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Insightful investors in Asia Pacific Private Equity
 April 2011

                                                                                              KEY TOPICS:

                                                                                              •    Management fees
                                                                                              •    Distribution waterfalls
                                                                                              •    No-fault divorce provisions
                                                                                              •    Key person clauses
                                                                                              •    Limits on concentration and
                                                                                              •    Renminbi / US Dollar parallel
                                                                                                   fund issues

INSIDE                                           ASIA PACIFIC PRIVATE EQUITY
Survey Highlights and Information       2

Management Fees                         3       2010 FUND TERMS SURVEY
Management Fee Offsets                  4       The  rapid and continuing growth of private equity in the Asia Pacific region has
                                                heightened interest in private equity fund terms among investors (“limited partners”
Distribution Waterfalls                 5       or “LPs”) comparing potential funds for investment, and fund managers (“general
                                                partners” or “GPs”) seeking to benchmark their terms against the market norm.
Preferential Fee Terms                  6
                                                Increasingly, private equity participants are examining how fund terms in Asia
No-fault Divorce                        7       compare with best practice principles issued by the Institutional Limited Partners
                                                Association (“ILPA”), and seeking to understand why there may be differences in
Key Person Provisions                   8       fund terms relative to other markets globally as well as where discrepancies may be
                                                acceptable industry differentiation.
Fund Suspensions On Trigger of Key
Person Clause                           9       In response, Squadron Capital and the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association
                                                (“EMPEA”) joined forces to produce this “Asia Pacific Private Equity Fund Terms
Annual Limitations On Capital Calls    10
                                                Survey,” providing market data and analysis on the key terms and conditions that
Ability For / Limitations On Public             prevail in the Asia Pacific region, with year-on-year comparisons to track changing
Market Investing                       11       dynamics and benchmarks against global norms, where available. The first survey in
                                                this annual series, covering data on funds raised in 2009, is available on request from
RMB Funds Managers’ Potential                   Squadron Capital.
Allocation Policy Issues               12
                                                Based on input from 94 Asia Pacific GPs that achieved a final closing during 2010 or
                                                who were actively fundraising as of 31 December 2010, this unique Survey provides
                                                a snapshot of some of the current hot topics in private equity within the Asia Pacific
                                                region, including the level of management fees and management fee offsets, key
                                                person clauses and no-fault divorce provisions. We also examine a topic of specific
                                                relevance to many markets within the Asia Pacific region - the flexibility or lack
                                                thereof for funds to invest in PIPEs - as well as a topic of specific relevance to China-
                                                focused managers, i.e. the allocation of investment opportunities between parallel
                                                US Dollar and RMB funds.

                                      © 2011 Squadron Capital Management Limited. All rights reserved.
April 2011

Survey highlights:                                                 Fund sample by investment strategy
•   Annual management fees in the Asia Pacific are                                   Distressed /
                                                                              special situations / other
    higher than the global average, likely reflecting
    smaller average fund sizes in Asia and certain fixed                                   12%                Venture
    costs of fund management irrespective of fund size;                                                          14%
•   Almost three-quarters of the respondent Asia                          11%
    Pacific funds currently grant a 100% management
    fee offset, compared with less than half in the 2009
    Survey, reflecting the greatest year-on-year shift in
    fund terms;

•   Demonstrating best practices as per the ILPA
    guidelines, 84% of Asia Pacific private equity funds
    follow a European-style “fund-by-fund” distribution                                                          63%
    waterfall and 91% have a key person clause in place;             Fund sample by geographic focus
•   Over half the funds surveyed lack a no-fault divorce                      Pan-regional            Australia/New Zealand
    clause, although voting thresholds for those which                              14%                       14%
    do make such provisions compare favorably to the
    global average; and                                        Southeast Asia
•   Of the 44% of China-focused GP respondents that                                                                    Greater China
    manage parallel Renminbi and US Dollar funds, 60%                                                                       21%
    allocate investments between the two purely at the               Korea
    discretion of the GP.                                                9%

Survey information:
                                                                                           Indian Subcontinent
The information in the Survey has been derived from
responses to a questionnaire sent by Squadron Capital                                                27%
to over 450 Asia Pacific GPs, with the Asia Pacific region
defined as including Australasia, Greater China, the
Indian subcontinent, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia                 Fund sample by target fund size
(“ASEAN”). Following the removal of GPs that were not
actively fundraising during 2010 and largely incomplete                                   $1 billion and
responses, the Survey results cover 94 Asia Pacific GPs                                       above
                                                                          $500-999                           Less than
that either achieved a final closing during 2010 or were                                         4%
actively fundraising as at 31 December 2010.                                  million                       $100 million
                                                                                13%                              20%
For funds which were still being raised as at 31
December 2010, the terms stated by the relevant GPs
may not reflect what are or will be the final versions
of the limited partnership agreements or constitutional
equivalents thereof. Accordingly, the actual final terms
and conditions agreed upon for such funds within the
Survey - and therefore for the sample size as a whole –
will likely be more LP-friendly than the study suggests.
The summary details of the sample funds have been                                           million
displayed in the charts on this page.                                                         63%

April 2011

Management fees                                                           Comparative management fees

                                                             Management fees (%)
Management fees continue to be a key area of
focus for LPs globally, particularly with respect to
the alignment of interests and incentivization of            >2%
GPs to earn their fees through carry rather than
annual management income.

