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 Adolescent pregnancy according to the WHO (2014) describes pregnancy among young
women aged 10-19 years. The prevalence of adolescent pregnancy varies across
different regions of the world yet the highest prevalence is found in low- and middle-
income countries (Cook & Cameron, 2017). Several studies have associated
adolescent pregnancy with a high rate of infant and maternal mortality and the risk
of exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV among adolescents
as well as its negative effects on the social and economic development of low- and
middle-income countries (Kassa et. al, 2018).
 The opening of classes for school year 2020-2021 was challenged by pandemic that
threatened the entire human life and introduce the new normal situation to the
entire country, Department of Health (2020). The Department of Education continued
burning its torch and accomplishing its mission through education amidst global
pandemic. In order to adopt the new normal situation, the school system introduced
the modular distance approach of learning among learners in the entire municipality.
 Teenage pregnancy is one of the problems that encountered by parents and
teachers during lockdown especially in high school. The opening of 2021-2022 school
year of high school of the district of Candoni was dilemma of parents. High school in
both junior and senior are vulnerable of this situation since face-to-face classes are
cancelled and social media are teens life for the rest of pandemic. Secret meet-ups
during module distribution, school activities alibi and community health programs
are their dark secret schedule in the making of the prohibition. These are some of
their confession as what their parents and teachers talk when somebody asked their
fortune after a year of pandemic. The situation come-up a question whether these
students going to graduate from high school in this time of pandemic and what will
be their life doing duo roles: a mother as well as a student.
 These experiences created the context that led the researcher conducted a study
on teen mothers who are pursuing their high school even in this time of modular
learning. What the researcher wanted to know was why and how those teen
mothers lived experiences of student-mother in modular learning and what is their
coping mechanism to survived their duo role; a mother and a student.
 This study was conducted to determine the living journey
of teen student-mothers and their coping mechanism in
modular learning.
 Specifically, this study sought to answer the following
 1. What are the lived experiences of teen student-
mothers in the new normal?
 2. What are the coping mechanisms of student-mother in
modular learning?
 The study was deal with the phenomenological analysis of the life’s journey
of student-mother in modular learning and their coping mechanism.
 The participants of this study were the junior and senior high school
student of Quirico G. Manzano Memorial National High School who are 13-18
years old and enrolled in both junior and senior high school during the
academic year 2021-2022. A total of 5 respondents were the participants of
the study. These participants are single mothers having 1 – 3 children and
already giving birth to their child/children during the age range of their
high school days and officially enrolled on the said institution. A one-on-one
interview will be employed to gather the data. The analyses were focus on
life’s journey of teen student-mother and their coping mechanism in
modular learning. The responses that was be stated by the participants was
recorded and analyzed using Creswell (2009) data analysis. Moreover,
findings were categorized into themes that will arise based from the one on
one interview.
 This study aims to determine the lived experiences of teen student-mother and
their coping mechanism in modular learning. The results of this study may be
beneficial to the students, parents, teachers, school heads and future researchers.
 School Head. The results of this study would serve as a basis for curricular
development and aligned programs by adopting and implementing comprehensive
education on sexuality and relationships in and out of schools. This study may help
improve instructional practice by providing teachers and school administrators with
best practices by raising girls’ awareness of their sexual and reproductive health
and rights.
 Teachers. The teachers as second parents in school was able to practice different
orientations on the protection of girl’s rights in protecting them from abuse and
connecting them with education as support the key decisions they make about
their future. Teachers will be able to determine the lived experiences of their teen
student mothers and encourage them to continue their education and pursue their
dreams even they have their new responsibilities.
 Parents. The parents were able to determine the lived experiences of their
child/children and motivate them to pursue or finished their studies despite
of their situation.
 Students. This study serves as awakening to the possibilities and real
consequences of their actions. It also gives awareness to the harsh reality of
raising a baby at the early age and the negative effects of pregnancy can
cause to both baby and mothers lives.
 Future Researchers. This study can give other researcher baseline data on
the result of this investigation. This will give them more ideas and insights
on thinking about new researches that will help not only the respondents
but also the educational system. This will also develop their creative and
critical thinking in brainstorming a new research topic related to this study.
They may benefit from the method that is employed and the findings that
can be used as basis for further researches.
 The preceding are the terms that are define conceptually and operationally
to facilitate better understanding of the study:
 Coping Mechanisms. Thoughts and behaviors mobilized to manage the
internal and external stressful situations (Andaya, 2013).
 Operationally, it refers to the strategies and techniques of teen school-
mother in surviving their dual role towards modular learning.
 High School Students. Conceptually, are students who are enrolled to a
school for grade 7 to 10 classes that considered as Junior High and grade 11-
12 as senior high school (Robert Pattison, University of Cambridge, 2015).
 In this study, it refers to the senior high school/junior high school students
who are teenage mothers and officially enrolled in Quirico G. Manzano
Memorial National High School in the school year 2021-2022.
 Modular Learning. Form of distance learning that uses self – learning modules
(SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies provided by DepEd
(Castel, 2017).
 Operationally, this is the adopted and implemented modular learning modalities
in the district of Candoni opening of classes during pandemic.
 Phenomenological Study. Conceptually, a study that describes the meaning for
several individuals of their lived experience of a concept or a phenomenon
(Roost, 2017).
 Operationally, it is the writing about teen school-mother’s own experiences and
their coping mechanism in coping their dual role during the modular learning.
 Teen School-Mother. Conceptually, a girl who gave birth between the age of 13
to 18 and still enrolled in school (Roost, 2017).
 In this study, it refers to the high school mothers age ranging 13-18-year-old who
are officially enrolled at school during the modular learning and as the
respondents of the study.
 Zachary (2017) used a grounded theory approach to analyze the perspective
of nine young mothers in a teen parents’ program and determine how these
women reflected on their educational experiences both before and after
their pregnancies. Zachary’s study investigated how having a child may have
affected teen mothers’ self-understanding, particularly as it related to their
schooling. Her findings revealed that having a child substantially influenced
the teen mothers’ perspectives of both their schooling and their future.
While each participant stated that her pregnancy initially led her to drop out
of school, the participants as a whole argued that “having a child increased
their interest in their education and pushed them to see how education
would help them provide a better future for their children, increase their
employment opportunities, and help them get off public assistance (Zachary,
2015, p. 2566).
 Since this study employed a purely qualitative, a
phenomenological-qualitative method of research.
Phenomenological qualitative research design which aims to
describe thoroughly the existing phenomenon and ideas.
 A qualitative research study according to Mills and Birks
(2019), aimed to examine a phenomenon that impact on the
life’s reality of individuals or groups in a particular cultural
or social context. Phenomenology aimed to accurately
describe the phenomenon without a pre-existing knowledge
to a framework, but remaining truth to the facts
(Groenewald, 2018).
 The participants of the study were the five (5) teen student-
mothers who are 13-18-year-old and officially enrolled in both
junior and senior high school of Quirico G. Manzano Memorial
National High School, Brgy. West, Candoni, Negros Occidental.
Other consideration of choosing the participants of the study are
teen student-mothers who have already 1 to 3 child/children and
their availability and convenience in the time when the researcher
collected the data. Once potential participants were identified, a
letter was be sent to them with the Informed Consent Form.
Participants who signed the consent form was become respondents
in the study and received details about the interview process and
procedures along with the copy of the Interview Protocol.
 For this study, a qualitative interview, field notes and a recorder was the
primary method of data collection.
 An in-depth interview is appropriately used to gain an in-depth understanding
of perceptions or opinions on a topic (Bhandari, 2020). In fact, an interview is
the best technique to use in order to find out the thoughts, feelings or
emotions of an individual regarding a certain matter. Interviews also allow for
triangulation of information obtained from other sources.
 An interview guide was used to gather data from the respondent to
determine the phenomenological study in the living experiences in modular
learning journey of teen student-mother and their coping mechanism. An
interview guide was administered through face-to-face observing proper
health protocol together with the respondent and researcher. This was
personally administered by the researcher and informed the respondent
about the purpose of the study. The ethical concerns was be highly
To determine the appropriateness and
usefulness of the data collected, the
questionnaires was subjected to face and
content validation through the scrutiny of 3
jurors considered expert on the field of
study. They validated the questionnaire using
the criteria set by Goods and Scates.
