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Olivia Griffiths
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When a film is finished and ready to be seen its owner (often called the distributor) sends it
in to the BBFC with an online form. The form gives us vital information including how long a
work is, when it is due to be released in cinemas and what rating the distributor would like.
It is important for us to know what rating a distributor would like, even if we don’t agree to
give it in the end, as it tells us what age group they think the film is suitable for.
The company must pay us to rate the film. They pay an amount of money per minute, plus
a small sum of money for our costs. An average length film would cost about 」 800 or so to
rate. Years ago films stored in reels were measured with a ruler and the distributor was
charged an amount per foot of film.
The film is checked to make sure it is finished and good enough quality for a team of
Examiners to watch it. There can’t be any glitches or technical problems and it must be
completely finished. Examiners have to rate the exact same film that people will see in the
Two Examiners watch the film. They must carefully note the title down (as this will be shown
on the black card certificate you see in cinemas so can’t have any spelling mistakes on it).
They then make a note of all the issues in the film as they watch. When they finish, they
write a synopsis, discuss the age rating and write the BBFC insight for the film. BBFC
insight is the information for you and your parents about what issues are in a film and why it
got its rating.
Definitions- U

U films should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. If there is any
violence, threat or horror in a U film, it should be over quickly and the film should tell
children that everything will turn out okay. Films and DVDs for children should make
clear to them the difference between right and wrong.


Age rating issues for U


Theme/Topics - Films and DVDs should be about subjects which are generally suitable for younger audiences.
Language - At the most there may be occasional very mild bad language.
Nudity - There can be occasional glimpses of people who have no clothes on, as long as they are not linked to romantic
Sex and relationships - Only mild references (e.g. to 'making love') and mild behaviour (e.g. kissing) are allowed.
Violence and Threat - Mild violence only. Some mild threat and menace is allowed.
Dangerous Behavior - There should be no dangerous behavior that can be easily copied by young children.
Weapons - There should be no focus on weapons that are realistic or easy to get hold of.
Horror - Moments with ghosts, witches and monsters should be over quickly and not be too scary. Nothing at U should really
frighten or disturb young viewers. The film or DVD should tell children that everything is okay.
Drugs - Drugs should not be mentioned, unless the film or DVD teaches that drugs are dangerous.
Discrimination - There can be no language or behavior shown that would offend a person’s religion, colour, gender, sexuality or
disability, unless the film or DVD teaches it to be wrong.

Definition- PG

Children of any age may watch a PG rated film or DVD, with or without an adult. A PG film should not
worry a child aged eight or older so BBFC Examiners are thinking of eight year olds when they decide
about the rating and how strong the issues are.


Age rating issues for PG
Theme/Topics - Films and DVDs may be about more grown up topics such as crime, racism, bullying or violence in the home.
There must be nothing which suggests these are good things.
Language - Mild bad language only.
Nudity - Some nudity is allowed, but not if it is linked to romantic activities.
Sex and Relationships - Sex can be mentioned, suggested or joked about, but only discreetly.
Violence and Threat - There can be stronger violence than at U, but without detail. Violence which takes place in a comedy,
fantasy, or historical film may be treated less strictly.
Dangerous Behavior - There should be no detail of fighting techniques or other harmful and dangerous activities that children
might easily copy.
Weapons - There should be no focus on weapons that are realistic or easy to get hold of. Weapons should not be made to look
Horror - Frightening scenes should not be too long or scary. Scary scenes which are part of a fantasy film may be treated less
Drugs - There should be no mention of illegal drugs or drug taking unless completely harmless, or the film carries an anti-drug
Discrimination - There can be no language or behavior shown that would offend a person 痴 religion, colour, gender, sexuality or
disability, unless the film or DVD teaches it to be wrong or is presented within a film that is educational or showing historical scenes.
Discrimination by a character who is seen as a hero by the audience is also unlikely to be allowed.

Definition- 12A/12

The 12A rating is only used for films shown in cinemas. Films rated 12A are suitable for children aged
12 and over. However, people younger than 12 may see a 12A so long as they are accompanied by an
adult. In such circumstances, responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies with the
accompanying adult.