Annual management fees in the region are in                   2%
general higher than those elsewhere in the world,
though this may reflect the overall smaller fund
sizes in the Asia Pacific. Despite higher fees, funds
in the region might not necessarily be generating
annual fee income levels in excess of their GPs’
likely cost bases, or what the ILPA Principles
refer to as “reasonable operating expenses and                     0%            20%             40%            60%         80%
reasonable salaries,” as the majority of funds that                                        % of funds
are charging annual fees in excess of 2% are sub-                              Asia Pacific average       Global average*
$250 million in size.
                                                             * Source: 2011 Preqin Global Private Equity Report

                                                                         Management fees by fund size

                                                           Management fees (%)





                                                                        0-99           100-499          500-999       > 1,000
                                                                                        Fund size ($ million)

Note: Private equity fund fees have two components – an annual management fee and a share of the profit.

April 2011

Management fee offsets                                               Fee income offset (%) against management fee

“Transaction, monitoring, directory, advisory,              % of funds
exit fees and other consideration charged by the
general partner should accrue to the benefit of              70%

the fund”                                                   60%

                    (ILPA Private Equity Principles)        40%


Management fee offsets has been the category                20%

that has seen the greatest shift since the 2009             10%
Survey, with almost three-quarters of Asia Pacific            0%
funds now granting a 100% fee offset, compared                           59% or less             60-99%                100%
with less than half in the previous Survey.                                               Fee income offset (%)
                                                                                 Asia Pacific average       Global average*
This proportion is also significantly in excess of the
global average, where less than 40% of funds are            * Source: 2011 Preqin Global Private Equity Report

currently in line with what ILPA regards as best

Note: In addition to management fees, GPs in some cases also derive income from underlying portfolio companies
(through advisory fees, directors’ fees and so forth) as well as from other sources.

April 2011

Distribution waterfalls
                                                                 Carry structure (Asia Pacific sample)
“A standard all-contributions plus preferred-
return-back-first model must be recognized as a                   Deal-by-
best practice”                                                     deal
                     (ILPA Private Equity Principles)

One issue where Asia Pacific private equity fund
terms are already by and large in line with best
practice is the distribution waterfall, where
market practice in the region follows a European-                                                         Fund
style “fund-by-fund” rather than US-style “deal-                                                          level
by-deal” approach. This varies according to fund
strategy, however, with a disproportionate number
of venture capital funds in the Survey applying
deal-by-deal waterfalls.

                                                                   Carry structure (Global sample*)



                                                            * Source: 2010 Preqin Global Private Equity Report

Note: Distribution waterfalls govern the order in which the proceeds from the sale of investments is distributed.
Under a fund level distribution waterfall, investors would be repaid all of the amount they invest into a fund
plus a minimum profit hurdle before GPs start becoming eligible for their carry (the term used for incentive
payments). Under a deal-by-deal distribution waterfall however, LPs could theoretically have to start paying out
carry to GPs even though the LPs themselves have not been repaid all of their original capital investment.

April 2011

Preferential fee terms                                            Equality of fee/carry terms versus preferential deals

                                                           % of funds
There has been an incipient trend in the private
equity industry globally for certain GPs to offer
differential fee or carry terms to a subset of              80%
investors for reasons of relationship (such as fund
sponsors or parent organizations), commitment               60%
size (in the case of large anchor investors) and/or
timing of entry (in particular for first close LPs).         40%

The adoption of such an approach may well
enable a GP to kickstart a fundraising process
and/or attract large commitments, but at the
                                                                    Yes, all LPs pay the No, certain LPs pay   No, certain LPs pay
expense of potential difficulties further along in
                                                                   same fees and carry a lower management         a lower carry
the fundraising process as some LPs may view the                                                 fee
existence of such deals adversely. For a GP, there
are also obviously the financial implications of
offering such fee or carry discounts.

While the vast majority of funds in the Survey offer
all LPs consistent fee and carry terms, there are
a small number which have granted preferential
terms to a subset of investors. Interestingly, of
the funds which offer differential carry terms
for certain LPs, the majority of these are India-
focused funds.

