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From CRUD to DDD
Aleix Vergés
Backend developer
Scrum Master
1. What’s Ulabox?
2. Decoupling. Why?
* @param Cart $cart
* @return Order $order
public function createOrder(Cart $cart)
// Year 2011
$order = $this->moveCartToOrder($cart);
// Year 2012
// Year 2014
// Year 2015
// Year 2016
$this->sendToWarehouseSpoke($order); // WTF!
$this->sendToShipLoadSoftware($order); // WTF!!!!
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Our problem
● CRUD doesn’t make sense anymore
● It had sense at the beginning
● Product, Logistic, Delivery, Cart, Customers, ...
● It’s not sustainable.
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Our solution
* @param Cart $cart
public function createOrder(Cart $cart)
$createOrder = new CreateOrderCommand(Cart $cart);
Event bus
CreateOrder command
OrderWasCreated event
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
3. The tools
● Domain
● Aggregate / Aggregate Root
● Repository
● Domain Events
● Service
● Command Bus
● Event Bus
* Domain Drive Design:
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
4. A responsability question
Refactoring and manage technical debt is
not a choice, but a responsability
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
5. Controllers
5.1. OrderController
5. Controllers
class OrderController extends BaseController
public function refundAction(Request $request, $id)
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$orderPayment = $em->getRepository('UlaboxCoreBundle:OrderPayment')->find($id);
$amount = $request->request->get('refund');
$data = $this->container->get('sermepa')->processRefund($orderPayment, $amount);
$orderRefund = new OrderPayment();
return $this->redirectToRoute('order_show', ['id' => $orderPayment->getOrder()->getId()]);
public function someOtherAction(Request $request, $id)
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Hidden dependencies
● Inheritance.
● Biz logic in the controller.
● Non aggregate root.
● Difficult to test.
* Dependency Injection:
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Dependency Injection
● Break inheritance from base controller.
● Application services.
● Testing
5.2. Controller as a service
5. Controllers
# services.yml
- { resource: controllers.yml }
# controllers.yml
class: UlaboxUlaofficeBundleControllerOrderController
- '@refund'
- '@router'
5. Controllers
5.3. Dependency Injection
* @Route("/orders", service="ulabox_ulaoffice.controllers.order")
class OrderController
* @param Refund $refund
* @param RouterInterface $router
public function __construct(Refund $refund, RouterInterface $router, ……..)
$this->refund = $refund;
$this->router = $router;
5. Controllers
5.4. Delegate logic to services
* @Route("/orders", service="ulabox_ulaoffice.controllers.order")
class OrderController
public function refundAction(Request $request, $id)
$amount = $request->request->get('refund');
$method = $request->request->get('method');
$orderId = $request->request->get('order_id');
try {
$this->refund->execute($orderId, $id, (float)$amount, $method);
$this->session->getFlashBag()->add('success', 'Refund has been processed correctly');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->session->getFlashBag()->add('danger', $e->getMessage());
return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('order_show', ['id' => $orderId]));
5. Controllers
5.5. Unit test
class OrderControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function setUp()
$this->refund = $this->prophesize(Refund::class);
$this->router = $this->prophesize(RouterInterface::class);
$this->orderController = new OrderController(
class OrderControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testShouldDelegateOrderRefund()
$orderPaymentId = 34575;
$amount = 10.95;
$orderId = 12345;
$orderRoute = 'some/route';
$request = $this->mockRequest($orderId, $orderPaymentId, $amount, $orderRoute);
->execute($orderId, $orderPaymentId, $amount, PaymentPlatform::REDSYS)
$this->router->generate('order_show', ['id' => $orderId])->willReturn($orderRoute);
$actual = $this->orderController->refundAction($request->reveal(), $orderPaymentId);
$this->assertEquals(new RedirectResponse($orderRoute), $actual);
6. Symfony Forms
6. Symfony Forms
6.1. Anemic Model
class OrderController extends BaseController
public function rescheduleAction(Request $request, $id)
$order = $this->container->get('order')->reposition($id);
$form = $this->createForm(new OrderType(), $order);
if ($form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('success', 'Your changes were saved!');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('reschedule_success'));
return ['entity' => $entity, 'form' => $form->createView()];
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Coupling between entities and Symfony Forms.
● Anemic Model.
● Intention?
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Use of DTO/Command
● Reflect the Intention!
● Rich Domain.
● Testing.