Age rating issues for 12A & 12: 腹 
Theme - Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers.
Language - The use of strong language (eg 'f***') must be infrequent. Racist language used as abuse is also a concern.
Nudity - Nudity is allowed, but it must be brief and discreet if there is any suggestion of sex.
Sex - Sex can be suggested. Sex references may reflect what 12 year olds are likely to have heard about from school, but there
should be nothing unsuitable for young teenagers. Frequent rude sex references may not be allowed.
Violence - Violence must not dwell on injuries or blood. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated.
Imitable techniques - Dangerous techniques (eg combat, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on things which can
be copied or appear pain or harm free. Easily accessible weapons should not be shown as glamorous.
Horror - There can be some threat and menace, including scary scenes which are intense or last a while. Only occasional gory
moments can be shown.
Drugs - Any misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be shown as glamorous, or attractive, or teach viewers how to take
Discrimination - The film or DVD as a whole must not approve of language or behavior that would offend a person’s religion,
colour, gender, sexuality or disability. Aggressive use of this type of language and behavior is unacceptable unless it is clearly
disapproved of.

Definition- 15



What does the 15 symbol mean? No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a 15
rated DVD. 15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age.
Are there any limits on what sort of theme a work can have at 15?No theme is prohibited, provided the
treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
Is 15 really stronger than 12A? Yes. 15 works are stronger than 12 or 12A rated works and could include any
of the following:strong violence frequent strong language (eg 'f***'). Portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal
references to sex,sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence,
discriminatory language or behavior, drug taking
How much strong language is there in a 15?There could potentially be a great deal. At 15 there is no upper
limit on the number of uses of strong language (eg f***).Occasionally there may be uses of the strongest terms
(eg 'c***'), although continued or aggressive use will not normally be passed 15.
What about discriminatory or offensive terms?There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory
language, and the work could explore themes relating to this.However, at 15 the work as a whole must not
endorse discriminatory language or behavior.
How much sex and nudity is allowed at 15?At 15 sexual activity can be portrayed, as long as there is no
strong or graphic detail. Some sex scenes can be quite long at this category and may involve some nudity and
movement. Though nudity may be allowed in a sexual context there should be no strong detail.There are no
constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.There can be strong references to sex and sexual
behavior, but especially strong or crude references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by
context.Heterosexual and homosexual sex and sex references are treated the same.
Can there be strong violence?Yes, at 15 violence may be strong. It should not dwell on the infliction of pain or
injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.Strong sadistic or sexualized
violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.Easily accessible weapons may not be glamorized.
What about sexual violence?There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence (for example
descriptions of rape or sexual assault in a courtroom scene or in victim testimony) but any portrayal of sexual
violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
Definition- 18





What does the 18 symbol mean?Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film at the cinema or buy/rent an
18 rated DVD. No 18 rated works are suitable for children.
Are there any limits on what sort of theme a work can have at 18?No theme is prohibited at 18. Adults are free to pick their own
entertainment within the law, so it is possible some themes tackled at 18 may be offensive even to some adult viewers.
What sort of issues might I find in an 18 film or DVD? 18 works are for adults and can contain strong issues such as:very strong
violence, frequent strong language (eg 'f***') and/or very strong language (eg 祖 ***) strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of sexual
violence, strong horror, strong blood and gore, real sex (in some circumstances) discriminatory language and behavior.
How much strong language is there in an 18?There is no limit on the number of uses of strong (eg 'f***') or even very strong language
(eg ***) which can be passed at 18. Uses could be aggressive, directed, frequent or accompanied by strong violence.
What about discriminatory or offensive terms?There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory language at 18, and the work
could explore themes relating to this.Though a work as a whole must not be in breach of any relevant legislation, it is possible for
discriminatory language or themes to be the main focus of the work, and for main characters to engage in discriminatory behavior.
How much sex and nudity is allowed at 18?There can be strong and detailed portrayals of sex at 18, including full nudity. There are no
constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.Very strong, crude and explicit sex references are permitted at 18.An 18 film or
DVD might also contain depictions of real sex if it is justified by context, as long as the film or DVD is not a sex work.
What are sex works?Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material
which may be simulated are generally passed 18. Those containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit
animated images, or other very strong sexual images will be confined to the R18 category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at
R18 is also unacceptable in a sex work at 18.
What about sex education films?Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer
sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted.
Can there be strong violence?Yes, at 18 violence can be strong and be portrayed with strong detail. There may even be dwelling on the
infliction of pain or injury, or scenes of strong sadistic or sexual violence.The strongest gory images are permitted at this category.
What about horror works?The strongest horror works are passed at 18, they may contain strong horror, gore or sustained threat and
menace which exceeds the boundaries of 15.
Can you see drugs in an 18?Yes. At 18 drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.
‘Have a go yourself’
• I chose to review ‘The Croods’
• I identified that there was
Violence/Threat in the film, but also the
BBFC said that there were themes
• I would have rated the film as a PG but
the BBFC said that it was a U.
Why the film was rated as ‘U’
• This trailer is for a children’s film. The trailer is warm-hearted,
friendly and funny. It starts with a story in which a teddy bear
dies, and we hear that the father character is worried about
change and wants to keep his family safe. The teddy story isn't
realistic though and even the younger child listening to it enjoys
the joke ending where the bear dies and a cave man illustrates
this with a red splat handprint. There is some mild threat and
tension for example when the family run to escape some falling
rocks. We also see a close up of a large beast that looks like a
tiger. There are moments that might make children jump, but it
is scary like being on a fairground ride - it is also fun. It is
obvious the story is about a family loving and protecting each
other even if they argue sometimes. It was rated U.
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Case Study 1 - The Bling Ring



