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Ancient Chinese Inventions. Essay
| Ancient Chinese Contributions| Humanities 111/Professor Michael Curran| by| Rayshawn Jumper|
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Ancient Chinese inventions have had a huge impact on the modern world as we know it. Numerous
technological and cultural advancements have spawned off from the inventions derived from Ancient
China, which spans over thousands of years ago. A lot of the inventions really attest to how more
advanced Ancient China was in science and technology. In the world today, they still symbolize more content...
In later
years, the use of gunpowder had turned into a key military force. During the Song Dynasty,
military forces used gunpowder in weapons such as fire arrows and gas shells against their
primary enemies. As the knowledge of the substance became known along the Silk Road, (India,
the Middle East, and Europe), countries all over the world quickly implemented the same kind of
warfare. The invention of the compass was initially developed as a way of fortune telling. The
Chinese also felt that by aligning homes with the cardinal points of the compass it would bring
forth religious and good luck, which fed into the common superstition of that time. By the late 13th
Century, the Chinese were using compasses to navigate the seas around the world. It became a
crucial navigational aid and helped increased trade among Mediterranean and Northern Europe.
Porcelain, the spinning wheel, the mechanical clock, and the seismograph remain noteworthy
inventions as well. Porcelain was developed from the firing of pottery. The invention of porcelain
enabled the Chinese to create many different kinds of decorative motifs and ceramic wares. They
became highly exported items in oversea markets. Another highly exported good was silk. There
was always a high demand for silk fabric. This led to the invention of the spinning wheel. The
spinning wheel was a circular machine that would wind fibers of silk into thread. Fibers
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People's lives are affected by many types of technology. However, the greatest effect on people
undoubtedly is internet. Especially, in today's world, internet has definitely become indispensable
part of people's life. In fact, life without internet is as unendurable as life without sun. Unless the
internet existed, people would feel empty. Thus, internet has easily taken a significant place in
humans' social life in just about 20 years. At home, at office, at school, even while people are
walking on the street, internet is always in their lives. Since the advent of the internet, it has made
life better. Almost everyone in the world use the internet thanks to several advantages that it offers to
One of the more content...
The third advantage that internet offers to people is important opportunities for the educational life.
First, internet is an extensive source for students in terms of having knowledge. Thus, students can
easefully find various study materials for their homework or exams by using the internet. Secondly,
online tutorials provided by the internet are important easy for the educational life. Students can
usually take courses in any subject whenever they want to do during the day or week through the
online tutorials. Due to this flexibility, students can arrange themselves, according to their work
The final advantage of internet is that it has a significant role for the business life. Firstly, people can
network with other businesspeople or organizations via internet. Therefore, they can talk about their
companies' situations such as challenges, changes and they can exchange information with each
other quickly. Secondly, internet advertising enabled by internet is important for business life. The
internet advertising makes possible for companies to introduce themselves, to inform buyers of their
products, to reach more consumers, even to find employees being appropriate for their companies.
For these reasons, internet advertising is very beneficial service provided by internet for the
business life.
All in all, it is not so hard to realize that life has become easier than ever with the advent of the
internet. Both by
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The Inenvention of the Wheel Essay
The Invention of the Wheel
The invention of the wheel is the single most important invention in the world. The wheel did not
only shape our world in transportation but it helped evolve many inventions. The wheel is estimated
to have been invented in 3500 B.C. (Reynolds). There have been many changes to the wheel that
have made it a more advanced invention and changed into newer inventions. The wheel has shaped
our world geographically, economically, and culturally.
The evolution of transportation became capable with the invention of the wheel. Without the wheel
the wagon would never had been invented (Reynolds). The invention of the wagon was the first of
many inventions that came from the wheel that helped the transportation of more
There are many inventions that use the same basic idea as the wheel.
The pottery wheel never would have been invented if the wheel was never developed. The pottery
wheel is an invention that has simply changed a few things about the wheel to make it work. The
potter's wheel is estimated to have been invented in 3000 BC and is a very important feature to
the culture of nearly every country (Bryant). Pottery is one of the only ways we can tell how the
ancient towns had worked. Many archeologists work for weeks if not months to try to dig up
ancient pottery so that we can better understand the ancient culture. Pottery is not the only thing
that the wheel affected. The wheel also helped the sport of racing become a big part of our
culture. On April 23, 1911 the world first of the world's fastest mile was completed in 25 seconds
(Carter). This was the start of many races in the US. Today without the ever being invented the
sport of NASCAR never would have been thought up. Many people in the US enjoy watching this
port and have made it a huge part of their life. The wheel is not only a great invention put it has
shaped our would in so many different ways.
The wheel has not only been changed many times but it has evolved into the greatest invention of
man kind. The wheel has helped the world economically, geographically, and culturally for the
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Greatest Invention Essays
What is the greatest invention of all time?
Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped
everyday life with humans. There are many different possible world's greatest inventions because
they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others.
I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was
not an invention it was a discovery but although electricity itself was a discovery there was still the
invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to
human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have
electricity a lot of things more content...
I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because
of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines, cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate
monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has
over the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few
illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital which saves even more lives with the billions
of people who visit a hospital every year.
Without electricity there would be no light and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever
day. This would restrict most people from doing things because as soon as it was dark they would
have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there
would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which
wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb does now. Yet again it would be exactly like
living in the dark ages.
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Timekeeping is the Greatest Invention Essay
Throughout human existence, one of the most prominent inventions ever has to be the act of
recording time, or timekeeping. Ever since the most primitive eras of civilization mankind has
found ways to measure the passage of time from studying celestial bodies, the sun, moon, planets,
and stars. Beginning with timepieces that run on daylight, such as the sundial, developing into
digital clocks we use today, it can even be argued that timekeeping is even a basic necessity in
today's society. As long ago as 20,000 years ago ice–age hunters from Europe would take sticks and
bones and scratch lines and mark holes in them, supposedly counting the days between phased of the
moon. 5,000 years ago, the Sumerians that had occupied present–day more content...
Close to 2,000 b.c, the Babylonians, also from present–day Iraq, devised a year of 12 alternating
29–day and 30–day months that resulted in a 354–day year. Around the same time, in England,
Stonehenge was built. Even thought there are no written documents of the construction of
Stonehenge, its positions show its uses in fact included the purpose of celestial and seasonal events
that included solstices, lunar eclipse, and other things. Unlike the Babylonians and Stonehenge, in
Central America, the Mayans relied on Venus and not only thesun and moon, to create 260–day and
365–day calendars. Until about 1500a.d this culture thrived. The Mayans left celestial–cycle records
demonstrating their belief that the creation of the world occurred in 3113 B.C. Their calendars later
turned into portions of the great Aztec calendar stones. Other civilizations, such as the modern West,
have adopted a 365–day solar calendar with a leap year taking place every fourth year, which is the
calendar we use today.
