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Fast forward:
Transit in 2050
(Ratna Chatterjee is an R&D Management and innovation professional with over 29 years of Entrepreneurial and
Corporate experience in working with the automotive industry. Currently she is the Chief Consultant at ARDMC
(Automotive R&D Management Consultants), with offices in New Delhi, US and UK. )

By the year 2050, the world’s
population will reach nine
billion. The demand on the
world’s resources - will be
severe. But the road from
now to then isn’t bleak - there
is a lot of activity in trying
to define a path to a future
filled with opportunities, from
amazing individuals and with
extraordinary projects leading
the way. The concepts for 2050
being worked out for travel
are fascinating – and some
design studios around the world
started visualising mobility
2050 concepts more than a
decade ago, showcasing some
intriguing possibilities and some
revolutionary ideas!
A city in 2050 could be quite
different from the urban setting
of today. New technologies are
creating new alternatives for urban mobility—
from smaller and more efficient cars, to transit
systems and new information technologies.
In future, the car will function as a pilot,
co-pilot and coach all rolled into one. The
car works out alternative routes and ensures
that the occupants can make meaningful
use of their time even when stuck in traffic
jams, to catching up on office work, or simply
relax. More than ever, transportation will be
customised to meet the individual wants
of their occupants - with new technologies,
smarter road use and new ways to commute
on the road and in the air. Some of the
alternatives to conventional transport in the
future include:
Solar Powered Vehicles: Harnessing solar
energy to power cars makes sure that the

26 October 2012 / Motown India

electricity grid of the future isn’t burdened.
Industrial designers have been helping
automakers with some stunning concept
vehicles that harness solar energy on the
move, an approach which also betters the
performance of the vehicle. The newly
developed SolarWorld “Gran Turismo”
clears the path towards a solar-powered
future currently on a mission to cover
35,000 km by December 2012 - running
completely without fuel and externally
provided electricity. SolarWorld AG believes
“In the future, millions of vehicles will be
electrically operated. They will not have

28 October 2012 / Motown India

their own on-board power plant like the
SolarWorld GT, but they can be recharged
with Sun-Carports or with the solar power
plant on your own roof.”
Shape Shifting Cars: Replacing internal
combustion engines with silent electric
motors allows designers to come up with
concept vehicles that can change their
shape according to conditions. If stuck in a
traffic jam, these vehicles can reduce their
size for better maneuverability and if speed
and performance are desired, they can
alter their shape accordingly. While design
have been
by all the
OEMs in the
past years, it is
“Hiroko” that
is ready for
next year.
“Hiroko” started
as the ‘CityCar
project’, part
of a larger
initiative at the
MIT Media Lab’s
‘Smart Cities
research group’
- devoted to
the urban
systems. The
CityCar is
a foldable,

sharable, two-passenger vehicle for
crowded cities. Wheel Robots—fully
modular in-wheel electric motors—
integrate drive motors, suspension,
braking, and steering inside the hub-space
of the wheel. This drive-by-wire system
requires only data, power, and mechanical
connection to the chassis. With over
80 degrees of steering freedom, Wheel
Robots enable a zero-turn radius; they also
enable the CityCar to fold by eliminating
the conventional engine and drive-train.
Being commercialised by a consortium
of automotive suppliers in the Basque
region of Spain, it has been branded as the
“Hiroko” Project, which stands for Urban
Augmented Reality: Imagine a future in
which icons flash on your car windshield,
hologram style, as your car approaches
restaurants, stores, historic landmarks or
the homes of friends. Simply point your
hand at them, and the icons open to show
real-time information: when that bridge
over there was built, what band is playing
at that nightclub on the left, whether
that new café up the street has any tables
available. Wave your hand again, and
you’ve made a restaurant reservation. BMW
has already implemented a windshield
display in some of their vehicles which
displays basic information, but they’re
also developing augmented reality (AR)
dashboards that will be able to identify
objects in front a vehicle and tell the driver
how far they are away from the object.
The AR display will overlay information on
top of what a driver is seeing in real life.
Mercedes-Benz showed off their vision
of the future of driving -- complete with
augmented-reality and gesturecontrolled features -- this January at
the International Consumer Electronics
Completely Autonomous Driving:
We already know about the driverless
cars using autonomous driving
technologies. Automotive analysts
say the next step is for the car to
not just drive autonomously, but to
think autonomously - because every
road will be equipped with wireless
communication sensors, and cars
with LIDAR (Light Detection And
Ranging) sensors, you can sit back and
relax while the car drives. The car will
understand the driver’s cognitive and
emotional load at all times and control
what type of information and how
much of it can be consumed by the
driver at a given time, and will selforganize and optimize traffic flow with
the result of minimized congestion and
A handful of maglev
trains already exist in
Asia and Europe, and
several new projects
may be in the works.
“SkyTran” is a concept for
high-capacity and highspeed personal rapid
transport developed by
an American Company
UniModal Transport
Solutions. The “SkyTran”
system is two-passenger
vehicles, propelled and
suspended by maglev
systems. Finland’s
improved productivity. It will be a thinking
system, which is actively monitoring
the environment and adjusting the car’s
response, sometimes minutely, to ensure
that the driver stays within the collisionfree safety region. “Autonomous robotic
vehicle” prototypes have been tested at
MIT’s Robotic Mobility Group.
Maglev Vehicles: Magnetic levitation
(maglev) can create frictionless, efficient,
far-out-sounding technologies. While
regular high-speed trains can travel at
180 miles per hour, maglev trains reach
speeds faster than 300 miles per hour while
hovering a few inches above the rail. By
eliminating friction, maglev trains use less
energy and can significantly reduce costs.