 According to Trotter (2017) data saturation of the reliability of data gathered refers to
the point in the research process when no new information is discovered in data
analysis, and this redundancy signals to researchers that data collection may cease.
Researcher can be reasonable assured that further data collection would yield similar
results and serve to confirm emerging themes and conclusions. When researchers can
claim that they have collected enough data to achieve their research purpose, they
should report how, when, and to what degree they achieved data saturation.
 Hence, after incorporating all the recommendations and suggestions to the research
instrument as directed by the panel of experts thus, establishing the validity of the
research instrument. The researcher advanced to the establishment of its reliability
through data saturation.
 Additionally, the researcher transcribed the recorded interviews from the
participants and present it to them one by one. Additional data were added or
erroneous transcriptions were revised with accurancy as participants validated their
answers. This process reoccurred until data saturation was achieved, hence the data
was deemed reliable.
 The researcher seek approval from the Director of Central Philippines State University – Candoni Campus to allow the
researcher to conduct the study. Then the researcher asked the approval of the principal of Quirico G. Manzano
Memorial National High School to allow her utilizing the potential participants as the respondent.
 As a first step in the interview process, participants were reminded of the purpose of the study, research procedures,
expected benefits, their right to withdraw from the study at any time, and protection of confidentiality. With the
participants signed approval, the interviews will be audio-recorded to ensure a complete transcript. Notes will be taken
during all interviews that will enable the researcher to track key points to return to later in the interview. A semi-
structured interview approach will be used to carry on conversations that will elicit rich data that can be used in
qualitative analysis.
 Participants was given the interview protocol approximately a week before the scheduled interview so that they will
have time to think about and prepare their responses to the initial questions. Mostly open-ended questions were used
throughout the remainder of the interview to encourage participants to talk freely and respond openly to queries.
Probing questions will be used, when necessary, to encourage participants to elaborate on or clarify a response.
 In order to improve the credibility of study findings, participants’ responses explored in depth during interviews that will
last more or less 45 minutes. The audio recordings were carefully transcribed verbatim in a Microsoft Word document by
a transcriptionist.
 Field notes serves as a supporting data source for this study. Field notes were written during each interview and later
was analyzed and compared to the interview transcriptions. Other topics that was included in the field notes was the
observations about the participant’s attitude and direct quotes that catches the attention of the researcher. The
researcher was highlight quotes from participants so that they can be easily found during data analysis. Furthermore,
participants presented with a copy of the transcript for your review and clarification
 In the type of research, the data collection is necessarily
needed to explain the step that researcher had to treat the
research participants with care, sensitivity and respect for
their status has human beings. This places upon the
researcher the obligation to ensure that before respondents
agree to take part in the research, they may be made fully
aware of the nature of the research and of their role within
it. It is important to ensure that the respondents would
remain anonymous. It is an important element of the research
ethics to help to make the respondents feel at ease during
the data collection process. The researcher complied with all
the ethical principles of research and very specifically
adhered to the following ethics.
 This chapter provides of the relevant findings, analysis and interpretation of the results gathered from
five (5) respondents. The following themes from the interview transcript based on the lived experiences
of student – mother in the new normal of Central Philippines State University – Candoni Campus.
 Lived Experiences of Student – Mother in New Normal
 Based on the result of the study, it was found out that the lived experiences of student – mother in the
new normal are multi – tasking, stressful, challenging and relapse. In order to supplement the data of
findings of this study the following transcription methods were supposed. Also, the succeeding data were
the major themes emerged from the study.
 Theme 1 Multi – tasking
 The major theme was emerged due to the number of responses given by the participants of the study. It
was found out that most of the student – mother was experienced a multi- tasking as one of the SM1
(Student – Mother 1) stated that “In this time of modular learning I get and return my modules carrying
my child. I answer my lessons with my child at my side” ( Sa sining modular learning nagakuha kag
nagauli ko sang akon modules nga kagra karga ko ang akon bata. Maski sap ag answer pirmi nga ara sa
tupad ko ang akon bata). Likewise, SM2 (student mother 2) states that “ I always hear gossips regarding
my dual role; as a mother and as a student. In addition, I suffered from relapse upon handling the
difficulties of my lessons and also taking care my child. ( Pirmi ko lang nagakabatian ang mga tsismis
parti sa akon pag – eskwela kag pagka iloy. Nagakabughat pa guid ako ilabi na guid kun tama ka budlay
ang akon modules tapos may bata pa nga gina asikaso. )
 Same with SM3 (Student Mother 3) commented that “I took my module lessons and the same time taking
care of my child. (Naga module ako kag naga atipan sang bata) SM4 (Student mother 4) agreed that “my
life in this modular learning is surrounded by an endless gossip with regards to my situation as a student as
the same time a mother. Doing my obligation such as unending house chores, performing my module’s and
taking care of my child. ( Napalibutan ang kabuhi ko sang walang katapusang tsismis sa sining ginatawag nga
modular learning bangud sang pagka iloy ko kag pag – eskwela pa gid. Pag – ubra sang akon mga obligasyon
sa mga gasulit sulit nga ulubrahon sa balay, pagsabat sang akon modules kag pag atipan sang bata.
)Likewise, SM5 (Student mother 5) believes that “I continue my studies in this modular learning by
performing my module lessons together with my obligation as a mother: taking care of my child and doing
house chores. Doing these altogether sometimes my health gets down and I suffered a relapse. (Nagapadayon
ko sang pagtuon sa sining modular learning paagi sap ag – answer sa akon module upod ang pag – atipan sang
akon bata kag mga ulubrahon sa balay. Paagi sini naga abot gid sa akon nga nagabughat ako.) Lastly, SM3
(Student mother 3) states that “At this time of modular learning I hardly understand my lesson due to the
some of my responsibility as a mother. Taking care of my child and at the same time focusing my module is
really a tiresome task. I always distracted when my child is crying seeking my attention”. ( Nabudlayan ko
sap ag intindi sang akon lesson sa module bangud nga naga atipan ko sang akon bata kag naga module
kakapoy guid. Pirmi gid ko naga out of focus kay nagasinabad man ang akon bata labi na gid kun nagahibi
kag nagabisyo.)
 This only implies that most of the student mother are always engage in multi – tasking towards their
responsibilities and obligations both in school and in their homes.
 According to Genia (2019), multitasking among student mother affects their ability to do their task well
both in school and in their own place. They are not dividing their attention equally between two or more
task. Instead, their focus rapidly shifts between the task. In relation (Mediazs, 2019) added that task
switching among student mother is usually happens. It actually makes time much less productive - it takes
longer to finish work and mistakes are much more likely to happen. This can lead to lower grades on test and
assignments and a drop in academic performance.
 Theme 2 Stressful
 One of the lived experiences of the student mother in the new normal was very stressful in all the
task related to school works and their responsibility as a mother. SM2 (Student mother 2) believes that
“I find challenging in performing my modules together with my child. Every time my child cries I was
out of focus and not even to continue it at the time”. (Pirme guid ko nagakabati sang tsismis parti sa
akon pagka nanay kag pag eskwela pero gapadayon gihapon ko kuha sang modules. Nagaka stress kag
nagakabug ta lang galling ko pagnagasabat na ko sang akon modules kag luwas nga budlay ara pa ang
bata na atipanon ko.) SM 1 (Student Mother 1), stated that “ I am stressed towards modular learning
because there’s a lot of works and responsibilities to be done. (Na stress gid ko sang modular learning
tungod sang damu nga ulubrahon kag obligasyon nga dapat tapuson.). SM3 (Student mother 3) added
that “ I will suddenly burst into tears especially if the activities in my module is very hard while I am
taking care my child and I am thinking a lot of responsibilities to be done both in school and in my
home. That is the reason behind why is it I am so stress because of my responsibilities both in school
and in my home. (Magulpi na lang ko hibi labi na gid kun budlay katama ang mga activity sa module
samtang may gina atipan pa nga bata kag nagapaminsar pa ko sang mga obligasyon sa eskwelahan kag
akon panimalay. Amo na ang mga rason kun ngaa stress gid ko pirme tungod sang kadamo sang
obligasyon sa akon panimalay kag eskwelahan)
 Theme 3 Challenging
 Student mother was also challenged by their responsibilities and obligation in school and as a mother. SM1
(Student mother 1) states that “I find challenging in performing and answering my modules together with
taking care of my child. Every time my child cries I was out of focus and was not able to continue in
answering my modules. (Kabudlay gid nga naga atipan sang bata samtang naga answer sang modules kay
kun maghibi ang akon bata indi na ko makapadayon sa pag answer sang akon modules). SM2 (Student
mother 2) agreed that “ I always hear gossip regarding my situation as a student at the same time a
mother but I still continue getting my modules but sad to say that every time I answer my module I
suffered a relapse. Maybe I was stressed due to the difficulties of my lessons as well as taking care of my
child, (Pirme gid ko gakabati sang mga tsismis parti sa akon pagka iloy kag pag eskwela pero gapadayon
gihapon ko kuha modules. (Gakabughat lang galling ko pag nagasabat na ko sang akon modules kay luwas
nga budlay ara pa ang akon alatipanon nga bata). Lastly, SM4 (Student mother 4) states that “ I find it
difficult to continue and pursuing in answering my modules for may reasons such as gossips that strikes me
about my situation as a student mother, unending house chores, and taking care of my child. Doing all this
thing at a time is really very challenging. (Nabudlayan gid ko sa pagpadayon sap ag answer sang akon
module bangud sang mga tsismis, wala katapusan nga ulubrahon sa sulod sang panimalay kag pag atipan
sang akon bata. Very Challenging gid ang paghimo kag pagtapos sini tanan.)
