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Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12): 997-1038
REVIEW ARTICLE                                                                                                                                         0312-5963/07/0012-0997/$44.95/0

                                                                                                                                    © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Pharmacokinetic Considerations for
Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients
Receiving Renal Replacement Therapy
Federico Pea,1 Pierluigi Viale,2 Federica Pavan1 and Mario Furlanut1
1   Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Experimental and Clinical
    Pathology and Medicine, Medical School, University of Udine, Udine, Italy
2   Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medical and Morphological Research, Medical
    School, University of Udine, Udine, Italy

    Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
    1. Principles of Drug Removal during Renal Replacement Therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999
       1.1 Working Differences between Haemodialysis and Haemofiltration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999
       1.2 Characteristics of Drugs and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Devices
            Affecting Extracorporeal Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001
    2. Rationales for Appropriate Dosage Adjustment of Antimicrobials during CRRT: the Importance
       of Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
    3. Pharmacokinetics of Antimicrobials during CRRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
       3.1 Hydrophilic Antimicrobials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
            3.1.1 Carbapenems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
            3.1.2 Penicillins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
            3.1.3 Cephalosporins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
            3.1.4 Aminoglycosides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
            3.1.5 Glycopeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026
       3.2 Lipophilic Antibacterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028
            3.2.1 Fluoroquinolones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028
            3.2.2 Oxazolidinones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031
            3.2.3 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
       3.3 Antifungal Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
            3.3.1 Polyenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
            3.3.2 Triazoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
    4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034

Abstract                                        Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), particularly continuous
                                             venovenous haemofiltration (CVVH) and continuous venovenous haemodiafiltra-
                                             tion (CVVHDF), are gaining increasing relevance in routine clinical management
                                             of intensive care unit patients. The application of CRRT, by leading to
                                             extracorporeal clearance (CLCRRT), may significantly alter the pharmacokinetic
                                             behaviour of some drugs. This may be of particular interest in critically ill patients
                                             presenting with life-threatening infections, since the risk of underdosing with
                                             antimicrobial agents during this procedure may lead to both therapeutic failure
                                             and the spread of breakthrough resistance. The intent of this review is to discuss
                                             the pharmacokinetic principles of CLCRRT of antimicrobial agents during the
                                             application of CVVH and CVVHDF and to summarise the most recent findings on
998                                                                                                                    Pea et al.

                                     this topic (from 1996 to December 2006) in order to understand the basis for
                                     optimal dosage adjustments of different antimicrobial agents.
                                         Removal of solutes from the blood through semi-permeable membranes during
                                     RRT may occur by means of two different physicochemical processes, namely,
                                     diffusion or convection. Whereas intermittent haemodialysis (IHD) is essentially
                                     a diffusive technique and CVVH is a convective technique, CVVHDF is a
                                     combination of both. As a general rule, the efficiency of drug removal by the
                                     different techniques is expected to be CVVHDF > CVVH > IHD, but indeed
                                     CLCRRT may vary greatly depending mainly on the peculiar physicochemical
                                     properties of each single compound and the CRRT device’s characteristics and
                                     operating conditions. Considering that RRT substitutes for renal function in
                                     clearing plasma, CLCRRT is expected to be clinically relevant for drugs with
                                     dominant renal clearance, especially when presenting a limited volume of distri-
                                     bution and poor plasma protein binding. Consistently, CLCRRT should be clinical-
                                     ly relevant particularly for most hydrophilic antimicrobial agents (e.g. β-lactams,
                                     aminoglycosides, glycopeptides), whereas it should assume much lower relevance
                                     for lipophilic compounds (e.g. fluoroquinolones, oxazolidinones), which general-
                                     ly are nonrenally cleared. However, there are some notable exceptions: ceftriax-
                                     one and oxacillin, although hydrophilics, are characterised by primary biliary
                                     elimination; levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, although lipophilics, are renally
                                     cleared. As far as CRRT characteristics are concerned, the extent of drug removal
                                     is expected to be directly proportional to the device’s surface area and to be
                                     dependent on the mode of replacement fluid administration (predilution or
                                     postdilution) and on the ultrafiltration and/or dialysate flow rates applied.
                                         Conversely, drug removal by means of CVVH or CVVHDF is unaffect-
                                     ed by the drug size, considering that almost all antimicrobial agents have molecu-
                                     lar weights significantly lower (<2000Da) than the haemofilter cut-off
                                     (30 000–50 000Da). Drugs that normally have high renal clearance and that
                                     exhibit high CLCRRT during CVVH or CVVHDF may need a significant dosage
                                     increase in comparison with renal failure or even IHD. Conversely, drugs that are
                                     normally nonrenally cleared and that exhibit very low CLCRRT during CVVH or
                                     CVVHDF may need no dosage modification in comparison with normal renal
                                     function. Bearing these principles in mind will almost certainly aid the manage-
                                     ment of antimicrobial therapy in critically ill patients undergoing CRRT, thus
                                     containing the risk of inappropriate exposure. However, some peculiar pathophys-
                                     iological conditions occurring in critical illness may significantly contribute to
                                     further alteration of the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial agents during CRRT
                                     (i.e. hypoalbuminaemia, expansion of extracellular fluids or presence of residual
                                     renal function). Accordingly, therapeutic drug monitoring should be considered a
                                     very helpful tool for optimising drug exposure during CRRT.

   Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is an approach                  and so some of these techniques, particularly contin-
originally employed mainly for blood purification in               uous venovenous haemofiltration (CVVH) and con-
the presence of chronic renal impairment, as in the                tinuous venovenous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF),
case of intermittent haemodialysis (IHD). More re-                 are gaining increasing relevance in routine clini-
cently, continuous RRT (CRRT) has been intro-                      cal management of intensive care unit (ICU) pa-
duced as adjunctive therapy to treat critically ill                tients.[1,2] Additionally, some researchers have be-
patients in the presence of multiple organ failure,                lieved that the excessive production of pro-inflam-

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Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT                                                                               999

matory cytokines as a host response to infection              1. Principles of Drug Removal during
during sepsis may be responsible for the cascade of           Renal Replacement Therapies
events leading to multiple organ failure.[3] Consist-
ently, removal of such cytokines by means of CRRT             1.1 Working Differences between
has been proposed as powerfully effective pathoge-            Haemodialysis and Haemofiltration
netic treatment of sepsis to protect patients from
unfavourable outcomes.[4]                                     Removal of solutes from blood through semi-
    Regardless of opinion on the role of CRRT, it         permeable membranes during RRT may occur by
has been proven that the growing confidence in            means of two different physicochemical processes:
                                                          namely, diffusion or convection (table I).
CRRTs has resulted in improved survival of critical-
                                                              Diffusion, which represents the typical working
ly ill patients with acute renal failure.[5] However,
                                                          principle of haemodialysis (figure 1), occurs pas-
it should not be overlooked that the application          sively in counter-current with respect to blood flow
of CRRT, by leading to extracorporeal clearance           and is driven by the gradient of concentration. Addi-
(CLCRRT), may significantly alter the pharmacokin-        tionally, the clearance efficiency during IHD is
etic behaviour of some drugs.                             greater for small drugs (figure 2). However, the cut-
    Of note, the extent of CLCRRT may be of particu-      off of modern synthetic dialyser membranes (the so-
lar interest in critically ill patients presenting with   called high-flux membranes) is significantly larger
                                                          than that of the old cuprophane dialyser membranes
life-threatening infections, since the risk of un-
                                                          (<1000Da). This means that although high molecu-
derdosing with antimicrobial agents during this pro-      lar weight may protect some large molecules (name-
cedure may lead to both therapeutic failure and the       ly, the glycopeptides vancomycin and teicoplanin,
spread of resistance.                                     the streptogramin combination of quinupristin/dal-
    It is now widely accepted that the definition of      fopristin, and the polimixin colistin) from removal
‘inappropriate antimicrobial therapy’ in the treat-       when using old cuprophane membranes, this no
ment of critically ill patients refers not only to an     longer occurs when using modern high-flux mem-
unsuitable drug choice in terms of the spectrum of        branes.
                                                              Conversely, convection, which represents the
activity, but also to potential underexposure at the
                                                          typical working process of haemofiltration (figure
infection site as a consequence of an inadequate          3), occurs actively and more rapidly thanks to a
dosing regimen due to the patient’s particular patho-     pump-driven pressure gradient. Interestingly, drug
physiological status and/or iatrogenic conditions.[6,7]   removal by means of haemofiltration is independent
    The aim of this review is to discuss the pharma-      from drug molecule size, considering that almost
cokinetic principles of CLCRRT of antimicrobial
                                                          Table I. Comparison of characteristics of drug removal during
agents during the application of CVVH and CV-             haemodialysis vs haemofiltration
VHDF and to summarise the most recent findings            Characteristic   Haemodialysis          Haemofiltration
on this topic in order to understand the basis for        Drug removal     By diffusion across    By convection across
                                                                           a semi-permeable       a semi-permeable
optimal dosage adjustments of different antimicro-                         membrane               membrane
bial agents. The literature search was done through       Process          Passive                Active
MEDLINE and refers to articles published from             Principle        Counter current flow   Pump-driven pressure
1996 to December 2006.
                                                          Conditioning     Conditioned by drug    Unconditioned by drug
    In order to better understand the rationales for                       molecular weight       molecular weight
dosage adjustments of antimicrobials during RRT, it       Equilibrium      Long                   Rapid
may be useful to describe the working principles of       Replacement      Not needed             Needed to reconstitute
the most frequently applied techniques and to define      fluid                                   blood volume (pre- or
                                                                                                  postdilution mode)
which factors may affect drug removal.

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                               Dialysate                                        On the basis of the type of body access and the
                                                                            relative role of diffusion and/or convection, RRTs
                                                                            may be classified into several different types (table
   BFR                                                          BFR
                                                                            II). The most frequently applied techniques are sure-
                                                                            ly represented by IHD on the one hand and CVVH
                               Dialysate                                    or CVVHDF on the other hand. Whereas IHD is
           Dialysis fluid in                    Dialysate out               essentially a diffusive technique, CVVH is a con-
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of intermittent haemodialysis.             vective technique and CVVHDF is a combination of
BFR = blood flow rate.                                                      both. Interestingly, CVVHDF is sometimes applied
                                                                            in very critically ill patients presenting with sepsis
all antimicrobial agents have molecular weights sig-                        and acute renal failure, with the intent of enabling
nificantly lower than the haemofilter cut-off                               sufficient removal of metabolites through perfusion
(30 000–50 000Da), whose high value has the intent                          of the haemofilter with the dialysate.[2] Indeed, al-
of enabling removal of inflammatory cytokines. Ad-                          though this approach is currently still a very ques-
ditionally, since (similarly to the glomerular filtra-                      tionable issue, what should be mentioned is the fact
tion in the kidney) the haemofiltration process pro-                        that in these circumstances, very high flow rates of
duces an ultrafiltrate, refilling with a substitution                       up to 6 L/h may be applied.
fluid is required in order to preserve an adequate                              As a general rule, the efficiency of drug re-
circulatory volume. Of note, replacement may be                             moval by the different techniques is expected to be
applied before or after blood filtration, that is in                        CVVHDF > CVVH > IHD, but indeed CLCRRT may
predilution or in postdilution mode, and this may                           vary greatly, mainly depending on the peculiar
obviously affect the entity of drug clearance to a                          physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetic
different extent.                                                           behaviour of each single compound.


