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Assignment 10 (Draft 2) –
              Group coursework
         presentation of research
            Kaya Sumbland
             Gledis Dedaj
              Rahel Fasil
            Joanne Aroda
Group Individual Presentation Feedback Video.

Joanne          Kaya           Rahel           Gledis
Exploration of Questions
Exploration of Questions
Exploration of Questions
Exploration of Questions
Possible Topics

Does the internet give us more freedom
          or increase control?
Possible Topics

How has the internet become omnipresent
     through the form of Web 3.0?
Possible Topics

Is the current media landscape
   democratic or hegemonic?




Exploring topics!
  About a third of women between the ages of 18 and 34 go online to check their Facebook
                      messages and updates before brushing their teeth.

 About 21% people from a group of 1605 that were questioned for the research admitted that
       they woke up in the middle of the night to see if something new had happened on

 Majority of Facebook-generation is older than 35, and it seems they prefer instant messages
                             and posts above real conversations.

   More than 100 million people have Facebook on their cell phones, and they are twice as
                      active as those that use computers to visit Facebook.
‘Edge Rank’ is the name of the algorithm which Facebook uses to determine what appears in
                                     their users’ news feeds.

Determines which of your connections is the most important to you and thus appears most
          frequently, and which kinds of content should appear higher than others.

 Commenting on something or liking something automatically increases the likelihood of it
                              appearing on your news feed.

           Campaign marketers use this to promote their products or ideologies.

   Almost like a chain reaction, one thing will lead to another eventually creating what is
                       referred to as a filter bubble of all similar products.
With more people becoming addicted to Facebook it has become the perfect tool
                        used to subtlety control society.

This obsession comes from the constant improvements to the site to tailor to each

    It is by controlling what appears on our news feed that higher powers can
                manipulate the way we think and install certain ideologies.

            This creates a very hegemonic form of social networking.
     When processing a search ‘Google’ looks at 57 signals to determine your results.

This means each person receives different search results according to certain criteria based
                                          on them.

 With everything becoming so personalised it has become harder to break free from our
                    typical ideologies and explore everything out there.
 What makes a multinational company as big as Google intervene in the security and social
                                policies of another sovereign state?
 Obviously, the case is not as simple as corporate decision-making of a business, but an act
                                  driven by other hidden factors.

Generally speaking, the major methods of Internet management include monitoring, filtering
                               and deleting unwanted content.

 For instance, Google has filtered a lot of online posts on the ground that they are of racial
                           discrimination and anti-American rhetoric.
Algorithmic gate-keepers

                   The internet shows us what it thinks we want to see.

                              But is this what we need to see?

                                A ‘Filter Bubble’ is created.

This is basically your personal universe of information online, tailored specifically to you.

These algorithmic filters show up everywhere now, from our social networks to our Netflix
                         cue, and even the online newspapers we read.
The ethics of social media
Social media has been almost universally adopted by organizations as part of their marketing

     It is vital that the ethics of controlling what people do and don't see is considered.

                     Ethical:                                     Not Ethical:

   To censor certain search results which could be   Blocking certain search results because they
           inappropriate for certain ages.                 don’t match previous searches.

    Catering to certain individual results so that
                                                      Determining the difference between what
    people don’t waste time searching for what
                                                          people want and what they need.
                     they want.

      Making internet search results easier to       Influencing or manipulating society through
       navigate by tailoring them to specific        specific search results, thus stopping people
                    individuals.                      from exploring a wider range of ideas and
                                                              enforcing certain ideologies.
The Influence
                              of films
  Movies and television are very much part of our daily life and so they have a tremendous
                                   influence on our behaviour.
 The reason is that we try to associate with what we see and search for similarities between
                                 these characters and ourselves.

We come across many stories in movies which are influenced by real life situations. However,
   the latest phenomenon that has been observed is that of life being influenced by Movies
                                       or television.

There have been incidents in the last few years, of kids in some U.S. schools who opened fire
         within their school campus, while trying to imitate some action movie stunts.

Also, research shows that violent behaviour among kids is increasing because of movies and
The Influence
                              of films

"Excess of everything is bad." Thus, too much of television and movies is also bad for us, this
                is specially in reference to "couch-potatoes" and "movie-buffs."

  That's because the aim of a movie is to complete a story within a short span of 2 hours.
Because of this constraint, it is packed with lots of exaggerated emotion, drama, action and

However, such sudden change in emotions has an adverse effect on human mind leading to
                            depression and related disorders.
The Influence
                               of films

  Films that deal with socio-political questions, for instance, certainly have an impact upon

 When it comes to style and music, the film industry virtually dictates what the people in real
                                          life will follow.

Certain phrases uttered by famous actors or interesting characters in film become buzz words
                              and catch phrases in American culture.
 E.g. Such phrases as "Here's Looking at You Kid" from 1942's Casablanca is yet known today.
Control through films
Conspiracy Theory In A Nutshell…
   World recession.    Government want to fix   How? – Make people
                             economy.           spend their money.

  Without knowing it                             Increase subconscious
                         Make people panic.
  people will spend                             fear of 2012. (The end of
    more money.                                        the world)

                            World out of
The Influence
                           of films
     Through films higher powers in society are able to influence the world.

              This influence can be interpreted as a form of control.

       People in society are manipulated into following certain ideologies.

                         This is a subtle form of control.

                        However it is control nonetheless.

Therefore films, which play a major part in the current media landscape, are a tool
                      used to the shape of ideas within society.
               Thus films contribute to a hegemonic media landscape.
The evolution of the web

             Web 1.0                                  Web 2.0                                 Web 3.0
 Could be considered the "read-only      The social web consists of a number of       A web service is a software
web." Basically, the early web allowed     online tools and platforms where           system designed to support
us to search for information and read       people share their perspectives,            computer-to-computer
                   it.                    opinions, thoughts and experiences.        interaction over the Internet.
  There was very little in the way of                                                Web services are not new and
                                          Web 2.0 applications tend to interact
     user interaction or content                                                      usually take the form of an
                                            much more with the end user.
            contribution.                                                             Application Programming
                                                                                            Interface (API).
 This is exactly what most websites       We are no longer satisfied with just
 wanted: Their goal was to establish     watching or listening to media products   Broader searches for information
 an online presence and make their         but actually want to voice our own         through simpler interfaces.
  information available to anyone.                       opinion.
The evolution of the web
The evolution of the web
Fundamental discoveries in optical networking that allowed more bandwidth to be obtained from
                                    deployed fibre-optic cables.

 New standards for wired and wireless link technologies (such as 100 gigabit Ethernet and LTE).

New congestion control algorithms, improved security infrastructures: these are all examples of
                         the kind of evolution that most users don’t see.
Hegemony through the internet
   The more the internet develops the stronger the grip on society.

     With Web 3.0 culture the internet is becoming omnipresent.

                       It will be all around us.

This means whoever controls how its works ultimately controls society.

  Thus the Internet strongly contributes to a very hegemonic overall
                             media landscape.
democratic or hegemonic?

                 Democratic:                                             Hegemonic:

We can post whatever we want including videos on         The content of our search results is controlled by
              topics of our choice.                                    internet algorithms.

We are able to view the work of others and share our     Algorithms form a ‘Filter Bubble’ which stops us
 opinions as well as hearing the opinions of others.               seeing all that is available.

Sites such as ‘Wikipedia’ which are extremely popular    If we aren't being shown everything available we
       can be edited by members of the public.          cannot make clear judgments thus we are be subtly

Web 2.0 culture has increased audience participation       Films are used as a tool to send out certain
  and made us more active rather than passive.          messages to the public, therefore enforcing certain
                                                                     ideologies in a sly way.
Topic Research - Sociology

 90’s                                               2012
                          There has been an upsurge in
                         progressive activism (basically Web
                         since the 90’s within democratize
                            of the content, practices and
                           structures in dominant media
                          (basically we all now have equal freedom
                          throughout media in comparison before)
Topic Research - Sociology
Sociologists believe that the Mass Media is one of the
main factors that reinforce modern culture – and most
                   significant at that.
 They find that we are bombarded with messages to
  either promote, reflect and create a culture that
                society should follow.

          Some call this ‘medicated media’
Topic Research - Sociology
  Web 2.0
                 Keen 2007
Web 2.0 has been ushered in by rhetoric of ‘democratization’
Keen defined this by stories and images of ‘the people’ reclaiming the internet and
taking control of its content’ a kind of ‘people’s internet’ or less positively, the
emergence of the cult of the amateur.
O’Reilly 2005
He notes that operating software and applications move above the level of single
devices, which further Lash   2000 states technology moved from the desktop to
               Led to…
               • New collaborative
               • Participatory
               • Open culture
               Anyone can get involved -> potential to be seen and heard
Topic Research - Sociology
   Web 2.0               Balnaves, Donald and ShoeSmith 2009
                        “4 Distinct revolutions in the history of media”

Mosoco 2004
Cautions about the significance and effects of current media and public
communication – noting the warning of “digital sublime”,
Woolgar 2002 even discusses the “cyberbole”, and the five-stage technology
‘Hype Cycle’ described by Gartner Research 2008. Therefore not agreeing that …
Battelle 2005         states Web 2.0 shapes public communication.
However the development of Web 3.0 is well advanced and is predicted to
accelerate changes, as well as lead to a range of new functions and dysfunctions
Topic Research - Sociology

Media reform and activism can be politically conservative or
reactionary, in the sense of reinforcing patterns of hierarchy
                        and exclusion.
   An example are campaigns by fundamentalists religious
   groups against gay-positive representations or policies
(e.g Disney corporation was the target of a campaign against
            same-sex partner employee benefits)

   This concerns media activism that is democratic and
   progressive – in the sense of seeking a more equality
    sharing of political, economic, social, cultural and
           informational resources and status.
Topic Research - Sociology
 Mobilisation to
Collective Action            Charles and Tilly -
                             Mobilisation to Collective Action 1978
They note the emerging shape and form of social activism – changing the
repertoire of collective action. This grasps democratic media activism. Therefore
they point our four predominant forms of action to democratize communication
– which ultimately makes media equal and fair.

