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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Bacholar Of Business Administration(BBA)
Submitted to : Sir Nasir Ali Khan
Submitted by: Zaib Mirza
Sumbul Maqbool
Maria Riaz
Dated: _________________
Insitutition: Indus University
( Site Campus)
Words are insufficient for us to express our gratitude to Allah (S.W.T). He gave us the
strength to work the long hours that went into the completion of this project. As always we
felt His divine help whenever we thought that things would turn out for the worse.
Today as we close this project work for ourself, it still seems as if the research isn‘t over
yet. This research helped us acquire a sense of learning and an urge to enrich our mind
with more and more knowledge.
We want to thank our mothers and our families without whom we are nothing. And also to
our friends and our classmates. We are very grateful to them for their love and prayers.
We have the great opportunity of doing our project work under the kindest supervision of
Sir Nasir Ali Khan. We are really very obliged to him for his guidance and genuine
concern for the welfare of his students. Thank you Sir !
This project is concerning the level of job satisfaction and attitude. Elemantary supervisor
attitudes on factor of job satisfaction (work and contents, salary, administration and
evalution, development and advancement oppurtunites, organizational environment) and
on factors of organizational commitment (affective commitment and continuance
commitment) in terms of gender, tenure, age and educational level were examined whether
there is a significant difference.
The aim of this study is to enlightment of causes and results of attitudes towards job
satisfaction which causes the turnover, performance deficiency and absenteeism of
elemantary supervisors.
Sr# Particulars Page#
1. Attitude and its component 1-2
2. Does behavior always follow by attitude 3-4
3. Moderating variables 4-5
4. Major job attitudes 5
5. Job satisfaction 5
6. Job involvement 5- 6
7. Organization commitement 6
8. Percieved organization support (POS) 7
9. Self-perception theory and Job engagement 7-8
10. Job satisfaction 8
11. Measuring job satisfaction 9-10
12. Causes of job satisfaction 10
13. The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employee on work 11
14. Job satisfaction and job performance 11-12
15. Job satisfaction and OCB 13-14
16. Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction 14-15
17. Job satisfaction and absenteeism 16
18. Job satisfaction and turnover 17-18
19. Job satisfaction and workplace deviance. 18
20. Manager often don‘t get it 19
21 Average level of job satisfaction by country. 20
Before coming to the main topic, we must be clear about the term ―Attitude‖, what the
term mean.
―An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or
dislike for an item‖. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place,
thing, or event-- this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted
or ambivalent toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive
and negative attitudes toward the item in question. Attitudes are judgments.
Most attitudes are the result of either direct experience or observational learning from the
environment. It can also be defined as, ―A complex mental state involving beliefs and
feelings and values and dispositions to act in a certain way‖. For example, if someone
says that ―I like my Job‖. This statement expresses his attitude towards his Job.
There are three types of components:
Congnitive component.
Affective component.
Behavioral component.
 Congnitive Component:
The beliefs and information that the individual has about the object are the
congnitive component of attitude. Here it makes little difference if the information is
correct or incorrect.
 Affective Component:
Affective components include the feelings of a person about and object. These
feeling could be positive, negative or neutral. While customer service representative
displays positive feelings, a police officer or a bill collector would exhibit negative
feelings. Similarly while discharging administrative duties public servants are
required to show neutral feelings.
 Behavioral Component:
This components of attitude consist of a tendency of an individual to behave in a
particular way towards and object. Only this components of attitude is visible as the
other two can only be inferred.
oes Behavior Always Follow from
In the world that we live in today, every individual is very unique. Their life
style, hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes and many other characteristics, the way they
portrait it is very differently, even each and everyone in a family will also have different
characters or personality. The behavior of a person is hard to be predict if we do not
understand them. In the late 1960‘s, a researcher Leon Festinger argued that attitudes
follow behavior. Based on the evalution of the number of studies investigated the atttitude-
behavior relationship, the reviwer concluded that the attitudes were unrelated to behavior
or at best, only sightly related. More recent research has demonstrated that the attitudes
significantly predict future behavior and confirmed orignial thinking that the realtionship
can be enhanced by taking moderating variables into account.
MODERATING VARIABLES: The most powerful moderators of the attitudes
behavior relationships have been found to be importance of the attitude, its specificity, its
accessibility, whether there exist social pressures, and whether a person has direct
experience with the attitude. Important attitudes are ones that reflect fundamental values,
self-interest, or identification with individuals or groups that a person values. Attitudes
that individuals consider important tend to show a strong relationship to behavior. The
more specific the attitude and the more specific the behavior, the stronger is the link
between the two. The most powerful moderators of the attitude relationship are:
Importance of attitude
Correspondence to behavior
Presence of social pressure
Direct experience with the attitude
Organizations today are facing challenges that comes from their employees. That is the
behavior of their employees. The organizations want to have more understanding of their
employees, so that can predict their behavior. Besides, organizations also try to change
their employees‘ mind set into more positive side. By doing this, it will increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of the employees and this will bring benefit to the organizations.
By understanding this, we will be able to improve the employees‘ satisfaction in
organization and meet the requirement of the organizations as well. Discrepancies between
attitudes and behavior are more likely to occur when social pressures to behave in certain
ways hold exceptional power. This tends to characterize behavior in organizations. This
may explain why an employee who holds strong anti-union attends pro-union organizing
meetings; or why tobacco executives, who are not smokers themselves and who tend to
believe the research linking smoking and cancer, donate actively discourage others from
smoking in their offices.
A job attitude is a set of evaluations of one's job that
constitute one's feelings toward, beliefs about, and attachment to one's
job.Overall job attitude can be conceptualized in two ways. Either as affective job
satisfaction that constitutes a general or global subjective feeling about a job, or as a
composite of objective cognitive assessments of specific job facets, such as pay, conditions,
opportunities and other aspects of a particular job. Employees evaluate their advancement
opportunities by observing their job, their occupation, and their employer.