April 2011

No-fault divorce                                                          No-fault divorce clause in place

“No fault rights upon a two-thirds in interest vote
of limited partners for the removal of the general

                    (ILPA Private Equity Principles)
                                                                     No                                        Yes
                                                                    51%                                        49%
The presence and nature of no-fault divorce
clauses in the Asia Pacific region as a whole is a
matter which is still significantly short of what the
ILPA regards as best practice.

Over half of the funds in the Survey lack a no-fault
divorce clause, though closer analysis of the data
set indicates that this is disproportionately the
case amongst funds which have not yet achieved a
final close as at the end of 2010.

Even for those funds that do have such clauses,
the voting thresholds are generally higher than
the ILPA’s recommended two-thirds figure (though
lower than the global average), with 75% being the                        % vote required for no-fault divorce
most common threshold.                                      Vote required (%)

                                                            90% +




                                                                    0%          20%          40%         60%           80%
                                                                                         % of funds
                                                                              Asia Pacific average    Global average

Note: A no-fault divorce clause refers to the ability for investors to terminate the management agreement
between the fund and the GP, which in the ordinary course can often run for 10 or more years.

April 2011

Key person provisions                                      Key person clause in place

Key person clauses remain a key area of focus in                No

many of the Asia Pacific private equity markets,                 9%

perhaps more than elsewhere. The high volatility
of Asia Pacific markets combined with the fact
that many Asia Pacific GPs have not as yet gone
through a full investment cycle means there is a
lower opportunity cost for teams or team members
leaving or spinning out of their existing firms.
Indeed, a significant number of spinouts have
occurred during the course of 2010 and 2011 to
In addition, a greater proportion of GPs in the                             91%
region continue to be overly dependent on a
single founder or individual compared with the
more institutional partnership structures of GPs
in established markets, which increases the risk
of problems should such an individual leave or be
unable to continue with the GP.

While the majority of funds within the sample size
are in line with the revised ILPA Principles on this
matter and have a key person clause in place, a
minority of funds are not.

April 2011

Fund suspensions on trigger of key person
                                                                  Automatic suspension of investment
clause                                                            period if key person clause is triggered

“Automatic suspension of investment period,
which will become permanent unless a defined
super-majority of LPs in interest vote to re-
instate within 180 days, when a key-person event
                                                                  No                                         Yes
is triggered or for cause”
                                                                  51%                                        49%

                   (ILPA Private Equity Principles)

What happens in cases where the key person clause
is triggered?
                                                                     If suspension is automatic:
Approximately half the funds within the data set            % of LP interests or advisory board required
apply best practice automatic suspension of the                          to lift the suspension
investment period, while the other half requires
an LP or advisory board vote in order to suspend or
                                                          % of funds
terminate the fund.
For suspensions which are not automatic, the
median threshold of 75% is a surprisingly high              20%
figure.                                                      15%
Where the suspension is automatic, lifting of                5%
the suspension can generally be achieved by the              0%
approval of either a simple majority or two-thirds                       51%           67%           75%            80%
of LP interests or the advisory board. Practice in
                                                                            % LP interest or advisory board vote required
the Asia Pacific region is thus broadly in line with
standard practice elsewhere in the world.

                                                                      If suspension is not automatic:
                                                               % of LP interests or advisory board required
                                                                           to suspend/terminate

                                                            % of funds

                                                                         51%          67%            75%           80%

                                                                         % LP interest or advisory board vote required

April 2011

Annual limitations on capital calls
                                                           Annual restrictions on investment activity

Vintage diversification is a key tenet of private
equity investing. This is arguably even more true                                      11%
in the case of many of the markets within the Asia
Pacific region, where historically higher levels of
market volatility imply that timing has an even
greater than usual impact on returns.

Despite this, barely 10% of Asia Pacific private
equity funds have per annum limits on capital
calls - approximately the same percentage as last
year’s Survey (8%) – with most GPs and LPs taking
the view that full temporal flexibility in investing
becomes more rather than less important in the
volatile markets within the region if they are to
invest opportunistically to maximize returns.

April 2011

Ability for / limitations on public market                                      Investment restrictions in
investing                                                                       publicly listed companies

Private investments in public entities (“PIPEs”)
remain a topic of significant debate within the
region, being viewed by members of the private
equity community – both GPs and LPs – either
with disdain, reluctant acceptance or as unique
opportunities to generate value.

A majority of funds (59%) in the 2010 data set have                                                                         Yes
formal restrictions on PIPEs, which is a statistically                                                                      59%
similar proportion when compared with the 2009
data reported in last year’s Survey (57%).