30 October 2012 / Motown India

EV components exposed on the body, the
Dawn was arguably one of the most talked
about concepts at this year’s show. The
Volkswagen “Hover Car” is the first glimpses
of a possible future in urban mobility - an
environment-friendly two-seater vehicle
designed to float above the road using
MagLev technology. It also has distance
sensors that keep you from colliding with
other vehicles on the road.
Flying Cars: Inventors, innovators,
engineers, and everyone in between have
been working to make the flying car dream
a reality for many years now. Terrafugia, a
Massachusetts company has been working

a leading
auto industry
choose the
2012 Geneva
autoshow to
debut their
“Dawn EV
Featuring a
and with its

making it possible to land practically
anywhere. However, these concepts are
still far away from the ‘ideal’ vision of a
flying car – one which can ply the roads
and do vertical take-offs during traffic
Amphibious Vehicles: Amphibious
vehicles have never really taken off due
to a wide range of factors such
as cost, rust, practicability and
the issue of what the cars would
run on above and below the sea
line. There have been several
attempts made to address the
balance by two companies
Rinspeed and Gibbs, leading
to amphibious cars being
created and experimented
with. Rinspeed based its latest

“sQuba” concept on the modern Lotus Elise
to create the world’s first real submersible
amphibious car. Capable of diving to
depths of 10m (after you open the doors
to allow water in), “sQuba” passengers
receive oxygen through an integrated tank
of compressed air. The Gibbs “Phibian”,
revealed in February 2012 is the biggest,
most versatile amphibious vehicle ever
created – capable of travelling on road and
on water. It’s an off-road diesel-powered
truck, built of super-strong, super-light
carbon fiber, that can reach speeds of up
to 80 miles per hour on land, and then roll
into the a lake, river or even the ocean and
cruise along the surface at 45 miles per
Evacuated Tube Transport: An American
engineer Daryl Oster, holds the patent for
the “Evacuated Tube Transport (ET3)” - an
airless, frictionless, form of transportation.
Six-person capsules travel in the tubes and
can reach a maximum speed of 6,500 km/h,
and provide 50 times more transportation
per kwh. A tube can travel from New York to
Beijing in two hours, and make a round-theworld trip in just six hours. The ET3 vision
is ‘Space Travel on Earth’ with a global
Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) network
offering clean, lightning fast, almost free,
recliner comfort transport for 90% of
people and goods by the year 2030.
All-Electric Aircraft: German aerospace

on flying car concepts for many years, and
it’s latest creation - the “Transition” is a
two-seat airplane with foldable wings, four
wheels and turn signals which is actually
a ‘street legal airplane’. Recently, a Dutch
company was able to successfully build and
test its flying car prototype in April 2012,
the Personal Air and Land Vehicle “PAL-V
ONE” - a two seat hybrid car and gyroplane.
On the ground this slim, aerodynamic,
3-wheeled vehicle has the comfort of a
car with the agility of a motorcycle thanks
to its patented ‘tilting’ system. It can be
driven to the nearest airfield and take off
just like any other airplane. The single rotor
and propeller are unfolded to make the
PAL-V ONE ready to fly. The PAL-V ONE has
a very short take off and landing capability,

32 October 2012 / Motown India
research institution Bauhaus Luftfahrt
last month released details of its concept
for a zero-emissions 190-seat aircraft
which could potentially enter service
in 2035. Designated the “Ce-Liner”, the
aircraft would rely on twin electric engines
supplied by a bank of up to 16 battery
containers. Bauhaus Luftfahrt says forecasts
on battery technology suggest a 600
nautical miles (1,110km) range should
be achievable by 2030. The aircraft’s
configuration improves aerodynamic
efficiency through a non-planar ‘C-wing’,
increasing performance without
compromising wingspan limitations.
Bauhaus says : “the design goes far
beyond current all-electric flight concepts.