So, why is time so important? Well, time is one of the most fundamental things we use in everyday
life. Most people don't even realize how often they check the time each day. For example, in one
day, an average student would need to check the time for: when to wake up, when to leave for
school, when their first class starts, when they can leave
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A Smart Phone Is The Best Invention Ever
Rough Draft Unit 3 Essay A smart phone is a cell phone that can complete many of the functions
of a computer. It usually has a touch screen, internet access, and the ability to run download apps.
Over half of the people in the United States own a smart phone. Americans today tend to believe
that is was the best invention ever. Most everyone who owns a smart phone has a hard time going
anywhere without it, which means they are lost without it and depend on it to help them with basic
everyday needs. If someone is by themselves, even for just a few seconds they start getting anxious
and grabby towards their smart phone which shows connection is just a symptom to a bigger
problem (Turkle, "Flight from Conversation"). Many people don't realize the way it could affect
their brain. Someone who is dependent on a smart phone tends to be lazy, lacks social skills, and
loses the ability to pay attention. Although, many people will disagree with the assertion that smart
phones and other internet based devices affect the way we think. Someone who has a smart phone
can use it for just about anything. Therefore, it makes things a lot easier for the person to find
information without digging for it. This can be very helpful, but it can also make the smart phone
owner lazy and incapable of functioning without their phones in their hand. For example, in the
article "Does the Internet Make You Dumber?", the author, Nicholas Carr says "value the depth,
rather than just the velocity, of human
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Essay on Innovation And Invention
There is no question in my mind that with appropriate management, we can improve the levels of
innovation and creativity within organizations. There is no magic here. Innovative people are no
more 'born' than Olympic gold medallists or virtuoso musicians. Yes, some of us are gifted with
more initial aptitude, but as music and sports show, the 'natural' or the 'child prodigy' frequently does
not graduate to the top level. Hard, focused and appropriately– directed work trumps natural talent in
virtually every case. The question is, where to focus? Let us start by looking at the anatomy of the
beast. One key lesson that I took away from Lester Thurlow's book, Head to Head, is the observation
that, "Innovation in process trumps more content...
This, of course, should be obvious, but it sure went over the head of the Fast Company writers. If
you want to compete with Dell, 'all' you have to do is match or exceed their innovation in
manufacturing and service, and do so with innovative products. To find an example that illustrates
this, we need look no farther than, yet again, Apple. Forget their PC business for the moment. In the
music business, in which both Dell and Apple are competing, Apple is the hands–down winner.
While Dell has relied on their previously successful formula of efficient process, but boring
design,Apple has triumphed on both fronts in their iTunes and iPod product lines. Apple not only
dominates the music market, their sales in that sector now exceed those of their PCs – transforming
the very nature of the company, to the point where the tag–line on their new iMac computer is,
"From the company that brought you the iPod." This, despite the iPod being launched only in 2001
– 24 years after their first computer, the Apple II, in 1977! Let's look at another aspect of all of this,
the difference between 'innovation' and 'invention'. The closer one gets to Route 128 in Boston and
Silicon Valley, the more it seems that people confuse the two. Too often the obsession is with
'inventing' something totally unique, rather than extracting value from
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Opinion Essay on Inventions
BBI20 Assignment#5 Opinion Essay on Inventions 1st March 2011 In my opinion, the most
important invention of all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise is the internet.
Why the internet? Simply because I believe this invention has made the world a better place. In
almost everything we do, we need the Internet. Whether it is to look for a job, research for a
project or even find love. The Internet is a dominant factor that plays an important role in our lives.
We just simply cannot escape the influence that the Internet has on us. Bill Gates, founder of
Microsoft enterprises, once said "The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of
tomorrow". This quote may seem short, but to me, it more content...
It's just that all the books are on the floor." This quote explains it clearly and precisely what the
quote stated, the internet stores all the information. This information can easily be found in one
floor. This quote is actually comparing the present to the past, when everybody had to gain
knowledge and obtain information by reading and gathering books from in the library. It is
inconvenient and definitely not like the internet, where any information can be found easily. The
Internet has truly changed our world making it more convenient in general, unlike the past. We do
not need to waste time searching for countless of books just to obtain information needed. In
addition, the Internet brings the world one step ahead in education as students can attain knowledge
with the click of a button. Internet has also become a universal storage system, because a human
mind cannot withstand the information of the world throughout time. With this, information can be
stored and shared to everybody in the world. The improvement of research is important because as
time passes, humans will always strive to gain a better understanding of the universe and review all
the past data which is stored in the Internet. When more knowledge is gained, we can apply, create
and innovate the world to become a better place to live in. This is why the internet is of great
importance, as the accumulated information will prove helpful for generations to come. The final
reason why
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Inventing Solutions Every day, the world we live in fills up with more and more problems than the
day before and it seems almost impossible to take care of them all. Throughout history, these
problems have been given solutions, sometimes in ways the world has never seen before. These
solutions are created by very innovative and creative individuals called inventors. Inventors are very
unique people in the way that they impact the world with their ideas and can solve specific
problems. The interesting thing about inventors is that anyone can be an inventor. Everyone has
their own unique and creative imagination that can be used to invent items that solve the world's
problems. Many people are known for their inventions today and are famous for them and how they
changed the world so drastically. TakeThomas Edison for instance; he invented the phonograph,
motion picture camera and a longer lasting light bulb. Today, these inventions are seen as simple
items and are even taken for granted. However, if we look back in time, we can see just how
impactful these inventions were. This essay will discuss the many different inventions throughout
history that changed the world we live in today, for better. One majorinvention that is underestimated
today is clothing. The common cloth used today started out as cotton. Cotton strands are separated
from the seeds of a cotton plant and those fibres are used to make fabrics and clothing. Separating
the cotton strands and seeds was done
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The Greatest Invention Of My Lifetime
The word invention has been derived from a Latin word "Invenire" meaning "discover", so the word
invention means to discover something unprecedented. Every human being has experienced some
sort of invention in their life that has made their lives easier and they might consider that invention
as the greatest invention of their life. I too have experienced a similar interest which I consider as
the greatest invention of my lifetime mainly because it has made my life much easier, that invention
is computer. It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human
life. When we think of technology the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer.
Computer is an electronic device used for storing and processing data, typically in a binary form,
according to the instructions given to it in a variable program. Computers make our lives totally
distinctive. Our current generous improvement is because of computers in numerous ranges. Case of
these zones are business, pharmaceutical, environment, innovation, instruction furthermore our day
by day lives. Computers are a standout amongst the hugest components to make our present day
society. I might want to address the advancement of computers innovation by utilizing a short history
which is the change of computers, and the essentialness of computers by examining their utilization
in the territories of our day by day lives and in business world.