6. Symfony Forms
6.2. Command !== CLI Command
class Reschedule
public $orderId;
public $addressId;
public $slotVars;
public $comments;
public function __construct($orderId, $addressId, $slotVars, $comments)
$this->orderId = $orderId;
$this->addressId = $addressId;
$this->slotVars = $slotVars;
$this->comments = $comments;
6. Symfony Forms
6.3. Building the Form
class OrderController extends BaseController
public function rescheduleDisplayingAction(Request $request, $id)
$order = $this->orderRepository->get($id);
$address = $order->deliveryAddress()->asAddress();
$rescheduleOrder = Reschedule::fromPayload([
'order_id' => $order->getId(),
'address_id' => $address->getId(),
'slot_vars' => $order->deliverySlotVars(),
'comments' => $order->deliveryComments(),
$rescheduleForm = $this->formFactory->create(OrderRescheduleType::class, $rescheduleOrder);
return ['order' => $order, 'form' => $rescheduleForm->createView()];
6. Symfony Forms
6.4. Submitting the Form
class OrderController extends BaseController
public function rescheduleUpdateAction(Request $request, $id)
$requestData = $request->get('order_reschedule');
$rescheduleOrder = Reschedule::fromPayload([
'order_id' => $id,
'address_id' => $requestData['addressId'],
'slot_vars' => $requestData['slotVars'],
'comments' => $requestData['comments'],
$rescheduleForm = $this->formFactory->create(OrderRescheduleType::class, $rescheduleOrder);
if ($rescheduleForm->isValid()) {
return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate($this->entity Properties['route']));
6. Symfony Forms
6.5. Unit test
class OrderControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testShouldDelegateOrderRescheduleToCommandBus()
$orderId = 12345;
$addressId = 6789;
$slotVars = '2016-03-25|523|2|15';
$comments = 'some comments';
$expectedRoute = 'http://some.return.url';
$request = $this->mockRequest($orderId, $addressId, $slotVars, $comments);
$form = $this->mockForm();
$actual = $this->orderController->rescheduleUpdateAction($request->reveal(), $orderId);
$this->assertEquals(new RedirectResponse($expectedRoute), $actual);
7. From CRUD to DDD
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.1. Summing...
class OrderController extends BaseController
public function rescheduleUpdateAction(Request $request, $id)
$requestData = $request->get('order_reschedule');
$rescheduleOrder = Reschedule::fromPayload([
'order_id' => $id,
'address_id' => $requestData['addressId'],
'slot_vars' => $requestData['slotVars'],
'comments' => $requestData['comments'],
$rescheduleForm = $this->formFactory->create(OrderRescheduleType::class, $rescheduleOrder);
if ($rescheduleForm>isValid()) {
return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate($this->entity Properties['route']));
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.2. Handling
class RescheduleHandler extends CommandHandler
public function __construct( ... ) { ... }
public function handleReschedule(Reschedule $rescheduleOrder)
$timeLineSlot = $this->slotManager->createTimelineSlotFromVars($rescheduleOrder->slotVars);
$order = $this->orderRepository->get($rescheduleOrder->aggregateId);
$delivery = $order->getOrderDelivery();
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Biz logic out of domain.
● Aggregate access.
● Aggregate Root?
● Unprotected Domain.
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Aggregate Root. Order or Delivery?
● Unique acces point to the domain.
● Clear intention!!
● Testing.
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.3. Order or Delivery?
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.4. Aggregate access point
class RescheduleHandler extends CommandHandler
public function __construct( ... ) { ... }
public function handleReschedule(Reschedule $rescheduleDelivery)
$timeLineSlot = $this->slotManager->createTimelineSlotFromVars($rescheduleDelivery->slotVars);
$delivery = $this->deliveryRepository->get($rescheduleDelivery->deliveryId);
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.5. Business logic
class Delivery implements AggregateRoot
public function reschedule(TimelineSlot $timelineSlot)
new DeliveryWasRescheduled(
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.6. Unit test
class RescheduleHandlerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testShouldRescheduleDelivery()
$deliveryId = 12345;
$slotVars = '2016-03-25|523|2|15';
$timeLineSlot = TimelineSlotStub::random();
$delivery = $this->prophesize(Delivery::class);
$this->rescheduleOrderHandler->handleReschedule(new Reschedule($deliveryId, $slotVars));
class DeliveryTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testShouldRescheduleDelivery()
$delivery = OrderDeliveryStub::random();
$timeLineSlot = TimelineSlotStub::random();
static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getDate(), $delivery->getProgrammedDate());
static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getLoadTime(), $delivery->getLoadTime());
static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getSlot(), $delivery->getSlot());
static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getShift(), $delivery->getShift());
static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getPreparationDate(), $delivery->getPreparation());
$messageIterator = $delivery->getUncommittedEvents()->getIterator();
DeliveryWasRescheduled::class, $messageIterator->current()->getPayload()
7. From CRUD to DDD
7.7. Domain event
Delivery Order
Deliveries Orders
8. Aggregates and Repositories
8. Aggregates and Repositories
8.1. Entity / Repository
class CustomerCreditcardModel
public function add($number, $type, $token = null, $expiryDate = null)
$customer = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
$creditCard = new CustomerCreditcard();
return $creditCard;
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Aggregate?
