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The C2C Be Tempting Strategy Guide

                            “What does it take to be successful?”
                            “How do we build a magnetic personality?”
                            “How do we actually become tempting?”

                            To put simply and succinctly, the C2C Be Tempting Strategy Guide
                            equips you with all the tools for “strategies that enable you to
                            enhance your life in all domains"

                            The following ‘Be Tempting Strategies’ might act as eye openers
                            and expose you to something new altogether or they might simply
                            reinforce something which you already know but never followed
                            due to lack of self drive. Success takes efforts. Whatever you
                            would learn here would just be a tip of the iceberg and the real
                            change in your personality would only come when your practise
                            these strategies with utmost conviction and passion.

                            If you find yourself enjoying, laughing, thinking and being
                            challenged by what you read and practice, be sure you have
                            already stepped on the road to be the most tempting talent of your

                            So C2Cians, just follow these strategies unconditionally and
                            prepare to be awakened to a reality of success!

                            Go Ahead! Be Tempting!

C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

© Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
without a prior written consent.

Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
              | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 1

Overcome Shyness
                                                                                              Human Being is a
                                                                                               Social Animal
There are many people who suffer from shyness and are unable to
represent themselves fully in front of others. Shyness can bring                       The way we have been created by the
problems in personal and professional life where it is necessary to                    Almighty, speaks volumes about how
                                                                                       we should respond and reciprocate in
interact and exhibit your feelings and thoughts. This is typically                     this world. We have been given eyes to
what happens with a lot of engineering students. A lot of                              see, ears to hear and a tongue to
engineering students, by nature or due to over academic                                speak. We need to communicate
indulgence, are shy and generally do not open up much.                                 verbally or non-verbally with all the
  .                                                                                    stimuli in the environment to develop
The Result? They do not interact much with their friends, do not                       totality in our personality.
participate in college activities, do not share their problems with
faculty and sometimes suffer from a peculiar sense of insecurity                       How do we define a ‘Pleasing
and become under confident. As a consequence they are not able                         Personality’?
to experience overall growth and lack profusely in team skills,
                                                                                       Napoleon Hill describes a pleasing
interpersonal skills, communication skills, enthusiasm, self drive
                                                                                       personality as the personality that
and pro-activeness. They are unable to develop a magnetic                              attracts. He says that “your personality
personality by the time they graduate and tend to become least                         is the sum total of your own
tempting and unattractive. Thus if shyness is a predominant                            characteristics and appearances that
feature of your persona it will surely hamper your academic life                       distinguish you from all others. The
and subsequent transition to the corporate world.                                      clothes you wear, the lines in your face,
                                                                                       the tone of your voice, the thoughts you
As a C2Cian, you should immediately get rid of shyness and                             think, the character you have
become an extrovert. Speak to people, learn to express yourself                        developed by those thoughts – all
and reach out. Don’t be afraid of rejections. Also, remember                           constitute part of your personality.
interaction is the best from of information. Be social and participate
in various activities in multiple domains and prove your mettle.
Discover yourself! Take feedback and give feedback.


  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 2

                                                                                                 Do You Smell
                                                                                                 Coffee Beans?
Confused? Why do we need to unlearn something that we have
learnt? What do we mean when we say “Unlearn?” Great                                   How often have you been to a shopping
Question! Unlearning is the process of subtracting the negative                        mall and bought some fragrance for
                                                                                       yourself? What is that one thing that the
programming you have imbibed and have eventually believed in,
                                                                                       salesman at the counter keeps
simply due to repetition.                                                              repeating after every fragrance that he
                                                                                       exposes you to?
Whatever we have learnt is not always correct and hence we
should be ready to unlearn the programming that doesn’t fit our                        He makes you smell coffee beans.
success goals. This could be true for the way you have learnt                          Why? Because after every fragrance
basic programming skills or the way you have learnt to solve                           that you smell, the sensory cells of your
Sudoku puzzles or the way you have leant to play a guitar or the                       nose get conditioned to the earlier
way you have learnt to give presentations or the way you have                          smell. And hence even if you smell a
learnt to drive a car. Be prepared to unlearn the processes you                        new fragrance you still smell the earlier
have already learnt if you get an opportunity to relearn them and                      one. Smelling coffee beans in between
                                                                                       actually beaks that vicious circle and
do them even more effectively.
                                                                                       neutralizes our sensory cells to smell
                                                                                       and feel the new fragrance.
Additionally, you need to evaluate the messages that you’ve been
given throughout your life and decide if that’s what you truly                         That is how you also need to unlearn
believe. Belief is extremely powerful. If you believe in something                     old things, theories and concepts and
that contradicts your desire or goal, then that goal will not be met                   replace them with new ones which are
for sure. Don’t let past mistakes oppress your success. Don’t own                      more effective and take you closer to
failure. It kills all your inner strength. Learn from it. But don't own it.            your goals.

