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Faye Dawe 2083187

                                Faculty of Health Sciences
                               School of Nursing & Midwifery

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 Student ID                        2083187

 FAN                               dawe0047

 First name                        Faye

 Family name                       Dawe

 Phone number                      08 8595 8069

 Topic code                        NURS2101

 Topic name                        Nursing 3

 Tutorial lecturer                 Leeanne Pront

 Assignment number and title       Assignment 2 RCPC

 Word count

 Due date                          May 22nd 2012

 Date of submission                May 21st 2012

 Is this a resubmission?
                                   Yes                         No

Faye Dawe 2083187

                              Flinders University South Australia

                                School of Nursing and Midwifery

                                    NURS2101 Nursing 3 2012

               Reflective clinical practice critique (RCPC) Marking Rubric

Student name:

                                    F    P    CR    DN    HD

                Critique 1 – Student’s performance their own skill (700 words)

Poor assessment of skill                                        Excellent assessment of skill

Little or no evidence of critical                               Clear evidence of critical
analysis of the skill                                           analysis of skill

Little or no reflection on                                      Clear reflection on learning
learning process                                                Process

Few or no articulated                                           Clearly articulated influences
influences of their decisions                                   of their decisions about the
about the excellence of                                         excellence of practice
Little or no discussion about                                   Excellent discussion about
how this process has                                            how this process has
influenced or changed their                                     influenced or changed their
own practice                                                    own practice

Poor choice of appropriate                                      Excellent choice of
sources                                                         appropriate sources

Poorly written, poor use of                                     Very well written, excellent
grammar,            spelling,                                   grammar, spelling,
referencing    and    poorly                                    referencing and well
organised.                                                      organised

      Critique 2 – Student critiques another student’s/person’s practice (700 words)

Poor assessment of skill                                        Excellent assessment of skill

Little or no evidence of critical                               Clear evidence of critical
analysis of the skill                                           analysis of skill

Little or no reflection on                                      Clear reflection on learning
learning process                                                Process

Little or no articulated                                        Clearly articulated influences
influences of their decisions                                   of their decisions about the
about the excellence of                                         excellence of practice
Little or no discussion about                                   Excellent discussion about
how this process has                                            how this process has
influenced or changed their                                     influenced or changed their
own practice.                                                   own practice.

Faye Dawe 2083187

Poor choice of appropriate                                     Excellent choice of
sources                                                        appropriate sources

Poorly written, poor use of                                    Very well written, excellent
grammar,            spelling,                                  grammar, spelling,
referencing    and    poorly                                   referencing and well
organised                                                      organised

    Critique 3 – Student responds to another student’s critique of a nursing skill (700

Little or no discussion                                        Excellent discussion regarding
regarding validation of                                        validation of performance of
performance of skill                                           skill

Little or no evidence of                                       Excellent evidence of changed
changed practice                                               practice

Little or no research into skill                               Excellent research into skill

Poor reflection on how                                         Excellent reflection on how
receiving feedback helped or                                   receiving feedback helped or
hindered your successful                                       hindered your successful
performance of the skill.                                      performance of the skill.

Poorly written, poor use of                                    Very well written, excellent
grammar,            spelling,                                  grammar, spelling,
referencing    and    poorly                                   referencing and well
organised                                                      organised

Mark & Grade

Lecturer’s Comments

Faye Dawe 2083187

                        Table of Contents

Self Assessment: Setting up an IV Infusion Prior to Insertion to a

 1) Extended assessment and reflection – Setting up an IV infusion

2) Appendix 1: Handwritten nursing skill critique form (transcribed)

3) Checklist for setting up an IV infusion from Tollefson (2010, p.72)

Peer Assessment: Aseptic Dressing Procedure

1) Extended assessment and reflection: Aseptic dressing procedure

2) Appendix 2: Handwritten nursing skill critique form (transcribed)

3) Checklist for aseptic dressing procedure from Tollefson (2010, p. 281)

Reply to Peer Assessment of My Skill: Administration of Inhaled
Medication by Nebuliser

1) Extended assessment and reflection: Setting up an IV infusion

2) Appendix 3: Handwritten nursing skill critique form (transcribed)

3) Checklist for administration of inhaled medication by nebuliser from
Tollefson (2012)

Faye Dawe 2083187

Self Assessment: Setting up an IV Infusion Prior to
Insertion in a Patient

Student:    Faye Dawe
Assessor:    Faye Dawe
Task being performed: Setting up an IV Infusion prior to Insertion in a Patient

                                               Comments                      Grade*

Checks the documentation        As there were no written orders for this
and orders for task             simulation, I verbalised my actions to my
                                partner, Lucy as to what I would do if
                                there were written orders.

