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Alex Ingerman, Product Manager, Amazon ML
October 2015
Real-World Smart Applications with
Amazon Machine Learning
• Why social media + machine learning = happy customers
• Using Amazon ML to find important social media
• Building an end-to-end application to act on these
Application details
Goal: build a smart application for social media listening in the cloud
Full source code and documentation are on GitHub:
Machine Learning
Mechanical Turk
Motivation for listening to social media
Customer is reporting a possible service issue
Motivation for listening to social media
Customer is making a feature request
Motivation for listening to social media
Customer is angry or unhappy
Motivation for listening to social media
Customer is asking a question
Why do we need machine learning for this?
The social media stream is high-volume, and most of the
messages are not CS-actionable
Amazon Machine Learning in one slide
• Easy to use, managed machine learning
service built for developers
• Robust, powerful machine learning
technology based on Amazon’s internal
• Create models using your data already
stored in the AWS cloud
• Deploy models to production in seconds
Formulating the problem
We would like to…
Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and
analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent
should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service
Formulating the problem
We would like to…
Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and
analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent
should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service
Twitter API
Formulating the problem
We would like to…
Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and
analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent
should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service
Twitter API Amazon
Formulating the problem
We would like to…
Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and
analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent
should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service
Twitter API Amazon
Formulating the problem
We would like to…
Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and
analyze each one to predict whether a customer service
agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer
service agents.
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Formulating the problem
We would like to…
Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and
analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent
should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer
service agents.
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Building smart applications
Pick the ML
2 3
ML model
Write and
configure code
Try it out!
Picking the machine learning strategy
Question we want to answer:
Is this tweet customer service-actionable, or not?
Our dataset:
Text and metadata from past tweets mentioning @awscloud
Machine learning approach:
Create a binary classification model to answer a yes/no question, and
provide a confidence score
Building smart applications
Pick the ML
2 3
ML model
Write and
configure code
Try it out!
Retrieve past tweets
Twitter API can be used to search for tweets containing our
company’s handle (e.g., @awscloud)
import twitter
twitter_api = twitter.Api(**twitter_credentials)
twitter_handle = ‘awscloud’
search_query = '@' + twitter_handle + ' -from:' + twitter_handle
results = twitter_api.GetSearch(term=search_query, count=100, result_type='recent’)
# We can go further back in time by issuing additional search requests
Retrieve past tweets
Twitter API can be used to search for tweets containing our
company’s handle (e.g., @awscloud)
import twitter
twitter_api = twitter.Api(**twitter_credentials)
twitter_handle = ‘awscloud’
search_query = '@' + twitter_handle + ' -from:' + twitter_handle
results = twitter_api.GetSearch(term=search_query, count=100, result_type='recent')
# We can go further back in time by issuing additional search requests
Good news: data is well-structured and clean
Bad news: tweets are not categorized (labeled) for us
Labeling past tweets
Why label tweets?
(Many) machine learning algorithms work by discovering
patterns connecting data points and labels
How many tweets need to be labeled?
Several thousands to start with
Can I pay someone to do this?
Yes! Amazon Mechanical Turk is a marketplace for tasks that
require human intelligence
Creating the Mechanical Turk task
Creating the Mechanical Turk task
Creating the Mechanical Turk task
Creating the Mechanical Turk task
Creating the Mechanical Turk task
Publishing the task
Publishing the task
Preview labeling results
Sample tweets from our previously collected dataset + their labels
This column was
created from
Mechanical Turk
Preview labeling results
Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
Preview labeling results
Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
Preview labeling results
Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
Preview labeling results
Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
Preview labeling results
Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
Building smart applications
Pick the ML
2 3
ML model
Write and
configure code
Try it out!
