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Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
                                                                Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences

Ina Koch (since 04/2002)
Technical University of Applied Sciences
Seestr. 64
D – 13347 Berlin
Phone: ++49-(0)30-4504 3972
Fax:      ++49-(0)30-4504 3959

Karsten Wenzel (technician, 0.5 position, since
Stefan Bartel (student)
Andrea Sackmann (student, 11/2004-02/2005)            Ralf Mehle (student, 04/2003 -08/2003,
Sabrina Hoffmann (student, 04/2004-07/2004)           10/2003-12/2003, 10/2004-10/2004)
Thomas Runge (student, 02/2004-07/2004)               Patrick May (student, 10/2002-01/2003)

RESEARCH DIRECTION                                                                                                         43
The main goal of the BMBF funding was to es-          are divided into special metabolisms or path-
tablish a master’s course in bioinformatics for       ways, which often correspond to special main
graduates in biological, and medical fields. This     functions of the cell, e.g. carbon metabolism,
has been done very successfully. Moreover, it         energy metabolism, purine metabolism, glyco-
was also possible to follow research work at TFH.     lytic pathway, and many others. Due to newly
                                                      developed techniques in experimental biology,
Due to the former working field of the head of
                                                      as microarray analysis, a huge amount of data
the group two main research directions were pur-
                                                      of biological processes has been produced over
sued in the last years, the modelling and analy-
                                                      the last years.
sis of biochemical systems and the theoretical
analysis of protein structures (see publication       To handle the arising data amount it is necessa-
list). Following the valuable and constructive        ry to represent and store them computationally
advices of the Scientific Advisory Board of BCB       using a unique description of biochemical path-
the group has focused its work on the first topic     ways. There are several special databases of
with a main emphasis in modelling medically           pathway or interaction data. All of them use dif-
relevant systems. The group has made a large          ferent description techniques. The most com-
contribution for establishing Petri net based tools   monly used database, containing many path-
in systems biology.                                   ways of different species, is the KEGG Database,
                                                      but its representation of concurrently behaving
                                                      pathways by monochromatic graphs is not free
Modelling and analysis of                             of ambiguities.
biochemical systems
                                                      Biochemical pathways are modelled at different
Similar to computer scientists, biologists use “di-   abstraction levels. It must be distinguished be-
vide and conquer”-techniques to investigate sub-      tween quantitative (kinetic) models and qualita-
systems experimentally. Processes in the cell         tive (stoichiometric or even purely causal) mod-
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
     Scientific Report 2005

                     els. The first ones represent the actual objective    As a common intermediate representation we
                     and real purpose in the long-term. The aim of         have used Petri nets. They provide a mathemati-
                     these models is to predict the system’s dynam-        cally unique representation of biochemical path-
                     ics. Related evaluation methods are typically         ways, whereby different biochemical processes
                     based on solutions of systems of ordinary differ-     may be depicted hierarchically at different ab-
                     ential equations. Contrary, qualitative models are    straction levels. Moreover, established Petri net
                     commonly used only, if kinetic parameters are         analysis techniques can be used for the valida-
                     not available or incomplete. All these qualitative    tion of qualitative biochemical models, before
                     models are based on more or less graph-theo-          they are extended to quantitative ones. Alto-
                     retical descriptions of the system topology, which    gether, Petri nets enjoy the following features
                     are defined in case of stoichiometric models by       which might be of great help for systems biol-
                     the known stoichiometric equations.                   ogy: (1) readability - to support understanding,
                                                                           (2) execution (animation techniques) - to expe-
                     Model validation of biochemi-                         rience a model in order to get really familiar with
                                                                           it, (3) validation techniques - for consistency
                     cal networks applying Petri
                                                                           checks to ensure the model integrity and corre-
                     nets                                                  spondence to reality, and (4) analysis techniques
                     With the increasing number of known metabo-           - for qualitative as well as quantitative behaviour
                     lites and known interactions between them, vali-      prediction.
                     dation of the interaction network becomes more
                                                                           We started the application of Petri nets to bio-
                     and more important. The net behaviour is no
                                                                           chemical systems with well investigated systems
                     more understandable and predictable by using
                                                                           as the glycolysis and pentose phosphate path-
                     human skills only, but available evaluation pack-
                                                                           way in erythrocytes and could confirm the text-
                     ages for quantitative models are not able to
                                                                           book knowledge for these systems. We have
                     check the model for validity. There is a strong
                                                                           used different Petri nets techniques as coloured
                     demand for mathematical methods to validate a
44                   model for consistency and to answer questions
                                                                           Petri nets (see Runge T, Methodik zur Model-
                                                                           lierung und Validierung von biochemischen Netz-
                     on general structural and dynamic properties as
                                                                           werken mit gefärbten Petrinetzen, dargestellt am
                     liveness, dead states, traps, structural deadlocks,
                                                                           Beispiel der Glykolyse (diploma thesis) and the
                     and invariant properties. Moreover, existing
                                                                           papers presented at CPN Conferences at Uni-
                     methods are dedicated to a certain system type
                                                                           versity Aarhus (Denmark). To analyse much
                     or a certain pathway represented by special
                                                                           larger networks we started to model the whole
                     graphs. Hence, a crucial point seems to be the
                                                                           E.coli metabolism (see Kramer N, Modelling and
                     concise and unambiguous representation of bio-
                                                                           analysis of biological processes using Petri net
                     logical networks to handle computationally these
                                                                           theory (master thesis). The results show the
                     highly integrated networks in an efficient man-
                                                                           modelling and analysis power of Petri nets, but
                     ner. For that purpose, a readable language with
                                                                           also the limits of currently existing tools. From
                     an unambiguous semantics would be of great
                                                                           this work many suggestions arise for further de-
                     help as a common intermediate language to
                                                                           velopments of Petri net theory.
                     avoid the production of just larger patchwork, ex-
                     posed to even more interpretation choices. In-
                     dependently of the given description level and        Analysis of metabolic
                     the particular view extension, all pathways ex-       networks
                     hibit inherently very complex structures, exploit-    In order to prove the modelling and analysis
                     ing all the patterns well-known in software engi-     power we have applied Petri net methods in
                     neering as sequence, branching, repetition, and       strong co-operation to the experimentally groups
                     concurrency, in any combination. But opposite         to other systems, which are of great interest and
                     to technical networks, natural networks tend to       where parts of the behaviour are unknown.
                     be much more complex and apparently unstruc-
                     tured, making the comprehensibility of the full       Thus, we have modelled and analysed the main
                     network of interactions extremely difficult and       carbon metabolism in Solanum tuberosum (po-
                     therefore error-prone.                                tato) tuber in co-operation with the Max Planck
                                                                           Institute for Plant Physiology Golm and BTU
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
                                                               Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences

Cottbus. We have provided an approach for            Analysis of gene regulatory
model validation of metabolic networks using         networks
Petri net theory, which we demonstrate for the
sucrose breakdown pathway in the potato tuber.       The understanding of gene regulatory networks
We have started with a hierarchical modelling of     is essential for understanding cell processes. A
the metabolic network as a Petri net and contin-     project has recently been started in co-opera-
ued with the analysis of qualitative properties of   tion with the Friedrich Schiller-University Jena.
the network. The results characterise the net        It aims at modelling the splicing processes in
structure and give insight into complex net          Drosophila melanogaster. The processes are
behaviour. One important technique is the cal-       well-characterised, but wide-spread in the litera-
culation of the T-invariants as well as P-invari-    ture. The Petri net model reflects the interac-
ants of a system. The T-invariants reflect the       tions between metabolic components, signal
main processes taking place in the metabolic         transduction paths, and gene regulatory pro-
system in reality. P-invariants reflect substance    cesses at mRNA level. This work is embedded
conservations. The presented detailed discus-        in other investigations concerning alternative
sion of occurring T-invariants explains the net      splicing and is the first approach for modelling
behaviour as possible combinations of subpath-       such kind of network with Petri nets or qualita-
ways, which reflect correctly experimentally         tive analysis methods.
known results. In the future, the existing net
should be extended by other central metabolic        Application of Petri nets to
processes (e.g. glycolysis, respiration, amino       medically relevant systems
acid metabolism) to get a deeper insight into the    An important aspect of our work caused by strong
whole metabolism in the potato tuber.                co-operations with medical research institutes as
                                                     Charité and MDC concerns systems of medical
Analysis of                                          interest. Thus, we have analysed the blood
signal transduction pathways                         clutting process (see Neumann G, Modellierung
                                                     biochemischer Abläufe mit Petri-Netzen -
The first signal transduction pathway we mod-        Hämostase vs. Fibrinolyse vs. Inhibitoren (di-
elled represents the basic processes of apoptosis    ploma thesis) in co-operation with physicians to
in mammalian cells. Apoptosis is an essential        yield a valid very large and complex model con-
part of normal physiology for most metazoan          taining many hierarchy levels, which should also
species. Disturbances in the apoptotic process       be used in medical research.
can lead to several diseases. The signal trans-
duction pathway of apoptosis includes highly         In co-operation with clinical groups at Charité, a
complex mechanisms to control and execute            project headed by Astrid Speer of the TFH, the
programmed cell death. The results provide a         Duchenne muscle Dystrophy is modelled. This
mathematically unique and valid model enabling       project started recently and is of great interest,
the confirmation of known properties as well as      also because theoretical and experimental work
new insights in this pathway. This work will be      influences each other. The application of other
continued to refine the model and to analyse also    bioinformatics methods already lead to a publi-
quantitative aspects.                                cation.

Another recent work is a diploma thesis on mod-      During a PhD thesis the liver cell metabolism
elling of the interactions in and between the sig-   was modelled by differential equations and as
nal transduction pathways in Saccharomyces           Petri net (with MDC and BTU). Another recently
cerevisiae (yeast). In the BCB group of Edda         started project concerns the modelling of G1/S-
Klipp at MPIMG the same pathway is modelled          phase in mammalian cells.
using different methods. Both diploma students
are in contact with each other. Besides a deeper     Implementation of tools for
understanding of these pathways one aim is the       analysing biochemical
detailed comparison of both methods in order to      systems
see the differences and to check the possibility
                                                     We have developed two new tools as help in
of a combination of parts of both approaches.
                                                     analysing biochemical systems. One is a simple
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
             Scientific Report 2005

                               path-search tool, which allows searching for all           Other scientific activities of
                               paths in a biochemical network using a special             the group
                               constraint language. This tool is based on the
                               bachelor thesis of Markus Schüler, and is us-              Group members are active as referees for sci-
                               able under                    entific journals as Bioinformatics, Journal of
                                                                                          Theoretical Biology, In Silico Biology, Protein
                               The second tool, which has been developed by               Engineering, BioSystems, and for conferences
                               Albert Gevorgyan, represents a complex and                 as RECOMB 2002, CMSB 2003, ISMB 2005.
                               advanced Petri net editor, which allows the con-           They are members of the scientific program com-
                               version of KEGG networks into Petri net models             mittee for CMSB 2003 and ISMB 2005.
                               with integrated Petri net analysis techniques and
                               an underlying relational data base system to               Based on his master’s thesis Systematische
                               store and search other information as kinetic data         Analyse von RNA-Strukturen mit bioinformati-
                               or literature data. In co-operation with Hiroyuki          schen Methoden zur Vorhersage von Antisense-
                               Ogata of the Jean-Michel Claverie group at Cen-            Oligodesoxyribonukleotiden Christian Köberle in
                               tre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)           co-operation with Max Planck Institute for Infec-
                               in Marseille, France this tool shall be combined           tion Biology founded the company Nucleic Acid
                               with their own databases.                                  Design, which designs siRNA structures for func-
                                                                                          tional studies.

