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Volume 29 / Issue 1 / January-June 2015
ISSN 0972-6691
Indian Journal of
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Official Publication of
Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology (ICAAI)
© 2015 Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow46
Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III
presenting as recurrent abdominal pain with intestinal
obstruction in women with primary infertility
Arun Agarwal, Mamta Agarwal
Department of Internal Medicine and Radiodiagnosis,
Malviya Nagar Clinic and Sonography Centre, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
Address for correspondence: Dr. Arun Agarwal,
A‑235, Shivanand Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur ‑ 302 017, Rajasthan,
India. E‑mail:
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a debilitating disorder that can substantially
impair quality of life. Three types of HAE are described in literature. Women
are particularly prone to attacks due to multiple estrogen‑related triggers.
Abdominal involvement in angioedema is often a challenge to diagnose.
Recurrent or acute onset abdominal pain can be the only presenting symptom,
and misdiagnosis may lead to unnecessary surgical intervention. Clinicians
need to be familiar with the types and presentations of the various types of
angioedema. The knowledge about new, effective, and safe therapies, along
with an increased awareness of HAE and its related concerns should help
clinicians in providing optimal treatment to their patients and avoid unnecessary
surgical interventions. We report a sporadic nonfamily case of HAE type III
presenting as recurrent abdominal pain with intestinal obstruction in women
with primary infertility.
Key words: Acquired angioedema, Angiotensin converting enzyme induced
angioedema, C1 esterase inhibitor‑functional and antigenic, gastrointestinal,
hereditary angioedema, idiopathic angioedema
Since the first comprehensive clinical description of HAE in
1888, the knowledge of the disease has been ever expanding.
recurrent attacks of subcutaneous or mucosal edema, referred
in their life. Thus it is a clinical syndrome with a mediator and
case report
multiple causes. Some attacks are life threatening. Intestinal
angioedema is less commonly encountered by emergency
physicians (EPs) than angioedema of the lips and tongue
and therefore may be unrecognized. Prompt detection and
treatment of this rare disease can significantly improve patient
outcome by minimizing morbidity from misdiagnosis or
unnecessary operative interventions.
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DOI: 10.4103/0972-6691.162986
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How to cite this article: AgarwalA,Agarwal M. Sporadic nonfamily case
of hereditary angioedema type III presenting as recurrent abdominal pain
with intestinal obstruction in women with primary infertility. Indian JAllergy
Asthma Immunol 2015;29:46-50.
Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III
47Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 1 47
Ms. RA, 38 years, a known case of primary infertility was
first seen on March 31, 2015, for cutaneous angioedema
involving face and torso. She had no urticaria and
had similar symptoms off and on for 4 years (usually
self‑limiting). There was no history of taking aspirin,
ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB’s),
or history of malignancy, autoimmune disease, or drug
causing change in estrogen levels. She had no family history
of similar illness. She was given H1 blockers (ebastine),
H2 blockers (ranitidine), and steroids (deflazacort). She
developed abdominal pain with distention, gaseousness,
vomiting, facial edema, and throat discomfort on April 12,
2015, and was admitted to another nursing home where
she was diagnosed to have sub‑acute intestinal obstruction
and managed conservatively with antibiotics, fluids, and
supportive treatment. She revisited clinic on April 14,
2015, and had mild facial puffiness and lip swelling. She
was suspected to have hereditary angioedema (HAE) and
was further evaluated. Her investigations are tabulated
in Table 1. She developed similar abdominal symptoms
on April 29, 2015, and a contrast‑enhanced computed
tomography (CECT) abdomen was done which showed
multiple segments of thickening of walls of ileum of
varying length (longest being approximately 9 cm) with
resultant luminal narrowing [Figure 1]. She recovered
spontaneously within 3–5 days. On further questioning
she revealed that she had similar mild abdominal pains
off and on since 2003, but it was attributed to mild pelvic
endometriosis diagnosed during her work up of primary
infertility and in vitro fertilization treatment. However,
these two attacks were severe. With normal complement
and C1‑INH (both functional and quantitative) she was
diagnosed to have HAE type III (sporadic case) and started
on prophylactic Danazol treatment. In the meantime other
opinions were sought and she was evaluated for celiac
disease and inflammatory bowel disease and was given
options of capsule video endoscopy and a therapeutic trial
for Crohn’s disease. Barium meal follow through done
on May 11, 2015, and a repeat CECT abdomen done on
May 26, 2015, were normal [Table 2, Figures 2 and 3]. She
is at present on Danazol and had no further episode of
angioedema till end of July 2015.