launched from Virgin
Galactic’s proven
the uniquely
capable aircraft also
designed to carry
aloft to begin
her suborbital
missions. The first
(Eve) is fully
constructed and
is nearing the end
of her flight test
program, as she
approaches her
100th test flight
and has a proven
capability for
rapid call up
and launch-ondemand, having
captive carry
missions with

turnarounds as quick as twenty-four
hours. At the designated point in space
and time, “LauncherOne” will be released
from “WhiteKnightTwo” at an altitude of
approximately 50,000 feet above mean sea
Airborne Metro: The “Airborne Metro”
concept developed for the Advisory
Council for Aeronautics Research in
Europe (ACARE) envisages very large ‘Air
Cruisers’ - ultimately nuclear-powered that would stay aloft semi-permanently.

Recharging the batteries during turnaround
still remains challenging, hence an
exchange after each flight is assumed”. The
electric motors and power-transmission
wiring would include high-temperature
superconducting technology, raising the
power-to-weight ratio.
Commercial Spaceflight: On 3rd August
2012, NASA announced that it will shell out
more than $1 billion to develop commercial
spaceships for Americans. The investment
is part of the newly signed Space Act
agreement through NASA’s Commercial
Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap)
initiative, which was put in place to spur
commercial spaceflight and commercial
customers into space. However Virgin
Galactic pre-empted NASA by announcing
their plans for “LauncherOne” in July 2012
- a new air-launched rocket specifically
designed to deliver small satellites into
orbit by 2016. “LauncherOne” will be a
two-stage vehicle capable of carrying up
to 225 kilograms to orbit. The rocket will be

34 October 2012 / Motown India
As these long-range
cruisers continually fly
looping tracks that cross
oceans and take them
over major population
centers, shorter-range
aircraft would bring up
passengers and cargo that
would ride on the cruiser
until they reach their
destinations, where they
would transfer to other
short-range aircraft and
fly down to land. Taking
off from conventional
airports, flying to and
landing on the cruiser,
the transport would be
optimized for take-off,
climb and landing, with
no need to cruise. The
travelers would hop
aboard smaller passenger
planes, dock with a larger
cruiser aircraft that would
loop endlessly through
the sky above major
airports, carrying vast
numbers of passengers
– in the region of 3,000 – to their
destinations. In order to power these large
sky-cruisers, low-energy nuclear reaction
(LENR) technology could potentially be
Negative Carbon Footprint: The SAIC
“YeZ” concept has its futuristic visions set
in 2030 with a negative carbon footprint.

The YeZ Concept photosynthesizes - by
absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and
emits oxygen back into the atmosphere.
“YeZ” takes electricity as its main source of
power, and at the technical core is natural
energy conversion, which includes the
photoelectric conversion, wind power
conversion, carbon dioxide absorption
and conversion technology. The huge
leaf on the roof of the “YeZ” is an efficient
photoelectric converter, and the flow of

energy is visible through the ‘veins’. The
solar crystal films on the leaf are able to
rotate towards the sun for higher efficiency
of solar energy collection, and the four
wheels are wind power generators. The
body of the “YeZ” is made of MOF (metalorganic framework), which is able to absorb
carbon dioxide. Simulating green plants,
it captures carbon dioxide and water
molecules in the air, releases electrons
under the action of microorganisms, and
generates electric current. This helps
to achieve not only ‘zero emission’, but
also ‘negative emission’, so that the air is
cleaned, and the natural environment is
Really Alternative Fuels: The future
car will be capable of running on
multiple fuel sources. Toyota has already
produced a version of the Prius that uses
electric power, gas, and solar panels.
Biofuels offer many of the same benefits
as carbon based/kerosene-like fuels and
every transport system could use them
immediately without having to change
the infrastructure. Airbus is developing
second generation biofuels - known as
biomass. Some options being looked at
include algae, woodchip waste, camelina,
halophytes, waste produce and yeast. If
biofuels can be produced in sufficient

Motown India / October 2012 35

quantities for commercial use, Airbus
believes that they could provide up to 30%
of all commercial aviation jet fuel by 2030.
NASA has an ongoing research project
trying to figure out how to beam energy
down from solar collectors in space, such
that vehicles could then collect and use this
technology for their energy needs.
By the year 2050, in Airbus’ vision of the
“futuristic” flying machine, the Airbus
Concept Cabin includes “bionic” design,
panoramic views, and customizable zones
to satisfy even the most demanding of
passengers. Tapping into some of the most
cutting-edge design thinking today, the
aviation leader has developed a concept
plane that is an innovation - which they
hope resembles the real Airbus models of
2050, and takes biomimicry as a guiding
principle for the design of forms and
materials. The most noticeable aspect
of this is in the fuselage, composed of a
web-like network of structural material
- inspired by the bone structure of birds.

