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Dimensional Design of the Art
V3 Secant Builds
and Simulations
‘Builds and Simulations’ is the in-depth topic of our next paper
V1 Secants in Commercial use
V2 Glass Model Confection
V3 Secant Builds and Simulations
Instance Intervals
The greater marvel is the Walk that Christ+ brings to us
V1 V2 V3
Our Lady of
August 26th
Crosswalk and
We are describing
Dimensional Media
It is necessary to supply a load statement for the project and
include within it the crosswalk and the interlude/prelude renditions
available to this version for mixing
A rewritten narrative is necessary to define the story
An updated Storyboard is required to include all the elements
Secants and wheels are operative only when we take the time to
define the engineering requirements
The summation of these important combinations will enable us to
cost the load statement and begin the task of developing
The story (even when we move from content to building) guides the
work, and the elements of the story even if they are abstract in
terms, need to be well understood and articulated.
Opening and Interval in story
Attende Domine
(Hear Us, O Lord)
| Lent Song |
Chant | Catholic
Plainsong |
Sunday 7pm Choir
- YouTube
[fade in mod effect]
Image Switch Image Side to
Side Effect Mod
Image Strats Length
Sound Amplify
Motion path
Strats Length
There is an integral path and a motion path, but
the integral defines itself as the sound and image
is defined, but the motion path must be setup
Secant mapping
see “Portfolio
Wheels” maps
Slide 19
Opening Scene, Scene 1
Once there was a boy named Eru who lived in a land of doom and
gloom. "O sorrow is mine, and sadness, can I ever find a new life?"
This thought kept coming to him as he walked towards an
enchanted wood.
On the other side of the same wood was a girl named Allbe, and
she had similar thoughts, except that she was lonely. "If only I had
a boy to tell my happy thoughts to, then I could find how to make
such lovely things become real."
When they came to their respective edge of this lovely place, they
wondered could they dare enter there. So that night they both
slept and dreamt of things they could not describe even to
themselves. And in the morning, they thought, we must discover
their secret and so both entered. [Stone becomes Visible, Shimmer.]
Both are
but not
panning out
in reality
depth to
story is
operative at
Interlude 1
Shining Stone, Scene Two
A beautiful path opened for each one and the first thing they
came upon was a kind of small shining stone.
"Oh, what is this?" Allbe thought of it as a pendant and wished
to wear it around her neck and so it came to be a pendant to
her, and she immediately felt quite happy. Eru thought of his
stone as a wonderful ring and so it became so for him, and so
elated he could hardly quit admiring it.
It came to both of their minds that they should write this story
and so they asked the trees to make pencils for them. A
beautiful box of pencils arrived and paper to go with them.
And they were sitting in the lovely wood dreaming, but still far
gifts from
In the dreaming sequence
nuances of story are added
Interlude 2
Deer and Lion, Scene Three
Allbe thought, I know I will draw for myself a lovely animal,
someone to spend my time with. And she drew for herself a deer,
and it was so lovely and beautiful, and it appeared next to her.
She loved the deer and the little doe loved her.
Eru had a similar thought: I shall draw the most beautiful golden
lion, and he will be my powerful friend. And so, the lovely and
peaceful lion came and lay at his feet.
They both looked up at that moment for they heard in the wood
a beautiful song, and they both started to walk toward it. The
lion and the deer came too, and they brought with them the gift
of the trees.
"The Deer's Cry", or St. Patrick's Breastplate,
sung by Angelina, (EWTN) - YouTube
Interlude 3
Lovely Wizard, Scene Four
Just then swirling through the trees came this unusual pilgrim. He had on a
magic cloak of some kind that everywhere he went he made beauty and
good things appear. He appeared to them both separately and asked:
child, what is it you wish for?
Allbe repeated her wish for a boy to share her thoughts with, so that they
could be complete. And the lovely wizard smiled. Yes, he said, I know
such a boy. When he is ready to share your thoughts, I will show him to
"For now." repeated the wizard, "share my thoughts and you will find true
happiness." Then he departed her.
Eru lamented to the wizard, "all I know is error, and sorrow, and sadness. I
want to know the works that are good. Are there any?" The wizard said:
Yes. But you need to share in my good to know what is truly good. Stay
and complete your journey. And so Eru agreed.
Now the woods could not really be all that large, and yet they wandered
in it for some time never meeting. But they came to many of the same
places at different times and with a different kind of thinking.
Interlude 4
Rock of Joy, Scene Five
The lion would often discover these interesting things for Eru. And
he thought: the power of the lion is in his keen instincts for good.
And so, a similar thought did occur to Allbe as the little doe
would spring up into the air at the discovery of things like the
rock of joy.
Rites of the
Seasons of
the Church
Interlude 5
Beauty Ever New, Scene Six
The rock of joy was near a waterfall; A waterfall so enchanting that neither
wished to leave it; yet having found joy they hoped for more and went back
into the woods again. Both stopping to drink from the lovely brook that flowed
past it.
Oneday Eru said: I wish to live here and never depart this place. "Draw a
house," the thought had come to him. And so, he did, and every day he
thought of new ways to improve the house and spent hours thinking about
Allbe saw her reflection in the shining brook and thought, O my hair is a
tangled mess and my dress such a sight. How could I meet some lovely boy
looking like this? "Draw a new you," the thought came to her. And so, she did
and spent hours thinking what a new "her" ought to become.
O but she became so beautiful all the trees thought their leaves rather dismal
and so they began to compete for the beauty of the skies
Interlude 5
Beauty Ever Ancient, Scene Seven
There is much to teach about in these
interludes where the House and the Beauty of
Body and Soul become expressed, and the
Preludes that begin the wedding meditation
The Invitation to
the Kingdom of
God is to the
Wedding Feast
Interlude 5
See the Jewel Bedecked
Bride on Slide 1
O MY GOD! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Thy
sovereign power.