                               Theoretical analysis of                                    The quality of the scientific work is reflected by
                                                                                          the accepted tutorial on “Qualitative Modelling
                               protein structures
                                                                                          and Analysis of Biochemical Pathways with Petri
                               In the post-genomic research protein structures            Nets” given at ICSB 2004 at Heidelberg and the
                               and their functions play a crucial role. To handle         many invited talks given, e.g. at Second Bertinoro
                               the large and complex structure data of proteins           Computational Biology Meeting, Bertinoro (Italy),
                               computationally unique descriptions and nota-              Dagstuhl-Seminar “Integrative Bioinformatics -
   46                          tions at different abstraction levels are neces-
                               sary. To define a unique language for protein
                                                                                          Aspects of the Virtual Cell”, “Conference BioCon
                                                                                          Valley Life Science for the Future”, and various
                               topologies we have developed four linear nota-             European universities.
                               tions based on a graph-theoretical description
                                                                                          In the future the group wants to combine meth-
                               of protein secondary structure topology (see fig-
                                                                                          ods for qualitative analysis with those for quanti-
                                                                                          tative analysis to provide practicable tools for the
                               To search for protein topologies we have imple-            scientific community. Other tasks will be the con-
                               mented a web-based database Protein Topol-                 nection of net analysis tools with expression data
                               ogy Graph Library (PTGL), which contains over              and the further development of existing models
                               15.000 protein structure topologies (http://               in co-operation with experimentally working
                               PTGL is applied in the threading algorithm de-
                               veloped in the BCB group of Thomas Steinke at
                               Zuse Institute Berlin. Other co-operations exist
                               with Davis Gilbert of the University of Glasgow.

Left: Structure of the protein 1G3E. Center: Key notation of the folding graph B of 1G3E. Right: The reduced of
the folding graph B of 1G3E.
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
                                                                       Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences

                                       Relevant former
Teaching                               Publications                        Scientific Output*
The group is heavily involved in       Heiner M, Koch I & Voss K           Publications
teaching. Per scientist the teach-     (2001). Analysis and Simulation     Koch I, Schüler M & Heiner M
ing load ranges from 12 to 16          of Steady States in Metabolic       (2005). A Software Tool for Petri
hours per week in each semes-          Pathways with Petri Nets. In:       Net based based Analysis in Bio-
ter in the accredited MSc course       CPN'01-Third Workshop and           chemical Networks. In Silico Bi-
in bioinformatics. Moreover, the       Tutorial on Practical Use of        ology (accepted)
group leads the whole course and       Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN
is responsible for its realisation.    Tools, University of Aarhus, Den-   Heiner M & Koch I (2004). Petri
                                       mark, Jensen K, ed., 15-34          Net Based Model Validation in
The lectures given by the scien-                                           Systems Biology. In: Proceed-
                                       (ISSN 0105-8517)
tist of the group are focused on                                           ings 25th International Confer-
foundations in computer science,       Sunyaev S, Ramensky V, Koch         ence on Application and Theory
on object-oriented programming         I, Lathe III W, Kondrashov AS &     of Petri Nets, ICATPN 2004, Bo-
in Java, on bioinformatics algo-       Bork P (2001). Prediction of Del-   logna, Italy, LCNS 3099, Springer
rithms for theoretical sequence        eterious Human Alleles. Hum         Verlag, Berlin, 216-237
and structure analysis, and on an      Mol Genetics "bf 10"(6): 591-597
introduction into Petri net theory                                         Heiner M, Koch I & Will J (2004).
                                       Koch I (2001). Fundamental          Model Validation of Biological
and their applications for model-
                                       Study: Enumerating all con-         Pathways Using Petri Nets -
ling and analysis of biochemical
                                       nected maximal common sub-          Demonstrated for Apoptosis. J
systems. One module is variable
                                       graphs in two graphs. Theoreti-     BioSystems 75(1-3):15-28
for new topics in which industry
                                       cal Computer Science 250:1-30
or research institutes are espe-                                           Koch I, Junker BH & Heiner M
cially interested. This year in this   Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Molden-     (2004). Application of Petri net
module molecular modelling and         hauer F, Koch I & Dandekar T        theory for modelling and valida-
statistical applications in medicine   (2000). Structural Analysis of      tion of the sucrose breakdown
will be taught.                        metabolic Networks: Elementary
                                       Flux Modes, Analogy to Petri
                                                                           pathway in the potato tuber.                           47
All lectures are regularly evalu-                                          Bioinformatics (in press)
                                       Nets, and Application to Myco-
ated and have reached top scor-                                            May P, Barthel S & Koch I
                                       plasma pneumoniae. In: Proc
ing positions within the university.                                       (2004). PTGL - Protein Topology
                                       Germ Conf Bioinf, Bauer EB,
                                       Rost U, Stoye J, Vingron M, eds.,   Graph Library. Bioinformatics
                                       Logos Verlag Berlin,115-120         20(17):3277-3279
                                       (ISBN 3-89722-498-4)                Popova-Zeugmann L, Heiner M
                                       Koch I, Schuster S & Heiner M       & Koch I (2004). Modelling and
                                       (2000). Using time-dependent        Analysis of Biochemical Net-
                                       Petri nets for the analysis of      works with Time Petri Nets. In:
                                       metabolic networks. Workshop        Proc Workshop Concurrency,
                                       Modellierung und Simulation         Specification & Programming,
                                       Metabolischer Netzwerke, Hofe-      Informatik-Berichte der HUB
                                       städt R, Lautenbach K, Lange M,     170(1), Caputh, 136-143 (ISSN
                                       eds., Preprint No.10, Faculty of    0863-095X)
                                       Computer Science, Otto-von-         Rother K, Müller H, Trissl S,
                                       Guericke University, Magde-         Koch I, Steinke T, Preissner R,
                                       burg, 15-21                         Frömmel C & Leser U (2004).
                                                                           Columba: Multidimensional Data
                                                                           Integration of Protein Annota-
                                                                           tions. In: Rahm E, ed., Data In-
                                                                           tegration in the Life Sciences,
                                                                           Lecture Notes in Computer Sci-
                                                                           ence 2994, Springer, Leipzig,

                                                                           * BCB members are marked bold.
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
     Scientific Report 2005