HAE is an autosomal dominant rare, debilitating disease that
impairs quality of life. About 10–20% of people worldwide
will develop an episode of angioedema or urticaria at some
point in their lifetime, women being more prone than men.[1]
The prevalence of HAE is around 1/100,000, and involves
almost all races.[2]
The term “angioedema” describes a
circumscribed edema of the skin, gastrointestinal (GI) tract
Figure 1: Contrast‑enhanced computed tomography
abdomen (coronal view) done on April 30, 2015, showing multiple
segmental ileal luminal narrowing (arrows)
Figure 2: Barium meal and follow through done on May 11, 2015
showing complete resolution of ileal narrowing
Figure 3: Contrast‑enhanced computed tomography abdomen
done on May 26, 2015 showing complete resolution of multiple
segmental ileal narrowing [compare with Figure 1]
Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III
Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 148
or respiratory tract. The majority of cases are HAE,   acquired
angioedema (AAE) or idiopathic angioedema (IAE). The
salient features of various types of AE are presented in
Table 3. EP needs to differentiate between histamine and
bradykinin mediated angioedema. In a bradykinin mediated
angioedema there is no itching or urticaria and treatment
with corticosteroids and antihistamines is not effective.
In HAE, there is a mutation in the gene that encodes the
C1‑INH of the complement factor (INHC1), inducing a
reduction in its synthesis (type I HAE) or the formation
of a dysfunctional protein (type II HAE). In 2000, a
new subtype of HAE was described, which is clinically
indistinguishable from the others, predominantly in women,
in which the INHC1 is normal.[3]
This new disorder was
called HAE type III, estrogen‑dependent HAE or HAE
with normal C1 activity (type III HAE). It is very rare and
found predominantly in women and may be due to known
mutations in the factor XII gene (F12) or to unknown
genetic mutations.[4]
Studies have reported first episode
or recurrences associated with estrogen containing oral
contraceptives, estrogen replacement therapy or pregnancy,
thereby suggesting a direct correlation with estrogen levels.
Our patient had no such history but rather had primary
In angioedema localized temporary swelling occurs, which
can involve all layers of the skin or walls of hollow viscera,
such as pharynx, respiratory system, or the GI tract.
Symptoms may include peripheral nonpitting edema (skin),
swelling of lips, tongue (opharynx) and genitalia, difficulty
in breathing (larynx), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, features
of intestinal obstruction, and abdominal pain of varying
degree (GI tract). Abdominal pain may manifest as severe
acute onset abdominal pain, or as chronic recurrent
abdominal pain of moderate severity.[5]
In one study,
misdiagnosis of abdominal symptoms had even led to
unnecessary appendectomy, laparotomy, or both, in 35%
of patients.[6]
However, surgical exploration of abdominal
symptoms should be avoided in the absence of signs of acute
abdomen (i.e., absence of fever, leukocytosis, or peritoneal
signs; presence of bowel sounds).[7]
Our patient had severe
attacks with symptoms consistent with intestinal obstruction
Table 2: Imaging of the patient
Date Test Imaging results
April 30, 2015 CECT abdomen Multiple segments of thickening of walls of
ileum of varying length, longest segment of
approximately 9 cm with resultant luminal
May 11, 2015 Barium meal
follow through
Normal. No definite stricture or dilated gut
loop seen
May 26, 2015 CECT abdomen No abnormality seen. Multiple segmental
areas of narrowing seen involving the ileum in
CECT dated April 30, 2015 are no longer seen
CECT ‑ Contrast enhanced computed tomography
Table 3: Mediator, distinguishing features and complement profile in angioedema syndromes
HAE type I HAE type II HAE type III AAE IAE ACE‑I NSAID Allergic AE with urticarial
Mediator Bradykinin Bradykinin Bradykinin Bradykinin Unknown
Bradykinin Leukotriens Histamine Histamine/
Family history Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes/no
Urticaria No No No No Usually No Usually Usually Usually
Location Anywhere Anywhere Anywhere Anywhere Especially lips
and face
Especially lips,
tongue and intestine
Anywhere Usually skin
Age at onset in years 6-20 6-20 6-20 >40 Any Any Any Any >15
C4 Low Low Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Low
C1 INH antigenic Low Normal Normal Low (type I)
Low/normal (type II)
Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
C1 INH functional Low Low Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
C1q Normal Normal Normal Low (type I)
Low/normal (type II)
Normal Normal Normal Normal Low