Where restrictions are in place, there appears to
be a polarization of the market between funds
with ceilings of 10% or less and those with ceilings
of 20% or more (at the expense of those with a 15%
                                                                     Limitation of investments in listed companies

                                                              % of funds









                                                                           0%       Up to 10%         15%           20%         25% or
                                                                                                Public investments ceiling as % of fund

Note: Where applicable, the ceilings above represent the proportion of each fund that can be invested in publicly
listed companies, beyond which any such investments can be made only with the approval of the fund’s LP
advisory board.

April 2011

RMB fund managers’ potential issues relating
to allocation policy                                               Do you manage RMB-denominated private equity
                                                                     fund(s) as well as USD-denominated fund(s)?

As it becomes increasingly common for China-
focused GPs to manage parallel Renminbi and
US Dollar funds, the topic of managing potential
conflicts of interests between parallel funds has                                                                Yes
become a key matter of concern for LPs globally.                                                                44%
In excess of 40% of China-focused GPs who
responded to the Survey now manage parallel
Renminbi and US Dollar funds. Of these, 60%
allocate investments between the two funds at the
discretion of the GP.

The fact that a large proportion of China-focused
GPs managing parallel funds have discretion over
the allocation procedure could indicate on the
positive side that LPs have taken a pragmatic view
of the issue, and on the negative side that LPs may
in certain cases be too willing to accede to these
points in order to ensure access to certain GPs in                   What is the basis of allocation of opportunities
the market.                                                                 between the RMB and USD funds?

                                                                                                          Strictly pro rata for all

                                                              Purely at the
                                                           discretion of the GP


Note: The pro rata category also includes GPs which to a large extent avoid the potential conflicts of interests
issue by having entirely separate teams managing each of the Renminbi and US Dollar arms.

April 2011


Squadron Capital is a private equity investment firm based in Hong Kong and
focused on the Asia Pacific region. On behalf of its clients, the firm constructs
and manages portfolios of private equity funds, with aggregate assets under
management currently well in excess of $1 billion.

Squadron Capital has one of the largest professional investment teams dedicated                       Responsible Investor of the Year
to private equity in the region, with investment professionals hailing from eight                        in Asia: Squadron Capital

Asia Pacific countries. The firm is widely recognized as a leader in the industry
and has won several industry awards.


In order to provide existing and potential limited partners with an overview of
key private equity trends and activity in the Asia Pacific region, Squadron Capital
compiles a series of “white papers” that are updated regularly. This Survey,
which is conducted annually by Squadron Capital, is part of the firm’s white paper

In preparing these white papers, the intention is neither to set out a definitive
analysis of the state of the private equity markets in the Asia Pacific region, nor
to execute a ‘data dump’ of raw information, but rather to provide a considered
and insightful overview of the key factors and trends likely to influence the level
of private equity activity over the investment periods of the underlying funds into
which vehicles managed by Squadron Capital are likely to invest.

The data contained in the Squadron Capital white papers has been compiled from
various publications and databases and in certain cases has been directly quoted
from the relevant sources. The identification and selection of key factors and
trends is our own, and the qualitative evaluations represent our opinion based on
our own analysis.

While Squadron Capital seeks to ensure that the information contained herein is
accurate, no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made
with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any such information. Squadron
Capital reserves the right to change any such information, at any time, without
notice. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information
contained in this document or on its completeness.

No information contained in this document constitutes an offer to sell or an
invitation to subscribe for any securities.

The data and charts contained herein may be reproduced, distributed or
published on the express condition that you attribute any data and charts you
use to Squadron Capital.

Squadron Capital Advisors Limited is licensed by the Securities and Futures
Commission in Hong Kong to conduct Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type
                                                                                      Squadron Capital Advisors Limited
9 (Asset Management) regulated activities and may only deal with professional
investors. The Company is also registered with the United States Securities              46th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
and Exchange Commission as an Investment Adviser.                                                2 Queen’s Road Central
                                                                                                             Hong Kong
© 2011 Squadron Capital Management Limited
                                                                                                     Tel: +852 2826 2000
                                                                                                     Fax: +852 2297 0880

April 2011


The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA) is an independent, non-
profit, global industry association that catalyzes private equity and venture capital
investment in the emerging markets of Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and
the Middle East. EMPEA’s more than 250 members comprise a broad array of fund
managers, institutional investors and other industry stakeholders, representing
more than 50 countries and over US$1 trillion in assets under management.

The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA) was founded in 2004 by a
handful of visionaries at the heart of the industry who shared the belief that private
capital has the potential to unleash economic growth in emerging markets while
simultaneously generating strong returns for investors.

