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Becoming A Starter
Becoming a starter in the eighth grade was not an easy task, but it has been memorable over my high school years. It was such a high
accomplishment for me, and I will always remember how I made that happen. Working hard during practice and taking full advantage of an
unexpected opportunity allowed me to become a starter in a varsity softball game as an eighth grader. To accept the opportunity to step on the field
with the varsity softball team started as a child working hard in everything I do, striving for success, and never expecting anything less than what I
know I am capable of. I always took running two miles every morning during the summer to running the bases at practice after school very seriously.
By this, I became a courtesy runner
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Personal Narrative
Learn The Hard Way Learn it the hard way. That is the way I learned the old adage "no pain, no gain". It was my first dirt bike race. My heart had been
pounding like a drum in a high school band for three days before the race. The race was in the middle of nowhere in Tucson, Az. I arrived on a Friday,
my race was on Saturday.
It was sunny out, but there was a slight breeze blowing the tent around, making it hard to set up. Friday evening was the practice run, where all the riders
got the chance to pre–run the course for the race the next day. When the announcer announced that it was my class' turn to practice my stomach
dropped. It felt as if I was going 100 mph and just hit a dip in the road. I felt more content...
I got used to it, or so I thought. I started taking my turns faster and getting in race mode. By this time I had calmed down and relaxed. I got to
relaxed and got ahead of my self and BAM! I went down jamming my knee between my bike and the hard packed dirt ground. Adrenaline instantly
hit me. I felt dizzy from the adrenaline. I could feel it run through my veins like cold blood. I picked up my bike I finished the practice lap and
pulled into the pit. I put my bike on the greasy aluminum stand that I had been using for a year. I sat down to calm my nerves. The adrenaline was still
there. I tuned my bike up for the race. I sprayed my chain down with a sticky liquid called chain lube. I took out the wrench and tightened my chain.
As soon as I changed out of the sweaty clothes and wash the muddy dirt off of my face, I sat by the fire.
All I could think about was the race. My friends who have been racing for a few years were giving me tips; they would also throw in a joke about me
losing. They were trying to make my nerves stop racing around and just sit still. I could close my eyes and picture the whole race in my head. Then I
realized I was still by the fire when I could feel the warm bursts of heat from the fire on my face as I stared at the glowing stars.
It was time for us racers to go to bed since we had to get up early the next morning for the race. My best friend and I were sharing a tent. We climbed
in, got undressed and crawled into our sleeping bags. I could
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"The hardest part about growing up is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something you're not." Growing up can be fantastic.
Growing up can also be scary. Many people do it on their own time. Others must do it quickly. Some have a nurturing family and a wonderful
environment in which to do this. Others still are not as fortunate. The point is that everyone's situation is different, unique. No matter how similar one
situation may seem from another there are countless other things that affect how a child might grow up. One's own life may seem perfect to those on
the outside looking in when in reality, there could be a constant struggle that is known to few or even none. For myself, growing up was something that
had more content...
This varies with each new location but generally she is gone Monday through Thursday. This was a hugechange for my dad and me because we were
used to her maintaining certain aspects of the house. My dad still worked a full time job so a lot of her responsibility fell to me. Things I hadn't
ever concerned myself with were suddenly mine to worry about. One of the greatest challenges I came to head with was one that people most
often encounter when they are older and that's how to take care of yourself. At age 12 I had always been reminded to do this and that. Reminded
that I had practice or have me run through my schedule to remember what homework needed to be taken care of. I had to grow up and take care of
myself in a way that I had never really had to. My schedule changed too. Where I used to get rides in to school with my mom, I now had to wake
myself up and get ready for the day at 5:30 a.m. to go into work with my dad. There, I would sit and wait until it was time to go to school. It stayed
this way until I turned 16, four short years later. When I turned 16 that responsibility for myself increased even more. I was now responsible for getting
myself everywhere I went. Around the time I got my license another change crashed down.
The hometown company my dad had always worked for, Barrel O' Fun, was sold to Shearers, another company of the same variety. When this buyout
happened my dad had to play by their set of
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Personal Narrative- Career Goals Essay
Personal Narrative– Career Goals My parents often remind me of how difficult it is for minorities like us to earn respect from the community and
enough money to raise a family.
They encourage me to strive for the best by being selfish and competitive against my peers rather than enjoy what I like which is to interact with
people. My mother wanted me to become a doctor because it is a well paying job and my father wanted me to become an entrepreneur because I
would have been able to gain respect from the community. These were all the more reasons why I had avoided my parents when they ask me about
my career goals. I was not trying to ignore their concerns because they were annoying but because I did not want more content...
Other times I would cruise around the hallways pulling a patient in a wagon and visiting patients in their rooms. Nearly every week there would be a
new group of patients under 16 years of age, just as innocent and adorable as the last group getting treated for whatever illness that invaded their
body, and every week I would look forward to poking my head into their rooms and inviting them to join me in the playroom. Very rarely did I see
patients stay for more than two weeks except several in–patients who routinely came back for treatment.
