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02 | May 2009 issue

p. 3    Brand environment:
        More than just a pretty place.
        The brand space should be more
        than just branded space. How to
        get your consumers to seek out
        and live your brand.

p. 7    In trying times. (Part 2 of 2)
        Where should companies be
        focusing their marketing
        resources in this trying time, plus
        the tools to help them do it.
                                              Land of the freebies.
p. 12   Influencing Influencers.
        The influencer can be the brand
        ambassador or the anti-brand.
                                                Make value more valuable.
        This important touchpoint
        requires more than facts and

p. 18   The term de jour

        peek inside the next issue

        Simple by design.
        Beauty is sought, but it needn’t be
        out of reach. On the contrary.;
        Beauty should surround us. We
        couldn’t agree more.

        Pick a colour. Any colour.
        Or maybe not. Different colours
        affect our personalities in
        contrasting manners. We explore
        what makes you hungry, and what
        puts you to sleep.

        Influencing Influencers.
        A look into step 1 of our 6 step
        program on how to get these
        people on your side.

        The term de jour
       The secret to success
       is hidden within
       t h o u s a n d s             o f
       textbooks, millions of
       pages on the web,
       countless lectures and
       o n e c i r c u l a r l e t t e r.
       With two dots on top.
       than just
       a pretty
        space. Whether a bar, restaurant, hospital
                      lobby or retail store, the brand
                      space is more than just branded
                      space; It is about how you feel at a
                      time you’re most open to influence.

02 |
2009                                                         3
More than just a pretty space.

                                     Jedoudna kiosk | Dubai Comedy Convention

                                   Like it or not, you’re being lured. It could probably be happening as you read this article. It could
                                   have happened this afternoon. It has definitely happened over the past few days. And, like it or not,
                                   you’ll continue to be lured after knowing all you need to know about the art of luring.

                                   The warm, hunger-inducing aroma of freshly baked bread; in a supermarket. The soft sun-filled
                                   atrium that beckons a contemplative read with freshly brewed coffee; in the hospital. The ambient
                                   trend-setting music of the must-buy compilation; heard in the restroom. Everything says something
                                   about your brand and nowhere is this more evident than in the multi-dimensional confine of the
                                   brand’s home; The head office, the retail space or any space or touchpoint where the brand is
                                   communicating. The ‘brand environment’ says more than buy me/recommend me. It allows you to
                                   experience the brand, thereby accomplishing more than any individual marketing ploy could ever
                                   The brand environment relinquishes control of the brand values to its true custodians; the
                                   consumers and customers. The environment facilitates the user experience, yet while it can try to
                                   mould a perfect outcome by checking off all expectations on its due-diligence checklist, the fact
                                   remains that if not based on any concrete data, it will fail. The process is a bit like a restaurant
                                   unknowingly serving the star food critic. One bad review and it could be all over, no matter the
                                   circumstances. The best way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to make sure that you consistently
                                   stay true to your values across all aspects as if your survival depended on each and every
                                   To begin with, ask the three basic questions:

                                                                                3 Is the
                                                             Are these environment
                                     1 What does values the same propelling the brand
                                   the space say     as those of the      towards success or is
                                    about the brand? brand? If not, then it holding it back?
                                                     there is a disconnect
                                                      that must be
                                                                                                          Silks Members Club | Dubai Racing Club

                                   Once you have answered these to your satisfaction, then understand a very clear principle that
                                   many marketers and organisations continuously forget; you are talking to another human being
                                   with real wants, real needs, real requirements. You are not communicating with Generation X male,
                                   Socio-economic group B1, married with 2.2 children, 1.3 dogs and 1.6 cars. You are communicating
02 |                               with Omar, your next door neighbour.
2009                                                                                                                                               4
More than just a pretty space.

                                   Once you really know your audience, then you can figure out what makes him tick. Here we can
                                   use an abridged AGORA 6-senses brand environment tool.

                                   Smell                                                            Taste
                                   What does the space smell like?                                  With smell comes taste. You can’t taste something if you
                                                                                                    don’t smell it.

                                   Throughout the ages, we have adorned ourselves with              What are you serving your customers and is it
                                   exotic scents to express our individuality and appeal to         aligned with your brand image? Are you an
                                   our olfactory senses. Perfumes are interesting enough            upmarket high-end clinic serving cheap coffee?
                                   refereed to in musical metaphors, as notes; High                 People don’t want what they can easily get. Go the
                                   notes, middle notes and base notes. We remember                  extra mile. If you show the effort in something as
                                   smells and some of the most successful brands use it             simple as a biscuit, it could just show your attitude
                                   to make you love them. And love comes cheap.                     and creativity in what your brand is really made of.

                                   Sight                                                            Sound
                                   What does the space actually look like?                          What does the space sound like? Is it heavy metal or chill-
                                                                                                    out lounge? Is it quiet or loud? Informative or sleep

                                   What art is hanging on the wall? What do your                    When customers call you, how are they being
                                   customers first see when they walk into your brand               answered? Who is answering them and what does that
                                   space? Has the flow been thought through? Are there              say about your brand? Is there background music, or a
                                   coves for private contemplation? Is it visually                  message being heard? Are the sounds reflective of what
                                   stimulating? Is there a line of sight, or is it a maze? If so,   the brand says it is? If it sounds like Uncle William yet is
                                   they won’t wait to get lost before tell you to.                  actually Aunt Melissa, you may just have a problem.