C3 Low Low Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Low
HAE ‑ Hereditary angioedema, AAE ‑ Acquired angioedema, IAE ‑ Idiopathic angioedema, ACE‑I ‑ Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, NSAID ‑ Nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory drug, C1 INH ‑ C1 esterase inhibitor
Table 1: Hematological and other investigations
Date Investigation Result Unit Reference range
March 31, 2015 C3 235.67 mg/dL 75-135
C4 37.49 mg/dL 10-40
TLC 5.5 ×103
/µL 3.5-11.5
Hb 10.7 g/dL 13-16
Platelet count 246 ×103
/µL 150-410
TEC 105 Cmm 20-500
VEC 0 % TEC Nil
Urine Normal
April 14, 2015 C1 esterase inhibitor
Protein (quantitative)
247 mg/L 195-345
84.8 % 68
April 30, 2015 CRP 26.4 mg/L <5
ESR 18 mm 1 h 0-20
tTG IgA antibodies 1.6 U/mL <12
P ANCA and C ANCA Negative
May 05, 2015 Stool test routine Normal
ESR 22 mm 1 h 0-20
CRP 5.1 mg/L <5
May 06, 2015 ASCA IgA saccharomyces
11.2 U/mL <10
ASCA IgG saccharomyces
67.8 U/mL <10
CRP 3.1 mg/L <5
TLC ‑ Total leucocyte count, TEC ‑ Total eosinophil count, VEC ‑ Vacuolated eosinophil count,
CRP ‑ C‑reactive protein, ESR ‑ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, tTG ‑ Tissue transglutaminase
antibody, ASCA ‑ Anti‑saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies, ANCA ‑ Anti‑neutrophil cytoplasmic
antibody, C1 INH ‑ C1 esterase inhibitor
Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III
49Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 1 49
on two occasions and was even referred to GI surgeon after
CECT showed ileal luminal narrowing at multiple levels.
However, it resolved within 3–5 days and subsequent barium
meal and follow through examination and CECT scan
abdomen did not show any features of intestinal obstruction.
Thus, alternate diagnoses for recurrent abdominal symptoms
should always be considered to avoid unnecessary surgical
procedures as patients presenting only with abdominal
signs and symptoms have been described in literature with
no cutaneous, oropharyngeal or respiratory involvement.[8,9]
The differential diagnosis includes AAE and IAE. In
AAE, there is no familial inheritance, and it can occur at
a later age than HAE. The condition develops as a result
of increased consumption of C1‑INH or impairment of
C1‑INH function due to autoantibody formation. AAE
is divided into four groups: (1) AAE‑I ‑ resulting from
paraneoplastic syndrome or development of auto antibodies
which enhances cleavage of C1‑INH, leading to C1‑INH
dysfunction; (2) AAE‑II ‑ resulting from autoimmune
disease; (3)  AAE ‑ associated with sex hormones, especially
during pregnancy; and (4) drug‑induced AAE ‑ particular
associated with ACE INHs or ARB’s.[10]
Our patient had no
such feature to suggest AAE. IAE is usually associated with
urticaria. Thyroid dysfunction is common with this form
and should be ruled out. The mechanism of this disease
is unknown.[10]
Our patient did not had any urticaria or
thyroid dysfunction.
The inheritance pattern of HAE type III has a genetic
polymorphism that contributes to phenotypic diversity of
HAE type III[11]
A family history of angioedema strongly
supports the diagnosis, but it is not required, since
approximately one‑quarter of patients have de novo
mutations. There are reports of nonfamily cases, sporadic,
that could present new genetic mutations, different to those
already described so far and still unknown.[12]
criteria for diagnosis of angioedema caused by C1‑INH
deficiency have been described, no diagnostic criteria have
been defined so far for HAE type III. HAE type III, to date
manifest only in women, and its symptoms closely resemble
those associated with functional C1‑INH deficiency but
occur in the presence of normal C1‑INH concentrations;
the genetic defect responsible is currently unknown.[13]
Genetic tests that could classify her with a genetic alteration
were not performed due to the nonavailability of such tests
in our facilities. Thus, with normal C1‑INH (antigenic
and functional) levels, history of recurrent angioedema,
spontaneous remission over 3–5 days, recurrent abdominal
symptoms with imaging findings, no history/cause to suggest
other causes of angioedema, she was diagnosed as a sporadic
nonfamily case of HAE type III. IAE looked unlikely looking
to absence of urticaria and response to long‑term prophylaxis
with Danazol. She had no further attack till July 31, 2015.
It is also important to recognize that all attacks localized
over the shoulder (face, neck, throat, and respiratory tract)
and all abdominal attacks with pain rated >5 on the visual
analogue scale are considered severe.
Treatment options of HAE involve prophylaxis ‑ both
short‑term and long‑term; and acute treatment.