Amazon ML process, in a nutshell
1. Create your datasources
Two API calls to create your training and evaluation data
Sanity-check your data in service console
2. Create your ML model
One API call to build a model, with smart default or custom setting
3. Evaluate your ML model
One API call to compute your model’s quality metric
4. Adjust your ML model
Use console to align performance trade-offs to your business goals
Create the data schema string
"dataFileContainsHeader": true,
"dataFormat": "CSV",
"targetAttributeName": "trainingLabel",
"attributes": [
"attributeName": "description",
"attributeType": "TEXT"
<additional attributes here>,
"attributeName": "trainingLabel",
"attributeType": "BINARY"
Schemas communicate metadata about your dataset:
• Data format
• Attributes’ names, types, and order
• Names of special attributes
Create the training datasource
import boto
ml = boto.connect_machinelearning()
data_spec = {
'DataLocationS3’ : s3_uri # E.g.: s3://my-bucket/dir/data.csv
'DataSchema’ : data_schema } # Schema string (previous slide)
# Use only the first 70% of the datasource for training.
data_spec['DataRearrangement'] = ‘{ "splitting”: {"percentBegin": 0, "percentEnd”: 70 } }’
ml.create_data_source_from_s3( data_source_id = “ds-tweets-train”,
data_source_name = “Tweet training data (70%)”,
compute_statistics = True)
Create the evaluation datasource
import boto
ml = boto.connect_machinelearning()
data_spec = {
'DataLocationS3’ : s3_uri # E.g.: s3://my-bucket/dir/data.csv
'DataSchema’ : data_schema } # Schema string (previous slide)
# Use the last 30% of the datasource for evaluation.
data_spec['DataRearrangement'] = ‘{ "splitting”: {"percentBegin": 70, "percentEnd”: 100 } }’
ml.create_data_source_from_s3( data_source_id = “ds-tweets-eval”,
data_source_name = “Tweet evaluation data (30%)”,
compute_statistics = True)
Demo: Data exploration
Create the ML model
import boto
ml = boto.connect_machinelearning()
ml.create_ml_model( ml_model_id = “ml-tweets”,
ml_model_name = “Tweets screening model”,
ml_model_type = “BINARY”,
training_data_source_id = “ds-tweets-train”)
Input data location is looked up from the training datasource ID
Default model parameters and automatic data transformations are used, or you
can provide your own
Evaluate the ML model
import boto
ml = boto.connect_machinelearning()
ml.create_evaluation( evaluation_id = “ev-tweets”,
evaluation_name = “Evaluation of tweet screening model”,
ml_model_id = “ml-tweets”,
evaluation_data_source_id = “ds-tweets-eval”)
Input data location is looked up from the evaluation datasource ID
Amazon ML automatically selects and computes an industry-standard
evaluation metric based on your ML model type
Demo: ML model exploration
and adjustment
Building smart applications
Pick the ML
2 3
ML model
Write and
configure code
Try it out!
Reminder: Our data flow
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Create an Amazon ML endpoint for retrieving real-
time predictions
import boto
ml = boto.connect_machinelearning()
# Endpoint information can be retrieved using the get_ml_model() method. Sample output:
#"EndpointInfo": {
# "CreatedAt": 1424378682.266,
# "EndpointStatus": "READY",
# "EndpointUrl": ”",
# "PeakRequestsPerSecond": 200}
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Create an Amazon Kinesis stream for receiving
import boto
kinesis = boto.connect_kinesis()
kinesis.create_stream(stream_name = ‘tweetStream’, shard_count = 1)
# Each open shard can support up to 5 read transactions per second, up to a
# maximum total of 2 MB of data read per second. Each shard can support up to
# 1000 records written per second, up to a maximum total of 1 MB data written
# per second.
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Set up AWS Lambda to coordinate the data flow
The Lambda function is our application’s backbone. We will:
1. Write the code that will process and route tweets
2. Configure the Lambda execution policy (what is it allowed to do?)
3. Add the Kinesis stream as the data source for the Lambda function
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Create Lambda functions
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
// These are our function’s signatures and globals only. See GitHub repository for full source.
var ml = new AWS.MachineLearning();
var endpointUrl = '';
var mlModelId = ’ml-tweets';
var snsTopicArn = 'arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}';
var snsMessageSubject = 'Respond to tweet';
var snsMessagePrefix = 'ML model '+mlModelId+': Respond to this tweet:';
var processRecords = function() {…} // Base64 decode the Kinesis payload and parse JSON
var callPredict = function(tweetData) {…} // Call Amazon ML real-time prediction API
var updateSns = function(tweetData) {…} // Publish CS-actionable tweets to SNS topic
var checkRealtimeEndpoint = function(err, data) {…} // Get Amazon ML endpoint URI
Create Lambda functions
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
// These are our function’s signatures and globals only. See GitHub repository for full source.
