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24 PrimaryCare           TODAY      November/December 2011

Complementary Therapy                                                     Clinical Focus                            Incorporating Complementary Therapy HIV Asthma Nutrition Diabetes

When commissioning complementary
By Maggy Wallace                                                                                                       The report concluded by making it explicit that     regulation in general, including both statutory and
                                                                                                                    more regulation was needed for this sector. And from   voluntary regulation.
Much is currently being written about commissioning – but it appears not                                            this report and subsequent associated activity arose       CNHC now registers a range of practitioners qual-
everyone is entirely clear what it all entails.                                                                     the CNHC, established with DH funding, as the
                                                                                                                    voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare
                                                                                                                                                                           ified in a number of complementary disciplines. So
                                                                                                                                                                           what does this mean as far as commissioning com-

          ander around the net and definitions              complementary healthcare? We would describe it practitioners in the UK.                                        plementary healthcare is concerned? A very recent
          abound: take your pick: the NHSACE                as a collective approach to healthcare, that sits
                                                                                                                                                                           example will help to illustrate quickly what CNHC
          website (1) offers both narrow definitions:       alongside allopathy, in offering choice and options The current picture
‘the cumulative effect of GP referral and prescribing       for people with some healthcare problems. Often            The HoL Report was published over 10 years ago.     registration can mean in practice, with application
decisions’; and wider ones: ‘more about the decisions       referred to as complementary therapies (and some- Table 1 shows the current picture for healthcare             for commissioners.
made by the holders of public budgets whether and           times as alternative), The House of Lords Science and
when to make or buy healthcare’. Doug Forbes of             Technology Sixth Report in 2000 (4) classified what
The Institute of Commissioning Professionals puts           was available then as follows:
it very simply, it is about ‘what to acquire’ (2).             Group 1: Professionally organised alternative ther-
Another level of commissioning describes it is as           apies ‘Principal disciplines which claim to have an
‘understanding how to achieve successful prevention,        individual diagnostic approach and are considered
and working with patients in community settings             the ‘big 5’ by most of the CAM world’. This includes
on the ongoing management of their long-term                acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, home-
conditions’ (3). But there always appears to be a           opathy and osteopathy.
caveat, neatly summed up by Julie Wood, National               Group 2: Complementary therapies ‘Therapies
Lead for Clinical Commissioning, who talks about            which are most often used to complement con-
‘fingers being crossed behind the system’s back’ in         ventional medicine and do not purport to embrace
promising to deliver the Promised Land for the NHS.         diagnostic skills’. This includes: Alexander Technique,
Certainly all seem to agree that it’s hard, including the   aromatherapy, Bach and other flower remedies,
King’s Fund’s CEO Professor Chris Ham.                      body work therapies, including massage, counselling
                                                            stress therapies, hypnotherapy, meditation, reflexol-
How can CNHC help to simplify the com-                      ogy, shiatsu, healing, Maharishi Ayurvedic Medicine,
missioning of complementary healthcare?                     nutritional medicine, yoga.
   The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council              Group 3: Alternative disciplines ‘Those which
(CNHC) was set up with Department of Health sup-            purport to offer diagnostic information as well as
port to provide a national register of complementary        treatments…which are indifferent to the scientific
healthcare practitioners. As such, we can help by           principles of conventional medicine.’
giving commisioners accurate, timely and useful                Group 3a: includes long established and tradi-
information on which to base their decisions in rela-       tional systems of healthcare: eg: anthroposophi-
tion to commissioning complementary healthcare. To          cal medicine, Ayuvedic medicine, Chinese herbal
find out how can we do that, read on.                       medicine, Eastern medicine, naturopathy, Traditional
   It is clear that the complementary healthcare sec-       Chinese Medicine.
tor is confusing. What is complementary healthcare?            Group 3b: Other alternative disciplines ‘Other
Who does it? Who actually has an accurate picture           alternative disciplines which lack any credible evi-
and how do I commission it?                                 dence base’ eg: crystal therapy, dowsing, iridology,
   Let’s start with a definitition of sorts.What is         kinesiology, radionics.