Additionally, unlearn the negative programming of others too.
Don’t listen to those who tell you “it can’t be done.” As a C2Cian,
do not condition yourself for mediocricity. You always deserve


  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 3

Know Your Basics
                                                                                            Characteristics of a
                                                                                            Successful Engineer
If you want to be a successful engineer you can’t forget or ignore
your basics. The most stable architectures of the world have one                       -    Good at Math and Science
thing in common. They all have very solid foundations.                                 -    Enjoys puzzles and has a very
                                                                                            logical thought process
                                                                                       -    Likes to solve real life problems
Do not be superficial. Quite often students in an attempt to do a lot                       and is good at it
of projects across various domains simply forget the basics of                         -    Invites academic challenge
even the most key domains. All flowers on the stem of a plant                          -    Loves to multitask but is a good
would dry if you do not water the roots properly. Do not do                                 time manager
something just for the sake of putting it on the resume and then                       -    Curious and wants to know how
fumbling at it in the interview. Rather focus on the key academic                           things work
domains of your department. For example, a CSE student might                           -    Willing to constantly learn new
have a thousand certifications to prove his mettle in various cutting                       things as technology is always
edge technologies but if he does not know the difference between                            changing
an array and a pointer, he is simply worthless. Similarly if an ECE                    -    Enjoys working with other creative
                                                                                            and smart individuals
student is ignorant of the basics of electronics, all his projects and
                                                                                       -    Keeps himself/herself constantly
degree are null and void.                                                                   updated      on     general   and
                                                                                            technology affairs
As an engineer you have to naturally curious with a typical ‘How-                      -    Wants a career that's interesting
to’ brain. Whatever subject you study in your curriculum, do not                            and varied
just skim through it rather deep dive and build long lasting                           -    Would like to make a difference in
concepts for clarity of understanding. This also holds true for all                         the world
non academic or extra curricular activities that you participate in.
As a C2Cian, you need to emphasize on the base and the top will                                 Be Puzzled: Must for
take care of itself. But remember, you need not know everything                                 Engineering Students
but you should surely know where to find it when you need it
                                                                                       -    Puzzles to Puzzle You, More
because engineering is not only a profession but a way of life.
                                                                                            Puzzles to Puzzle You, Book of
                                                                                            Numbers by Shakuntala Devi
STICK TO CORE!                                                                         -    Mind Bafflers, The Great Book of
                                                                                            Puzzles and Teasers by George J.

  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 4

Be Energetic
                                                                                          What do batteries and
                                                                                         people have in common?
As a fresher you need to be brimming with energy and be as vibrant as
the morning sunflower. People with higher levels of energy draw more                   Answer: We all have positive and
attention and create a powerful impact than those will lesser energy                   negative sides.
levels. But how do we stay motivated and self energised always?
                                                                                       To achieve anything in life, it is
Here are some ways to overcome negative energy and stay positively                     imperative to have positive energy. No
energised:                                                                             matter what happened to you in your
  .                                                                                    past, you have an obligation. If you are
      -   Stay away from negative people                                               to be successful, you must decide your
      -   If you have to be around negative people, whether you’re at                  primary energy is going to be positive
          college or home, try deterring the negative comments and                     energy.
          conversations to that of a positive nature
      -   Be constructively involved in activities which actually contribute           The “But” is negative. If the negative
          to your positive personality growth. Succeeding in all such                  “But” is discarded, all you have is an
          endeavours fetches you appreciation and hence brings positive                objective fact, not necessarily negative
          energy to you                                                                or positive. You can work with objective
      -   Participate in some physical exercise like running, playing                  facts in a positive nature. If you have a
          tennis or even yoga to destress and keep yourself charged                    negative “But” all you have are excuses
      -   Have fun! Find something you really enjoy doing and do it.                   for not going forward in life. You have
          When you have done it, talk about it. You may love to do                     excuses for not succeeding. You have
          animation, running, play basketball, painting or singing. Make it            excuses for not embracing inner
          a regular practice to engage in your favourite activity.                     strength. Excuses need to be
                                                                                       eradicated from our behaviour.

When you meet your friends or your faculty, the enthusiasm with which                  "One of the most powerful forces in the
you greet them creates a very string impression about you. Be energetic                world is the will of men and women who
and proactive. Everyone you meet (be it your faculty, lab assistant,                   believe in themselves, who dare to
librarian, canteen boy, mess worker, etc) should be sending positive                   hope and aim high, who go confidently
vibes about you. Positive energy is happiness over sorrow, hope over                   after the things they want from life."
worthlessness and success over defeat. The challenge is to urge you to                                        - Author Unknown
evaluate your daily primary energy.


  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 5

Be Interesting                                                                         David J. Schwartz
                                                                                       1. The Magic of Thinking Big
                                                                                       Stephen Covey
Everyone loves meeting interesting people. Who make more friends in                    2. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
the college? Who are considered to be most creative? Who are
                                                                                       3. The 8th Habit
considered to be really dynamic? Who are the live wires of the college                 Paulo Coelho
picnic? Those who are most interesting. Simple.                                        4. The Alchemist
                                                                                       5. The Winners Stand Alone
So either you have a skill which differentiates you from the herd or your              Robin Sharma
conversations are interesting. For your conversation to be interesting,                6. The Monk who Sold His Ferrari
you have to be interesting yourself. What does this mean? Being up-to-
  .                                                                                    James Allen
date is one way to be interesting. Everyone loves someone who has                      7. As a Man Thinketh
something substantial to say because he or she is aware of what is                     Napoleon Hill
happening around the world. Watch TV, read the newspapers, keep                        8. Think and Grow Rich
                                                                                       9. The Laws of Success
abreast of current events. There are so many things going on around the
                                                                                       10. The Leader in Me
world that are worth paying attention to.                                              Norman Vincent Peale
                                                                                       11. The Power of Positive Thinking
Another way to keep things interesting is to be involved. Join chat                    Brian Tracy
groups, or even face-to-face organizations. Or, if you know you are                    12. Eat that Frog
going to socialize, then be prepared. Make a mental list of the meaty                  13. Speak to Win
things that can be discussed. Bottom line is, no one likes a hot air                   14. How Leaders Lead
balloon. If you are going to talk to people, make sure you know what you               Sun Tzu
are talking about.                                                                     15. The Art of War
                                                                                       Zig Ziglar
                                                                                       16. See You at the Top
Also as a C2Cian, you should read a lot of self-help books. Garbage In!
                                                                                       Ken Blanchard
Garbage Out! What you feed your brain is what forms the basis of your                  17. The One Minute Manager
thought process.                                                                       Jack Canfield
                                                                                       18. Chicken Soup for the Soul
BE A MAGNET!                                                                           Thomas A. Harris
                                                                                       19. I am OK. You are OK.
                                                                                       Spencer Johnson
                   25 Self Help Books You Must Read                                    20. Who Moved my Cheese
                                                                                       Deepak Chopra
       Dale Carnegie                                                                   21. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
       23. How to Win Friends and Influence People                                     Daniel Goleman
       24. Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business                             22. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can
       25. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living                                            Matter More Than IQ