•	 Short‑term prophylaxis: Three options of attenuated
androgens, tranexamic acid or C1‑INH concentrate are
available. There is no specific problem for the use of
these drugs for the short‑term in female patients. In case
of short‑term prophylaxis with attenuated androgens,
no virilization has been observed[14,15]
•	 Long‑termprophylaxis:Attenuatedandrogens (Danazol),
anti‑fibrinolytics (tranexamic acid) and plasma derived
C1‑INH (pdC1‑INH) are used. Attenuated androgens
are highly effective but are accompanied by side effects.
The result of PREHAET study (presented by Bork)
reported a weight gain for 30% of women, virilisation
for 6%, menstrual irregularities for 30%, acne for
7% along with alopecia, hirsutism, and mammary
However, they are dose dependant and
can be decreased by titrating the dose to lowest effective
level. Anti‑fibrinolytics have good tolerance, moderate
efficacy and adverse effects as nausea, diarrhea and a
theoretical risk of thromboembolism. pdC1‑INH was
approved by Food and Drug Administration in 2008 for
long‑term prophylaxis. It is not available in India.
Acute treatment
Treatment guidelines for HAE recommend the use of the
bradykinin receptor blocker (icatibant) or the kallikrein
INH (ecallantide) for the treatment of acute attacks.[17]
In the United States, ecallantide and the pdC1‑INH were
approved in 2009, and the bradykinin receptor blocker
icatibant was approved in 2011 for the treatment of
acute attacks of HAE. Since all three are not available in
India, using fresh frozen plasma (FFP) in acute attack is a
reasonable choice and an infusion of 2‑4 U of FFP is useful
in replacing INH levels.[18]
Rarely the swelling can become
worse due to complement factors present in FFP. The only
option for acute settings in our case could have been use of
FFP. Our patient is in long‑term prophylaxis with Danazol.
The major issue still is the difficulty that many patients
have in reaching correct diagnosis and treatment. Deaths
and unwanted surgeries caused by HAE and similar
angioedematous disorders still occur. The EPs, ignoring the
existence of HAE, still label these patients as allergic. We
hope that this case report will help bring more HAE, AAE,
and IAE patients to the correct diagnosis.
On literature search, we did not find any case report of
a sporadic nonfamily case of HAE type III presenting as
abdominal pain with intestinal obstruction in women with
primary infertility.
Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III
Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 150
•	 HAE with normal C1‑INH (HAE type III) is clinically
characterized by recurrent angioedema affecting the
skin, GI tract, and larynx
•	 HAE can rarely present as a nonfamily, sporadic case
•	 HAE should be recognized in its various forms and
especially as a cause of recurrent unexplained abdominal
pain so that unnecessary invasive procedures and
therapy can be administered. Prompt detection and
treatment of this rare disease can significantly improve
patient outcome by minimizing morbidity
•	 EPs should differentiate between histamine and
Bradykinin mediated angioedema and recognizes
“attacks” that are considered severe.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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  • 1. Volume 29 / Issue 1 / January-June 2015 ISSN 0972-6691 Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Official Publication of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology (ICAAI) IndianJournalofAllergy,Asthma&Immunology•Volume29•Issue1•January-June2015•Pages1-???
  • 2. © 2015 Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow46 Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III presenting as recurrent abdominal pain with intestinal obstruction in women with primary infertility Arun Agarwal, Mamta Agarwal Department of Internal Medicine and Radiodiagnosis, Malviya Nagar Clinic and Sonography Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Address for correspondence: Dr. Arun Agarwal, A‑235, Shivanand Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur ‑ 302 017, Rajasthan, India. E‑mail: ABSTRACT Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a debilitating disorder that can substantially impair quality of life. Three types of HAE are described in literature. Women are particularly prone to attacks due to multiple estrogen‑related triggers. Abdominal involvement in angioedema is often a challenge to diagnose. Recurrent or acute onset abdominal pain can be the only presenting symptom, and misdiagnosis may lead to unnecessary surgical intervention. Clinicians need to be familiar with the types and presentations of the various types of angioedema. The knowledge about new, effective, and safe therapies, along with an increased awareness of HAE and its related concerns should help clinicians in providing optimal treatment to their patients and avoid unnecessary surgical interventions. We report a sporadic nonfamily case of HAE type III presenting as recurrent abdominal pain with intestinal obstruction in women with primary infertility. Key words: Acquired angioedema, Angiotensin converting enzyme induced angioedema, C1 esterase inhibitor‑functional and antigenic, gastrointestinal, hereditary angioedema, idiopathic angioedema INTRODUCTION Since the first comprehensive clinical description of HAE in 1888, the knowledge of the disease has been ever expanding. Broadlyangioedemaarediseasescharacterizedbytransientand recurrent attacks of subcutaneous or mucosal edema, referred toas“attacks.”Theseverityandfrequencyisextremelyvariable amongpatientsandeveninthesamepatientatdifferenttimes in their life. Thus it is a clinical syndrome with a mediator and case report multiple causes. Some attacks are life threatening. Intestinal angioedema is less commonly encountered by emergency physicians (EPs) than angioedema of the lips and tongue and therefore may be unrecognized. Prompt detection and treatment of this rare disease can significantly improve patient outcome by minimizing morbidity from misdiagnosis or unnecessary operative interventions. Access this article online Website: DOI: 10.4103/0972-6691.162986 Quick Response Code: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. For reprints contact: How to cite this article: AgarwalA,Agarwal M. Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III presenting as recurrent abdominal pain with intestinal obstruction in women with primary infertility. Indian JAllergy Asthma Immunol 2015;29:46-50.
