the process and overall the end result is subpar. The perfect example of this would be my junior year in high school when I was enrolled in AP english literature. I dreaded the majority of the class simply because there was so much writing involved in the entire course and therefore I was constantly writing just to get a grade. Being forced to write in such high volume every week for an entire school year was not enjoyable for myself and as a result the Get more content on
  • 13. Happiest Day Of My Life Narrative Essay "Boom, Boom," The uproar of violent knocks on my front door and my front door unlocking permeated through the quiet studio apartment. My brain told me to run and hide, but my body stood rooted to the ground.I was frozen...except the one heavy warm tear trickling down what seemed like my lifeless face. It was exactly a month after my 12th birthday when my parents moved me and my younger siblings to VYV in Jersey City. Regardless of the fact that we were just staying there until my parents found an actual house close enough to their office in New York and Princeton, I was quick to make it my home. For my sibling and I the VYV was heaven. It had a huge playground, an indoor pool and a game room. The VYV was also amazing for my parents because it was a gated entry building so it was completely safe and the lock on the front door was opened by an electronic pin code only my parents knew of. That's why after years of pleading with my parents to let me babysit my siblings for small pocket money they finally let me. I was ecstatic! I thought that was the happiest day of my life because I had always wanted to babysit and the small pocket money would help me save up for anything my 6th grade heart desired from my favorite store at the time, Bath&Bodyworks. It was the 3rd day on the job when everything went down...badly. It all started like any normal day. My parents left for work at and the safety and wellbeing of my siblings were left in my hands. Me being a 6th grader Get more content on
  • 14. Example Of A Narrative Essay College A narrative essay is a story that is true and has meaning, whether it be to prove a point, send a message, explain an event that's happened, or entertain the reader. Most narrative essays are written to convey a story from a past time that sends a message to not only the reader, but the writer themselves. When planning a narrative essay, the first step is to identify the topic in which the writer wants to explain. There are multiple ways in which the you can come up with a topic, it all depends on the style you're most comfortable with. The next step is to write down all the main events that supports the topic you have chosen. What main events led up to the story you're trying to approach? What key events made what your topic is all about? more content... This event made a big impact on my life as it showed me the value of work ethic by showing me that hard work pays off. It also taught me to never give up and follow your heart. And lastly, it taught me the importance of a team to help me through the tough practices and mental battles. When choosing my topic, I wrote down 3 main events that were important in my life that impacted me and shaped myself into the person I am today. The 3 I chose were: breaking the 3200–meter record for my school, breaking the 4x800 record with my team, and lastly, moving from Poinciana to Kissimmee and leaving all my friends to take on a new chapter in my life. The topic I chose to write is one I feel very passionate about and the single memory I can recall the most. Although breaking the 4x800 record with my team was a memorable moment and the first record I'd ever broken at my school, nothing compared to the feeling I got when I broke an individual record that was held by my own coach. I had a sense of relief and happiness, not just for myself, but my coach as well. It felt as if I didn't just break the record for the sake of me personally, but for him too. May have taken 21 years to be broken, but I'd say it sure was worth Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Narrative Essay : My Best Friend I'm Kellie Clarkson I have an amazing life, ok I had meant to say. I had a best friend, family, friends, and even my own killer ha–ha, but I don't have anyone now because of October 13th the night everything went away. I hope you're not like everyone else and think I'm berserk just sit back and enjoy as I tell you about my berserk life. It all started when I tumbled out of bed I looked out my window to a stranger staring at me, I rubbed my eyes and he dissolved into the morning horizon so I thought I was seeing ominous creatures and carried on with my day. I got ready for school and went downstairs kissed my mother wonderful morning and embraced my father then my amazing little brother was next, I picked him up like it was my first more content... The bell rang again and we all went back to class the rest of the school day went by and honestly, I thought I was insane, I keep witnessing the same guy in all black I saw this morning. At the end of the day we meet at my car and I took everyone home when I finally got home and was getting ready for the party I got into the shower, and every time I closed my eyes I saw the same guy in all black. I don't know who he is, so I talked to my mother about him I said "Mother do we have any new neighbors" She said "No way honey" I told her about the guy I've been seeing and she said "I'll call the police and talk to them about it" and she did. They said they patrolled the area and to just stay at home tonight don't leave my house and to keep everything locked. I was a half–witted teen and didn't listen I snuck out of my room and meet everyone at the party I didn't spot anyone or anything until around 1 A.M the party was just ending and then someone came and started holding everyone hostage. So I ran and hide in Jace's bedroom as I heard gunshots I started crying and then I almost lost my mind when I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to Jace's room but instead turned into another room. I ran out of Jace's room so fast when I walked downstairs, I cried as I spot all my friend's dead their faces so pale I still had my keys so I sprinted for my car as I got in it I locked all my doors and started it up. That's when the guy in all Get more content on