                                                     Bowen Therapy: allowing chronic pain to roll off your back

            • According to a report* out in September 2010 there are eight million chronic pain sufferers in Britain alone.
              Most problems involve the back, which costs the nation £12.3billion annually, in health bills and lost productivity.

            • Bowen Therapy is an alternative, natural, drug-free, non-invasive complementary therapy.

            • A national study, carried out by The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) in the summer of 2006, showed
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              more than three Bowen treatments.

            • The technique involves the therapist using only thumbs and fingers, to make gentle rolling movements over
              muscles and tendons at precise points. It is believed that the moves send impulses to the brain to
              trigger the body’s own healing systems. A gap of 5 to 10 days is recommended between Bowen sessions;
              so that the body can process the subtle information it has been given.

                                               • Short-term (acute) injury may be resolved in 1 – 3 Bowen treatments, while
                                               • long-standing (chronic) conditions may require longer.

                                               • As well as chronic back pain, Bowen Therapy can also help with a host of other health
                                               • issues such as: frozen shoulders, sports injuries,whiplash, migraine, hay fever,
                                               • asthma, IBS, fertility matters to name but a few.

                                               • The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) is the largest UK professional
                                                 association for qualified Bowen Therapists.

                                               • For further information on Bowen Therapy, registered BTPA members in your area,
                                               • how to become a BTPA member and/or testimonials visit
                                               • or call 0844 561 7173.

                                                 *The September 2010 report was sponsored by drugs giant, Pfizer
November/December 2011                PrimaryCare                  TODAY    25

                 Clinical Focus                                Incorporating Complementary Therapy HIV Asthma Nutrition Diabetes                                                                 Complementary Therapy