Collects all the appropriate    Prior to commencing the setup, all
equipment                       equipment that was needed had been
                                placed at the work station, by simulated
                                clinical centre staff. An IV stand, giving
                                set, and fluid bag were present however,
                                as there were no patient or mannequin
                                available, Lucy and I agreed to proceed
                                as if there was a patient.

Performs the task,              The first thing I did before performing
maintaining:                    the task was discuss patient and staff
       patient safety           safety. As this was a simulated activity,
                                we decided that there was no risk to the
       staff safety
                                patient, and as a staff member, gloves
       infection control and    were not needed as there was no risk for
       standard precautions
                                contamination from bodily fluids. After
       patient privacy          this discussion I spoke about closing the
                                curtains or door, which ever was
                                applicable, to maintain patient privacy.

Completes all elements of the   After a 30 second hand wash I checked
task                            the date and quality of the fluid bag. I
                                isolated the regulator and moved it up
                                the line until it was approximately 10
                                cms from the base of the bag. I
                                proceeded to clamp off the line so that
                                fluid would not be lost when I spiked the
                                bag. I gathered the kidney dish to
                                contain the fluid released when I primed
                                the line. I released the clamp and filled
                                the drip chamber which allowed the fluid
                                to flow into the kidney dish until there
                                were no air bubbles visible.     For the
                                small air bubbles I tapped on the line

Faye Dawe 2083187

                                 however, there were no large air bubbles
                                 but I did discuss the importance of their
                                 removal. After removing the small air
                                 bubbles, I closed off the clamp. These
                                 procedures are reflected in Tollefson

Concludes the task               When I had completed the initial setup of
appropriately                    the IV infusion I explained to Lucy that I
                                 would then ensure the patient was
                                 comfortable, and ready to have the IV
                                 started after cannulisation by a doctor or
                                 specialist RN.

Disposes of equipment            After the exercise was completed I
appropriately                    disposed of the empty fluid bag and
                                 giving set into the rubbish bin. I wiped
                                 out the kidney dish with paper towel and
                                 disposed of that. I replaced the kidney
                                 dish on the desk, at the work station.

Completes appropriate            After washing my hands again, I
documentation                    discussed the documentation that is
                                 required in relation to this exercise,
                                 including the six rights.

Further research needed          It has become clear that I still need to
                                 practise the finer details of moving the
                                 regulator closer to the infusion chamber,
                                 not filling the infusion chamber more
                                 than half full, and not allowing so much
                                 fluid to be lost whilst priming the line.

Overall Comments

I feel I performed this skill well, taking into consideration the level of experience I have.
I acknowledge there is room for improvement, and I expect this will come in time, the
more exposed I am to these situations in nursing.

My Reflection of giving myself feedback

This was more difficult than I expected however, I feel constructive critique is valuable
and allows me to move forward with the knowledge I have gained from the experi

Faye Dawe 2083187

Peer Assessment: Aseptic Dressing Procedure

Student: Wendy Woo
Assessor: Faye Dawe
Task being performed: Aseptic Dressing Procedure

                                                     Comments                                  Grade*
Checks the documentation and       Wendy was assessed using the appendix 3 from the                1
orders for task                    topic details
                                   See Appendix one for completed checklist.
                                   Wendy correctly checked the documentation to find out
                                   what the medication order was but she did not vocalise
                                   that she was checking that the medication order was
                                   legal as in the guidelines from FLO under preparation.
                                   This was covered in class but the 3 checklists (Crisp &
                                   Taylor, 2009, FLO and Lynn (2008) do not mention it.
                                   She also did not consult with RN as per effectiveness of
                                   previous analgesia or request her assistance in
                                   administering the medication. Nurses Board of South
                                   Australia Standards for Medication Management (date
                                   unknown) guidelines state that this is necessary.