var ml = new AWS.MachineLearning();
var endpointUrl = '';
var mlModelId = ’ml-tweets';
var snsTopicArn = 'arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}';
var snsMessageSubject = 'Respond to tweet';
var snsMessagePrefix = 'ML model '+mlModelId+': Respond to this tweet:';
var processRecords = function() {…} // Base64 decode the Kinesis payload and parse JSON
var callPredict = function(tweetData) {…} // Call Amazon ML real-time prediction API
var updateSns = function(tweetData) {…} // Publish CS-actionable tweets to SNS topic
var checkRealtimeEndpoint = function(err, data) {…} // Get Amazon ML endpoint URI
Configure Lambda execution policy
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
{ "Statement": [
{ "Action": [ "logs:*” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*"
{ "Action": [ "sns:publish” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}"
{ "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}”
{ "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”,
"kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}"
] }
Configure Lambda execution policy
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
{ "Statement": [
{ "Action": [ "logs:*” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*"
{ "Action": [ "sns:publish” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}"
{ "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}”
{ "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”,
"kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}"
] }
Allow request
logging in
Configure Lambda execution policy
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
{ "Statement": [
{ "Action": [ "logs:*” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*"
{ "Action": [ "sns:publish” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}"
{ "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}”
{ "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”,
"kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}"
] }
publication of
notifications to
SNS topic
Configure Lambda execution policy
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
{ "Statement": [
{ "Action": [ "logs:*” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*"
{ "Action": [ "sns:publish” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}"
{ "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}”
{ "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”,
"kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}"
] }
Allow calls to
Amazon ML
prediction APIs
Configure Lambda execution policy
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
{ "Statement": [
{ "Action": [ "logs:*” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*"
{ "Action": [ "sns:publish” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}"
{ "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}”
{ "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”,
"kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}"
] }
Allow reading of
data from
Kinesis stream
Connect Kinesis stream and Lambda function
import boto
aws_lambda = boto.connect_awslambda()
event_source = 'arn:aws:kinesis:' + region + ':' + aws_account_id + ':stream/' + “tweetStream”,
function_name = “process_tweets”,
role = 'arn:aws:iam::' + aws_account_id + ':role/' + lambda_execution_role)
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Building smart applications
Pick the ML
2 3
ML model
Write and
configure code
Try it out!
Amazon ML real-time predictions
Here is a tweet:
Amazon ML real-time predictions
Here is the same tweet…as a JSON blob:
"statuses_count": "8617",
"description": "Software Developer",
"friends_count": "96",
"text": "`scala-aws-s3` A Simple Amazon #S3 Wrapper for #Scala 1.10.20 available :",
"verified": "False",
"geo_enabled": "True",
"uid": "3800711",
"favourites_count": "36",
"screen_name": "turutosiya",
"followers_count": "640",
"": "Toshiya TSURU",
"sid": "647222291672100864"
Amazon ML real-time predictions
Let’s use the AWS Command Line Interface to request a prediction for this tweet:
aws machinelearning predict 
--ml-model-id ml-tweets 
--record ‘<json_blob>’
Recap: Our application’s data flow
Twitter API Amazon
Machine Learning
Generalizing to more feedback channels
Model 1 Amazon
Model 2
Model 3
What’s next?
Try the service:
Download the Social Media Listening application code:
Get in touch!
Thank you!
Remember to complete
your evaluations!