While recalling the wasted years that are past, I
believe that Thou, Lord, can in an instant turn this
loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe
that Thou can do all things. Please restore to me
the time lost, giving me Thy grace, both now and
the future, that I may appear before Thee in
"wedding garments."
Allbe Evertrue at Last, Scene Eight
Eru seeing that beauty was appearing all around him thought surely, he needed some
new clothes, and his house even became as lovely as the trees.
Then oneday near this lovely singing fountain, which both suddenly found; and then
they found each other...
"I found you and my joy is complete!" Eru said it first. "You make all that I hope full of
more wonder!"
Eru changed his name to Evertrue And so they married as the kind wizard instructed
and their names became: Allbe Evertrue.
And they lived happily ever after.
Oh wait... what about the golden pen?
Oneday the Wizard came by to see what the two were doing in the wood. And they
both ran to him with grateful hearts. You have supplied us with such wonder. How can
we repay you for your great kindness to us?
The wizard said: I want you to take this golden pen and together write a story that
completes my thoughts.
And then what wonders did appear.
Interlude 6
Version 2, Eru Finds a
Golden Pen
What a mystery of the Word is this, that a
kiss begot a kiss, and all that loved and ever
was remained in Him was bliss.
I heard the wheels called “wheelwork.”
14Each living creature had four faces: the first a cherub, the second a human
being, the third a lion, the fourth an eagle.e
When the cherubim rose up, they were indeed the living creatures I had seen
by the river Chebar.f
16When the cherubim moved, the wheels went beside them; when the cherubim
lifted up their wings to rise from the earth, even then the wheels did not leave
their sides.
17When they stood still, the wheels stood still; when they rose up, the wheels
rose up with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in them.
18Then the glory of the LORD left the threshold of the temple and took its place
upon the cherubim.
19The cherubim lifted their wings and rose up from the earth before my eyes as
they departed with the wheels beside them.
They stopped at the entrance of the eastern gate of the LORD’s house, and the
glory of the God of Israel was up above them.g
Allbe remembers her
happiness as a child
Eru wants a marriage
like his grandfather’s
The rock of joy was near a waterfall; A waterfall so
enchanting that neither wished to leave it; yet having
found joy they hoped for more and went back into the
woods again. Both stopping to drink from the lovely
brook that flowed past it.
Morning Star
Revelation 2:28, NASB: "and I
will give him the morning
star." Revelation 2:28, NLT:
"They will have the same
authority I received from my
Father, and I will also give
them the morning star!"
Revelation 2:28, CSB: "just as
I have received this from my
Father. I will also give him
the morning star."
“A man who prays lives out the mystery of existence,
and a man who does not pray scarcely exists.” Thus
writes St. Charbel Makhlouf (1828–1898)
First Prelude
First Prelude of the Wedding Feast:
◦ 584.The Sabbath before the Entry into Jerusalem. The Supper at
Bethany. 188 for Jesus, continued …[Peter had commented that the Feast reminds
him of the Wedding Feast of Cana but at least here there were no shortages, recalling
possibly that they were the extra guests who were unexpected at the time.]
◦ 5 Mary Magdalene comes back in. She is holding in her hands a thin-necked
amphora, ending in a little bill, as pretty as the neck of a bird. The alabaster is of a
precious rosy yellow hue, like the complexion of some blondes. The apostles look at
her thinking, perhaps, that she is bringing some rare delicacy. But Mary does not go
to the center, inside the U of the table, where her sister is. She goes behind the seat-
beds and stops between that of Jesus and Lazarus and that of the two Jameses.
She uncorks the alabaster vase and places her hand under the little bill to receive a
few drops of a viscous liquid that flows slowly from the open amphora. A strong
smell of tuberoses and other essences, a very intense pleasant scent spreads in the
hall. But Mary is not satisfied with the little quantity of perfume that flows. She
stoops and with a sharp blow she breaks the neck of the amphora against the corner
of Jesus' little bed.
The thin neck falls on the floor, shedding scented drops on the marble pavement.
The amphora now has a wide aperture through which plenty unguent flows in thick
gushes. Mary places herself behind Jesus and spreads the thick oil on her Jesus' hair,
she sprinkles all His locks with it, she stretches them and then puts them in order
with the comb taken from her own hair, tidying them on the adored head. Jesus' fair-
red hair shines now like dark gold and is very bright after the unction. The light of
the chandelier, lit by the servants, is reflected on Jesus fair hair like a beautiful
copper-colored bronze helmet. The scent is exhilarating. Through the nostrils it rises
to the head and, spread as it is without restraint, it is so intense that it is almost as
exciting as sternutatory powder.
Lazarus, with his head turned round, smiles watching how carefully Mary anoints
and arranges Jesus' locks so that His hair may look tidy after the scented massage,
while she does not worry about her plaits, which, no longer supported by the wide
comb that helps the hairpins to hold them in place, are falling lower and lower on
her neck, and are about to loosen completely on her shoulders.
Martha also looks at her smiling. The others are talking to one another in low voices
with different expressions on their faces. But Mary is not yet satisfied. There is still
plenty ointment in the broken vase, and Jesus' hair, although thick, is already
saturated with it. Mary then repeats the loving gesture of an evening of long-ago.
She kneels down at the foot of the bed, she unties the buckles of Jesus' sandals and
takes them off, and dipping the long fingers of her beautiful hand into the vase, she
takes as much ointment as she can and spreads it on His bare feet, toe by toe, then on
the soles and heels, then up, on the malleoli, which she uncovers by throwing back
His linen tunic, and lastly on the insteps, she delays on the metatarsi, which will be
pierced by the dreadful nails, she insists until she finds no more balm in the hollow
vase. Then she shatters it on the floor and with her hands now free she removes her
big hairpins, she quickly looses her heavy plaits and with that golden, bright, soft,
flowing bundle of hair she removes the excess of ointment from Jesus' feet that are
dripping balm.