EMPEA is unusual among membership associations in producing proprietary research
that provides an authoritative global view of the market in support of our mission.
We leverage the scope and connectivity of our membership to help deliver research
and insight built on solid empirical data. We also organize conferences and unique
member events around the world, often in partnership with global media brands
where the EMPEA network facilitates powerful business networking opportunities.

EMPEA provides the asset class with a voice on key public policy issues to global
regulators and policymakers, and works to advance the dialogue on emerging
markets opportunities and challenges among institutional investors.

For more information, please visit

Emerging Markets Private Equity Association

                                                                                                 EMPEA Headquarters
                                                                                         1055 Thomas Jefferson St NW
                                                                                                             Suite 650
                                                                                         Washington, DC 20007, U.S.A.
                                                                                                 Tel. +1.202.333.8171

                                                                                            EMPEA Asia Headquarters
                                                                                                           Suite 3205
                                                                                                  No. 9 Queen’s Road
                                                                                                  Central, Hong Kong
                                                                                                 Tel. +852.3713.4879


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Asia pacific-private-equity-2010-fund-terms-survey

  • 1. Insightful investors in Asia Pacific Private Equity April 2011 KEY TOPICS: • Management fees • Distribution waterfalls • No-fault divorce provisions • Key person clauses • Limits on concentration and PIPEs • Renminbi / US Dollar parallel fund issues INSIDE ASIA PACIFIC PRIVATE EQUITY Survey Highlights and Information 2 Management Fees 3 2010 FUND TERMS SURVEY Management Fee Offsets 4 The rapid and continuing growth of private equity in the Asia Pacific region has heightened interest in private equity fund terms among investors (“limited partners” Distribution Waterfalls 5 or “LPs”) comparing potential funds for investment, and fund managers (“general partners” or “GPs”) seeking to benchmark their terms against the market norm. Preferential Fee Terms 6 Increasingly, private equity participants are examining how fund terms in Asia No-fault Divorce 7 compare with best practice principles issued by the Institutional Limited Partners Association (“ILPA”), and seeking to understand why there may be differences in Key Person Provisions 8 fund terms relative to other markets globally as well as where discrepancies may be acceptable industry differentiation. Fund Suspensions On Trigger of Key Person Clause 9 In response, Squadron Capital and the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (“EMPEA”) joined forces to produce this “Asia Pacific Private Equity Fund Terms Annual Limitations On Capital Calls 10 Survey,” providing market data and analysis on the key terms and conditions that Ability For / Limitations On Public prevail in the Asia Pacific region, with year-on-year comparisons to track changing Market Investing 11 dynamics and benchmarks against global norms, where available. The first survey in this annual series, covering data on funds raised in 2009, is available on request from RMB Funds Managers’ Potential Squadron Capital. Allocation Policy Issues 12 Based on input from 94 Asia Pacific GPs that achieved a final closing during 2010 or who were actively fundraising as of 31 December 2010, this unique Survey provides a snapshot of some of the current hot topics in private equity within the Asia Pacific region, including the level of management fees and management fee offsets, key person clauses and no-fault divorce provisions. We also examine a topic of specific relevance to many markets within the Asia Pacific region - the flexibility or lack thereof for funds to invest in PIPEs - as well as a topic of specific relevance to China- focused managers, i.e. the allocation of investment opportunities between parallel US Dollar and RMB funds. © 2011 Squadron Capital Management Limited. All rights reserved.
  • 2. April 2011 Survey highlights: Fund sample by investment strategy • Annual management fees in the Asia Pacific are Distressed / special situations / other higher than the global average, likely reflecting smaller average fund sizes in Asia and certain fixed 12% Venture costs of fund management irrespective of fund size; 14% Buyout • Almost three-quarters of the respondent Asia 11% Pacific funds currently grant a 100% management fee offset, compared with less than half in the 2009 Survey, reflecting the greatest year-on-year shift in fund terms; • Demonstrating best practices as per the ILPA Growth guidelines, 84% of Asia Pacific private equity funds follow a European-style “fund-by-fund” distribution 63% waterfall and 91% have a key person clause in place; Fund sample by geographic focus • Over half the funds surveyed lack a no-fault divorce Pan-regional Australia/New Zealand clause, although voting thresholds for those which 14% 14% do make such provisions compare favorably to the global average; and Southeast Asia 13% • Of the 44% of China-focused GP respondents that Greater China manage parallel Renminbi and US Dollar funds, 60% 21% allocate investments between the two purely at the Korea discretion of the GP. 9% Japan Survey information: 2% Indian Subcontinent The information in the Survey has been derived from responses