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By McGill Librarians Without Borders http://lwb-online.org30/04/2010-7143754964430-10458453787140Miguel Angel Asturias Academy Library Planning Recommendations   <br />Table of Contents TOC  quot;
    Introduction PAGEREF _Toc260415853  3Library Layout and Design PAGEREF _Toc260415854  4Shelving Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc260415855  10Programming PAGEREF _Toc260415856  15Collection Development Policy PAGEREF _Toc260415857  171. Library Mandate PAGEREF _Toc260415858  172. Subject Areas and Formats PAGEREF _Toc260415859  173. Levels and Languages PAGEREF _Toc260415860  184. Collection Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc260415861  185. Selection Criteria PAGEREF _Toc260415862  186. Gifts & Donations PAGEREF _Toc260415863  197. Evaluation & Deselection PAGEREF _Toc260415864  198. Discards PAGEREF _Toc260415865  199. Censorship PAGEREF _Toc260415866  2010. Complaints PAGEREF _Toc260415867  20REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc260415868  20Cataloguing Practices PAGEREF _Toc260415869  21Young Adult Resources PAGEREF _Toc260415870  21Fiction PAGEREF _Toc260415871  21Non-Fiction PAGEREF _Toc260415872  22Multimedia Items PAGEREF _Toc260415873  23Multiple Copies PAGEREF _Toc260415874  23Further Help With Catologuing PAGEREF _Toc260415875  23LibraryThing Cataloguing Software PAGEREF _Toc260415876  24Circulation PAGEREF _Toc260415877  27Acknowledgements PAGEREF _Toc260415878  28 <br />Introduction<br />The Miguel Angel Asturias Academy Library Recommendations has been based on contributions from members of Librarians Without Borders at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.  It also draws from the following documents: Como organizer una Biblioteca Escolar and Guia pracica para el desarrollo y dinamizacion de la Biblioteca Escolar en Secundaria.  Recommendations aim to support the teaching philosophy of the school, based on Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, to encourage independent thinking & learning, leadership skills, and to raise awareness of social justice issues.  The goal of the library is to encourage a tradition of life long learning and a culture of literacy among the students at the school and by extension, the community of Quetzaltenango.  The recommendations cover a range of topics that may be helpful for the initial development of the library.  The following topics are covered in this document:<br />Library Layout & Design<br />Several floor plans and mock ups of the library space are included in this document.  The library design is centered on the needs of the collection, users and library staff.<br />Furniture & Shelving<br />Recommendations for types of shelving and specific measurements have included to suit the needs of the library.  <br />Programming<br />Possible programming ideas have been developed to support the needs of the library users.  They aim to support the ideas of student directed learning, incorporating the monthly themes and establishing a culture of reading among library users.  Each program idea includes information about the age group, time commitment, description and materials needed.<br />Collection Development Policy<br />The collection development policy summarizes the goals and direction of the collection in terms of subject matter, formats, levels and languages.  It covers information about who is responsible for developing the collection, the procedure for accepting donations, how to manage an aging collection, and procedures for dealing with complaints and censorship.  The collection development policy can be amended as the needs and direction of the library changes.<br />Cataloguing Practices<br />The cataloguing recommendations explain how to organize the materials in the collection.  A well catalogued collection is easy to search and will facilitate retrieval of desired material.<br />LibraryThing Cataloguing Software<br />LibraryThing is an online catalogue used by many small libraries.  It allows for an organized inventory of the all the materials in the collection.  It can be used by the librarian to update the inventory and by students to search the collection.<br />Circulation<br />This is a preliminary method for introducing the idea of loans and returns of library materials for students.  Circulation could begin with daily loans within the school and increase in length as deemed appropriate by the library committee.  A sample circulation chart has been included.<br />Library Layout and Design <br />There are three essential elements to library space:<br />,[object Object]
Space for the users
Space for the library staffEach one of these elements has special considerations considering that Asturias Academy’s library’s main focus will be as a school library. <br />We have assumed that the main entrance to the library will be the stairs near the front of the school and that the other entrance will mostly be used by students using the 3rd floor for the technical classes. This is why the space around both entrances will be open and inviting. The first visible aspects when entering the library will be the display of books recommended by students, the display of the material on the monthly themes, the computers, the story-time area, and information boards. All of these aspects have been placed close to the entrances in order to draw the students further into the library. <br />Space for the Collection<br />It is recommended that for the first few years of the library, the collection be placed on shelving situated around the circumference of the library. We feel that dedicating this amount of space for the collection is appropriate considering