Collects all the appropriate       She did not check if the medication trolley had pill cups       1
equipment                          and left the trolley unattended and unlocked when she
                                   had to collect some. This meant that anyone may have
                                   had access to the trolley.
Explains the procedure to the      As shown by the checklist (Appendix A) she explained to         1
patient and gains consent.         the patient that she was going to give her Panadol™ but
Shows understanding of nursing     assumed that she (the patient) knew about Panadol. She
theory behind the task including   also did not offer the patient choices of medication nor
ANMC guidelines.                   discuss those choices with the RN. Erseck, Irving and
                                   Botti in Brown,& Edwards,(2008:130) state that patients
                                   need to have choices for analgesia when their choices are
                                   dependent on where their pain is on the analgesic ladder.
                                   Her patient care manner was firm but kind but did not
                                   recognise patient autonomy. She did not show that she
                                   met all the criteria of the ANMC guidelines for
                                   professional practice (ANMC guidelines for professional
                                   practice [ANCMI] 2006). In particular she did not meet
                                   competencies 5, 8 & 9.
Performs the task, maintaining:    Patient safety was put at risk because of Jayne’s               1
           patient safety          assumption of patient knowledge. It is important that she
           staff safety            always quiz the patient about their knowledge of their
           infection control and   medications. By leaving the medication trolley
           standard precautions    unattended she placed herself and others at risk as any
           patient privacy         person may have had access to any medications. She
                                   also placed the patient at risk by not checking the
                                   medication with an RN, not having an RN check her
                                   administration and by not checking if the patient could
                                   physically swallow tablets. Thus she once again
                                   contravened the ANCMI competencies (ANCMI 2006) and
                                   The Nurses Board of South Australia [NBSA] Oral
                                   Medication Guidelines

Completes all elements of the      Jayne did not complete all the elements of the task as          1
task                               explained by the previous comments and shown in
                                   Appendix One

Brown,& Edwards,(2008:135-137); Crisp & Taylor ,
Faye Dawe 2083187

Disposes of equipment              Successfully completed                                             2
Completes appropriate              Jayne signed that she had administered the medication              1
documentation                      but did not get the RN to countersign it. .
Further research needed            As shown in overall comments                                       1

Concludes the task appropriately   Jayne appropriately concluded the task ensuring that the           1
                                   patient appeared comfortable however she did not state
                                   to the patient that she would return to check the efficacy
                                   of the analgesia as is required (Erseck, Irving and Botti in

Faye Dawe 2083187

                            NURS2101 Nursing 3



 Task being performed:

                                                  Comments                      Grade
 Checks the documentation
 and orders for task
 Collects all the appropriate
 Explains the procedure to the
 patient and gains consent.
 Shows understanding of
 nursing theory behind the
 Performs the task,
       patient safety

       staff safety

       infection control and
       standard precautions

       patient privacy

 Completes all elements of the
 Concludes the task
 Disposes of equipment
 Completes appropriate
 What further research is

1   Adapted from School of Nursing & Midwifery 2008, NURS8620/NURS8621 Competency standards &
      clinical skills portfolio, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Flinders University.

Faye Dawe ID 2083187

Overall Comments

  Jayne appears to have understood the technical requirements of the skill but she has
  not grasped the legal requirements as a nursing student and she has not i nvolved the
  patient in the process. When discussed with Jayne, she stated that she thought that she
  was giving the drug as an RN not as a student. She stated that the 2 checklists she used
  (Crisp & Taylor 2009 and Lynn 2008) both take this stance.