                     Runge T (2004). Qualitative Path      Patents / Spin off                   Reilich, Michael: Simulation
                     Analysis of Metabolic Pathways        Steinbeis Transferzentrum Nu-        neuronaler Vorgänge in Säugern,
                     Using Petri Nets for Generic Mod-     cleic Acids Design (STZ-NAD),        Diploma thesis in Technical Com-
                     elling. Technical Report BTU          founded in May 2004 by Volker        puter Science, Charité and Tech-
                     Cottbus I-03/2004 (ISSN 1437-         Patzel and Christian Köberle         nical University of Applied Sci-
                     7969)                                                                      ences 2004
                     Runge T (2004). Application of                                             Schelbert, Christian: Structural
                     Coloured Petri Nets in Systems        Student Theses                       Aspects of Alternative Splicing
                     Biology. In: Proc 5th Workshop        Effinger, Daniel & Rolschews-        using Bioinformatical Methods,
                     CPN, University of Aarhus, 77-95      ki, Johann: Development of a         Master Thesis, Technical Univer-
                                                           dynamic web application: an in-      sity of Applied Sciences 2004
                     Kriventseva EV, Koch I, App-
                     weiler R, Vingron M, Bork P,          formation system for pest man-       Schramm, Gerrit: MAT - Micro
                     Gelfand MS & Sunyaev S (2003).        agement, Master Thesis, Tech-        Array Analysis Tool, Master The-
                     Increase of functional diversity by   nical University of Applied Sci-     sis, Max Delbrück Center for
                     alternative splicing. Trends in       ences 2004                           Molecular Medicine (MDC) and
                     Genetics 19:124-128                   Huber, Florian: Classification of    Technical University of Applied
                                                           EST-tissue information using a       Sciences 2004
                     Sifringer M, Uhlenberg B, Lam-
                     mel S, Hanke R, Neumann B, von        directed acyclic graph, Master       Waldminghaus, Torsten: In
                     Moers A, Koch I & Speer A             Thesis, Max Delbrück Center for      silico analysis and selection of
                     (2003). Identification of trans-      Molecular Medicine (MDC) and         RNA secondary structures, Mas-
                     cripts from a subtraction library     Technical University of Applied      ter Thesis, Technical University
                     which might be responsible for        Sciences 2004                        of Applied Sciences 2004 (in co-
                     the mild phenotype in an intra-       Kramer, Nina: Modelling and          operation with the MPI for Infec-
                     familially variable course of Du-     analysis of biological processes     tion Biology, Berlin)

48                   chenne muscular dystrophy. Hu-
                     man Mol Genetics 114:149-156
                                                           using Petri net theory, Master
                                                           Thesis, Technical University of
                                                                                                Hettling, Johannes: Ein
                                                                                                automatischer Vergleich zwi-
                     Voss K, Heiner M & Koch I             Applied Sciences Berlin and BTU      schen der Protein Topology
                     (2003). Steady State Analysis of      Cottbus 2004                         Graph Library und SCOP, Bach-
                     Metabolic Pathways using Petri        Neumann, Gerry: Modellierung         elor Thesis, Free University of
                     Nets. In Silico Biol 3(3):367-387     biochemischer Abläufe mit Petri-     Berlin 2004 (in cooperation with
                                                           Netzen - Hämostase vs. Fibrino-      TFH Berlin, supervisor: I. Koch)
                     Boué S, Vingron M, Kriventseva
                     E & Koch I (2002). Theoretical        lyse vs. Inhibitoren, Diploma the-   Schüler, Markus: Graphen-
                     analysis of alternative splice        sis in Computer Science, BTU         theoretische Weganalyse in
                     forms using computational meth-       Cottbus and Technical University     biochemischen Netzwerken mit
                     ods. Bioinformatics 18(Suppl 2),      of Applied Sciences Berlin           EPNPSearch, Bachelor Thesis,
                     T. Lengauer, H.-P. Lenhof, eds.       Cottbus 2004                         Free University of Berlin 2004 (in
                                                           Runge, Thomas: Methodik zur          cooperation with TFH Berlin, Su-
                     Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Koch I,
                                                           Modellierung und Validierung von     pervisor: I. Koch)
                     Moldenhauer F & Dandekar T
                     (2002). Exploring the pathway         biochemischen Netzwerken mit         Barthel, Stefan: Eine Schnitt-
                     structure of metabolism: decom-       gefärbten Petrinetzen, dargestellt   stelle zur Visualisierung daten-
                     position into subnetworks and         am Beispiel der Glykolyse, Di-       bankbasierter Proteinstruktur-
                     application to Mycoplasma             ploma thesis in Computer Sci-        topologien, Diploma Thesis in
                     pneumoniae. Bioinformatics            ence, BTU Cottbus and Techni-        Computer Science, Technical
                     18(2):351-361                         cal University of Applied Sci-       University of Applied Sciences
                                                           ences 2004                           Berlin 08/2003 (supervisor: I.
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
                                                                      Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences

Böhme, Ulrike: Vorhersage re-        Schirmer, Markus: Homology
levanter Methylierungsorte für die   Modelling of selected kinase do-
Regulation der Genaktivität, Mas-    mains, Master Thesis, Schering
ters Thesis, Max Delbrück Cen-       AG and Technical University of
ter for Molecular Medicine (MDC)     Applied Sciences 2003
and Technical University of Ap-
                                     Tillack, Thorsten: Entwicklung
plied Sciences 2003
                                     einer Datenbankanwendung für
Bortfeld, Ralf: Conception and       molekularbiologische Daten über
implementation of a MySQL            Alternatives Spleißen, Diploma
based analysis environment for       Thesis in Computer Science,
tissue alternative splicing, Mas-    Technical University of Applied
ter Thesis, Max Delbrück Centre      Sciences Berlin 01/2003
for Molecular Medicine (MDC)
                                     Boué Stéphanié: Computatio-
and Technical University of Ap-
                                     nal investigation of alternative
plied Sciences, Berlin 2003 (su-
                                     splicing, Master Thesis, Max
pervisor: H. Pospisil, MDC, I.
                                     Planck Institute for Molecular
Koch, TFH)
                                     Genetics 2002
Djoko, Djoko: Theoretische
Untersuchungen zu Cytochrom
P-450 Enzymen mit Methoden           Co-operations
der Bioinformatik, Master Thesis,    Monika Heiner, Brandenburgi-
Technical University of Berlin and   sche Technische Universität TU
Technical University of Applied      Cottbus
Sciences, Berlin 2003 (supervi-
sor: L.-A. Garbe, TUB, I. Koch,      Ursula Egner, Schering AG
TFH)                                 Denis Thieffry, Claudine Chaoui-                                                            49
Doudieu, Octave Marie Noubi-         ya, Mediterranean University
bou: Using sequence informa-         Marseille
tion in protein docking proce-       Volker Patzel, Max Planck Insti-
dures, Master Thesis, European       tute for Infection Biology, Berlin
Media Laboratory Heidelberg
                                     Hiroyuko Ogata, Jean-Michel
(EML) and Technical University
                                     Claverie, CNRS Marseille
of Applied Sciences 2003
                                     Falk Schreiber, Björn Junker, IPK
Köberle, Christian: Systemati-
sche Analyse von RNA-Struk-
turen mit bioinformatischen Me-      Claudia Täubner, TU Braun-
thoden zur Vorhersage von Anti-      schweig
                                     Heike Pospisil, MDC Berlin
tiden, Master Thesis, Technical
University of Applied Sciences,      Thomas Steinke, ZIB
Berlin 2003 (supervisor: V.          Ulf Leser, Institute of Computer
Patzel, MPI-IB, I. Koch, TFH)        Science, HUB
May, Patrick: Erstellung einer       Cornelius Frömmel, Charité
Online-DB für Proteintopologien
auf der Grundlage eines              Edda Klipp, Rainer Spang, Max
graphentheoretischen Algorith-       Planck Institute for Molecular
mus, Master Thesis, Technical        Genetics
University of Applied Sciences,
Berlin 03/2003
Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics
     Scientific Report 2005