36 October 2012 / Motown India

For the cabin’s electrical system, Airbus
intends to integrate a brain-like “network
of intelligence” into the walls of the plane,
which is responsive to interior climate
conditions and passenger needs. The
seats of the plane will be composed of
plant-based biomaterials with smart
materials that form to and remember
the body’s optimal position. Of course all
of the aspects of physical comfort and
wellness will find their way into the in-flight
experience, too, in the form of interactive
zones, where travellers can socialize, play
games, exercise and enjoy various holistic
treatments like massage and aromatherapy.
In the Airbus Concept Cabin, “personalised
zones” will offer several tailored levels
of experience - the “smart tech zone,”
the “vitalizing zone” (with ‘vitamin and
antioxidant enriched air’ and ‘mood
lighting, aromatherapy and acupressure
treatments’), and an “interactive zone” (with
‘virtual pop up projections’). And best of
all, your personal cabin will transform into
your very own transportation capsule to
continue your onward journey on the road,

or in the air as you
disembark the plane.
The Acabion GTBO
VIII da Vinci concept
is a vacuum tubebased mass transport
system, capable of
travelling at speeds
of 20,000 km/h.
The Swiss company
Acabion envisages a
global network that
would let users circle
the globe in less than
two hours. This fully
electric vehicle would
have a top speed of
600 km/h - thanks to
its reduced projected
area, turbulence
and aerodynamic
drag, weight and
rolling resistance.
The company
anticipates that, due
to the streamliner’s
speed potential, by
2050 new elevated
roadways will be
needed. For long
continental and
journeys Acabion
envisages a global
network of maglevdriven vacuum tubes,
called the “traffic internet”, which will make
it possible to travel at the projected speeds.
Such a network would not only cross land,
but also stretch through oceans, making a
30 minute commute from New York to Paris
a reality. Additionally, the vehicles wouldn’t
rely on their own battery packs for power
but would draw their energy inductively
from the roads themselves, which would be
supplied with 100 percent solar power.
Obayashi Corp. in February 2012 outlined
its plans to build a Space Elevator by 2050
- that would take its occupants just over
seven days to reach its destination to a
terminal station located 36,000 km above
Earth. Obayashi’s plan involves sending a
cable into space - one end of which would
be fixed to the ground around which a
spaceport would be built, while the other
would be fitted with a counterweight.
The elevator, containing up to 30 people
and traveling at a speed of 200 km/h,
would be powered using magnetic linear
motors. Obayashi said that such a feat has
is elastically adjustable and
capable of adapting itself
to various applications
and meeting different user
requirements. The SheLL
will also connect seamlessly
to buildings and public
facilities by way of what
is expected to become
a standard interface for
vehicles - a docking station
so it can supplement the
home or office with another
working or living space. In
other words, you can park
your car directly against
the wall of buildings, thus
saving parking space on
the ground and improving
the traffic situation, whilst
at the same time increasing
work/home facilities
wherever you’re going.
been made possible thanks to the 1991
discovery of carbon nanotubes, which are
20 times stronger than steel, which would
be used to produce the cables for the
space elevator. The idea of a space elevator
is not as farfetched as it might initially
sound, with other organizations, such as
the US National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, taking an interest in such a
EADS, a European aerospace company,
has worked on a Hypersonic Rocketplane :
the ZEHST, which stands for “Zero Emission
Hypersonic Transportation” - a concept
to reawaken a collective imagination
that has been dreaming of a return to
supersonic flight. The hybrid rocketplane
will be powered by biofuels made from
seaweed while under the Ozone layer and
switch to rocket engines once it rises above
the ozone, technically making it a zeroemission plane. With a cruising altitude
of 20 miles, it will be able to travel from
Paris to Tokyo in 2.5 hours at mach 4, a
flight that takes about 12 hours today. The
plane’s trajectory is very specific in order to
minimize the sonic boom during climbing
and descent, and by flying at approximately
30 kilometers there will be no acoustic
impact at ground level. EADS hopes to have
a prototype plane built by 2020 and have
the plane enter service around 2050.

at a far higher premium than now, be it
on public roads, for parking, or simply as
a cost-efficient investment in a car-sized
footprint in a city. So SAIC’s SheLL concept
is exploring what else can be done with an
automobile to make it more useful when
you’re not driving it, and what other roles
it can fulfill when it is parked. SheLL is not
only an automobile, it also transforms into
a bedroom, office and gymnasium. SAIC has
applied elastic membrane technology to
the vehicle’s bodywork, so that the vehicle

In closing…
While looking at the future vehicles in
development through the ideas that are
being openly and formally discussed by
manufacturers, we’re looking at innovations
that are still in the process of being made
and optimistic forecasts of when they
might be available in the near- and nottoo-distant future. However, innovations
are always subject to change, and the
vehicles may not always reach production
as visualized in the concepts !