           #1                     #2                      #3                      #4
   influencing content      advocating reform            building              hanging the
     and practices of         of government           independent,             relationship
   mainstream media        policy/regulation of     democratic and         between audiences
                            media in order to     participatory media.     and media, chiefly
   e.g. finding openings   change the structure                                     by
     for oppositional         and policies of      e.g. skills training,      empowering
       voices, media        media themselves      distribution services      audiences to be
        monitoring,                                                          more critical of
   campaigns to change      e.g. media reform                               hegemonic media
    specific aspects of          coalitions
      representation                                                       e.g. media education
                                                                           and culture jamming.
Topic Research - Sociology
                  McChesney 1993 & Star 2000
He found encouraging recent surge of work on alternative media
as a site of potentially counter-hegemonic cultural and political
practice . Therefore media is developing back to its manipulated
and influential state
Curran 2003 & Downing 2001
Whereas this study has been relatively few effects on resistance,
hereby modern societies aren't as democratic as it seems.

 The debate on society being democratic or hegemonic is
         therefore very hard to define and state
Topic Research - Sociology

Class dominant theory argues that media reflects and
projects the view of a minority elite, which controls it.
• Those who control, produce media

• Limits competition of big businesses – especially new media

• Few people have change to manipulate what people hear and

• Can avoid stories
Topic Research - Sociology

The culturist Theory sees audiences as playing an
active rather than passive role in mass media – how
they interact and produce.
• Emphasise amount of options

• Interpretations, developing knowledge and experience

Claim few elite in large corporations exert significant control over
 what information media produces and distributes and audience
                      play more powerful role
Topic Research - Sociology
Primary              I asked…
Research            Do you think society is being indirectly
                    controlled or is democracy increased in media?

My respondents generally think…

• Society hegemonic-ally controlled – i.e indirectly being
  told how to act

• Media is a big controlling factor emphasising
  ideology to society

• Democracy is a smokescreen to keep us all dumb
  from how they are indirectly controlling us
Topic Research - Sociology
Democratic or

         Democratic                          Hegemonic
      Web 2.0 and 3.0 has allowed the    The elite still take control over the
        audience to have greater        media as they are the ones who own
               participation                        the industries
Topic Research – Social Media
Use of Twitter’s hash tag is used to unite people
opinions from all around the world,
               - Enforcing democracy -
this is also used throughout media including
TV and Magazines
                                                      E.G documentary
                                                      ‘one born every minute’

       This allows the audience to participate with the programmes –
 significantly those who ‘shout-out’ the tweets between intervals to share
       with viewers, which would have not been done before Web 2.0
        However tweets are chosen – presenting a small sensation of
                      hegemony in Networking
Topic Research – Social Media

Followed Facebook is largely democratic as everyone has the equal
 freedom to create pages and groups on something they like, they
                         think or they do

However, other users could be manipulated by these domineering
groups and feel pressure to like what they do, ultimately they feel
          they have to conform the ‘Facebook ideals’
Topic Research – Social Media
Social News   Thankfully to Web 2.0 we can all interact and post our
              own stories on social news sites! However Hegemony
              and Democracy exists within

                 Although Slashdot emphasises their
                 qualities of allowing their audience
                 participation generate their whole site
                 • Users can post their own stories
                 • However, the stories they get from page
                   are decided by a more powerful figure
Topic Research – Social Media
Social News   Where as Digg is largely a democratic website
              – fully in control by the audience

                Digg has a voting system put on every user
                generated story where any user is allowed
                to vote ‘Digg’ or ‘Bury’
                • The story with most votes get from page
                • The story with too many burys is deleted
                  from the website
Topic Research – Social Media
   Blogs         Blogs have practically no rules, you can post
                 what ever you want based on your interests

This promotes audience freedom, further an equal and
                    fair system
                               i.e – on Tumblr, nothing is censored

                   Celebrity / Idol blog            Culture blog
 Fashion blog
Topic Research – Social Media
Blogs         However these systems are tailored to
                   your likes and dislikes –
            E.G if you type in ‘Fashion blogs’ in Google, only a
                   certain type will come up that you like
                       They rest is not shown to you
            This almost forms your likes, as the ones your not
            shown could be something you would like but you
              cant see it do you don’t have the opportunity.

                  This may come up for

                  But this would come up
                  to someone else
Topic Research – Social Media
Online Dating    Since the internet started online dating has been slowly
                 developing. To now, people can tick boxes and find a
                 partner who is similar to them while being on a website
                 that caters there need whether it be
 •   Age
 •   Sexuality
 •   Culture
 •   Religion
 •   Fetishes

   Though this system that picks our your match could not be
presenting you will all compatibilities – taking control to who you
 will speak to and who you won’t – you are not in-control and as
 widespread as you think you are to find love online. However, it
         depends as a user how much you trust the sites.
Topic Research – Social Media

But who does actually edit the information – Those with the resources and
These faceless ‘professionals’ are the ones who dominate industries and
manipulate people below or in less authority than them.
Therefore how does anyone know this information is not
People always take it how it is – because they think someone more
knowledgeable is always right, to which the audience conforms
Topic Research – Social Media
                                                               Video sites are again all audience
   Video Sites                                                         participatory which
                                                          48 hours of footage is uploaded every hour!

  An example of audience
      participation is
        - Nam cat -

                                                                                         people start posting
                                                                                          cats watching the
                                           This enforced the things what                        video
                                         people like get popular and allow
                                         other to post their own video’s of
                                         it – connecting people across the
                                             world because of Web 2.0
the creativity that inspires others in
technological culture making many
     so many different versions
entire remix community, something
      we all became a part of.
                                                                                to posting a cat
                                                                              watching a cat watch
                                                                                   the video.
Topic Research – Social Media
        TED                    Kevin Allocca
        Talks                              Why video’s go viral

A part of this video highlights the reason for
  some video’s popularity is because of the
 ‘Tastemakers’ who publish it to the world.

This means on domineering figure influences
    others to like a video, that otherwise
 someone else who is not, it would not have
    gone viral – presenting some type of         Jimmy Kimmel tweeted on the video
Topic Research – Social Media
Primary         I asked…
Research        Do you think social media is fair or
                manipulated by the faceless business behind?

My respondents generally think…
• Being on twitter and Facebook is not beneficial as it
  leads to bullying and manipulative way to be

• Allows us to express opinions, enforces democracy

• Some sites have a face behind it, so therefore by
  knowing who would be manipulating you, allows
  audience to think and be comfortable with the
  owner and therefore the website
Topic Research – Social Media
Democratic or

        Democratic                           Hegemonic
    Web 2.0 has dramatically increased   Those who own sites generate your
    our freedom to comment and post                  results
            whatever we want
Topic Research - News
     Bias                The elite control the news, they show what the want
    History                          to show and what they don’t

Have you ever noticed pieces of history don’t quite add up? Or that it seems
as though parts have been deleted or hidden from us?
Well the elite have authority to do this.
There are plenty if things the News hide from us. It's not hard
since most of us blindly follow.
• you are told what certain people want you to hear
• ever wondered who the groups and names of their people (monsters) behind
  wars are?
• ever wondered why globalisation exists?
• ever wondered if history is exactly the way it is or is it only the author's
• do you really think global warming is entirely created by man?

 No, because News is completely hegemonic, the audience have
          no say in what we know and what we don’t
Topic Research - News

       Theoretically the corrupt elite can only be brought down if there is an
'awakening of the people', if people just stop accepting things the way they are,
                       they can actually progress and advance.
   If there is enough information, technology, freedom to move forwards and
    invest in rights for humanity, animals, plants and the world, in good food,
                     health, education and shelter for everyone.
                          But why doesn't society do this?
    The news supress audience knowledge with ‘smokescreen’ information
Topic Research - News
 The current debate across the UK is whether
 the News tell us everything we should know?

 Some think that the news bombards society
 with a big story e.g ‘Bin Laden's Death’ to
 cover up a story on the elite, government –
 and something their doing                            An example is Hitler who banned
                                                       smoking in Germany because it
                                                         caused cancer. However the
                                                        government kept it a secret &
                                                   flooded Germany with free cigarettes
                                                   to increase the death rate. Which was
   Therefore making it extremely hard for
  society to become anti-establishment and         kept a complete secret to Americans!
react to what they show, as there is very little
 evidence of this – but their dominance and
 manipulation to the public is greatly evident
Topic Research - News

Local TV news is
   the most
  popular that
audiences watch
  and listen to
However, it only cover 12% of international news
• Because its cheap
• Easy to access
• international news is highly corruptive to show because of audience distrust with
  governments – trying to hide something?