There is some doubt whether job satisfaction consists of a single dimension or a number of
separate ones. Some workers may be satisfied with some aspects of their work and
dissatisfied with others. There does, however, appear to be a positive correlation between
satisfaction levels in different areas of work. This suggests a single overall factor of job
satisfaction. However,it seems there is no one, general, comprehensive theory which
explains job satisfaction. Organizational behavior researchers give job satisfaction high
importance, Some scholars define job satisfaction as the emotional state of enjoyment that
an employee gets from doing his or her job well and being suitably rewarded. Others take
into account the emotional fulfillment an individual reaches when the job meets his or her
Job involvement has been identified by researchers to be the role player in terms of
motivating employee in an organizational perspective. It has also been observed that the
job involvement is the factor that provides competitive advantage to the organizations. On
the other hand, according to the individual perspective, job involvement is thought to
be the most important factor for the personal growth and job satisfaction at the
workplace, along with the motivational and goal-centric behavior. It is observed that the
higher involvement of the employee in the job increases the effectiveness and productivity
of the organization. Job involvement is a key aspect in the lives of the people on the job. On
the job activities consume a large amount of time and develop a highly important
characteristic in the lives of working class. While explaining the idea of ‗state of
involvement‘ it is pointed out that involvement represents the complete participation of a
person in his job.
Organizational commitment refers to an employee's satisfaction
with a particular organization and its goals. An employee who has a high level of
organizational commitment is a strong supporter of the values and goals of the
organization, has a strong inclination to continue being a member of the organization,
and wants to strive hard to achieve the goals of the organization.The organizational
commitment of an employee is affected by a number of personal and organizational
variables. Personal variables include the employee's age, his tenure in the organization,
and his attitude towards his job. Organizational variables include the job design and the
leadership style of the superior. Sometimes, even non-organizational factors may influence
an employee, commitment, such as, the state of the job market and other career options
available to the employee. John P. Meyer and Natalie J. Allen developed a three-component
model to understand the multidimensional nature of organizational commitment.
The three components (or dimensions) of organizational commitment are:
i) Affective commitment: This is concerned with the employee's emotional
attachment and involvement with the organization.
ii) Continuance commitment: This is influenced by the costs that could accrue to
the employee if he leaves the organization.
iii) Normative commitment: This refers to the extent to which an employee feels
obligated to continue in the organization.
Perceived Organizational Support ( POS) :
Perceived Organizational Support (POS) is the degree to which employees believe that
their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being and fulfills
employees' socioemotional needs. POS is generally thought to be the organization‘s
contribution to a positive reciprocity dynamic with employees, as employees tend to
perform better to reciprocate received rewards and favorable treatment .This idea
bloomed from Eisenberger and Rhoades' organizational support theory.
According to the POS website:
Research on POS began with the observation that managers' concern with their employees‘
commitment to the organization is positively correlated with employees' focus on the
organization‘s commitment to them. For employees, organizations serve as important sources
of socioemotional resources like respect and care, as well as tangible benefits like wages and
medical benefits.
a. Being regarded highly by the organization helps to meet employees‘ needs
for approval, esteem, and affiliation.
b. Positive evaluation by the organization also provides an indication that
increased effort will be noted and rewarded.
c. Employees, therefore, take an active interest in the regard with which they
are held by their employer.
Although there were relatively few studies of POS until the mid-1990s, research on the
topic has burgeoned in the last few years. Rhoades and Eisenberger‘s meta-analysis
covered some 70 POS studies carried out through 1999, and over 300 studies have been
performed since. The meta-analysis found clear and consistent relationships of POS with
its predicted antecedents and consequences.
Self-Perception Theory:
Although most A-B studies yield positive results, researchers have achieved still higher
correlations by pursuing another direction looking at whether or not behavior influences
attitudes. This view, called self-perception theory, has generated some encouraging
findings. Letâes briefly review the theory.
When asked about an attitude toward some object, individuals often recall their behavior
relevant to that object and then infer their attitude from their past behavior. Self-
perception theory, therefore, argues that attitudes are used, after the fact, to make sense
out of an action that has already occurred rather than as devices that precede and guide
action. And contrary to cognitive dissonance theory, attitudes are just casual verbal
statements. When people are asked about their attitudes, and they dont have strong
convictions or feelings, self-perception theory says they tend to create plausible answers.
Self-perception theory has been well supported. Although the traditional attitude-behavior
relationship is generally positive, the behavior-attitude relationship is stronger. This is
particularly true when attitudes are vague and ambiguous. When you have had few
experiences regarding an attitude issue or given little previous thought to it, you‘ll tend to
infer your attitudes from your behavior. However, when your attitudes have been
established for a while and are well defined, those attitudes are likely to guide your
Employee engagement, also called worker engagement, is a business
management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and
enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's
interests. According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of
an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and
organization that profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform is at work".
Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and
organisational culture. Employee engagement is a part of employee retention." This
integrates the classic constructs of job satisfaction (Smith et al., 1969), and organizational
commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1991). Harter and Schmidt's (2003) most recent meta-
analysis can be useful for understanding the impact of engagement.
Research Studies On Employee Engagement: Engaged employees care about the
future of the company and are willing to invest discretionary effort. Engaged employees
feel a strong emotional bond to the organisation that employs them (Robinson), which
results in higher retention levels and productivity levels and lower absenteeism. When
reliably measured, positive employee engagement can be causally related or correlated to
specific positive business outcomes by workgroup and job type. Scarlett Surveys refers to
these statistical relationships as engageonomics.
Emotional Attachment In Employee Engagement:
Only 31% of employees are actively engaged in their jobs. These employees work with
passion and feel a profound connection to their company. 88% of highly engaged
employees believe they can positively impact quality of their organization's products,
compared with only 38% of the disengaged. 72% of highly engaged employees believe they
can positively affect customer service, versus 27% of the disengaged. 68% of highly
engaged employees believe they can positively impact costs in their job or unit, compared
with just 19% of the disengaged.
Such promising findings have earned employee engagement a following in many business
organizations and management consulting firms. However, the concept is relatively new
and still generates active debate about its usefulness. One review of the literature concluded
― The meaning of employee engagement is ambiguous among both academic researchers
and among practitioners who use it in conversations with clients‖ . Another reviewer called
― An umbrella term for whatever one want it to be ― .