                                   Touch                                                            Feel
                                   Is there texture? Is it multi-dimensional? Does it make it       What does your intuition say about the place?
                                   you want to check it out?

                                   What materials are you using? What textures are being            What is that very first reaction? Don’t over-analyse or it
                                   used and what is the meaning behind them? Is it avant-           will will dilute the response. Instead, just feel it. First
                                   garde or an unintentional throw-back to the ‘70s? Fake           reactions are what most customers or consumers will
                                   leather sofas in the reception? Oh my.                           judge you on. Sometimes, there are no second chances
                                                                                                    to make amends.

02 |
2009                                                                                                                                                               5
More than just a pretty space.

                                   Silks Members Club | Dubai Racing Club        Jedoudna kiosk | Dubai Comedy Convention                             AGORA | Head Office

                                         Catering to the 6 senses will ensure each experience will be as close to being positive as you
                                         envisioned. Even if you miss on one area, the experience can still be salvaged by over-delivering
                                         on the other 5 senses. It may give you time to tweak, but ensure that you always update in line
                                         with your customer’s expectations.
                                         People get bored.
                                         Easily, mind you. While
                                         you won’t necessarily
                                         keep changing the
                                         building in which your
                                         brand is housed, you
                                         can update elements
                                         catering to the 6 senses
                                         relatively easily and
                                         cheaply. Personalities
                                         evolve, and brand
                                         personalities are no

                                                                                                                            DeliD Delicatessen | Jumeirah Beach Residence

                                                                               The brand space is not just the
                                                                               retail environment, the office
                                                                               space, car showroom, hospital
                                                                               atrium, the restaurant or airport
                                                                               kiosk. The brand space is
                                                                               precisely where many decisions
                                                                               are made based on the
                                                                               influences at play at the crucial
                                                                               moment of truth. The botox-
                                                                               factor may fool some people
                                                                               some of the time but, over time,
                                                                               the true personality will show.

02 |
2009                               Sensations Natural Soap | Dubai Duty Free                                                                                                6
                times.                (part 2)

       Marketing efficiency can determine whether businesses
       survive, succeed or fail during this economic downturn.
       Understanding whether your organisation is an effective
       marketer is not so difficult, if you know what to look for.

02 |
2009                                                                 7
Access our marketing audit guidelines

                     The speed with which the current economic crisis has impacted many businesses has jolted many
                     managers into survival mode while placing any strategic forward-planning initiatives on hold.
         part 2

                     Across various industries, many organisations had barely any time to lick their wounds as the
                     magnitude of their weaknesses became evident virtually overnight. While many marketing
  In trying times.

                     consultants would have relished the opportunity to gloat, saying ‘I told you so’ accompanied with a
                     hefty retainer proposal, the fact of the matter remains that they too were reeling from their
                     immense weaknesses. One of the basic principles of effective marketing was overlooked in the race
                     to pile up unsustainable profit margins; Gather data, plan, implement, and review. The review
                     function in addition to the data gathering deficit is evident by the broadside kneejerk reactions of
                     many corporations not understanding their market (and hence, their customer/consumer) dynamics
                     in depth.

                     The marketing audit has become one of the most important tools any manager can utilise to guage
                     their organisation’s marketing weaknesses, thereby allowing them to take corrective actions based
                     on fact, in a prioritised and efficient manner. The marketing audit, by its very nature is based on four
                     underlying principles:

                           Principle #1             A Comprehensive Approach
                           Covering all major marketing activities, not just the ‘perceived’ problem areas. The comprehensive nature of
                           the marketing audit will take a bird’s eye view of all marketing functions.
                           Principle #2             Systematic Procedures
                           Once all functions have been reviewed, a systematic approach to each element identifies the weak areas,
                           which are then tackled in a corrective action plan.
                           Principle #3             Independent, Non-biased Analysis
                           By being independent of the organisation, the marketing audit can be objective while being carried out by
                           qualified professionals.
                           Principle # 4            Periodic Reviews
                           In times of trouble, it is important to understand where the solutions lie. Yet, if the marketing audit is a part of
                           the brand plans, it allows to a periodic review of brand performance vs. the market, and allows for fast
                           informed decision making when market conditions change.
                     These ground rules ensure that the marketing audit is not just a piece of paper nor is it a witch hunt.
                     The audit allows managers to look at their organisation from a non-biased angle, helping them to
                     understand what the actual problems are and, just as importantly, how to remedy the situation.

02 |
2009                                                                                                                                                8
                     * A marketing audit can be a reactive tool or ideally it can be ingrained in your organisational culture.
                     * Information is best obtained from all stakeholders, not just management.

                                                                                                                 Access our marketing audit guidelines

                          Today managers are facing challenges that are fundamentally different to any they’ve been
                          exposed to. In their haste to react, decision making becomes based on immediate circumstance
         part 2

                          rather than strategic opportunity. Yet it is precisely those opportunities that are giving rise to the
                          agile and driven entrepreneurs that are in command of their value chains.
  In trying times.