 However audiences have no control to see this news as they don’t have the resources,
                 therefore we are inevitably manipulated by the news.
 Most people believe what they are told – if its on TV News its almost officially the truth
Topic Research - News
TED        Alisa Miller
Talks                     The news about news
           The video stated shocking facts such as..

           • Death of Anna Nicole Smith covered news on all countries
             and had 10x more coverage than the IPCC report

           • News networks have decreased by 50% of foreign bureaus
             because covering people like Britney Is cheaper

           • Global news is recycled and does not put their context
             across in a away the audience could understand it-
             leading to a decrease in knowledge around the world

           • All down to dominance as 52% follow global news, but
             they don’t even know that much about it

           • And this is all out of our hands -> they are hegemonic
Topic Research - News
Primary           I asked…
Research                                        -
                  Do you think the news is showing us all
                  that we have the right to see? Or are they hiding stories?

My respondents generally think…
• Doesn't cover complete stories

• Depends on the opinions of the controller

• Depends on ownership

• Mainstream news is no longer trustworthy

• They show the cheaper stories so we aren't shown the
  more important stories

• If we want the truth, we need to do our own research and
  become more democratic
Topic Research - News
Democratic or

         Democratic                           Hegemonic
    In the future the News could become The news is hegemonic controlled by
        democratic if people have the      the elite, they have the power.
       resources and come together to      They manipulate audiences to
         become anti-establishment            believe what they tell us
Record of Resources used…

Wikipedia                    Examples of wikis
Articles online              To see which type of news is more dominant
Newspaper articles           Too see a general stories the news post compared with others

YouTube videos               Statistics
Textbooks                    Sociologist research
Periodicals                  -
Books                        -
Vimeo videos                 -
TED videos                   Social media and News search
Slide Share                  Sociologist research
Blogs                        Blogs research
Social Media                 Networking research on twitter and online dating
Phone interview, expert -
In-person interview public   -
In-person interview expert   -
Yahoo!                       Primary research
• Their are 3 types:
1. Cultural Hegemony: The Idea that the western culture (represented
   through our films, TV shows, Fast food restaurants & Brands) is
   overwhelming other countries cultures
2. Institution Hegemony: Is the way and strategy to consolidate existing
   hegemonic structures by designing, maintain and reinforcing
   international institutions
3. Strength Hegemony: Traditional hegemony, it emphasizes the
   importance if force i.e. WWI & WWII
Hegemony & Democracy Through TV Ads
  •   Ads are a fast way of getting a message across to the view
  •   Its 2-3 minis
  •   Usually to show a product or type of life style
  •   Examples...
             Apple - IPods                                    Mc Donald's
                                                  •They advertise their brand and food
•They advertise products such as potable          •They tend to use their own jingles or
                 mp3 player                         popular music to catch attention
  •Through individuality, emphasised by           •They show different kinds of people,
    different colours of their iPods the         identified my clothing, age, gender and
   popular music for the backing track                ethnicity to include everyone
  •In buying the product it implies your        •Doing this sends a message to the views
 quality of listening to music will be more     that everyone any age can buy into their
joyful and exciting (buying into a lifestyle)           brand regardless of status
Hegemony & Democracy Through TV Ads

          Apple - IPod                         Mc Donald's
• Hegemony was used to sell          • Like Apple, Mc Donald’s sell
  the audience a kind of lifestyle     the audience a kind of lifestyle
• The ad is used to convince the     • The ad uses a popular theme
  viewer your musical                  (being food) to entice hungry
  experience will be exciting
  implying if you don't your not       and lifestyle hungry viewers
  current (popular)                  • Implying that if you buy into
• This form of control makes the       their products you will have a
  viewer believe they need             joyous experience, which is
  something they don't and             more expensive then cooking
  making them adapt and                cheaper and better food in
  unwanted kind of lifestyle           your own home
Hegemony & Democracy Through TV Ads

• Millions of people a day watch TV
  making it a marketing playground
• As a society we are lead to believe
  we have democracy, free speech
• Ads form our interests through
  desires for popularity and longing to
  fit in
• By buying into the brands we
  conform to hegemonic power as we
                                          We have become slaves
  lose sight of what we really want and   to brands unknowingly
Hegemony Through TV shows
    • Many if not all shows portray a kind of hegemonic ideology, playing on
      stereotypes i.e. status and class, gender, face etc. Some other shows have
      a fine line where democracy is present but have a hegemonic foundation

                        The Big Band Theory
•This show plays on stereotypes implying this is how all people with
           these characteristics act in the same manor...

•Penny - ‘young female’ – ‘Blond’: Her character is a failed aspiring
actress who lacks on the academic knowledge but is socially popular

•Leonard - ‘Young male’- ‘Geeky scientist’: His character is a scientist
who does not have much if not any luck with girls

•Rajesh – ‘Young male’ – ‘Indian’: The only non Caucasian
character, also a scientist, who has wealthy parents and cannot talk
to women unless under the influence
Hegemony Through TV shows
•Also plays on stereotypes and always seems to focus on
  the lower class and a small portion on the middle class
 •Focuses on families and friendships in a rural area who
                  struggle with ends meat
    •In some episodes focuses on topics such as ... Teen
             pregnancy's, homosexuality, drugs
   •The show covering these topics either reinforced out
actions towards them or allows viewers to analyse from a
    different stand point (controlling us by forcing us to
         address these topics through observation)
                                                             Downton Abby

                                       •Historic period Drama that is all out status and class
                                                   reflecting out society today i.e.
                                    •The servants: Represent the lower class and their struggle
                                             to be acknowledged living in the shadows
                                     •The young adults: Represent the middle class and their
                                         trying to work to make something of themselves
                                   •Owners/Elders: Represent the upper class the wealthy who
                                                     control everyone's income
Democracy Through TV shows

  • Shows such as ‘The X Factor’ and ‘The Voice’ help the viewers excursive
    their democratic rights
              The X Factor                     I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!

                                                 • For the pure entertainment to put
  •Allows democracy through their voting      celebrity's through disgusting challenges
                  system                       •The audience exercise their democracy
•Giving the public the choice to keep their     to chose who does the challenges and
                favourites                                 how many times
 •Allowing the audience to vote no longer     •Allowing the audience to vote no longer
             makes us passive                              makes us passive
Hegemony Through TV shows
             The X Factor                     I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!

•Where is becomes hegemonic is through
     the beginning stages of the show
 •Through the extensive audition process    •Celebrity's are chosen for us to humiliate
you must go through 3 sets of pre judging    •Producers predict who may be the most
   before being judged but the celebrity     popular and base the challenges on that
                   panel                      •We call in to vote when the celebs fate
   •So what we chose is from what they              has been partially decided
         have already determined
•They pick for 80% for entertainment and
              20% for talent
TV In The 50’s

• Women's places were believed to be in
  the house
• During this period ads like this would be
  targeted at them
• These sorts of ads would reinforce how
  society believes women should live in
  hand making them believe no
Hegemony & Propaganda

• Hegemony is like propaganda
• The difference is one is done under
  the radar and the other can be
  visibly seen
• Propaganda has been used
  constantly through generations
• It can be seen through WWI & WWII
• Dictators and world domination
  hungry leaders have used this to
  control and manipulate their people
• Men like, Hitler, Stalin, Gadhafi
Hegemony & Democracy Through TV shows

          Hegemony                       Democracy
• Through shows, subliminal     • We are able to vote for who
  messages are sent to a mass     we want and what we want
  audience                      • We ultimately have a choice
• We are made to believe we       to buy into a lifestyle its not
  have democracy through          forced upon us
  voting shows except we are
  just buying into a fix
Hegemony & Democracy Through
   Technological Convergence
Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological

• They are an example of hegemony at its finest
• They are a collaboration of different company's to make a
   product / products
• It feeds the public a movie or product (or anything) and
   branch out (to keep its fan base alive) giving them ...

  Magazines                                                   Cartoon series
                            Movie, Product, Game...
        Comics                                            Accessories

                 Costumes                             Games

                              Sequels       Toys
Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological
             Convergence - Examples
               Star Wars                                     The Dark Knight
• The first film was ‘IV: A New Hope (1977)’          •This ‘Batman’ saga is a remake
•The budget was $11 million but gross was        •The first film was ‘Batman Begins (2005)
                 $480 million                          •Originated from ‘DC Comics’
     •After this gained a cult following        •The budget was $150,000,000 and grossed
   •After the 2nd film their franchise had                      $374,218,673
 spread from, action figures to light sabres   •With DC Comics die hard fans all they had to
                                                    go was gain new followers through
            How its hegemonic..                                   marketing
    •It becomes part of the generations
     childhood holding good memories                        How its hegemonic..
 •Companies know kids will want to mask        •It already has a set fan base as it is a remake
themselves with items associated with the       bring their childhood hero to the big screen
                    film                         •Audiences would have already gained an
  • Us buying the goods keeps capitalism              emotional lie through the comics
                                                    •Us buying the goods keeps capitalism
Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological
                The Dark Knight - Marketing

            •They started with an official website
                  with mazes and question

           •Next they took over ‘MySpace’ for a day
           which allowed the public to advertise by
                 sending friends screen grabs

           •The website would be updated regularly
             with campaigns for ‘Harvey Dent’ and
               smear campaigns for ‘The Joker’

            •Finally they set but a treasure hunt to
             find phones and get a call from ‘The
Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological
                          Star Wars

           •They tend to now make their money from..