  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 6
                                                                                     10. The Google Way: How One Company Is
Be Interested                                                                            Revolutionizing Management as We Know
                                                                                         It, by Bernard Girard
                                                                                     11. The Google Story, by David A. Vise
Be inquisitive about people, actions, things, places and everything                      and Mark Malseed
                                                                                     12. Inside Yahoo: Reinvention and the Road
under the sun. Your hunger for information and quest for search                          Ahead, by Karen Angel
determines how far you would go in life. Be really interested in                     13. The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding
people around you.                                                                       of Facebook, by Ben Mezrich
                                                                                     14. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,
Just as you want to be interesting for people, they would like you                       by John Perkins
                                                                                     15. Call Me Ted, by Ted Turner and Bill Burke
to be interested as well. The surest way to make the conversation                    16. The House of Dimon: How JPMorgan's
chemistry die is to look, act, and be uninterested in what the other                     Jamie Dimon Rose to the Top of the
person is saying. This may, at times, be difficult considering not                       Financial World, by Patricia Crisafulli
everything a person wants to talk about is necessarily something                     17. The Machine That Changed the World, by
you would enjoy listening to. Also be sincerely interested in                            James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and
                                                                                         Daniel Roos
processes and self development opportunities. Like participating in                  18. Against All Odds: The Story of the Toyota
a programming contest or going on a college adventure excursion.                         Motor Corporation and the Family That
Stay Interested. Stay Connected.                                                         Created It, by Yukiyasu Togo and William
BE GENUINELY CURIOUS!                                                                19. Buffett: The Making Of An American
                                                                                         Capitalist, by Roger Lowenstein
                                                                                     20. Losing my Virginity, by Richard Branson
        Some People and Companies You Could be                                       21. Iacocca: An Autobiography, by Lee
                                                                                         Iacocca and William Novak
                     Interested In
                                                                                     22. Sam Walton, Made in America: My Story,
                                                                                         by Sam Walton and John Huey
  1.   The Road Ahead, by Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson            23. The McKinsey Way, by Ethan M. Rasiel
  2.   Business at The Speed of Thought, by Bill Gates
                                                                                     24. Trump 101: The Way to Success, by
  3.   Bad Boy Ballmer: The Man Who Now Runs Microsoft,
                                                                                         Donald Trump
       by Fredric Alan Maxwell
                                                                                     25. Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
  4.   How to Move Mount Fuji? Microsoft’s Cult of the Puzzle, by William
                                                                                     26. Banker to the Poor, Muhammad Yunus
       Poundstone                                                                    27. Jack: Straight from the Gut, by Jack
  5.   The Maverick and his Machine : Thomas Watson, Sr. and the making of
                                                                                         Welch, John A Byrne
       IBM, by Kevin Maney
                                                                                     28. An Autobiography - The Story of My
  6.   Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond, by Thomas J Watson                  Experiments With Truth, by M. K. Gandhi
       Jr. and Peter Petre
                                                                                     29. My Years with General Motors
  7.   Tough Choices - A Memoir, by Carly Fiorina
                                                                                         by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
  8.   Direct from Dell: Strategies that Revolutionized an Industry, by Michael
                                                                                     30. The Animated Man: A Life of Walt Disney,
                                                                                         by Michael Barrier
  9.   Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, by John Sculley and John A. Byrne

  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 7

Think Big
                                                                                                 Don’t Give Up!