to a questionnaire sent by Squadron Capital 27% to over 450 Asia Pacific GPs, with the Asia Pacific region defined as including Australasia, Greater China, the Indian subcontinent, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia Fund sample by target fund size (“ASEAN”). Following the removal of GPs that were not actively fundraising during 2010 and largely incomplete $1 billion and responses, the Survey results cover 94 Asia Pacific GPs above $500-999 Less than that either achieved a final closing during 2010 or were 4% actively fundraising as at 31 December 2010. million $100 million 13% 20% For funds which were still being raised as at 31 December 2010, the terms stated by the relevant GPs may not reflect what are or will be the final versions of the limited partnership agreements or constitutional equivalents thereof. Accordingly, the actual final terms and conditions agreed upon for such funds within the Survey - and therefore for the sample size as a whole – will likely be more LP-friendly than the study suggests. $100-499 The summary details of the sample funds have been million displayed in the charts on this page. 63% 58% 2
  • 3. April 2011 Management fees Comparative management fees Management fees (%) Management fees continue to be a key area of focus for LPs globally, particularly with respect to the alignment of interests and incentivization of >2% GPs to earn their fees through carry rather than annual management income. Annual management fees in the region are in 2% general higher than those elsewhere in the world, though this may reflect the overall smaller fund sizes in the Asia Pacific. Despite higher fees, funds <2% in the region might not necessarily be generating annual fee income levels in excess of their GPs’ likely cost bases, or what the ILPA Principles refer to as “reasonable operating expenses and 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% reasonable salaries,” as the majority of funds that % of funds are charging annual fees in excess of 2% are sub- Asia Pacific average Global average* $250 million in size. * Source: 2011 Preqin Global Private Equity Report Management fees by fund size Management fees (%) 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0-99 100-499 500-999 > 1,000 Fund size ($ million) Note: Private equity fund fees have two components – an annual management fee and a share of the profit. 3
  • 4. April 2011 Management fee offsets Fee income offset (%) against management fee “Transaction, monitoring, directory, advisory, % of funds 80% exit fees and other consideration charged by the general partner should accrue to the benefit of 70% the fund” 60% 50% (ILPA Private Equity Principles) 40% 30% Management fee offsets has been the category 20% that has seen the greatest shift since the 2009 10% Survey, with almost three-quarters of Asia Pacific 0% funds now granting a 100% fee offset, compared 59% or less 60-99% 100% with less than half in the previous Survey. Fee income offset (%) Asia Pacific average Global average* This proportion is also significantly in excess of the global average, where less than 40% of funds are * Source: 2011 Preqin Global Private Equity Report currently in line with what ILPA regards as best practice. Note: In addition to management fees, GPs in some cases also derive income from underlying portfolio companies (through advisory fees, directors’ fees and so forth) as well as from other sources. 4
  • 5. April 2011 Distribution waterfalls Carry structure (Asia Pacific sample) “A standard all-contributions plus preferred- return-back-first model must be recognized as a Deal-by- best practice” deal 16% (ILPA Private Equity Principles) One issue where Asia Pacific private equity fund terms are already by and large in line with best practice is the distribution waterfall, where market practice in the region follows a European- Fund style “fund-by-fund” rather than US-style “deal- level by-deal” approach. This varies according to fund 84% strategy, however, with a disproportionate number of venture capital funds in the Survey applying deal-by-deal waterfalls. Carry structure (Global sample*) Deal-by- deal 28% Fund level 72% * Source: 2010 Preqin Global Private Equity Report Note: Distribution waterfalls govern the order in which the proceeds from the sale of investments is distributed. Under a fund level distribution waterfall, investors would be repaid all of the amount they invest into a fund plus a minimum profit hurdle before GPs start becoming eligible for their carry (the term used for incentive payments). Under a deal-by-deal distribution waterfall however, LPs could theoretically have to start paying out carry to GPs even though the LPs themselves have not been repaid all of their original capital investment. 5
  • 6. April 2011 Preferential fee terms Equality of fee/carry terms versus preferential deals % of funds There has been an incipient trend in the private 100% equity industry globally for certain GPs to offer differential fee or carry terms to a subset of 80% investors for reasons of relationship (such as fund sponsors or parent organizations), commitment 60% size (in the case of large anchor investors) and/or timing of entry (in particular for first close LPs). 40% 20% The adoption of such an approach may well enable a GP to kickstart a fundraising process 0% and/or attract large commitments, but at the Yes, all LPs pay the No, certain LPs pay No, certain LPs pay expense of potential difficulties further along in same fees and carry a lower management a lower carry the fundraising process as some LPs may view the fee existence of such deals adversely. For a GP, there are also obviously the financial implications of offering such fee or carry discounts. While the vast majority of funds in the Survey offer all LPs consistent fee and carry terms, there are a small number which have granted preferential terms to a subset of investors. Interestingly, of the funds which offer differential carry terms for certain LPs, the majority of these are India- focused funds. 6