                        •Cartoon series



                         •Video Games

           •Watching the films on TV catching new and
             old audience to buy once again into the
Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological

               Star Wars                                  The Dark Knight

                                                    •Today their franchise is worth
      • Today their franchise is worth
                                                 •Through feeding off of the comic book
                                               franchise ‘DC Comics’ and their emotional
•Through playing on childhood memories to
                                                   attachments to the hero characters
             fuel their income
                                              •Comics are timeless which can always catch
 •The public buy into the franchise to feed
                                                new generations keeping their franchise
              their inner child
•With constant sequels they can catch new
                                              •With constant sequels they can catch new
 and old generations encouraging a never-
                                               and old generations encouraging a never-
               ending cycle
                                                             ending cycle
Democracy in Magazines

•   Magazine focuses on real life stories of ordinary people
•   Readers can submit their own real life story to be displayed in the
•   Readers can participate in small competitions after completing tasks like
Democracy in Magazines
Polls, Competitions etc

     • Readers can submit their details by post, telephone, online
     • Winners are selected nationwide, everybody has equal chance of
Democracy in Magazines
           Elle Style Awards hosted by Elle Magazine

• Readers can vote online for each award
• After voting a lucky winner gets gift vouchers from the company sponsoring
  the ceremony
• They also get tickets to attend the ceremony
Democracy in Magazines
Here is what the reader’s voting process looks like..
Democracy in Magazines
        Glamour Women Of The Year Awards

• A year event held by Glamour Magazine
• One award named ‘Readers Choice Award’ is chosen by readers
• Readers are given a selection of inspirational stories, from there
  they must choose which philanthropist they want to vote for
• Glamour magazine features the Reader’s Choice Award winner on
  the magazine
Democracy in Magazines
Seventeen Magazine:
Readers get a chance to test out beauty
products and give their verdict!

                                This gives readers a chance
                                for their opinion to be
                                heard for other people to
Hegemony in Magazines
   Idea of the ‘perfect body’

• Fashion is thought of as a method of hegemonic domination putting forth a duty to
conform on the female population

• Magazine photographs provide unrealistic expectation of the ideal female appearance
which many cant meet

• Women respond to fashion resources in different ways..
Hegemony in Magazines

• Every page of Vogue magazine is authorised by senior representatives

• There are no reader related columns, product testing etc

• Readers have no input into what goes into the magazine

• There is no competition section just pages relating to design, fashion, lifestyle etc
Hegemony in Magazines
Elle Style Awards Voting Process..

• Readers are only allowed to vote for a selection of awards

• Elle magazine still have a lot of control as to who the award
  winners are

• Readers are invited to vote for each award but their vote doesn’t
  really count
Hegemony in Magazines
   Hegemonic femininity and sexuality

• In male and female magazines there are
  images shape our ideas of gender and

• Advertisements, articles, and every other
  page in each magazine is gendered
Hegemony in Magazines

• Magazines show these female cultural ideals through images
• Socially assembling what a woman should look like
• All front cover models on women magazines like Elle and Cosmopolitan.
• Like the picture above, the woman has the perfect body structure and
• This is the problem because in reality all women do not look like this
• The “perfect woman” isn’t natural because our perception of what looks
  beautiful is socially constructed through mass media
Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback

     She Said…                                                20
• It appeals to her because she's very interesting in      Female
  media and feels strongly about democratic rights in
                                                        Art, Film, Beauty,
• Interested in hearing how hegemonic the news
  is, and why its still that way

• The revolution of Web 2.0 is almost blinding people
  from how they control media and manipulate

• Would be for people in 20s and 30s

• Should interview sociologists and people in the

• Worrying because some parts its hard to gain
  evidence of it
Purpose and Style

• What's the purpose of the documentary ?

• Is to Inform and educate the audience on hegemony
  and if today’s democracy is just the puppet master
  behind it

• Also if we are controlled, in what way and form

• And ultimately if we can control it and escape it?
Purpose and Style

• What would people learn about this topic from
  your documentary?

• The audience will learn what hegemony and how it
  lives undetected in our society and how it effects
  our perception of reality

• The will discover its effects during history and its
  forms through social media, films, TV and

• They will also learn what Algorithms are and if they
  are really necessary

•   The truth will be uncovered to if we are really free
Purpose and Style
• What style of documentary is it?

• There are 6 types of modes to Bill Nichol’s Theory

1.   Poetic Mode: More towards subjectivism, leaves
     things to be interpreted, for an artistic feel.
2.   Expository Mode: Unlike poetic moves more for a
     story telling stance, through informing in order to
3.   Observation Mode: Simply just observing in order
     to allow audiences to shape their own opinion on
     the issue, people/person
4.   Reflexive Mode:
5.   Per formative Mode: Its participatory though
     having a presenter or just having a person going
Purpose and Style

• What style of documentary is it?

• According to Bill Nichols theory our documentary is

• We believe It’s more informative as we are just trying to
  feed our audience with information

• In the attempt for them to form their own opinions
  about “Is the current media landscape democratic or

 Target                audience
Audience               is 20s to
                       40s years

Target Audience -
                    People in their 20’s because they are largely involved in participating in most forms
     Age               of media – also they are strongly concerned with having equal and fair rights
                    Due to modern society being quite patriarchal - I think women would be inclined to
    Gender           see if media is democratic and it is interpreted women are manipulated by media
                     Media is a huge part of working class leisure activities and pop culture so we think
     Class          they are going to be hugely interested to see whether it is democratic or hegemonic
                    British people because our research is based on their culture, their use of the media
   Ethnicity           mainly, though all ethnic groups throughout the UK as they’re all part of media

Secondary Audience -
                     People in their 30’s because have seen the evolution from Web 1.0 to knowledge
     Age               in Web 3.0. Also they would be largely involved in media more professionally
                     Women and Men because society has evolved from reinforcing those ideal forms
    Gender           of gender – however they would want to see if that is actually exercised in media
                     Middle class because they are the ones who work for media industries and have
     Class                                  great knowledge of the debates
                    British people because our research is based on their culture, their use of the media
   Ethnicity           mainly, though all ethnic groups throughout the UK as they’re all part of media

Our audience is MASS because…

• Everyone is somehow connected into media

• Generally people are conscious of their equal rights

• People would want to see if they are being
  manipulated – or how far they have been
  unconsciously manipulated

• It would relate to so many people

• Some things brought up, people throughout the UK
  will be able to relate a story or relate how their
  searches have been tailored – and noticed

It is important that people learn about this topic
• It is essentially manipulating audience to thinking
  they’re in control of what the see and search

• The audience should be aware they possibly don’t
  have as much democracy throughout all media as
  they though Web 2.0 would have

• People will be more wary of their democratic right in
  media – or possibly realise they increased control
  their do have since the web 2.0 revolution

• Their authenticity is being compromised and
  reinforced to shape a different or more dominant

Our connect purpose to the audience is…
• The fact that social media is such a broad topic
  that the interests of so many different people
  can be compared and contrasted throughout.

• To enforce a debate

• Also because its becoming a huge important
  part of society as it is somewhat controlling
  our world being used public sectors such as
  education emphasising the newly great
  importance and need to be knowledgeable
  within our topic.

The style of our documentary is…

• Informative because…
 We present both sides of the debate in our topic, we
 don’t necessarily enforce our personal bias views.

• Participatory because…
 Our presenter will participate in interviews and
 certain events taken place in our documentary to
 make the documentary seem more natural and
Planning: Structure
Episode:    Introduction:                   Beginning:                            Middle:                              End:
            (First 2 Mins)                  (15 Mins)                             (15 Mins)                            (15 Mins)
            • Presenter talking about the   • This is to make audience aware      - Statistics on the growing          - Introduce algorithms and
              whole documentary, the            of the history of the web           number of people logging             how it has been brought
              purpose - how social media        beginning with web 1.0 -a           onto social networking sites         in as a new form in web
  ‘Social     is controlling what               detailed timeline                   like Facebook day by day.          - Explain with animation
                                            •   Animation shows information
 Media’ –     information we receive, in
                                                coming out of a computer but
                                                                                  - How this has increased over          the use of a filter bubble
              Facebook, YouTube,                                                    the years and why?                   - we will show a before
    The       Google, Twitter.                  none going in from the                                                   and after in Google
Hegemonic                                   •   Sociological theory of
                                                                                  - The different types of social        searches
            • Montage footage of people                                             networking sites and which         - Link it to social
Puppeteer     interacting with different
                                                ‘upsurge’ in activism
                                                                                    ones are the most popular            networking – going in
                                            •   Presenter highlights social
              forms of media – people on                                            and why they appeal so much          depth with the way
                                                networking – Facebook,
              their iPads, iPhones,                                                 to such a mass audience.             Facebook tailor your
                                                Tumblr, Twitter, Social News,
              Blackberry’s, Laptops etc.        Online Dating – how the web                                              newsfeed
                                                has come to a revolution –        - Reasons why social media and       - Talking to the expert
            • E.g. internet, phones, TV…        more democracy                      social networking sites make         behind the industry ask if
              Including establishing shot   •   Leads to the Web 2.0 part of        for the perfect tool used to         they even know who
              of internet cafes (high           the animation where                 control certain ideologies or        tailors our algorithms,
              angles, low angles), a            information comes in and out        products within society. (Their      who creates their ethics
              bedroom (with tech), train    •   Showing how YouTube gaines          popularity aids their ability to   - Being in sociological
              station (people on phones)        users success and audience          reach a wide range of people.)       theories into ethnics –
              with close up of Wi-Fi            allow them to grow or fail–                                              the extent of our
              connecting.                       people gain great success         - For example some marketers           democracy
                                            •   Public interviews on how they       use certain social networking      - To lead into next episode
            • Show case study of the boy        feel about web 2.0 in Trafalgar     sites or social media to             go through why
              who killed his mum                square                              promote their products by            algorithms promote a
              mimicking the soap            •   Lastly web 3.0 with voiceover       creating 'Pages' for people to       hegemonic form of social
              ‘Coronation Street’, with         presenter explaining it             like on Facebook.                    networking – just
              archival footage of news      •   Examples of Google search                                                manipulates audiences
              broadcast.                        tailoring searches                - On most website pages a              use in the sites
                                            •   Finish with expert interview
                                                                                    'share' or 'like' button will      - Expert interview and
                                                and example of the way web
                                                                                    appear.                              examples of what we see
                                                3.0 is becoming omnipresent
                                                                                                                         and what we don’t see
Channel and Time

What channel would it be put on and why?