Demo screenshots
Inspecting training data
Inspecting and adjusting the ML model

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(BDT302) Real-World Smart Applications With Amazon Machine Learning

  • 1. © 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Alex Ingerman, Product Manager, Amazon ML October 2015 BDT302 Real-World Smart Applications with Amazon Machine Learning
  • 2. Agenda • Why social media + machine learning = happy customers • Using Amazon ML to find important social media conversations • Building an end-to-end application to act on these conversations
  • 3. Application details Goal: build a smart application for social media listening in the cloud Full source code and documentation are on GitHub: Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • 4. Motivation for listening to social media Customer is reporting a possible service issue
  • 5. Motivation for listening to social media Customer is making a feature request
  • 6. Motivation for listening to social media Customer is angry or unhappy
  • 7. Motivation for listening to social media Customer is asking a question
  • 8. Why do we need machine learning for this? The social media stream is high-volume, and most of the messages are not CS-actionable
  • 9. Amazon Machine Learning in one slide • Easy to use, managed machine learning service built for developers • Robust, powerful machine learning technology based on Amazon’s internal systems • Create models using your data already stored in the AWS cloud • Deploy models to production in seconds
  • 10. Formulating the problem We would like to… Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service agents.
  • 11. Formulating the problem We would like to… Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service agents. Twitter API
  • 12. Formulating the problem We would like to… Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service agents. Twitter API Amazon Kinesis
  • 13. Formulating the problem We would like to… Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service agents. Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda
  • 14. Formulating the problem We would like to… Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service agents. Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning
  • 15. Formulating the problem We would like to… Instantly find new tweets mentioning @awscloud, ingest and analyze each one to predict whether a customer service agent should act on it, and, if so, send that tweet to customer service agents. Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 16. Building smart applications Pick the ML strategy 1 Prepare dataset 2 3 Create ML model 4 Write and configure code 5 Try it out!
  • 17. Picking the machine learning strategy Question we want to answer: Is this tweet customer service-actionable, or not? Our dataset: Text and metadata from past tweets mentioning @awscloud Machine learning approach: Create a binary classification model to answer a yes/no question, and provide a confidence score
  • 18. Building smart applications Pick the ML strategy 1 Prepare dataset 2 3 Create ML model 4 Write and configure code 5 Try it out!
  • 19. Retrieve past tweets Twitter API can be used to search for tweets containing our company’s handle (e.g., @awscloud) import twitter twitter_api = twitter.Api(**twitter_credentials) twitter_handle = ‘awscloud’ search_query = '@' + twitter_handle + ' -from:' + twitter_handle results = twitter_api.GetSearch(term=search_query, count=100, result_type='recent’) # We can go further back in time by issuing additional search requests
  • 20. Retrieve past tweets Twitter API can be used to search for tweets containing our company’s handle (e.g., @awscloud) import twitter twitter_api = twitter.Api(**twitter_credentials) twitter_handle = ‘awscloud’ search_query = '@' + twitter_handle + ' -from:' + twitter_handle results = twitter_api.GetSearch(term=search_query, count=100, result_type='recent') # We can go further back in time by issuing additional search requests Good news: data is well-structured and clean Bad news: tweets are not categorized (labeled) for us
  • 21. Labeling past tweets Why label tweets? (Many) machine learning algorithms work by discovering patterns connecting data points and labels How many tweets need to be labeled? Several thousands to start with Can I pay someone to do this? Yes! Amazon Mechanical Turk is a marketplace for tasks that require human intelligence
  • 29. Preview labeling results Sample tweets from our previously collected dataset + their labels This column was created from Mechanical Turk responses
  • 30. Preview labeling results Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
  • 31. Preview labeling results Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
  • 32. Preview labeling results Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
  • 33. Preview labeling results Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
  • 34. Preview labeling results Sample tweets and labels (most metadata fields removed for clarity)
  • 35. Building smart applications Pick the ML strategy 1 Prepare dataset 2 3 Create ML model 4 Write and configure code 5 Try it out!