Director Sofia Coppola, 2013 drama, based on a true story, explores ideas of celebrity culture and
narcissism. It follows a group of young Americans obsessed with celebrity and fashion, who break into
celebrities houses and steal clothes, jewellery and other possessions.Oddball Marc moves to a new school
and becomes entranced by glamorous classmate Becca. Accompanied by several other female friends,
they start to track down the addresses of celebrities on the internet and work out whether the owners are in
town, at home, or away filming or working. When they are confident the celebrities are out, the group
breaks in, stealing clothes and jewellery, any money lying around, drugs and later art and furnishings.
Although they are eventually caught and arrested, they embrace the fame that comes with their own,
infamous, celebrity.
The Bling Ring was submitted to the BBFC with 15 category request, which means the distributor was keen
to obtain a 15 age rating.The key issues noted by Examiners included the strong language and drug use
(both category defining as they could not have been passed at 12A) but also the themes of antisocial and
potentially glamorous behavior, including criminal behavior and drug use.The strong language, around 20
uses of 'f***', alongside milder terms like 'bitch' and 'shit', required a 15 recommendation as only infrequent
strong language is usually passed at 12A, under BBFC Guidelines.There were also a number of scenes of
drug use as the youthful characters smoke marijuana joints, pass around bongs and pipes, and snort lines
of cocaine. There are several party scenes where groups are seen drinking and sharing illegal drugs.
There is no injury or violence.
There isn’t much sexual content for it to be that explicit.

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Case Study 2- The Dark



The Dark Knight came to the BBFC for classification in 2008, with a distributor request for a
12A age rating. The previous film in the superhero series, Batman Begins (also starring
Christian Bale and directed by Christopher Nolan), was classified 12A in 2005. In the USA,
the MPAA had already rated the film PG-13, for or intense sequences of violence and some
BBFC Guidelines for 12A at the time stated violence must not dwell on detail. There should
be no emphasis on injuries and blood and sustained moderate threat and menace are
permitted. Occasional gory moments only. The examiners who classified the film agreed it
met the Guidelines criteria, however, there were a significant numbers of complaints about
the 12A rating from members of the public. The violence in the film is quickly edited, and
whilst sometimes crunchy, it is almost entirely lacking in any blood or injury details.
Nevertheless, the BBFC judged the clear fantasy action context and audience familiarity
with the superhero genre as sufficient mitigation against the film's sometimes dark tone,
hence it was rated 12A.
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Case Study 3- Sweet Sixteen

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The film Sweet Sixteen deals with the life of teenager Liam (Martin Compston), growing up
in the tough estates of Greenock, Scotland. This gritty, realistic portrayal of contemporary
working class life by the acclaimed British director Ken Loach gained much critical acclaim;
nominated for the prestigious Palme door and winning best screenplay award at the
Cannes film festival. The film was submitted to the BBFC for classification in June 2002 and
was released in the UK in October of the same year.The film deals with poverty, violence,
drug dealing and teenage crime. However, the key classification issue for the BBFC was
strong language - the films screenplay containing the harsh colloquialisms of Greenocks
roughest estates.Under current BBFC Guidelines, multiple uses of the word c**k usually
only warrant a 15 certificate, but even a single aggressive use of the word c**t can lead to
an 18 certificate. In the case of Sweet Sixteen, the examiners who classified the film felt
that the sustained level of strong language especially the multiple aggressive uses of c**t
placed the work more suitably within the 18 category.