Channel 4 because..
• most of their documentaries target 17-34 year
old females

• documentaries revolving media and technology

• their documentaries have peaked to up to 8
million viewers
 eg. Cutting Edge received 7.4 million
Channel and Time

What time would it be on and why?

9pm because..
•audience have finished studying/work, children are
sleeping etc, so they are available to watch it

•there’s nothing explicit so the time doesn’t have to
be pushed further back

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Assignment 10 group coursework presentation of research draft 2

  • 1. Assignment 10 (Draft 2) – Group coursework presentation of research Kaya Sumbland Gledis Dedaj Rahel Fasil Joanne Aroda
  • 2. Group Individual Presentation Feedback Video. A Joanne Kaya Rahel Gledis
  • 7. Possible Topics Does the internet give us more freedom or increase control?
  • 8. Possible Topics How has the internet become omnipresent through the form of Web 3.0?
  • 9. Possible Topics Is the current media landscape democratic or hegemonic? Kaya Gledis Rahel Joanne
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 13. Statistics About a third of women between the ages of 18 and 34 go online to check their Facebook messages and updates before brushing their teeth. About 21% people from a group of 1605 that were questioned for the research admitted that they woke up in the middle of the night to see if something new had happened on Facebook. Majority of Facebook-generation is older than 35, and it seems they prefer instant messages and posts above real conversations. More than 100 million people have Facebook on their cell phones, and they are twice as active as those that use computers to visit Facebook.
  • 14. How? ‘Edge Rank’ is the name of the algorithm which Facebook uses to determine what appears in their users’ news feeds. Determines which of your connections is the most important to you and thus appears most frequently, and which kinds of content should appear higher than others. Commenting on something or liking something automatically increases the likelihood of it appearing on your news feed. Campaign marketers use this to promote their products or ideologies. Almost like a chain reaction, one thing will lead to another eventually creating what is referred to as a filter bubble of all similar products.
  • 15. Why? With more people becoming addicted to Facebook it has become the perfect tool used to subtlety control society. This obsession comes from the constant improvements to the site to tailor to each individual. It is by controlling what appears on our news feed that higher powers can manipulate the way we think and install certain ideologies. This creates a very hegemonic form of social networking.
  • 16. ‘Google’ When processing a search ‘Google’ looks at 57 signals to determine your results. This means each person receives different search results according to certain criteria based on them. With everything becoming so personalised it has become harder to break free from our typical ideologies and explore everything out there.
  • 17. ‘Google’ What makes a multinational company as big as Google intervene in the security and social policies of another sovereign state? Obviously, the case is not as simple as corporate decision-making of a business, but an act driven by other hidden factors. Generally speaking, the major methods of Internet management include monitoring, filtering and deleting unwanted content. For instance, Google has filtered a lot of online posts on the ground that they are of racial discrimination and anti-American rhetoric.
  • 18. Algorithmic gate-keepers The internet shows us what it thinks we want to see. But is this what we need to see? A ‘Filter Bubble’ is created. This is basically your personal universe of information online, tailored specifically to you. These algorithmic filters show up everywhere now, from our social networks to our Netflix cue, and even the online newspapers we read.
  • 19. The ethics of social media Social media has been almost universally adopted by organizations as part of their marketing activities. It is vital that the ethics of controlling what people do and don't see is considered. Ethical: Not Ethical: To censor certain search results which could be Blocking certain search results because they inappropriate for certain ages. don’t match previous searches. Catering to certain individual results so that Determining the difference between what people don’t waste time searching for what people want and what they need. they want. Making internet search results easier to Influencing or manipulating society through navigate by tailoring them to specific specific search results, thus stopping people individuals. from exploring a wider range of ideas and enforcing certain ideologies.
  • 20.
  • 21. The Influence of films Movies and television are very much part of our daily life and so they have a tremendous influence on our behaviour. The reason is that we try to associate with what we see and search for similarities between these characters and ourselves. We come across many stories in movies which are influenced by real life situations. However, the latest phenomenon that has been observed is that of life being influenced by Movies or television. There have been incidents in the last few years, of kids in some U.S. schools who opened fire within their school campus, while trying to imitate some action movie stunts. Also, research shows that violent behaviour among kids is increasing because of movies and television.
  • 22. The Influence of films "Excess of everything is bad." Thus, too much of television and movies is also bad for us, this is specially in reference to "couch-potatoes" and "movie-buffs." That's because the aim of a movie is to complete a story within a short span of 2 hours. Because of this constraint, it is packed with lots of exaggerated emotion, drama, action and comedy. However, such sudden change in emotions has an adverse effect on human mind leading to depression and related disorders.
  • 23. The Influence of films Films that deal with socio-political questions, for instance, certainly have an impact upon society. When it comes to style and music, the film industry virtually dictates what the people in real life will follow. Certain phrases uttered by famous actors or interesting characters in film become buzz words and catch phrases in American culture. E.g. Such phrases as "Here's Looking at You Kid" from 1942's Casablanca is yet known today.
  • 24. Control through films Conspiracy Theory In A Nutshell… World recession. Government want to fix How? – Make people economy. spend their money. Without knowing it Increase subconscious Make people panic. people will spend fear of 2012. (The end of more money. the world) World out of recession.
  • 25. The Influence of films Through films higher powers in society are able to influence the world. This influence can be interpreted as a form of control. People in society are manipulated into following certain ideologies. This is a subtle form of control. However it is control nonetheless. Therefore films, which play a major part in the current media landscape, are a tool used to the shape of ideas within society. Thus films contribute to a hegemonic media landscape.
  • 26.
  • 27. The evolution of the web Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Could be considered the "read-only The social web consists of a number of A web service is a software web." Basically, the early web allowed online tools and platforms where system designed to support us to search for information and read people share their perspectives, computer-to-computer it. opinions, thoughts and experiences. interaction over the Internet. There was very little in the way of Web services are not new and Web 2.0 applications tend to interact user interaction or content usually take the form of an much more with the end user. contribution. Application Programming Interface (API). This is exactly what most websites We are no longer satisfied with just wanted: Their goal was to establish watching or listening to media products Broader searches for information an online presence and make their but actually want to voice our own through simpler interfaces. information available to anyone. opinion.
  • 28. The evolution of the web
  • 29. The evolution of the web Fundamental discoveries in optical networking that allowed more bandwidth to be obtained from deployed fibre-optic cables. New standards for wired and wireless link technologies (such as 100 gigabit Ethernet and LTE). New congestion control algorithms, improved security infrastructures: these are all examples of the kind of evolution that most users don’t see.
  • 30. Hegemony through the internet The more the internet develops the stronger the grip on society. With Web 3.0 culture the internet is becoming omnipresent. It will be all around us. This means whoever controls how its works ultimately controls society. Thus the Internet strongly contributes to a very hegemonic overall media landscape.
  • 31. democratic or hegemonic? Democratic: Hegemonic: We can post whatever we want including videos on The content of our search results is controlled by topics of our choice. internet algorithms. We are able to view the work of others and share our Algorithms form a ‘Filter Bubble’ which stops us opinions as well as hearing the opinions of others. seeing all that is available. Sites such as ‘Wikipedia’ which are extremely popular If we aren't being shown everything available we can be edited by members of the public. cannot make clear judgments thus we are be subtly manipulated. Web 2.0 culture has increased audience participation Films are used as a tool to send out certain and made us more active rather than passive. messages to the public, therefore enforcing certain ideologies in a sly way.
  • 32.
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  • 34. Topic Research - Sociology Development 90’s 2012 There has been an upsurge in progressive activism (basically Web 2.0) since the 90’s within democratize of the content, practices and structures in dominant media (basically we all now have equal freedom throughout media in comparison before)
  • 35. Topic Research - Sociology Mass Media Sociologists believe that the Mass Media is one of the main factors that reinforce modern culture – and most significant at that. They find that we are bombarded with messages to either promote, reflect and create a culture that society should follow. Some call this ‘medicated media’
  • 36. Topic Research - Sociology Web 2.0 Keen 2007 Web 2.0 has been ushered in by rhetoric of ‘democratization’ Keen defined this by stories and images of ‘the people’ reclaiming the internet and taking control of its content’ a kind of ‘people’s internet’ or less positively, the emergence of the cult of the amateur. O’Reilly 2005 He notes that operating software and applications move above the level of single devices, which further Lash 2000 states technology moved from the desktop to WebTop Led to… • New collaborative • Participatory • Open culture Anyone can get involved -> potential to be seen and heard
  • 37. Topic Research - Sociology Web 2.0 Balnaves, Donald and ShoeSmith 2009 “4 Distinct revolutions in the history of media” Mosoco 2004 Cautions about the significance and effects of current media and public communication – noting the warning of “digital sublime”, Woolgar 2002 even discusses the “cyberbole”, and the five-stage technology ‘Hype Cycle’ described by Gartner Research 2008. Therefore not agreeing that … Battelle 2005 states Web 2.0 shapes public communication. However the development of Web 3.0 is well advanced and is predicted to accelerate changes, as well as lead to a range of new functions and dysfunctions