 This implies that this pandemic brings a big challenge among student mother in the new normal. This
challenge includes taking care of their child while doing some household chores. Hearing some criticism
from their neighbor and surroundings was also a huge challenge for student mother.
 According to Mariet (2019), common challenge among student mothers is the lack of time to manage
studying and parenting roles. It is very challenging for them doing both schools works and household
chores. Student mother challenges include being angry, loneliness, restless and skipping lectures.
 In relation, Sanchex (2017) agreed that fundamental experiences were experienced by student mother
and it was quite challenging for them. Fundamental common challenges among experiences of student
mother is a need to manage and maintaining time management in their studies and parenting roles
especially in the new normal.
 Theme 4 Relapse
 Most of the student mother experienced a relapse because of multi-tasking and a bundle of responsibilities
to be done both in school and in their homes.
 SM5 (Student mother 5) states that “I continue my studies in modular learning by performing and
answering my modules together with my obligation as a mother. I was taking care of my child and doing
household chores. Doing this altogether causes some pain and I suffered from relapse. (Nagapadayon ko
sang pagtuon sa sining modular learning paagi sap ag answer sang akon modules upod ang pag atipan sang
akon bata kag mga ulubrahon sa balay. Paagi sini naga abot gid sa akon nga nagabughat ako). Likewise, SM2
(Student mother 2) agreed that “ I always hear gossip regarding my situation as a student at the same time
a mother but I still continue getting my modules but sad to say that every time I answer my module I
suffered a relapse. Maybe I was stressed due to the difficulties of my lessons as well as taking care of my
child, (Pirme gid ko gakabati sang mga tsismis parti sa akon pagka iloy kag pag eskwela pero gapadayon
gihapon ko kuha modules. (Gakabughat lang galling ko pag nagasabat na ko sang akon modules kay luwas
nga budlay ara pa ang akon alatipanon nga bata).
 It only implies that most of student mother usually relapse because of many things to be done both in
school and in their homes. They face many life situations, life transitions and many problems that is very
hard to handle.
 According to Umubyeyi (2021), in times of pandemic relapse is the major concern among student mother
worldwide. Fourty – sixty percent (40 – 60%) of student mother in general relapse because of multi-tasking
and stress that they suffered from school related activities and household chores. In Rwanda, Student
mother who usually relapse undergo some detoxication and rehabilitation but still it is still a burden for the
government because of increasing number of student mother who relapse in their homes because they
overuse their mind and body.
 student mother who relapse in their homes because they overuse their mind and body.
 Coping mechanism of student mother in the new normal
 Based on the result of the interview, it was found out that the coping mechanism of student mother was neglect all the
gossips, positivity, sacrifice and seek help from others. In order to supplement the data of findings of this study the
following transcription methods were proposed. Also, the succeeding data where the major themes emerged from the
 Theme 1 Neglect all the gossips
 One of the coping mechanism of student mother in the new normal was to neglect all the gossips, criticism and
judgement among their neighbors and other people that surrounds them. SM2 (Student mother 2) says that, “I neglected
all the gossips that I heard about me. I think positively so that I can focus on my lessons. I let my child sleep first in order
for me to perform and answer my modules smoothly. Most importantly, I secure my health that I am in good condition
every day. (Ginapabay an ko ang mga tsismis kag nagging positibo ko para maka focus ko sap ag ubra kag pag answer sang
akon modules. Ginapatulog ko danay akon bata antis ko magsabat sang akon modules kag gina secure ko gid ang akon
health adlaw adlaw). SM4 (Student mother 4) also says that “I neglect all the gossips that surrounds me and I continue to
pursue in answering my modules. I finish all the household chores at home and I first let my child slept before I start in
answering my modules.”( Ginabaliwala ko ang tanan nga chismis kag nagapadayon ko sap ag module. Ginatapos ko tanan
ang mga ulubrahon sa balay kag ginapatulog ko anay ang akon bata antis magsugod sap ag answer sang akon modules.)
 This only implies that one of the coping mechanism of student mother on the difficulties and challenges that they
experienced was to neglect all the gossips that they heard from other people. Even though student mother hears some
criticism and gossips and this can cause a negative impact to them, still they neglect this all.
 According to Gordon (2020), Hearing and neglecting all the gossips among student mother happen frequently in a normal
part of their lives. It is not very easy at all. But when that gossips involves toxic friendship, slut – shaming, and spreading
humors, that is anything but normal. In fact, for those student mother, gossip can be downright painful and almost
impossible to ignore – especially if social media is being used to spread it.
 Theme 2 Positivity
 According to SM2 (Student mother 2), “I neglected all the gossips that I heard about me. I think
positively so that I can focus on my lessons. I let my child sleep first in order for me to perform and
answer my modules smoothly. Most importantly, I secure my health that I am in good condition every
day. (Ginapabay an ko ang mga tsismis kag nagging positibo ko para maka focus ko sap ag ubra kag pag
answer sang akon modules. Ginapatulog ko danay akon bata antis ko magsabat sang akon modules kag
gina secure ko gid ang akon health adlaw adlaw). SM3 (Student mother 3) also states that “Positivity
is the key! I must sacrifice my time as a mother so that I can answer my modules. I must pursue my
studies so that I can achieve my dreams in life which is to finish my study. All I have to do is to manage
my time wisely. (Positivity lang gid ang kinahanglan! Kinahanglan ko gid nga I sacrifice akon tyempo
para masabtan ko ang akon mga modules tungod kinahanglan ko gid makapadayon sa pagtuon para
malab ot ko ang akon handum nga makatapos sap ag eskwela).
 This only implies that one of the coping mechanism of student mother in the new normal was to stay
positive in all the hardships and obstacles that they suffered both in schools and in their homes. Even
though they find it hard to conquer all the experiences but still they stay positive.
 According to Ruzibiza (2020) student mother are very visible in the society, they are often
stereotyped and stigmatized. Positivity towards student mother among college students is 90% at
Western University. Positivity among student mothers was positively related to empathy and
classification. Those who did not report having a student mother in the family had higher levels of
positivity than those who reported having a teen mother in their family.
