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Are you a Fanatic for Jesus or a Follower of Jesus?
Definitions To Explain the Difference:
Fanatic- One who is an admirer or enthusiastic devotee for a cause and or person. However, a fanatic
does not follow for too long and usually loses interest in the thing or person they are following.
Follower- One who follows and or comes after another. One who follows mentally and or adherer to the
opinions, ideas, or teachings of a leader, influencer, and or celebrity. However, a follower is forever
loyal and dedicated to following whoever they are following and never loses interest in them.
There are Fanatics and Followers in the Bible
*There were those who were “Fanatics Only”:
 The Rich Young Ruler-Matthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-23
 Herod-Luke 23:6-12
 King Herod Agrippa-Acts 26:28
 Felix the Governor-Acts 24:24-25
 The men who approached Jesus on the road to Jerusalem- Luke 9:57-62
 The Scribe who asked Jesus “Which is the greatest commandment of all”? -Mark 12:34
 The Nine Lepers who were healed but did not come back to thank Jesus -Luke 17:11-19
*There were those who were Followers at first but later revealed to be Fanatics:
 Many Jewish Disciples (after the feeding miracle of the 5,000)-John 6:66
 Simon the Sorcerer who followed Philip in Samaria-Acts 8:9-24
 Judas Iscariot-Matthew 26:14-26; Matthew 27:3-10; Mark 3:19; Mark 14:10; Luke 6:16; John 6:70-
71; John 12:4-6; John 13:21-26
 Demas (fellow missionary that served with Paul)- Colossians 4:14; Philemon 1:24; 2 Timothy
 Hymenaeus and Alexander (two mentioned by Paul who became false teachers)-1 Timothy 1:19-
 Philetus (another mentioned by Paul who also became a false teacher)- 2 Timothy 2:17
*There were those who were Fanatics at first but later became Followers in secret:
 Joseph Arimathea (Pharisee)- John 19:38
 Nicodemus (Pharisee)- John 3:1-2; John 19:39
*There were those who became Followers then became Fanatics but later became Followers again:
 The 12 Disciples of Jesus- Matthew 19:27-29; John 6:67-68; Mark 14:29-31; Mark 14:50-51;
Matthew 26:31-35; Luke 22:33-34; Luke 24:1-53; John 18:15-27; John 2:22; John 20:1-30; John
21:15-19; Mark 16:14; Matthew 28:1-10; Matthew 28:16-20
 Mary the mother of James, Salome, and Mary Magdalene- Mark 16:1-18; John 20:11-18
 The two unnamed disciples on the road to Emmaus- Luke 24:13-35
 John Mark (who abandoned Paul and Barnabas)- Mark 14:51-52; Acts 15:37-41; Colossians 4:10;
2 Timothy 4:11
*There were those in Jesus’ family that did not believe at first but later became Followers:
 James (step brother of Jesus) – Mark 3:29; John 7:5; Acts 1:14; 1 Corinthians 15:7; Galatians 1:19
 Jude (step brother of Jesus) – Mark 3:29; John 7:5; Acts 1:14; Jude 1:1
*There was one who persecuted Followers of Christ but later became a Follower himself:
 Saul (also known as Paul)- Acts 9:1-22; Acts 22:1-21; Acts 26:1-23
The Dare toCompare Chart: Are You A Fanaticand TheFollower?