  • 16. Narrative Essay On A Journey Everybody is on or has been on a journey before. Being on a journey is very important because it gives you a goal or task that you want to accomplish. When you go on a journey you find is yourself through the experiences and obstacles that life throws at you. Throughout a journey, you are taught life lessons and have the capability of applying that new knowledge for the future for a better outcome. Sometimes, these life lessons challenge you and you ultimately succeed at the end. For the past 5 months, I have been on a journey as I have been learning a new instrument that I've always wanted to learn since I was a little kid. Being on this path has taught me many life lessons and how to stay focused on what really matters. My interest in guitar started when my friend used to bring his guitar everyday and I would always want to play but didn't know how. I would always ask him to teach me how to play but I didn't know any of the chords and notes, therefore, I just gave up on attempting to play this new instrument. However, guitar is an elective that's offered here at Kennedy, so I decided to take the class. I noticed that my friend was getting better the more he practiced, so I decided to join the class to learn the basics and get started on this new journey. At first, it was difficult to understand the notes because I didn't have any musical background to help assist me for my own benefit. However, I began to focus more in class to learn the basics day by day. Overtime, I learned that you can't learn guitar in one day and you need a lot of practice to get better. I also discovered how progress is important to reach my end goal. I stayed on this journey to learn guitar because playing guitar is a special skill that I want to learn. n my free time or when I'm bored, I could play guitar while learning new and more songs to play. As a result, I will eventually and gradually get more advanced the more I learn. Another reason I stayed on this journey is because I want to want to challenge myself to do something I thought I could never do. When I was little, I always thought that I would never be able to play an instrument because it was too difficult to learn. Therefore, this is why I wanted to learn guitar in the Get more content on
  • 17. My Day With My Best Friend After a long stressful test, I was going to spend the day with my best friend, Katherine, for the first time after, so long now that her mom trusted me more. "Honk!'' was the sound I heard that signaled me that Katherine's dad was here. She opened the door, as usual because she was so courteous to me at school. I got into the rusty gray Honda. Once I got into the car I knew it was out of my comfort zone because it was my first time meeting Katherine's Dad outside of school. "Hello, Katherine 's dad," I said tentatively. He responded back with a simple hello and simply resumed his talk with Katherine as if she had never left the car. They were talking, so quick I had no idea what to do, so I kept quiet the whole car ride and looked out the window. The whole car ride was of a foreign language I had barely heard Katherine speak at school, when her mom, my 5th grade math teacher came around. Now as if she had been liberated from those chains that kept her from speaking her native language, she spoke endlessly with her dad. We arrived at our destination and to my surprise, it was a church. I had never my life been to church on a Saturday afternoon, most likely because my mom and I only had time to come to church on SundayВґs.So many things were happening at the same time in the same room where Katherine's dad left us. There was a karate class happening right in front of us while some feet in front there were tables with roses, string, markers, all scattered up. Get more content on
  • 18. Descriptive Essay On A Morning Mornings just great. Us early birds have the gift of watching the world around us come back to life after being so tired. We all know most people don't like mornings simply because it interrupts sleep. Yeah, something you can do when you're dead. I turned to the window delighted to see a bright gray sky; just one giant cloud covering that asshole of a sun so it can't burn my skin and give me cancer. Sure, your idea of a beautiful day might include blue skies and fairies, but I never asked you. Today was.... Friday. Nothing special going on, so I'd have the regular classes. I threw on a black t–shirt and skinny jeans that were slung over my crappy desk chair and ran my fingers through my hair to work out any rats while making my way through a dim hallway to the kitchen. My house is just one big dim hallway with rooms. "Hey." My mom was already at work in the kitchen as always. She had