                           0                        500                       1000                1500                    2000
                                                                      Molecular weight (Da)
Fig. 2. Molecular weight of some antimicrobial agents. Q/D = quinupristin/dalfopristin.

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Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT                                                                                           1001

                                                            Replacement fluid

                             Post-dilution                                                       Pre-dilution

                          BFR                                                                               BFR


Fig. 3. Schematic representation of continuous venovenous haemofiltration. BFR = blood flow rate; UF = ultrafiltrate.

    1.2 Characteristics of Drugs and Continuous                          According to this distinction, it seems clear
    Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Devices                          that CLCRRT should be clinically relevant for
    Affecting Extracorporeal Clearance                                most hydrophilic agents, whereas it should assume
                                                                      much lower relevance for the lipophilic compounds
   Considering that RRT substitutes for renal func-                   which, in general, are nonrenally cleared. Obvi-
tion in clearing plasma, CLCRRT is expected to be                     ously, some notably exceptions to this general rule
clinically relevant for drugs with dominant renal                     may exist. Ceftriaxone and oxacillin, although hy-
clearance (CLR), especially when presenting a limit-                  drophilics, are characterised by primary biliary
ed volume of distribution (Vd) and poor plasma                        elimination, and so they are not expected to be
protein binding.
                                                                      significantly removed by CRRT; on the other hand,
   The pharmacokinetic parameters of the most rel-
                                                                      levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, although lipophilics,
evant antimicrobial agents assessed in healthy vol-
                                                                      are renally cleared, and so they might be removed by
unteers are shown in table III. Comparison of these
data with those observed during the application of                    CRRT.
CRRT enhances understanding of the relevance that                     Table II. Characteristics of some renal replacement therapies
CRRT may have for extracorporeal removal of each                      (adapted from Joy et al.,[8] with permission)
single drug.                                                          Procedure        Removal by        Removal by       Vascular
   In this respect, it may be useful to split an-                                      diffusion         convection       access
timicrobials, according to their solubility, into hy-                 IHD              ++++              +                Fistula or VV
drophilic or lipophilic compounds (figure 4).[6,7] Hy-                IHDF             ++++              ++               Fistula or VV

drophilic compounds, which include β-lactams, gly-                    CAPD             ++++              +                None
                                                                      CAVH             –                 ++++             AV
copeptides and aminoglycosides, are unable to                                          –
                                                                      CVVH                               ++++             VV
passively cross the plasmatic membrane of the                         CAVHD             ++++             +                AV
eukaryotic cell, and so their distribution is limited                 CVVHD             ++++             +                VV
only to the plasma and to the extracellular space, and                CAVHDF            +++              +++              AV
they are usually excreted via the renal route as                      CVVHDF            +++              +++              VV
unchanged drug. On the contrary, lipophilic agents,                   AV = artery and vein; CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal
which include macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetra-                    dialysis; CAVH = continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration;
                                                                      CAVHD = continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis; CAVHDF =
cyclines, chloramphenicol, rifampicin (rifampin)                      continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration; CVVH = continuous
and linezolid, may freely cross the plasmatic mem-                    venovenous haemofiltration; CVVHD = continuous venovenous
                                                                      haemodialysis;      CVVHDF         =     continuous      venovenous
brane of the eukaryotic cells, and so they are widely                 haemodiafiltration; IHD = intermittent haemodialysis; IHDF =
distributed into the intracellular compartment and                    intermittent haemodiafiltration; VV = vein and vein; – indicates not
must often be metabolised through different path-                     occurring; + indicates mild; + + indicates moderate; + + + indicates
                                                                      marked; + + + + indicates intense.
ways before elimination.

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.                                                     Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
Table III. Overview of the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of some antimicrobial agents in healthy volunteersa
                                                        Drug                                        MW (Da)           t1/2 (h)          Vss (L)         CL (mL/min)          CLR (mL/min)          CLR : CL ratio       PB (%)
                                                            meropenem[9]                             383.47           1.0               14–21b          186.67               140                   0.75                 9
                                                            imipenem[9]                              317.37           0.9–1.11b         14–21b          250.0                112.5–125.0b          0.45–0.50b           9
                                                            flucloxacillin[10]                       453.88           2.1               20.6            122.5                88                    0.72                 96
                                                            piperacillin[11]                         517.56           0.75              10.64           181.72               102.58                0.56                 30
                                                            tazobactam[11]                           300.29           0.89              11.9            184.87               125.44                0.68                 30
                                                            cefepime[12]                             480.57           2.32              18.4            143                  132                   0.92                 16–19b
                                                            cefpirome[13]                            514.59           1.76              18.1            142                  113.6                 0.80                 10

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                            ceftazidime[14]                          546.58           1.58              12.46           131.83               122.5                 0.93                 18.7
                                                            ceftriaxone[15,16]                       554.59           8.8               10.7            14.2                 8.6                   0.61                 90
                                                            netilmicin[17,18]                        475.58           2                 47.6            91                   67                    0.74                 0
                                                            vancomycin[19,20]                       1449.27           8.1               41.16           84.8                                       0.70                 37
                                                            teicoplanin[21,22]                      1877.66           92.3              47.6            14.70                14                    0.95                 96
                                                            ciprofloxacin[23]                        331.34           4                 137.9           448.33               318.33                0.71                 20–40b
                                                            levofloxacin[24,25]                      370.38           6–8b              77              133                  106.4                 0.80                 24–38b
                                                            moxifloxacin[26,27]                      401.43           13                222             248.33               50.5                  0.20                 30–50b
                                                            ofloxacin[28,29]                         361.37           6.67              134.4           227.5                190                   0.74                 15
                                                            linezolid[30,31]                         337.35           4.8               30–50b          97.3                 25.9                  0.27                 31
                                                            amphotericin B[32,33]                    924.08                             357             15.3                 4.78                  0.32                 90–95b
                                                            amphotericin B lipid    complex[33]      924.08                             9170            436
                                                            liposomal amphotericin B[32,33]          924.08                             7.7             11.3                 0.58                  0.05
                                                            fluconazole[34]                          306.27           29.7              52              21.03                12.91                 0.61                 11–12b
                                                        a     The values are expressed as means unless specified otherwise.
                                                        b     Range.
                                                        CLR = renal clearance; CL = total body clearance; MW = molecular weight; PB = plasma protein binding; t1/2 = elimination half-life; Vss = volume of distribution at steady state.

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Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT                                                                                  1003

                                                                      Hydrophilic                         Lipophilic
    As far as the Vd is concerned, the larger it is, the
less likely it is that the drug will be removed by                • β-lactams                        • Macrolides
                                                                    • penicillins                    • Fluoroquinolones
RRT, considering that the Vd reflects where a given                 • cephalosporins                 • Tetracyclines
drug is compartmentalised in the body. According-                   • carbapenems                    • Chloramphenicol
                                                                    • monobactams                    • Rifampicin
ly, during RRT, extracellularly located hydrophilic               • Glycopeptides                    • Linezolid
agents will be much more promptly removable from                  • Aminoglycosides
the body than intracellularly accumulated lipophilic
    This means that although for most hydrophilic           • Limited volume of distribution   • Large volume of distribution
compounds, supplemental dosing may often be ne-             • Inability to passively diffuse   • Freely diffuse through
                                                              through plasmatic membrane         plasmatic membrane of
cessary during CRRT in comparison with anephric               of eukariotic cells                eukariotic cells
patients, for most lipophilic drugs with a wide Vd,         • Inactive against intracellular   • Active against intracellular
even if the extraction across the RRT filter is 100%,         pathogens                          pathogens
                                                            • Eliminated renally as the        • Eliminated often after hepatic
only a small fraction of the drug present in the body         unchanged drug                     metabolism
will be removed, thus rendering supplemental dos-
                                                           Fig. 4. Classification of antimicrobials according to their physico-
ing unnecessary.                                           chemical properties.
    Finally, considering that because of the haemofil-
ter’s cut-off, only the unbound moiety of a given          membrane, a process whose extent is expected to be
drug is available for extracorporeal elimination, the      maximal immediately after starting RRT and then to
higher the plasma protein binding is (figure 5), the       progressively decrease over time until filter exhaus-
lower the drug clearance will be. This concept is          tion.
exemplified by the sieving coefficient (Sc), which is
                                                               Accordingly, caution was expressed regarding
the ratio between the drug concentrations in the
                                                           calculation of the supplemental dose of a given drug
ultrafiltrate and in plasma, and may be defined by
                                                           during haemofiltration only on the basis of the theo-
equation 1:
                                                           retical unbound fraction instead of the Sc.[39]
                              Sc =                             As far as the CRRT device characteristics are
                                     CP                    concerned, the extent of drug removal is expected to
                                               (Eq. 1)     be directly proportional to the device’s surface area
where CUF is the drug concentration in the ultrafil-       and to be dependent on the mode of replacement
trate and Cp is the drug concentration in the plasma.      fluid administration and on the ultrafiltration and/or
The Sc values of some antimicrobials are shown in          dialysate rates applied.
figure 6.                                                      When the replacement fluid to reconstitute blood
    Interestingly, whereas in most cases the Sc during     volume is added in the postdilution mode, name-
CVVH in humans should equate to the unbound                ly after haemofiltration, drug clearance during
moiety of the drug[35] (as documented, for example,        haemofiltration (CLHF) will equate to the ultrafiltra-
for 66 different compounds by Golper)[36] it may,          tion rate (QUF) [equation 2]:
however, sometimes be significantly different.                              CLHF(postdilution) = QUF × Sc
    Indeed, some factors might explain this finding.
First, in critically ill patients presenting with hy-                                                     (Eq. 2)
poalbuminaemia, the unbound fraction of normally              Conversely, in the predilution mode, considering
moderately to highly bound drugs may vary, and             that plasma has been diluted by the substitution fluid
so drug clearance may be increased in these circum-        before entering the haemofilter, drug clearance will
stances.[36,37] Interestingly, it has recently been        be lower due to a dilution factor (DF; equation 3):
shown that this may be clinically relevant especial-
ly for the glycopeptides teicoplanin[38] and van-                                   DF =
                                                                                           QBF + QRF
comycin.[35] Additionally, drug extraction may be
further increased by adsorption to the haemofilter                                                                     (Eq. 3)