First of all, one of the most earliest computer
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Delaney Orum
Microscopes: The Greatest Invention
The microscope is one of the greatest inventions in the world. This invention has enhanced our lives
in many ways. Without the microscope, we would have never discovered certain structures or small
components, because they would've been too infinitesimal to the naked eye. Having this ability to
see microscopic components, that would otherwise be invisible to us, has lead us to discover
numerous diseases. Microscopes are used to learn more about the world around us, and there is so
much more still waiting to be uncovered.
Sometime in the mid 1590's, two Dutch spectacle makers, put an assortment of lenses in a tube and
found the object on the other end appeared at a substantially larger size. These men were, Hans
Lipperhey and his son Zacharias Janssen. However, Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, a scientist, is said to
have become the first man to make a real microscope in the late 1600's. At first, microscopes were
viewed as more of a novelty, rather than a scientific tool, due to the images on the other side
coming across as blurry. In the 1700's, microscopy was becoming a lot more popular amongst
scientists, as technology had much improved over the century. Being that, the discovery of
combining two types of glass had greatly diminished the chromatic effect, or blurriness. In 1830,
Joseph Jackson Lister made the revelation that by putting weaker lenses together at various
distances produced a clearer magnification. In 1869, the creator of the Abbe Condenser, Ernst
Abbe's work on a wave theory of microscopic imaging, noted his creations were based on precise
studies of the materials being used. Which meant from here on, microscopes were going to be
created based upon the sound laws of physics, instead of trial and error. In 1903, Richard
Zsigmondy invented the microscope that allowed for viewing of specimens below the wavelength of
light. This microscope was called the ultramicroscope. Due to the invention of the phase–contrast
microscope, in 1932, by Frits Zernike, we can now study transparent biological materials. Ernst
Ruska, who discovered that the use of electrons enhanced resolution, created the electron microscope
in 1938. In 1981, thanks to Gerd
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Most Influential Invention In History
The most important and influential invention in history is the light bulb. The light bulb was
created by Thomas Edison in 1879. It is used in many different ways today. It is used to help us see
during the day and when it is dark out. We use the lightbulb at home, work, school, stores, and even
at gyms. Even though Edison was not the one who came up with the idea of the lightbulb, he is
credited with making the first successful one. There were twenty–three other people before him who
have tried numerously and failed. It took Edison a year to create the light bulb. In that year, he
experimented with over 1,400 fibers until he tried cotton fiber. Cotton fiber allowed a light bulb to
last 1,500 hours compared to forty hours. The light bulb also
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Throughout the years, there have been hundreds of inventions that have been created to change our
way of life. These inventions have ranged from the beginning of time with the wheel through
Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb, which had been used for years to keep houses lit.
Possibly one of the greatest inventions in history that is still used today is the internet, which has
made significant changes to how the day to day business is conducted.
On October 29, 1969 Lawrence Roberts had created the first two nodes to travel between UCLA and
SRI International. This project was originally conducted under the Advanced Research Projects
Agency to counteract the USSR's launch of the Sputnik. After the creation it had been
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The most popular of these means are the land line. The different speeds are commonly purchased
based the intentions for the internet. For example large corporations will order faster speeds to
compensate for the large amount of workers using the internet for production, where the average
person who will use it to check email and occasionally check websites will order a slower line.
Another means of receiving internet, which is becoming more popular today, is via satellites. Data
will be passed from an internet company up to the satellite and will spread a beam to various
locations. With faster speeds the internet has widely grown to a more publicly used system.
In essence the internet has recently been used for personal online space, public websites, and even
online education. Colleges will create a website that will advertise their school, have an online
application process, and even post their classes online for people who cannot make it to a
classroom. Likewise people deployed for the military lack the opportunity to travel to a classroom
everyday; they are able to use the internet to take the place of a classroom. Also in the classroom
environment, the internet can be used to research topics for class, or can be used for a school to
create an online library simplifying the process of organizing its books.
On the other hand companies will also have a website advertising their product and even their job
opportunities. When a new product is made it will
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Car Is The Greatest Invention
God created humans, but man have the intelligence and creativity of inventions. Ben Stein
says:"car is the greatest invention of mankind." Others might think that he doesn't know what he
is saying, but he has his reasons. I say some of the reasons he mentioned on the article made sense
and support his argument. Having a car might be the greatest and useful engine that someone can
have. In Haiti life is not easy at all. Because we are a poor country, the basic need that someone
needs to survive is consider to be a luxury. Not to mention if your own a car that's mean you have
money. From my countryside which is Hinche, to get things done you'll have to walk a long
distance. We did not have public transportation until later on we started to have motorcycles taxis
which are not safe at all; neither our own car. I remember like it was yesterday that my brother
and I had to walk 45 minutes to get to school on sunny or rainy day. Later on my mother bought us
two bicycles it was the greatest gift ever. It does relieve us a little bit of the distance. Imagine if you
have a car, first you wouldn't have to leave your house too early and would have plenty of times and
it helps a lot on how to get things done faster. The question I asked myself is having a car is a
luxury or a necessity? Cars are generally expensive. It does need some kind of preparation and
thinking of how you are going to pay for the car and insurance.
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The World's Best Invention Of The Steam Engine
How has the steam engine impacted how we live today?The steam engine is the best invention for
transportation since the first car. The steam engine was used to transport people and goods faster in a
shorter amount of time.The first steam engine was made in England.
The first steam engine was invented in the early eighteenth century. The world's first full sized
engine in 1712.Thomas Newcomen developed a steam powered water pumping engine. A machine
which burns coal to release the heat energy it contains.The steam was adapted into power boats,
railways, and the first automobile.The steam engine eventually gave way to the internal combustion
The steam engine started the Industrial Revolution.The industrial revolution changed from handicraft
to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing.The development of the steam engine was
an essential early element of the more content...
First, load coal into the fire boy, and the fire heats up the water. Next, the boiler producing steam
under high pressure, the water is in a cylinder mounted on both the sides of the engine or in another
car named the tender. Then, the steam flows down into a cylinder just a head of wheels, pushing a
tight–fitting plunger, back and forth.Finally, as the pistons pushes, the crank and connecting rod turn
the wheels and power the train along.
The steam engine did come with some benefits and problems.The model E used to boil water burned
as to be virtually non–polluting. A steam engine needed neither a clutch or transmission.A steam
engine ran more efficiently than the internal combustion engine. During the Industrial Revolution,
the steam engine was used for mining, shipping, and spinning mills. The steam engine locomotive
created many jobs,from building tracks to building cars and
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The Invention Essay
So You've Just Come Up With A Million Dollar Idea– Now What?