Robbins (2003) define job satisfaction as, there are four main primary factors
that determines job satisfaction. The first one is rewards, refer to as pay and
promotion which is considered most related to job satisfaction because when
employees feels that they are rewarding fairly, their experience towards
satisfaction is increased. The second determinant is supportive work environment, next
determinant is mentally challenging work and the last one determinant is supportive
colleagues. Job satisfaction define as ―a function of the range of specific satisfactions and
dissatisfactions that he/she experiences with respect to the various dimensions of work‖ It
includes what Individuals expect from job and what they receive Locke, (1976). Different
employees are different level of expectation with respect to pay and rewards in work
situations. Many companies used different techniques like survey to find out what are the
employees expectations and perceptions about their jobs. Job satisfaction is the positive
attitude of an individual towards his job.
Measuring job satisfaction:
In short , Two approaches for measuring job satisfaction are popular.
1. The single globle rating is response to one question, such as ― All things considered
how satisfied you are with your job?‖
2. Second method is to identify the key elements in the job and responsed are asked to
answer, such as the nature of the work, supervision.salary,promotion,opportunities,
relation with co-workers etc.
Briefly we have different methods for measuring job satisfaction include using surveys,
interviewing employees and monitoring performance targets. Determining which method
to use depends on the level of complexity or underlying issues the business feels could be
causing the dissatisfaction. If it suspects that employees do not trust its managers, for
instance, then ananonymous survey may be more useful than having management conduct
personal interviews. In situations wherein the company feels that the underlying problem is
complex, then interviews may be more appropriate for understanding the full extent of the
-- Surveys are a common method of measuring job satisfaction. A survey can
assesssatisfaction in the areas of pay, promotion, supervision, tasks and coworkers. While
standard surveys are available for businesses, a customized survey that is tailored to a
business's own needs and industry may be more effective.
-- Interviewing employees as a method of measuring job satisfaction is mostly useful
in organizations that have positive relationships with employees and believe the problem is
too sophisticated to be understood with a survey. If employees do not trust the organization
or interviewer, however, responses may not be entirely honest. Businesses with low job
satisfaction or employees who fear being let go may find the employees reluctant to discuss
the situation since they may fear it could negatively affect them in the future.
-- Monitoring performance targets is a method of measuring job satisfaction that
requires a business to be an active observer. With this method, management monitors
employee satisfaction by using standard criteria, such as achieving bonuses, participating
in optional programs and performance in reaching goals.
-- Businesses with high levels of job satisfaction tend to experience a lower employee
turner, higher productivity and lower overall costs. Whichever method or methods are
used for measuring job satisfaction, the business should collect qualitative and quantitative
data. This puts the data in a format that is easier to analyze and compare. For instance,
when interviewing employees, the interviewer could mix in simple questions that result in
answers of "yes" or "no," or ratings on a scale of one to five.
 Nature of work: Nature of work in organization have a lot of importance. The
change in nature of work according to organizational theorists point to two key
Increasing pressures on organizations to be more competitive, agile, and customer
focused—to be a "lean enterprise."
Communication and information technology breakthroughs, especially mobile
technologies and the Internet that enable work to be separated from time and
 Co-workers: The impact coworkers may have on each other is profound. In
fact, this influence may be even greater than the influence of supervisors.
Coworkers can impact or influence others in both positive and negative ways, as
they may provide support for or be antagonistic towards each other. Coworkers‘
support (or lack thereof) can influence:
Role perceptions
Work attitudes
Individual effectiveness
 Pay scale: This is one of the most important factors to be considered before
taking up a new job or leaving your current job. The pay, that you are getting and
the growth pattern of that pay, will largely influence the level of your job
satisfaction. If you are happy with your pay, it will show in your performance and
productivity. Further, before you opt for quitting the present job, simply compare
your pay with other people across the country in the same profile.
 Training: Today's organizations need to be smarter.
As a manager or trainer you probably have seen how environments have become
more pressurized. This makes work more challenging. This involves the effects of
individuals, groups and structures within the organization. It also draws heavily from fields
like psychology, sociology and the management schools of thought.Training others about
organizational behavior does not have to be complicated - a good working knowledge will
get you a long way.
 Control: Management Control and Organizational Behaviour provides an
introduction to the understanding of human behaviour in work and organizations,
by considering the key issue of management control. Management control is used as
a vehicle for considering the interaction of formally designed administrative control
systems with the phenomena of social and self-controls.
The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on Workplace
The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on Workplace: One theoretical model,
the exit, voice, loyalty, neglect framework is helpful in understanding the consequences of
 Exit: The exit response directs behavior toward leaving the organization, including
looking for a new position as well as resigning.
 Voice: The voice response includes actively and constructively attempting to
improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with
supervisors, and undertaking some forms of union activity.
Loyalty: The loyalty response means passively but optimistically waiting for
conditions to improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of
external criticism and trusting the organization and its management ―to do the right
Neglect: The neglect response passively allows conditions to worsen and includes
chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced efforts and increased error rate.
New Survey: Majority of Employees Dissatisfied:-
Only 19% of workers said they were "satisfied" with their jobs.
Right Management, a subsidiary of the giant staffing firm ManpowerGroup, just released a
new snapshot survey that underlines the dissatisfaction among American workers. At a
time of high unemployment, lackluster job growth and major uncertainty in world
financial markets, many employees feel stuck in their jobs, unable to consider a career
move even if they‘re unhappy.