● CreditCardRepository???
● Unprotected Domain.
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
● Which is the Aggregate?
● What’s the Intention?
● Testing
class Customer implements AggregateRoot
public function addCreditCard($number, $type, $token = '', $expiryDate = '')
$creditCard = CustomerCreditcard::create($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate);
$this->apply(new CreditCardWasRegistered($this->getAggregateRootId(), $number));
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
8. Aggregates and Repositories
8.2. RegisterCreditCard
class RegisterCreditCard
public $customerId;
public $cardNumber;
public $type;
public $token;
public $expiry;
public function __construct($customerId, $cardNumber, $type, $token, $expiry)
$this->customerId = $customerId;
$this->cardNumber = $cardNumber;
$this->type = $type;
$this->token = $token;
$this->expiry = $expiry;
8. Aggregates and Repositories
8.3. RegisterCreditCardHandler
class RegisterCreditCardHandler extends CommandHandler
private $customerRepository;
private $eventBus;
public function __construct( ... ) { ... }
public function handleRegisterCreditCard(RegisterCreditCard $registerCreditCard)
$customer = $this->customerRepository->get($registerCreditCard->customerId())
8. Aggregates and Repositories
8.4. Business rules
class Customer implements AggregateRoot
public function addCreditCard($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate)
if ($this->creditCardExists($number, $type)) {
$this->renewCreditCard($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate);
$creditCard = CustomerCreditcard::create($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate);
$this->apply(new CreditCardWasRegistered($this->getAggregateRootId(), $number));
private function renewCreditCard($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate)
9. Learned lessons
This is not a Big-Bang
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Aggregate Election
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
¡¡¡Be a Professional!!!
Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD

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Decoupling the monolith. From CRUD to DDD

  • 2. Aleix Vergés Backend developer Scrum Master @avergess
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 9. /** * @param Cart $cart * @return Order $order */ public function createOrder(Cart $cart) { // Year 2011 $order = $this->moveCartToOrder($cart); $this->sendConfirmationEmail($order); $this->reindexSolr($order); $this->sendToWarehouse($order); // Year 2012 $this->sendToFinantialErp($order); $this->sendDonationEmail($order); // Year 2014 $this->sendToDeliveryRoutingSoftware($order); // Year 2015 $this->sendToJustInTimeSuppliers($order); // Year 2016 $this->sendToWarehouseSpoke($order); // WTF! $this->sendToShipLoadSoftware($order); // WTF!!!! } Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Our problem
  • 10. WTF!
  • 11. Past ● CRUD doesn’t make sense anymore ● It had sense at the beginning ● Product, Logistic, Delivery, Cart, Customers, ... ● It’s not sustainable. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 12. Our solution /** * @param Cart $cart */ public function createOrder(Cart $cart) { $createOrder = new CreateOrderCommand(Cart $cart); $this->commandBus->dispatch($createOrder) } Event bus CreateOrder command OrderWasCreated event subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 14. ● Domain ● Aggregate / Aggregate Root ● Repository ● Domain Events ● Service ● Command Bus ● Event Bus * Domain Drive Design: Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 16. Refactoring and manage technical debt is not a choice, but a responsability Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 20. class OrderController extends BaseController { public function refundAction(Request $request, $id) { $em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager'); $orderPayment = $em->getRepository('UlaboxCoreBundle:OrderPayment')->find($id); $amount = $request->request->get('refund'); $data = $this->container->get('sermepa')->processRefund($orderPayment, $amount); $orderRefund = new OrderPayment(); $orderRefund->setAmount($amount); ... $em->persist($orderRefund); $em->flush(); return $this->redirectToRoute('order_show', ['id' => $orderPayment->getOrder()->getId()]); } public function someOtherAction(Request $request, $id) ... }
  • 21. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Problems ● Hidden dependencies ● Inheritance. ● Biz logic in the controller. ● Non aggregate root. ● Difficult to test.