While there is no set formula on how a would–be inventor can take their great idea from mind to
manufacturing, there are some things they must be aware of and some steps they simply must take
as they move forward. If you think you have one of those great ideas, set aside all celebrations for
the time being and start taking real action toward making the idea a productive and profitable reality.
Be warned, though: this isn't going to be easy.
1. Ask Yourself Some Serious Questions
It's very important to keep your feet on the ground, even if you feel you've reinvented the wheel in
spectacular fashion. An idea itself is worthless until proven in many ways, but that can
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When talking to potential partners, you're likely to get more valuable feedback on setting up a
company, manufacturing, distribution and other important elements of a startup.
A second (third, fourth and beyond) opinion should provide you with affirmation that your idea has
value, beyond what you've imagined thus far. These outside opinions help you to chisel your idea
into something with real–world applicability. Also, be prepared for the naysayers, who, although
discouraging at first, can also give you useful information.
3. Analyze Development And Production Costs
It's one thing to create a homemade prototype, quite another to put it into real production. How
much is it going to cost to perfect your prototype enough to actually manufacture it? How much will
it cost to produce each unit and who can handle that for you? Ideas are typically modified in the
development stage, meaning your original idea may evolve into something different or even spawn
two or more spinoff ideas, equally valuable and worth pursuing.
Although the technical aspects of bringing an invention to the production stage are tedious and
challenging, this is a crucial stage for you and will determine the economic feasibility of moving
forward. You need to figure out who you can trust, where your startup capital is going to come from
and whether or not you should form some type of company now. Depending on your educational
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Essay On Inventions
The future is here! It is now 2024 and I am working in my office at my company. When I look out
the window I see everybody riding my invention ,the hoverboard. I also see the stay still house
And elderly people using the disabled helper. I am very happy that everybody is using my
inventions. Now I'm going to tell you how business is booming with my three inventions the stay
stillhouse, disabled helper, and the flying hoverboard. The stay still house is a house that has
pillars under it so if it floods or if it rains really bad you can push a button and it raises the house
25 feet off of the ground. If you are scared of heights you shouldn't buy it. before you buy them we
test all of the make sure they work When you by them you have more content...
The flying hoverboard is basically something that looks like a skateboard but it has no wheels it
hovers one and a half feet off the ground and it has a maximum speed of 15 miles an hour and to
charge it all you do is park it on the platform and it charges with no wires and it takes approximately
4 hours for for a full charge on a full charge you can get up to 20 hours on it. It is number 4 on the
world Trade catalog. You have a 30–day trial on it so if you don't like it next 3 days you can return it
and if it says 30 days in your 1 second past Then it's yours too bad. We are not responsible for any
accidents or deaths on the hoverboard. At every College I visited I've seen many of the college
students on the hoverboard. The stay still has his a house that prevents people from losing their
house in a flood. The disabled helper helps people in wheelchairs or people that can't walk very
good up to their house. new flying hoverboard gives people to their destinations a little bit faster
than walking but not Cars. So you better buy it not the fake brands my Brands if you don't you'll
have bad luck for the rest of your
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The Internet is the greatest invention of the 20th Century because it changed the course of humanity.
It literally has impacted us all in very beneficial ways. The Internet is "a global communication
network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information"
( It connects billions of devices worldwide. Why is the Internet so great? Well, it has
for one thing impacted education in an enormous way. Education is now the fundamental skill for
life. The Internet allows users to access information and have them engage in online learning for
their education. This allows students who live quite a distance from a school to cut down on
transportation and to learn from the comfort of their home. It also means that less resources need to
be used to learn. This is not only beneficial for them, but also for the world.
The Internet also has made it available for others to access information and to communicate
considerably easier. Instead of searching the encyclopedias in a library, users can now access a vast
amount of information from their own computers at home from the touch of their fingers.
The Internet has impacted businesses as well. When it was introduced, many jobs were taken over
by, but in return more jobs were open.
Whenever in doubt, we can check on the Internet. Whether it be how to get to our friends house to
learning more about our elections and candidates.
Now. ever since the birth of the Internet, we were introduced
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Hein-Rich Spencer's Greatest Invention
Are mistakes key to discoveries yes, because always in human history great inventions have
always been discovered by accident. For example, one day a man named Percy spencer had helped
change our kitchens forever when he brought a piece of chocolate into a factory and dropped it
onto the floor, and after it melted he had discovered how to make an invention that would change
the world and help make cooking easier therefore he had made a company that would help him
make a device that would mimic the effects of the chocolate bar against the factory floor, but only
after 20 years he had finally perfected the effects of the heat against the chocolate bar on the
factory floor and he called it the microwave. And it was the most useful invention of its time. The
man who was first to make a machine who had helped to make communication easier for everyone
and changed the world by allowing more content...
Even when he was a little boy he started to like digging to discover the secrets of the ancient
world and he even went as far as to make a plan when he was little to dig and become famous, he
was right because he eventually made it to California where he became rich and with the money he
started a career in archaeology and he had a partner who went by the name of frank Calvert who
had helped him on his adventure to discover the ancient world unlike Schliemann frank was
self–taught and protected all the artifacts he found. But Schliemann was selfish and wanted to have
all the fame for the discoveries of the lower world and after frank found the lost land of troy
Schliemann tried to take all the credit for it and because of that Calvert's contribution was forgotten
even though Calvert's family had tried to give the full credit of the discovery they however did not
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"The Internet; Twentieth Century's Greatest Invention"
"The Internet was probably the single most important influence on American culture in the final few
years of the twentieth century" (Internet). The words of that quote are those that speak the truth.
During the last few years of the twentieth century, the world was intrigued with the invention of the
Internet. Without the Internet, the world that we know would really cease to function. The Internet
is important to everyone in some way or another. The world without the Internet would be chaos and
discord; that is why the Internet is simply the most creative invention of the twentieth century. The
history that led up to the internet is important because we are able to know how more
As we transition into the 70's, we were still stuck to the ways of the 60's. People would even say that
the 70's was a very non–existent era, that reason being that people were still stuck in the ideas of
freedom, peace, and love. The era had finally become important in 1974 with the election of
President Richard Nixon. People were also beginning to lose interest in the war. The reason being,
we were losing the war. When we lost the war, no one had really cared at that point. Nixon had
caused everything to go haywire in Vietnam. He was the one to actually make the war escalate
into something that it wasn't supposed to be. As someone said, "The first was a type of historical
arrogance, a belief held by Americans since the 1840s that the United States was God's chosen
nation, destined to teach a benighted world a better form of government"(American Decade). We
had shortly started to realize in the seventies, that we weren't really the best superpower in the
world. Vietnam was actually the first war that the United States of America, had lost. People would
say that Nixon was one of the most negative presidents in the 70's and probably one of the most
foolish that there was.