  She also stated that it is hard relating to the manikin as a real person and that if there
  was a real person there that should have always involved the patient within the

My Reflection of giving feedback
Prior to commencing the setup, all equipment that was needed had been placed at the w

Faye Dawe ID 2083187

                               NURS2101 NURSING 3                                         Yes   No

                             BASIC WOUND DRESSING

1. Introduces her/himself to the patient. Explains that they have been assigned to
   care for them today and asked them for permission to do the dressing on the pt’s
2. Asks pt how the wound has been feeling

3. Ask if the pt normally requires any pain relief before the dressing is done –
   administers it as necessary
4. Waits an appropriate time for analgesia to be effective before commencing
5. Asks the patient if they need to go to the toilet

6. Reads the pt bed notes and Nursing Care Plan (NCP) to find dressing
7. Responds to client’s anxiety by communicating patiently, simply and clearly

8. Explains process to the client

9. Places the patient in comfortable position with easy access to wound

10. Adjusts the bed height for comfortable access to wound, checks brakes are on

11. Cleans dressing trolley and collects equipment as per NCP(May consult the
    procedure manual)
    1. Places dressing pack on top of trolley
    2. Places extra equipment on bottom of trolley i.e. solution, waste bag, dressings,
        tapes or hyperfix and disposable gloves
12. Takes trolley to bedside positioning it next to patient

13. Position waste bag so aseptic field is not compromised

14. Uncovers pt and loosens the tapes on the dressing – if dressing has strikethrough
    – disposable gloves must be worn when touching the dressing
15. Washes hands 60 secs.

16. Dons disposable gloves

17. Removes dressing from wound and places it in waste bag (if dressing sticks to
    wound – leave it as dressing may remove soaking)
18. Removes gloves

19. Maintaining Aseptic principles throughout, opens dressing pack and puts dressing
    pack on top of dressing trolley
20. Provides rationale for wearing/not wearing clean gloves when doing dressing (i.e.
    may have cut on hands)
21. Maintaining Aseptic principles throughout, opens dressing pack and assembles
        Uses top forcep to set out equipment
        Sorts swabs for moistening and drying
        Opens dressings and places on aseptic field
        Opens solution and pours into appropriate container

Faye Dawe ID 2083187

       Opens other equipment that may be necessary
22. Soaks dressing if required and removes with forcep

23. If any contamination occurs and asepsis is broken, the student self corrects and
    begins again.
24. Discards forcep

25. Assesses wound

26. Maintaining Aseptic principles, uses 2 remaining forceps to perform dressing

27. Maintaining Aseptic principles throughout cleans area moving from dry area to
28. Maintaining Aseptic principles cleans area moving from clean to dirty area

29. Maintaining Aseptic principles dries area

30. Covers with dressings as per NCP and fixes with tape or hyperfix

31. Removes gloves if worn

32. Repositions pt in bed and adjusts bedclothes.

33. Ensures bell is within reach

34. Assess pt’s reaction to dressing verbally

35. Ask pt to inform you if any strikethrough occurs

36. Concludes interaction with pt suitably

37. Cleans and tidy work area.

38. Washes hands

39. Documents findings in progress notes

ork station, by simulated clinical centre staff. An


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Cardiac Assessment for Nursing Student.pdf