  • 38. Topic Research - Sociology Reform Activism Media reform and activism can be politically conservative or reactionary, in the sense of reinforcing patterns of hierarchy and exclusion. An example are campaigns by fundamentalists religious groups against gay-positive representations or policies (e.g Disney corporation was the target of a campaign against same-sex partner employee benefits) This concerns media activism that is democratic and progressive – in the sense of seeking a more equality sharing of political, economic, social, cultural and informational resources and status.
  • 39. Topic Research - Sociology Mobilisation to Collective Action Charles and Tilly - 1978 Mobilisation to Collective Action 1978 They note the emerging shape and form of social activism – changing the repertoire of collective action. This grasps democratic media activism. Therefore they point our four predominant forms of action to democratize communication – which ultimately makes media equal and fair. #1 #2 #3 #4 influencing content advocating reform building hanging the and practices of of government independent, relationship mainstream media policy/regulation of democratic and between audiences media in order to participatory media. and media, chiefly e.g. finding openings change the structure by for oppositional and policies of e.g. skills training, empowering voices, media media themselves distribution services audiences to be monitoring, more critical of campaigns to change e.g. media reform hegemonic media specific aspects of coalitions representation e.g. media education and culture jamming.
  • 40. Topic Research - Sociology Effects McChesney 1993 & Star 2000 He found encouraging recent surge of work on alternative media as a site of potentially counter-hegemonic cultural and political practice . Therefore media is developing back to its manipulated and influential state Curran 2003 & Downing 2001 Whereas this study has been relatively few effects on resistance, hereby modern societies aren't as democratic as it seems. The debate on society being democratic or hegemonic is therefore very hard to define and state
  • 41. Topic Research - Sociology Class Dominance Theory Class dominant theory argues that media reflects and projects the view of a minority elite, which controls it. • Those who control, produce media • Limits competition of big businesses – especially new media • Few people have change to manipulate what people hear and see • Can avoid stories
  • 42. Topic Research - Sociology Culturist Theory The culturist Theory sees audiences as playing an active rather than passive role in mass media – how they interact and produce. • Emphasise amount of options • Interpretations, developing knowledge and experience Claim few elite in large corporations exert significant control over what information media produces and distributes and audience play more powerful role
  • 43. Topic Research - Sociology Primary I asked… Research Do you think society is being indirectly controlled or is democracy increased in media? My respondents generally think… • Society hegemonic-ally controlled – i.e indirectly being told how to act • Media is a big controlling factor emphasising ideology to society • Democracy is a smokescreen to keep us all dumb from how they are indirectly controlling us
  • 44. Topic Research - Sociology Democratic or Hegemonic Democratic Hegemonic Web 2.0 and 3.0 has allowed the The elite still take control over the audience to have greater media as they are the ones who own participation the industries
  • 45.
  • 46. Topic Research – Social Media Networking Use of Twitter’s hash tag is used to unite people opinions from all around the world, - Enforcing democracy - this is also used throughout media including TV and Magazines E.G documentary ‘one born every minute’ This allows the audience to participate with the programmes – significantly those who ‘shout-out’ the tweets between intervals to share with viewers, which would have not been done before Web 2.0 However tweets are chosen – presenting a small sensation of hegemony in Networking
  • 47. Topic Research – Social Media Networking Followed Facebook is largely democratic as everyone has the equal freedom to create pages and groups on something they like, they think or they do However, other users could be manipulated by these domineering groups and feel pressure to like what they do, ultimately they feel they have to conform the ‘Facebook ideals’
  • 48. Topic Research – Social Media Social News Thankfully to Web 2.0 we can all interact and post our own stories on social news sites! However Hegemony and Democracy exists within Although Slashdot emphasises their qualities of allowing their audience participation generate their whole site • Users can post their own stories • However, the stories they get from page are decided by a more powerful figure
  • 49. Topic Research – Social Media Social News Where as Digg is largely a democratic website – fully in control by the audience Digg has a voting system put on every user generated story where any user is allowed to vote ‘Digg’ or ‘Bury’ • The story with most votes get from page • The story with too many burys is deleted from the website
  • 50. Topic Research – Social Media Blogs Blogs have practically no rules, you can post what ever you want based on your interests This promotes audience freedom, further an equal and fair system i.e – on Tumblr, nothing is censored Celebrity / Idol blog Culture blog Fashion blog
  • 51. Topic Research – Social Media Blogs However these systems are tailored to your likes and dislikes – E.G if you type in ‘Fashion blogs’ in Google, only a certain type will come up that you like They rest is not shown to you This almost forms your likes, as the ones your not shown could be something you would like but you cant see it do you don’t have the opportunity. This may come up for me But this would come up to someone else
  • 52. Topic Research – Social Media Online Dating Since the internet started online dating has been slowly developing. To now, people can tick boxes and find a partner who is similar to them while being on a website that caters there need whether it be • Age • Sexuality • Culture • Religion • Fetishes Though this system that picks our your match could not be presenting you will all compatibilities – taking control to who you will speak to and who you won’t – you are not in-control and as widespread as you think you are to find love online. However, it depends as a user how much you trust the sites.
  • 53. Topic Research – Social Media Wiki’s But who does actually edit the information – Those with the resources and knowledge These faceless ‘professionals’ are the ones who dominate industries and manipulate people below or in less authority than them. Therefore how does anyone know this information is not hegemonic? People always take it how it is – because they think someone more knowledgeable is always right, to which the audience conforms
  • 54. Topic Research – Social Media Video sites are again all audience E.G… Video Sites participatory which 48 hours of footage is uploaded every hour! An example of audience participation is - Nam cat - people start posting cats watching the This enforced the things what video people like get popular and allow other to post their own video’s of it – connecting people across the world because of Web 2.0 the creativity that inspires others in technological culture making many so many different versions entire remix community, something we all became a part of. to posting a cat watching a cat watch the video.
  • 55. Topic Research – Social Media TED Kevin Allocca Talks Why video’s go viral A part of this video highlights the reason for some video’s popularity is because of the ‘Tastemakers’ who publish it to the world. This means on domineering figure influences others to like a video, that otherwise someone else who is not, it would not have gone viral – presenting some type of Jimmy Kimmel tweeted on the video hegemony
  • 56. Topic Research – Social Media Primary I asked… Research Do you think social media is fair or manipulated by the faceless business behind? My respondents generally think… • Being on twitter and Facebook is not beneficial as it leads to bullying and manipulative way to be • Allows us to express opinions, enforces democracy • Some sites have a face behind it, so therefore by knowing who would be manipulating you, allows audience to think and be comfortable with the owner and therefore the website
  • 57. Topic Research – Social Media Democratic or Hegemonic Democratic Hegemonic Web 2.0 has dramatically increased Those who own sites generate your our freedom to comment and post results whatever we want
  • 58.
  • 59. Topic Research - News Bias The elite control the news, they show what the want History to show and what they don’t Have you ever noticed pieces of history don’t quite add up? Or that it seems as though parts have been deleted or hidden from us? Well the elite have authority to do this. There are plenty if things the News hide from us. It's not hard since most of us blindly follow. • you are told what certain people want you to hear • ever wondered who the groups and names of their people (monsters) behind wars are? • ever wondered why globalisation exists? • ever wondered if history is exactly the way it is or is it only the author's perspective? • do you really think global warming is entirely created by man? No, because News is completely hegemonic, the audience have no say in what we know and what we don’t
  • 60. Topic Research - News Corrupt Elite Theoretically the corrupt elite can only be brought down if there is an 'awakening of the people', if people just stop accepting things the way they are, they can actually progress and advance. If there is enough information, technology, freedom to move forwards and invest in rights for humanity, animals, plants and the world, in good food, health, education and shelter for everyone. But why doesn't society do this? The news supress audience knowledge with ‘smokescreen’ information
  • 61. Topic Research - News Current Debate The current debate across the UK is whether the News tell us everything we should know? Some think that the news bombards society with a big story e.g ‘Bin Laden's Death’ to cover up a story on the elite, government – and something their doing An example is Hitler who banned smoking in Germany because it caused cancer. However the government kept it a secret & flooded Germany with free cigarettes to increase the death rate. Which was Therefore making it extremely hard for society to become anti-establishment and kept a complete secret to Americans! react to what they show, as there is very little evidence of this – but their dominance and manipulation to the public is greatly evident
  • 62. Topic Research - News Dominance Local TV news is the most popular that audiences watch and listen to However, it only cover 12% of international news • Because its cheap • Easy to access • international news is highly corruptive to show because of audience distrust with governments – trying to hide something? However audiences have no control to see this news as they don’t have the resources, therefore we are inevitably manipulated by the news. Most people believe what they are told – if its on TV News its almost officially the truth