Professor of Faith-Being a Christian isjust a titleor labelthey use
Has Dead or Demonic Faith (BelievesOnly! Faith with noworks)
Unfruitful Life(No evidence toprovethat their lifehaschanged)
Possessor of Faith-Being a Christian is living out their faith
Has Saving Faith= Faith that works
Fruitful Life(Evidence toprovea changed life)
Boasts of Christ but will quickly deny Him when persecution
Boasts of Christ and will not deny Him when persecution comes
They rarely talk about God but more ofthe world
Conformed totheworld (things below)
They often talkabout God ratherthan the world
Transformed by therenewal oftheir mind (thingsabove)
Trying to better oneself daily (self-help)
Does not want to give up everything to follow Christ
Dying to self-daily (self-denial)
Gives up everything to follow Christ
Ungrateful for what God hasdoneand isstill doing in theirlife
Complains everyday about anything and everything
Grateful for what God hasdoneand isstill doing in theirlife
Rejoices everyday (regardless ifthey are having a good or bad day)
Displays lack of faith when suffering comes theirway
Foundation offaith built on sinking sand
Blames God for their suffering
Believes Christians are not to sufferat all
Displays strong faith when suffering comes theirway
Foundation offaith built on solid rock
Blesses God for their suffering
Believes Christians are to suffer because it produces character,hope,and
Keeping their Christian life and witness a secret Making their Christian life and witness known to all
They are not afraid to lose relationships because they are Christian
Afraid to lose relationships because they are Christian
False Conversion (The Sinner’s Prayer-I prayed a prayer
and or a person prayed over me and said I was saved)
True Conversion (Heard, Believed, and Responded to the Gospel
through Repentance and Faith)
Believes the Bible is not the final authority for all matters
of life
Easily offended and disagrees with what the Bible (God’s
Word) teaches
Does not believe the Bible to be inspired by God but written
by men
Believes the Bible has flaws in it and cannot be trusted
Believes the Bible is not relevant for today
Believes the Bible is not the only revelation of God. They
believe in new revelations from God
Does not endure Sound Doctrine
Believes the Bible to be the final authority for all matters of life
Receives instruction and agrees with what the Bible (God’s Word)
Believes the Bible to be divinely inspired by God (who used men to
write and compile the Bible)
Believes the Bible to be infallible and can be trusted
Believes the Bible is both relevant today and throughout history
The Bible is the only revelation of God
(There are no more new revelations from Him)
Endures Sound Doctrine
Low view of God:
God the Father: Bell boy, The Man Upstairs, Big Brother,
Genie, etc.
God the Son: Passive, Weak, Frail, Home Boy, Good Teacher,
Love Bomber (Hippie), Enlightened Guru, Boyfriend,
Prophet, Miracle Worker, etc.
God the Spirit: A force or spirit energy you can tap into
Elevated View of God:
God the Father: Holy, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Gracious, etc.
God the Son: Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Conqueror, Mediator, The
Messiah, Savior, etc.
God the Spirit: He is God, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of
Wisdom and Understanding, Spirit of Adoption, Comforter, etc.
“What would Jesus do”? Therefore, I must do!
“What must I do to inherit Eternal Life”?
“What Jesus did for me already!” Therefore, it is finished!
“Lord, you hold the words of Eternal Life”?
Positive Thinking and Living Holy and Righteous Living
Does not have relations with members of the Church
Prefers isolation from the Church (De-Churching)
Favors individualism
Has relations with members of the Church
Prefers to connection with the Church
Favors community
Fickle to the cause
Lack of Commitment
Faithful to the cause
Life-long/Whole-Hearted Commitment
Serves Two Masters: God and ___________ Monotheism: Believes in God (Three in One)
Worships Idols more than God
Syncretism: Blends God and ___________
Serves only one Master: God
Worships God Alone
Seeks and cares for miracles, signs, and wonders only
Wants the Holy Spirit for power (to do miracles, signs, and
Needs miracles, signs, and wonders daily to believe
Encountering and knowing God based by having mystical
and occultic experiences
Faith is seeing to believe God
Every Christian has been given apostolic power and
authority because the Bible does teach it (Not all Scripture
is descriptive! Holds to Prescriptive View)
Seeks to have a personal relationship with God
Needs the Holy Spirit to empower, lead, and guide them in their life
Does not need to see miracles, signs, and wonders daily to believe.
The greatest miracle is what the Gospel does to the human heart
Encountering and knowing God by reading the Word
Faith is believing without seeing God
Every Christian does not possess apostolic power and authority
because the Bible does not teach it (Not all Scripture is
prescriptive! Holds to Descriptive View)
Seeks God for material blessings rather than spiritual
Money and worldly possessions are great gain
Seeks God for spiritual blessings rather than material blessings
Godliness with contentment is great gain!
Being a Christian is a fad spiritual journey.
Believes at first but then soon departs and renounces their
faith in Christ
Being a Christian is lifelong spiritual journey
Continues to believe and never departs and or renounces their
faith in Christ
Forgiven less but loves God less
Therefore, they forgive others conditionally
Forgiven much but loves God more
Therefore, they forgive others unconditionally
Looks to their own self-interests (self-focus) Looks to the interest of others (others-focus)
Sees fellowship with other believers as a social club.
Nothing more!
Sees fellowship with other believers to grow in their faith, their
relationship with one another, and to be held accountable.