  • 3. Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III 47Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 1 47 CASE REPORT Ms. RA, 38 years, a known case of primary infertility was first seen on March 31, 2015, for cutaneous angioedema involving face and torso. She had no urticaria and had similar symptoms off and on for 4 years (usually self‑limiting). There was no history of taking aspirin, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB’s), or history of malignancy, autoimmune disease, or drug causing change in estrogen levels. She had no family history of similar illness. She was given H1 blockers (ebastine), H2 blockers (ranitidine), and steroids (deflazacort). She developed abdominal pain with distention, gaseousness, vomiting, facial edema, and throat discomfort on April 12, 2015, and was admitted to another nursing home where she was diagnosed to have sub‑acute intestinal obstruction and managed conservatively with antibiotics, fluids, and supportive treatment. She revisited clinic on April 14, 2015, and had mild facial puffiness and lip swelling. She was suspected to have hereditary angioedema (HAE) and was further evaluated. Her investigations are tabulated in Table 1. She developed similar abdominal symptoms on April 29, 2015, and a contrast‑enhanced computed tomography (CECT) abdomen was done which showed multiple segments of thickening of walls of ileum of varying length (longest being approximately 9 cm) with resultant luminal narrowing [Figure 1]. She recovered spontaneously within 3–5 days. On further questioning she revealed that she had similar mild abdominal pains off and on since 2003, but it was attributed to mild pelvic endometriosis diagnosed during her work up of primary infertility and in vitro fertilization treatment. However, these two attacks were severe. With normal complement and C1‑INH (both functional and quantitative) she was diagnosed to have HAE type III (sporadic case) and started on prophylactic Danazol treatment. In the meantime other opinions were sought and she was evaluated for celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease and was given options of capsule video endoscopy and a therapeutic trial for Crohn’s disease. Barium meal follow through done on May 11, 2015, and a repeat CECT abdomen done on May 26, 2015, were normal [Table 2, Figures 2 and 3]. She is at present on Danazol and had no further episode of angioedema till end of July 2015. DISCUSSION HAE is an autosomal dominant rare, debilitating disease that impairs quality of life. About 10–20% of people worldwide will develop an episode of angioedema or urticaria at some point in their lifetime, women being more prone than men.[1] The prevalence of HAE is around 1/100,000, and involves almost all races.[2] The term “angioedema” describes a circumscribed edema of the skin, gastrointestinal (GI) tract Figure 1: Contrast‑enhanced computed tomography abdomen (coronal view) done on April 30, 2015, showing multiple segmental ileal luminal narrowing (arrows) Figure 2: Barium meal and follow through done on May 11, 2015 showing complete resolution of ileal narrowing Figure 3: Contrast‑enhanced computed tomography abdomen done on May 26, 2015 showing complete resolution of multiple segmental ileal narrowing [compare with Figure 1]
  • 4. Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 148 or respiratory tract. The majority of cases are HAE,   acquired angioedema (AAE) or idiopathic angioedema (IAE). The salient features of various types of AE are presented in Table 3. EP needs to differentiate between histamine and bradykinin mediated angioedema. In a bradykinin mediated angioedema there is no itching or urticaria and treatment with corticosteroids and antihistamines is not effective. In HAE, there is a mutation in the gene that encodes the C1‑INH of the complement factor (INHC1), inducing a reduction in its synthesis (type I HAE) or the formation of a dysfunctional protein (type II HAE). In 2000, a new subtype of HAE was described, which is clinically indistinguishable from the others, predominantly in women, in which the INHC1 is normal.[3] This new disorder was called HAE type III, estrogen‑dependent HAE or HAE with normal C1 activity (type III HAE). It is very rare and found predominantly in women and may be due to known mutations in the factor XII gene (F12) or to unknown genetic mutations.