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.                                          Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
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where QBF is the blood flow rate and QRF is the                        ing which concentrations are maintained above the
replacement flow rate. Therefore, drug clearance                       minimum inhibitory concentration of the aetiologi-
will be (equation 4):                                                  cal agent (T>MIC) is considered the most rele-
                                      QUF × Sc × QBF                   vant pharmacodynamic parameter. In this regard,
              CLHF(predilution) =
                                       QBF + QRF                       exposure may be optimised by maintaining the mini-
                                                        (Eq. 4)        mum plasma concentration above the MIC
                                                                       (Cmin>MIC),[7] maximal efficacy being ensured in
    2. Rationales for Appropriate Dosage                               the presence of a Cmin four to five times the MIC.
    Adjustment of Antimicrobials                                       Accordingly, for these agents, the most suitable
    during CRRT: the Importance of                                     approach to preserve efficacy during CRRT is to
    Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic                                    maintain the frequency of drug administration while
    Relationships                                                      modifying the amount of each single dose.
   Drugs that are significantly cleared during CV-                        Conversely, for concentration-dependent antimi-
VH or CVVHDF may need significant dosage in-                           crobials, namely aminoglycosides and fluoroquino-
creases in comparison with renal failure or even                       lones, the most important pharmacodynamic para-
IHD. This may be performed by increasing the                           meters are represented by the ratios between the
amount of each single dose, or conversely by short-                    peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the MIC,
ening the dosing interval. The approach taken will                     with optimal exposure in the presence of a Cmax/
differ according to the type of antimicrobial activi-                  MIC ratio of >8–10, and between the area under the
ty, which may be time dependent or concentra-                          plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and the
tion dependent. For time-dependent antimicrobials,                     MIC, with optimal exposure in the presence of an
namely β-lactams, macrolides, glycopeptides, ox-                       AUC/MIC ratio of >100. Accordingly, to optimise
azolidinones and azole antifungals, the time dur-                      efficacy with these agents during CRRT, it may be


                            0                   20              40                  60           80                 100
                                                               Plasma protein binding (%)
Fig. 5. Plasma protein binding of some antimicrobial agents.

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.                                             Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT                                                                                 1005


                            0.0             0.2          0.4          0.6            0.8         1.0               1.2
                                                               Sieving coefficient
Fig. 6. Sieving coefficients of some antimicrobial agents.

more useful to extend the dosing interval while                    sible in the presence of multiple references, some
maintaining a fixed dosage.                                        suggestions on how to interpret the data and how to
   Bearing these principles in mind will almost cer-               proceed with dosage adjustments are provided. For
tainly aid the management of antimicrobial therapy                 clarity, it should be considered that in the descrip-
in critically ill patients undergoing CRRT, thus con-              tion of the different studies, the various flow rates
taining the risk of inappropriate exposure.                        (QUF and/or the dialysate flow rate [QD]) in condi-
   Finally, it is worth noting that in critically ill              tioning CLCRRT have been qualitatively defined as
patients, it is mandatory to consider the severity of              follows: low when <0.5 L/h, moderate when approx-
the infection and the susceptibility pattern of patho-             imately 1.0 L/h, high when approximately 1.5–2 L/h
gens involved in the infections in order to contain                and very high when >2.5–3.0 L/h.
the mortality risk of infection. Accordingly, in the
presence of a severe life-threatening infection po-                    3.1 Hydrophilic Antimicrobials
tentially caused by less susceptible pathogens with                    Generally speaking, most hydrophilic antimicro-
higher MICs (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa), a                       bials exhibit a low Vd and high CLR in healthy
higher starting dose would probably be prudent.                    volunteers, and so they are expected to be highly
                                                                   CRRT removable. Interestingly, given their low Vd,
    3. Pharmacokinetics of Antimicrobials                          the application of high CRRT flow rates may mark-
    during CRRT                                                    edly increase the extent of elimination since the drug
                                                                   is essentially confined in the plasma and in the tissue
   The most recent and relevant studies on the
pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials during the appli-
cation of CVVH or CVVHDF since 1996 are listed                         3.1.1 Carbapenems
in table IV. In this review, the studies have been                   The carbapenems imipenem/cilastatin and mer-
summarised for each compound and, whenever fea-                    openem exhibit low Vd, low plasma protein binding

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.                                           Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
Table IV. Overview of the pharmacokinetics (PK) of some antimicrobial agents during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and dosage recommendations
                                                        Drug;                  Residual   CRRT      RFa        Membrane/ QBF      QUF       QD      CL       Sca      CLCRRT      CLCRRT    t1/2   Comment and dosage
                                                        dosagea                CLCR                            surface   (mL/     (mL/h)a   (mL/h)a (mL/              (mL/min)a   (% of     (h)a   recommendation
                                                                               (mL/min)                        areaa     min)a                      min)a                         CL)a
                                                          meropenem;           NS         CVVH      Post       PS/       150      2748               143.7   NS       49.7        34.6      2.33   1g q8h appropriate for
                                                          1g SD (9)[40]        (ARF)                           0.43m2                                                                              infections caused by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   susceptible bacteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (plasma concentration
                                                                                                                                                                                                   4.3 mg/L after 6h)
                                                          meropenem;           1.3        CVVH      NS         AN69      160      1100               52.0    1.17     22.0        42.3      8.7    Observed Cmin 7.3 mg/L;
                                                          0.5g q8h                                                                                                                                 0.5g q12h appropriate
                                                          or q12h (9)[41]

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                          meropenem;           NS         CVVH      NS         AN69      200      1650               76.2    0.63     17.2        22.5      6.37   0.5g q12h appropriate
                                                          0.5g q12h (5)[42]    (ARF)                                                                                                               for infections caused
                                                                                                                                                                                                   by susceptible bacteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Cmin 3.0 mg/L)
                                                          meropenem;           NS         CVVH      Pre (1),   AN69/     10       1600               82.9    NS       24.4        29.4      3.63   Observed T>4 mg/L
                                                          0.5g q12h (8)[43]    (ARF)                post (7)   0.9m2                                                                               = 8.22h
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Observed T>8 mg/L
                                                                                                                                                                                                   = 4.72h
                                                                                                                                                                                                   0.5g q12h appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for infections caused by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   susceptible bacteria
                                                          meropenem;           NS         CVVH      Post       AN69/     150      1700               60.5    0.95     25.0        41.3      5.89   1.0g q12h appropriate
                                                          1.0g q12h (10)[44]   (ARF)      (5)                  0.9m2                                                                               for infections caused
                                                                                                                                                                                                   by susceptible bacteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (T>4 mg/L = 8h)
                                                                               NS         CVVHDF    Post       AN69/     150      1200      1200     74.9    0.92     38.9        49.4      4.44   1.0g q12h appropriate
                                                                               (ARF)      (5)                  0.9m2                                                                               for infections caused
                                                                                                                                                                                                   by susceptible bacteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (T>4 mg/L = 8h)
                                                          meropenem;           NS         CVVHDF    Pre        AN69/     119      500       600      74.7    0.65     27.0        36.2      5.13   Predicted Cmin >4 mg/L
                                                          1.0g q12h (9),       (ARF)                           0.9m2                                                                               for >8h with 0.75g q8h;
                                                          0.5g q12h (4),                                                                                                                           for >12h with 1.5g q12h
                                                          1.0g q8h (1),
                                                          0.5g q8h (1)[45]
                                                          meropenem;           NS         CVVH      NS         PS/       100      400                54.5    NS       NS          NS        7.5    CVVH accounted for
                                                          1g (6)[46]           (ARF)      (6)                  0.7m2                                                                               13% of elimination in 12h;
                                                                                                                                                                                                   0.5g q8h appropriate

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Continued next page

    Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pea et al.
Table IV. Contd
                                                        Drug;                 Residual   CRRT     RFa    Membrane/    QBF     QUF       QD      CL       Sca    CLCRRT      CLCRRT   t1/2   Comment and dosage
                                                        dosagea               CLCR                       surface      (mL/    (mL/h)a   (mL/h)a (mL/            (mL/min)a   (% of    (h)a   recommendation
                                                                              (mL/min)                   areaa        min)a                     min)a                       CL)a
                                                                              NS         CVVHDF   NS     PS/          100     400       1000    78.7     NS     NS          NS       5.6    CVVHDF 1 L/h
                                                                              (ARF)      (6)             0.7m2                                                                              accounted for 33% of
                                                                                                                                                                                            elimination in 12h;
                                                                                                                                                                                            1.0g q12h appropriate
                                                                              NS         CVVHDF   NS     PS/          100     400       2000    95.2     NS     NS          NS       4.8    CVVHDF 2 L/h
                                                                              (ARF)      (6)             0.7m2                                                                              accounted for 40% of
                                                                                                                                                                                            elimination in 12h;
                                                                                                                                                                                            1.0g q12h appropriate
                                                          meropenem;          1.1        CVVHDF   Pre    AN69/        150     1057      928.6   150.3    0.76   27.0        22.7     3.72   Observed Cmin >4 mg/L
                                                          0.5 q6h (5),                                   1.4m2 (4),                                                                         except for 0.5g q8h
                                                          0.5 q8h (1),                                   PS/

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                          1.0g q8h (1)[47]                               0.9m2 (3)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT

                                                          meropenem;          23.5       CVVH     Pre    AN69/        182.1   1843      0       134.4    0.85   32.2        29.3     2.73   Observed Cmin >2 mg/L
                                                          0.5g q6h (6),                  (4),            1.4m2 (5),                     (4),                                                except for 1.0g q8h
                                                          1.0g q8h (1)[47]               CVVHDF          PS/                            1000
                                                                                         (3)             0.9m2 (2)                      (3)
                                                          meropenem;          95.9       CVVH     Pre    AN69/        140     1250              1064.8   0.72   16.4        3.6      1.51   2g q8h did not ensure
                                                          2.0g q8h (5),                                  1.4m2 (6)                                                                          adequate T>MIC
                                                          1.0g q6h (1)[47]                                                                                                                  (Cmin 0.98 mg/L)
                                                          imipenem;           0 (10),    CVVH     NS     AN69/        160     1115              122.2    1.20   22.9        19.7     2.87   Observed Cmin
                                                          0.5g q6h (NS),      61 (2)                     NS                                                                                 4.1 mg/L for 0.5g q6h;
                                                          0.5g q8h (NS)[48]                                                                                                                 2.34 mg/L for 0.5g q8h;
                                                                                                                                                                                            0.5g q6h needed
                                                          imipenem;           NS         CVVH     Post   AN69/        150     1130              145.0    1.21   36.0        24.8     2.71   Observed Cmin 1.4 mg/L;
                                                          0.5g q12h (4),      (ARF)                      0.6m2                                                                              0.5g q8–12h appropriate
                                                          0.5g q8h (2)[49]                                                                                                                  only if MIC ≤2 mg/L;
                                                                                                                                                                                            0.5g q6h needed in most
                                                                                                                                                                                            critically ill pts
                                                          imipenem;           NS         CVVHDF   Post   AN69/        158.3   1160      973     178.0    1.28   57.0        32.0     2.56   Observed Cmin 1.1 mg/L;
                                                          0.5g q12h (3),      (ARF)                      0.6m2                                                                              0.5g q8–12h appropriate
                                                          0.5g q8h (3)[49]                                                                                                                  only if MIC ≤2 mg/L;
                                                                                                                                                                                            0.5g q6h needed in most
                                                                                                                                                                                            critically ill pts
                                                          flucloxacillin;     NS         CVVH     Post   PAM/         169     3420              117.2    0.21   10.3        8.8      4.9    4.0g q8h adequate for MS
                                                          4g q8h (10)[50]     (ARF)                      0.7m2                                                                              staphylococcal infections