                          In order to make informed decisions, one must understand the consequences of those very
                          decisions. With sound information based on facts, not opinions, management can ensure that
                          their marketing is proactive and efficient rather than reactive and wasteful.

                          The marketing audit comprehensively covers 6 major marketing components (diagram 2a) of the
                          organisation, then systematically examines them, giving independent feedback and solutions.

                          1     Marketing Environment
                          A wide overview of the Macro and task environments. Understanding what are the trends,
                          developments, outlook, changes. Who are the competitors, customers, suppliers, facilitators.
                          2     Marketing Strategy
                          Analysis of the missions, objectives, goals and strategy to achieve them.
                          3     Marketing Organisation
                          Examination of the formal structure while understanding what is the efficiency of the
                          functions and their interfaces.
                          4     Marketing Systems
                          Review of the various systems, from the marketing information and planning to control and
                          new-product/service development.
                          5     Marketing Productivity
                          Analysis of profitability and cost-effectiveness.
                          6     Marketing Function
                          Inspection of the front-lines, namely the products, services, pricing, distribution, advertising,
                          p.r. and sales force.

                                                                                                                 (diagram 2a)

                          Andreas Henksoff, CEO of AI Financials exemplified the current situation. ‘Prior to
                          commissioning the audit, we believed that the the efficiency of our marketing programs could
                          have been improved by refining the creativity and message of our communications. What we
                          ended up finding out was that was only a symptom of a much wider institutional nonalignment
                          amongst the various functions.’ Having understood early on in the current climate that it wasn’t
                          prudent to just react, Andreas realised that in order to capitalise on the numerous opportunities
                          that were going to appear as a result of the economic correction, his entire organisation needed
02 |                      to act as as one team, based on solid constantly updated information.
2009                                                                                                                                                     9
                     * It is a comprehensive and systematic approach to have an efficient marketing culture.
                     * Period reviews of the marketing functions will ensure that the organisation remains a fast, informed marketing culture.
                     * The marketing audit is not just a fault finder; it is a solutions provider that is based on factual information.
                     * All functions of marketing should be accountable.

                                                                                                            Access our marketing audit guidelines

                          To understand it in plain language, one need look no further than the following allegory
                          organisational behaviour. It has become a must-read for managers at some of the world’s most
         part 2

                          enlightened companies.

                          ‘Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set
  In trying times.

                          of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As
                          soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After a a while, another
                          monkey will make an attempt with the same result...all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water.
                          Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
                          Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace with a new one. The
                          new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise, and horror, all of the other
                          monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he
                          will be assaulted.
                          Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes
                          to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in punishment with enthusiasm!
                          Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then a fifth. Every time the
                          newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
                          Now, none of the monkeys that are beating him have any idea why they are not permitted to climb the
                          stairs, nor why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
                          After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with
                          cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try or the banana.
                          Why not?
                          Because, as far as they know, ‘that’s the way it has always been done around here”.’

                          To maintain the status quo by consistently working on the same systems and procedures based
                          on the same information leaves an abundance of unfulfilled opportunity unrealised. To
                          understand what works and why must begin with the realisation that by understanding
                          weakness is a form of strength. Asking the questions is a step forward towards finding the

02 |
pr   wess
             Give a man a zucchini,
             he’ll eat but a meal.
             Give a man an
             accessory-laden tractor,
             fertiliser, an irrigation
             system and a staff count
             of 20, he’ll issue an IPO.
The influencer can be
                    the brand ambassador
                    or the anti-brand. This
                    important touchpoint
                    demands more than
                    just facts and figures.

        Introducing a 6-step
        program to getting it right.

Influencing Influencers

                            The role of the influencer is an often misunderstood science. Many marketers
                            tend to see them in a generic sense, believing that branded pens or fridge
                            magnets in the shape of a fibulas will result in undying loyalty.

                            Other marketers tend to create them in their image, by casting ‘doctors’ to
                            appear on TV, endorsing pills or even dandruff medication. It is also true of
                            ‘veterinarians’ vouching for the wholesome goodness of dog food while
                            ‘paediatricians’ carry the baby food banner. 9 out of 10 dentists endorse one
                            toothpaste against all others while 9/10 of their colleagues counter-endorse the
                            competitor. The math of this latter example demonstrates the conundrum.
                                                   Influencers are not just those men and women that have
                                                   completed grad school. An influencer, by its very
                                                   definition, is no more than another human being, of any
                                                   age, that plays a role in influencing a perception,
                                                   behaviour, purchase or boycott. While the GP may
                                                   influence based on his or her professional standing, the
                                                   toddler too will have a (one might say stronger)
                                                   influence based on his or her emotional collateral.
                                                   ‘Mommy I want this one. Please. Please.’ is one of the
                                                   more potent tools these little influencers utilise while
                                                   browsing the shopping aisle.
                            Understanding this very premise is the very first step in understanding how this
                            important touchpoint is approached. Not all influencers are created equal, nor
                            should they be categorised as so.