  • 7. April 2011 No-fault divorce No-fault divorce clause in place “No fault rights upon a two-thirds in interest vote of limited partners for the removal of the general partner” (ILPA Private Equity Principles) No Yes 51% 49% The presence and nature of no-fault divorce clauses in the Asia Pacific region as a whole is a matter which is still significantly short of what the ILPA regards as best practice. Over half of the funds in the Survey lack a no-fault divorce clause, though closer analysis of the data set indicates that this is disproportionately the case amongst funds which have not yet achieved a final close as at the end of 2010. Even for those funds that do have such clauses, the voting thresholds are generally higher than the ILPA’s recommended two-thirds figure (though lower than the global average), with 75% being the % vote required for no-fault divorce most common threshold. Vote required (%) 90% + 80-89% 70-79% 50-69% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% % of funds Asia Pacific average Global average Note: A no-fault divorce clause refers to the ability for investors to terminate the management agreement between the fund and the GP, which in the ordinary course can often run for 10 or more years. 7
  • 8. April 2011 Key person provisions Key person clause in place Key person clauses remain a key area of focus in No many of the Asia Pacific private equity markets, 9% perhaps more than elsewhere. The high volatility of Asia Pacific markets combined with the fact that many Asia Pacific GPs have not as yet gone through a full investment cycle means there is a lower opportunity cost for teams or team members leaving or spinning out of their existing firms. Indeed, a significant number of spinouts have occurred during the course of 2010 and 2011 to date. Yes In addition, a greater proportion of GPs in the 91% region continue to be overly dependent on a single founder or individual compared with the more institutional partnership structures of GPs in established markets, which increases the risk of problems should such an individual leave or be unable to continue with the GP. While the majority of funds within the sample size are in line with the revised ILPA Principles on this matter and have a key person clause in place, a minority of funds are not. 8
  • 9. April 2011 Fund suspensions on trigger of key person Automatic suspension of investment clause period if key person clause is triggered “Automatic suspension of investment period, which will become permanent unless a defined super-majority of LPs in interest vote to re- instate within 180 days, when a key-person event No Yes is triggered or for cause” 51% 49% (ILPA Private Equity Principles) What happens in cases where the key person clause is triggered? If suspension is automatic: Approximately half the funds within the data set % of LP interests or advisory board required apply best practice automatic suspension of the to lift the suspension investment period, while the other half requires an LP or advisory board vote in order to suspend or % of funds terminate the fund. 35% 30% For suspensions which are not automatic, the 25% median threshold of 75% is a surprisingly high 20% figure. 15% 10% Where the suspension is automatic, lifting of 5% the suspension can generally be achieved by the 0% approval of either a simple majority or two-thirds 51% 67% 75% 80% of LP interests or the advisory board. Practice in % LP interest or advisory board vote required the Asia Pacific region is thus broadly in line with standard practice elsewhere in the world. If suspension is not automatic: % of LP interests or advisory board required to suspend/terminate % of funds 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 51% 67% 75% 80% % LP interest or advisory board vote required 9
  • 10. April 2011 Annual limitations on capital calls Annual restrictions on investment activity Vintage diversification is a key tenet of private Yes equity investing. This is arguably even more true 11% in the case of many of the markets within the Asia Pacific region, where historically higher levels of market volatility imply that timing has an even greater than usual impact on returns. Despite this, barely 10% of Asia Pacific private equity funds have per annum limits on capital calls - approximately the same percentage as last year’s Survey (8%) – with most GPs and LPs taking No the view that full temporal flexibility in investing 89% becomes more rather than less important in the volatile markets within the region if they are to invest opportunistically to maximize returns. 10
  • 11. April 2011 Ability for / limitations on public market Investment restrictions in investing publicly listed companies Private investments in public entities (“PIPEs”) remain a topic of significant debate within the region, being viewed by members of the private equity community – both GPs and LPs – either with disdain, reluctant acceptance or as unique No opportunities to generate value. 41% A majority of funds (59%) in the 2010 data set have Yes formal restrictions on PIPEs, which is a statistically 59% similar proportion when compared with the 2009 data reported in last year’s Survey (57%). Where restrictions are in place, there appears to be a polarization of the market between funds with ceilings of 10% or less and those with ceilings of 20% or more (at the expense of those with a 15% ceiling). Limitation of investments in listed companies % of funds 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% Up to 10% 15% 20% 25% or higher Public investments ceiling as % of fund Note: Where applicable, the ceilings above represent the proportion of each fund that can be invested in publicly listed companies, beyond which any such investments can be made only with the approval of the fund’s LP advisory board. 11