healthcare – prepare for challenges
a Case Study                                              meet this need and if these therapies are offered                                                                                                  to recruit a ninth: “As a team we aim to provide
   CNHC registrant Jane McGrath has gained sup-           then practitioners must be properly registered. I feel                                                                                             evidence based high quality care and ensure patient
port from her local Primary Care Trust (PCT),             that McGrath’s CNHC registration is really impor-                                                                                                  safety. Within the recruitment we ask for CNHC
Mind and Enabled4Growth, which is run by                  tant in providing the service, as it gives the user a                                                                                              registration as this is assurance and safeguard of the
Leonard Cheshire Disability, to set up an innova-         guarantee of quality.”                                                                                                                             professional qualification of the practitioner. We
tive new social enterprise in the London Borough             James Coke, fundraiser for Hammersmith &
                                                          Fulham Action on Disability (HAFAD) agreed: “Jane                                                                                                  work in tertiary care and also in the community
of Hammersmith & Fulham. Called ‘Blossom’, the
organisation provides what McGrath describes as           worked with HAFAD on our summer fayre offering                                                                                                     setting. It’s important for us to model best practice
                                                                                                                                                     registration can offer to commissioners: viz: assur-
‘high end’ complementary therapies to those who           complementary therapy which went down a storm                                                                                                      to the complementary therapy community and also
                                                                                                                                                     ance that registrants:
can afford to pay and uses the profit to deliver ther-    with our members. The fact she is CNHC registered                                                                                                  within the health and social care setting. CNHC
                                                          gave peace of mind and incentivised members to                                             a) have met national occupational standards (ie         registration ensures that the team comply with Trust
apy services at substantially reduced cost to patients
                                                          explore her therapies as they knew they would be                                              achieved occupational competence) for their
in the Borough’s deprived areas. Blossom was                                                                                                                                                                 policy on recruitment of therapists and also the
launched in August 2011 and McGrath has received          in safe hands.”                                                                               discipline;
                                                                                                                                                                                                             National Cancer Peer Review Programme, Manual
an award from UnLtd to develop her marketing.                In terms of the service itself, McGrath says the full                                   b) meet requirements for staying up-to-date with        for Cancer Services 2008 Complementary Therapy
   The reduced cost therapy services are only             paying clients are really happy with the approach.                                            the new CPD requirements;                            (Safeguarding Practice ) Measures.”
available for people with clinical need who are           “People who can afford to pay have said they are                                           c) can be called to account for poor practice              Lamont continued: “The Belfast Health and
receiving support for recovery of long term medical       really pleased to be able to put something back                                               through the robust Fitness to Practice processes;
conditions and mental illness. Due to the nature of       into their local community. I’m thrilled because                                                                                                   Social Care Trust with funding from our local cancer
the client group, McGrath’s CNHC registration was         this model gives me the opportunity to deliver                                             d) are properly insured;                                charity, Friends of the Cancer Centre, has recently
crucial. “The first question the PCT practice man-        high-quality services to patients who would not                                            e) have access through the web site to relevant         appointed two therapists, Tracy McAloney and Patsy
ager asked me was ‘Are you CNHC registered?”,             otherwise be able to afford these kind of therapies.”                                         information on a range of healthcare issues relat-   McDaniel, as complementary therapist facilitators
McGrath said. “He told me they are approached                But perhaps most importantly, McGrath talks                                                ing to regulation.                                   to develop outreach services to cancer patients and
by a lot of therapists wanting to work with these         about the difference it makes to her patients: “I                                                                                                  their carers throughout Northern Ireland. This role
                                                          work with some very vulnerable people, particularly                                           CNHC is finding that increasing numbers of com-
patients but they will only recommend CNHC reg-                                                                                                                                                              will be working in partnership with NHS providers,
                                                          those who are in recovery from mental health prob-                                         missioners and employers are requiring their com-
istered practitioners.”                                                                                                                                                                                      charities and private practitioners and although
   CNHC registration was also a key factor for            lems. They always ask me where I’ve trained and                                            plementary healthcare practitioners to be CNHC
                                                                                                                                                     registered to ensure public safety. Many view CNHC      registration with CNHC is voluntary we will be
Blossom’s partner organisations. Enabled4Growth           want to know that I am properly registered. They
                                                          want to know that I am credible and that they can                                          registration as a demonstration of best practice for    promoting registration so that service commissioners
supports disabled people to make choices which
are right for them and is working with McGrath on         trust me. My CNHC registration provides this reas-                                         practitioners as well as the profession itself.         can ensure best practice.” McAloney said: “CNHC
the project. Enabled4Growth’s Business Adviser,           surance and that’s very important.”                                                           Jan Wilkinson, Complementary Therapies               promotes the professionalism of complementary
Leonore Lord, said: “As Blossom provides com-                McGrath (right) is aiming to do research on the                                         Co-ordinator for Guys and St Thomas’s NHS               therapy and reassures patients and clients that
plementary services for people with all types of          impact of the service and                                                                  Foundation Trust said: “CNHC registration is essen-     therapists meet the required occupational standards
                                                                                                                       Photo: Karen Lois Whiteread

disabilities – it is absolutely essential that any com-   if the business model is                                                                   tial for any complementary practitioners who wish       before they can be added to the register.”
plementary service we are working with has been           successful hopes to work                                                                   to work for us. This is in line with guidance from
                                                          with Leonard Cheshire                                                                      the National Cancer Action Team and demonstrates             Maggy Wallace is Chair of CNHC, the voluntary
vetted and approved. The CNHC quality mark gives
both us and our service users peace of mind.”             Disability to roll the service                                                             our commitment to meeting national occupational              regulatory body for complementary healthcare.
   Similarly, Alex Tambourides, Chief Executive of        out nationally.                                                                            standards.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (1) 2011 ACE web site home page October 2011
Hammersmith and Fulham Mind commented: “The                                                                                                             Lyn Lamont, Complementary Therapies
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (2) Forbes, Doug ‘Achieving Commissioning Excellence’ available on www.
standard suite of interventions for people with           The value of CNHC                                                                          Co-ordinator for the Cancer Centre, Belfast Health
mental health is not enough so there is a big need        registration                                                                               and Social Care Trust agrees. Lamont said the Trust     (3 )Forbes, Doug, ‘Achieving Commissioning Excellence.’
for complementary therapies, as different things            This case study helps to                                                                 currently employs a team of eight CNHC regis-           (4) 2000 House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee 6th Report
work for different people. Blossom is helping to          demonstrate what CNHC                                                                      tered practitioners within cancer care and is due          Complementary and Alternative Medicine