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Sectors of the Indian Economy - Class 10 Study Notes pdf


  • 1. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. BBFC Olivia Griffiths QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 2. What do they do? • • • • When a film is finished and ready to be seen its owner (often called the distributor) sends it in to the BBFC with an online form. The form gives us vital information including how long a work is, when it is due to be released in cinemas and what rating the distributor would like. It is important for us to know what rating a distributor would like, even if we don’t agree to give it in the end, as it tells us what age group they think the film is suitable for. The company must pay us to rate the film. They pay an amount of money per minute, plus a small sum of money for our costs. An average length film would cost about 」 800 or so to rate. Years ago films stored in reels were measured with a ruler and the distributor was charged an amount per foot of film. The film is checked to make sure it is finished and good enough quality for a team of Examiners to watch it. There can’t be any glitches or technical problems and it must be completely finished. Examiners have to rate the exact same film that people will see in the cinema. Two Examiners watch the film. They must carefully note the title down (as this will be shown on the black card certificate you see in cinemas so can’t have any spelling mistakes on it). They then make a note of all the issues in the film as they watch. When they finish, they write a synopsis, discuss the age rating and write the BBFC insight for the film. BBFC insight is the information for you and your parents about what issues are in a film and why it got its rating.
  • 3. Definitions- U • U films should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. If there is any violence, threat or horror in a U film, it should be over quickly and the film should tell children that everything will turn out okay. Films and DVDs for children should make clear to them the difference between right and wrong. • Age rating issues for U • • • Theme/Topics - Films and DVDs should be about subjects which are generally suitable for younger audiences. Language - At the most there may be occasional very mild bad language. Nudity - There can be occasional glimpses of people who have no clothes on, as long as they are not linked to romantic activities. Sex and relationships - Only mild references (e.g. to 'making love') and mild behaviour (e.g. kissing) are allowed. Violence and Threat - Mild violence only. Some mild threat and menace is allowed. Dangerous Behavior - There should be no dangerous behavior that can be easily copied by young children. Weapons - There should be no focus on weapons that are realistic or easy to get hold of. Horror - Moments with ghosts, witches and monsters should be over quickly and not be too scary. Nothing at U should really frighten or disturb young viewers. The film or DVD should tell children that everything is okay. Drugs - Drugs should not be mentioned, unless the film or DVD teaches that drugs are dangerous. Discrimination - There can be no language or behavior shown that would offend a person’s religion, colour, gender, sexuality or disability, unless the film or DVD teaches it to be wrong. • • • • • • •
  • 4. Definition- PG • Children of any age may watch a PG rated film or DVD, with or without an adult. A PG film should not worry a child aged eight or older so BBFC Examiners are thinking of eight year olds when they decide about the rating and how strong the issues are. • • Age rating issues for PG Theme/Topics - Films and DVDs may be about more grown up topics such as crime, racism, bullying or violence in the home. There must be nothing which suggests these are good things. Language - Mild bad language only. Nudity - Some nudity is allowed, but not if it is linked to romantic activities. Sex and Relationships - Sex can be mentioned, suggested or joked about, but only discreetly. Violence and Threat - There can be stronger violence than at U, but without detail. Violence which takes place in a comedy, fantasy, or historical film may be treated less strictly. Dangerous Behavior - There should be no detail of fighting techniques or other harmful and dangerous activities that children might easily copy. Weapons - There should be no focus on weapons that are realistic or easy to get hold of. Weapons should not be made to look attractive. Horror - Frightening scenes should not be too long or scary. Scary scenes which are part of a fantasy film may be treated less strictly. Drugs - There should be no mention of illegal drugs or drug taking unless completely harmless, or the film carries an anti-drug message. Discrimination - There can be no language or behavior shown that would offend a person 痴 religion, colour, gender, sexuality or disability, unless the film or DVD teaches it to be wrong or is presented within a film that is educational or showing historical scenes. Discrimination by a character who is seen as a hero by the audience is also unlikely to be allowed. • • • • • • • • •