The reason why most students end up leading an average                                 Abraham Lincoln: 16th President of the
personal and professional life is due to the confined approach.                        United States. For one reason or the
                                                                                       other he was an utter failure in politics
You do not participate in technology competitions because your
                                                                                       before being finally elected as the
fear their will be students more intelligent than you who would                        President of America. He started from
steal the limelight. You do not apply for a BIG organization                           humble beginnings and didn’t let his
because you very strongly believe that you do not deserve the                          past keep him from achieving an
organization. The only thing that limits us is our amazing capability                  ultimate accomplishment. He is now
to .
   think small and limited.                                                            thought to be one of the most
                                                                                       successful Presidents ever. He decided
As a student, do not accept others’ failures and restrict your own                     his success before his results were
capabilities. Because one of your most intelligent senior of the                       realized.
batch was rejected in a interview for multinational giant doe not
necessarily guarantee your failure at the same. Nothing can limit                      Colonel Sanders: Founder of Kentucky
                                                                                       Fried Chicken. He started in his 60’s
you. The position or ranking of your college, the quality of faculty
                                                                                       and didn’t stop until someone said yes
in the college, your present status, your ignorance, your                              to his idea of selling his chicken. It’s
vernacular background, blah, blah…..blah, nothing can come in                          reported that he was told “No” over 900
the way to achieve your dreams. You can only defeat yourself with                      times before hearing that one “Yes”.
limited approach. It is rightly said, “As a Man Thinketh”. You are                     But that one “Yes” was all he needed to
what you think you are.                                                                become one of the most successful
                                                                                       chicken vendors in the food chain
So as a C2Cian, set your dreams free. Impossible is Nothing!                           today. Colonel Sanders teaches us that
Believe it and touch the sky or defy it and stay grounded. The                         we’re never too old to start an
choice is yours.                                                                       endeavour and to never give up until
                                                                                       you hear your “Yes”. He decided his
                                                                                       success before his results were

                                                                                       Don’t ever give up.

  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 8

Compete With Yourself
                                                                                                  Who are you?

You are your own competition. This approach is exclusive of                            This might seem to be a very simple
others performance and its impact on you but still does not neglect                    question yet very complex to answer.
                                                                                       List your 10 characteristics. Now out of
them altogether. When you focus on others strengths and keep
                                                                                       those 10 characteristics that you listed,
envying them for their success, you are actually closing all doors                     decide on the one which is the most
of retrospection and personal growth.                                                  limiting to who you REALLY are. Who is
                                                                                       that person deep down inside that
Competing with yourself simply sets a standard set by you. Now                         place where the REAL you is.
you have to over shadow or outshine your own achievements. You                         Which characteristic is keeping you
scale yourself and constantly monitor your present performance to                      from becoming that person?
your earlier ones. This promotes inclusive growth.                                     Got it?
                                                                                       Cross it off. That’s it. Just get rid of it.
As a C2Cian, need to pour in all your energies to surprise yourself                    Your task for the next week, month,
with your own performance. For instance if you want to assess                          year and your life is to eliminate that
                                                                                       characteristic from your behavior. If you
your English skills do a self check of your skills two years ago and
                                                                                       want to become that person you
today. Ask yourself if you see a change-up or down? Keep                               REALLY are, you have to talk like that
working in the direction so that you make it better than your earlier                  person talks, walk like that person
proficiency levels.                                                                    walks, act like that person acts and
                                                                                       always do what that person does.
                                                                                       It’s easy to say you                    are
                                                                                       (fill in the blank)

                                                                                       But to actually become that person is
                                                                                       quite another task.

  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 9

Sell Yourself
                                                                                              Dress for Success

Would you disagree with the statement? “Everything we do involves                      If you dress inappropriately and are not
selling.”                                                                              clean, you may not get rave reviews in
                                                                                       the hygiene category and will most
When the last time you convinced your room mate to put a proxy                         likely not be thought of as a trustworthy
attendance for you actually sold your request to him. When you ask your                individual. There are a number of
dad to increase your pocket money, you are selling yourself. And even                  reasons for this to be true.
when you propose your girl friend you are selling yourself. We are
constantly selling and knowingly or unknowingly we have been doing                     But instead of getting into the
   .                                                                                   psychology of it, just know that the
that with varied degrees of success. It’s true. We’re constantly judged by
the way we present ourselves. If you never show up on time, you may be                 majority public opinion would be
judged as someone who is unorganized and doesn’t respect time. Or                      something like, “If he/she doesn’t care
worse – you don’t respect other people’s time.                                         enough about him/herself to tidy up,
                                                                                       they wouldn’t care enough about ‘fill in
Whenever you are trying to convince someone for something in your                      the blank.’”
favour you are actually selling yourself or your idea. So why should we
remain unaware of one of the most frequently done exercise of ours? Let                Have you ever heard the phrase, “dress
us be aware of it and let us excel at it as well.                                      for success”?

Just remember, you’re selling yourself always. Hence as a C2Cian,                      Well if, for some reason, you’ve
develop a very structured approach of explaining things, be sharp at                   escaped this saying. Please pay
thinking on the feet, develop a never-say-die attitude, speak mutual                   attention to it. Those who are
interests, document all your achievements and competencies, know your                  successful dress accordingly. Dressing
weaknesses and the ways to overcome the or conceal them effectively.                   according to your belief of your success
                                                                                       will directly impact the success that you
You sell yourself in the Viva exam. You sell yourself in the interview.                believe you’ll have.
Thus know yourself in and out and hit the road with just one thing in
mind,                                                                                  Did you get that?


  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
The Be Tempting Strategy 10

Measure Yourself
                                                                                           Did You Login Today?