                            Influencers have traditionally been classified according to their grouping. These
                            normally consist of the following categories:

                            Professionals                             Advisers, Prescribers

                            Professional + Educational Bodies         Opinion leaders, trainers, think tanks

                            Industry [special interest) Bodies        Special interest, industry-specific organisations

                            Legislative                               Civil servants, politicians, lobbyists

                            Media                                     Journalists, publications, programs

                            Informal Influencers                      Family, friends, chat rooms, groups

02 |
Influencing Influencers

                                Understanding the role and type of influencer is a first step in ensuring an
                                efficient, targeted program. Varying categories have different dynamics,
                                whereby the influencers becomes just as diverse. Understanding the dynamics
                                will give you a clear indication of how much influence each party has.

                                Some brands are consumer-driven. Others rely equally between the consumer
                                and any or all of the influencer categories. Still others rely heavily, but not
                                solely, on professionals. These can be attributed not only to the medical field,
                                but can include brokers of investment products and consultants (including
                                marketing firms).

                                Influencers have a massive impact on consumer perception, with the potential
                                to positively and negatively influence. They impact the manner in which a brand
                                is not only viewed and used but approached. Brands today no longer are the
                                domain of the trademark holders. Brands are now shaped by consumers,
                                customers and influencers alike.

                                Respecting the role of the influencer not only can result in securing positive
                                support, but it also helps smoothen some aspects of the environment in which
                                you compete.

                                                                          With all this in mind, it is easy to
                                                                          agree that the influence yielded by
                                                                          these individuals is considerable. Yet
                            Yet, who are they?                            the questions remain: Who are they?
                                                                          What are their motivators? Do they
                                                                          even know they are influencers, and
                                                                          what shapes their perceptions? How
                                                                          much power do they actually wield?
                                                                          Are they receptive to new
                                                                          information? How did we get to
                                                                          where we are and, as importantly,
                                                                          how do we move forward?

02 |
                            * Influencers can quietly make or break a brand
                            * There are 6 key categories of influencer, that can themselves be further segmented
                            * Not all influencers are created equal nor do they consider themselves influencers
                            * There are 6 important steps that are necessary for an efficient influencer communications program
                            * Identifying who they are and how to talk to them is integral to a brand’s survival
  Influencing Influencers

                                 Answering these questions correctly will determine the level of success or
                                 failure any communications program would face. There are 6 main topics that
                                 must be addressed prior to communicating with influencers:

                                 Who are the key influencers?                                                      1

                                 What is their role with regards to the market & the brand?                        2

                                 Who is the brand’s key driver? The influencer or the consumer/customer?           3

                                 Who can and should be communicated with?                                          4

                                 What are their motivations, perceptions?                                          5

                                 When are moments of truth that our message will be positively received?           6

                                 Why a toddler prefers one cereal box to another is just as fascinating as what
                                 makes one personal trainer recommend one protein shake over another. Getting
                                 these right will place a brand on solid footing, if all the touchpoints are aligned
                                 with the brand vision. Without alignment, it is precarious ground indeed.

                                 In the next issue of YEN, we explore Step 1 in-depth as part of
                                 our 6 step program on how to communicate with influencers.

02 |
Live like a cult leader

                                                                  the AGORA referral program
You don’t need us to imagine the lifestyle a cult leader would live in the weeks before being raided by the FBI. But if you like
the idea of living out your life in abundance, then perhaps we can help.

Abundant thoughts translate into abundant pockets. Thanks to AGORA, you can get a monthly income just for referring a

The good life couldn’t be any easier. Just send us a referral and we’ll do all the work. If they become a client, you become
the recipient of a monthly dividend. Freeing up your time to fulfil your wishes, and of those around you.

Send over a few referrals our way. Then pick out a great location for a ranch, start gathering ‘friends’, and think abundant
thoughts. If they’re legal, we’ll ensure they materialise.
A recession needn’t be depressing.

                           Sometimes, the
                           best way to help
                          someone out is to
                           help yourself in
                             the process.
  My friend, my banker.

                              The DIVIDEND Business Referral Program provides you the opportunity to earn
                              substantial monthly dividends for referring new customers to AGORA. Our
                              Referral Partners have no monthly commitments and do not need to assist
                              with the sale. Simply provide us with a business referral, and we will take it from
                              there. We’ll arrange the meetings, present our credentials, and let things take
                              their natural course. Your only responsibility is the referral: No support, No
                              obligation. No conundrum.

                                                                             the AGORA referral program

                              How it Works.
                              The way it works is quite simple. Refer a prospect to us, then sit back and share
                              in the profits while we do all the work.

                              DIVIDEND is the AGORA business referral program that makes sense. The
                              program works by giving you a percentage of the revenue received on a monthly
                              basis for any new referral that becomes an AGORA customer. This referral fee
                              starts after a customer has been with AGORA for 30 days and is payable monthly
                              for as long as they are clients. Judging by our track record, chances are they’ll be
                              with us for a long while. Lucky you.

                              Well, let’s see. Banks aren’t giving loans. Bummer. Companies are laying people
                              off. Ouch. Expenses are still pretty high. Whoa. Your stock portfolio is worth
                              about half of what you paid for it. Damn. AGORA wants to share in its success by
                              giving away money so that we can all have a great recession. Cool.