  • 36. Amazon ML process, in a nutshell 1. Create your datasources Two API calls to create your training and evaluation data Sanity-check your data in service console 2. Create your ML model One API call to build a model, with smart default or custom setting 3. Evaluate your ML model One API call to compute your model’s quality metric 4. Adjust your ML model Use console to align performance trade-offs to your business goals
  • 37. Create the data schema string { "dataFileContainsHeader": true, "dataFormat": "CSV", "targetAttributeName": "trainingLabel", "attributes": [ { "attributeName": "description", "attributeType": "TEXT" }, <additional attributes here>, { "attributeName": "trainingLabel", "attributeType": "BINARY" } ] } Schemas communicate metadata about your dataset: • Data format • Attributes’ names, types, and order • Names of special attributes
  • 38. Create the training datasource import boto ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() data_spec = { 'DataLocationS3’ : s3_uri # E.g.: s3://my-bucket/dir/data.csv 'DataSchema’ : data_schema } # Schema string (previous slide) # Use only the first 70% of the datasource for training. data_spec['DataRearrangement'] = ‘{ "splitting”: {"percentBegin": 0, "percentEnd”: 70 } }’ ml.create_data_source_from_s3( data_source_id = “ds-tweets-train”, data_source_name = “Tweet training data (70%)”, data_spec, compute_statistics = True)
  • 39. Create the evaluation datasource import boto ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() data_spec = { 'DataLocationS3’ : s3_uri # E.g.: s3://my-bucket/dir/data.csv 'DataSchema’ : data_schema } # Schema string (previous slide) # Use the last 30% of the datasource for evaluation. data_spec['DataRearrangement'] = ‘{ "splitting”: {"percentBegin": 70, "percentEnd”: 100 } }’ ml.create_data_source_from_s3( data_source_id = “ds-tweets-eval”, data_source_name = “Tweet evaluation data (30%)”, data_spec, compute_statistics = True)
  • 41. Create the ML model import boto ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() ml.create_ml_model( ml_model_id = “ml-tweets”, ml_model_name = “Tweets screening model”, ml_model_type = “BINARY”, training_data_source_id = “ds-tweets-train”) Input data location is looked up from the training datasource ID Default model parameters and automatic data transformations are used, or you can provide your own
  • 42. Evaluate the ML model import boto ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() ml.create_evaluation( evaluation_id = “ev-tweets”, evaluation_name = “Evaluation of tweet screening model”, ml_model_id = “ml-tweets”, evaluation_data_source_id = “ds-tweets-eval”) Input data location is looked up from the evaluation datasource ID Amazon ML automatically selects and computes an industry-standard evaluation metric based on your ML model type
  • 43. Demo: ML model exploration and adjustment
  • 44. Building smart applications Pick the ML strategy 1 Prepare dataset 2 3 Create ML model 4 Write and configure code 5 Try it out!
  • 45. Reminder: Our data flow Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 46. Create an Amazon ML endpoint for retrieving real- time predictions import boto ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() ml.create_realtime_endpoint(“ml-tweets”) # Endpoint information can be retrieved using the get_ml_model() method. Sample output: #"EndpointInfo": { # "CreatedAt": 1424378682.266, # "EndpointStatus": "READY", # "EndpointUrl": ”", # "PeakRequestsPerSecond": 200} Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 47. Create an Amazon Kinesis stream for receiving tweets import boto kinesis = boto.connect_kinesis() kinesis.create_stream(stream_name = ‘tweetStream’, shard_count = 1) # Each open shard can support up to 5 read transactions per second, up to a # maximum total of 2 MB of data read per second. Each shard can support up to # 1000 records written per second, up to a maximum total of 1 MB data written # per second. Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 48. Set up AWS Lambda to coordinate the data flow The Lambda function is our application’s backbone. We will: 1. Write the code that will process and route tweets 2. Configure the Lambda execution policy (what is it allowed to do?) 3. Add the Kinesis stream as the data source for the Lambda function Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 49. Create Lambda functions Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS // These are our function’s signatures and globals only. See GitHub repository for full source. var ml = new AWS.MachineLearning(); var endpointUrl = ''; var mlModelId = ’ml-tweets'; var snsTopicArn = 'arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}'; var snsMessageSubject = 'Respond to tweet'; var snsMessagePrefix = 'ML model '+mlModelId+': Respond to this tweet:'; var processRecords = function() {…} // Base64 decode the Kinesis payload and parse JSON var callPredict = function(tweetData) {…} // Call Amazon ML real-time prediction API var updateSns = function(tweetData) {…} // Publish CS-actionable tweets to SNS topic var checkRealtimeEndpoint = function(err, data) {…} // Get Amazon ML endpoint URI