Decide what you really want to do and do it. Often we think about                      Keep a planner recording your
                                                                                       thoughts, ideas, feelings and personal
what we want to do and make excuses as to why we can't do it.
                                                                                       growth. Keeping a planner is a great
The reality is that the time we have taken to think up excuses as to                   way of measuring your progress.
why we can't do something, we could have done it. What have you
been putting off doing? Take this opportunity to do it, clear out the                  C2C provides you such an online space
clutter. Once you have done it there is space in your mind to think                    through C2C SkySpace.
about other things.
  .                                                                                    Read, Read and Read!
As a C2Cian, take time everyday to do something for yourself.
This is so fundamental. We are so highly engaged in just the                           Invest in your personality by reading
execution of things that we do not give time to introspection, Even                    regularly (WITHOUT FAIL) on:
if you give yourself 15 minutes, that is time with yourself to reflect                 Current Affairs: English Newspapers
and focus on the most important person in your life, YOU.                              (The Times of India, The Telegraph)
                                                                                       Weekly Magazines (India Today,
Read or listen to personal development material. You must find                         The Outlook)
time to learn about personal development to read or listen to                          Business         Affairs:     English
positive and inspirational messages. You could use the 15 minutes                      Newspapers (The Economic Times,
put by for yourself to read a chapter of a book. Download a lot of e                   Business      Standards)      Weekly
books and stay updated and charged enough.                                             Magazines       (Business      Today,
Measure yourself periodically. Assess your past actions. Celebrate                     Technology Affairs: Keep a track of
your Achievements. But critically analyze your failures as well.                       technology advancements through
                                                                                       various websites and monthly

  C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

  © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
  Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced
  without a prior written consent.

  Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
                | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
Need Help?
                               For Further Insights and Support in becoming the
                               ‘Most Tempting Talent’ speak to your C2C Mentor
                               or the C2C Coordinators

                               C2C Helplines: +91 9230868030 / 2 / 3



                               Corporate Address:
                               Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
                               EC 59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City
                               Kolkata – 700064
                               +91 33 64142917 | +91 33 40045305

C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program                                       A dreamMAKERS Initiative

© Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development
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Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA
              | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3