For several weeks the same room with the same patient was in isolation and finally before the holidays began the isolation restrictions on the patient
was cleared. When I arrived at the playroom that day the seven– year–old girl was already painting flowers with watercolors in the playroom. When I
greeted everyone in the playroom she was the first to stop what she was doing to greet me back with the biggest smile and the roundest eyes. She
offered me a seat next to her and asked if I wanted to paint flowers with her as get well cards for other patients. Eventually I discovered that she was
losing her life to the cancer that was rapidly spreading throughout her body. The week before Christmas my internship was about to end but I decided
to stay as a community volunteer for another week when she was scheduled to be discharged to go home to spend the
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Examples Of Historical Narrative
The year was 1787 Elizabeth was going to her job at the clog maker on the way Elizabeth started talking to the people on the street to the way of
her job. She arrived at her job where she stole the clogs and put them in her bag and acted normal during her job she worked for 5 hours then
headed home and she slept and the next morning she woke up and she had the police at her door and said " You're coming to court Elizabeth" She
left her home and went to court and she was accused of stealing clogs Elizabeth said to herself please don't take me away from my family she came
home and said this might be the last time i see you guys the family and Elizabeth all cried and Elizabeth left to court she prayed but luck wasn't on her
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Star Wars: A Narrative Fiction
I awoke in my bed, hearing my phone go off. I pressed the green button in the middle wearily. " HEY!" the phone seemed to scream at me. It was
just my friend Paul, thank goodness. Even though he was two years younger than me, he was still a good friend. " Are you up? Come on, kid! I've
got a surprise for you!" I got dressed, fixed my hair, and ran out the door. Paul, was standing there with the story that we had written together a few
weeks ago. I wondered why, but the thought raced away when she spoke: "You're NEVER going to believe this, Kiana! Our story is going to be made
into a MOVIE!" My eyes widened, my smile was so big my face hurt. " You're kidding!" I joked. Paul smiled even bigger. " You betcha! You know I've
got George Lucas's email, right?" I nodded. George Lucas was the one who had written and directed all the original Star Wars movies. Me
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The next thing I know me and Paul were asked to meet him at the local italian restaurant, Fazoli's. Me and Paul had been there quite a few times
with our families. " It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lucas. We are soooooo glad that you have considered my story!" Paul said. HIS story? We
wrote it together! In fact, I came up with the storyline, the characters, the setting, everything! I started to feel a little jealous as I ate my fettuccine
alfredo." Yes, Paul, yes. I believe Miss Kiana helped you too?" Mr. Lucas asked him. " Yes, I
–" I started to say. " Yeah sure. I guess you could say
that." he told him. I slammed my fist on the table. The others looked at me in concern. Mr. Lucas went on to tell us that we were going to fly to
California so that we could oversee the film process. " Wow, I'm only 13, and yet I am the luckiest kid in the world!" Paul shouted out with glee as
we got on the plane. I couldn't believe it! he was totally disregarding the fact that I had written most of it! I grew angry. Before I could say something,
however, I heard a familiar
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Personal Narrative-The Starter
After arriving to the start line, I noticed their were over ten teams. This was more than I expected, based on my movie experience. Now I was even
more skittish. All the experienced, agile competitors were intimidating. One of team captains said it was time to jog out.
Not really knowing what that meant, I tried to mock the girls in front of me. Easy enough, we jogged to the imaginary line and back. When we got
back I plopped down on the ground and began stretching. I was in a bit of a daze so didn't notice the arrogant man with microphone and gun walking
up–who we call "The Starter." Snapping out of it, I sprang up and went into a stance to begin running. Patiently, I waited for him to talk. "The Starter"
announced that it was a two command
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Essay Growing Up
When I Grow Up..
"Being 'grown up' isn't as fun as the idea of growing up."
–AmberGrace Seguin
Remember when we were young and all we could think of was growing up and getting to do 'grownup' things? We spent our whole childhood
thinking of what we would do when we finally 'grew up', and here we are, almost completely grown up and we still haven't made up our mind of what it
is we will do when we grow up. We've painted this pretty little picture in our head of what it'll be like when we eventually do grow up, and when it
finally comes for the picture to be taken off the wall and put into action, it's not nearly as fun as creating the painting.
"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional."
We all have the more content...
"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives
himself, he becomes wise." –Alden Nowlan As we continue to grow up, we learn that being grown up is not as we imagined it. We once convinced
ourselves that growing up was the goal to achieve, and life would be much better once we were in fact grown up. When we in fact do grow up, we
think back at our youth and laugh because we thought growing up was the most wondrous thing to accomplish, but now, more than ever, we crave
for our youth; for the days we would sit in the grass and daydream of what we are to become when we grow up; and finally for the days when life was
simple and we could imagine it any which way we wanted it and no one could do a thing about it.
"A grownup is a child with layers on." –Woody
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Narrative Essay On The Island
"Astoria!" His cries echoed. The bounced off of the long brick corridors and along the panels of glass that encompassed the walls on his left.
"Astoria!!" Fish swam on the other side of the glass emitting bubbles, as if mocking his pleas. The queen stood across the castle, both hands placed
on the huge cold bricks. Her head hung low leaving about a centimeter of space between her and the wall. She listened to his calls, each one filled
itself with more desperation and urgency than the last. Yet, Astoria didn't flinch. The castle was huge and, for the most part, built underwater. It was
what most people may refer to as the most city of Atlantis. The only lighting was provided by randomly placed candles that, after years of use, had more content...
All at once she turned as if to run but was met with an awed lovestruck gaze. His blue eyes widened and softened with the sight of her face. All the
pain of life seemed to melt off his face and was replaced with gentleness. Drop.... Drip.... Drop..... Drip.... Drip.... water splashed onto the stones in
the dead silence. They both knew the answer. "Please...." He pleaded with her. She found herself in hysterics, "I just murdered a friend! And you
still can't manage to blame me!" Her hands flew to her head while she spun in a circle, then they shot back down to her sides. Draco stood there
motionless, hardly ashamed. "He's dead because of me! Can't you see that!?" She practically hissed, "And I liked it! I would do it again!" She saw
advancement in his eyes. "Please don't come any closer..." She exclaimed with shame. Confusion filled his face before he took one slow step
forward, he obviously didn't get the message. Panicked, Astoria spun around and ran out of the room and down the nearest hall. Draco's trance
broke as he rushed after Astoria, catching her by the arm and spinning her around. "Would you stop bloody running from me!?" He snarled. She
fought to get free, avoiding eye contact. His grip tightened while he reached to grab her other arm and hold her steady. "Draco let go!" She pounded
on his chest the best she could. He refused her order, "No." She eventually gave in as her voice broke and her knees betrayed her, leaving Astoria a
heap in his
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Creative Writing: The Rocket
"Wow, I hope that's me someday..." Bryan (the Rocket) Rockwood thought as he gazed upon a wax mannequin of Wayne Gretzky holding the
Stanley cup. Bryan and Ty were at a hockey hall of fame museum fairly close to his home. "Wouldn't that be amazing?" Ty asked in awe. Rocket's
best friend were Ty and Adam. He was humongous, about 5 foot 9. Compared to Rocket he looked like his older brother. Rocket guessed that he
was about 5 feet tall. Rocket was very short. They had all started playing for AAA Rangers hockey team 4 years ago, the year Rocket moved here.