02 |
just words?                             parole                                          श"द$
                                                     kliem                               ‫ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻤﺎﺕ‬

                         Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
                         Also referred to as Product Proposition, this quite simply refers to the
                         distinctive and single-minded promise that we want consumers to
                         believe a specific product variant delivers.
  Term de jour

                         A USP can be written after meticulous data gathering that confirms that:

                         * What you have is truly distinctive in a manner that is relevant to
                         * What you have is truly distinctive vs. the competition.
                         * This distinction is sustainable. If investment is made to communicate
                         the differentiation, will it allow you leverage within the overall strategic
                         A USP doesn’t stop at the product or service level. It is something that
                         must be a part of the entire organisation, at all levels.

                                                    Antonyms of USP can include:

       It’s not the size
       of the word that                             - Me too. Me too.
       counts, but how                              - Who am I? What do I do? What am I?
       you use it.                                  - I wish I were someone/something else.
                                                    - Don’t buy me. I’m so ordinary.
                                                    - Please buy me. I’m so ordinary and in need of attention.

02 |
2009             If you like words, you’ll like our glossary of marketing terms. Perfect for breaking the ice during those uncomfortable quiet moments.
Inspiration shadows you, waiting for that magical moment that it will be accepted. That moment that it will be
respected. It sometimes knocks, waiting for you to let it in, share a coffee, nurture it, then call it back in the morning.
Other times, it kicks the door down, throws you against the desk and ravishes your genius bits into working their magic.

Inspiration doesn’t need exertion, just a yen for progress. Your shadow hides the what you know not yet. Just add light.

       let it in
© AGORA Marketing Group

                                              Dubai Media City • CNN Building, Floor 2 • PO Box 502548 • Dubai, United Arab Emirates

                                                                                                t +971 4 365 4580 • f +971 4 369 7322


                                                                                                              an AGORA publication


                                 creating brand experiences

Strategy Formulation | Product Development | Brand Communications | Brand Environment | Event Marketing