     Western Medical Acupuncture                                                                                                                                      BRITISH MEDIAL
                                                                                                                                                                   ACUPUNCTURE SOCIETY
     – ancient and modern                                                                                                                                                        FOUNDATION COURSES IN WESTERN
                                                                                                                                                                                     MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE
     by Allyson Brown, British Medical Acupuncture Society
                                                                                                                                                                  The BMAS runs Foundation Courses for healthcare professionals who are subject to

           cupuncture has been around for centuries, from      account of a number of large studies carried out mostly                                          statutory regulation, registered in the UK, or the country in which they practice, and for
           the telltale tattoo marks on Ötzi the Iceman        in Germany, and a subsequent Cochrane review.                                                              whom acupuncture is within the scope of their professional practice.
           preserved in an alpine glacier to the traditional      Cochrane reviews also concluded that ‘available
    concepts from ancient China. So what’s new?                studies suggest that acupuncture is at least as effective                                                              FOUNDATION COURSE VENUES
       Western medical acupuncture takes a fresh look          as, or possibly more effective than, a prophylactic drug                                                              YORK, BRISTOL, LONDON, MANCHESTER,
    at needling as a therapeutic modality, using current       treatment, and has fewer adverse effects’ for migraine,                                                                GLASGOW, BIRMINGHAM, NEWCASTLE
    knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and        and that it is ‘a valuable non-pharmacological tool in
    the principles of evidence based medicine. We know
                                                                                                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY COURSES
                                                               patients with frequent episodic or chronic tension type
    now that acupuncture acts principally by stimulating       headaches’.
    the nervous system; its known modes of action include         Acupuncture for nausea and vomiting was the first                                                       * BACK PAIN * ELECTROACUPUNCTURE * (free machine)
    local andtidomitic axon reflexes, segmental and            area with a positive systematic review, and the latest                                                   LUMBOGLUTEAL / SHOULDER & ARM / HEAD & NECK POINTS
    extrasegmental modulation, and other central nervous
                                                               Cochrane review on the subject concluded that there
    system effects. Simply put, it modifies the way that
    pain signals are received by the brain.
                                                               was ‘no reliable evidence for differences in risks of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  JOIN THE BMAS
                                                               postoperative nausea or vomiting after P6 acupoint
       Acupuncture is frequently incorporated into pain
                                                               stimulation compared to antiemetic drugs’.                                                         * Discounted course fees * Recognition by health insurers (subject to accreditation)
    management programmes within pain clinics, and is                                                                                                              * Free online Points resource – video demonstrations of examination & techniques
                                                                  So one of the most ancient therapies used by
    probably used most often to treat musculoskeletal and                                                                                                               (Cross over package available for experienced acupuncture practitioners)
    myofascial trigger point pain. But there are proven        man is finding a new place in current contemporary
                                                               healthcare as a safe, cost efficient and demonstrably
    effects of muscle tone, hormone outputs, circulation,
                                                               effective therapy.                                                                                                       WEBCASTS NOW AVAILABLE
    antibody production and allergic responses. It is also
    effective for post-operative pain and nausea.                 The British Medical Acupuncture Society was                                                                  Online presentations of the BMAS Spring/Autumn meetings
                                                               established in 1982 to promote the use and scientific                                                                 CPD hours available on completion of quizzes
       An increasing number of GPs and hospital doctors
    provide acupuncture for their patients, with it being      understanding of acupuncture within medicine for
    of particular value to those who are unwilling or          the public benefit. It seeks to enhance the education                                                   Book online at:
    unable to rely on a pharmaceutical intervention, such      and training of suitably qualified practitioners, and
    as pregnant women, those already on medication             to promote high standards of working practices in                                                                   Tel: 01606 786782              Fax: 01606 786783
    for chronic diseases, or patients in palliative care.      acupuncture.
    Nurses and midwives are also learning to incorporate          The Society offers four-day foundation courses in                                                               Email:
    acupuncture into their practice in these scenarios, and    medical acupuncture, designed to build on the existing
    physiotherapists are among a group of allied health        medical training of regulated health professionals,                                                                      BMAS House, 3 Winnington Court
    professionals adding medical acupuncture to their          giving them the skills they need to incorporate medical                                                                      Northwich CW8 1AQ
    portfolio of therapies. Audits are starting to show that   acupuncture into their existing practice.
    acupuncture is both safe and cost effective, and patient
    demand for this treatment seems to be growing.                To find out more about the British
       NICE guidelines for the early management of non-           Medical Acupuncture Society visit
    specific low back pain (six months to one year) include
    consideration of 12 sessions of acupuncture over            Material for this article was drawn from the document ‘The latest
    three months. These guidelines were drawn up taking         evidence for acupuncture’ on the BMAS website.