Bryan moved here because his parents split up. It was tough because he rarely saw his dad, and his mom worked almost 12 hours a day and got next
to nothing. Nevertheless, she managed to pay for his hockey. "I just want to see what's inside!" more content...
The Blues were against the AAA Rangers. "Here we go," he thought. The puck dropped. Bryan hit it back before it hit the ground. The puck slid
right to the stick of the Blues captain. The Blues were up 4 to 3. Bryan blasted behind his own net. "Bring it," he said to himself. That was Ty,
Adam, and his old saying. The buzzer sounded to end the third period. It wasn't really as special as Bryan had thought. As Bryan took off his
skates he asked himself "Could there be more to life than just hockey?" He knew the answer. He grabbed his sticks and yelled out "Good game
guys!" As he walked down the hallway, he noticed Barker and James the General Manager talking. Barker saw him and immediately said "Bryan...
I was wrong. Size isn't everything. I would like to offer you a spot on the team before the regular season starts." Bryan replied "Actually... I think
I'll stay with the Blues. They are more hockey players than any of the Rangers. They helped me figure out what a real hockey player is. They need
me and I need them.... And by the way, I only play for real coaches". Bryan turned his back and walked to his ride. "That felt good," he thought "Yeah,
Hockey isn't
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How To Write A Narrative Essay On Roller Coasters
I remember when I went to six flags I was scared to ride roller coasters. I would walk around watching my family getting on roller coasters having
fun while I stayed on the ground. Until my mom convinced me to get on one with her. At first I was sacred as the roller coaster was going up. But
as it started to go down I felt a rush of excitement. After the first ride I could not stop; I got on ride after ride. The rides were something I never
experienced in life before.I saw the biggest ride of all and waited a while because the lane was long. When it was finally time for me to get on I started
to have second thoughts. But I knew if did not ride this I would be to scared to do it the rest of my life. So i mustered up the courage and got on the
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Personal Narrative : My Future Career
My Future Career
I have been trained to become a chemist since the first year of my high school. This is a challenging career, requiring analytical thinking, attention to
details, and adaptability. It is also a well–paying and promising career. However, chemistry is not what I have always dreamt of doing the rest of my
life. As someone who is concerned about the development of sub–Saharan Africa, I came to a conclusion that what this region needs is not only
scientists but also people who know and understand leadership and international affairs. In this paper, I compare my strengths and abilities to the
qualities that one should have in order to excel as a chemist and a diplomat.
I grew up in a military family. My father was an air force officer who trained others in piloting helicopters. As a young boy, I found this to be very
fascinating and I thought I was going to follow in his footsteps. Sadly, he died in a helicopter crash in 1998. He was a very important person in my
life that I considered as a mentor. Consequently, I gradually started losing interest in serving in the army. It was a major setback.
At the time of high school, many students were encouraged to study science and technology. The education officials argued that it was what the country
needed in order to break out of poverty and a stagnant economy. Besides that, this field of science and technology had incentives that other academic
fields did not have. Here, I can mention scholarships to study abroad
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Persuasive Narrative Essay
Have you ever had one of those days where you never wanted it to end? All the joy comes spilling out of you and you don't want it to stop? Well, that
was the day I didn't know I had. As I roused out of my sleep, I heard somebody rushing up the stairs and opening my door. " Arlene, wake up we have
to leave soon!" My mom bellowed as I started to lift the blue blanket off myself. We were going to California today and I couldn't wait! I went and
packed my toothbrush, glasses, contacts, and whatever else I needed. As I rushed downstairs, I smelled the eggs my mom was making us as I
gave my luggage to my dad. I couldn't wait for this adventure to begin, but I didn't know how much fun I would really have! "Please fasten your
seatbelt the plane is about to land," the flight attendant addressed over the loudspeaker. I squealed as I put my headphones away and turned my
phone off. "Ahhhh, I can't believe we're about to land!" I told Armaan. While the plane was landing, we saw the Hollywood Sign, buildings, many
hills, and not to mention palm trees! "Wow, look at this view!" I exclaimed as the plane started to dart down at full speed. Finally, we were here. As
soon as I got out I felt a nice breeze, and I started to make my way out of the plane and to the baggage area. "I can't believe we're here!" Armaan
beamed while my dad went to go pick up a car. We found our bags and headed outside when the hot sun blazed right at me. "Mom, Dad can we go to
The Grove first I really want to go?"
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Persuasive Narrative Essay
It was my last memory from my class at Meadowbrook, the school's right of passage at the end of the 8th grade year: ziplining in Costa Rica. I felt
my stomach tighten as I took a step up to the first platform, took one last deep breath, and jumped. The violent, Costa Rican air whipped around
me, spinning my body in a circle like a helicopter blade. I tirelessly squeezed the handlebar with the rough, sandpaper gloves like my life depended
on it. Ironically, at the time, I thought it did. I was mortified. After helplessly spinning around for about a minute, I crashed into the end of the line
and nervously unhooked my harness. One down, seven to go. The next line began similarly to the first one. I leaped off the platform hesitantly,
but the wind had died down and I was able to relax. I gazed across the seemingly endless lush, green landscapes of the Costa Rican mountain ranges
in awe. Still choke holding the handlebar, I was not comfortable in the slightest. I left the third platform just a second quicker feeling slightly more
secure in the harness. This time, I released the handlebar, leaving my doubts and worries behind. I was about as content as I could possibly be
given the circumstances, dangling thousands of feet up in the air in the mountains, supported by a jaded wooden rope an inch in diameter. Two
summers ago, I trotted onto the 18th green, up one stroke in the tournament. It felt incredible, all my hard work was finally going to pay off. I had
a 2 foot putt with no break, a putt I could make a million times over in my sleep. I placed my hands onto my putter as they gradually started to
shake and tremble. I felt my stomach tighten as I realized this "gimme" putt was nothing I could have ever prepared for. I was ready to get my first
tournament win. My hands still wavering, I brought the putter straight back and through. It felt like an eternity as my ball inched closer and closer
toward the hole. But instead of reveling in the clink as the ball hit the bottom of the hole, the ball took a left hand turn, hit the edge of the cup, and
settled a measly inch or two from the hole. I tapped in and walked away, devastated that I had just lost the tournament. It was as if my countless hours
of preparation had
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Opening to a Horror Story Essay
Opening to a Horror Story
They told him the house was haunted. They told him the house was strange. Five families had moved in, and never made it out. Alive anyway. He had
already survived two days with his family. His second night in his new home, what could possibly happen?