Assignment 2 rcpc

  • 1. Faye Dawe 2083187 Faculty of Health Sciences School of Nursing & Midwifery Assignment cover sheet: online submission Complete this cover sheet and copy and paste the whole page at the beginning of your assignment. It should be the first page. The file name must have your FAN, topic code and the assignment name or number (for example, smit0034_nurs0000_ass1.doc, jone0024_nurs1111_ass2.doc). Instructions for submitting assignments in FLO can be found at: forms/general_forms.cfm. Student declaration: In accordance with the Flinders University information on academic integrity and plagiarism, referred to in the Student related policies and procedures manual (, by submitting this cover sheet as part of my assignment I hereby certify that the work submitted in this assignment is entirely my own unless otherwise acknowledged. Student ID 2083187 FAN dawe0047 First name Faye Family name Dawe Phone number 08 8595 8069 Topic code NURS2101 Topic name Nursing 3 Tutorial lecturer Leeanne Pront Assignment number and title Assignment 2 RCPC Word count Due date May 22nd 2012 Date of submission May 21st 2012 Is this a resubmission? Yes No 1
  • 2. Faye Dawe 2083187 Flinders University South Australia School of Nursing and Midwifery NURS2101 Nursing 3 2012 Reflective clinical practice critique (RCPC) Marking Rubric Student name: F P CR DN HD Critique 1 – Student’s performance their own skill (700 words) Poor assessment of skill Excellent assessment of skill Little or no evidence of critical Clear evidence of critical analysis of the skill analysis of skill Little or no reflection on Clear reflection on learning learning process Process Few or no articulated Clearly articulated influences influences of their decisions of their decisions about the about the excellence of excellence of practice practice Little or no discussion about Excellent discussion about how this process has how this process has influenced or changed their influenced or changed their own practice own practice Poor choice of appropriate Excellent choice of sources appropriate sources Poorly written, poor use of Very well written, excellent grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, referencing and poorly referencing and well organised. organised Critique 2 – Student critiques another student’s/person’s practice (700 words) Poor assessment of skill Excellent assessment of skill Little or no evidence of critical Clear evidence of critical analysis of the skill analysis of skill Little or no reflection on Clear reflection on learning learning process Process Little or no articulated Clearly articulated influences influences of their decisions of their decisions about the about the excellence of excellence of practice practice Little or no discussion about Excellent discussion about how this process has how this process has influenced or changed their influenced or changed their own practice. own practice. 2
  • 3. Faye Dawe 2083187 Poor choice of appropriate Excellent choice of sources appropriate sources Poorly written, poor use of Very well written, excellent grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, referencing and poorly referencing and well organised organised Critique 3 – Student responds to another student’s critique of a nursing skill (700 words) Little or no discussion Excellent discussion regarding regarding validation of validation of performance of performance of skill skill Little or no evidence of Excellent evidence of changed changed practice practice Little or no research into skill Excellent research into skill Poor reflection on how Excellent reflection on how receiving feedback helped or receiving feedback helped or hindered your successful hindered your successful performance of the skill. performance of the skill. Poorly written, poor use of Very well written, excellent grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, referencing and poorly referencing and well organised organised Mark & Grade Lecturer’s Comments 3
  • 4. Faye Dawe 2083187 Table of Contents Self Assessment: Setting up an IV Infusion Prior to Insertion to a Patient 1) Extended assessment and reflection – Setting up an IV infusion 2) Appendix 1: Handwritten nursing skill critique form (transcribed) 3) Checklist for setting up an IV infusion from Tollefson (2010, p.72) Peer Assessment: Aseptic Dressing Procedure 1) Extended assessment and reflection: Aseptic dressing procedure 2) Appendix 2: Handwritten nursing skill critique form (transcribed) 3) Checklist for aseptic dressing procedure from Tollefson (2010, p. 281) Reply to Peer Assessment of My Skill: Administration of Inhaled Medication by Nebuliser 1) Extended assessment and reflection: Setting up an IV infusion 2) Appendix 3: Handwritten nursing skill critique form (transcribed) 3) Checklist for administration of inhaled medication by nebuliser from Tollefson (2012) 4