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  • 1. 24 PrimaryCare TODAY November/December 2011 Complementary Therapy Clinical Focus Incorporating Complementary Therapy HIV Asthma Nutrition Diabetes When commissioning complementary By Maggy Wallace The report concluded by making it explicit that regulation in general, including both statutory and more regulation was needed for this sector. And from voluntary regulation. Much is currently being written about commissioning – but it appears not this report and subsequent associated activity arose CNHC now registers a range of practitioners qual- everyone is entirely clear what it all entails. the CNHC, established with DH funding, as the voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare ified in a number of complementary disciplines. So what does this mean as far as commissioning com- W ander around the net and definitions complementary healthcare? We would describe it practitioners in the UK. plementary healthcare is concerned? A very recent abound: take your pick: the NHSACE as a collective approach to healthcare, that sits example will help to illustrate quickly what CNHC website (1) offers both narrow definitions: alongside allopathy, in offering choice and options The current picture ‘the cumulative effect of GP referral and prescribing for people with some healthcare problems. Often The HoL Report was published over 10 years ago. registration can mean in practice, with application decisions’; and wider ones: ‘more about the decisions referred to as complementary therapies (and some- Table 1 shows the current picture for healthcare for commissioners. made by the holders of public budgets whether and times as alternative), The House of Lords Science and when to make or buy healthcare’. Doug Forbes of Technology Sixth Report in 2000 (4) classified what The Institute of Commissioning Professionals puts was available then as follows: it very simply, it is about ‘what to acquire’ (2). Group 1: Professionally organised alternative ther- Another level of commissioning describes it is as apies ‘Principal disciplines which claim to have an ‘understanding how to achieve successful prevention, individual diagnostic approach and are considered and working with patients in community settings the ‘big 5’ by most of the CAM world’. This includes on the ongoing management of their long-term acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, home- conditions’ (3). But there always appears to be a opathy and osteopathy. caveat, neatly summed up by Julie Wood, National Group 2: Complementary therapies ‘Therapies Lead for Clinical Commissioning, who talks about which are most often used to complement con- ‘fingers being crossed behind the system’s back’ in ventional medicine and do not purport to embrace promising to deliver the Promised Land for the NHS. diagnostic skills’. This includes: Alexander Technique, Certainly all seem to agree that it’s hard, including the aromatherapy, Bach and other flower remedies, King’s Fund’s CEO Professor Chris Ham. body work therapies, including massage, counselling stress therapies, hypnotherapy, meditation, reflexol- How can CNHC help to simplify the com- ogy, shiatsu, healing, Maharishi Ayurvedic Medicine, missioning of complementary healthcare? nutritional medicine, yoga. The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council Group 3: Alternative disciplines ‘Those which (CNHC) was set up with Department of Health sup- purport to offer diagnostic information as well as port to provide a national register of complementary treatments…which are indifferent to the scientific healthcare practitioners. As such, we can help by principles of conventional medicine.’ giving commisioners accurate, timely and useful Group 3a: includes long established and tradi- information on which to base their decisions in rela- tional systems of healthcare: eg: anthroposophi- tion to commissioning complementary healthcare. To cal medicine, Ayuvedic medicine, Chinese herbal find out how can we do that, read on. medicine, Eastern medicine, naturopathy, Traditional It is clear that the complementary healthcare sec- Chinese Medicine. tor is confusing. What is complementary healthcare? Group 3b: Other alternative disciplines ‘Other Who does it? Who actually has an accurate picture alternative disciplines which lack any credible evi- and how do I commission it? dence base’ eg: crystal therapy, dowsing, iridology, Let’s start with a definitition of sorts.What is kinesiology, radionics. Bowen