They are hearers of the Word only
They believe the Bible is centered on them
They want to hear what they want to hear
Scripture Twister (taking a scripture verse out of its
Does not understand the things of God-It is foolish to them
Hates to read and study the Word
They are doers of the Word
They believe the Bible is centered on Christ (His Story)
They want to hear what God is speaking to them
Rightly divides the Word of Truth (carefully reading and studying
the Scripture in its proper context)
Understands the things of God because they are spiritually
Loves to study and read the Word
Indiscernible (does not test all things)
Christians are not to judge at all
Susceptible to false doctrines
Discernable (test all things)
Christians are to judge with righteous judgment
Contends against false doctrines
Refuses Church discipline if caught in sin
Denies and conceals their sin
Does not repent from sin and is not restored
Receives Church discipline if caught in sin
Confesses and admits their sin
Repents from sin and is restored
Spiritual Level: Childish
Never wants to mature in the faith
Discipleship is notnecessary for maturing
Milk of the Word Only
Spiritual Level: Maturity
Continuesto mature in the faith
Discipleship is necessary for maturing
From Milk to Meat of the Word
Worships God only on Sunday (They worship at Church)
Public Worship: Praises God with their lips and hands
during Sunday Worship but their hearts are far from Him
Private Worship: Inactive in Spiritual Disciplines in their
private life (praying, fasting, and reading, studying the
Worships God every day (They bring their worship to Church)
Public Worship: Praises God with their lips and hands during
Sunday Worship but their hearts are in right standing with Him.
Private Worship: Proactive in Spiritual Disciplines in their life
(praying, fasting, reading, and studying the Bible)
Known tobe a CEO (Christmas/Easter service only).
They only attend service out of their own
Known to regularly attend servicebecause of theirlove for the church and
the preaching
It is not about church attendance but it is all about coming to worship God
together as a church
Evaluates and criticizes the pastorand his preaching Evaluates themselves by the preaching and appreciates the Pastor’s
Spectator/Attendeeat church
Lackof involvement or interest in joining and serving theChurch
Consumer: What can God and theChurch dotoservemy needs?
Spiritual Symbol: A stagnant reservoir
Member/Staff of theChurch
Actively involved with serving the Church
Contributor:How can God use me to serve theneeds oftheChurch?
Spiritual Symbol: A never-ending river that flows
Does not give financially to theChurch (they see it as God or the
Church robbing them)
If they do, they will give out of compulsion and not willfully
Stores treasures (possessions)on earth
Gives financially to the Church (they see it as a form/expression of
worship to God and a way to advance the spreading of the Gospel)
They willfully give out of a cheerful heart
Stores treasures in Heaven (spiritual rewards)
Life consists of accumulating material possessions
Blessed to receive rather than to give
All Christiansmust tithe10% according to the Law
(Legalistic Giving)
Life does not consistof accumulating material possessions but rather give
it away to others
Blessed to give rather than to receive
All Christiansare free to tithe whatever amount they desire
(Generous/Liberal Giving)
Shows Favoritism tothosewhoaregreat (rich and famous)-looksdown
on the least
Loves only those who lovethem
Attitude: “Who ismy neighbor”?
Hatestheir enemies
Does not show Favoritism (For God doesnot show favoritism)-cares for the least
Loves everyone equally
Attitude: My neighbor is anyone whois need
Loves theirenemies
Inconsistent with holy and righteous living
Believes they aresinless and noneed toconfess and or repent their sins
toward God
Loves sin/Believes it isok to sin (occasionally or continually)
Consistent with holy and righteous living
Believes they still sin but continually confesses and repents of sins toward God
Hates sin/Believes it isnot okay to sinat all
Sees outreach as humanitarian and philanthropy work
They oppose those whosharethe Gospel
Apatheticto sharethe Gospeltothosewhoare lost
Compromising with theculture by embracing it
Sees outreach as soul winning (evangelism)
They support and servealongside thosewho sharethe Gospel
Passionateto sharethe Gospelwith those whoarelost
Countering the culture by engaging and sharing the Gospel
Does not knowwhat the Gospel is
Ashamed ofsharing theGospel
Great Commission is not a command for all Christians
“God is love sojust love on everybody”!