 Theme 3 Sacrifice
 According to SM4 (Student mother 4), “I always sacrifice in taking care of my child and it was a hardest task that I
overcome for my child that always seek my attention.” (Pirme lang gid ko naga sakripisyo. Pag atipan sang akon bata
ang pinakabudlay gid bangud ang akon bata pirme nagapangita sa akon kag pirme gusto nga ang akon atensyon ara lang
sa iya). SM5 (Student mother 5) says that “ I always sacrifice in taking care of my child but still I overcome such thing
even though my child wants me to be her side all the time.” (Pirme lang ko nagasakripisyo sa pag atipan sang akon bata
pero na overcome ko lang man ini biskan ang akon bata gusto nga ara lang ko pirme sa iya tupad.) SM1 (Student
mother 1) says that “Possibly, I need to sacrifice my time as a mother in order to answer my lesson. I must manage my
time wisely so that I can continue my study. For I know that being a mother is a lifetime while education is an important
part of my life that can bring me a true success in life.” (Kinahanglan ko gid nga I sacrifice ang akon pagka iloy para
makapadayon ko sang akon pagtuon. Bahin bahinon ko ang akon oras para lang gid mahatagan tyempo ang akon mga
lessons sa module. Kay ang pagka iloy asta mintras ini samtang ang pagtuon ay isa ka importante nga parti sang akon
kabuhi nga makahatag sang matuod tuod nga success sa akon kabuhi). SM2 (Student mother 2) agreed that “I need to
sacrifice my time as a mother with regards in answering my module. I must move forward so that I can have a better
future. I don’t want that my child will experience the things that I experienced in life.” (Kinahanglan ko gid nga
isacrifice ang akon pagka iloy para maka module gid ko kag gusto ko0 makapadayon sa akon pagtuon para sa akon bwas
damlag. Indi man ko gusto nga maagyan sang akon bata ang akon mga naagyan sa pagpangabuhi). Additionally, SM3
(Student mother 3) states that “I must sacrifice my time as a mother so that I can answer my module. I need to pursue
my studies so that I can achieve my dreams in life which is to finish my studies.” (Kinahanglan koko nga I sacrifice ang
akon time para maka answer sang akon mga modules kag kinahanglan ko gid nga makapadayon sa akon pagtuon para
mala bot ko ang akon handom nga mkatapos sa akon pag eskwela). Moreover, SM4 (Student mother 4) says that “I really
need to sacrifice my time being a mother in order to answer my modules. I want to reach my goals in life which is to
finish my studies.” (Kinahanglan ko nga isakripisyo ang akon time bilang isa ka iloy kay para mala bot ko gid ang akon
handom nga makatapos sap ag eskwela). Lastly, SM5 (Student mother 5) says that “I want to become a professional
teacher someday so I need to sacrifice my time in order for me to pursue my studies.” (Gusto ko nga mangin isa ka
ganap nga manunudlo sa ulihi nga mga inadlaw. Amo nga I sacrifice ko ang akon pagka iloy para mala bot ini).
 This only implies that one of the coping mechanisms in all the
experiences that student mother experienced was to sacrifice
themselves as a mother. Most of them sacrifice in order to
achieve their dreams and goals in life, to become a successful
and professional teacher someday.
 According to Edubirdie (2022), a student mother will do
everything for her child and school works in order to achieve
their goals in life. She will stay up, hours a night, doing
homework/ school works while attending her child. Running for
her own requirements/ project in school while attending her
child. Student mother would sacrifice herself and would move
mountains for her child if she could. Some, even thought it is
very wrong, it would kill their children but they conquer it all.
 Theme 4 Seek help from others
 According to SM5 (Student mother 5), “In this modular learning, I really seek help with
my family and friends so that I can overcome my situation. If I cannot understand my
lessons I ask my friends and through their kindness and help I surpassed it all.”
(Nagapangayo gid ko bulig sa akon pamilya kag mga abyan agud mapadayon ko gid ang akon
pag eskwela. Kun nabudlayan ko sa akon lessons nagapalapit gid ko sa akon mga abyan kag
sa ila kayo nakalampuwas gid ko). SM2 (Student mother 2) says that “The support of my
family and my husband inspires me to pursue my studies and even to finish it”. (Sa mga
bulig kag suporta sang akon pamilya kag akon bana nagahatag sa akon kaisog agud
magpadayon sa pag eskwela). Also, SM5 (Student mother 5) states that “As my child grow
up my responsibility as a mother become bigger and I always look forward on it. This
situation motivates me to pursue my studies and reach my goal.” (Samtang nagadako ang
akon bata nagadako man ang akon responsibilidad sa iya kag nagakinahanglan ko gid nga
pangamanan ini paagi sa pagtutom sa pagtuon)
 It only implies that one of the coping mechanism of student mother is to seek help to
others to assist them towards their responsibilities in school and in their homes.
 According to Rabiyua (2018), Seeking help from others among student mother is essential
because they cannot shoulder all the responsibilities both in school and in their homes.
 This study found that various lived experiences was experienced by student mother in the new
normal. They also have their unique coping mechanism to survive in every struggles and difficulties
that they have been experienced.
 Majority of the student mother lived experiences in the new normal are multi – tasking, stressful,
challenging and relapse. It was found out that the coping mechanism of student mother was to
neglect all the gossips, positivity, sacrifice and seek help from others. Most of the student mother are
always engage in multi – tasking towards their responsibilities and obligations both in school and in
their homes.
 This pandemic brings a big challenge among student mother in the new normal. This challenge
includes taking care of their child while doing some household chores. Hearing some criticism from
their neighbor and surroundings was also a huge challenge for student mother.
 Most of student mother usually relapse because of many things to be done both in school and in their
homes. They face many life situations, life transitions and many problems that is very hard to handle.
 One of the coping mechanism of student mother on the difficulties and challenges that they
experienced was to neglect all the gossips that they heard from other people. Even though student
mother hears some criticism and gossips and this can cause a negative impact to them, still they
neglect this all.
 In the new normal was to stay positive in all the hardships
and obstacles that they suffered both in schools and in their
homes. Even though they find it hard to conquer all the
experiences but still they stay positive.
 In all the experiences that student mother experienced was
to sacrifice themselves as a mother. Most of them sacrifice
in order to achieve their dreams and goals in life, to become
a successful and professional teacher someday.
 Lastly, seek help to others to assist student mother towards
their responsibilities in school and in their homes is
 Based on the results of the study, the researcher concluded the following:
 Multitasking among student mother affects their ability to do their task well both in school and in
their own place. They are not dividing their attention equally between two or more task. Instead,
their focus rapidly shifts between the task. Task switching among student mother is usually
happens. It actually makes time much less productive - it takes longer to finish work and mistakes
are much more likely to happen. This can lead to lower grades on test and assignments and a drop
in academic performance.
 Additionally, Common challenge among student mothers is the lack of time to manage studying and
parenting roles. It is very challenging for them doing both schools works and household chores.
Student mother challenges include being angry, loneliness, restless and skipping lectures.
Fundamental experiences were experienced by student mother and it was quite challenging for
them. Fundamental common challenges among experiences of student mother is a need to manage
and maintaining time management in their studies and parenting roles especially in the new
normal. In times of pandemic relapse is the major concern among student mother worldwide.
Student mother in general relapse because of multi-tasking and stress that they suffered from
school related activities and household chores.
 Also, hearing and neglecting all the gossips among student mother
happen frequently in a normal part of their lives. It is not very easy at
all. But when that gossips involves toxic friendship, slut – shaming, and
spreading humors, that is anything but normal. In fact, for those
student mother, gossip can be downright painful and almost impossible
to ignore – especially if social media is being used to spread it.
 Moreover, a student mother will do everything for her child and school
works in order to achieve their goals in life. She will stay up, hours a
night, doing homework/ school works while attending her child.
Running for her own requirements/ project in school while attending
her child. Student mother would sacrifice herself and would move
mountains for her child if she could. Some, even though it is very
wrong, it would kill their children but they conquer it all.
 Lastly, seeking help from others among student mother is essential
because they cannot shoulder all the responsibilities both in school
and in their homes.
 Based on the findings of the study, the following were recommended:
 School head should make this study as a basis for curricular development and aligned programs by
adopting and implementing comprehensive education on sexuality and relationships in and out of
schools. This study may help improve instructional practice by providing teachers and school
administrators with best practices by raising girls’ awareness of their sexual and reproductive health
and rights.
 The teachers as second parents in school should practice different orientations on the protection of
girl’s rights in protecting them from abuse and connecting them with education as support the key
decisions they make about their future. Teachers should able to determine the lived experiences of
their teen student mothers and encourage them to continue their education and pursue their dreams
even they have their new responsibilities.
 The parents should determine the lived experiences of their child/children and motivate them to
pursue or finished their studies despite of their situation.
 To students should serve as awakening to the possibilities and real consequences of their actions. It
will also give awareness to the harsh reality of raising a baby at the early age and the negative effects
of pregnancy can cause to both baby and mothers lives.
This study should give other researcher baseline
data on the result of this investigation. This should
provide them more ideas and insights on thinking
about new researches that will help not only the
respondents but also the educational system. This
should also develop their creative and critical
thinking in brainstorming a new research topic
related to this study. They may benefit from the
method that is employed and the findings that can
be used as basis for further researches.