  • 22. * Dependency Injection: Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Solutions ● Dependency Injection ● Break inheritance from base controller. ● Application services. ● Testing
  • 23. 5.2. Controller as a service 5. Controllers
  • 24. # services.yml imports: - { resource: controllers.yml } # controllers.yml ulabox_ulaoffice.controllers.order: class: UlaboxUlaofficeBundleControllerOrderController arguments: - '@refund' - '@router' ...
  • 26. /** * @Route("/orders", service="ulabox_ulaoffice.controllers.order") */ class OrderController { /** * @param Refund $refund * @param RouterInterface $router */ public function __construct(Refund $refund, RouterInterface $router, ……..) { $this->refund = $refund; $this->router = $router; ... } }
  • 27. 5. Controllers 5.4. Delegate logic to services
  • 28. /** * @Route("/orders", service="ulabox_ulaoffice.controllers.order") */ class OrderController { public function refundAction(Request $request, $id) { $amount = $request->request->get('refund'); $method = $request->request->get('method'); $orderId = $request->request->get('order_id'); try { $this->refund->execute($orderId, $id, (float)$amount, $method); $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('success', 'Refund has been processed correctly'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->session->getFlashBag()->add('danger', $e->getMessage()); } return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('order_show', ['id' => $orderId])); } }
  • 30. class OrderControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function setUp() { $this->refund = $this->prophesize(Refund::class); $this->router = $this->prophesize(RouterInterface::class); $this->orderController = new OrderController( $this->refund->reveal(), $this->router->reveal() ); } ... }
  • 31. class OrderControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { ... public function testShouldDelegateOrderRefund() { $orderPaymentId = 34575; $amount = 10.95; $orderId = 12345; $orderRoute = 'some/route'; $request = $this->mockRequest($orderId, $orderPaymentId, $amount, $orderRoute); $this->refund ->execute($orderId, $orderPaymentId, $amount, PaymentPlatform::REDSYS) ->shouldBeCalled(); $this->router->generate('order_show', ['id' => $orderId])->willReturn($orderRoute); $actual = $this->orderController->refundAction($request->reveal(), $orderPaymentId); $this->assertEquals(new RedirectResponse($orderRoute), $actual); } }
  • 34. 6. Symfony Forms 6.1. Anemic Model
  • 35. class OrderController extends BaseController { public function rescheduleAction(Request $request, $id) { $order = $this->container->get('order')->reposition($id); $form = $this->createForm(new OrderType(), $order); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isValid()) { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->persist($order); $em->flush(); $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('success', 'Your changes were saved!'); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('reschedule_success')); } return ['entity' => $entity, 'form' => $form->createView()]; } }
  • 36. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Problems ● Coupling between entities and Symfony Forms. ● Anemic Model. ● Intention?
  • 37. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Solutions ● Use of DTO/Command ● Reflect the Intention! ● Rich Domain. ● Testing.