A whispered name.
The boy stirs in his sleep. A pale, vaporous moon lights the room. Shadows are deep. He twists his head, turning towards the window so that his face
becomes a soft mask, unblemished, colourless. But the boy's dream is troubled; beneath his lids, his eyes dart to and fro.
The whispered name:
Its sound is distant.
The boy frowns; yet the voice is within his own slumber, more content...
He stands at the door, as if fearing to touch. But he is puzzled. More– he is curious. He twists the handle, the metal's coldness leaping along his arm
like iced energy released from a source. The shock is mild against the damp chill of his own body. He pulls the door open and the darkness beyond is
more dense; it seems to swell into the bedroom, a waxing shadow. He shrinks away, reluctant to allow contact with this fresh darkness.
His vision adjusts, and the inkiness scatters as if weakened by its own sudden growth. He advances again, passing through the doorway to stand
shivering on the landing overlooking the staircase. To descend this would be like sinking into the blackest of all pits, for darkness down there appears
Still the hushed whisper urges:
He listens for a moment more, perhaps wishing that the minor voice would also rouse his sleeping parents. There is no sound from their room; grief
has exhausted their bodies as well as their spirit. He stares into the centre of the darkness below, terribly compelled to descend.
The fingers of one hand slide against the wall, as he does so, their tips rippling over the textured wall paper. Disbelief mingles with the fascination and
the fear. Small lights – caught from who knows where? At the foot of
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Descriptive Essay About My Morning
This morning I woke up, the same as everyday stretching my legs off my bed and onto the floor, my arms raised up grazing the ceiling. As any other
day, I got out of bed and waltzed into the kitchen where I could smell the aroma of coffee being freshly brewed. My mother was up, bright and early
fixing breakfast for my father who leaves everyday for work promptly at 7:00am. I am not a morning person, but today the smell of that coffee woke
me with ease. If this were any other day, I wouldn 't have woken so easily. For some reason this day didn 't really feel like every other day. Mymother,
and I have a decent relationship. You could say we have a normal mother daughter relationship comparable to anyone else. We go shopping, to
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I walk to school alone everyday, and that is okay with me because I enjoy the peace, and quite. As I walk I think about how I can't wait to get to
school, but I also think about how when I get to school I know that every minute that passes is a minute closer to me being back at home. It is a
shame that I think this way. It's a shame because I love my mother, and my father ruins that for me. In a perfect world I would go home to just my
mother, and wouldn 't have to worry about the hatred that my father endures towards my family, and for no reason at that.
With all these thoughts rushing through my head, I finally realize that I have been daydreaming so long that I am no longer walking, but I am at a halt in
front of the main entrance of my high school. I say to myself aloud, "If I go in that means I am roughly eight hours from being back at home."
Instead of entering the school I immediately turn around to walk back to my house. Nobody is there during the day so that means I can actually
enjoy being home without the worry of anyone belittling myself or my mother. My walking now turns into a light jog, as for once I am excited
about the idea of being home. Finally I am approaching the driveway to my house where I see a strange car parked in front of the garage door. The
car appeared to be an old van painted in a dark matte greenish color. The wheels looked worn as if they have maybe been changed once in the cars
lifetime, and the
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Personal Narrative Essay: Basketball Starters
Basketball Starters
One day in Gym class there were four boys playing basketball, there names were Jimmy who is very small and never gets to play for the basketball
team. Then there's Carl who is a starter for the basketball team and is trying to convince coach to put Jimmy in, and finally there's Jeff and Charlie,
they both like to bully Jimmy because he's too small to play.
First, The story starts off in the gym while the team is having their first practice back.
"Hey what's up Jimmy," says Carl.
"Oh hey Carl, do you think your gonna make the team this year." "Well I think so, I mean I don't want to be to confident, but yeah." Carl responds.
"Ok guys, Let's start stretching." Coach replies.
After practice Carl and Jimmy walked back to more content...
Charlie bubbled "Yeah that would be perfect!"
The whole rest of the practice Charlie was making fun of Jimmy because he's bad at Basketball and he can't make a shot. Finally, its game day, where
the Wildcats face the undefeated Bobcats, The wildcats are warming up and getting ready for the game.
GAMETIME!!! Carl gets the tip off and passes it to Charlie then he drives the hoop and makes the basket and gets fouled. he makes his free throw.
Later in the day it was halftime and the game was tied. The coach was very happy how they're playing against the Bobcats. Then, it's in the fourth
quarter and the game is getting tight and Jimmy is the only person the team that hasn't played yet.
Carl keeps asking coach to put Jimmy in but he won't budge, Finally coach puts Jimmy with two minutes left. Jimmy hasn't done anything so far.
There are 5 seconds left and Carl passes the ball to Jimmy. Now there are 2 seconds left, The game is tied. Jimmy shoots the ball and makes it into the
hoop to win the game against the undefeated
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Personal Narrative : My First Basketball Game
Finally I got home from basketball practice after school and I was just
waiting for my first high school basketball game of the season. I'm a
freshmen and I have been waiting a long time to play my first basketball
game in high school and yes, I'm a little nervous but that's just because
of all these negative vibes from people at my school telling me I can't, or
I'm not good enough, or laughing at me for thinking I can do something
insane. "Adam are you ready for your first game of the season." Marcus,
shouted. "Of course I am." I replied with an excited tone to my voice.