 Adebule T. N., Iwuchukwu, O. & Aborisade L. J. (2019). Study habits and attitudes of students in National Open University
of Nigeria (NOUN): Implication and Policy Issues in Bridging the Divide. Journal of Applied Research 4 (7), 814-825.
 Adeninyi, F. A. (2019).Managing Students’ Attitude towards Science through Problem-Solving Instructional Strategy.
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student in online task based learning media. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. 10(3), 265-281 doi:
 Bagativa, O. (2016). A Meta-Analysis on Teaching multigrade students with significant Cognitive Disabilities. Exceptional
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  • 2. INTRODUCTION  Adolescent pregnancy according to the WHO (2014) describes pregnancy among young women aged 10-19 years. The prevalence of adolescent pregnancy varies across different regions of the world yet the highest prevalence is found in low- and middle- income countries (Cook & Cameron, 2017). Several studies have associated adolescent pregnancy with a high rate of infant and maternal mortality and the risk of exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV among adolescents as well as its negative effects on the social and economic development of low- and middle-income countries (Kassa et. al, 2018).  The opening of classes for school year 2020-2021 was challenged by pandemic that threatened the entire human life and introduce the new normal situation to the entire country, Department of Health (2020). The Department of Education continued burning its torch and accomplishing its mission through education amidst global pandemic. In order to adopt the new normal situation, the school system introduced the modular distance approach of learning among learners in the entire municipality.
  • 3.  Teenage pregnancy is one of the problems that encountered by parents and teachers during lockdown especially in high school. The opening of 2021-2022 school year of high school of the district of Candoni was dilemma of parents. High school in both junior and senior are vulnerable of this situation since face-to-face classes are cancelled and social media are teens life for the rest of pandemic. Secret meet-ups during module distribution, school activities alibi and community health programs are their dark secret schedule in the making of the prohibition. These are some of their confession as what their parents and teachers talk when somebody asked their fortune after a year of pandemic. The situation come-up a question whether these students going to graduate from high school in this time of pandemic and what will be their life doing duo roles: a mother as well as a student.  These experiences created the context that led the researcher conducted a study on teen mothers who are pursuing their high school even in this time of modular learning. What the researcher wanted to know was why and how those teen mothers lived experiences of student-mother in modular learning and what is their coping mechanism to survived their duo role; a mother and a student.
  • 4. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM  This study was conducted to determine the living journey of teen student-mothers and their coping mechanism in modular learning.  Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions.  1. What are the lived experiences of teen student- mothers in the new normal?  2. What are the coping mechanisms of student-mother in modular learning?
  • 5. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION  The study was deal with the phenomenological analysis of the life’s journey of student-mother in modular learning and their coping mechanism.  The participants of this study were the junior and senior high school student of Quirico G. Manzano Memorial National High School who are 13-18 years old and enrolled in both junior and senior high school during the academic year 2021-2022. A total of 5 respondents were the participants of the study. These participants are single mothers having 1 – 3 children and already giving birth to their child/children during the age range of their high school days and officially enrolled on the said institution. A one-on-one interview will be employed to gather the data. The analyses were focus on life’s journey of teen student-mother and their coping mechanism in modular learning. The responses that was be stated by the participants was recorded and analyzed using Creswell (2009) data analysis. Moreover, findings were categorized into themes that will arise based from the one on one interview.
  • 6. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY  This study aims to determine the lived experiences of teen student-mother and their coping mechanism in modular learning. The results of this study may be beneficial to the students, parents, teachers, school heads and future researchers.  School Head. The results of this study would serve as a basis for curricular development and aligned programs by adopting and implementing comprehensive education on sexuality and relationships in and out of schools. This study may help improve instructional practice by providing teachers and school administrators with best practices by raising girls’ awareness of their sexual and reproductive health and rights.  Teachers. The teachers as second parents in school was able to practice different orientations on the protection of girl’s rights in protecting them from abuse and connecting them with education as support the key decisions they make about their future. Teachers will be able to determine the lived experiences of their teen student mothers and encourage them to continue their education and pursue their dreams even they have their new responsibilities.
  • 7.  Parents. The parents were able to determine the lived experiences of their child/children and motivate them to pursue or finished their studies despite of their situation.  Students. This study serves as awakening to the possibilities and real consequences of their actions. It also gives awareness to the harsh reality of raising a baby at the early age and the negative effects of pregnancy can cause to both baby and mothers lives.  Future Researchers. This study can give other researcher baseline data on the result of this investigation. This will give them more ideas and insights on thinking about new researches that will help not only the respondents but also the educational system. This will also develop their creative and critical thinking in brainstorming a new research topic related to this study. They may benefit from the method that is employed and the findings that can be used as basis for further researches.
  • 8. DEFINITION OF TERMS  The preceding are the terms that are define conceptually and operationally to facilitate better understanding of the study:  Coping Mechanisms. Thoughts and behaviors mobilized to manage the internal and external stressful situations (Andaya, 2013).  Operationally, it refers to the strategies and techniques of teen school- mother in surviving their dual role towards modular learning.  High School Students. Conceptually, are students who are enrolled to a school for grade 7 to 10 classes that considered as Junior High and grade 11- 12 as senior high school (Robert Pattison, University of Cambridge, 2015).  In this study, it refers to the senior high school/junior high school students who are teenage mothers and officially enrolled in Quirico G. Manzano Memorial National High School in the school year 2021-2022.
  • 9.  Modular Learning. Form of distance learning that uses self – learning modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies provided by DepEd (Castel, 2017).  Operationally, this is the adopted and implemented modular learning modalities in the district of Candoni opening of classes during pandemic.  Phenomenological Study. Conceptually, a study that describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experience of a concept or a phenomenon (Roost, 2017).  Operationally, it is the writing about teen school-mother’s own experiences and their coping mechanism in coping their dual role during the modular learning.  Teen School-Mother. Conceptually, a girl who gave birth between the age of 13 to 18 and still enrolled in school (Roost, 2017).  In this study, it refers to the high school mothers age ranging 13-18-year-old who are officially enrolled at school during the modular learning and as the respondents of the study.
  • 10. CHAPTER 2  Zachary (2017) used a grounded theory approach to analyze the perspective of nine young mothers in a teen parents’ program and determine how these women reflected on their educational experiences both before and after their pregnancies. Zachary’s study investigated how having a child may have affected teen mothers’ self-understanding, particularly as it related to their schooling. Her findings revealed that having a child substantially influenced the teen mothers’ perspectives of both their schooling and their future. While each participant stated that her pregnancy initially led her to drop out of school, the participants as a whole argued that “having a child increased their interest in their education and pushed them to see how education would help them provide a better future for their children, increase their employment opportunities, and help them get off public assistance (Zachary, 2015, p. 2566).
  • 12. RESEARCH DESIGN  Since this study employed a purely qualitative, a phenomenological-qualitative method of research. Phenomenological qualitative research design which aims to describe thoroughly the existing phenomenon and ideas.  A qualitative research study according to Mills and Birks (2019), aimed to examine a phenomenon that impact on the life’s reality of individuals or groups in a particular cultural or social context. Phenomenology aimed to accurately describe the phenomenon without a pre-existing knowledge to a framework, but remaining truth to the facts (Groenewald, 2018).
  • 13. RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY  The participants of the study were the five (5) teen student- mothers who are 13-18-year-old and officially enrolled in both junior and senior high school of Quirico G. Manzano Memorial National High School, Brgy. West, Candoni, Negros Occidental. Other consideration of choosing the participants of the study are teen student-mothers who have already 1 to 3 child/children and their availability and convenience in the time when the researcher collected the data. Once potential participants were identified, a letter was be sent to them with the Informed Consent Form. Participants who signed the consent form was become respondents in the study and received details about the interview process and procedures along with the copy of the Interview Protocol.
  • 14. DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT  For this study, a qualitative interview, field notes and a recorder was the primary method of data collection.  An in-depth interview is appropriately used to gain an in-depth understanding of perceptions or opinions on a topic (Bhandari, 2020). In fact, an interview is the best technique to use in order to find out the thoughts, feelings or emotions of an individual regarding a certain matter. Interviews also allow for triangulation of information obtained from other sources.  An interview guide was used to gather data from the respondent to determine the phenomenological study in the living experiences in modular learning journey of teen student-mother and their coping mechanism. An interview guide was administered through face-to-face observing proper health protocol together with the respondent and researcher. This was personally administered by the researcher and informed the respondent about the purpose of the study. The ethical concerns was be highly considered.