The SAIC SheLL concept is set for 2050
in an environment where urban space is

Motown India / October 2012 37

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  • 1. Technology Fast forward: Transit in 2050 (Ratna Chatterjee is an R&D Management and innovation professional with over 29 years of Entrepreneurial and Corporate experience in working with the automotive industry. Currently she is the Chief Consultant at ARDMC (Automotive R&D Management Consultants), with offices in New Delhi, US and UK. ) By the year 2050, the world’s population will reach nine billion. The demand on the world’s resources - will be severe. But the road from now to then isn’t bleak - there is a lot of activity in trying to define a path to a future filled with opportunities, from amazing individuals and with extraordinary projects leading the way. The concepts for 2050 being worked out for travel are fascinating – and some design studios around the world started visualising mobility 2050 concepts more than a decade ago, showcasing some intriguing possibilities and some revolutionary ideas! ROAD TO THE FUTURE ...... TRAVEL OPTIONS BY 2050 A city in 2050 could be quite different from the urban setting of today. New technologies are creating new alternatives for urban mobility— from smaller and more efficient cars, to transit systems and new information technologies. In future, the car will function as a pilot, co-pilot and coach all rolled into one. The car works out alternative routes and ensures that the occupants can make meaningful use of their time even when stuck in traffic jams, to catching up on office work, or simply relax. More than ever, transportation will be customised to meet the individual wants of their occupants - with new technologies, smarter road use and new ways to commute on the road and in the air. Some of the alternatives to conventional transport in the future include: Solar Powered Vehicles: Harnessing solar energy to power cars makes sure that the 26 October 2012 / Motown India
  • 2. Technology electricity grid of the future isn’t burdened. Industrial designers have been helping automakers with some stunning concept vehicles that harness solar energy on the move, an approach which also betters the performance of the vehicle. The newly developed SolarWorld “Gran Turismo” clears the path towards a solar-powered future currently on a mission to cover 35,000 km by December 2012 - running completely without fuel and externally provided electricity. SolarWorld AG believes “In the future, millions of vehicles will be electrically operated. They will not have 28 October 2012 / Motown India their own on-board power plant like the SolarWorld GT, but they can be recharged with Sun-Carports or with the solar power plant on your own roof.” Shape Shifting Cars: Replacing internal combustion engines with silent electric motors allows designers to come up with concept vehicles that can change their shape according to conditions. If stuck in a traffic jam, these vehicles can reduce their size for better maneuverability and if speed and performance are desired, they can alter their shape accordingly. While design concepts have been showcased by all the Automotive OEMs in the past years, it is “Hiroko” that is ready for production next year. “Hiroko” started as the ‘CityCar project’, part of a larger initiative at the MIT Media Lab’s ‘Smart Cities research group’ - devoted to investigating the urban mobility systems. The CityCar is a foldable, electric, sharable, two-passenger vehicle for crowded cities. Wheel Robots—fully modular in-wheel electric motors— integrate drive motors, suspension, braking, and steering inside the hub-space of the wheel. This drive-by-wire system requires only data, power, and mechanical connection to the chassis. With over 80 degrees of steering freedom, Wheel Robots enable a zero-turn radius; they also enable the CityCar to fold by eliminating the conventional engine and drive-train. Being commercialised by a consortium of automotive suppliers in the Basque region of Spain, it has been branded as the “Hiroko” Project, which stands for Urban Car. Augmented Reality: Imagine a future in which icons flash on your car windshield, hologram style, as your car approaches restaurants, stores, historic landmarks or the homes of friends. Simply point your hand at them, and the icons open to show real-time information: when that bridge over there was built, what band is playing at that nightclub on the left, whether that new café up the street has any tables available. Wave your hand again, and you’ve made a restaurant reservation. BMW has already implemented a windshield display in some of their vehicles which displays basic information, but they’re also developing augmented reality (AR) dashboards that will be able to identify objects in front a vehicle and tell the driver how far they are away from the object. The AR display will overlay information on top of what a driver is seeing in real life. Mercedes-Benz showed off their vision of the future of driving -- complete with