the large quantities of books that can be stored on each shelving unit. (See document on shelving). <br />An important consideration for shelving in a school library is that the height of the shelves is appropriate for the height of the users. We have suggested that there be both higher and lower shelves in the library. The lower shelves will be used for the books for younger children and therefore situated around story-time area. This also works well with the height of the windows on the south wall, which are lower. The higher shelves will be for the collection used by the older students and adults in the community. It is recommended that special collections be placed in more visible locations. For example, the material that highlights the themes of the month as well as books recommended by the students should be shelved near the entrance on a shelf designed for displays. It is also recommended that the K’iche’ and English special language collections be placed in a more visible location. <br />Space for the users<br />It is recommended that the library space be brightly decorated so that users consider the library to be a welcoming and attractive space.  The library will be used for many different things and they all must be considered when planning the space. Individuals will use the space for quiet reading, small groups will use the space for studying and group work, and classes will use the space for library instruction (e.g. how to use the library to research for projects) and story-time. The story-time circle space is located near the entrance of the library so that when younger users enter the library they encounter a friendly space. It is recommended that there be a different colored carpet for the story-time area in order to distinguish it from the sections of the library for the older students. <br />The area for younger students has been designed so that the students can easily move from sitting at the story-time carpeted area to working on activities at the tables and then to the collection that is situated beside the tables. There are also many larger tables in the section for older students for reading and group work. It is recommended that the library uses collapsible tables to ensure that the space at the center of the library be flexible in case large groups of people need to meet. Comfortable chairs and benches have been placed in quieter areas of the library for individual reading. <br />Space for library staff<br />It is important that the library staff has their own designated space to work on library projects (e.g. creating programming, cataloguing books). It is recommended that the space between the entrance and the bathrooms be used as the staff area. It can also be used as a storage area for supplies and materials that the librarian does not want to circulate in the library such as audio visual material. The librarian’s desk that comes out from the wall next to the entrance creates the illusion of a closed in space so that the students understand that it is for staff only. It is also important that the librarian’s desk is near the entrance so that the librarian is visible to the users as soon as they enter the library.<br />Library Floor Plans<br />,[object Object]
-861060919480Library Collection LayoutLibrary Space Mock-ups<br />,[object Object]
Art display and librarian work space
Story time and audio visual area
Book display and computer terminalsShelving Recommendations<br />In this document we recommend the types of shelves the library may want to build/acquire.  The number of each type of shelf required to house approximately 5300 books is listed. These recommendations will allow room for expansion in the future. <br />,[object Object]
Short Shelves x 16 -  Approximate capacity = 3200 Children´s books
Display Shelves x 2 -  Approximate capacity = 24 Books
Rotating Shelves x 2  -  Approximate capacity = 150 Books*10096548895The illustration above is not to scale. <br />* Legend: x2, x4, x6 = Number of shelves that can be placed in the area<br />30338371000567-130782769979Each individual shelf will be 3 feet wide, 9 inches deep, and of varied height.  They are based on the shelves currently holding the library collection in the clinic/library/offices at Asturias.<br />Tall Shelf Specifications: <br />The Tall Shelves are Identical to the shelves currently holding the collection in Steve's office.   They will be used to hold the adult collection in the back of the library.  <br />Approximate Capacity (allowing space): 200 young adult books per shelf or 400 children´s books per shelf.<br />Number Suggested: 10 <br />Total Tall Shelf Capacity = 2000 young adult books<br /> Specs: <br />,[object Object]
Five 12” rows each.
9 ½ “ deep
With the first row 9” off the ground  Short Shelf Specifications:<br />14859086296531445201188720The Short Shelves are based on the shelves currently holding the collection in Steve’s office, but with only 3 rows per shelf.   They will be used below the low-level windows and to hold the children´s collection. <br />Approximate Capacity (allowing space) : 200 children´s books per shelf<br />Number Suggested: 16<br />Total Tall Shelf Capacity = 3200 children´s books<br /> Specs: <br />,[object Object]
Three 12” rows per shelf.
9 ½ “ deep
With the first row 9” off the ground  Display Shelf Specifications:<br />1005840100965The Display Shelves will be used to display books that are being specifically promoted by the library.   They will be used below window at the front entrance to the library. <br /> Approximate Capacity : 12 books per shelf<br />Number of Shelves Suggested: 2<br />Total Tall Shelf Capacity = 24 books<br /> Specs: <br />,[object Object]
Three 12” rows per shelf.