The Vietnam War had been a war that was pointless. It was a war that we had both loss and were
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Best Invention Essay

  • 1. Ancient Chinese Inventions. Essay | Ancient Chinese Contributions| Humanities 111/Professor Michael Curran| by| Rayshawn Jumper| 11/22/2011| [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]| Ancient Chinese inventions have had a huge impact on the modern world as we know it. Numerous technological and cultural advancements have spawned off from the inventions derived from Ancient China, which spans over thousands of years ago. A lot of the inventions really attest to how more advanced Ancient China was in science and technology. In the world today, they still symbolize more content... In later years, the use of gunpowder had turned into a key military force. During the Song Dynasty, military forces used gunpowder in weapons such as fire arrows and gas shells against their primary enemies. As the knowledge of the substance became known along the Silk Road, (India, the Middle East, and Europe), countries all over the world quickly implemented the same kind of warfare. The invention of the compass was initially developed as a way of fortune telling. The Chinese also felt that by aligning homes with the cardinal points of the compass it would bring forth religious and good luck, which fed into the common superstition of that time. By the late 13th Century, the Chinese were using compasses to navigate the seas around the world. It became a crucial navigational aid and helped increased trade among Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Porcelain, the spinning wheel, the mechanical clock, and the seismograph remain noteworthy inventions as well. Porcelain was developed from the firing of pottery. The invention of porcelain enabled the Chinese to create many different kinds of decorative motifs and ceramic wares. They became highly exported items in oversea markets. Another highly exported good was silk. There was always a high demand for silk fabric. This led to the invention of the spinning wheel. The spinning wheel was a circular machine that would wind fibers of silk into thread. Fibers Get more content on
  • 2. People's lives are affected by many types of technology. However, the greatest effect on people undoubtedly is internet. Especially, in today's world, internet has definitely become indispensable part of people's life. In fact, life without internet is as unendurable as life without sun. Unless the internet existed, people would feel empty. Thus, internet has easily taken a significant place in humans' social life in just about 20 years. At home, at office, at school, even while people are walking on the street, internet is always in their lives. Since the advent of the internet, it has made life better. Almost everyone in the world use the internet thanks to several advantages that it offers to people. One of the more content... The third advantage that internet offers to people is important opportunities for the educational life. First, internet is an extensive source for students in terms of having knowledge. Thus, students can easefully find various study materials for their homework or exams by using the internet. Secondly, online tutorials provided by the internet are important easy for the educational life. Students can usually take courses in any subject whenever they want to do during the day or week through the online tutorials. Due to this flexibility, students can arrange themselves, according to their work schedules. The final advantage of internet is that it has a significant role for the business life. Firstly, people can network with other businesspeople or organizations via internet. Therefore, they can talk about their companies' situations such as challenges, changes and they can exchange information with each other quickly. Secondly, internet advertising enabled by internet is important for business life. The internet advertising makes possible for companies to introduce themselves, to inform buyers of their products, to reach more consumers, even to find employees being appropriate for their companies. For these reasons, internet advertising is very beneficial service provided by internet for the business life. All in all, it is not so hard to realize that life has become easier than ever with the advent of the internet. Both by Get more content on
  • 3. The Inenvention of the Wheel Essay The Invention of the Wheel The invention of the wheel is the single most important invention in the world. The wheel did not only shape our world in transportation but it helped evolve many inventions. The wheel is estimated to have been invented in 3500 B.C. (Reynolds). There have been many changes to the wheel that have made it a more advanced invention and changed into newer inventions. The wheel has shaped our world geographically, economically, and culturally. The evolution of transportation became capable with the invention of the wheel. Without the wheel the wagon would never had been invented (Reynolds). The invention of the wagon was the first of many inventions that came from the wheel that helped the transportation of more content... There are many inventions that use the same basic idea as the wheel. The pottery wheel never would have been invented if the wheel was never developed. The pottery wheel is an invention that has simply changed a few things about the wheel to make it work. The potter's wheel is estimated to have been invented in 3000 BC and is a very important feature to the culture of nearly every country (Bryant). Pottery is one of the only ways we can tell how the ancient towns had worked. Many archeologists work for weeks if not months to try to dig up ancient pottery so that we can better understand the ancient culture. Pottery is not the only thing that the wheel affected. The wheel also helped the sport of racing become a big part of our culture. On April 23, 1911 the world first of the world's fastest mile was completed in 25 seconds (Carter). This was the start of many races in the US. Today without the ever being invented the sport of NASCAR never would have been thought up. Many people in the US enjoy watching this port and have made it a huge part of their life. The wheel is not only a great invention put it has shaped our would in so many different ways. The wheel has not only been changed many times but it has evolved into the greatest invention of man kind. The wheel has helped the world economically, geographically, and culturally for the Get more content on
  • 4. Greatest Invention Essays What is the greatest invention of all time? Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped everyday life with humans. There are many different possible world's greatest inventions because they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others. I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was not an invention it was a discovery but although electricity itself was a discovery there was still the invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have electricity a lot of things more content... I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines, cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has over the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital which saves even more lives with the billions of people who visit a hospital every year. Without electricity there would be no light and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever day. This would restrict most people from doing things because as soon as it was dark they would have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb does now. Yet again it would be exactly like living in the dark ages. Get more content on
  • 5. Timekeeping is the Greatest Invention Essay Throughout human existence, one of the most prominent inventions ever has to be the act of recording time, or timekeeping. Ever since the most primitive eras of civilization mankind has found ways to measure the passage of time from studying celestial bodies, the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Beginning with timepieces that run on daylight, such as the sundial, developing into digital clocks we use today, it can even be argued that timekeeping is even a basic necessity in today's society. As long ago as 20,000 years ago ice–age hunters from Europe would take sticks and bones and scratch lines and mark holes in them, supposedly counting the days between phased of the moon. 5,000 years ago, the Sumerians that had occupied present–day more content... Close to 2,000 b.c, the Babylonians, also from present–day Iraq, devised a year of 12 alternating 29–day and 30–day months that resulted in a 354–day year. Around the same time, in England, Stonehenge was built. Even thought there are no written documents of the construction of Stonehenge, its positions show its uses in fact included the purpose of celestial and seasonal events that included solstices, lunar eclipse, and other things. Unlike the Babylonians and Stonehenge, in Central America, the Mayans relied on Venus and not only thesun and moon, to create 260–day and 365–day calendars. Until about 1500a.d this culture thrived. The Mayans left celestial–cycle records demonstrating their belief that the creation of the world occurred in 3113 B.C. Their calendars later turned into portions of the great Aztec calendar stones. Other civilizations, such as the modern West, have adopted a 365–day solar calendar with a leap year taking place every fourth year, which is the calendar we use today. So, why is time so important? Well, time is one of the most fundamental things we use in everyday life. Most people don't even realize how often they check the time each day. For example, in one day, an average student would need to check the time for: when to wake up, when to leave for school, when their first class starts, when they can leave Get more content on