  • 3. Technology augmented-reality and gesturecontrolled features -- this January at the International Consumer Electronics Show. Completely Autonomous Driving: We already know about the driverless cars using autonomous driving technologies. Automotive analysts say the next step is for the car to not just drive autonomously, but to think autonomously - because every road will be equipped with wireless communication sensors, and cars with LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) sensors, you can sit back and relax while the car drives. The car will understand the driver’s cognitive and emotional load at all times and control what type of information and how much of it can be consumed by the driver at a given time, and will selforganize and optimize traffic flow with the result of minimized congestion and A handful of maglev trains already exist in Asia and Europe, and several new projects may be in the works. “SkyTran” is a concept for high-capacity and highspeed personal rapid transport developed by an American Company UniModal Transport Solutions. The “SkyTran” system is two-passenger vehicles, propelled and suspended by maglev systems. Finland’s improved productivity. It will be a thinking system, which is actively monitoring the environment and adjusting the car’s response, sometimes minutely, to ensure that the driver stays within the collisionfree safety region. “Autonomous robotic vehicle” prototypes have been tested at MIT’s Robotic Mobility Group. Maglev Vehicles: Magnetic levitation (maglev) can create frictionless, efficient, far-out-sounding technologies. While regular high-speed trains can travel at 180 miles per hour, maglev trains reach speeds faster than 300 miles per hour while hovering a few inches above the rail. By eliminating friction, maglev trains use less energy and can significantly reduce costs. 30 October 2012 / Motown India EV components exposed on the body, the Dawn was arguably one of the most talked about concepts at this year’s show. The Volkswagen “Hover Car” is the first glimpses of a possible future in urban mobility - an environment-friendly two-seater vehicle designed to float above the road using MagLev technology. It also has distance sensors that keep you from colliding with other vehicles on the road. Flying Cars: Inventors, innovators, engineers, and everyone in between have been working to make the flying car dream a reality for many years now. Terrafugia, a Massachusetts company has been working Valmet Automotive, a leading auto industry service provider, choose the 2012 Geneva autoshow to debut their futuristic “Dawn EV Concept”. Featuring a hovercraft-like appearance and with its
  • 4. Technology making it possible to land practically anywhere. However, these concepts are still far away from the ‘ideal’ vision of a flying car – one which can ply the roads and do vertical take-offs during traffic jams! Amphibious Vehicles: Amphibious vehicles have never really taken off due to a wide range of factors such as cost, rust, practicability and the issue of what the cars would run on above and below the sea line. There have been several attempts made to address the balance by two companies Rinspeed and Gibbs, leading to amphibious cars being created and experimented with. Rinspeed based its latest “sQuba” concept on the modern Lotus Elise to create the world’s first real submersible amphibious car. Capable of diving to depths of 10m (after you open the doors to allow water in), “sQuba” passengers receive oxygen through an integrated tank of compressed air. The Gibbs “Phibian”, revealed in February 2012 is the biggest, most versatile amphibious vehicle ever created – capable of travelling on road and on water. It’s an off-road diesel-powered truck, built of super-strong, super-light carbon fiber, that can reach speeds of up to 80 miles per hour on land, and then roll into the a lake, river or even the ocean and cruise along the surface at 45 miles per hour. Evacuated Tube Transport: An American engineer Daryl Oster, holds the patent for the “Evacuated Tube Transport (ET3)” - an airless, frictionless, form of transportation. Six-person capsules travel in the tubes and can reach a maximum speed of 6,500 km/h, and provide 50 times more transportation per kwh. A tube can travel from New York to Beijing in two hours, and make a round-theworld trip in just six hours. The ET3 vision is ‘Space Travel on Earth’ with a global Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) network offering clean, lightning fast, almost free, recliner comfort transport for 90% of people and goods by the year 2030. All-Electric Aircraft: German aerospace on flying car concepts for many years, and it’s latest creation - the “Transition” is a two-seat airplane with foldable wings, four wheels and turn signals which is actually a ‘street legal airplane’. Recently, a Dutch company was able to successfully build and test its flying car prototype in April 2012, the Personal Air and Land Vehicle “PAL-V ONE” - a two seat hybrid car and gyroplane. On the ground this slim, aerodynamic, 3-wheeled vehicle has the comfort of a car with the agility of a motorcycle thanks to its patented ‘tilting’ system. It can be driven to the nearest airfield and take off just like any other airplane. The single rotor and propeller are unfolded to make the PAL-V ONE ready to fly. The PAL-V ONE has a very short take off and landing capability, 32 October 2012 / Motown India