The Banquet in Bethany
6 Judas, who so far has been silent watching with lewd envious eyes the beautiful
woman and the Master Whose head and feet she was anointing, raises his voice, the
only voice of open reproach; some of the others, not all of them, had murmured
something or had made gestures of surprised but also calm disapproval. But Judas,
who has stood up to have a better view of the ointment spread on Jesus' feet, says with
ill grace: «What a useless heathen waste! Why do that? And then we expect the Chiefs
of the Sanhedrin not to speak of sin! Those are deeds of a lustful courtesan and they
do not become the new life you are leading, woman. They are too strong a recollection
of your past! »
The insult is such that everybody is dumbfounded. It is such that everybody stirs,
some sit up on the beds, some jump to their feet, everyone looks at Judas, as if he had
suddenly become insane. Martha flares up. Lazarus springs to his feet striking the
table with his fist and says: «In my house...», then he looks at Jesus and controls
«Yes. Are you all looking at me? You have all murmured in your hearts. But now that
I echoed your words and I openly said what you thought, you are all ready to say that I
am wrong. I will repeat what I said. I do not mean that Mary is the Master's lover. But
I say that certain actions do not become Him or her. It is an imprudent action. And an
unjust one. Yes. Why such waste? If she wanted to destroy the memories of her past,
she could have given that vase and ointment to me. It was at least a pound of pure
And of high value. I could have sold it for at least three hundred denarii, as that is the
price for nard of that quality. And I could have sold the vase, which was beautiful and
precious. I would have given the money to the poor who crowd round us. We never
have enough. And those asking for alms tomorrow in Jerusalem will be numberless. »
«That is true» say the others assenting. «You could have used a little for the Master
and the rest...»
7 Mary of Magdala seems to be deaf. She continues wiping Jesus' feet with her loose
hair that now, at its end, is also heavy with the ointment and darker than on the top of
her head. Jesus' feet are smooth and soft in their shade of old ivory, as if they were
covered with fresh skin. And Mary puts the sandals on the Christ's feet again, kissing
each foot before and after putting the sandal on, deaf to everything that is not her love
Jesus defends her laying His hand on her head bent in the last kiss and saying: «Leave
her alone. Why are you annoying and upsetting her? You do not realize what she has
done. Mary has accomplished an action that is rightful and good with regard to Me.
The poor will always be among you. I am about to go away. You will always have
them, but you will soon not have Me any longer. You will always be able to give alms
to the poor. Shortly to Me, to the Son of man among men, it will no longer be possible
to give any honor, through the will of men, and because the hour has come.
Love is light to her. She feels that I am about to die, and she wanted to anticipate the
burial anointing for My body. I tell you solemnly that wherever the Good News is
proclaimed, this prophetic action of love of hers will be remembered. Poem of the
Man-God Jesus+ makes known He will
give His Life for the Bride
First Prelude
Banquet in
Echo thinking
Echo thinking
Acts completed by
Jesus+ and Mary
Ark Media
Interpolated & Unmixed
We have exceeded the
Scorecard for Ark Metric
Combinations because of the
introduction of Wheels and
Secants. New standards are
interpolated and will be further
Carriage Add Burden
Transit Yield Full Secant Future Value
1W vs 7W
Cost Simulation Cost 7 Wheel
Linear (Cost Simulation) Linear (Cost 7 Wheel)
7W= 506,242 ∆ = 1877 δ = FV 187.4 x10 +3
Increase in Magnitude of unmixed = 10
Secant Wheels
Need to be defined and
correlated to the
storyboards with refined
Mixing story contents will
enhance the secant ratio
and better define the mix
Built in short intervals it is
easier to change and to
Confecting the Story in Glass… coming next!
Managing the Content Mix
1. How each segment is loaded
2. How content is mixed
3. The difference between a premix
and a remix
4. Generating tables for encryptions
5. Operating Simulated Versions
Dif. x 12
Old rate – new yield
His Yoke is Easy, and
His Burden is Light
Our Table
needs a
Triple Walk
The First Mix, the Premix is a
relationally horizontal mix
Original Secant
Map and Load =
dif. is time and
motion and Euler
count 22
Tables for Encryptions
Z path
Z path = thruput
◦ The Remix of the whole product when finalized is working with 83 secant minimum statement
◦ Because secants can be layered the plait effect is likely
to resemble the standard equation
◦ Because anything can be changed in various versions and re-simulated,
the changes and the Simulations should retain an identifier so that the part and parcel can be found
Remix loops through process but ends on Remix Load statement
Z path
V3 Secant Builds and Simulations
◦ In our next paper we will explore Builds and Simulations related to secant delivery in more depth, but in
V3 we will lead into that arrangement by looking into the glass modeling to build Eru’s house, an idea
that will lead to remote building
God's Covenant with David
1After the king had settled into his palace and
the LORD had given him rest from all his
enemies around him, 2he said to Nathan the
prophet, “Here I am, living in a house of
cedar, while the ark of God remains in a
tent.” 3And Nathan replied to the king, “Go and
do all that is in your heart, for the LORD is with
There is no material
and no process that
can not be
emulated with the
secant wheel
confection. It
requires a story
narrative of the
building requirement
and content listing,
process related
secant delivery
David’s heart, like Eru’s heart,
needed to be purified to know and
seek God’s Counsel and Plan 25
1 Chronicles 22:1-5, 14
Then David said, This is the house of the LORD God, and this is the altar of the burnt offering for Israel.…
David was now in the last years of his reign, and these were spent in making preparation for the building of the temple. In order to
procure the necessary workmen, he commanded to gather together the strangers in the land of Israel or the descendants of the
Canaanites whom the Israelites had not destroyed when they took possession of the land but had reduced to bondage. The number was
so considerable that Solomon was able to employ one hundred and fifty thousand of them as laborers and stone-cutters. Of these David
"set masons to hew wrought stones to build the house of God." Solomon was but a tender youth - not yet in his twentieth year - and the
work to be executed was so great that David determined to make all the preparation he could himself. The materials prepared were
many and costly. Iron, brass, and cedar trees; the two former without weight, for they were so abundant. But of gold there was one
hundred thousand talents, and of silver one million talents. As the talent was one thousand shekels, and the shekel according to the
Mosaic weight worth about two shillings and sixpence, the silver would thus amount to £375,000,000, and the gold to £450,000,000.