  • 63. Topic Research - News TED Alisa Miller Talks The news about news The video stated shocking facts such as.. • Death of Anna Nicole Smith covered news on all countries and had 10x more coverage than the IPCC report • News networks have decreased by 50% of foreign bureaus because covering people like Britney Is cheaper • Global news is recycled and does not put their context across in a away the audience could understand it- leading to a decrease in knowledge around the world • All down to dominance as 52% follow global news, but they don’t even know that much about it • And this is all out of our hands -> they are hegemonic
  • 64. Topic Research - News Primary I asked… Research - Do you think the news is showing us all that we have the right to see? Or are they hiding stories? My respondents generally think… • Doesn't cover complete stories • Depends on the opinions of the controller • Depends on ownership • Mainstream news is no longer trustworthy • They show the cheaper stories so we aren't shown the more important stories • If we want the truth, we need to do our own research and become more democratic
  • 65. Topic Research - News Democratic or Hegemonic Democratic Hegemonic In the future the News could become The news is hegemonic controlled by democratic if people have the the elite, they have the power. resources and come together to They manipulate audiences to become anti-establishment believe what they tell us
  • 66. Record of Resources used… Wikipedia Examples of wikis Articles online To see which type of news is more dominant Newspaper articles Too see a general stories the news post compared with others YouTube videos Statistics Textbooks Sociologist research Periodicals - Books - Vimeo videos - TED videos Social media and News search Slide Share Sociologist research Blogs Blogs research Social Media Networking research on twitter and online dating Phone interview, expert - In-person interview public - In-person interview expert - Yahoo! Primary research
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  • 69. Hegemony • Their are 3 types: 1. Cultural Hegemony: The Idea that the western culture (represented through our films, TV shows, Fast food restaurants & Brands) is overwhelming other countries cultures 2. Institution Hegemony: Is the way and strategy to consolidate existing hegemonic structures by designing, maintain and reinforcing international institutions 3. Strength Hegemony: Traditional hegemony, it emphasizes the importance if force i.e. WWI & WWII
  • 70. Hegemony & Democracy Through TV Ads • Ads are a fast way of getting a message across to the view • Its 2-3 minis • Usually to show a product or type of life style • Examples... Apple - IPods Mc Donald's •They advertise their brand and food •They advertise products such as potable •They tend to use their own jingles or mp3 player popular music to catch attention •Through individuality, emphasised by •They show different kinds of people, different colours of their iPods the identified my clothing, age, gender and popular music for the backing track ethnicity to include everyone •In buying the product it implies your •Doing this sends a message to the views quality of listening to music will be more that everyone any age can buy into their joyful and exciting (buying into a lifestyle) brand regardless of status
  • 71. Hegemony & Democracy Through TV Ads Apple - IPod Mc Donald's • Hegemony was used to sell • Like Apple, Mc Donald’s sell the audience a kind of lifestyle the audience a kind of lifestyle • The ad is used to convince the • The ad uses a popular theme viewer your musical (being food) to entice hungry experience will be exciting implying if you don't your not and lifestyle hungry viewers current (popular) • Implying that if you buy into • This form of control makes the their products you will have a viewer believe they need joyous experience, which is something they don't and more expensive then cooking making them adapt and cheaper and better food in unwanted kind of lifestyle your own home
  • 72. Hegemony & Democracy Through TV Ads • Millions of people a day watch TV making it a marketing playground • As a society we are lead to believe we have democracy, free speech • Ads form our interests through desires for popularity and longing to fit in • By buying into the brands we conform to hegemonic power as we We have become slaves lose sight of what we really want and to brands unknowingly need
  • 73. Hegemony Through TV shows • Many if not all shows portray a kind of hegemonic ideology, playing on stereotypes i.e. status and class, gender, face etc. Some other shows have a fine line where democracy is present but have a hegemonic foundation The Big Band Theory •This show plays on stereotypes implying this is how all people with these characteristics act in the same manor... •Penny - ‘young female’ – ‘Blond’: Her character is a failed aspiring actress who lacks on the academic knowledge but is socially popular •Leonard - ‘Young male’- ‘Geeky scientist’: His character is a scientist who does not have much if not any luck with girls •Rajesh – ‘Young male’ – ‘Indian’: The only non Caucasian character, also a scientist, who has wealthy parents and cannot talk to women unless under the influence
  • 74. Hegemony Through TV shows Eastenders •Also plays on stereotypes and always seems to focus on the lower class and a small portion on the middle class •Focuses on families and friendships in a rural area who struggle with ends meat •In some episodes focuses on topics such as ... Teen pregnancy's, homosexuality, drugs •The show covering these topics either reinforced out actions towards them or allows viewers to analyse from a different stand point (controlling us by forcing us to address these topics through observation) Downton Abby •Historic period Drama that is all out status and class reflecting out society today i.e. •The servants: Represent the lower class and their struggle to be acknowledged living in the shadows •The young adults: Represent the middle class and their trying to work to make something of themselves •Owners/Elders: Represent the upper class the wealthy who control everyone's income
  • 75. Democracy Through TV shows • Shows such as ‘The X Factor’ and ‘The Voice’ help the viewers excursive their democratic rights The X Factor I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! • For the pure entertainment to put •Allows democracy through their voting celebrity's through disgusting challenges system •The audience exercise their democracy •Giving the public the choice to keep their to chose who does the challenges and favourites how many times •Allowing the audience to vote no longer •Allowing the audience to vote no longer makes us passive makes us passive
  • 76. Hegemony Through TV shows The X Factor I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! •Where is becomes hegemonic is through the beginning stages of the show •Through the extensive audition process •Celebrity's are chosen for us to humiliate you must go through 3 sets of pre judging •Producers predict who may be the most before being judged but the celebrity popular and base the challenges on that panel •We call in to vote when the celebs fate •So what we chose is from what they has been partially decided have already determined •They pick for 80% for entertainment and 20% for talent
  • 77. TV In The 50’s • Women's places were believed to be in the house • During this period ads like this would be targeted at them • These sorts of ads would reinforce how society believes women should live in hand making them believe no otherwise
  • 78. Hegemony & Propaganda • Hegemony is like propaganda • The difference is one is done under the radar and the other can be visibly seen • Propaganda has been used constantly through generations • It can be seen through WWI & WWII • Dictators and world domination hungry leaders have used this to control and manipulate their people • Men like, Hitler, Stalin, Gadhafi
  • 79. Hegemony & Democracy Through TV shows Hegemony Democracy • Through shows, subliminal • We are able to vote for who messages are sent to a mass we want and what we want audience • We ultimately have a choice • We are made to believe we to buy into a lifestyle its not have democracy through forced upon us voting shows except we are just buying into a fix
  • 80. Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological Convergence (Franchise)
  • 81.
  • 82. Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological Convergence Franchise • They are an example of hegemony at its finest • They are a collaboration of different company's to make a product / products • It feeds the public a movie or product (or anything) and branch out (to keep its fan base alive) giving them ... Magazines Cartoon series Movie, Product, Game... Comics Accessories Costumes Games Sequels Toys
  • 83. Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological Convergence - Examples Star Wars The Dark Knight • The first film was ‘IV: A New Hope (1977)’ •This ‘Batman’ saga is a remake •The budget was $11 million but gross was •The first film was ‘Batman Begins (2005) $480 million •Originated from ‘DC Comics’ •After this gained a cult following •The budget was $150,000,000 and grossed •After the 2nd film their franchise had $374,218,673 spread from, action figures to light sabres •With DC Comics die hard fans all they had to go was gain new followers through How its hegemonic.. marketing •It becomes part of the generations childhood holding good memories How its hegemonic.. •Companies know kids will want to mask •It already has a set fan base as it is a remake themselves with items associated with the bring their childhood hero to the big screen film •Audiences would have already gained an • Us buying the goods keeps capitalism emotional lie through the comics •Us buying the goods keeps capitalism
  • 84. Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological Convergence The Dark Knight - Marketing •They started with an official website with mazes and question •Next they took over ‘MySpace’ for a day which allowed the public to advertise by sending friends screen grabs •The website would be updated regularly with campaigns for ‘Harvey Dent’ and smear campaigns for ‘The Joker’ •Finally they set but a treasure hunt to find phones and get a call from ‘The Joker’
  • 85. Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological Convergence Star Wars •They tend to now make their money from.. •Cartoon series •Collectables •Toys •Video Games •Watching the films on TV catching new and old audience to buy once again into the franchise
  • 86. Hegemony & Democracy Through Technological Convergence Star Wars The Dark Knight •Today their franchise is worth $2,967,173,108 • Today their franchise is worth $27,000,000,000 •Through feeding off of the comic book franchise ‘DC Comics’ and their emotional •Through playing on childhood memories to attachments to the hero characters fuel their income •Comics are timeless which can always catch •The public buy into the franchise to feed new generations keeping their franchise their inner child moving •With constant sequels they can catch new •With constant sequels they can catch new and old generations encouraging a never- and old generations encouraging a never- ending cycle ending cycle
  • 87.
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  • 90. Democracy in Magazines • Magazine focuses on real life stories of ordinary people • Readers can submit their own real life story to be displayed in the magazine • Readers can participate in small competitions after completing tasks like wordsearches
  • 91. Democracy in Magazines Polls, Competitions etc • Readers can submit their details by post, telephone, online • Winners are selected nationwide, everybody has equal chance of winning