  • 5. Faye Dawe 2083187 Self Assessment: Setting up an IV Infusion Prior to Insertion in a Patient Student: Faye Dawe Assessor: Faye Dawe Task being performed: Setting up an IV Infusion prior to Insertion in a Patient Comments Grade* Checks the documentation As there were no written orders for this and orders for task simulation, I verbalised my actions to my partner, Lucy as to what I would do if there were written orders. Collects all the appropriate Prior to commencing the setup, all equipment equipment that was needed had been placed at the work station, by simulated clinical centre staff. An IV stand, giving set, and fluid bag were present however, as there were no patient or mannequin available, Lucy and I agreed to proceed as if there was a patient. Performs the task, The first thing I did before performing maintaining: the task was discuss patient and staff patient safety safety. As this was a simulated activity, we decided that there was no risk to the staff safety patient, and as a staff member, gloves infection control and were not needed as there was no risk for standard precautions contamination from bodily fluids. After patient privacy this discussion I spoke about closing the curtains or door, which ever was applicable, to maintain patient privacy. Completes all elements of the After a 30 second hand wash I checked task the date and quality of the fluid bag. I isolated the regulator and moved it up the line until it was approximately 10 cms from the base of the bag. I proceeded to clamp off the line so that fluid would not be lost when I spiked the bag. I gathered the kidney dish to contain the fluid released when I primed the line. I released the clamp and filled the drip chamber which allowed the fluid to flow into the kidney dish until there were no air bubbles visible. For the small air bubbles I tapped on the line 5
  • 6. Faye Dawe 2083187 however, there were no large air bubbles but I did discuss the importance of their removal. After removing the small air bubbles, I closed off the clamp. These procedures are reflected in Tollefson 2010. Concludes the task When I had completed the initial setup of appropriately the IV infusion I explained to Lucy that I would then ensure the patient was comfortable, and ready to have the IV started after cannulisation by a doctor or specialist RN. Disposes of equipment After the exercise was completed I appropriately disposed of the empty fluid bag and giving set into the rubbish bin. I wiped out the kidney dish with paper towel and disposed of that. I replaced the kidney dish on the desk, at the work station. Completes appropriate After washing my hands again, I documentation discussed the documentation that is required in relation to this exercise, including the six rights. Further research needed It has become clear that I still need to practise the finer details of moving the regulator closer to the infusion chamber, not filling the infusion chamber more than half full, and not allowing so much fluid to be lost whilst priming the line. Overall Comments I feel I performed this skill well, taking into consideration the level of experience I have. I acknowledge there is room for improvement, and I expect this will come in time, the more exposed I am to these situations in nursing. My Reflection of giving myself feedback This was more difficult than I expected however, I feel constructive critique is valuable and allows me to move forward with the knowledge I have gained from the experi 6
  • 7. Faye Dawe 2083187 Peer Assessment: Aseptic Dressing Procedure Student: Wendy Woo Assessor: Faye Dawe Task being performed: Aseptic Dressing Procedure Comments Grade* Checks the documentation and Wendy was assessed using the appendix 3 from the 1 orders for task topic details See Appendix one for completed checklist. Wendy correctly checked the documentation to find out what the medication order was but she did not vocalise that she was checking that the medication order was legal as in the guidelines from FLO under preparation. This was covered in class but the 3 checklists (Crisp & Taylor, 2009, FLO and Lynn (2008) do not mention it. She also did not consult with RN as per effectiveness of previous analgesia or request her assistance in administering the medication. Nurses Board of South Australia Standards for Medication Management (date unknown) guidelines state that this is necessary. Collects all the appropriate She did not check if the medication trolley had pill cups 1 equipment and left the trolley unattended and unlocked when she had to collect some. This meant that anyone may have had access to the trolley. Explains the procedure to the As shown by the checklist (Appendix A) she explained to 1 patient and gains consent. the patient that she was going to give her Panadol™ but Shows understanding of nursing assumed that she (the patient) knew about Panadol. She theory behind the task including also did not offer the patient choices of medication nor ANMC guidelines. discuss those choices with the RN. Erseck, Irving and Botti in Brown,& Edwards,(2008:130) state that patients need to have choices for analgesia when their choices are dependent on where their pain is on the analgesic ladder. Her patient care manner was firm but kind but did not recognise patient autonomy. She did not show that she met all the criteria of the ANMC guidelines for professional practice (ANMC guidelines for professional practice [ANCMI] 2006). In particular she did not meet competencies 5, 8 & 9. Performs the task, maintaining: Patient safety was put at risk because of Jayne’s 1 patient safety assumption of patient knowledge. It is important that she staff safety always quiz the patient about their knowledge of their infection control and medications. By leaving the medication trolley standard precautions unattended she placed herself and others at risk as any patient privacy person may have had access to any medications. She also placed the patient at risk by not checking the medication with an RN, not having an RN check her administration and by not checking if the patient could physically swallow tablets. Thus she once again contravened the ANCMI competencies (ANCMI 2006) and The Nurses Board of South Australia [NBSA] Oral Medication Guidelines Completes all elements of the Jayne did not complete all the elements of the task as 1 task explained by the previous comments and shown in Appendix One 7