This money seems to have been the fruit of the spoils of the wars in which David had been engaged. This enormous sum was at once
laid out for the Lord's house. Thus, all the accumulation of David's life is here consecrated to God. Thus, should it be in the life of every
true Christian. His money, his talents, his time, his opportunities, are all the Lord's and are to be consecrated to his service. "Ye are
bought with a price." The Christian is in one sense the poorest man in the world, for all he has belongs to the Lord; yet he is the
wealthiest, because God himself is his. We have no right to take a walk without it is the Lord's will, nor spend a penny unless as he
would have us do it. When a man becomes the Lord's, everything he possessed passes over to him who has bought him. And he is but a
steward of all he possesses, and soon to be called to give an account of his stewardship. - W. (summarized commentary on the Internet,
David's Preparation for Building the Temple (
Now, my son, may the LORD be with you, and may you succeed in building the house of the LORD your God, as He said you would. 12Above all, may the LORD give you insight and
understanding when He puts you in command over Israel, so that you may keep the Law of the LORD your God. 13Then you will succeed, if you carefully follow the statutes and
ordinances that the LORD commanded Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.
14Now behold, I have taken great pains to provide for the house of the LORD—100,000 talents of gold, 1,000,000 talents of silver, and bronze and iron too great to be weighed. I have also
provided timber and stone, and you may add to them.
15You also have many workers: stonecutters, masons, carpenters, and men skilled in every kind of work— 16in gold and silver, bronze and iron—craftsmen beyond number. Now begin
the work, and may the LORD be with you.”
17Then David ordered all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon: 18“Is not the LORD your God with you, and has He not granted you rest on every side? For He has given the
inhabitants of the land into my hand, and the land has been subdued before the LORD and His people. 19Now set your heart and soul to seek the LORD your God. Get started building the
sanctuary of the LORD God, so that you may bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy articles of God into the temple that will be built for the Name of the LORD.”
A retired farmer has spent more
than 30 years building an
enormous scale model of a
Biblical temple.
Alec Garrard, 78, has dedicated
a massive 33,000 hours (10+
years) to constructing the ancient
Herod's Temple , which
measures a whopping 20 foot by
12 foot. The pensioner has hand-
baked and painted every clay
brick and tile and even sculpted
4,000 tiny human figures to
populate the courtyards. This is
the Temple where Jesus+ taught.
What is
Architectural Plans, Digital Glass
The Glass Modeling System, Ark
3- Dimensional Media Model
Storyboards to describe…
Process Plan
Integral Materials
Organization of Instances of
Building (Preludes)
Secant Construction and
Building Organization for Ark Mode
Methods, Tools and Utilities
The Design of
the whole
process will be
an extended
period of
listening about
this subject.
But we will
spend our
time in our
next paper
Secant Theory
Monks of Norcia - Donations - EN - Monastero di San Benedetto in Monte (
Simulation Proof
◦ Using a quadratic equation, we
proofed the Matrix for Simulation
terms against our Time and Motion
◦ This means we have a good and
reliable instance window with which
to simulate our future results
◦ We need to establish this new
fingerprint with an encryption path,
markers and a key for loading
Clock foil x 3 =335 x 3 = 1005
Our papers
This paper is Ark Media
V3 and V4
holds all
1. Portfolio Wheels: Study of Secants and Wheels in the Dynamic requirement for
Media to write and produce in Ark Science and Dimensional Systems, Introduction
of the Story “Eru finds a Golden Pen.”
See next slide for list of the preceding
Digital Plait content
1. Ark in Glass: Changing the Schema for Ark Mode crossover, beginning study of Secants
and Wheels for the “cube-ified glass” engineering of Imaging, sound and motion
2. The New Stone: Simulations and Re-instancing to package, confect and view glass media
3. Dimensional Building: Dimensional Arrays, Z strength, Product Media, Interdimensional
4. The Dynamic Instance: Product Media Discussed
5. The Glass Build: Base Build and Modules Assembled, considering impact of dimensional
6. Glass in the Making: Costing and Loading, Assembly and Assimilation, IP Defined, Logos
7. Art of the Science: What can be made? Assimilation discussed, look at basic product
8. Digital Glass Production: Pipe Transit and RIK Declare, Batch Appliance (Dialogue paper)
9. Imposition of Value Engineering: Establishing and Justifying the Load for Pipe Transit
10. The Digital Plait Position: Engineering Design of the Load and Thruput
11. ^Mu Sic in the Advancing Age: Use of Fingerprint and Encryption for Operational Loads
12. Engineering Objects: The Purpose of this Paper is to Consider the means to raise up a
Digital Portal Production System using appliances gained through Plait Object and Gate
driven configurations that work with Digital Mechanics. Six-Layer Glass and Appliances
13. Instancing at the Gate: Use of Gates and Instances, bridging of the engineering process
14. Interpolative Scope: Use of a Demand and Production Scope for building and delivery of
product, learning to specify material, looking for union of Vector
15. Functional Glass: Fitness for Function and Moral Intelligence, Bayesian Analysis
16. The Glass Wall: This is a very difficult staging of advanced engineering to depict …Motivated
by sound it creates a means by sound to cascade light for safe and wireless power
17. The Glass Wave: Learning to Plait Gates, Reconcile Metrics to Scorecard, and load value of Scrum
18. Scrum Costing w/notes (Book It Daniel): establishing scrum standards (Dialogue paper)
19. Gate Plait Green (Mark It Mark): first scalable plait arrangement overcomes bottleneck
(Dialogue paper)
20. Scorecard Integration (Map It Ralph): A review of mappings to date, marking old vs. new
(Dialogue paper)
^Mu Sic, requires update
To Change
Digital Plait Papers with Content

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  • 3. Crosswalk and Interlude We are describing Dimensional Media It is necessary to supply a load statement for the project and include within it the crosswalk and the interlude/prelude renditions available to this version for mixing A rewritten narrative is necessary to define the story An updated Storyboard is required to include all the elements Secants and wheels are operative only when we take the time to define the engineering requirements The summation of these important combinations will enable us to cost the load statement and begin the task of developing standards. The story (even when we move from content to building) guides the work, and the elements of the story even if they are abstract in terms, need to be well understood and articulated. 3