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Continued next page

    Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
Table IV. Contd
                                                        Drug;                 Residual   CRRT     RFa    Membrane/   QBF     QUF       QD      CL      Sca     CLCRRT      CLCRRT   t1/2   Comment and dosage
                                                        dosagea               CLCR                       surface     (mL/    (mL/h)a   (mL/h)a (mL/            (mL/min)a   (% of    (h)a   recommendation
                                                                              (mL/min)                   areaa       min)a                     min)a                       CL)a
                                                          piperacillin;       NS         CVVH     NS     PS/         150     816               79.2    NS      NS          NS       5.1    Very small amount
                                                          4.0g first          (ARF)                      0.5m2                                                                             of piperacillin in
                                                          dose (6)[51]                                                                                                                     ultrafiltrate (0–8 mg/L);
                                                                                                                                                                                           4.0g q12h recommended
                                                          piperacillin;       NS         CVVH     NS     PS/         150     612               24.8    NS      NS          NS       4.8
                                                          4.0g q8h (4)[51]    (ARF)                      0.5m2
                                                          piperacillin/       NS         CVVH     Pre    NS          NS      1554              42.0/   NS      NS          NS       5.9/   Risk of accumulation of
                                                          tazobactam;         (ARF)                                                            74.0                                 8.1    tazobactam; piperacillin
                                                          4.0g/0.5g                                                                                                                        alone should be given
                                                          q8h (9)[52]                                                                                                                      intermittently with the

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                          piperacillin/       NS         CVVH     Post   PS/         100     800               64.8/   NS      NS          NS       7.7/   Mean elimination in
                                                          tazobactam;         (ARF)                      0.7m2                                 40.3                                 13.9   12h = 29%/37%;
                                                          4.0g/0.5g (6)[53]                                                                                                                4.0g/0.5g q8h
                                                                              NS         CVVHDF   Post   PS/         100     800       1000    84.3/   NS      NS          NS       6.7/   Mean elimination in
                                                                              (ARF)                      0.7m2                                 52.2                                 11.6   12h = 42%/57%;
                                                                                                                                                                                           4.0g/0.5g q8h
                                                                              NS         CVVHDF   Post   PS/         100     800       2000    91.3/   NS      NS          NS       6.1/   Mean elimination in
                                                                              (ARF)                      0.7m2                                 62.5                                 9.4    12h = 46%/69%;
                                                                                                                                                                                           4.0g/0.5g q8h
                                                          piperacillin/       NS         CVVHD    NS     AN69        150     140       1500    72.0/   0.84/   22.0/       43.1/    4.3/   4.0g/0.5g q12h should
                                                          tazobactam;         (ARF)                                                            38.0    0.64    17.0        47.5     5.6    result in T>MIC of 50%
                                                          4.0g/0.5g                                                                                                                        vs susceptible pathogens
                                                          q8h (3),                                                                                                                         with MIC ≤16 mg/L;
                                                          4.0g/0.5g                                                                                                                        TDM should be used to
                                                          q12h (4),                                                                                                                        individualise treatment
                                                          q24h (1)[54]
                                                          piperacillin/       8.67 (4)   CVVH     Pre    AN69/       185     1626              50.0/   0.42/   11.5/       37.0/    7.8/   100% T>MIC vs all
                                                          tazobactam;                                    0.9m2                                 50.4    0.76    20.9        62.5     7.9    susceptible pathogens
                                                          q6h (7),
                                                          q8h (7)[39]

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pea et al.
Table IV. Contd
                                                        Drug;               Residual    CRRT     RFa     Membrane/    QBF     QUF       QD      CL       Sca     CLCRRT      CLCRRT   t1/2   Comment and dosage
                                                        dosagea             CLCR                         surface      (mL/    (mL/h)a   (mL/h)a (mL/             (mL/min)a   (% of    (h)a   recommendation
                                                                            (mL/min)                     areaa        min)a                     min)a                        CL)a
                                                                            25.20 (5)   CVVH     Pre     AN69/        185     1818              90.6/    0.38/   12.2/       12.7/    4.2/   100% T>MIC vs
                                                                                                         0.9m2                                  68.2     0.73    21.9        35.4     4.1    pathogens with MIC
                                                                                                                                                                                             ≤32 mg/L; 55% T>MIC
                                                                                                                                                                                             vs pathogens with
                                                                                                                                                                                             MIC 64 mg/L

                                                                            82.40 (5)   CVVH     Pre     AN69/        185     1200              265.2/   0.23/   4.8/        2.8/     4.2/   55% T>MIC vs pathogens
                                                                                                         0.9m2                                  180.1    0.86    19.6        13.1     4.1    with MIC 32 mg/L; 17%
                                                                                                                                                                                             T>MIC vs pathogens with
                                                                                                                                                                                             MIC 64 mg/L; 4.0g/0.5g
                                                                                                                                                                                             q4h needed in pts with
                                                                                                                                                                                             CLCR >50 mL/min

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT

                                                          cefepime;         NS          CVVHDF   Post    AN69/        150     576       1000    23.8     0.72    60.98       258      13.9   2g q12h appropriate for
                                                          2g q12h (6)[55]   (ARF)                        0.6m2                                                                        (4),   Cmin >5 × MIC (20 mg/L)

                                                          cefepime;                     CVVH     Post    AN69/        150     960               36       0.86    13          40       12.9   2g q24h or 1g q12h
                                                          2g 12h (1),                   (5)              0.6m2                                                                               appropriate for pathogens
                                                          2g q24h (3),                                                                                                                       with MIC ≤8 mg/L
                                                          1g q12h (1)[56]

                                                          cefepime;                     CVVHDF   Post    AN69/        150     1020      957     47       0.78    26          59       8.6    2g q24h or 1g q12h
                                                          2g q24h (4),                  (7)              0.6m2                                                                               appropriate for pathogens
                                                          1g q12h (1),                                                                                                                       with MIC ≤8 mg/L
                                                          1g q24h (2)[56]

                                                          cefepime;         24.7 (3)    CVVU     Pre     AN69/        195     1560      0       121.3    0.62    18.5        15.3     4.1    2g q8h appropriate for
                                                          2g q8h (4)[57]                (2),             0.9m2 (3),           (4)       (2),    (2),     (2),    (2),        (2),     (2),   Cmin >10 mg/L
                                                                                        CVVHDF           PS (1)                         750     101.8    0.90    35.9        35.3     5.2
                                                                                        (2)                                             (2)     (2)      (2)     (2)         (2)      (2)

                                                          cefpirome;        NS          CVVH     Post?   PAM/         150–    1620–             32       0.64    17          53.1     8.8    2g LD then 1g q12h offers
                                                          1g q12h (6)[58]   (ARF)                        0.6m2        200     2040                                                           appropriate coverage

                                                          cefpirome;        NS          CVVH     Post    PS/          150     2820              589.1    0.78    43.3        7.4      2.36   2g q8h appropriate for
                                                          2g q8h (8)[59]    (ARF)                        0.7m2                                                                               susceptible pathogens

                                                          ceftazidime;      NS          CVVHDF   NS      PAN/         100     1050      500     NS       NS      NS          NS       6.8    CL 19.0 mg/L at 6h and
                                                          1g (3)[60]        (ARF)                        0.6m2                                                                               11.9 mg/L at 12h; 1g q24h

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Continued next page

    Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
Table IV. Contd
                                                        Drug;                  Residual   CRRT     RFa    Membrane/   QBF     QUF       QD      CL      Sca    CLCRRT      CLCRRT   t1/2   Comment and dosage
                                                        dosagea                CLCR                       surface     (mL/    (mL/h)a   (mL/h)a (mL/           (mL/min)a   (% of    (h)a   recommendation
                                                                               (mL/min)                   areaa       min)a                     min)a                      CL)a
                                                          ceftazidime;         NS         CVVH     No     AN69/       100     500/      0       NS      0.91   7.5/                        CL increased with QUF; no
                                                          1g (8)[61]           (ESRD)                     0.6m2               1000                             15.3b                       significant difference in CL
                                                                                                                                                                                           was attributed to the type
                                                                                                                                                                                           of membrane utilised;
                                                                                                                                                                                           different dosages
                                                                                                                                                                                           according to QUF and
                                                                                                                                                                                           residual renal function
                                                                                          CVVH     No     PMMA/       100     500/      0       NS      0.91   6.3/
                                                                                                          2.1m2               1000                             12.5b
                                                                                          CVVH     No     PS/         100     500/      0       NS      0.91   9.0/
                                                                                                          0.65m2              1000                             16.5b

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                          ceftazidime;         NS         CVVHD    No     AN69/       100     0         500/    NS             8.4/                        CL increased with QD; no
                                                          1g (8)[61]           (ESRD)                     0.6m2                         1000/                  13.5/                       significant difference in CL
                                                                                                                                        1500/                  18.3/                       was attributed to the type
                                                                                                                                        2000                   21.6                        of membrane utilised;
                                                                                                                                                                                           different dosages
                                                                                                                                                                                           according to QD and
                                                                                                                                                                                           residual renal function
                                                                                          CVVHD    No     PMMA/       100     0         500/    NS             7.3/
                                                                                                          2.1m2                         1000/                  14.5/
                                                                                                                                        1500/                  20.1/
                                                                                                                                        2000                   24.2
                                                                                          CVVHD    No     PS/         100     0         500/    NS             8.6/
                                                                                                          0.65m2                        1000/                  16.6/
                                                                                                                                        1500/                  23.2/
                                                                                                                                        2000                   27.5
                                                          ceftazidime;         NS         CVVH     Post   PS/         143     2820              98.7    0.69   32.1        32.5     4.3    Cmin 14.0 mg/L – i.e.
                                                          2g q8h (12)[62]      (ARF)                      0.7m2                                                                            >MIC of susceptible
                                                                                                                                                                                           pathogens (4 mg/L);
                                                                                                                                                                                           2g q8h appropriate;
                                                                                                                                                                                           3g q8h suggested for
                                                                                                                                                                                           intermediately resistant
                                                                                                                                                                                           pathogen with MIC 8 mg/L
                                                          ceftazidime;         <1 (6),    CVVHDF   Pre    AN69/       150     1500      1000    62.4    0.81   33.6        53.8     3.6    Css 33.5 mg/L – i.e.
                                                          3g q24h CI (7)[63]   5 (1)                      0.6m2                                                                            4 × MIC of susceptible
                                                                                                                                                                                           3g q24 CI after 2g LD