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Be Tempting Guide

  • 1. The C2C Be Tempting Strategy Guide “What does it take to be successful?” “How do we build a magnetic personality?” “How do we actually become tempting?” To put simply and succinctly, the C2C Be Tempting Strategy Guide equips you with all the tools for “strategies that enable you to enhance your life in all domains" The following ‘Be Tempting Strategies’ might act as eye openers and expose you to something new altogether or they might simply reinforce something which you already know but never followed due to lack of self drive. Success takes efforts. Whatever you would learn here would just be a tip of the iceberg and the real change in your personality would only come when your practise these strategies with utmost conviction and passion. If you find yourself enjoying, laughing, thinking and being challenged by what you read and practice, be sure you have already stepped on the road to be the most tempting talent of your batch. So C2Cians, just follow these strategies unconditionally and prepare to be awakened to a reality of success! Go Ahead! Be Tempting! C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 2. The Be Tempting Strategy 1 Overcome Shyness Human Being is a Social Animal There are many people who suffer from shyness and are unable to represent themselves fully in front of others. Shyness can bring The way we have been created by the problems in personal and professional life where it is necessary to Almighty, speaks volumes about how we should respond and reciprocate in interact and exhibit your feelings and thoughts. This is typically this world. We have been given eyes to what happens with a lot of engineering students. A lot of see, ears to hear and a tongue to engineering students, by nature or due to over academic speak. We need to communicate indulgence, are shy and generally do not open up much. verbally or non-verbally with all the . stimuli in the environment to develop The Result? They do not interact much with their friends, do not totality in our personality. participate in college activities, do not share their problems with faculty and sometimes suffer from a peculiar sense of insecurity How do we define a ‘Pleasing and become under confident. As a consequence they are not able Personality’? to experience overall growth and lack profusely in team skills, Napoleon Hill describes a pleasing interpersonal skills, communication skills, enthusiasm, self drive personality as the personality that and pro-activeness. They are unable to develop a magnetic attracts. He says that “your personality personality by the time they graduate and tend to become least is the sum total of your own tempting and unattractive. Thus if shyness is a predominant characteristics and appearances that feature of your persona it will surely hamper your academic life distinguish you from all others. The and subsequent transition to the corporate world. clothes you wear, the lines in your face, the tone of your voice, the thoughts you As a C2Cian, you should immediately get rid of shyness and think, the character you have become an extrovert. Speak to people, learn to express yourself developed by those thoughts – all and reach out. Don’t be afraid of rejections. Also, remember constitute part of your personality. interaction is the best from of information. Be social and participate in various activities in multiple domains and prove your mettle. Discover yourself! Take feedback and give feedback. OPEN UP! C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 3. The Be Tempting Strategy 2 Unlearn Do You Smell Coffee Beans? Confused? Why do we need to unlearn something that we have learnt? What do we mean when we say “Unlearn?” Great How often have you been to a shopping Question! Unlearning is the process of subtracting the negative mall and bought some fragrance for yourself? What is that one thing that the programming you have imbibed and have eventually believed in, salesman at the counter keeps simply due to repetition. repeating after every fragrance that he exposes you to? Whatever we have learnt is not always correct and hence we . should be ready to unlearn the programming that doesn’t fit our He makes you smell coffee beans. success goals. This could be true for the way you have learnt Why? Because after every fragrance basic programming skills or the way you have learnt to solve that you smell, the sensory cells of your Sudoku puzzles or the way you have leant to play a guitar or the nose get conditioned to the earlier way you have learnt to give presentations or the way you have smell. And hence even if you smell a learnt to drive a car. Be prepared to unlearn the processes you new fragrance you still smell the earlier have already learnt if you get an opportunity to relearn them and one. Smelling coffee beans in between actually beaks that vicious circle and do them even more effectively. neutralizes our sensory cells to smell and feel the new fragrance. Additionally, you need to evaluate the messages that you’ve been given throughout your life and decide if that’s what you truly That is how you also need to unlearn believe. Belief is extremely powerful. If you believe in something old things, theories and concepts and that contradicts your desire or goal, then that goal will not be met replace them with new ones which are for sure. Don’t let past mistakes oppress your success. Don’t own more effective and take you closer to failure. It kills all your inner strength. Learn from it. But don't own it. your goals. Additionally, unlearn the negative programming of others too. Don’t listen to those who tell you “it can’t be done.” As a C2Cian, do not condition yourself for mediocricity. You always deserve more! LEARN. UNLEARN. RELEARN! C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 4. The Be Tempting Strategy 3 Know Your Basics Characteristics of a Successful Engineer If you want to be a successful engineer you can’t forget or ignore your basics. The most stable architectures of the world have one - Good at Math and Science thing in common. They all have very solid foundations. - Enjoys puzzles and has a very logical thought process - Likes to solve real life problems Do not be superficial. Quite often students in an attempt to do a lot and is good at it of projects across various domains simply forget the basics of - Invites academic challenge even the most key domains. All flowers on the stem of a plant - Loves to multitask but is a good . would dry if you do not water the roots properly. Do not do time manager something just for the sake of putting it on the resume and then - Curious and wants to know how fumbling at it in the interview. Rather focus on the key academic things work domains of your department. For example, a CSE student might - Willing to constantly learn new have a thousand certifications to prove his mettle in various cutting things as technology is always edge technologies but if he does not know the difference between changing an array and a pointer, he is simply worthless. Similarly if an ECE - Enjoys working with other creative and smart individuals student is ignorant of the basics of electronics, all his projects and - Keeps himself/herself constantly degree are null and void. updated on general and technology affairs As an engineer you have to naturally curious with a typical ‘How- - Wants a career that's interesting to’ brain. Whatever subject you study in your curriculum, do not and varied just skim through it rather deep dive and build long lasting - Would like to make a difference in concepts for clarity of understanding. This also holds true for all the world non academic or extra curricular activities that you participate in. As a C2Cian, you need to emphasize on the base and the top will Be Puzzled: Must for take care of itself. But remember, you need not know everything Engineering Students but you should surely know where to find it when you need it - Puzzles to Puzzle You, More because engineering is not only a profession but a way of life. Puzzles to Puzzle You, Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi STICK TO CORE! - Mind Bafflers, The Great Book of Puzzles and Teasers by George J. Summers C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 5. The Be Tempting Strategy 4 Be Energetic What do batteries and people have in common? As a fresher you need to be brimming with energy and be as vibrant as the morning sunflower. People with higher levels of energy draw more Answer: We all have positive and attention and create a powerful impact than those will lesser energy negative