  • 4. 4 Opening and Interval in story Attende Domine (Hear Us, O Lord) | Lent Song | Chant | Catholic Plainsong | Sunday 7pm Choir - YouTube [fade in mod effect] Image Switch Image Side to Side Effect Mod Image Strats Length Sound Amplify Switch Motion path Strats Length correlations There is an integral path and a motion path, but the integral defines itself as the sound and image is defined, but the motion path must be setup Secant mapping see “Portfolio Wheels” maps Slide 19
  • 5. 5 Opening Scene, Scene 1 Once there was a boy named Eru who lived in a land of doom and gloom. "O sorrow is mine, and sadness, can I ever find a new life?" This thought kept coming to him as he walked towards an enchanted wood. On the other side of the same wood was a girl named Allbe, and she had similar thoughts, except that she was lonely. "If only I had a boy to tell my happy thoughts to, then I could find how to make such lovely things become real." When they came to their respective edge of this lovely place, they wondered could they dare enter there. So that night they both slept and dreamt of things they could not describe even to themselves. And in the morning, they thought, we must discover their secret and so both entered. [Stone becomes Visible, Shimmer.] Both are anticipating future happiness but not panning out in reality Adding depth to story is operative at intervals Interlude 1
  • 6. Shining Stone, Scene Two A beautiful path opened for each one and the first thing they came upon was a kind of small shining stone. "Oh, what is this?" Allbe thought of it as a pendant and wished to wear it around her neck and so it came to be a pendant to her, and she immediately felt quite happy. Eru thought of his stone as a wonderful ring and so it became so for him, and so elated he could hardly quit admiring it. It came to both of their minds that they should write this story and so they asked the trees to make pencils for them. A beautiful box of pencils arrived and paper to go with them. And they were sitting in the lovely wood dreaming, but still far apart. Unexpected gifts from close relatives In the dreaming sequence nuances of story are added Interlude 2 6
  • 7. Deer and Lion, Scene Three Allbe thought, I know I will draw for myself a lovely animal, someone to spend my time with. And she drew for herself a deer, and it was so lovely and beautiful, and it appeared next to her. She loved the deer and the little doe loved her. Eru had a similar thought: I shall draw the most beautiful golden lion, and he will be my powerful friend. And so, the lovely and peaceful lion came and lay at his feet. They both looked up at that moment for they heard in the wood a beautiful song, and they both started to walk toward it. The lion and the deer came too, and they brought with them the gift of the trees. "The Deer's Cry", or St. Patrick's Breastplate, sung by Angelina, (EWTN) - YouTube Interlude 3 7
  • 8. Lovely Wizard, Scene Four Just then swirling through the trees came this unusual pilgrim. He had on a magic cloak of some kind that everywhere he went he made beauty and good things appear. He appeared to them both separately and asked: child, what is it you wish for? Allbe repeated her wish for a boy to share her thoughts with, so that they could be complete. And the lovely wizard smiled. Yes, he said, I know such a boy. When he is ready to share your thoughts, I will show him to you. "For now." repeated the wizard, "share my thoughts and you will find true happiness." Then he departed her. Eru lamented to the wizard, "all I know is error, and sorrow, and sadness. I want to know the works that are good. Are there any?" The wizard said: Yes. But you need to share in my good to know what is truly good. Stay and complete your journey. And so Eru agreed. Now the woods could not really be all that large, and yet they wandered in it for some time never meeting. But they came to many of the same places at different times and with a different kind of thinking. Interlude 4 8
  • 9. Rock of Joy, Scene Five The lion would often discover these interesting things for Eru. And he thought: the power of the lion is in his keen instincts for good. And so, a similar thought did occur to Allbe as the little doe would spring up into the air at the discovery of things like the rock of joy. Rites of the Church Seasons of the Church Liturgy Interlude 5 9
  • 10. Beauty Ever New, Scene Six The rock of joy was near a waterfall; A waterfall so enchanting that neither wished to leave it; yet having found joy they hoped for more and went back into the woods again. Both stopping to drink from the lovely brook that flowed past it. Oneday Eru said: I wish to live here and never depart this place. "Draw a house," the thought had come to him. And so, he did, and every day he thought of new ways to improve the house and spent hours thinking about that. Allbe saw her reflection in the shining brook and thought, O my hair is a tangled mess and my dress such a sight. How could I meet some lovely boy looking like this? "Draw a new you," the thought came to her. And so, she did and spent hours thinking what a new "her" ought to become. O but she became so beautiful all the trees thought their leaves rather dismal and so they began to compete for the beauty of the skies Interlude 5 10
  • 11. Beauty Ever Ancient, Scene Seven There is much to teach about in these interludes where the House and the Beauty of Body and Soul become expressed, and the Preludes that begin the wedding meditation The Invitation to the Kingdom of God is to the Wedding Feast Interlude 5 See the Jewel Bedecked Bride on Slide 1 PRAYER TO REDEEM LOST TIME O MY GOD! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Thy sovereign power. While recalling the wasted years that are past, I believe that Thou, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that Thou can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Thy grace, both now and the future, that I may appear before Thee in "wedding garments." Amen. 11