  • 15. VALIDITY OF THE INSTRUMENT To determine the appropriateness and usefulness of the data collected, the questionnaires was subjected to face and content validation through the scrutiny of 3 jurors considered expert on the field of study. They validated the questionnaire using the criteria set by Goods and Scates.
  • 16. RELIABILITY OF THE INSTRUMENT/ DATA SATURATION  According to Trotter (2017) data saturation of the reliability of data gathered refers to the point in the research process when no new information is discovered in data analysis, and this redundancy signals to researchers that data collection may cease. Researcher can be reasonable assured that further data collection would yield similar results and serve to confirm emerging themes and conclusions. When researchers can claim that they have collected enough data to achieve their research purpose, they should report how, when, and to what degree they achieved data saturation.  Hence, after incorporating all the recommendations and suggestions to the research instrument as directed by the panel of experts thus, establishing the validity of the research instrument. The researcher advanced to the establishment of its reliability through data saturation.  Additionally, the researcher transcribed the recorded interviews from the participants and present it to them one by one. Additional data were added or erroneous transcriptions were revised with accurancy as participants validated their answers. This process reoccurred until data saturation was achieved, hence the data was deemed reliable.
  • 17. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE  The researcher seek approval from the Director of Central Philippines State University – Candoni Campus to allow the researcher to conduct the study. Then the researcher asked the approval of the principal of Quirico G. Manzano Memorial National High School to allow her utilizing the potential participants as the respondent.  As a first step in the interview process, participants were reminded of the purpose of the study, research procedures, expected benefits, their right to withdraw from the study at any time, and protection of confidentiality. With the participants signed approval, the interviews will be audio-recorded to ensure a complete transcript. Notes will be taken during all interviews that will enable the researcher to track key points to return to later in the interview. A semi- structured interview approach will be used to carry on conversations that will elicit rich data that can be used in qualitative analysis.  Participants was given the interview protocol approximately a week before the scheduled interview so that they will have time to think about and prepare their responses to the initial questions. Mostly open-ended questions were used throughout the remainder of the interview to encourage participants to talk freely and respond openly to queries. Probing questions will be used, when necessary, to encourage participants to elaborate on or clarify a response.  In order to improve the credibility of study findings, participants’ responses explored in depth during interviews that will last more or less 45 minutes. The audio recordings were carefully transcribed verbatim in a Microsoft Word document by a transcriptionist.  Field notes serves as a supporting data source for this study. Field notes were written during each interview and later was analyzed and compared to the interview transcriptions. Other topics that was included in the field notes was the observations about the participant’s attitude and direct quotes that catches the attention of the researcher. The researcher was highlight quotes from participants so that they can be easily found during data analysis. Furthermore, participants presented with a copy of the transcript for your review and clarification
  • 18. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION  In the type of research, the data collection is necessarily needed to explain the step that researcher had to treat the research participants with care, sensitivity and respect for their status has human beings. This places upon the researcher the obligation to ensure that before respondents agree to take part in the research, they may be made fully aware of the nature of the research and of their role within it. It is important to ensure that the respondents would remain anonymous. It is an important element of the research ethics to help to make the respondents feel at ease during the data collection process. The researcher complied with all the ethical principles of research and very specifically adhered to the following ethics.
  • 19. CHAPTER 4  This chapter provides of the relevant findings, analysis and interpretation of the results gathered from five (5) respondents. The following themes from the interview transcript based on the lived experiences of student – mother in the new normal of Central Philippines State University – Candoni Campus.  Lived Experiences of Student – Mother in New Normal  Based on the result of the study, it was found out that the lived experiences of student – mother in the new normal are multi – tasking, stressful, challenging and relapse. In order to supplement the data of findings of this study the following transcription methods were supposed. Also, the succeeding data were the major themes emerged from the study.  Theme 1 Multi – tasking  The major theme was emerged due to the number of responses given by the participants of the study. It was found out that most of the student – mother was experienced a multi- tasking as one of the SM1 (Student – Mother 1) stated that “In this time of modular learning I get and return my modules carrying my child. I answer my lessons with my child at my side” ( Sa sining modular learning nagakuha kag nagauli ko sang akon modules nga kagra karga ko ang akon bata. Maski sap ag answer pirmi nga ara sa tupad ko ang akon bata). Likewise, SM2 (student mother 2) states that “ I always hear gossips regarding my dual role; as a mother and as a student. In addition, I suffered from relapse upon handling the difficulties of my lessons and also taking care my child. ( Pirmi ko lang nagakabatian ang mga tsismis parti sa akon pag – eskwela kag pagka iloy. Nagakabughat pa guid ako ilabi na guid kun tama ka budlay ang akon modules tapos may bata pa nga gina asikaso. )
  • 20.  Same with SM3 (Student Mother 3) commented that “I took my module lessons and the same time taking care of my child. (Naga module ako kag naga atipan sang bata) SM4 (Student mother 4) agreed that “my life in this modular learning is surrounded by an endless gossip with regards to my situation as a student as the same time a mother. Doing my obligation such as unending house chores, performing my module’s and taking care of my child. ( Napalibutan ang kabuhi ko sang walang katapusang tsismis sa sining ginatawag nga modular learning bangud sang pagka iloy ko kag pag – eskwela pa gid. Pag – ubra sang akon mga obligasyon sa mga gasulit sulit nga ulubrahon sa balay, pagsabat sang akon modules kag pag atipan sang bata. )Likewise, SM5 (Student mother 5) believes that “I continue my studies in this modular learning by performing my module lessons together with my obligation as a mother: taking care of my child and doing house chores. Doing these altogether sometimes my health gets down and I suffered a relapse. (Nagapadayon ko sang pagtuon sa sining modular learning paagi sap ag – answer sa akon module upod ang pag – atipan sang akon bata kag mga ulubrahon sa balay. Paagi sini naga abot gid sa akon nga nagabughat ako.) Lastly, SM3 (Student mother 3) states that “At this time of modular learning I hardly understand my lesson due to the some of my responsibility as a mother. Taking care of my child and at the same time focusing my module is really a tiresome task. I always distracted when my child is crying seeking my attention”. ( Nabudlayan ko sap ag intindi sang akon lesson sa module bangud nga naga atipan ko sang akon bata kag naga module kakapoy guid. Pirmi gid ko naga out of focus kay nagasinabad man ang akon bata labi na gid kun nagahibi kag nagabisyo.)  This only implies that most of the student mother are always engage in multi – tasking towards their responsibilities and obligations both in school and in their homes.  According to Genia (2019), multitasking among student mother affects their ability to do their task well both in school and in their own place. They are not dividing their attention equally between two or more task. Instead, their focus rapidly shifts between the task. In relation (Mediazs, 2019) added that task switching among student mother is usually happens. It actually makes time much less productive - it takes longer to finish work and mistakes are much more likely to happen. This can lead to lower grades on test and assignments and a drop in academic performance.