  • 8. Brown,& Edwards,(2008:135-137); Crisp & Taylor , 2009:750-753) Faye Dawe 2083187 Disposes of equipment Successfully completed 2 appropriately Completes appropriate Jayne signed that she had administered the medication 1 documentation but did not get the RN to countersign it. . Further research needed As shown in overall comments 1 Concludes the task appropriately Jayne appropriately concluded the task ensuring that the 1 patient appeared comfortable however she did not state to the patient that she would return to check the efficacy of the analgesia as is required (Erseck, Irving and Botti in 8
  • 9. Faye Dawe 2083187 NURS2101 Nursing 3 Student: Assessor: Task being performed: Comments Grade * Checks the documentation and orders for task Collects all the appropriate equipment Explains the procedure to the patient and gains consent. Shows understanding of nursing theory behind the task. Performs the task, maintaining: patient safety staff safety infection control and standard precautions patient privacy Completes all elements of the task Concludes the task appropriately Disposes of equipment appropriately Completes appropriate documentation What further research is required? 1 Adapted from School of Nursing & Midwifery 2008, NURS8620/NURS8621 Competency standards & clinical skills portfolio, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Flinders University. 9
  • 10. Faye Dawe ID 2083187 Overall Comments Jayne appears to have understood the technical requirements of the skill but she has not grasped the legal requirements as a nursing student and she has not i nvolved the patient in the process. When discussed with Jayne, she stated that she thought that she was giving the drug as an RN not as a student. She stated that the 2 checklists she used (Crisp & Taylor 2009 and Lynn 2008) both take this stance. She also stated that it is hard relating to the manikin as a real person and that if there was a real person there that should have always involved the patient within the process. My Reflection of giving feedback Prior to commencing the setup, all equipment that was needed had been placed at the w 10
  • 11. Faye Dawe ID 2083187 NURS2101 NURSING 3 Yes No BASIC WOUND DRESSING 1. Introduces her/himself to the patient. Explains that they have been assigned to care for them today and asked them for permission to do the dressing on the pt’s wound 2. Asks pt how the wound has been feeling 3. Ask if the pt normally requires any pain relief before the dressing is done – administers it as necessary 4. Waits an appropriate time for analgesia to be effective before commencing dressing 5. Asks the patient if they need to go to the toilet 6. Reads the pt bed notes and Nursing Care Plan (NCP) to find dressing requirements 7. Responds to client’s anxiety by communicating patiently, simply and clearly 8. Explains process to the client 9. Places the patient in comfortable position with easy access to wound 10. Adjusts the bed height for comfortable access to wound, checks brakes are on 11. Cleans dressing trolley and collects equipment as per NCP(May consult the procedure manual) 1. Places dressing pack on top of trolley 2. Places extra equipment on bottom of trolley i.e. solution, waste bag, dressings, tapes or hyperfix and disposable gloves 12. Takes trolley to bedside positioning it next to patient 13. Position waste bag so aseptic field is not compromised 14. Uncovers pt and loosens the tapes on the dressing – if dressing has strikethrough – disposable gloves must be worn when touching the dressing 15. Washes hands 60 secs. 16. Dons disposable gloves 17. Removes dressing from wound and places it in waste bag (if dressing sticks to wound – leave it as dressing may remove soaking) 18. Removes gloves 19. Maintaining Aseptic principles throughout, opens dressing pack and puts dressing pack on top of dressing trolley 20. Provides rationale for wearing/not wearing clean gloves when doing dressing (i.e. may have cut on hands) 21. Maintaining Aseptic principles throughout, opens dressing pack and assembles equipment Uses top forcep to set out equipment Sorts swabs for moistening and drying Opens dressings and places on aseptic field Opens solution and pours into appropriate container 11
  • 12. Faye Dawe ID 2083187 Opens other equipment that may be necessary 22. Soaks dressing if required and removes with forcep 23. If any contamination occurs and asepsis is broken, the student self corrects and begins again. 24. Discards forcep 25. Assesses wound 26. Maintaining Aseptic principles, uses 2 remaining forceps to perform dressing 27. Maintaining Aseptic principles throughout cleans area moving from dry area to moist 28. Maintaining Aseptic principles cleans area moving from clean to dirty area 29. Maintaining Aseptic principles dries area 30. Covers with dressings as per NCP and fixes with tape or hyperfix 31. Removes gloves if worn 32. Repositions pt in bed and adjusts bedclothes. 33. Ensures bell is within reach 34. Assess pt’s reaction to dressing verbally 35. Ask pt to inform you if any strikethrough occurs 36. Concludes interaction with pt suitably 37. Cleans and tidy work area. 38. Washes hands 39. Documents findings in progress notes ork station, by simulated clinical centre staff. An 12