[4] Studies have reported first episode or recurrences associated with estrogen containing oral contraceptives, estrogen replacement therapy or pregnancy, thereby suggesting a direct correlation with estrogen levels. Our patient had no such history but rather had primary infertility. In angioedema localized temporary swelling occurs, which can involve all layers of the skin or walls of hollow viscera, such as pharynx, respiratory system, or the GI tract. Symptoms may include peripheral nonpitting edema (skin), swelling of lips, tongue (opharynx) and genitalia, difficulty in breathing (larynx), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, features of intestinal obstruction, and abdominal pain of varying degree (GI tract). Abdominal pain may manifest as severe acute onset abdominal pain, or as chronic recurrent abdominal pain of moderate severity.[5] In one study, misdiagnosis of abdominal symptoms had even led to unnecessary appendectomy, laparotomy, or both, in 35% of patients.[6] However, surgical exploration of abdominal symptoms should be avoided in the absence of signs of acute abdomen (i.e., absence of fever, leukocytosis, or peritoneal signs; presence of bowel sounds).[7] Our patient had severe attacks with symptoms consistent with intestinal obstruction Table 2: Imaging of the patient Date Test Imaging results April 30, 2015 CECT abdomen Multiple segments of thickening of walls of ileum of varying length, longest segment of approximately 9 cm with resultant luminal narrowing May 11, 2015 Barium meal follow through Normal. No definite stricture or dilated gut loop seen May 26, 2015 CECT abdomen No abnormality seen. Multiple segmental areas of narrowing seen involving the ileum in CECT dated April 30, 2015 are no longer seen CECT ‑ Contrast enhanced computed tomography Table 3: Mediator, distinguishing features and complement profile in angioedema syndromes HAE type I HAE type II HAE type III AAE IAE ACE‑I NSAID Allergic AE with urticarial vasculitis Mediator Bradykinin Bradykinin Bradykinin Bradykinin Unknown Nonhistaminergic Bradykinin Leukotriens Histamine Histamine/ leukotriens Family history Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes/no Urticaria No No No No Usually No Usually Usually Usually Location Anywhere Anywhere Anywhere Anywhere Especially lips and face Especially lips, tongue and intestine Especially face Anywhere Usually skin Age at onset in years 6-20 6-20 6-20 >40 Any Any Any Any >15 C4 Low Low Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Low C1 INH antigenic Low Normal Normal Low (type I) Low/normal (type II) Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal C1 INH functional Low Low Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal C1q Normal Normal Normal Low (type I) Low/normal (type II) Normal Normal Normal Normal Low C3 Low Low Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Low HAE ‑ Hereditary angioedema, AAE ‑ Acquired angioedema, IAE ‑ Idiopathic angioedema, ACE‑I ‑ Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, NSAID ‑ Nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory drug, C1 INH ‑ C1 esterase inhibitor Table 1: Hematological and other investigations Date Investigation Result Unit Reference range March 31, 2015 C3 235.67 mg/dL 75-135 C4 37.49 mg/dL 10-40 TLC 5.5 ×103 /µL 3.5-11.5 Hb 10.7 g/dL 13-16 Platelet count 246 ×103 /µL 150-410 TEC 105 Cmm 20-500 VEC 0 % TEC Nil Urine Normal April 14, 2015 C1 esterase inhibitor Protein (quantitative) 247 mg/L 195-345 C1 INH Functional 84.8 % 68 April 30, 2015 CRP 26.4 mg/L <5 ESR 18 mm 1 h 0-20 tTG IgA antibodies 1.6 U/mL <12 P ANCA and C ANCA Negative May 05, 2015 Stool test routine Normal ESR 22 mm 1 h 0-20 CRP 5.1 mg/L <5 May 06, 2015 ASCA IgA saccharomyces Cerevisiae 11.2 U/mL <10 ASCA IgG saccharomyces Cerevisiae 67.8 U/mL <10 CRP 3.1 mg/L <5 TLC ‑ Total leucocyte count, TEC ‑ Total eosinophil count, VEC ‑ Vacuolated eosinophil count, CRP ‑ C‑reactive protein, ESR ‑ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, tTG ‑ Tissue transglutaminase antibody, ASCA ‑ Anti‑saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies, ANCA ‑ Anti‑neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, C1 INH ‑ C1 esterase inhibitor
  • 5. Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III 49Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 1 49 on two occasions and was even referred to GI surgeon after CECT showed ileal luminal narrowing at multiple levels. However, it resolved within 3–5 days and subsequent barium meal and follow through examination and CECT scan abdomen did not show any features of intestinal obstruction. Thus, alternate diagnoses for recurrent abdominal symptoms should always be considered to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures as patients presenting only with abdominal signs and symptoms have been described in literature with no cutaneous, oropharyngeal or respiratory involvement.