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Assemble Your Code in Stages:
Leveling Up With Pipelines
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
About me
Steven Wade

• Husband, father

• Founder/Organizer of UpstatePHP

Twitter: @stevenwadejr

Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Process payment
$receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order);
$order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id;
event(new OrderProcessed($order));
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
// Process payment
$receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order);
$order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id;
event(new OrderProcessed($order));
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
// Calculate shipping
// Free shipping on orders $100+
if ($order->order_total < 100) {
$calculator = new ShippingCalculator;
$shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping);
$order->order_total += $shipping;
// Process payment
$receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order);
$order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id;
event(new OrderProcessed($order));
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add coupons
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class);
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
// Calculate shipping
// Free shipping on orders $100+
if ($order->order_total < 100) {
$calculator = new ShippingCalculator;
$shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping);
$order->order_total += $shipping;
// Process payment
$receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order);
$order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id;
event(new OrderProcessed($order));
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
• Understand what a pipeline is, and what stages are

• Learn to recognize a pipeline in our code

• Refactor code to stages

• See how stages make testing easier

• Understand when a pipeline is not the appropriate option
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
What is a pipeline?
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
cat logs.txt | grep "ERROR" | wc -l
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
So, what is a pipeline?
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
A series of processes chained together to where
the output of each is the input of the next
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
cat logs.txt | grep "ERROR" | wc -l
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Real World Example
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
$bedtime = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new Bath)
->pipe(new Diaper)
->pipe(new Pajamas)
->pipe(new BrushTeeth)
->pipe(new Book('Catalina Magdalena...'))
->pipe(new Song('Radio Gaga'));
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
gulp.task('css', function(){
return gulp.src('client/templates/*.less')
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
PHP Land
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Nested Function Calls
function timesTwo($payload) {
return $payload * 2;
function addOne($payload) {
return $payload + 1;
// outputs 21
echo addOne(
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Nested Mess
$slug = strtolower(
'My Awesome Blog Post!'
echo $slug;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Nested Function Calls
function timesTwo($payload) {
return $payload * 2;
function addOne($payload) {
return $payload + 1;
// outputs 21
echo addOne(
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Looping Through Stages
$stages = ['timesTwo', 'addOne'];
$payload = 10;
foreach ($stages as $stage) {
$payload = call_user_func($stage, $payload);
// outputs 21
echo $payload;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
–Martin Fowler
“Any fool can write code that a computer can
understand. Good programmers write code that
humans can understand.”
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Frank de Jonge

Woody Gilk

Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
LeaguePipeline - Functional
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
// Returns 21
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
LeaguePipeline - Class Based
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new TimeTwoStage)
->pipe(new AddOneStage);
// Returns 21
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Putting it into practice
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
• Create the order

• Calculate the total

• Process the payment

• Subtract coupons from total

• Add appropriate taxes

• Calculate and add shipping costs
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
• Create the order

• Calculate the sub-total

• Subtract coupons from total

• Add appropriate taxes

• Calculate and add shipping costs

• Process the payment
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add coupons
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class);
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add coupons
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class);
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
// Calculate shipping
// Free shipping on orders $100+
if ($order->order_total < 100) {
$calculator = new ShippingCalculator;
$shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping);
$order->order_total += $shipping;
// Process payment
$receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order);
$order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id;
event(new OrderProcessed($order));
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - testing
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - testing
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add coupons
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class);
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
// Add tax
$taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']);
$tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate;
$tax = round($tax, 2);
$order->order_total += $tax;
$order->tax = $tax;
// Calculate shipping
// Free shipping on orders $100+
if ($order->order_total < 100) {
$calculator = new ShippingCalculator;
$shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping);
$order->order_total += $shipping;
// Process payment
$receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order);
$order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id;
event(new OrderProcessed($order));
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
class OrderProcessController
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = new Order;
$order->billing = $request->get('billing');
$order->shipping = $request->get('shipping');
$order->products = $request->get('products');
// Calculate sub-total
$productsTotal = 0;
foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) {
$productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']);
$order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2);
// Add coupons
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class);
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
Create order
Subtract coupons
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = $this->createOrder($request);
$this->applyCoupon($request, $order);
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - Testing
protected function applyCoupon(Request $request, Order $order):
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = new CouponRepository;
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - Testing
protected function applyCoupon(Request $request, Order $order):
$couponCode = $request->get('coupon');
if ($couponCode) {
$couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class);
$coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode);
$discount = $coupon->isPercentage()
? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2)
: $coupon->amount;
$order->order_total -= $discount;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - Testing
public function __construct(CouponRepository $couponRepository)
$this->couponRepository = $couponRepository;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = $this->createOrder($request);
$this->applyCoupon($request, $order);
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - Testing
public function __construct(
CouponRepository $couponRepository,
ShippingCalculator $shippingCalculator,
PaymentGateway $paymentGateway
) {
$this->couponRepository = $couponRepository;
$this->shippingCalculator = $shippingCalculator;
$this->paymentGateway = $paymentGateway;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = $this->createOrder($request);
$this->applyCoupon($request, $order);
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
eCommerce - Refactored
class OrderProcessController
protected $stages = [
public function processOrder(Request $request)
$order = OrderFactory::fromRequest($request);
$pipeline = new LeaguePipelinePipeline;
foreach ($this->stages as $stage) {
$stage = app($stage, ['request' => $request]);
return response(null);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Testing Stages
class OrderProcessTest
public function test_sales_tax()
$subTotal = 100.00;
$taxRate = 0.06;
$expected = 106.00;
$order = new Order;
$order->order_total = $subTotal;
$order->billing['state'] = 'SC';
$stage = new ApplyTaxes;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $order->order_total);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
• Pipeline: a series of processes (stages) chained together to
where the output of each is the input of the next.