They say they love other believersbut theiractionsshowthey hatethem
They tear down otherbelieversby being critical, judgmental, and gossip
They causedivision within theChurch
They put preferences over principles
They put Traditions over Truth
Knowledgeable ofwhat the Gospel is
Not ashamed tosharetheGospel
Great Commission is a command for all Christians
Speakthe truth in love!
They loveother believersand theiractions provethey love them
They build up other believersthrough words of inspiration and encouragement
They strive for unity and peacewithin the Church
They put principles overpreferences
They put Truth over Traditions
Judges, compares, and criticizes people(both believers and non-
Takes communion in vain
Examinesand judgesoneselfto see ifthey areofthefaith
Takes communion seriously and considers it sacred
Esteems Pastor and Teachersratherthan God
Favorsman-centered preaching
Esteems God for gifting theChurch with pastorsand teachers
FavorsChrist-centered preaching
They want immediate results totheirprayers
They always forget tobless and thank God for answered prayers
They areenvious of others being blessed by God (for they receive not
because they asknot)
They test God by demanding Him togivethem what they want (spoiled
Themotive oftheirhearts is often selfish
They will wait on theLord toanswer their prayers
They arethankful and praise God alwaysfor answered prayers
They arenot envious ofothersbeing blessed by God.Rather they arecontent on how
theLord answerstheir prayers: EitherYes, no,Wait
They donot test God but remain humble in theirprayer requests
Themotive oftheirheartsis always selfless
Not Watchful/Anticipating theLord’s return
Believes Christ isdelaying His coming
Watchful/Anticipating theLord’sReturn
Believes Christ can comeatany moment
“I willavenge for theevil that hasbeendone untome”!
Repays evil for evil/insult for insult
“Vengeance belongstotheLord”! “Hewill avengeme”!
Overcomes evil with good
Wants recognition from people
Glory toself when doing good works
Boastsin self
Does not want recognition from people
Glory toGod when doing good works
Boastsin God
Puffed Up Heart (Knowledge)
Reading and studying theBible for factsonly
Thinkstheyare wisein their own mind but foolish at heart
Thinksthey knowtheBible in and out and doesnot read and study the
Bible togrowmorein their knowledge ofGod
Thinkstheyare teachersand donot think they need mentoring from
Humble Heart (Knowledge)
Reading and studying theBibletoapply the Word intotheir life
Thinkstheyarenot wise but continuesto study the Word togain wisdom
Does not believe they knowtheBible in and out but continues togrowin their
knowledge ofGod
They consider themselves students ofthe Word whoneed tobementored by others

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Are you a fanatic for Jesus or a follower of Jesus.docx

  • 1. Are you a Fanatic for Jesus or a Follower of Jesus? Definitions To Explain the Difference: Fanatic- One who is an admirer or enthusiastic devotee for a cause and or person. However, a fanatic does not follow for too long and usually loses interest in the thing or person they are following. Follower- One who follows and or comes after another. One who follows mentally and or adherer to the opinions, ideas, or teachings of a leader, influencer, and or celebrity. However, a follower is forever loyal and dedicated to following whoever they are following and never loses interest in them. There are Fanatics and Followers in the Bible *There were those who were “Fanatics Only”:  The Rich Young Ruler-Matthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-23  Herod-Luke 23:6-12  King Herod Agrippa-Acts 26:28  Felix the Governor-Acts 24:24-25  The men who approached Jesus on the road to Jerusalem- Luke 9:57-62  The Scribe who asked Jesus “Which is the greatest commandment of all”? -Mark 12:34  The Nine Lepers who were healed but did not come back to thank Jesus -Luke 17:11-19 *There were those who were Followers at first but later revealed to be Fanatics:  Many Jewish Disciples (after the feeding miracle of the 5,000)-John 6:66  Simon the Sorcerer who followed Philip in Samaria-Acts 8:9-24  Judas Iscariot-Matthew 26:14-26; Matthew 27:3-10; Mark 3:19; Mark 14:10; Luke 6:16; John 6:70- 71; John 12:4-6; John 13:21-26  Demas (fellow missionary that served with Paul)- Colossians 4:14; Philemon 1:24; 2 Timothy 4:10  Hymenaeus and Alexander (two mentioned by Paul who became false teachers)-1 Timothy 1:19- 20  Philetus (another mentioned by Paul who also became a false teacher)- 2 Timothy 2:17 *There were those who were Fanatics at first but later became Followers in secret:  Joseph Arimathea (Pharisee)- John 19:38  Nicodemus (Pharisee)- John 3:1-2; John 19:39 *There were those who became Followers then became Fanatics but later became Followers again:
  • 2.  The 12 Disciples of Jesus- Matthew 19:27-29; John 6:67-68; Mark 14:29-31; Mark 14:50-51; Matthew 26:31-35; Luke 22:33-34; Luke 24:1-53; John 18:15-27; John 2:22; John 20:1-30; John 21:15-19; Mark 16:14; Matthew 28:1-10; Matthew 28:16-20  Mary the mother of James, Salome, and Mary Magdalene- Mark 16:1-18; John 20:11-18  The two unnamed disciples on the road to Emmaus- Luke 24:13-35  John Mark (who abandoned Paul and Barnabas)- Mark 14:51-52; Acts 15:37-41; Colossians 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11 *There were those in Jesus’ family that did not believe at first but later became Followers:  James (step brother of Jesus) – Mark 3:29; John 7:5; Acts 1:14; 1 Corinthians 15:7; Galatians 1:19  Jude (step brother of Jesus) – Mark 3:29; John 7:5; Acts 1:14; Jude 1:1 *There was one who persecuted Followers of Christ but later became a Follower himself:  Saul (also known as Paul)- Acts 9:1-22; Acts 22:1-21; Acts 26:1-23 The Dare toCompare Chart: Are You A Fanaticand TheFollower? THE FANATIC THE FOLLOWER Professor of Faith-Being a Christian isjust a titleor labelthey use Has Dead or Demonic Faith (BelievesOnly! Faith with noworks) Unfruitful Life(No evidence toprovethat their lifehaschanged) Possessor of Faith-Being a Christian is living out their faith Has Saving Faith= Faith that works Fruitful Life(Evidence toprovea changed life) Boasts of Christ but will quickly deny Him when persecution comes Boasts of Christ and will not deny Him when persecution comes They rarely talk about God but more ofthe world Conformed totheworld (things below) They often talkabout God ratherthan the world Transformed by therenewal oftheir mind (thingsabove) Trying to better oneself daily (self-help) Does not want to give up everything to follow Christ Dying to self-daily (self-denial) Gives up everything to follow Christ Ungrateful for what God hasdoneand isstill doing in theirlife Complains everyday about anything and everything Grateful for what God hasdoneand isstill doing in theirlife Rejoices everyday (regardless ifthey are having a good or bad day) Displays lack of faith when suffering comes theirway Foundation offaith built on sinking sand Blames God for their suffering Believes Christians are not to sufferat all Displays strong faith when suffering comes theirway Foundation offaith built on solid rock Blesses God for their suffering Believes Christians are to suffer because it produces character,hope,and endurance Keeping their Christian life and witness a secret Making their Christian life and witness known to all They are not afraid to lose relationships because they are Christian
  • 3. Afraid to lose relationships because they are Christian False Conversion (The Sinner’s Prayer-I prayed a prayer and or a person prayed over me and said I was saved) True Conversion (Heard, Believed, and Responded to the Gospel through Repentance and Faith) Believes the Bible is not the final authority for all matters of life Easily offended and disagrees with what the Bible (God’s Word) teaches Does not believe the Bible to be inspired by God but written by men Believes the Bible has flaws in it and cannot be trusted Believes the Bible is not relevant for today Believes the Bible is not the only revelation of God. They believe in new revelations from God Does not endure Sound Doctrine Believes the Bible to be the final authority for all matters of life Receives instruction and agrees with what the Bible (God’s Word) teaches Believes the Bible to be divinely inspired by God (who used men to write and compile the Bible) Believes the Bible to be infallible and can be trusted Believes the Bible is both relevant today and throughout history The Bible is the only revelation of God (There are no more new revelations from Him) Endures Sound Doctrine Low view of God: God the Father: Bell boy, The Man Upstairs, Big Brother, Genie, etc. God the Son: Passive, Weak, Frail, Home Boy, Good Teacher, Love Bomber (Hippie), Enlightened Guru, Boyfriend, Prophet, Miracle Worker, etc. God the Spirit: A force or spirit energy you can tap into Elevated View of God: God the Father: Holy, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Gracious, etc. God the Son: Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Conqueror, Mediator, The Messiah, Savior, etc. God the Spirit: He is God, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, Spirit of Adoption, Comforter, etc. “What would Jesus do”? Therefore, I must do! “What must I do to inherit Eternal Life”? “What Jesus did for me already!” Therefore, it is finished! “Lord, you hold the words of Eternal Life”? Positive Thinking and Living Holy and Righteous Living Does not have relations with members of the Church Prefers isolation from the Church (De-Churching) Favors individualism Has relations with members of the Church Prefers to connection with the Church Favors community Fickle to the cause Lack of Commitment Faithful to the cause Life-long/Whole-Hearted Commitment Serves Two Masters: God and ___________ Monotheism: Believes in God (Three in One)