  • 38. 6. Symfony Forms 6.2. Command !== CLI Command
  • 39. class Reschedule { public $orderId; public $addressId; public $slotVars; public $comments; public function __construct($orderId, $addressId, $slotVars, $comments) { $this->orderId = $orderId; $this->addressId = $addressId; $this->slotVars = $slotVars; $this->comments = $comments; } }
  • 40. 6. Symfony Forms 6.3. Building the Form
  • 41. class OrderController extends BaseController { public function rescheduleDisplayingAction(Request $request, $id) { $order = $this->orderRepository->get($id); $address = $order->deliveryAddress()->asAddress(); $rescheduleOrder = Reschedule::fromPayload([ 'order_id' => $order->getId(), 'address_id' => $address->getId(), 'slot_vars' => $order->deliverySlotVars(), 'comments' => $order->deliveryComments(), ]); $rescheduleForm = $this->formFactory->create(OrderRescheduleType::class, $rescheduleOrder); return ['order' => $order, 'form' => $rescheduleForm->createView()]; } }
  • 42. 6. Symfony Forms 6.4. Submitting the Form
  • 43. class OrderController extends BaseController { public function rescheduleUpdateAction(Request $request, $id) { $requestData = $request->get('order_reschedule'); $rescheduleOrder = Reschedule::fromPayload([ 'order_id' => $id, 'address_id' => $requestData['addressId'], 'slot_vars' => $requestData['slotVars'], 'comments' => $requestData['comments'], ]); $rescheduleForm = $this->formFactory->create(OrderRescheduleType::class, $rescheduleOrder); if ($rescheduleForm->isValid()) { $this->commandBus->dispatch($rescheduleOrder); } return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate($this->entity Properties['route'])); } }
  • 45. class OrderControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testShouldDelegateOrderRescheduleToCommandBus() { $orderId = 12345; $addressId = 6789; $slotVars = '2016-03-25|523|2|15'; $comments = 'some comments'; $expectedRoute = 'http://some.return.url'; $request = $this->mockRequest($orderId, $addressId, $slotVars, $comments); $form = $this->mockForm(); $form->isValid()->willReturn(true); $this->router->generate('order')->willReturn($expectedRoute); $this->commandBus->dispatch(Argument::type(Reschedule::class))->shouldBeCalled(); $actual = $this->orderController->rescheduleUpdateAction($request->reveal(), $orderId); $this->assertEquals(new RedirectResponse($expectedRoute), $actual); } }
  • 46. 7. From CRUD to DDD
  • 47. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.1. Summing...
  • 48. class OrderController extends BaseController { public function rescheduleUpdateAction(Request $request, $id) { $requestData = $request->get('order_reschedule'); $rescheduleOrder = Reschedule::fromPayload([ 'order_id' => $id, 'address_id' => $requestData['addressId'], 'slot_vars' => $requestData['slotVars'], 'comments' => $requestData['comments'], ]); $rescheduleForm = $this->formFactory->create(OrderRescheduleType::class, $rescheduleOrder); if ($rescheduleForm>isValid()) { $this->commandBus->dispatch($rescheduleOrder); } return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate($this->entity Properties['route'])); } }
  • 49. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.2. Handling
  • 50. class RescheduleHandler extends CommandHandler { public function __construct( ... ) { ... } public function handleReschedule(Reschedule $rescheduleOrder) { $timeLineSlot = $this->slotManager->createTimelineSlotFromVars($rescheduleOrder->slotVars); $order = $this->orderRepository->get($rescheduleOrder->aggregateId); $delivery = $order->getOrderDelivery(); $delivery->setSlot($timeLineSlot->getSlot()); $delivery->setLoadTime($timeLineSlot->getLoadTime()); $delivery->setShift($timeLineSlot->getShift()->getShift()); ... $order->rescheduleDelivery($delivery); $this->orderRepository->save($order); $this->eventBus->publish($order->getUncommittedEvents()); } }
  • 51. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Problems ● Biz logic out of domain. ● Aggregate access. ● Aggregate Root? ● Unprotected Domain.
  • 52. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Solutions ● Aggregate Root. Order or Delivery? ● Unique acces point to the domain. ● Clear intention!! ● Testing.
  • 53. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.3. Order or Delivery?
  • 54.