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Continued next page

    Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pea et al.
Table IV. Contd
                                                        Drug;                 Residual   CRRT     RFa    Membrane/   QBF     QUF       QD      CL      Sca    CLCRRT      CLCRRT   t1/2   Comment and dosage
                                                        dosagea               CLCR                       surface     (mL/    (mL/h)a   (mL/h)a (mL/           (mL/min)a   (% of    (h)a   recommendation
                                                                              (mL/min)                   areaa       min)a                     min)a                      CL)a
                                                          ceftriaxone;        2          CVVH     Post   PAM         125     1500              39.3    0.69   16.6        42.2     10.8   No dosage reduction
                                                          2g q24h (5),                                                                                                                    needed; 2g q24h
                                                          4g q24h (1)[64]                                                                                                                 appropriate
                                                          ceftriaxone;        NS         CVVH     No     AN69/       100     500/      0       NS      0.48   3.9/                        CL increased with QUF
                                                          1g (8)[65]          (ESRD)                     0.6m2               1000                             7.2b                        and was significantly
                                                                                                                                                                                          lower with AN69 than
                                                                                                                                                                                          with PMMA and PS filters;
                                                                                                                                                                                          different dosages
                                                                                                                                                                                          according to QUF and
                                                                                                                                                                                          residual renal function
                                                                                         CVVH     No     PMMA/       100     500/      0       NS      0.86   6/

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                         2.1m2               1000                             11.8b
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT

                                                                                         CVVH     No     PS/         100     500/      0       NS      0.82   5.8/
                                                                                                         0.65m2              1000                             11.0b
                                                          ceftriaxone;        NS         CVVHD    No     AN69/       100     0         500/    NS             1.5/                        CL increased with QD and
                                                          1g (8)[65]          (ESRD)                     0.6m2                         1000/                  2.3/                        was significantly lower
                                                                                                                                       1500/                  3.1/                        with AN69 than with
                                                                                                                                       2000                   3.3                         PMMA and PS filters;
                                                                                                                                                                                          different dosages
                                                                                                                                                                                          according to QD and
                                                                                                                                                                                          residual renal function
                                                                                         CVVHD    No     PMMA/       100     0         500/    NS             1.5/
                                                                                                         2.1m2                         1000/                  2.7/
                                                                                                                                       1500/                  3.8/
                                                                                                                                       2000                   4.4
                                                                                         CVVHD    No     PS/         100     0         500/    NS             2.2/
                                                                                                         0.65m2                        1000/                  4.0/
                                                                                                                                       1500/                  5.6/
                                                                                                                                       2000                   6.1
                                                          netilmicin;         22.3       CVVHDF   NS     AN69/       130     150       875     44.03                               6.83   150mg q12h does not
                                                          150mg q12h                                     0.6m2                                                                            provide effective peak
                                                          (6)[66]                                                                                                                         concentrations
                                                          teicoplanin;        35         CVVH     Pre    AN69/       150     2000                      0.17                               Drug removal dependent
                                                          5.71–11.42                                     0.9m2                                                                            on QUF and fu;
                                                          mg/kg/day (1)[38]                                                                                                               TDM recommended