Marcus is my older brother, he taught me how to play basketball and has
always been there for me. Finally it's Tuesday my first basketball game is
after school and I can't wait! I've heard many things about my high
school's basketball team and I know that it has never been a good team
there just isn't a lot of basketball talent where I live, but I hope to change
that, make my teammates better, and win my school a championship. My
team and I are walking onto the court prepared to compete to win our
first game of the season, "alright here's the plan, we're all gonna get on
that court running the same offense and defense we practiced in
practice, are we clear." my coach said sounding extremely confident in
our team, "Yes sir!" Our whole team replied. The first quarter I scored 5
points 2 assists, the second quarter I scored 8 points and got 4 assists,
and in the third and fourth quarters combined I got 12 points, 3
rebounds, and 6 assists. We lost 54–87, and I hate losing nobody doesn't
hate losing especially when you are as competitive as me. "It's all good
Adam you'll get'em next time" Marcus said trying to cheer me up. I might
hate losing but if I lose I come back because of my determination, so the
next practice me and my teammates finished up the drills and after
practice I helped a lot of them out with their game, by playing them 1on1,
running pick up games, and working on drills. The next game we played
I got 24 points, 13 assists, and 5 rebounds and we barely won the game
by a few points the score was 83–79. I know that we probably aren't
going to win our next game so I kept
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Perseverance Essay
What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice
one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal
and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all
efforts to succeed.
We are high school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve personal success is now. With this urgency comes
the expectation of having to persevere. This year has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have been more content...
There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never
falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is the essence of persevering––finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted
Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it to school. But you find it within yourself to do
because the hope of a better tomorrow compels you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake
you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the bus, you are one step closer to realizing your
dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all things
are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were
divorced, but it seems like both parents divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She gave a whole
new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was
evident that it required self–motivation and determination.
We have all been called upon
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Becoming A Starter

  • 1. Becoming A Starter Becoming a starter in the eighth grade was not an easy task, but it has been memorable over my high school years. It was such a high accomplishment for me, and I will always remember how I made that happen. Working hard during practice and taking full advantage of an unexpected opportunity allowed me to become a starter in a varsity softball game as an eighth grader. To accept the opportunity to step on the field with the varsity softball team started as a child working hard in everything I do, striving for success, and never expecting anything less than what I know I am capable of. I always took running two miles every morning during the summer to running the bases at practice after school very seriously. By this, I became a courtesy runner Get more content on
  • 2. Personal Narrative Learn The Hard Way Learn it the hard way. That is the way I learned the old adage "no pain, no gain". It was my first dirt bike race. My heart had been pounding like a drum in a high school band for three days before the race. The race was in the middle of nowhere in Tucson, Az. I arrived on a Friday, my race was on Saturday. It was sunny out, but there was a slight breeze blowing the tent around, making it hard to set up. Friday evening was the practice run, where all the riders got the chance to pre–run the course for the race the next day. When the announcer announced that it was my class' turn to practice my stomach dropped. It felt as if I was going 100 mph and just hit a dip in the road. I felt more content... I got used to it, or so I thought. I started taking my turns faster and getting in race mode. By this time I had calmed down and relaxed. I got to relaxed and got ahead of my self and BAM! I went down jamming my knee between my bike and the hard packed dirt ground. Adrenaline instantly hit me. I felt dizzy from the adrenaline. I could feel it run through my veins like cold blood. I picked up my bike I finished the practice lap and pulled into the pit. I put my bike on the greasy aluminum stand that I had been using for a year. I sat down to calm my nerves. The adrenaline was still there. I tuned my bike up for the race. I sprayed my chain down with a sticky liquid called chain lube. I took out the wrench and tightened my chain. As soon as I changed out of the sweaty clothes and wash the muddy dirt off of my face, I sat by the fire. All I could think about was the race. My friends who have been racing for a few years were giving me tips; they would also throw in a joke about me losing. They were trying to make my nerves stop racing around and just sit still. I could close my eyes and picture the whole race in my head. Then I realized I was still by the fire when I could feel the warm bursts of heat from the fire on my face as I stared at the glowing stars. It was time for us racers to go to bed since we had to get up early the next morning for the race. My best friend and I were sharing a tent. We climbed in, got undressed and crawled into our sleeping bags. I could Get more content on
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  • 5. Examples Of Historical Narrative HISTORICAL NARRATIVE The year was 1787 Elizabeth was going to her job at the clog maker on the way Elizabeth started talking to the people on the street to the way of her job. She arrived at her job where she stole the clogs and put them in her bag and acted normal during her job she worked for 5 hours then headed home and she slept and the next morning she woke up and she had the police at her door and said " You're coming to court Elizabeth" She left her home and went to court and she was accused of stealing clogs Elizabeth said to herself please don't take me away from my family she came home and said this might be the last time i see you guys the family and Elizabeth all cried and Elizabeth left to court she prayed but luck wasn't on her Get more content on