[8,9] The differential diagnosis includes AAE and IAE. In AAE, there is no familial inheritance, and it can occur at a later age than HAE. The condition develops as a result of increased consumption of C1‑INH or impairment of C1‑INH function due to autoantibody formation. AAE is divided into four groups: (1) AAE‑I ‑ resulting from paraneoplastic syndrome or development of auto antibodies which enhances cleavage of C1‑INH, leading to C1‑INH dysfunction; (2) AAE‑II ‑ resulting from autoimmune disease; (3)  AAE ‑ associated with sex hormones, especially during pregnancy; and (4) drug‑induced AAE ‑ particular associated with ACE INHs or ARB’s.[10] Our patient had no such feature to suggest AAE. IAE is usually associated with urticaria. Thyroid dysfunction is common with this form and should be ruled out. The mechanism of this disease is unknown.[10] Our patient did not had any urticaria or thyroid dysfunction. The inheritance pattern of HAE type III has a genetic polymorphism that contributes to phenotypic diversity of HAE type III[11] A family history of angioedema strongly supports the diagnosis, but it is not required, since approximately one‑quarter of patients have de novo mutations. There are reports of nonfamily cases, sporadic, that could present new genetic mutations, different to those already described so far and still unknown.[12] Although criteria for diagnosis of angioedema caused by C1‑INH deficiency have been described, no diagnostic criteria have been defined so far for HAE type III. HAE type III, to date manifest only in women, and its symptoms closely resemble those associated with functional C1‑INH deficiency but occur in the presence of normal C1‑INH concentrations; the genetic defect responsible is currently unknown.[13] Genetic tests that could classify her with a genetic alteration were not performed due to the nonavailability of such tests in our facilities. Thus, with normal C1‑INH (antigenic and functional) levels, history of recurrent angioedema, spontaneous remission over 3–5 days, recurrent abdominal symptoms with imaging findings, no history/cause to suggest other causes of angioedema, she was diagnosed as a sporadic nonfamily case of HAE type III. IAE looked unlikely looking to absence of urticaria and response to long‑term prophylaxis with Danazol. She had no further attack till July 31, 2015. It is also important to recognize that all attacks localized over the shoulder (face, neck, throat, and respiratory tract) and all abdominal attacks with pain rated >5 on the visual analogue scale are considered severe. Treatment options of HAE involve prophylaxis ‑ both short‑term and long‑term; and acute treatment. • Short‑term prophylaxis: Three options of attenuated androgens, tranexamic acid or C1‑INH concentrate are available. There is no specific problem for the use of these drugs for the short‑term in female patients. In case of short‑term prophylaxis with attenuated androgens, no virilization has been observed[14,15] • Long‑termprophylaxis:Attenuatedandrogens (Danazol), anti‑fibrinolytics (tranexamic acid) and plasma derived C1‑INH (pdC1‑INH) are used. Attenuated androgens are highly effective but are accompanied by side effects. The result of PREHAET study (presented by Bork) reported a weight gain for 30% of women, virilisation for 6%, menstrual irregularities for 30%, acne for 7% along with alopecia, hirsutism, and mammary hypotrophy.[16] However, they are dose dependant and can be decreased by titrating the dose to lowest effective level. Anti‑fibrinolytics have good tolerance, moderate efficacy and adverse effects as nausea, diarrhea and a theoretical risk of thromboembolism. pdC1‑INH was approved by Food and Drug Administration in 2008 for long‑term prophylaxis. It is not available in India. Acute treatment Treatment guidelines for HAE recommend the use of the bradykinin receptor blocker (icatibant) or the kallikrein INH (ecallantide) for the treatment of acute attacks.[17] In the United States, ecallantide and the pdC1‑INH were approved in 2009, and the bradykinin receptor blocker icatibant was approved in 2011 for the treatment of acute attacks of HAE. Since all three are not available in India, using fresh frozen plasma (FFP) in acute attack is a reasonable choice and an infusion of 2‑4 U of FFP is useful in replacing INH levels.[18] Rarely the swelling can become worse due to complement factors present in FFP. The only option for acute settings in our case could have been use of FFP. Our patient is in long‑term prophylaxis with Danazol. The major issue still is the difficulty that many patients have in reaching correct diagnosis and treatment. Deaths and unwanted surgeries caused by HAE and similar angioedematous disorders still occur. The EPs, ignoring the existence of HAE, still label these patients as allergic. We hope that this case report will help bring more HAE, AAE, and IAE patients to the correct diagnosis. On literature search, we did not find any case report of a sporadic nonfamily case of HAE type III presenting as abdominal pain with intestinal obstruction in women with primary infertility.