  • 50. Create Lambda functions Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS // These are our function’s signatures and globals only. See GitHub repository for full source. var ml = new AWS.MachineLearning(); var endpointUrl = ''; var mlModelId = ’ml-tweets'; var snsTopicArn = 'arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}'; var snsMessageSubject = 'Respond to tweet'; var snsMessagePrefix = 'ML model '+mlModelId+': Respond to this tweet:'; var processRecords = function() {…} // Base64 decode the Kinesis payload and parse JSON var callPredict = function(tweetData) {…} // Call Amazon ML real-time prediction API var updateSns = function(tweetData) {…} // Publish CS-actionable tweets to SNS topic var checkRealtimeEndpoint = function(err, data) {…} // Get Amazon ML endpoint URI
  • 51. Configure Lambda execution policy Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "logs:*” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*" }, { "Action": [ "sns:publish” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}" }, { "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}” }, { "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”, "kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}" } ] }
  • 52. Configure Lambda execution policy Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "logs:*” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*" }, { "Action": [ "sns:publish” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}" }, { "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}” }, { "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”, "kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}" } ] } Allow request logging in Amazon CloudWatch
  • 53. Configure Lambda execution policy Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "logs:*” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*" }, { "Action": [ "sns:publish” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}" }, { "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}” }, { "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”, "kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}" } ] } Allow publication of notifications to SNS topic
  • 54. Configure Lambda execution policy Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "logs:*” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*" }, { "Action": [ "sns:publish” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}" }, { "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}” }, { "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”, "kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}" } ] } Allow calls to Amazon ML real-time prediction APIs
  • 55. Configure Lambda execution policy Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "logs:*” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:{region}:{awsAccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/{lambdaFunctionName}:*" }, { "Action": [ "sns:publish” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:{region}:{awsAccountId}:{snsTopic}" }, { "Action": [ "machinelearning:GetMLModel”, "machinelearning:Predict” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:machinelearning:{region}:{awsAccountId}:mlmodel/{mlModelId}” }, { "Action": [ "kinesis:ReadStream”, "kinesis:GetRecords”, "kinesis:GetShardIterator”, "kinesis:DescribeStream”,"kinesis:ListStreams” ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:{region}:{awsAccountId}:stream/{kinesisStream}" } ] } Allow reading of data from Kinesis stream
  • 56. Connect Kinesis stream and Lambda function import boto aws_lambda = boto.connect_awslambda() aws_lambda.add_event_source( event_source = 'arn:aws:kinesis:' + region + ':' + aws_account_id + ':stream/' + “tweetStream”, function_name = “process_tweets”, role = 'arn:aws:iam::' + aws_account_id + ':role/' + lambda_execution_role) Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 57. Building smart applications Pick the ML strategy 1 Prepare dataset 2 3 Create ML model 4 Write and configure code 5 Try it out!
  • 58. Amazon ML real-time predictions Here is a tweet:
  • 59. Amazon ML real-time predictions Here is the same tweet…as a JSON blob: { "statuses_count": "8617", "description": "Software Developer", "friends_count": "96", "text": "`scala-aws-s3` A Simple Amazon #S3 Wrapper for #Scala 1.10.20 available :", "verified": "False", "geo_enabled": "True", "uid": "3800711", "favourites_count": "36", "screen_name": "turutosiya", "followers_count": "640", "": "Toshiya TSURU", "sid": "647222291672100864" }
  • 60. Amazon ML real-time predictions Let’s use the AWS Command Line Interface to request a prediction for this tweet: aws machinelearning predict --predict-endpoint --ml-model-id ml-tweets --record ‘<json_blob>’
  • 61. DEMOS
  • 62. Recap: Our application’s data flow Twitter API Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon Machine Learning Amazon SNS
  • 63. Generalizing to more feedback channels Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Model 1 Amazon SNS Model 2 Model 3
  • 64. What’s next? Try the service: Download the Social Media Listening application code: Get in touch!
  • 69. Inspecting and adjusting the ML model