Right Management ran the online survey between April 16 and May 15, and culled
responses from 411 workers in the U.S. and Canada. Only 19% said they were satisfied
with their jobs. Another 16% said they were ―somewhat satisfied.‖ But the rest, nearly
two-thirds of respondents, said they were not happy at work. Twenty-one percent said they
were ―somewhat unsatisfied‖ and 44% said they were ―unsatisfied.‖
Performance management and employee satisfaction are two areas that pose challenges for
employers. Using performance management methods such as appraisals to measure
employee performance comes with its own challenges, which are usually unforeseen. Only
after employers implement complex appraisal programs do they realize the problems
associated with them. Job satisfaction is another subjective topic that concerns employers –
job satisfaction, or lack thereof, can affect performance appraisals and threaten the
employer-employee relationship by creating friction between employees and their
supervisors. Nevertheless, employers can use surveys, employee feedback and supervisor
review to define what problems exist within both job satisfaction and performance
It seems logical to assume that job satisfaction should be a major determinant of an
employees organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Satisfied employees would seem
more likely to talk positively about the organization, help others, and go beyond the normal
expectations in their job. Moreover, satisfied employees might be more prone to go beyond
the call of duty because they want to reciprocate their positive experiences. Consistent with
the thinking, early discussions of OCB assumed that it was closely linked with satisfaction.
More recent evidence, however, suggests that satisfaction influences OCB, but through
perceptions of fairness.
There is a modest overall relationship between job satisfaction and OCB. But satisfaction is
unrelated to OCB when fairness is controlled for. What does this mean? Basically, job
satisfaction comes down to conceptions of fair outcomes, treatment, and procedures. If you
dont feel as though your supervisor, the organization procedures, or pay policies are fair,
your job satisfaction is likely to suffer significantly. However, when you perceive
organizational processes and outcome to be fair, trust is developed. And when you trust
your employer, you are more willing to voluntarily engage in behaviors that go beyond
your formal job requirements.
Job satisfaction and Customer satisfaction:
Employees in service jobs often interact with customers. Because the management of
service organization should be concerned with pleasing those customers, it is reasonable to
ask: Is employee satisfaction related to positive customer outcomes?
The evidence indicates that satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
The reasons are in service organizations, customer retention and defection are highly
dependent on how frontline employees deal with customers. Satisfied employees are more
likely to be friendly, upbeat, and responsive âre ― which customers appreciate. And
because satisfied employers are less prone to turnover, customers are more likely to
encounter familiar faces and receive experienced service. These qualities build customer
satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, the relationship seems to apply in reverse: Dissatisfied
customers can increase an employees job dissatisfaction. Employees who have regular
contact with customers report that rude, thoughtless, or unreasonably demanding
customers adversely effect the employees job satisfaction.
A number of companies are acting on this evidence. Service-oriented businesses such as
FedEx, Southwest Airlines, Four Seasons Hotels, American Express, and Office Depot
obsess about pleasing their customers. Toward that end, they also focus on building
employee satisfaction — recognizing that employee satisfaction will go a long way toward
contributing to their goal of having happy customers. These firms seek to hire upbeat and
friendly employees, they train employees in the importance of customer service, they
reward customer service, they provide positive employee work climates, and they regularly
track employee satisfaction through attitude surveys.
Job satisfaction and absenteeism:
Building upon recent conceptualizations of different foci of job satisfaction and theories of
social-contextual influence, we develop and test an integrative cross-level model of the
individual relationships between both externally focused satisfaction (referring to job
conditions) and internally focused satisfaction (referring to the work unit) and absenteeism.
For both of these foci, we hypothesize differential three-way interactive effects of work-unit
absenteeism patterns as characterized by their mean and dispersion levels as well as
individual satisfaction levels on subsequent individual absenteeism. Based on two German
multi-level samples, our analyses demonstrate that the negative relationship between
externally focused satisfaction and individual absenteeism is strongest in the presence of
high mean and dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism, whereas this relationship is
weaker when either the mean or the dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism or both are
low. In contrast, the negative relationship between internally focused satisfaction and
individual absenteeism is strongest under conditions of low mean and dispersion levels of
work-unit absenteeism, whereas this relationship is weaker when either the mean or the
dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism or both are high. The present findings suggest
that simultaneously improving individual internally focused satisfaction and reducing
work-unit absenteeism is the most promising approach to reducing individual absenteeism.
The relationship between the job satisfaction and turnover is stronger than between
satisfaction and absenteeis,. The satisfaction turnover relationship also affected b
alternative job prospects.
Workplace deviance, in group psychology, may be described as the deliberate (or
intentional) desire to cause harm to an organization – more specifically, a workplace. The
concept has become an instrumental component in the field of organizational
communication. More accurately, it can be seen as "voluntary behavior that violates
institutionalized norms and in doing so threatens the well-being of the organization"
Manager Often Don‘t Get It:
Delegating effectively is very difficult, and few managers excel at it. However, the ones who
do are able to reduce their workload and provide opportunities for growth and challenge
for their subordinates. Given the importance of effective time management and employee
development to managerial success, delegation is something that managers should do
strategically--i.e., with forethought and planning
In a study of 262 large employers, 86% of senior managers believed their organizations
treated its employees well, but only 55% of employees agreed.
Another study found 55% of managers thought morale was good in their organization,
compared to only 38% of employees
 Regular surveys can reduce gaps between what managers think employees feel and
what they really feel.
Average Levels of Job Satisfaction by Country:
According to a new survey that found only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their work.
That was the lowest level ever recorded by the Conference Board research group in more
than 22 years of studying the issue. In 2008, 49% of those surveyed reported satisfaction
with their jobs.
The ECHP, an international survey conducted by Eurostat, also covered job satisfaction on
an annual basis in its eight waves from 1994 to 2001. The survey sources in Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands and Portugal show high (70% and more
satisfied or very satisfied or equivalent) and stable or slightly increasing levels of reported
job satisfaction over successive survey waves. Nevertheless, the reported levels of job
satisfaction remain at a comparatively high level in the UK, with 84% of respondents to the
WIBS 2000 survey reporting positive job satisfaction, compared to 86% in the earlier EIBS
1992 survey.
The Top 5 Job Satisfaction Factors for Employees are according to the 2009 Survey
report :
Job Security
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
Feeling safe in the work environment
The HR professionals in this study agreed with ‘ Job Security’ as top priority, and
they also included ‘Benefit’s and ‘Opportunities to use skills and abilities’ among
the top 5 factors.