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Yen | by AGORA. Issue 02

  • 1. 02 | May 2009 issue p. 3 Brand environment: More than just a pretty place. The brand space should be more than just branded space. How to get your consumers to seek out and live your brand. p. 7 In trying times. (Part 2 of 2) Where should companies be focusing their marketing resources in this trying time, plus the tools to help them do it. Land of the freebies. p. 12 Influencing Influencers. The influencer can be the brand ambassador or the anti-brand. Make value more valuable. This important touchpoint requires more than facts and figures. p. 18 The term de jour peek inside the next issue Simple by design. Beauty is sought, but it needn’t be out of reach. On the contrary.; Beauty should surround us. We couldn’t agree more. Pick a colour. Any colour. Or maybe not. Different colours affect our personalities in contrasting manners. We explore what makes you hungry, and what puts you to sleep. Influencing Influencers. A look into step 1 of our 6 step program on how to get these people on your side. The term de jour
  • 2. yes. The secret to success is hidden within t h o u s a n d s o f groundbreaking textbooks, millions of pages on the web, countless lectures and o n e c i r c u l a r l e t t e r. With two dots on top.
  • 3. More than just a pretty space. Whether a bar, restaurant, hospital lobby or retail store, the brand space is more than just branded space; It is about how you feel at a time you’re most open to influence. 02 | May 2009 3
  • 4. More than just a pretty space. Jedoudna kiosk | Dubai Comedy Convention Like it or not, you’re being lured. It could probably be happening as you read this article. It could have happened this afternoon. It has definitely happened over the past few days. And, like it or not, you’ll continue to be lured after knowing all you need to know about the art of luring. The warm, hunger-inducing aroma of freshly baked bread; in a supermarket. The soft sun-filled atrium that beckons a contemplative read with freshly brewed coffee; in the hospital. The ambient trend-setting music of the must-buy compilation; heard in the restroom. Everything says something about your brand and nowhere is this more evident than in the multi-dimensional confine of the brand’s home; The head office, the retail space or any space or touchpoint where the brand is communicating. The ‘brand environment’ says more than buy me/recommend me. It allows you to experience the brand, thereby accomplishing more than any individual marketing ploy could ever achieve. The brand environment relinquishes control of the brand values to its true custodians; the consumers and customers. The environment facilitates the user experience, yet while it can try to mould a perfect outcome by checking off all expectations on its due-diligence checklist, the fact remains that if not based on any concrete data, it will fail. The process is a bit like a restaurant unknowingly serving the star food critic. One bad review and it could be all over, no matter the circumstances. The best way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to make sure that you consistently stay true to your values across all aspects as if your survival depended on each and every encounter. To begin with, ask the three basic questions: 3 Is the 2 Are these environment 1 What does values the same propelling the brand the space say as those of the towards success or is about the brand? brand? If not, then it holding it back? there is a disconnect that must be addressed. Silks Members Club | Dubai Racing Club Once you have answered these to your satisfaction, then understand a very clear principle that many marketers and organisations continuously forget; you are talking to another human being with real wants, real needs, real requirements. You are not communicating with Generation X male, Socio-economic group B1, married with 2.2 children, 1.3 dogs and 1.6 cars. You are communicating 02 | with Omar, your next door neighbour. May 2009 4
  • 5. More than just a pretty space. Once you really know your audience, then you can figure out what makes him tick. Here we can use an abridged AGORA 6-senses brand environment tool. Smell Taste What does the space smell like? With smell comes taste. You can’t taste something if you don’t smell it. Throughout the ages, we have adorned ourselves with What are you serving your customers and is it exotic scents to express our individuality and appeal to aligned with your brand image? Are you an our olfactory senses. Perfumes are interesting enough upmarket high-end clinic serving cheap coffee? refereed to in musical metaphors, as notes; High People don’t want what they can easily get. Go the notes, middle notes and base notes. We remember extra mile. If you show the effort in something as smells and some of the most successful brands use it simple as a biscuit, it could just show your attitude to make you love them. And love comes cheap. and creativity in what your brand is really made of. Sight Sound What does the space actually look like? What does the space sound like? Is it heavy metal or chill- out lounge? Is it quiet or loud? Informative or sleep inducing? What art is hanging on the wall? What do your When customers call you, how are they being customers first see when they walk into your brand answered? Who is answering them and what does that space? Has the flow been thought through? Are there say about your brand? Is there background music, or a coves for private contemplation? Is it visually message being heard? Are the sounds reflective of what stimulating? Is there a line of sight, or is it a maze? If so, the brand says it is? If it sounds like Uncle William yet is they won’t wait to get lost before tell you to. actually Aunt Melissa, you may just have a problem. Touch Feel Is there texture? Is it multi-dimensional? Does it make it What does your intuition say about the place? you want to check it out? What materials are you using? What textures are being What is that very first reaction? Don’t over-analyse or it used and what is the meaning behind them? Is it avant- will will dilute the response. Instead, just feel it. First garde or an unintentional throw-back to the ‘70s? Fake reactions are what most customers or consumers will leather sofas in the reception? Oh my. judge you on. Sometimes, there are no second chances to make amends. 02 | May 2009 5
  • 6. More than just a pretty space. Silks Members Club | Dubai Racing Club Jedoudna kiosk | Dubai Comedy Convention AGORA | Head Office Catering to the 6 senses will ensure each experience will be as close to being positive as you envisioned. Even if you miss on one area, the experience can still be salvaged by over-delivering on the other 5 senses. It may give you time to tweak, but ensure that you always update in line with your customer’s expectations. People get bored. Easily, mind you. While you won’t necessarily keep changing the building in which your brand is housed, you can update elements catering to the 6 senses relatively easily and cheaply. Personalities evolve, and brand personalities are no exception. DeliD Delicatessen | Jumeirah Beach Residence The brand space is not just the retail environment, the office space, car showroom, hospital atrium, the restaurant or airport kiosk. The brand space is precisely where many decisions are made based on the influences at play at the crucial moment of truth. The botox- factor may fool some people some of the time but, over time, the true personality will show. 02 | May 2009 Sensations Natural Soap | Dubai Duty Free 6
  • 7. In trying times. (part 2) Marketing efficiency can determine whether businesses survive, succeed or fail during this economic downturn. Understanding whether your organisation is an effective marketer is not so difficult, if you know what to look for. 02 | May 2009 7