Therapy: allowing chronic pain to roll off your back • According to a report* out in September 2010 there are eight million chronic pain sufferers in Britain alone. Most problems involve the back, which costs the nation £12.3billion annually, in health bills and lost productivity. • Bowen Therapy is an alternative, natural, drug-free, non-invasive complementary therapy. • A national study, carried out by The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) in the summer of 2006, showed that 95 per cent of back pain sufferers experienced either complete relief or a marked improvement, after a series of no more than three Bowen treatments. • The technique involves the therapist using only thumbs and fingers, to make gentle rolling movements over muscles and tendons at precise points. It is believed that the moves send impulses to the brain to trigger the body’s own healing systems. A gap of 5 to 10 days is recommended between Bowen sessions; so that the body can process the subtle information it has been given. • Short-term (acute) injury may be resolved in 1 – 3 Bowen treatments, while • long-standing (chronic) conditions may require longer. • As well as chronic back pain, Bowen Therapy can also help with a host of other health • issues such as: frozen shoulders, sports injuries,whiplash, migraine, hay fever, • asthma, IBS, fertility matters to name but a few. • The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) is the largest UK professional association for qualified Bowen Therapists. • For further information on Bowen Therapy, registered BTPA members in your area, • how to become a BTPA member and/or testimonials visit • or call 0844 561 7173. *The September 2010 report was sponsored by drugs giant, Pfizer
  • 2. November/December 2011 PrimaryCare TODAY 25 Clinical Focus Incorporating Complementary Therapy HIV Asthma Nutrition Diabetes Complementary Therapy healthcare – prepare for challenges a Case Study meet this need and if these therapies are offered to recruit a ninth: “As a team we aim to provide CNHC registrant Jane McGrath has gained sup- then practitioners must be properly registered. I feel evidence based high quality care and ensure patient port from her local Primary Care Trust (PCT), that McGrath’s CNHC registration is really impor- safety. Within the recruitment we ask for CNHC Mind and Enabled4Growth, which is run by tant in providing the service, as it gives the user a registration as this is assurance and safeguard of the Leonard Cheshire Disability, to set up an innova- guarantee of quality.” professional qualification of the practitioner. We tive new social enterprise in the London Borough James Coke, fundraiser for Hammersmith & Fulham Action on Disability (HAFAD) agreed: “Jane work in tertiary care and also in the community of Hammersmith & Fulham. Called ‘Blossom’, the organisation provides what McGrath describes as worked with HAFAD on our summer fayre offering setting. It’s important for us to model best practice registration can offer to commissioners: viz: assur- ‘high end’ complementary therapies to those who complementary therapy which went down a storm to the complementary therapy community and also ance that registrants: can afford to pay and uses the profit to deliver ther- with our members. The fact she is CNHC registered within the health and social care setting. CNHC gave peace of mind and incentivised members to a) have met national occupational standards (ie registration ensures that the team comply with Trust apy services at substantially reduced cost to patients explore her therapies as they knew they would be achieved occupational competence) for their in the Borough’s deprived areas. Blossom was policy on recruitment of therapists and also the launched in August 2011 and McGrath has received in safe hands.” discipline; National Cancer Peer Review Programme, Manual an award from UnLtd to develop her marketing. In terms of the service itself, McGrath says the full b) meet requirements for staying up-to-date with for Cancer Services 2008 Complementary Therapy The reduced cost therapy services are only paying clients are really happy with the approach. the new CPD requirements; (Safeguarding Practice ) Measures.” available for people with clinical need who are “People who can afford to pay have said they are c) can be called to account for poor practice Lamont continued: “The Belfast Health and receiving support for recovery of long term medical really pleased to be able to put something back through the