  • 21.  Theme 2 Stressful  One of the lived experiences of the student mother in the new normal was very stressful in all the task related to school works and their responsibility as a mother. SM2 (Student mother 2) believes that “I find challenging in performing my modules together with my child. Every time my child cries I was out of focus and not even to continue it at the time”. (Pirme guid ko nagakabati sang tsismis parti sa akon pagka nanay kag pag eskwela pero gapadayon gihapon ko kuha sang modules. Nagaka stress kag nagakabug ta lang galling ko pagnagasabat na ko sang akon modules kag luwas nga budlay ara pa ang bata na atipanon ko.) SM 1 (Student Mother 1), stated that “ I am stressed towards modular learning because there’s a lot of works and responsibilities to be done. (Na stress gid ko sang modular learning tungod sang damu nga ulubrahon kag obligasyon nga dapat tapuson.). SM3 (Student mother 3) added that “ I will suddenly burst into tears especially if the activities in my module is very hard while I am taking care my child and I am thinking a lot of responsibilities to be done both in school and in my home. That is the reason behind why is it I am so stress because of my responsibilities both in school and in my home. (Magulpi na lang ko hibi labi na gid kun budlay katama ang mga activity sa module samtang may gina atipan pa nga bata kag nagapaminsar pa ko sang mga obligasyon sa eskwelahan kag akon panimalay. Amo na ang mga rason kun ngaa stress gid ko pirme tungod sang kadamo sang obligasyon sa akon panimalay kag eskwelahan)
  • 22.  Theme 3 Challenging  Student mother was also challenged by their responsibilities and obligation in school and as a mother. SM1 (Student mother 1) states that “I find challenging in performing and answering my modules together with taking care of my child. Every time my child cries I was out of focus and was not able to continue in answering my modules. (Kabudlay gid nga naga atipan sang bata samtang naga answer sang modules kay kun maghibi ang akon bata indi na ko makapadayon sa pag answer sang akon modules). SM2 (Student mother 2) agreed that “ I always hear gossip regarding my situation as a student at the same time a mother but I still continue getting my modules but sad to say that every time I answer my module I suffered a relapse. Maybe I was stressed due to the difficulties of my lessons as well as taking care of my child, (Pirme gid ko gakabati sang mga tsismis parti sa akon pagka iloy kag pag eskwela pero gapadayon gihapon ko kuha modules. (Gakabughat lang galling ko pag nagasabat na ko sang akon modules kay luwas nga budlay ara pa ang akon alatipanon nga bata). Lastly, SM4 (Student mother 4) states that “ I find it difficult to continue and pursuing in answering my modules for may reasons such as gossips that strikes me about my situation as a student mother, unending house chores, and taking care of my child. Doing all this thing at a time is really very challenging. (Nabudlayan gid ko sa pagpadayon sap ag answer sang akon module bangud sang mga tsismis, wala katapusan nga ulubrahon sa sulod sang panimalay kag pag atipan sang akon bata. Very Challenging gid ang paghimo kag pagtapos sini tanan.)  This implies that this pandemic brings a big challenge among student mother in the new normal. This challenge includes taking care of their child while doing some household chores. Hearing some criticism from their neighbor and surroundings was also a huge challenge for student mother.  According to Mariet (2019), common challenge among student mothers is the lack of time to manage studying and parenting roles. It is very challenging for them doing both schools works and household chores. Student mother challenges include being angry, loneliness, restless and skipping lectures.  In relation, Sanchex (2017) agreed that fundamental experiences were experienced by student mother and it was quite challenging for them. Fundamental common challenges among experiences of student mother is a need to manage and maintaining time management in their studies and parenting roles especially in the new normal.
  • 23.  Theme 4 Relapse  Most of the student mother experienced a relapse because of multi-tasking and a bundle of responsibilities to be done both in school and in their homes.  SM5 (Student mother 5) states that “I continue my studies in modular learning by performing and answering my modules together with my obligation as a mother. I was taking care of my child and doing household chores. Doing this altogether causes some pain and I suffered from relapse. (Nagapadayon ko sang pagtuon sa sining modular learning paagi sap ag answer sang akon modules upod ang pag atipan sang akon bata kag mga ulubrahon sa balay. Paagi sini naga abot gid sa akon nga nagabughat ako). Likewise, SM2 (Student mother 2) agreed that “ I always hear gossip regarding my situation as a student at the same time a mother but I still continue getting my modules but sad to say that every time I answer my module I suffered a relapse. Maybe I was stressed due to the difficulties of my lessons as well as taking care of my child, (Pirme gid ko gakabati sang mga tsismis parti sa akon pagka iloy kag pag eskwela pero gapadayon gihapon ko kuha modules. (Gakabughat lang galling ko pag nagasabat na ko sang akon modules kay luwas nga budlay ara pa ang akon alatipanon nga bata).  It only implies that most of student mother usually relapse because of many things to be done both in school and in their homes. They face many life situations, life transitions and many problems that is very hard to handle.  According to Umubyeyi (2021), in times of pandemic relapse is the major concern among student mother worldwide. Fourty – sixty percent (40 – 60%) of student mother in general relapse because of multi-tasking and stress that they suffered from school related activities and household chores. In Rwanda, Student mother who usually relapse undergo some detoxication and rehabilitation but still it is still a burden for the government because of increasing number of student mother who relapse in their homes because they overuse their mind and body.
  • 24.  student mother who relapse in their homes because they overuse their mind and body.  Coping mechanism of student mother in the new normal  Based on the result of the interview, it was found out that the coping mechanism of student mother was neglect all the gossips, positivity, sacrifice and seek help from others. In order to supplement the data of findings of this study the following transcription methods were proposed. Also, the succeeding data where the major themes emerged from the study.  Theme 1 Neglect all the gossips  One of the coping mechanism of student mother in the new normal was to neglect all the gossips, criticism and judgement among their neighbors and other people that surrounds them. SM2 (Student mother 2) says that, “I neglected all the gossips that I heard about me. I think positively so that I can focus on my lessons. I let my child sleep first in order for me to perform and answer my modules smoothly. Most importantly, I secure my health that I am in good condition every day. (Ginapabay an ko ang mga tsismis kag nagging positibo ko para maka focus ko sap ag ubra kag pag answer sang akon modules. Ginapatulog ko danay akon bata antis ko magsabat sang akon modules kag gina secure ko gid ang akon health adlaw adlaw). SM4 (Student mother 4) also says that “I neglect all the gossips that surrounds me and I continue to pursue in answering my modules. I finish all the household chores at home and I first let my child slept before I start in answering my modules.”( Ginabaliwala ko ang tanan nga chismis kag nagapadayon ko sap ag module. Ginatapos ko tanan ang mga ulubrahon sa balay kag ginapatulog ko anay ang akon bata antis magsugod sap ag answer sang akon modules.)  This only implies that one of the coping mechanism of student mother on the difficulties and challenges that they experienced was to neglect all the gossips that they heard from other people. Even though student mother hears some criticism and gossips and this can cause a negative impact to them, still they neglect this all.  According to Gordon (2020), Hearing and neglecting all the gossips among student mother happen frequently in a normal part of their lives. It is not very easy at all. But when that gossips involves toxic friendship, slut – shaming, and spreading humors, that is anything but normal. In fact, for those student mother, gossip can be downright painful and almost impossible to ignore – especially if social media is being used to spread it.
  • 25.  Theme 2 Positivity  According to SM2 (Student mother 2), “I neglected all the gossips that I heard about me. I think positively so that I can focus on my lessons. I let my child sleep first in order for me to perform and answer my modules smoothly. Most importantly, I secure my health that I am in good condition every day. (Ginapabay an ko ang mga tsismis kag nagging positibo ko para maka focus ko sap ag ubra kag pag answer sang akon modules. Ginapatulog ko danay akon bata antis ko magsabat sang akon modules kag gina secure ko gid ang akon health adlaw adlaw). SM3 (Student mother 3) also states that “Positivity is the key! I must sacrifice my time as a mother so that I can answer my modules. I must pursue my studies so that I can achieve my dreams in life which is to finish my study. All I have to do is to manage my time wisely. (Positivity lang gid ang kinahanglan! Kinahanglan ko gid nga I sacrifice akon tyempo para masabtan ko ang akon mga modules tungod kinahanglan ko gid makapadayon sa pagtuon para malab ot ko ang akon handum nga makatapos sap ag eskwela).  This only implies that one of the coping mechanism of student mother in the new normal was to stay positive in all the hardships and obstacles that they suffered both in schools and in their homes. Even though they find it hard to conquer all the experiences but still they stay positive.  According to Ruzibiza (2020) student mother are very visible in the society, they are often stereotyped and stigmatized. Positivity towards student mother among college students is 90% at Western University. Positivity among student mothers was positively related to empathy and classification. Those who did not report having a student mother in the family had higher levels of positivity than those who reported having a teen mother in their family.