the same dazed expression on her face as she did every morning as she did her tedious mom–chores. Every day she had to wash dishes, do laundry, cook food, pick up stuff around the house, etc. She set down a plate with a small cinnamon roll drenched in white icing out on the table:"Here, eat this before you leave." "Nah." "You need to eat something for breakfast, it's not good to skip meals." She nagged. "Says who?" "Says me. I read somewhere about it; they did quite a few studies on it." "Hn, Bye." The screen door slammed shut before my mother could finish her pointless lecture. I wasn't going to be late for school because of a cinnamon roll. Most kids get their parents to drive them nowadays, but walking is a perfect opportunity for some alone–time. People can just come find and interrupt my reveries even in my own home, but when I walk, I'm traveling, and no one's going to try and catch up to me. Just thoughts, music, and burly trees looming over cracked sidewalks. For the most part, it's a peaceful yet uneventful journey. Other than dogs occasionally carrying on or people leaving early for work, there are almost no interruptions. Chg–chg–chg–chg. I grinned at the sound of a train beginning to rumble across rickety, old railroad tracks. Somehow, I couldn't help but smile during moments like these. Soon the train Get more content on
  • 19. Narrative Essay About My Best Friend I remember it being a cold Saturday night. One of my best friends was so messed up he wasn't able to talk much, only stare. We were all worried for him because he was the guy who never dabbled in these things, an average teenager with feelings, hopes, and dreams, so why him? This was the first time I realized how drugs and alcohol can take a severely negative toll on anybody, even those closest to you. I received a snapchat from Colton* saying that Anthony had been drugged at one of the fraternity parties they had attended after a football game. I called as fast as I could, as I was worried for his well–being. He had been drinking beer and someone had slipped a hallucinogen, most likely LSD, in his drink. The next morning, he told more content... Even if a student does not engage in any use, it is highly common that someone they know will at some point in their life. When teenagers begin this activity, it can rapidly escalate, leading to addiction or the use of heavier drugs. Teenagers are not able to fully comprehend how this will affect them mentally or physically, short term or long term. Attending a large school, I have witnessed many people I know struggle with addiction to pills, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol. These people don't realize that they are putting these things above everything in life, and they are struggling academically, as well as socially. It is hard for other teenagers to help since they don't want to get their friends in trouble or they're simply unaware of how severe the situation is. Along with the mental and physical issues drugs and alcohol can cause, teenagers are also unaware of the legal consequences that come along with being caught with these substances. Being a minor in possession of alcohol or drugs can be charged with hefty fines, and even incarceration. If drugs or alcohol are in possession or being used at school, students can expect to receive a suspension, crossroads, or even expulsion. They can also be removed from any clubs, teams, and certain classes. The only reason students have knowledge of these consequences is from observing the outcome others face after they get caught. At this age, we should know the consequences before an incident occurs Get more content on
  • 20. The Best-Personal Narrative On the night of Halloween, me and my friends, Alberto, Jack, Jimmy, and Aldo, were vacationing in a town called Hell town. It was supposed to be haunted but we honestly didn't believe that. We were driving around when we drove into this forest. Aldo dared Alberto to go into the woods and stay there for 30 minutes. And of course Alberto did it. He went in at about 10:30 and didn't come out until 12:30. He came out screaming something we couldn't understand. They then realized he was screaming, " There are clowns in there!!!!" The boys got into the truck and took off before Alberto could get into the truck. Jimmy, and Jack kept screaming to go back for him but we couldn't because there were 4 clowns with weapons back there.The guy's kept driving around the forests trying to find a way out but they couldn't. They were lost. The guys more content... I didn't realize that there was a clown in front of the truck, but I accidently ran him over. There was a clown in the back of the truck too but I couldn't manage to get him off. Then Alberto rolled down the window and threw a brick at him. I don't even know where he go the brick to be honest. They were all holding balloons for some reason but we couldn't think about that at the moment. At one point, we started thinking that they were in a cult or some demonic gang. We were all freaked out and the worst part was, the truck was almost out of gas. We kept driving around until finally we managed to find a road. We didn't even care where the road led too. I just turned on to it and drove away. When we looked back, all we saw was the four clowns standing there waving at us. That sight, made me shiver and just freaked me out. After that day, all of us were terrified of clowns. Every night, we think about that same night, and just think about it. "What would've happened if we didn't make it Get more content on