  • 5. Definition- 12A/12 • The 12A rating is only used for films shown in cinemas. Films rated 12A are suitable for children aged 12 and over. However, people younger than 12 may see a 12A so long as they are accompanied by an adult. In such circumstances, responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies with the accompanying adult. • • • • • Age rating issues for 12A & 12: 腹  Theme - Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers. Language - The use of strong language (eg 'f***') must be infrequent. Racist language used as abuse is also a concern. Nudity - Nudity is allowed, but it must be brief and discreet if there is any suggestion of sex. Sex - Sex can be suggested. Sex references may reflect what 12 year olds are likely to have heard about from school, but there should be nothing unsuitable for young teenagers. Frequent rude sex references may not be allowed. Violence - Violence must not dwell on injuries or blood. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated. Imitable techniques - Dangerous techniques (eg combat, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on things which can be copied or appear pain or harm free. Easily accessible weapons should not be shown as glamorous. Horror - There can be some threat and menace, including scary scenes which are intense or last a while. Only occasional gory moments can be shown. Drugs - Any misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be shown as glamorous, or attractive, or teach viewers how to take drugs. Discrimination - The film or DVD as a whole must not approve of language or behavior that would offend a person’s religion, colour, gender, sexuality or disability. Aggressive use of this type of language and behavior is unacceptable unless it is clearly disapproved of. • • • • •
  • 6. Definition- 15 • • • • • • • • What does the 15 symbol mean? No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a 15 rated DVD. 15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age. Are there any limits on what sort of theme a work can have at 15?No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds. Is 15 really stronger than 12A? Yes. 15 works are stronger than 12 or 12A rated works and could include any of the following:strong violence frequent strong language (eg 'f***'). Portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex,sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behavior, drug taking How much strong language is there in a 15?There could potentially be a great deal. At 15 there is no upper limit on the number of uses of strong language (eg f***).Occasionally there may be uses of the strongest terms (eg 'c***'), although continued or aggressive use will not normally be passed 15. What about discriminatory or offensive terms?There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory language, and the work could explore themes relating to this.However, at 15 the work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behavior. How much sex and nudity is allowed at 15?At 15 sexual activity can be portrayed, as long as there is no strong or graphic detail. Some sex scenes can be quite long at this category and may involve some nudity and movement. Though nudity may be allowed in a sexual context there should be no strong detail.There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.There can be strong references to sex and sexual behavior, but especially strong or crude references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context.Heterosexual and homosexual sex and sex references are treated the same. Can there be strong violence?Yes, at 15 violence may be strong. It should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.Strong sadistic or sexualized violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.Easily accessible weapons may not be glamorized. What about sexual violence?There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence (for example descriptions of rape or sexual assault in a courtroom scene or in victim testimony) but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
  • 7. Definition- 18 • • • • • • • • • • • What does the 18 symbol mean?Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film at the cinema or buy/rent an 18 rated DVD. No 18 rated works are suitable for children. Are there any limits on what sort of theme a work can have at 18?No theme is prohibited at 18. Adults are free to pick their own entertainment within the law, so it is possible some themes tackled at 18 may be offensive even to some adult viewers. What sort of issues might I find in an 18 film or DVD? 18 works are for adults and can contain strong issues such as:very strong violence, frequent strong language (eg 'f***') and/or very strong language (eg 祖 ***) strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of sexual violence, strong horror, strong blood and gore, real sex (in some circumstances) discriminatory language and behavior. How much strong language is there in an 18?There is no limit on the number of uses of strong (eg 'f***') or even very strong language (eg ***) which can be passed at 18. Uses could be aggressive, directed, frequent or accompanied by strong violence. What about discriminatory or offensive terms?There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory language at 18, and the work could explore themes relating to this.Though a work as a whole must not be in breach of any relevant legislation, it is possible for discriminatory language or themes to be the main focus of the work, and for main characters to engage in discriminatory behavior. How much sex and nudity is allowed at 18?There can be strong and detailed portrayals of sex at 18, including full nudity. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.Very strong, crude and explicit sex references are permitted at 18.An 18 film or DVD might also contain depictions of real sex if it is justified by context, as long as the film or DVD is not a sex work. What are sex works?Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material which may be simulated are generally passed 18. Those containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images will be confined to the R18 category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at R18 is also unacceptable in a sex work at 18. What about sex education films?Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted. Can there be strong violence?Yes, at 18 violence can be strong and be portrayed with strong detail. There may even be dwelling on the infliction of pain or injury, or scenes of strong sadistic or sexual violence.The strongest gory images are permitted at this category. What about horror works?The strongest horror works are passed at 18, they may contain strong horror, gore or sustained threat and menace which exceeds the boundaries of 15. Can you see drugs in an 18?Yes. At 18 drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.