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Attitude and job satisfactio (Report)

  • 2. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Bacholar Of Business Administration(BBA) ATTITUDE AND JOB SATISFACTION Submitted to : Sir Nasir Ali Khan ________________ Submitted by: Zaib Mirza Sumbul Maqbool Maria Riaz Dated: _________________ Insitutition: Indus University ( Site Campus)
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Words are insufficient for us to express our gratitude to Allah (S.W.T). He gave us the strength to work the long hours that went into the completion of this project. As always we felt His divine help whenever we thought that things would turn out for the worse. Today as we close this project work for ourself, it still seems as if the research isn‘t over yet. This research helped us acquire a sense of learning and an urge to enrich our mind with more and more knowledge. We want to thank our mothers and our families without whom we are nothing. And also to our friends and our classmates. We are very grateful to them for their love and prayers. We have the great opportunity of doing our project work under the kindest supervision of Sir Nasir Ali Khan. We are really very obliged to him for his guidance and genuine concern for the welfare of his students. Thank you Sir !
  • 4. ABSTRACT This project is concerning the level of job satisfaction and attitude. Elemantary supervisor attitudes on factor of job satisfaction (work and contents, salary, administration and evalution, development and advancement oppurtunites, organizational environment) and on factors of organizational commitment (affective commitment and continuance commitment) in terms of gender, tenure, age and educational level were examined whether there is a significant difference. The aim of this study is to enlightment of causes and results of attitudes towards job satisfaction which causes the turnover, performance deficiency and absenteeism of elemantary supervisors.
  • 5. TABLE OF CONTENT Sr# Particulars Page# 1. Attitude and its component 1-2 2. Does behavior always follow by attitude 3-4 3. Moderating variables 4-5 4. Major job attitudes 5 5. Job satisfaction 5 6. Job involvement 5- 6 7. Organization commitement 6 8. Percieved organization support (POS) 7 9. Self-perception theory and Job engagement 7-8 10. Job satisfaction 8 11. Measuring job satisfaction 9-10 12. Causes of job satisfaction 10 13. The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employee on work 11 14. Job satisfaction and job performance 11-12 15. Job satisfaction and OCB 13-14 16. Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction 14-15 17. Job satisfaction and absenteeism 16 18. Job satisfaction and turnover 17-18 19. Job satisfaction and workplace deviance. 18 20. Manager often don‘t get it 19 21 Average level of job satisfaction by country. 20
  • 6. Before coming to the main topic, we must be clear about the term ―Attitude‖, what the term mean. ATTITUDE: ―An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for an item‖. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event-- this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or ambivalent toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive and negative attitudes toward the item in question. Attitudes are judgments. Most attitudes are the result of either direct experience or observational learning from the environment. It can also be defined as, ―A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in a certain way‖. For example, if someone says that ―I like my Job‖. This statement expresses his attitude towards his Job. COMPONENTS OF ATTITUDE: There are three types of components: Congnitive component. Affective component. Behavioral component.  Congnitive Component: The beliefs and information that the individual has about the object are the congnitive component of attitude. Here it makes little difference if the information is correct or incorrect.  Affective Component: Affective components include the feelings of a person about and object. These feeling could be positive, negative or neutral. While customer service representative displays positive feelings, a police officer or a bill collector would exhibit negative feelings. Similarly while discharging administrative duties public servants are required to show neutral feelings.
  • 7.  Behavioral Component: This components of attitude consist of a tendency of an individual to behave in a particular way towards and object. Only this components of attitude is visible as the other two can only be inferred. oes Behavior Always Follow from Attitudes? In the world that we live in today, every individual is very unique. Their life style, hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes and many other characteristics, the way they portrait it is very differently, even each and everyone in a family will also have different characters or personality. The behavior of a person is hard to be predict if we do not understand them. In the late 1960‘s, a researcher Leon Festinger argued that attitudes follow behavior. Based on the evalution of the number of studies investigated the atttitude- behavior relationship, the reviwer concluded that the attitudes were unrelated to behavior or at best, only sightly related. More recent research has demonstrated that the attitudes significantly predict future behavior and confirmed orignial thinking that the realtionship can be enhanced by taking moderating variables into account. MODERATING VARIABLES: The most powerful moderators of the attitudes behavior relationships have been found to be importance of the attitude, its specificity, its D
  • 8. accessibility, whether there exist social pressures, and whether a person has direct experience with the attitude. Important attitudes are ones that reflect fundamental values, self-interest, or identification with individuals or groups that a person values. Attitudes that individuals consider important tend to show a strong relationship to behavior. The more specific the attitude and the more specific the behavior, the stronger is the link between the two. The most powerful moderators of the attitude relationship are: Importance of attitude Correspondence to behavior Accessibility Presence of social pressure Direct experience with the attitude Organizations today are facing challenges that comes from their employees. That is the behavior of their employees. The organizations want to have more understanding of their employees, so that can predict their behavior. Besides, organizations also try to change their employees‘ mind set into more positive side. By doing this, it will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees and this will bring benefit to the organizations. By understanding this, we will be able to improve the employees‘ satisfaction in organization and meet the requirement of the organizations as well. Discrepancies between attitudes and behavior are more likely to occur when social pressures to behave in certain ways hold exceptional power. This tends to characterize behavior in organizations. This may explain why an employee who holds strong anti-union attends pro-union organizing meetings; or why tobacco executives, who are not smokers themselves and who tend to believe the research linking smoking and cancer, donate actively discourage others from smoking in their offices. AJOR JOB ATTITUDES: A job attitude is a set of evaluations of one's job that constitute one's feelings toward, beliefs about, and attachment to one's job.Overall job attitude can be conceptualized in two ways. Either as affective job satisfaction that constitutes a general or global subjective feeling about a job, or as a composite of objective cognitive assessments of specific job facets, such as pay, conditions, opportunities and other aspects of a particular job. Employees evaluate their advancement opportunities by observing their job, their occupation, and their employer. M