  • 12. April 2011 RMB fund managers’ potential issues relating to allocation policy Do you manage RMB-denominated private equity fund(s) as well as USD-denominated fund(s)? As it becomes increasingly common for China- focused GPs to manage parallel Renminbi and US Dollar funds, the topic of managing potential conflicts of interests between parallel funds has Yes become a key matter of concern for LPs globally. 44% No 56% In excess of 40% of China-focused GPs who responded to the Survey now manage parallel Renminbi and US Dollar funds. Of these, 60% allocate investments between the two funds at the discretion of the GP. The fact that a large proportion of China-focused GPs managing parallel funds have discretion over the allocation procedure could indicate on the positive side that LPs have taken a pragmatic view of the issue, and on the negative side that LPs may in certain cases be too willing to accede to these points in order to ensure access to certain GPs in What is the basis of allocation of opportunities the market. between the RMB and USD funds? Strictly pro rata for all encouraged/permitted sectors 40% Purely at the discretion of the GP 60% Note: The pro rata category also includes GPs which to a large extent avoid the potential conflicts of interests issue by having entirely separate teams managing each of the Renminbi and US Dollar arms. 12
  • 13. April 2011 ABOUT SQUADRON CAPITAL Squadron Capital is a private equity investment firm based in Hong Kong and focused on the Asia Pacific region. On behalf of its clients, the firm constructs and manages portfolios of private equity funds, with aggregate assets under management currently well in excess of $1 billion. Squadron Capital has one of the largest professional investment teams dedicated Responsible Investor of the Year to private equity in the region, with investment professionals hailing from eight in Asia: Squadron Capital Asia Pacific countries. The firm is widely recognized as a leader in the industry and has won several industry awards. ABOUT THE SQUADRON CAPITAL WHITE PAPER SERIES In order to provide existing and potential limited partners with an overview of key private equity trends and activity in the Asia Pacific region, Squadron Capital compiles a series of “white papers” that are updated regularly. This Survey, which is conducted annually by Squadron Capital, is part of the firm’s white paper series. In preparing these white papers, the intention is neither to set out a definitive analysis of the state of the private equity markets in the Asia Pacific region, nor to execute a ‘data dump’ of raw information, but rather to provide a considered and insightful overview of the key factors and trends likely to influence the level of private equity activity over the investment periods of the underlying funds into which vehicles managed by Squadron Capital are likely to invest. The data contained in the Squadron Capital white papers has been compiled from various publications and databases and in certain cases has been directly quoted from the relevant sources. The identification and selection of key factors and trends is our own, and the qualitative evaluations represent our opinion based on our own analysis. While Squadron Capital seeks to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate, no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any such information. Squadron Capital reserves the right to change any such information, at any time, without notice. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in this document or on its completeness. No information contained in this document constitutes an offer to sell or an invitation to subscribe for any securities. The data and charts contained herein may be reproduced, distributed or published on the express condition that you attribute any data and charts you use to Squadron Capital. Squadron Capital Advisors Limited is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong to conduct Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type Squadron Capital Advisors Limited 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities and may only deal with professional investors. The Company is also registered with the United States Securities 46th Floor, Cheung Kong Center and Exchange Commission as an Investment Adviser. 2 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong © 2011 Squadron Capital Management Limited Tel: +852 2826 2000 Fax: +852 2297 0880 eMail: 13
  • 14. April 2011 ABOUT THE EMERGING MARKETS PRIVATE EQUITY ASSOCIATION (EMPEA) The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA) is an independent, non- profit, global industry association that catalyzes private equity and venture capital investment in the emerging markets of Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. EMPEA’s more than 250 members comprise a broad array of fund managers, institutional investors and other industry stakeholders, representing more than 50 countries and over US$1 trillion in assets under management. The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA) was founded in 2004 by a handful of visionaries at the heart of the industry who shared the belief that private capital has the potential to unleash economic growth in emerging markets while simultaneously generating strong returns for investors. EMPEA is unusual among membership associations in producing proprietary research that provides an authoritative global view of the market in support of our mission. We leverage the scope and connectivity of our membership to help deliver research and insight built on solid empirical data. We also organize conferences and unique member events around the world, often in partnership with global media brands where the EMPEA network facilitates powerful business networking opportunities. EMPEA provides the asset class with a voice on key public policy issues to global regulators and policymakers, and works to advance the dialogue on emerging markets opportunities and challenges among institutional investors. For more information, please visit Emerging Markets Private Equity Association EMPEA Headquarters 1055 Thomas Jefferson St NW Suite 650 Washington, DC 20007, U.S.A. Tel. +1.202.333.8171 EMPEA Asia Headquarters Suite 3205 No. 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel. +852.3713.4879 14