                                                                                                                                                                                                Continued next page

    Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
Atb en dialisis[1]
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Atb en dialisis[1]
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  • 1. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12): 997-1038 REVIEW ARTICLE 0312-5963/07/0012-0997/$44.95/0 © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Pharmacokinetic Considerations for Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients Receiving Renal Replacement Therapy Federico Pea,1 Pierluigi Viale,2 Federica Pavan1 and Mario Furlanut1 1 Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pathology and Medicine, Medical School, University of Udine, Udine, Italy 2 Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medical and Morphological Research, Medical School, University of Udine, Udine, Italy Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997 1. Principles of Drug Removal during Renal Replacement Therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 1.1 Working Differences between Haemodialysis and Haemofiltration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 1.2 Characteristics of Drugs and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Devices Affecting Extracorporeal Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001 2. Rationales for Appropriate Dosage Adjustment of Antimicrobials during CRRT: the Importance of Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004 3. Pharmacokinetics of Antimicrobials during CRRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005 3.1 Hydrophilic Antimicrobials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005 3.1.1 Carbapenems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005 3.1.2 Penicillins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018 3.1.3 Cephalosporins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020 3.1.4 Aminoglycosides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025 3.1.5 Glycopeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026 3.2 Lipophilic Antibacterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028 3.2.1 Fluoroquinolones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028 3.2.2 Oxazolidinones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031 3.2.3 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032 3.3 Antifungal Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032 3.3.1 Polyenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032 3.3.2 Triazoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033 4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034 Abstract Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), particularly continuous venovenous haemofiltration (CVVH) and continuous venovenous haemodiafiltra- tion (CVVHDF), are gaining increasing relevance in routine clinical management of intensive care unit patients. The application of CRRT, by leading to extracorporeal clearance (CLCRRT), may significantly alter the pharmacokinetic behaviour of some drugs. This may be of particular interest in critically ill patients presenting with life-threatening infections, since the risk of underdosing with antimicrobial agents during this procedure may lead to both therapeutic failure and the spread of breakthrough resistance. The intent of this review is to discuss the pharmacokinetic principles of CLCRRT of antimicrobial agents during the application of CVVH and CVVHDF and to summarise the most recent findings on
  • 2. 998 Pea et al. this topic (from 1996 to December 2006) in order to understand the basis for optimal dosage adjustments of different antimicrobial agents. Removal of solutes from the blood through semi-permeable membranes during RRT may occur by means of two different physicochemical processes, namely, diffusion or convection. Whereas intermittent haemodialysis (IHD) is essentially a diffusive technique and CVVH is a convective technique, CVVHDF is a combination of both. As a general rule, the efficiency of drug removal by the different techniques is expected to be CVVHDF > CVVH > IHD, but indeed CLCRRT may vary greatly depending mainly on the peculiar physicochemical properties of each single compound and the CRRT device’s characteristics and operating conditions. Considering that RRT substitutes for renal function in clearing plasma, CLCRRT is expected to be clinically relevant for drugs with dominant renal clearance, especially when presenting a limited volume of distri- bution and poor plasma protein binding. Consistently, CLCRRT should be clinical- ly relevant particularly for most hydrophilic antimicrobial agents (e.g. β-lactams, aminoglycosides, glycopeptides), whereas it should assume much lower relevance for lipophilic compounds (e.g. fluoroquinolones, oxazolidinones), which general- ly are nonrenally cleared. However, there are some notable exceptions: ceftriax- one and oxacillin, although hydrophilics, are characterised by primary biliary elimination; levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, although lipophilics, are renally cleared. As far as CRRT characteristics are concerned, the extent of drug removal is expected to be directly proportional to the device’s surface area and to be dependent on the mode of replacement fluid administration (predilution or postdilution) and on the ultrafiltration and/or dialysate flow rates applied. Conversely, drug removal by means of CVVH or CVVHDF is unaffect- ed by the drug size, considering that almost all antimicrobial agents have molecu- lar weights significantly lower (<2000Da) than the haemofilter cut-off (30 000–50 000Da). Drugs that normally have high renal clearance and that exhibit high CLCRRT during CVVH or CVVHDF may need a significant dosage increase in comparison with renal failure or even IHD. Conversely, drugs that are normally nonrenally cleared and that exhibit very low CLCRRT during CVVH or CVVHDF may need no dosage modification in comparison with normal renal function. Bearing these principles in mind will almost certainly aid the manage- ment of antimicrobial therapy in critically ill patients undergoing CRRT, thus containing the risk of inappropriate exposure. However, some peculiar pathophys- iological conditions occurring in critical illness may significantly contribute to further alteration of the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial agents during CRRT (i.e. hypoalbuminaemia, expansion of extracellular fluids or presence of residual renal function). Accordingly, therapeutic drug monitoring should be considered a very helpful tool for optimising drug exposure during CRRT. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is an approach and so some of these techniques, particularly contin- originally employed mainly for blood purification in uous venovenous haemofiltration (CVVH) and con- the presence of chronic renal impairment, as in the tinuous venovenous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), case of intermittent haemodialysis (IHD). More re- are gaining increasing relevance in routine clini- cently, continuous RRT (CRRT) has been intro- cal management of intensive care unit (ICU) pa- duced as adjunctive therapy to treat critically ill tients.[1,2] Additionally, some researchers have be- patients in the presence of multiple organ failure, lieved that the excessive production of pro-inflam- © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 3. Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT 999 matory cytokines as a host response to infection 1. Principles of Drug Removal during during sepsis may be responsible for the cascade of Renal Replacement Therapies events leading to multiple organ failure.[3] Consist- ently, removal of such cytokines by means of CRRT 1.1 Working Differences between has been proposed as powerfully effective pathoge- Haemodialysis and Haemofiltration netic treatment of sepsis to protect patients from unfavourable outcomes.[4] Removal of solutes from blood through semi- Regardless of opinion on the role of CRRT, it permeable membranes during RRT may occur by has been proven that the growing confidence in means of two different physicochemical processes: namely, diffusion or convection (table I). CRRTs has resulted in improved survival of critical- Diffusion, which represents the typical working ly ill patients with acute renal failure.[5] However, principle of haemodialysis (figure 1), occurs pas- it should not be overlooked that the application sively in counter-current with respect to blood flow of CRRT, by leading to extracorporeal clearance and is driven by the gradient of concentration. Addi- (CLCRRT), may significantly alter the pharmacokin- tionally, the clearance efficiency during IHD is etic behaviour of some drugs. greater for small drugs (figure 2). However, the cut- Of note, the extent of CLCRRT may be of particu- off of modern synthetic dialyser membranes (the so- lar interest in critically ill patients presenting with called high-flux membranes) is significantly larger than that of the old cuprophane dialyser membranes life-threatening infections, since the risk of un- (<1000Da). This means that although high molecu- derdosing with antimicrobial agents during this pro- lar weight may protect some large molecules (name- cedure may lead to both therapeutic failure and the ly, the glycopeptides vancomycin and teicoplanin, spread of resistance. the streptogramin combination of quinupristin/dal- It is now widely accepted that the definition of fopristin, and the polimixin colistin) from removal ‘inappropriate antimicrobial therapy’ in the treat- when using old cuprophane membranes, this no ment of critically ill patients refers not only to an longer occurs when using modern high-flux mem- unsuitable drug choice in terms of the spectrum of branes. Conversely, convection, which represents the activity, but also to potential underexposure at the typical working process of haemofiltration (figure infection site as a consequence of an inadequate 3), occurs actively and more rapidly thanks to a dosing regimen due to the patient’s particular patho- pump-driven pressure gradient. Interestingly, drug physiological status and/or iatrogenic conditions.[6,7] removal by means of haemofiltration is independent The aim of this review is to discuss the pharma- from drug molecule size, considering that almost cokinetic principles of CLCRRT of antimicrobial Table I. Comparison of characteristics of drug removal during agents during the application of CVVH and CV- haemodialysis vs haemofiltration VHDF and to summarise the most recent findings Characteristic Haemodialysis Haemofiltration on this topic in order to understand the basis for Drug removal By diffusion across By convection across a semi-permeable a semi-permeable optimal dosage adjustments of different antimicro- membrane membrane bial agents. The literature search was done through Process Passive Active MEDLINE and refers to articles published from Principle Counter current flow Pump-driven pressure gradient 1996 to December 2006. Conditioning Conditioned by drug Unconditioned by drug In order to better understand the rationales for molecular weight molecular weight dosage adjustments of antimicrobials during RRT, it Equilibrium Long Rapid time may be useful to describe the working principles of Replacement Not needed Needed to reconstitute the most frequently applied techniques and to define fluid blood volume (pre- or postdilution mode) which factors may affect drug removal. © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 4. 1000 Pea et al. Dialysate On the basis of the type of body access and the relative role of diffusion and/or convection, RRTs may be classified into several different types (table BFR BFR II). The most frequently applied techniques are sure- ly represented by IHD on the one hand and CVVH Dialysate or CVVHDF on the other hand. Whereas IHD is Dialysis fluid in Dialysate out essentially a diffusive technique, CVVH is a con- Fig. 1. Schematic representation of intermittent haemodialysis. vective technique and CVVHDF is a combination of BFR = blood flow rate. both. Interestingly, CVVHDF is sometimes applied in very critically ill patients presenting with sepsis all antimicrobial agents have molecular weights sig- and acute renal failure, with the intent of enabling nificantly lower than the haemofilter cut-off sufficient removal of metabolites through perfusion (30 000–50 000Da), whose high value has the intent of the haemofilter with the dialysate.