  • 9. JOB SATISFACTION: There is some doubt whether job satisfaction consists of a single dimension or a number of separate ones. Some workers may be satisfied with some aspects of their work and dissatisfied with others. There does, however, appear to be a positive correlation between satisfaction levels in different areas of work. This suggests a single overall factor of job satisfaction. However,it seems there is no one, general, comprehensive theory which explains job satisfaction. Organizational behavior researchers give job satisfaction high importance, Some scholars define job satisfaction as the emotional state of enjoyment that an employee gets from doing his or her job well and being suitably rewarded. Others take into account the emotional fulfillment an individual reaches when the job meets his or her expectations. JOB INVOLVEMENT: Job involvement has been identified by researchers to be the role player in terms of motivating employee in an organizational perspective. It has also been observed that the job involvement is the factor that provides competitive advantage to the organizations. On the other hand, according to the individual perspective, job involvement is thought to be the most important factor for the personal growth and job satisfaction at the workplace, along with the motivational and goal-centric behavior. It is observed that the higher involvement of the employee in the job increases the effectiveness and productivity of the organization. Job involvement is a key aspect in the lives of the people on the job. On the job activities consume a large amount of time and develop a highly important characteristic in the lives of working class. While explaining the idea of ‗state of involvement‘ it is pointed out that involvement represents the complete participation of a person in his job. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITEMENT: Organizational commitment refers to an employee's satisfaction with a particular organization and its goals. An employee who has a high level of organizational commitment is a strong supporter of the values and goals of the organization, has a strong inclination to continue being a member of the organization, and wants to strive hard to achieve the goals of the organization.The organizational commitment of an employee is affected by a number of personal and organizational variables. Personal variables include the employee's age, his tenure in the organization, and his attitude towards his job. Organizational variables include the job design and the leadership style of the superior. Sometimes, even non-organizational factors may influence an employee, commitment, such as, the state of the job market and other career options available to the employee. John P. Meyer and Natalie J. Allen developed a three-component
  • 10. model to understand the multidimensional nature of organizational commitment. The three components (or dimensions) of organizational commitment are: i) Affective commitment: This is concerned with the employee's emotional attachment and involvement with the organization. ii) Continuance commitment: This is influenced by the costs that could accrue to the employee if he leaves the organization. iii) Normative commitment: This refers to the extent to which an employee feels obligated to continue in the organization. Perceived Organizational Support ( POS) : Perceived Organizational Support (POS) is the degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being and fulfills employees' socioemotional needs. POS is generally thought to be the organization‘s contribution to a positive reciprocity dynamic with employees, as employees tend to perform better to reciprocate received rewards and favorable treatment .This idea bloomed from Eisenberger and Rhoades' organizational support theory. According to the POS website: Research on POS began with the observation that managers' concern with their employees‘ commitment to the organization is positively correlated with employees' focus on the organization‘s commitment to them. For employees, organizations serve as important sources
  • 11. of socioemotional resources like respect and care, as well as tangible benefits like wages and medical benefits. a. Being regarded highly by the organization helps to meet employees‘ needs for approval, esteem, and affiliation. b. Positive evaluation by the organization also provides an indication that increased effort will be noted and rewarded. c. Employees, therefore, take an active interest in the regard with which they are held by their employer. Although there were relatively few studies of POS until the mid-1990s, research on the topic has burgeoned in the last few years. Rhoades and Eisenberger‘s meta-analysis covered some 70 POS studies carried out through 1999, and over 300 studies have been performed since. The meta-analysis found clear and consistent relationships of POS with its predicted antecedents and consequences. Self-Perception Theory: Although most A-B studies yield positive results, researchers have achieved still higher correlations by pursuing another direction looking at whether or not behavior influences attitudes. This view, called self-perception theory, has generated some encouraging findings. Letâes briefly review the theory. When asked about an attitude toward some object, individuals often recall their behavior relevant to that object and then infer their attitude from their past behavior. Self- perception theory, therefore, argues that attitudes are used, after the fact, to make sense out of an action that has already occurred rather than as devices that precede and guide action. And contrary to cognitive dissonance theory, attitudes are just casual verbal statements. When people are asked about their attitudes, and they dont have strong convictions or feelings, self-perception theory says they tend to create plausible answers. Self-perception theory has been well supported. Although the traditional attitude-behavior relationship is generally positive, the behavior-attitude relationship is stronger. This is particularly true when attitudes are vague and ambiguous. When you have had few experiences regarding an attitude issue or given little previous thought to it, you‘ll tend to infer your attitudes from your behavior. However, when your attitudes have been
  • 12. established for a while and are well defined, those attitudes are likely to guide your behavior. Employee engagement, also called worker engagement, is a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization that profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform is at work". Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organisational culture. Employee engagement is a part of employee retention." This integrates the classic constructs of job satisfaction (Smith et al., 1969), and organizational commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1991). Harter and Schmidt's (2003) most recent meta- analysis can be useful for understanding the impact of engagement. Research Studies On Employee Engagement: Engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest discretionary effort. Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond to the organisation that employs them (Robinson), which results in higher retention levels and productivity levels and lower absenteeism. When reliably measured, positive employee engagement can be causally related or correlated to specific positive business outcomes by workgroup and job type. Scarlett Surveys refers to these statistical relationships as engageonomics. Emotional Attachment In Employee Engagement: Only 31% of employees are actively engaged in their jobs. These employees work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. 88% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact quality of their organization's products, compared with only 38% of the disengaged. 72% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively affect customer service, versus 27% of the disengaged. 68% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact costs in their job or unit, compared with just 19% of the disengaged. Such promising findings have earned employee engagement a following in many business organizations and management consulting firms. However, the concept is relatively new and still generates active debate about its usefulness. One review of the literature concluded ― The meaning of employee engagement is ambiguous among both academic researchers and among practitioners who use it in conversations with clients‖ . Another reviewer called ― An umbrella term for whatever one want it to be ― .