  • 92. Democracy in Magazines Elle Style Awards hosted by Elle Magazine • Readers can vote online for each award • After voting a lucky winner gets gift vouchers from the company sponsoring the ceremony • They also get tickets to attend the ceremony
  • 93. Democracy in Magazines Here is what the reader’s voting process looks like..
  • 94. Democracy in Magazines Glamour Women Of The Year Awards • A year event held by Glamour Magazine • One award named ‘Readers Choice Award’ is chosen by readers only • Readers are given a selection of inspirational stories, from there they must choose which philanthropist they want to vote for • Glamour magazine features the Reader’s Choice Award winner on the magazine
  • 95. Democracy in Magazines Seventeen Magazine: Readers get a chance to test out beauty products and give their verdict! This gives readers a chance for their opinion to be heard for other people to read
  • 96. Hegemony in Magazines Idea of the ‘perfect body’ • Fashion is thought of as a method of hegemonic domination putting forth a duty to conform on the female population • Magazine photographs provide unrealistic expectation of the ideal female appearance which many cant meet • Women respond to fashion resources in different ways..
  • 97. Hegemony in Magazines • Every page of Vogue magazine is authorised by senior representatives • There are no reader related columns, product testing etc • Readers have no input into what goes into the magazine • There is no competition section just pages relating to design, fashion, lifestyle etc
  • 98. Hegemony in Magazines Elle Style Awards Voting Process.. • Readers are only allowed to vote for a selection of awards • Elle magazine still have a lot of control as to who the award winners are • Readers are invited to vote for each award but their vote doesn’t really count
  • 99. Hegemony in Magazines Hegemonic femininity and sexuality • In male and female magazines there are images shape our ideas of gender and sexuality. • Advertisements, articles, and every other page in each magazine is gendered
  • 100. Hegemony in Magazines • Magazines show these female cultural ideals through images • Socially assembling what a woman should look like • All front cover models on women magazines like Elle and Cosmopolitan. • Like the picture above, the woman has the perfect body structure and appearance • This is the problem because in reality all women do not look like this • The “perfect woman” isn’t natural because our perception of what looks beautiful is socially constructed through mass media
  • 101.
  • 103. Audience Feedback She Said… 20 • It appeals to her because she's very interesting in Female media and feels strongly about democratic rights in Working media Art, Film, Beauty, Dance • Interested in hearing how hegemonic the news is, and why its still that way • The revolution of Web 2.0 is almost blinding people from how they control media and manipulate audience • Would be for people in 20s and 30s • Should interview sociologists and people in the government • Worrying because some parts its hard to gain evidence of it
  • 104.
  • 105. Purpose and Style • What's the purpose of the documentary ? • Is to Inform and educate the audience on hegemony and if today’s democracy is just the puppet master behind it • Also if we are controlled, in what way and form • And ultimately if we can control it and escape it?
  • 106. Purpose and Style • What would people learn about this topic from your documentary? • The audience will learn what hegemony and how it lives undetected in our society and how it effects our perception of reality • The will discover its effects during history and its forms through social media, films, TV and magazines • They will also learn what Algorithms are and if they are really necessary • The truth will be uncovered to if we are really free
  • 107. Purpose and Style • What style of documentary is it? • There are 6 types of modes to Bill Nichol’s Theory 1. Poetic Mode: More towards subjectivism, leaves things to be interpreted, for an artistic feel. 2. Expository Mode: Unlike poetic moves more for a story telling stance, through informing in order to persuade 3. Observation Mode: Simply just observing in order to allow audiences to shape their own opinion on the issue, people/person 4. Reflexive Mode: 5. Per formative Mode: Its participatory though having a presenter or just having a person going along
  • 108. Purpose and Style • What style of documentary is it? • According to Bill Nichols theory our documentary is Expository • We believe It’s more informative as we are just trying to feed our audience with information • In the attempt for them to form their own opinions about “Is the current media landscape democratic or hegemonic”
  • 109.
  • 110. Audience 30’s Secondary Audience Whole Target audience Audience is 20s to 40s years 20’s
  • 111. Audience Target Audience - People in their 20’s because they are largely involved in participating in most forms Age of media – also they are strongly concerned with having equal and fair rights Due to modern society being quite patriarchal - I think women would be inclined to Gender see if media is democratic and it is interpreted women are manipulated by media Media is a huge part of working class leisure activities and pop culture so we think Class they are going to be hugely interested to see whether it is democratic or hegemonic British people because our research is based on their culture, their use of the media Ethnicity mainly, though all ethnic groups throughout the UK as they’re all part of media Secondary Audience - People in their 30’s because have seen the evolution from Web 1.0 to knowledge Age in Web 3.0. Also they would be largely involved in media more professionally Women and Men because society has evolved from reinforcing those ideal forms Gender of gender – however they would want to see if that is actually exercised in media Middle class because they are the ones who work for media industries and have Class great knowledge of the debates British people because our research is based on their culture, their use of the media Ethnicity mainly, though all ethnic groups throughout the UK as they’re all part of media
  • 112. Audience Our audience is MASS because… • Everyone is somehow connected into media • Generally people are conscious of their equal rights • People would want to see if they are being manipulated – or how far they have been unconsciously manipulated • It would relate to so many people • Some things brought up, people throughout the UK will be able to relate a story or relate how their searches have been tailored – and noticed
  • 113. Audience It is important that people learn about this topic because… • It is essentially manipulating audience to thinking they’re in control of what the see and search • The audience should be aware they possibly don’t have as much democracy throughout all media as they though Web 2.0 would have • People will be more wary of their democratic right in media – or possibly realise they increased control their do have since the web 2.0 revolution • Their authenticity is being compromised and reinforced to shape a different or more dominant ideology
  • 114. Audience Our connect purpose to the audience is… • The fact that social media is such a broad topic that the interests of so many different people can be compared and contrasted throughout. • To enforce a debate • Also because its becoming a huge important part of society as it is somewhat controlling our world being used public sectors such as education emphasising the newly great importance and need to be knowledgeable within our topic.
  • 115. Audience The style of our documentary is… • Informative because… We present both sides of the debate in our topic, we don’t necessarily enforce our personal bias views. • Participatory because… Our presenter will participate in interviews and certain events taken place in our documentary to make the documentary seem more natural and comfortable
  • 116.
  • 117. Planning: Structure Episode: Introduction: Beginning: Middle: End: (First 2 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) (15 Mins) • Presenter talking about the • This is to make audience aware - Statistics on the growing - Introduce algorithms and whole documentary, the of the history of the web number of people logging how it has been brought purpose - how social media beginning with web 1.0 -a onto social networking sites in as a new form in web ‘Social is controlling what detailed timeline like Facebook day by day. - Explain with animation • Animation shows information Media’ – information we receive, in coming out of a computer but - How this has increased over the use of a filter bubble Facebook, YouTube, the years and why? - we will show a before The Google, Twitter. none going in from the and after in Google audiences Hegemonic • Sociological theory of - The different types of social searches • Montage footage of people networking sites and which - Link it to social Puppeteer interacting with different ‘upsurge’ in activism ones are the most popular networking – going in • Presenter highlights social forms of media – people on and why they appeal so much depth with the way networking – Facebook, their iPads, iPhones, to such a mass audience. Facebook tailor your Tumblr, Twitter, Social News, Blackberry’s, Laptops etc. Online Dating – how the web newsfeed has come to a revolution – - Reasons why social media and - Talking to the expert • E.g. internet, phones, TV… more democracy social networking sites make behind the industry ask if Including establishing shot • Leads to the Web 2.0 part of for the perfect tool used to they even know who of internet cafes (high the animation where control certain ideologies or tailors our algorithms, angles, low angles), a information comes in and out products within society. (Their who creates their ethics bedroom (with tech), train • Showing how YouTube gaines popularity aids their ability to - Being in sociological station (people on phones) users success and audience reach a wide range of people.) theories into ethnics – with close up of Wi-Fi allow them to grow or fail– the extent of our connecting. people gain great success - For example some marketers democracy • Public interviews on how they use certain social networking - To lead into next episode • Show case study of the boy feel about web 2.0 in Trafalgar sites or social media to go through why who killed his mum square promote their products by algorithms promote a mimicking the soap • Lastly web 3.0 with voiceover creating 'Pages' for people to hegemonic form of social ‘Coronation Street’, with presenter explaining it like on Facebook. networking – just archival footage of news • Examples of Google search manipulates audiences broadcast. tailoring searches - On most website pages a use in the sites • Finish with expert interview 'share' or 'like' button will - Expert interview and and example of the way web appear. examples of what we see 3.0 is becoming omnipresent and what we don’t see
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  • 119. Channel and Time What channel would it be put on and why? Channel 4 because.. • most of their documentaries target 17-34 year old females • documentaries revolving media and technology • their documentaries have peaked to up to 8 million viewers eg. Cutting Edge received 7.4 million
  • 120. Channel and Time What time would it be on and why? 9pm because.. •audience have finished studying/work, children are sleeping etc, so they are available to watch it •there’s nothing explicit so the time doesn’t have to be pushed further back