robust Fitness to Practice processes; conditions and mental illness. Due to the nature of into their local community. I’m thrilled because Social Care Trust with funding from our local cancer the client group, McGrath’s CNHC registration was this model gives me the opportunity to deliver d) are properly insured; charity, Friends of the Cancer Centre, has recently crucial. “The first question the PCT practice man- high-quality services to patients who would not e) have access through the web site to relevant appointed two therapists, Tracy McAloney and Patsy ager asked me was ‘Are you CNHC registered?”, otherwise be able to afford these kind of therapies.” information on a range of healthcare issues relat- McDaniel, as complementary therapist facilitators McGrath said. “He told me they are approached But perhaps most importantly, McGrath talks ing to regulation. to develop outreach services to cancer patients and by a lot of therapists wanting to work with these about the difference it makes to her patients: “I their carers throughout Northern Ireland. This role work with some very vulnerable people, particularly CNHC is finding that increasing numbers of com- patients but they will only recommend CNHC reg- will be working in partnership with NHS providers, those who are in recovery from mental health prob- missioners and employers are requiring their com- istered practitioners.” charities and private practitioners and although CNHC registration was also a key factor for lems. They always ask me where I’ve trained and plementary healthcare practitioners to be CNHC registered to ensure public safety. Many view CNHC registration with CNHC is voluntary we will be Blossom’s partner organisations. Enabled4Growth want to know that I am properly registered. They want to know that I am credible and that they can registration as a demonstration of best practice for promoting registration so that service commissioners supports disabled people to make choices which are right for them and is working with McGrath on trust me. My CNHC registration provides this reas- practitioners as well as the profession itself. can ensure best practice.” McAloney said: “CNHC the project. Enabled4Growth’s Business Adviser, surance and that’s very important.” Jan Wilkinson, Complementary Therapies promotes the professionalism of complementary Leonore Lord, said: “As Blossom provides com- McGrath (right) is aiming to do research on the Co-ordinator for Guys and St Thomas’s NHS therapy and reassures patients and clients that plementary services for people with all types of impact of the service and Foundation Trust said: “CNHC registration is essen- therapists meet the required occupational standards Photo: Karen Lois Whiteread disabilities – it is absolutely essential that any com- if the business model is tial for any complementary practitioners who wish before they can be added to the register.” plementary service we are working with has been successful hopes to work to work for us. This is in line with guidance from with Leonard Cheshire the National Cancer Action Team and demonstrates Maggy Wallace is Chair of CNHC, the voluntary vetted and approved. The CNHC quality mark gives both us and our service users peace of mind.” Disability to roll the service our commitment to meeting national occupational regulatory body for complementary healthcare. Similarly, Alex Tambourides, Chief Executive of out nationally. standards.” (1) 2011 ACE web site home page October 2011 Hammersmith and Fulham Mind commented: “The Lyn Lamont, Complementary Therapies (2) Forbes, Doug ‘Achieving Commissioning Excellence’ available on www. standard suite of interventions for people with The value of CNHC Co-ordinator for the Cancer Centre, Belfast Health mental health is not enough so there is a big need registration and Social Care Trust agrees. Lamont said the Trust (3 )Forbes, Doug, ‘Achieving Commissioning Excellence.’ for complementary therapies, as different things This case study helps to currently employs a team of eight CNHC regis- (4) 2000 House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee 6th Report work for different people. Blossom is helping to demonstrate what CNHC tered practitioners within cancer care and is due Complementary and Alternative Medicine Western Medical Acupuncture BRITISH MEDIAL ACUPUNCTURE SOCIETY – ancient and modern FOUNDATION COURSES IN WESTERN MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE by Allyson Brown, British Medical Acupuncture Society The BMAS runs Foundation Courses for healthcare professionals who are subject to A cupuncture has been around for centuries, from account of a number of large studies carried out mostly statutory regulation, registered in the UK, or the country in which they practice, and for the telltale tattoo marks on Ötzi the Iceman in Germany, and a subsequent Cochrane review. whom acupuncture is within the scope of their professional practice. preserved in an alpine glacier to the traditional Cochrane reviews also concluded that ‘available concepts from ancient China. So what’s new? studies suggest that acupuncture is at least as effective FOUNDATION COURSE VENUES Western medical acupuncture takes a fresh look as, or possibly more effective than, a prophylactic drug YORK, BRISTOL, LONDON, MANCHESTER, at needling as a therapeutic modality, using current treatment, and has fewer adverse effects’ for migraine, GLASGOW, BIRMINGHAM, NEWCASTLE knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and and that it is ‘a valuable non-pharmacological tool in the principles of evidence based medicine. We know SUPPLEMENTARY COURSES patients with frequent episodic or chronic tension type now that acupuncture acts principally by stimulating headaches’. the nervous system; its known modes of action include Acupuncture for nausea and vomiting was the first * BACK PAIN * ELECTROACUPUNCTURE * (free machine) local andtidomitic axon reflexes, segmental and area with a positive systematic review, and the latest LUMBOGLUTEAL / SHOULDER & ARM / HEAD & NECK POINTS extrasegmental modulation, and other central nervous Cochrane review on the subject concluded that there system effects. Simply put, it modifies the way that pain signals are received by the brain. was ‘no reliable evidence for differences in risks of JOIN THE BMAS postoperative nausea or vomiting after P6 acupoint Acupuncture is frequently incorporated into pain stimulation compared to antiemetic drugs’. * Discounted course fees * Recognition by health insurers (subject to accreditation) management programmes within pain clinics, and is * Free online Points resource – video demonstrations of examination & techniques So one of the most ancient therapies used by probably used most often to treat musculoskeletal and (Cross over package available for experienced acupuncture practitioners) myofascial trigger point pain. But there are proven man is finding a new place in current contemporary healthcare as a safe, cost efficient and demonstrably effects of muscle tone, hormone outputs, circulation, effective therapy. WEBCASTS NOW AVAILABLE antibody production and allergic responses. It is also effective for post-operative pain and nausea. The British Medical Acupuncture Society was Online presentations of the BMAS Spring/Autumn meetings established in 1982 to promote the use and scientific CPD hours available on completion of quizzes An increasing number of GPs and hospital doctors provide acupuncture for their patients, with it being understanding of acupuncture within medicine for of particular value to those who are unwilling or the public benefit. It seeks to enhance the education Book online at: unable to rely on a pharmaceutical intervention, such and training of suitably qualified practitioners, and as pregnant women, those already on medication to promote high standards of working practices in Tel: 01606 786782 Fax: 01606 786783 for chronic diseases, or patients in palliative care. acupuncture. Nurses and midwives are also learning to incorporate The Society offers four-day foundation courses in Email: acupuncture into their practice in these scenarios, and medical acupuncture, designed to build on the existing physiotherapists are among a group of allied health medical training of regulated health professionals, BMAS House, 3 Winnington Court professionals adding medical acupuncture to their giving them the skills they need to incorporate medical Northwich CW8 1AQ portfolio of therapies. Audits are starting to show that acupuncture into their existing practice. acupuncture is both safe and cost effective, and patient demand for this treatment seems to be growing. To find out more about the British NICE guidelines for the early management of non- Medical Acupuncture Society visit specific low back pain (six months to one year) include consideration of 12 sessions of acupuncture over Material for this article was drawn from the document ‘The latest three months. These guidelines were drawn up taking evidence for acupuncture’ on the BMAS website.