  • 8. ‘Have a go yourself’ • I chose to review ‘The Croods’ • I identified that there was Violence/Threat in the film, but also the BBFC said that there were themes included. • I would have rated the film as a PG but the BBFC said that it was a U.
  • 9. Why the film was rated as ‘U’ • This trailer is for a children’s film. The trailer is warm-hearted, friendly and funny. It starts with a story in which a teddy bear dies, and we hear that the father character is worried about change and wants to keep his family safe. The teddy story isn't realistic though and even the younger child listening to it enjoys the joke ending where the bear dies and a cave man illustrates this with a red splat handprint. There is some mild threat and tension for example when the family run to escape some falling rocks. We also see a close up of a large beast that looks like a tiger. There are moments that might make children jump, but it is scary like being on a fairground ride - it is also fun. It is obvious the story is about a family loving and protecting each other even if they argue sometimes. It was rated U.
  • 10. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. Case Study 1 - The Bling Ring • • • • Director Sofia Coppola, 2013 drama, based on a true story, explores ideas of celebrity culture and narcissism. It follows a group of young Americans obsessed with celebrity and fashion, who break into celebrities houses and steal clothes, jewellery and other possessions.Oddball Marc moves to a new school and becomes entranced by glamorous classmate Becca. Accompanied by several other female friends, they start to track down the addresses of celebrities on the internet and work out whether the owners are in town, at home, or away filming or working. When they are confident the celebrities are out, the group breaks in, stealing clothes and jewellery, any money lying around, drugs and later art and furnishings. Although they are eventually caught and arrested, they embrace the fame that comes with their own, infamous, celebrity. The Bling Ring was submitted to the BBFC with 15 category request, which means the distributor was keen to obtain a 15 age rating.The key issues noted by Examiners included the strong language and drug use (both category defining as they could not have been passed at 12A) but also the themes of antisocial and potentially glamorous behavior, including criminal behavior and drug use.The strong language, around 20 uses of 'f***', alongside milder terms like 'bitch' and 'shit', required a 15 recommendation as only infrequent strong language is usually passed at 12A, under BBFC Guidelines.There were also a number of scenes of drug use as the youthful characters smoke marijuana joints, pass around bongs and pipes, and snort lines of cocaine. There are several party scenes where groups are seen drinking and sharing illegal drugs. There is no injury or violence. There isn’t much sexual content for it to be that explicit. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture.
  • 11. Case Study 2- The Dark Knight • • • The Dark Knight came to the BBFC for classification in 2008, with a distributor request for a 12A age rating. The previous film in the superhero series, Batman Begins (also starring Christian Bale and directed by Christopher Nolan), was classified 12A in 2005. In the USA, the MPAA had already rated the film PG-13, for or intense sequences of violence and some menace. BBFC Guidelines for 12A at the time stated violence must not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries and blood and sustained moderate threat and menace are permitted. Occasional gory moments only. The examiners who classified the film agreed it met the Guidelines criteria, however, there were a significant numbers of complaints about the 12A rating from members of the public. The violence in the film is quickly edited, and whilst sometimes crunchy, it is almost entirely lacking in any blood or injury details. Nevertheless, the BBFC judged the clear fantasy action context and audience familiarity with the superhero genre as sufficient mitigation against the film's sometimes dark tone, hence it was rated 12A.
  • 12. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. Case Study 3- Sweet Sixteen • QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture. The film Sweet Sixteen deals with the life of teenager Liam (Martin Compston), growing up in the tough estates of Greenock, Scotland. This gritty, realistic portrayal of contemporary working class life by the acclaimed British director Ken Loach gained much critical acclaim; nominated for the prestigious Palme door and winning best screenplay award at the Cannes film festival. The film was submitted to the BBFC for classification in June 2002 and was released in the UK in October of the same year.The film deals with poverty, violence, drug dealing and teenage crime. However, the key classification issue for the BBFC was strong language - the films screenplay containing the harsh colloquialisms of Greenocks roughest estates.Under current BBFC Guidelines, multiple uses of the word c**k usually only warrant a 15 certificate, but even a single aggressive use of the word c**t can lead to an 18 certificate. In the case of Sweet Sixteen, the examiners who classified the film felt that the sustained level of strong language especially the multiple aggressive uses of c**t placed the work more suitably within the 18 category. QuickTime™ and a decompres s or are needed to s ee this picture.