  • 6. A Smart Phone Is The Best Invention Ever Rough Draft Unit 3 Essay A smart phone is a cell phone that can complete many of the functions of a computer. It usually has a touch screen, internet access, and the ability to run download apps. Over half of the people in the United States own a smart phone. Americans today tend to believe that is was the best invention ever. Most everyone who owns a smart phone has a hard time going anywhere without it, which means they are lost without it and depend on it to help them with basic everyday needs. If someone is by themselves, even for just a few seconds they start getting anxious and grabby towards their smart phone which shows connection is just a symptom to a bigger problem (Turkle, "Flight from Conversation"). Many people don't realize the way it could affect their brain. Someone who is dependent on a smart phone tends to be lazy, lacks social skills, and loses the ability to pay attention. Although, many people will disagree with the assertion that smart phones and other internet based devices affect the way we think. Someone who has a smart phone can use it for just about anything. Therefore, it makes things a lot easier for the person to find information without digging for it. This can be very helpful, but it can also make the smart phone owner lazy and incapable of functioning without their phones in their hand. For example, in the article "Does the Internet Make You Dumber?", the author, Nicholas Carr says "value the depth, rather than just the velocity, of human Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Innovation And Invention There is no question in my mind that with appropriate management, we can improve the levels of innovation and creativity within organizations. There is no magic here. Innovative people are no more 'born' than Olympic gold medallists or virtuoso musicians. Yes, some of us are gifted with more initial aptitude, but as music and sports show, the 'natural' or the 'child prodigy' frequently does not graduate to the top level. Hard, focused and appropriately– directed work trumps natural talent in virtually every case. The question is, where to focus? Let us start by looking at the anatomy of the beast. One key lesson that I took away from Lester Thurlow's book, Head to Head, is the observation that, "Innovation in process trumps more content... This, of course, should be obvious, but it sure went over the head of the Fast Company writers. If you want to compete with Dell, 'all' you have to do is match or exceed their innovation in manufacturing and service, and do so with innovative products. To find an example that illustrates this, we need look no farther than, yet again, Apple. Forget their PC business for the moment. In the music business, in which both Dell and Apple are competing, Apple is the hands–down winner. While Dell has relied on their previously successful formula of efficient process, but boring design,Apple has triumphed on both fronts in their iTunes and iPod product lines. Apple not only dominates the music market, their sales in that sector now exceed those of their PCs – transforming the very nature of the company, to the point where the tag–line on their new iMac computer is, "From the company that brought you the iPod." This, despite the iPod being launched only in 2001 – 24 years after their first computer, the Apple II, in 1977! Let's look at another aspect of all of this, the difference between 'innovation' and 'invention'. The closer one gets to Route 128 in Boston and Silicon Valley, the more it seems that people confuse the two. Too often the obsession is with 'inventing' something totally unique, rather than extracting value from Get more content on
  • 8. Opinion Essay on Inventions BBI20 Assignment#5 Opinion Essay on Inventions 1st March 2011 In my opinion, the most important invention of all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise is the internet. Why the internet? Simply because I believe this invention has made the world a better place. In almost everything we do, we need the Internet. Whether it is to look for a job, research for a project or even find love. The Internet is a dominant factor that plays an important role in our lives. We just simply cannot escape the influence that the Internet has on us. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft enterprises, once said "The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow". This quote may seem short, but to me, it more content... It's just that all the books are on the floor." This quote explains it clearly and precisely what the quote stated, the internet stores all the information. This information can easily be found in one floor. This quote is actually comparing the present to the past, when everybody had to gain knowledge and obtain information by reading and gathering books from in the library. It is inconvenient and definitely not like the internet, where any information can be found easily. The Internet has truly changed our world making it more convenient in general, unlike the past. We do not need to waste time searching for countless of books just to obtain information needed. In addition, the Internet brings the world one step ahead in education as students can attain knowledge with the click of a button. Internet has also become a universal storage system, because a human mind cannot withstand the information of the world throughout time. With this, information can be stored and shared to everybody in the world. The improvement of research is important because as time passes, humans will always strive to gain a better understanding of the universe and review all the past data which is stored in the Internet. When more knowledge is gained, we can apply, create and innovate the world to become a better place to live in. This is why the internet is of great importance, as the accumulated information will prove helpful for generations to come. The final reason why Get more content on
  • 9. Inventing Solutions Every day, the world we live in fills up with more and more problems than the day before and it seems almost impossible to take care of them all. Throughout history, these problems have been given solutions, sometimes in ways the world has never seen before. These solutions are created by very innovative and creative individuals called inventors. Inventors are very unique people in the way that they impact the world with their ideas and can solve specific problems. The interesting thing about inventors is that anyone can be an inventor. Everyone has their own unique and creative imagination that can be used to invent items that solve the world's problems. Many people are known for their inventions today and are famous for them and how they changed the world so drastically. TakeThomas Edison for instance; he invented the phonograph, motion picture camera and a longer lasting light bulb. Today, these inventions are seen as simple items and are even taken for granted. However, if we look back in time, we can see just how impactful these inventions were. This essay will discuss the many different inventions throughout history that changed the world we live in today, for better. One majorinvention that is underestimated today is clothing. The common cloth used today started out as cotton. Cotton strands are separated from the seeds of a cotton plant and those fibres are used to make fabrics and clothing. Separating the cotton strands and seeds was done Get more content on
  • 10. The Greatest Invention Of My Lifetime The word invention has been derived from a Latin word "Invenire" meaning "discover", so the word invention means to discover something unprecedented. Every human being has experienced some sort of invention in their life that has made their lives easier and they might consider that invention as the greatest invention of their life. I too have experienced a similar interest which I consider as the greatest invention of my lifetime mainly because it has made my life much easier, that invention is computer. It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human life. When we think of technology the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer. Computer is an electronic device used for storing and processing data, typically in a binary form, according to the instructions given to it in a variable program. Computers make our lives totally distinctive. Our current generous improvement is because of computers in numerous ranges. Case of these zones are business, pharmaceutical, environment, innovation, instruction furthermore our day by day lives. Computers are a standout amongst the hugest components to make our present day society. I might want to address the advancement of computers innovation by utilizing a short history which is the change of computers, and the essentialness of computers by examining their utilization in the territories of our day by day lives and in business world. First of all, one of the most earliest computer Get more content on