  • 12. Allbe Evertrue at Last, Scene Eight Eru seeing that beauty was appearing all around him thought surely, he needed some new clothes, and his house even became as lovely as the trees. Then oneday near this lovely singing fountain, which both suddenly found; and then they found each other... "I found you and my joy is complete!" Eru said it first. "You make all that I hope full of more wonder!" Eru changed his name to Evertrue And so they married as the kind wizard instructed and their names became: Allbe Evertrue. And they lived happily ever after. Oh wait... what about the golden pen? Oneday the Wizard came by to see what the two were doing in the wood. And they both ran to him with grateful hearts. You have supplied us with such wonder. How can we repay you for your great kindness to us? The wizard said: I want you to take this golden pen and together write a story that completes my thoughts. And then what wonders did appear. Interlude 6 12
  • 13. Storyboard Version 2, Eru Finds a Golden Pen What a mystery of the Word is this, that a kiss begot a kiss, and all that loved and ever was remained in Him was bliss. I heard the wheels called “wheelwork.” 14Each living creature had four faces: the first a cherub, the second a human being, the third a lion, the fourth an eagle.e 15* When the cherubim rose up, they were indeed the living creatures I had seen by the river Chebar.f 16When the cherubim moved, the wheels went beside them; when the cherubim lifted up their wings to rise from the earth, even then the wheels did not leave their sides. 17When they stood still, the wheels stood still; when they rose up, the wheels rose up with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in them. 18Then the glory of the LORD left the threshold of the temple and took its place upon the cherubim. 19The cherubim lifted their wings and rose up from the earth before my eyes as they departed with the wheels beside them. They stopped at the entrance of the eastern gate of the LORD’s house, and the glory of the God of Israel was up above them.g 13
  • 14. Interludes Allbe remembers her happiness as a child Eru wants a marriage like his grandfather’s The rock of joy was near a waterfall; A waterfall so enchanting that neither wished to leave it; yet having found joy they hoped for more and went back into the woods again. Both stopping to drink from the lovely brook that flowed past it. 14
  • 15. Morning Star Revelation 2:28, NASB: "and I will give him the morning star." Revelation 2:28, NLT: "They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" Revelation 2:28, CSB: "just as I have received this from my Father. I will also give him the morning star." “A man who prays lives out the mystery of existence, and a man who does not pray scarcely exists.” Thus writes St. Charbel Makhlouf (1828–1898) 15
  • 16. First Prelude First Prelude of the Wedding Feast: ◦ 584.The Sabbath before the Entry into Jerusalem. The Supper at Bethany. 188 for Jesus, continued …[Peter had commented that the Feast reminds him of the Wedding Feast of Cana but at least here there were no shortages, recalling possibly that they were the extra guests who were unexpected at the time.] ◦ 5 Mary Magdalene comes back in. She is holding in her hands a thin-necked amphora, ending in a little bill, as pretty as the neck of a bird. The alabaster is of a precious rosy yellow hue, like the complexion of some blondes. The apostles look at her thinking, perhaps, that she is bringing some rare delicacy. But Mary does not go to the center, inside the U of the table, where her sister is. She goes behind the seat- beds and stops between that of Jesus and Lazarus and that of the two Jameses. She uncorks the alabaster vase and places her hand under the little bill to receive a few drops of a viscous liquid that flows slowly from the open amphora. A strong smell of tuberoses and other essences, a very intense pleasant scent spreads in the hall. But Mary is not satisfied with the little quantity of perfume that flows. She stoops and with a sharp blow she breaks the neck of the amphora against the corner of Jesus' little bed. The thin neck falls on the floor, shedding scented drops on the marble pavement. The amphora now has a wide aperture through which plenty unguent flows in thick gushes. Mary places herself behind Jesus and spreads the thick oil on her Jesus' hair, she sprinkles all His locks with it, she stretches them and then puts them in order with the comb taken from her own hair, tidying them on the adored head. Jesus' fair- red hair shines now like dark gold and is very bright after the unction. The light of the chandelier, lit by the servants, is reflected on Jesus fair hair like a beautiful copper-colored bronze helmet. The scent is exhilarating. Through the nostrils it rises to the head and, spread as it is without restraint, it is so intense that it is almost as exciting as sternutatory powder. Lazarus, with his head turned round, smiles watching how carefully Mary anoints and arranges Jesus' locks so that His hair may look tidy after the scented massage, while she does not worry about her plaits, which, no longer supported by the wide comb that helps the hairpins to hold them in place, are falling lower and lower on her neck, and are about to loosen completely on her shoulders. Martha also looks at her smiling. The others are talking to one another in low voices with different expressions on their faces. But Mary is not yet satisfied. There is still plenty ointment in the broken vase, and Jesus' hair, although thick, is already saturated with it. Mary then repeats the loving gesture of an evening of long-ago. She kneels down at the foot of the bed, she unties the buckles of Jesus' sandals and takes them off, and dipping the long fingers of her beautiful hand into the vase, she takes as much ointment as she can and spreads it on His bare feet, toe by toe, then on the soles and heels, then up, on the malleoli, which she uncovers by throwing back His linen tunic, and lastly on the insteps, she delays on the metatarsi, which will be pierced by the dreadful nails, she insists until she finds no more balm in the hollow vase. Then she shatters it on the floor and with her hands now free she removes her big hairpins, she quickly looses her heavy plaits and with that golden, bright, soft, flowing bundle of hair she removes the excess of ointment from Jesus' feet that are dripping balm. The Banquet in Bethany 6 Judas, who so far has been silent watching with lewd envious eyes the beautiful woman and the Master Whose head and feet she was anointing, raises his voice, the only voice of open reproach; some of the others, not all of them, had murmured something or had made gestures of surprised but also calm disapproval. But Judas, who has stood up to have a better view of the ointment spread on Jesus' feet, says with ill grace: «What a useless heathen waste! Why do that? And then we expect the Chiefs of the Sanhedrin not to speak of sin! Those are deeds of a lustful courtesan and they do not become the new life you are leading, woman. They are too strong