  • 8. Access our marketing audit guidelines The speed with which the current economic crisis has impacted many businesses has jolted many managers into survival mode while placing any strategic forward-planning initiatives on hold. part 2 Across various industries, many organisations had barely any time to lick their wounds as the magnitude of their weaknesses became evident virtually overnight. While many marketing In trying times. consultants would have relished the opportunity to gloat, saying ‘I told you so’ accompanied with a hefty retainer proposal, the fact of the matter remains that they too were reeling from their immense weaknesses. One of the basic principles of effective marketing was overlooked in the race to pile up unsustainable profit margins; Gather data, plan, implement, and review. The review function in addition to the data gathering deficit is evident by the broadside kneejerk reactions of many corporations not understanding their market (and hence, their customer/consumer) dynamics in depth. The marketing audit has become one of the most important tools any manager can utilise to guage their organisation’s marketing weaknesses, thereby allowing them to take corrective actions based on fact, in a prioritised and efficient manner. The marketing audit, by its very nature is based on four underlying principles: Principle #1 A Comprehensive Approach Covering all major marketing activities, not just the ‘perceived’ problem areas. The comprehensive nature of the marketing audit will take a bird’s eye view of all marketing functions. Principle #2 Systematic Procedures Once all functions have been reviewed, a systematic approach to each element identifies the weak areas, which are then tackled in a corrective action plan. Principle #3 Independent, Non-biased Analysis By being independent of the organisation, the marketing audit can be objective while being carried out by qualified professionals. Principle # 4 Periodic Reviews In times of trouble, it is important to understand where the solutions lie. Yet, if the marketing audit is a part of the brand plans, it allows to a periodic review of brand performance vs. the market, and allows for fast informed decision making when market conditions change. These ground rules ensure that the marketing audit is not just a piece of paper nor is it a witch hunt. The audit allows managers to look at their organisation from a non-biased angle, helping them to understand what the actual problems are and, just as importantly, how to remedy the situation. 02 | May 2009 8
  • 9. Highlights * A marketing audit can be a reactive tool or ideally it can be ingrained in your organisational culture. * Information is best obtained from all stakeholders, not just management. Access our marketing audit guidelines Today managers are facing challenges that are fundamentally different to any they’ve been exposed to. In their haste to react, decision making becomes based on immediate circumstance part 2 rather than strategic opportunity. Yet it is precisely those opportunities that are giving rise to the agile and driven entrepreneurs that are in command of their value chains. In trying times. In order to make informed decisions, one must understand the consequences of those very decisions. With sound information based on facts, not opinions, management can ensure that their marketing is proactive and efficient rather than reactive and wasteful. The marketing audit comprehensively covers 6 major marketing components (diagram 2a) of the organisation, then systematically examines them, giving independent feedback and solutions. 1 Marketing Environment A wide overview of the Macro and task environments. Understanding what are the trends, developments, outlook, changes. Who are the competitors, customers, suppliers, facilitators. 2 Marketing Strategy Analysis of the missions, objectives, goals and strategy to achieve them. 3 Marketing Organisation Examination of the formal structure while understanding what is the efficiency of the functions and their interfaces. 4 Marketing Systems Review of the various systems, from the marketing information and planning to control and new-product/service development. 5 Marketing Productivity Analysis of profitability and cost-effectiveness. 6 Marketing Function Inspection of the front-lines, namely the products, services, pricing, distribution, advertising, p.r. and sales force. (diagram 2a) Andreas Henksoff, CEO of AI Financials exemplified the current situation. ‘Prior to commissioning the audit, we believed that the the efficiency of our marketing programs could have been improved by refining the creativity and message of our communications. What we ended up finding out was that was only a symptom of a much wider institutional nonalignment amongst the various functions.’ Having understood early on in the current climate that it wasn’t prudent to just react, Andreas realised that in order to capitalise on the numerous opportunities that were going to appear as a result of the economic correction, his entire organisation needed 02 | to act as as one team, based on solid constantly updated information. May 2009 9
  • 10. Highlights * It is a comprehensive and systematic approach to have an efficient marketing culture. * Period reviews of the marketing functions will ensure that the organisation remains a fast, informed marketing culture. * The marketing audit is not just a fault finder; it is a solutions provider that is based on factual information. * All functions of marketing should be accountable. Access our marketing audit guidelines To understand it in plain language, one need look no further than the following allegory organisational behaviour. It has become a must-read for managers at some of the world’s most part 2 enlightened companies. ‘Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set In trying times. of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After a a while, another monkey will make an attempt with the same result...all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise, and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then a fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Now, none of the monkeys that are beating him have any idea why they are not permitted to climb the stairs, nor why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try or the banana. Why not? Because, as far as they know, ‘that’s the way it has always been done around here”.’ To maintain the status quo by consistently working on the same systems and procedures based on the same information leaves an abundance of unfulfilled opportunity unrealised. To understand what works and why must begin with the realisation that by understanding weakness is a form of strength. Asking the questions is a step forward towards finding the answers. 02 | May 2009 10
  • 11. pr wess Give a man a zucchini, he’ll eat but a meal. Give a man an accessory-laden tractor, fertiliser, an irrigation system and a staff count of 20, he’ll issue an IPO.
  • 12. The influencer can be the brand ambassador or the anti-brand. This important touchpoint demands more than just facts and figures. Influencing Influencers Introducing a 6-step program to getting it right. 12
  • 13. Influencing Influencers The role of the influencer is an often misunderstood science. Many marketers tend to see them in a generic sense, believing that branded pens or fridge magnets in the shape of a fibulas will result in undying loyalty. Other marketers tend to create them in their image, by casting ‘doctors’ to appear on TV, endorsing pills or even dandruff medication. It is also true of ‘veterinarians’ vouching for the wholesome goodness of dog food while ‘paediatricians’ carry the baby food banner. 9 out of 10 dentists endorse one toothpaste against all others while 9/10 of their colleagues counter-endorse the competitor. The math of this latter example demonstrates the conundrum. Influencers are not just those men and women that have completed grad school. An influencer, by its very definition, is no more than another human being, of any age, that plays a role in influencing a perception, behaviour, purchase or boycott. While the GP may influence based on his or her professional standing, the toddler too will have a (one might say stronger) influence based on his or her emotional collateral. ‘Mommy I want this one. Please. Please.’ is one of the more potent tools these little influencers utilise while browsing the shopping aisle. Understanding this very premise is the very first step in understanding how this important touchpoint is approached. Not all influencers are created equal, nor should they be categorised as so. Influencers have traditionally been classified according to their grouping. These normally consist of the following categories: Professionals Advisers, Prescribers Professional + Educational Bodies Opinion leaders, trainers, think tanks Industry [special interest) Bodies Special interest, industry-specific organisations Legislative Civil servants, politicians, lobbyists Media Journalists, publications, programs Informal Influencers Family, friends, chat rooms, groups 02 | May 2009 13