  • 5. Technology research institution Bauhaus Luftfahrt last month released details of its concept for a zero-emissions 190-seat aircraft which could potentially enter service in 2035. Designated the “Ce-Liner”, the aircraft would rely on twin electric engines supplied by a bank of up to 16 battery containers. Bauhaus Luftfahrt says forecasts on battery technology suggest a 600 nautical miles (1,110km) range should be achievable by 2030. The aircraft’s configuration improves aerodynamic efficiency through a non-planar ‘C-wing’, increasing performance without compromising wingspan limitations. Bauhaus says : “the design goes far beyond current all-electric flight concepts. launched from Virgin Galactic’s proven “WhiteKnightTwo”, the uniquely capable aircraft also designed to carry “SpaceShipTwo” aloft to begin her suborbital missions. The first “WhiteKnightTwo” (Eve) is fully constructed and is nearing the end of her flight test program, as she approaches her 100th test flight and has a proven capability for rapid call up and launch-ondemand, having successfully completed captive carry missions with “SpaceShipTwo” with turnarounds as quick as twenty-four hours. At the designated point in space and time, “LauncherOne” will be released from “WhiteKnightTwo” at an altitude of approximately 50,000 feet above mean sea level. Airborne Metro: The “Airborne Metro” concept developed for the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) envisages very large ‘Air Cruisers’ - ultimately nuclear-powered that would stay aloft semi-permanently. Recharging the batteries during turnaround still remains challenging, hence an exchange after each flight is assumed”. The electric motors and power-transmission wiring would include high-temperature superconducting technology, raising the power-to-weight ratio. Commercial Spaceflight: On 3rd August 2012, NASA announced that it will shell out more than $1 billion to develop commercial spaceships for Americans. The investment is part of the newly signed Space Act agreement through NASA’s Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative, which was put in place to spur commercial spaceflight and commercial customers into space. However Virgin Galactic pre-empted NASA by announcing their plans for “LauncherOne” in July 2012 - a new air-launched rocket specifically designed to deliver small satellites into orbit by 2016. “LauncherOne” will be a two-stage vehicle capable of carrying up to 225 kilograms to orbit. The rocket will be 34 October 2012 / Motown India
  • 6. Technology As these long-range cruisers continually fly looping tracks that cross oceans and take them over major population centers, shorter-range aircraft would bring up passengers and cargo that would ride on the cruiser until they reach their destinations, where they would transfer to other short-range aircraft and fly down to land. Taking off from conventional airports, flying to and landing on the cruiser, the transport would be optimized for take-off, climb and landing, with no need to cruise. The travelers would hop aboard smaller passenger planes, dock with a larger cruiser aircraft that would loop endlessly through the sky above major airports, carrying vast numbers of passengers – in the region of 3,000 – to their destinations. In order to power these large sky-cruisers, low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology could potentially be utilized. Negative Carbon Footprint: The SAIC “YeZ” concept has its futuristic visions set in 2030 with a negative carbon footprint. The YeZ Concept photosynthesizes - by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and emits oxygen back into the atmosphere. “YeZ” takes electricity as its main source of power, and at the technical core is natural energy conversion, which includes the photoelectric conversion, wind power conversion, carbon dioxide absorption and conversion technology. The huge leaf on the roof of the “YeZ” is an efficient photoelectric converter, and the flow of energy is visible through the ‘veins’. The solar crystal films on the leaf are able to rotate towards the sun for higher efficiency of solar energy collection, and the four wheels are wind power generators. The body of the “YeZ” is made of MOF (metalorganic framework), which is able to absorb carbon dioxide. Simulating green plants, it captures carbon dioxide and water molecules in the air, releases electrons under the action of microorganisms, and generates electric current. This helps to achieve not only ‘zero emission’, but also ‘negative emission’, so that the air is cleaned, and the natural environment is improved. Really Alternative Fuels: The future car will be capable of running on multiple fuel sources. Toyota has already produced a version of the Prius that uses electric power, gas, and solar panels. Biofuels offer many of the same benefits as carbon based/kerosene-like fuels and every transport system could use them immediately without having to change the infrastructure. Airbus is developing second generation biofuels - known as biomass. Some options being looked at include algae, woodchip waste, camelina, halophytes, waste produce and yeast. If biofuels can be produced in sufficient Motown India / October 2012 35
  • 7. Technology quantities for commercial use, Airbus believes that they could provide up to 30% of all commercial aviation jet fuel by 2030. NASA has an ongoing research project trying to figure out how to beam energy down from solar collectors in space, such that vehicles could then collect and use this technology for their energy needs. ADVANCED CONCEPTS : 2050 …. By the year 2050, in Airbus’ vision of the “futuristic” flying machine, the Airbus Concept Cabin includes “bionic” design, panoramic views, and customizable zones to satisfy even the most demanding of passengers. Tapping into some of the most cutting-edge design thinking today, the aviation leader has developed a concept plane that is an innovation - which they hope resembles the real Airbus models of 2050, and takes biomimicry as a guiding principle for the design of forms and materials. The most noticeable aspect of this is in the fuselage, composed of a web-like network of structural material - inspired by the bone structure of birds. 