sides. levels. But how do we stay motivated and self energised always? To achieve anything in life, it is Here are some ways to overcome negative energy and stay positively imperative to have positive energy. No energised: matter what happened to you in your . past, you have an obligation. If you are - Stay away from negative people to be successful, you must decide your - If you have to be around negative people, whether you’re at primary energy is going to be positive college or home, try deterring the negative comments and energy. conversations to that of a positive nature - Be constructively involved in activities which actually contribute The “But” is negative. If the negative to your positive personality growth. Succeeding in all such “But” is discarded, all you have is an endeavours fetches you appreciation and hence brings positive objective fact, not necessarily negative energy to you or positive. You can work with objective - Participate in some physical exercise like running, playing facts in a positive nature. If you have a tennis or even yoga to destress and keep yourself charged negative “But” all you have are excuses - Have fun! Find something you really enjoy doing and do it. for not going forward in life. You have When you have done it, talk about it. You may love to do excuses for not succeeding. You have animation, running, play basketball, painting or singing. Make it excuses for not embracing inner a regular practice to engage in your favourite activity. strength. Excuses need to be eradicated from our behaviour. When you meet your friends or your faculty, the enthusiasm with which "One of the most powerful forces in the you greet them creates a very string impression about you. Be energetic world is the will of men and women who and proactive. Everyone you meet (be it your faculty, lab assistant, believe in themselves, who dare to librarian, canteen boy, mess worker, etc) should be sending positive hope and aim high, who go confidently vibes about you. Positive energy is happiness over sorrow, hope over after the things they want from life." worthlessness and success over defeat. The challenge is to urge you to - Author Unknown evaluate your daily primary energy. LIVEN UP! C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 6. The Be Tempting Strategy 5 Be Interesting David J. Schwartz 1. The Magic of Thinking Big Stephen Covey Everyone loves meeting interesting people. Who make more friends in 2. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People the college? Who are considered to be most creative? Who are 3. The 8th Habit considered to be really dynamic? Who are the live wires of the college Paulo Coelho picnic? Those who are most interesting. Simple. 4. The Alchemist 5. The Winners Stand Alone So either you have a skill which differentiates you from the herd or your Robin Sharma conversations are interesting. For your conversation to be interesting, 6. The Monk who Sold His Ferrari you have to be interesting yourself. What does this mean? Being up-to- . James Allen date is one way to be interesting. Everyone loves someone who has 7. As a Man Thinketh something substantial to say because he or she is aware of what is Napoleon Hill happening around the world. Watch TV, read the newspapers, keep 8. Think and Grow Rich 9. The Laws of Success abreast of current events. There are so many things going on around the 10. The Leader in Me world that are worth paying attention to. Norman Vincent Peale 11. The Power of Positive Thinking Another way to keep things interesting is to be involved. Join chat Brian Tracy groups, or even face-to-face organizations. Or, if you know you are 12. Eat that Frog going to socialize, then be prepared. Make a mental list of the meaty 13. Speak to Win things that can be discussed. Bottom line is, no one likes a hot air 14. How Leaders Lead balloon. If you are going to talk to people, make sure you know what you Sun Tzu are talking about. 15. The Art of War Zig Ziglar 16. See You at the Top Also as a C2Cian, you should read a lot of self-help books. Garbage In! Ken Blanchard Garbage Out! What you feed your brain is what forms the basis of your 17. The One Minute Manager thought process. Jack Canfield 18. Chicken Soup for the Soul BE A MAGNET! Thomas A. Harris 19. I am OK. You are OK. Spencer Johnson 25 Self Help Books You Must Read 20. Who Moved my Cheese Deepak Chopra Dale Carnegie 21. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success 23. How to Win Friends and Influence People Daniel Goleman 24. Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business 22. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can 25. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Matter More Than IQ C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 7. The Be Tempting Strategy 6 10. The Google Way: How One Company Is Be Interested Revolutionizing Management as We Know It, by Bernard Girard 11. The Google Story, by David A. Vise Be inquisitive about people, actions, things, places and everything and Mark Malseed 12. Inside Yahoo: Reinvention and the Road under the sun. Your hunger for information and quest for search Ahead, by Karen Angel determines how far you would go in life. Be really interested in 13. The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding people around you. of Facebook, by Ben Mezrich 14. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Just as you want to be interesting for people, they would like you by John Perkins 15. Call Me Ted, by Ted Turner and Bill Burke to be interested as well. The surest way to make the conversation 16. The House of Dimon: How JPMorgan's . chemistry die is to look, act, and be uninterested in what the other Jamie Dimon Rose to the Top of the person is saying. This may, at times, be difficult considering not Financial World, by Patricia Crisafulli everything a person wants to talk about is necessarily something 17. The Machine That Changed the World, by you would enjoy listening to. Also be sincerely interested in James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos processes and self development opportunities. Like participating in 18. Against All Odds: The Story of the Toyota a programming contest or going on a college adventure excursion. Motor Corporation and the Family That Stay Interested. Stay Connected. Created It, by Yukiyasu Togo and William Wartman BE GENUINELY CURIOUS! 19. Buffett: The Making Of An American Capitalist, by Roger Lowenstein 20. Losing my Virginity, by Richard Branson Some People and Companies You Could be 21. Iacocca: An Autobiography, by Lee Iacocca and William Novak Interested In 22. Sam Walton, Made in America: My Story, by Sam Walton and John Huey 1. The Road Ahead, by Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson 23. The McKinsey Way, by Ethan M. Rasiel 2. Business at The Speed of Thought, by Bill Gates 24. Trump 101: The Way to Success, by 3. Bad Boy Ballmer: The Man Who Now Runs Microsoft, Donald Trump by Fredric Alan Maxwell 25. Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler 4. How to Move Mount Fuji? Microsoft’s Cult of the Puzzle, by William 26. Banker to the Poor, Muhammad Yunus Poundstone 27. Jack: Straight from the Gut, by Jack 5. The Maverick and his Machine : Thomas Watson, Sr. and the making of Welch, John A Byrne IBM, by Kevin Maney 28. An Autobiography - The Story of My 6. Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond, by Thomas J Watson Experiments With Truth, by M. K. Gandhi Jr. and Peter Petre 29. My Years with General Motors 7. Tough Choices - A Memoir, by Carly Fiorina by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. 8. Direct from Dell: Strategies that Revolutionized an Industry, by Michael 30. The Animated Man: A Life of Walt Disney, Dell by Michael Barrier 9. Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, by John Sculley and John A. Byrne C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 8. The Be Tempting Strategy 7 Think Big Don’t Give Up! The reason why most students end up leading an average Abraham Lincoln: 16th President of the personal and professional life is due to the confined approach. United States. For one reason or the other he was an utter failure in politics You do not participate in technology competitions because your before being finally elected as the fear their will be students more intelligent than you who would President of America. He started from steal the limelight. You do not apply for a BIG organization humble beginnings and didn’t let his because you very strongly believe that you do not deserve the past keep him from achieving an organization. The only thing that limits us is our amazing capability ultimate accomplishment. He is now to . think small and limited. thought to be one of the most successful Presidents ever. He decided As a student, do not accept others’ failures and restrict your own his success before his results were capabilities. Because one of your most intelligent senior of the realized. batch was rejected in a interview for multinational giant doe not necessarily guarantee your failure at the same. Nothing can limit Colonel Sanders: Founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He started in his 60’s you. The position or ranking of your college, the quality of faculty and didn’t stop until someone said yes in the college, your present status, your ignorance, your to his idea of selling his chicken. It’s vernacular background, blah, blah…..blah, nothing can come in reported that he was told “No” over 900 the way to achieve your dreams. You can only defeat yourself with times before hearing that one “Yes”. limited approach. It is rightly said, “As a Man Thinketh”. You are But that one “Yes” was all he needed to what you think you are. become one of the most successful chicken vendors in the food chain So as a C2Cian, set your dreams free. Impossible is Nothing! today. Colonel Sanders teaches us that Believe it and touch the sky or defy it and stay grounded. The we’re never too old to start an choice is yours. endeavour and to never give up until you hear your “Yes”. He decided his success before his results were BIGGER, THE BETTER! realized. Don’t ever give up. C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 9. The Be Tempting Strategy 8 Compete With Yourself Who are you? You are your own competition. This approach is exclusive of This might seem to be a very simple others performance and its impact on you but still does not neglect question yet very complex to answer. List your 10 characteristics. Now out of them altogether. When you focus on others strengths and keep those 10 characteristics that you listed, envying them for their success, you are actually closing all doors decide on the one which is the most of retrospection and personal growth. limiting to who you REALLY are. Who is that person deep down inside that Competing with yourself simply sets a standard set by you. Now place where the REAL you is. . you have to over shadow or outshine your own achievements. You Which characteristic is keeping you scale yourself and constantly monitor your present performance to from becoming that person? your earlier ones. This promotes inclusive growth. Got it? Cross it off. That’s it. Just get rid of it. As a C2Cian, need to pour in all your energies to surprise yourself Your task for the next week, month, with your own performance. For instance if you want to assess year and your life is to eliminate that characteristic from your behavior. If you your English skills do a self check of your skills two years ago and want to become that person you today. Ask yourself if you see a change-up or down? Keep REALLY are, you have to talk like that working in the direction so that you make it better than your earlier person talks, walk like that person proficiency levels. walks, act like that person acts and always do what that person does. BEAT YOURSELF! It’s easy to say you are _______________________. (fill in the blank) But to actually become that person is quite another task. C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 10. The Be Tempting Strategy 9 Sell Yourself Dress for Success Would you disagree with the statement? “Everything we do involves If you dress inappropriately and are not selling.” clean, you may not get rave reviews in the hygiene category and will most When the last time you convinced your room mate to put a proxy likely not be thought of as a trustworthy attendance for you actually sold your request to him. When you ask your individual. There are a number of dad to increase your pocket money, you are selling yourself. And even reasons for this to be true. when you propose your girl friend you are selling yourself. We are constantly selling and knowingly or unknowingly we have been doing But instead of getting into the . psychology of it, just know that the that with varied degrees of success. It’s true. We’re constantly judged by the way we present ourselves. If you never show up on time, you may be majority public opinion would be judged as someone who is unorganized and doesn’t respect time. Or something like, “If he/she doesn’t care worse – you don’t respect other people’s time. enough about him/herself to tidy up, they wouldn’t care enough about ‘fill in Whenever you are trying to convince someone for something in your the blank.’” favour you are actually selling yourself or your idea. So why should we remain unaware of one of the most frequently done exercise of ours? Let Have you ever heard the phrase, “dress us be aware of it and let us excel at it as well. for success”? Just remember, you’re selling yourself always. Hence as a C2Cian, Well if, for some reason, you’ve develop a very structured approach of explaining things, be sharp at escaped this saying. Please pay thinking on the feet, develop a never-say-die attitude, speak mutual attention to it. Those who are interests, document all your achievements and competencies, know your successful dress accordingly. Dressing weaknesses and the ways to overcome the or conceal them effectively. according to your belief of your success will directly impact the success that you You sell yourself in the Viva exam. You sell yourself in the interview. believe you’ll have. Thus know yourself in and out and hit the road with just one thing in mind, Did you get that? WINNING IS THE ONLY OPTION! C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 11. The Be Tempting Strategy 10 Measure Yourself Did You Login Today? Decide what you really want to do and do it. Often we think about Keep a planner recording your thoughts, ideas, feelings and personal what we want to do and make excuses as to why we can't do it. growth. Keeping a planner is a great The reality is that the time we have taken to think up excuses as to way of measuring your progress. why we can't do something, we could have done it. What have you been putting off doing? Take this opportunity to do it, clear out the C2C provides you such an online space clutter. Once you have done it there is space in your mind to think through C2C SkySpace. about other things. . Read, Read and Read! As a C2Cian, take time everyday to do something for yourself. This is so fundamental. We are so highly engaged in just the Invest in your personality by reading execution of things that we do not give time to introspection, Even regularly (WITHOUT FAIL) on: if you give yourself 15 minutes, that is time with yourself to reflect Current Affairs: English Newspapers and focus on the most important person in your life, YOU. (The Times of India, The Telegraph) Weekly Magazines (India Today, Read or listen to personal development material. You must find The Outlook) time to learn about personal development to read or listen to Business Affairs: English positive and inspirational messages. You could use the 15 minutes Newspapers (The Economic Times, put by for yourself to read a chapter of a book. Download a lot of e Business Standards) Weekly books and stay updated and charged enough. Magazines (Business Today, Businessworld) Measure yourself periodically. Assess your past actions. Celebrate Technology Affairs: Keep a track of your Achievements. But critically analyze your failures as well. technology advancements through various websites and monthly journals SCALE YOUR GROWTH! C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3
  • 12. Need Help? For Further Insights and Support in becoming the ‘Most Tempting Talent’ speak to your C2C Mentor or the C2C Coordinators C2C Helplines: +91 9230868030 / 2 / 3 Email: Web: Corporate Address: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. EC 59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City Kolkata – 700064 +91 33 64142917 | +91 33 40045305 C2C – India’s Most Unique Industry-Academia Partnership Program A dreamMAKERS Initiative © Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The present document, in all aspects, is a product of dM Knowledge Development Team. No part of this document, logos, graphics, content, statements, figures, statistics should be published / copied / reproduced without a prior written consent. Corporate Office: Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | EC-59, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064, West Bengal, INDIA | | C2C Helplines: +91-9230868030/2/3