  • 4. Worships Idols more than God Syncretism: Blends God and ___________ Serves only one Master: God Worships God Alone Seeks and cares for miracles, signs, and wonders only Wants the Holy Spirit for power (to do miracles, signs, and wonders) Needs miracles, signs, and wonders daily to believe Encountering and knowing God based by having mystical and occultic experiences Faith is seeing to believe God Every Christian has been given apostolic power and authority because the Bible does teach it (Not all Scripture is descriptive! Holds to Prescriptive View) Seeks to have a personal relationship with God Needs the Holy Spirit to empower, lead, and guide them in their life Does not need to see miracles, signs, and wonders daily to believe. The greatest miracle is what the Gospel does to the human heart (conversion). Encountering and knowing God by reading the Word Faith is believing without seeing God Every Christian does not possess apostolic power and authority because the Bible does not teach it (Not all Scripture is prescriptive! Holds to Descriptive View) Seeks God for material blessings rather than spiritual blessings Money and worldly possessions are great gain Seeks God for spiritual blessings rather than material blessings Godliness with contentment is great gain! Being a Christian is a fad spiritual journey. Believes at first but then soon departs and renounces their faith in Christ Being a Christian is lifelong spiritual journey Continues to believe and never departs and or renounces their faith in Christ Forgiven less but loves God less Therefore, they forgive others conditionally Forgiven much but loves God more Therefore, they forgive others unconditionally Looks to their own self-interests (self-focus) Looks to the interest of others (others-focus) Sees fellowship with other believers as a social club. Nothing more! Sees fellowship with other believers to grow in their faith, their relationship with one another, and to be held accountable. They are hearers of the Word only They believe the Bible is centered on them They want to hear what they want to hear Scripture Twister (taking a scripture verse out of its context) Does not understand the things of God-It is foolish to them Hates to read and study the Word They are doers of the Word They believe the Bible is centered on Christ (His Story) They want to hear what God is speaking to them Rightly divides the Word of Truth (carefully reading and studying the Scripture in its proper context) Understands the things of God because they are spiritually discerned Loves to study and read the Word
  • 5. Indiscernible (does not test all things) Christians are not to judge at all Susceptible to false doctrines Discernable (test all things) Christians are to judge with righteous judgment Contends against false doctrines Refuses Church discipline if caught in sin Denies and conceals their sin Does not repent from sin and is not restored Receives Church discipline if caught in sin Confesses and admits their sin Repents from sin and is restored Spiritual Level: Childish Never wants to mature in the faith Discipleship is notnecessary for maturing Milk of the Word Only Spiritual Level: Maturity Continuesto mature in the faith Discipleship is necessary for maturing From Milk to Meat of the Word Worships God only on Sunday (They worship at Church) Public Worship: Praises God with their lips and hands during Sunday Worship but their hearts are far from Him Private Worship: Inactive in Spiritual Disciplines in their private life (praying, fasting, and reading, studying the Bible) Worships God every day (They bring their worship to Church) Public Worship: Praises God with their lips and hands during Sunday Worship but their hearts are in right standing with Him. Private Worship: Proactive in Spiritual Disciplines in their life (praying, fasting, reading, and studying the Bible) Known tobe a CEO (Christmas/Easter service only). They only attend service out of their own convenience. Known to regularly attend servicebecause of theirlove for the church and the preaching It is not about church attendance but it is all about coming to worship God together as a church Evaluates and criticizes the pastorand his preaching Evaluates themselves by the preaching and appreciates the Pastor’s exhortation Spectator/Attendeeat church Lackof involvement or interest in joining and serving theChurch Consumer: What can God and theChurch dotoservemy needs? Spiritual Symbol: A stagnant reservoir Member/Staff of theChurch Actively involved with serving the Church Contributor:How can God use me to serve theneeds oftheChurch? Spiritual Symbol: A never-ending river that flows Does not give financially to theChurch (they see it as God or the Church robbing them) If they do, they will give out of compulsion and not willfully Stores treasures (possessions)on earth Gives financially to the Church (they see it as a form/expression of worship to God and a way to advance the spreading of the Gospel) They willfully give out of a cheerful heart Stores treasures in Heaven (spiritual rewards)