[2] Indeed, al- of enabling removal of inflammatory cytokines. Ad- though this approach is currently still a very ques- ditionally, since (similarly to the glomerular filtra- tionable issue, what should be mentioned is the fact tion in the kidney) the haemofiltration process pro- that in these circumstances, very high flow rates of duces an ultrafiltrate, refilling with a substitution up to 6 L/h may be applied. fluid is required in order to preserve an adequate As a general rule, the efficiency of drug re- circulatory volume. Of note, replacement may be moval by the different techniques is expected to be applied before or after blood filtration, that is in CVVHDF > CVVH > IHD, but indeed CLCRRT may predilution or in postdilution mode, and this may vary greatly, mainly depending on the peculiar obviously affect the entity of drug clearance to a physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetic different extent. behaviour of each single compound. Teicoplanin Q/D Vancomycin Colistin Rifampicin Ceftriaxone Ceftazidime Piperacillin Cefpirome Cefepime Cefotaxime Moxifloxacin Meropenem Aztreonam Clindamycin Gatifloxacin Levofloxacin Amoxicillin Ampicillin Linezolid Ciprofloxacin Imipenem Metronidazole 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Molecular weight (Da) Fig. 2. Molecular weight of some antimicrobial agents. Q/D = quinupristin/dalfopristin. © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 5. Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT 1001 Replacement fluid Post-dilution Pre-dilution BFR BFR UF Fig. 3. Schematic representation of continuous venovenous haemofiltration. BFR = blood flow rate; UF = ultrafiltrate. 1.2 Characteristics of Drugs and Continuous According to this distinction, it seems clear Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Devices that CLCRRT should be clinically relevant for Affecting Extracorporeal Clearance most hydrophilic agents, whereas it should assume much lower relevance for the lipophilic compounds Considering that RRT substitutes for renal func- which, in general, are nonrenally cleared. Obvi- tion in clearing plasma, CLCRRT is expected to be ously, some notably exceptions to this general rule clinically relevant for drugs with dominant renal may exist. Ceftriaxone and oxacillin, although hy- clearance (CLR), especially when presenting a limit- drophilics, are characterised by primary biliary ed volume of distribution (Vd) and poor plasma elimination, and so they are not expected to be protein binding. significantly removed by CRRT; on the other hand, The pharmacokinetic parameters of the most rel- levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, although lipophilics, evant antimicrobial agents assessed in healthy vol- are renally cleared, and so they might be removed by unteers are shown in table III. Comparison of these data with those observed during the application of CRRT. CRRT enhances understanding of the relevance that Table II. Characteristics of some renal replacement therapies CRRT may have for extracorporeal removal of each (adapted from Joy et al.,[8] with permission) single drug. Procedure Removal by Removal by Vascular In this respect, it may be useful to split an- diffusion convection access timicrobials, according to their solubility, into hy- IHD ++++ + Fistula or VV drophilic or lipophilic compounds (figure 4).[6,7] Hy- IHDF ++++ ++ Fistula or VV drophilic compounds, which include β-lactams, gly- CAPD ++++ + None CAVH – ++++ AV copeptides and aminoglycosides, are unable to – CVVH ++++ VV passively cross the plasmatic membrane of the CAVHD ++++ + AV eukaryotic cell, and so their distribution is limited CVVHD ++++ + VV only to the plasma and to the extracellular space, and CAVHDF +++ +++ AV they are usually excreted via the renal route as CVVHDF +++ +++ VV unchanged drug. On the contrary, lipophilic agents, AV = artery and vein; CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal which include macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetra- dialysis; CAVH = continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration; CAVHD = continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis; CAVHDF = cyclines, chloramphenicol, rifampicin (rifampin) continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration; CVVH = continuous and linezolid, may freely cross the plasmatic mem- venovenous haemofiltration; CVVHD = continuous venovenous haemodialysis; CVVHDF = continuous venovenous brane of the eukaryotic cells, and so they are widely haemodiafiltration; IHD = intermittent haemodialysis; IHDF = distributed into the intracellular compartment and intermittent haemodiafiltration; VV = vein and vein; – indicates not must often be metabolised through different path- occurring; + indicates mild; + + indicates moderate; + + + indicates marked; + + + + indicates intense. ways before elimination. © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 6. Table III. Overview of the pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of some antimicrobial agents in healthy volunteersa 1002 Drug MW (Da) t1/2 (h) Vss (L) CL (mL/min) CLR (mL/min) CLR : CL ratio PB (%) Antibacterials Carbapenems meropenem[9] 383.47 1.0 14–21b 186.67 140 0.75 9 imipenem[9] 317.37 0.9–1.11b 14–21b 250.0 112.5–125.0b 0.45–0.50b 9 Penicillins flucloxacillin[10] 453.88 2.1 20.6 122.5 88 0.72 96 piperacillin[11] 517.56 0.75 10.64 181.72 102.58 0.56 30 tazobactam[11] 300.29 0.89 11.9 184.87 125.44 0.68 30 Cephalosporins cefepime[12] 480.57 2.32 18.4 143 132 0.92 16–19b cefpirome[13] 514.59 1.76 18.1 142 113.6 0.80 10 © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. ceftazidime[14] 546.58 1.58 12.46 131.83 122.5 0.93 18.7 ceftriaxone[15,16] 554.59 8.8 10.7 14.2 8.6 0.61 90 Aminoglycosides netilmicin[17,18] 475.58 2 47.6 91 67 0.74 0 Glycopeptides vancomycin[19,20] 1449.27 8.1 41.16 84.8 0.70 37 teicoplanin[21,22] 1877.66 92.3 47.6 14.70 14 0.95 96 Fluoroquinolones ciprofloxacin[23] 331.34 4 137.9 448.33 318.33 0.71 20–40b levofloxacin[24,25] 370.38 6–8b 77 133 106.4 0.80 24–38b moxifloxacin[26,27] 401.43 13 222 248.33 50.5 0.20 30–50b ofloxacin[28,29] 361.37 6.67 134.4 227.5 190 0.74 15 Oxazolidinones linezolid[30,31] 337.35 4.8 30–50b 97.3 25.9 0.27 31 Antifungals Polyenes amphotericin B[32,33] 924.08 357 15.3 4.78 0.32 90–95b amphotericin B lipid complex[33] 924.08 9170 436 liposomal amphotericin B[32,33] 924.08 7.7 11.3 0.58 0.05 Azoles fluconazole[34] 306.27 29.7 52 21.03 12.91 0.61 11–12b a The values are expressed as means unless specified otherwise. b Range. CLR = renal clearance; CL = total body clearance; MW = molecular weight; PB = plasma protein binding; t1/2 = elimination half-life; Vss = volume of distribution at steady state. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) Pea et al.
  • 7. Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT 1003 Hydrophilic Lipophilic As far as the Vd is concerned, the larger it is, the less likely it is that the drug will be removed by • β-lactams • Macrolides • penicillins • Fluoroquinolones RRT, considering that the Vd reflects where a given • cephalosporins • Tetracyclines drug is compartmentalised in the body. According- • carbapenems • Chloramphenicol • monobactams • Rifampicin ly, during RRT, extracellularly located hydrophilic • Glycopeptides • Linezolid agents will be much more promptly removable from • Aminoglycosides the body than intracellularly accumulated lipophilic ones. This means that although for most hydrophilic • Limited volume of distribution • Large volume of distribution compounds, supplemental dosing may often be ne- • Inability to passively diffuse • Freely diffuse through through plasmatic membrane plasmatic membrane of cessary during CRRT in comparison with anephric of eukariotic cells eukariotic cells patients, for most lipophilic drugs with a wide Vd, • Inactive against intracellular • Active against intracellular even if the extraction across the RRT filter is 100%, pathogens pathogens • Eliminated renally as the • Eliminated often after hepatic only a small fraction of the drug present in the body unchanged drug metabolism will be removed, thus rendering supplemental dos- Fig. 4. Classification of antimicrobials according to their physico- ing unnecessary. chemical properties. Finally, considering that because of the haemofil- ter’s cut-off, only the unbound moiety of a given membrane, a process whose extent is expected to be drug is available for extracorporeal elimination, the maximal immediately after starting RRT and then to higher the plasma protein binding is (figure 5), the progressively decrease over time until filter exhaus- lower the drug clearance will be. This concept is tion. exemplified by the sieving coefficient (Sc), which is Accordingly, caution was expressed regarding the ratio between the drug concentrations in the calculation of the supplemental dose of a given drug ultrafiltrate and in plasma, and may be defined by during haemofiltration only on the basis of the theo- equation 1: retical unbound fraction instead of the Sc.[39] CUF Sc = As far as the CRRT device characteristics are CP concerned, the extent of drug removal is expected to (Eq. 1) be directly proportional to the device’s surface area where CUF is the drug concentration in the ultrafil- and to be dependent on the mode of replacement trate and Cp is the drug concentration in the plasma. fluid administration and on the ultrafiltration and/or The Sc values of some antimicrobials are shown in dialysate rates applied. figure 6. When the replacement fluid to reconstitute blood Interestingly, whereas in most cases the Sc during volume is added in the postdilution mode, name- CVVH in humans should equate to the unbound ly after haemofiltration, drug clearance during moiety of the drug[35] (as documented, for example, haemofiltration (CLHF) will equate to the ultrafiltra- for 66 different compounds by Golper)[36] it may, tion rate (QUF) [equation 2]: however, sometimes be significantly different. CLHF(postdilution) = QUF × Sc Indeed, some factors might explain this finding. First, in critically ill patients presenting with hy- (Eq. 2) poalbuminaemia, the unbound fraction of normally Conversely, in the predilution mode, considering moderately to highly bound drugs may vary, and that plasma has been diluted by the substitution fluid so drug clearance may be increased in these circum- before entering the haemofilter, drug clearance will stances.[36,37] Interestingly, it has recently been be lower due to a dilution factor (DF; equation 3): shown that this may be clinically relevant especial- QBF ly for the glycopeptides teicoplanin[38] and van- DF = QBF + QRF comycin.[35] Additionally, drug extraction may be further increased by adsorption to the haemofilter (Eq. 3) © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 8. 1004 Pea et al. where QBF is the blood flow rate and QRF is the ing which concentrations are maintained above the replacement flow rate. Therefore, drug clearance minimum inhibitory concentration of the aetiologi- will be (equation 4): cal agent (T>MIC) is considered the most rele- QUF × Sc × QBF vant pharmacodynamic parameter. In this regard, CLHF(predilution) = QBF + QRF exposure may be optimised by maintaining the mini- (Eq. 4) mum plasma concentration above the MIC (Cmin>MIC),[7] maximal efficacy being ensured in 2. Rationales for Appropriate Dosage the presence of a Cmin four to five times the MIC. Adjustment of Antimicrobials Accordingly, for these agents, the most suitable during CRRT: the Importance of approach to preserve efficacy during CRRT is to Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic maintain the frequency of drug administration while Relationships modifying the amount of each single dose. Drugs that are significantly cleared during CV- Conversely, for concentration-dependent antimi- VH or CVVHDF may need significant dosage in- crobials, namely aminoglycosides and fluoroquino- creases in comparison with renal failure or even lones, the most important pharmacodynamic para- IHD. This may be performed by increasing the meters are represented by the ratios between the amount of each single dose, or conversely by short- peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the MIC, ening the dosing interval. The approach taken will with optimal exposure in the presence of a Cmax/ differ according to the type of antimicrobial activi- MIC ratio of >8–10, and between the area under the ty, which may be time dependent or concentra- plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and the tion dependent. For time-dependent antimicrobials, MIC, with optimal exposure in the presence of an namely β-lactams, macrolides, glycopeptides, ox- AUC/MIC ratio of >100. Accordingly, to optimise azolidinones and azole antifungals, the time dur- efficacy with these agents during CRRT, it may be Clindamycin Teicoplanin Ceftriaxone Aztreonam Vancomycin Moxifloxacin Cefotaxime Linezolid Levofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Piperacillin Ampicillin Gatifloxacin Imipenem Amoxicillin Cefepime Ceftazidime Metronidazole Meropenem 0 20 40 60 80 100 Plasma protein binding (%) Fig. 5. Plasma protein binding of some antimicrobial agents. © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 9. Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT 1005 Cefotaxime Amikacin Netilmicin Tobramycin Imipenem Ceftazidime Metronidazole Piperacillin Gentamicin Vancomycin Ampicillin Penicillin Ciprofloxacin Clindamycin Ceftriaxone Teicoplanin Oxacillin 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Sieving coefficient Fig. 6. Sieving coefficients of some antimicrobial agents. more useful to extend the dosing interval while sible in the presence of multiple references, some maintaining a fixed dosage. suggestions on how to interpret the data and how to Bearing these principles in mind will almost cer- proceed with dosage adjustments are provided. For tainly aid the management of antimicrobial therapy clarity, it should be considered that in the descrip- in critically ill patients undergoing CRRT, thus con- tion of the different studies, the various flow rates taining the risk of inappropriate exposure. (QUF and/or the dialysate flow rate [QD]) in condi- Finally, it is worth noting that in critically ill tioning CLCRRT have been qualitatively defined as patients, it is mandatory to consider the severity of follows: low when <0.5 L/h, moderate when approx- the infection and the susceptibility pattern of patho- imately 1.0 L/h, high when approximately 1.5–2 L/h gens involved in the infections in order to contain and very high when >2.5–3.0 L/h. the mortality risk of infection. Accordingly, in the presence of a severe life-threatening infection po- 3.1 Hydrophilic Antimicrobials tentially caused by less susceptible pathogens with Generally speaking, most hydrophilic antimicro- higher MICs (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa), a bials exhibit a low Vd and high CLR in healthy higher starting dose would probably be prudent. volunteers, and so they are expected to be highly CRRT removable. Interestingly, given their low Vd, 3. Pharmacokinetics of Antimicrobials the application of high CRRT flow rates may mark- during CRRT edly increase the extent of elimination since the drug is essentially confined in the plasma and in the tissue The most recent and relevant studies on the interstitium. pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials during the appli- cation of CVVH or CVVHDF since 1996 are listed 3.1.1 Carbapenems in table IV. In this review, the studies have been The carbapenems imipenem/cilastatin and mer- summarised for each compound and, whenever fea- openem exhibit low Vd, low plasma protein binding © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12)
  • 10. Table IV. Overview of the pharmacokinetics (PK) of some antimicrobial agents during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and dosage recommendations 1006 Drug; Residual CRRT RFa Membrane/ QBF QUF QD CL Sca CLCRRT CLCRRT t1/2 Comment and dosage dosagea CLCR surface (mL/ (mL/h)a (mL/h)a (mL/ (mL/min)a (% of (h)a recommendation (mL/min) areaa min)a min)a CL)a Antibacterials Carbapenems meropenem; NS CVVH Post PS/ 150 2748 143.7 NS 49.7 34.6 2.33 1g q8h appropriate for 1g SD (9)[40] (ARF) 0.43m2 infections caused by susceptible bacteria (plasma concentration 4.3 mg/L after 6h) meropenem; 1.3 CVVH NS AN69 160 1100 52.0 1.17 22.0 42.3 8.7 Observed Cmin 7.3 mg/L; 0.5g q8h 0.5g q12h appropriate or q12h (9)[41] © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. meropenem; NS CVVH NS AN69 200 1650 76.2 0.63 17.2 22.5 6.37 0.5g q12h appropriate 0.5g q12h (5)[42] (ARF) for infections caused by susceptible bacteria (Cmin 3.0 mg/L) meropenem; NS CVVH Pre (1), AN69/ 10 1600 82.9 NS 24.4 29.4 3.63 Observed T>4 mg/L 0.5g q12h (8)[43] (ARF) post (7) 0.9m2 = 8.22h Observed T>8 mg/L = 4.72h 0.5g q12h appropriate for infections caused by susceptible bacteria meropenem; NS CVVH Post AN69/ 150 1700 60.5 0.95 25.0 41.3 5.89 1.0g q12h appropriate 1.0g q12h (10)[44] (ARF) (5) 0.9m2 for infections caused by susceptible bacteria (T>4 mg/L = 8h) NS CVVHDF Post AN69/ 150 1200 1200 74.9 0.92 38.9 49.4 4.44 1.0g q12h appropriate (ARF) (5) 0.9m2 for infections caused by susceptible bacteria (T>4 mg/L = 8h) meropenem; NS CVVHDF Pre AN69/ 119 500 600 74.7 0.65 27.0 36.2 5.13 Predicted Cmin >4 mg/L 1.0g q12h (9), (ARF) 0.9m2 for >8h with 0.75g q8h; 0.5g q12h (4), for >12h with 1.5g q12h 1.0g q8h (1), 0.5g q8h (1)[45] meropenem; NS CVVH NS PS/ 100 400 54.5 NS NS NS 7.5 CVVH accounted for 1g (6)[46] (ARF) (6) 0.7m2 13% of elimination in 12h; 0.5g q8h appropriate Continued next page Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) Pea et al.
  • 11. Table IV. Contd Drug; Residual CRRT RFa Membrane/ QBF QUF QD CL Sca CLCRRT CLCRRT t1/2 Comment and dosage dosagea CLCR surface (mL/ (mL/h)a (mL/h)a (mL/ (mL/min)a (% of (h)a recommendation (mL/min) areaa min)a min)a CL)a NS CVVHDF NS PS/ 100 400 1000 78.7 NS NS NS 5.6 CVVHDF 1 L/h (ARF) (6) 0.7m2 accounted for 33% of elimination in 12h; 1.0g q12h appropriate NS CVVHDF NS PS/ 100 400 2000 95.2 NS NS NS 4.8 CVVHDF 2 L/h (ARF) (6) 0.7m2 accounted for 40% of elimination in 12h; 1.0g q12h appropriate meropenem; 1.1 CVVHDF Pre AN69/ 150 1057 928.6 150.3 0.76 27.0 22.7 3.72 Observed Cmin >4 mg/L 0.5 q6h (5), 1.4m2 (4), except for 0.5g q8h 0.5 q8h (1), PS/ © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. 1.0g q8h (1)[47] 0.9m2 (3) Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT meropenem; 23.5 CVVH Pre AN69/ 182.1 1843 0 134.4 0.85 32.2 29.3 2.73 Observed Cmin >2 mg/L 0.5g q6h (6), (4), 1.4m2 (5), (4), except for 1.0g q8h 1.0g q8h (1)[47] CVVHDF PS/ 1000 (3) 0.9m2 (2) (3) meropenem; 95.9 CVVH Pre AN69/ 140 1250 1064.8 0.72 16.4 3.6 1.51 2g q8h did not ensure 2.0g q8h (5), 1.4m2 (6) adequate T>MIC 1.0g q6h (1)[47] (Cmin 0.98 mg/L) imipenem; 0 (10), CVVH NS AN69/ 160 1115 122.2 1.20 22.9 19.7 2.87 Observed Cmin 0.5g q6h (NS), 61 (2) NS 4.1 mg/L for 0.5g q6h; 0.5g q8h (NS)[48] 2.34 mg/L for 0.5g q8h; 0.5g q6h needed imipenem; NS CVVH Post AN69/ 150 1130 145.0 1.21 36.0 24.8 2.71 Observed Cmin 1.4 mg/L; 0.5g q12h (4), (ARF) 0.6m2 0.5g q8–12h appropriate 0.5g q8h (2)[49] only if MIC ≤2 mg/L; 0.5g q6h needed in most critically ill pts imipenem; NS CVVHDF Post AN69/ 158.3 1160 973 178.0 1.28 57.0 32.0 2.56 Observed Cmin 1.1 mg/L; 0.5g q12h (3), (ARF) 0.6m2 0.5g q8–12h appropriate 0.5g q8h (3)[49] only if MIC ≤2 mg/L; 0.5g q6h needed in most critically ill pts Penicillins flucloxacillin; NS CVVH Post PAM/ 169 3420 117.2 0.21 10.3 8.8 4.9 4.0g q8h adequate for MS 4g q8h (10)[50] (ARF) 0.7m2 staphylococcal infections Continued next page Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) 1007
  • 12. Table IV. Contd 1008 Drug; Residual CRRT RFa Membrane/ QBF QUF QD CL Sca CLCRRT CLCRRT t1/2 Comment and dosage dosagea CLCR surface (mL/ (mL/h)a (mL/h)a (mL/ (mL/min)a (% of (h)a recommendation (mL/min) areaa min)a min)a CL)a piperacillin; NS CVVH NS PS/ 150 816 79.2 NS NS NS 5.1 Very small amount 4.0g first (ARF) 0.5m2 of piperacillin in dose (6)[51] ultrafiltrate (0–8 mg/L); 4.0g q12h recommended piperacillin; NS CVVH NS PS/ 150 612 24.8 NS NS NS 4.8 4.0g q8h (4)[51] (ARF) 0.5m2 piperacillin/ NS CVVH Pre NS NS 1554 42.0/ NS NS NS 5.9/ Risk of accumulation of tazobactam; (ARF) 74.0 8.1 tazobactam; piperacillin 4.0g/0.5g alone should be given q8h (9)[52] intermittently with the piperacillin/tazobactam © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. combination piperacillin/ NS CVVH Post PS/ 100 800 64.8/ NS NS NS 7.7/ Mean elimination in tazobactam; (ARF) 0.7m2 40.3 13.9 12h = 29%/37%; 4.0g/0.5g (6)[53] 4.0g/0.5g q8h recommended NS CVVHDF Post PS/ 100 800 1000 84.3/ NS NS NS 6.7/ Mean elimination in (ARF) 0.7m2 52.2 11.6 12h = 42%/57%; 4.0g/0.5g q8h recommended NS CVVHDF Post PS/ 100 800 2000 91.3/ NS NS NS 6.1/ Mean elimination in (ARF) 0.7m2 62.5 9.4 12h = 46%/69%; 4.0g/0.5g q8h recommended piperacillin/ NS CVVHD NS AN69 150 140 1500 72.0/ 0.84/ 22.0/ 43.1/ 4.3/ 4.0g/0.5g q12h should tazobactam; (ARF) 38.0 0.64 17.0 47.5 5.6 result in T>MIC of 50% 4.0g/0.5g vs susceptible pathogens q8h (3), with MIC ≤16 mg/L; 4.0g/0.5g TDM should be used to q12h (4), individualise treatment 4.0g/0.5g q24h (1)[54] piperacillin/ 8.67 (4) CVVH Pre AN69/ 185 1626 50.0/ 0.42/ 11.5/ 37.0/ 7.8/ 100% T>MIC vs all tazobactam; 0.9m2 50.4 0.76 20.9 62.5 7.9 susceptible pathogens 4.0g/0.5g q6h (7), 4.0g/0.5g q8h (7)[39] Continued next page Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) Pea et al.
  • 13. Table IV. Contd Drug; Residual CRRT RFa Membrane/ QBF QUF QD CL Sca CLCRRT CLCRRT t1/2 Comment and dosage dosagea CLCR surface (mL/ (mL/h)a (mL/h)a (mL/ (mL/min)a (% of (h)a recommendation (mL/min) areaa min)a min)a CL)a 25.20 (5) CVVH Pre AN69/ 185 1818 90.6/ 0.38/ 12.2/ 12.7/ 4.2/ 100% T>MIC vs 0.9m2 68.2 0.73 21.9 35.4 4.1 pathogens with MIC ≤32 mg/L; 55% T>MIC vs pathogens with MIC 64 mg/L 82.40 (5) CVVH Pre AN69/ 185 1200 265.2/ 0.23/ 4.8/ 2.8/ 4.2/ 55% T>MIC vs pathogens 0.9m2 180.1 0.86 19.6 13.1 4.1 with MIC 32 mg/L; 17% T>MIC vs pathogens with MIC 64 mg/L; 4.0g/0.5g q4h needed in pts with CLCR >50 mL/min © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Cephalosporins Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT cefepime; NS CVVHDF Post AN69/ 150 576 1000 23.8 0.72 60.98 258 13.9 2g q12h appropriate for 2g q12h (6)[55] (ARF) 0.6m2 (4), Cmin >5 × MIC (20 mg/L) 57.8 (2) cefepime; CVVH Post AN69/ 150 960 36 0.86 13 40 12.9 2g q24h or 1g q12h 2g 12h (1), (5) 0.6m2 appropriate for pathogens 2g q24h (3), with MIC ≤8 mg/L 1g q12h (1)[56] cefepime; CVVHDF Post AN69/ 150 1020 957 47 0.78 26 59 8.6 2g q24h or 1g q12h 2g q24h (4), (7) 0.6m2 appropriate for pathogens 1g q12h (1), with MIC ≤8 mg/L 1g q24h (2)[56] cefepime; 24.7 (3) CVVU Pre AN69/ 195 1560 0 121.3 0.62 18.5 15.3 4.1 2g q8h appropriate for 2g q8h (4)[57] (2), 0.9m2 (3), (4) (2), (2), (2), (2), (2), (2), Cmin >10 mg/L CVVHDF PS (1) 750 101.8 0.90 35.9 35.3 5.2 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) cefpirome; NS CVVH Post? PAM/ 150– 1620– 32 0.64 17 53.1 8.8 2g LD then 1g q12h offers 1g q12h (6)[58] (ARF) 0.6m2 200 2040 appropriate coverage cefpirome; NS CVVH Post PS/ 150 2820 589.1 0.78 43.3 7.4 2.36 2g q8h appropriate for 2g q8h (8)[59] (ARF) 0.7m2 susceptible pathogens ceftazidime; NS CVVHDF NS PAN/ 100 1050 500 NS NS NS NS 6.8 CL 19.0 mg/L at 6h and 1g (3)[60] (ARF) 0.6m2 11.9 mg/L at 12h; 1g q24h appropriate Continued next page Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) 1009
  • 14. Table IV. Contd 1010 Drug; Residual CRRT RFa Membrane/ QBF QUF QD CL Sca CLCRRT CLCRRT t1/2 Comment and dosage dosagea CLCR surface (mL/ (mL/h)a (mL/h)a (mL/ (mL/min)a (% of (h)a recommendation (mL/min) areaa min)a min)a CL)a ceftazidime; NS CVVH No AN69/ 100 500/ 0 NS 0.91 7.5/ CL increased with QUF; no 1g (8)[61] (ESRD) 0.6m2 1000 15.3b significant difference in CL was attributed to the type of membrane utilised; different dosages according to QUF and residual renal function CVVH No PMMA/ 100 500/ 0 NS 0.91 6.3/ 2.1m2 1000 12.5b CVVH No PS/ 100 500/ 0 NS 0.91 9.0/ 0.65m2 1000 16.5b © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. ceftazidime; NS CVVHD No AN69/ 100 0 500/ NS 8.4/ CL increased with QD; no 1g (8)[61] (ESRD) 0.6m2 1000/ 13.5/ significant difference in CL 1500/ 18.3/ was attributed to the type 2000 21.6 of membrane utilised; different dosages according to QD and residual renal function CVVHD No PMMA/ 100 0 500/ NS 7.3/ 2.1m2 1000/ 14.5/ 1500/ 20.1/ 2000 24.2 CVVHD No PS/ 100 0 500/ NS 8.6/ 0.65m2 1000/ 16.6/ 1500/ 23.2/ 2000 27.5 ceftazidime; NS CVVH Post PS/ 143 2820 98.7 0.69 32.1 32.5 4.3 Cmin 14.0 mg/L – i.e. 2g q8h (12)[62] (ARF) 0.7m2 >MIC of susceptible pathogens (4 mg/L); 2g q8h appropriate; 3g q8h suggested for intermediately resistant pathogen with MIC 8 mg/L ceftazidime; <1 (6), CVVHDF Pre AN69/ 150 1500 1000 62.4 0.81 33.6 53.8 3.6 Css 33.5 mg/L – i.e. 3g q24h CI (7)[63] 5 (1) 0.6m2 4 × MIC of susceptible pathogens; 3g q24 CI after 2g LD appropriate Continued next page Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) Pea et al.
  • 15. Table IV. Contd Drug; Residual CRRT RFa Membrane/ QBF QUF QD CL Sca CLCRRT CLCRRT t1/2 Comment and dosage dosagea CLCR surface (mL/ (mL/h)a (mL/h)a (mL/ (mL/min)a (% of (h)a recommendation (mL/min) areaa min)a min)a CL)a ceftriaxone; 2 CVVH Post PAM 125 1500 39.3 0.69 16.6 42.2 10.8 No dosage reduction 2g q24h (5), needed; 2g q24h 4g q24h (1)[64] appropriate ceftriaxone; NS CVVH No AN69/ 100 500/ 0 NS 0.48 3.9/ CL increased with QUF 1g (8)[65] (ESRD) 0.6m2 1000 7.2b and was significantly lower with AN69 than with PMMA and PS filters; different dosages according to QUF and residual renal function CVVH No PMMA/ 100 500/ 0 NS 0.86 6/ © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. 2.1m2 1000 11.8b Disposition of Antimicrobials during CRRT CVVH No PS/ 100 500/ 0 NS 0.82 5.8/ 0.65m2 1000 11.0b ceftriaxone; NS CVVHD No AN69/ 100 0 500/ NS 1.5/ CL increased with QD and 1g (8)[65] (ESRD) 0.6m2 1000/ 2.3/ was significantly lower 1500/ 3.1/ with AN69 than with 2000 3.3 PMMA and PS filters; different dosages according to QD and residual renal function CVVHD No PMMA/ 100 0 500/ NS 1.5/ 2.1m2 1000/ 2.7/ 1500/ 3.8/ 2000 4.4 CVVHD No PS/ 100 0 500/ NS 2.2/ 0.65m2 1000/ 4.0/ 1500/ 5.6/ 2000 6.1 Aminoglycosides netilmicin; 22.3 CVVHDF NS AN69/ 130 150 875 44.03 6.83 150mg q12h does not 150mg q12h 0.6m2 provide effective peak (6)[66] concentrations Glycopeptides teicoplanin; 35 CVVH Pre AN69/ 150 2000 0.17 Drug removal dependent 5.71–11.42 0.9m2 on QUF and fu; mg/kg/day (1)[38] TDM recommended Continued next page Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (12) 1011