  • 11. Delaney Orum Microscopes: The Greatest Invention The microscope is one of the greatest inventions in the world. This invention has enhanced our lives in many ways. Without the microscope, we would have never discovered certain structures or small components, because they would've been too infinitesimal to the naked eye. Having this ability to see microscopic components, that would otherwise be invisible to us, has lead us to discover numerous diseases. Microscopes are used to learn more about the world around us, and there is so much more still waiting to be uncovered. Sometime in the mid 1590's, two Dutch spectacle makers, put an assortment of lenses in a tube and found the object on the other end appeared at a substantially larger size. These men were, Hans Lipperhey and his son Zacharias Janssen. However, Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, a scientist, is said to have become the first man to make a real microscope in the late 1600's. At first, microscopes were viewed as more of a novelty, rather than a scientific tool, due to the images on the other side coming across as blurry. In the 1700's, microscopy was becoming a lot more popular amongst scientists, as technology had much improved over the century. Being that, the discovery of combining two types of glass had greatly diminished the chromatic effect, or blurriness. In 1830, Joseph Jackson Lister made the revelation that by putting weaker lenses together at various distances produced a clearer magnification. In 1869, the creator of the Abbe Condenser, Ernst Abbe's work on a wave theory of microscopic imaging, noted his creations were based on precise studies of the materials being used. Which meant from here on, microscopes were going to be created based upon the sound laws of physics, instead of trial and error. In 1903, Richard Zsigmondy invented the microscope that allowed for viewing of specimens below the wavelength of light. This microscope was called the ultramicroscope. Due to the invention of the phase–contrast microscope, in 1932, by Frits Zernike, we can now study transparent biological materials. Ernst Ruska, who discovered that the use of electrons enhanced resolution, created the electron microscope in 1938. In 1981, thanks to Gerd Get more content on
  • 12. Most Influential Invention In History The most important and influential invention in history is the light bulb. The light bulb was created by Thomas Edison in 1879. It is used in many different ways today. It is used to help us see during the day and when it is dark out. We use the lightbulb at home, work, school, stores, and even at gyms. Even though Edison was not the one who came up with the idea of the lightbulb, he is credited with making the first successful one. There were twenty–three other people before him who have tried numerously and failed. It took Edison a year to create the light bulb. In that year, he experimented with over 1,400 fibers until he tried cotton fiber. Cotton fiber allowed a light bulb to last 1,500 hours compared to forty hours. The light bulb also Get more content on
  • 13. Throughout the years, there have been hundreds of inventions that have been created to change our way of life. These inventions have ranged from the beginning of time with the wheel through Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb, which had been used for years to keep houses lit. Possibly one of the greatest inventions in history that is still used today is the internet, which has made significant changes to how the day to day business is conducted. On October 29, 1969 Lawrence Roberts had created the first two nodes to travel between UCLA and SRI International. This project was originally conducted under the Advanced Research Projects Agency to counteract the USSR's launch of the Sputnik. After the creation it had been more content... The most popular of these means are the land line. The different speeds are commonly purchased based the intentions for the internet. For example large corporations will order faster speeds to compensate for the large amount of workers using the internet for production, where the average person who will use it to check email and occasionally check websites will order a slower line. Another means of receiving internet, which is becoming more popular today, is via satellites. Data will be passed from an internet company up to the satellite and will spread a beam to various locations. With faster speeds the internet has widely grown to a more publicly used system. In essence the internet has recently been used for personal online space, public websites, and even online education. Colleges will create a website that will advertise their school, have an online application process, and even post their classes online for people who cannot make it to a classroom. Likewise people deployed for the military lack the opportunity to travel to a classroom everyday; they are able to use the internet to take the place of a classroom. Also in the classroom environment, the internet can be used to research topics for class, or can be used for a school to create an online library simplifying the process of organizing its books. On the other hand companies will also have a website advertising their product and even their job opportunities. When a new product is made it will Get more content on
  • 14. Car Is The Greatest Invention God created humans, but man have the intelligence and creativity of inventions. Ben Stein says:"car is the greatest invention of mankind." Others might think that he doesn't know what he is saying, but he has his reasons. I say some of the reasons he mentioned on the article made sense and support his argument. Having a car might be the greatest and useful engine that someone can have. In Haiti life is not easy at all. Because we are a poor country, the basic need that someone needs to survive is consider to be a luxury. Not to mention if your own a car that's mean you have money. From my countryside which is Hinche, to get things done you'll have to walk a long distance. We did not have public transportation until later on we started to have motorcycles taxis which are not safe at all; neither our own car. I remember like it was yesterday that my brother and I had to walk 45 minutes to get to school on sunny or rainy day. Later on my mother bought us two bicycles it was the greatest gift ever. It does relieve us a little bit of the distance. Imagine if you have a car, first you wouldn't have to leave your house too early and would have plenty of times and it helps a lot on how to get things done faster. The question I asked myself is having a car is a luxury or a necessity? Cars are generally expensive. It does need some kind of preparation and thinking of how you are going to pay for the car and insurance. Get more content on
  • 15. The World's Best Invention Of The Steam Engine How has the steam engine impacted how we live today?The steam engine is the best invention for transportation since the first car. The steam engine was used to transport people and goods faster in a shorter amount of time.The first steam engine was made in England. The first steam engine was invented in the early eighteenth century. The world's first full sized engine in 1712.Thomas Newcomen developed a steam powered water pumping engine. A machine which burns coal to release the heat energy it contains.The steam was adapted into power boats, railways, and the first automobile.The steam engine eventually gave way to the internal combustion engine. The steam engine started the Industrial Revolution.The industrial revolution changed from handicraft to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing.The development of the steam engine was an essential early element of the more content... First, load coal into the fire boy, and the fire heats up the water. Next, the boiler producing steam under high pressure, the water is in a cylinder mounted on both the sides of the engine or in another car named the tender. Then, the steam flows down into a cylinder just a head of wheels, pushing a tight–fitting plunger, back and forth.Finally, as the pistons pushes, the crank and connecting rod turn the wheels and power the train along. The steam engine did come with some benefits and problems.The model E used to boil water burned as to be virtually non–polluting. A steam engine needed neither a clutch or transmission.A steam engine ran more efficiently than the internal combustion engine. During the Industrial Revolution, the steam engine was used for mining, shipping, and spinning mills. The steam engine locomotive created many jobs,from building tracks to building cars and Get more content on