36 October 2012 / Motown India For the cabin’s electrical system, Airbus intends to integrate a brain-like “network of intelligence” into the walls of the plane, which is responsive to interior climate conditions and passenger needs. The seats of the plane will be composed of plant-based biomaterials with smart materials that form to and remember the body’s optimal position. Of course all of the aspects of physical comfort and wellness will find their way into the in-flight experience, too, in the form of interactive zones, where travellers can socialize, play games, exercise and enjoy various holistic treatments like massage and aromatherapy. In the Airbus Concept Cabin, “personalised zones” will offer several tailored levels of experience - the “smart tech zone,” the “vitalizing zone” (with ‘vitamin and antioxidant enriched air’ and ‘mood lighting, aromatherapy and acupressure treatments’), and an “interactive zone” (with ‘virtual pop up projections’). And best of all, your personal cabin will transform into your very own transportation capsule to continue your onward journey on the road, or in the air as you disembark the plane. The Acabion GTBO VIII da Vinci concept is a vacuum tubebased mass transport system, capable of travelling at speeds of 20,000 km/h. The Swiss company Acabion envisages a global network that would let users circle the globe in less than two hours. This fully electric vehicle would have a top speed of 600 km/h - thanks to its reduced projected area, turbulence and aerodynamic drag, weight and rolling resistance. The company anticipates that, due to the streamliner’s speed potential, by 2050 new elevated roadways will be needed. For long continental and intercontinental journeys Acabion envisages a global network of maglevdriven vacuum tubes, called the “traffic internet”, which will make it possible to travel at the projected speeds. Such a network would not only cross land, but also stretch through oceans, making a 30 minute commute from New York to Paris a reality. Additionally, the vehicles wouldn’t rely on their own battery packs for power but would draw their energy inductively from the roads themselves, which would be supplied with 100 percent solar power. Obayashi Corp. in February 2012 outlined its plans to build a Space Elevator by 2050 - that would take its occupants just over seven days to reach its destination to a terminal station located 36,000 km above Earth. Obayashi’s plan involves sending a cable into space - one end of which would be fixed to the ground around which a spaceport would be built, while the other would be fitted with a counterweight. The elevator, containing up to 30 people and traveling at a speed of 200 km/h, would be powered using magnetic linear motors. Obayashi said that such a feat has
  • 8. Technology is elastically adjustable and capable of adapting itself to various applications and meeting different user requirements. The SheLL will also connect seamlessly to buildings and public facilities by way of what is expected to become a standard interface for vehicles - a docking station so it can supplement the home or office with another working or living space. In other words, you can park your car directly against the wall of buildings, thus saving parking space on the ground and improving the traffic situation, whilst at the same time increasing work/home facilities wherever you’re going. been made possible thanks to the 1991 discovery of carbon nanotubes, which are 20 times stronger than steel, which would be used to produce the cables for the space elevator. The idea of a space elevator is not as farfetched as it might initially sound, with other organizations, such as the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, taking an interest in such a project. EADS, a European aerospace company, has worked on a Hypersonic Rocketplane : the ZEHST, which stands for “Zero Emission Hypersonic Transportation” - a concept to reawaken a collective imagination that has been dreaming of a return to supersonic flight. The hybrid rocketplane will be powered by biofuels made from seaweed while under the Ozone layer and switch to rocket engines once it rises above the ozone, technically making it a zeroemission plane. With a cruising altitude of 20 miles, it will be able to travel from Paris to Tokyo in 2.5 hours at mach 4, a flight that takes about 12 hours today. The plane’s trajectory is very specific in order to minimize the sonic boom during climbing and descent, and by flying at approximately 30 kilometers there will be no acoustic impact at ground level. EADS hopes to have a prototype plane built by 2020 and have the plane enter service around 2050. at a far higher premium than now, be it on public roads, for parking, or simply as a cost-efficient investment in a car-sized footprint in a city. So SAIC’s SheLL concept is exploring what else can be done with an automobile to make it more useful when you’re not driving it, and what other roles it can fulfill when it is parked. SheLL is not only an automobile, it also transforms into a bedroom, office and gymnasium. SAIC has applied elastic membrane technology to the vehicle’s bodywork, so that the vehicle In closing… While looking at the future vehicles in development through the ideas that are being openly and formally discussed by manufacturers, we’re looking at innovations that are still in the process of being made and optimistic forecasts of when they might be available in the near- and nottoo-distant future. However, innovations are always subject to change, and the vehicles may not always reach production as visualized in the concepts ! AND SOME ‘FUTURISTIC VISIONS’ …. The SAIC SheLL concept is set for 2050 in an environment where urban space is Motown India / October 2012 37