• Stages create readability, reusability, and testability
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Choose wisely
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Fun Stuff - Variable Pipeline
class RelatedData
protected $stages = [
public function process()
$pipeline = new Pipeline;
foreach ($this->stages as $stage) {
if ($this->stageIsEnabled()) {
$pipeline->pipe(new $stage);
return $pipeline->process([]);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Fun Stuff - Async Stages
class DealsStage
public function __invoke(array $payload)
if ($cache = $this->cache->get('deals')) {
$promise = new FulfilledPromise($cache);
} else {
$promise = $this->api->getDeals();
$promise = $promise->then(function ($deals) {
$this->cache->set('deals', $deals);
return $deals;
$payload['deals'] = $promise;
return $payload;
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Fun Stuff - Async Stages
class RelatedData
public function process()
$promises = $this->pipeline->process([]);
return GuzzleHttpPromiseunwrap($promises);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
LeaguePipeline - Added Benefits
• FingersCrossedProcessor
• InterruptibleProcessor
• ProcessorInterface
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
LeaguePipeline - InterruptibleProcessor
$processor = new InterruptibleProcessor(function($payload) {
return $payload < 10;
$pipeline = new Pipeline(
function ($payload) { return $payload + 2; }, // 7
function ($payload) { return $payload * 10; }, // 70
function ($payload) { return $payload * 10; } // 700
// outputs 70
echo $pipeline->process(5);
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Laravel's Pipeline
$stages = [
$result = app(Pipeline::class)
->then(function($payload) {
return $payload;
Thank you!
Questions / Feedback?
Twitter: @stevenwadejr
Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
Suggested Questions
• Is it better to have dynamic stages (e.g. - conditions are run in advance
to determine the steps) or pass all the steps and let the stage contain
it's own condition?

• When should one stage be broken into 2?

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Assemble Your Code in Stages: Leveling Up With Pipelines