a recollection of your past! » The insult is such that everybody is dumbfounded. It is such that everybody stirs, some sit up on the beds, some jump to their feet, everyone looks at Judas, as if he had suddenly become insane. Martha flares up. Lazarus springs to his feet striking the table with his fist and says: «In my house...», then he looks at Jesus and controls himself. «Yes. Are you all looking at me? You have all murmured in your hearts. But now that I echoed your words and I openly said what you thought, you are all ready to say that I am wrong. I will repeat what I said. I do not mean that Mary is the Master's lover. But I say that certain actions do not become Him or her. It is an imprudent action. And an unjust one. Yes. Why such waste? If she wanted to destroy the memories of her past, she could have given that vase and ointment to me. It was at least a pound of pure nard! And of high value. I could have sold it for at least three hundred denarii, as that is the price for nard of that quality. And I could have sold the vase, which was beautiful and precious. I would have given the money to the poor who crowd round us. We never have enough. And those asking for alms tomorrow in Jerusalem will be numberless. » «That is true» say the others assenting. «You could have used a little for the Master and the rest...» 7 Mary of Magdala seems to be deaf. She continues wiping Jesus' feet with her loose hair that now, at its end, is also heavy with the ointment and darker than on the top of her head. Jesus' feet are smooth and soft in their shade of old ivory, as if they were covered with fresh skin. And Mary puts the sandals on the Christ's feet again, kissing each foot before and after putting the sandal on, deaf to everything that is not her love Jesus defends her laying His hand on her head bent in the last kiss and saying: «Leave her alone. Why are you annoying and upsetting her? You do not realize what she has done. Mary has accomplished an action that is rightful and good with regard to Me. The poor will always be among you. I am about to go away. You will always have them, but you will soon not have Me any longer. You will always be able to give alms to the poor. Shortly to Me, to the Son of man among men, it will no longer be possible to give any honor, through the will of men, and because the hour has come. Love is light to her. She feels that I am about to die, and she wanted to anticipate the burial anointing for My body. I tell you solemnly that wherever the Good News is proclaimed, this prophetic action of love of hers will be remembered. Poem of the Man-God Jesus+ makes known He will give His Life for the Bride 16
  • 17. First Prelude Storyboard The Banquet in Bethany 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hidden Echo thinking Echo thinking Acts completed by Jesus+ and Mary 17
  • 18. Ark Media Crosswalk Interpolated & Unmixed We have exceeded the Scorecard for Ark Metric Combinations because of the introduction of Wheels and Secants. New standards are interpolated and will be further refined. (50.00000) - 50.00000 100.00000 150.00000 200.00000 250.00000 Carriage Add Burden yield Transit Yield Full Secant Future Value 1W vs 7W Cost Simulation Cost 7 Wheel Linear (Cost Simulation) Linear (Cost 7 Wheel) 1W=504,365 7W= 506,242 ∆ = 1877 δ = FV 187.4 x10 +3 δ Increase in Magnitude of unmixed = 10 18
  • 19. Secant Wheels Need to be defined and correlated to the storyboards with refined characteristics Mixing story contents will enhance the secant ratio and better define the mix Built in short intervals it is easier to change and to remix 19
  • 20. V2 GLASS MODEL CONFECTION Confecting the Story in Glass… coming next!
  • 21. Managing the Content Mix 1. How each segment is loaded 2. How content is mixed 3. The difference between a premix and a remix 4. Generating tables for encryptions 5. Operating Simulated Versions Dif. x 12 Old rate – new yield His Yoke is Easy, and His Burden is Light Our Table needs a Triple Walk 21
  • 22. The First Mix, the Premix is a relationally horizontal mix Original Secant Map and Load = dif. is time and motion and Euler Combinations/30 count 22
  • 23. Tables for Encryptions Z path Z path = thruput 23
  • 24. Remix ◦ The Remix of the whole product when finalized is working with 83 secant minimum statement ◦ Because secants can be layered the plait effect is likely to resemble the standard equation ◦ Because anything can be changed in various versions and re-simulated, the changes and the Simulations should retain an identifier so that the part and parcel can be found Remix loops through process but ends on Remix Load statement Z path 24
  • 25. V3 Secant Builds and Simulations ◦ In our next paper we will explore Builds and Simulations related to secant delivery in more depth, but in V3 we will lead into that arrangement by looking into the glass modeling to build Eru’s house, an idea that will lead to remote building God's Covenant with David 1After the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest from all his enemies around him, 2he said to Nathan the prophet, “Here I am, living in a house of cedar, while the ark of God remains in a tent.” 3And Nathan replied to the king, “Go and do all that is in your heart, for the LORD is with you.”… There is no material and no process that can not be emulated with the secant wheel confection. It requires a story narrative of the building requirement and content listing, process related secant delivery David’s heart, like Eru’s heart, needed to be purified to know and seek God’s Counsel and Plan 25
  • 26. 1 Chronicles 22:1-5, 14 Then David said, This is the house of the LORD God, and this is the altar of the burnt offering for Israel.… David was now in the last years of his reign, and these were spent in making preparation for the building of the temple. In order to procure the necessary workmen, he commanded to gather together the strangers in the land of Israel or the descendants of the Canaanites whom the Israelites had not destroyed when they took possession of the land but had reduced to bondage. The number was so considerable that Solomon was able to employ one hundred and fifty thousand of them as laborers and stone-cutters. Of these David "set masons to hew wrought stones to build the house of God." Solomon was but a tender youth - not yet in his twentieth year - and the work to be executed was so great that David determined to make all the preparation he could himself. The materials prepared were many and costly. Iron, brass, and cedar trees; the two former without weight, for they were so abundant. But of gold there was one hundred thousand talents, and of silver one million talents. As the talent was one thousand shekels, and