  • 55. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.4. Aggregate access point
  • 56. class RescheduleHandler extends CommandHandler { public function __construct( ... ) { ... } public function handleReschedule(Reschedule $rescheduleDelivery) { $timeLineSlot = $this->slotManager->createTimelineSlotFromVars($rescheduleDelivery->slotVars); $delivery = $this->deliveryRepository->get($rescheduleDelivery->deliveryId); $delivery->reschedule($timeLineSlot); $this->deliveryRepository->save($delivery); $this->eventBus->publish($delivery->getUncommittedEvents()); } }
  • 57. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.5. Business logic
  • 58. class Delivery implements AggregateRoot { public function reschedule(TimelineSlot $timelineSlot) { $this->setDate($timelineSlot->getDate()); $this->setLoadTime($timelineSlot->getLoadTime()); $this->setSlot($timelineSlot->getSlot()); $this->setShift($timelineSlot->getShift()); $this->setLoad($timelineSlot->getLoad()); $this->setPreparation($timelineSlot->getPreparationDate()); $this->apply( new DeliveryWasRescheduled( $this->getAggregateRootId(), $this->getProgrammedDate(), $this->getTimeStart(), $this->getTimeEnd(), $this->getLoad()->spokeId() ) ); } }
  • 59. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.6. Unit test
  • 60. class RescheduleHandlerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testShouldRescheduleDelivery() { $deliveryId = 12345; $slotVars = '2016-03-25|523|2|15'; $timeLineSlot = TimelineSlotStub::random(); $delivery = $this->prophesize(Delivery::class); $this->deliveryRepository->get($deliveryId)->willReturn($delivery); $this->slotManager->createTimelineSlotFromVars($slotVars)->willReturn($timeLineSlot); $delivery->reschedule($timeLineSlot)->shouldBeCalled(); $this->deliveryRepository->save($delivery)->shouldBeCalled(); $this->eventBus->publish($this->expectedEvents())->shouldBeCalled(); $this->rescheduleOrderHandler->handleReschedule(new Reschedule($deliveryId, $slotVars)); } }
  • 61. class DeliveryTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testShouldRescheduleDelivery() { $delivery = OrderDeliveryStub::random(); $timeLineSlot = TimelineSlotStub::random(); $delivery->reschedule($timeLineSlot); static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getDate(), $delivery->getProgrammedDate()); static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getLoadTime(), $delivery->getLoadTime()); static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getSlot(), $delivery->getSlot()); static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getShift(), $delivery->getShift()); static::assertEquals($timeLineSlot->getPreparationDate(), $delivery->getPreparation()); $messageIterator = $delivery->getUncommittedEvents()->getIterator(); $this->assertInstanceOf( DeliveryWasRescheduled::class, $messageIterator->current()->getPayload() ); } }
  • 62. 7. From CRUD to DDD 7.7. Domain event
  • 64. 8. Aggregates and Repositories
  • 66. 8. Aggregates and Repositories 8.1. Entity / Repository
  • 67. class CustomerCreditcardModel { public function add($number, $type, $token = null, $expiryDate = null) { $customer = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser(); $creditCard = new CustomerCreditcard(); $creditCard->setNumber($number); $creditCard->setCustomer($customer); $creditCard->setType($type); $creditCard->setToken($token); $creditCard->setExpiryDate($expiryDate); $this->creditCardRepository->add($creditCard); return $creditCard; } }
  • 68. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Problems ● Aggregate? ● CreditCardRepository??? ● Unprotected Domain.
  • 69. Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD Solutions ● Which is the Aggregate? ● What’s the Intention? ● Testing
  • 70. Customer CreditCard class Customer implements AggregateRoot { public function addCreditCard($number, $type, $token = '', $expiryDate = '') { $creditCard = CustomerCreditcard::create($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate); $this->creditCards->add($creditCard); $this->apply(new CreditCardWasRegistered($this->getAggregateRootId(), $number)); } } Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 71. 8. Aggregates and Repositories 8.2. RegisterCreditCard
  • 72. class RegisterCreditCard { public $customerId; public $cardNumber; public $type; public $token; public $expiry; public function __construct($customerId, $cardNumber, $type, $token, $expiry) { $this->customerId = $customerId; $this->cardNumber = $cardNumber; $this->type = $type; $this->token = $token; $this->expiry = $expiry; } }
  • 73. 8. Aggregates and Repositories 8.3. RegisterCreditCardHandler
  • 74. class RegisterCreditCardHandler extends CommandHandler { private $customerRepository; private $eventBus; public function __construct( ... ) { ... } public function handleRegisterCreditCard(RegisterCreditCard $registerCreditCard) { $customer = $this->customerRepository->get($registerCreditCard->customerId()) $customer->addCreditCard( $registerCreditCard->cardNumber(), $registerCreditCard->type(), $registerCreditCard->token(), $registerCreditCard->expiry() ); $this->customerRepository->save($customer); $this->eventBus->publish($customer->getUncommittedEvents()); } }
  • 75. 8. Aggregates and Repositories 8.4. Business rules
  • 76. class Customer implements AggregateRoot { public function addCreditCard($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate) { if ($this->creditCardExists($number, $type)) { $this->renewCreditCard($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate); return; } $creditCard = CustomerCreditcard::create($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate); $this->creditCards->add($creditCard); $this->apply(new CreditCardWasRegistered($this->getAggregateRootId(), $number)); } private function renewCreditCard($number, $type, $token, $expiryDate) { ... } }
  • 78. This is not a Big-Bang Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 79. Aggregate Election Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD
  • 82. ¡¡¡Be a Professional!!! Decoupling monolith. From CRUD to DDD