  • 13. OB SATISFACTION: Robbins (2003) define job satisfaction as, there are four main primary factors that determines job satisfaction. The first one is rewards, refer to as pay and promotion which is considered most related to job satisfaction because when employees feels that they are rewarding fairly, their experience towards satisfaction is increased. The second determinant is supportive work environment, next determinant is mentally challenging work and the last one determinant is supportive colleagues. Job satisfaction define as ―a function of the range of specific satisfactions and dissatisfactions that he/she experiences with respect to the various dimensions of work‖ It includes what Individuals expect from job and what they receive Locke, (1976). Different employees are different level of expectation with respect to pay and rewards in work situations. Many companies used different techniques like survey to find out what are the employees expectations and perceptions about their jobs. Job satisfaction is the positive attitude of an individual towards his job. Measuring job satisfaction: In short , Two approaches for measuring job satisfaction are popular. 1. The single globle rating is response to one question, such as ― All things considered how satisfied you are with your job?‖ 2. Second method is to identify the key elements in the job and responsed are asked to answer, such as the nature of the work, supervision.salary,promotion,opportunities, relation with co-workers etc. Briefly we have different methods for measuring job satisfaction include using surveys, interviewing employees and monitoring performance targets. Determining which method to use depends on the level of complexity or underlying issues the business feels could be causing the dissatisfaction. If it suspects that employees do not trust its managers, for instance, then ananonymous survey may be more useful than having management conduct personal interviews. In situations wherein the company feels that the underlying problem is complex, then interviews may be more appropriate for understanding the full extent of the problem. -- Surveys are a common method of measuring job satisfaction. A survey can assesssatisfaction in the areas of pay, promotion, supervision, tasks and coworkers. While standard surveys are available for businesses, a customized survey that is tailored to a business's own needs and industry may be more effective. -- Interviewing employees as a method of measuring job satisfaction is mostly useful in organizations that have positive relationships with employees and believe the problem is too sophisticated to be understood with a survey. If employees do not trust the organization or interviewer, however, responses may not be entirely honest. Businesses with low job J
  • 14. satisfaction or employees who fear being let go may find the employees reluctant to discuss the situation since they may fear it could negatively affect them in the future. -- Monitoring performance targets is a method of measuring job satisfaction that requires a business to be an active observer. With this method, management monitors employee satisfaction by using standard criteria, such as achieving bonuses, participating in optional programs and performance in reaching goals. -- Businesses with high levels of job satisfaction tend to experience a lower employee turner, higher productivity and lower overall costs. Whichever method or methods are used for measuring job satisfaction, the business should collect qualitative and quantitative data. This puts the data in a format that is easier to analyze and compare. For instance, when interviewing employees, the interviewer could mix in simple questions that result in answers of "yes" or "no," or ratings on a scale of one to five. CAUSES OF JOB SATISFACTION:  Nature of work: Nature of work in organization have a lot of importance. The change in nature of work according to organizational theorists point to two key drivers: Increasing pressures on organizations to be more competitive, agile, and customer focused—to be a "lean enterprise." Communication and information technology breakthroughs, especially mobile technologies and the Internet that enable work to be separated from time and space.  Co-workers: The impact coworkers may have on each other is profound. In fact, this influence may be even greater than the influence of supervisors. Coworkers can impact or influence others in both positive and negative ways, as they may provide support for or be antagonistic towards each other. Coworkers‘ support (or lack thereof) can influence: Role perceptions Work attitudes Individual effectiveness  Pay scale: This is one of the most important factors to be considered before taking up a new job or leaving your current job. The pay, that you are getting and the growth pattern of that pay, will largely influence the level of your job satisfaction. If you are happy with your pay, it will show in your performance and productivity. Further, before you opt for quitting the present job, simply compare your pay with other people across the country in the same profile.
  • 15.  Training: Today's organizations need to be smarter. As a manager or trainer you probably have seen how environments have become more pressurized. This makes work more challenging. This involves the effects of individuals, groups and structures within the organization. It also draws heavily from fields like psychology, sociology and the management schools of thought.Training others about organizational behavior does not have to be complicated - a good working knowledge will get you a long way.  Control: Management Control and Organizational Behaviour provides an introduction to the understanding of human behaviour in work and organizations, by considering the key issue of management control. Management control is used as a vehicle for considering the interaction of formally designed administrative control systems with the phenomena of social and self-controls. The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on Workplace The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on Workplace: One theoretical model, the exit, voice, loyalty, neglect framework is helpful in understanding the consequences of dissatisfaction.  Exit: The exit response directs behavior toward leaving the organization, including looking for a new position as well as resigning.  Voice: The voice response includes actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with supervisors, and undertaking some forms of union activity.