  • 14. Influencing Influencers Understanding the role and type of influencer is a first step in ensuring an efficient, targeted program. Varying categories have different dynamics, whereby the influencers becomes just as diverse. Understanding the dynamics will give you a clear indication of how much influence each party has. Some brands are consumer-driven. Others rely equally between the consumer and any or all of the influencer categories. Still others rely heavily, but not solely, on professionals. These can be attributed not only to the medical field, but can include brokers of investment products and consultants (including marketing firms). Influencers have a massive impact on consumer perception, with the potential to positively and negatively influence. They impact the manner in which a brand is not only viewed and used but approached. Brands today no longer are the domain of the trademark holders. Brands are now shaped by consumers, customers and influencers alike. Respecting the role of the influencer not only can result in securing positive support, but it also helps smoothen some aspects of the environment in which you compete. With all this in mind, it is easy to agree that the influence yielded by these individuals is considerable. Yet Yet, who are they? the questions remain: Who are they? What are their motivators? Do they even know they are influencers, and what shapes their perceptions? How much power do they actually wield? Are they receptive to new information? How did we get to where we are and, as importantly, how do we move forward? 02 | May 2009 14
  • 15. Highlights * Influencers can quietly make or break a brand * There are 6 key categories of influencer, that can themselves be further segmented * Not all influencers are created equal nor do they consider themselves influencers * There are 6 important steps that are necessary for an efficient influencer communications program * Identifying who they are and how to talk to them is integral to a brand’s survival Influencing Influencers Answering these questions correctly will determine the level of success or failure any communications program would face. There are 6 main topics that must be addressed prior to communicating with influencers: Who are the key influencers? 1 What is their role with regards to the market & the brand? 2 Who is the brand’s key driver? The influencer or the consumer/customer? 3 Who can and should be communicated with? 4 What are their motivations, perceptions? 5 When are moments of truth that our message will be positively received? 6 Why a toddler prefers one cereal box to another is just as fascinating as what makes one personal trainer recommend one protein shake over another. Getting these right will place a brand on solid footing, if all the touchpoints are aligned with the brand vision. Without alignment, it is precarious ground indeed. In the next issue of YEN, we explore Step 1 in-depth as part of our 6 step program on how to communicate with influencers. 02 | May 2009 15
  • 16. Live like a cult leader the AGORA referral program You don’t need us to imagine the lifestyle a cult leader would live in the weeks before being raided by the FBI. But if you like the idea of living out your life in abundance, then perhaps we can help. Abundant thoughts translate into abundant pockets. Thanks to AGORA, you can get a monthly income just for referring a ‘colleague’. The good life couldn’t be any easier. Just send us a referral and we’ll do all the work. If they become a client, you become the recipient of a monthly dividend. Freeing up your time to fulfil your wishes, and of those around you. Send over a few referrals our way. Then pick out a great location for a ranch, start gathering ‘friends’, and think abundant thoughts. If they’re legal, we’ll ensure they materialise.
  • 17. A recession needn’t be depressing. Sometimes, the best way to help someone out is to help yourself in the process. My friend, my banker. The DIVIDEND Business Referral Program provides you the opportunity to earn substantial monthly dividends for referring new customers to AGORA. Our Referral Partners have no monthly commitments and do not need to assist with the sale. Simply provide us with a business referral, and we will take it from there. We’ll arrange the meetings, present our credentials, and let things take their natural course. Your only responsibility is the referral: No support, No obligation. No conundrum. the AGORA referral program How it Works. The way it works is quite simple. Refer a prospect to us, then sit back and share in the profits while we do all the work. DIVIDEND is the AGORA business referral program that makes sense. The program works by giving you a percentage of the revenue received on a monthly basis for any new referral that becomes an AGORA customer. This referral fee starts after a customer has been with AGORA for 30 days and is payable monthly for as long as they are clients. Judging by our track record, chances are they’ll be with us for a long while. Lucky you. Benefits Well, let’s see. Banks aren’t giving loans. Bummer. Companies are laying people off. Ouch. Expenses are still pretty high. Whoa. Your stock portfolio is worth about half of what you paid for it. Damn. AGORA wants to share in its success by giving away money so that we can all have a great recession. Cool. 02 | May 2009 17
  • 18. just words? parole श"द$ palabras kliem ‫ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻤﺎﺕ‬ λόγια kelime Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Also referred to as Product Proposition, this quite simply refers to the distinctive and single-minded promise that we want consumers to believe a specific product variant delivers. Term de jour A USP can be written after meticulous data gathering that confirms that: * What you have is truly distinctive in a manner that is relevant to customer/consumers. * What you have is truly distinctive vs. the competition. * This distinction is sustainable. If investment is made to communicate the differentiation, will it allow you leverage within the overall strategic plan? A USP doesn’t stop at the product or service level. It is something that must be a part of the entire organisation, at all levels. Antonyms of USP can include: It’s not the size of the word that - Me too. Me too. counts, but how - Who am I? What do I do? What am I? you use it. - I wish I were someone/something else. - Don’t buy me. I’m so ordinary. - Please buy me. I’m so ordinary and in need of attention. 02 | May 2009 If you like words, you’ll like our glossary of marketing terms. Perfect for breaking the ice during those uncomfortable quiet moments. 18
  • 19. Inspiration shadows you, waiting for that magical moment that it will be accepted. That moment that it will be respected. It sometimes knocks, waiting for you to let it in, share a coffee, nurture it, then call it back in the morning. Other times, it kicks the door down, throws you against the desk and ravishes your genius bits into working their magic. Inspiration doesn’t need exertion, just a yen for progress. Your shadow hides the what you know not yet. Just add light. let it in
  • 20. © AGORA Marketing Group Dubai Media City • CNN Building, Floor 2 • PO Box 502548 • Dubai, United Arab Emirates t +971 4 365 4580 • f +971 4 369 7322 an AGORA publication creating brand experiences Strategy Formulation | Product Development | Brand Communications | Brand Environment | Event Marketing