  • 16. The Invention Essay So You've Just Come Up With A Million Dollar Idea– Now What? While there is no set formula on how a would–be inventor can take their great idea from mind to manufacturing, there are some things they must be aware of and some steps they simply must take as they move forward. If you think you have one of those great ideas, set aside all celebrations for the time being and start taking real action toward making the idea a productive and profitable reality. Be warned, though: this isn't going to be easy. 1. Ask Yourself Some Serious Questions It's very important to keep your feet on the ground, even if you feel you've reinvented the wheel in spectacular fashion. An idea itself is worthless until proven in many ways, but that can more content... When talking to potential partners, you're likely to get more valuable feedback on setting up a company, manufacturing, distribution and other important elements of a startup. A second (third, fourth and beyond) opinion should provide you with affirmation that your idea has value, beyond what you've imagined thus far. These outside opinions help you to chisel your idea into something with real–world applicability. Also, be prepared for the naysayers, who, although discouraging at first, can also give you useful information. 3. Analyze Development And Production Costs It's one thing to create a homemade prototype, quite another to put it into real production. How much is it going to cost to perfect your prototype enough to actually manufacture it? How much will it cost to produce each unit and who can handle that for you? Ideas are typically modified in the development stage, meaning your original idea may evolve into something different or even spawn two or more spinoff ideas, equally valuable and worth pursuing. Although the technical aspects of bringing an invention to the production stage are tedious and challenging, this is a crucial stage for you and will determine the economic feasibility of moving forward. You need to figure out who you can trust, where your startup capital is going to come from and whether or not you should form some type of company now. Depending on your educational level Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Inventions The future is here! It is now 2024 and I am working in my office at my company. When I look out the window I see everybody riding my invention ,the hoverboard. I also see the stay still house And elderly people using the disabled helper. I am very happy that everybody is using my inventions. Now I'm going to tell you how business is booming with my three inventions the stay stillhouse, disabled helper, and the flying hoverboard. The stay still house is a house that has pillars under it so if it floods or if it rains really bad you can push a button and it raises the house 25 feet off of the ground. If you are scared of heights you shouldn't buy it. before you buy them we test all of the make sure they work When you by them you have more content... The flying hoverboard is basically something that looks like a skateboard but it has no wheels it hovers one and a half feet off the ground and it has a maximum speed of 15 miles an hour and to charge it all you do is park it on the platform and it charges with no wires and it takes approximately 4 hours for for a full charge on a full charge you can get up to 20 hours on it. It is number 4 on the world Trade catalog. You have a 30–day trial on it so if you don't like it next 3 days you can return it and if it says 30 days in your 1 second past Then it's yours too bad. We are not responsible for any accidents or deaths on the hoverboard. At every College I visited I've seen many of the college students on the hoverboard. The stay still has his a house that prevents people from losing their house in a flood. The disabled helper helps people in wheelchairs or people that can't walk very good up to their house. new flying hoverboard gives people to their destinations a little bit faster than walking but not Cars. So you better buy it not the fake brands my Brands if you don't you'll have bad luck for the rest of your Get more content on
  • 18. The Internet is the greatest invention of the 20th Century because it changed the course of humanity. It literally has impacted us all in very beneficial ways. The Internet is "a global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information" ( It connects billions of devices worldwide. Why is the Internet so great? Well, it has for one thing impacted education in an enormous way. Education is now the fundamental skill for life. The Internet allows users to access information and have them engage in online learning for their education. This allows students who live quite a distance from a school to cut down on transportation and to learn from the comfort of their home. It also means that less resources need to be used to learn. This is not only beneficial for them, but also for the world. The Internet also has made it available for others to access information and to communicate considerably easier. Instead of searching the encyclopedias in a library, users can now access a vast amount of information from their own computers at home from the touch of their fingers. The Internet has impacted businesses as well. When it was introduced, many jobs were taken over by, but in return more jobs were open. Whenever in doubt, we can check on the Internet. Whether it be how to get to our friends house to learning more about our elections and candidates. Now. ever since the birth of the Internet, we were introduced Get more content on
  • 19. Hein-Rich Spencer's Greatest Invention Are mistakes key to discoveries yes, because always in human history great inventions have always been discovered by accident. For example, one day a man named Percy spencer had helped change our kitchens forever when he brought a piece of chocolate into a factory and dropped it onto the floor, and after it melted he had discovered how to make an invention that would change the world and help make cooking easier therefore he had made a company that would help him make a device that would mimic the effects of the chocolate bar against the factory floor, but only after 20 years he had finally perfected the effects of the heat against the chocolate bar on the factory floor and he called it the microwave. And it was the most useful invention of its time. The man who was first to make a machine who had helped to make communication easier for everyone and changed the world by allowing more content... Even when he was a little boy he started to like digging to discover the secrets of the ancient world and he even went as far as to make a plan when he was little to dig and become famous, he was right because he eventually made it to California where he became rich and with the money he started a career in archaeology and he had a partner who went by the name of frank Calvert who had helped him on his adventure to discover the ancient world unlike Schliemann frank was self–taught and protected all the artifacts he found. But Schliemann was selfish and wanted to have all the fame for the discoveries of the lower world and after frank found the lost land of troy Schliemann tried to take all the credit for it and because of that Calvert's contribution was forgotten even though Calvert's family had tried to give the full credit of the discovery they however did not Get more content on
  • 20. "The Internet; Twentieth Century's Greatest Invention" "The Internet was probably the single most important influence on American culture in the final few years of the twentieth century" (Internet). The words of that quote are those that speak the truth. During the last few years of the twentieth century, the world was intrigued with the invention of the Internet. Without the Internet, the world that we know would really cease to function. The Internet is important to everyone in some way or another. The world without the Internet would be chaos and discord; that is why the Internet is simply the most creative invention of the twentieth century. The history that led up to the internet is important because we are able to know how more content... As we transition into the 70's, we were still stuck to the ways of the 60's. People would even say that the 70's was a very non–existent era, that reason being that people were still stuck in the ideas of freedom, peace, and love. The era had finally become important in 1974 with the election of President Richard Nixon. People were also beginning to lose interest in the war. The reason being, we were losing the war. When we lost the war, no one had really cared at that point. Nixon had caused everything to go haywire in Vietnam. He was the one to actually make the war escalate into something that it wasn't supposed to be. As someone said, "The first was a type of historical arrogance, a belief held by Americans since the 1840s that the United States was God's chosen nation, destined to teach a benighted world a better form of government"(American Decade). We had shortly started to realize in the seventies, that we weren't really the best superpower in the world. Vietnam was actually the first war that the United States of America, had lost. People would say that Nixon was one of the most negative presidents in the 70's and probably one of the most foolish that there was. The Vietnam War had been a war that was pointless. It was a war that we had both loss and were Get more content on