  • 16. Loyalty: The loyalty response means passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism and trusting the organization and its management ―to do the right thing‖. Neglect: The neglect response passively allows conditions to worsen and includes chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced efforts and increased error rate. New Survey: Majority of Employees Dissatisfied:- Only 19% of workers said they were "satisfied" with their jobs. Right Management, a subsidiary of the giant staffing firm ManpowerGroup, just released a new snapshot survey that underlines the dissatisfaction among American workers. At a time of high unemployment, lackluster job growth and major uncertainty in world financial markets, many employees feel stuck in their jobs, unable to consider a career move even if they‘re unhappy. Right Management ran the online survey between April 16 and May 15, and culled responses from 411 workers in the U.S. and Canada. Only 19% said they were satisfied with their jobs. Another 16% said they were ―somewhat satisfied.‖ But the rest, nearly two-thirds of respondents, said they were not happy at work. Twenty-one percent said they were ―somewhat unsatisfied‖ and 44% said they were ―unsatisfied.‖
  • 17. JOB SATISFACTION AND JOB PERFORMANCE: Performance management and employee satisfaction are two areas that pose challenges for employers. Using performance management methods such as appraisals to measure employee performance comes with its own challenges, which are usually unforeseen. Only after employers implement complex appraisal programs do they realize the problems associated with them. Job satisfaction is another subjective topic that concerns employers – job satisfaction, or lack thereof, can affect performance appraisals and threaten the employer-employee relationship by creating friction between employees and their supervisors. Nevertheless, employers can use surveys, employee feedback and supervisor review to define what problems exist within both job satisfaction and performance appraisals JOB SATISFACTION AND OCB:- It seems logical to assume that job satisfaction should be a major determinant of an employees organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Satisfied employees would seem more likely to talk positively about the organization, help others, and go beyond the normal expectations in their job. Moreover, satisfied employees might be more prone to go beyond the call of duty because they want to reciprocate their positive experiences. Consistent with the thinking, early discussions of OCB assumed that it was closely linked with satisfaction. More recent evidence, however, suggests that satisfaction influences OCB, but through perceptions of fairness. There is a modest overall relationship between job satisfaction and OCB. But satisfaction is unrelated to OCB when fairness is controlled for. What does this mean? Basically, job satisfaction comes down to conceptions of fair outcomes, treatment, and procedures. If you dont feel as though your supervisor, the organization procedures, or pay policies are fair, your job satisfaction is likely to suffer significantly. However, when you perceive organizational processes and outcome to be fair, trust is developed. And when you trust your employer, you are more willing to voluntarily engage in behaviors that go beyond your formal job requirements. Job satisfaction and Customer satisfaction:
  • 18. Employees in service jobs often interact with customers. Because the management of service organization should be concerned with pleasing those customers, it is reasonable to ask: Is employee satisfaction related to positive customer outcomes? The evidence indicates that satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The reasons are in service organizations, customer retention and defection are highly dependent on how frontline employees deal with customers. Satisfied employees are more likely to be friendly, upbeat, and responsive âre ― which customers appreciate. And because satisfied employers are less prone to turnover, customers are more likely to encounter familiar faces and receive experienced service. These qualities build customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, the relationship seems to apply in reverse: Dissatisfied customers can increase an employees job dissatisfaction. Employees who have regular contact with customers report that rude, thoughtless, or unreasonably demanding customers adversely effect the employees job satisfaction. A number of companies are acting on this evidence. Service-oriented businesses such as FedEx, Southwest Airlines, Four Seasons Hotels, American Express, and Office Depot obsess about pleasing their customers. Toward that end, they also focus on building employee satisfaction — recognizing that employee satisfaction will go a long way toward contributing to their goal of having happy customers. These firms seek to hire upbeat and friendly employees, they train employees in the importance of customer service, they reward customer service, they provide positive employee work climates, and they regularly track employee satisfaction through attitude surveys. Job satisfaction and absenteeism: Building upon recent conceptualizations of different foci of job satisfaction and theories of social-contextual influence, we develop and test an integrative cross-level model of the individual relationships between both externally focused satisfaction (referring to job conditions) and internally focused satisfaction (referring to the work unit) and absenteeism. For both of these foci, we hypothesize differential three-way interactive effects of work-unit absenteeism patterns as characterized by their mean and dispersion levels as well as individual satisfaction levels on subsequent individual absenteeism. Based on two German multi-level samples, our analyses demonstrate that the negative relationship between externally focused satisfaction and individual absenteeism is strongest in the presence of high mean and dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism, whereas this relationship is weaker when either the mean or the dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism or both are low. In contrast, the negative relationship between internally focused satisfaction and individual absenteeism is strongest under conditions of low mean and dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism, whereas this relationship is weaker when either the mean or the dispersion levels of work-unit absenteeism or both are high. The present findings suggest that simultaneously improving individual internally focused satisfaction and reducing work-unit absenteeism is the most promising approach to reducing individual absenteeism. JOB SATISFACTION AND TURNOVER: The relationship between the job satisfaction and turnover is stronger than between satisfaction and absenteeis,. The satisfaction turnover relationship also affected b alternative job prospects.
  • 19. JOB SATISFCTION AND WORKPLACE DEVIANCE: Workplace deviance, in group psychology, may be described as the deliberate (or intentional) desire to cause harm to an organization – more specifically, a workplace. The concept has become an instrumental component in the field of organizational communication. More accurately, it can be seen as "voluntary behavior that violates institutionalized norms and in doing so threatens the well-being of the organization" Manager Often Don‘t Get It: Delegating effectively is very difficult, and few managers excel at it. However, the ones who do are able to reduce their workload and provide opportunities for growth and challenge for their subordinates. Given the importance of effective time management and employee development to managerial success, delegation is something that managers should do strategically--i.e., with forethought and planning In a study of 262 large employers, 86% of senior managers believed their organizations treated its employees well, but only 55% of employees agreed. Another study found 55% of managers thought morale was good in their organization, compared to only 38% of employees  Regular surveys can reduce gaps between what managers think employees feel and what they really feel. Average Levels of Job Satisfaction by Country: JOB SATISFACTION LEVEL IN AMERICA: According to a new survey that found only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their work. That was the lowest level ever recorded by the Conference Board research group in more than 22 years of studying the issue. In 2008, 49% of those surveyed reported satisfaction with their jobs. JOB SATISFACTION LEVEL IN EUROPE: The ECHP, an international survey conducted by Eurostat, also covered job satisfaction on an annual basis in its eight waves from 1994 to 2001. The survey sources in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands and Portugal show high (70% and more
  • 20. satisfied or very satisfied or equivalent) and stable or slightly increasing levels of reported job satisfaction over successive survey waves. Nevertheless, the reported levels of job satisfaction remain at a comparatively high level in the UK, with 84% of respondents to the WIBS 2000 survey reporting positive job satisfaction, compared to 86% in the earlier EIBS 1992 survey. The Top 5 Job Satisfaction Factors for Employees are according to the 2009 Survey report : Job Security Benefits Compensation/Pay Opportunities to use skills and abilities Feeling safe in the work environment The HR professionals in this study agreed with ‘ Job Security’ as top priority, and they also included ‘Benefit’s and ‘Opportunities to use skills and abilities’ among the top 5 factors. . Refrences: 1. relationship-among-motivation-attitude-and-job-satisfaction-survey-project-report-mba/job- satisfaction-of-employees-survey-project-report.htm 2. 3. 4. 5.
  • 21. 6. attitude-job-satisfaction.html 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.