  • 1. Assemble Your Code in Stages: Leveling Up With Pipelines
  • 2. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr About me Steven Wade • Husband, father • Founder/Organizer of UpstatePHP Twitter: @stevenwadejr Email:
  • 3. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem
  • 4. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 5. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 6. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Process payment $receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order); $order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id; event(new OrderProcessed($order)); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 7. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; // Process payment $receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order); $order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id; event(new OrderProcessed($order)); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 8. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; // Calculate shipping // Free shipping on orders $100+ if ($order->order_total < 100) { $calculator = new ShippingCalculator; $shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping); $order->order_total += $shipping; } // Process payment $receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order); $order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id; event(new OrderProcessed($order)); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 9. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Problem class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add coupons $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class); $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; // Calculate shipping // Free shipping on orders $100+ if ($order->order_total < 100) { $calculator = new ShippingCalculator; $shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping); $order->order_total += $shipping; } // Process payment $receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order); $order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id; event(new OrderProcessed($order)); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 10. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 11. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 12. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Pipelines!*(possibly)
  • 13. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Goals • Understand what a pipeline is, and what stages are • Learn to recognize a pipeline in our code • Refactor code to stages • See how stages make testing easier • Understand when a pipeline is not the appropriate option
  • 14. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr What is a pipeline?
  • 15. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr |
  • 16. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr cat logs.txt | grep "ERROR" | wc -l
  • 17. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr So, what is a pipeline?
  • 18. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Pipeline A series of processes chained together to where the output of each is the input of the next
  • 19. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Stages cat logs.txt | grep "ERROR" | wc -l
  • 20. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Real World Example
  • 21. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Bedtime <?php $bedtime = (new Pipeline) ->pipe(new Bath) ->pipe(new Diaper) ->pipe(new Pajamas) ->pipe(new BrushTeeth) ->pipe(new Book('Catalina Magdalena...')) ->pipe(new Song('Radio Gaga')); $bedtime->process($penny);
  • 22. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 23. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 24. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 25. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 26. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 27. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Gulp gulp.task('css', function(){ return gulp.src('client/templates/*.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/css')) });
  • 28. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 29. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr PHP Land
  • 30. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Nested Function Calls function timesTwo($payload) { return $payload * 2; } function addOne($payload) { return $payload + 1; } // outputs 21 echo addOne( timesTwo(10) );
  • 31. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Nested Mess $slug = strtolower( preg_replace( '~-+~', '-', trim( preg_replace( '~[^-w]+~', '', preg_replace( '~[^pLd]+~u', '-', 'My Awesome Blog Post!' ) ), '-' ) ) ); echo $slug;
  • 32. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Nested Function Calls function timesTwo($payload) { return $payload * 2; } function addOne($payload) { return $payload + 1; } // outputs 21 echo addOne( timesTwo(10) );
  • 33. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Looping Through Stages $stages = ['timesTwo', 'addOne']; $payload = 10; foreach ($stages as $stage) { $payload = call_user_func($stage, $payload); } // outputs 21 echo $payload;
  • 34. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 35. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr –Martin Fowler “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”
  • 36. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr LeaguePipeline
  • 37. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr LeaguePipeline Frank de Jonge
 @frankdejonge Woody Gilk
  • 38. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr LeaguePipeline - Functional $pipeline = (new Pipeline) ->pipe('timesTwo') ->pipe('addOne'); // Returns 21 $pipeline->process(10);
  • 39. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr LeaguePipeline - Class Based $pipeline = (new Pipeline) ->pipe(new TimeTwoStage) ->pipe(new AddOneStage); // Returns 21 $pipeline->process(10);
  • 40. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Putting it into practice
  • 41. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce • Create the order • Calculate the total • Process the payment • Subtract coupons from total • Add appropriate taxes • Calculate and add shipping costs
  • 42. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce • Create the order • Calculate the sub-total • Subtract coupons from total • Add appropriate taxes • Calculate and add shipping costs • Process the payment
  • 43. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add coupons $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class); $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } } }
  • 44. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add coupons $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class); $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; // Calculate shipping // Free shipping on orders $100+ if ($order->order_total < 100) { $calculator = new ShippingCalculator; $shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping); $order->order_total += $shipping; } // Process payment $receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order); $order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id; event(new OrderProcessed($order)); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 45. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - testing class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; } }