9 ½ “ deep
1009650452120With the first row starting at ground level  Rotating Shelves:<br />Rotating shelves can be used for paperbacks and small books. These shelving units may be used for displays as well. <br />These units facilitate and encourage browsing. <br /> <br />220345195580<br />Programming <br />These recommendations for programming indicate the age groups they are appropriate for, the time commitment required and materials needed.<br />,[object Object],Collection Development Policy<br />1. Library Mandate<br />The Miguel Angel Asturias Academy’s goal is to reform Guatemala’s educational system. By employing a teaching philosophy based on Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, they aim to develop not only their students’ intellectual abilities but also their leadership skills; they also aim to raise awareness of social justice issues such as sexism and racism. The Academy is accessible to impoverished and marginalized students via scholarship programs.<br />The school library will support the Academy’s mandate by providing literature, non-fiction books, reference materials, educational materials, and audio-visual materials that are in line with the Academy’s vision of social justice in Guatemala and that meet the needs of the library’s users. The library serves students from preschool to grade 12 as well as the local community.<br />Because the majority of Xela community members and the Academy’s students speak Spanish natively, the library will emphasize the acquisition of Spanish-language materials. The library will also include special collections with K’iche’- and English-language materials for educational purposes. <br />The Academy library will support and defend intellectual freedom, in accordance with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) policy on intellectual freedom, as defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and its“[call] upon libraries and library staff to adhere to the principles of intellectual freedom, uninhibited access to information and freedom of expression and to recognize the privacy of library user” (IFLA, 1999).<br />2. Subject Areas and Formats<br />The collection will be divided into the following five sections: fiction, non-fiction, reference and educational materials (e.g. dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, almanacs, and textbooks), the K’iche’ collection, and the English collection. <br />In order to support the school focus on social justice and anti-oppression for Mayan peoples, the library will focus on collecting materials about Guatemala and materials with Guatemalan authors or creators. These materials will be marked with a sticker that says ‘G’.<br />The formats collected will include but not be limited to print, audiovisual, and electronic formats as permitted by budget restrictions and available technology. As demand for technology such as computers, DVD players, and CD players increases, the library will add more audiovisual and electronic format items to its collections. <br />Furthermore, the technology required to use audiovisual and electronic materials will be supplied by the library in order to ensure access for all users. For example, if the library collection includes DVDs, the library will supply a television set and DVD player with headphones for viewing the DVDs.<br />3. Levels and Languages<br />Because the library serves students from preschool to grade 12 as well as the local community, all sections will include materials appropriate for children and young adults aged 4 to 18 and adults 18+.<br />The main collection will be composed of Spanish-language materials. There will be two special collections: the K’iche’ collection and the English collection. <br />4. Collection Responsibility<br />The librarian has the primary responsibility of selection within the aegis of the Library Board. The Library Board will be composed of the librarian, two teachers, the Academy’s Director, and the Director of Development. The Library Board is responsible for selection, approval of budgets, deselection (removal of books), and complaints processes; however, the librarian is responsible for implementing these processes. In case of complaints or concerns the Library Board will meet to seek resolution. <br />Requests and suggestions for materials from students, community members, and staff are welcomed. All requests and suggestions will be evaluated using the same selection criteria for other purchases. <br />The collection development policy will be reevaluated by the Library Board every two years to ensure accuracy and consistency in meeting the needs of the Academy and its users.<br />5. Selection Criteria<br />When considering the selection of materials, regardless of format, the librarian must consider the general guidelines and principles enumerated below. These principles are adapted from the Collection Development Policies of the Barrie Public Library (2009, 4), Trafalgar School Resource Centre (2002, 3), and the Brockville Library’s Children’s Services Department (n.d., 2).<br />,[object Object]
Literary or artistic merit and originality of thought or expression.
Accuracy and currency of the work in relation to similar titles, as well as authorial expertise in the field or subject.
Budgetary and/or space concerns.
The physical form or format of the material and its durability and suitability for library use.
Popular demand and interest within the community, as determined by suggestions for acquisition by members of the school community and the public at large.
The relation of the item to others in the collection, with consideration of the ease of integration and the possibility of repetition or redundancy.
Authorial prominence or renown.
Significance or accolades of work, including positive reviews, literary awards, and a large readership.
Avoidance of biases in regards to politics, religion, or morality, as well as the representation of individuals or groups.
Development of the K’iche’ collection.

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Asturias Academy Library Manual of Recommendations