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  • 1. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences TFH BIOINFORMATICS Head Ina Koch (since 04/2002) Technical University of Applied Sciences Seestr. 64 D – 13347 Berlin Phone: ++49-(0)30-4504 3972 Fax: ++49-(0)30-4504 3959 Email: Team Karsten Wenzel (technician, 0.5 position, since 01/2003) Stefan Bartel (student) Andrea Sackmann (student, 11/2004-02/2005) Ralf Mehle (student, 04/2003 -08/2003, Sabrina Hoffmann (student, 04/2004-07/2004) 10/2003-12/2003, 10/2004-10/2004) Thomas Runge (student, 02/2004-07/2004) Patrick May (student, 10/2002-01/2003) RESEARCH DIRECTION 43 The main goal of the BMBF funding was to es- are divided into special metabolisms or path- tablish a master’s course in bioinformatics for ways, which often correspond to special main graduates in biological, and medical fields. This functions of the cell, e.g. carbon metabolism, has been done very successfully. Moreover, it energy metabolism, purine metabolism, glyco- was also possible to follow research work at TFH. lytic pathway, and many others. Due to newly developed techniques in experimental biology, Due to the former working field of the head of as microarray analysis, a huge amount of data the group two main research directions were pur- of biological processes has been produced over sued in the last years, the modelling and analy- the last years. sis of biochemical systems and the theoretical analysis of protein structures (see publication To handle the arising data amount it is necessa- list). Following the valuable and constructive ry to represent and store them computationally advices of the Scientific Advisory Board of BCB using a unique description of biochemical path- the group has focused its work on the first topic ways. There are several special databases of with a main emphasis in modelling medically pathway or interaction data. All of them use dif- relevant systems. The group has made a large ferent description techniques. The most com- contribution for establishing Petri net based tools monly used database, containing many path- in systems biology. ways of different species, is the KEGG Database, but its representation of concurrently behaving pathways by monochromatic graphs is not free Modelling and analysis of of ambiguities. biochemical systems Biochemical pathways are modelled at different Similar to computer scientists, biologists use “di- abstraction levels. It must be distinguished be- vide and conquer”-techniques to investigate sub- tween quantitative (kinetic) models and qualita- systems experimentally. Processes in the cell tive (stoichiometric or even purely causal) mod-
  • 2. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Scientific Report 2005 els. The first ones represent the actual objective As a common intermediate representation we and real purpose in the long-term. The aim of have used Petri nets. They provide a mathemati- these models is to predict the system’s dynam- cally unique representation of biochemical path- ics. Related evaluation methods are typically ways, whereby different biochemical processes based on solutions of systems of ordinary differ- may be depicted hierarchically at different ab- ential equations. Contrary, qualitative models are straction levels. Moreover, established Petri net commonly used only, if kinetic parameters are analysis techniques can be used for the valida- not available or incomplete. All these qualitative tion of qualitative biochemical models, before models are based on more or less graph-theo- they are extended to quantitative ones. Alto- retical descriptions of the system topology, which gether, Petri nets enjoy the following features are defined in case of stoichiometric models by which might be of great help for systems biol- the known stoichiometric equations. ogy: (1) readability - to support understanding, (2) execution (animation techniques) - to expe- Model validation of biochemi- rience a model in order to get really familiar with it, (3) validation techniques - for consistency cal networks applying Petri checks to ensure the model integrity and corre- nets spondence to reality, and (4) analysis techniques With the increasing number of known metabo- - for qualitative as well as quantitative behaviour lites and known interactions between them, vali- prediction. dation of the interaction network becomes more We started the application of Petri nets to bio- and more important. The net behaviour is no chemical systems with well investigated systems more understandable and predictable by using as the glycolysis and pentose phosphate path- human skills only, but available evaluation pack- way in erythrocytes and could confirm the text- ages for quantitative models are not able to book knowledge for these systems. We have check the model for validity. There is a strong used different Petri nets techniques as coloured demand for mathematical methods to validate a 44 model for consistency and to answer questions Petri nets (see Runge T, Methodik zur Model- lierung und Validierung von biochemischen Netz- on general structural and dynamic properties as werken mit gefärbten Petrinetzen, dargestellt am liveness, dead states, traps, structural deadlocks, Beispiel der Glykolyse (diploma thesis) and the and invariant properties. Moreover, existing papers presented at CPN Conferences at Uni- methods are dedicated to a certain system type versity Aarhus (Denmark). To analyse much or a certain pathway represented by special larger networks we started to model the whole graphs. Hence, a crucial point seems to be the E.coli metabolism (see Kramer N, Modelling and concise and unambiguous representation of bio- analysis of biological processes using Petri net logical networks to handle computationally these theory (master thesis). The results show the highly integrated networks in an efficient man- modelling and analysis power of Petri nets, but ner. For that purpose, a readable language with also the limits of currently existing tools. From an unambiguous semantics would be of great this work many suggestions arise for further de- help as a common intermediate language to velopments of Petri net theory. avoid the production of just larger patchwork, ex- posed to even more interpretation choices. In- dependently of the given description level and Analysis of metabolic the particular view extension, all pathways ex- networks hibit inherently very complex structures, exploit- In order to prove the modelling and analysis ing all the patterns well-known in software engi- power we have applied Petri net methods in neering as sequence, branching, repetition, and strong co-operation to the experimentally groups concurrency, in any combination. But opposite to other systems, which are of great interest and to technical networks, natural networks tend to where parts of the behaviour are unknown. be much more complex and apparently unstruc- tured, making the comprehensibility of the full Thus, we have modelled and analysed the main network of interactions extremely difficult and carbon metabolism in Solanum tuberosum (po- therefore error-prone. tato) tuber in co-operation with the Max Planck Institute for Plant Physiology Golm and BTU