  • 6. Star Wars: A Narrative Fiction I awoke in my bed, hearing my phone go off. I pressed the green button in the middle wearily. " HEY!" the phone seemed to scream at me. It was just my friend Paul, thank goodness. Even though he was two years younger than me, he was still a good friend. " Are you up? Come on, kid! I've got a surprise for you!" I got dressed, fixed my hair, and ran out the door. Paul, was standing there with the story that we had written together a few weeks ago. I wondered why, but the thought raced away when she spoke: "You're NEVER going to believe this, Kiana! Our story is going to be made into a MOVIE!" My eyes widened, my smile was so big my face hurt. " You're kidding!" I joked. Paul smiled even bigger. " You betcha! You know I've got George Lucas's email, right?" I nodded. George Lucas was the one who had written and directed all the original Star Wars movies. Me more content... The next thing I know me and Paul were asked to meet him at the local italian restaurant, Fazoli's. Me and Paul had been there quite a few times with our families. " It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lucas. We are soooooo glad that you have considered my story!" Paul said. HIS story? We wrote it together! In fact, I came up with the storyline, the characters, the setting, everything! I started to feel a little jealous as I ate my fettuccine alfredo." Yes, Paul, yes. I believe Miss Kiana helped you too?" Mr. Lucas asked him. " Yes, I –" I started to say. " Yeah sure. I guess you could say that." he told him. I slammed my fist on the table. The others looked at me in concern. Mr. Lucas went on to tell us that we were going to fly to California so that we could oversee the film process. " Wow, I'm only 13, and yet I am the luckiest kid in the world!" Paul shouted out with glee as we got on the plane. I couldn't believe it! he was totally disregarding the fact that I had written most of it! I grew angry. Before I could say something, however, I heard a familiar Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Narrative-The Starter After arriving to the start line, I noticed their were over ten teams. This was more than I expected, based on my movie experience. Now I was even more skittish. All the experienced, agile competitors were intimidating. One of team captains said it was time to jog out. Not really knowing what that meant, I tried to mock the girls in front of me. Easy enough, we jogged to the imaginary line and back. When we got back I plopped down on the ground and began stretching. I was in a bit of a daze so didn't notice the arrogant man with microphone and gun walking up–who we call "The Starter." Snapping out of it, I sprang up and went into a stance to begin running. Patiently, I waited for him to talk. "The Starter" announced that it was a two command Get more content on
  • 8. Essay Growing Up When I Grow Up.. "Being 'grown up' isn't as fun as the idea of growing up." –AmberGrace Seguin Remember when we were young and all we could think of was growing up and getting to do 'grownup' things? We spent our whole childhood thinking of what we would do when we finally 'grew up', and here we are, almost completely grown up and we still haven't made up our mind of what it is we will do when we grow up. We've painted this pretty little picture in our head of what it'll be like when we eventually do grow up, and when it finally comes for the picture to be taken off the wall and put into action, it's not nearly as fun as creating the painting. "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional." –Anonymous We all have the more content... "The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." –Alden Nowlan As we continue to grow up, we learn that being grown up is not as we imagined it. We once convinced ourselves that growing up was the goal to achieve, and life would be much better once we were in fact grown up. When we in fact do grow up, we think back at our youth and laugh because we thought growing up was the most wondrous thing to accomplish, but now, more than ever, we crave for our youth; for the days we would sit in the grass and daydream of what we are to become when we grow up; and finally for the days when life was simple and we could imagine it any which way we wanted it and no one could do a thing about it. "A grownup is a child with layers on." –Woody Get more content on
  • 9. Narrative Essay On The Island "Astoria!" His cries echoed. The bounced off of the long brick corridors and along the panels of glass that encompassed the walls on his left. "Astoria!!" Fish swam on the other side of the glass emitting bubbles, as if mocking his pleas. The queen stood across the castle, both hands placed on the huge cold bricks. Her head hung low leaving about a centimeter of space between her and the wall. She listened to his calls, each one filled itself with more desperation and urgency than the last. Yet, Astoria didn't flinch. The castle was huge and, for the most part, built underwater. It was what most people may refer to as the most city of Atlantis. The only lighting was provided by randomly placed candles that, after years of use, had more content... All at once she turned as if to run but was met with an awed lovestruck gaze. His blue eyes widened and softened with the sight of her face. All the pain of life seemed to melt off his face and was replaced with gentleness. Drop.... Drip.... Drop..... Drip.... Drip.... water splashed onto the stones in the dead silence. They both knew the answer. "Please...." He pleaded with her. She found herself in hysterics, "I just murdered a friend! And you still can't manage to blame me!" Her hands flew to her head while she spun in a circle, then they shot back down to her sides. Draco stood there motionless, hardly ashamed. "He's dead because of me! Can't you see that!?" She practically hissed, "And I liked it! I would do it again!" She saw advancement in his eyes. "Please don't come any closer..." She exclaimed with shame. Confusion filled his face before he took one slow step forward, he obviously didn't get the message. Panicked, Astoria spun around and ran out of the room and down the nearest hall. Draco's trance broke as he rushed after Astoria, catching her by the arm and spinning her around. "Would you stop bloody running from me!?" He snarled. She fought to get free, avoiding eye contact. His grip tightened while he reached to grab her other arm and hold her steady. "Draco let go!" She pounded on his chest the best she could. He refused her order, "No." She eventually gave in as her voice broke and her knees betrayed her, leaving Astoria a heap in his Get more content on
  • 10. Creative Writing: The Rocket "Wow, I hope that's me someday..." Bryan (the Rocket) Rockwood thought as he gazed upon a wax mannequin of Wayne Gretzky holding the Stanley cup. Bryan and Ty were at a hockey hall of fame museum fairly close to his home. "Wouldn't that be amazing?" Ty asked in awe. Rocket's best friend were Ty and Adam. He was humongous, about 5 foot 9. Compared to Rocket he looked like his older brother. Rocket guessed that he was about 5 feet tall. Rocket was very short. They had all started playing for AAA Rangers hockey team 4 years ago, the year Rocket moved here. Bryan moved here because his parents split up. It was tough because he rarely saw his dad, and his mom worked almost 12 hours a day and got next to nothing. Nevertheless, she managed to pay for his hockey. "I just want to see what's inside!" more content... The Blues were against the AAA Rangers. "Here we go," he thought. The puck dropped. Bryan hit it back before it hit the ground. The puck slid right to the stick of the Blues captain. The Blues were up 4 to 3. Bryan blasted behind his own net. "Bring it," he said to himself. That was Ty, Adam, and his old saying. The buzzer sounded to end the third period. It wasn't really as special as Bryan had thought. As Bryan took off his skates he asked himself "Could there be more to life than just hockey?" He knew the answer. He grabbed his sticks and yelled out "Good game guys!" As he walked down the hallway, he noticed Barker and James the General Manager talking. Barker saw him and immediately said "Bryan... I was wrong. Size isn't everything. I would like to offer you a spot on the team before the regular season starts." Bryan replied "Actually... I think I'll stay with the Blues. They are more hockey players than any of the Rangers. They helped me figure out what a real hockey player is. They need me and I need them.... And by the way, I only play for real coaches". Bryan turned his back and walked to his ride. "That felt good," he thought "Yeah, Hockey isn't Get more content on