  • 26.  Theme 3 Sacrifice  According to SM4 (Student mother 4), “I always sacrifice in taking care of my child and it was a hardest task that I overcome for my child that always seek my attention.” (Pirme lang gid ko naga sakripisyo. Pag atipan sang akon bata ang pinakabudlay gid bangud ang akon bata pirme nagapangita sa akon kag pirme gusto nga ang akon atensyon ara lang sa iya). SM5 (Student mother 5) says that “ I always sacrifice in taking care of my child but still I overcome such thing even though my child wants me to be her side all the time.” (Pirme lang ko nagasakripisyo sa pag atipan sang akon bata pero na overcome ko lang man ini biskan ang akon bata gusto nga ara lang ko pirme sa iya tupad.) SM1 (Student mother 1) says that “Possibly, I need to sacrifice my time as a mother in order to answer my lesson. I must manage my time wisely so that I can continue my study. For I know that being a mother is a lifetime while education is an important part of my life that can bring me a true success in life.” (Kinahanglan ko gid nga I sacrifice ang akon pagka iloy para makapadayon ko sang akon pagtuon. Bahin bahinon ko ang akon oras para lang gid mahatagan tyempo ang akon mga lessons sa module. Kay ang pagka iloy asta mintras ini samtang ang pagtuon ay isa ka importante nga parti sang akon kabuhi nga makahatag sang matuod tuod nga success sa akon kabuhi). SM2 (Student mother 2) agreed that “I need to sacrifice my time as a mother with regards in answering my module. I must move forward so that I can have a better future. I don’t want that my child will experience the things that I experienced in life.” (Kinahanglan ko gid nga isacrifice ang akon pagka iloy para maka module gid ko kag gusto ko0 makapadayon sa akon pagtuon para sa akon bwas damlag. Indi man ko gusto nga maagyan sang akon bata ang akon mga naagyan sa pagpangabuhi). Additionally, SM3 (Student mother 3) states that “I must sacrifice my time as a mother so that I can answer my module. I need to pursue my studies so that I can achieve my dreams in life which is to finish my studies.” (Kinahanglan koko nga I sacrifice ang akon time para maka answer sang akon mga modules kag kinahanglan ko gid nga makapadayon sa akon pagtuon para mala bot ko ang akon handom nga mkatapos sa akon pag eskwela). Moreover, SM4 (Student mother 4) says that “I really need to sacrifice my time being a mother in order to answer my modules. I want to reach my goals in life which is to finish my studies.” (Kinahanglan ko nga isakripisyo ang akon time bilang isa ka iloy kay para mala bot ko gid ang akon handom nga makatapos sap ag eskwela). Lastly, SM5 (Student mother 5) says that “I want to become a professional teacher someday so I need to sacrifice my time in order for me to pursue my studies.” (Gusto ko nga mangin isa ka ganap nga manunudlo sa ulihi nga mga inadlaw. Amo nga I sacrifice ko ang akon pagka iloy para mala bot ini).
  • 27.  This only implies that one of the coping mechanisms in all the experiences that student mother experienced was to sacrifice themselves as a mother. Most of them sacrifice in order to achieve their dreams and goals in life, to become a successful and professional teacher someday.  According to Edubirdie (2022), a student mother will do everything for her child and school works in order to achieve their goals in life. She will stay up, hours a night, doing homework/ school works while attending her child. Running for her own requirements/ project in school while attending her child. Student mother would sacrifice herself and would move mountains for her child if she could. Some, even thought it is very wrong, it would kill their children but they conquer it all.
  • 28.  Theme 4 Seek help from others  According to SM5 (Student mother 5), “In this modular learning, I really seek help with my family and friends so that I can overcome my situation. If I cannot understand my lessons I ask my friends and through their kindness and help I surpassed it all.” (Nagapangayo gid ko bulig sa akon pamilya kag mga abyan agud mapadayon ko gid ang akon pag eskwela. Kun nabudlayan ko sa akon lessons nagapalapit gid ko sa akon mga abyan kag sa ila kayo nakalampuwas gid ko). SM2 (Student mother 2) says that “The support of my family and my husband inspires me to pursue my studies and even to finish it”. (Sa mga bulig kag suporta sang akon pamilya kag akon bana nagahatag sa akon kaisog agud magpadayon sa pag eskwela). Also, SM5 (Student mother 5) states that “As my child grow up my responsibility as a mother become bigger and I always look forward on it. This situation motivates me to pursue my studies and reach my goal.” (Samtang nagadako ang akon bata nagadako man ang akon responsibilidad sa iya kag nagakinahanglan ko gid nga pangamanan ini paagi sa pagtutom sa pagtuon)  It only implies that one of the coping mechanism of student mother is to seek help to others to assist them towards their responsibilities in school and in their homes.  According to Rabiyua (2018), Seeking help from others among student mother is essential because they cannot shoulder all the responsibilities both in school and in their homes.
  • 29. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS  This study found that various lived experiences was experienced by student mother in the new normal. They also have their unique coping mechanism to survive in every struggles and difficulties that they have been experienced.  Majority of the student mother lived experiences in the new normal are multi – tasking, stressful, challenging and relapse. It was found out that the coping mechanism of student mother was to neglect all the gossips, positivity, sacrifice and seek help from others. Most of the student mother are always engage in multi – tasking towards their responsibilities and obligations both in school and in their homes.  This pandemic brings a big challenge among student mother in the new normal. This challenge includes taking care of their child while doing some household chores. Hearing some criticism from their neighbor and surroundings was also a huge challenge for student mother.  Most of student mother usually relapse because of many things to be done both in school and in their homes. They face many life situations, life transitions and many problems that is very hard to handle.  One of the coping mechanism of student mother on the difficulties and challenges that they experienced was to neglect all the gossips that they heard from other people. Even though student mother hears some criticism and gossips and this can cause a negative impact to them, still they neglect this all.
  • 30.  In the new normal was to stay positive in all the hardships and obstacles that they suffered both in schools and in their homes. Even though they find it hard to conquer all the experiences but still they stay positive.  In all the experiences that student mother experienced was to sacrifice themselves as a mother. Most of them sacrifice in order to achieve their dreams and goals in life, to become a successful and professional teacher someday.  Lastly, seek help to others to assist student mother towards their responsibilities in school and in their homes is essential.
  • 31. CONCLUSION  Based on the results of the study, the researcher concluded the following:  Multitasking among student mother affects their ability to do their task well both in school and in their own place. They are not dividing their attention equally between two or more task. Instead, their focus rapidly shifts between the task. Task switching among student mother is usually happens. It actually makes time much less productive - it takes longer to finish work and mistakes are much more likely to happen. This can lead to lower grades on test and assignments and a drop in academic performance.  Additionally, Common challenge among student mothers is the lack of time to manage studying and parenting roles. It is very challenging for them doing both schools works and household chores. Student mother challenges include being angry, loneliness, restless and skipping lectures. Fundamental experiences were experienced by student mother and it was quite challenging for them. Fundamental common challenges among experiences of student mother is a need to manage and maintaining time management in their studies and parenting roles especially in the new normal. In times of pandemic relapse is the major concern among student mother worldwide. Student mother in general relapse because of multi-tasking and stress that they suffered from school related activities and household chores.
  • 32.  Also, hearing and neglecting all the gossips among student mother happen frequently in a normal part of their lives. It is not very easy at all. But when that gossips involves toxic friendship, slut – shaming, and spreading humors, that is anything but normal. In fact, for those student mother, gossip can be downright painful and almost impossible to ignore – especially if social media is being used to spread it.  Moreover, a student mother will do everything for her child and school works in order to achieve their goals in life. She will stay up, hours a night, doing homework/ school works while attending her child. Running for her own requirements/ project in school while attending her child. Student mother would sacrifice herself and would move mountains for her child if she could. Some, even though it is very wrong, it would kill their children but they conquer it all.  Lastly, seeking help from others among student mother is essential because they cannot shoulder all the responsibilities both in school and in their homes.
  • 33. RECOMMENDATION  Based on the findings of the study, the following were recommended:  School head should make this study as a basis for curricular development and aligned programs by adopting and implementing comprehensive education on sexuality and relationships in and out of schools. This study may help improve instructional practice by providing teachers and school administrators with best practices by raising girls’ awareness of their sexual and reproductive health and rights.  The teachers as second parents in school should practice different orientations on the protection of girl’s rights in protecting them from abuse and connecting them with education as support the key decisions they make about their future. Teachers should able to determine the lived experiences of their teen student mothers and encourage them to continue their education and pursue their dreams even they have their new responsibilities.  The parents should determine the lived experiences of their child/children and motivate them to pursue or finished their studies despite of their situation.  To students should serve as awakening to the possibilities and real consequences of their actions. It will also give awareness to the harsh reality of raising a baby at the early age and the negative effects of pregnancy can cause to both baby and mothers lives.
  • 34. This study should give other researcher baseline data on the result of this investigation. This should provide them more ideas and insights on thinking about new researches that will help not only the respondents but also the educational system. This should also develop their creative and critical thinking in brainstorming a new research topic related to this study. They may benefit from the method that is employed and the findings that can be used as basis for further researches.
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