  • 3. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences Cottbus. We have provided an approach for Analysis of gene regulatory model validation of metabolic networks using networks Petri net theory, which we demonstrate for the sucrose breakdown pathway in the potato tuber. The understanding of gene regulatory networks We have started with a hierarchical modelling of is essential for understanding cell processes. A the metabolic network as a Petri net and contin- project has recently been started in co-opera- ued with the analysis of qualitative properties of tion with the Friedrich Schiller-University Jena. the network. The results characterise the net It aims at modelling the splicing processes in structure and give insight into complex net Drosophila melanogaster. The processes are behaviour. One important technique is the cal- well-characterised, but wide-spread in the litera- culation of the T-invariants as well as P-invari- ture. The Petri net model reflects the interac- ants of a system. The T-invariants reflect the tions between metabolic components, signal main processes taking place in the metabolic transduction paths, and gene regulatory pro- system in reality. P-invariants reflect substance cesses at mRNA level. This work is embedded conservations. The presented detailed discus- in other investigations concerning alternative sion of occurring T-invariants explains the net splicing and is the first approach for modelling behaviour as possible combinations of subpath- such kind of network with Petri nets or qualita- ways, which reflect correctly experimentally tive analysis methods. known results. In the future, the existing net should be extended by other central metabolic Application of Petri nets to processes (e.g. glycolysis, respiration, amino medically relevant systems acid metabolism) to get a deeper insight into the An important aspect of our work caused by strong whole metabolism in the potato tuber. co-operations with medical research institutes as Charité and MDC concerns systems of medical Analysis of interest. Thus, we have analysed the blood signal transduction pathways clutting process (see Neumann G, Modellierung biochemischer Abläufe mit Petri-Netzen - 45 The first signal transduction pathway we mod- Hämostase vs. Fibrinolyse vs. Inhibitoren (di- elled represents the basic processes of apoptosis ploma thesis) in co-operation with physicians to in mammalian cells. Apoptosis is an essential yield a valid very large and complex model con- part of normal physiology for most metazoan taining many hierarchy levels, which should also species. Disturbances in the apoptotic process be used in medical research. can lead to several diseases. The signal trans- duction pathway of apoptosis includes highly In co-operation with clinical groups at Charité, a complex mechanisms to control and execute project headed by Astrid Speer of the TFH, the programmed cell death. The results provide a Duchenne muscle Dystrophy is modelled. This mathematically unique and valid model enabling project started recently and is of great interest, the confirmation of known properties as well as also because theoretical and experimental work new insights in this pathway. This work will be influences each other. The application of other continued to refine the model and to analyse also bioinformatics methods already lead to a publi- quantitative aspects. cation. Another recent work is a diploma thesis on mod- During a PhD thesis the liver cell metabolism elling of the interactions in and between the sig- was modelled by differential equations and as nal transduction pathways in Saccharomyces Petri net (with MDC and BTU). Another recently cerevisiae (yeast). In the BCB group of Edda started project concerns the modelling of G1/S- Klipp at MPIMG the same pathway is modelled phase in mammalian cells. using different methods. Both diploma students are in contact with each other. Besides a deeper Implementation of tools for understanding of these pathways one aim is the analysing biochemical detailed comparison of both methods in order to systems see the differences and to check the possibility We have developed two new tools as help in of a combination of parts of both approaches. analysing biochemical systems. One is a simple
  • 4. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Scientific Report 2005 path-search tool, which allows searching for all Other scientific activities of paths in a biochemical network using a special the group constraint language. This tool is based on the bachelor thesis of Markus Schüler, and is us- Group members are active as referees for sci- able under entific journals as Bioinformatics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, In Silico Biology, Protein The second tool, which has been developed by Engineering, BioSystems, and for conferences Albert Gevorgyan, represents a complex and as RECOMB 2002, CMSB 2003, ISMB 2005. advanced Petri net editor, which allows the con- They are members of the scientific program com- version of KEGG networks into Petri net models mittee for CMSB 2003 and ISMB 2005. with integrated Petri net analysis techniques and an underlying relational data base system to Based on his master’s thesis Systematische store and search other information as kinetic data Analyse von RNA-Strukturen mit bioinformati- or literature data. In co-operation with Hiroyuki schen Methoden zur Vorhersage von Antisense- Ogata of the Jean-Michel Claverie group at Cen- Oligodesoxyribonukleotiden Christian Köberle in tre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) co-operation with Max Planck Institute for Infec- in Marseille, France this tool shall be combined tion Biology founded the company Nucleic Acid with their own databases. Design, which designs siRNA structures for func- tional studies. Theoretical analysis of The quality of the scientific work is reflected by the accepted tutorial on “Qualitative Modelling protein structures and Analysis of Biochemical Pathways with Petri In the post-genomic research protein structures Nets” given at ICSB 2004 at Heidelberg and the and their functions play a crucial role. To handle many invited talks given, e.g. at Second Bertinoro the large and complex structure data of proteins Computational Biology Meeting, Bertinoro (Italy), computationally unique descriptions and nota- Dagstuhl-Seminar “Integrative Bioinformatics - 46 tions at different abstraction levels are neces- sary. To define a unique language for protein Aspects of the Virtual Cell”, “Conference BioCon Valley Life Science for the Future”, and various topologies we have developed four linear nota- European universities. tions based on a graph-theoretical description In the future the group wants to combine meth- of protein secondary structure topology (see fig- ods for qualitative analysis with those for quanti- ure). tative analysis to provide practicable tools for the To search for protein topologies we have imple- scientific community. Other tasks will be the con- mented a web-based database Protein Topol- nection of net analysis tools with expression data ogy Graph Library (PTGL), which contains over and the further development of existing models 15.000 protein structure topologies (http:// in co-operation with experimentally working groups. PTGL is applied in the threading algorithm de- veloped in the BCB group of Thomas Steinke at Zuse Institute Berlin. Other co-operations exist with Davis Gilbert of the University of Glasgow. Left: Structure of the protein 1G3E. Center: Key notation of the folding graph B of 1G3E. Right: The reduced of the folding graph B of 1G3E.
  • 5. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences Relevant former Teaching Publications Scientific Output* The group is heavily involved in Heiner M, Koch I & Voss K Publications teaching. Per scientist the teach- (2001). Analysis and Simulation Koch I, Schüler M & Heiner M ing load ranges from 12 to 16 of Steady States in Metabolic (2005). A Software Tool for Petri hours per week in each semes- Pathways with Petri Nets. In: Net based based Analysis in Bio- ter in the accredited MSc course CPN'01-Third Workshop and chemical Networks. In Silico Bi- in bioinformatics. Moreover, the Tutorial on Practical Use of ology (accepted) group leads the whole course and Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN is responsible for its realisation. Tools, University of Aarhus, Den- Heiner M & Koch I (2004). Petri mark, Jensen K, ed., 15-34 Net Based Model Validation in The lectures given by the scien- Systems Biology. In: Proceed- (ISSN 0105-8517) tist of the group are focused on ings 25th International Confer- foundations in computer science, Sunyaev S, Ramensky V, Koch ence on Application and Theory on object-oriented programming I, Lathe III W, Kondrashov AS & of Petri Nets, ICATPN 2004, Bo- in Java, on bioinformatics algo- Bork P (2001). Prediction of Del- logna, Italy, LCNS 3099, Springer rithms for theoretical sequence eterious Human Alleles. Hum Verlag, Berlin, 216-237 and structure analysis, and on an Mol Genetics "bf 10"(6): 591-597 introduction into Petri net theory Heiner M, Koch I & Will J (2004). Koch I (2001). Fundamental Model Validation of Biological and their applications for model- Study: Enumerating all con- Pathways Using Petri Nets - ling and analysis of biochemical nected maximal common sub- Demonstrated for Apoptosis. J systems. One module is variable graphs in two graphs. Theoreti- BioSystems 75(1-3):15-28 for new topics in which industry cal Computer Science 250:1-30 or research institutes are espe- Koch I, Junker BH & Heiner M cially interested. This year in this Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Molden- (2004). Application of Petri net module molecular modelling and hauer F, Koch I & Dandekar T theory for modelling and valida- statistical applications in medicine (2000). Structural Analysis of tion of the sucrose breakdown will be taught. metabolic Networks: Elementary Flux Modes, Analogy to Petri pathway in the potato tuber. 