the shekel according to the Mosaic weight worth about two shillings and sixpence, the silver would thus amount to £375,000,000, and the gold to £450,000,000. This money seems to have been the fruit of the spoils of the wars in which David had been engaged. This enormous sum was at once laid out for the Lord's house. Thus, all the accumulation of David's life is here consecrated to God. Thus, should it be in the life of every true Christian. His money, his talents, his time, his opportunities, are all the Lord's and are to be consecrated to his service. "Ye are bought with a price." The Christian is in one sense the poorest man in the world, for all he has belongs to the Lord; yet he is the wealthiest, because God himself is his. We have no right to take a walk without it is the Lord's will, nor spend a penny unless as he would have us do it. When a man becomes the Lord's, everything he possessed passes over to him who has bought him. And he is but a steward of all he possesses, and soon to be called to give an account of his stewardship. - W. (summarized commentary on the Internet, David's Preparation for Building the Temple ( Now, my son, may the LORD be with you, and may you succeed in building the house of the LORD your God, as He said you would. 12Above all, may the LORD give you insight and understanding when He puts you in command over Israel, so that you may keep the Law of the LORD your God. 13Then you will succeed, if you carefully follow the statutes and ordinances that the LORD commanded Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. 14Now behold, I have taken great pains to provide for the house of the LORD—100,000 talents of gold, 1,000,000 talents of silver, and bronze and iron too great to be weighed. I have also provided timber and stone, and you may add to them. 15You also have many workers: stonecutters, masons, carpenters, and men skilled in every kind of work— 16in gold and silver, bronze and iron—craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and may the LORD be with you.” 17Then David ordered all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon: 18“Is not the LORD your God with you, and has He not granted you rest on every side? For He has given the inhabitants of the land into my hand, and the land has been subdued before the LORD and His people. 19Now set your heart and soul to seek the LORD your God. Get started building the sanctuary of the LORD God, so that you may bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy articles of God into the temple that will be built for the Name of the LORD.” A retired farmer has spent more than 30 years building an enormous scale model of a Biblical temple. Alec Garrard, 78, has dedicated a massive 33,000 hours (10+ years) to constructing the ancient Herod's Temple , which measures a whopping 20 foot by 12 foot. The pensioner has hand- baked and painted every clay brick and tile and even sculpted 4,000 tiny human figures to populate the courtyards. This is the Temple where Jesus+ taught. 26
  • 27. What is Required Architectural Plans, Digital Glass Model The Glass Modeling System, Ark Mode 3- Dimensional Media Model Storyboards to describe… Process Plan Integral Materials Organization of Instances of Building (Preludes) Secant Construction and Engineering Building Organization for Ark Mode Methods, Tools and Utilities The Design of the whole process will be an extended period of listening about this subject. But we will spend our time in our next paper organizing Secant Theory itself. Monks of Norcia - Donations - EN - Monastero di San Benedetto in Monte ( 27
  • 28. Simulation Proof ◦ Using a quadratic equation, we proofed the Matrix for Simulation terms against our Time and Motion Standard ◦ This means we have a good and reliable instance window with which to simulate our future results ◦ We need to establish this new fingerprint with an encryption path, markers and a key for loading 28 504,365 144 c -152.656 154.428 153.981 -461.065 -471.116035 10.05103547 151.9413 2.04 153.9813 144956 144755 201 A Clock foil x 3 =335 x 3 = 1005 ω 1W
  • 29. Our papers 29 This paper is Ark Media V3 and V4 holds all contents 1. Portfolio Wheels: Study of Secants and Wheels in the Dynamic requirement for Media to write and produce in Ark Science and Dimensional Systems, Introduction of the Story “Eru finds a Golden Pen.” See next slide for list of the preceding Digital Plait content
  • 30. 30 1. Ark in Glass: Changing the Schema for Ark Mode crossover, beginning study of Secants and Wheels for the “cube-ified glass” engineering of Imaging, sound and motion characteristics. 2. The New Stone: Simulations and Re-instancing to package, confect and view glass media 3. Dimensional Building: Dimensional Arrays, Z strength, Product Media, Interdimensional Matrices. 4. The Dynamic Instance: Product Media Discussed 5. The Glass Build: Base Build and Modules Assembled, considering impact of dimensional systems 6. Glass in the Making: Costing and Loading, Assembly and Assimilation, IP Defined, Logos 7. Art of the Science: What can be made? Assimilation discussed, look at basic product ideas 8. Digital Glass Production: Pipe Transit and RIK Declare, Batch Appliance (Dialogue paper) 9. Imposition of Value Engineering: Establishing and Justifying the Load for Pipe Transit 10. The Digital Plait Position: Engineering Design of the Load and Thruput 11. ^Mu Sic in the Advancing Age: Use of Fingerprint and Encryption for Operational Loads 12. Engineering Objects: The Purpose of this Paper is to Consider the means to raise up a Digital Portal Production System using appliances gained through Plait Object and Gate driven configurations that work with Digital Mechanics. Six-Layer Glass and Appliances 13. Instancing at the Gate: Use of Gates and Instances, bridging of the engineering process 14. Interpolative Scope: Use of a Demand and Production Scope for building and delivery of product, learning to specify material, looking for union of Vector 15. Functional Glass: Fitness for Function and Moral Intelligence, Bayesian Analysis 16. The Glass Wall: This is a very difficult staging of advanced engineering to depict …Motivated by sound it creates a means by sound to cascade light for safe and wireless power 17. The Glass Wave: Learning to Plait Gates, Reconcile Metrics to Scorecard, and load value of Scrum 18. Scrum Costing w/notes (Book It Daniel): establishing scrum standards (Dialogue paper) 19. Gate Plait Green (Mark It Mark): first scalable plait arrangement overcomes bottleneck (Dialogue paper) 20. Scorecard Integration (Map It Ralph): A review of mappings to date, marking old vs. new (Dialogue paper) ^Mu Sic, requires update To Change Digital Plait Papers with Content Description