  • 6. Life consists of accumulating material possessions Blessed to receive rather than to give All Christiansmust tithe10% according to the Law (Legalistic Giving) Life does not consistof accumulating material possessions but rather give it away to others Blessed to give rather than to receive All Christiansare free to tithe whatever amount they desire (Generous/Liberal Giving) Shows Favoritism tothosewhoaregreat (rich and famous)-looksdown on the least Loves only those who lovethem Attitude: “Who ismy neighbor”? Hatestheir enemies Does not show Favoritism (For God doesnot show favoritism)-cares for the least Loves everyone equally Attitude: My neighbor is anyone whois need Loves theirenemies Inconsistent with holy and righteous living Believes they aresinless and noneed toconfess and or repent their sins toward God Loves sin/Believes it isok to sin (occasionally or continually) Consistent with holy and righteous living Believes they still sin but continually confesses and repents of sins toward God Hates sin/Believes it isnot okay to sinat all Sees outreach as humanitarian and philanthropy work They oppose those whosharethe Gospel Apatheticto sharethe Gospeltothosewhoare lost Compromising with theculture by embracing it Sees outreach as soul winning (evangelism) They support and servealongside thosewho sharethe Gospel Passionateto sharethe Gospelwith those whoarelost Countering the culture by engaging and sharing the Gospel Does not knowwhat the Gospel is Ashamed ofsharing theGospel Great Commission is not a command for all Christians “God is love sojust love on everybody”! They say they love other believersbut theiractionsshowthey hatethem They tear down otherbelieversby being critical, judgmental, and gossip They causedivision within theChurch They put preferences over principles They put Traditions over Truth Knowledgeable ofwhat the Gospel is Not ashamed tosharetheGospel Great Commission is a command for all Christians Speakthe truth in love! They loveother believersand theiractions provethey love them They build up other believersthrough words of inspiration and encouragement They strive for unity and peacewithin the Church They put principles overpreferences They put Truth over Traditions Judges, compares, and criticizes people(both believers and non- believers) Takes communion in vain Examinesand judgesoneselfto see ifthey areofthefaith Takes communion seriously and considers it sacred Esteems Pastor and Teachersratherthan God Favorsman-centered preaching Esteems God for gifting theChurch with pastorsand teachers FavorsChrist-centered preaching
  • 7. They want immediate results totheirprayers They always forget tobless and thank God for answered prayers They areenvious of others being blessed by God (for they receive not because they asknot) They test God by demanding Him togivethem what they want (spoiled child) Themotive oftheirhearts is often selfish They will wait on theLord toanswer their prayers They arethankful and praise God alwaysfor answered prayers They arenot envious ofothersbeing blessed by God.Rather they arecontent on how theLord answerstheir prayers: EitherYes, no,Wait They donot test God but remain humble in theirprayer requests Themotive oftheirheartsis always selfless Not Watchful/Anticipating theLord’s return Believes Christ isdelaying His coming Watchful/Anticipating theLord’sReturn Believes Christ can comeatany moment “I willavenge for theevil that hasbeendone untome”! Repays evil for evil/insult for insult “Vengeance belongstotheLord”! “Hewill avengeme”! Overcomes evil with good Man-Pleaser Wants recognition from people Glory toself when doing good works Boastsin self God-Pleaser Does not want recognition from people Glory toGod when doing good works Boastsin God Puffed Up Heart (Knowledge) Reading and studying theBible for factsonly Thinkstheyare wisein their own mind but foolish at heart Thinksthey knowtheBible in and out and doesnot read and study the Bible togrowmorein their knowledge ofGod Thinkstheyare teachersand donot think they need mentoring from others Humble Heart (Knowledge) Reading and studying theBibletoapply the Word intotheir life Thinkstheyarenot wise but continuesto study the Word togain wisdom Does not believe they knowtheBible in and out but continues togrowin their knowledge ofGod They consider themselves students ofthe Word whoneed tobementored by others