47 All lectures are regularly evalu- Bioinformatics (in press) Nets, and Application to Myco- ated and have reached top scor- May P, Barthel S & Koch I plasma pneumoniae. In: Proc ing positions within the university. (2004). PTGL - Protein Topology Germ Conf Bioinf, Bauer EB, Rost U, Stoye J, Vingron M, eds., Graph Library. Bioinformatics Logos Verlag Berlin,115-120 20(17):3277-3279 (ISBN 3-89722-498-4) Popova-Zeugmann L, Heiner M Koch I, Schuster S & Heiner M & Koch I (2004). Modelling and (2000). Using time-dependent Analysis of Biochemical Net- Petri nets for the analysis of works with Time Petri Nets. In: metabolic networks. Workshop Proc Workshop Concurrency, Modellierung und Simulation Specification & Programming, Metabolischer Netzwerke, Hofe- Informatik-Berichte der HUB städt R, Lautenbach K, Lange M, 170(1), Caputh, 136-143 (ISSN eds., Preprint No.10, Faculty of 0863-095X) Computer Science, Otto-von- Rother K, Müller H, Trissl S, Guericke University, Magde- Koch I, Steinke T, Preissner R, burg, 15-21 Frömmel C & Leser U (2004). Columba: Multidimensional Data Integration of Protein Annota- tions. In: Rahm E, ed., Data In- tegration in the Life Sciences, Lecture Notes in Computer Sci- ence 2994, Springer, Leipzig, Germany:156-171 * BCB members are marked bold.
  • 6. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Scientific Report 2005 Runge T (2004). Qualitative Path Patents / Spin off Reilich, Michael: Simulation Analysis of Metabolic Pathways Steinbeis Transferzentrum Nu- neuronaler Vorgänge in Säugern, Using Petri Nets for Generic Mod- cleic Acids Design (STZ-NAD), Diploma thesis in Technical Com- elling. Technical Report BTU founded in May 2004 by Volker puter Science, Charité and Tech- Cottbus I-03/2004 (ISSN 1437- Patzel and Christian Köberle nical University of Applied Sci- 7969) ences 2004 Runge T (2004). Application of Schelbert, Christian: Structural Coloured Petri Nets in Systems Student Theses Aspects of Alternative Splicing Biology. In: Proc 5th Workshop Effinger, Daniel & Rolschews- using Bioinformatical Methods, CPN, University of Aarhus, 77-95 ki, Johann: Development of a Master Thesis, Technical Univer- dynamic web application: an in- sity of Applied Sciences 2004 Kriventseva EV, Koch I, App- weiler R, Vingron M, Bork P, formation system for pest man- Schramm, Gerrit: MAT - Micro Gelfand MS & Sunyaev S (2003). agement, Master Thesis, Tech- Array Analysis Tool, Master The- Increase of functional diversity by nical University of Applied Sci- sis, Max Delbrück Center for alternative splicing. Trends in ences 2004 Molecular Medicine (MDC) and Genetics 19:124-128 Huber, Florian: Classification of Technical University of Applied EST-tissue information using a Sciences 2004 Sifringer M, Uhlenberg B, Lam- mel S, Hanke R, Neumann B, von directed acyclic graph, Master Waldminghaus, Torsten: In Moers A, Koch I & Speer A Thesis, Max Delbrück Center for silico analysis and selection of (2003). Identification of trans- Molecular Medicine (MDC) and RNA secondary structures, Mas- cripts from a subtraction library Technical University of Applied ter Thesis, Technical University which might be responsible for Sciences 2004 of Applied Sciences 2004 (in co- the mild phenotype in an intra- Kramer, Nina: Modelling and operation with the MPI for Infec- familially variable course of Du- analysis of biological processes tion Biology, Berlin) 48 chenne muscular dystrophy. Hu- man Mol Genetics 114:149-156 using Petri net theory, Master Thesis, Technical University of Hettling, Johannes: Ein automatischer Vergleich zwi- Voss K, Heiner M & Koch I Applied Sciences Berlin and BTU schen der Protein Topology (2003). Steady State Analysis of Cottbus 2004 Graph Library und SCOP, Bach- Metabolic Pathways using Petri Neumann, Gerry: Modellierung elor Thesis, Free University of Nets. In Silico Biol 3(3):367-387 biochemischer Abläufe mit Petri- Berlin 2004 (in cooperation with Netzen - Hämostase vs. Fibrino- TFH Berlin, supervisor: I. Koch) Boué S, Vingron M, Kriventseva E & Koch I (2002). Theoretical lyse vs. Inhibitoren, Diploma the- Schüler, Markus: Graphen- analysis of alternative splice sis in Computer Science, BTU theoretische Weganalyse in forms using computational meth- Cottbus and Technical University biochemischen Netzwerken mit ods. Bioinformatics 18(Suppl 2), of Applied Sciences Berlin EPNPSearch, Bachelor Thesis, T. Lengauer, H.-P. Lenhof, eds. Cottbus 2004 Free University of Berlin 2004 (in Runge, Thomas: Methodik zur cooperation with TFH Berlin, Su- Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Koch I, Modellierung und Validierung von pervisor: I. Koch) Moldenhauer F & Dandekar T (2002). Exploring the pathway biochemischen Netzwerken mit Barthel, Stefan: Eine Schnitt- structure of metabolism: decom- gefärbten Petrinetzen, dargestellt stelle zur Visualisierung daten- position into subnetworks and am Beispiel der Glykolyse, Di- bankbasierter Proteinstruktur- application to Mycoplasma ploma thesis in Computer Sci- topologien, Diploma Thesis in pneumoniae. Bioinformatics ence, BTU Cottbus and Techni- Computer Science, Technical 18(2):351-361 cal University of Applied Sci- University of Applied Sciences ences 2004 Berlin 08/2003 (supervisor: I. Koch)
  • 7. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Bioinformatics, Technical University of Applied Sciences Böhme, Ulrike: Vorhersage re- Schirmer, Markus: Homology levanter Methylierungsorte für die Modelling of selected kinase do- Regulation der Genaktivität, Mas- mains, Master Thesis, Schering ters Thesis, Max Delbrück Cen- AG and Technical University of ter for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Applied Sciences 2003 and Technical University of Ap- Tillack, Thorsten: Entwicklung plied Sciences 2003 einer Datenbankanwendung für Bortfeld, Ralf: Conception and molekularbiologische Daten über implementation of a MySQL Alternatives Spleißen, Diploma based analysis environment for Thesis in Computer Science, tissue alternative splicing, Mas- Technical University of Applied ter Thesis, Max Delbrück Centre Sciences Berlin 01/2003 for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Boué Stéphanié: Computatio- and Technical University of Ap- nal investigation of alternative plied Sciences, Berlin 2003 (su- splicing, Master Thesis, Max pervisor: H. Pospisil, MDC, I. Planck Institute for Molecular Koch, TFH) Genetics 2002 Djoko, Djoko: Theoretische Untersuchungen zu Cytochrom P-450 Enzymen mit Methoden Co-operations der Bioinformatik, Master Thesis, Monika Heiner, Brandenburgi- Technical University of Berlin and sche Technische Universität TU Technical University of Applied Cottbus Sciences, Berlin 2003 (supervi- sor: L.-A. Garbe, TUB, I. Koch, Ursula Egner, Schering AG TFH) Denis Thieffry, Claudine Chaoui- 49 Doudieu, Octave Marie Noubi- ya, Mediterranean University bou: Using sequence informa- Marseille tion in protein docking proce- Volker Patzel, Max Planck Insti- dures, Master Thesis, European tute for Infection Biology, Berlin Media Laboratory Heidelberg Hiroyuko Ogata, Jean-Michel (EML) and Technical University Claverie, CNRS Marseille of Applied Sciences 2003 Falk Schreiber, Björn Junker, IPK Köberle, Christian: Systemati- Gatersleben sche Analyse von RNA-Struk- turen mit bioinformatischen Me- Claudia Täubner, TU Braun- thoden zur Vorhersage von Anti- schweig sense-Oligodesoxyribonukleo- Heike Pospisil, MDC Berlin tiden, Master Thesis, Technical University of Applied Sciences, Thomas Steinke, ZIB Berlin 2003 (supervisor: V. Ulf Leser, Institute of Computer Patzel, MPI-IB, I. Koch, TFH) Science, HUB May, Patrick: Erstellung einer Cornelius Frömmel, Charité Online-DB für Proteintopologien auf der Grundlage eines Edda Klipp, Rainer Spang, Max graphentheoretischen Algorith- Planck Institute for Molecular mus, Master Thesis, Technical Genetics University of Applied Sciences, Berlin 03/2003
  • 8. Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics Scientific Report 2005 50