  • 46. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - testing class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; } }
  • 47. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add coupons $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class); $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } // Add tax $taxRate = TaxFactory::getRate($order->billing['state']); $tax = $order->order_total * $taxRate; $tax = round($tax, 2); $order->order_total += $tax; $order->tax = $tax; // Calculate shipping // Free shipping on orders $100+ if ($order->order_total < 100) { $calculator = new ShippingCalculator; $shipping = $calculator->calculate($order->shipping); $order->order_total += $shipping; } // Process payment $receipt = $this->paymentGateway->process($order); $order->confirmation = $receipt->transaction_id; event(new OrderProcessed($order)); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 48. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce class OrderProcessController { public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = new Order; $order->billing = $request->get('billing'); $order->shipping = $request->get('shipping'); $order->products = $request->get('products'); // Calculate sub-total $productsTotal = 0; foreach ($request->get('products', []) as $product) { $productsTotal += ($product['price'] * $product['quantity']); } $order->order_total += round($productsTotal, 2); // Add coupons $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class); $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } } } Create order Sub-total Subtract coupons
  • 49. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = $this->createOrder($request); $this->calculateSubTotal($order); $this->applyCoupon($request, $order); $this->applyTaxes($order); $this->calculateShipping($order); $this->processPayment($order); $order->save(); return response(null); }
  • 50. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - Testing protected function applyCoupon(Request $request, Order $order): void { $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = new CouponRepository; $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } }
  • 51. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - Testing protected function applyCoupon(Request $request, Order $order): void { $couponCode = $request->get('coupon'); if ($couponCode) { $couponRepo = app(CouponRepository::class); $coupon = $couponRepo->findByCode($couponCode); $discount = $coupon->isPercentage() ? round($coupon->amount / $order->order_total * 100, 2) : $coupon->amount; $order->order_total -= $discount; } }
  • 52. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - Testing public function __construct(CouponRepository $couponRepository) { $this->couponRepository = $couponRepository; }
  • 53. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = $this->createOrder($request); $this->calculateSubTotal($order); $this->applyCoupon($request, $order); $this->applyTaxes($order); $this->calculateShipping($order); $this->processPayment($order); $order->save(); return response(null); }
  • 54. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - Testing public function __construct( CouponRepository $couponRepository, ShippingCalculator $shippingCalculator, PaymentGateway $paymentGateway ) { $this->couponRepository = $couponRepository; $this->shippingCalculator = $shippingCalculator; $this->paymentGateway = $paymentGateway; }
  • 55. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = $this->createOrder($request); $this->calculateSubTotal($order); $this->applyCoupon($request, $order); $this->applyTaxes($order); $this->calculateShipping($order); $this->processPayment($order); $order->save(); return response(null); }
  • 56. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Stages!
  • 57. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr eCommerce - Refactored class OrderProcessController { protected $stages = [ CalculateSubTotal::class, ApplyCoupon::class, ApplyTaxes::class, CalculateShipping::class, ProcessPayment::class, ]; public function processOrder(Request $request) { $order = OrderFactory::fromRequest($request); $pipeline = new LeaguePipelinePipeline; foreach ($this->stages as $stage) { $stage = app($stage, ['request' => $request]); $pipeline->pipe($stage); } $pipeline->process($order); $order->save(); return response(null); } }
  • 58. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Testing Stages class OrderProcessTest { public function test_sales_tax() { $subTotal = 100.00; $taxRate = 0.06; $expected = 106.00; $order = new Order; $order->order_total = $subTotal; $order->billing['state'] = 'SC'; $stage = new ApplyTaxes; $stage($order); $this->assertEquals($expected, $order->order_total); } }
  • 59. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Recap • Pipeline: a series of processes (stages) chained together to where the output of each is the input of the next. • Stages create readability, reusability, and testability
  • 60. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 61. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr
  • 62. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Don't
  • 63. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Choose wisely
  • 64. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Encore!
  • 65. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Fun Stuff - Variable Pipeline class RelatedData { protected $stages = [ LatestActivityPipeline::class, ListMembershipsStage::class, WorkflowMembershipsStage::class, DealsStage::class, ]; public function process() { $pipeline = new Pipeline; foreach ($this->stages as $stage) { if ($this->stageIsEnabled()) { $pipeline->pipe(new $stage); } } return $pipeline->process([]); } }
  • 66. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Fun Stuff - Async Stages class DealsStage { public function __invoke(array $payload) { if ($cache = $this->cache->get('deals')) { $promise = new FulfilledPromise($cache); } else { $promise = $this->api->getDeals(); $promise = $promise->then(function ($deals) { $this->cache->set('deals', $deals); return $deals; }); } $payload['deals'] = $promise; return $payload; } }
  • 67. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Fun Stuff - Async Stages class RelatedData { public function process() { $promises = $this->pipeline->process([]); return GuzzleHttpPromiseunwrap($promises); } }
  • 68. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr LeaguePipeline - Added Benefits Processors • FingersCrossedProcessor • InterruptibleProcessor • ProcessorInterface
  • 69. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr LeaguePipeline - InterruptibleProcessor $processor = new InterruptibleProcessor(function($payload) { return $payload < 10; }); $pipeline = new Pipeline( $processor, function ($payload) { return $payload + 2; }, // 7 function ($payload) { return $payload * 10; }, // 70 function ($payload) { return $payload * 10; } // 700 ); // outputs 70 echo $pipeline->process(5);
  • 70. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Laravel's Pipeline $stages = [ StageOne::class, StageTwo::class ]; $result = app(Pipeline::class) ->send($payload) ->through($stages) ->then(function($payload) { return $payload; });
  • 71. Thank you! Questions / Feedback? Email: Twitter: @stevenwadejr
  • 72. Steven Wade - @stevenwadejr Suggested Questions • Is it better to have dynamic stages (e.g. - conditions are run in advance to determine the steps) or pass all the steps and let the stage contain it's own condition? • When should one stage be broken into 2?