  • 11. How To Write A Narrative Essay On Roller Coasters I remember when I went to six flags I was scared to ride roller coasters. I would walk around watching my family getting on roller coasters having fun while I stayed on the ground. Until my mom convinced me to get on one with her. At first I was sacred as the roller coaster was going up. But as it started to go down I felt a rush of excitement. After the first ride I could not stop; I got on ride after ride. The rides were something I never experienced in life before.I saw the biggest ride of all and waited a while because the lane was long. When it was finally time for me to get on I started to have second thoughts. But I knew if did not ride this I would be to scared to do it the rest of my life. So i mustered up the courage and got on the Get more content on
  • 12. Personal Narrative : My Future Career My Future Career I have been trained to become a chemist since the first year of my high school. This is a challenging career, requiring analytical thinking, attention to details, and adaptability. It is also a well–paying and promising career. However, chemistry is not what I have always dreamt of doing the rest of my life. As someone who is concerned about the development of sub–Saharan Africa, I came to a conclusion that what this region needs is not only scientists but also people who know and understand leadership and international affairs. In this paper, I compare my strengths and abilities to the qualities that one should have in order to excel as a chemist and a diplomat. I grew up in a military family. My father was an air force officer who trained others in piloting helicopters. As a young boy, I found this to be very fascinating and I thought I was going to follow in his footsteps. Sadly, he died in a helicopter crash in 1998. He was a very important person in my life that I considered as a mentor. Consequently, I gradually started losing interest in serving in the army. It was a major setback. At the time of high school, many students were encouraged to study science and technology. The education officials argued that it was what the country needed in order to break out of poverty and a stagnant economy. Besides that, this field of science and technology had incentives that other academic fields did not have. Here, I can mention scholarships to study abroad Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Narrative Essay Have you ever had one of those days where you never wanted it to end? All the joy comes spilling out of you and you don't want it to stop? Well, that was the day I didn't know I had. As I roused out of my sleep, I heard somebody rushing up the stairs and opening my door. " Arlene, wake up we have to leave soon!" My mom bellowed as I started to lift the blue blanket off myself. We were going to California today and I couldn't wait! I went and packed my toothbrush, glasses, contacts, and whatever else I needed. As I rushed downstairs, I smelled the eggs my mom was making us as I gave my luggage to my dad. I couldn't wait for this adventure to begin, but I didn't know how much fun I would really have! "Please fasten your seatbelt the plane is about to land," the flight attendant addressed over the loudspeaker. I squealed as I put my headphones away and turned my phone off. "Ahhhh, I can't believe we're about to land!" I told Armaan. While the plane was landing, we saw the Hollywood Sign, buildings, many hills, and not to mention palm trees! "Wow, look at this view!" I exclaimed as the plane started to dart down at full speed. Finally, we were here. As soon as I got out I felt a nice breeze, and I started to make my way out of the plane and to the baggage area. "I can't believe we're here!" Armaan beamed while my dad went to go pick up a car. We found our bags and headed outside when the hot sun blazed right at me. "Mom, Dad can we go to The Grove first I really want to go?" Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Narrative Essay It was my last memory from my class at Meadowbrook, the school's right of passage at the end of the 8th grade year: ziplining in Costa Rica. I felt my stomach tighten as I took a step up to the first platform, took one last deep breath, and jumped. The violent, Costa Rican air whipped around me, spinning my body in a circle like a helicopter blade. I tirelessly squeezed the handlebar with the rough, sandpaper gloves like my life depended on it. Ironically, at the time, I thought it did. I was mortified. After helplessly spinning around for about a minute, I crashed into the end of the line and nervously unhooked my harness. One down, seven to go. The next line began similarly to the first one. I leaped off the platform hesitantly, but the wind had died down and I was able to relax. I gazed across the seemingly endless lush, green landscapes of the Costa Rican mountain ranges in awe. Still choke holding the handlebar, I was not comfortable in the slightest. I left the third platform just a second quicker feeling slightly more secure in the harness. This time, I released the handlebar, leaving my doubts and worries behind. I was about as content as I could possibly be given the circumstances, dangling thousands of feet up in the air in the mountains, supported by a jaded wooden rope an inch in diameter. Two summers ago, I trotted onto the 18th green, up one stroke in the tournament. It felt incredible, all my hard work was finally going to pay off. I had a 2 foot putt with no break, a putt I could make a million times over in my sleep. I placed my hands onto my putter as they gradually started to shake and tremble. I felt my stomach tighten as I realized this "gimme" putt was nothing I could have ever prepared for. I was ready to get my first tournament win. My hands still wavering, I brought the putter straight back and through. It felt like an eternity as my ball inched closer and closer toward the hole. But instead of reveling in the clink as the ball hit the bottom of the hole, the ball took a left hand turn, hit the edge of the cup, and settled a measly inch or two from the hole. I tapped in and walked away, devastated that I had just lost the tournament. It was as if my countless hours of preparation had Get more content on
  • 15. Opening to a Horror Story Essay Opening to a Horror Story They told him the house was haunted. They told him the house was strange. Five families had moved in, and never made it out. Alive anyway. He had already survived two days with his family. His second night in his new home, what could possibly happen? A whispered name. The boy stirs in his sleep. A pale, vaporous moon lights the room. Shadows are deep. He twists his head, turning towards the window so that his face becomes a soft mask, unblemished, colourless. But the boy's dream is troubled; beneath his lids, his eyes dart to and fro. The whispered name: 'Daniel....' Its sound is distant. The boy frowns; yet the voice is within his own slumber, more content... He stands at the door, as if fearing to touch. But he is puzzled. More– he is curious. He twists the handle, the metal's coldness leaping along his arm like iced energy released from a source. The shock is mild against the damp chill of his own body. He pulls the door open and the darkness beyond is more dense; it seems to swell into the bedroom, a waxing shadow. He shrinks away, reluctant to allow contact with this fresh darkness. His vision adjusts, and the inkiness scatters as if weakened by its own sudden growth. He advances again, passing through the doorway to stand shivering on the landing overlooking the staircase. To descend this would be like sinking into the blackest of all pits, for darkness down there appears final. Still the hushed whisper urges:
  • 16. '...Daniel...' He listens for a moment more, perhaps wishing that the minor voice would also rouse his sleeping parents. There is no sound from their room; grief has exhausted their bodies as well as their spirit. He stares into the centre of the darkness below, terribly compelled to descend. The fingers of one hand slide against the wall, as he does so, their tips rippling over the textured wall paper. Disbelief mingles with the fascination and the fear. Small lights – caught from who knows where? At the foot of Get more content on
  • 17. Descriptive Essay About My Morning This morning I woke up, the same as everyday stretching my legs off my bed and onto the floor, my arms raised up grazing the ceiling. As any other day, I got out of bed and waltzed into the kitchen where I could smell the aroma of coffee being freshly brewed. My mother was up, bright and early fixing breakfast for my father who leaves everyday for work promptly at 7:00am. I am not a morning person, but today the smell of that coffee woke me with ease. If this were any other day, I wouldn 't have woken so easily. For some reason this day didn 't really feel like every other day. Mymother, and I have a decent relationship. You could say we have a normal mother daughter relationship comparable to anyone else. We go shopping, to more content... I walk to school alone everyday, and that is okay with me because I enjoy the peace, and quite. As I walk I think about how I can't wait to get to school, but I also think about how when I get to school I know that every minute that passes is a minute closer to me being back at home. It is a shame that I think this way. It's a shame because I love my mother, and my father ruins that for me. In a perfect world I would go home to just my mother, and wouldn 't have to worry about the hatred that my father endures towards my family, and for no reason at that. With all these thoughts rushing through my head, I finally realize that I have been daydreaming so long that I am no longer walking, but I am at a halt in front of the main entrance of my high school. I say to myself aloud, "If I go in that means I am roughly eight hours from being back at home." Instead of entering the school I immediately turn around to walk back to my house. Nobody is there during the day so that means I can actually enjoy being home without the worry of anyone belittling myself or my mother. My walking now turns into a light jog, as for once I am excited about the idea of being home. Finally I am approaching the driveway to my house where I see a strange car parked in front of the garage door. The car appeared to be an old van painted in a dark matte greenish color. The wheels looked worn as if they have maybe been changed once in the cars lifetime, and the Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Narrative Essay: Basketball Starters Basketball Starters One day in Gym class there were four boys playing basketball, there names were Jimmy who is very small and never gets to play for the basketball team. Then there's Carl who is a starter for the basketball team and is trying to convince coach to put Jimmy in, and finally there's Jeff and Charlie, they both like to bully Jimmy because he's too small to play. First, The story starts off in the gym while the team is having their first practice back. "Hey what's up Jimmy," says Carl. "Oh hey Carl, do you think your gonna make the team this year." "Well I think so, I mean I don't want to be to confident, but yeah." Carl responds. "Ok guys, Let's start stretching." Coach replies. After practice Carl and Jimmy walked back to more content... Charlie bubbled "Yeah that would be perfect!" The whole rest of the practice Charlie was making fun of Jimmy because he's bad at Basketball and he can't make a shot. Finally, its game day, where the Wildcats face the undefeated Bobcats, The wildcats are warming up and getting ready for the game. GAMETIME!!! Carl gets the tip off and passes it to Charlie then he drives the hoop and makes the basket and gets fouled. he makes his free throw. Later in the day it was halftime and the game was tied. The coach was very happy how they're playing against the Bobcats. Then, it's in the fourth quarter and the game is getting tight and Jimmy is the only person the team that hasn't played yet. Carl keeps asking coach to put Jimmy in but he won't budge, Finally coach puts Jimmy with two minutes left. Jimmy hasn't done anything so far. There are 5 seconds left and Carl passes the ball to Jimmy. Now there are 2 seconds left, The game is tied. Jimmy shoots the ball and makes it into the hoop to win the game against the undefeated
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  • 20. Personal Narrative : My First Basketball Game Finally I got home from basketball practice after school and I was just waiting for my first high school basketball game of the season. I'm a freshmen and I have been waiting a long time to play my first basketball game in high school and yes, I'm a little nervous but that's just because of all these negative vibes from people at my school telling me I can't, or I'm not good enough, or laughing at me for thinking I can do something insane. "Adam are you ready for your first game of the season." Marcus, shouted. "Of course I am." I replied with an excited tone to my voice. Marcus is my older brother, he taught me how to play basketball and has always been there for me. Finally it's Tuesday my first basketball game is after school and I can't wait! I've heard many things about my high school's basketball team and I know that it has never been a good team there just isn't a lot of basketball talent where I live, but I hope to change
  • 21. that, make my teammates better, and win my school a championship. My team and I are walking onto the court prepared to compete to win our first game of the season, "alright here's the plan, we're all gonna get on that court running the same offense and defense we practiced in practice, are we clear." my coach said sounding extremely confident in our team, "Yes sir!" Our whole team replied. The first quarter I scored 5 points 2 assists, the second quarter I scored 8 points and got 4 assists, and in the third and fourth quarters combined I got 12 points, 3 rebounds, and 6 assists. We lost 54–87, and I hate losing nobody doesn't hate losing especially when you are as competitive as me. "It's all good Adam you'll get'em next time" Marcus said trying to cheer me up. I might hate losing but if I lose I come back because of my determination, so the next practice me and my teammates finished up the drills and after practice I helped a lot of them out with their game, by playing them 1on1, running pick up games, and working on drills. The next game we played I got 24 points, 13 assists, and 5 rebounds and we barely won the game by a few points the score was 83–79. I know that we probably aren't going to win our next game so I kept
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  • 23. Perseverance Essay What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed. We are high school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve personal success is now. With this urgency comes the expectation of having to persevere. This year has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have been more content... There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is the essence of persevering––finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted out. Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it to school. But you find it within yourself to do because the hope of a better tomorrow compels you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the bus, you are one step closer to realizing your dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all things are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were divorced, but it seems like both parents divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was evident that it required self–motivation and determination. We have all been called upon Get more content on