  • 6. Agarwal and Agarwal: Sporadic nonfamily case of hereditary angioedema type III Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | Jan-Jun 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 150 CONCLUSION AND TAKE HOME MESSAGE • HAE with normal C1‑INH (HAE type III) is clinically characterized by recurrent angioedema affecting the skin, GI tract, and larynx • HAE can rarely present as a nonfamily, sporadic case • HAE should be recognized in its various forms and especially as a cause of recurrent unexplained abdominal pain so that unnecessary invasive procedures and hospitalizationscanbeavoidedandlong‑termprophylaxis therapy can be administered. Prompt detection and treatment of this rare disease can significantly improve patient outcome by minimizing morbidity • EPs should differentiate between histamine and Bradykinin mediated angioedema and recognizes “attacks” that are considered severe. Financial support and sponsorship Nil. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest. REFERENCES 1. Frigas E, Park M. Idiopathic recurrent angioedema. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am 2006;26:739‑51. 2. Zuraw BL. C1 inhibitor deficiency and autoimmunity. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am 1993;13:441‑57. 3. Bork K, Barnstedt SE, Koch P, Traupe H. Hereditary angioedema with normal C1‑inhibitor activity in women. Lancet 2000;356:213‑7. 4. Binkley KE. Factor XII mutations, estrogen‑dependent inherited angioedema, and related conditions. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 2010;6:16. 5. Kaplan AP, Greaves MW. Angioedema. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:373‑88. 6. Agostoni A, Cicardi M. Hereditary and acquired C1‑inhibitor deficiency: Biological and clinical characteristics in 235 patients. Medicine (Baltimore) 1992;71:206‑15. 7. De Backer AI, De Schepper AM, Vandevenne JE, Schoeters P, Michielsen P, Stevens WJ. CT of angioedema of the small bowel. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2001;176:649‑52. 8. Warin RP, Higgs ER. Acute and recurrent abdominal pain due to hereditary angio‑oedema. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1982;284:1912. 9. Weinstock LB, Kothari T, Sharma RN, Rosenfeld SI. Recurrent abdominal pain as the sole manifestation of hereditary angioedema in multiple family members. Gastroenterology 1987;93:1116‑8. 10. Kothari ST, Shah AM, Botu D, Spira R, Greenblatt R, Depasquale J. Isolated angioedema of the bowel due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency: A case report and review of literature. J Med Case Rep 2011;5:62. 11. Miranda AR, Ue AP, Sabbag DV, Furlani Wde J, Souza PK, Rotta O. Hereditary angioedema type III (estrogen‑dependent) report of three cases and literature review. An Bras Dermatol 2013;88:578‑84. 12. Cichon S, Martin L, Hennies HC, Müller F, Van Driessche K, Karpushova A, et al. Increased activity of coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor) causes hereditary angioedema type III. Am J Hum Genet 2006;79:1098‑104. 13. Agostoni A, Aygören‑Pürsün E, Binkley KE, Blanch A, Bork K, Bouillet L, et al. Hereditary and acquired angioedema: Problems and progress: Proceedings of the third C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency workshop and beyond. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;114 3 Suppl: S51‑131. 14. Cicardi M, Castelli R, Zingale LC, Agostoni A. Side effects of long‑term prophylaxis with attenuated androgens in hereditary angioedema: Comparison of treated and untreated patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:194‑6. 15. Sheffer AL, Fearon DT, Austen KF. Clinical and biochemical effects of stanozolol therapy for hereditary angioedema. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1981;68:181‑7. 16. Bouillet L. Hereditary angioedema in women. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 2010;6:17. 17. Bowen T, Cicardi M, Farkas H, Bork K, Longhurst HJ, Zuraw B, et al. 2010 International consensus algorithm for the diagnosis, therapy and management of hereditary angioedema. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol 2010;6:24. 18. Papamanthos M, Matiakis A, Tsirevelou P, Kolokotronis A, Skoulakis H. Hereditary angioedema: Three cases report, members of the same family. J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010;1:e9.